5th Grade Life Science: Ecosystems Unit Developed for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Northside Elementary School Outdoor Wonder & Learning (OWL) Initiative Unless otherwise noted, activities written by: Lauren Greene, Sarah Yelton, Dana Haine, & Toni Stadelman Center for Public Engagement with Science UNC Institute for the Environment In collaboration with 5th grade teachers at Northside Elementary School: Michelle Gay, Daila Patrick, & Elizabeth Symons ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks to Dan Schnitzer, Coretta Sharpless, Kirtisha Jones and the many wonderful teachers and support staff at Northside Elementary for their participation in and support of the Northside OWL Initiative. Thanks also to Shelby Brown for her invaluable assistance compiling, editing, and proofreading the curriculum. Instructional materials and supplies to promote STEM-based outdoor learning were instrumental to the successful implementation of this curriculum. The purchase of these materials was made possible with funding provided by the Duke Energy Foundation to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. Curriculum developed June 2018 – July 2019 For more information, contact: Sarah Yelton, Environmental Education & Citizen Science Program Manager UNC Institute for the Environment Center for Public Engagement with Science
[email protected] 5th Grade Ecosystems Unit Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Initiative Overarching Unit Question How and why do organisms (including humans) interact with their environment, and what are the effects of these interactions? Essential Questions Arc 1: How can I describe and compare different ecosystems? Arc 2: How is energy transferred through an ecosystem? How can I explain the interconnected relationships between organisms and their environments? Transfer Goals o Use scientific thinking to understand the relationships and complexities of the world around them.