SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club P PACHADOM ~ PASHADOM rank of pasha [n -S] PACHALIC ~ PASHALIC ~ PASHALIK territory of pasha (former Turkish high official) [n -S] PACHISI ~ PARCHESI ~ PARCHISI board game of India [n -S] PACKWAXES ~ PAXWAXES nuchal ligament of quadruped [n] PADAUKS ~ PADOUKS tropical tree [n] PADSHAH ~ PADISHAH sovereign [n -S] PAESANO ~ PAISANO fellow countryman [n -S or -NI ~ -S] PAGANISE ~ PAGANIZE to make irreligious [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] PAILFULS ~ PAILSFUL as much as pail can hold [n] PAINCHES ~ PAUNCHES belly or abdomen [N] PAJAMAS ~ PYJAMAS garments for sleeping or lounging [n] PALMATE ~ PALMATED resembling open hand [adj] PANATELA ~ PANETELA long slender cigar [n -S] PANDANI ~ PANDANS pandanus (tropical plant) [n] PANELED ~ PANELLED PANEL, to decorate with thin sheets of material [v] PANGENS ~ PANGENES hypothetical heredity-controlling particle of protoplasm [n] PANIERS ~ PANNIERS large basket [n] PANOCHA ~ PANOCHE coarse Mexican sugar [n -S]

PAPADAM ~ PAPADOM ~ PAPADUM ~ PAPPADAM ~ PAPPADUM ~ POPPADOM ~ POPPADUM thin, crisp bread of India [n -S] PAPOOSE ~ PAPPOOSE American Indian baby [n -S] PAPPOSE ~ PAPPOUS PAPPUS, tuft of bristles on achene of certain plants [adj] PAPRICA ~ PAPRIKA seasoning made from red peppers [n -S] PARAKEET ~ PARAQUET ~ PAROQUET ~ PARROKET small parrot [n -S] PARALYSE ~ PARALYZE to render incapable of movement [[v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] PARANOEA ~ PARANOIA mental disorder [n -S] PARCELED ~ PARCELLED PARCEL, divide into parts or shares [v] PARDAHS ~ PURDAHS curtain used in India to seclude women [n] PARDNER ~ PARTNER chum; friend [n -S] PARGETED ~ PARGETTED PARGET, to cover with plaster [v] PARLANDO ~ PARLANTE sung in manner suggestive of speech [adj] PARLEYING ~ PARLING to discuss terms with enemy [v] PARLOUS ~ PERILOUS dangerous [adj] PARRALS ~ PARRELS sliding loop of rope or chain used on ship [n] PARRIDGE ~ PARRITCH ~ PORRIDGE soft food [n -S ~ -ES ~ -S] PARSLEYED ~ PARSLIED PARSLEY, cultivated herb [adj] PARTIER ~ PARTYER one that parties (divided into different parts) [n -S] PARTISAN ~ PARTIZAN firm supporter of person or cause [n -S] PARURAS ~ PARURES set of matched jewelry [n] PARVENU ~ PARVENUE one who has suddenly risen above his class [n -S] PASHKAS ~ PASKHAS Russian eaten at Easter [n] PASTILLES ~ PASTILS lozenge (small, often medicated candy) [n] ~ PASTROMI highly seasoned smoked beef [n -S] PATAMAR ~ PATTAMAR sailing vessel [n -S] PATZERS ~ POTZERS inept chess player [n] PAVIORS ~ PAVIOURS paver (one that paves (to cover with material that forms firm, level surface) [n] PAVISES ~ PAVISSES large medieval shield [n]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club PAWNERS ~ PAWNORS one that pawns (to give as security for something borrowed) [n] PEASCOD ~ PEASECOD pea pod [n -S] PEAVEYS ~ PEAVIES used to move logs [n] PEDALED ~ PEDALLED PEDAL, to operate by means of foot levers [v] PEDALER ~ PEDALLER one that pedals (to operate by means of foot levers) [n -S] PEDICEL ~ PEDICLE slender basal part of organism [n -S] PEDLARS ~ PEDDLERS ~ PEDLERS one that peddles (to travel about selling wares) [n] PEDLARY ~ PEDLERY ~ PEDDLERY trade of peddler (one that peddles (to travel about selling wares)) [n RIES] PEEKABOOS ~ PEEPBOS children's game [n] PEEKAPOO ~ PEKEPOO dog that is cross between Pekingese and poodle [n -S] PEMICAN ~ PEMMICAN food prepared by North American Indians [n -S] PENALISE ~ PENALIZE to subject to penalty [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] PENCELS ~ PENSILS small flag [n] PENDANT ~ PENDENT hanging ornament [n -S] PENLIGHTS ~ PENLITES small flashlight [n] PENNATE ~ PENNATED having wings or feathers [adj] PENOCHE ~ PENUCHE ~ PENUCHI fudge-like candy [n -S] PENUCHLE ~ PENUCKLE ~ PINOCHLE ~ PINOCLE card game [n -S] PEPLOSES ~ PEPLUSES garment worn by women in ancient Greece [n] PEPSINES ~ PEPSINS digestive enzyme of stomach [n] PEPTIDES ~ PEPTIDS combination of amino acids [n] PEREIONS ~ PEREONS thorax of some crustaceans [n] PERILED ~ PERILLED PERIL, to imperil (to place in jeopardy) [v] PEROGIS ~ PEROGIES ~ ~ PYROGIES ~ PYROHIES small dumpling with filling [n] PEROXID ~ PEROXIDE bleaching agent [n -S ~ v -D, -DING, -S] PETALED ~ PETALLED PETAL, leaflike part of corolla [adj] ~ PETASUS broad-brimmed hat worn in ancient Greece [n -ES] PETUNTSE ~ PETUNTZE mineral [n -S] PEYOTES ~ PEYOTLS cactus [n -S] PEYTRAL ~ PEYTREL ~ POITREL piece of armor for breast of horse [n -S] PHENIXES ~ PHOENIXES mythical bird [n] PHILTER ~ PHILTRE to put under spell of love potion [v -ED, -ING, -S ~ -D, -RING, -S] PHTHISIC ~ PHTHISIS disease of lungs [n -S ~ -SES] PIASABA ~ PIASAVA ~ PIASSABA ~ PIASSAVA coarse, stiff fiber [n -S] PIASTER ~ PIASTRE monetary unit of several Arab countries [n -S] PICOLIN ~ PICOLINE chemical compound [n -S] PICQUETS ~ PIQUETS card game [n] PIEDFORT ~ PIEFORT unusually thick coin [n -S] PIGMIES ~ PYGMIES small person [n] PIGNOLI ~ PIGNOLIA edible seed of nut pines [n -S] PILEATE ~ PILEATED having (umbrella-shaped portion of mushroom) [adj] PILSENER ~ PILSNER light beer [n -S] PIMENTO ~ PIMIENTO sweet pepper [n -S] PINNATE ~ PINNATED resembling feather [adj] PINONES ~ PINYONS pine tree [n] PINTADA ~ PINTADO large food fish [n -S ~ -S, -ES] PIPAGES ~ PIPEAGES system of pipes [n]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club PIRAGUA ~ PIROGUE ~ PIROQUE dugout canoe [n -S] PIRANAS ~ PIRANHAS ~ PIRAYAS voracious fish [n] PIRIFORM ~ PYRIFORM pear-shaped [adj] PIROGEN ~ PIROGHI large Russian pastry [n] PIROJKI ~ PIROSHKI ~ small Russian pastry [n] PISHOGE ~ PISHOGUE evil spell [n -S] PITAHAYAS ~ PITAYAS cactus of southwestern U.S. and Mexico [n] PIXELATE ~ PIXILATE to divide image into pixels for display in digital format [v -D, -TING, -S] PIXIEISH ~ PIXYISH PIXIE, pixy (playfully mischievous fairy or elf) [adj] PLAISTER ~ PLASTER to cover with plaster (mixture of lime, sand, and water) [v -ED, -ING, -S] PLASTRON ~ PLASTRUM part of shell of turtle [n -S] PLATANES ~ PLATANS large tree [n] PLECTRON ~ PLECTRUM implement used to pluck strings of stringed instrument [n -S ~ -A] PLEDGEOR ~ PLEDGER ~ PLEDGOR one that pledges (to give as security for something borrowed) something [n -S] PLESSORS ~ PLEXORS small, hammer-like medical instrument [n] PLIMSOL ~ PLIMSOLE ~ PLIMSOLL rubber-soled cotton [n -S] PLOUGHING ~ PLOWING to turn up land with plow (farm implement) [v] POCOSEN ~ POCOSIN ~ POCOSON upland swamp [n -S] PODGIER ~ PUDGIER short and fat [adj] PODGIEST ~ PUDGIEST short and fat [adj] PODGILY ~ PUDGILY short and fat [adv] PODSOLIC ~ PODZOLIC infertile soil [adj] PODSOLS ~ PODZOLS infertile soil [n] POETISE ~ POETIZE to write poetry [v -D, -SING, -S] POETISER ~ POETIZER one that poetizes (to write poetry)) [n -S]

POLARISE ~ POLARIZE to give polarity (possession of two opposite qualities) to [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] POLLACK ~ POLLOCK marine food fish [n -S] POLLIWOG ~ POLLYWOG tadpole (aquatic larva of amphibian) [n -S] POMELOS ~ PUMELOS grapefruit [n -S] POMMELED ~ PUMMELED to strike with fists [v] POMMELS ~ PUMMELS to strike with fists [v] PONTILS ~ PUNTIES iron rod used in glassmaking [n] PONTONS ~ PONTOONS flat-bottomed boat [n] POSOLES ~ POZOLES thick soup made of pork, corn, garlic, and chili [n] POSTEENS ~ POSTINS Afghan outer garment [n] POSTICHE ~ POSTIQUE imitation [n -S] POTEENS ~ POTHEENS ~ POTTEENS Irish whiskey that is distilled illegally [n] POTLACH ~ POTLACHE ~ POTLATCH ceremonial feast [n -ES ~ -S] POTSHARD ~ POTSHERD fragment of broken pottery [n -S] POULARD ~ POULARDE spayed hen [n -S] POUSSIES ~ PUSSIES cat [n] PRAECIPE ~ PRECIPE legal writ [n -S] PRAEDIAL ~ PREDIAL pertaining to land [adj] PRAEFECT ~ PREFECT ancient Roman official [n -S] PRAELECT ~ PRELECT to lecture (to expound on specific subject) [v -ED, -ING, -S] PRAETORS ~ PRETORS ancient Roman magistrate [n] PREEMIES ~ PREMIES infant born prematurely [n]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club PREMIXED ~ PREMIXT PREMIX, to mix before use [v] PRETENCE ~ PRETENSE act of pretending (assume or display false appearance of) [n -S] PREVIEWED ~ PREVUED to view or exhibit in advance [v] PREVIEWING ~ PREVUING to view or exhibit in advance [v] PREVIEWS ~ PREVUES to view or exhibit in advance [v] PRINCOCK ~ PRINCOX coxcomb (conceited dandy (man overly concerned about his appearance)) [n -S ~ -ES] PRITHEE ~ PRYTHEE used to express wish or request [interj] PROCHAIN ~ PROCHEIN nearest in time, relation, or degree [adj] PROLOGED ~ PROLOGUED to preface (to provide with introductory statement [v] PROLOGS ~ PROLOGUES to preface (to provide with introductory statement [v] PROMISER ~ PROMISOR one that promises (to make declaration of assurance) [n -S] PROSSES ~ PROSSIES ~ PROSTIES prostitute [n] PROTEID ~ PROTEIDE protein (nitrogenous organic compound) [n -S] PROTYLES ~ PROTYLS hypothetical substance from which all elements are supposedly derived [n] PRUNELLA ~ PRUNELLO strong woolen fabric [n -S] PSALTERY ~ PSALTRY ancient stringed musical instrument [n -RIES ~ -RIES] PTISANS ~ TISANES tea of herbs or barley [n] PTOMAIN ~ PTOMAINE compound produced by decomposition of protein [n -S] PUGAREES ~ ~ PUGGAREES ~ PUGGREES ~ PUGGRIES ~ PUGREES cloth band wrapped around hat [n] PULSEJET ~ PULSOJET type of engine [n -S] PUMPKINS ~ PUNKINS large, edible fruit [n] PUNKEYS ~ PUNKIES biting gnat [n] PURLINS ~ PURLINES horizontal supporting timber [n] PUSLEYS ~ PUSSLEYS ~ PUSSLIES purslane (common garden herb) [n] PUTTEES ~ PUTTIES strip of cloth worn around leg [n] PYAEMIAS ~ PYEMIAS presence of pus in blood [n] PYCNOTIC ~ PYKNOTIC exhibiting pyknosis (shrinking and thickening of cell nucleus) [adj] PYGMAEAN ~ PYGMEAN PYGMY, small person [adj] PYRITISE ~ PYRITIZE to convert into pyrite (metallic sulfide) [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] PYROLIZE ~ PYROLYSE ~ PYROLYZE to affect compounds by application of heat [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] PYRROLES ~ PYRROLS chemical compound [n] Q QINDARS ~ QINTARS ~ QUINTARS monetary unit of Albania [n] QUAHAUG ~ QUAHOG edible clam [n -S] QUAICHES ~ QUAICHS ~ QUAIGHS small drinking vessel [n] QUANDANG ~ QUANDONG ~ QUANTONG Australian tree [n -S] QUETZALS ~ QUEZALES ~ QUEZALS tropical bird [n] QUEUEING ~ QUEUING QUEUE, to line up [v] QUILLAI ~ QUILLAIA ~ QUILLAJA evergreen tree [n -S] QUINELA ~ QUINELLA ~ QUINIELA type of bet in horse racing [n -S] QUININES ~ QUININS medicinal alkaloid [n] QUINZHEE ~ QUINZIE shelter made by hollowing out pile of snow [n -S] R RABATOS ~ REBATOS wide, lace-edged collar [n] RACCOONS ~ RACOONS carnivorous mammal [n] RACHETS ~ RATCHETS to increase or decrease by small amounts [v] RAFFIAS ~ RAPHIAS palm tree [n]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club RAGGEES ~ RAGGIES East Indian cereal grass [n] RAMEKIN ~ RAMEQUIN cheese dish [n -S] RAMILIE ~ RAMILLIE type of wig [n -S] RAMPIKE ~ RAMPOLE ~ RANPIKE standing dead tree [n -S] RANCORS ~ RANCOURS bitter and vindictive enmity [n] RAREFIED ~ RARIFIED to make less dense [v] RAREFIES ~ RARIFIES to make less dense [v] RASSLED ~ WARSTLED ~ WRASSLED ~ WRASTLED ~ WRESTLED to engage in type of hand-to-hand contest [v] RASSLES ~ WARSTLES ~ WRASSLES ~ WRASTLES ~ WRESTLES to engage in type of hand-to-hand contest [v] RATABLE ~ RATEABLE capable of being rated (to estimate value of) [adj] RATAFIA ~ RATAFEE almond-flavored liqueur [n -S] RATLINS ~ RATLINES one of ropes forming steps of ship’s rope ladder [n] RATOONS ~ RATTOONS to sprout from root planted previous year [v] RAVELED ~ RAVELLED RAVEL, to separate threads of [n] RAVELER ~ RAVELLER one that ravels (to separate threads of) [n -S] RAYGRASS ~ RYEGRASS European grass [n -ES] REALISE ~ REALIZE to understand [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] REARMICE ~ REREMICE bats (flying mammals) [n] REAVERS ~ REIVERS ~ RIEVERS one that reaves (to plunder (to rob goods by force)) [n] RECOLOR ~ RECOLOUR COLOR, to color (visible attribute of objects) [v -ED, -ING, -S] REEBOKS ~ RHEBOKS ~ REEDBUCKS ~ REITBOKS large African antelope (ruminant mammal) [n] REJECTER ~ REJECTOR one that rejects (to refuse to accept, consider, or make use of [n -S] RELEASER ~ RELEASOR one that releases (to set free) [n -S] RELENDS ~ RELENTS to lend again [v] RELIEVO ~ RILIEVO projection of figures or forms from flat background [n -S ~ -VI] REMITTER ~ REMITTOR one that remits (send money in payment) RESHINED ~ RESHONE SHINE, to emit light [v] RESPRANG ~ RESPRUNG SPRING, to move upward suddenly and swiftly [v] RETIEING ~ RETYING TIE, to fasten with cord or rope [v] REVELED ~ REVELLED REVEL, to engage in revelry (noisy merrymaking) [v] REVELER ~ REVELLER one that revels (to engage in revelry (noisy merrymaking)) [n -S] REVISER ~ REVISOR one that revises (to make new or improved version of) [n -S] REWINDED ~ REWOUND WIND, to pass around object or fixed center [v] RHABDOM ~ RHABDOME rodlike structure in retinula (neural receptor of arthropod’s eye) [n -S] RHIZOMA ~ RHIZOME rootlike underground system [n -MATA ~ -S] RICKSHAS ~ RIKISHAS ~ RIKSHAWS small, two-wheeled passenger vehicle [n] RIDGELS ~ RIDGILS male animal with undescended testicles [n] RIGADOON ~ RIGAUDON lively dance [n -S] RINGHALS ~ RINKHALS venomous snake [n -ES] RINSABLE ~ RINSIBLE RINSE, to clean with clear water [adj] RIPOSTES ~ RIPOSTS to make return thrust in fencing [n] RIVETED ~ RIVETTED RIVET, to fasten with type of metal bolt [v] ROBANDS ~ ROBBINS piece of yarn used to fasten sail [n] ROBOTISE ~ ROBOTIZE to make automatic [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] ROCKABY ~ ROCKABYE song used to lull child to sleep [n -BIES ~ -S] ROENTGEN ~ RONTGEN unit of radiation dosage [n -S]

ROGUEING ~ ROGUING ROGUE, to defraud (to swindle (to take money or property from by fraudulent means)) [v]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ROISTER ~ ROYSTER to revel (to engage in revelry (noisy merrymaking)) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ROMANISE ~ ROMANIZE to write in Roman [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] RONIONS ~ RONYONS mangy animal or person [n] ROOMFULS ~ ROOMSFUL as much as room can hold [adj] ROORBACH ~ ROORBACK false story used for political advantage [n -S] ROUTEING ~ ROUTING ROUTE, to send on particular course [v] ROWELED ~ ROWELLED ROWEL, to prick with spiked wheel in order to urge forward [v] RUBABOO ~ RUBBABOO type of soup [n -S] RUGALACH ~ of cream-cheese dough spread with filling and rolled up [n] RURALISE ~ RURALIZE to make rural (pertaining to country [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] S SABBATHS ~ SABBATS assembly of demons and witches [n] SABERING ~ SABRING to strike with saber (type of sword) [v] SACBUTS ~ SACKBUTS ~ SAGBUTS medieval trombone [n] SACKFULS ~ SACKSFUL as much as sack can hold [adj] SAFROLES ~ SAFROLS poisonous liquid [n] SAGUARO ~ SAHUARO tall cactus [n -S] SALABLE ~ SALEABLE capable of being or fit to be sold [adj] SALABLY ~ SALEABLY capable or being or fit to be sold [adv] SALICIN ~ SALICINE chemical compound [n -S] SALTIER ~ SALTIRE heraldic design [n -S] SAMBAHRS ~ SAMBARS ~ SAMBUHRS ~ SAMBURS large Asian deer [n] SAMBUCA ~ SAMBUKE ancient stringed instrument [n -S] SAMECHS ~ SAMEKHS Hebrew letter [n] SAMISEN ~ SHAMISEN Japanese stringed instrument [n -S] SANDBUR ~ SANDBURR annual herb [n -S]

SANITISE ~ SANITIZE to guard against infection or disease by cleaning or sterilizing [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SANNOPS ~ SANNUPS married male American Indian [n] SANSARS ~ SARSARS cold, whistling wind [n] SANTIRS ~ SANTOORS ~ SANTOURS ~ SANTURS Persian dulcimer [n] SAPONIN ~ SAPONINE soapy substance obtained from plants [n -S] SARAPES ~ SERAPES colorful woolen [n] SARCENET ~ SARSENET ~ SARSNET silk fabric [n -S] SASTRUGA ~ ZASTRUGA ridge of snow formed by wind in polar regions [n -GI]

SATIRISE ~ SATIRIZE to subject to satire (use of derisive with to attack folly or wickedness) [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SAUTOIR ~ SAUTOIRE saltire (heraldic design) [n -S] SAVANNA ~ SAVANNAH flat, treeless grassland [n -S] SAVORER ~ SAVOURER one that savors (to taste or smell with pleasure) [n -S] SCABIOSA ~ SCABIOUS flowering plant [n -S ~ -ES] SCALDIC ~ SKALDIC SKALD, ancient Scandinavian poet [adj] SCEPTER ~ SCEPTRE to invest with royal authority [v -ED,-ING, -S ~ -D, -RING, -S] SCEPTIC ~ SKEPTIC person who doubts generally accepted ideas [n -S] SCHLEPPS ~ SCHLEPS ~ SHLEPPS to lug or drag [v] SCHLEPPY ~ SHLEPPY shabby, run-down [adj] SCHLOCKS ~ SHLOCKS inferior merchandise [n] SCHLOCKY ~ SHLOCKY of inferior quality [adj -KIER, -KIEST] SCHLONGS ~ SHLONGS offensive word [n]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SCHLUMPS ~ SHLUMPS to go about lazily or sloppily dressed [v] SCHLUMPY ~ SHLUMPY unattractive, slovenly [adj -PIER, -PIEST] ~ SCHMALZ ~ SHMALTZ excessive sentimentality [n -ES] SCHMATTE ~ SHMATTE ragged garment [n -S] SCHMEAR ~ SCHMEER to bribe [v -ED, -ING, -S] SCHMOOS ~ SCHMOOSE ~ SCHMOOZE ~ SHMOOZE to gossip [v -ED, -ING, -S ~ D, SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SCHMOOZY ~ SHMOOZY given to schmoozing (to gossip) [adj -ZIER, -ZIEST] SCHMUCKS ~ SHMUCKS foolish or clumsy person [n] SCHMUCKY ~ SHMUCKY foolish, contemptible [adj -KIER, -KIEST] SCHNAPPS ~ SCHNAPS ~ SHNAPPS strong liquor [n] SCHNOOKS ~ SHNOOKS easily deceived person [n] SCHTICKS ~ SCHTIKS ~ SHTICKS entertainment routine [n] SCIMETAR ~ SCIMITAR ~ SCIMITER ~ SIMITAR curved sword used by Arabs and Turks [n -S] SCRAICH ~ SCRAIGH to utter shrill cry [v -ED, -ING, -S] SCRAWBED ~ SCROBBED to scrape with or as with claws [v] SCULKER ~ SKULKER to move about stealthily [v -ED, -ING, -S] SEAWANS ~ SEAWANTS wampum (form of currency used by Native Americans) [n] SEBACIC ~ SEBASIC derived from certain acid [adj] SEEDMAN ~ SEEDSMAN dealer in seeds (propagative plant structures) [n -MEN] SEIGNEUR ~ SEIGNIOR feudal lord [n -S] SEIGNORY ~ SIGNIORY ~ SIGNORY power of seignior (feudal lord) [n -RIES] SEISING ~ SEIZING to take hold of suddenly and forcibly [v] SEISINS ~ SEIZINS legal possession of land [n] SEISORS ~ SEIZORS one that takes seizin (legal possession of land) [n] SEISURE ~ SEIZURE act of seizing (to take hold of suddenly and forcibly) [n -S] SELKIES ~ SILKIES creature in Scottish and Irish folklore [n] SEMIMAT ~ SEMIMATT having slight luster [adj] SENECAS ~ SENEGAS medicinal plant root [n] SEPALED ~ SEPALLED SEPAL, one of individual leaves of calyx (outer protective covering of flower) [adj] SERGEANT ~ SERJEANT noncommissioned military officer [n -S] SHACKOES ~ SHACKOS ~ SHAKOES type of military hat [n] SHADOOFS ~ SHADUFS device used in Egypt for raising water for irrigation [n] SHAHEEDS ~ SHAHIDS Muslim martyr [n] SHAIKHS ~ SHEIKHS Arab chief [n] SHAITAN ~ SHEITAN evil spirit [n -S] SHAMMAS ~ SHAMMES ~ SHAMMOS minor official of synagogue [n -IM ~ -MOSIM ~ -IM] SHANTIHS ~ SHANTIS peace [n] SHARIAHS ~ SHARIAS Islamic law based in Koran [n] SHARIFS ~ SHEREEFS ~ SHERIFS Arab ruler [n] SHASHLIK ~ SHASLIK kabob (cubes of meat cooked on skewer) [n -S] SHEALING ~ SHIELING shepherd’s hut [n -S] SHEATHES ~ SHEATHS to put into protective case [v] SHEBEAN ~ SHEBEEN place where liquor is sold illegally [n -S] SHEHNAIS ~ SHENAIS double-reed wind instrument of India [n] SHEKALIM ~ SHEKELIM ~ SHEKELS ~ SHEQALIM ~ SHEQELS ancient unit of weight and money [n] SHEUCHS ~ SHEUGHS ditch [n] SHIATSU ~ SHIATZU massage using finger pressure [n -S]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SHIBAHS ~ SHIVAHS period of mourning [n] SHICKER ~ SHIKKER drunkard [n -S] SHIITAKE ~ SHITAKE dark Oriental mushroom [n -S] SHIKAREE ~ SHIKARI big game hunter [n -S] SHIPPEN ~ SHIPPON cowshed [n -S] SHOEPAC ~ SHOEPACK waterproof [n -S] SHOFARS ~ SHOPHARS ~ SHOFROTH ram’s horn trumpet blown in certain Jewish rituals [n] SHTETELS ~ SHTETLS Jewish village [n] SHWANPAN ~ SWANPAN Chinese abacus (calculating device) [n -S] SICKEES ~ SICKIES emotionally sick person [n] SIDEWAY ~ SIDEWAYS toward or from one side [adv] SIENITE ~ SYENITE igneous rock [n -S] SILIQUA ~ SILIQUE type of seed capsule [n -S] SILLABUB ~ SILLIBUB ~ SYLLABUB alcoholic dessert [n -S] SIMOOMS ~ SIMOONS hot, dry desert wind [n] SITHENCE ~ SITHENS since [adv] SIZZLED ~ ZIZZLED to burn or fry with hissing sound [v] SIZZLES ~ ZIZZLES to burn or fry with hissing sound [v] SKATOLES ~ SKATOLS chemical compound [n] SKIDDOOS ~ SKIDOOS to go away [v] SKILFUL ~ SKILLFUL ~ SKILFULL having skill (ability to do something well) [adj] SKREEGH ~ SKREIGH to screech (to utter harsh, shrill cry) [v -ED, -ING, -S] SKYDIVED ~ SKYDOVE SKYDIVE, to parachute from airplane for sport [v] SKYWARD ~ SKYWARDS toward sky [adv] SLABBERY ~ SLOBBERY slobbering (to drool (to drivel (to let saliva flow from mouth) [adj] SMARAGD ~ SMARAGDE emerald [n -S] SMIDGEN ~ SMIDGIN very small amount [n -S] SMOLDER ~ SMOULDER to burn with no flame [v -ED, -ING, -S] SMOOSHED ~ SMUSHED to squash (to press into pulp or flat mass) [v] SMOOSHES ~ SMUSHES to squash (to press into pulp or flat mass) [v] SMOOTHIE ~ SMOOTHY person with polished manners [n -S ~ -HIES) SNICKER ~ SNIGGER to utter partly stifled laugh [V -ED, -ING, -S] SOCAGES ~ SOCCAGES form of feudal land tenure [n] SODOMISE ~ SODOMIZE to engage in sodomy (unnatural copulation) with [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SOLANIN ~ SOLANINE poisonous alkaloid [n -S] SOLARISE ~ SOLARIZE to expose to sunlight [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SOLDANS ~ SOUDANS ~ SULDANS ~ SULTANS Muslim ruler [n]

SOLECISE ~ SOLECIZE to use solecisms (ungrammatical combination of words in sentence) [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SOLERET ~ SOLLERET sabaton (piece of armor for foot) [n -S] SOLONETS ~ SOLONETZ type of soil [n -ES] SOMBERLY ~ SOMBRELY SOMBER, gloomy [adv] SOOCHONG ~ SOUCHONG Chinese tea [n -S] SORDINE ~ SORDINO ~ SOURDINE device used to muffle tome of musical instrument [n -S] SOUCARS ~ SOWCARS Hindu banker [n] SOUSLIKS ~ SUSLIKS Eurasian rodent [n] SOUTHERN ~ SOUTHRON person living in south [n -S] SPAETZLE ~ SPATZLE tiny dumpling [n -S]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SPANDREL ~ SPANDRIL space between two adjoining arches [n -S] SPELAEAN ~ SPELEAN living in caves [adj] SPICATE ~ SPICATED SPICA, ear of grain [adj] SPINACH ~ SPINAGE cultivated herb [n -ES ~ -S] SPIRAEAS ~ SPIREAS flowering shrub [n] SPIREMES ~ SPIREMS filament forming part of cell [n] SPLENTED ~ SPLINTED to brace with splint (thin piece of wood) [v] SPLENTS ~ SPLINTS to brace with splint (thin piece of wood) [v] SPLODGE ~ SPLOTCH to mark with large, irregular spots [v D, GING, S ~ -ED, -ING, -S] SPRIEST ~ SPRYEST nimble [adj] SPRIGHTS ~ SPRITES elf or fairy [n] SPUMONE ~ SPUMONI Italian ice cream [n -S] SRADDHAS ~ SRADHAS Hindu ceremonial offering [n] STAGGARD ~ STAGGART full-grown male red deer [n -S] STEADFAST ~ STEADFAST staunch [adj] STEARIN ~ STEARINE solid portion of fat [n -S] STEENBOK ~ STEINBOK African antelope [n -S] STIVERS ~ STUIVERS formerly used Ditch coin [n] STOCCADO ~ STOCCATA thrust with rapier (long, slender sword) [n -S ~ -S] STOGEYS ~ STOGIES long, slender cigar [n] STORAXES ~ STYRAXES fragrant resin [n] STRETTAS ~ STRETTE ~ STRETTI ~ STRETTOS concluding musical passage played at faster tempo [n] STRICKEN ~ STRUCKEN STRIKE, to come or cause to come into contact with [v] STYLISE ~ STYLIZE to make conventional [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] STYLISER ~ STYLIZER one that stylizes (to make conventional) [n -S] SUBADAR ~ SUBAHDAR governor of subah (province of India) [n -S] SUBERISE ~ SUBERIZE to convert into cork tissue [[v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SUBPENA ~ SUBPOENA summon with type of judicial writ [v -ED, -ING, -S] SUBTILER ~ SUBTLER so slight as to be difficult to detect [adj] SUCCAHS ~ SUCCOTH ~ SUKKAHS, SUKKOTH temporary shelter in which meals are eaten during Jewish festival [n] SUCCORS ~ SUCCOURS to go to aid of [v] SULCATE ~ SULCATED having long, narrow furrows [adj] SULFIDE ~ SULPHIDE sulfur compound [n -S] SULFIDS ~ SULPHIDS sulfide (sulfur compound) [n] SULFITE ~ SULPHITE chemical salt [n -S] SULFONE ~ SULPHONE sulfur compound [n -S] SULFURY ~ SULPHURY resembling sulfur (nonmetallic element) [adj] SUNWARD ~ SUNWARDS toward sun [adv] SURPRISE ~ SURPRIZE to come upon unexpectedly [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] SURVIVER ~ SURVIVOR one that survives (to remain in existence) [n -S] SVARAJES ~ SWARAJES self-government in British India [n] SWAPPER ~ SWOPPER one that swaps (to trade) [n -S] SWASTICA ~ SWASTIKA geometrical figure used as symbol or ornament [n -S] SWATTER ~ SWOTTER one that swats (to hit sharply) [n -S] SWEENEY ~ SWINNEY atrophy of shoulder muscles in horses [n -NEYS] SWIPLES ~ SWIPPLES part of threshing device [n] SYCAMORE ~ SYCOMORE North American tree [n -S]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SYLVINES ~ SYLVINS sylvite (ore of potassium) [n] SYMBION ~ SYMBIONT ~ SYMBIOT ~ SYMBIOTE organism living in close association with another [n -S] SYNONYM ~ SYNONYME word having same meaning as another [n -S]

SYNTAGM ~ SYNTAGMA syntactic (way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences) element [n -S ~ -S or -TA] SYZYGAL ~ SYZYGIAL SYZYGY, configuration of earth, moon, and sun lying in straight line [adj] T TABORET ~ TABOURET small drum [n -S] TABORIN ~ TABORINE taboret (small drum) [n -S} TABOULIS ~ TABULIS Lebanese salad containing bulghur wheat, tomatoes, onions, and mint [n] TACHISM ~ TACHISME action paining [n -S] TACHIST ~ TACHISTE action painter [n -S] TAFFAREL ~ TAFFEREL ~ TAFFRAIL rail around stern of ship [n -S] TAGINES ~ earthenware Moroccan cooking pot [n] TAHINAS ~ TAHINIS paste of seeds [n] TAIGLACH ~ TEIGLACH confection consisting of balls of dough boiled in honey [n] TAKABLE ~ TAKEABLE TAKE, to get possession of [adj] TALCING ~ TALCKING TALC, to treat with talc (soft mineral with soapy texture) [v] TALEYSIM ~ TALLISES ~ TALLISIM ~ TALLITHS ~ TALLITIM ~ TALLITOT Jewish prayer shawl [n] TALOOKAS ~ TALUKAS estate in India [n] TAMABLE ~ TAMEABLE capable of being tamed (gentle or docile) [adj] TAMANDU ~ TAMANDUA arboreal anteater [n -S] TAMARAO ~ TAMARAU ~ TIMARAU small buffalo of Philippines [n -S] TAMBACS ~ TAMBAKS ~ TOMBACS ~ TOMBACKS ~ TOMBAKS alloy of copper and zinc [n] TAMBOURA ~ TAMBURA stringed instrument [n -S] TAMPION ~ TOMPION plug for muzzle of cannon [n -S] TANDOOR ~ TANDOORI clay oven [n -S] TANRECS ~ TENRECS mammal that feeds on insects [n] TARBOOSH ~ TARBUSH cap worn by Muslim men [n -ES] TARLATAN ~ TARLETAN cotton fabric [n -S] TARTUFE ~ TARTUFFE hypocrite [n -S] TAUTAUGS ~ TAUTOGS marine fish [n] TAWNIES ~ TAWNEYS light brown color [n] TAXIING ~ TAXYING TAXI, to travel in taxicab (automobile for hire) [v] TEASELED ~ TEAZELED to raise soft surface on fabric with bristly flower head [v] TEASELS ~ TEAZELS to raise sift surface on fabric with bristly flower head [v] TECHIES ~ TEKKIES technician [n] TECTITE ~ TEKTITE glassy body believed to be of meteoritic origin [n -S] TEETOTUM ~ TETOTUM spinning toy [n -S] TEGMINA ~ TEGUMINA covering [n] TENDANCE ~ TENDENCE watchful care [n -S] TERCELS ~ TIERCELS male falcon (bird of prey) [n] TERREEN ~ TERRINE earthenware jar [n -S] TERRETS ~ TERRITS metal ring on harness [n] TETANISE ~ TETANIZE to affect with convulsions [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] TEUGHLY ~ TOUGHLY TOUGH (strong and resilient) [adv]

THANAGE ~ THENAGE land held by thane (man holding land by military service in Anglo-Saxon England) [n -S] THEATER ~ THEATRE building for dramatic presentations [n -S]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

THEORISE ~ THEORIZE to form theories (group of propositions used to explain class of phenomena) [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] THERIAC ~ THERIACA molasses [n -S] THIAMIN ~ THIAMINE B vitamin [n -S] THIAZIN ~ THIAZINE chemical compound [n -S] THIAZOL ~ THIAZOLE chemical compound [n -S] THICKET ~ THICKSET dense grown of shrubs or small trees [n -S] THIONIN ~ THIONINE violet dye [n -S] THREAPED ~ THREEPED to dispute [v] THREAPS ~ THREEPS to dispute [v] THRUSTER ~ THRUSTOR one that thrusts (to push forcibly) [n -S] TIDBITS ~ TITBITS choice bit of food [n] TIGERISH ~ TIGRISH resembling tiger (large feline mammal) [adj] TIMBALS ~ TYMBALS large drum [n] TIMPANO ~ TYMPANO kettledrum [n -S] TIMPANUM ~ TYMPANUM middle ear [n -S, -NA] TITHING ~ TYTHING act of levying tithes (small tax) [v] TOCOLOGY ~ TOKOLOGY branch of medicine dealing with childbirth [n -GIES] TOKAMAK ~ TOKOMAK doughnut-shaped nuclear reactor [n -S] TOLIDIN ~ TOLIDINE chemical compound [n -S] TOLUOLS ~ TOLUOLES toluene (flammable liquid) [n] TOONIES ~ TWOONIES Canadian two-dollar coin [n] TOSTADA ~ TOSTADO tortilla fried in deep fat [n -S ~ -S] TOTABLE ~ TOTEABLE TOTE, to carry by hand [adj] TOTALED ~ TOTALLED TOTAL, to ascertain entire amount of [v] TOTALISE ~ TOTALIZE to make complete [v -D, -SING, -S ~ -D, -ZING, -S] TOURACOS ~ TURACOS ~ TURACOUS African bird [n] TOURISTA ~ TURISTA intestinal sickness affecting tourist in foreign country [n -S] TOUSLED ~ TOUZLED to dishevel (to make messy (dirty or untidy)) [v] TOUSLES ~ TOUZLES to dishevel (to make messy (dirty or untidy)) [v] TOVARICH ~ TOVARISH comrade [n -ES] TOWELED ~ TOWELLED TOWEL, to wipe with towel (absorbent cloth) [v] TOWMOND ~ TOWMONT year (period of time consisting of 365 or 366 days) [n -S] TOXAEMIA ~ TOXEMIA condition of having toxins (poisonous substance) in blood [n -S] TRAMELS ~ TRAMELLS ~ TRAMMELS to hinder (to impede (to obstruct progress of)) [v] TRAPANS ~ TREPANS to trephine (to operate on with surgical saw) [v] TRAVOIS ~ TRAVOISE type of sled [n -ES ~ -S] TREENAIL ~ TRENAIL ~ TRUNNEL wooden peg used for fastening timbers [n -S] TRESSEL ~ TRESTLE framework for supporting bridge [n -S] TRESSOUR ~ TRESSURE type of heraldic design [n -S] TREVETS ~ TRIVETS small stand having three legs [n] TRIAZIN ~ TRIAZINE chemical compound [n -S] TRICORN ~ TRICORNE hat with brim turned up on three sides [n -S] TRINDLE ~ TRUNDLE to propel by causing to rotate [v -D, -LING, -S] TRIPTYCA ~ TRIPTYCH ancient writing tablet [n -S] TRISCELE ~ TRISKELE figure consisting of three branches radiating from center [n -S] TROCARS ~ TROCHARS surgical instrument [n] TROLLEYS ~ TROLLIES to convey by streetcar [v]

SPELLING B-I-N-G-O-E-S Bingo-length ALTERNATE SPELLING are often foreign transliteration & challenge-safe. “~” separate spellings / [forms] compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club TROOPIAL ~ TROUPIAL tropical bird [n -S] TROPINES ~ TROPINS poisonous alkaloid [n] ~ TROWSERS garment for lower part of body [n] TROUVERE ~ TROUVEUR medieval poet [n -S] TRUDGEN ~ TRUDGEON swimming stroke [n -S] TSADDIKS ~ TZADDIKS ~ ZADDICKS ~ ZADDIKS virtuous person by Jewish religious standards [n] TSETSES ~ TZETZES African fly [n] TSURISES ~ TZURISES series of misfortunes [n] TUCHISES ~ TUCHUSES buttocks (either of two rounded parts of rump) [n] TUGHRIKS ~ TUGRIKS monetary unit of Mongolia [n] TUMBREL ~ TUMBRIL type of cart [n -S] TURBETH ~ TURBITH ~ TURPETH medicinal plant root [n -S] TURKOIS ~ TURQUOIS greenish blue gem [n -ES]

TUSSAHS ~ TUSSEHS ~ TUSSARS ~ TUSSERS ~ TUSSORS ~ TUSSORES ~ TUSSURS Asian silkworm [n] TUSSOCK ~ TUSSUCK clump of grass [n -S] TWADDLE ~ TWATTLE to talk foolishly [v -D, -LING, -S ~ -D, -LING, -S] TWASOME ~ TWOSOME group of two [n -S] TWIBILLS ~ TWIBILS battle-ax with two cutting edges [n]