Approved minutes

Flood Forum Meeting

Minutes of the Flood Forum meeting held on Friday 7 February 2014

From 10.30am – 12.15pm

Fairlands Community Centre, Fairlands

1. Present:

Mrs Anne Milton MP – Chair, Mrs Gaynor White - Clerk to WPC, Mr John Burt - Resident Jacobs Well, Dr Paul Cragg, WPC – Mr Derek Slaymaker, WPC, Cllr David Elms – WPC/GBC, Mrs Eileen Peacock and Mr Chris Peacock – Residents Fairlands, Mrs Sandra Morgan - WPC, Mr Alex Lees - Resident Burdenshott Road, Mr John Phillips - Resident , Miss Shirley Brown - Resident Fairlands, Mr Ali Cotton – Halcrow, Mr Geoff Fowler - GBC, Ms Charlotte Williams - SWT, Mr Jason Lewis - SCC, Mrs Ann Brock - Resident Fairlands, Mr R Everest - Resident Littlefield Common, Mr Alan Dillon - Resident Fairlands, Mr Keith Crossman - Burpham Community Association, Mr Peter Trevena - Groundsman WPC, Mrs Justine Glyn Environment Agency, Paul Kenny - Group Commander - Operational Assurance & Community Impact, West Area Command Fire and Rescue Service , John Snare - Resident Pine Park , Mr Mark Havler – SWT, Francis Egleton – Thames Water, Dan Trenchard - Thames Water, Keith Herbert - Thames Water, Will Randall – Thames Water, John Morley - Resident , Mr Chris Venables – WPC, Miss Helen Parkin – SCC, Mr Larry Rose - Resident Jacobs Well, Mr Geoff Timmins - Resident Wood Street Village.

Mrs Milton thanked all of the officers from the various organisations for attending the meeting. Since its inauguration in 2005 the Flood Forum has gone from strength to strength. The format has been rolled out across the County and a number of new Flood Forums have now been established the latest being at Alfold, Surrey.

2. Apologies:

Mr Lawson Aldred – resident Jacobs Well, Mr André Langlois – Surrey Advertiser, Mr Abhi Sharma – Environment Agency, Cllr Keith Witham – SCC Mrs Janet Smith - JWRA Environment Group, Cllr Bob McShee - Borough Council/WPC.

Issues in Jacobs Well:

3. Britten’s Pond

Charlotte Williams (SWT) gave the following progress report: The silt trap is to be de-silted week commencing 17 th February, subject to weather conditions. Guildford Borough Council (GBC) appointed Land and Water Services to carry out the work. GBC are also paying for the de-silting operation. The silt will be laid in three locations around the edge of the silt trap, an exemption licence having been obtained from the Environment Agency. It is anticipated that this work will take five days to complete. After the silt trap has been de-silted it is intended that the main pond will be de-silted the cost of which will be between £70,000 and £150,000. The silt from the main pond will be used to rebuild the islands and to “bank-up” around the site. The current anticipated start date for this work is anticipated to be March 2015. All parties are in agreement with the proposals and funding applications are now being progressed.

4. Pond beside the A320 – Flooding of the Woking Road near the junction with Clay Lane

Charlotte Williams advised that this pond is not connected to Britten’s Pond. It is in fact a freestanding pond. Surrey Wildlife Trust is looking to carry out de-silting work, however, there are great crested newts in the area and in


Approved minutes accordance with best practice the work must therefore be carried out in September October 2014. Money has been set aside to re-landscape and re-profile this pond.

John Burt advised on the old tithe map a connection is shown between Britain’s Pond and the pond beside the A320. It was agreed that John Burt and Charlotte Williams discuss this after the meeting.

John Burt stated that during the severe wet weather this pond has had insufficient capacity to cope with the volume of surface water and water is ponding on the A320, creating a hazard.

Charlotte Williams stated that as great crested newts are protected by European law Surrey Wildlife Trust has to abide by the rules and regrettably the work cannot be undertaken any sooner.

Mr Slaymaker expressed his frustration that motorists lives could be placed at risk because of a few great crested newts.

Action: John Burt and Charlotte Williams to liaise after the meeting.

5. Clay Lane – On-going problems outside Hurst Farm and Hurst Farm House

Jason Lewis SCC advised when the gas main was replaced, a siphon was put in which is less effective from an engineering point of view. A solution is currently being sought. Root ingress near Tynley is also causing backing up at this point.

Action: Jason Lewis and John Burt to meet on site as soon as weather conditions permit.

6. Clay Lane – Fluvial flooding Christmas 2013

Clay Lane had to be closed by on several occasions including Christmas Eve. Two areas were affected: Near the entrance to Chambers Waste Management (blocked culvert?) and near Burpham Court Farm. The heavy rain over the winter has, of course, been exceptional. Large numbers of weather warnings have been in place constantly across the south-east since 28 th of October 2013. Guildford town centre was also badly affected by flooding Christmas 2013.

Anne Milton advised on 28 December the floodwater in Clay Lane reached her knees. John Burt advised that on Boxing Day motorists were ignoring the police road closure notices and driving through the floodwater.

Keith Crossman advised that the road closure notices had not given adequate notice as they were placed too near the blind corner. Jason Lewis advised that erect the red road closure signs and Surrey Police erect the blue police road closure signs. Mrs Milton stated that the installation of two signs by two separate organisations seemed a waste of resources and enquired whether Surrey Police could in future place out both the red and blue signs.

John Burt stated that the land beside Burpham Court Farm is a natural floodplain.

Gaynor White enquired whether GBC had any intention to de-silt the ditches at Burpham Court Farm.


Gaynor White to ask Surrey Police to place the warning signs away from the blind bend in future. Jason Lewis to ascertain the legal requirements regarding the road closure notices.


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Jason Lewis, Geoff Fowler and John Burt to meet on site to enable them to get a fair understanding of the problems at this location.

7. Reinstatement of damaged bund Oak Tree Close

Geoff Fowler GBC advised that he had written to the land owner and hoped to have a constructive conversation with the landowner in the near future.

John Burt advised that as the Brook has been running freely as a result there hadn’t yet been any overtopping, however, any sudden blockage could cause rapid flooding of properties.

Action: Geoff Fowler to provide a progress report at the next Flood Forum meeting.

8. Main drainage ditch beside the A320 – Salt Box Road to Hazel Ave - Ongoing

Mark Havler advised that this ditch had been de-silted a year ago. There are some slight blockages caused by debris in the ditch. The section of ditch which runs alongside the A320 in front of Stringer’s Farm and Bullen’s Farm is the responsibility of the two farm owners.

The main drainage ditch extends to Hazel Avenue. At its lowest point the ditch does a sharp right although the extent of the drainage ditch is currently unknown. Water has been gathering in large quantities at the low point and has overtopped onto the A320 causing single file traffic. Those present at the meeting were uncertain as to whose responsibility the remaining section of the ditch is.


Worplesdon Parish Council to write to the owners of Stringer’s Farm and Bullen’s Farm on behalf of the Flood Forum asking them to de-silt their sections of the ditch.

Mark Havler to investigate the full extent of the ditch leading from Hazel Avenue in an attempt to establish ownership.

9. Pond works, White House Pond – Jacobs Well

This work had been delayed due to the late hibernation of the great crested newts. Regrettably, it now looks like this work will have to wait until September/October 2014.

10. Jacobs Well Village Hall – Problem with removal of waste water from village hall

Thames Water advised that they had carried out high pressure jetting. The system had been scaled and cleaned. It appeared the problem was caused by root ingress of the system. It was hoped this issue was now resolved.

11. Entrance into Jacobs Well Village Hall - Surface water not draining away since Jacobs Well Road was re- surfaced.

John Burt advised that there are no road gullies following the resurfacing of Jacobs Well Road. Jason Lewis advised that there had never been drainage on the village Hall side of the road.

John Burt stated that the village hall car park is served by a soak away system. However, because the level of the road surface was raised, surface water can no longer drain into the soak away system within the car park and surface water is now ponding at the entrance to the car park causing problems.


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Jason Lewis advised that Paul Bucknall has been seconded onto the Operation Horizon project and a new Maintenance Engineer is due to take post in March.

Action: John Burt, Jason Lewis, and the new maintenance engineer to meet on site in March/April.

12. Stringer’s Ave – A property and highway flooded

On 17 January 2014 Thames Water had sent tankers to pump out number 61 Stringer’s Avenue and to clear water from the highway.

Thames Water has been experiencing difficulties in accessing their surface water pipe system to affect the necessary repairs and is considering taking legal action, but this will only be used as a means of last resort.

Section 159 of the Water Act allows warrant and access to enable Thames Water to carry out emergency repairs. This section of the Act is rarely used as it is expensive to go to court.

Issues in Wood Street Village:

13. Ditch sections – Broad Street, opposite the Victorian cottages

Mark Havler advised that although he had undertaken some clearance and connected up the ditches so the flow from Broad Street to The Pines Industrial Estate is improving, due to the number of trees blown down during the repeated winter storms he had not been able to clear all of the saplings and other vegetation from this ditch. This work is ongoing.

14. Frog Grove Lane – Culvert beneath the A323 to be de-silted by Surrey County Council (SCC) Structures –

Jason Lewis advised that the culverts underneath the A323 were again full of silt whether this was due to Surrey County Council not to cleaning out the culverts or whether the work carried out at Four Acre Stables has had an impact was unclear.

With regard to the flooding at the far end of Frog Grove Lane near the junction with Aldershot Road this location is included within the County Council’s wet spots programme. It is intended that the road will be raised, at the point where flooding occurs, when Frog Grove Lane is resurfaced as part of Project Horizon. This work is likely to be carried out in the financial year 2014/15.

John Morley advised that the drainpipe near 194 Frog Grove Lane has collapsed on the far side of the stream. The problem is exacerbated as the slipway is level with the road.

Jason Lewis advised that Surrey County Council is planning deal with the collapsed drain within the next couple of weeks.

Geoff Timmins stated that flooding has occurred at this location over the past 30 to 40 years. So far none of the remedial works have been successful.

Geoff Timmins also stated that laurel bushes have been planted between the road and the stream which will make it difficult for clearance work to be carried out in addition the grips have not been cleared as promised.

Jason Lewis confirmed there are a number of issues at this location. The Environment Agency and the County Council are working together to resolve various issues. Justine Glyn advised that the Environment Agency is undertaking Enforcement Action with regards to work is being carried out at Four Acre Stables.


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 Jason Lewis to liaise with Councillor Keith Witham in the hopes the Cllr Witham can ensure that Surrey Structures carry out the required de-silting work.  The Environment Agency to be the lead organisation.  The EA to arrange a liaison meeting as soon as practicable.

15. Drainage system – 39/43 Frog Grove Lane

Householders in 39/43 are riparian owners and they are responsible for cleaning the ditches/culverts outside their properties. Surrey County Council is only responsible for the piece of land from 43 Frog Grove Lane to the main culvert beneath Frog Grove Lane. This work to be included in SCC future maintenance schedules.


Worplesdon Parish Council to include an article in its next newsletter about the work of the Flood Forum and to issue a warning stating it is a criminal offence to fly-tip, which includes dumping garden waste into ditches.

16. Drainage system - Bus stop near entrance to Russell Place Farm through to field gate opposite 68 Frog Grove Lane

Helen Parkin had inspected the ditch at Christmas time. Whilst there are one or two areas that require minor maintenance, the ditch is generally in good condition. The main problem with this ditch is that residents continually fly tip garden waste and other rubbish, which causes blockages.

Helen Parkin advised that Surrey County Council had written to all households in Frog Grove Lane from numbers 12 to 120 advising that it is illegal to dump garden waste into ditches. Anybody seen dumping waste into ditches should be reported to Guildford Borough Council.

Members of the Flood Forum were advised that photographic evidence of illegal activity is always helpful.

17. Aldershot Road A323 – Drainage system from Four Acre Stables to Silvester’s Garage

John Snare, resident of Pine Park advised that over the last 20 years the owners of Clasford Farm have not maintained their ditches, which have all but disappeared. At times this winter it has been impossible to walk along the pavement due to the considerable volume of flood water. The letterbox drains on the Pine Park side of the A320 have also been blocked with silt. This section of the A320 has a 50 mph speed limit. The flooding has occurred by the “S” bends near Silvester’s Garage. Residents waiting at the bus stops near The Pines have little space to stand and fast moving traffic often sprays 15 feet of water over anyone standing at the bus stops. Mr Snare advised that he had tried clearing the ditches, but had been unable to clear the blockages. The car parks in Pine Park have been covered by 6 inches of water.

Peter Trevena confirmed that the water on the A320 is surface water run-off from the adjacent fields at Clasford Farm. If the ditches were re-dug it would alleviate a lot of the problems.

Shirley Brown confirmed that when the Aldershot Road was widened ditching and hedging was no longer carried out.

John Snare also advised that there is an area of land for which Surrey County Council Estates is responsible which runs alongside Pine Park, Fairoaks down to the Clasford stream. Surrey County Council does not appear to carry out any regular maintenance work in respect of this land. Recently, trees had to be cut down as they were affecting the overhead wires. The branches were merely dumped into the ditch causing more issues.


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Jason Lewis advised that:

 The majority of mud on the road is caused by lorries leaving the Sunnyside Waste Transfer Station with muddy wheels. Sunnyside are supposed to ensure that the wheels of all vehicles are washed prior to leaving the site. They are also supposed to send out a mechanical road-sweeper on a regular basis to remove any mud inadvertently taken onto the highway.

 The letterbox drains were cleared recently and he is monitoring the site very closely. Complaints have been lodged with Surrey County Council’s Waste and Minerals Enforcement Dept.

John Snare stated that not only is mud left on the road, but the pavements are also badly affected. The average age of the residents in Pine Park is 75. Slippery mud and dust from Sunnyside are potentially hazardous to older residents who rely upon the bus service.

Alan Dillon advised that on 17 January an overflow pond beside the Aldershot Road had overtopped onto the A323. Mark Havler advised that this pond formed naturally over recent years.

Alan Dillon stated that the ditches between the Aldershot Road and Littlefield Manor are now very shallow and needed to be reinstated to enable water to satisfactorily drain away.

Peter Trevena confirmed that the ditches are shallow and the gradient is such that water hardly moves. If Surrey Wildlife Trust and Surrey County Council were to reinstate the ditch system it would resolve part of the problem at this location.

Ray Everest advised that this new naturally formed pond only started after the main pond was re-worked. Over the last 8-10 years this area of land has gone from damp to a very large pond which overtops onto the A323.

Shirley Brown advised that historically there were numerous ponds in the area. Due to the amount of rain that has occurred over recent months these old ponds are re-forming.


Sunnyside - Cllr Keith Witham to arrange a meeting with Guildford Borough Council’s Planning Enforcement Team, Surrey County Council’s Planning Enforcement Team, The Environment Agency’s Enforcement Team, Worplesdon Parish Council and Helen Parkin Surrey County Council.

Ditch Maintenance - Gaynor White to provide Anne Milton with a list of ditches in the parish together with details as to who is responsible for maintenance of the ditches in order that a database can be created. Regular reminders could then be issued to riparian owners.

Mark Havler and Jason Lewis to investigate the extent of the ditching work required in Littlefield Common (near the track to Littlefield Manor).

18. 12-76 Oak Hill – Drainage in front of the houses

Gaynor White advised that the problem with the drainage outside no. 64 Oak Hill is wrapped up with a number of major encroachment issues. There is no quick solution to this problem. Any enforcement action will be highly controversial.

This issue in on-going.

Mrs Milton stated that the Borough and County councillors needed to be kept informed of progress as residents will naturally turn to their councillors for support when problems occur.


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19. Village pond – Emergency overflow pipe – Request to install a trash screen

The Parish Council’s application for consent to alter a watercourse had been unsuccessful as the proposed trash screen did not comply with the regulations.

Action: Gaynor white to arrange a site meeting with John Burt, John Morley and Bava Sathan, SCC.

20. Flooding Oak Hill Christmas Eve (grille blocked due to rubbish thrown into ditch including 3 duvets, 1 x single mattress, garden swimming pool and a double window frame).

The Forum thanked Mr Trevena for his swift action in removing various rubbish from the stream, which protected a nearby property from flooding.

Anne Milton asked that Guildford Borough Council, Surrey County Council, the Environmental Agency, Surrey Wildlife Trust and the Parish Council add a standard phrase to each of their websites along the lines of “Don’t put anything in ditches, ditches take surface water away from houses which prevents flooding” exact wording to be agreed.

Action: Geoff Fowler to take the lead with respect to the wording to be used on each of the websites.

Geoff Fowler advised that Guildford Borough Council had recently cleared all of its critical watercourses on four occasions. It is not only rubbish that affects ditches in the autumn as leaves can cause ditches to block very rapidly.

John Snare advised that the owner of the White Bungalow Aldershot Road is allegedly dumping garden waste into the ditch in front of their property. In addition the bank of this ditch is starting to crumble.

Action: Helen Parkin to write to the owners of all properties which front the Aldershot Road between Silvester’s garage and Sunnyside asking them not to dump garden waste into the ditch.

21. 13 Frog Grove Lane – Flooding of gardens

John Morley advised that the owners of The Forge Wood Street Green are now keeping an eye on the grille located on their land to ensure the free flow of water. There have been no further problems, therefore, this problem is now considered to be resolved.

22. Oak Hill – Ditch which leads to Winspeed Motors

Peter Trevena advised that the owners of Winspeed Motors have paid for the blockage to be cleared. The ditch water is now running well.

23. Sewage leaks Broad Street Common

A third sewer across Broad Street Common had become blocked due to root ingress. This problem was reported to Thames Water who attended the site within 48 hours.

Keith Herbert thanked John Morley for meeting their engineers on site. The flow had been partially restored following root cutting. The common is incredibly wet at the moment and it is not possible to carry out a full CCTV survey. It is possible that in addition to the root ingress, the pipe may have some splits in it which could be making the situation worse.

As soon as the common dries out Thames Water will place a CCTV camera into the line to ascertain the extent of the problem.

John Morley advised that bags of contaminated soil cleared from the previous blockage had not been removed from site and asked that they be removed as soon as practicable. The manhole cover is still raised and the grass verge


Approved minutes damaged by Metro Rod when their tankers were removing the sewage from the blocked sewer will not be reinstated until all works are complete.

Mark Havler advised that there had also been sewage leak on Broad Street Common near Aldershot Road and Gravetts Lane. The conclusion is that a large amount of surface water is entering the already overloaded sewage system creating an additional strain.

An area of the common near Broad Street remains taped off to prevent cross contamination.

John Morley advised that it is the small cast sewer that is causing the problems. At the same time as the sewage leaks on Broad Street Common took place, the manhole covers in Gravetts Lane were also forced up due to the intense pressure of the flow of water through the sewers.

24. Culvert near Sandiacre Nurseries – Collapsed wall

Water levels were currently too high to enable Jason Lewis and Peter Trevena to safely investigate the problem.

Action: Jason Lewis and Peter Trevena to investigate as soon as water levels permit.

25. Frog Grove Lane (near Frog Grove House)

Blocked letterbox drains caused highway flooding in December 2013. Peter Trevena removed debris from the letterbox drains which resolved the issue. When the road was last re-surfaced the height of the letterbox drains has been reduced which is restricting the removal of water from the Highway.

The problem is not helped by the fact that the farm next to Frog Grove Lane does not have its own land drainage ditches therefore water is draining onto the highway. It is illegal for land owners to allow the discharge of surface water directly onto the highway.

John Morley raised his concerns that if this water freezes it will create black ice which is exceedingly hazardous.

Action: Jason Lewis and Helen Parkin to liaise and to write to the owners of the farm.

Issues in Fairlands

26. Flooding Littlefield Common near Littlefield Cottages – Ditches to be cleared by SWT

Ray Everest enquired when the ditches will be cleared. Ditching work is carried out on an ad hoc basis. It is not possible to give an exact date as to when the work will be carried out.

Mr Everest also stated that the work carried out by Merrist Wood College to their ditches had made a tremendous difference and the common had not flooded since the work had been carried out.

Action: Ray Everest and Charlotte Williams to liaise.

Anne Milton to write to Stuart Woolley, Merrist Wood College thanking him for his assistance with the ditch clearance work.

27. Overloaded sewerage system. Sewage draining into the rear garden of 61 St Michael’s Ave – On-going issue

Chris Peacock advised that they had still had issues with water bubbling in their toilet. Keith Herbert apologised on behalf of Thames Water. It had been hoped that the line clearance carried out in October 2013 had resolved the issue. A further de-scale has been requested.


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Keith Herbert reiterated the need for all residents on Fairlands who experience trouble with their sewage system to contact them on each and every occasion a problem occurs, as that is what secures additional funding for the works to be carried out.

John Morley reiterated his belief that this sewage system is overloaded.

28. Old drainage ditch near entrance to Community Centre

The Flood Forum thanked Geoff Fowler for erecting the new fence panel.

29. Flooding of gardens - a) 11 Littlefield Way to Littlefield Close, b) 48 & 50 Fairlands Ave

Sandra Morgan advised that the owner of 11 Littlefield Way had taken sandbags from the supply which is kept near Fairlands Surgery in order to protect her property from flooding.

When Fairlands was built there were several natural ponds. The ponds were drained and houses built on top of the ponds. The important message here is don’t build houses on top of natural ponds !

30. Blocked sewer – Burst manholes in Gravetts Lane

This problem was reported to and fixed by Thames Water within 24 hours of being reported.

31. Holly Lane roundabout (Worplesdon Road end)

A road gulley became blocked over the Christmas period causing highway flooding. This issue was reported to and fixed by SCC. It was noted that there is a historic problem at this location.

Jason Lewis SCC advised that the location of the gulley means it is dangerous for the workmen carrying out the cleansing work. Motorists often failed to slow down. It addition it is not always easy to coordinate when Streetworks will permit the work to be carried out and the availability of the jetting machine.

32. Collapsed drain 20 Gumbrells Close

This problem has been reported to SCC. The remedial work is to be carried out as soon as practicable.

33. Holly Lane (highway flooding half way along road)

It appeared that the problem is being caused by the discharge of surface water from Merrist Wood onto the highway in breach of the Highway Act 1980.

Jason Lewis advised that SCC will be writing to Merrist Wood College asking them to take action.

John Burt stated that there appeared to be inadequate road drainage on both sides of Holly Lane. Jason Lewis advised that the road gulleys were de-silted at Christmas but they are already blocked by silt due to the run off from Merrist Wood.

Alan Dillon advised that there is a drainage ditch on Merrist Wood College’s land, but it does not appear to be linked in to any other drainage system.

Action: Anne Milton to write to Merrist Wood College.

Issues in Worplesdon

34. “Cawood”, Goose Rye Road – Flooding of garden and cess pit


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Riparian owners need to clear their ditches to ensure the entire drainage system works. Riparian ownership flyers to be issued to all local residents.

Action: Gaynor White to create and issue flyers.

Cllr D Elms left the meeting at 11.55am.

35. Ditch in Goose Rye Road

Mark Havler advised that a pipe has been installed beneath the footpath to link the ditch with the culvert underneath the road to enable water to drain away onto Rickford Common.

The Flood Forum expressed its thanks to Mark Havler and Luke Dawson SCC.

36. Blanket Mill Farm, Goose Rye Road

Additional hard-core is allegedly being laid on land which forms part of the flood plain beside the Hoe Stream. SCC to write to owner of Blanket Mill Farm advising that consent is required for any alteration to a water course.

Surrey County Council and the Environment Agency advised that they were unable to issue prohibition notices.

Action: Sarah Coleby (Anne Milton’s PA) to arrange a meeting between Anne Milton, the Environment Agency, Surrey County Council, Cllr Bob McShee and local residents.

37. Flooding of service road beside the White Lyon and Dragon, Perry Hill, Worplesdon

Jason Lewis confirmed that this will be added to the jetting list.

38. Hoe Stream at Fox Corner

The stream burst its banks on 14 th January flooding the Fox Corner Community Wildlife Area. For information only.

39. Guildford Surface Water Management Plan (GSWMP)

Geoff Fowler advised that Halcrow are working with the Borough Council, County Council, Thames Water and the Environment Agency specifically with regards to surface water flooding. Any areas at high risk of surface water flooding where property is at risk have been included with the GSWMP. This document will assist the Borough Council when bidding towards capital flooding projects.

Ash Vale is prone to flooding where lots of properties are affected. A report and an Action Plan have been produced and the Borough Council is now considering doing the same for other areas.

Whilst the consultation period had technically closed all comments made by the Flood Forum at this meeting will be taken into account by Halcrow. Geoff Fowler also confirmed that comments made at future Flood Forum meetings would also be fed into the Guildford Surface Water Management Plan which is a “living” document.

The GSWMP would also be used to feed into the Draft Local Plan.

40. Other matters of concern:

a) Frog Grove Lane – Geoff Timmins stated that in his opinion the grips and de-silting should not be delayed by the re-surfacing work.


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b) Burpham Flood Forum – Keith Crossman thanked the Flood Forum for its invitation and advised that he had found the meeting useful. Burpham also suffers from flooding due to blocked ditches.

c) Stream Banks, Wood Street Village – Peter Trevena advised Geoff Fowler that in places the bank of the stream is low lying and water overtops into the gardens of Stream Banks near (Grille W5/3). Children play around the stream. If a child were to fall into the stream they might be sucked through the culvert which could be lethal. Can the grille be replaced?

Following the Christmas Eve flood in Oak Hill the road gulleys have become blocked with shingle.

Action: Jason Lewis to inspect the road gulleys and to take action, if necessary.

d) Guildford Surface Water Management Plan – Proposal to re-open the old drainage ditch Fairlands playing field. Mrs Brock advised that in her opinion this was not a good idea.

e) Burdenshott Road near the Jolly Farmer – The road is flooding near the Jolly Farmer. John Phillips stated that residents had been advised the problem had been resolved but the situation is now even more dangerous. The flood spread across half of the highway; however, there are no warning signs.

Jason Lewis advised that SCC’s contractor is to re-visit the site. A site meeting between Fullers Brewery, SCC and local residents could be arranged.

Alex Lees advised that he lives directly opposite the hump back bridge and is aware of horns sounding on a regular basis. In six weeks’ time South West Trains will be carrying out major repair work, with workmen and pedestrians also in the road the situation will be even worse.

Mark Havler advised that he had met with Fullers. A resolution has been agreed. The work will happen in the near future.

Actions: Jason Lewis and Alex Lees to liaise after the meeting. Anne Milton to write, if necessary.

f) Flooding beneath the railway bridge – Worplesdon Station – Sandra Morgan advised that the road beneath the railway bridge is often flooded and enquired what measures are being undertaken to resolve the issue.

g) GWSMP – Gaynor White enquired whether Wood Street Village will be included within the Surface Water Management Plan. Geoff Fowler confirmed it will now be included.

h) Littlefield Common – UK Power Networks – Inadequate tree maintenance

Action: Charlotte Williams to provide Anne Milton with appropriate information. Anne Milton to write to UK Power Networks.

Mrs Milton thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Date of walkabout: Friday 18 July 10.30am – Jacobs Well Village Hall