Projects Among the Interconnected Ngos and Institutions, E.G

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Projects Among the Interconnected Ngos and Institutions, E.G Working group MINT Refugee/Migrant - Women/Girls (MINT FM-FM) deutscher ingenieurinnenbund (dib e. V.) and Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik (NUT e. V.) Status: 24.10.2016, Summary Goals and focal points: The dib e. V. launched a working group called “MINT FM-FM, (MINT Flucht/Migration Frauen/Mädchen = MINT Refugees/Migrants – Women/Girls)” in order to campaign for better chances for female refugees and migrants concerning education, vocational training and career advancement in MINT spheres, as well as to inform them specifically and support them concerning the focal points of our work, namely educational and career entry opportunities. We demand that the support for these women and girls should be reinforced in future and they should not be left behind. Main focal points of our work are education and career entry for female migrants and refugees as well as the approval of degrees. Focal points ----> education, vocational career re-entry and ------------------------------------ training approval of degrees Our activities information + counselling x x assistance + support x x Planned activities regarding the focal points: . Gathering information and publishing them online subsequently, . Extending our degree of popularity, . Consulting the female refugees and their institutions, . Trying to start projects among the interconnected NGOs and institutions, e.g. on Girl's Day, in order to provide assistance to and promote female refugees. Initiators and coordinators The MINT FM-FM working group was initiated at the general assembly of the dib. e. V. in Oldenburg in November 2015. The NUT e. V. decided to support this working group at its general meeting in Altenkirchen in May 2016. Within the dib this working group is coordinated by Dr.-Ing. Kira Stein, [email protected] and M.Sc. Dipl.-Ing. Afsar Soheila Sattari [email protected] Main hitherto activities of the MINT FM-FM • Receiving the certificate of honour and the Cologne Voluntary Service Award as a part of the welcome initiative Under the patronage of the mayor Ms. Henriette Reker the city of Cologne awarded the Cologne Voluntary Service Award „KölnEngagiert 2016“ to the welcome initiative on 4th of September 2016. The working group MINT Refugees/Migrants Women/Girls of the dib e. V. is part of this welcome initiative. • Presenting our working group • At the events of migrant organisations in Cologne, Stuttgart, Offenbach, Darmstadt and Berlin, e. g. by: agisra e.V.“ Köln, „DaMigra e.V.“ Köln, "PETEK – Business Network Female Migrants" Essen, „Rahaward“ Aachen, „Bahar“ Köln, „Fliehkraft e.V.“ Köln, „Women´s Centre“ Darmstadt, „Caritas“ Köln, etc. • At the meetings of advisers of integration projects, e. g. by: Working team “Policy of Welcome Initiatives Cologne” including 20 advisers, „openTransfer #Ankommen, Young refugees in NRW “ in Düsseldorf including 120 advisers, „We are all the civil society – come together – understand – create and construct!“ in Cologne including 170 advisers • By the German women’s associations and at their events, e. g. by: „UN Women“ in Bonn; dvta, Experts´s discussion "Winning the female migrants for MINT-professions" in Stuttgart; „Arrival – Inclusion – Participation“ in Darmstadt, or „Women&Work“ 2016 in Bonn, Working Team Cologne Women´s Unions (AKF), „With or Without“-Project in Stuttgart, etc. • By the international umbrella organisation “Graduate Women International“ • Discussion an exchange with German institutions, e. g. with: The Federal Employment Agency in Nürnberg, The Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Job Portal of the Employment Agency in Cologne, Job Portal of the Employment Agency in Aachen, The foundation of Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Darmstadt, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bonn- Rhein-Sieg, etc. • In interviews with the Academy of Deutsche Welle in Bonn and with the „Technical Journalism“ faculty of the University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Cologne • In an interview with a journalist of the local newspaper „Porz am Montag“ on 12th of March, 2016 and in a press release of the City of Darmstadt. • On the following websites: . „openTransfer” “ fluchtlinge-und-migrantinnen/ . „German Federation of Graduates Women“ . „Cologne Women´s Portal“ . „Lizzynet“ and . "Cosmopolitan University, Refugees Welcome“ of The Cologne University of Applied Sciences . Women´s Bureau Darmstadt. • Training at the Welcome Women Week, University of Koblenz Studying orientation week for young female refugees and migrants at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz • Organising the information events for female refugees and migrants, e.g. at The Cologne University of Applied Sciences on 15th of June, 2016 • Consulting the female refugees and migrants regarding education, career re-entry and approval of degrees in Cologne, Darmstadt and Berlin • Female mentor for a Mentee, e.g. at Be.Ing!, discussing the application procedure or the typical behaviour in German working life, etc. in Hamburg • Working with The German Women´s Council Recommending the formation of a committee concerning „Vocational training and career re-entry for female refugees and migrants“ • Cooperation with institutions (Chambers of Commerce, Universities) e.g. with: Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, University of Hamburg, university of Koblenz, Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Darmstadt, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bonn- Rhein-Sieg, etc. • Activities for/with the female refugees and migrants Organising the female refugees´ and migrants´ participation on Girls’ Day in Cologne and Darmstadt as well as their participation on Technology Day of The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Darmstadt • Searching and organising traineeships for refugees and migrants in Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Darmstadt • Managing the refugees´ or migrants´s employments in Cologne and at the HAW • Organising IT-Workshops for female migrants and refugees at the „Re:Fugee:CA – Space for Migration Hacking“ at the bloggers’ fair „re:publica“ in Berlin • Initiating the monthly „GirlsLabDay“ in the Fab Lab Berlin in order to enable girls, with and without a migration background, to experiment with maker technology • Organising the group „Maker Girls“ on the “” platform for first time users, to enable them to gather experiences with maker technologies in Berlin • Leadership of the 63-member Meetup group in Berlin, who have been the mentors of the GirlsLabDay since September 2016 • Teaching CAD to refugees of the association„Cross-Cultural Competenz” (IBH e. V.)“ in Hamburg a CAD-trial lesson and a lecture on CAD development, the state of its technology and implementation examples as part of the advanced training offers in Hamburg, within the scope of the IQ-network Hamburg - NOBI and its bridging group Be.Ing! • Publication of the October issue 3-2016 of the „Die Ingenieurin“, the magazine of the German Association of Women Engineers (dib e. V.) • Providing the female refugees and migrants with the information regarding education and career entry on: Web: Facebook: Future plans Continuation and intensification of our hitherto work, e. g.: extending our network and personal contacts with female refugees and migrants, expansion and further activities of our working group, expanding our activities in more cities or in Germany or globally and also showing a stronger presence on internet, e. g. on facebook. Organising further joint events, especially government-financed projects with our present or future partners, like migrant organisations, member associations of The German Women´s Council and other institutions such as The Federal Employment Agency and its regional agencies, The Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences, Job Portals of the Employment Agencies, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and so on. Dr.-Ing. Kira Stein [email protected] M.Sc. Dipl-Ing. Afsar Soheila Sattari [email protected].
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    Heile, B. (2004) Darmstadt as other: British and American responses to musical modernism. Twentieth-Century Music, 1 (2). pp. 161-178. ISSN 1478-5722 Copyright © 2004 Cambridge University Press A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge The content must not be changed in any way or reproduced in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holder(s) When referring to this work, full bibliographic details must be given Deposited on: 03 April 2013 Enlighten – Research publications by members of the University of Glasgow twentieth century music Additional services for twentieth century music: Email alerts: Click here Subscriptions: Click here Commercial reprints: Click here Terms of use : Click here Darmstadt as Other: British and American Responses to Musical Modernism BJÖRN HEILE twentieth century music / Volume 1 / Issue 02 / September 2004, pp 161 ­ 178 DOI: 10.1017/S1478572205000162, Published online: 22 April 2005 Link to this article: How to cite this article: BJÖRN HEILE (2004). Darmstadt as Other: British and American Responses to Musical Modernism. twentieth century music, 1, pp 161­178 doi:10.1017/S1478572205000162 Request Permissions : Click here Downloaded from, IP address: on 03 Apr 2013 twentieth-century music 1/2, 161–178 © 2004 Cambridge University Press doi:10.1017/S1478572205000162 Printed in the United Kingdom Darmstadt as Other: British and American Responses to Musical Modernism BJO}RN HEILE Abstract There is currently a backlash against modernism in English-language music studies.
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