Advancing Conjugated Polymer Synthesis Through Catalyst Design by Kendra Delaine Souther A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry) in the University of Michigan 2018 Doctoral Committee: Professor Anne J. McNeil, Chair Professor Jinsang Kim Professor John P. Wolfe Associate Professor Paul M. Zimmerman Kendra D. Souther
[email protected] ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2373-1434 DEDICATION To my mother and father, Idalene and Garrison, for instilling the power of hardwork in me from a very young age and being a constant fountain of encouragement; lifting me up when I forget how. To my sister, Deidre, for making my world a brighter place; always making me laugh and for always having a prayer ready to fill me up with love. I love you all. MBT. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I must first begin by thanking my advisor and mentor, Professor Anne J. McNeil. Her commitment to pursuing challenging problems with integrity and fervor gave me a role model throughout my grad school experience and was a constant motivator. She encouraged me to be the best version of myself, for myself, and helped shape me into an independent scientist and problem solver. Next, I must thank my labmates past and present who made coming to work every day easy: Dr. Se Ryeon Lee, Dr. Kelsey Carter, Dr. Edmund Palermo, Dr. Fei Cheng, Dr. Zachary Bryan, Dr. Danielle Zurcher, Dr. Gesine Veits, Dr. Mitchell Smith, Dr. Peter Goldberg, Dr. Ariana Hall, Dr. Chen Kong, Amanda Leone, Matthew Hannigan, Justin Harris, Emily Mueller, Han Kim, Takunda Chazovachii, Dr.