Candle Quadrangle
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Candle quadrangle Descriptions of the mineral occurrences shown on the accompanying figure follow. See U.S. Geological Survey (1996) for a description of the information content of each field in the records. The data presented here are maintained as part of a statewide database on mines, prospects and mineral occurrences throughout Alaska. \ «CA042 CAM8 CAM7 j ' CAMS' , c CAMS Al ' < ! ' CA032«, CA030 CAO»1» CAOW CA028 , CAOZSeilHS * »CA027 CA026 CAt&l25 * »CAM3 .CA024 / \CAOZ2 CA020 :AOI»»\urwM- .- .-.»?£.nAiHT017 / CA019»<oS5t/ /./ .c*°CA1^f°' *CA013 '/ CAM6 %CA005 cAo.a'.'*003 CAOSO Distribution of mineral occurrences in the Candle l:250,000-scale quadrangle, northwestern Alaska This and related reports are accessible through the USGS World Wide Web site Comments or information regarding corrections or missing data, or requests for digital retrievals should be directed to: Frederic Wilson, USGS, 4200 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508-4667, e-mail [email protected], telephone (907) 786-7448. This compilation is authored by: , Anita Williams Anchorage, AK Location of nup area In Alaska This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geologi cal Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. OPEN-FILE REPORT 00-025 Alaska Resource Data File CA001 Site name(s): Alameda Creek Site type: Prospect ARDFno.: CA001 Latitude: 65.03 Quadrangle: CA A-5 Longitude: 161.05 Location description and accuracy: Placer ground located east of headwaters of Alameda Creek. The map site is in section 23.T.5S..R. 12 W., of the Kateel River Meridian. Cobb, 1972 (MF-386), location 46. Commodities: Main: Au Other: Ore minerals: Gold Gangue minerals: Magnetite Geologic description: This gold placer prospect occurs in a short section of Alameda Creek. The deposit ap parently is in a paleochannel uncut by the present stream. The deposit was explored by shafts, from which a small amount of gold was recovered. Pan concentrates contained a little gold, much magnetite and some undecomposed sulfides. Gravel on bedrock con tained about $0.01 per pan (gold at $20.67/ounce) (Smith and Eakin, 1911). Alteration: Age of mineralization: Quaternary. Deposit model: Placer Au-PGE (Cox and Singer, 1986; model 39a). Deposit model number (After Cox and Singer, 1986 or Bliss, 1992): 39a Production Status: None Site Status: Inactive Page 2 Alaska Resource Data File CA001 Workings/exploration: In the early 1900's one shaft was sunk 192 feet without reaching bedrock (Smith and Eakin, 1911). It was mainly in well-rounded quartz gravel. Another shaft hit lava at 32 feet. Gravel on bedrock contained about $0.01 per pan (gold at $20.67/ounce). Production notes: Gold was too scarce to support mining operations in 1909. Reserves: Additional comments: Stream gradient approximately 50 feet per mile. References: Smith andEakin, 1910; Smith andEakin, 1911; Koschman and Bergendahl, 1968; Cobb, 1972 (MF 389); Cobb, 1973 (B 1374); Cobb, 1976 (OFR 76-866). Primary reference: Smith and Eakin, 1911 Reporter(s): Anita Williams (Anchorage, AK) Last report date: 01/12/00 Page 3 Alaska Resource Data File CA002 Site name(s): Dime Creek; Haycock; Dime Creek Dredging Co.; Dime Creek Mining Co.; Haycock Mining Co.; Moon and Ryan; Smith Site type: Mine ARDFno.: CA002 Latitude: 65.21 Quadrangle: CAA-5 Longitude: 161.16 Location description and accuracy: The Dime Creek gold placer mine is just east of the village of Haycock. It is in section 20, T. 3 S., R. 12 W., of the Kateel River Meridian. At various times, this site has been referred to as Haycock, Dime Creek Dredging Company, Dime Creek Mining Company, Haycock Mining Company, Moon and Ryan, and Smith. Cobb, 1972 (MF-389), location 45. Commodities: Main: Au Other: Cr, Pt Ore minerals: Chromite, gold, platinum Gangue minerals: Geologic description: Dime Creek flows near a fault (?) contact between Paleozoic metalimestones and Juras sic-Cretaceous andesites. The andesites are intruded by small, mafic and ultramafic plu- tons. At the old placer mine, the gold is mainly on metamorphosed, andesite bedrock; some gold also is in the overlying 2 to 3 feet of gravel. In the stream bed the paystreak is well defined, while on the benches there are several, linear concentrations of gold. These bench concentrations were thought to be caused by wave action. Assays of gold from Dime Creek returned as high as 961 parts gold and 32 parts silver. The placers also con tained platinum in approximate ratio to gold of 1:200. Analysis of platinum minerals from concentrate gave the following results: 88.8% Pt, 14.7% Ir, 4.3% Os + Ir, 1.1% Rh, 1.1 % Pd (Mertie, 1969). The placer deposits in the upper portion of the creek produced almost twice as much platinum as the lower claims. On both creek and bench claims the overburden thickness ranges from 10 to 30 feet; all of the ground was frozen. Heavy minerals in the concentrate from a second tier bench claim include iron-oxides, abundant chrome spinel, olivine, pyroxene, rare garnet, and rutile (Harrington, 1919). Alteration: Page 4 Alaska Resource Data File CA002 Age of mineralization: Quaternary. Deposit model: Placer Au-PGE (Cox and Singer, 1986; model 39a). Deposit model number (After Cox and Singer, 1986 or Bliss, 1992): 39a Production Status: Yes; small Site Status: Inactive Workings/exploration: The Dime Creek placers were mined intermittently from 1915 through at least the early 1990's. The deposits were worked mostly by drift and open-cut mining. A small dredge operated from 1931 to 1940. Production notes: On the lower end of Dime Creek, one ounce of platinum was produced for every 250 ounces of gold. On the upper claims there may have been as much as one ounce of plati num produced for every per 100 ounces of gold. A total of 35 ounces of platinum was recovered from placers at Dime Creek in 1917 (Harrington, 1919). Most of the 56 ounces of platinum reported from the Seward Peninsula in 1918 came from Dime Creek (Cathcart, 1920). Brooks and Martin (1921) report 32 ounces of platinum from the Dime Creek area. Reserves: Additional comments: Stream gradient is approximately 50 feet per mile. References: Brooks, 1916; Smith, 1917 (BMB 142); Smith, 1917 (BMB 153); Brooks, 1918; Mertie, 1918; Harrington, 1919; Martin, 1919; Cathcart, 1920; Martin, 1920; Brooks, 1921; Brooks and Martin, 1921; Harrington, 1921; Brooks, 1922; Cathcart, 1922; Brooks, 1923; Mertie, 1923; Brooks, 1925; Smith, 1926; Moffit, 1927; Smith, 1929; Smith, 1930 (B 810); Smith, 1930 (B 813); Smith, 1932; Smith, 1933 (B 836); Smith, 1933 (B 844-A); Smith, 1934 (B 857-A); Smith, 1934 (B 864-A); Smith, 1936; Smith, 1937; Smith, 1938; Smith, 1939 (B 910-A); Smith, 1939 (B 917-A); Smith, 1941; Smith, 1942; Anderson, 1947; Gault and others, 1953; Cass, 1959; Mertie, 1969; Cobb, 1972 (MF 389); Cobb, 1973 (B 1374); Cobb, 1976 (OFR 76-866); Bundtzen and others, 1992. Primary reference: Harrington, 1919; Mertie, 1969 Page 5 Alaska Resource Data File CA002 Reporter(s): Anita Williams (Anchorage, AK) Last report date: 01/12/00 Page 6 Alaska Resource Data File CA003 Site name(s): Eldorado Creek; Little Eldorado Creek Site type: Mine ARDFno.: CA003 Latitude: 65.22 Quadrangle: CAA-5 Longitude: 161.17 Location description and accuracy: The Eldorado Creek placer mine is on the lower half mile of the creek, just north of the village of Haycock. Coordinates are for the approximate center of the workings. The site is in section 20, T. 3 S., R. 12 W., of the Kateel River Meridian. The site is also referred to as Little Eldorado Creek. Cobb, 1972 (MF-389), location 45. Commodities: Main: Au Other: Ore minerals: Gold Gangue minerals: Geologic description: Placer claims were staked in 1915 after gold was discovered near the mouth of [Little] Eldorado Creek. The creek follows the probable faulted contact between Paleozoic slate and limestone and Mesozoic andesitic volcanics. (Also see Dime Creek, ARDF number CA002). Alteration: Age of mineralization: Quaternary. Deposit model: Placer Au-PGE (Cox and Singer, 1986; model 39a). Deposit model number (After Cox and Singer, 1986 or Bliss, 1992): 39a Production Status: Yes; small Page? Alaska Resource Data File CA003 Site Status: Inactive Workings/exploration: Mines in the area were drift or open cuts. Most mining occurred between 1915 and 1919. Production notes: In 1915, the production from 3 claims was said to be $3,000 (gold at $20.67/ounce). In 1916 the total production from Eldorado and Dime Creeks totaled about $100,000 from 8 claims; total production from 16 claims in 1917 was $150,000 (Harrington, 1919). Reserves: Additional comments: Although placer gold was first discovered on Little Eldorado Creek, the richest placer ground was on Dime Creek. Stream gradient approximately 50 feet per mile. References: Harrington, 1919; Cass, 1959; Cobb, 1972 (MF 389); Cobb, 1973 (B 1374); Cobb, 1976 (OFR 76-866). Primary reference: Harrington, 1919 Reporter(s): Anita Williams (Anchorage, AK) Last report date: 01/12/00 PageS Alaska Resource Data File CA004 Site name(s): Lower Peace River Site type: Prospect ARDFno.: CA004 Latitude: 65.28 Quadrangle: CAB-5 Longitude: 161.13 Location description and accuracy: This placer prospect is on lower Sweepstakes Creek near its junction with Peace River. It is in section 28, T. 2 N., R. 12 W., of the Kateel River Meridian. Cobb, 1972 (MF- 389), location 44. Commodities: Main: Au Other: Ore minerals: Gold Gangue minerals: Geologic description: This site was prospected for placer gold during the winter of 1908. Two shafts were sunk on the east bank of the creek.