THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN 5 Introducing Coeur d' Alene, Idaho Slims IXI. TOGGERY Electric Service THOMAS D‘ LANDERS, Mgr.

“The Store For Mnn — And HISTORY ELECTRIC CONTRACTING GOVERNMENT Observations on Women Who Shop For Men" 800-1500 The 9th century is a; Sweden is a limited monarchy. iSomelCultural Questions. AND SERVICE period of Viking expansion and The ( ‘all cabinet is formally appoint- 209 Coeur d’Alenv Aw. 1 l5-J raids. The first kings fight to ed by the King in accordance The display a possibly (‘oeur introduce . Later on with the party situation in the surprising conviction that they are Call 718 d'Alvne 31] Sherman thoroughly civil wars rage between throne popularly-elected Parliament. a civilized nation. The ( 'm-ur d‘Alene. Idaho pretenders. Union between Nor- Though developed over a long reasons for this must be that most way and Sweden and later bet- period, it was not until recent of them speak foreign languages Kooienai ween all Scandinavian countries years (1917-21) that Sweden's more or less badly, that many of in 14th century, while German parliamentary democracy was them have read “Hamlet." that Au‘l'o Paris “Hanseates” dominate external effected. they are all endowed With an in- B&M Repair Shop trade, Western dependencies finite curiosity iwhich. as we Automotive Mat-him Shop CONSTITUTION Blat-ksmithing - Welding won and lost. know, can lead to wisdom or to MOTOR REBI‘ILDING The have no written dangerous adventures), Mat-him: Work 800-865 Viking raids against We- and that AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Magna Charta. or Bill of Rights. they each every stern Europe. and one love ro- Call 958-\\'—1 Industrial Equipment But this does not mean that the mance—whether of the Hans 872 . Swedes have 2949 Govt. “'ay Mad? To Order King no protection. The Christian kind or of their own Harold Fairhair first sole ruler ancient paragraph 16 of the SWed- Coeur d’Alene, Idaho making. ('all 770 of Norway. ish Constitution Act has been They feel bound up 970 (Ib.)..Greenland called “Sweden's Magna. Charta". so closely and North with Hans Christian Andersen’s DON MARTIN. Prop. ("Vinland") discovered. It guarantees to the individual Bob's Painf America fairy tales—Thorvaldsen‘s statues Shop King Olav protection against aggression by (‘ueur d'Ale-ne, Idaho 1080 Haroldson killed —-the East Asiatic Company—the FLOOR SANDING in battle of the ruling power and stresses the after de- Found Tower ~— duty of that power to act within in Copenhagen FINISHING termined attempt to introduce Roskilde Cathedral —— the boundaries of the law. asterlars INTERIOR DECORA‘TING Christianity. Olav becomes mar- church on the island of. Bornholm tyr and Civil liberties stated in the saint after his death. are ———Burmeister and Wain's ships -7 GENERAL AlliedWeldery, Inc. Constitution and in statute law PAINT 1080-1035 Danish king Canute the Professor Niels Bohr —— and the CONTRACTOR or Great rules Norway. are embodied in practice. The Viking planes that they almost 847 4th Phone 1440 “BOB" MILES Government and its authorities believe themselves to be the cre- Idaho "GLEN" HALLADAY 1006 King Harold Hardrade falls have the responsibility Coeur d'Alene, Bridge, of safe- ators, inventors, organ- near Stanford . guarding these liberties. builders. in battle against Anglo-Saxon izers. or in some way responsible MACHINE WORK Four laws or “fundamental sta- PTONS king. for the whole lot. They seem to Tl Of All‘ Kinds tutes" from the true Constitu- 1103-1130 King Sigurd {“Jorsala- be on most intimate terms with EXTENDS GREETINGS tion of Sweden: the Constitution Bishop Copen- All Types of Welding rarer") performs Absalon, who put WOMEN’S WEARING pilgrimage to Act, 1809; Organization Jerusalem. the of hagen on the map in 1167; and APPAREL Parliament Law. 1886; the Law they really genuinely regard St. Tvlvphone 46 1152 them- 109 Sherman Ave. Tel. 13-34 South 1st Residence of archbishop in- of Succession, 1810; the Freedom to stituted selves as related Christian IV. Coeur d'Alene (‘mwr d'Alene, Idaho in . of the Press Law, 1949. who turned Copenhagen into a 1200-1240 Civil wars, ended byi city. Substituting the Press Law of beautiful and to Christian X. For Fast. E?'h-it-nt king Hakon a SIDE Hakonson. ‘ 1812 new law received final ap- who reigned during the period NORTH FEED Garbage Service Snorre Sturlason proval by the 1949 Parliament. when it transformed itself from 1178-1248 writesl AND HARDWARE (‘ALL 724 Norwegian sagas in Iceland. 1t 1) assures every citizen the a provincial town into one of the ANTON MOEN AND land Greenland Ice-i freedom in- —~ a Daily or Weekly Sen‘irv and become Nor- ; to print or convey world's great cities in small GEO. NIELSON wegian dependencies. formation to another to print- way. 0r Extra Hauling .lnhs 1‘ be 81 1208—1280 King Magnus ,‘ ed; 2) forbids censorship, even Phone "the Law- in Then, of course. it is a matter 848 4th (‘Ovur d‘Alene mender" proclaims a. nationali wartime; and. 3! outlaws confis- of no small pride that among the 18W. l cation of any publication. wartime four million inhabitants of Den- Independent 1320 Cathedral in Trondheim com~ excepted. mark there are only two persons BILL'S PHILLIPS 66 pleted. ‘ Under the Constitution Act. a, (some people contend there are ‘ SERVICE STATION 1319-1360 Norwegian — Swedish. balance of power setup allows the double this numberi who can Garbage Service union. King-in-Council (the Government) neither read nor write. On the LUBRK‘ATION ’ - 1349-1350 Waves of plague to exercise executive and judicial other hand. there are still two TYNE-['1’ SERVICE DELBERT E, LEWIS, Owner

- (‘all (“Black Death"). 9 power and share legislative power thousand Danes who have never 2211 4th 1469-\\' 1401 N. 3rd (‘neur d‘Ak-ne 1350 German merchants — the! with Parliament. The latter is all- written a book or a play or (‘m-ur d‘.\Io-no, Idaho Hanseates —— found offices in: powerful in the sphere of public painted a picture. but this figure Bergen and monopolize Norweg- 1 economy; it alone can levy taxes is steadily diminishing. “'atvh For va Localiun of ion trade. I and control the national budget. Denmark is stacked with Art, Death of 1387 Olav V. last king} Parliament also directly controls new. Highland Dairy descending old and There are. for ex—- directly from Haroldl the Bank of Sweden and the na- ample. Klug Plumbing Go. Fairhair. the. Pearls of Architecture tional debt office. distributed evenly the coun- RA‘V AN D At 308 .V. Hh 1397-1528 Union of Kalmar over bet- The administration and budget tryside. Among these Pearls are ween Denmark PASTEI'RIZED MILK Norway, and appropriation are watched by our and manors. Nobody (’ONTRAFTLVG .LVD Sweden. castles State auditors, special Parlia- to live in them today. REPAIRING 1488-1460 Orkney a can afford :“Milk That Wins" and Shetland ment body. but they are attractive all the Islands lost (to Scotland). From Tested Cows GI'ARANTEEI) SERVH‘E .. Wars break up Parliament's eight 5 t a n d i n g same. 1500-1045 Nordic Melvin Cook and Harry Kromm (‘all 666 union. but Norwegian-Danish committees (and other special ones. wield great influence on union prevails. The Oldenburgr ad- (‘all 42-F-ll 409 Mnntana Au". ministration and policy formulai- kings bring in Lutheran faith. Danes Health Plan (‘oeur (DI-Elk D‘ALENI-Z All d'AleneJdahu found many cities. but lose Nor- tion. committees include mem- from both wegian provinces to Sweden bers chambers. The Noi' Fit For USA two most important are budget through unsuccessful wars. Nor- the wegian constitution and declar- and constitutional committees. & ation of independence 1814. but Further control is wielded by Modern Glass Supply Co. union with Sweden until 1905. the two Parliamentappointed pm- 19th century a period of expan- curators general, one keeping an sion and improvement in arts. eye on Civil administration. the scfence, industries and shipping. other on military administration. :HS ("our (I'Aleno .\\enuo Present parliamentary system through Telephone 1222 evolved leltlk‘?] strife. 1854 First railway (Oslu-Eids~ Haakon King t‘lt‘l‘tt‘d 1905. \\'nl' void). ('oour d'.\|em‘. With Germany 1940-1945. Idaho After struggles 1586 Lutheran faith intrmluced 1880-1884 between parliament and cabinet, parlia- 1563-1570 Nordic 7-yearwar (Den- mentary is mark-Norway vs. chdcni. rule instituted. 1588-1648 King Christian 1V. foun- I887 Jury system introduced. THE CIRCUS ROOM der 0f Christiania () 1624. 1898 Universal franchise rights for men. 1645 Harjedalcn and Janitland SHOWS NIGHTLY provinces ceded to Sweden. 1905 Union with Swvdon dissol- FLOOR 1658 Bohuslan ceded. ved (7. June). Danish prince For Riotous Fun Don't Miss This One 1888 King Christian V issues na- Carl elected King Haakon VII tional law. of Norway (18. Nov.). COCKTAILS AND DANCING . . well known 17084721 Great Nordic War. 1913 Universal suffrage for wom- . says Danish I780 Academy of Science founded on. physlvlun. Dr. Anton M. Jonson. 213 Sherman. Coeur d'.-\lene Call 236 in Trondheim. 1925 Spitzbergen (Svalbard) pla- who with his wat- and (laughter, 1807-1814 War against Sweden ced under NorWOgian sovereign- ro-turnml to America on the Swe- and England. Famine. ty. dish Ann-rivan ”new motorship 1811 University of Christiania 1928 First Labor government. “Stm-kholm" from a trip to Don- MAXSON COTTAGES (Oslo) founded 2. Sept. 1933 Norwegian Government loses mark. “Quito- naturally. l we» 1814 Peace treaty of Kiel, Nor- dispute with Denmark for sov- Inn-routed In studying sot-Iaiiu‘d way ceded to Sweden by Den- ereignty over Grecnland‘s easi- medicine as prank-HI in Do-n- FOR A COOL. RESTFUL PLACE AMONG THE PINES Jan.) as- whore it \\ as Inaugurated mark (14. National ern coast. mark. 15th & Sherman Coeur d'Ak-ne. Idaho sembly at Eidsvold (April-May) 1940 Germany attacks main cities In the middle thirtim, since this elects Danish prince Christian 9. April. Fighting vontinucs in syste-m Ia so Illl?‘h In the drhlie 0n Highway 10 at Fifteenth (‘all 928 Frederick king of Norway. Southern Norway until 5. May. today In Ameriva. My convic- drafts constitution (17. May)“ in until 7. tIon. hDW'O‘Vt‘I', stIll nm‘hmm‘d. War with Sweden (July—Aug.i. June. In that the qna?ty at tho physi- Christian Frederick withdraws. IMO-I945 Fight continued outside cian's work can nM'o-r he the- Jacobson White Leghorn First assembly of parliamenti of Norway. Quisling becomos stmo nndrr that system. The (October). Union with Sweden‘ premier under German “Roichs- Dmeh honpitsls. however, still (4. Nov.). kommimr” Terboven. Under- muntain tin-Ir unusually high & Hatchery I818 Bank of Norway founded ground forces carry out sabot- Mud: my only criticism Farm Trondheim. int age etc. would be that thry dlschuge 1881 Municipal government intro- 1045 Norway liberated 8. May. their patients at I nth" early Coeur d'Alene. lduhu duced by law. King return: 7. June. state.”