The Council of the Socialist International convened in Cape Town on 70 and 11 luly 1995 - its first ever meeting in South Aftica. The main theme on the agenda was 'Democraclr Development and Peace in Aftica: Building democracy - Securing economic development - Advancing social justice. The meeting was attended by President Nelson Mandela.

The SI Council meeting in Cape taught the world a great lesson, we were living. And the Socialist Town was organised in and given back hope to a whole International was in the cooperation with the African people, dignity to a whole forefront of that struggle... This National Congress and, in community.' The SI president conference gives us the opening the proceedings, the added: 'In the name of the opportunity of thanking the first words of the SI president, Socialist International, I assure Socialist International for all you Pierre Mauroy, were a tribute to you of our admiration for your have done... Our victory is your the ANC, to all those, including personal struggle, our support victory. many now dead, who had for your political action and our 'We hope', he added, 'that struggled against apartheid, and pride in your presence at this your respective parties and especially to Nelson Mandela, meeting'. Sovernments will remain leader of the ANC and president President Mandela gave a committed to the fight to of South Africa. moving address to the SI deliver visible services to our 'Thanks to you', he told Council. 'We in South Africa', he people, to rebuild our country President Mandela, 'a new era said, 'have been very fortunate and to bring strength and hope has begun in South Africa. You in that our struggle, as difficult to everyone who has been have shown that when the as it was, enioyed the support of denied these privileges'. struggle for human rights and democrats throughout the Extending his remarks to the equality is accompanied by world... In prison, those thick main theme of the Council's political will and personal walls could not prevent the discussions, Democracy, courage, it can conquer penetration of ideas which Development and Peace in obstacles which seem challenged the cruel system of Africa, President Mandela said, insurmountable. You have racial oppression under which 'That is a very appropriate theme for an important to develop an economy which continue our work and to conference of this nature. Africa must, he said, 'help us end the reaffirm our own values and is on the way to democratisation unemployment, the hunger and aims for this continent. He under extremely difficult homelessness, the poverty and spoke of international efforts for conditions, all of which are the human degradation that peace, of the democratic generally speaking the legacy of remains the lot of milions of our advances in many African a colonial era. Because you people.' That process of countries and of the struggle for cannot have democracy when transformation, he added, 'also development, which must go people are poor, hungry demands that we address in a hand in hand with ignorant, afflicted by diseases vigorous manner the racial and democratisation and with and all the other evils of poverty gender imbalances which we enlightened policies of and illiteracy. Democracy in any have inherited ftom the international cooperation such country will really be deepened apartheid past. Quite clearly, as those advocated at this year's and expanded when the living democracy and development are UN Social Summit. He pledged conditions of the masses of the interconnected parts of one that the International would people have been addressed'. whole and are themselves also continue to strengthen and Thabo Mbeki, deputy both dependent upoR and are a broaden its work in the face of president of the ANC and South necessary condition for peace the many challenges which Africa's executive deputy and stability in the country'. could only be faced through president, welcoming the SI 'I know the difficulties and international cooperation. delegates to his country, evoked resistance you have met', Pierre 'Nelson Mandela is a symbol the great and ancient cultural Mauroy responded, 'the of Africa', Ibrahim Boubacar heritage of Africa, contrasting regrettable delays, the remaining Keita, prime minister of Mali this with today's conflicts and inequalities, the security you are and leader of ADEMA-PSJ, told with the misery of many still seeking, the undoubted the SI Council, 'through his ordinary Africans. All of us, he disappointments. All this is courage, his determination to said, knew the facts and inevitable. The essential thing is end apartheid, to ensure statistics of economic crisis, that the will is firm and the freedom and human dignity for conflict, disease and poverty. direction right. And when I see all. For my generation, Nelson But perhaps the neutrality of the guaranteed political Mandela will always be the statistics could blind us to the pluralism, the abolition of the spokesman of Africa. Let us daily lives of millions of death penalty, the renewed hope that this and future ordinary people in Africa. growth, the programmes set in generations will follow his Instead of a retreat into iargon motion for the least advantaged, example, so we can face the and pessimism, he urged the I am sure the will is strong and challenges of the twenty-first Europeans present to think of the direction is right. I wish the century'. It was very hard, he the desperate hardship which South African people good luck'. said, for African peoples to find had once been the reality also He went on to stress that the themselves, after decades of for working people in their own Socialist International could not struggle for independence and continent and which had given accept the resignation and since independence, still facing birth to the labour and socialist pessimism often heard these. economic sacrifices for the sake movements, and to connect that days from both politicians and of structural adjustment. Elected history with today's reality in financiers when discussing governments like his own had Africa. Africa. Ours, he said, was not a to ensure that economic He too expressed gratitude for false optimism, we were all too adjustment did not preclude the international solidarity well aware of the prevailing social , or conflict with which had sustained the economic crisis, of the diversion the consolidation of multi-party movement against apartheid of international aid ftom the democrary. Such sacrifices could and thanked the Socialist 'south' to the 'east', of the dire only be demanded in the International for its particular social effects of neo-liberal context of the widest possible role. economic policies, of the many participation in democracy; his He spoke of the process now continuing conflicts - all of government had therefore under way in South Aftica, with which conspired to thwart the decentralised authority and the establishment of democratic great movements towards multi- established popular fora for institutions, the negotiation of a party democracy in Africa. All dialogue. new constitution and the work the more reason, however, to The Socialist International's t['


first vice-president, Gro Harlem ensure that the health and conflict in Mozambique and in Brundtland, prime minister of education of girls were not Angola, and in certain reversals Norway, also began her neglected. She called for the of the economic dedine intervention with a tribute to all development of effective public experienced in the 1980s. He who had struggled for fteedom sectors: 'Market forces are strong spoke too, however, of despair at and democracy in South Africa. tools for development, but left civil wars, genocide, poverty, In spite of great difficulties, she alone they do not respond to disease, environmental disasters, saw a future of great promise for community needs... Needs for and dictatorships violating the country. In the townships, sustainable development, human rights, and compared she said, 'I met people beset education, health and social intemational indifference to the with community purpose, security can only be articulated genocide in Rwanda with the people of great dignity, people and met by people themselves huge attention focused on the who are the harbingers of hope. and their elected governments'. conflict in the former 1 Their vision will come true one 'How can we not be hopeful Yugoslavia, and the small ) day... This South Africa can when we are sitting together in intemational resources devoted i become a great beacon of hope South Africa?', Ant6nio Guterres, to seeking peace in Angola with for Africa, which ironically, as leader of the of the greater efforts of the democracy is spreading, faces Portugal, PS, and an SI vice- intemational community in, for the threat of marginalisation'. president, asked the Council. example, Cambodia. She urged renewed commitment 'Mandela today is a world Above all, the curent terms of from the international reference for democracy and for international fi nancial relations community to cooperate with that extremely difficult thing, gave African countries no African development, whilst also the capacity to forgive - without chance of economic urglng African governments to which we will never be able to development:'Adiustment prioritise investment in the build a new future in many programmes disregard the real education and welfare of future countries'. There was also cause situations. They do not help generations, and especially to for hope, he said, in the end to development. Expenditure needs not reducing but diverting to The Council's debate reflected and municipal elections in Haiti the basic requirements of people much concern on the part of and expressed the hope that the and of development'. He called political leaders from Africa and organisational difficulties noted for nothing less than a elsewhere at today's situation in would be corrected in the fundamental change in the African continent, and forthcoming second round. thinking. included many concrete The outcome of significant Widely varying experiences in proposals for improving future meetings in March of the SI Africa's struggle for democracy, policies, both domestically and Middle East Committee, SIMEC, development and peace were intemationally. in TEI Aviv, Gaza and Amman reflected in the ensuing The responsibility which the were reported to the Council by contributions to the main Socialist Intemational could Israel Gat, of the Israel Labour debate. Some speakers, Iike assume in continuing to Party, who is one of the Feliciano Gundana, general strongly advocate democracy committee's vice-chairs, and by secretary of Mozambique's and peace and in building the Ilan Halevi of the Palestine Frelimo Party, represented instruments for economic and Liberation Organisation. The parties now in democratically social progress in Africa were committee also met in Brussels on elected government and emphasised by many. South 3 and 4 July (this meeting is working, despite great Africa's minister for foreign reported in full on page 26). The difficulties, to carry out affairs, Alfred Nzo, spoke of his Council adopted a statement progressive policies. While country's wish now to (page 42) which welcomed the others, like Pl6cido Mic6, general consolidate its position in the continuing positive developments secretary of the Convergence for international community.'We in the Middle East peace process, Social Democracy, CPDS, of seek', he said, 'to be a force for but stressed that there was still a Equatorial Guinea, had seen good on a troubled planet, and long way to go and that the SI their countries, as he said, 'left we believe our participation in and its Middle East Committee behind by the train of recent the Socialist International is an would continue its work to assist democratisation on the African especially important way of the process in every way possible. continent' and were struggling expressing this desire'. Following a report by the SIMEC for democracy in the face of Working Group on the Kurdish continuing persecution. Regionol repotts Question, presented by the chair Pedro Pires, president of the On the second day of its of the Group Conny Fredriksson a Aftican Independence Party, meeting in Cape Town, the resolution on this issue was also PAICV of Cape Verde and a Council received reports on the adopted (page 42). former prime minister of that work of a number of SI Peter Jankowitsch, Social country, outlined the extensive Committees, as well as a report of , proposals for conflict from Secretary General Luis SPOe, chair of the SI Committee management and peacemaking Ayala on all the recent work of on Human Rights, SICOHR, which had been discussed by the the International (printed in presented a report on that SI Africa Committee at its recent tull, page 35). committee's work and in meeting in Cape Verde. The chair of the SI Committee particular on the Conference on The SI Council went on to for Latin America and the Human Rights and Democracy adopt as its own the resolutions Caribbean, Jos6 Francisco Pefla held recently in Ottawa and agreed by that committee G6mez, SI vice-president and attended by delegations of our meeting. These set out the leader of the Dominican Intemational and of the Liberal Socialist International's views on Revolutionary Party, PRD, International and the the conditions for Dominican Republic, gave a International Democrat Union. democratisation in Afiica, and report on the committee's Among the issues deeply on social and economic meeting inJanuary 1995, which concerning the committee was development, as well as on the was held in Haiti as an the death and injury inflicted on prevailing situations in Angola, affirmation of the International's civilians in many countries by Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, support for President Aristide, landmines - indiscriminate Rwanda, Western Sahara, who attended the meeting, weapons which respect no Somalia and Zaire. Resolutions together with members of his ceasefire - and a resolution of the were also adopted on Nigeria government. Pefla G6mez Council called for an and Algeria. (See page 38 for full welcomed the holding in June of international ban on their text of Council resolutions). the first round of parliamentary manufacture and use. A report on the work of the SI During its meeting in Cape The Council elected Ant6nio Committee for Central and Town, good news from Asia Guterres, leader of the Eastem Europe, SICEE, was reached the SI CounciL the Portuguese Socialist Party and presented by the committee's release from house arrest of an SI vice-president, as chair of co-chair, Piero Fassino, Burma's democracy leader and the SI Committee on Economic Democratic Party of the Left, Nobel Peace Laureate, Aung San Policy, Environment and PDS, Italy. The recent meeting of Suu Kyr. The day after her Development, SICEDE. the committee in Prague, which release, she spoke of the great There were also a number of focused on the continuing changes which had happened in decisions on membership of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia South Africa during her Intemaflonal. The chair of the and on the situation in Russia, detention and called for similar SI Finance and Administration the conflict in Chechnya and progress towards democracy Committee, SIFAC, Gunnar the forthcoming Russian through dialogue in her own Stenarv of the Swedish Social elections, is reported elsewhere counuy - words of special Democratic Party, SAP, reported in this issue. Fassino introduced resonance for the SI Council that SIFAC had agreed to ask the a draft resolution on the former delegates gathered for the first Council to recommend to the Yugoslavia, which was adopted time in a democratic South next SI Congress that it grant by the Council (page 43). Africa. The Council warmly consultative status in the The chair of the SI welcomed her release in a Socialist Intemational to the Mediterranean Committee, resolution which also deplored African Party for Solidarity and Raimon Obiols, Spanish Socialist the recent refusal of visas for an Justice, ADEMA-PSJ, of Mali, and Workers' Party, PSOE, stressed in SI delegation to visit Burma and observer status to the Botswana his remarks to the Council that reiterated its concem at the National Front, BNF; the the Mediterranean region is at a continuing abuses in that National Congress for historic crossroads - the near country (see page 41). Democratic Initiative, CNID, of future will see it become either a A further resolution adopted Mali; and the Frelimo Party of bridge for inter-regional in Cape Town expressed deep Mozambique, as well as cooperation or a dividing line disquiet at the decision of the upgrading ftom consultative to between northern prosperity French government to resume full membership the African and southern poverty. The nuclear testing in the South Independence Party of Cape committee held a recent Pacific. Pierre Mauroy, in his Verde, PAICV and the Ivory meeting in Naples (reported speech, condemned this Coast Popular Front, FPI. The elsewhere in full) where it decision and associated the Council so decided. focused on the serious situation Intemational with the concern in Algeria, amongst other issues. expressed in many countries of The resolution on Algeria agreed the region. This concem was by the committee was adopted reiterated at the Council by the Council (page 40). meeting by delegates from In his report on the Australia and New Zealand. International's activities over the last months, the SI secretary J general made special mention, Decislons of the Council in the absence of the After a report from Philippe I committee's chair, of the work Busquin, SI vice-president and of the SI Asia-Pacific Committee. leader of the Socialist Party, PS, At its meeting in February in Belgium, on the first Socialist Manila, the committee elected SI Intemational conference of vice-president Makoto Tanabe, mayors - a large and successful former leader of the Social gathering held in Bologna in Democratic Party of Japan, SDPJ, January - the Council endorsed as its chair. Maryan Street, a proposal to establish a new president of the New Zealarrd committee to continue the , and Senator Kamal International's work in the Azfar of. the Pakistan People's important field of municipal Party, PPP, were elected vice- politics which will be presented chairs. to the next Congress. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL TO THE COUNCIL IN CAPE TOWN

, Verde, where the host was our member ation is a central plafform of our activi- It is of cou$e a particular pleasue for party, the African Independence ParV ties and this working relatlonship has me to make this report to the SI Council of Cape Verde, PAICV. developed very positively in the last few at its fust ever meeting in South Africa. Parties embracing ideas and values of yea$. In line with this, as I reported to I must be$n by thanking all our friends democratic are playing an the last Council meeting in Budapest, I and comrades in the African National important role all over this continent, submitted to the United Nations last Congress for their whole-hearted assis- both in govemment and in opposition: year an application for the upgrading of tance in organising this meeting in some in cLcumstances of political and the SI's consultative status at the UN, Cape Town, and by once again paying social progress, others in sifuations of supported by a comprehensive dossier tribute to all they have achieved in oppression and hardship or conflict, on our activities in furtherance of the peacefully defeating apartheid and They are leading govemments, as in UN's aims. Our application was consid- embarking on the road of democratic, Senegal or Tunisia, Mali or ered by the UN Committee on Non- non-racial govemment. Mozambique; they are minority part- Governmental Organisations at its In March 1994, we held a meeting of ners in coalition govemments, as in meeting in New York from 12 to 23 our Intemational in South Afica for the Malawi and Benin; tley are leading June. I addressed the Cornmittee on our first time, when our SI Africa parties of the opposition, as in lvory application and I am pleased to report Committee convened in Johannesburg. Coast, where the leader of our member that it was subsequently approved A few months later, I retumed with a party, Laurent Gbagbo, is candidate for unanimously. Since 1973, the Socialist large delegation of the Intemational to the presidency later this year, and in the Intemational has had Category II status. observe the general elections, which Cenftd African Republic, Burkina Faso, This is now to be upgraded to Category tumed out, in the wake of so much suf- Mauritius and Botswana; they are strug- I, the highest status available to a Non- fering and violence, to be exhaordinari- gling to maintain political activity in Governmental Organisation. The ly peaceful, orderly and successfirl. And the face of continuing tyranny, as in Committee's decision will be reported I have been fortunate, in the past Equatorial Guinea; they are courageous- to the UN F,conomic and Social Council months, to observe the birth of democ- ly surviving bloodshed and disaster, as (ECOSOC) during its curent session in ratic South Africa at first hand during a in Rwanda. In fact, from the Geneva. With this new status, we look number of visits to this country. Mediterranean to the Cape of Good to making an even more active Now we are holdtng our fint Council Hope, from Morocco to Togo, Zaire and contribution to the work of the United meeting in South Africa - an event we Gabon, people today are organised Nations. could only imagine throughout all the behind the idea of democratic socialism One very important United Nations long years when we worked in every in 40 of 51 counffies of Africa. Within event in which our International took way we could to support those stnrg- this ftamework, relations are also being an active role was the World Conference gling against apartheid. We are all, I strengthened with many of our friends on Human Rights in Vienna. A policy know, proud and happy to be here and of long standing, such as those in document prepared by the SI to show our solidarity with President Namibia or Angola, Kenya or Zambia. Committee on Human Rights was pre- Mandela's govemment, with the ANC When our Africa Committee met in sented to Conference participants, and and with all South Africans working for Cape Verde in May, we continued to we also held a Round Table during the a democratic and prosperous future. work on shared policy approaches World Conference together with the which are now well developed. We had other political Internationals and pre- ,, before us detailed background pape6 on sented a co[rmon statement. fu inter- This Council meeting seryes also to crucial areas of debate: the conditions nadonal organisations of democratic underline our commitment to the stru8- for democracy, economic development, political parties, albeit of differing ideo- gle of political forces all over Africa for conflict and peace-making, These dis- logical orientation, we stressed our the shared aims and values represented cussions of the last two years have laid common commitrDent to human rights I by our Intemational. Today the Socialist the basis for the debates of our Council and fundamental freedoms and to the International has a substantial and in Cape Town and ensure our ability to democratic process as the guarantor of growing presence in Africa. We have bring to the whole of the Socialist such rights and freedoms. This coopera- contacts and exchanges with numerous lntemational at this Council meeting tion with the other Intemationals was parties all over the continent. Delegates the voice and the priorities of African further pursued when the Socialist of many of those parties are with us at parties. I am certain that our presence in Intemational, the Liberal Intemational our Council in Cape Town. Others Africa will continue to grow and that and the International Democrat Union cannot be with us in person on this our Africa Committee will continue to took part together in a Conference on occasion, but continue to be in close meet ftequently for fruitful work and Human Rights and Democracy held in contact. The consolidation of such con- exchanges. Ottawa this past April under the aus- tacts and of our policy platform for this pices of the International Centre for continent has continued apace since the ,t, Human Rights and Democratic meeting of the SI Africa Committee in This year the United Nations is celebrat- Development. The SI delegation was led Johannesburg in March 1994, with ing its Sfth anniversary. The Socialist by the Chair of the Committee on further meetings in Abidian, Ivory International's commitment to a Human Rights, Peter Jankowitsch of the Coast, last November, where our hosts strengthened UN and to supporting the Social Democratic Party of Austria, SPO, were the Ivory Coast Popular Front, FPI, Organisation in all its work for peace, and included men and women with and most recently in May in haia, Cape development and intemational cooper- special expertise in human rights issues, drawn from all continents. committee meeting in Manila. We have meeting. SI President Pierre Mauroy, We follow with equal interest and followed political developments in who attended the meeting in Haiti, concern all the maior gatherings of the Burma with deep concern and the com- summed up the feelings of all the SI del- United Nations, such as the recent mittee agreed on the sending of a high- egates when he told President Aristide: Review and Extension Conference of level Socialist Intemational mission to 'We are with you, we are at your side... the Parties to the Treaty on the Non- Rangoon. Regrettably, the members of the whole world must help HaiU today'. Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Our our delegation were subsequently Now Haiti is holding parliamentary president, Pierre Mauroy, spoke for us denied visas to enter Burma. The SI del- elections, not without difficulties after all when he called for renewal of the egation was scheduled to be in Rangoon so much violence and upheaval. We Treaty, and the Conference's approval of from 20 to 22lune.Its members were to wish them a successful, democratic and indefinite renewal was welcomed. That be Committee Chair Makoto Tanabe; peaceful outcome. We have been in this positive decision was so soon fol- Pauline Green, SI vice-president and close contact with President Aristide lowed by the announcement of the new leader of the Group of the Party of and with our parties in Haiti, and a del- president of France of the resumption of European Socialists in the European egation of the Socialist Intemational nuclear testing in the Pacific was a grave Parliament; Thorbjorn Jagland, leader of will be in Haiti to obsewe the voting disappointment, condemned by our the Norwegian Labour Party, DNA; process when the second round of the president and many of our member Michael Beahan, Australian labor Party, elections are held. parties, particularly those in the Asia- ALP, president of the Senate of Australia, Another meeting of particular signifi- Pacific region. This grave concern will and myself. On 16 June the authorities cance held in March by the SI no doubt be reflected in our discussions in Rangoon communicated their refusal Middle East Committee, SIMEC, under at the Council meeting in Cape Town. to issue entry visas for our visit. We the chairmanship of Hans-Jtirgen have strongly protested against this Wischnewski, Social Democratic Party tv decision of the ruling State Law and of Germany, SPD. We met on consecu- These same priorities of democracy, Order Restoration Council, SLORC, and tive days in Tel Aviv, where our hosts development, peace, human rights and reiterated our Srave concern about the were the Israel Labour Party and social iustice are at the heart of all the sifuation in Burma, where, five years MAPAM; in Gaza City, at the invitation activities of our International. The after the elections of 27 May 1990, the of the PLO; and in Amman, where our chairs of our various Committees will SLORC refuses still to hand power to the meeting was hosted by HRH the Crown give detailed reports to the Council in National League for Democracy, NLD, Prince of Jordan. The meeting atEacted Cape Town on their activities since we which won more than 82 per cent of the participation of the region's leading last met in Budapest. All the Sociahst parliamentary seats. The NLD leader political figures, including Prime Intemational's Committees that focus and Nobel Peace Laureate, Aung San Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign on specific regions have held large and Suu Kyi, recently spent her 50th birth- Minister Shimon Peres of Israel, the successful meetings. Overall, in the day in detention, where she has been Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, period since our last Council in for almost six years. We maintain our Yasser Arafat, and Crown Prince EI- December, the Socialist International resolve to send our delegation to Burma. Hassan, who all took part in the has organised activities on every conti- In Manila we also agreed to send an SI exchange of latest information on the nent. mission to Fiii, the details of which are peace process in the region. The At the meeting of our Asia-Pacific now being finalised. This visit will be in meeting confirmed the condnuing need Committee in Manila in February, line with the International's longstand- for a forum such as that offered by our Philippines Democratic about and our three days of discus- i hosted by the ing concem the continuing con- committee Socialist Party, PDSP, our Vice-hesident, stitutional and political abuses in Fiii, sion underlined strongly the impor- li Makoto Tanabe, former leader of the where the Fiii Labour Party was tance of continuing political and practi- Social Democratic Party ofJapan, SDPJ, removed ftom govemmentbya military cal support from the whole internation- l was elected Chair of the Committee. We coup in 1987, and will underline our al community for the peace process. It I I also elected two vice-chairs, Maryan solidarity with the Labour Party in its was with this in mind that our commit- president Zealand for democratic tee met again in Brussels a few days i Street, of the New work reforms. iust Labour Party, and Senator Ihmal Azfar The Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, ago and focused, with the participation of the Pakistan People's Party, PPP. The was the venue for the meeting in of guests ftom the World Bank and the declaration adopted by that meeting January of the SI Committee for Latin , on the question acknowledged the steady advancement America and the Caribbean, SICLAC, of international economic and political of democracy in Asia and the Pacific, chaired by SI Vice-President Jos€ support for the peace process. but noted with grave concem that, Francisco Peia G6mez, leader of the The Working Group on the Kurdish while in many countries of the region Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD, Question established last year by SIMEC there were longstanding and deeply Dominican Republic. We met in Haiti as and chaired by Conny Fredriksson of rooted democratic instifutions and prac- an affirmation of support for President the Swedish Social Democratic Party, tices, in others democracy, human Jean-Bertrand Aristide, following his SAR has also continued its work rights and fundamental fteedoms were restoration to office last October, and throughout the past months and, after a still absent and women, in particular, for all democratic forces in Haiti, programme of discussions and visits, remained marginalised and subordinat- including our own two parties there, will make proposals for action by the ed. Our declaration also condemned the PANPRA and KONAKOM, who iointly Socialist Intemational in support of the continuing violation of human and hosted the SI committee meeting. On concems of the Kurdish people, includ- political rights in Bhutan, Burma, East this momentous occasion we met in ing peace, democracy and human Timor and Tibet. formal session at the presidential riShts. Leading representatives of the palace, where President Aristide The expanding presence of social National League for Democracy of addressed us. The pdme minister, democratic parties in Central and Burma, who have been regular gueits at Smarck Michel, and other members of Eastern Europe was clear when our our recent meetings, attended the SI the govemment also took part in our Council met last December in Budapest,

L and this impression was reinforced close to the heart of our president, who vil when the SI Committee for Central and is mayor of one of France's largest cities, As always, I have had the opportunity Eastem Europe, SICEE, met last month Lille - a position to which he has iust to represent the Intemational at a in Prague. The committee is iointly been re-elected. number of meetings and conferences. I chaired byliri Hor6k of the Czech Social The participation in Bologna of more was recently invited to attend the Democratic Party, CSSD, which was our than 250 mayors and other members of Leaders' Conference of the Parg of host in Prague, and by Piero Fassino, municipal governments from around European Socialists, in Valbonne, Democratic Parg of the Left, PDS, Italy. the world indicates a great interest in France, where, under the chairmanship Significantly, more than 50 parties, the pooling, within our International, of the new PES Leader, Rudolf induding SI members in the region and of social democratic approaches to local Scharping, the discussion focused on elsewhere and many other parties democracy, and the Council will be policy proposals for the European invited as guests, were represented in asked to approve a number of proposals Union and preparation for the 1996 Prague. Our committee noted the for continuing this work on a structured Intergovemmental Conference. I also increasing influence of parties of social basis. had the pleasure of attending the democratic orientation on the pace and Congress of the Philippines Democratic content of the ongoing transformation v, Socialist Party in February and the in former communist countries, and It is pleasing to report that in the flrst special conference of the British labour addressed the question of linlG between six months of 1995 a number of SI Party in Apdl, where the party adopted Central and Eastem Europe and the member parties registered election suc- a new statement of aims and values. . cesses. In Finland, the Social Democratic The committee was also much preoc- Party is now leading a coalition govem- vrfi cupied with the continuing conflict in ment, with SDP Leader Paavo Lipponen All the many activities and statements the former Yugoslavia, and several as prime minister, following the party's of the Socialist International are fuIIy parties from Bosnia, Croatia and election success in March. The Socialists reflected in our quarterly iournal Montenegro took part in our meeting in are reaffirmed as partners in coalition Socialist Affain, a new issue of which is Prague. Another area of particular govemment in Belgium, where elec- available at the Council meeting in concem was the situation in Russia, tions were held in May. Meanwhile, the Cape Town, and in our monthly SI with the conflict in Chechnya and the leader of our member party in Uruguay, Newsletter. As always, these are circu- parliamentary and presidential elections the ParV for People's Govemment, PGP, lated to all our member parties and to scheduled for later this Yeat. Hugo Batalla, took office on 1 March as many other contacts throughout the Representatives ftom five Russian Vice-President of his country, having world. We hope thus to continually parties and organisations of social been elected last November. And in the spread awarehess of the scope, the democratic orientation attended the SI Eastern Caribbean, the St. Kitts-Nevis work and the concerns of our committee meeting, and invited the Labour Party won a majority of seats in International. committee to hold its next meeting in the 3 July elections. As members know, the SI's budget is Moscow - an initiative which we much Others of our parties have notably ffnanced solely by membership fees. welcome. strengthened their posidon, whilst not The number and size of our activities is Also in June, the SI Committee for the yet acceding to national govemment. In constantly increasing and I can report Mediterranean, which is chaired bY Britain, the Labour Party moves ever with some satisfaction that this is Raimon Obiols of the Spanish Socialist closer to power as the Consewative gov- carried out within a constant budget. Workers'Party, PSOE, held an important emment stumbles ftom crisis to crisis. However, the prompt payment of meeting in Naples, hosted by the Italian In the recent local elections, labour membership fees and the clearing of Democratc Party of the lrft, PDS. The made Iarge gains, while the ruIing party arrears is a matter of extrcme urgency if committee discussed the upcoming registered its lowest ever vote. In France, we are to firlfil our plans and commit- Euro-Mediterranean Conference, the Socialist Party candidate Lionel ments for the coming months. exchanged information on the situation Jospin confounded all predictions when in various countries of the region, and he won the first round of presidential tx addressed the continuing violence and elections and lost the second round in During the first half of 1995, several lack of democracy in Algeria. Extensive May only nanowly. ln fugentin4 the thousand individuals ftom all around disorssions took place in Naples, with kft coalition, including our member the world have taken part in the meet- the participation of the leaders of our party the Popular Socialist Party, PSB ings and activities of the Socialist Algerian member party, the Socialist came second in presidential and parlia- International. I have touched briefly Forces Front, and the committee reiter- mentary elections in May. on all of these and others will give ated the International's position, Of course, the influence of our fuIIer reports to the Council on specific expressing deep concem for the suffer- member parties is also evident in other areas of our work. The picture is an ing of the Algerian people and extend- wayn. For example, in ltaly, after tfie active and positive one. The interest ing every support for initiatives to seek a crisis and forced resignation of the and enthusiasm for our activities is political, not a military solution, based right-wing goverment led by Silvio considerable. In the second half of this on genuine dialogue and the restoration Berlusconi, a new administration, sup- year, olu proSramme is set to be just as of peace and democracy. ported by the parties of the Left, is now productive. in office and preparing for elections, in Meetings such as that of our Council v which the L€ft witl unite behind a new in South Africa are among the most The Council meeting in Cape Town will candidate. memorable events of our programme. hear from some of those who took part In the Republic of Ireland and in To meet in a democratic South Africa is in another important recent initiative, Northern Ireland, we note with pride a great honour and gives us inspiration the holding in January of our first that our parties continue to play a deci- and encouragement in all our work. Socialist Intemational Conference of sive role in the process towards a per- Mayors in Bologna. This was a proiect manent end to conflict in that island. AFR'CA - appeals to the sponsors of funds to be Camp and alerted by reprisals which are vigilant that the conditions for the tending to become systematic in other Angolo organisation of free and transparent regions of the country the SI, having The Socialist Intemational welcomes elections are respected. taken note of the report of the the recent positive development in the Intemational Commission of Enquiry implementation of the peace accords Kenyo which calls into question the action of signed in Lusaka on 20 November 1994. The Council of the Socialist APR soldiers, expects the Kigali govem- This positive furn of events raises the International, noting with concem the ment to react firmly in order to re-estab- hope that peace in Angola is about to grave political situation in Kenya result- lish a climate of confidence indispens- be consolidated. The SI congratulates ing ftom the govemment's intransi- able for the retum of Hutu refugees to the signatodes of the Lusaka peace gence by blocking the democratisation the country under good conditions. accords for their effective commitment process which has Ied to serious and to the implementation of these accords. rapid deterioration of the political Westem Sahoro A new phase of consolidation of the climate: The Socialist International expresses its peace process and of national reconcili- 1. Condemns the continued arrests, deep concem about the delay in imple- ation is now starting. The SI appeals harassment and intimidation of opposi- menting the peace process in Western urgently to the intemational communi- tion leaders and supporters. Sahara. ty to inqease its financial and humani- 2. Abhors the govemmentt constant The SI reaffirms its support for the tarian aid to the process of minesweep- violation of the fteedom of the press right of the people of Western Sahara to ing, to the re-settlement of displaced and arbitrary arrest, torture and deten- self-determination and to indepen- pe6ons, and to the rebuilding of the tion of ioumalists. dence in accordance with resolutions of economic infrastrucfure of the country, 3. Condemns the government for its all the intemational bodies. a fundamental condition for the suc- obstinacy in refusing to facilitate con- The SI declares its agreement with the cessfuI integration of all Angolans into stitutional reform and its systematic United Nations and the OAU on the the civil life of the country and for violations of citizen's fundamental organisation of a ftee, fair and transpar- national reconciliation in Angola. rights and fteedoms. ent referendum on self-determination accordance The SI also appeals to the intemation- 4. Offers its encouragement and in with the terms of the al community, especially to the United support to the democratic political peace plan as accepted by the two appeals Nations, to observers and to other states forces fighting for change. parties, and to the authorities of in the region for a real commitment to MINURSO to ensure the participation of the follow-up to the peace process in Nigerlo observers and of the international press order to allow lasting peace in Angola. The Socialist Intemational condemns during the different stages of identifica- the continued suppression of democra- tion of voters and during the referen- Burundi cy and human dghts in Nigeria. dum. The Socialist Intemational is very con- We deplore the persecution of the The SI resolves to send a delegation to cerned by the deterioration of the situ- Ogoni people and salute their efforts to gather information on the situation in ation in Burundi where hope and trust protect their traditions and the envi- Western Sahara and to observe the between the communities are danger- ronment of Nigeria. cuilent process. ously lacking. We call for the immediate release of The SI appeals to the two parties to the The SI invites all the political parties Chief Abiola and all other political pris- conflict to start direct negotiations in to respect the commitments made in one$, the restoration of democracy and order to resolve all outstanding prob- September 1994 at the signing of the an end to all political trials. Iems with a view to creating the neces- Convention of Government and to sary conditions for the organisation of a launch a broad national debate in order Rwondo referendum on self-determination. to find the basis for a lasting stability in The Socialist International remembers the country. with emotion that 16 months ago a Somollo The SI supports all initiatives towards genocide was perpetrated in Rwanda Despite the dramatic crisis created in the organisation of an International which cost the lives of hundreds of Somalia after Siad Barre's departure, the Peace Conference in Burundi. thousands of people. intemational community has not been It again asks the international com- able to contribute to the creation of the Equotoriol Gulneo munity to do all in its power to help the right conditions for peace in the The Council of the Socialist Kigali government to rebuild the country. Intemational: country to reconcile the population Unfortunately, the UNOSOM opera- Recalling the resolution adopted at and to establish a real rule of law tion has failed. More than ever, war and the SI Council meeting in Budapest respecting democratic freedoms and chaos continue to rage in Somalia. regarding the situation in Equatorial human rights. The SI is convinced that the intema- Guinea, It recalls that the continuing impuni- tional community can and must make - condemns the methods used fot the ty of those responsible for the genocide renewed efforts to find a solution to this census for the next municipal elections not only constitutes an insult to human dramatic crisis. which show the will of Obiang's r6gime dignity but also incites the recurrence A solution should be found through to eliminate the influence of opposition of such crimes, in Rwanda or in neigh- the re-launch of initiatives such as the parties, particularly those of the Joint bouring countries. UN's, originally led by Mr. Sahnoun Opposition Platform, POC, and Outraged by the massacre at Kibeho (Representative of the UN General Secretariat for Somalia). This initiative International recalls its commitment to: Africa, including Public Aid for was based on the participation of the l. As regards elections: Development, which is well below the Somali civilian population - such as 1.1 The establishment of independent 0.7 per cent of GNP target, women's organisations, doctors, teach- national electoral commissions, to noted that the economic policies ers - who would rebuild the country supervise the census and organising the carried out in Africa did not yield the without being part of any particular electoral process. These commissions expectedresultsandconsideredthatthe faction. must guarantee the equal treatment of following points represent key elements Underlining the positive development parties and, in particulaq access to the which must be bome in mind in order of peace, stability and reconstruction media. to achieve economic and social devel- taking place in countries close to the 1..2 The presence of international opmentinAfrica: region of the Horn of Aftica, such as observers, from the beginning of the 1. Economic growth: the road to eco- Ethiopia and Eritrea, the SI considers electoral process, working in liaison nomic independence that the promotion of peace could also with national observers and the inde- 1.1 Thenecessaryconditionsforeco- be achieved at regional level. pendent national electoral commission. nomic development are as follows: 2. As regards respect for pluralism: a) sound economic policies; b) human Zoire 2.1 That the role of parliaments be resource development; c) an appropriate Following the considerable advances effectively recognised in accordance infrastructure; d) sufficient financial recorded in southem Africa, the main with the constitutions adopted. resources; e) a high standard of govern- potential destabilising factor in Africa is 2.3 That the opposition have access ment on the part of African countries certainly Zaire. to public media in non-electoral and in and donors; f) regional integration; g) The constant deterioration of the electoral periods, and that a structure of favourable world economic conditions. socio-economic situation and the polit- independent communication be estab- 2. Trade: participating in an open world ical freeze could lead the country lished, guaranteeing the fair treatment economy towards explosion and chaos which of parties in power and in opposition. 2.1 Commercial contexts must would have catasbophic repercussions The Socialist International will do all change in order to promote a profitable for the region as a whole. it can to strengthen the socialist and participation of the region in world The Socialist International appeals social-democratic parties on the African trade. It is vital for markets to be open urgently to the intemational communi- continent through a systematic pro- to Aftican products. ty to give the greatest attention to that gramme of training to entrench a demo- 2.2 A new commercial context could country. qatic culture, the promotion of also allow African countries to export exchanges of experience and actions of more sophisticated products with more The Conditions for solidarity, particularly in a perspective added value. Existing provisions con- Democrotlsotlon of regional integration. tained in the Lom6 Convention, for Political and trade-union pluralism, a example, must be re-cxamined in this free and independent pressfthe promo- Sociol ond Economic light. tion of women, young people and chil- Development in Afrlco 2.3 Africa must invest increasingly in dren, the defence of human rights, par- The iouncil of the Socialist economic diversification. The implementation of more ticularly the rights of association, International, having examined the ?,a - expression and demonstrations, are the economic and social iituation in Africa liberal farm policies will contribute to aims and obiectives with which African democratic forces have identified them- selves. Since 1990, there have been more and more pluralistic elections, but in many cases, this pluralism was of a rather formal character. However, these last few years have been marked by signifi- cant democratic advances in certain countries. But the resistance of the .former powers (in C6te d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Togo, Zaite, Kenya and Equatorial Guinea in particular), the lack of democratic culture in certain new leaders, the extent of the financial and economic crisis, the temptation for the financial sponsors to abandon not take sufficient account of the social priority Africa in favour of other parts of the world, have ieopardised the democratic . This situation means that Socialist Intemational member parties and forces close to them should be commit- ted to resolute action so that a democ- ratic political opening with an accep- tance of altemation of power, becomes the ruIe on the African continent. The Council of the Socialist 40 human resources, with particular atten- ible with development. clete results in these three areas, integra- tion to adult literacy classes, to primary 7.3 In the medium or short term, it is tion and cooperation will not become a and vocational leaming; (ii) improved essential to increase investments in key reality in Africa. access of poor people to basic services; areas such as rural development, educa- 10.2 The establishment of an African (iii) increased efforts to liberate and tion, vocational training, infrastructure agricultural market with lower trade bar- mobilise the energies of poor people; (iv) and public services and thus to help riers and uniform prices would be a fair distribution of growth. bring about economic and social stabili- major success. It could spread to other 5. Agriculture: the main pillar of Africa's ty in African countdes, so that they may economic sectors thus creating genuine economy gradually develop their human economlc areas. 5.1 Africa's development depends on resources. 10.3 Improvement of regional integra- the strengthening of the agricultural 8. Human resources: the real fight tion in Africa requires this integratibn to sector. The conditions necessary for sub- against poverty be specific and centred on clear obiec- sistence must improve. Food imports 8.1 Investment in human resources tives; it should be praSmatic and pro- must be replaced by local production. constitutes a pdority. The fight against gressive, and form part of genuine policy The export sector must be developed. illiteracy must be given new impetus. discussions, while being as ftee as possi- This expansion will benefit from more Education must become top of the ble from national interference. realistic exchange rates. agenda. More efforts must be made in 11. Intemationalcooperation 5.2 As far as foodstuffs are concemed, the fields of the education of girls and 11.1 As far as European development independence and safety must be the vocational training. policy is concerned, it is important to obiectives. Africa must commit itself to 8.2 Speedy progress must be made ensure that political and economic mea- improving farm policies, productivity towards achieving the objectives which sures are also compatible with the obiec- and distribution mechanisms and to cre- focus on human resources from now to tives of development policies at ating reliable marketing and credit the year 2000 in areas such as life European level. This compatibility can systems together with appropriate expectancy, the involvement of women only be achieved through a coherent storage facilities. Subsidies must serve to in development, infant and maternal European Union policy, particularly in promote, among other things, better mortality rates, health, nutdtion, water relation to economic, commercial, land use through more participative and sanitation systems, basic education financial and farm policies, aiming to research. and housing. eliminate customs barriers and to 6. The environment: a more sustainable 8.3 The development of human encouage fafu prices for raw materials development potential and the reduction of poverty and farm produce. 6.1 Environmental protection must require a policy regarding population. ll.2 In addition, European coopera- form an integral part of development Plans and development programmes tion with African countries regarding programmes. Adiustment plans must must take population changes into development policy issues should cover take greater account of environmental account. In this respect African coun- areas such as the eradication of poverty, issues. There is a direct link between tries are advised to take heed of the con- ptogress in education and vocational poverty and environmental damage. clusions and the recommendations of training, the environment, rural devel- 6.2 Industrialised and developing the Cairo Conference on population. opment and democratisation. countdes share the responsibility of 8.4 The international community 11.3 The sheer scale of the challenges implementing the recommendations of must set a financial obiective regarding which Africa is faced with must lead the LJNCED. In this respect, donor coun- human development programmes: 20 countries of the European Union to tries must be aware of the debt that they per cent of development aid must sewe honour their commitments rvithin the owe poor countries. to meet this objective. Donor countries ftamework of the renegotiated Lom6 IV, 7. Compatibility of structural develop- must reconsider their teluctance to in particular as far as fixing the amount ment programmes with development finance the operating costs associated of the 8th EDF is concemed. policies with human development and educa- 11.4 Apart from increasing the volume 7.7 Adiustment programmes will tion in particular. of aid, it is vital to make changes to the have to be tailored specifically to benefi- 9. Promoting the private sector methods of aid distribution to ensure ciary countries and take full account of 9.1 The private sector should have that African countries can really meet the social dimension. Although greater priority because of its inherent the needs of long-term development. short-term stability is not in itself flexibility and dynamism. enough to promote development, it is 9.2 Governments must strive to ALGER'A nevertheless a pre-

Socialist lnternational FINLAND NETHERUNDS Pierre Mauroy Finnish Social Democratic Party, SDP Labour Party, PvdA Luis Ayala Pertti Paasio jan Marinus Wiersma Tero Shemeikka Tuula Haatainen NEW ZEAUND SOUTH AFRICA Ruth Hasan New Zealand Labour Party African National Congress, ANC Sonja Davies Cheryl Carolus FRANCE Socialist Party, P5 Blade Nzimande NORWAY G6rard Fuchs Alfred Nzo Norwegian Labour Party, DNA Ren6e Fregosi Dullar Omar Gro Harlem Brundtland lean-Pierre Crochet Aziz Pahad Dag Terle Andersen Yusuf Saloolee Frode Forfang Raymond Suttner GERMANY Democratic Party of Cermany, SPD Rigmor Aasrud Jahren lbrahim Ebrahim Social Herta Diubler-Cmelin Lene Lsken Styx Sifingo Christoph Ztipel Msrten Wetland Cronin leremy Karsten Voigt Makazi Ntenteni Christa Randzio-Plath PORTUGAL Lulu lohnson Karin .lunker Socialist Party, PS Wolfgang Weege Ant6nio Guterres Rui Nozes MEMBER PARTIES GREAT BRITAIN The Labour Party ARGENTINA PUERTO RICO Clare Short Puerto Rican lndependence Party, PIP Populqr Socialist Party, PSP Foulkes Ceorge Rub6n Berrios Cuillermo Est6vez Boero Shaun Spiers Maria del Carmen Vifras Nick Sigler SENEGAL Party of Senegal AUSTRALIA GREECE Socialist Australian Labor Party, ALP Panhellenic Socialist Movement PASOK lacques Baudin Michael Beahan Nikos Dimadis Aminata Mbengue Ndtayi Babacar Sinl AUSTRIA ISRAEL Social Democratic Party of Austria, SPO lsrael Labour Party lrmtraut Karlsson lsrael Gat Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, PSOE Karl Schramek Abraham Hatzamri Raimon Obiols Peter lankowitsch Daphna Sharfman Rafael Estrella Susanne Caugl Yehuda Paz Elena Flores Ricard Torrell BELGIUM ISRAEL Socialist Party, PS United Workers' Party of lsrael, MAPAM SWEDEN Eres Philippe Busquin Chanan Swedish Social Democratic Party, SAP Etienne Godin Elazar Cranot Margareta Wnberg Monica Pollack Conny Fredrikson BRAZIL Monica Andersson ITALY Democratic Labour Party, PDT Stenarv Democratic Party of the Left, PDS Gunnar Leonel Brizola Piero Fassino Ulla Pettersson Vivaldo Barbosa Mauro Montali lngegerd Sahlstrcim Luis Enrique Lima Raffaella Chiodo Albuino Azeredo Nicola Zingaretti TUN!SIA Marco Bianchini Constitutional Democratic Assembly, RCD BURKINA FASO Chedli Neffati Party Democracy and Progress, PDP for ITALY Said Naceur Ramdhane Ki-Zerbo loseph Italian Socialists, Sl Mohsen Snoussi Pia Locatelli Abdelmelid Lajili CYPRUS Hatem Atallah EDEK Socialist Party of Cyprus LITHUANIA Alecos Orountiotis Lithuanian Social Democratic Parly, LSDP TURKEY Daiva lakaite DENMARK Social Democratic Populist Party, SHP Turkan Akyol Social Democratic Party MAURlTIUS Steen Christensen Lasse Budtz in USA Democratic Socialists of America, DSA DOMINICAN REPUBTIC Skip Roberts Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD los6 Francisco Pefra G6mez MOROCCO VENEZUELA Hatuey Decamps Socialist Union of Popular Forces, USFP Democratic Action, AD Peggy Cabral Nouzha Chekrouni Timoteo Zambrano Office of Sl President ASSOCIATED ORGANISATIONS MAtI Michel Thauvin African Party for Solidarity and lustice, Axel Queval Group of the Party of European ADEMA/PASI Socialists, European Parliament Vera Matthias lbrahim Boubacar Keita Gilles Finchelstein Luigi Colaianni Nadia Van Hamme Seydou M Dianah lbrahima Siby CONSUTTATIVE PARTIES Party of European Soclalists, PES Yacouba Doumbia lean-Frangois Vallin Sbane Mahlmoudou ALGERIA Abdrahamane Tou16 World Labour Zionist Movemen! Socialist Forces Fron! FFS Toumani D Diallo WlZMlonathan Silke Hocine Ai't-Ahmed Ahmed Djeddai MATI GUESTS. INTERNATIONAT National Congres for Democratic CAPE VERDE oRGANtSATiONS/PART| ES African Pafty for the lndependence of lnitiative, CNID Mountaga Tall Cape Verde, PAICV Democratlc Party of lranian Kurdistan, Pedro Pires PDKI lbrahim Berthe Miirio Paix6o Lopes Ghacem Hosseini Mostafa-Kamal Davoudi MEXTCO CHITE Party of the Democratic Revolution, PRD Party for Democracy, PPD Frledrich Ebed FES Stiftung, lorge Calder6n Salazar Victor Manuel Rebolledo Ernst Kerbusch Jorge Heine Palestine Liberatlon Organisation, PLO MEXTCO IVORY COAST Hanna Siniora lnstitutional Revolutionary Party, PRI lvory Coast Popular Front FPI Tareq Zaki Abu Youssef Gustavo Cawajal Aboudramane Sangar6 llan Halevi Sami David David Rosamaria Villarello POUSARTO PAKISTAN Carlos Flores Vtzcara Pakistan People's Party, PPP Mohamed Sidati Shafqat Mahmood MOZAMBIQUE URUGUAY ANGOII Frelimo Party Popular Movement for the Liberation of Party for People's Govemment, PGP Feliciano SalomZo Gundana Angola, MPIA Antonio Gallicchio Manuel Tom6 Paulo Teixeira lorge Pedro Taimo Eduardo Ruas Manuel Roberto Vasco Cossa OBSERVER PARTIES ARGENTINA lose A Levy Marre Ngula Radical Civic Union, UCR HUNGARY Sim6n L6zara PANAMA Hungarian Social Democratic Parly, Luis Alberto C6ceres MSzDP Democratic Revolutionary Party, PRD llona Gyiirgy BOSNIA Leonardo Kam Union of Bosnian Social Democrats, UBSD HUNGARY Seifudin Tokic POI.AND Hungarian Socialist Party, MSzP Social Democracy of the Republic of Vilmos Szab6 BOTSWANA Poland, SdRP Zita Botswanan National Front, BNF Gurmai Alelaander Kwasniewski Ethna Keabetswe Dabutha Tadeusz lwinski NICARAGUA Sesame Tau Sandinista National Liberation Fronl FSLN Peter lsafu Woto los6 Pasos lssac Mabiletsa RUSSIA FEDERATION Margarita Zapata Social Democratic Union BURMA Vladimir Mironov SrovENrA National League for Democracy, NLD Khet Social Democratic Party of Slovenia,SDSS Wn Tun SLOVENIA Marcel Koprol Oung Myint United List of Social Democrats ol EQUATORIAT GUINEA Slovenia, ZL Convergencia para la Democracia Social, FRATERNAL ORGAN lanez Kociiancic ISATIONS CPDS Pliicido Mic6 USA lnternational Unlon of Socialist Celestino Bakale Youth,lUSY National Democratic lnstitute, NDI Alfred Gusenbauer INDIA Maura Donlan Roger H?illhag Samata Party Alfredo Lazzerefti George Femandes ZAIRE Union for Democracy and Social Progress, Socialist lnternational Women, SIW TESOTHO Marline Haas Lesotho Labour Party UDPS llonka Van Rijn Omar M Mpela Omer N'Kamba lndira Sidaya Mamolefi Alice Ranthimo lean-Louis Kalambaie