CONGRESSIONAL RECORD A593 Said Premises Or Any Portion Thereof for Any There Being No Objection, the Matters of Men in Uniform Created a Housing Crisis
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APPENDIX TO THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD A593 said premises or any portion thereof for any There being no objection, the matters of men in uniform created a housing crisis. other purpose; will not at any time permit referred to were ordered to be printed in Hotels and rooming houses were jammed and any hunting or shooting upon said property the RECORD, as follows: thousands of Uncle Sam's finest were com- other than that specifically reserved to the pelled to sleep in hotel lobbies, doorways, grantor and his said son and their guests REMARKS OF GENERALEISENHOWER IN on lawns and sidewalks, and even against * * *; will not permit the use by the pub- PRESENTING THE CITATION buildings and lamp posts. B'nai B'rith, the lic of said premises * * * There is "no Mr. Henry Monsky, president of B'nai Nation's oldest and largest Jewish service consideration for this deed, it being a gift to B'rith; Col. Elliott Niles, of the National War organization, decided the situation required the United States of America." (Middlesex Service Committee; members of the execu- action. Es. Dac. 29, 1944, 12:01 p. m. Received and tive committee of B'nai B'rith, throughout The Hollywood lodge of B'nai B'rith recorded (Book 6826, p. 226. Attest: Ralph the world, men and women, enlisted men and opened a small dormitory in Hollywood but A. Nellson, Asst. Reg.)) officers, have been the recipients of, and are that only scratched the surface. In Decem- "Mr. Samuel Hoar has long been a promi- grateful for, the unselfish services of the men ber 1943, B'nai B'rith obtained from one of nent member of the executive committee of and women of B'nai B'rith. its members the use of the long-vacant the Massachusetts Fish and Game Associa- No one will ever know how much these Alexandria Hotel annex with rent, heat, and tion, the same organization commonly re- services did in keeping high the morale of light free, for use as a free dormitory for garded as sponsor of, and still fiercely sup- the armed forces during the terrible days of servicemen. porting, the Parker River wildlife sanctuary this war. I know that B'nai B'rith's service On the strength of this generous gift, B'nai land grab, perpetrated by Dr. Ira Gabrielson's to the Army long antedated Pearl Harbor. I B'rith created the B'nai B'rith Hospitality Federal Fish and Wildlife Service. am familiar with the great many recreation- House, the world's largest free dormitory for "Approval and support by these vested in- al rooms which you have furnished and con- GI's. All men in uniform, without regard terests of this bureaucratic seizure continues tinued to serve. Yes, millions of our soldiers to race or creed or color, were welcome. Since defiantly in the face of solid nonpartisan op- will always be grateful, among other things, -the hospitality house opened on Christmas position by the Commonwealth of Massachu- for the games, books, and magazines, the eve, 1943, it has been host to better than setts, as made manifest through its distin- parties and the dances, and the free lodgings 150,000 servicemen, an average of some 600 guished senators, representatives, governor, which you have provided. every week end. and entire legislature. I am especially happy to learn from Colonel The first man to register at the hospitality A NEW PATTERN Niles that your splendid work is going to con- house coined a phrase when he learned every- tinue and you are not forgetting our vet- thing was for free. Said he: "You Gabriel- mean all "Can it be, Mr. Secretary, that Dr. erans. I know your services to these veterans this is for free? It doesn't cost a cent? son and Mr. Hoar are, setting a new pattern will be as welcome to them now as it was Geezi You guys are O. K." future landtakings? for during the war. Throughout the world, the men and women "Sportsmen, taxpayers; through the good All this being done on a non-sectarian of Uncle Sam's Army have echoed that GI's your obedient servants, upon you offices of basis by the nation's oldest and largest Jew- words-"You guys are O. K."-as they the signal honor and privilege of fur- saw falls ish service organization is proof enough that and heard what B'nai B'rith has been doing through taxation enshrouded by law nishing the preservation of our democratic traditions for the men and women of the Army since the funds necessary to post, police, and is worth fighting for. 1940 on a completely non-sectarian basis. the private hunting pre- otherwise maintain The Army is mindful of all that you have SB'nai B'rith's service to the Army serve of Mr. Samuel Hoar, his son, and their long done and desires to recognize it officially by antedated Pearl Harbor. A few weeks after henceforth officially titled by the guests, the presentation to you of this citation, the the first camps for selectees were opened in States of America, a wildlife sanc- United first of its kind to be so awarded. 1940. B'nai B'rith began providing Torah tuary. The citation reads as follows: "The War scrolls for use in conducting Jewish re- "A handful of duck hunters, Doctor? In Department expresses its appreciation for ligious services at Army chapels. By VJ-day the public interest, Mr. Secretary? patriotic services to B'nai B'rith in recogni- 200 of these scrolls had been made available "If historical Concord's celebrated Paul tion of outstanding accomplishments in be- to Army chaplains. Later. B'nai B'rith also Revere and revered Henry Thoreau could to- half of Army personnel and of meritorious furnished a number of the chapels with spe- day be called to witness, might not they in- contributions to its welfare and morale." cial equipment not provided by the Army. quire, 'What price gentlemen, what price Early in 1942, B'nai B'rith launched what wildlife sanctuaries?'" REMARKSOF HENRY MONSKY, OMAHA, NEBR., was to become its No. 1 war-service project- NATIONAL PRESIDENTOF B'NAI B'RITH, IN the furnishing and equipping of recreation ACCEPTINGTHE CITATIONON BEHALF OF THE facilities at Army installations. The first MEN, WOMEN, ANDYOUNG PEOPLE AFFILIATED of these was furnished at Fort Custer. Mich., Citation Awarded B'nai B'rith WITH B'NAI B'RITH in May 1942. Since then, B'nai B'rith has This is a moment of rare privilege; to stand equipped 1,507 recreation facilities in every in the presence of one of our contemporary State of the Union, Alaska, and the District EXTENSION OF REMARKS Immortals who has become the symbol of of Columbia at an estimated cost of $750,- or America's will and determination "to do jus- 000 in material, furnishings, and equipment. tice and to pursue it," is indeed a great priv- These facilities included: 592 company HON. ELBERT D. THOMAS ilege. and squad rooms, 587 hospital solaria, 132 OF UTAH It is my privilege, as president of B'nal recreation centers, 48 reading and writing B'rith, to accept from the hand of such a rooms, 58 game rooms, 19 service clubs, 12 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES symbol a citation for service rendered to our lounges, 13 chapels, 10 libraries, 8 induction Friday, February 8 (legislative day of beloved country. B'nai B'rith was not con- and separation centers, 6 loudspeaker sys- scious that it was rendering a special service. tems, 5 theaters, 6 canteens, and 4 kitchens. Friday, January 18), 1946 It was following a tradition of more than a The facilitie" furnished by B'nai B'rith Mr. THOMAS of Utah. Mr. Presi- century, to be worthy of the blessings of were located at 227 different camps, forts, dent, last Monday, in the office of Gen. American life by giving unstintingly of loy- and' barracks; 81 air bases and airports, D. Elsenhower, Army Chief of alty, sacrifice and treasure, so that our coun- 53 Army hospitals and veterans' facilities; 22 Dwight try can continue to serve the cause of world executive committee Army training schools and Wac barracks; 24 Staff, the national peace. It is gratifying to be singled out as a service clubs and USO centers; and 5 induc- of B'nai B'rith, meeting in annual session service for a citation. It cannot be and Is tfon and separation centers. Among the in Washington, was received by General not interpreted as thanks from our govern- facilities were 73 for units of Wac's and Eisenhower and presented with a special- ment. The gratitude is rather on our part Negro troops. citation awarded B'nai B'rith by the War to the United States Army for having been In addition to outfitting these facilities Department in recognition of the organi- accorded the opportunity to utilize the forces with all manner of furniture and equipment zation's outstanding contributions to the of our organization for the welfare of the to help officers and men relax during their armed services. leisure time, B'nai B'rith provided a con- morale and welfare of Army personnel. It will be interpreted by our membership The citation is signed by Secretary of stant flow of special services for the men as a challenge to continue their services to using these facilities. These services in- War Robert Patterson and Maj. Gen. returning veterans, the machinery for which cluded sewing, refreshments, magazine and Joseph W. Byron, director of the Army's has already been established, in their devo- newspaper subscriptions, motion pictures, Special Services Division.