Bibliography of U. S. Geological Survey Reports on Uranium and Thorium 1942 Through May 1958
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t Bibliography of U. S. Geological Survey Reports On Uranium and Thorium 1942 Through May 1958 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1107-A This compilation was done on behalf of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission and is published with the permission of the Commission Bibliography of U. S. Geological Survey Reports On Uranium and Thorium 1942 Through May 1958 By PAUL E. SOISTER and DORA R. CONKLIN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF URANIUM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1107-A This compilation was done on behalf of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission and is published with the permission of the Commission UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1959 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FRED A. SEATON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THOMAS B. NOLAN, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 50 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Index No. Page Introduction _.__________________________ 1 Reports and authors listed________________ 1 Method of listing reports_________________ 1 Explanation of area and subject index_.______ 2 Acknowledgments .. __ 3 Availability of reports__.________________ 3 Depositories of U.S. Geological Survey open-file reports ________________________ 4 Depository libraries of U.S. Atomic Energy Com mission reports in the United States __._ 6 Depository libraries of U.S. Atomic Energy Com mission reports outside the United States__ 9 Reports ____________-__________________ 11 U.S. Geological Survey publications.. _ 1-760 11 Bulletins ._______________________ 1-112 11 Circulars _.._ ..____ _-___ ._.___.._ 200-297 20 Professional papers .__.. _..._...._-____.___ 300-398 25 Maps and reports -__-___._.________ 400-760 33 Coal investigations maps . _. 400-405 33 Geologic quadrangle maps _____ _. 406-423 33 Geophysical investigations maps.__._.___ 424-432 34 Mineral investigations field studies maps 433-532 35 Mineral investigations resource appraisals map _.._._____ __ _.___ 533 40 Miscellaneous geologic investigations maps.... 534-755 41 Oil and gas investigations maps___ __._ 756-757 51 Strategic minerals investigations maps and reports ___ ._ .__ ___ 758-760 51 U.S. Geological Survey maps and reports released in open file ..._ ._._ _._.__. ...________ 800-950 51 U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Atomic Energy Com mission special publication . _...._. ___ 1000 60 U.S. Geological Survey reports issued by Technical Information Service Extension of U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ._ ._.._._ 1500-1807 60 Trace Elements investigations reports-. __ 1500-1604 60 Trace Elements memorandum reports ___- 1750-1797 66 Raw Materials Exploration reports by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey _________________._____ 1800-1807 69 III IV CONTENTS Index No. Page Articles in scientific journals and books 2000-2422 70 Abstracts _________________________ 2000-2189 70 Bulletin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists -_-- - 2000-2001 70 Transactions, American Geophysical Union_ 2002-2003 70 Economic Geology ........___ __ 2004-2034 70 Bulletin, Geological Society of America. 2035-2181 71 Science ._ 2182-2185 78 Miscellaneous journals - - - 2186-2189 79 Full papers and chapters. - 2190-2422 79 Acta Crystallographica _.___.____._.__ 2190-2191 79 Bulletin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists ____._______________ 2192-2199 79 Transactions, American Geophysical Union.. 2200-2201 80 Transactions, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers _..._ 2202-2203 80 American Journal of Science. _ _. 2204-2211 80 American Mineralogist ._ ..-_ 2212-2259 81 Analytica Chimica Acta_ __._._ .___....__. 2260-2261 83 Analytical Chemistry ________________ 2262-2277 83 California State Division of Mines Special Reports _.......__ ________ 2278-2280 84 Colorado Mining Association publications . 2281-2283 84 Economic Geology. _ . _ ___... 2284-2305 85 Engineering and Mining Journal _ , 2306-2307 86 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta _ 2308-2320 86 Bulletin, Geological Society of America ..... 2321-2329 87 Geophysics _ _ 2330-2331 87 Intermountain Association of Petroleum Ge ologists Guidebook 2332-2341 88 Journal of Sedimentary Petrology_...__._ 2342-2346 88 Mines Magazine 2347-2349 89 Mining Engineering ........___..._...._____ 2350-2352 89 Advances in Nuclear Engineering 2d Nu clear Engineering and Science Proceedings 2353-2356 89 Second Nuclear Engineering and Science Conference _ _.._._ _ ...._._.___. 2357-2359 89 Nuclear Geology A Symposium on Nuclear Phenomena in the Earth Sciences____._ 2360-2367 90 International Geological Congress, 19th, Al giers 1952, Comptes rendus____.__.__ 2368-2370 90 Review of Scientific Instruments ,- 2371-2372 90 Science ___ __.. ...._...__.__.._.._. 2373-2382 90 Texas University Bureau of Economic Ge ology Report ____________ ___._ 2383-2384 91 Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey.... 2385 91 Utah Geological Society, Guidebook to the Geology of Utah __..______._.______ 2386-2388 91 Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook 2389-2392 91 Miscellaneous journals 2393-2422 91 CONTENTS V Page Indexes _._._._____..___________________ 95 Author index ___._____________________ 95 Area and subject index__________________ 103 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF URANIUM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RE- PORTS ON URANIUM AND THORIUM, 1942 THROUGH MAY 1958 By PAUL E. SOISTER and DORA R. CONKLIN INTRODUCTION REPORTS AND AUTHORS LISTED Most of the items listed in this bibliography were prepared originally as unpublished reports by the U.S. Geological Sur vey for the Division of Raw Materials and the Division of Re search of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and subsequently released to the public during the period from 1942 through May 1958. The bibliography includes Geological Survey publications and open-file reports, Atomic Energy Commission releases of Sur vey reports, and articles by Survey authors in scientific journals and books. A few of the Geological Survey publications are by non-Geological Survey authors or coauthors. This report does not include abstracts published in "Chemical Abstracts," "Geo* logical Abstracts," "Geophysical Abstracts," "Nuclear Science Abstracts," or other abstract journals. Most of these reports concern the geology, mineralogy, or chemistry of uranium or thorium; but some are on beryllium, lithium, and other rare elements of interest in the atomic en ergy program. METHOD OF LISTING REPORTS The unpublished reports prepared by the Geological Survey for the Atomic Energy Commission were numbered into three of the many Atomic Energy Commission identification code series. These three series are TEI (Trace Elements Investigations re port), TEM (Trace Elements Memorandum report), and RME (Raw Materials Exploration report). Only eight Geological Sur vey reports are in the RME series. TEI, TEM, and RME num- 2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF URANIUM bers are used in this bibliography only where such numbers are used to identify reports. Each report listed is given an index number. Entries in the author index and the area and subject index refer to the reports by these index numbers. Reports published by the Geological Survey (Index Nos. 1-760) are listed by type of publication (bulletins, circulars, professional papers, and maps) and in numerical order without Atomic En ergy Commission series numbers. Reports released in open file (Index Nos. 800-950) are listed alphabetically by authors, and the TEI and TEM numbers are included for those reports that have been given numbers. Trace Elements reports that have been issued by the Techni cal Information Service Extension of the Atomic Energy Com mission (Index Nos. 1500-1807) are listed numerically by TEI, TEM, and RME numbers. (A few early Trace Elements reports were issued by the Atomic Energy Commission in the code series AECD and MDDC. They are listed here under the TEI or TEM number, but the proper identifying code number also is given after the title.) Articles in scientific journals and books (Index Nos. 2000- 2422) are separated into (a) abstracts and (b) full papers and chapters. The articles are listed alphabetically by author under a chronologic listing of each journal. Articles appearing in jour nals which contain only one pertinent Geological Survey paper are listed alphabetically by author under "Miscellaneous jour nals" at the end of each of the two sections. Atomic Energy Com mission series numbers are not used for articles published in journals. EXPLANATION OF AREA AND SUBJECT INDEX In the index most of the areas and subjects are listed under States, "Colorado Plateau," "United States," or under a few sub ject categories. Information on areas outside the United States and Territories is listed by continent under "Foreign deposits." Under many subjects, such as "Structure" and "Guides to uranium deposits," the reports listed are only those in which these subjects are of major interest. Following is a list of most of the major headings used: Analytical methods and research Geochemistry and petrology Mineralogy, crystallography, and petrography Reconnaissance or prospecting for radioactive materials U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORTS URANIUM, THORIUM 3 State: Airborne radioactivity surveys Areas and districts Counties Maps, geologic Maps, photogeologic Mineralogy Minerals containing uranium, thorium, or high radioactivity Mines, prospects, and properties Rocks and materials containing uranium, thorium, or high radioactivity Stratigraphic and other rock units containing uranium, thorium, or high radioactivity Stratigraphy Thoroughness of indexing varies with type of report. In gen eral, reports that were not written specifically for the atomic energy program of the Geological Survey have been indexed from the titles only. Also, separate maps have been indexed by title only; therefore, areas, counties, mines, and other items on these maps may not be indicated in the index. Many of the longer reports contain their own indexes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Much of the material in this report has been taken from pub lished and unpublished Geological Survey bibliographies com piled by Virginia K. Blatcher, Mary D. Bowman, Diane Curtis, Shirley S. Houser, Harriet B.