Flood Forum Meeting
Approved minutes Flood Forum Meeting Minutes of the Flood Forum meeting held on Friday 7 February 2014 From 10.30am – 12.15pm Fairlands Community Centre, Fairlands 1. Present: Mrs Anne Milton MP – Chair, Mrs Gaynor White - Clerk to WPC, Mr John Burt - Resident Jacobs Well, Dr Paul Cragg, WPC – Mr Derek Slaymaker, WPC, Cllr David Elms – WPC/GBC, Mrs Eileen Peacock and Mr Chris Peacock – Residents Fairlands, Mrs Sandra Morgan - WPC, Mr Alex Lees - Resident Burdenshott Road, Mr John Phillips - Resident Whitmoor Common, Miss Shirley Brown - Resident Fairlands, Mr Ali Cotton – Halcrow, Mr Geoff Fowler - GBC, Ms Charlotte Williams - SWT, Mr Jason Lewis - SCC, Mrs Ann Brock - Resident Fairlands, Mr R Everest - Resident Littlefield Common, Mr Alan Dillon - Resident Fairlands, Mr Keith Crossman - Burpham Community Association, Mr Peter Trevena - Groundsman WPC, Mrs Justine Glyn Environment Agency, Paul Kenny - Group Commander - Operational Assurance & Community Impact, West Area Command Surrey Fire and Rescue Service , John Snare - Resident Pine Park , Mr Mark Havler – SWT, Francis Egleton – Thames Water, Dan Trenchard - Thames Water, Keith Herbert - Thames Water, Will Randall – Thames Water, John Morley - Resident Wood Street Village, Mr Chris Venables – WPC, Miss Helen Parkin – SCC, Mr Larry Rose - Resident Jacobs Well, Mr Geoff Timmins - Resident Wood Street Village. Mrs Milton thanked all of the officers from the various organisations for attending the meeting. Since its inauguration in 2005 the Worplesdon Flood Forum has gone from strength to strength. The format has been rolled out across the County and a number of new Flood Forums have now been established the latest being at Alfold, Surrey.
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