Volume 10 Issue 2 Summer 2009 A Publication ONE OF MR. LINCOLN’S FORTS AND THE MYSTERY OF of the THE BURIAL OF CAPT. OTIS H. TILLINGHAST Tillinghast By Family In Kent Watkins America. (
[email protected]), copyright, July, 2009 My ancestral line from the original Pardon Tillinghast, a founder of Providence, R.I.: Pardon, Pardon, “Be Just and Philip, Benjamin (see p. 359 ,WayneTillinghast), Henry (p. 362 WT; p. 103, Rose Tillinghast), Thomas (p. Fear Not” 363 WT), Mary Maria Tillinghast, m. Isaac Wilson Parker, E.W. Parker, Elberta Parker (my mother) Stories, stories, and more stories: they wrap themselves around one another like the strands of a Subscription double helix. This is the story of one of possibly three Fort Tillinghasts in the country, the one price: $4 per established as part of the Defense of Washington, D.C. during the Civil War on the Arlington year for two Heights of Va.,Line (see map R.). It was not a large issues fort, and was in fact called a ‘mere’ lunette.* It was hastily built, upgraded, and later maintained, as part of a cluster of many such forts E d ito r a n d and batteries after the S u b sc rip tio n s surprising defeat of the Union army at the first battle G r e ta T illin g h a st T y le r 3 3 3 R a n d o m R o a d of Bull Run (Manassas), R ip le y , W V 2 5 2 7 1 July 21, 1861.