CÔTE D’IVOIRE Time to “disarm minds, pens and microphones” May 2005 Reporters Without Borders International Secrétariat Africa Desk 5, rue Geoffroy Marie 75009 Paris-France Tél. (33) 1 44 83 84 76 Fax (33) 1 45 23 11 51 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.rsf.org The civil war in Côte d’Ivoire, the cause for the country’s partition since September 2002, has entered a decisive phase. A last chance for a negotiated settlement is offered by the Pretoria accord, concluded on 6 April 2005 under a UN threat of targeted sanctions and thanks to mediation by South African President Thabo Mbeki on behalf of the African Union. On 14 May, the warring parties agreed on a timetable for the demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration (DDR) of their combatants – the rebel forces in the north and government militias in the south. All sights are now fixed on general elections under UN control, even if the Following an investigation in the field from 7 to date currently set for the presidential election 14 May, Reporters Without Borders advocates – 30 October 2005 – seems improbable for lack a number of urgent measures as an alternative of preparations for a “free, fair and transparent” to ineffective outrage and letting the media poll. criminals go unpunished on the grounds that and microphones” “they are part of the problem and therefore The Ivorian news media have a crucial role to must be part of the solution.” Reporters play. In an unprecedented move last November, Without Borders believes the international the UN Security Council (in resolution 1572) community has a duty to come to the help of condemned Côte d’Ivoire’s “hate media” and Ivorians who, for a long time and despite all the put journalists who have openly called for dangers, have been fighting for journalism to murder or incited violence on a blacklist along be practised both freely and responsibly.