Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Although hardly a unique idea, the Town should have no role in marketing. The Town needs to keep Employee in Snowmass its legislative role distinctly separate from Chamber Village-live outside of Commerce activities. Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass ASC to build more mountain bike trails. Way behind Village-live outside the times Gotten worse Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Bring in large businesses such as AFLAC for their Village-live outside 'retreats'. Stayed the same Snowmass Encourage Base Village to be finished ASAP so people will have a better experience and Employee in Snowmass perception of Snowmass Village instead of a Village-live outside concrete graveyard. Stayed the same Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Fund a multi-use event facility to hold all the Village-live outside concerts and new events in town. Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass get a more responsive marketing staff and one that Village-live outside communicates Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass guided hikes group arts and performance clubs Village-live outside excercise clubs night life shows/events Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass

I do not feel the Town is Marketing our biggest unique assest which is our ski in/out asset. We are one of the truly ski in/out resorts in North America and we do not seem to be marketing this fact. It Employee in Snowmass seems that all we can do to attract tourists is Village-live outside discount and we should not need to do this. Stayed the same Snowmass Employee in Snowmass I trust you're taking full advantage of 'new Village-live outside media'..... Improved Snowmass Employee in Snowmass More collaboration and cross-marketing with Village-live outside Aspen. Building up our trail assets Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside More Facebook utilization Stayed the same Snowmass Employee in Snowmass More family Industry/Activities. That is Snowmass' Village-live outside Bread and butter. Gotten worse Snowmass Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has… Employee in Snowmass More family-friendly summer on-mountain Village-live outside infrastructure (alpine slide, pool, , etc.) Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside More on mt summer activities Stayed the same Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside Motor sports Gotten worse Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside N/A Improved Snowmass Need to focus on improving infrastructure (trails, entryway, multipurpose arena, etc.) to Employee in Snowmass accommodate the influx of tourism we are looking Village-live outside for. More big concerts, festivals, etc. Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside no Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside No Gotten worse Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside not really. would like to see more sporting events Stayed the same Snowmass not unique--but Smuggler's Notch has figured out how to label themselves as the best Family Resort--- what activities and collaborations can we offer that might lend to us gaining national and international recognition for the place to come with your family? Employee in Snowmass and how do we get them to come year after year? Village-live outside to gain an identity with all that we have ? Improved Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside partner with cultural amenities Gotten worse Snowmass

Promote Snowmass Village trails as a huge draw. Employee in Snowmass Strengthen offerings for the nature enthusiast in Village-live outside partnership with local organizations Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside Promote wellness as culture of Snowmass Stayed the same Snowmass Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has… Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside Provide more free day skier parking in the winter. Gotten worse Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside Push summer Gotten worse Snowmass

See above. Also, the international flag welcome signs appear to be a good idea. There is a large population base along the Front Range - maybe market there more often. Maybe conduct a Employee in Snowmass brainstorming session or two for more lucrative Village-live outside type festival ideas. Stayed the same Snowmass Summer activities..slide ....classical music....street Employee in Snowmass party mall...yoga on the mountain...does not have Village-live outside to about drinking. Stayed the same Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside summer fantasy camps Gotten worse Snowmass the App being made available via social media, all Employee in Snowmass ad campaigns and all visitor and event Village-live outside communications. Improved Snowmass Employee in Snowmass the town should be cashing in on the dinosaur Village-live outside discovery Stayed the same Snowmass Way too limited in the services you provide..Visitors Employee in Snowmass and residents need to seek service outside of village Village-live outside often.. Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Employee in Snowmass we need more events to attract people from Village-live outside Aspen... Gotten worse Snowmass

We need to do something like what the Viceroy did and have a DOG weekend. Lots of people think of Employee in Snowmass the Dog as their children DINKS with expendable Village-live outside income. I would bring Howard Stayed the same Snowmass Employee in Snowmass Village-live outside Work more closely with Aspen and Ski Co Stayed the same Snowmass

Focus on family-oriented events and publications. The electronic billboard on Colorado Blvd. in non-resident of Denver is great, but not informative enough. Stayed the same Snowmass Village Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has… non-resident of free concerts in the winter...as Aspen does??? Gotten worse Snowmass Village

Highlight the mountains year round - develop more non-resident of summer activities in the town core. Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Village let people know about Snowmass with a story book non-resident of of Snowmass Stayed the same Snowmass Village non-resident of Let the marketing professionals do their jobs. Gotten worse Snowmass Village non-resident of More sporting events Stayed the same Snowmass Village non-resident of Observatory Don't Know/no opinion Snowmass Village non-resident of Photo tours Gotten worse Snowmass Village

Non-resident owner of business/commercial property in Snowmass Hub and spoke bike tours Stayed the same Village

Non-resident owner of business/commercial property in Snowmass no Don't Know/no opinion Village

Non-resident owner of business/commercial property in Snowmass Yes, but marketing board doesn't listen Stayed the same Village

Yes; an idea brought forth by Mary Harris to utilize Non-resident owner of the outdoor concert stage EVERY DAY in summer-- business/commercial open it up to all types of groups, i.e. music property in Snowmass students, community theater, etc. Stayed the same Village

- TV ad space targeting client market - Groupon? - Ad campaign that looks at Snowmass locals - Bring an industry ski test to area and don't charge them for ammenities. - festivals - Don't focus just a little on mastadons - either make it known or don't try to identify SMV through them?? It's confusing to tourists Stayed the same Other Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has… 25 years ago 35% of skiers were under 30 and not with their parents. the prices have driven out the young. Who do you think will be skiing here in 20 years. All the seniors skiing will be dead or in nursing homes. Gotten worse Other Dog Agility Trials , BBQ cook offs , Art Kart Races , Horseshoe Tournaments , Wild Game feasts , Jeep Tours , Adventure Races Gotten worse Other Drop lift ticket prices, Get a realistic low cost pass to locals so they don't have a scowl on their face all the time when talking to tourists because locals are treated so badly Gotten worse Other

Enhanced conference traffic could be an enormous economic boom. There should also be enhanced groupon/Living Social advertisement of community events (like ChiliBrewfest or Jazz) and an encouragement or incentive for hotels and restaurants to advertise there. You'll attract more couples in their 20s to 30s and encourage them to make Snowmass their preferred destination as they grow up. Stayed the same Other

Lure some top notch restaurants up here, I don't mean expensive, just good that will appeal to people from all over the valley, like a village smithy and a Trader Joe's...people would come up here just to food shop. Create a space for locals to hang out and see each other. Need a better community vibe. Gotten worse Other no Gotten worse Other NO Improved Other not at this time Improved Other NOT AT THIS TIME. Gotten worse Other

The town is a bit sleepy at night and in the summer there's nothing going on at all. Would be nice to have more restaurants that aren't heinously expensive and are open late and are good for locals. Base village seems empty sometimes and it's not as easy to get to as the mall; the skittles runs sooooo slowly if you're not on skis. I wish the mall had more local flavor and contained less touristy shops. Gotten worse Other Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has… a venue for movies. We need to keep our visitors in Snowmass so we need to provide activities and events that will keep our visitors for meals and nighttime entertainment. Stayed the same Part-time resident Although not unique, better promotion about events. Stayed the same Part-time resident Aspen/Snowmass stores in major cities around the world. It would be HUGE Stayed the same Part-time resident Better wifi connections Improved Part-time resident Competing airlines Stayed the same Part-time resident Create a unique identity, develop it (and its programs), and stick to it long enough to see if it works. Gotten worse Part-time resident

Do not try to compete with Aspen attract events that are unique to Snowmass and new to the area Improved Part-time resident have some bike tours come thru in summer do some bike serious events Stayed the same Part-time resident

Hire me to develop a Web page that would include everything there is to do in the valley . Gotten worse Part-time resident

Hire the people who do advertising for beer commercials and have them develop a kick ass promotion for the area. Snowmass is an incredible area the world needs to know about. Gotten worse Part-time resident

I think an alpine slide would bring more visitors in summer. Also, how about miniature golf? Stayed the same Part-time resident I would be most pleased if the kind of visitor recruited is polite, responsible, and respectful of local people and customs. Gotten worse Part-time resident

Keep small-town character, concentrate on making people/traffic movements easy, better connect Mall, Village Center and Base Village. Stayed the same Part-time resident Keep the City Market open Stayed the same Part-time resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Kid friendly activities after ski school is over, and Tree House closes (for the winter). The summer camp needs improvement. This summer the mountainboarding area was not ready for the beginning of camp. (We were the first once when camp opened) You need to attract more families by looking at the pricepoints. Package the camps with accommodations for one price. There is too much planning involved from the visitors' end. I am in the hotel business / revenue mgmt and distibution and would love to help you implementing packages of this kind (no need to pay me). Have mountain bike rental at Base Village to make it convenient. Look at a loyalty program for free ski passes based on historic spent to entice return business. Don't Know/no opinion Part-time resident Make it more exclusive; therefore people have greater respect for our community Don't Know/no opinion Part-time resident More evening events for families. They do not have to be expensive Gotten worse Part-time resident Mountain bike clinics for all ages, more trails Stayed the same Part-time resident No Improved Part-time resident no Stayed the same Part-time resident No Stayed the same Part-time resident Pictures of the Village and ski hills sent as advertisments to all the major newpapers in the USA at least 3times a year.Summer, Fall, and Snowy Winter. Improved Part-time resident reduced or free ski lifts during summer months to promote hiking, ice skating at mountain base during winter, more and better restaurants, more events geared toward older adults (better music) Stayed the same Part-time resident Research how the European markets promote their areas. Stayed the same Part-time resident Sadly no. Stayed the same Part-time resident

Snowmass needs a mix of music at concerts. The free summer concerts (for the locals) do nothing to attract business and revenue to TOSV. Gotten worse Part-time resident Snowmass newsletter great email Gotten worse Part-time resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Stop throwing so much money at marketing and pr for events that are never going to generate a profit under such circumstances (ie chili and brew). Put it into facilities (mtn bike trails, hiking trails, etc.). The people will come. Improved Part-time resident Summer trail maps displayed around SV like the winter trail maps Improved Part-time resident

This form is very single directed. New ideas are important, and appealing to families is the most obvious direction. Everyone who comes in the summer is amazed at how special it is, yet very few seem to know about the opportunities for family vacations here. It is not the hype of Aspen (which is nearby) but an amazing family experience. Set up 'family camp' experiences into packages. Part-time resident We need to find a way to marry the disparate parts of the Village into a cohesive unit Stayed the same Part-time resident

While our partnership with Aspen is critical, we have to continue to look for ways to differentiate ourselves. Look at what is special, such as a very family friendly ski area, some of the best anywhere, etc. Stayed the same Part-time resident

Yes. In 2012, I had mentioned this idea to Ms. Hidalgo at aspensnowmass.com but didn't receive any response. I was looking for a sticker or ball cap with just the zip code for Snowmass Village “81615” on it, as I had seen a 81615 sticker on a lift tower recently. In my search, a store employee, because of the font used, had thought the sticker had said “BIG IS” instead of 81615. So, it occurred to me that might make an interesting guerrilla marketing campaign for Snowmass. Since Snowmass is one of the largest ski mountains, I thought of 'BIGIS 81615' If you're interested, I have a mock-up available of what I was thinking about. (215) 485-7052 Improved Part-time resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has… Yes; more events in the mall; utilize the summer concert stage for 6-75 straight days in summer with local theater; music student performances; free music. Make it vibrant! Give people a reason to stay in Snowmass! Improved Part-time resident Advertise the outdoor beauty more , hiking biking skiing horseback riding etc etc, Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident advertise in China and Russia Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident advertise in high growth emerging markets, i.e. China, Asia, India So. America, Australia- New Zealand etc. Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident Airport Banner .....like Ski.Com for instance. Stayed the same Year-round resident

Alpine slide, small putting 18 hole golf course ... fun stuff for young families. The Ski Company does well with older families ; how about more for young families like the Glenwood Adventure Park ? Gotten worse Year-round resident

As a family friendly tourist resort, I have always wanted to have a summer parenting/family conference that would showcase big-name authors/speakers and be a draw for family tourism. Stayed the same Year-round resident Be more open minded and go for it on events Gotten worse Year-round resident Be more open minded and have better employee buy in. Gotten worse Year-round resident

Be more open minded of events. Don't always look at them how there going fail. Take a leap of faith on events and support them. Inbrace all events not just the ones you book. Gotten worse Year-round resident better communication on events schedule changes due to weather (balloons, fireworks, etc) Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident Better directional signage for parking, key amenities, trails, or attractions Improved Year-round resident Better focus on promoting family resort and place for professional conferences. Stayed the same Year-round resident Better marketing Stayed the same Year-round resident Better promotion of Ice Age discoveries Stayed the same Year-round resident bigger and more special events invest is infrastructure (alpine slide zip lines etc) Stayed the same Year-round resident

Build a permanent Ice Age Discovery Museum Improved Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has… Build a permanent 'Red Rocks' type outdoor ampitheatre. Gotten worse Year-round resident Capitalize on the Ice Age Discovery Gotten worse Year-round resident celebrity endorsement Gotten worse Year-round resident

Change our name to 'Snowshire' so Old snowmass can have its rightful name of snowmass back. i mean are we a township or a village? sounds like an identity crisis. Then we can be more theme park like. think Lord of the Rings. Little people living here. restaurants inside trees. hobbit games etc Gotten worse Year-round resident clean up base village!!!!, build event spaces, both indoor and outdoor, schedule repeat events each year Stayed the same Year-round resident Continue to emphasize beauty of summer season and all it has to offer. Stayed the same Year-round resident create a 'camp' for adults in the summer by offering a menu of activities that guests can participate in with sign up when they book their lodging. a single place to register for activities instead of having to register at multiple sites for each activity one at a time. Improved Year-round resident

Create a downtown core. Partner with SkiCo, condo and homeowners associations for marketing and promotion of activities on mountain in winter and summer and other activities throughout the valley. The marketing planning and scheduling should be directed by the lodging and commercial core that utilizes it instead of being under the direction of the Town. We need to get rid of the 2.5% sales tax that goes to marketing and create an assessment from all property owners to contribute to the marketing of Snowmass Village. (every property owner benefits from the success of Snowmass Village). Gotten worse Year-round resident Create a greater trail system for hiking and mountain biking in summer. Stayed the same Year-round resident Do not promote alcohol centered events. Gotten worse Year-round resident extend marketing locally and nationally Stayed the same Year-round resident Family friendly/safe/family activity Gotten worse Year-round resident focus marketing on family orientation Stayed the same Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Focus on the unique attributes and opportunities in Snowmass Village. Build upon good long term programming....Build a real brand, by building a real town and community. Get your town excited, so others are excited to be here. Focus on families, science, serenity, a wide cross section of visitors with varying economic capacities. Nature, Nurture, science, serenity...Listen to John McCarter when he says that Snowmass Village could become a nexus of PaleoBotanical research and Climate Change inquiry....scientist, conferences, smart families, mountain sustainability.... Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident

For one why is promotion the only focus? How about actually making snowmass a safe place for families? The ski co has abandon responsibility on the slopes to the point families are afraid to take their kids skiing. The villi far ignores every request I have ever made to discuss decent bike paths. How about a little less arrogance from the council and more service? Gotten worse Year-round resident

Get base village built so that we're not in this middle ground - maybe not unique, but sorely needed. Other than that, focus on summer. Stayed the same Year-round resident get contests out there - FAR more presence on social media sites with updates and photos - And I take photosa everyday here and post them all of the time); We need alot more social media promotion! Improved Year-round resident get rid of fred Stayed the same Year-round resident Get Snowy up here permanently or the white tusk on display. Stayed the same Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Give the tourist year round reasons to come to Snowmass. Considering that we likely can not have gambling the next best would be a vibrant conference business. Give the conference groups other activities that they can also do while they are here. For example 'Zip Lines' all over the slopes, major art shows from Anderson Ranch and independent artists and ways to recognize the most successful of these groups and give them perks to come back. Gotten worse Year-round resident Glen caverns type entertainment in the summer. Gotten worse Year-round resident Have incentives for regulars and locals who promote the village. Offseason deals maybe? Stayed the same Year-round resident High quality educational information on mammoth site. Stayed the same Year-round resident hike, bike, ski. Stayed the same Year-round resident

Hire people in the Tourism Dept who can actually do the job rather than having them act as middle men and contract everything out. We pay almost 1M in salaries for people who merely shuffle paper Gotten worse Year-round resident

How about a Gay Bar? there are none in this entire valley, and we say we're 'Gay Friendly' here. Give the Gay community (LGBT) and Gay friendly people a place to go.. That's unique huh!? Stayed the same Year-round resident I do not have any, and it seems our marketing dept likes to go out of town to get their special event people. Something is way wrong with not staying local. Gotten worse Year-round resident

I don't have a good idea of what our town does to promote groups i.e. clubs and groups looking for a space to hold a meeting or convention. Gotten worse Year-round resident

I feel we need to promote the discovery of the bones more. A larger place and feel and touch place for children. Maybe the art department can have a mammouth painted somewhere and people could stand next to it to see the comparision in size. A paid museum for parents to bring kids to learn, but not chinzy! Stayed the same Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

I have received many emails about this survey but never receive an email about things like the free cpr training or bike safety week... Stayed the same Year-round resident I miss the days of ballet and violin schools. Gotten worse Year-round resident ideas fest, speaker programs, movie theater for foreign films, kids films, and a film fest, student film classes and show student films Stayed the same Year-round resident Increase the trail system for mountain biking. Increase awareness of summer activities and wilderness access that is in the town of Snowmass' backyard. Summer biking=summer beds. Attract major biking events to town outside of US Pro Challenge. Improved Year-round resident

Introduce sports tournaments (more winter town race and freestyle events; summer soccer, baseball, basketball, etc tournaments). Encourage the local sport training teams to use the facilities. Build a year round multi-use sports facility that would bring athletes and organizations to town which would utilize the commercial core and the housing facilities - might be good to somehow create some connection between this 'entryway' and the town center to solidify the relationship if people are in town for rodeos or sporting events they will know there is a food store or restaurants up the road a coupe of miles...same with center to base village, mall, etc. Improved Year-round resident

It seems to me we are lacking critical mass in the base village/mall area. Need more to attract people here. Entertainment, restaurants etc. Stayed the same Year-round resident It's not unique, but I'd like to see a viable performance/cultural center. Improved Year-round resident Keep developing the Ice Age center. Expand the educational components for school trips Gotten worse Year-round resident

Keep us smaller and more unique by doing so. Stayed the same Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Let's take more advantage of the Ice Age museum and the biking/hiking options on SMV. We can truly optimize our summer tourist destination card if we can get more family oriented activities. Summer tubing (it's like a hill but for the summer). Pump track/ track that we could then bring events up here for. Continue working with the Ski Co to bring great events (endurance events, mtn bike events, Nastar, concerts, etc.) The tri-nodal thing sucks for our town but it is what we have. Why not take do more outdoor activities in BV. Art fair (i don't think there is a gallery in SMV so it's not as if we would be taking business away from shops in the mall. Farmers market down at the rodeo grounds area once the rodeo goes away. Car shows/car rallies. Utilize the artistic presence of Anderson Ranch. Hands on 'black smithing' down at the rodeo grounds. ????? I really don't know what else is unique. The Tough Mudder would be amazing if we could figure out the parking. Improved Year-round resident Listen to the locals. support local based companies to promote and produce ebents. Gotten worse Year-round resident locals dont take enough advantage of the offerings for visitors..like elk camp open all summer for lunch Stayed the same Year-round resident Major fall BBQ event ( competition / sanctioned) in Town Park. Stayed the same Year-round resident

Make it easier for tourists to get around, access skiing and understand what's going on. Improved Year-round resident Make people that short term their units pay a 25% percent lodging tax and perhaps a $1 per square foot annual marketing charge. Gotten worse Year-round resident

Make the connection to and from Aspen easier and more convenient. Connecting the ski areas through a faster bus route, gondola or trail. We invest a lot in transportation. If Aspen chipped in more, it would be a win-win for both communities. Improved Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Many visitors are in the Roaring Fork Valley and we do not market to them. We seem to want people far away when we can grab ones here already Stayed the same Year-round resident Market the rodeo and create packages of summer activity opportunities for families. Stayed the same Year-round resident

More activities at Base Village, it's a ghost town. Gotten worse Year-round resident

More activity offerings for kids year round. Build on brand as a leading family resort. Kids adventure camps, education, arts and culture, etc. Improved Year-round resident More big name acts on Fanny Hill/Town Park. Gotten worse Year-round resident More community events and better tie in with aspen and basalt. More concerts Stayed the same Year-round resident more creative events during slow times Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident More cultural and learning programs Stayed the same Year-round resident More events year-round Stayed the same Year-round resident More Facebook presence Stayed the same Year-round resident more family adventure style activities snowman building contest, ice sculptures family bike rides, more evening options let's hold the people who come here sports tourneys in the off seasons would bring families in Gotten worse Year-round resident More family friendly activities that are available and affordable to locals and visitors like mountain park or dig pit Stayed the same Year-round resident More group sales are needed. Stayed the same Year-round resident More Music! Bigger acts, more new age bands! Less Jam bands! Stayed the same Year-round resident More summer activities: alpine slide, farmers market, crafts shows, horseback ride rentals and guided rides, more senior related entertainment (both performers and craft activities), archery classes. Stayed the same Year-round resident more things on social media--there has to be more pics of people skiing and that you can send out on a regular basis in the winter to promote and same with summer--- facebook and twitter Improved Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

My biggest pet peeve about most establishments in SV as related to sustainable tourism is consistency of service. Opening on time, consistency of experience. It's highly lacking. Stayed the same Year-round resident needs to be more shopping and festivals and kids activities like trampolines and maybe a farmers market Improved Year-round resident no Gotten worse Year-round resident no Gotten worse Year-round resident no Gotten worse Year-round resident No Improved Year-round resident No Improved Year-round resident No Improved Year-round resident no Improved Year-round resident no Improved Year-round resident no Improved Year-round resident No Stayed the same Year-round resident No. Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident No. Stayed the same Year-round resident Nope. I am not a marketing person. I am pretty satisfied with what we have. Stayed the same Year-round resident Not at this time. I provide ideas when I see the sales department around town. Improved Year-round resident Not unique but I very much support development of the ice age attraction. Stayed the same Year-round resident Nothing that hasn't likely already been considered by the tourism professionals Gotten worse Year-round resident Open up Ziegler to the public Stayed the same Year-round resident Outsource marketing to a private company. Stayed the same Year-round resident Professional trained staff at Thursday night concerts. Not the mayor and his wife Gotten worse Year-round resident Promote evening activites in the winter at Base Village area Stayed the same Year-round resident Promote our clean environment and keep it that way. Stayed the same Year-round resident

PROMOTE OUR ICE AGE DISCOVERIES!! HAVE A FALL FAIR, BUILD A MUSEUM, MAKE USE OF DMNS's OFFERS TO HELP SET SOMETHING UP!! Gotten worse Year-round resident Promote trails Keep access to public land signed and available, build community not convention visitors Stayed the same Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Publicize performance metrics at the beginning of the year for the marketing, tourism & group sales department. For example dollars expended in the department divided by the incremental growth in tax revenue. Publish the goal at the beginning of the year and then publish the results at the end of the year. Gotten worse Year-round resident Push fall a little more. It's a beautiful time of year here. Improved Year-round resident

Put life-sized sculptures of a mammoth family at the entrance where the reindeer sculptures are. Stayed the same Year-round resident Put the nature center and discover center together - they are the same and are fighting each other - well, there is no nature center (duh) for a village that promotes nature! Stayed the same Year-round resident QUIT promoting drunk fests.... Promote health and athletics. Gotten worse Year-round resident

Run a contest throughout the community to see who can come up with the best new event and the new event wins and snowmass village puts it on. Improved Year-round resident sell skiing in the winter and the climate in the summer Gotten worse Year-round resident Snowmass Bucks Stayed the same Year-round resident

Snowmass needs to be recognized like Aspen and the very best place to ski and it is family friendly Stayed the same Year-round resident spend some of the money to improve facilities/trails/parks/infrastructure to support events Gotten worse Year-round resident stop paying consultants such fees and using outside photographers and writers - when you first established this office, you should have looked at existing TOSV residents to consider Stayed the same Year-round resident stop the construction Gotten worse Year-round resident

STOP the free concerts. The marketing department needs to stop the alcohol-centered events. Are we a family resort still? It sure is hard to argue that we are, when people are consistently fighting and stumbling drunk throughout the village. Stayed the same Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

The public in Colorado doesn't seem to understand that Snowmass is a few minutes from Aspen, less expensive and a quiet and friendly place to stay. Gotten worse Year-round resident The residents that live here should take a more active role in bringing their friends and business associates to SV Improved Year-round resident

The re-useable grocery bags with the image of Snowmass Village mountains on it should be given out to all the local school students. These students travel with their parents and these bags could be exposed to the communities outside of the Roaring Fork Valley. Stayed the same Year-round resident There are many tours of Colorado in the summer that involve biking. Snowmass should strive to welcome these groups. They typically want hotel rooms for the night; they like to eat out; it would serve a niche in the summer that Aspen doesn't seem to need and that would help Snowmass fill beds. Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident Tool that automatically loads all events in Snowmass onto your iphone\'s calendar Stayed the same Year-round resident Try to focus on Eco-tourism and the Ice-Age discovery. Nature walks are excellent, as are conventions for large Environmental and Sustainable-Living groups. In the next 20 years this will be a big opportunity, as young people will be learning in higher education. Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident TV commercials promoting our area and skiing. Would like to see more of the front range coverage of the western slope rather than Vail/Copper summit county... Gotten worse Year-round resident Updated calenders in public places banks grocery ect Gotten worse Year-round resident We are poised to be a biking destination on the scale of Whistler. We need to tout this. Our mountain is HUGE...we need to make people aware of this. We are comfortable, affordable 'base of operations' for a multitude of area activities year- round. Stayed the same Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

We have a beautiful resort and tons of free things to do during the summer. Aspen is crowded, we should be too. Market more to families and more destinations outside of Colorado. Gotten worse Year-round resident We need more events on weekends like we used to have Art shows, outdoor market Stayed the same Year-round resident

What I can't believe is that this is the entire survey in regards to the town marketing department. they are so far over budgeted and they do little or nothing to really promote our town. They spend money like its someone else's Stayed the same Year-round resident Why aren't there more questions about these highly ineffective departments with their grossly overpaid employees? These incestuous departments are dysfunctional and deserve to be reorganized. It is criminal to pay what we do for what we get. Gotten worse Year-round resident

With the uniqueness do the 'Ice Age' discovery, this would be a great opportunity to develop an outdoor/indoor adventure park. There are many ideas that can be implemented and many locals (including myself) that have the know how and expertise to help develop this as well! Stayed the same Year-round resident work with the ski co to create more summer bike trails for average ,family riders, not just the few hot shots(that don't spend money) continue to fund the 'free' buses betwen Aspen ans S'mass Gotten worse Year-round resident would be nice to have tennis in the winter Improved Year-round resident

Would love to see the town get behind Christmas lights - it is such a quaint, sweet little family village, it wouldn't take much to light the whole place up and make touring through here to see the lights a family destination Don't Know/no opinion Year-round resident Yes, but if it cost money and took commitment, would anyone care? Gotten worse Year-round resident Over the past two years has the Do you have any unique ideas to promote Tourism Which of the following sense of community within the in Snowmass Village that you would like to share? best describes you? Town has…

Yes, May I suggest you consider Challenge Aspen as an amenity to the winter and summer guests. They provide a unique service that allows individuals and families with a disabled member to participate in the activities everyone else is coming her for. 1 in 5 people on this planet has a disability. They are a great reason to come to Snowmass Vlg. Stayed the same Year-round resident yoga journal conference Stayed the same Year-round resident You need a better website and accountability in this department! Gotten worse Year-round resident

You say the town is family friendly for tourists, but don't support rodeo, horseback riding, Kids Fest, and other events that attract children and families. Gotten worse Year-round resident Ziplines Improved Year-round resident advertise... get better gigs.... Gotten worse More festivals