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MIDEAREALESTATEHOLDINGLIMITED 美 的 置 業 控 股 有 限 公 司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 3990)


This is a voluntary announcement made by Midea Real Estate Holding Limited (the ‘‘Company’’).

The board of directors (the ‘‘Board’’ or the ‘‘Director(s)’’) of the Company announces that Gaoming Midea Property Development Company Limited*(佛山市高明區美的房地 產發展有限公司)(‘‘Gaoming Midea’’), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, and the City People’s Government* (韶關市湞江區 人民政府) of the Province of the People’s Republic of (the ‘‘Zhenjiang Government’’) entered into an investment agreement on 27 November 2018 in relation to their proposed cooperation on the development of an ecotourism-focused development project located in Shaoguan City Zhenjiang District Xinshao Town College City* (韶關市湞 江區新韶鎮大學城片區) with an aggregate site area of approximately 21,000 mu (equivalent to approximately 14 million square meter) (the ‘‘Possible Development Project’’), in which 15,500 mu and 4,000 mu are planned to be developed as tourism facilities and property development, respectively.

Subject to the successful public tender, auction or listing-for-sale and/or leasing of the designated parcels of land in respect of the Possible Development Project by Gaoming Midea or its designated entity, it shall develop the Possible Development Project in three stages over the course of eight years which shall comprise various properties including but not limited to boutique hotel(s), tourist centre(s), high-end clubhouse(s), forest-themed resort(s), boutique residential properties, convention centre(s), sightseeing resort(s), incubator park, commercial centre(s) and an international kindergarten.

The Zhenjiang Government shall be responsible for, amongst other things, (i) coordinating and arranging the designated parcels of land for public tender, auction or listing-for-sale and/or leasing; (ii) coordinating and providing policy support and preferential treatments available under its investment encouragement policies to Gaoming Midea and/or its designated entity; and (iii) providing and facilitating Gaoming Midea access to public utilities such as electricity and water.

– 1 – Since the Possible Development Project is subject to the successful public tender, auction or listing-for-sale and/or leasing of the designated parcels of land in respect of the Possible Development Project, it may or may not proceed. Shareholders and potential investors of the Company should exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company.

The Company will make further announcement(s) in relation to the proposed transactions under or in connection with the Possible Development Project as and when appropriate in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

* The English names are translations of the respective Chinese names and are included in this announcement for identification purposes only.

By order of the Board Midea Real Estate Holding Limited Hao Hengle Chairman, Executive Director and President

Hong Kong, 27 November 2018

As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Hao Hengle, Mr. Yao Wei, Mr. Lin Ge and Ms. Lin Dongna; the non-executive Directors of the Company are Mr. He Jianfeng and Mr. Zhao Jun; and the independent non-executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Tan Jinsong, Mr. O’Yang Wiley and Mr. Lu Qi.

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