PRODUCT SPECIFICATION “Worcestershire Cider” PDO ( ) PGI (D) 1. Responsible department in the Member State: Name: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Area 3A Nobel House Smith Square London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom Tel: 0207 238 6075 Fax: 0207 238 5728 Email:
[email protected] 2. Applicant Group: Name: The Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire Cider and Perry Makers Address: c/o G C Warren, H Weston and Sons Ltd The Bounds Much Marcle Herefordshire HR2 2NQ Tel: Fax: Email: Composition: Producer/processors (12) Other ( ) 3. Type of product: Cider - Class 1.8 (Other) 1 4. Specification (summary of requirements under Art 7(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012) 4.1. Name: “Worcestershire Cider” 4.2. Description: A traditional cider prepared by fermentation of the juice of locally grown bitter-sweet, bitter-sharp, sweet and sharp traditionally used cider apples, with or without the addition of up to 25% perry pear juice; chaptalisation is permitted to bring the potential alcohol level to ca 9.5% ABV prior to final blending of the cider. Ciders exhibit rich appley flavours, with marked astringency and with a balance between sweetness and bitterness. Products may be either medium sweet or dry (with regard to sweetness). Actual alcohol content by volume 4.0-8.5% Specific gravity at 20̊C 0.996-1.022 Sugar content 0.55g/1 Sugar-free dry extract >13g/1 Total acidity (as Malic Acid) 40-60 mEq/1 Volatile acidity (as Acetic Acid) <1.4g/1 Iron content <7mg/kg Copper content <2mg/kg Arsenic content <0.2mg/kg Lead content <0.2mg/kg Total Sulphur Dioxide <200mg/1 Free Sulphur Dioxide 40-60mg/1 4.3.