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Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-27-1898 Eddy Current, 08-27-1898 Wm. H. Mullane

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Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 08-27-1898." (1898).

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(Irnml Iturepllan. I'rulmbla I'rncti Term.. Sutiula'i Vl.wi, IlMk Jtnm I'arlu UUo, STAR-SPANGLE- D BANNER New York. Aug. 22. Hundreds of Now York, A. 22. A special from Madrid, Aug. 20. El Liberal pub- - New Tcrk, Auir. 30 Tho hospital thousands of enthusloMlc people wel Washington says- - President MoKln- llsben remarks made by Sanor Sagas la ship rtellef arrived yesterday, Tht WAVES OVER HAWAII. comed tho Texas. New York. Iowa. In ley has decided upon his policy re- on tho diplomatic and political situa- Hello: left Penco on tho 14th and diana, llroolilyn, Massachusetts, and garding the Philippines. A cnblnet tion, quoting tho premier as follows: Mayaguoz on the 16th Instant. Sho Oregon home from their successful minister who saw tho president yester- From n legal point of view, Uie pres. carried 218 sick and wounded soldlors campaign In the West Indies. Thcso day said that the basis of tho Instruc- cnt stnto of things Is neither penco or from Qen. Miles' nrmy. Ten deaths Impressive Ceremonies Characterize the Lit' battleships lay in New York harbor Jut tions to our pence commissioners will war, but merely a suspcnsluu ot hostil- from typhoid fovor occurred on tho off Tompkltisvllle Saturday morning be substantially ns follows: ities. An nrmlsUco would havo allow- voyage. Nine oi tho victims vers bur- descrip 1. Law-renc- tie Republic's Formal Transfer of Alle- surrounded by vessels of nil The detention by tho United Statw ed us to dispel better the obscurity ot led at ssa. The body ot Major o tions, from the smallest steam launch of the Island of Luzon, on which tho the situation, but tho United Stncs (In- Smith ot Philadelphia, surgeon giance to Uncle Sam. to tho great ocean liner. Cheers and elty of Manila Is located. clined to agree to our making a step United States voluntosrs, who died at shouts of welcome rose from ovory dick 2. Kqual trade facilities with Spain further In advance. sea on Aug. IS, was enclosed In n and tho boats' whistles made the wel- In the remainder of tho Philippine Tha questions to bo solved are nu metallic coffin nn.' brought here. Four Hnwnlt Anaeifit. I'ritiidcnl and gntupion t'nnter. kin ring. group. merous anil complex. Wlml we hure deaths from typhoid fever ooourred on Han Francisco, Cal., Aug. 23. The Washington, Aug, 23, Admiral Suddenly thero was a movomont on 3. None of tho Islands to be disposed done first Is to lay down certain basea tho Ttellef while sho was lying In steamer Bclglo yesterday sterling Sampson called on President MoICIn-lo- y tho flagship New York ns the big ship of to nny foreign nnllon. on which ench minister ;nny make any Ponrn harbor. The bodies of tho four brought tho folowlng: yesterday nnd spent thirty-fiv- e started forward with a slow, steady 4. The sovcrnneo of all existing re- observation which study uf the sub wore tnkon nshnro and burled. They Honolulu, Aug. 12. Preclsoly nt minutes with him In discussion of tho glide. Sho waa Immediately followed lations between church and stnto In tho ject suggests. These will rontlnuo to wero Philip Koph, corporal company eight minutes to 12 o'clock to-da- y tho Cuban commission plans nnd other by the othor six vessels In tho follow entlro Phllllpplno group. be treated In dally cabinet councils, It K. sixteenth Pennsylvania; Aaron Hawaiian flag deicendod from tho flag- mnttors. He spent some minute ex- ing order: Iowa, Indlnnit, llrooklyn, While the commissioners will be being hold that tho bases lu quostlou Sullivan, private Hoop A, fifth United staff on all the government buildings, changing courtesies with the naval Masmchuiotls, Oregon nnd Texas, allowed n curtain degree of Intltmlo In are Im fundamental Instructions for States onvnlry; Theodore Ilronnon, nnd at flvo minutes to the sntno hour nt tho navy dopartmont, when It was some tlmo before tho ships other matters, tho foregoing points the guidance ot the various commis private company A. second Wisconsin, the itarn and stripe floated on tho ActlnK Secretary of tho Navy Allon could got Into rovlew formation, but by will not be departed from or altered. sions In the forthcoming negotiations, nnd Chns. A. Currier, prlvnto United Although tropical braoxo from ovory ofllclul flag- drove with him to the white houso, tho the time tho New York's prow enmo In tho president tins taken to bo supplemented nnTl fcctlllod sub States hospital corps. great pains staff. two Joining tho prosldcnt at 4:16. The lino with Governor's Islnnd tho other to obtain tho opinion of sequently by telegraph. Ilolow nro tho nine burled at son: y tho people The ccrmony of was a most presldont shook tho admiral's hand ships bad formed n regular line. regnrdlng the dlsporftlnn In Culm, besides evacuation, there lllclmrd M. Stevens of Toxns, packers co acocmpnnlcd by of the Philippines, ltnprcslvo on. To henr tho sVralns of cordlnlly and Inquired about his oxpe-rlon- The start was made ho has not, In are ninny other problems. Spain may Charles M. Ward, private company C, reaching "Hawaii I'onol" for tho Inst tlmo an In commanding tho licet In Cu- tremendous chcoriug, screeching voices his decision, boon guided abandon her sovereignty over tho sixteenth Infantry. Holland Thomp- wholly by a. national authom; to hoar tho buglo ban waters. Admiral Sampson refer- and booming cannon. From Cnstln populnr sentiment. He be- arontor Antilles,, but thero will remuln son, private hospital corps; Itoyal lieves blow tap as tha Hawaiian ensign snnk red very briefly to a number of Import- William oarae the first salute. It was that tho people favor tho re the question of edifices nnd nil othor Young, prlvuto company F, nineteenth tention of nil from Iti position, and to notloe tho ant Incidents In tho war, nnd In re- - merely n flash of bright red, which was the Islands nnd It ho bad propei ties. There are lawsuits before Infantry; Leslie 11. Drown, prlvnto nbsoluto power It emotion of the mnny who had boon sponso to an Inquiry from tho presi- Immediately smothered In a sheet of Is probable he would the tribunals affecting the Inter company D, sixth Illinois;' John T. Instruct his born under it and had lived tholr lives dent oxprossed gratification at tho smoke before the detonaMiin was heard. commissioners to demand ests of the Spaniards. Whore und Ilnriioy, prlvnto company A. slxtconth entire group. under It, was solemn. Hut thon enmo achievement of July 3, when Admiral Then cumo a roar across the waters (the Hut ho realizes thai when will these bo ildded? In Ha Pennsylvania, Oeorge Wenden, quar- I"1 cennto, tho bright pall for tho raising of Old Corvorn's fleet was annihilated. and tho ships headed right In the rlvor which must ratify the peaco vana, whore n large number of crim- termaster sergeant company A, Birth . Star-Spangl- is not likely - Glory, and the strains of "Tho The dotnlls of tho groat battle wero on tho wny to Oen. Grant's tomb. "raty, favor the acqtil- inals have been condemned by the Massachusetts; W. Ilcod. prlvato com- lon of llannor" broko forth as that gono over qulto thoroughly. Tho pros AU nlong tho lino of piers on sheds, all the Islnnds nnd has for this Spanish tilbunnls, whnt Is to be donu pany K. fourth Ohio; Irving Camp- poislble point van- - reason, to uso tho words of n banner was unfurled to tho broozo. ldo:,t at the outset took occasion to houses nnd ovory of cabinet with thorn? Then there nrn other bell, corporal company C, third Illi- Thon the cheers lirok. forth and eyos express his thanks to the ndmlral for tngc pcoplo were packed. Tho river jomciai, asmmed n "mlddlo ground." questions for which we havo to fix u nois. warships olose, that had boon dim for a few minute tho success of tho battle nnd showed craft, crowding the basis of discussion und agreement re The total number of ensofl of ty- sinking ' became bright nnd lighted up whou tho dcop Intorost In tho story of tho woro Jammed with pnsseuiisrs, "I'Hu. n.i..,u.t. garding the Philippines, llesldos theso phoid on Uio llollef, Including thoio sides of the vessels almost to tholr i springs. Ark., Aug. 22. A fire "tars and stripes floated out. as told by him. Tho talk the ami othor problems of greater Import- - who have died, was 1C7, and tho num-bo- r lm- - WI"" resulted In the loss two Tho ceromony began with tho do also bore on tho roasons for not enter guard rails on one side, giving tho of mice, there Is n preliminary question tti aboard ot her when shs arrived ships thomselvefi ,0,H' a livery stnblo and sovornl prl- - Jwture of tho first roglmont of tho Ing t.lo hnrbur at Santiago nnd tho thnt oven tho bo discussed. yostorday wns 158. Tho nollof also re vatn residences and cost 'optional cuard of llii.rall from tholr placing of tho mines nnd torpedoes In bowed In unconscious saluto to tho at loast three According to International law, n sus brought twonty wounded men, Includ- Hud-so- u humnn lives started In tho drill shed. Tho parndo was bonded by Cuban ports. The pluus of the com turning heme. The width of the National pension of hostilities bus been sinned ing three olllcers. the moit of whom fluttering, glar- hotol at .1 o'clock Saturday morning. a detachment of twenty-si- x pollco un- mission to arrnngo for the ovncuntlou was n struggling, und tho sin render of Manila ought to woro shot In tin, bnttls near Mnyngtiaa The Identllled dead are: der command of Cupt. Kuuo nnd Lieut. of Cuba wero talked over and tho prus ing muss nt color, confusion and havo no legal cilUiiey, How will that on Aug. 10. Abo Matthuws, (Ireonvllle, Warreu, Thon catnc thu Hawaiian Ident vns asked as to whether formal chcr. Miss. prlnclplo be understood by tho United up tho W. II. Wills, Randolph county, band and drum corps. Instructions would bo glvon tho com As the vessels moved further Ark. States? This cnusos us much anxiety Npnnl.ti (.'niiitnlxlniirri. Mr. Hushes, Tulsn, I. T. The roclinent marched to tho boat mission. Mr. MoKlnley told tho ad river tho wntor which had been culm ami wo give It great attention, but wo Madrid. Aug. 20. The cabinet Among the seriously has Inndlug to escort tho troops from tho mlral that written Instructions would at tho buttery was churned by tho ae burned mo still awaiting tho Information de ilecldod to appoint (ion. (lonznlos of steiimci"M and nr Mrs. K'lla Jeffreys, a visitor from Philadelphia and Mohican, which woro bo given tho commission u a fow inn nt ii iiiimlnd manded from (len. Jnuduncu, which Parrado. second In command In Cuba; boats nnd H Indian Territory, nnd Patrolman already drawn up on shore. The Uni- days. wnvoa dosliod over the small has not yet reached us on account of Hour Admiral Luis Pastor Undoro, dmr-yen- r - wloy of pollco Klinnta d the passon- tho local department. bo-- ted Statos forces worn commanded by nf Eiirnv the dlflloultliM of communication hi who succeeded Admiral Navarro, tho larger A ,lozen r mora wore moro or Lieut. Commander Htovens nnd con- Kinlu' I' geis on tho lowor decks of tho less eon Manila nnd Hong Kong. Spanish commander lu Cuban waters, grim looking battlo- - Injured, nnd It Is bolleved by somo of sisted of ono company of marlnos and Washington, Aug. 23. Tho stato de stenmers. As the Thcso remarks have nil tho appear- - and Marquis do Montoro, minister of tho crowds " Ruosts and employes of tho hotels two of bluo Jackets from Uio Philadel- partment received n call from M. Thle ships moved up tho river knee ot being authentic, as thny urn In flnnnco In the Insular cabinet, ns tho wo ' mora lives wero lost and phia, a company of bluo Jackets from baut, secretary of tho French embassy become denser and tho enthusiasm that accord with Information from other commission of evacuation for Cuba. marked. when search Is mudo In the ruins sev Uie Mohican and an artillery detach-mo- nt nnd In chnrgo during tho nhsonco of moro sources mid In harmony with Suior Tho Porto Itlcau commission hns not drive, with Us deep eral bodies will bo found. of two guns and forty-tw- o men. Ambassador Cnrubon, who bore a noti- At ltlvorslde Sagnsta's usual stylo. vol boon appointed, tbo government nn am i no property destroyed was tha Na The naval detachment was hooded by fication from tho Spanish government grassy slope, tho seeno was like The public Is still anxious for nn awaiting nn expression ot tho views per tional kotel. a throe-stor- y struoturo, the flagship's baud. Revoral hundred of Uio military commlslsonors for Cuba phitheater. Tens of thoiisnuds of explanation of Gov. (len. Aiigustl's nf Ron. Maclns. but It has boon decided ...... i... nild two rril(ni?M Inimaill II t stl V nil lulu - sons covered uie grson siope iiuu it. mo - "- mysterious dopurturo that Admiral Vnllorlno of the Citizens' guard preceded the nnd Porto Klco. Under tho psaco pro- nvery from Manila, shall ho ono of battloshlps npproached a mighty ohaer """ry stable nnd the curiosity Is the troops up the main avenuo and took a tocol each government was to name hotel. but Its not likely to bo commissioners. nroso and roverlieralwl back and forth " ldsor Tho lire originated In Tho psaco station on the left of tho stand. Its military commlslsoners within ten the National sntlslled for some time, tho govern- commissioners havo not hotel and Iwfore It was been prayer ncross tho Hudson. ment declining to say anything. named, but It Is hollovod rom-positi- The coromonles opened with dnys, tholr meetings to begin within discovered ono entire side tha At tho bottom of the slope nn obser- and tho top of the by Ttev. a, L. Peterson, pastor of tho thirty dnys. Tho ten days woro up or tno building was commission has been crnwled lazily nloiirf. keep- In flames and the upon, First Methodist church of this city. yesterday and accord n I Spnlu gavo vation train decided though the nnmes of ltd ships, this the roor ronuy to collapse. The guosU I'rubntiL (Ju.itlua. United States Minister Sewnll thon the ortlolal notlco of tho appointments ing even with the above members will not be published yot, as crowning wero aroused by the Intense beat to navnnn, nroso, nnd addressing Prosldont Dole, They nro ns follows: vast sea of humanity and Aug. 20. Tho government tho government Is resolved to take whleh wns to find the building fullli-- In upon thorn Par-rad- o. Ornnt's tomb, has appointed n Spanish commission of who had arisen, presented him with n For CubaMajor Con. (Joazalos this dsn. and tho tho dolay granted by imj of tho return of the stairway leading to tho flrst to certified copy of tho Joint resolution of Hoar Admiral Pastor y Laudero inrk the beginning consider n definite basis for a treaty protocol In order to avoid n oablnot n national salute of ,,0r' w,,'e'' W"H tholr only means of pence. congress annexing tho Ilnwallun Isl- and Marquis Montoro. rqimdron. where of It is reported that tho ques- crisis. twenty-on- n guns wns ilred. The tomb, '"' ""ru sio tions to bo discussed as ands to tho United Statos. For Porto Woo Major den. Ortega rlwl lire follows: ... nn.i ...l..nii. far ''rBly. 1. I.tirff rniiiim, President Dole unswored, acknowl- (1. Diaz, Commodore Vnllarluo y Car .,l, Cosslon of territory nnd the de- uWne the waters of Ilia river, looked termination of the conditions and In- Knoxvlllo. Tenn.. Aug. 20. Ono of edging the making of n treaty of polit- raseo, of first rank, and Judge Advo l KIIIimI. upon a foundation of face. by tho largest failures In oast ical union, and formally yielded to cate Sanchez del Agullu y Loon, to be built Himron. Mass.. Aug, M. A frightful demnifications tho United States Tonnesoi In sovornl wns Slrst time In the parnilii tho rear-en- against the damage to public mouths recorded yestor- - Minister Sewnll as tho representative For the d collision occurred lu the 8hn buildings, battleships drew together. Just at the courts aud tho state's lands. uny. Tho lllnok Diamond Coal com- - of tho government of the United SUlos a Uviitiivkr limine. nm station of the New York, Now Hn pnny. of tho turn there was it momaii-tnr- v 2. Indemnity war navy operating ml no. in tho Jollloo tho sovereignty nnd public property of Plnovlllo. Ky., Aug. S3.Frlrtny point ven nnd Hartford railroad nt 7:30 Inst for and mn lull, ns If expectant of the climax, terlnt, mutually agreed conl district, whs thrown In tbo handa Uie Islands. Mr. Bewail ropllod: Drntnher Williams and lohit Head with night, when un ox press train whleh on to oome In suddenly tho side and turret of to possession ot of n receiver upon application of loool "Mr. President, In tho lift mo of the two young women of lmd repute went from was running ns tho second soctlon of tho United States. thero a vivid lUuh 3. Conditions of nnd crodltors Tho liabilities of tho com. United States I accept the transfer of to a peaeh orchard on u mountain farm the luttloshlin m a ,un( lran rrnHw nu, Ul8 ftnit tlmo for the roar, an- - Pny nro plnced at $105,000, of tha sovereignty and property of the following tuts a trenwnuutm Uoll of 0,., evacuation by troops and volunteers which near the hoad of Poplar creek. Later .jo,,,,! eart amount 118.000 Is Uio gun ot mo -- with tho war to bo due Coal Creek Hawaiian government. The admiral Marsbul Malone and Isaae Lunsford nouaotitg the nrsi ironon. A rsHlU (x mmmt WPr(, MM material conceded. . Sift- .- I. ... aHialia msihIouI 01 till 5. recognition Mining nnd Manufacturing company, commanding tha United Stated naval Mime, uie utnTjr ni.BW ,! tweuly-Hl- x sorlously Injured. Tho Tho ot property ot approached them and demnnded that up ownors of the coal lands leased to tho forces In these waters will proceed lo tumbled down townnl tne water ami lurii werc B0(ir, rH111,lVtt(I all kinds of all Spanish citizens and the women leave the company of tha Dlnek Diamond. Tho assets, aside into tlie air until the ships bad ben ,lwlUm H guarantees to bo offered thorn during from perforia tho duties entrusted to him." yong mon ami K wlu, them. The HVfM iraUi wheh Wfl liliuien, nut tne nwr, coming stay In tho Island. thnso lands, are plaeod at $2l',00d, "Hawaii Ponol" was played und then women j,ad not time to answer bsforo nlinnst met by tho ambulances and minnum thtlr roelt the 6. govornmout Tha lands nro mortgaged to soouro a flag was lowered. ngulu and again, to T,8 rettr ear f the ,(MM1, WflH Tho form of to bo the Hawaiian ttielr companions entered n strenuous lrat) bond Issue, but the company olalms "Old Olory" was then run up to tho wnter then.selvea. it was an iwimhuub completely demolished anil a jMirtlon established In Cuba. ,)rotest nnd basked It up by plaslng In hnnin this will be set aside sufllolont to pay uy uanu "The - liill,!., " " of the second ear, while engine strains uie nagsnip oi evldeneo two 45 Colt revolvers. Malone i"- 1(T"' the of Indebtedness. T. H. Heuld Is tempor- , . " as the war- - Star-Spangl- Uannor," and a salute of .. ,.. .. ed a salute to the the express train was crippled. mm jtYisiatuiu rdvdpicu um uiiHiiniiiiD, plue of IlHiimct Ulnliuorf. ary resolver. twenty-on- e shllts Mlutwl tie llnal rwtlng guns fired. pulled their revolvers and opened fire. Ban Franolseo, Cal Aug. 80. Zero Oen. (Irant and the guns that sounded Minister Sewnll read President After tho firing oeosed and tho smoke L. Thomas, whose homo near theJ'res-Idt- o (Ittulil of Admiral Certera'a ship at, preolimntlon directing mili- cleared' away Wil- the knell Falmouth, ling., Aug. 32. The Ilrlt It was found that obei- was so badly wreaked by a mob Washington. Aug. W. tary r. ft of Hawaii to con- Santiago boomed a reverential Uh steamer Toledo. Cart. Wlebart and eivll sirs liams, Hood and Luleturd were dead of soldiers lost Monday, has fllsrf a Could ot New York has aeoepted tha sance to the dead president. which sailed from (lalveeton tinue cxerolstng Uiolr functions, and Malone was dangerously wounded, on July claim for 15000 with Drlg. Geo. Miller, appointment ot special representative A ball wound up the festivities. Tin salute ended, the return of tho 20 for Ilotterdam. strtiek on Crlm was whleh lie claims to be due as compen- et the dep.rtment of Justlse on the squadron along the line of review r(K!k, .jy Clauds, Saturday night lu I'liml I) sation for tbo damago done his prop- Cuban military commission. Mr. begun. It was a repetition or tne w , a aense fog and foundered almost lm Tnl SULii. Potwlnm, N. Y., Aug. W.-Th- o plant erty and for tho Injuries Inflicted on Gould Is a lawyer of prominence and thuslastlc scenes on tho way up the mediately In twenty-fiv- e fathoms of Ang. 24. On tho nt the High Fulls Sulphate Pulp and his wife and children by the Infuriated Is said to havo special qualifications Santiago da Cuba. rlvor. Bvery whistle that could be water. There was sufficient, time to breaking up ot (len. Wheeler's oamp Mining company, loeated at Pyrites, soldiers, who wero trying to gain pos-sessi- for this Important servlse. brought Into use. played Its port, w launch a large boat and alt were saved on Friday tho lias been destroyed by fire. The oausa of his son to lynoh him for Ln tho Canoy road tents every bell, every band Joined In honor- same night-cloth- slsd In their only. striking a soldier In a barroom brawl. Col. Stncy. of the first voluntary lm and general equipment ot the division Is unknown. The loss Is tikteed at ing the fleet, and above all the resound-In- g tantry, Drlg. Uen. Miller wll consider tha stationed at Jacksonville, Fla., headquarters were left In eharge ot 300.000 and there was an Insurance of echoes ot the ihouts from on water Six hundred flags are to be sent to complaint. has resigned. the quartermaster's department. Dur- - 1200,000. The capital stook of the earn- oud from land. Porto Rico. ing tbo night the Cubans stealthily wny Is $110,000, mostly held lu Pets K.ihll.r KIII..I, tents, stores, arms dam. CIbi llUnilitad. Klnuglit.r I'ontluuM. confiscated all the falsi HiiUisn. ClmttflniKHw, Tenn., Aug. 20. D, M. of " Charleston. W. Va., Aug. 23. The In- - London, Aug. SO. Tho Hong Kong aud porsonal effeeU the soldiers. Chattanooga, Twin.. Aug. 24. A tre Fontaine, company A. first Mississippi, ! dlctment against Mrs. Myra Atkinson. (orrecpondent ot the Tlmo says:. Thero Is no olue to the robbers. 'riiai.ii. mniaw 0X,lloion at the plant ot tho was aandbaggwl and robbed In tbo Washington. Aug. president uas The slaughter In southern China Oen. Kent's brigade, stationed threa 2. The wiie ot uov. Aiainson. tor torgery. uhaltanooaa Powdor company of Ool Southern railroad yard Thursday has promoted Captain Charia D. Sis-ten- ts been quashed and tho ease aglnst her continues. Corpses float past Wu Chau miles from Santiago, also lest their station, eighteen miles from thlt night. His skull was crushed aud ho bee, of the United rfUMes savy. new oy ouam- - lth dally. Two hundred rebels who had and the soldiers marohed Into dismissed juuge iinzzara in eUy kllK, lwo wh,tD ,nen( Lu8lUB H died from the wound last night. Ho and commanding tho St. Paul, udvaiirlng on tne ground nlered Tal Wong Hong were defeat- town barefooted, their shoes tiers mat uio inuietmeni mMn nnd Unnm Mr,ehke, and was the son of tha famous Coafeder-ui- o cap-stols- a, by (len. Mawbo, who killed 100 ot everything portable having been him three numbers In tho list nf failed to allege guilty Intent and that -- oun,id .erlouslv If not fatally six ed scout. aud took CO ot them prison Tho Cubans equipped them-- 1 tains ot the navy, for "extraordinary Uie dismissal of J. P. Owens, principal. olliew. Another portion of tho plant the rebels - heroism." ers. The gentry In the districts ot solves with the arms, tents and previa- wouia neceisaruy acquit Mrs. aikwsoh wa ,Mtrnyed by fire. W. J. Doyer, a newsboy at Dehlson, who was only charged ns aooossory. I'nklan and Wu Qua dally send to tho Ions of the Americans. They are ton. 111 at noose Tex., was severely 1'uJurKl liy m Capt. Dob Kvans Is the magistrates between ten and twenty I horio tlnually stalking about tha camp, and This Is believed to bo tho end ot tho velt hogpiui. New York, with typhoid falling on him, association will be rebels tor execution. necessary. , proisouuon or Mrs. Atkinson. . fsvsr. constant tlgllaneo Is hM Rt New noegy. Tex. malarial JtOYAL PALM OF CUBA. THE TELECTnofrUOPE. Mt indifferent, CleTtlnnd Leader: "That Minnesota Wonderful nf I'oor (Burrcnt. COMMISSIONERS ABE SELECTED Invention lllclitn widow who sued for $1,000 damage be CtUn Kthool Mstter. ALL OF ITS PARTS OAN OB cause man hugged her has been Jan Sxozepanlk's wonderful Inven awarded WW II MUt,LANr I'ubllsbsr. MADtl OF BOMB USB. nil ac It." tion, the (electroscope, will. It "How was thnt? Did the evidence r.nnr, N. M. counts bo true, realize all that Kilwoni show that she edged up a llttto?" As-sian- CoUrrnV Msny gerleen Useil llellamy predicted about twentieth (Names Who Have Been cd of People lliit-kr- t e the Wash HhIii, Wnter r Iterep-Mrl- century entertainments In his last It Hi Only (Inc. MILITARY AND NAVAL NOTBB. Gull- - fur 3111k, l.nnl, Ulierse nr llggs book. Hnuallty, Szczopanlk la a "What an excellent person that mnn Iimirgeiite' Ian schoolmaster turned Inventor. Tim The nermaa worship Olor Imr ar- the Duty of Arranging the Dlgley Is?" "In what way?" "Ho "l'i" wonders of his tolcctrotcope nro to be doesnl seem to know anybody (hat rived at l'ouse. fully brought out at tho Paris cxposl Not only Is tho climate of Culm Just misted going on (hat boat which Add-lU- col- Philippine Settlement. Hon of 1900, Monnwblto tho now dis Herring was a cntfH of when-ove- r was sunk." Chicago News. lo the planting of cropo tinguished Polo look bark upon the lege at Waco when be enlttteei In the can the farmer choose to plant them, few years of his past life In which no arm'. and the lands mi rich that no fertiliza- was an iisc3 ('iiimlUliiT4, Knight uf I'yllilM. heroically r.truggllng to win tion Ih over required, but nature seems education. Ho was fortunate enough Feed Your Nerves Rome of the riders on their Aug. Aug. 2L supreme much Washington, St. American Indianapolis, Tho to havo, with a bonefleont hand, roared to get Into tho University of Cracow, no Upon rich, pure, nourishing blood by arrival at Moulauk Point were weak peea commissioners to settle tho fu- lodge Knights of Pythla began its bi- ninny strange trees nnd plants to sup- where ho spent year. Iack of three Uklng Hood's Ssnspsrllls, sud you that hoy could scarcely stand tip. ture of the Philippine havo beon ennial session In the hall of the house ply tho want of man without the ne- funds compelled him to retire before wilt be free rom those spells of de- Companies 1) arnlM, third Texan, who cessity of his planting them himself, ho hnd education. 1U by President McKlnloy. t'ntoo of representatives at tho Rtate oapltol finished his spair, those slteplesi nights slid anxious Key Imvu eayn Current Literature. new Invention, ho says, will tnke the have bron nt Went tlx week. one of them deellnoa to sorve they will ywtcrday morning. Caleb 8. Dolny, dsyi, tboio gloomy, drsthllke feelings, First nmong these nro the palms, placo of tho post, or tho mall, of tho been ordered to Kurt Clark, Texaa. bo: Wm. II. Day, secretary of state; of Indianapolis, who Is thoi sudden starts at mere nothings, some twenty-si- x varieties of which future. Ily It any eccno onn bo per sen- symptoms blinding Kverythlng It moving along smooth- Pushrann K. Davis, United ".title chairman of the citizens' oxcoutlvc adorn the fields of Cuba, giving shnde, feotly reproduced, plctorlally, any those djspeptlo snd ai headsches. Hood'sBsrispsrllUbssdone ly at Fort Molntosh, anil tho Midler ator from Minnesota, nnd chairman of committee, called the meeting to order. food and life. At tho bond of these desired For oxamplo, one distance this for msny others - It will cure you. boyi are apparently happy and eon the committee on foreign relations: Mayor Taggnrt, In a brief address, wel- stands the royal palm. This majestic might sit In Chicago and havo a fine tented. Wm. P. Frye. I'nltcd States sonntor comed tho supreme Indgo nnd hoped trco consists of a tall, straight trunk view of Ban Francisco or Now ork n Hood's Sorsaparilla y of fibrous wood, supporting cluster bay, with nil Its brilliant colors, mov- Private Charles W. Herring of 'om-pn- from Maine, member of tho committee that It session would bo of great value Is America's Oresttit Medicine II , six for IJ. of ponnnted leaves, llko a bunch of ing nnd anchored ships, and wntr F, Texaa, died of moneles on foreign relations; Associate Justice to the order nnd throughout the world. cure Blek Ilesdsche. second plumes on a long stlek. It Is n marvel sparkling In tho sun. Mountains and Hood'c Pill He live, H, I). White of Louisiana, member of On behalf of the state of Indiana at Miami, Fin. Ills parent at of beauty and utility, yet U Is one or In fnct, any natural or artificial (Ion. Ileujnmln F. welcomed cities. Vernal. MeUnnnn county. Private the supreme court; Governor James A. Mount the most common of all trees In Cuba. ly arranged scene can bo produced true Simplicity Is a cloak which often some- Trncey of New York, of the lodge, nnd on behalf of tho grand Is met with most everywhere: In Is ncoti makes a lie appear true; It Is Henry A. Graham. prlvaln sixteenth It to life nto distance. All thnt times mistaken for honesty. Infantry, died at Fort Mel'herson, On,, the navy. lodgo of Indiana, Grand Chancellor tho center of broad pasture lands It ed Is to suggest the Improvement cor on nlono, tnll and straight; early bird the worm, nt tyshold favor. Fore Anderson, Tho president, It can be stnied the Union It. Hunt mndu tho address of often stands tain to como In telephonic commuul Tho catches authority of a cabinet oflleor, received welcome. Biipreino Chancellor Col-gro- while bordering tho cultivated Holds cation nnd the Imagination can do the tho lite cat tho uootjack. private company I, first Florida, died planter shady ave- Bzczepnnlk says from Senator Fryo hla neeoptunen of replied for tho supremo lodge In of the rich It forms rest. Herr his inn Otn'l Ttblcct 3 pit n Jmikt Tier life Af. of dysentery. nues to his dwelling. Again Its seed perfectly, To quit IoIimco llr snd forsvtr. bs on peace commis- . One or chine will rcproduco letters his appointment the sfHuh about ten minutes. sosi-bc- r lull of lire, strre mil vlor, talis Capt. Pblllp, In speaking of the finds root amid tho gloom of the thereby taking the place of tho post ondr-tiki- r, th-- .t sion, tendered him sevornl days ngo. two other prominent members of tho the makes weak mat Texas' mascot, an ordinary looking forest, sending the tnll shaft high and the telegraph. Iloughly speaking, troiif. Alldrujrltu, Wo, or II (Jarf4araa-ut- d The selection of Justice White and order made remarks and at It o'clock falryllko clus- Hook let, tad isixple tree. Aaaroa little canine, raid "be Isn't muah to up to find room for Its tho plcturo Is broken up Into n num Btaillss litmtdj Co rlearoor Ns Vor. Mr. Trncey has been decided and It the lodge settled down to buslnc ot- ter of plumes In tho'freo air above. bor of points. Kach point Is reflected look nt. but somehow we think ho hai summer girl has a strong pen- only needs their ncceplnnce for an nl ter tho galleries hud boon cleared. On tho plains Is often found dollclmu In mirrors, and tho reflected ray of Tho dime hla duty." chant for chocolate mints. announcement of tho commls-alon'- s groves of shade and on tho distant light is converted Into nn electric cur- - Win. Bryan hla regiment, may bo seen roaring Its any (Vinmimtill'in U our only Pol. J. nnd make-u- p. As soon ns the ap- Mrk Mnlitlrri. mountain It ront. which ran bo transmitted I'lio'n Curs fw Nebraska United Btute vol- plu mod crest against tho sky, and in distance. At the receiving end, tho medicine for cuujln and eoldi. Mn. 0. the third pointment of tho commission Is an- New Orlouna, Ln Aug. 2L Tho lleltz, 48J Hth are., IJenrcr, Col., Nor. 8, MS tho vnlloy below dark-gree- n loaves Is ngaln Into tho unteer Infantry, are now enmpod nt Invlt-m- Its current transformed nounced all the members will be l body of John Moore, a member of com- ray Panama park, seven mllo northwest murmur softly In sweet endoneo wltn corresponding ray of light. This Few troubles thero aro that money to come to Washington nrd consult pany IC, third Texas, who died Sunday the winding river. of light Is reltoctcd lu mirrors and the falls to soothe. of Jacksonville, Fla. nt the fort, was brought to tho cltv I) leaned with tho president. The palm has been rolled tha reflection thrown upon n screen. Now Shake Into Vour HhuM, Phnplaln W. Vf Wnlta of the second Phlllpplnoa 1. Covington tree, every of It Its If plcturo Developments In the nnd taken to for burial. for part has It follows nil tho paint of a Allen's Foot-Kas- o, a powder for the Texaa regiment baa obtained a thirty and are being closely watched and ev- Moore died from malarial fever. to mankind. Certain medlrl- - are taken In very rapid succession, the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart- days' sick leave of absence and hint-ro- lf ery scran of Information bearing on The Texas ramimiiy has a number ' 'lualltles are claimed for Its roots resultant reflection on the screen will ing feet nnd instantly takes the sting n nnd Its tnmk Is easily split Into strlM be the entire plcturo. Thoro nro many out of corns and bunions. It's tbo and futnlly have gone on visit to subject Is being carefully collet-te- of men sick with the fever. Tho stir-f- or this inaklng excellent Itoarda for the siding wnys of converting light rays Into olec- - grentest comfort discovery of the ago. bis old borne at Jaaper, Oa. Not post very Foot-Kas- o tlght-nttln- g the use of the commission. Rmn attached to the Is much of houses, benches nnd oven tables. trlc curron't already known to men of Allen's makes re- - j or now feci easy. It Is a certain Two Rpanlsh classes bare been or until the president has carefully overworked, but la doing everything As the trunk Is without any bark and science. An electric battery with a shoes ' hot, Camp - boys. euro for sweating, callous and ganlzctt nmong the soldiers at viewed the situation with the cammls- possible for the Owing lo the lis renter Is very porous, Increasing In selenium cell Is used. Tho battery le tired, nervous, aching feel. Try it to- Kngle Pass and the bora any they wtll slonera themselves will he determine (Hiilcult for the men to obtain dollen-upo- n density toward the outor surface, which connected by wlro with nn electro day. Bold by all druggists and -- ''oo soon be able to converse with the In the formal note at Instrurtlons to dec from their families nnd friend, Is nearly as bard ns glass. It Is only magnet nt the receiving end. whrc tho stores, ily rcaii for :tc in stamps. outside hard shell of the trunk eurronts nro to bo reconverted into Trial package KHEI2. Address, Allen habitants on the other side of the Hlo guide In their deliberations. iond there la a fine Meld for the war e the them electro-magn- Hoy, Y. which furnishes these boards. From light rays. The et will 8. Olmsted, Le N. Urnnd. appointment of Senators David ef association. The Texas soldier this hard, fibrous wood some very pret move In Hympnthy with tho current I a A kindly disposed heart is a foun steamer Mntnnxcs of tho Ward and 'rye on tho commission serve are like those who were at tho Illgoleti s, Tho ty cane are made, which take a most sent out from tha trniiMilttlug n"rir-ntu- tain of gladness. line sallfHl from Now York for Havana double puriHMo, They are both wellj a fine. Intelligent lot of mou, mid beautiful polish. The leave of the and Its movements will corre- (urge cargo of rice, as fuvorlng n policy of expan- - iThoy have been more or loot lost sight palm grow from the center of the spond nature of tho my rc- - Ilenutr It lllaml Deep, with ii breadstuff, known with tho No wheth- - trunk, In llectcd. Tho magnet will move a prism Clean IiIimkI mran a clean ikln. bMUly. beans and fresh vegetable?, while n slon. The president Is doubtful of In their place, but first the form of a dellcato without It. taoearoU. Lunar CatnartrU. ' part of her deck load causlstml of 4000 er the sonata will ratify a treaty pro- havo done their duly. spire shooting up, which, gradually plnrcd In front of n strong white lirfit cltatii your blood and keel it ctran. ! sunlight. vtirnng up laty ana au mi- - chickens, posing the roteutlnu of the entire Phil-- , unfolding Itself, forms n now lonf. cither electric or Tho prism inc liter unvinir Those Ioiivoh contlnuo to grow from wilt revolve tho whlto light luto Its purltlen ironi the body, lirgln today to ipplno gtoup. Until Senators Davis and lilKhl, linllli plinplca, bolls, UoteliM, hlackbrad, Gen. Whroler. In nn Interview with tho cei tor spire to n great length, primaries. Tho primary colors spread and that ilcklr mlloui eoiniilailuu by taking thoroughly conversant with Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug. 21. drug-eUt- President McKlnloy. sold nil tho fric- Fryo are Klght men forming tho clustor which, In tho case out Into a spectrum and the prism re- Caicarula. beauty for ttn cent). All t, tion between Americans nnd Cubans this sentiment nnd will guide their ac were hilled and live more Injured, two of tho royal palm, resembles so much sponding (o tho movements of tho istltfactlun guarauterd, 10c, 36c, &0c will noon put awny and there will be tions on tho commission by It. Then fatally, nt the Carnegie tunnel on the a hunch of enormous plumes. Tho magnet will bring (ho required color He who benefits buiuunlty benefit hnrmnny and the best of fouling If these two seuutors tigrco to a treaty Chart lor division of the Panhandle leave, when they cannot grow any Into view. Srczopanlk has inndo ar- also himself. to rangement syndlcato '.ho them. for the retention of but one of the rallwny Mondny night. Tho accident more, drop the ground from the hot with a for Philippine islands or a part of one. was due to the wnll of the tunnel env-- torn eluster, thus making room for the showing of (ho (electroscope at the Ilatl'a Cntsrrh Cure Surgeon General Blernborg has de- new exposition. Tho syndicate will la a conitltutlonal cure. Price, TSo. reputation Is such that tho peoplo log In on a number of workmen. oiioh which are always coming out Paris cided to send out a scientific commis- thelr of the coutor. The bud or root of the build an annex to tho exposition with who favor tho expansion Idea will be The dead are: II, L. Jones, foreman, Liberty Is the best gift dcult out by sion to luvetls:nte the cnuso of ty- ccntor spire, from which tho leaves a ton thousand seating capacity. The Impartial oven was some good rea Ashland, Va.; Felix Mills, laborer, . tho hand of nature to jrt sntlified that thoro frof-s- phoid fever In the army camps nnd re-jx- grow, consists of a tender substnnco admission will be threo The tho brute creation. agreement reached. Oltndnle, Pa.; Follclono Delslgnor, CO upon n method to prevent such oc. son for tho buried deep down within tho clustor of Inventor will got per cent nnd hla of Hoar Admiral Schley lleldelhurg, I 'a.; Antonio Los-trapi- green loaves very palatable backers 10 per cent tho grous re urrenccs In the future. The Illness and forms n of prevented any meeting of the Pwto laborer. Pittsburg; Vlto Volpe, food, either In the raw state or cooked ceipts. Hzezepnulk will not sell his re- Willie of flbertnan has Illcnn commission yesterday. Rear Ad- laborer; ilenlomlno ltouil, laborer) us a vegetuble, or made Into a preserve telectroscopo until utter the close of ilio Copper Colored ceived a from Pupt. Philip, luto exposition. letter miral Sampson and Major Gen. Hut-l- er Tomnz Walsclzy, laborer, Domenloo with sugar. of battleship Toxua, In One of the peculiarities royal commander the of the Cuban commission, how- - tiiuvo, luborsr, all of Plttaborg. of tho ,1. Htr,ud for (Irnnral, Nail, answer a coneralulnlory palm Is the stem of Its long loaves. It to oa sent IiikI n tune conference with Mr. A recent visitor to tho executive Splotches. nvr. semi-circul- by Willie, Is In consequence Is a stem, which om and he secretary of state. rmmhi Hurl, mansion who had the Inrgost amount Mooro. assistant braces the trunk of the tree and holds Thero Is only ono euro forGontnglour one of the happiest boys In Texas. lies-gener- of Importance, porhnps. They were not in possoaalon of the Ilaltlmnre, Md., Aug. SI. John al place the leaf in until it withers and of any visitor In (he Inst dooado wna a Dlood Poison tho disease which has Private Wlike of niche's Immune aged SO, and John Mutcollno, ground. principle of International law tlvo. drop to the Thu stem Is negro "colonel" from Vlrglnln. Ho completely baffled tho doctors. They wa shot at New Orleans accidentally ugeil 31, "ynguu." bearing on tho questions which will quarreled yesterday morning called tho It resoluble a thin came In with (lowing Jlm-SwIng- nnd aro totally unablo to euro It, and direct wbllu trying to break some shluglci Imnrd, often as long aa a man Is probably nrlro nnd oach wo furnished over a trivial matter mid agreed to tall artificial cocked hat, dotiinudlng to see their efforts toward bottling tho poison off a cabin with of hla gun In and tho Cuban Insurgent makes It servo the butt with a copy of the abstract. The wih- - light It out with stiletto. They ac tbo prosldent "to oncot." For a tlmo up In tho blood and concealing it from to a to him a variety of purposos. For ex order make smoke drive off of the la no con-- 1 cordingly repaired to Highland town, ho was fretful of rostralnt, nnd refused B. 6. posi- stance abstract that annle. while I was In tho Held it fro vlovr. 6. cures thu dltonio mosquitoes. The gun was discharged tracts aro to bo entered Into which aro In the suburb of Haltliuore, mid to consider anything except nn Inline tively and permanently by forcing out quoiitly served mo ns a pinto by slm aumlsslon Into tho whlto liousv and ho was shot In the left thigh. He In synumthy with existing Amerl- - fought n duel in an open fluid In the dlato every traco of tho not ply cutting off a section of It. Ily soak sanctum. officials taint. died. Inner Tho asked I a blood dlteaie, onn , presonco of a single wllnoae. Itestlvo lug wntcr It Is pliable, so waiefUlcted with terrible Instltutlo. i. in rendered was tho matter In at but afterward! I - him what with him and which was spots drit, Over COO refugees from tho province was klllod and Muscollno nod. that It may be folded almost a- readily Pivau nil UTII WJ IWT. other profane questions, which induced brnkeoui Santiago post few aa a piece of stiff p&por. Thus softened Ttieieaoon Into of have returned tho CIllnriH Uliitln. him to oxplaln his errand to tho su iuri. and It Ii y lu dnys It Is folded nt the ends something of Imagine Hie auRerlnc I from Jamaica, They are mostly SI-o- bordinate. Ho was from Charlottes flnn Frniicisco, Col.. Aug. rlmu ,.,.,,. .... tor tho fashion of n baker's paper endured lie lore I au- Ca, Anu 2. . Al!a hat vllle, Va., a colored regiment planters nnd their fnmllleM. The con- - and bad that the rioting has occurred over French nrrw)(w, , nnd fasUnsd with wooden pins. In thi go war, ho doctor could riu no Root, thorities aro finding groat difficulty In Hlk1 WM ut 0dMk ready to to tho which want I cessions In tho Huburl of 8hanghal. shape it Is called a "catorro." and had spent a hundred maintaining dlsclpllno In the city uf fw mmmtl 0(1Iincollon wlth the cd mustered Into service and sent to dollars, which waa really atlondel by serious loss of life. A- - serves tho Cuban farmer a water buck Santiago by tho noxt bout. Thu pros thrown away. 1 then tfautlago de Cuba. Mn,WK of ,H)X of ll(),Hon(l, cnnily ct, n waeh basin, or rcccptaclo tried various raient udvk-e-s brought by the or a for of they did cording to (o J())R (U Ident, course, would havo this doao tnrdlolnri, but Many Inquiries aro nt nmaln l)mVoli milk, lard, cheese, eggs, or whenever a not reach the dleeaa. received Holgle tho trouble grew out of ' If ho understood tho patriotism of these rleamer from tho eating of which Dun receptacle of any kind may bo neodod When I had nnliaid niy Washington for entries of the new Mr. dusky wurrlors. "It yo' start Into first botU.e ol ft. 8. S. I the failure of tlie negotlatluna by the I I group win i' nnd Imr ulstnr. Mrs 1nllr havo seen a of rebels using u battle, what Is tho first you wa's xreatlr Improved tariff refutations to our new posses- French o o as command and mi deflihted with munlcltlltle secure IMmn, , ,llw, ihortiy Bf(erWHnl. N(, "ysgua' thus folded a kottto In would give your troops?" was large red aploUiUts on sions. Arrangements have been made building Hi" asUi of lbs result. The bit house and an unused on ,e,mrK0 bcmi formilly which to cook their breakfast of beef would say, nn ebesl began to grow paler ahd smaller, and by the war department nM yal ,llnei,j tho old unolc. "I 'Got before long disappeared entirely. 1 regained so that the for a iiropiMH, j and yams. Tho water kept tho flbrou French concession BBH,- -t Mr(t. t)tklI1, yo' horses, sab.'" "What would be mr lost wilght. became stronger, and my ap- government printer will hereafter fur- wood from burning, and I was assured petite greatly Improved. I was soon entirely erhaol and hospital. After a lengthy your next comoinndT" "'Propsxn to glass. a food thus cooked required well, and my akin as clear as a pleee of nish copies of the tariffs at the cost (he that tho rn V. 1W Mulberry St . Newark. H. parleying with unfruitful results nn.1 move forward, sab. What next It Unas, I. prlco 10 per Klllvil Children lltrtalf. salt other than that which was extract " with cent added. French seized thu cemetery and pulled " 'Shoot 'em, for to kill, sah.' Then It Don't destroy all possible ohanco of a Now York, Aug. 31. Kate Mnngan, od from the "yagua" lu the process of (o cure by taking tho doctor's troatinent Many of the Texas beys at Jackson- - down the walls. occurred to a doorkeeper ask the S vears old. 3042 Third avenue. cooking. man his name. Tho answer was quick of mercury and potash. Thoio minerals vllle. Fla., are wearing the seven The force employe! In the work. In-- 1 fall out, and ,linrnin k,ilB.i i.ivr.nif n,i llnolln ami the TliundrrUnlt, and original. "J. Smith, inh." "What cause the hair to wll pointed sliver star, the badge of tha eluding landing parties from the h. wreck tho cntlro system. two children, Catherine, four years of P. Doolln wnH a traak-walk- cr on tho doe the J. ttand forT" was the next seventh array corps. A second Texas French gunlioat Helalreiir and the age, and James V.. 18 months old, by Rrie railroad. He attended a wako query. The old man hotly replied soldier upon hie first arrival there ' and steamer Oeeanlen, together with police means of illuminating go. She hud one day shortly beforo It was time for "Don't yo' know nothln'T J stands for seeing so many soldiers wearing 309. glneral, sah." New York Tribune S.S.S.rfh.Blood this and French volunteer, numbered been despondent for iKime (line. him to go on duty, with tho lamentabl badge, remarked: "They must all be The Chinese population was greatly result that early In the evening he Is ruuxLT vrorrABLX. and Is tho only remedy guaranteed to contain no generals, they are all wearing stare. wrow up and made an attack m tho scorned ambltiouu to walk on both IlMpoaatbllltr. blood flit (lot Tlir Vtnn. potasii. mercury, or otner minor!. The following s the trumpeter corps nnd the south of the sides of the track at onee. Tu "Tbun A coHsclousnecc of responsibility police station Mninuhli, Tenn., Aug. SI. The fifth u Hooks on the disease ami Its treat derbolt" express was duo to paaa the quickens sense of duty to be fulthful. Com- of the second Texts: Chief Trumpet French quarter . trial of the celebrated oae of A. K. roont mailed free by Bwlft tipeolUc Haaksll rood 8:u. At that time To know that one Is trusted Is an In- pany, Atlanta, Uoorgla. or. Johnnie llcunett; Lawrence Mian Tho Frenchmen opened fire nn the Ward, charged with forgey U tho Doolln reftahed Ute road, but the train citement to prove one's self worthy of gr. exits pa ny IC; Johnnie Croter, mob. killing fifteen and wounding thirty-n- amount of nearly a quarter of a million did not appear. She woo still Invisible confidence. To trust a child Is to lid company K; Jerome Chase, company ine other. dollars, resulted In a vonllet of guilty at 0. nnd Doolln began to worry nbout a child to act In the line of the best CI; Hatuuel Hfdkes, company I; Albert Following the attack nn the Hrlloo, and sentence lb year In the pen- her In a maudlin way. When she wo that lo expected of him. There is three nothing Holer, company II; It. M. Johnson 1M men wore landed from the Italian itentiary. was made on one 20 minute late ho could control hi that will tend to keep a man The trial well-bein- g bog-o- n up to his highest r. anxiety no longer, nnd walking standard of eoMpeny !); Ckaa. (loodmaa. coos a ay man-of-wa- Paoll. Tho fllkh pnllie, many of Indictment. and well-doin- g like (he thougkt nlejjji l A; H. P. Wllkeraon, company lwfcllng bridge the track toward her a fast ns h P; ltd. fully ormed, are the be la loved by one iirlze-nhte- r. could In bis unsteady condition. The that and honored Hatlerwklts, eerapany I.; HttrtON the French and HiiglUh eon- - Geo. C. Irwin, v.aa I I ami between who Is worthy of lovo and honor. There fl BE Mo., by 15111s 'Thunderbolt" msintimo woj Hying Purr. eoBipany H; F. Illrd Pierce, com (OMlSOX. but and kilted at Mueon, Is Inspiration and a steadying power Houston. along at unusual epeod. She had been 1 pany F. delayed by a trilling wreck and tho en In tho knowledgo that one has become, unworthy, an object Company H. the Treievant rifles of Jwl,ll Vaouy, glncor was making up loot time. Bufl however of "much SLICKER dun la HuntlS, denly a whirled like giant love and many prayers." Dallas, new at Jacksonville. Fla . have Kansas City. Mo., Aug. W. Ilarnott lantern a WILL KEEP YOU DRY. again by New York, Aug. 2L The transport plnwheel In tho gloom far down Nerreta llapplneaa. been honored having Lieut well-know- n looul eommlo-slo- n te of Pruran, a engineer's face If. 11. Iteaeh company trnok. The whitened Happiness Is most often found where I of their detailed inercbaHt, is hi the bead of n Keguaraneu sailed for Santiago ut 1:30 lien I te luol 4 with a mi klniosh to Instruct all of the tho brake ground Into tho complain there Is perfect confidence. The two or lubrer (Ml If ou sniaioei movement to form n Jculek eoloiiy ut o'clock yesterday afternoon. Among Ing wheels; the engine rocked and go wife racers of the seoond Texas In the hand In hand. The should be U ilofei .uv Ihe ilih Ilnn.ll T llloo. tMUMHMigttr is Lieut. IllebmoHd P passengers I f of Porto her trembled: lurched in thol careful of her husband's best wishes, Siiiktr II tiMlot tsie is your duties Moiinels. v)wp. i of i jiaier ue 10 "I already nor the ptiimlo of near- Hobson, who Is going le try hi rub seats, and with Ills of air and steam should aid If need be In his financial J writ On relinquishing targe A TOWEB U.U, Mils. f of hla com ly fifty fauilllea to toio rue."' $Hlie, ber bog scheme for raising two of the the "Thunderbolt" stopped. Dropping arrangements as far as possible: rnand Gen. Lawfou glowing rubl a "These families oah ralos froni W$ to sunken vessels of Oervere's squdron from hi cab the trombllng engineer should make him know she has bis tribute ta the valor of hla staff and run up to where P. Doolln stood heart, and (MOO eaih to put Into the venture. hHi! The lieutenant is accompanied by his Interesta at that whatever privates and thanked them fur the "What what'e Uie matter!" he gaep' oonserns him, whether of Joy or sor- If all agree we will form n rooimunls-ti- c private secretary and A. Gill, repro gallant and soldierly manner with ed. "Ye're late," said Doolln. "FwUat row, eoneerns her also. Unquestioned LU ailUSL. VUi.ll uv nrugiui. I We to y Jan. which they conducted themselves dur eoleny. hooe leave sentotlve of tfre Merrltt Wrecking soot kept yext" Hi5"por'. eonflevnce meanj happiness. m ing the rectat wr. 1." pany. he floes not," sho returned; "ha la aet LONE STAR LINERS. RANCH AND FARM. PENMAN'S WONDERFUL FEAT. a Just steward" AtutralltnQIfM tamlnn Wrspptr Wrltsrs "No," was the grave admission, "hi Hurglars are numerous nt Dallas, lite county Is In good ahapo. it t.Mtnn Nptotl. Is not Just. It Is which grlflvtJ that Amnrtllo has organized a board Onnianohe eounty la said to be In flno London Telegraph Wrapper writing me. Ha has abused my tmst. I shall oi trnds. condition. Is, It would seem, a popular way of never bolleve in him again." - earning a livelihood with tho Inmates "Then let me take his place, ehs Mot Matron waa shot and kilted at Palestine's first bale ot cotton weigh- .III of Howton House, a six-pen- hotel. cried ongerly. "I do not mean In thn Moscow. (d BOS pounds. Here Is an amusing story of the per moro keeping nf neoounta you will Ilnnham la to have three now brlok A younger lot ot cattle will bo fed fection to which may bo brought by always wnnt some one thnt nor It HI for business houses. this year In Toxns than over before. practice and a strong will. "There is even In the looking details; after llttlo a tradition llngorlng among the older THE USURERS DAUGHTER. lot mo be your stewnrd, Lord Col. Htchle and his Immtinos hnve Tho hay crop of Texas this year Is hut head brethren ot tho wrapper writing pro Cnraven, your ten- gone from Now Orleans to Galveston. mild to be one of tho largest ever BY CHARLOTTE M.BRAEME. nnd the welfaro of fession to tho effect that once upou a dependents, well-bein- g of ants and tho Mrs. F. I). Stone and Mis Annie line time, when the work was pale INTCnNATIONAL ASSOCIATIOn.' your estate, your property, hotter mtSS the caro of roll wero thrown out of a buggy nt Dnl- - Tho weather Is reported very dry than now, a young man from Austra- I XXXH.-lContlnu- ahalt bo my one Interest in life. will CIIAPTRIl ed.) Indignation, moved him Hnd ha Ins and seriously Injured. In Duval eounty, grain drying up nnd lia turned up and ventured as a last bo content to to Ho listened without reply, lint she grown ashamed of his tndolenco? Had work early and late, jattln getting poor. resort into their sphere of labor. Ho llvo only The stnto comptroller has registered aaw his fnco had grown very pile ho tired of his pleasures? without pleasure, If you wtll spent his all and found himself thnt grant my a $10,000 Issuo of I.ufklu otty water- Many farmers In southern Texas and that Hps trembled. She Mink" Sitting opposite to htm at dinner prayer." stranded until funds should srrlvo hli works bonds. averaged $S2 per acre this year with passlonnt jarncstness; tliorti time, she looked nt htm attentively. "Hut you are a lady. Hlldred. Haw have from tho antipodes. So on the sug mat-to- could you find Imi no the r Certainly thero waa change In his tlmo for It?" Hob Calhoun, a prominent farmer, for their watermelons. gestion of an old acquaintance he ap nhould mistake about r - In her eagerness sho forgot her re- world-tame- he must thoroughly understand. face. It waa brighter, keener, more on who lived twenty miles from Lovclady, Wheat averaged from twenty to plied for a Job at the d firm servo she laid her head upon hla arm, In- "All this," ho altl, "while I have tho alert; tho eyes wero full of light; was assassinated. thirty-si- x acres per bushel In Kaufman of Schmidt A Co. On being duly and looked Into his face. been sleoplng hero! It I Id red. I will he seemed Interested In what waa go- and Van Zandt counties. stalled and supplied with 600 envelopes am not n line I law Itev. 8. W. Patterson, a Presbyterian aoo for myself what I the truth. I ing on. Once during dinner sho met "I lady: am a and some pages from a directory ho I beet crop under the stimulus ot will tniRt to no one' opinion ! will go Sir Itaoul's gtancc. and It was full of yer's daughter. It may even be that minister of Dallas, Is conducting a Tho looked around and asked for a pen. over to nromhlll. Will you ride over pleased surprise. Inherit my father's liking for business. meeting at Illslng Sun. tho gonorous rains la growing finely 'Hut you havo ono already,' said the I you with mo?" "Now Is my time." thought Hlldred shall nnd tlmo, believe me, It The Illllnboro Haptlst association throughout tho Pecos country. young man In authority. '1 want two,' I will glvo your consent." In- She looked at the broad golden beams "now I may secure what I want." held Its nnnunl session nt Itasoa. with John Deen of Kaufman county re- answered the Australian, and an "What wnild you do, Hlldrcd, sup terested obliging fellow-scrib- e sup- at the mm. When tho gentlemen came Into the n rood attendanco nnd satisfactory re alized COO bushels ot wheat from and will drawing posing I gavo my consent?" he asked. plied tho noed. The scene which there- "It la ao warm." ahe aald, "you room she made herself most sults. twonty nores thirty bushels per acre. not caro to go out.' fascinating nnd charming. 'She sang, "Say rather what would I not do. I upon ensued battles description, for tho y. I mako halo of cotton ot year's "Warm!" ho repeated, almoiit wrath-full- alio tnlkcd; tSo whole party thought would reform all abuses. would Among the attractions to bo at Sher Tho first this colonial, separating the pile of envel- model people copy- "What mattcra n llttlo heat her exceedingly entertaining. It was Ilavensmere a estate man during tho al thero crop waa sent to Chicago and sold opes Into two equal lota, began whnn ao much la nt stako?" when her husbnnd wns looking most should point to It as n pattern. I wilt bo qunnnh Parker, tho celebrated three times on the board of trade, ing tho nddresses by writing simul- your men; they Then he looked quickly at her. pleased, nnd listening to her with real would mako laborers Indian c'ef. $1&00 being realized. It was then sent taneously with both hands. So run It la too warm you," he aald. Interest, thnt she went up to him. nro now only soulless drudges. I would the legend at least, and, furthermore, "If for Tho attorney general of Toxns hm to St. Louis. will go "I hnve n llttlo favor to ask of you." pull down thoso wretched cottages It Is nvcrred that hla rapidity waa sueh "I alone.' approved Cisco Is to hnvo a $10,000 cotton com- She sprang to feet with a glad alio said. "Will you give me live min- whero squalor and dlseaso run riot. nnd tho comptroller register aa to put the 'sloggora' to shame. Fif- her press. The proprietor of tho entor light In her eyes. utes of your time this evening?" nnd build In their plaeos houses sueh ed a 5500 Ihsu of Newton county ty pens dropped from the nerveless I prlso Is I) formerly ot Mid- "No," sho replied. "It Is never too His look was one of pleased, bright ns even the poor oould love. would Jail bonds. N. Hrown, grasp of those who but a minute be- educate a ques Ho oxpecta to proas 00.000 bale. fore had been writing against warm for me. I love tho sun. Let expectation. the children. What Pontland, n noted Dallas horse, won land. time tion It Is you nsk mo! What would I coming season. and as It for dear lite. A hundred mo go with you. I.ord Caravcn." "Assuredly, Hlldred as long as you first money at Hedrlok, In., recently. this "Will you drlvoT" ho naked. like. I am beginning to not do?" eyes were fixed In astonishment on the rldo or think that ii n tlvo heats' raco Pontland picked John Schnrbauer of Midland ban "I will ride," alio replied. Imvlng my Interviews with you nro wolcome Tho earl rose from his chair: ho bent unknown ono. Presently tho young up $100 and his been selling somo ot his thorough heard him any thnt morning thnt ho ones. his head with chivalrous grace beforo best tlmo was 2:12li. overseer who superintended tho labors bred Hereford bull calves nt $200 each. many would rnthor rldo ton tulles thnn drive So, when most of tho visitors hnd hor. Alonzo Currle, n young man of Cle ot old enough to bo his grand- Many more will leave his pastures this one. gono to their respective rooms, tho onrl "My wife," he said, "you shamo mo." burne, while assisting in tho moving father, rose and timidly aald he would say fall at correspondingly high figures. consult the 'governor.' ar- Ho looked plcnscd. lingered. It wns something novel to "No," sho cried, "you must not of a house In thnt city, hnd his skull Tho latter "I will sro for myself," ho repeated. him, this appointment with his own thnt to me." W. P. A. Sloan of Taylor has a Ply- rived, and the situation being explain- crushed and died from his Injurlos. ed the Australian waa "Do they think thnt I am ao blind ns wlfo something piquant. Ho wnltod "I repeat It you shnmo mo," ho mouth Hock hen that laid n double turned Into a went on. "Yes, I glvo my consent ilia department of eduentlon at loose box all by himself nnd red with to bo hoodwinked with false stories?" for her In tho drawing room, whore egg, 3V4 Inches long and ns largo "No. but they hnve believed you loo the blinds wero still undrawn, and my free, full, hoarty oonsent. You will Austin Is sending out eertlllcatns of another thousand or so ot envelopes. around In proportion, and Inside of It At rnto he Indolent even to enro whether the through tho windows of which a lovely mnko a better mistress of Ilavensmere grades nnd tearhorn' certificates, ns a this earned enough In two another porfect egg of the regulation or three weeka to stories were true or not," said Hlldrcd. moon waa shedding floods of silvery than I do n master. You shall be tho result of the recent while summer nor- onablo him to last size. out comfortably ar- Thero was somo llttlo surprise oven light. queen regnant; I will be your prime mal examinations. tilt his remittances rived, then amongst the servants at seeing the Presently the door opened and his minister. I plncc nnd leave all author Frank Colllnson, a prominent cnttle-mn- n he wont homo and Sunday night Itov. Oniu Sing Omih, Sohmldt'a know him no more. Wo young earl and countess ride off alone. wife camo in. Sho hnd removed the Ity In your hands, and I promise you ot Clarendon, was at Fort Worth a Chinese ctorgymnti, nnd a gnuluato asked tho old gentleman who ua What did It mcanT Wero hotter times Jowcls from hor hair nnd her breast; most faithfully that I will never Inter recently. Ho says Donley and adjoin- told nf Cumberland (Tcnn.) University, de- this yarn to nil his pipe and have an- really comlnu? her lovely face shono with n now light; fero; you shall pull down nnd build up, ing In good shnpo counties are and that other cup of tea, for we thought ho de- Sir watched nnd dress, dark mndo you ahall do Just as you will, I wilt livered a lenture at tho Cumberland Kaout them start: her rich her hnlr, her the grass and water were never moro served both." ho aald to hlmsolf, na ho looked after a most attractive picture. Sho wont never Intorforc." Presbyterian church, Dallas. wns so overjoyed prom plentiful. them: up to him. Sho with his The dnughler of Mr. Iscs, with tho rhnngo In his manner, It Is predicted at Kansas City that ST. LOUI3 CVCLONE CELLARS. "Tho greatest gift of heaven to mon "You nro very kind to wait, Lord Wlilte. a rr.ernhnnt at Wnldrlp. Mct'ul said, with the earnestness of his face, that feeding cattlo will sell at $C beforo ' la surely tho nohlo Influence of a noble Caraven," sho "I could not get loch county, alio? of Thm Ilulll Sine tU Tarrtbl alio forgot all about her and win burned to duuth. Sho baso opinion .woman." away before Lady Darners Insisted on restraint Christmas. Dealers this Nlorm or 'OS. Indifferent'), and sho kissed the hand was stnrtlng n fire in the stove with Tho enrl would aco for hlmsolf and on thn presumption that thero will bo St. g hill of cyclone held her own. Sho saw her hus coul oil and the vnn exploded. cellars, ha did see. It seemed to him that he that a large shortage ot dealrablo cattlo saya the St. touts Republic. Nearly all years. bnnd's face flush crimson, and sho A. W. nn tnust havo been asleep for Stnrck, employe of tho lator on In tho season. ot them have been atnee tor-rlb- le suddenly. built that Whoro wero tho smiles of welcome that drew back United States treasury department, 27th of May. One ot beg Tho stockmen In tho Currlio them haa years ago used to great him? Now "I your pardon," sho said. "I was In longer Dallas last week collecting Springs nro talking of having than that. It Is In tho laborers passed htm with a sullen face, nm very sorry. I did not think nt section D. statistics rotatlvo to the cost of opera-Ma- g homo of Mr, U Parrlah, In Cabatino what I was doing, I was so over tho Jack rabbits killed out. Mr. Jim with a touch of tho cap and a muttered gas and electric light plants. place. Mr. Parish waa caught In mo curso. He saw tho wretched tenements Joyed." Class has been experimenting, and In collapse ot the old Uelvldore hotel, on Ho took no notice of tho Involuntary Capt. Juan S. Hart of Kl Paso, a whero dlsensc reigned triumphant ho and two other men killed 1022 In seven wasmngion avenue, it waa a never-to-b- e saw mothers whoso children hnd died caress, nor of tho apology, though both member of the first Immune regiment, days. Mr. Olass says that ten rubblts forgotten experience, and whnn for want of nourishing food ho saw had struck him. has burn appointed by tho president u. will destroy as much grass as on ho began to build his home he made up "I nm glad you am pleased, 1 1 1 strong men whoso Just condemnation that Interpreter for Hie Cuban commission. beef. hla mind to provide again! all emef- -' dred," ho said. "In placing my Inter k of him was written In thalr averted Capt. Hart spenks Spanish nnd nine geiielcs. This Is how ho coitus to hav ests in your hands I feci that I have Peros vall"w farmers aro glvlnjc cyclone eyes and closed lips. He saw that for other language fluently. a cellar older than the cyclone. dono today now Is Pur-rlsh- him thero was no affection, llttlo re- tho wisest action of my life. much attention Just to what Whllo nut a thing or beauty, Mr. 's spect; yet he was lord of tho soil In Tomorrow wo will icnd for Hlantyro. Tho city tax collector of Austin re- termed suenr-fe- d stock, or In other "hole In tho ground" la one r.t some fashion master of tho dostlnlos of nnd you shall confront him. ports collections for tho month of July words, stock that In fattened on tho comfort. It Is as deep aa the founda- those people. She loft him than, pleased, happy, ns follows: Ooueral revonuo tax $31,. saccharine pulp of tho sugar beet, a. tion of tho house and reared In tho confused, with an overwhelming sense ot It Ho rodo In silence- - sllouro that his 108.38, waterworks tax, account of In- substance that contains the greatest southwest corner the cellar. of tho responsibilities sho had assumed walls are of stono, three and one-ha- lt young wife did not caro to break, for terest nnd sinking fund, $3l,C0fi.l8, In- quantity of fattening matter yet dis- and with something, she rould hardly feet thick. Heavy crossbeama form she aaw that ho was aroused at last. terest on old bonds $1100.20, school tax covered by feeding experts. They tell what, atlrrlng In her heart, while tho roof of this safety house. Two win- went to Ilromhlll, nnd thero tho $18,030.54; total $92.37S.0il. against earl saw matters hlmsolf. Thero Lord Caravon looked In amazement nt Tho (J rnln Shlppora' association haa dows are outwaidly, one to tho south, fj $10,141.77 for July. 1897. This Increns was llttlo need for words to tell him the hand she had kissed. He wondered been orgnulzed at Fort Worth. Tho the other to the north. They wero If ho ihould ever understand Is duo to tho 5 per cent penalty forco protected by gratings how tho prestige of tho old namo had her; and la objects ot the association are for "mu- Iron first, but ho began dimly to perceive In Mr. Parrlsh very wisely haa taken sunk. Those honest yeonion. tho SHK LHFT HIM TIIKHH. that the this year. tual protection, nnd to remedy many money lender's daughter he had found these out, In order to facilitate egress, Moores, whoso forefathers had served my going to existing irbusos. as unjust In- hor room to seo n new a noble, hlgh-soule- glorious woman, The city council of Wnxahnrhle dis such and should such a necessity occur. A heavy his ancestors so gallantly and woll. head-dres- s fashioned Worth has sent Then he smiled to himself, thinking missed the police force. The constable. correct weights nnd grades, unjust re- oaken door that can be barred ami had no smiles, no welcome for him; hor. I could get not. away. I am In these strange days It wns Im- arrests nearly nil offenders nnd tho clamations nnd rejections and unjust locked makes the plaro burglar proof. they wero sturdily rospoctful, they said you that afraid are tired." possible to understand nnythlng, and few minor cases tho police handles did discriminations In freight rates." The floor of this novel cyclone house llttlo-t- ho old man who had pleaded so ".No," ho replied; "I havo bcon that It was within the bounds of pos- few pollco Is cemented and covered with a soft, passionately to Hlldred, least of watching minor cases the handle did W. II. Currle of Oardcn City market-o- d all. tho moon and thinking." sibility that Hlldred Inherited her fath- warm carpet. A comfortable couch la young, Indolent, plcasure-lov-In- g expenses of the police department. nine double decks of sheep In Knn-sa- a Hut the "I havo como to ask of you," said er's talents fnr Imslness. fitted Into one corner. In another aro earl shrank boforo young Floyd Heed won City lately, which met ready tho calm, stern tho countess "a favor on thleh "And nn excellent thing It will be shot nnd kilted nt with soveral massive shelves filled with foooa; ho know ho that was In the tho wholo of my life depends. In for me." ho said. "If sho haa.' the Hugh Carter rare track, about eight sale at $3.85 to $1. Thoy were of hla provisions. These provisions are wrong. you granting It will make mo happy: (To be Continued.) miles east of Athens. Tho ilKuctilty own grazing and averaged elghty-iilu- o every tlmo the sky clouds up Nevertheless, If they were stern and ir you refuse it l shall bo miserable.' arose nbout n gun, which. It was pounds, showing tho o fleets ot tho suspiciously. Mr. Parrlsh feels per- cold In their reception of the earl, they "That shall not happen If I can pre charred, wns stolen, nnd It Is said his cyrlone ccller. COST OP A DOOR HANDLE. gavo early drouth In Texas. They wero fectly safe with "It had a warm welcome for his beautiful vent it, no nnswereii. Hred Information of tho theft. very comfortable, and I am aure It Homer and William Itounsavnll wore about fifteen pounds lighter than last Is young wife. Sho had not Ignored con-turl- Ills wlfo continued; Mkoly In II High HIiki Una WmiU blew away my I Inllrd. year's outuut. the entire house cellar of acrvlre: ahe had not broken "I hnve never complained, beeauie I NointlliliiB lnliur, room would be Intact," aaya he. "It Midland Is enjoying a of pros- tho bounds between mastor and ser aaw no use In It: but 1 assure you thnt Tho aesthetic person who denlrew a Mrs. Knto Cabell Currle. presldont Sanson Is a protection for my wife and chil- perity year rarely vant; sho had not left tho best Inter I have not been happy fnr from It. unique door handle for hla favorite of the United Daughters of the Con- this that haa fallen dren while I am away, and I can bear psts lives to Hlantyro. Perhaps I am graver by ' to tho lot any west of their They nature thnn room must pu for the privilege. For- federacy, has organized a chapter of of Texas town. the thought of another cyclone calam- crowded round her even tho llttlo some women. I .an not fill my ty, fifty, seventy-llv- o may Money plenty by knowing llf" even dollars tho order at Uonham. About seventy has ben nnd the Itlzena ity better downtown that children came to glvo her tho flowers with gaiety, visiting, luxury, and pleas be tho cost of the first door handle full of enterprise liberality. n they have a place ot shelter. During names were enrolled and quite an In nnd Aa thoy had gathered, and to look at tho ure. I want something more, other mado after n new pattern. The metal consequence, tho town Is being the season following tho cyclone an terest manifested In tho work. rapidly pleasant shining face. Thero was a women havo love to llvo for I hnvo Is worth perhaps only u few cents, but built np with substantial dwellings and architect friend ot mine had at one court of Inquiry held within tho old none." the labor comes high. First, ar- time eight plans of houses on hla the Wm. Oregg of Hebron lnd., waa business houses. farm walla; the earl listened attentive Sho stopped suddenly, looking terri chitect drawa tho design and submits boards, every one of which called for a caught by a freight Dr. P. H. Mullowney, many ly to the old man and his sons, then bly eonf'iswl. It to the manufacturer that Is to finish Texas and Paelflc for cyclone collar to match mine." Mr. lie looked gravely at thorn. "I understand," he said, quietly. "Qo tho handle. Ho turns It over to his train at Lakotn and had one lee cut months Inspector for tho bureau of Parrlsh's cyclone ctllsr Is the coolest "You havo dono well to speak out on, Hlldred." modeler, who makes an exact pattern off Just below the knee and the other animal Industry, stationed at San An- place In tho house and serves another holdly." he said. "I could as soon "My time hangs heavily an my of the handle and lock In clay or plas- broken In two places and lbs toe cut tonio, has been transferred to Uoston, good turn In tho Parrlsh family. Thn I excellent amateur Imagine Ravenamere without n Cant hands. have nothing to do no oc ter. Itvery lino that Is lint In tho de- off. He died soon after. Mass., and will servo as assistant In- little Parrlshea are photographers, and use It for a dark ven as Ilromhlll without a Moore. You cupation. Oh, Lord Caraven, bo pa sign Is raised in this pattern, and the spector at that port. Dr. J. II. Slhlrr, go Hlantyro I A. by ss room when It la not otherwise need not to again. will neni wun met i wnnt to ask you more elaborate and Intrleato the dec- Hranshaw of Dallas sent formerly Inspector for the bureau nt atgn lease and It shall bo done something will glvo moro hom- the at fur that me Inter oration the difficult his work. Tho several pain of carrier or wilt be OHIO." Ban Antonio, reinstated In his ft est that will owmiy me that will pattern Is then given to the man who ing plgeona to Wortham. seventy-si- x - old position, taking Dr. Mullowney' lie spoke only ante on his way atand is me In the place of ImhhInmm mak-- the mold, or oftener several miles from Dallas. They were turned XipcrU UlMllnl. home, and then It was to say to his and love." Joined together, gates. place. No wonder the naval experts are be- molds known as loose nnd wero at home In two hours. wife: "I will help you to It if I can," ho These are usually of plaster, and the Rattlesnakes aro said to be worse wildered and complain that the war He then sent a pair to Wee, forty-thre- e "I have done Justice there; and If I replied. melton metal Is (toured Into them with- this year out west than for many years haa proved nothing. It haa proved I do way intlea distant, and In one hour and ten supreme value ot can. will Justlee wherever It Is She looked so fair, standing before out In any urfevtlng the plaster. past; In faet, the oldest Inhabitant only the human skill, needed." And as they rode on through pleading When the metal Is cool Is minutes they settled down to thslr cote. energy and daring, and that waa prov- him hor own cause. She the handle cannot remember when they wero aa tho sunlight, sho told him heaven drew a little nearer to him, aa though taken out. a thing of beauty and All the pigeons were, batched this ed when the first war pirogues clashed numerous. Many fine calves have would bless him for It. her cGiifldoneo In him were Ineross-Ing- . for the architect, the pattern- spring. beaks In the Mediterranean before his- mold-make- been bitten, resulting maker, the r and tho man In their death tory awoke. It has not proved that In a few CHAPTHH XXX1H. "That Is what I want you to do for who pours in the metal must all bo A gasoline stove exploded at Fort hours. The blto la almost torpedo boats are useless; that battle- equally fatal to a grown animal, but ships are cruisers; ANY CAItAVKN mo, Um Cnraven." she aaid. "I am ;md for their work. Tho first door Worth and severely Injured Jamas faster than that only Is tho aellou ot tho poison is not so cruisers are more powerful than bat- was pirated ns shit not Ignorant In sueh matters; you handle thus costly. When the Waggoner. rapid. drosred far dlunor. might sneor at me, and say my talent mold Is oneo made the price of a door tleships. It haa proved only the Im- - of sea- Bhe recalled tho Is hereditary; but you will not do handle decreases according to tho num- Wm. Wnilams has Instituted suit In Tjiero aro very fe- eattlo changing mense superiority American that. manship, drill, gunnery, endurance, happy faces, the I have some ll'tle oxperlonee, and I ber mode, so that the five hundredth the district court at Austin against hands Just now In the southern coun- energy over Spanish. Tech-nle- al graceful words that should Improve day by day." door handle easts scarcely mora than skill and the International and Oreat Northern ties ot Texaa. This falling off la due problems will not be fairly aolved she had eeu and He looked her, wondering, the metal put Into It. New York Sun, at half for $6000 damage, because of having to the anticipated demand from Gal- equal In these things meet heard but a few half amused. till natlona three toes cut off at Hutto by a train veston shippers for cattle for tho West In battle. They never will be com- hours beforo at "What Is It, Hlldred?" ho asked. "I i;iui iiumIik. on road. Indies. pletely solved unless the Anglo-Saxo- n ilromhlll; It was do that not In tho least understand." Kdlth "Tell mo. unole, do you think world goes mad and Hrltlsh and Amer- living Is 1 Hoth boll worms and aterplllara aro worth for. "It this. want you to let me he It la better to havejoved and lost than During a storm at Qulnlin, Hunt navies grapple, and, perhaps not power reported to be doing ican this of do your steward I mean, let me have never to have fovea nt all?" Uncle county, th residence of It, K. Upper-so- n considerable darn then. Commercial Advertiser. ing good. Sho had seen something In eharge of your ratate. I eould do the Crusty "Oh I I Junnb they're both was struck by lightning, doing ing to eotton around Heideohelmer, husband's day her faee that which had duties far better than Mr. Hlantyre." good." Puek. considerable damsgs to the Initdo work Hell eounty. Moth files by the thou- surprised her, something that drove "I give him a large salary," aald Lord Win, ladM4T ot on room and shocking on sands aro also on hand. Some farm-er- a (showing photo) And away the Indolent, easy expression. Caraven, half laughing "he ought to Painters are seldom of a military imrtly Mother this say they are going to put poison on Unela Will when be was Waa the aleeplng lion roused at last? do them well." turn, but they always stand by thslr ot the. Inmatss. No on waa serious! was a llttlo thslr cotton. boy, Madge. Madga-O-b! And wtw Had tier passional, words, hsr keen "But you have seen for yourself colors. Injured. In that U now, saotharT Sketch. Ith day of Ueewfl.Vr A. t). iS97. will epnw ler aale ni itewwauet. n ana i u tn TWS CURKSKT. DANGEROUS SMELLS. AN LXCLU8IVI COLONY. hlulwal and tiiwt bidder . r (Mali on the lilh lay Kept. A. Hour ol ettwen K nt I. VM. II. M I - I. A N o.iMk i ib. I. .i ..( i.nth (mnt Seente Tim! Kill More Snrrlr Than a Itniiiln'p nt the UIk rnwitr Mllla of door ol tlie conn tllllr nf Kil- - (In ii iBn n t Harp Wtpii UV I.) till' II ' i rrni'iv "f Official ot Cumuy. Mint firiniBli tint liu I'll Thalr I'll - Papr Mi) III-- a' mi.- ii in SURAR BOWL OF SOUTHWEST i Ne Mexien - i i i 1 I Til of &My. llftorl. Oitii flritvrVHril. it I i h MtH! Oryu ot ui; In - tm lur) ui .New Mi ileaerl- Im-- n 1) " BOUllllllCt Humr rmrlU A In Dm jiow-de- r lull" i. 4' Hi M'lt nr.' d.thfrrroua. ilntir Thoae who work the l'ant ." r .( act Hi. II iii" e i iTM. Miltf of high! rated prilaa'e De- 1" i Ip miiiilH-- n.iir eon'ent mill on tk Jlrandy win, In Iiui.ilx r llii.u - Is Pecos Yalley of New Mexico. . i n iwcniy- the I. ill I III n 'II liu m vl!l n man uickly a a almt a queer oi my, Uie luiil) mtH-rnt-t i at- - laware, form aay I viiihihi Aid. iff IMMI ai'Vell cunt,i.. i'.Ii i IU ' ii Ihronirli ihw heart, The oiliir nf u Iiiii' New York Pre. Tiny are all Irian (aetit'.l. villi, li '. llfcl. rentt'il liy . I i kill-i- I He ilM I unit .ii nvement ont .1 -' III U I r i (.'if ' tin' ii,i'ii'i.'i' l I" ..n i. llll'l l' if people tvhoan niieratora enme to title I .nil tin' day tit '' - imiiy in "in " " l( - i t il Hi iimii fi-- H' m iiri'iti lijiln.i it, iiihI tlio oIiJhMIoii-nliit- ciniiilry ulirn the !ti I'niila alnrted in i pliiuiirv. l'4Ti. en .11 I in iMini'iila rttan- . r II.UU. far-tnrii- 'a (.11 (((Ml .It Cheap, Hy i iti'.itiu ( nml bone li.ll filial Homes are Ininllieaa unit went lo tverk for them. wl.l lakl lll.llliillllt llPC c iinrter which nt rltiitnltlc rhicfly to the in- - i lorpcloe art J'or jreiieratlmia 'he l)u i'l.titaond llie' anl p l i" iivi a it' it ol nnif I'linnli'sl luborntiirloa, Myi mil uru of ' it "I iruai exevuiiij. mue ifa. penple have pnaaeii their r iiiiafrnin drllven-- to the amu ncItiiiilaiit In aald TreopMiror. Hip llotlon 1 niimiTlpt, mrr f.imnua for and father lo in. I.ll:e tiieii ei'.pliiy ult In favor jI 'aid eon ptalaant tn mM Tm SKVHNTH JlootSiiRfirfootory In the United Stntea wan 1 l( It . k trueiee awl to r. I. lUltl'Uincf lilldldate Iwil Miirlla. . -i- rrwMiarrii; Rl Ikrfrlltta. who illafotrrvd nr . . huh-. inmiiwwt m um ' r iiii'i I "Hilr they inttrmnrry and if Miiiime ...,.. Vullar Tmai the" li t i !. to l"eia eruotoil at Hddy, Now Mexico, In IBlHl.Jund mmlo IU flrat "ontnpol(inM ,,i,.t .r m n" Hi'' declaimi l l.i incut "rlf nluni," oiht They ll e nn what nrr e.ill.d )ii rrint'i cimny;aoeiutatfein WWt or tneiaiia I II Hill- HM i tni-ti- l 1 n lieKlimltiK Novotiibttr Ifith 185H), 1807. ritl. lie ll. mi" 't'!'"' ti .il tln of permit nir bnn!:, which nre nhoiii ihree a . nnd oIohIok IDth, n- - i w W.KIH. ir i"n . ZXL'MXZ.'ZM l. mil. V .,f piiri- livilrtijf.'n nclrnlili' jrna U'iliningtnn. The of I it I. I HllllUlllf ' I I' 'I "l from w;i.;Oyiiby The ooiitent of in tlio boot" orop grown In KUdy 'It'll" after-.inl- i tldTOrtfrio.7T "atiRar of tlio the tr-- i oBH'l I'liti-- lna iionirU. For ilri i iiinaJBnii in tirv Mm .1 i (.11111) i in' .iii'i in mlngton kiion liur.llj any .ti.out imhiiu mriirui Ih - . i .1 I ' I"'-- - mill Itocwell suotloiiH of tlio Vnlloy liu provnn to ho morn uniformly mil .. .i) i "HI'i) I" I.'- iia nut ulila to huh II trorif them, lint a few .i .. mil. ii i) for they nin.i.l" tl'.ti i.. iiiiiiimiiiI:i, in-- Hm I'aiter Tru.t lilKli tlinn nny other part of the United StnUw. Fortunately tlio il I. HIM"Nl' tlir iilfnctory Iwlntt and their vialta arc '. t t. now due to th aald t. com; ( ma litml U IiIomhhI ini..nirllv jmrnliml, Krlrtilum km The hllla nlioUl the bnnki nre adluiliieU and decreed by Mid ileeme laai with Jmt tlio fertility to produce high grndo boot. Clerk. liu- - ind tin. mlor of (nit rid horai rnillth. the lilpheat In Delnwnre, and II Uul the ntMitlnned the aum o( lliounana nml innre fnrtiiuntelli tlio I'euos Irrlgntlnti mid Itnpmvetiieiil Co. ' llM'l ! 1 . .urn "ill. w. I. t"eight tt ilta. with IN III . Ii' iuritiin la witmp. Tlipr la i.iul. I ;. i II..II In III' mii baae of them that theae worker live. mtere- -t n the aum of .(B5.l. nl the rate ol nml tlio Itoawell Ihik1 nml Water Co. have an IrrlKntlnn ayatoui of - u - ,,m . ,i i .mill) aim- ii.r of plii di Inn nlion- .:illi'nt, n ia li 1 per centum prramiUnt front the elahlh n- - - The town lighted nt night the . great iiiRiiltii(le, covorlng n vaat body of the Intel beet land ) rj A. I), lavt. fmld, anil ingar imMtWill I'l Hi' et.rc- ri'funiil to IiiUi mi ;iliayul'l,V lire-i"-:i- layol Deeeiiim-r- until I.IIlM l:nl, flcctrle plant In the work. at the of per Ih rd in COBV mv I" - Thecoplr wllti intereat rate Percent on earth. The water applied to the crop when needed. ri al lii'i'iiiiu- alii' n mi fund of annum on the hillowtHt motlnta for bar their own placea nf nmuaement. tin twrToda, on the sheriff. In in l,' ii'mij-- mi the (f In mirlcly. lie following aperlflod tuwlt, Tlio Rhine more In more, principal being the llrandywlne eluii, aum ol tA. IS thereof from ijni itav ut Jan- ami hour the dny and day tn the year - - lt w, nun 'inn t- M i ( lirrii pi'! .'iitniiilnir " mnll iiinn- uary. A ti. IW. until nald. on the like aum In Htldy mill in. imiiuiricd . which haa n finer Iniildlng than tiny club - (MinvMootifitle, New Mexico, than In any other motion i Hi lli'-.i- liri-al- tfi.- a. Mte ii. I il - lIKlKIUl' .r "rM tH'll i, of irliupiuMi. unit Ikt ma ortlu. 18 thereof from lai day oi July. . In Wilmington. have T). of or worn. i hi ' I "I" ii'. ) MllOI'et I" They alao dunee TSa. unt the aum s.lthci. thn ufll. "i I'.fTi'rti-i- l liy l to audi mi ht that A. vm. till) I Hi' !' iikh'I.i i .' 'I ' t"" ill' ot liVjULpI January. th 'il - and thetrleala frequently. Nearly ii ' i i Him ' kIic wiim nutnlili- to In publl' for Ulltlltrth Willi vn Ml bojmrnte niittlyalN, Ti III. I'l npjK'iir BIU,nil intrrai ,"f. chlelly enrload lota, howetl an arernge of every on of them haa luat n rel ''ve by imm ine iai '((.7 ( a immlli. flht' whnl (lie 1 County CwiiiiHaaluner. iH'trr rifiri1 an ncelilent In the work. They Imtc 3.uillu Mid. and the ol wild aul 17.01 ter eeut augar In heel; l.l per oent purity. Thl remarkable wu, The vnl.'t ixi'ij pam-ntin- l ZSiA T..inani nn lo and Ill.'lUlllna tne ;ill ii.. (II .1 .Il II I i l"lld llll'l their own graveyard, toe, A II. M nill'tUlltlnB to III" reanlt wa nooompliahed by ruw farmer, uuao(tiainted with the H In .an) .lav ..(Ma. IK I "I l.i Inniluc oil of rnaa kiipp to oauar "roii' O I." lull. - aum of Wie.iO. olretim-atfliiu- e. , ,. . I III- culture of heel root, on now land nml under very trying mi'.' ... ! illtlrt' "I colli." Thla pri nlliir complaint la to . I I, HpiH-ln- i Hum . .lltln.-llll- ll ll .ll.iri' nuR , l Mnaler aa the factory wu tint mmiired until .May, and a majority of ! .. t fnr ucnoua hi ciniractcr thAt Mill Mill i ' III. l.ln if pnptr Llllll. rimes aomcllmra cxrllc it. Women M'orkera of Jlrltnln, Die norenge waa planted between June 11 and Augunl 10th. t ii.h ta iii proimrllen tn It popttlntlon, tlio Notice of Hxuctillnn Sole. The only thing toft In be dealred thai the I 'ecu Valley haa not on : .Superintendent. ROOSTER'S WOODEN LEO. Unltttl Hlngttom law n (frwitcr number Ni.tiiw ta hareliv alven that, under nnd liy i nf Miriam wpli of eaaeiitloii iaautHl Imnil In nliiiiiilnnoo I iwoplo. We need MD Utrlfty T. I of women worker oountry farmer M. uv annumid i' iiiiii'iiiiii than nny out of the lllalrlct Umrt of the lllth iudlclal Wei. i) caii'ii'i'ii" i" ii. nun inn.hi "i 'I'lii. Slnlnifil I'oivl Aiiilrr I'liiitunl nml nmong them no fewer tlinn 010,000 Ulhtrlctot the Territory of Ne Mexleoalt- - Xo fnlrer term or oomllllnn of of heel nml land were auto-- ' i ' i in ' "i Hi'' tlfiu um i aalt fruit iii" Dcxli nml la AIM 11 a Will- - aet na t nu wlinttl aim tor pounty rur hi rmii' rll)' are down dreamkcr. lUaleertain actum lately pom. In In aald over inmle. Write for iwrlloiiutra. w mill. .iiiii Wlllaiin lnu to I'IkIiI. ootirt wherein Kredortc iHimtuice and Tht' ruti".iU"i TiL..u (panat f aa n cuiidUnn. i'.li ui uUlcw "i A l"niniiii WlilniT, oll.v 'nniliaiiv. a eonHMtlOll. r n4nf I Valley ii aUBuMul' Udell M IHM(. re the complainant ahdf h cull if A rorwter tlml atruta about with n One nf the mnt fniimun widows of own a Tm t'lmuwi i iuiii..ii'. i" aimouii" l OltinBllT. a ll'HIIIWII "II wiHHlen leg la the miner uniiminl al)rht nnHipiity waa Agrippitm, the widow of .ii anil Initimvamnnt t J'tllll L-- 'ttlUll'I'tl' '" Wajweti anu wateri" Cll" - iKK.i" "i i Im ii corporation. The uik Pecos Irrigation and Improve- lur MiMllNUttiiH in in to irert on fitrinn fen mho imiii Uerumnipna. DtiriiiK the lifetime of her n eae . m enbjeet ai inm ni in ii' ni't'mi i iiiiinninT. nirin'raiii'Mi h. i" lie' Miililli'toWli, N. V. Till' I mi i rli lnlR' hiiabaiiil aim ntteiidHt lilm in nil liU are the delemtanta. I. the under if t'liMariM. i g "ignod ol the aald .county fctla.?rJ nf Iib li'(f laat niinnicr im tin- n-- ult of cauipnlgiia mid elmriMl lilailniiKflrn. aherlfl . JililjUB. nave levion upon o ui )" ,,"i, ment Company, I'nrtwte ton intiiiuite actpiuititniii'i' Willi n i:m-i- that lior Imabniid lmd been pol temal ot tno aaio i lie ' iwn IntawriteM rltied Mi. AnanlaaOreeit will i cuiiduinte uini'hlne. It una only a chick nt wtfiwl, ahe lmd IiIh preaumeil murderer inimny, In and to Hie follu ..anion lo ol ittiimu judge aiii.-I- t iu, liu. which la aiiuateu in tne town it. tne racy ui WW)' thti time, ii ltd Mr. Miipi k :i IntiMl It ami wiw lieraelf mon nfter ami County of Kti'ly, Territory of sew M Eddy, New Mexico 'i tu tneUuc lelotioi uiiiuh aaaiinal'l I,... mmmi iiftcr it had lii'i n Itijurcil nml neil trwntMl with inch indignity liyTilwrlu. ..(im V Ult IIUIIIIHT eleven nil ill wu ,. for It. Tin' luiii Ih'I'h cut iitTjim be- tlMt ahii wiw dtireii todwjwlr amlHtarv (..,., mi, Inl miiiilu.r IWulllV-flll- ir 1211 AHNMr. lfr liililtH k tin- ;:ii'l I lie Imv, ufli-- r Ml twcnly-alxlJIIBi- twenty lHt; tot- - 0i-.- low knee Jnllil. hevMilf to dnttli. (l t " I ukHilloii to lota numlier eloven llll ami ... . nunibur ten i0l: - BJ J 7Z7 .TJmimamy cui.u ti..' the wiiuiid hail luiiUii, n .i'c of For Five room cottngu nt (.n. i i!ii In hliii-- nuiiilaii- eleven llll; oeiiiiA-m- prtmartat'. lleut: I In number u laiuli ui tiw i at llm MlUIlt lH'if to til ilplit li mill lleil lot number fifteen lil block I pmmtf. th pwipic it iidiiiiiaitiu twi leu dollura u month. twelve (If) t lota number at (0. twelve ll.'l i ln iw cmpi ti UI HiiiiiiiiiatMit a. aim i It tightly to the .iiinpof the leg, The and fourteen ill) Iu block number 'd1"1''::1! li (I), aeveu (11, li'l CENTRAL a.MiH.., chieken aeemeil uiuch rd ami Ilalitutammtbi'roue - i A nirpi To Trade: Forty acre of line Intul, (13) In block iiimiiIh-i- (.uirtoi-i- waa wry nwkwni'l at llrat. Imt It M.nn and thirteen without inoiimlirntiuu; un- lllll lot iiiiiiiiht inuriitiu nil ni i kw. iHi-nni- '' l I deeded ami la--r lift) twelve (UI ami nei'iiati'iiii In lie lire uf the nritwit i lot number AL00N. SS'orkltiK I'ouplK. der ciHiut, twelve mi e aniith (if 15(1(1)' fourteen (111 In iiha k num'iir alateeii nrtlfli'iiil li'(f unit lmrned to inn nlnutt o( aeveu (71, lllll" twelveilnU tw ln "111 Ulimber (), KlMp (twoca.NtOy eeopa. Ileadwnrt or WurklUll ptoplu HtJl'tlla to tlio nil It nt nluinat nt pll na If Ilie leg hud for a good cow. Kmiulrcnl thin tlllrlnoil (Ml IIU lourieeil imi inmimiiuiir la r apveiiteen (His lota number lx of initiiy wlio utf not been ita imtnriil ue. (10. liiiirti-- . en 111. nine tl. twelve (IX) and ii nn YiorHwa. Kwry who Ium rw The wooden leu haa been renewed Hi UIOCK IHimuer eiaiiieni iy. nn aMi.MuwiR imporitd tiwu the town of l.ddy. fnMl Wlnap Liquors and Otgarp. aevernl I.h-- t winter, It was Teatti Work Morses. thnnrtglilHl toanalteol tliruuch alitwr iittcu ol I'uern.v. intluKtry tlmea. when Anil nlao Iota number "lie ill, alx i. . twelve .. I; ii ymtr miniiH-- r thirty omc er eon V4t eaeee. i rutiot) unit uUUHiinI ley. the rnnater hail hnrd time replug Weight I,hhi pound unuli, (I., nml fourteen Hi in block K.r4frvf aji; .n i IU fi.nilnir, iiihI when It took n tumble old niily nt (hi olHuu, warrant lot nuiiioer iimnvt'ii ii.i AI.IIIIItT I.. IHtXX'a XOXOflltAM, HI, II I'HOW I.Kkl.VOTOX I'l.ttfl, (I, P. ('. TAYMlll'M omiiiHli ol llila woilila ?owt to iiitiirv i".ui, ier thirtyiwo iai.: inia iiiiuiuer ui'"".'iian '. a. II wiii I iv no mi nnii cnay fnr It tn rtgain in! true luillern and well lirnku. 0i, twelve tit. mill fourteen till In block uum; A.VAIIIA.V lint, I.INl'OI.X ( II, II. A II. A. A. IMItmilON, .1 . M. WATRttlMI, A ( 0. tlHi wolf nlmll Mtu) a nmtwclHbltf u.V lUan lata millibar two ill) nnd OlIAIII'lil.lUIIIA AMIIIIII'AN MAI.T, iHH'TllttllN Cl.fll, ai'lllXO, CMfll tlml nn poi-liliii- It waa nlao very iiiirtvihrve llfllll lt'. uiil"ht alxiO lii iil".k number thirty-liv- e igtu lota WIKIt'l'OIIU'a, IKMI! VAI.I.IiV, IIKI.f.K IMIUIIIIOX, KI.K IIHIIX, ilialuiM-- lna tliHir know how Ma - lir Inuii illfflcii' for II tn make It wny about Send yniirorderH to (Jrozlur t"c Mur- IIIIIUlH'r 1X (III llllll loiirim-- ill'in uiaca KrivuUa II I,., r ll.lrlv-al- v ilMi! lot llllllltMir .Ix 11 ill III IteluiMprliiK, Woodford Iluyden nml llmw valley. trleuitai it try to work linn. th roii t(lt the aiinw, but now naka nn xulf mimiiMrlhlrty-nlli- e ;.rWhliiki(M hulk: t'o. my for fruit onni and inuttliiK I luck Wu lot utmiber lmv no inorv Icrlinic fur him odue of any of the fowl on the plan id) in block numlier forty-tw- o illn lota who wttxitrliiKi li (12'. jCX. "3" JCn.ivcus.txfstp I nli. van illi. twelve Ill rtMII (Ui dlxrix'o oT our Ih Sacnlioltocl. Dead and ready ut i.ny lime lo flglilwlth nnnilr u Until thi t itlwn inaitrgnul for lh tuurtoeil illi, twenly-tlirc- iH twenty It- - nnd any other rooater tlml give online Blltl twuniy-aevuiiis- ii in oeroa, Aiiwrtt'Nii aoUUer whom h rotM of I Scotch Collins for Sale. live fnr Imttle, li. ali ), aeveil who If elKlitt"). iwelvt .I.i. thirteen i Ui li.a iwraoiml flfpfU; frlumla 1 u couple pure bred rti. nine ii. - have of ilr nf mm fourteen ill) In block iniml r lorly- liu a iti Iwmffir hlmaeir trylnc to Soolch toiiio puiw WIllUII I Will KOI SlHlltllKii IIIIIIIIHT uueiii, i LOWENBRUOK & STONE, QUEEN VIOrORIA'S HANDS. iOi? l'"13, i nml fourteeni"i, tit tat t i rtmHoimtile. I.cuvo nr(lursulOi'ititr.NT twelve llilrleeii ill', tiaaial Uivin wonlil only aimer at ilfty 'ifli. mm nt i .her oo Mow Keep I'lump, White, (lltll!. In block number in nu fxttoiiitty hiiiI iciimrk tl.ut lio hlie Them li, two in, tnroii iii, lour in, i . unit Untrrliiklcil. I'm:l) Siii:iimi:vi:I!. tli, thirteen iUj. mill fourteen"iill it block tilioiiliJ kiuivy ltter tli tii tn hrukr. tu - VS., nfiv-i(i- i .liu Iota niiiiiberoiie i . alx ill . Proprietors cl "Vou lire ipilte right your luimlee 'l.i fourteen illi III bloel lumber liu - twelve ami S. who to i U. MEAT MARKET Worklnx iupl luiieii that her mitjeaty HKaeae wonderfully Moticuof Atnrtn"Kt- Snlo. llliy-tw- o imi, iota iiuiliia-i- ,(,. I'( a(ia(, of ..I ...... 111. . -11 li lllll P- - woll rrovlitiil withwtah, la u Una url IiiiiiiU. tlHiugh t4iey nre by nc. WlinroAa on ais iii'i linn' '(- " (i i ".'( ".- ' ' ItfiuiUful Nntlcp la liureli) lllvnil. that. ill) iii block nuiulicr nttythrta J); lota;: I ih. Ottilia t i.ijunnA. li. Itan. I.. II. I iron Mi with oiiih ami more ran tulimt la ineniHt muJl for her height; thn: Ihey IIUIillH-- r inn- 1. two iii. three iii'. foui l, alx -- dra-- e , Ida wile, mnilu, ..ii nml llnniaun, llll, UlUi'ltli. It'll lllu, twel- w upon are plump, while nml iinwrliikletl. i v.-- . it nun id n onu V. IHimlnoe. auvellil'. clalll I". taUnt it than wouhl (mm th nn in ve Ji. i:i iiiiil lourli en ill .i blia'k ii- . MortioiMi iltxtl, Iwarln ililrlii'ii - Fresli Meats, Sausage, Wouhl you IIIm hi liimn the reuxon?" iik mini ilte numlH-- nfty-lnu- r ill., and lot num r Inur- a uoiupnttiuit' if put to Ifgl -- conveyln In - lNmiaaor nl n. ii lift nu iiiiuiuil day, I Ii aeveiiiy-iivi- iiak'tl the iiiiinii nre, a Hi.- prop i.h.ii in iuih'K inner i.".i hi in. ii i;;.i lien matter iteacriiaiil (ill. II . Etc., Etc. - Game. la it a wundtr we llnd . i in- liu- iMt-iiic- Imt alx Ml. ciam liinalfua. my f.u- u rty. .iv uf n certair (. I ill luuiila dltiner 110 . twelM II in -' ! of tell unit niurieei o tin wealthy mi uptmreutly H'iiurlona 1 pi'iui'i-- n. le i.iiiuotiy thorn in fnvor 1171. ml of auld nal ti lllllll- - Ix-o- stxa-- ovzt any In Anawerk, . hlia k iiuinlM'l' ip Of foiirae. h ihe writer i.. I .iiiinl.-e- the prllieltNtl aum of 2DoXi"trox3r to Olty. i' nr bcltlK III te Adillilo iii tl.e of u'mmI vauae to be I . i!n r Willi liitereat thereon at ed Iota the They have atltigy. iit nil nlU'iitlon. .ui i. i... Town ol Md) - 3 i nti- ni k ii eeiii iiiii per annum (rum tlio r N inety nine out of every humlrtMl of "Well, ii you ii re doubt leaa aware, her n.'i And lioiiee - luriu.-- mvini mn. iiidfi' dale ..I ueu iinle. Hie th dav ol I'nbrUnrv I" llll- - ia and by virtue in aucn cxe. uiikh, i. mnjeaiy n preui kniiier. Indeed. eln a ii until pai'i. which note laduennd ant-nn- . an their friend are only friend for . un iiu. ()'. iid)Miiii- - iin-e- ear date, won ileralKiU't win .."i la Inukrliiiilt ut work with Iter nc 'dlea, ironi lia luVHMl llp.HI, nl mi iiiiicii ue n ni lit II.' money: who then van Intvt nny -- tnl niiirtM4iM.- u In hook A uf t alltlafy anllt A. i thv Hair, Turrliury 1" KERR 3 ut .tearfa fnr a we 'know (a llher or mitten iiuiriuuae n toiMa of tlitajuiity, lie ..inlllu to lli Itlalie.l and Ih'-- I ol for for jieraiiii who nt Naw Mealt'" paao 3W 10t no mcitiaivu fitli ol ep. iiiber, lllth. wain for her many great urn 111 eaali Iii hand on the day And wlii'ivua it waa ilatl liv anlil . only a grave robber in (Ukuuh . A II"1 U"Ur tn eleven " k In or nml Itetlipillia. Tin- in e iiioi'tMiojL aaolllii Iu the 1. at f nut denl llutt defniilt the nioruluKatI", thoaoiith front ilu; (he Nearly all who have been IiUwmnI with eaerelne Indueed by knitting m I die aMiieiit ot auoli nolo. ornilV IKirl thureofi of aald county of . ly in prliicipai or Intureat. llial men u court hoiiae the urn aaaiat he wor- by the IiiiihI- - ti n ueuwiie Die town and count) ofliddynml lory wealth anxioua lo I Hwltlnn naaunied aiiKUhliMi ihe duty ol aalur. Iiumiulee, or Mexico. r llliirt- - ol New thy 4iNl in only for tboae whiten, refine and keep them In irood Ilia .llixnn-ii- or aultatltut In audi ill wr. f I it natural iiiv 11 ii The aattl actum which miu III Maae dutal. alter udvcruaiDR io. iniji waa laatieu waa n ami in niltv -- toy haM , While, th'' name Mil,,, the llll II l III tm- - karefhalttr liewirtb aeuttou who have urned thalr moltej hard lll WIllUII aOUMlll. io loruitiati il etl of linnd never kMik more iiltrmellic ett uruM'rt iu u iiuwananer nuuiiaumi wxecutcd by lil I he Mile) knock Ui wlah to nee It iu the httiida I dilv S Ni nt day prior iniat - i einployetl." inr haatalStr Town fomjifllty In fttvor of aald Kn .Ii iv Ihi- when ol Mile, leaat tlirue lliiiua 1 .. Mm o will It lii" day audi tarat na i MrilB. ienple who not waate and iiilliioa. iniaiw auu ue " "Whi have an ninny eimka prettily uiirtii cucii iinie. ta Imrvliutlifr Comuauy. ceatUl iU" iniat, lin U tiallIII ROOoetlftlHJi' will) MIOtI Truat with Uioae who would b irfeiwla ht!Md IiiiikIh iiii'i urma?" I naked. deavl'lU triiM-i't- ilBod ol tmat hail been prevloua hi mi uiiMtiiaciiii'ui nt nuoiie aimieii u intuit .anli G-roceri- es I aaeuna n certHlii note of hand eeu IhouMh the eoiiaHieraliou of "Itlmply beeouae li y dt an mneh with ir.uit 01 iii" court bodae ol mar oeiiiilr Ciiinpiiii In I voi w Bifi Tim iNMjojJ niloy 'own waa A la one the t.rriiory i m Mucieo to loe uifkeal Ttm I'ocoa Valley I'ru.l ( on Nth) I wealth laid aalde. Utile more them. KnemllnK ihreiul of cn-n- , ue amu Fancy der .'lima 811 ot aaen proiiwi b auch ix-- l.r aaaieoi tlie itremiac ciiveiml charity hi needed aldea; the the hnnd ean lui'e. an entirety in IMM due codyeynnj iudgmmit a. l r aed ol truat i for iialuat ui lie Where work mneh In ih" the imrcuii" i.r parciiMaei. with jm m iiiiipnii) iVote be .uonilaal, Indtta-- women who . viiey rruai ' lorthenmnunt drat nhnuld an mii lui.iiiiiK the aald ii. It. net u aald note, and for He Hi r nam hoiuie naunlly fall to aeeure retiy niiu i . nn m .maun aae netr nt on trioua and leaa rnvetoua while the .. taeir due taereott ufter the npl Ileal ha nda It la by not drying them well nff-- r ai.u i."raai aald uiortaaaa lich note ol the amount renlix ! Ir a aale &c iiuii. .i ii mi in orovlaioa Tn HBarfielcL ahould aeek nil iiiniaiiii jr that. vttt Hi" tlir- lloi. of wealth; t tiweaato . - of auch ureiulaeu mult the GarLtrell. waahlng. and by not I me ui a. i laid V, Uofiilnltw, n auo- itrt i tn have i'i .lllll lll. aaaiat the really deaervitig. chivcK fm rough labor, aueh n the toaaor nr aUlwtllula mltit H lApOlNtill fV length In Hie iiini'iiii. r. bin i i coin- - ....I... i ... aim Hid at - Of 11 Ik n ' iiu ...ii iinie. unuli wuuiu in tl"n. uiiiil' Iii td ;helc- eleanlng of eottrae . p ideittdlug Bow- - . No. I Vol. Snd of the Ten.a and orale. u..i ml ,.ii t" .cra, the HJS'a'ISel foaii l lliUiiny, "I mini il lla tilt of trouble alwaya to ont on floti i. r i -- iu ii i.iipoty unoer the lana ot liicludliik ihe iiv bereliiatler -- iiri'ia l'Mlilti Quarterly journal devoted h ui h , "'iiterrrdTjy aueh munaRa uud void n to Bsiloon. h to but amooUi. uuwrinkled hamla declared null the u.di upniiciiiii i . iioititnioat auu waerea nr ua iikinii ii geimril a- - 1'. 1 the iutertet ol the T. A Hy. wad n rnoddent ton wotnn,nrHoulil I. II. . nn, It ti Ih now tlie ioaT ot sSKf of the anld The vaney iowi Hi. wtiCS It I will U . I xiilil imi' mill inaeblwdMM WRTit eeudli irai in the country tributary appear think." , i - v P. be- - i iiii iu unit aatd iNiiulntoe ifirTS tuieill ol n 1 riJT a. i Id laat l ma hum ui nnii. tor (let. I, A eopy of ihia ele4nt Art ,'!,A"!'r fi.Ssi: uwih! Itetl tumiuauy by ttn' eiairti and WineSa Liquors, Cigars. AO lil FOR IUPnAOIiTI. ii a uii'l nun .i in art ill nrrw iiiiuiu'iiniii i. lK'Udi'lite ill" und uerilUliiellt, wapixine way by had hy uddreiaiu in.: a i li i Niiillh haa. In wi io .ii'ilci-numi-- liaidofauub receiver uii'l ,.rev.'iti aaiu F. Where W lleiJf Aialnot tile Halite ui.ii.iiii., ti tu In Ike nlace Ol letaiidanla fnnn aliiiuallu r iicumberiiig K. (leu. and Tkl. Agt. -- Turner IW Mtaiesa m ium. liu- He i I ii..iii.ince ivcaiiiuj in nun an taw auv ol the orouerty then u..iieil by aaio laa NVxt door t( llotfl Windsor, IC0DY, NI5W IMISX. Ilatiaa Ten. i.) a . i.i'.nae given to r poaiin-Ice- i inenlloaed ( mpHliy urii.nv. yea by It to from the cnrlu! perkwl tie- to glv tllla Itoiltv, make Ihaaut UTU-- v - by .. aald other lli lelldnlll- mi) otaalili oil t J ai-'- a ijj'U amneaaaaauaii "oiiiiin hii njoyed dklli ei in . i.i. i .1. ii. iii" to ba ataoe vkvaneeal ami lor aclU IHl i' in i than three mouth until i.'iu. hi.. i.i .i audio Ola-ui- l. rue on a.un "i XiicuUoll llUleaa illvlilimlliy. The v. Ife hna lwny h id - decree wnicn nt ut.- in. iii'iiu realllMt from auc aala waa laaut-dwii- n'lHleiiil i'i aald action on ton, no mau pnWtely an. I ili-d- : r - elect and hai he plaee nf nn eitll with her hualuin ,i p.nMii'U i.i ".ui mortao the wtli day ! mia-- . ji and wi . Anil illi'M Il'. -- ulil note la due 4Hd UO- - y a rown Si Robertson- -- Ma InUiutlona of berumiug ii n ; 11 .' home. In lo tor tht' ilen. loin du the bouuid tl' rtnln'iii' to lite ami tin i in. dur on the the .ill-j- . ' (rilM.i by tl - iwl'i. aaaie The lH'oa Irual tin- .III . i i I I MMMdete for a eouuty county otttce. i il:n ahe v ir aaheiteejet . fi n id nit .u .um nl a.iUI.UU. togt In r ilin iw ..i.i h.. I'. "... allev l.ii'i I .ill ' 1 V all l i hti' the llialgnlb olf i n.ii I w ii imi in-l- l i'i niicr'-- il ue IW ih,, aiiiillealliiii on (he aame I l!H aNMiUJII If wan ta a candidate and I afraid ehleh " ile" jiul nnte up I" .md including die Slat ol reallwll (mm Hi" ul' "i Ihe tuorliMavd BLACKSMITHS I ' nml I A I U4S All Hlad new will out, i i'i i.iii.c. Sam that oe hat hi'. ImIuIhi i. !. llll' mi ahii' tae ppi inlatHi ai ui' am nml n. e am ant ol Ilia of workaNieiaiy the people ttnd it tht the 1111.1111-- -- eigfifl- - In li m.illi i nu Mil' la In be liadl the itecrii' Ilu mi' ..i ,i taouaand f ai and 1 ,.ii.. t' i"ill wrlelUand. thee i aald iitin I'arwiaK lleojnla iw jper eouree to purauet hat If he i ,.i l.i ai. ui .ii.i .utii'iai haviuK paid one liuiiilr. il .mil Uik " 'i"ihna aod lourteen klada reaalred, oa ahoi I uotlee. imi kmiiM'koUl eroatrementa are wtlu ni i'i i ne uiiuerkigiieu aerator ...... lain uat hi, , unit two tillllilr.iu ran-dUlac- ouiuaai. a wania the people iu kuow of hi enrt-'e- In tin dree pnefceti bttl llHy Mile llolll'i mat mi the Jlal da (M; lobar uU iifty--lt- dollBi--- inul el jhty-tlv- e Wagon makerji, - U , H. IHI ..I .i. ii u:i i H.iii u cua.n ibj lajV.v.l. il auu v.ia ui.ei- at mi iu" IHIRHK MttfUtiafa III' A It AX the only thing do la lo vend nre her, i Miuti, l - noterlhetee. the i. in. i'.' in 1.. ut of the froii t kuni of twenty one tluiuaiii dullur- 111 IK 'e in.-n- . TK15I) AT ll ioTTUJt Me Kugle, aye Aukwe vn .1 r ( ill'! leillap ill .iltl l i'llBly. Ill UOI.UUI (Pi nil the li ll d nf . ill' , A In aaaouueeoieut to the vt.iinrn, r. . . III and Liviry Oorrnl i ii i ,.... Ol lory ( III .IIHIUIII i nan. in nit Ii mid. l. IJIHi. It'll, in al IH.. Pol.' tell lain IMT ami lod with the naual fee. and hta nanta and ehtir md pariah waiter, V . il. Mi ". a 1.1 "11 ai public i, netlull lo wm, IiUkiv.I, ni tie 11. rat", .ill tlie auu, ot Arcoiuinoclfi-tioiiHu- d l i PI r Ihr-- in foniun'tiun. ii lite e'.nreh ttnd stale are eotnliim i. .li. '. caaU. tliu Itroptfty i ,e liUlldri-- and il d. .r Hid InUrleeil wltnea will oon ue wade known to the . .. Hid to ( ('ilium Ht. Op. tHra I In iciliiy u otvle prlvllefr Tln v ...v. il ..) ..'iriaag.' nnii. laa M(ittl.ll fn.iu the and day July, A. ll. l'umnl HfltiHfuHoa, gtiunin- - i ll. uinrcaaid iiui bleducea iu!. u imrll.ui ..l uih di rtN' having world. iKw'tall apeak at onee bai - . - iu, hot.- full aufini-- Im; i let ui It uli , B4)- .hIi i. ! ntro niottteltMl u'.ll.". nl In li acltl d b hi nlucr iruut rt f . purauam I'- - eowe right along. White ttaka MpoM p. i ii i.n huh iii ..I aueh lomrmg to aula lie i yet eiitinoi tol n i" I, ll -- . pf pi rt ' I" b" aold i uati j (here II" r.'.i .Unii.ildot' aud ol la ItwjM. t laltiltiit o eii.imree nor (" i,i, in i. nr If eilllCU u. . ,1,1 r. " liu-ui:- f Inure "ii thooaaiKl, . I Uv. nr per! , inn nt, thoajrh 'bere a it tiii'U. IH1U, llll.'i ..i. a woe iiiala im nd eiti and iiiiii teen aat namooii .'( i iilu ii nw f.iwu oi l.dd), tMtoi alt. all t dnnma. . t .giillM wliii latenwl What y it h L'uba i to do and the lWI aHilmeti' iiliroad Iu fin r"tf Ivlwt ,d. in .1 riiiorV ni.Si Mi III on Hi ' aniue Iroiu t.i ia) .. ,.v.idoi.r. . .. . worry th-- niliiHtavi'it lib nil l.i iveeai Ilia ll.i ec ii ittdaiHU A. ll. 1 07 nun alJ'Ih i. is pe.' -- inplnea aeenia in the leuding Ihem ol' untni" nnii . ROUTED I HiANTA FE i i fl - I lllllll. I" i cviafUlu uei'i.i .i'i.ii ul ic nu i.l i Vt io- iikp . lOtnda of the ri I ry eoAaiderahle uat it oar' in i'iiin ii:i". .iMrtaiitlil,l. Mild i ifc dull .1 , I, i , I ii' . i i'- -. ;.!l .UN. iMl . I i 1 i i . THfll ' ii" .i nnd nil iipnn ilii iuil Willi lllll l' 'i l.e n $H0RT UINET0 iiW, though In iilitwii) pi pli' il pie I. 'J. ll U4l : 41 1. 1" .1 ' . I . of Nnvciiila r. il' .1 illi? lie l.ll'iili'f ' a' inn . i t ai'Wta tm ditllrultN i I. W l u t rule nl u p r '" llllll 4111, all Wllll'll I. I I.'.'..' - llf ll. , ( I llll. II. J." Ill lnlp.ul i. I ut. ni: iii t iy Chicago, St. Louis c - . ury ui.nii'i-th- I I . I.) .i i .i. Hlil'.igll- ,. S ..(.-.-- l appmiit 4 null ..( lie el. I il ' II" III ' it ".ni in uit. n"n."t a i.g--i . lul ...41 .4I, - . , vurtatu wutei I i wiUid eWr nut. nib r into Mii.til ranger I'uiii . l i" atiinl nttendanci for antue yeara l. . iwe tn-.i- ami rttiii' rati mi .iiautk dav vrly. a'li'.uiiia .wveiiaadeid and Kansas Oily (I . i . i. wu i.y i )n oj auu I'.iiin piii'i i i..t:i'l iii.ilfr mil there hlia enlatpd . aiH'lel) of AiI .itruurt aud iiui ii.avi.ia. in tii) af t .d til v ne ieu una .teOM aald i V a liflh lei. di.iri Hiriioir aueu im'H.ui " Ti.iii.sfiW i.'i'iii H r 'url 1. i In- tln-- Mid m. ipn-- - I I Ii) itui) mi' ..if iii- iiitfi iith. women. when nn ntoua . h '.. X.' Iillll i "' '. UMie.HIU- 'it' ad '.i.n i cuiitiuatwwHl a Im i 'I : i,i U ll i .u. isnu pen Mild aril ( v.. iili.ii i make out of tlie li lim iiKeetiiiir Ih. ir inli reaia nre - I i 1 lit p.i ii w I'u i: i.l b.ll'h ui tm l'- chattel . itlla an tei.euieula ol II. ak Tit... Kpd Ilc a nl i i r St A l.i. ri . l:n-f- u'lmila. foi li..!. nni 'i It Flic V 'i It let III. " fore'lu, I' :' ll Oltlpnil). y i w" lit p..pie .ilg.lliU" - till . li ' h I. HiaUS., it e.ill.'i . .Mr. I li i. men ait n. i ll.(. u' ii day ol Auwi tuaiLiUiii' -- 1 11 ll , ) ,.u n. d , i a teiiil 'in nt ..i III r i..i nlu. 1) F. uud I' A. tinif f..rili lb. '.miia I .1.11 .(III V. sr. i. i '. tltew With trn"pa i.. k'-t-- the litai.aa (.rvciuauir uiul .mil r ! aali ri.iul mi.) .. til-eo- , Te'jt" .otatkt, KpiMftg element tl"iwi tt I iii nil lu .1 uat '.a lb" Hy it Ii accompanied by flALAHA MHO At. CONTHST. . Col. It II. I'lerco LOCAL his younc son, Karl returned to their 'roRram for Next Wednesday live Ti-i- k Story a homo In the fVtoremeutos via tho nlng, Aur. ,ti. Not of To Mr. nrul Mrs. J. .Tones Jlonu 1. White (inks road. Karl Ims com. Thoro will be a sllvor medal contest Ttiomlay Aug. iW ti eon. pletely ri'overed ids ordinary health, attheMulagn seJsool.lKinae Aug. al, -- Mr. Mm. Sclh H pro-dru- Horn: To nnd I. but dec ur- -s he an still fed tho Imuil at p, m. The following la Uie $111 Is fltinduy morning Atig. 21 n he sliot oir mine weeks ago. Mr. tlQiiyhtor. l'leree will return In the nonr future, ohmIok smt 9Uhmmi W. Is. Meltwan Imvu nno to Dog and will hi .ng Ids faintly with him to scripture IHsmMm Mrs. Ids t 'dldren to advantage smt diiti for n mtuplng trip. enable take 'rarer Udwaru ami well ICI bbIkwU. gw or excellent Kl Caek . Ohoup Aro. Mrs. M. J. McOormlok departed for l'no' HssstAiion, 'TiM(irDoaerr Welt." H " Goods Tiibuue-TolBgrnpl- i. mmp. a trip to Midland Wedneeday. Paso Meli r t ' ileellellon, -- An Appeal tor IfeWHSten." 'if Tom York Hid famous rllle shot wan The Hough UldcM. iWpfOhss In town Itoflwell Snttirday. Mask from last Kl 1111 Trf Imi n ph . HeelMikm. "Whet Hsve hoi f'seesjll tor 2-F- ast 2 Ltithor Wntklnssevontoon yoar old of llio Itl Haao oasMflter Trins-- A letter from olio rsrt 16 Hon Wntklns down with ( -' x of Mr. ii inonibcrs of Troop II, Hough Hltfora rhwiieiion, "Tee onvrrtert HomstlMr,".. fir J- . 1 DAILY low favor, to a young friend In this city was Rase Maes aJL" Music.... Tribune-Telegrap- .... .Inn, Hyruo rclumr-- Thursday from shown the It waa Reelteilnn. Jscin mi ! Amertcau Wim For St. LOUIS, GlliGflQO lita trii to SL Louis nnd other oast written Aug the 17th. nt Mnnlank mens" i'rt Malik urn poinU. Point. Long Island. New York. The ri. i.. t. i iMrMaftt," and tho EAST. Mar tHsMmui SELLS nnd Joe Cunning' writer says tiut the Kl Paso nirmbett GOODS A.T.WIndlmin Milr . ... Hie requested iKim from tliolr AltunoKOitlo of eomjMiny hhn loactas In nr In Ihn . . roturnwl HorlUtlntl. Ihi' HU!in JUII," Superb Pullman Veitlbuled swkesinan and go to tho captain anil teon Wearer Nw triptaetSnntlny. SMspsrs. ask htm U seo Col. Itooaevelt and hnvc Hwiuiiuii. "on which io," Carrie Warn Burfsl Ilamiemt Her P. Bitlngum wilt proaoh In at prices never before (Seals I'rce.) New Chelr Cars. t. him get IheTm illsolmrged. They aro Dnelirton nl Judaea lite It K. ehitrch Sunday nt II a. in Munlc willing to serve their country during and TJO p. in. Knciuilon .. ... Mrrtie IMshmau war tunes at 911 a month but not Rocltallon A Hale ileeR Oely Line ReiHiln4 Threu.h ('. V. quoted Mm. anddmigiiter EDDY. Ureenu Mr. during wace. They are getting tlrod Muilo in Ceostiee and aieeirs te New Me departed for III I'll Fan Spencer to and want loeome home. The officers collection. iTwwntlni Medal. Uenedletton. Orleans With' at Clun.e, Tueeday to reside. PnlHt Medicines, Tinware, Crockery, Qlaatwaro mul are all anxious to remain In the tor When sick send and got n botth) of town rooolTMl good watting biiiuirH's. Tim vice but that is easily accounted for. Albert L. Dunn's Moiiogram wlilatcy DIRICT UlNI TO down this week from tli Irrigating The olHeers are well 'Mid for their ser- tho boat in the weal for sale at Kemp Leave orderH ut Tracy ajltehea. the flrat time In six weeks. vices, while the are not. X McKwan'a Arizona, private It A Worriiers. for celery pmntn in iu any quantity. pRBEMAN 4 CAMERON, I. S, Osborne wni lint tills wwk is from h meroeuary stand that Dr. T. I?rMurroll, tlm ocullsT. who !. A. .KI.SON, New McxIgo with id grader on Orooiio stmt mor-iti- g omoers wish to stay not from patriot- - visited Kddy and hud an olllco with Allgell A Mcililes will (In house mov. the dirt fmm the skies lu the cen- ism. We hope the HI Paso boys will Dr. Whloher laat spring, died at lite ing and druylng promptly. " Cc'.lfornla. ter. soon hare their desire gratified. nDT. KUWllMXIOO home in Denver J utnlOtli of hemor- Cow Wanted. I .1. Wilson of th (lem Iwruer slwp S. Dr, FHANKUN ('. Treadway n consumptive who rhage of the lungs. Murroll was Parties wUhln to dispose of Cows JOHN E. I. TUHNBfli will Thurartny for Santa Aim leave oaine here in it wagon about two professor in the liariioa' Mediuul for feeders ran lind a buyer by apply 'it will . .k Hit MM Til. ft., Tojc and Uib proeptola are not weeks boo alter havlnr spent some oollegea, St. Louis. I). AT UV. ing to J. Walker. KWM !)VI.I. !. TIW.VH return aloiii. months up near Hoar spring In the A botlgor fight occurtd lust night dijt. . . Minr mux i Mrs. Win. Leak and ton Hart, aan-t- n (limdnlupe's, died at the homo of about elglit o'clock at Croaier A Mur Mm. near Slaughter pen feces Valley Railway Go. law Tom Powdan nnd danslitor Jamoa tlreen the ray's with Mr. J. W, HlrkholR holding (jiuatits M. wnii'NKH. x .Oowilan returned from tliolr Nebraska west of town t 10 u. in. Tuesday tho badger. The fight was very excit ctxxdl trip Monday. Mr. Tread way enme to this country ing and attracted n large and enthu Uikt. M II YEARS' Oklahoma some time during tho - Pecos River Railroad Go, S 00 Wlndliam roturnwl last wwk from siastic crowd ni'srl- all of whom had inl Haul Wlndi ir iflaWf EXPERIENCE OSk spring and wus accompanied by Mr. ll,Hir, 9 lu Id , nl lu I ,i m. from the line of the extension of the money either on the badger or dog. T, Kckels of uiif iprlnas Texas, wlio Tiint No, In. railway where lie drove a loam for the II. WBIilllT. M. went home last week leaving Mr. AltiHiogurdo Noted. In effect Wednesday, December 1st, Ii surveying gang 0. I'lmn ux Hi n . Treadway itt the home of Mr. (Ireen. IW7. al it o'clock a. m W. C. Kteff is busy taking the' school Prom tho CAM. Mr. Treadwuy was well equipped with Studtnl Central TImi IMSiTiii.l eonsua and desires all who hare chil- iMamogonlo has a local buiklliig of llral.k.ii,,., Ro.ih. II (4JTauaill l. a good covered wagon and team or i rml iinntipiljr fa; ..r mhi dren of school age to notify him should loan association. rlh TftAor MAnna horses While neur (he slaughter (ten ,tl I'eil Mllltti ' DCBIOMB lie names. II. Nymeyer Saturday COPVMIQHTO &.C. miss obtaining their lie blood nearly every time an A. returned drank NTATIONS lull)' l - 11 ran (rit1l l null f1trtitfion nil rrom his big copper mine In the San 1 - &lc Biles i i Hun pinion trt'ii ntiliir tin Hun- Papt. Mann la in Kl 1'aso and the iiiilmal waa killed, was In town i i i , i .... t . ( lie f If. Aif llirmill.'li i r. i.tnniuultt. Telega says lie put htiusolf ovpii up to day Audres mountains. l) i II, ii alt m v ...nil i. in il ..ii.iIm.k iril l'alXH rIi lias nearly every Jay the n rri--i i I. r n urini iwiiifc (ii n lilt ii Mimii I rwiMI course treat- Church is the sujierlntomlsnt ft City Livery I'Uldlll' Uki ii. ft " under a six months of previous to his death. Prom letters Il.s. nrsal Hullrr. ml limit I iHtral. Ill I or minus, .larillna, IV ment with it couple of doctors there. found on his (terson It was found that tle company's at W Arnn Stables, In or thirty-fiv- e men J Scientific flimrican. M. X. Trend way of Uje his dinner home waa Stillwater Okla- working ii force SltrfVn t'Bpt. father lull USWlNlllH A ImniliMiiiU'lr ithi'lrnii'il iflil and A. DeMules is working about VI 1Utet ravotisiitnptirc who died liore last homa where Ida father ('apt. Tread J. IVobhy HijfH im flawilun nf hut ii'iiiiHi- I'xiniNl. TsfiM,1Stf ou properties,- - Tho Mi w: diur in..nili, II. p M ,.u iMWMMmr;. to-dn- way lesltles. also bad a letter Itrteeti men bis INI HmI Tuesday Is exported on the troin lie Hlft YorK at Premout Nebraska lu Mtrch Inrlllas mine is going to prove a IX 01 Nnl UNN&Co.30,u'M' New from Ids homo in Stlllwatur Okl. dated J! Plunaiw 3SJca.c3ly. from an unule DrT.C. Sexton. Sher bonanxn. Pnmrlt Dr. lleurtip llio duutist dupiirtod for ss oUa iff Steward wired to tho relatives but Pred N'ymeyer and family, Into from Sllvor City Wi'dniwlny to uttond a MS MOT no answer being received the body Kddy, urrived here Saturday. Mr. wuotliiu or tlio hoard or duntul oxnm I wus burled Wednesday, decomposition Xymeyer purchased two business lots tin Inttrs. Ho will ho ubiiMit about tun iu WistVKWM FRESH- hn In. The body was watched on New Vork avenue between Nth and il -, days. ln set la XUI.f. throuuh the uiirht and ulvou a decent Uth street ami will put lu a stouk 151 I Istk Atlhw Kemp was thrown frnm a law las ltaansM Dnve burial. The deceaeed had n Imuk at once. He whi cary a complete i o'olouk rote-noo- n liuree about ten Thuradiiy SWX) ?7.W) lu cash, Groceries, draft for bealdua stouk of furniture, dry inmds, rol SIS WH both bonus of the loft urm being ' lie i had his outfit all of which the etc. 1 Is ii hustler and a good lirokon. Dr. Whlohor redwood tho h- sheriff took charge f to deliver to his oltlseu and wo tiro ulml to iiiiiiiI- TIIU SBAU-WHUKI- NIIWS I t:o I Is around with Ins desire inform tho public flml; lmveone etl tifi in frnoturo and Dave lawful heirs lilui among our permanent residents. nnu fcho r. 1 arm in splint. Ho has been county soliool superinten TIIH CURUIINT bitiltlino; rouontly known an Hun Ton Mark iwn ltd. Mlnix killed a rattlor lu Apple Kathleen f1. ourneen. dent of Kddy county ror several yonrs Vt u Very liOw 3Jxloo constuiitly retipiving and fresh giiiririo$. Icpcp Si-v- 'ow tm - Tlie kis (Oiiivuvion ur Dal weak claei- Is now rehear waa or Kddy county's most KrlilHyi" - hollow near lllaok river Inst The Dramatic and one Ul l MiIiiIkIii'iI lin 'ilii) itiul hand all tobiuu- Impi' cniiUU o( i'UIi imci'x ten kinds uf confocfioiiH, cignrn and t. raet seven uius; ubove play. Irene. Kstli - , i i'riday which measured six the popular oil m ueial ili'imrinu-iii- lor llu inrim-rp- the and sported thirty four rattles. Kathleen Mavourix-e- Is one of the spa llio Ikivh itiKl elrln. im'ioiumi a .IS. M. Uuiiiji. JUfcftee Krarybody nulls Tor Hose Valley of aoncral irnwn iimltcr, HIimlrsIM the old u ver wean out iidi-- r Th- - rfuml-Wwkl- y Unde .lack Hulltvan has rattles old, pieces that whloky at Kemp Woernor's. rllrliw, ale. Wc h romance, the Nnvaand I hi' ci HUKNi lnr li nioulliK lor llio and Uie snake to prove the story. itlsu lieautiful Ir. loWVUlblllRprll' IU.Ui.tnll Till" KlVM ae: vueM beiliK hud itt I ie lake of Kll Charley Taylor is homo rrom Colur. you thiwi pept-ru- wo'ic nr yrr For fun, frolic uud amusement of ull lorn ridleujouiily low prut'. Ilttml In your larney. The hiory is ure in thought ado. sorts and kinds, Mtdlunds' Cowboy nuiwcriptluu nt miiv. it wholosouu' in mini and lierfect in and Fine Hlovk Show, from Tito news was brought In by the l Carnival iletail with the hupi lest of endings l.hWOUK AKANI KKU. 535.00 Per Acre tho Uth to the loth of Deeember. IW train from tho south last night that und leaving; u mora lessou. Indelibly A M TIIK will offer the best oinwrtunltles the the stave had attain been held Old Oultivutcd Lund. luiirt-ssM- l upon the mind. Tlie play pooplo nf tills section have erer en up, aaya Tuesday's Albuquerque Hem is under the dlreoU . of Will II. Jnjwl. ocrai. Thelinlil upocuiirwi mat am. SO acres, all foncud and small huuxe, Itilb' jlfiltl Locke who will s no lmlns to on mad been O. onu-fotir- th urday some plnco the K. stafcion, . Mr. Joe Jjmos spent Saturnny nnd ike performai eoiuplete, JIu wator riht, inilo from PiBi in the Hau Antonio on the Santa Pe, uud Sunday with Ids family In la Uuertu will ttucli r of oast Blacksmith $S00.(X) cash, balance mortgage for liltine ynnrn coach iiibhi' the White Oaks. No particulars could bo owning lu from tho rauoh nine thirty Inter, of the wiHi at 0 coat;. into it careful .elation obtained except that the work waa CaUHIAU iiitcrost por jnl lu oust. Ho Is now engaged In assumed. KSUOi'. character done by three men, who auocaoded In drlllmtr for water some sixty miles Mr. has witn him all the wigs Pirst'elass blseksnilthliiK, Usrrlage liu Locke getting the mail pouches' and inailo eoutli oast for Jlr. Droiwr tho stouk wardrobe, etc . neces .ry to dress the Iuk nod wood work of sll klurtrf. MoLanathan & Traay, good their escupe. inuu of country. iilay proiwrly and wl!. not be ulrald 'wln toaehtnei sod IIVum - JJ"fcB opp. i total windjior. arte! Willie leading a broncho last Satttr to ''make up" the ohuruotsrs aeuordlng Laat:-- Hy filly tiireo years old past of.rimlr- Raal Etcttc Inguranac. day John Oiteon mil niillml from Ids to the stage method. branded .1 on left shoulder. Will imy Kddy, N. il. Fkkd horse ami both lega were badly hrulsod A feature of the pi y will be the for Information loading to re STAIILK by his horse failiog on Idfii, near fid. lltaci Crag scene sho Ing a inooiillgh - oorery. J. M. Daugherty on WhlttoL Mintx' piaoe on ltiaek river. Though urTeol over the lukea. Thissoens will soy place near Klllee & Lvury farm FOR SALS OK TRAP. no bones are broken John will bo laid be painted especially for this perfor four inllea south eaat of Kddy. Ad iKu t Vxiiiork' J. F. MATHE30N, np lor some time. niance, uud mauy who haveeoen Kath dress J. M. Dougherty oils X. M. ' llir. . ilifli r i m II- In days by will ar Iter. - ICewpker departed Monday leen Maveurueeu icone Try Vulley whisky for sale t II i nlluuor for Hi. Caul la. to visit his parents for appreciate tho Improvement lu seenfe llosi St, Woerner. a month or more. He was aeeom effect. Romp l II. MIII4IS. io.wfll, N. M woted lo Stanton Tex. by Misses In regard to Mr. Loeke's deliuealiou The Cinecgraplt Co. will put on OS Theresa Uiwenbruek. Florence Mul ol the character ut "Terrsneo U'Mooro their tnorinx picture' each week u And Ueiwrnl jgonrardlUsT jane and Mule Wihle. Where they we quote the foilowintc from Uie Ml grand ball In conueetlhu. win aueou tho Sister's school until Joseph (Mo.) Herald tepst Juno. Will II. Locke as ' I'errauoo O "Moore I'lne Alfalfa Honey. Lumber Yard Hay, Gruiii, Soctl, Feed, Blacksmith tidal proaents that type of character which ottlee only Mots per. qtmrt 'I'll f 'nlumliU MitiMtralM am mtintr At this now lives ouly lu memory, nut as 14X1 er. gnllon, comb honey lOeU nnd Ice delivered in the Oity. on an excursion to Itoswell Kept. 1st he ploys it, with that graud, sturdy per section, In any quantity. A. N. I'ltATT, I'rop'r. to ahow there that night. A number set or pure hearten honest irisn oik, ut once Ioviuk. simtde. ooura of Rddy people are going to aorora-pon- y leutle. FRATRRMAL SOOIBTIRS. Venus and strong, reiieratlou tilling Luinbor, blTTLE N0RB THAK TIIB them A rate of . for the iiieir heans uud autr tHtramouni to OHT14J to and mothers. PRIGI OF ONE round trip Including adntiaslon the their sweethearts, wives K4djp Lodge No. 11, X- - of ! ri show has been arranged. All wishing lo Ills pathos and gentleuess in dealing oltiflU'M, with bis sweetheart is teuueranu loan Mvets erenr TkuraOer This la the best offer evur msile t get all information from (' '. TUB) J)oorH, Mr. Ilisuctitiif is natural and gruoe "Xfolvat o'clock. esMpaper. W will hivm sofeeatlo-er-afe 5O04U All wuteouio nVlcfi-A-WBIS- any visitors sr K or of the minstrels. fill. The heart wells and moans in A. H. U'OOISS. WnultliagH, oTTIIU for one so i.oble, so forgiving. v. r, UDUICS, pMUl lodenvinviii. the oesr is directed to the adver. pity I'icketu, Attention will glveu uext M4 soperb K. The coiuplvte east be JuM Huttos BaHh, lleeuientor II. Oambie who has H. a. Etc. reeeutly oiened up with a new week also the dale. RMPUBLJ0 SUNDAY MAGAZINE. huU fresh line of staple awl fancy Moving pictures will be put ou erery D. WALKER, groceries, in addition to his eoM drink Wednesday of eb week dancing dur J. I Mssptet Bombers, la pig"! of MM and confectionary business. Mr. Ing tho lBtorwisalons with gwat music. feuMest illestrstiooa and IhliUI ;esdleg thai mon eon bay. (iamUe aims to keep on hand the ioah. VlslUat UusmTUI' An lilogant Affair. nuoto siuiSsT. a.i. mSmn. my choicest goods hi his line and W. l. anil eltttys be relied on to sell only Midland will keep piu house for A. H. furr. aeey. Tin fiegolar Prioeof TJiis use Paper is Sf.25 aYoar. goods Mi represented, live days in xi Ueoember from the 6th. 'i'be railway exteuMnn from ltw to tlw lot I liuiiiMVt'. There will be i.o aiMsaw Wr odttt both peblMMUoe Mo. :l ssset veerr Ite roping, rldin aud cuttiog couleses, in woil to Amur llio is prnniUfd to Prtiar .sUur in IIIK TWICKa WF.KK HKI'UMMa VUAR oueaplete by I he Is. The eontraetois which tbt i t riders or Texas wilt Htmmlv lull. VMUtliam bretaswf la asnO Meb aloaie is fl.oo jul compete, ue I iu some of RlMUOIIIfS cuntlally vateusM. TUN MO ttlte p..hltiw about this, but it raeM which w x. SUXCU UAUASIKH:oa $1,501 u. Mcntu. a. hieii ioe i ft Jittr, far ill probutily itHjuIn-- a month or two Texas' boot horses will participate. i H. Weii'Hr, tMivf. mM uorii. i guarantees ample WbM oOfef for here w now only twenty The tuaua lemeut hctdy Damp WoodBiW) of the WrM. Live Stock Commission jm rtJMtw yoor eobseriptioa 1 not la Utei syTsiHlM offer. Hsltoaor trdi'k liil Willi las more tt Mi'i'omodat. ius for all, and you ere ifwu iu Hi" 1 ttall ib mwumI asMt at in to 99BUO in I iiirib Tu4 uosfeta of ci ui until. lay, At our on e per day which evrdully iuvileu uttcud. fiw.i.l) (Tu iedrese sll eideet to t I.OUIH. oojl work it wuold refute eix wuMtfes. Kie law been offered. IHsH' HoAMsTMOKs W TIDSIOTUBLIO & J'relilMtloBlua. niiitw tipti!ril. Ti CHAIRMAN GREEN ot tho b " Dallas, Ti., Aug. S3. The Texas CMurno. Tex., Aug. 22. Shaw was !"P'k" ". . authoritatively defeat tho plana and ABOUT STATE. Prohibitionists met hero In state con- captured near Malnkoff Saturday and lO.-- for whleh they declared, vention yenterday. They wem called tukon to Athens, and brought hero yes- Fort Worth. Tex.. Aug. The com- - lrP"" I'"6)' repudiated tho purpose and pol-porl- to order by Stato Chairman Wlngo of terday. He said by chnnoo ho learned mlttee on permanent organisation re- - lry outlined by Ilrynn In every lino Willi Point. whore tho keys wero kept, and had no the following nominations. Kor Shaw's Sister Declares Hanney l written on territorial oxpnn- - II. I'. Ilalley of liouiton was made sutflldo assistance. tiermanont chairman. It. It. of " Hbnw was put psrmnncnt seere slon, yet they Indorsed him for pros temporary chairman and K. A. Wlngo on the train nt tho Waller county: for Him Insane. brldgo flvo D. C. Kolp ot and It. II Ident, whoro vested with uuthorlty, ho secretary. These ofTlcora wero made rtlnlty river miles west of tnrles, Wlehlta score-- , would Inevitably defent ovcry plan, permanent. Malnkoff, where ho hnd boon captured Hnrlbsrt of Wharton; assistant by Doputy Sheriff Anthony. Ho tarles, A. F. Hall. C. L. Humbsr. V. W. purpose and policy to whleh the De A Deputy Sbtrffl aysterliuslj Asns-slaate- d Platform committee reported ui a: sergeant-nt-arm- s, M. mocraay of stato com- ' Mr. Averltt, a passongor, nnd Allen; tor U this standi WIcMta Fall mitted. al iltook hands with him. As It Ilarkloy. y . The rrohlbltlon puty of Texni, In soon as 'was known Shnw Tho report was adopted. Wo have looked with regret at tho convention ruHcmbled, bg to call to that was on board nnt hliHn l Imanr. Ihero was great excltomont and passen- Tho commltteo on platform and res- - pluycd by the Dcmoomtle rtate ed- - tho of ytopU the follow-In- g: Cleburne. Tex.. u 21 May Loomls, attention the gers reported. Tho platform was ministration of Texas during the lato orowded Into tho car to seo him, olutlons THE EICEUENCE OF SYRUP OF HQS atrt-dav- mill-ov- er Shaw's halt sister, has signed an it Tho prisoner mado no attempt to con- adopted, but there was much discussion , war, in Its appointments to the 1. Tho oxlitcnca of the army can- , is duo not onlr to tho originality Hint her brother Insaue. ceal his Identity. Ho ho un- the plank declaring against nonil-- tnry service, In sitoh mnrked contrast and teen, through whleh tho roldiom our said was simplicity of the combination, but also) Affiant represents that while the said nt of napturo, nations. A motion was mude to strlko to the broad statesmanship of William country hax raised for hor dofenxo nre armed tho time the that to the care and skill with which It U .loliii II. Bhuw was at lariCB and seek- he had not to ge plsol out this plank. It was dofeatod by a MoKlnloy In his appointment ot debauehed, their trftlnlnn nnd iflloloncy tried a bscausa manufactured by sclentlflo processes ing to uvario the uniceru of the law that he bad made up mind to voto of 241 to 34. iWhcclor, Pltxhuglt I.eo, Uutlor and known to the Fio Hrnup Impaired. Vor thla both the Demo- bis surronder CAi.ironxu he traveled many mile barefoot oyer It overtaken. He said ho had had Tho platform Is as follows: others to the highest places within the Co. onlr, and no wish to Impress upon cratic nnd llepubllcau partlei nre all tbe ImporUnoo rounh nnil unfrequented places; that ruottgu of flro arms, We tender unreservedly our con-- ! military establishment, ot purchasing tho equally reiponilble. truo nnd original remedy. As tho he slept In marshy anil sickly rlvor j Bhaw had been followed down tho gratulatlons to tho Amerlean peoplo We heartily ondorso tho proposed 2. While the public mind Is so occu- genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured bottoms, with Iruiiimolmit clothing to Trinity rlvor from Corstcana, nnd the on tho able, Impartial and patriotic j deep water Improvements in Texas, by tho pied with, other matter, money, ex- CAuronnii. Fin Hrnur Co. keep bin body from the damp ground; course to pursue was to cross conduct of public affairs by tho nation. recommended by tho. board of United only, a knowledge of will pansion and questions growing out of natural that fact that he wm subjected many hours each the rlvor. Consequently Deputy An- nl administration. Btntes engineers, whleh will make assist one In avoiding the worthless war, liquor question Is tost to e. day to a hot and sweltering mm, the tho We congratulate tho country In Hie Toxas tho pathway to Lurope nnd Imitations manufactured by other par-ti- with thony was stationed at tho railroad - vlow, tho position most deslrod by that Tho high standing- of the Cau-ronN- U little or no protection for bin head and bridge, wh'llo n lookout was kept at alt renewed confidence It has Inspired on countries rcaohod by tho Nlcsruxunn dom-Inat- o Fio Mrnur Co. with medi- elomont) for thon It can quietly - the body; that ho went many days with- ferries. At dusk Haturdny evening j the restoration ot natural conditions rnnsl, for tho produces of tho Missis- cal profession, tho conventions of the old par- tin and the satisfaction out food and with scarcely enough wat-e- r Deputy Anthony heard some one com- In our dally life and resulting prosper slppl valley and ot the great north- which the genuine Syrup of Flfrs haa ties and nomlnato friendly candidates to kevp him ullvo. that the said ing across tho bridge. When tho ity of unoxamplcd proportions. west, tho completion of which, with given to millions of families, makes for the hi Kb out portion within tho John H. Shaw Ik of wwik und Imbecile got hailing distance That We rcnOlrm our allegiance to i,0 f ,mturnl wharves, will af-- the name ot tho Company a guaranty people tho public within ,nM of excellence of Its ml gift of tho whlls down by tho Bt. fa- - the remedy. It la nil mid tainted with iMredltary tho doputy halted him and told hlra to ths principles laid ford cheap and unlimited terminal In mind scorns to bo stirred moro than wo par- - far advance of all other laxatives, both from maternal und pater-im- l como forward, but not to lower bin I.OU Is platform In 1800, and rllltles. rtlve competition and freedom as It acts on tho kidneys, usual on whnt It terms llcpubllcanlsm, - liver nnd parents; that John from, maternal hands. When tho man got up oloio tlrtilnrly announco that wo aro unre- from control of monopolk nnd great bowels without irritating' or weaken- Democratism, wo congratulate our- undo of John II. Hlmw, riled whllo nn Deputy Anthony recognized him as sorvedly for sound money. t.nvlng to tho producer of tho cost, of ing them, nnd It does not gripe nor selves that we stand for tho most Im- nauseate. lto Inmate of the lunutlr asylum ut Aus- Bhaw. Ohaw at once admitted his iden- Wo heartily Indorso tho action and r,,1(, nu u, markets of the wond. In order to get beneficial portant of nil national reforms the par- effects, plesse remember the aaraa of tin. Tex.; that John Shaw, paternal tity nnd said that ho was unarmed and course of Presldont McKlnloy and tho j,0 worklnK of tho stole inllrond amount Issue of outlawing tho liquor - the Company Knuitlfuthor of John II. Shaw, riled of this proved to bo the case. He did not administration slnco their Innugura- ((iniii;slon under Democratic title not only In precincts, counties CALIFORNIA insnnlly In Washington rounty, Tex., trnlttc ovon have n pocket knlfo. His body tlon. They havo Inspired universal jmvc operated ngalnst the Interests of FIG SYRUP CO. nnd statoe, but also In tho nation as a conditions san nnil that tunny other blood relation ' showed tho marks of the nlno days' confidence, restored normnl toxoh, nn, n favor of producer out- - riuxcisoo, au riovol- - tOClSTltUE. R. NEW TOIIK. R. T. of John II. Ihuw either riled from the whole. journey through tho swamps and thick- In American Industrial llfo nnd i,0 0f (,c 8lutCi ri10 dlsorlmlnnllnna Orntefully acknowledging Almighty of unox- - etfeoU ol woro Snsan-it- y. In- oped nn Industrlul prosperity Jn nm xhli Imvo or tainted with ets, nnd his skin was laeoruted from n08 linjit rnsa Th of "Old airy.M Ood as tho rightful ruler of all nations nmpled proportions. Orliln sect I'ltos. Deputy Anthony hold his occasioned great loss to Individuals Stripes was humbly Invoking his blessing upon our The Stars and named Old vis-Ite- Wo the actions nnd enreer of Bn() Alllunt further aayt that alio baa d prisoner till tho train camo nlong and Indorse communities, Olory In 1831 by a Balsm, Mass., skip- tho public good nnd reaf-Irml- congress ns John II. Stmw In the rounty Jail olfarts for then brought him on to Athens. the Hon. It. II. Hnwley lit Wo ,cmnnij constltutloiml nmend- - per named William Driver. He was at - our allegiance to the national patriotic, aim- hta and to He ho was trying to get to Mis- belng wise, conservative and mpnl t,mt wm Rvp tf rloH nnlJ that time captain of the brig Oharlen reiiHure return fol- aald Prohibition party, we present tho comment! him to tho electors ot Doggett. Captain Drlvor was a sua-cesif- ul Johnson ewinly, Tex , and that hIih has sissippi. and tMWnil eX(,,Hlvt, original Jurisdiction in deep-se- a sailer, and was pre- masons for hellevelng und verily does lowing declaration: the tenth district for criminal matters within their limits. Is source c paring the brig for a voyage to tho believe II. The liquor traffic the chief li Wo congratulate our bravo soldiers To ow-ag- tock anil wool Indus- - that wild John .Shaw la of Vanl to MuMcrrtl Out. Southern Paelfle. The story Is told by of crime, poverty, degradation and po- and sailors who have so nobly upheld ,, ,)t,nmml tjmt untune und Imbecile mind; that ho Ik Ban Antonio, Tex.. Aug. 22. For tr(W of utntD wc tt the compiler of the genealogical and should not bo of our country anil Inspired wholly unprepared for death and ban litical corruption, several days tho eight troops of tho tho honor Hcn)) lnw bo ,,niH)C(j by olir ,.R8tt. memoir of tbe Driver family, Harriet protected nny form Ill henrts of an oppressed peoplo not milllelant mind to undurstnnd uud legalized nnd unior first Texas cavatry stationed at Port the Ulrc lnt w mmt, (ho cxl,.rmnnlon Ruth (Waters) Cooke. Just bstors the should bo absolutely spirit of liberty and Independence. npproeluto the result that In to flow of license, but Bam Houston have been nomowhnl the of w(, nniman tnnt prey ,,on brig left Balsm a young man at the by law. we declaro to nnd we commend thorn to she tender , ot party of Cap- out to him In prohibited This up bo- - lnrKe herdi( or (leillroy lho craag head a friends saluted tho execution of the wrought over their chances of - nnd on It ' reverence of our nation for- tain Driver on the of the Doggett, death sentence. be tho grentcst of all Issues, Ing regiment Is care and on thp ,)rarM f tho nliiiCi dick mustered nut. This and presented him with a large and atilt the support of tho votors of Texas, ever- - We commend to tho peoplo of Texan Aflliuit firmly believe thiit It tho law now undoubtedly one of the host or- beautifully made American flag. It waa 1.1, Mr. II. P. Ilalley of Houston was Wo favor tho Immediate construction ll(J In allowed to take rottrso and suld ganised and trained volunteer regi- m.opt0 of thc conHtltutlonal dose up In stops, and when sont alofL to succocd Mr. Wln- of tho Nicaragua canal, und Insist that John II. fJImw U executed that an In- Mectrd ehnlrmnn ments In tho service, and It has ul- - ,vmomimcllt providing for pensions to and broke out to the air Captain DrlraVV go, with power to appoint district it snouiu ue ownci uu ,:o..iru.u u, land and Irresponsible porsou will suf-f- or ways be on nnxlous to see actual ser- th0 ex.confederates, residents of Tex christened It "'Old Olory." He took It to tile United States. the death penalty. chairmen. closo of war as. thi South Pacific, and years after, whin vice at tho front. The the npprovo follow On motion, Umi following committee Wo Indorso nnd tho I old ags forced him to relinquish the Veslorriuy IiIh attorneys presented to having virtually precluded this posil-blllt- y, We .condemn he Democratic nils report question of Ing nets of congress, passed al tho In sea, he treasured nag. Aftar the Judgo Hull ut Meridian u petition was appointed to on however, the members of the management of tho nvalluble school uio by the votes of the Ilept.b- - death ot Captain Driver, In 1886, It was prnyliiK itnto nominations nt a commltteo stance and Hlrenil(lllll)y oopOHO ,ho that (he court rafunu to Issue regiment for tho most part have mani- f(m, rcs prsssntsd by tne compiler ot moetlng to be held In Dallas during llcans: Tho arbitration bill, by which ...... the Driver uuothur ritmth warrant till tho Isiuo of fested a strong desire to bo rcllnvori Will 1 1 1'lt tlllUJf... If UJ Willi UVtVII Villi memoir Essix .1. H. It Is sought to settle disputes between to tbe InstlU at Galetr Jils sanity bn tried. September nt cull of chnlrmnn: from military duty ami to return to ventlon recommending tho repeal of where It may now be seen. of llock-wal- l, employer nnd employes; the war reve- Crnnllll of Dallas, U. C. Heath their former vocations In civil llfe.and tho law authorizing tho expenditure Fit icrsvlllo nue bill, and espealnlly the Inheritance Long lemonado spoons are nice gifts t'UIMtMtllo Hlll.ll. D. II. Hnneock of mus- of 1 per cent of the permunent school Illlllr when the president's Intention of tax, which has been placed upon the these days, uud H. A. Wlngo of Wills Point. fund for present educational pur- Wlehlln I'iiIIh, Tex.. Auk. SI. A tering such troops ns desired to retlrs nil A resolution opposing "army can- statutes of the United States for A bath vrlth COSMO flUTTFrtMlLK from tho service was announced a few poses. Wo believe tho ropcnl of that I mysterious killing took place oust adjournment time, und we commend It to our stnte BOA1', exquloltely scsuted, nootulng and J teens" was adopted nnd days ago, men bognn sign pctl- - law would be an unjust discrimination titotlcUL Hold every wbare. the Port Worth nnil Denver truek.ueur the to government ns n mensuro fair und Im followed. ' tlnns to bo discharged. ,,,c r,,,l,,r,!" ot t"", wneratlon, pray- the depot, ut 10:30 o'oloeu Monday partial. Just and necessary. We espo- - nn.,n1,t Grieving over our Imperfect open to speculators that ers Is prayer Itself. Night. dally call uttentlon to the clght-hott- r tlMiila nf n ItmllroHil llulliUr. which rightfully belongs to the chil- li'uHi(TvitliCarMrt. Ar tiHHr na run be learned from dil- 'I'm IUIU ltrfltnl. law passed by congress, applying to I'.lumt. Yur Houston, Tex., Aug. 22. Saturday dren of the stnte. We rioprecnto the Cslbtrtle. curs comilpatlon foromr. igent iiuiitlry. Deputy CoiiHtubbi gum Austin. Texas, Aug. 38. The tax labor employed on all government 'Oc.Me, lf( I .C. fall,UrugltUrfuaU monff night occurred the death of it. II. Par- fact that under the present regime tho Abbott Moly whm wttyluld uiiil shot rolls of the following counties wero ro- - work, and wo recommend that Its ker, one of the pioneer railroaders ot school teachers of Toxns nro unublo to Tho greatest training school Vi tblu with a IihiiI of huchMhot uud riled from celvetl by the comptroller yesterday: term bo followed by legislation In mundane sphere. this city nnd state. Ho hud been ill collect their pay ns onrned, but nro the effects In it few minute. Calhoun, total values $1,013,031, In- - Texas. enough to be In bed only a few days forced to accept In lieu thorof tlmo The circumstances leading to the TMIHO 1171. Wo favor an luoroaso In our army nnd dlod of congestion. He hud re- warrants, subject to heavy discount, killing ura surrounded with mystery. Itetor. total values I7S0.B12, Increase and navy, to tho extent that circum- cently been on the Sabine river with nnd wo favor such legislation as will mm Olllceru tiro currying on a search for $10,11118. stances nnd conditions require to es Harry 11. Johnson. He fousht In tho only remedy this defect, but provide Home clew (hut will develop u euuso, Taylor, total values $1,39SJI80, ! - tablish and carry into effect permn Confederate war with In Virginia I'10 motl We POrt Of Otir Stato WAV TO HELP but up to thia hour have not suoeeodwl. $170,112. n.ntlv tl.o i.lnn. nn.l mlll, nf nnr crease and made n gallant soldier. Ho camo ,re0 "c,,00, "y1""1' n irm con Of course all kinds of wild rumora uro Williamson, total values $12,330,010. administration with reference to tho "vr Stcuring free- to Toxas In 1860 and was one of tho ,,llcl to n h,Bh of cltlxon-- Afloat. $2BR710. annexation of Porto Wco nnd other illdom rem th grip lurrease leading construction men, building tho '''u' l.limeomb. total values $9Gx,120, In- - Spanish possessions, and to estnbllsh cf catarrh inakit International nnd Great Northern Wo d0"0"" Present fee bill, $03,117. and guarantoo a stable government In hyl frundt for Ilurrllilr Mangled, crease rouri and the Southern Pacific nnd Its repeal. th liberator, S7.BC0.345, later the Island of Cuba. 'mnnd Pwrt Worth. Tex.. Auk. II J. W. Milam, total values a west of San Antonio to tho Mexican We upprovo with satlsfuctlon tho Wo ''"nnnd for oil persons within has Ikttnn, ngori about SO years, who whs $249,040. been making border and the connecting lino Into terms upon which peuco will bo on- - our tbe equal protection of tho iih transient hern, wua run over by I.aniimiHm, total values $2,920,679, hor friends of this Mexico. He wan a man of larso phy- toivd between Snaln nml tbn ttnlleil lw. nl dcnotlltCO mob law Blld 80- - tfntitu I'm frulKht tniln which wus back- decrease $90,259. kind for many sique and great vigor and known to States, ns sot forth In tho president's archy In ill forms. years. ing up yesterday morning tit Montague, total values $6,876,504, Itcurus the nearly all of the older railroad build- note and protocol, nnd wo congratulate Wo believe that tho efforts of the jflgflgolgOK catarrh wher- I'wHlftli street rraMlng uud $80,007. killed. ers and contractors. He wns a gH'M him and the administration unuu tholr KoPuMlran party of Texas, at tho ever located. Ilia body wna horribly mangled, hi WUe. total vnlues W.781,773, do. hunter nnd devoted much spare time conduct and successful termination of comlB election, should be confined to, was broken, wm ereuee M,0S5. j. wemy-eight- h nwk there a huge to It. Wns a member of Httntsvlllo tho war. ,n0 "'""t'0" of representatives to con- - i oi us Kaoli an the left aide of hi uek and lodge of Masons and took tho Itoyal nd wo therefore recommend St., De Ws approve the annexation ot the ""' troit, Mich, Is ono of the many thou-isndo- S rule over the left eyebrow and ou the I'nrlrnU .rrmpn. Arch degree. Ho waa born In (leorcla, ,tnto be I),ncc,l ln 11,0 i I.nhlr Hawaiian Islands as being wise ant! "1 U.okct. friends. Thlslswha right Jaw. Ill right arm wna In 1844. ycnr- Vlllg almot AttHtln, Texas, Aug. tt. Limit, and near Chut inooga, tenrflnir In .n nor nnm...rn,, flold t,,ls - to the respOC- - lho says to Dr. Hartmani sovorod from his shoulder, being or a Acting (lov. Jester Is In reeolpt the trade, providing a safe, convenient and '!vo "natorlal districts " Wo havo ussd your trlth MirmauMl near the socket Into a pulp following lUait. itio option of placing representatives lho most remarkablo results letter: frlfnUt sufTlolsnt naval base and coaling sta- -' and would and Hie Imho of the right htm from In tho field In said sena- not bo without It, Wo havo always Columhus, (In.. Aur IB. Dear slrt Fort St. Philip. La.. Aug. 32. Pri- tlons, nnd adding much to tho wealth counties and the wrifft for neverul Inches up wan My mother, who Is now 80 years of vate David A. Kennedy ot San Angelo torial districts as mny seem best to tho recommended II to our friends. A few and resource of our country. Wo In- - years ago I purchased a bottle of your laid bore. age, Was n sister of Mlrabeatt II. T.a-ma- r. died Saturday ot typhoid foyer. Pri- Interosts of stteh orgsnlzatlons. slit that tho anenxallon or the Ha- - a and after seeing IU results, ic Congressman Hnwley nominate) R, formerly president of tho vate J. H. Moore of Carthage died Sat- wallnu Islands Is Twtthln tho spirit and recommended It to my grocer who wai IM-- il nt por- II. It. (Ireon for ns chair- llrilrupliuMn, of Texas. She has an nil urday of typhoid pneumonia. Hutu of letter of the constitution and Is an troubled with dyspepsia, the curing of HttlletUvlllt. Tex.. Aug. 21. 15, man ot the executive committee, trait of Oen. Lamar, whlrh Is said to compuny third Texas. evidence of tho determination to carry nnd which Induced her to aetl It In lies f'WHty Jh4k PauiMa wna telephone) he was elected by acclamation. store. She has sold largo amounta be an excellent llkontsw. The portrait Private Mlebuel Daly, battery D, Into effect tho Monroe doctrine. of from OfUtuml tbat u man by tho Hsme x8 sub-Jf- artillery, drowned It. My daughter has just beeu cured Is about feet, presenting the first Friday; body Wo deride the platform of the Dem-- . nf ikUnrtl. wbo of jaundlco with My pen rwMotl Hear OaklsHtt. standing and holding In his bands recovered Saturday. ' A MoM I'strlot. oerntle state convention ot Texas for I would grow weary were 1 to begin to whs mfforiHK froas kydronkfiMa and raaHHserlpt to his- Iirlggs Talking about patriotism. relative the oarlr Its vagaries, Inequalities and Incon- your toll you of the numerous cures a homImI M don't see ss you've done much for MtltMttoa He at once mttt tory of Texas. Krunt llnndnnr. III sistencies. country as yet. Calllpera-- O, you don't has effected our Immediate vicinity DotWty Utortff Km to nttoait Ui the My Is willing present Colorado. Tex., Aug. 22. Phil Daley, couple mother to this 1. It professed to speak as the friend ehT Well. I want you to undsrstsnd within the Usl of years." vtrtlw, but wm later tlekoHts4 that Texas and Paelfle aeotlon boss Dr. Ilarttnan, President of Surgi- portrait to the stale of Texas It It Is at this of labor, yet rejected the bencot plea that I've done a good dial. My wits the Ibillitnl Umi AM In great ugflny umt plaee, fell from tbe handcar whllo It cal Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, will counsel desired. The only expense to your pro- -' a lot of pies and cakes for the of labor to be employed In the baked and preterite tor Ufty thousund itot tho roMHly womM bare to bury state would be that of packing, trans- waa lit rapid motion Saturday after- soldiers, and I took them out after wojuen duetlon of state documents and other yusr free of charge. Every auTfer-In- g till. noon and sustained serious Injuries. been boxed up and threw this portation, perkaps a little retouching necessities of tbe state, and we Insist they had woman should write for speolal portrait rsglldiHg Two wheels of the ear. whlrh was them Into a brush heap. ot tke am! ot tho that all stat i work, printing and other question blank for women, and havo loaded men and tools, V.4H till!. frame. Tours very truly. with six passed undertaking where meehnuloul Is Dr. llartman's book, Health and labor Th Limit. HoststoH. Tox . Aug. II Ooortt Mil-rw- v L, II. PHAPPHLL. over his chest, fraeturlng at least one IJoauty." All druggists sell ,j required, that It should be done by New York Weekly: Impsssloned OmtmHmi Mta Otti (lov. arreytad rib and Inflicting dangerous Interna' Mrty TV- - Jsater the kind offer Toxua labor. Iover "Tell me, my angel, what to do AUTOMATIC GRIP NECK YOKE 4Hy. mw I am) Injuries. Tbe surgeons rosNlTt4 iki ooNKn toUnion of Mr. fbaopeil wote him to that consider htm 2. It adopted a platform favorlrx to prove my love. Oh, that I might, AND PMESERVEFL of iHSr frlomis. UhoIo Ueoruw wm OflOfJ. In a serious condition. territorial expansion, favoring tne like some knight ot old, battle for you, AN ACCI0ENT MFE r I -- OrttMitVuk Tk mm wlibln e4gkt wlloo of to birth maintenance of the obligations under- rile far you." vhiiI. rwyitlBlsi ttrtsslk' I4m Amk. l A Sweet (llrl "I wish you would give dui.llllf Ml 114' of Itobort UurM. an 10. tilling Muumuk, Honolulu inesssge saws James O taken by this government to establish uuulT tHMi, irir.Will et IUw ' up btcvm ISM He was scbeolWMUe tt.-Ju- smoking." tuntutUdrv f of tbi IlltlsUrn. Tex . Aug. rige Jn Milne attended a Hula danea. Hlght nnd maintain a stable orderly gov-ornm- and Impassioned Lover "Oh, coroe, now, lrtt Uer lUnnott aod raw to tkla eoH-tr- y Abbott nffteeni wero drunk. A woman's hus- has received a telegram from In Cuba, the acquisition at that's arklng too mush." VUI- - iii.Uk.!.d il-- wt the tlwt Illalne down whip-hm- S'taktl l.wpt tui Amro Mrm tisa IbsHMt hta sou. Moot. II a. Atbott. ot compa- band knocked and ! Porto Illeo with 800.000 alien people, IM dtoil Kor maoy roars b bos boa ny M, tklrd Texas volunteers, at Key lilm. The Kanakas would have nnd In the same breath declaring NUkfU altrt IM their Uut I'lunait to lllai. Nlaktl TIM ulliaUH ITS bv th ' 'lunty and superlNtosMl Wool, stating klllsd lho oftleen If they had not run. wltkut Yukt that tke company waa nfflxwl apposition to tho smallest in Col. Carter "Now, 8m. I bare Mini. onp Mi lion- - - fttu n four; iimr- booMllHK the Hon Murom for MontuHk. ' erense In tho United States army. caught you stealing my chtskens again 'Mil w HtxiUptli,K. Bal lltthmlii, IttnUf. j and (he It Is furrllluittu4 lite new was received here with mush Mrs. F. D. Stone and Miss Annie liar, which alone at this time eon worst of that ths oblckeus Mbtrat TsrutS to Agents. Xiinm, T i mint. Mr CoyWoU thrh ore so young that they have got n' and Mr. aoUfaetl8H on aooount of the yellow out ot a buggy Dal- those pledges bo fulfilled. Just rell were thrown at their pin feathers on." AUTOMATIC GRIP NECK YOKE CO. (otor score around Key West. seriously Injured. 3. Thoy rojeetod the policy of las and Sam "Does, I didn't steal no chick- 81 Hartllog Mlft. Indiana polls, Ind, Hen Pitxhugh Lao's troops aro U Ilalley with reopeet to ac- K. I'H't Dm orosbJont of tbe territorial ens. Dem pin feathers on dtse calcfc-n- s llkklt. TwoMlr-sI- x r ii a Ul llltMW4 l'llM iw ftr issmHs are lisgus of Amerlean Wheelmen, Is good htelta. quisition, yet they Indorsed blm for got i tusk on ms." OPIUM bow un No launUrMM llfe luarHHtiMNl at Knie I'sw, Tex. ovik. So faWIHlf. Sait frM Or ITuldf Vt. Mm, KtUM, TM Burnt war to keep cool: Btop talk-lo- g FOR WOMEN AND HOME. ter and the bird of passage as oppose Dog Sare the CKIlit, MIIS. PINKIIAM CONQUERS BACKACHE. about the heat. to the resident reapectable by reason Train No 10 on tho Indlnnnpolla A Mrs. W tnalnw't Soothing Strap, of long tenure and family vaults. Thai Vlncennei, In charge of Conductor K. etmlaailaa.erUripara.rureawtftlfUHt. taiMUk ITEMS OF INTEflEBTFOn MAIDS problem Is bow to bring thesa social W. Ilusie. of Indianapolis, was ten-rin- Pear Womon Who Owe Tholr Proaont TIopplnosB to Lydla EL Pink AND MATRONS. poles, Aretle and Antarctic together along townrd Indianapolis tho ether hatn'rj Voffetablo Compound, Electric fans tiro great favorites Is to be by tnterrottrso evening fifty f these summer unys. It done the new miles an hour. The train and tho new social code. Members In waa loaded with passengers nnd was I)An Mns. I'ikii.UI! When I wrote to yon Kor n perfect cmutiteilmi mi J n clear, Horn Cnrrrnt Writes of the Mnlre last Jnnor all lands ere to belong (o tho society behind time. Itrrnt ot Mdwnrdsport I rras not able to do anything. I suffered bsak healthy akin, ti.e CURMU UUlTHItMlLIt I'lalnnea of flhtrlWRUU an HjMiire to with BOAI. Hold everywhere. nnd aubscrlbo to tho code. They nro Dorey saw on tho track for nolie, licuilaolio, bcnrlng-dow- u jmlna. pains In my lower Ilia Ateragn llrl Tim "I'naa" Itiml-I- n all to wear nn elegant external badge ahead a dng that waa Jumping shout limbs, and tolled nil through my body. Menstruations Wo rcjoleo wo , should when over Hat A Singular Hoclal Kaperitiient. nnd to be a brotherhood nnd aliterhood and acting In a peculiar manner. The woro very fol- tome n temptation. painful. I was almost u akoleton. I oummo II fnut. Whon tho bndgo Is dog's actions looked suspicious and. ni lowed your ndvlco nnd now ntn well untl floahy, and nblo worn '1 of Tn t'lirn Comtlpullnn I'nrrf rr Tha llrlilo'a Farcwrll. that means am n member a measure of caution, Dorney shut oft to uo uit my own Housework;. I took medicine from a Take Caicatelil amW i.'aiitartie. 10s or JrW. Why tho Wider Intercourse, nnd wo are the steam, no as to hnve his train un- pliystolnu over n JIC'.C.L falllmure dnijfgnti refund muaey. do I weepT to leave tha vino for year, nnd It did not do mo a partlalo Wheae cluster o'er m heml, brother badgers. We will ahnro Ideas, der control. When tho train reached of good. 1 would ndvlsa nil sufTcrlriff women to wrltu Do your The myrtle yet, oh! call It rtilnel but wa will not share purse.' Hero n nearer point tho dog stood and to Mrs. duty In llfo and satisfy Tha newera Plnkham. tiho will answer nil loiters promptly, your I loved to tend. tho comity of nations eeasoft. Should, barked It, nnd conscience A tliouMinl thouglita of nil thins dear at then, with a yelp, nnd tell tliem how to euro those nches nud pains so com I.Ike shadows o'er me sweep, an the other hand, tho arfabto brother started for the woods. Then It wns nion to women. Mrs. C.L. Winn, Munpior.. Texas. T leave my sunny child tioml here, doslrs to be left Mono he has only to j that Darsey aw that there was some- I think It la my duty to nnd Oh. therefore, write let you know what let me weep! re mow the badge, nnd all members nro thing red betwoen tho rails, nnd he your tucdlcino hni done for mo. I'ortwoyearal suffered reepect Is I leave thee, alalerl wo have play'd bound to his prlvnry. This threw nn the emergency brakes nnd with email weakness, bcarlntMlown pains, headache, Through many a Jeyem hour. tho society far hungry Joe; ho would ojincd the .mil-bo- The train on me baukaoho, too Tfcc nnd frcnuont occurrence ot tho menses. Where the allvery itreen of the olive soon chnngo tho constitutional article to n iftnndatlll within ton feet of n I complaining-- . shade I was always My husband urged uo to concerning purses. pretty flaxon-hslrc- d baby In a red r try your 1 oiling1 Hung dim o'er fount and ttewer. Vegetable Compound, ami finally did, I havo Tea, thou ami t, by frock. The child was about 2 years dif- . airenm. by ahere, token tlirco bottles and it lias mauo tna feci llko a In anna-- In prayer, In aleep, ltoatlng HaU old and had been playing with the dog. ferent woman, 1 ndvlso every woman Have loke that suffers to been na we may tie np more-Ki- nd poko Is prottlost The train crow ran forward nnd alater, let me' weep! Tho bonnet the take your mcdlclno nnd bo cured. Mrs. OAJUurrr i frntnn for n pretty face In a mllllnory Franklin picked up tiro child, LtciiTr, 013 H. l'rluco St., Lnnonster. Tn. t leave thee, father! Kve tirlght moan which laughed and crowed and patted I had auilerrtl for ovor two yoara with backache, Must now light other feet. his faro In gleo. About 1,800 ynrda dis- headache, dUrlnen, nervousness, falling- - and With the gatherM grapea. and the lyre ulceration Give In tune, tant was n farmhouie, and toward it of tha womb, lcucorrhrcn, and about every 111 a woman Thy homeward atep to greet. Franklin started with the baby, to could have. 1 hnd tried doctors, but with no ancoess. Thou In whose volee, to Mees thy child. meet n man running toward him like nntl ltaeemcJ as though tlentli was tho only relief Lay tonea of love to ileep, an Insuno ptrsou. It was the child's forme. LydlnK. Whose eye o'er nil my youth hath emlied, Afterusliifrflvobottlcsof l'lnkham'a warning I leave then) let me weep! father, who had missed tha baby Just Vegetable Compound, and four poakngosof Hanatlvo Mother! 1 leave thee! on thy bread, as the train stopped and supposed that Wash, 1 am well. Havo had no uioro pain, womb 1'ourlng out Joy and woe, the little one hnd btn killed. How It trouble, bncliacho or headache Mrs, Claudia. I have found that holy place of reit got so Rtlll changeless, yet 1 go! far away from homo and Into llALriN, Cream llldgn, N. J. of Winter I.lpa, that hnvo lull'd me with your strain, such n dungerous place no ono could llefore tnlclug Lydln E. rinkham's Vegetable Hyes, that have wateh'd my aleep: understand. Compound 1 was aflllotctl with female complaints So the fslllns of the tulrtelli Will earth glvo love like youra again? My of the ipproich of age and Bweet mother' let me weepl Lincoln's rtonerr. ao thnt I could hardly walk. buck nuhed terri In 1 Was declining power. Abraham IJnroln's western pioneer, bly, fact, ached all over. nut able to ralao myaelf up aoiuo of the had waa so nervous I No matter how barren the tree Nealnee In Ureas, always on tho lookout for danger and time. I no appetite nnd that I could linrdly sleep. have how it may aeem, but two ot Compound foal llko nor leafltia Thcro Ifl an cxqulalto ehnrm nbout n ready to magnify It beyond truo taken bottles your and another person, con now you confidently expect leavet its cat and aleep to perfection, In am perfectly well. Mrs. neatly drcaacd woman. Hlio does not proportions. Is only ono largo fact, Sub McCullouob, again. And whyP of a Adlal, W. Va. Becauie there la life at the wear her hnlr twjatcd up carelessly, clan of people who uio up, In one way j roota. n If just nbout to fall over hor shoul- nnd another, n good deal ot vitality UdlnE.PInkham'sVczctablcCompoundiAWoman'sRcmcdyrorWomaii'sIllj So you need not worry about ders. Her gloves nro not ripped nt tho which might bo profitably applied. Mr. the filling of your hair, the renins, nor nny buttons missing from Lincoln's old backwoodsman hnd very tMsMMfMS)M threatened departure of youth I hor boots. lor veil riorfl not revertl n son,... . heavy, overhanging cyobrows, and and beautv. And why? exhibit of tho Tho girl whs ' hole ovor hor chin, nor (loos bind-- I ot wore big spectacles with rims. Becauie If there la a spark of tho can woar ono. nnd has tho courage brass mm IRONING MADE Ing Ono day life remaining In the roota of of her skirt show ragged In places. hor convlctlonn. Is making n sensation he came rushing Into tils cab- tne nair Not many womon show tholr tidiness among tho folks who ore spending in, nnd selxlns: his rifle, nlmcd It care- EASY. In nil tlioflo llttlo detnlls, but It Is n tho summer on the rivers anil lakes, fully through a crack of the door nt n ploasuro to tneot tbo girl or womnn for tho poke Is an Ideal boating hat. great oak tree that stood neur, nnd who Is, to tiso a slang term, "well tyo hat that Is made will stay on tho fired. "What Is It?" whlapered his HAS MANY IMITATORS, OUT NO EQUAL. AYER'S groomed." Tho rloth gown of surh a hoad without being tied down, nnd not wife. "A wildcat, flnlry. tho ornerleit womnn fits her without n cronse, and nil lints admit of this means of secur- wildcat you ever see, an I mined PrcPnrwl him!" Ho hnatlly Tliic It " thore Is neither speck nor ipot an It. ity without farming ungraceful angles loaded and fired 1 lllO Qarr aolontlllo princi- Hor linon collar ctirfs again, nnd then ngnln. Oldl til and nro snowy around tho faro, but the poko Is made "Now hold an, ples, by men who hnvo had years ot whlto and romnln properly fixed In Joshua," laid his good wife. "Let mo for liesnice, brand ones mmlo of soft experience In fonoy laundering. their places. Hor glares do not wrln-- i moussollno In the shnde that Is mast look at you. Why, lawks-a-dals- it'a It klc, but button smoothly ovor hor becoming to the wenror. Thoy are nothln' but n littles bug on ono o' your restores old llneu and summer dresses run wrists, hor shoos aro kept clonn and onslly mndo. All ono needs Is a stniw eyebrowa." mat Bum in m tin in ra to their natural whltcneksand Imparts . . u whi nut KJHt HI. a beautiful nnd lasting finish. The The Olileal Metallic Olijeeta. onl" itarch Hint Is perfectly hnruiless. Dr. J. H. Ulndatciie. discussing nt tho m 1 out iovnd tt this its-- win so Coiuntns no , alum or other In- VIGOR Royal Institution tbo question ot the M fS AS A MUM AH HAl mstatf used by the great nations of o'AroTHiiiruCH, jurious substance. Can bo used even antiquity, isld recently that gold was "i r. rniniMnrn nnnR'r.e for u baby powder. will arouse It Into healthy activ- probably the first metal known to man, ity. The hair ccatca to come i in hi 1 rjn V. I" in ia Wl ASK YOUR 0R0CER FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. out: It begins to grow: and the because It Is generally found native. glory of your youth Is restored Tbo oldest metallic objects to which to ybu. we can assign a probablo date were we have a book on the Hair found tn n royal tomb nt Nagada In and Its Dlseaics. It Is free. Egypt, supposed to have been that of QThm Boot Adwlom Feat. King Mencs, In one ot tbe chambers If .nil da tint ahmn All tha l.ntnti were some bits of gold and a bead, yon ti"CI4 from tha m ol the Vlior, Wilt lha doctor about It. I'rubalilt a button and a fine wire ot nearly puro li torn dimcullf wun jout copper. hod proper- itiiim which ids; t aaillj If tho tomb been Addr'M. ly Identified, these objects are at least llcna.DR. J, C. AT Kit, Lowtl, Uui, 6,300 years old. Nearly all the ancient gold thnt has been examined contalm enough silver to give It a light color. It wss gathered by tho ancients In tho Sour Stomach bed ot the Partolus and other streams of Asia Minor. I "Afltr I mi UdHced In try t'AHCA. lir.Ta, I lll fr t without Ibttn Id the haul. A Itainarkatile Calculator. Mr lifer la a vtrr ttd aud mj head Dlamnnill. a native of I'ylaros, one of itbtd and I bid ilomirh troubleih.Now.iluU-In- i I Bn. Mr wilt haialM the Greek islsnda, seems to ue a re- - Camrelt. uid A MHLANQK M IDSU.MMHK Ibira "lib bfaenclal rtiulli fvr lour iiwuicb Or M0DH8. calculator. After a more 401. KuirtUNa. tai Cuoirm BU, SI. Louli, Us. fnarkablo glance on a black-boar- d, on which ' groups ot figures nro written, CANDY polished. Her bonnet or hat Is pinned flat. Thlfl can bo bent ahnpe, se- thirty Into repeat r CATHARTIC on straight, nnd hor hair Is noatnecis cured with tlos, flllod In he can, It is said, them In any igy with Dowers any Itself. Slio Is tho plcturo of dolleato unilor tho brim In front, nnd provided order and deal with them In arith- process. finish and wholosome ordnr. Would with (lowers or n hie bow on tho !wmi metical It Is said that he that wo could como across hor some- - nnd tha frnme Is roady for tho plcturo. never makea an error In calculations iaoi i MOiaTtaro what oftoncr. Tho Lnlesl Involving billions, and ho can extract square or cube roots with marvellous Wnlit Trliiittilng. rapidity and accuracy. An eminent The It Is very evident that this year's raalilnnatiU Figure. German speclaltat declared tho other I'ounl ,P riiaunt. ralaubl. ,Tft. to tin- - Tho girl ready-reckone- Oiwd, i tr alcitii, Weakia or title Vtd.c summer girl objects tho stiff, nthleto has revolutionised day that these were avorngo tho fasulounblo figure. ... OURE OOHOTIPATION. ... trimmed effect of tho shirt 8hu has beon at Idiots. This Is not the cans with l, ii.rtki a.. fmr,in.isiiwii. ill waist. 8ho usoa ovury dovlco In her work on It for sorr.o tlmo and hor who writes poetry and novels .it. power to cover up Its unlovclluoss. cllonVelo has steadily Increased. Sho In the Intervals of business, and shows Homctlmea It Is n bertha of coario rldoa and rows nnd swlmn nnd la big considerable Intellectual capacity, cream lace. Hometlmcrt it Is a whlto and brown and muscular. Hor polio EDUCATIONAL. good, muslin and laco tlo with which sho Is perfect and sho has a splendid appe- Eat plain food and sleep eight long hours. 7 toftens the starchy plainness. tite. When sho wont In for nlhlotlcs In enrnest sho snapped her fingers In Tho biggest troubles at night disap- St Iflarp's the face of Madame (Irundy, who pear beforo tbe morning sun. her recognition, and concluded that it was bettor to bo Tbo prettiest peach Is not always comfortablo the most Juicy. Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax. Jlcaaempt than In tho fonhlon. Now Mndomo Oil Mih VtM l lU Ualrtnitr l lUltt Otto (Irundy la suing her favor and has The nigral! PlryrU In ilia Wurlil. There is no greater hardship than to be de MAnr'S ACADCMT fur touof Udln. now made her the fashion. Tho hour glass A Herman has just oomnluted n bi- ST. Hat K) Ik tortr laurth ftir el irtltt tiluo-ttvi- il prived of your wuri, ku ttraid tin rituuilva of liiUf tlguro and the wasp walsted woman cycle that has ono wheel nine fuot in fit of ib u(l Ibvrouitlf 4upa4 isd laMtutul mint go. Tho end of century I (tltuUvii la lb Uill.4 IUIII. ttl AfkiStnr tho dlnnr or. Two pooplo rldo it one bulldlafi n briullfullf iltailid en an tiulotnte woman is a magnificent oreaturo. on oaoh t SI. side. It runs easily beuauso tba rlturKj baaal Ua Jwiftl bo C 7 Itlrar. Alllba braachu ol If sho feet Inches tall sho mint of Its solentlllo oanstruotlun. The io A Thorough English and have a waist measurement at 27 Inches. formula of Hostetter's Stoiimcli Hho Qasslcat Education) should weigh ICO pounds, her bust llltturs Is tho reason of Its great vlrtuu should measure 38 Inches, 13 PLUG laetjialai flrttk, Litla, Friaih and Otrmaa ara hor arm In iimklnir tho weak strong. If your UBabl kr a Faaillx f M.raj.init uaalifta. Cu urn Inohos and she should wear a No, 14 hoaltu lu poor, try a bottle. and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax KUai lb full cvana ( iwdlil itudtala racalia collar. These Ibi measurements are rela- 10c. Regular Collegiate Degree ol tive, for even athletics cannot Increase A barking dog Is ono ot tho greatest will give up most any thing to get it. buys Lilt. E, A. B. or A. M. m woman's height. nuisances. a larger piece of Battle Ax than of any other The Cnniartatorjr of Muito It eaaduaUd B for Nausea, Vomiting an it the weak, Irrl-ta- Um plaa at Ika b.l Clalal CaaMrtaUHa. ! Km BMMha it nsthbjg equals kind of high grade quality. rw. Tbria tanruintDUl litiosi. and la larwr, Alt Muni I'njr Hoard. llr.TlofJau'aTsiTHIKi (Taatlilug 10 r tiers). Irl4f4la Ik itgatar lallluai ailra wiMlia Haaia. When members of the Qtieen'a fam-ll- y .The Art lUtmrtuieatlimadilltdaftirtbetxit Chsenuliiw . adversity leads to Alt aa4i la Kami. or nny wandering Herman relatives prosperity. the name rriarittorr nnd Illnlm tlapartinenta. of high degree visit oc- Remember VHli.bana rrlwirr Itilalai laa la' tandon and for fitly Centi. dir , ara btra aaraluitr Iba Aca cupy apartmenta Ko.Ta.IUe utHin tbffr in Ilueklngham Pal- (lauanltttl ecu sure, weak buy again. damle fiiril ad Ad.aarrd f'wir.a A very ace, lot biUt wakes lauk device which serves nicely "by Invitation," II- - biela. fbuawiraekr aad TrprlOar af they pay their mew airswg, bhod pete- - M. Alt drsgftats. Ua. Starr raarr Kaedltwwrk lavas! well as fattttr for other waists, as shirt uoaru just iixe common folks In n first-cla- ss rVrulaWf oaalalalaf lull laturatailM, addrttl many who never ( waists, consists of a white pique plas- hotel. This prevents the sov- Thero are heroes 99 DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY, fired a gun. 9$$$ tron with double rovers. The plastron ereign lady from having too com- much HOUSE-FtJtTO- F St. Mary's Academy, Is tewed to a plain pique stock and pany, nud makes things very pleasant COHUO HUTTKIIUILK TUII.HT HOAP I'A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A extends In a point down to the walsL for tho palace servants. makes- - .thjJiJtt.atiUJibUe--at- d NOTRE DAME P. 0.. INDIANA, The iuuV everywutre. SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH There are two revers on eaeh side and pendenee It gives same ot the royal oeui all aro edged embroidery. AUGUSTA MILITARY ACADEMY. four with guests Is not wholly appreciated by You are growing old when life seems A may plait- bit of embroidery alio be them, but as the Queen early In her a routine. IXM'ATluN ed Into tho upper etlgo ot tho stock reign SHENANDOAH VALLEY, determined on this economical I'aranaialliUarMl, NaBla ar aartauiaaM allae at the baok ot the neck. course, her rITS u.a ml lli. Nana riear Htaunlen. Va Kajlltb. OaWal aort subjects cannot Justly com- Uliaaallixl linUr.i. TraiuUv. daiarlp. plain far VllKK 14,00 Ulai Ullla lad ItaalUa. 149 mil MUUair yr of hor ei iravaganee. It Is a very, t4Ua.lL 1.144111 Arak SU, a. SAPOLIO MUfea-u- CttAS. . ROlltl, li Sua l ill llla "i PrM. A HlngBtar Hoclal Kiperlmenl, expensive piece of pleasure, being I hRflPQV HEW DISCOVERY! i.a I o t l04ae, Va a ftllBP ? I Sul' "lss4wri ! A Mr. Kdward Hauswald la the guest ot royalty, and even the Queen's Wo always lose tbe artiolo of which wnnaariaia "Af ot singular own wo think the most. t5oisl vm uis i uuaaiural - .. AUDUBON SUGAR SCHOOL Instigator a social experi- children must pay their way out lalulwa. Slarbara.a. Infl.iub, . . and MIIIHKIU' lUMla tmfi.1 or tai ment at Frankfort-on-Mal- n, aaya tho of their allowances 40 Cauls a lluilial. Iirllalwni or ijTc.i.Ii. ol nnillai teuiiltni title Unliamti. Blon Rougi, when not directly Wheat srV.w.iViur,rVr,,l' Me6k la. He under irniMU MautUa. I'alul.M. Ur urn Tba at.i iclHMt uf in kind la iba V. Studeaiiar Iloston Journal. and bla followers mummer's roof. Iloston Hew to crow wheat with big profit at 40 and net utiln K W.HU.r.M. W. ArtaaU.Oa. tgtatbfBrowluf ew and lorgbaai as have formed themselves Into the Wider etnta and aamplesof Halter's Cross (60 RKIlttilUlaiUtCa. iul r aUaui. Ila abatalilrjr and maauraaura l I'arimiaa It! waauiirig.r I awia av (uritiir Intercourse Soelety, and thoy propose Kssliela par sore i Winter Wheal, njn, uaia, jr urufiuu, ntft Utu atvdaraia. Write iiiMh. Clovers, ate,, with Reed Catalogue if hii ia aiaia iimr, Bu-rop- farm PATENTS to operate In the great towns ot The Inmate, of the Jollet (III.) penl. far 4 nta jKMtaga JOHN A. BAI.ZKK III CULLUUU. I aaUsUIlUtaaiU.4BSrase. wTra. ui'misp liubllr. Aiauniun, They say, "A good hnlf our tentlary have the war newa, In con. HKU CO., La Crosse, WU. W.D.U. 'Zru .Iraalar siai aa'raasaai sa lUirdlatOulltiaS.r atodaflad bf Iba Jriult rathara. w 7, Vaca AssMtrisy hiadly I'rtNratMr.OutuHiiralal t luilaaluHitMi Laiia town population is made up ot the densed form, printed In (he AdmtlsttEcnts ad prlsoi v Borne men easily WSNTKI) .Ca el baalln Tl A K-- riuaiiluia ruanlaa trark u. auoaia a iceMauti stranger pilgrim, qua4- - ry resemble dice rat' tl4 ikit J Mtatioa This kaaltblul AddiaM UaT. At. nnd the the afternoon tt a o'clock. IlluiWaalt. Sn4 S aeaia Ui III. ibi i bioitMl fstxr. tnr to;nlliu, tltd and baid to shake. Oo-- , Vs l l mx) (eillaiaetaK, I. J. ria.iaanl, tdtt.fof luslii tai Wi N. U. DALLAS - HO. 0-l- The Colon was the second ship ot feet. Her displacement Is nbout 3.101 GEN. LOVE. nt tho U. tanning by my parents ana tho class to bo built, the first having tons. Her nrmament consists at six MIUUTT'S cousin, Col. Proctor Smith. Argentine 2.7-In- OUR been sold to the Rcpifblla. runs, two and about a After tho graduates had received Her keel wns laid on September 2S, rapid-fir- e ADDITIONS! tloten ot the smaller calibers, WHY HE rtKMAINRD A DACH- - their diplomas I was introduced to 1895, and her wns construction rushed. nnd she lias five torpedo tubes. Her Eton SO LONQ. many people, among them Wosler Mer was at 17.5 m It this Juncture that Spain, recorded speed Is knots, and hor rltt, whoso title, conferred with till seeing tho urgent necessity of adding coal capacity 000 tons, rt-a- degree, was then third lieutenant. fleet some modern lotlg the Olflt War lie (lave nit rt Infanta Maria Teresa and Cristobal Colon, to her vessols fit The Albany, "Very tall. stlm. dignified in bear for service, approached the Italian to a South. Il.lle, lint thn Crti.l Ileforo closing this account of addi- Ing, nttlrcd In tho uniform of his rank, shipbuilders on the subject of selling rat. Agaln.t Their Marriage pale, pensive, dreamy melancholy Excellent War Ships That Will Add ship. tions to our navy as the result ot tho and this fine Tho Ansaldos obtained Sli. I. Mow mini! and ll.lul.M, of countonnuco; reserved ot address; tho Italian government's permission war. mention should bo made ot the to ship wo have bought but hvo not yet literary In conversation, rather than Greatly to Our Effectiveness Afloat. and proceeded finish tho vessel to HILK (ten. Merrltt military, more poet than soldier suit the wishes ot her purchasers. acqulnd. Sho Is the Albany, now tho Is In tho fsr-awn- y In appearance, Lieut. Merrltt present Cristobal Colon was launched on completing at the yards ot Sir William The Kngland. Philippines cd a combination ot qunlltlzs welt cal- The Albany Comma. September 10, 1800, and tho Armstrong, at Rlswlck. She wltn occasion the plcturo of his culated to oxclto n school girl's fanoy, wns made one of enthusiastic fraterni- Is n sister vessel at that excellent Now betrothed, M I a a I was certainly Impressed, and his botween Spain Italy. Thou- cruiser, the Orleans, that has dono Tho command of th sen, tlin ilrst of tho length of tho vessel, curves down zation and Williams, nttontlons to mo were marked from sands witnessed tho launching, cheer- stioh cffectlvo work on. the blockade off Laura ti lord 8f tbe Rrltlah ndntlralty stated taut below the water lino nt thn ends, the a tiny blind old beginning. Ho addressed mo as Miss ing and shouting vivas to their heart's Santiago. Her dimensions aro: year, passing to erulsers rnther thickness being three Inches amid- 330 43 8 woman llowlln. which seemed then a super tu content, and Madamo llcnomar, the Length, feet; beam, feet In San than to ImttlMhlp. Thin mar bo 10 ships and two Inohcs at tho extremities. draught, 17 tatlvo distinction, as I had boon ac- wife of the Spanish ambassador to the Inches; mean feet. Her rocnlls to a limited extent, for It depends rath- Tho armored belt, covering four-fift- customed simply to Miss Vir- court of Italy, christened the vessel displacement Is about 3,600 tons. She the days when ho er on what tho words battleship and of tho length of tho vessel, protects ot Is wood-sheaUi-e- d was only plain ginia, my Christian namo, when Cristobal Colon. Is constructed steel. ruUer signify. the space from tho armored deek to and coppered. Her highest spaed Lieut. Merrltt and spoken to. I was permitted to pas" Ah had licon repeatedly told In the below tho water lino. The Colon'. Marlilnary, Is estimated at over 20 knots, and her loved her. '"his early lovo of tho go, some days in West Point, and, Im Heaild, a battleship la a vessel which, Thcro aro two barbettes, situated Tho leading dimensions ot tho Cris- conl capacity of 700 tons Is estimated era! Is tho widow of tho confederate mured as I was In on atmosphoro ot for her alia, carries the heaviest arma- within tho extremities of the belt, ot tobal Colon aro as follows: length. to le sufficient to enable her to steam leader, Ucn, Albert tlnllatln Jenkins, patriotism nnd sentiment, theeo wore ment and tho thickest nrtuor possible, ten Inches of armor, and the ammuni- 328 feet; beam, S9 feet 0 lnrbt: 8,000 miles. and she now lives In n small cottage In what fiction writers call flcct-wlngo- d. subordinating speed and eoal-carryl- tion hoists are protected by eight draught ot water. 23 feet 3 Inches, and Hut the distinguishing characteristic a quiet streot of San Kranclsrn, blind, Ileforo tho bronxen ot tho Illustrious capacity to Boeuro these end. An ar- Inchos of steel. The conning tower, displacement of G.8'0 tons. of the Albany nnd her sister. New Or- poor, nnd almost friendless. Her llfo, I bowed with precocious rcveronce. mored cruiser, on thn other hand, sac- containing tho compasses, steering The propelling machinery consists of leans. Is her battery of six nnd as she relates It, Is one ot tho romances Among tho tombs ot the muto and gun 4.7-Inc- mighty Uio prayer ot the rifices a certain amount of power wheel, telegraphs and voice tubes, Is two sets of triple expansion Inverted four h rapid flrors, of CO mil- - of tho civil wnr. Her maiden namo wns was breathed and protection In order to reach n Virginia Southnnl llowlln and she was hero worshiper. high speed and to alow a large quan- tho daughter of Judgo II. llowlln, of "Kvery nook and nost nnd thicket tity of coal. Hut the dlrldlnK line be- Fredorlakshurg, Va. Ho was congress And doll nnd niche In 'Rnohantment tween the two typed ot armored man many years and afterward minis Lane,' tho historic lovers' walk, re lighting ship In decidedly nrbltrary, ter to tho United States ot Colombln ceived tho tributes always paid by each nation classifying It ship to during tho administration of I'rosldont youth and oxcrsslvo sensibility. suit the fancy of the rommlttee that Iluohannn. Ho was a hrnvy slavo "Tho weird legend of 'Lovers' Leap deride upon their construction. holder and nn ardent bcllovor In the about which no much of romanticism lo r Instance, when thn old Malno dlvlno right ot tho master. Tho lack hovers, whoro I stood In shuddering was first Inld down she was railed by ot sight nnd tho weight of yoars and sympathy with my lloutonant cut ho ro- - our navy department an armorad cruls-e- r. sonow hnvo not quenched tho natural At that time It wan proponed to vivacity ot this southern woman, nnd equip her with masts for Halt power. sho relates tho events ot her life with Iater It wan decided that Instead of an' interest that never flags. Sho tost tho par there Hhotild he military her sight from tho poison ot hor hus masts, and thenenfnrth tho Malno wai band's wounds received nt tho battle known an a battleship. of Qettysburg. She. with her two IlaltUihlp and L'raLar. babloa, had accompanied her husband The new battleships ot Hnglaml of on tho march, and she was his nursa thn Canopu olnM are to carry when ho foil under the shots ot tho guns and armor only nix inches thick, fedorals, Tho lack ot medicine and but the speed, with natural draft, la supplies cost her denr, shutting out tho to he 18. 2 knot, and the roal capacity tight ot day forovcr. She loves to toll la 2,300 tone. tho story ot early triumphs, and since (Jerniany'a latest deigned battle- (Jen, Merrltt has been so prominently ship mount 9.2-lne- h guns aa the heav- before the public she has recounted Hie iest pleoes In their main batteries. story ot tholr short ongsgemcnt nnd In our navy the Texas Is denominat- parting at tho command of her father, ed a second-clas- s battleship, but tho who was too florce n southern syinpO' Spanish ships of the aft mo slxe and ap- thlxer to endure the thought of n north' proximately the same armament and em son-in-la- armor are classified as armored cruis- This is tho story sho tells of her ers. This Is a distinction, therefore, meeting nnd engagement to Merrltt In LAURA WILLIAMS. without a difference, and Is not al- tho days Just preceding tho civil war: (Tho Afllancod of don. Merrltt.) ways recognized, even among naval "It was whllo In attendance nt Mmo counted tho tradition, sorvud to re men, thn Infanta Maria Teresa being ( ondo's academy," said Mrs. Jenkins mind us that we woro still In a worl often spoken of us a second-clas- s bat- "that I met flcn. Merrltt. Mine. Con of roalltlos, for tho lovors In thnt trogla tleship. do wns tho principal of an aoadomy do story aro said to hnvo leaped to suro This vessel and the armored cruiser voted to doportmont nnd tho acquisi- destruction. Cristobal Colon, now that they are tion ot tho accomplishments, located at "Tho days merged Into weeks and liojLli to become American meu-of-wu- r, 17 Lofoyotto placo, Now York, directly still I nnd my chnporon lingered about are particularly Interesting to us. opposite tho Astor library. Young la tho environs of thoso enchnntmonta. First, because lmvlng been won In war, dies were Bent thero to bo finished It won July, nnd my vacation month. they represent the fruit ot conquest, that is to say, made cllglblo to en Wlmt bolter placo could havo boon the rewnrd of victory and the glory trance In socloty, by their parents and chosen for rraplio and relaxation from of tho United States ;:vy; and seeoml, guardians, who had, according to tho tho rigors of Mmo. Comic's? My fath- lcauir, be thoy culled armored cruis- madam's codo, to possess clcmonts ot er, Immersed In politics, had gono to ers or battleships, they are a type ot eligibility." Washington. My mother's social func- ship our naval olllcers are very de- "What wero those?" tions alulmcd her tlmo. My cousin, sirous ot scolng added to our service. "Well, first ot all, n parent or guar Colonel Smith, wont to tho Catskllls. Tli Infanta Maria Torana. dlan must have nncestors great-gre- at I waa, therofore, left to tho esplonago Tho Infanta Murla Teresa was built grandparents, whoso names wero In of Mlsa Wright csplonngo which had by Hlr Charles Palmer's Anglo-Spanis- h book, a sort of Ilurko's Peerage, I sup rolaxcd under the mellowing Influonco company at Hllboa, Spain. poso. Then tho girl's prospective so ot the Infant mllltla and my gallant The following are the dimensions clal position must be positively nssur llotitonunt. and other particulars of the ship: ed. So strict was this French lady ot "Released from tho bondago ot length between perpendiculars, .140 really superior attainments that sho books, 1 wnmlorod froely among tho feet; greatest beam, 06 feet 2 Incite; oxaated a certificate ot baptism when grovea nnd gardens nnd along tho mean draught, SI feet C Inches; dis- applications wore mndo to hor nunnery windings ot tho terraced river, which placement, 7,0H) tons. Tim waii in lMCTtmrss-nuitNi- Nci or sinoNUY nr onnim op own. milks. as It was frequently called." terminated repeatedly In somo tryat-In- g Her hull Is built of mild steel and "Then tho Institution was Catho plnco with Lloutonant Morrltt. by steel-face- He?" Miss Wright's corkscrew curls is well subdivided clou bio Irattom also protected by d armor engines, lmvlng cylinders 42 Inehes, 03 hers long, whloh enables tho When o, pillowed otolo und watertight bulkheads. She was twelve Inehes thick. I lichee and US Inches In diameter re- pieces to throw n 100-pou- projectile "No; nonsectnrlan, or profossodly wero prepared and I launched at llllboa on August 30, 1800, spectively, u 3 10 though tho madam hor solf was do out under thn statu to hear words The Torus'. Armeui.nt. with stroke ot feet with an lnlt'r.1 velocity of 2,042 trot and completed her steam trials off Per-ro- l Inchos. voutly Romnn Catholic. My people, that the wimo stars havo twinkled out now to second. Ordinarily such guns nro We come thn battery of this Htoain-produolti- many In September and October of 1S0S. Tho apparatus con- only about 35 calibers long and glvo n being high churah Kplscopnllaus, or their npprovnl ot conturlcs, good ship. It consists ot two honor-abl- o With natural draft 9.M8 horsepower sists of 12 water tube boilers of the velocity of only nbout 2.300 foot sec ritualists, found much tn commend In "Lleutennnt Merrltt was too breeoh-loadln- g guns, one forward and dovelopod 4.7-Inc- this boarding was anil a speed of 18.6 Nlclausse typo. onds. The h guns throw tho character of school to trlflo witli anyotio, and when one aft, mounted In the barbettes oi 10-- I knots, whereas only 18 knots were stip- On April 29, 1897, tho natural weighing 45 pounds About and my dovotlonnl duties, cither by ho asked mo 'would I bo contontod n (Hi armor, covered with n rounded with ulated. With forced draft, In four und draught trial of tho ship took place the samo velocity. Tho can bo Mine. Conde or her nsslstants, wore to sharo u soldier's late,' but one ans- hood; ten rapid-lir- e guns, ar- n halt hours' trial, the mean horse- and wub eminently satisfactory, tho fired seven tlmos 4.7- - never interfered with." wer nwaltod him. Sharo ltl I ranged In broadside, so t'jat a minute: the power developed was 3.7IS and the but tho full contract speed being obtained Inch ten times. "And you met Qon. Merrltt there?" would havo shared flro and mvord, Kpeed was JO 5 knots. forward and after two can be 11 rod without resorting to forced draught. Oh, doar, no. loung gontlcmon plague, poetllMice and famlno, as any astern; two 2.75-lnc- li rapid The two sets of vertical triple ex- ahead and At the forced draught three hours' wero not admitted nt Mine. Cnndo's, girl would who loves her lover, rapid PUOPLU TALKED ABOUT, pansion engines of tbe ship wore de- llrcrs, ten of the smaller caliber trial the two engines developed a col- It any members of the apposite sax "Hut this dream, so dollclous wlion signed by an rCtiRllsh engineer. lire ana eight machine guns. horsepower ot 10.671, chanced to stroll Inside those nustoro all the world Is young, oven tho Tho lective Indicated The monument ot the Hmporor Ilu that diameters of the cylinders are Ot She Is fitted with eight torpedo tubes, more than 2,000 horsepower In oxcess wans, in tho capacity of Inquirers, mcs god aro said to onvy It, waa dooiuod 4t. dolf of Ilapsburg, whloh Is to bo 92 Inches and the 46 only two ot which aro submerged. for. soon sctigers or menials, I wns not given a awakening. and stroke Is of what the contract called Tho plnccd In to a rudo I The coal bunkers of the Teresa, so one of tho principal square gllmpBo of them, for I was only 1 nehes. Tho steam generating plant moan speed an this trial was 19.35 or "In response to n lottor, nddrossod double-ende- as additional protec ali-hn- Vienna, is the first statuo of an Aus consists of four d and two sltuatod to afford l; ii ill u f)n (tin trial tn naear- - and guarded as wero tho vestals In to my father by young Merrltt, ask- slngle-eMile- o , man sovereign, previous to Maria d boilers. In addition iiou io ino viiais win snip, can lft,n 10 m,,,,,,,,,,,.!!,,,,. the ('rlsto Atauuaipa casas not sol. i never ing my hand In marriage, I was or- 1 hereto, to be capital. there are two seiHtrate boilers for the rarry 1,00 tons, sumcient to name Colon a sprint of 18.5 knots ereeted In the went out unchnporoned. and received dered back to Hchool bat made II. W. Dauforlh, acting and blddon to auxiliary machinery, comprising over the vessel to steam 9,700 miles. an a consumption ot 1.02 pounds pur assistant sur no letter oxiept from relatives. forget gold braid and brass buttons In IndlaMe geon, who Is reported among my fifty separate engine, which are situ- Hnuugh has been said to horsepower per hour. the "When cousin. Col. William thu lutrlenclc of music, tho lan- An- wounded ot Santiago. Is -- ated In the engine and boiler wlmt a line ship wo are getting. at the battle Proctor Smith a cadet at West Point guages, botany and embroider! en. I good, bet- Tli It. Ins a Mllwaukeo man. He previously other equally perhaps even Another Spanish ship, nothing llko had and classmato of den. Merrltt sent wns too young to think ot ter, she Is construetlon served with the Cuban Insurgent army, Tlia since of later so good n vessel In any respect as the superiors said; moreover Lloutonant T.rrt.'i Priilrrtlon. mare equipment, Is the being personal physician to General The Teresa a protected by an armor and modern above, which will soon swell the list Merrltt, though a bright nnd doubtless Colon. Maeeo for nearly a year. belt 12 inches thick 6 6 Inches Cristobal ot United States naval vessols, Is the good young man, could not bo and feet Hdltor Otto, the Dusseldort odltor wide, extending a distance 31S The Colon. Ilelna Mercedes, sunk In tho entraneo considered a a suitor, his people were for of who slsndeied the supposedly feet of the length ot the ship the The Cristobal Colon Is a sister ship of Santiago harbor. unslon of the north, whllo mine wero ardent at derable Harrison sisters, ho had his line, 4 feet above It to 18 of the Oarlbaldl, one of the six vessels Thn Mercedes Is an Iron cruiser. southerners. water from sentence commuted to a very light one Inches below It, and having a backing provided for In the Italian naval pro- launehod In 1887 at Cartagena. She has "It I perhaps difficult now to dear- bark-rigge- by Hmperor William on tho principle, wood, Is gramme of 1S01. She was built and u single screw and Is d, ly explains the feeling existent then of teak to which It bolted. but doubtless, The armored or protective deek, euglncd completely by Messrs. Ansaldo carrying yards and sails. Her dimen- that an editor ought not to between tho north and south. At a, be to pay advertising. plated at a certain height above the A Co. of Hutrl 1'onentl and Sampler-daren- sions are: 280 feet: beuu. 43 made for free that particular period In my career I water line trogtHHtt the greater nart near Genoa, feet and draught of water about 10 Prof. William It. Brooks, director ot knew nothing ot polities, but I learned the Smith observatory at (Jeneva. N. later, when I lost my all by the Y has had conferred upon him by northern invasion. My father wot. degreo Hamilton college the honorary Judge Jams II. llowlln ot Fredrloks-bur- g, of doctor ot saleneo, In recognition ot Va., congressman from hi na- his numerous astronomical discover- tive atate. through eight consecutive ies. Dr. Drooks has made a great num- sessions, also large land proprietor and ber of eomeUry discoveries, many ot slnvenolder. Ho wo minister pleni- whloh are ot tho highest scientific In- potentiary and ambassador to tbe terest. United States ot Colombia during Rteklel Clark of Iowa City, whose President lluehanan' administration death U announced, was one ot the and United State commissioner to ploneors of Iowa. "He was a close VlltfJINIA SOUTHARD. (Qen. Old 10.) Paraguay, whither he went to nettle a friend helper ot Gov. Klrkwood," Merrltt' Sweetheart at and mo difficulty relative to the killing of an says the Pes Moines Register, "and It an Invitation to the eeremanto to place graduation, American oil I ton In foreign sea, who was mainly through Mr. Clark's as- about take at his I was more than delighted the met his fate on a schooner called sistance that Qov. Klrkwood was en- with new scenes, ex- the Water Wlteh. abled to borrow the money and sell the prospect of faces and perience In great "My father's fleet upon that occa- bonds whleh supplied the funds to the world, so splen- did to my youthful faney, because of sion wo commanded by Commodore equip tbe Iowa soldiers during the civil my Shubrlek. The first newspaper pub- war. Innoeeneo nnd Ignorance. "Leave ot absence from tbe semin- lished In St. Ixiuls, Mo, the Morning Ilirr Harden Kukuntt. whleh has ary was given my Herald was owned and edited by my comparatively and aunt and chap- been inoffensive for eron. Miss Ilellnda Wright, accompa- father." some while past, has been again con- nied me. Even her corkscrew curlr, fiscated. Its offense lay In an article colorless complexion, entitled, "Poodle Majesty,- - which angularity and Touthfal It.psrt. altogether repressing appearance could Do you know your papa TIIRHK SPLKNDID ADDITIONS TO TUB UNITED STATUS NAVT ARB ALMOST DU& make the publication ot a book In Alice that net cloud the pleasure of that memor- once proposed to my mamma and was vessel In foreground Is Spanish Maria Teresa, now honor of the tenth anniversary of the (The picture shows them. The noble the the erulscr be able holiday. aeorgle Yes; I've heard him Santiago. Steaming beside her may be Cristobal Colon, emperor's aeeesslon and the reception icfused. In g from the sands ot seen her slstsr, the which "We went on the Hudson most bragging about It a hundred times. rld us. And comes the trim Albany, our gallant New Orleans, now building ot th author and the publisher by hit Itobson will save tor In the rear sister to ef waterways and were met Richmond Times. in England, and to be delivered as soon as the war Is tloied.) majesty the them of vulgar mockery.