Housing Strategy 2015-2020 3 Foreword I am very pleased to introduce the Guildford Borough Housing Strategy 2015-20, which sets out our ambitions for housing over the next five years, and how we intend to achieve them. It is an exciting time for housing in the borough. The economy is picking up both nationally and locally, and the Council is building its own housing again for the first time in nearly 20 years. We are also progressing the Local Plan, which sets out the framework for development across the borough to meet our objectively assessed need for new homes. Whilst the Local Plan will deal with spatial development for the borough up to 2031, including infrastructure, this housing strategy concentrates on affordable housing and the use and quality of existing homes, with a focus on what can be achieved in the next five years. I would like to thank all the residents, housing providers and other interested parties who have given valuable input to the consultation for this strategy, both at our housing forum and during the subsequent consultation. Councillor Sarah Creedy, Lead Councillor for Housing and Social Welfare 3 Alternative formats If you would like this document in a different format such as large print or a different language, please contact: Housing Advice Services Telephone: 01483 444244 Email:
[email protected] 4 Contents Please note that for ease of reading, additional information is included in the Appendices (page 55) and the the Endnotes (page 75) rather than in footnotes. Foreword 3 1. Purpose and context 7 2.