Annual Report

order of malta Federal Association USA Offi cers and Directors of the Federal Association

president board of directors regional principal chaplain George P. Clancy, Jr. Francis Butler, PhD hospitallers Kensington, Maryland Washington, DC Atlanta His Eminence, Dr. Tom Lewis Jack Demetree Theodore Cardinal The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. The Federal Association has a current membership Jacksonville, Florida Baltimore McCarrick John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (known of 763 lay men and women and 42 chaplains. There vice president John Danko Archbishop of Washington more commonly as the Order of Malta) is a lay religious are 19 regions around the country where there is a Harry J. Grim, Esq. Stephen Diaz Gavin, Esq. Charlotte Washington, DC order of the Roman . Founded in cluster or group of Knights and Dames. In these areas, Charlotte, North Carolina Dr. Don Joyce James Donahue Chicago conventual 1099 AD, it is the fourth oldest order of the Catholic the Regional Hospitaller is the coordinator for all local Dallas, Texas Ted Makarewicz chaplain Church, and its uninterrupted history of 900 years spiritual activities and personal service projects. There chancellor Katherine Freyvogel Columbus Rev. Msgr. is one of the longest of any order or organization. are monthly Masses and other gatherings such as the Noreen A. Falcone Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Dr. Frank Dono W. Louis Quinn The founder of the Order, Brother Gerard, opened Feast of St. and a Memorial Mass for Skaneateles, New York Dallas Bethesda, Maryland a hospital in Jerusalem to care for the pilgrims who Deceased Members. In addition to praying together, D. Geoffrey Gamble, Esq. Elizabeth Hoag Avondale, Pennsylvania had been attacked while making pilgrimage to the the expectation is that our Knights and Dames will Hartford Holy City. The hospital was named in honor of work together at our volunteer projects. The goal is hospitaller James Kelly offi ce staff Jean Pierre van Rooy John the Baptist, and fellow serving monks who came that every member of the Federal Association can, in Susanne C. DuFour Mandeville, Louisiana Houston Dempsey from all over Europe joined Brother Gerard. They some way, provide some comfort and some service to Chevy Chase, Maryland Thaddeus Makarewicz, Esq. Charles Scholz Executive Director were called “Hospitallers”, and the formally the poor and the sick. Chicago, Illinois Jacksonville Lourdes Iglesias recognized their small group in 1113 as the Order of treasurer Clarence E. Martin, Esq. Warren Powers For more information about the past and present Assistant Director / St. John of Jerusalem. Martinsburg, West Virginia Kansas City of the Order of Malta and the Federal Association, J. Paul McNamara Hospitaller Programs John Massman The motto of the Order of Malta is the same as please visit our website – Bethesda, Maryland Rocco Martino, PhD Barbara Fisher Villanova, Pennsylvania Montgomery Co., MD it was during the Crusades, Tuitio fi dei et obsequium Lita Treacy Assistant Director / This Annual Report will describe some of the which translates to “defend the faith and historian F. Matthew McDaniel Development pauperem, highlights of 2004, and will attempt to show how New Orleans serve the poor”. There are currently over 11,000 Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Robert Cangelosi Sara Hamann the members of the Federal Association are faithfully Henry Lane Hull, PhD Knights and Dames of Malta around the world. The Richard Miller, Esq. Northern Virginia Assistant Director / perpetuating the mission defi ned by Brother Gerard Wicomico Beach, Virginia headquarters are in Rome, and its members belong Kansas City, Missouri James Costantino Membership Services nearly 900 years ago. to one of the 45 national associations. There are Rowland Morrow Pittsburgh Fra’ James- Baltimore, Maryland Thomas Cherubini Celli von Stroebel three such Associations in the United States. The American Association was founded in New York City Barbara Murphy Southern Maryland volunteer - Grants Program, Arlington, Virginia Michael Sullivan Master of Ceremonies in 1926, the Western Association was founded in San Syracuse Francisco in 1953, and the Federal Association, based Joseph Swift, MD Kathleen Mezzalingua Chevy Chase, Maryland in Washington, DC, was granted its charter in 1974. Tallahassee Agnes Williams John Koelemij Potomac, Maryland Washington, DC Ann Fox Wilmington, DE Dorcas Gamble

1 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa President’s Letter

Dear Confreres, will hear from a member who says, “I have been a member of the Order for a number of years and I hope that each of you will take the time to carefully review the nobody asks me to do anything.” I hope those people who occasionally feel that way carefully read contents of this annual report. As I write this message to you, I have the contents of this annual report and, as a result, realize just how easy it is to get involved with the had the benefi t of reviewing a draft of the annual report. I am struck activities of the Order. Feel free to call me, the Hospitaller for your region, or the Malta offi ce. by the signifi cance and number of opportunities that our Federal Our Order is special because of the number of quality people who are willing to remain Association provides in helping our members become closer to the Lord. These opportunities committed to the organization. As I get to know more and more of our members, I am humbled come to life in the spiritual activities that are available, and perhaps in a more real way, by fi nding and heartened by the quality of our people and their dedication. A wonderful example of this our Lord in the faces of the sick and the poor that we serve. As you know, the Federal Association is Regis Boyle, who has been a member of the Order since 1988. Shortly after becoming a has approximately 800 members. We are one of three associations in the United States and one member, she assumed responsibility for and became Editor of the Federal Malta Review. Regis of 54 National Associations, Priories, or Sub-Priories worldwide. Each of these associations is in was a Professor of Journalism throughout her career. With regret, she has recently found it the process of developing an annual report which will highlight their own individual activities. necessary to resign as Editor of our newsletter. We owe Regis an enormous debt of gratitude for They show how signifi cant an organization the Order of Malta is and how many people in need the time and expertise that she has dedicated to this activity over the last 15 years. are helped. We are fortunate to have been drawn to the Order which provides us with countless opportunities to serve God by serving others and, in doing so, deepening our own spirituality. Our Association currently has almost 800 Knights and Dames, and over the next two years will be adding over one hundred new members. Each one of these new members will be joining As the President of the Federal Association, I tend to be involved with organization and the Order through the grace of God and is therefore given a tremendous opportunity to become administration on a daily basis, which often doesn’t vary too much from many of my normal closer to Him. The organizational challenge to provide meaningful opportunities for service business responsibilities. Reviewing the contents of this report causes me to realize that even and spiritual growth is signifi cant. As the President of the association, I have the opportunity organizational and administrative activities can serve a higher purpose. to see the effect of the work of so many of our volunteers. Our Hospitallers, Members, and In last year’s message to you, I mentioned the strategy session that occurred in Malta in Chairpersons of our various committees are involved in a tremendous amount of activity and I February 2004 and the discussion regarding Defense of the Faith. I am pleased that we are thank them for their time and effort. Our small staff, led by Joe Dempsey, meets the challenge making progress in this area, having formed a Defense of the Faith Committee. This committee every day, often requiring involvement in late evening and weekend activities. The staff does an is expected to make a presentation to the Board in June with its recommendation how we might extraordinary and is deserving of our gratitude. initiate a program with particular emphasis on providing educational opportunities to our members. As in any large organization, we have members who are involved on a continuing basis Confraternally yours, in both our spiritual activities and our service projects, and we have other members who rarely participate or perhaps are totally uninvolved. I would encourage our active members to constantly reach out to those members who are less involved. You will be doing them a great George P. Clancy, Jr. President favor if you help reactivate those graces that led them to join the Order initially. Occasionally I June 2005

3 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa Year in Review2004

The Federal Association continued to grow in terms of membership and programs again in 2004. Thirty-two Knights and Dames were invested into the Order in September, and several new service programs were initiated around the country. Careful attention was given to the way the Association grows, and efforts were taken to ensure that all of our members feel included in the great work of the Order and our Association. Investiture Weekend — His Eminence William Cardinal Keeler, the Archbishop of Baltimore was the principal Some of the highlights of this busy year are described below: celebrant at the Federal Association’s Investiture Mass and Ceremony on September 18th. The Most Reverend Kevin Farrell, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, delivered a stirring NewNew HospitallersHospitallers — Two new Regional Defense of the Faith — One of the major topics of homily for the group of nearly 500 gathered in St. Matthew’s HHospitallersospitallers werewere appointedappointed inin 2004:2004: JeanJean discussion in Malta and here in the US in 2004 was “What Cathedral. Thirty-two new members were invested as PPierreierre vanvan RooyRooy inin Hartford,Hartford, ConnecticutConnecticut andand should we do, as members of the Order of Malta, to Lourdes Anointing Mass – Kansas City — In March, new Knights and Dames along with two new Magistral MMichaelichael SSullivanullivan inin SouthernSouthern Maryland.Maryland. IInn defend the Catholic faith as proscribed in the Daily Prayer the Knights and Dames in Kansas City sponsored their 8th Chaplains. At the Annual Meeting of the Association, aaddition,ddition, tthehe vveryery llargearge ggrouproup iinn tthehe mmetropolitanetropolitan of the Order?” In Malta, the Grand Master of the Order Annual Lourdes Anointing Mass at Cure of Ars Churrch Rowena Morris, Kathryn Abell, and Rowland Morrow WWashingtonashington areaarea waswas splitsplit up,up, withwith AnnAnn FoxFox said plainly that the actions of the Order should never be in Leawood, Kansas. Over 200 people from all over the received the President’s Award for their service to the Order bbeingeing nnamedamed RRegionalegional HHospitallerospitaller forfor tthehe DDistrictistrict political, and that the best way for Knights and Dames to region attended the Mass and ceremony, which included and dedication to the Federal Association. Bill Page, the only ooff CColumbia,olumbia, aandnd LLitaita TTreacyreacy waswas namednamed thethe defend the faith is to live the faith as generous servants to the Sacrament of Healing for the people designated as two-time President of the Association, received the Grand RRegionalegional HHospitallerospitaller forfor MontgomeryMontgomery CCounty,ounty, the poor and the sick. The malades (sick). Several of the Regional Cross of Magistral Grace. Two new members of the Board of MMaryland.aryland. IInn eeveryvery ccasease tthehe hhopeope iiss tthathat Federal Association appointed Hospitallers from around the country Directors were elected, D. Geoffrey Gamble, Esq., of Avondale, mmoreore programsprograms willwill bebe developed,developed, andand a sub-committee of the attended the service, as they were in Pennsylvania, and Jack Demetree, of Jacksonville, Florida. mmoreore ofof ourour membersmembers willwill becomebecome engagedengaged Board (Harry Grim, CEM town for their meetings the previous iinn tthehe wworkork ofof thethe Order.Order. Martin, Kathryn Abell, and In addition, the Treasurer’s Report and the Hospitaller’s day. Using the format developed so Monsignor W. Louis Quinn) Report were made, and the Chancellor read the names of all successfully by our members in Kansas to study these questions and members who died in the last year. City, the Association is planning to International Strategy Meetings in Malta recommend a program for the sponsor these Masses in several other Mass for the Sanctity of Life — The fi rst major “Defense — Several Federal Association members attended the Association. cities in the future. of the Faith” initiative was a Mass for the Sanctity of Life that InternationalInternational SStrategytrategy SSeminareminar ssponsoredponsored byby thethe OrderOrder was celebrated by members of all three US associations of in January on the island of Malta. Several important the Order in October. The Federal Association’s Spirituality topics were covered during the fi ve-day program Committee prepared the liturgy and distributed it to Regional including: Strengthening Spirituality and Commitment, Hospitallers nationwide. The goal was to have members Better Formation of Members, Internal and External saying the same prayers at the same time in as many places as Communications, and the Formation of Young Members. possible. Counting the four Masses celebrated by the Western Representing the Federal Association were Pat Clancy and American Associations, the Mass for the Sanctity of Life (President), Harry Grim (Vice President), Noreen Falcone was celebrated in 25 locations across the country. Some of (Chancellor), Patricia Lloyd(former Auxiliary), Shep Abell the Masses were quite large (over 150 in attendance at St. (past President), and Joe Dempsey (Executive Director). Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington), and others were quiet Kathryn Abell was one of the lead presenters at the and more personal (14 in Charlotte, 15 in Syracuse). conference on the spirituality of the Order.

5 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa MONTHLY MASSES Chaplain’s Report

Atlanta — Holy Spirit Church – First Fridays – 8:30am At the center of all of our activities and all our Baltimore — Shrine of the Sacred Heart – First Saturdays – 8:00am efforts to serve the poor and sick is our desire to follow the example of Our Lord. In 2004, our Charlotte — St. Patrick’s Cathedral – First Fridays – 7:30am members continued to deepen their faith and explore Chicago — St. Peter’s Church – First Fridays – 8:15am ways in which they could better serve their church Columbus — St. Joseph’s Cathedral – First Fridays – 7:30am and those in need. Dallas — Cistercian Chapel (during school year) – First Fridays – 7:30pm Federal Association members Dallas — St. Monica’s – Every Wednesday – 6:45am gathered for big celebrations Greensburg — St. Ann Home – First Saturdays – 9:30am WEEKEND RETREATS like the Investiture Mass in Houston — St. Cecilia’s – Every Saturday – 9:00am Washington and the Feast of Jacksonville — San Jose Parish – Second Mondays – 12 noon Florida Retreat — In January, the Most Reverend St. John the Baptist, which was Reverend Monsignor New Orleans — Malta Square – First Fridays – 8:00am William Curlin (Bishop of Charlotte, retired) led our celebrated in Arlington, Virginia W. Louis Quinn Northern Virginia — St. Agnes – First & Third Saturdays – 9:00am retreat in North Palm Beach, Florida. Eighty four in 2004. In addition, there are Conventual Chaplain Knights, Dames, spouses, and friends attended the retreat. small gatherings like the monthly Pittsburgh — St. Mary’s Church (Stanwix) – First Fridays – 12 noon Masses (see box) in cities around Syracuse — Cathedral – First Fridays – 7:00am Faulkner Retreat — In October, Rev. William Byron, DAY OF REFLECTION the country throughout the year. Washington, DC Area SJ, was the leader of the Faulkner Retreat at the Loyola In 1999, the Federal Association began its “Day of — Annunciation – Second Saturdays – 8:00am Retreat House in southern Maryland. — Blessed Sacrament (DC) – Second Saturdays – 8:00am Refl ection Series” with a daylong program at Georgetown — Holy Redeemer (Kensington) – First Saturdays – 8:30am Fall Retreat — For several years now, the Fall Retreat University in Washington. Over the years the topics — Holy Trinity (DC) – Second Fridays – 8:00am has moved around the country. Mundelein Seminary discussed have been “Spirituality in the Workplace”, — Little Flower – Bethesda – Second Saturdays – 8:15am in Illinois, Bon Secours Retreat House in northern “The Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Effects of — Our Lady of Mercy – Second Wednesdays – 7:00am PRAYER CARDS AND PUBLICATIONS — St. Mathews Cathedral – Third Wednesdays – 12:10pm Mass Maryland, and, in 2004, the Fall Retreat was held at St. Aging”, “Marriage – A Call to Spiritual Growth”, “On Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Rev. Mark Prayer”, and in 2003 it was “Social Justice and the Order The Spirituality Committee continued to produce Wilmington Gruber, OSB, a professor of archeology and theology was of Malta”. In 2004, sixty Knights and Dames gathered at the prayer cards that are mailed to the entire — Irisbrook Mansion – Third Tuesdays (even months) – 12:00 noon — St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine – Third Tuesdays (odd months) – 12:00 noon the retreat director. Nearly all of the Knights and Dames the Washington Theological Union to discuss and refl ect membership each month, and thousand of copies from the Pittsburgh area attended the retreat, along with on the topic “The Order of Malta and Service to the Poor of the pamphlet Prayers in Times of Sickness several from other cities across the country. The Fall Among Us.” Smaller retreats and Days of Recollection were distributed to hospital chaplains all over the Retreat will be held at the Episcopal Retreat were sponsored in Syracuse, Kansas City, Charlotte, country. In 2004, the book Malta Meditations Center in Roberts, Louisiana in November 2005. Atlanta, and several other cities. These gatherings are was published by W. Shepherdson Abell, the always well attended and help develop the feeling of Chairman of the Spirituality Committee and a community so important to our Knights and Dames past President of the Association. Every member around the country. of the Federal Association received a copy of the book, and hundreds have been sent to the other US Associations of the Order.

7 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa Hospitaller’s Report VOLUNTEER PROJECTS The job of the Hospitaller is these clinics to save thousands and thousands of dollars a year. One of the Association’s biggest service project to oversee the Federal Association’s Knights and Dames who are doctors, dentists and nurses and spiritual activity is the annual pilgrimage to REGION PROJECT COORDINATOR(s) programs of personal service to the volunteer their services weekly at many of our clinics. Lourdes. This year over 250 Knights, Dames, Malades, Atlanta Marian Manor Home for Elderly Kim Hanna poor and the sick and to encourage companions and volunteers traveled together to Blessed Gerard Visitation Program Dr. Tom Lewis The Federal Association again joined Rebuilding our members to volunteer in these Lourdes. As always it was a special experience for Project MedShare Marilyn Allegra Together (formerly Christmas in April / October) in projects. In twenty cities nationwide everyone. This year marked Admiral Bill Callaghan’s Baltimore St. Elizabeth Nursing Center Margie Counselman Charlotte, Chicago, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Wilmington, we have groups of members working fi nal year as the Chairman of the Pilgrimage Gift of Hope (AIDS hospice) John Danko Charles County, MD, and Washington, DC. In Chicago, Lourdes Reunion Frank Locke, Lindsay Gallagher together on service projects and Committee after 18 years of devoted service. Bill was our volunteers restored the home of a 72 year-old Charlotte Room at the Inn Harry Grim gathering for Mass, often once a honored at the pilgrimage farewell dinner, and all the Susanne C. DuFour grandmother complete with new windows and doors, a new Christmas in April Dr. Don Joyce month. The local coordinator in pilgrims got the chance to express their appreciation. Hospitaller kitchen and bath, rewiring and landscaping. She said “this Chicago Christmas in April Ted Makarewicz these areas is known as the “Regional St. Thomas Canterbury Soup Kitchen Art Malinowski feels like Christmas in April.” Hospitaller”. Twice a year all the Columbus Christmas in April Martin Regional Hospitallers meet to discuss Our members feed the homeless both in body and spirit JOIN (Joint Organization for Inner City Needs) Bob Morosky our progress and new opportunities in projects all over the country. The St. Francis Soup Kitchen Dallas Saturday morning lunch for homeless Bette Hoag Thanksgiving Dinner for the Elderly David Holliday for service. in Jacksonville is located in the basement cafeteria of what was formerly Immaculate Conception School. Between fi ve Jacksonville St. Catherine Laboure Nursing Home Jack McCormack Once a year the Grand Hospitaller of the Order convenes and six hundred people are served a meal every Saturday Hartford Malta House of Care J.P. Van Rooy a meeting of all the Hospitallers worldwide. These meetings midday. The food is prepared on Friday by volunteers and Houston Ride to Mass Program for the Elderly Charles Scholz are both inspiring and challenging. The inspiration comes All Nursing Home Pat Thornton served the next day by other volunteers. Malta members from the common commitment we all have to the work and Kansas City Christmas in October John McMeel, Dick Miller are joined by others in the community in this project. In spirituality of the Order. The challenge is to meet the ever Anointing Mass for Sick Bernie Dierks Kansas City, our members join with other partners in the Holiday Hunger Awareness Day John Massman growing needs of serving the poor and the sick - identifying community to host the annual Soup-er Bowl Luncheon New Orleans Malta Square at Sacred Heart Jane Nalty the needs and fi nding a way to provide the help. which creates awareness of the hunger in the area. Malta Park Jane Nalty We can be proud of the work of the Order and our Malta Court at Holy Angels Jane Nalty Every Saturday in Dallas, our volunteers serve a picnic Federal Association, but there is always more that needs No. Virginia Cherrydale Healthcare Center Sergio Micheli in a vacant lot for 75 to 150 homeless people. They Mary’s House Carmen Egge to be done and our list of activities increases every year. provide food and clothing, jobs, shoes, blankets, prayer, and Mass for the Sick Rowena Morris, Bill Wallace We continue to serve the frail elderly in our assisted living conversation. In Chicago, our members work once a month Pittsburgh Christmas in April Katherine Freyvogel facilities in Washington, Syracuse, and New Orleans. Little Sisters of the Poor James Haberman at the St. Thomas of Canterbury soup kitchen. Six to eight Knights and Dames visit the residents, plan parties, read Southern MD Christmas in April Michael Sullivan members and volunteers on the third Tuesday of the month the newspaper, and attend Mass and pray with them. At Syracuse Malta House Dr. Alfred Falcone arrive at the kitchen at 4:30, prepare the soup and then serve the Little Sisters of the Poor residence in Pittsburgh, Federal Oxford Street Inn Dennis Owen to approximately 300 guests. Their guests are a cross section Francis House Hospice Noreen Falcone Association volunteers planned a party that included Easter of the city, from street people, to drug addicts, to men in egg dying followed by dinner for all the residents. Tallahassee Holiday Meals Program (elderly) John Koelemij suits, and families with young children. After they prepare Wash DC Malta House Joan Collins, Rosemary Carter The Association’s Domestic Clinic program is successful the soup and salad, they gather and say a prayer. Guests Gift of Peace Sandra McMurtrie, John Miller Project SHARE James Belson and continues to grow. We support fi fteen clinics nationwide are seated at tables and served. When the fi rst serving is Mass for the Sick Ann Fox with two shipments a year of free medicines. These are completed, people line up to take a quart of soup and some Wilmington Little Sisters of the Poor Residence Geoffrey Gamble medicines requested by the clinic administrators, and it allows bread home for their next meal.

9 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa GRANTS PROGRAM Grants Committee Report summary 2004 The Grants Committee reviewed over 60 grant requests in 2004. The requests came in from all over expenses spent purpose CLINIC PROGRAM 2004 the country and, indeed, from around the world. There were requests for food, medicine, emergency cash Domestic Programs Arlington, VA assistance, generators, and vans. Every request was carefully reviewed by our committee to make sure that Clinic Program (15 clinics, 12 cities) ...... $ 145,851 medicines Arlington Free Clinic the program provides a direct service to the poor, and that there is no waste or chance of re-sale or mis-use. Little Sisters of the Poor, Baltimore ...... 31,552 dental equipment Malta House, MD ...... 30,000 back-up emergency generator Baltimore, MD Great care is used to s-t-r-e-t-c-h our budget, which is all of the money contributed to the Annual Little Sisters of the Poor, DC ...... 20,000 dental equipment The Shepherd’s Clinic Appeal and a small percentage drawn down each year from our Blessed Gerard Fund. We try to get food Re-Building Together (7 cities) ...... 19,500 home renovations and other materiel donated or at a discount, and we work very hard to arrange free or discounted shipping Emergency Pregnancy Services, FL ...... 15,000 sonogram equipment upgrade Charlotte, NC L’Arche, DC ...... 15,000 renovations for group home MedAssist of Mecklenburg and storage. As the summary chart illustrates, we spent approximately $725,000 in 2004. Our auditors Oakland Catholic HS, PA ...... 15,000 van for school service organization estimate that translated into $3,246,870 worth of food, medicines, relief supplies, and other materiel. St. Vincent Clinic Relocation, KS ...... 15,000 emergency funds, physical repairs Chicago, IL Samaritan Inns, DC ...... 15,000 rehab / repairs Garfi eld & Damen Clinics The Federal Association continues to support the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem. The hospital, a Margaret Counselman Washington Jesuit Academy, DC ...... 15,000 3rd year matching scholarship state-of-the-art maternity hospital owned and managed by the Order of Malta provides excellent pre and post- Houston, TX Chairwoman, Oblate Sisters, DC ...... 11,075 asbestos removal, pipe insulation natal care and delivers thousands of healthy babies every year despite the near-constant confl ict in the region. CLINIC, DC ...... 10,000 educational materials for refugees Casa Juan Diego Clinic / Grants Committee Little Sisters of the Poor, IL ...... 10,000 wheelchairs, medical equipment Casa Maria Clinic Natural Family Planning Center, TX ...... 10,000 parenting classes St. Gerard Campus, FL ...... 13,368 emergency hurricane relief Jacksonville, FL Listed below are a couple of highlights of the 2004 Grants Program — J.P. Kennedy Institute, DC ...... 8,000 new, handicap-accessible doors Christ the King Health Clinic Polish American Assn, IL ...... 7,500 food, kitchen upgrades Cristo Sana Medical Mission, Granada, Nicaragua – purchase of basic medicines, they are then able to deploy their and House of Peace, WI ...... 6,900 emergency funds Kansas City, MO Seton Academy, MD ...... 5,500 summer camp materials Duchesne Clinic A team of 25 volunteers, including 7 members of the Federal expand their own care and services in other ways. “Soup-er” Bowl Video, MO ...... 2,500 production of promotional material Association headed a medical mission to Granada, Nicaragua. Thanks Western Maryland ADM Feeding Program – Central America – Once again in Homeless Family Shelter, FL ...... 2,000 emergency funds for homeless to a grant of $20,000 for medicines and equipment 10 physicians, Mission of Mercy 2004 the Federal Association was able to send over 700,000 pounds Total ...... $ 423,716 3 nurses, 2 technicians and various volunteers treated almost 1,400 of food donated by Archer Daniels Midland to the poor in Central Milwaukee, WI patients at outpatient clinics in and around Granada during their one- International Programs America. Programs feeding the poor in El Salvador, Guatemala, St. Joseph’s Medical & Dental Clinic week mission. Of the hundreds of patients seen close to one quarter Task Force on Cuba ...... $ 100,000 hurricane relief, food Honduras, Nicaragua, and Peru received very signifi cant quantities of Holy Family Hospital (Bethlehem) ...... 50,000 on-going support New Orleans, LA were children, benefi ting from the expertise of the two pediatricians food, and thousands of hungry people were fed ADM Feeding Program ...... 48,358 15 shipments, 6 countries St. Vincent de Paul traveling with the group. In the eye clinic, 300 people were treated by Cite Soleil (Haiti) ...... 20,000 summer feeding program Community Pharmacy the ophthalmologists who also performed 20 eye operations during Somos Amigos Medical/Dental Mission, Naranjitos, Cristo Sana Medical Mission (Nicaragua) ...... 20,000 medical mission Oblate Brothers (Haiti) ...... 20,000 mobile clinic Syracuse, NY the week. The three general surgeons, including Dr. Frank Schmidt, Dominican Republic – In 2004 Somos Amigos received $10,000 Project Lifeline (Haiti) ...... 20,000 medicines Westside Family Health Center performed 24 major operations, including two emergency procedures. for a diesel generator to provide, reliable, uninterrupted and adequate Sacre Coeur Hospital, Haiti ...... 20,000 medicines power to a modest medical and dental facility. The medical team, Project Lifeline (DR) ...... 15,000 medicines Tallahassee, FL Domestic Clinic Program – The biggest single domestic made up of over 40 people including 6 physicians, 6 dentists, nurses, Carmen Pampas Nurses Clinic (Bolivia) ...... 10,700 medicines Neighborhood Health Services program is the Association’s national Clinic Program. In 2004 the hygienists and translators provides consultations, on-site treatments, Somos Amigos Medical Mission, (DR) ...... 10,000 diesel generator program sent two large shipments of medicines – one in June and Travel/Administration ...... 1,998 trips- Haiti & Dominican Republic Washington, DC medications (six-month supply), and vitamins (six-month supply) the other in December - to the fi fteen health clinics listed below. The Donated Dental Equipment (various) ...... 1,530 shipping donated equipment Perry School Family Health Center at no cost to patients. The Somos Amigos mission in January 2005 SMOM - Grand Magistry Program ...... 1,000 charitable works of the Order Spanish Catholic Center program spent $145,851 for medicines worth a total of $850,000, successfully saw a record 800 patients. Total ...... $ 302,056 Mercy Health Clinic This total included a very signifi cant donation from Schering-Plough. (Germantown, MD) Through the Order’s donation program, as each clinic saves on the

11 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa Treasurer’s Report

FINANCIAL REPORT audited—march 2005

For the fi scal year ended, December 31, This year’s Association’s Annual Appeal was income 2004 2003 2004, the Federal Association’s net assets again very successful. Our members contributed Contributions remained stable at $3,815,255, an increase just over $745,000, which is down a bit from Dues ...... $ 550,837 526,615 of 8.6% over the prior year. As of year-end, 2003. The percentage of our membership Annual Appeal ...... 699,024 791,898 the Association’s operating cash balance was participating in the Appeal (70-72%) remains Testamentary / Memorial ...... 88,679 118,385 J. PaulPaul McNamaraMcNamara Change in Value (Charitable Trust) ...... 3,900 0 $305,591 and once again, management and very strong. We will continue to focus our Designated Contributions /Int’l...... 53,570 68,583 Treasurer staff worked hard to manage our annual fundraising to support the excellent projects that In-Kind Contributions ...... 2,439,725 2,388,911 budget. The revenues in 2004 for the the Association has either sponsored directly or Lourdes Pilgrimage ...... 440,175 294,643 Association exceeded $4,500,000. However, supported through the grant programs. Investiture ...... 81,790 107,790 over $2,439,000 of this amount is the value Investment Revenue ...... 82,580 83,857 The investment portfolio is a fairly Merchandise / Other Sales ...... 7,475 6,416 of donated food and medicine used by our conservative mix of stocks and bonds. Your Spiritual Activities ...... 100,123 28,635 various projects. The budget management Association’s investment portfolios are directed Total Income ...... $ 4,547,878 4,415,733 process of the Association was able to report an by a committee, who includes - Thomas Roddy operating surplus of $19,000 for the year. As expenses 2004 2003 as the chairman, assisted by William FitzGerald, our Association continues to grow, our staff B. Francis Saul, and Agnes Williams. Our Administration ...... $ 501,592 520,164 has been upgraded to meet the management Spiritual Activities ...... 111,004 35,138 investment portfolio, which represents the requirements of the future. majority of the Associations assets, grew 8.7% Lourdes Pilgrimage ...... 440,626 387,195 A year-end analysis indicated that most to $3,269,118. The Association was also the Investiture ...... 95,529 108,303 Admissions / Formation ...... 10,171 7,704 of the Association’s major activities were at benefi ciary of a gift of a charitable remainder Assessment to Rome ...... 67,260 64,506 the budget estimates approved by the Finance trust, in the amount of $296,250, which should Publications / Communications ...... 37,205 81,114 Committee and Board of Directors. Our continue to grow in the future. Auxiliary ...... 10,856 11,495 Malta House ...... 7,222 6,655 in-kind donations to support our food and The Federal Association’s fi nances were audited Grants Program ...... 3,246,870 3,118,797 clinic programs continue to grow and run very by Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell. We received Total Expenses ...... $ 4, 528,335 4,341,071 effi ciently. Most of the Association’s spiritual a clean opinion that the fi nancial records were fairly Net - revenue over expenses ...... $ 19,543 74,662 activities and special events run at a close to presented and conformed to generally accepted break-even level, and the Annual Dues cover the accounting principles. Copies of the report may be cost of general operations and administration. Investment Accounts 12/31/2004 12/31/2003 obtained from the Association offi ce. Merrill Lynch – operating ...... $ 8,572 11,711 Lourdes Fund ...... 552,788 502,981 Blessed Gerard Fund ...... 2,296,813 2,100,298 Malta House Fund ...... 128,133 133,150 Total ...... $ 2,986,306 2,748,140

13 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa 2005 Annual Appeal

The 2005 Annual Appeal was, once again, a great success. More members participated, and more money was contributed John T. Miller, Jr. Nicholas & Haydee Bazan James Costantino Glenn Mitchell John & Mary Jane Becker Albert & Margaret Counselman than ever before. Five hundred and eleven Knights and Dames, nine Chaplains, and fi ve friends contributed a total of $814,000 Charles Molineaux Hon. Thomas J. Biley Jr. Joseph J. Cox – this total surpassing last year’s appeal by over $65,000. Nearly seventy per-cent of the membership participated; and the average William Morosse Ed Bolen W. Carroll Coyne contribution was $1,550. Thomas & Evelyn Murray Michele Bowe Rev. Msgr. Richard E. Cramblitt Terrence O’Donnell Regis Louise Boyle, PhD M. Jenkins Cromwell, Jr. As always, every dollar contributed to the Appeal is used by the Federal Association’s Grants Committee to support the Rose Bente Lee Bertha Braddock Anthony P. Culotta, DDS programs of the Association. William Ostapenko George M. Brady, Jr. Cornelius G. Curran Richard Perry, MD Phillip Brady Wayne F. Cyron James Pickard Patrick Bright Hon. Ed Damich

Peter Plamondon Fred J. Brinkman Col. John Q. Deaver Founders Circle Joseph Lynott Thomas Belson, MD Paul Polking Agnes M. Brown L. Patrick Deering Louis T. Donatelli Michael Mangan, MD Ernest Bono Rev. Msgr. W. Louis Quinn David S. J. Brown Gael M. Delany, DDS Noreen Falcone Clarence E. Martin III Paul Burke Patrick Raher Thomas P. Brown Hugh Dempsey William & Mary Noel Page J. Michael McGarry III Ronald Cambre L. Charles Scholz Dick & Pat Browne Maury Devine Agnes Williams J. Paul McNamara John & Dorothy Charbonnet Vince Sheehy Hon. John L. Bryant, Jr. Michael L. DiLegge Kathleen Mezzalingua Edward & Janice Connell Robert T. Shircliff Patrick J. Buchanan John F. Di Lorenzo, Jr. Presidents Circle Sergio & Pilar Micheli Robert & Jane Corrigan Robert Signorelli Hon. John T. Buckley Bernard Dierks W. Shepherdson & Kathryn Abell Dick & Bernadette Miller James Cunningham James Sinclair Patrick J. Burns Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Dillon Joseph Barrett Rowland Morrow John Danko James Stalder Lawrence S. Busch Rev. Lawrence A. DiNardo George P. & Mary Anne Clancy Paul & Jane Nalty Ada De Franceaux Brendan V. Sullivan, Jr. Francis J. Butler Emily Donahue Geaton DeCesaris Hon. James A. Nicholson Lawrence & Deborah Demaree Michael Sullivan John Butler James F. Donahue III John F. Donahue John P. O’Brien Ovide de St. Aubin, Jr. Joseph & Mary Swift John R. Cady Christopher S. Dorment John & Patricia Figge W. Raymond Page Robert Easby-Smith Judi Teske Valencia Yvonne Camp John F. Dorment William & Annelise FitzGerald R. Scott Pastrick Peter Forster John Tydings Robert Cangelosi, MD R. Damian DuFour David & Kim Hanna Warren & Joanne Powers H. Minton Francis Alan Veeck, Jr. Carlo Capomazza F. Markoe Dugan, MD William H. Page John Robertshaw Kevin Gallagher Patrick Walsh, MD Arthur R. Carmody, Jr. James C. Dunstan, PhD Jean-Pierre van Rooy James E. Rohr David Garrison Steven M. Williams Patrick Carney Michael J. Easterday L.F. Rooney III Gareth Genner Charlie Wolf Katherine H. Carroll John L. Eckholdt Federal Circle B. Francis Saul Patricia Grady Augustine Carter Thomas J. Egan Kevin Baine Elaine Scuderi John Hoy Patrons Carroll & Rosemary Carter George & Carmen Egge Charles Berkel Karl the Losen Larry & Kitty Jenkins Anonymous (2) John W. Caven, Jr. Alfred & Francoise Falcone Daniel Callahan III Clarence Walton Donald & Carmel Joyce Christopher Abell Thomas Celli Anthony Falcone J. Alan Cassidy Thomas W. Wilbur Michael P. Kelly James Abney Beverly Clemens Joseph M. Farrell Eugene Croisant Patrick Kennedy Howard Adler Bret A. Clesi Nello V. Ferrara Jack Demetree Sovereign Circle John Koelemij Paul Anthony John P. Cogan Ed & Diane Festa Francis & Marilyn Dono Joseph Abely Philip Lacovara Dominic Antonelli & Joan Collins Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. Joseph T. Doyle Joan Fiske , PhD Robert Lively Rev. Msgr. Robert A. Armstrong Bill & Peg Colliton Daniel Finkelstein, MD G. Maurice & Susanne DuFour John Arness Arthur Malinowski Jan Baran Suzanne Congel John P. Fitzpatrick Paul Fallon, DDS Louis Astorino Ozzy Marcenaro Bray Barnes P. Brian Connolly Vincent Fitzpatrick, MD Harry & Gail Grim Pauletta & Robert Atwood Imogene & Joseph Mazur Mary Glover Bastin John J. Conway, Jr. Pierce J. Flanigan Frank & Christine Guyol Kevin & Jane Belford Matt & Mariette McDaniel Constance Battle, MD Robert T. Conwell, Jr. Michael T. Fleming, MD Hon. James Belson Patrick & Barbara McGahan William Battle, MD Thomas B. Cormack Ann D. Fox

1 5 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa Gerald G. Fox Neal J. Howard Antonio Lopez-Ibanez Most Rev. Montalvo Charles J. Queenan, Jr. Charles A. Sullivan James L. Fox Hon. G. Phillip Hughes Hon. John Loughran Robert M. Moore Mario Ravry, MD Margaret P. Sullivan Norman C. Francis Henry Lane Hull, PhD Dennis M. Lucey Ellen M. Morrell Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Rebman Thomas & Glory Sullivan Betty Frank Anthony Interdonato John D. Lucey, MD Chester H. Morris, MD Charles B. Reeves, Jr. Mary Alice Swengros Paul S. Franz Paul F. Interdonato Jeffrey D. Ludwig Rowena M. Morris Edward F. Reilly, Jr. Richard Teahan Thomas & Katherine Freyvogel Janice A. Jacobs Louise Lynch Gerald J. Mossinghoff John F.X. Reilly Byron G. Thompson John P. Gaffi gan Jay W. Jackson Walid Maalouf J. Kevin Mueller Ligia S. Remick James P. Thornton Henry J. Gailliot, PhD Armiger L. Jagoe Thomas F. Magovern Thomas N. Mulligan Charles E. Rice Betsy Toland Lindsay Gallagher Gene F. Jankowski Edward J. Maher Donald J. Mulvihill William C. Rice, MD Frank A. Toplikar Lawrence W. Galloway John F. Jeszenszky Thaddeus J. Makarewicz David C. Murchison Eleonore B. Rickover Joan B. Trandel Geoff & Dorcas Gamble Harry W. Johnson, Jr., MD Rev. Msgr. Anthony J. Marcaccio Tim & Barbara Murphy Margaret K. Riehl F. Trautschold, Ivan H. Garcia, MD Michael A. Johnston Lorenzo Marcolin, MD Francis J. Murray, MD Dana Paul Robinson Lawrence H. Travers Robert P. Gatewood Barbara J. Jones David A. Martin James E. Murray Thomas P. Roddy Carmelita H. Treacy Stephen Diaz Gavin William J. Joos Rocco & Barbara Martino Hon. Julian M. Niemczyk Hon. Frank Ruddy James A. Treanor III Hon. Francis Gembala J. David Karam John T. Massman James L. Nolan Edward C. Ruff Joseph A. Tronco, Jr. Burton L. Gerber Agnes M. Kavanagh Therese J. Matan Patricia M. Normile Carl A. Ruppert Hon. Fred B. Ugast Jack & Kathleen Gibbons Col. William T. Keegan R. Paul Mayeux Milton G. Nottingham, Jr. Raymond R. Ruppert, Jr. Stephen L. Urbanczyk John & Mary Gibbons Richard W. Keffer, Jr. Mercedes J. McCarthy Michael Novak Wayne T. Ruth Joseph P. Vaghi Gerrald A. Giblin James R. Kelly Patrick & Leona McCarthy Timothy E. Oakes, DDS James & Priscilla Ryan Mary Ann Valentino William F. Glavin John E. Kelly, Sr. J. Laurence McCarty Janice I. Obuchowski Ronald & Mary Savarese Jeanne H. Vass C. Wayne Godsey John J. Kelly Dennis & Blanche McCloskey Thomas G. O’Hara Terrence M. Scanlon Carlos C. Villarreal J. Michael Goodwin Peter G. Kelly John H. McCormack, Jr. James A. Olson James P. Schaller Jacqueline A. Wakeling Charles & Mary Anne Grace Thomas A. Kennelly John Warren McGarry Pauline Olsen, MD Frank E. Schmidt, MD William M. Wallace Gregory Granitto Michael J. Kerrigan Joseph B. McGrath Very Rev. David M. O’Connell, CM Randolph R. Schools Agnes Walsh William F. Grant Stephen Klimczuk Raymond J. McGrath Francis B. O’Malley Truman T. Semans Philip C. Walsh John F. Griffi th, MD John J. Kitchen Daniel C. McGrogan John D. O’Malley Robert J. Shalhoub, MD Philip J. Ward Edmund Gronkiewicz Edward W. Kouri, MD Patricia A. McGuire Peter F. O’Malley Vincent Shaw James D. Watkins W. Peter Haas Richard L. Lafrance Francis J. McKeon Gen. Andrew P. O’Meara Jeannine A. Sibille Gerald W. Weedon G. James Haberman Rev. Paul T. Lamb Thomas E. McKiernan W. Dennis Owen Sidney S. Simmons II Hon. Joseph F. Weis, Jr. James P. Hamill John D. Lane Robert McKinney Kirth M. Paciera Carolyn C. Simms Ralph A. Wells III Marion Edwyn Harrison Rosemarie Lazo E. Burns McLindon James A. Patrick, ThD John P. Sindoni Clyde Wendel Therese G. Hartman Michael A. Lemp, MD Brian E. McManus Elaine T. Patterson Andrea Roane Skehan Albert J. Wetzel John C. Harvey, MD John Lenczowski, PhD John P. McMeel Hon. Kenneth N. Peltier Robert J. Smith Courtenay J. Whedbee Denise M. Hattler Hans-Ludwig Lengers William L. McSweeney Theodore T. Peters, MD Rev. Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Margaret M. Wheltle Margaret S. Headley Lee Leonhardy Joseph A. Mead, Jr., MD Ronald M. Petnuch William T. Smithdeal III James C. Willcox Thomas J. Healey Anne Lesniak Judith F. Mead William Pietragallo Thomas W. Snider, MD John M. Williams Henry J. Heim DDS Tom & Angelina Lewis Grady E. Means John J. Pikarski Edward D. Soma, MD John Wingert, MD Charles Helms Robert B. Liepold Daniel E. Meehan Jayne H. Plank Sidney D. Spencer James R. Worsley Daniel & Bettina Hennessy Leonard P. Liggio, PhD Thomas & Margaret Melady Donald A. Poirier Rev. Mr. John E. Sroka Helen A. Young Mary-Ellen Hibey Donald V. Lincoln Dennis & Rita Meyer Katharine Potter Truman M. Stacey Robert J. Young August G. Hiebert Ron M. Linton Georgia H. Meyers Hon. Lawrence Pressler Susan M. Stanton Michael J. Zambetti Bernard J. Hillig, MD Francis J. Locke Joseph T. Michels, MD Gary L. Printy Damian von Stauffenberg Stephen A. Ziller Joan Luke Hills Francis X. Locke Wm. Ted Middendorf William M. Pruzensky, PhD Richard B. Stephens Thomas J. Zimmernman, MD Elizabeth Hoag Alvina Long Elizabeth C. Minno Raymond S. E. Pushkar David & Margaret Stenglein Brien Horan Denman M. Long Patrick J. Monaghan III Dale C. Putman Fra’ James-Michael von Stroebel

17 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa Tsunami Relief Appeal

Two days after the Tsunami tragedy struck, ECOM (Emergency Corps of the Order of Malta) had teams of emergency workers in the region. They reported that what they needed most at that time was cash – cash to buy building and generators and food that was urgently needed at that time. On December 31st an appeal was sent to all of the members of the Federal Association asking them to make a contribution to help ECOM’s work in the region. On January 6th the Association sent an initial Rose Bente Lee & Jacques J. Moore Ligia S. Remick James-Michael Stroebel William Ostapenko Chester H. Morris, MD William C. Rice, MD Brendan V. Sullivan contribution of $50,000 from the Grants Committee and promised to send all the funds donated by our Knights and Dames. A Michael A. Lemp, MD Rowena M. Morris Eleonore B. Rickover James M. Sullivan grand total of $127,000 was contributed by the members listed below, and that amount was sent to ECOM in March. Hans-Ludwig Lengers Rowland A. Morrow Margaret K. Riehl Charles A. Sullivan Leonard A. Leo Jacek L. Mostwin, MD John A. Robertshaw Michael J. Sullivan Anne R. Lesniak Marianne Evans Mount Thomas P. Roddy Mary Alice Swengros Lars Liebeler * Thomas N. Mulligan Nicholas & Patricia Rojo Richard J. Teahan W. Shepherdson & Kathryn Abell Jeremiah & Joan Collins Charles A. Fagan Therese G. Hartman Robert B. Liepold Donald J. Mulvihill L. F. Rooney, III Karl the Losen James K. Abney Ed & Janice Connell Alfred & Francoise Falcone John C. Harvey, MD Donald V. Lincoln David C. Murchison Jean-Pierre van Rooy Bruce E. Thompson Nathan J. Accardo Francis A. Connor Noreen R. Falcone Denise Hattler Ron M. Linton Tim & Barbara Murphy Edward C. Ruff James P. Thornton Joan Fiske Adams, PhD Thomas B. Cormack Paul T. Fallon, DDS Henry J. Heim, DDS Francis J. Locke Francis J. Murray, MD Carl A. Ruppert Mary B. Toland Kathleen W. Andrews Robert & Jane Corrigan Joseph M. Farrell Daniel & Susan Hennessy Jeffrey D. Ludwig James E. Murray Raymond R. Ruppert, Jr. Frank A. Toplikar Paul Anthony James Costantino Edward & Diane Festa Mary-Ellen Hibey Louise Lynch Paul & Jane Nalty Wayne T. Ruth Joan B. Trandel John P. Arness Albert & Margaret Counselman Jean A. Ficarra August G. Hiebert Walid Maalouf Patricia M. Normile Alexander F. Sanchez Jerome F. Trautschold Louis D. Astorino W. Carroll Coyne Daniel Finkelstein, MD Joan L. Hills Thaddeus Makarewicz Milton G. Nottingham, Jr. B. Francis Saul Joseph A. Tronco Jan W. Baran Eugene R. Croisant William & Annelise FitzGerald Carole D. Hollowell Arthur A. Malinowski Robert Nuzum Ron & Mary Savarese John R. Tydings Joseph Barba M. Jenkins Cromwell, Jr. Robert J. Flanagan Brien P. Horan George & Susan Malone John P. O’Brien Terrence M. Scanlon Hon. Fred B. Ugast Joseph A. Barrett Anthony P. Culotta, DDS Michael T. Fleming Neal J. Howard Rocco & Barbara Martino Janice I. Obuchowski Peter C. Schaumber Joseph P. Vaghi Mary Glover Bastin James E. Cunningham Gerald G. Fox John B. Hoy John T. Massman Peter F. O’Malley Frank E. Schmidt, MD Alan C. Veeck Hon. James A. Belson Cornelius G. Curran Ann D. Fox Hon. G. Philip Hughes Therese J. Matan Francis B. O’Malley L. Charles Scholz Jacqueline A. Wakeling Thomas P. Belson, MD Owen Daly James L. Fox Thomas G. Hughes Joe & Imogene Mazur Tim O’Shaughnessy Randolph R. Schools William M. Wallace Joseph & Grace Bill John D. Danko H. Minton Francis Henry Lane Hull, PhD Mercedes J. McCarthy Kirth M. Paciera Elaine M. Scuderi Philip C. Walsh James W. Birkenstock Ada M. De Franceaux Betty Frank Paul F. Interdonato Matt & Mariette McDaniel Bill & Mary Noel Page Truman T. Semans Agnes S. Walsh Dan Bouligny Ovide E. De St. Aubin Thomas & Katherine Freyvogel Jay W. Jackson Pat & Barbara McGahan Richard B. Perry, MD Vincent E. Shaw Philip J. Ward Bertha S. Braddock Col. John Deaver Lindsay R. Gallagher Janice A. Jacobs Hon. John W. McGarry Hon. Anne P. Petera Jeannine Sibille Thomas D. Washburne George M. Brady, Jr. L. Patrick Deering Geoff & Dorcas Gamble Larry & Kitty Jenkins Hugh McGrath, MD Ronald M. Petnuch Robert J. Signorelli Thomas E. Weiford David S. J. Brown Lawrence & Deborah Demaree Dermot M. Garrett Michael A. Johnston Raymond J. McGrath John J. Pikarski Sidney S. Simmons Margaret M. Wheltle Lawrence S. Busch Joseph Dempsey David L. Garrison Barbara J. Jones Daniel C. McGrogan Peter H. Plamondon Carolyn C. Simms John C. Whitaker William D. Byrne, MD Hugh M. Dempsey Thomas C. Gaspard Donald & Carmel Joyce Robert H. McKinney Jayne H. Plank James L. Sinclair Thomas W. Wilbur John R. Cady C. Maury Devine Robert P. Gatewood Jean Ann Kane E. Burns McLindon Donald A. Poirier John P. Sindoni Hon. Jean Wilkowski Daniel J. Callahan, III Michael L. Di Legge Stephen Diaz Gavin Judith J. Kane Brian E. McManus John F. Potter Robert J. Smith Agnes N. Williams Carlo Capomazza Bernard D. Dierks Francis A. Gembala Loretto Kane Sandra A. McMurtrie Katharine Ann Potter William T. Smithdeal Charles J. Wolf Arthur R. Carmody Louis T. Donatelli Burton L. Gerber Richard W. Keffer, Jr. J. Paul McNamara Kelley Proxmire Thomas W. Snider Carroll & Rosemary Carter Christopher S. Dorment Jack & Kathleen Gibbons Peter G. Kelly James B. Mead Charles J. Queenan Edward D. Soma John W. Caven John F. Dorment Gerrald A. Giblin Patrick J. Kennedy Judith A. Mead Peter R. Quirk Sidney D. Spencer Nancy Goff Cheney John A. Douglas J. Michael Goodwin Thomas A. Kennelly Thomas & Margaret Melady RCM&D Foundation* John E. Sroka George P. & Mary Anne Clancy R. Damian DuFour John F. Griffi th, MD Stephen J. Klimczuk Georgia H. Meyers Charles B. Reeves, Jr. Truman M. Stacey James Clark * Robert Easby-Smith Harry & Gail Grim Charles & Claudia Knudsen Kathleen Mezzalingua J. Reggie Maureen R. Steinbach Beverly M. Clemens William H. Edwards G. James Haberman John D. Lane John T. Miller, Jr. John F.X. Reilly David R. Stevenson

19 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa The Blessed Gerard Society

The Blessed Gerard Society was established in 1998 as a way of recognizing the members of the Order who have included the Order of Malta in their will or other estate planning. In this manner, our members ensure that the Federal Association will continue to perform the work of the Order well into the next century.

Knights and Dames of Malta have been sustaining the Order and its works in this manner for centuries, and it remains an May They Rest in Peace important way of perpetuating the tradition, and more importantly, the noble work of the Order. James Birkenstock, Delray Beach, FL Roseanne Casey, Washington, DC Anonymous (4) James F. Donahue III Barbara Murphy Patricia O. Abell * Henry Lane Hull Hon. Tim Murphy Patrick Daly, Washington, DC Kathryn S. Abell Eugene I. Kane * Patricia M. Normile Joseph Danko, Baltimore, Maryland W. Shepherdson Abell Thomas Kennelly Milton Nottingham Joan Fiske Adams, PhD Philip A. Lacovara Robert C. Odle Edward Doehler, PhD, Timonium, Maryland John P. Arness Rose Bente Lee Daniel W. O’Donoghue * Pierce Flanigan, Pasadena, Maryland Hon. James A. Belson Donald V. Lincoln Carl Overton * James W. Birkenstock* Dennis M. Lucey Samuel J. Powers * Leo FitzGibbons, Esquire, Estherville, Minnesota Paul E. Burke Dr. Frank Mayle * Rev. Msgr. W. Louis Quinn Charles Carroll Carter Daniel E. Meehan Eleonore B. Rickover John Fogarty, Newburgh, New York Rosemary Casey Carter Wm. Ted Middendorf Dr. Hector Robles Albert F. Forte, Washington, DC Roseanne M. Casey* Bernadette O. Miller Fra’ James Michael von Stroebel James Costantino Richard W. Miller Margaret M. Wheltle His Eminence, James Cardinal Hickey L. Patrick Deering Chester H. Morris, MD Hon. Jean Wilkowski Hobart Joost, Jacksonville, Florida * - deceased Charles Keyes, New Orleans, Louisiana D.J. Lanahan, Jacksonville, Florida Col. Paul Mazzuca, Arlington, Virginia Unless designated otherwise, contributions made in this manner will be placed in the Blessed Gerard Fund, a charitable trust controlled by the Board of Directors of the Federal Association. Each year a percentage of this fund will be combined with the Annual Appeal, and these funds will Jerome McGrath, Esquire, Chevy Chase, Maryland be used to underwrite the Hospitaller work of the Federal Association. All of these funds will support programs which provide direct service to the Teresa B. Posey, Washington, DC poor and the sick. Gifts can be made by designating a percentage of your estate or by bequeathing a fi xed dollar amount. Contributions of stock or Otto Ruesch, Chevy Chase , Maryland specifi c personal property will also be accepted.

For more information on how to include the Order of Malta in your estate plans, please consult your lawyer, fi nancial advisor, and/or call the Federal Association offi ce

21 o r d e r o f m a l t a federal association, usa order of malta Federal Association, USA

1730 M Street, NW Suite 403 Washington, DC 20036 | ph 202/331-2494 fax 202/331-1149 [email protected]