Congregation Agudath Achim Jan/Feb Jan/FebJan/Feb Jan/FebJan/Feb Shevat/Shevat/ Shevat/Shevat/ Tevet/Tevet/ Tevet/Tevet/ 5780 57805780 2020 20202020 57805780 20202020 Adar AdarAdar AdarAdar

The Shofar Student Ben Freed Ben Rabbi Freed Student particularly bleak. But we But particularlyasJews instructed bleak. are tota forecast and seesand forecastinstead he sicklyinthe thegrain cows and Alter—betterknown Rabbi asEmes—seesSfasthePharaoh’s dr tomodern writers Thanks psychoanalysis and such asSigmund Fre Fruedand who likelywork,predated wasno knowledgehad ofhis able usourselves.about dreams It totell thereforeis remar slaveryinto soldthrownjailpreviousin the and in week’s andbroughtseesis Joseph the in that infact two dreams Pharaohgoesassoto appoint far as Joseph second command in ofyears ofbountyEgyptfollowedyears byfaminein seven given withan ourherois audience Pharaoh. the The butler,him. for who been inprison had rem with Joseph haveseendays.better that Pharaohcalls“allmagici the swallowed cows byare and sevensicklythin sev then and cows Pharaohhimself.—Pharaoh distressedheisbecausehas dreamsasvisions We ablesee are that futthetoimpact darkness aroundusall. darkness andengagementwith eachwithother of we light Thenthe . inyour darkness have powerown May the life. all tol we

to a god. literaltoa meaningSoof the “ you.”simplyword “However, to“Ibowthe ofSanskrittranslationis,however, the somewhat different. “ can dispela little out that light ofa Thislot darkness. addweanother night candle, moreadding lighttoourcelebrati warmth andjoyincreased lightingthrough of ourtoHannukiotthe c outand feelingsbyWeration them are little mealittle. year,and often shabbatthethe during of It a isHanukkah. ti factthat necessarythey the are all. at ImyselfHowever,bringcannot celebr towholeheartedly aAchimnumber haveofweimplemented security new measures countryaroundthe safe all less inourofhouses feel wors andotherkosherthe California in a Jersey grocery in store perhaps and evenmore Jews. pointedly, as fromradiates that HereourHanukkiah.on of last theshabbat tryingdarknessgrain Wetheir can world.thetose bring into The healthyofgraingrain. opposite, representand cows the or—in today’sinclination), “DarkSideofForc terms—the the were created. Accessingcreated. were spark,partthis this light, is ofIsrael, whoeveryRabbi within asaw divine is person ofsoulthe is further20:27).It man" developed (Proverbs is i forperfectaas Thereisconcept us p first because isof it ideaPerhaps the bowingWe made to“gods” darkness. darkness. lightwithinevery divine eachand ofableare weone to us ,Torah the “Oraita,”referredis whichtoas transla . GoingTorahin book reawebackto the of Proverbs, Shalom ofInstitutethe of Hartman out points NorthAmerica, and lightHanukkiotoutintospread world.the namaste ” whichoftenis ” colloquially as“them translated light in If there’sIf onething canlearn we thefrom Joseph in story Genes Each one of us one of Each a is and little light, togetherwe makegreat a In this Hanukkah season, IHanukkah forIn this season, wish eachofyouyou abl are that The Sfas Emes notesEmesSfas The Torah that reading, this alwaysMiketz, aparticularlyhaveAs wehad year, Jews punctuate difficult year,even areaswe This ofmidstin thecanwe Hanukkah, see What an amazing an What andteachingamazing this what is, an inspirat lightcomesOur bothandfromfrom In yoga within without. pra greatchildren’s a song There’s Hanukkahstates: for that way Oneby isdowewith oursourc that external interacting אור וכולנו הואאורקטן איתן אחדכל אחד הוא אור קטן וכולנו אור איתן

namaste ” is you.”god“Iis ” is tothe bowthat namas utforward bookintheBiblein the we where re ofProverbs ”wordnotisone onewhen bows wouldthe butwhe use toa human, ofchallenge the ofHow sparHanukkah. this internal douse we ke the opposite ke the Joseph steps that notmeanttook. We are t is ouris time as Jews toremind ourselvesof oursources of kableRabbiYehudah that Aryeh19th Leib Alter,a chassidic nt ant toholidaycelebrate meant istospread that light in ures ofures butler baker Joseph, meetsprison, the and he in and ans inEgyptand all ans butwisenonethe men”ableare toin light source, a flame,lightsource, aa spark, a recognitionofGodwhos in ate newate securityabecausepart soofdee measures is me hip and going and ourvisible daily hip about lives Torah reading. ookourselvesandseeour innerinside light and too increase City, New Jersey.attacksareCity, New and These terrorismthey tesWhen literally lighttheofto“ourlight.” inte Torah amplify the goodamplify worldthe theandcanwe dopush back in againstt It’s a combinationIt’s a words “ oftwo sanskrit . Thisinterpretationis who . immediately by all believed mehavewelesswhen insunlight our and when can lives lo things stern yogisbut stern uncomfortable, mistranslationthe of “god” powersof the our embersyoungthe fortalent man’s correctly interpreting e the truth of e truth theEmes’Sfasthe interpretation evenen as we n the bybyZohar, Hassidism, fiand later the Ravthe Kook, 2019, we look2019,we year hasback beenovera asdifficultAmer that that lightoneisofmost enduring symbolsthe for bothGod d “Ad amitzvahcandle, and Torah the isis light” (Proverbs e” swallowing sevenhealthye” the sevenhealthythe cows and shea on.ShneurZalman ofRabbi firstthe Chabad Liyadi, po hadtwo he dreams cannot that sevenunderstand:healthy First en beautiful ears of earsen alsoarearebeautiful graincannibalized by se in the entirecountry, foryoungin the a a leap quite b had whoman yetzer ha’tov, eamsweek’s Parsha,he in this setsJoseph’s agricultaside cantogethermake a flametrulycan great dispel the that that arepositive that all steps asusato keepingsafe comm y heart bowsy heart sametothe light that in you.”is liter The havesamethe meaning predictsand there be sev will that ommemorate the miracletheommemorateof holiday. each passing With the d byd two a deadlysynagoguePoway, one in attacks; in e ofRabbi e Torah.LaurentheBerkun, light, avice president comes at winteratusuallycomes time, days shorteston one of the flame! to glean personaltogleanmeaning from Whendream. Pharaoh’s worldin theplenty tatteredofears ofand sickly cows ionAmerican that of practitioners have Yogagiven tous. e e toyourfaceinthelook nightmares and illuminate the ctice it commonissessionctice it wordwith a toend the sitraachra ud and Carl and modernJung,ud world, in expectthe we the positivethe withininclination that us lives all. (theside)theother is, it’s don’t ignore your dreams! namas yetzerha’rah ”and“ ad"A ofcandle God the world, tobringthe light. light. oourgoodharbor terpret his dreamhisterpret ractswiththe plyby saddened have made Jews haveJews made at Agudathat —inParshat te commentator hear ithear and e imagewe e k tolightour dreamsandso ” which mean ” joy the lightjoy the ur ur to “light” is to“light” (the evil(the ven ears venears nonebows unity. unity. al al 6:23).In rst Chief rst

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Presidents Message… Susan Weinstein Student Rabbi Ben Freed As Jews, we say the Shema every day: will be visiting on the following dates:

Shema Yisroel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Ehud . January 24th - 26th Gd is one. And as a Congregation, we are one. Men, women, children—more ob (Gladstein Conference) servant, less observant, in the middle—older, younger, middle age—we are one. I February 7th - 9th care very much about ALL our members—the people here are my March 6th - 10th family in Little Rock. We don’t always get along with all our family members, but April 3rd - 5th when life gets tough, we come together as one. And I love that about our commu May 1st - 3rd nity and can honestly say, I have personally been at the receiving end of the love of our central AR Jewish community. There are those that think, with our Student Rabbi Ben will be happy to meet with any congregant or prospective transition to Conservative Judaism, we have gone too far. There are others that congregant during his visits here, to hear think we haven’t gone far enough. Change is HARD—very hard. Babies aren’t their concerns and questions. born with the ability to run, but crawl first, then toddle, then walk and finally are

very steady and can run. Each child is unique and does things at a different pace. Kabbalat Services We each are also unique, but we are more alike than unalike. We all say the Shema. led by

We are looking for our members to help fill out our committees, to take an active Rabbi Ben Freed role in our Synagogue, to be positive and openminded. I am challenging myself to February 7th, 2020 at be this way as well. We need everyone’s help, and welcome different talents, 6:00PM

perspectives and opinions. We come together to pray each Saturday morning and followed by Dinner. welcome everyone to join us, pray with us, laugh with us, learn with us and eat with RSVP to [email protected] us. Be a part of the change you’d like to see. Come to our table! or 225-1683 Some folks, for the secular new year, make resolutions. Others eat blackeyed peas Sponsored by Sisterhood for good luck. Yet others eat twelve grapes at midnight, one for each stroke of Sisterhood… Karen Mackey midnight, to bring prosperity. Let’s make a promise to each other to open our minds to new possibilities as we turn our gaze forward to 2020. Let’s use this as an New Year, New Goals! My goal for 2020 is to reach out to more people opportunity to look forward, to be more positive and caring, and to look for the and get more women involved in Sisterhood. If good in the world, in our nation, and in our own community. you have a program you would like to see this Sue year, please email me and we can see about getting it started. If everyone would commit to

Congregation Agudath Achim one new Synagogue goal or do one more thing this Board of Directors Jewish War Veterans year-look what we can accomplish! January 14th President Susan Weinstein A BIG thank you to all that have cooked, baked & 1st Vice President Terri Cohen and prepared dinners, Kiddushes and snacks for all February 11th the events the past few months. Not to single 2nd Vice President Michael Kuperman

2:00PM anyone out but thanks to Alina for preparing at Treasurer Mike Margolis For more information call Jerry Sherman 6630740. least half the Kiddushes over the last few months, Secretary Toni Roosth Polly for the November Shabbat dinner and Financial Secretary Polly Greenbaum Valerie for Latkes and Lomein. We continue to 1st Past President David Greenbaum PURIM BAKING BEGINS have a really nice turn out for the once-a-month 2nd Past President Karen Mackey Baking days are as follows: Shabbat dinners and we will continue these

Men’s Club William Lulky Jan 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th whenever student Rabbi Ben is in town. Sisterhood Karen Mackey Humantashen baking begins Sunday, January 5. Feb 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd At-Large Members: Richard Steppach Thank you to Terri and Melanie for spearheading Dan Girone 9:00 AM 12PM each Sunday this fund raiser and we hope to see many of you ______

Valerie Steinberg come help. Please come and help Lirit Franks Happy New Year and Hope to see you soon, Jonathan Aronson Pack on Sunday March 8th Karen Mackey Chuck Prousnitzer MISHOLACH MANOT

Sisterhood will once again be offering Mishloach Manot to be sent to family and friends as part of our Purim observance. Traditionally, trays or baskets of edible foods are delivered to friends in the spirit of the Purim holiday.

This year we will again be happy to ship your Misholach Manot gift baskets to friends or family members out of town. In order to do this we must have all orders by March 2nd, 2020.

The cost is $7.50 for each person locally you would like to receive your gift. A card will be enclosed with each basket bearing the names of all those who donated in that person's name. Out of town baskets are $20.00 each.

THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SISTERHOOD!!! ********************************************************************************* PLEASE CUT & RETURN THIS PORTION TO THE SYNAGOGUE OR CALL OR EMAIL TO: Valerie Steinberg 225-5579 [email protected] Or to the Synagogue office at [email protected] *********************************************************************************

YOUR NAME: ______

RECIPIENTS: ______@ $7.50

______@ $7.50

______@ $7.50

______@ $7.50

Out of Town Names ______@ $20.00 EACH (Please be sure to ______@ include full address) ______@



THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! January 2020 4 Tevet 5780 - 5 Shevat 5780 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 ¡¡4:52PM4 §5:56PM B.Mary Louise Cohn B.William Cohen B.Elisa Towbin-Jones B.Phil Kaplan Y.Louis Lane B.Jeff Kaiser Y.Elsie Axler Y.Sarah Steinberg A.Marc & Dora Levin Y.Pauline Finkelstein Y.Arnold Joseph Leff Y.Betty Friedman Nash 9:00AM Shabbat Services

4 Tevet 5 Tevet 6 Tevet 7 Tevet 5 6 7 §5:59PM 8 9 10 ¡¡4:58PM11 §6:02PM 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking Begins B.Shandra Dicker FAST OF TEVET 10 Y.Leaine Cohen B.Mark Mackey Y.Solomon Waldman 9:00AM9:00AM Shabbat Services Y.David Lee Dicker Y.Henry Simon Y.Sheldon G. Goldsholl

8 Tevet 9 Tevet 10 Tevet 11 Tevet 12 Tevet 13 Tevet 14 Te vet 12 13 14 15 16 17 ¡¡5:05PM18 §6:09PM Y.Hattie Besser Y.Russell Reddoch B.Ira Stone Y.Ben Schwartz B.Polly Greenbaum A.Hubert & Elizabth Helton 9:00AM Shabbat Services 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking Y.Isadore Dicker Y.Sidney Davis A.Sam & Suzanne Klimberg Storthz Y.David Dicker Y.Sherry Roosth Y.Morris Kluglose Y.Miriam Goodman 2:00PM JWV Meeting

15 Tevet 16 Tevet 17 Tevet 18 Tevet 19 Tevet 20 Tevet 21 Tevet

19 20 21 22 23 24 ¡¡5:12PM25 §6:16PM B.Judy Greenbaum B.Benjamin Krain B.Catherine Dicker-Schwob Y.Sam Storthz B.Daniel Baskin B.Doris Krain B.Sade Storthz Y.Arnold Mayersohn Y.Sol Alman Y.Larry Dumont B.John Mumford Gladstein Conference in New York Gladstein Conference in New York 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking Y.Nathan Steinberg 9:00AM Shabbat Services

22 Tevet 23 Tevet 24 Tevet 25 Tevet 26 Tevet 27 Tevet 28 Tevet 26 27 28 29 30 31 B.Yevette Hoos ROSH HODESH B.Nancy Pearlstein A.Joshua & Anna Marks Epstein B.Abram Greenbaum ¡¡5:19PM B.Joel William Simon Y.Yitzchak Binshtock 7:00PM Board Meeting Y.Birdie Tenenbaum Y.Albert Weisbly Gladstein Conference in New York Y.Roy Dumont 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking

29 Tevet 1 Shevat 2 Shevat 3 Shevat 4 Shevat 5 Shevat ¡¡Candle Lighting, §Shabbat (or Holy Day) Ends, Y=Y ahrzeit, A=Anniversay, B=Birthday February 2020 6 Shevat 5780 - 4 Adar 5780 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 §6:23PM B.Sandi Gordon B.Simi Greene Come Join Us for Y.Celia Bress Radin PURIM PACKING 9:00AM Shabbat Services SUNDAY, MARCH 17TH 9:00AM - 12:00PM

6 Shevat 2 3 4 5 6 7 ¡¡5:26PM8 §6:30PM B.Ruth Frenkel B.Bonnie Nickol B.Charles Alman B.Julie Kaplan B.Nicholas Towbin-Jones Y.Jenny Haltzman B.Tziporah Miles Y.Robbie Goldin B.Bruce Greenberg B.Jennifer Kaufman Y.Mordechai Brieir 9:00AM Shabbat Services led by Y.Blanche Schlosberg Alman Y.Benjamin Geller B.Sam Nickol 6:00PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services Rabbi Ben Freed 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking Y.Ben Kluglose ledled byby RabbiRabbi BenBen FreedFreed followedfollowed byby Dinner

7 Shevat 8 Shevat 9 Shevat 10 Shevat 11 Shevat 12 Shevat 13 Shevat 9 10 §6:32PM 11 12 13 14 ¡¡5:33PM15 §6:37PM B.Martha Alman TU B'SHEVAT 2:00PM JWV Meeting B.Annie Bauman Y.Eric Nussbaum B.Alicia Prager Rabbi Ben Freed Visit 9:00AM Shabbat Services Rabbi Ben Freed Visit 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking

14 Shevat 15 Shevat 16 Shevat 17 Shevat 18 Shevat 19 She vat 20 Shevat 16 17 18 19 20 21 ¡¡5:39PM22 §6:43PM B.Perry Cohen B.Charlie Cohen B.Kay Geller Y.Rose Kossover Kosten B.Jacob Brown B.Ellyn Polsky B.Nicolette Niksefat Y.David Callen Y.Anna Warhaftig Gans B.Eva Zeno Y.Adele Sanders B.Andrea Cohen B.Lynn Goodman Y.Edmund Frenkel 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking Y.Jean Margolis Y.Rose Besser Y.Sarah Lulky Y.Rebitzin Esther G. Parczewski Y.Rose Brown Y.Millie Hefler B.Rabbi Katie Bauman 9:00AM Shabbat Services

21 Shevat 22 Shevat 23 Shevat 24 Shevat 25 Shevat 26 She vat 27 Shevat 23 24 25 26 27 28 ¡¡5:45PM29 §6:49PM Y.Selma Koenig B.Dan Girone ROSH HODESH I ROSH HODESH II Y.Joseph A. Gordon B.Marc Sherman 9:00AM Shabbat Services B.Jill Bauman A.Richard & Debi Steppach A.Clive & Janet Zent Y.Carrie L. Dosch Y.Abraham Zeno Y. Gussie Alman 9:00AM-Noon Purim Baking Y.Sarah Sklar Y.Myer Lulky Y.Falek Lulky Y.Sam Levin Y.Hyman Koenig Y.Chester Miller 7:00PM Board Meeting Y.Rebecca Sanders Y.Joseph Kosten

28 Shevat 29 Shevat 30 Shevat 1 Adar 2 Adar 3 Adar 4 Adar ¡¡Candle Lighting, §Shabbat (or Holy Day) Ends, Y=Yahrzeit, A=Anniversay, B=Birthday JAN TEVET FEB SHEVAT 1 4 Louis Lane 1 6 Celia Bress Radin 1 4 Sarah Steinberg 2 7 Blanche Schlosberg Alman 4 9 Robbie Goldin 1 4 Arnold Joseph Leff 4 9 Benjamin Geller 2 5 Betty Friedman Nash 5 10 Ben Kluglose 4 7 Elsie Axler 7 12 Mordechai Brieir 4 7 Pauline Finkelstein 8 13 Jenny Haltzman 6 9 David Lee Dicker 15 20 Eric Nussbaum 7 10 Henry Simon 16 21 David Callen 7 10 Sheldon G. Goldsholl 17 22 Anna Warhaftig Gans 17 22 Jean Margolis 8 11 Leaine Cohen 17 22 Rose Brown 10 13 Solomon Waldman 18 23 Rose Besser 12 15 Hattie Besser 18 23 Millie Hefler 13 16 Russell Reddoch 19 24 Rose Kossover Kosten 13 16 Isadore Dicker 19 24 Adele Sanders 14 17 Sidney Davis 20 25 Sarah Lulky 14 17 Sherry Roosth 22 27 Edmund Frenkel 15 18 Ben Schwartz 22 27 Rebitzin Esther G. Parczewski 16 19 Morris Kluglose 23 28 Selma Koenig 17 20 David Dicker 24 29 Sarah Sklar 24 29 Hyman Koenig 17 20 Miriam Goodman 25 30 Myer Lulky 19 22 Arnold Mayersohn FEB ADAR 20 23 Sol Alman 20 23 Nathan Steinberg 26 1 Carrie L. Dosch 21 24 Larry Dumont 26 1 Falek Lulky 22 25 Sam Storthz 27 2 Joseph A. Gordon JAN SHEVAT 28 3 Chester Miller 28 3 Rebecca Sanders 27 1 Yitzchak Binshtock 28 3 Joseph Kosten 27 1 Roy Dumont 28 3 Abraham Zeno 29 3 Birdie Tenenbaum 28 3 Sam Levin 31 5 Albert Weisbly 29 4 Gussie Alman Yizkor - Remember!

There are many ways to honor the living or the It is a Tree of Life memory of the departed : to Those Who Up Hold It.

Donate to Tzedaka Proverbs 3:16-18 • • Study or sponsor Jewish Learning Leaves may be inscribed to highlight or • Do an act of kindness • Pray or lead prayers commemorate such joyous events as birth, weddings, anniversaries, graduations or to honor or remember family and friends. May their souls be bound in the souls of the living For more information call Marc Sherman at 831-4462. General Fund Chuck & Charlene Prousnitzer Sisterhood Eric Siegel Allan & Carol Mendel Sam & Bonnie Nickol Victor & Esther Biton Cemetery Fund Victor & Esther Biton In memory of Raphael Biton Eva Zeno In memory of Harry Kramer Ruth Itzkowitz In memory of Eleanor Gross Judy Pearlstein In memory of Eleanor Gross Mark Gross In memory of Eleanor Gross Ben Greenbaum In memory of Abram Greenbaum Stanley Goldberg In memory of Dorothy Goldberg Irving Kuperman In memory of Karen Gulley Kuperman

Kiddush Sponsor

Mumford Family In honor of Derek Mumford

Aliyah Kiddush Sponsor Marc & Terri Sherman James Aronson Philip & Ruth Kaplan Michael & Arlene Margolis Gary & Carole Weisbly Laurence & Anne Miller Kenneth Besser Derek & Mary Mumford Seth Berney

Kol Nidre

Ben Greenbaum Seth Berney Gary & Carole Weisbly Judy Pearlstein Sonia Burris James Aronson In memory of Esther & Morton Aronson

If you would like something extra for your Kiddush,

Museum Help is available by members of Sisterhood. Anonymous

Thank you for 7901 W. Capitol Avenue your generous Little Rock, AR 72205 Contributions! Congregation Agudath Achim

7901 W. Capitol Avenue . Little Rock, AR 72205

(501) 225-1683

Email: [email protected]



Sun Jan 5th, 9:00AM-12:00PM Purim Baking Begins (see pg 2 for schedule)

Tue Jan 14th, 2:00PM Jewish War Veterans Meeting

Fri Feb 7th, 6:00PM Kabbalat Shabbat Services & Dinner

Tue Feb 11th, 2:00PM Jewish War Veterans Meeting

Fri Mar 2nd Last Day to Order Mishloach Manot

Sun Mar 8th, 9:00AM-12:00PM Purim Packing