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DIREC'i T)I{A I'u OTITECHNICAL EDUCATION, Illa [L;\Itas HTRA STATI .1 i, i)!.i.r'|l l]t(]l]t oi [iaharilshtra DIREC'I T)I{A I'U OTITECHNICAL EDUCATION, illA [l;\ItAS HTRA STATI .1. ll.:i J"J,,\ 1,,,'rt,1,,.:\ MAll(i, iJOS't UOX N(], 1!,67, MUL.ltlAI_400 O0t ',r..'". '.1., ,,.a.'. , ., ..r,:). r... I.. rj {i{.s('r:r..,tr,.rr.;r}r:rrirs rlr,..q:.\ l . !\ ( i).,:li r lrI!i))r,/*\ i .Lllelt.Liih, ia3l) 1.l,?r.lio\r, in No. 10/ADM/2 020-il1l F.Y. & D.S. Yc r ,,t l,osr Ss'C-FC/ Date: Urgent/email 4Tf Olfice Order . 31 JIJL nu, Subiect:'Appolntment of Irstitutiors as facilitation Centers for First year.and Direct Second year of Post ssc Diplo,ra cou'ses in 0ngi[eering/Technorogy (F,y. and D.s. year of post ssc Diploma) for AY 2020-2.1 Admission Process for A(lmissi,)Ds to First Year and Dlrect Second year of post SSC Dlploma courses Engineering/Technology private in in lll 0ovt. / covL Aided / unaided/ university Managed Institutes in the State of Maharashtt'a lbr Acaclenric Year 2020-21 is expected to start frorn lvonday, 03'd August 2020 and the scheclule for CAP shall be published by the Competelt Authority shortly. 'fhe Covernmert of Mahntashtril lras decla|ed Director, Directorate of Technical Educalion as Competent Authority to carry out the CAl, lcLiviUes lbr tlrese admissions. 'lhe list ofselected irstitutioDs ns l:acilitation Ce[ters for admission to First year.and Direct Second Year of Post SSC Diploma Courses in Ingineering/Technology and tbe Detail roles & responsibilities and instructiolls tbr facilitation center shall be published by the Competent Authority shortly. All the Pritlcipals/Directors of thc FCs arc hereby informed to make ayailable the required manpower & infrastructure olr or before the start of lhe rcceipt ol the applications for First year and Direct Second year of Post SSC Diploma Courses in Engireering/'l'ectrnology and strictly follow the related inst[rctior)s. l:C shall plovide all thq lircilitie-s tur curbing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic and shall fbllow all thc guidelines [br thc same prescribe(l ti.onr titnc to time by goverrment. The EC shall provide following minionrlll inft?structurer- 1. Minin)um 10 Nos. i5/i7 l)C or of higher configuration each for Confirmation antl faciltiation respectively and aclditionirl l5 l)(:s to be rnade available for candidates use. 2- Windows B or higher. Oper.|ri,rli System with upto date security & service patches 3. Microsoltoffice2003oIhiglrc|vcrsioloD.rll machines, Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.0 or above. 4 All th(, machines (PC) arl(l It rrrter should be cornected through Ln N with miDimulr 2 Mbps iDter[et conlrectivity throrLgh ADSI,/Wi-rnnx /l,eased liDe or otlrer devices, 5 lnteruct Explorer. 8.0/ Mozillir lrirctox :r,0, Google Chrotne 2.0 or above, 6 2 Laserret Network Prilltcls. 7 Mirimunr 4 Scalners (3 li)r A4 n(l I fbr A3l with mioimum 300 dpi resolution. B. ndcquatc 0lectrical Powcr. ltur:kup lirciljties. (10 KVA,2 Hours backup tirne) 9. Potable Water drinking l citrt\,. 10. Scpaliltc clean Washrool s lor. {;c11rs/l,adies All Prillcipals / Dil ectors ol th(' lrcs iu c hcrcby infornred io make the above ir)frastrncture ready and i11 worl(irrg condition bctbre the stall ol (he Ieceipt ol ttre Ollline Application tbrnl. 't'lrey ilre required to setup scparatc lilcilitariorl cl,]nrer lbr subrl)issio0 ol r)rlire al)plicaLiol Ionrl as per t.equiremcnt fbr slnooth corduct of thc rcceilrt olthe onliDc itllplic.ttiolt. / Desk 3 (1T Cell) ofthls office shall work as Chief Co-ordlnator for FC acttvitie.. f_r-A1"bttfi:Ii9llry of F.C. shoutd contact to , _ _F^r::.lI :oordinator this o ffice o\ 022-68597466/ O2Z- 6A597+68/ 022-68597 469/ 022-68ss7 465 Pc's Note:'All sball be open from 10.30 arn ro 5.30 pm (including holidays) during the schedule. ,1 I .L1I 1or. eur,lii,v,,,,r, r Director, Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai Copy for information and necessary action: - 1' Joint Director. Technicar Dducation Regionar pune/ .ffices, Mumbai/ Nashik/ Aurangabad / Amfavati/ Nagpur for necessary action.& informed to appoint the programmer -make of Regional Offices as Regional coordilator for aforesaid activity, They are arso informed to sure that a, FCs in the region shalr make ayailable the required manpower& infrastructure ready on 03lt August 202O 2. The Principal/Director ofthe Facilitatiou Cent€r for inform"tion nu."s""ry r"tion 3. Desk officer, Desk No.3 (tT Section), Heac.l OIIice, Mumbai "rd : ,l Llst of Facilitation Centers (FC) for First Year and Direct Second Year of Post sSC Diploma €nglneerlng and Technology for aY 2020-2t Sr. FC Faallitatloh c€ntcls llam. ot facllltatlon Cent€6 (FC) Add.ass of Facilhatlon Clnt€rs (fC) lm shtu. Gramin Shikhan Prasarak Mandal,Gramin 63 2508 Vlrhnu pu ri,Nailnatar, Nanded 431606 Un-Aided Polvtechnic. VishnuDUri. Nand€d , Sha rdopasa k Shikhan Sanstha's gharat Ratna lata 64 2513 Mangeshkar College of Engineering & TechnoloS, Aurad Shahajani, Nilanga, tatur 413522 lJn-Aid€d Aurad Shahaiani, Tal.N i ihri. Shivaii Polytech n ic lnstitute, Wasmat road, 55 2511 At. Post. Pa rbhani. 431ilo1 Parbhani. iTM El! Sandipa ni fech nical Gmpus-Facu lty of 66 2522 Cat No.23, (olpa Tq & Dist. Latur EnRin€€rina, Latur, Krushnaii Pu rushottam Chousa lka r Yogeshwari 67 2525 ir. No.92, ParliRoad, Ambajoga i. Beed 431517 Polvtechnic, Amba ioaai Beed , Rajlv Gandhi Polytechnic, Markhel, Tal. Degloor, 68 7524 At Post.Markhel, fal.Oegloor, Dlst. Nend€d 431718 Un-Aided Oist.Nanded. 59 2534 Swami Vikekanand Institute of Polytechnic, Latur EARSHI ROAD,NEAR PVR TAKIES.MIDC.TATUR Un-Aided Governmeot lnstitute of Printlng T€chnology, J.J School Of Architecture Compound, Near 70 3m5 Cst Station. Mumbai40((trl 49, AliYawarJung Mar8, Kherwadi, 8a ndra(E 71 3@7 Government Polltechnic, Mumbai ), Mumbai400051 At Post Ramwad i, Ta l.Pen, Dist.Rai&d. Raigad, 't2 3m8 Government Polytechnic, Pen 402107 73 300q Government Polvtechnic. Ratna*iri NearThiba Palace, Ratnariri , 415612 74 3010 6ove.nm€nt Polvtechnic. Malvan A/P Xumbharmath. Malvan. Sindhudu m . 415606 At Phadke Pada, Opp. Bharat cea rs,Mu mbra Shil 7S 3011 Government Polytechnic, Thane Government Road,OoD tharat Ltd. Ihane. 4m612 Veermata I iia bai Tech nologica I lnstitute(VJTI), 76 3012 H.R. Mahaiani Mar8, Matunta, Mumbai Government-Aided ZadPoli, ShilRoad, at postShil, Tal. Vlknm8ad, 17 3013 Sovernment Polytechnic, VikramSad. Government Distrid Pallhar Dr. A.8. Road, Sasmira Mar& Worli, Mumbal. 78 3020 Sasmira's lnstitute of N,la nmade Textiles, Mumbai Government-Aided 400030 79 3021 K.l. Somaiva Polvtechnic. Mumbai UldyanaSar. Mumbai, 4mO77 80 3023 St. Xavi€r's Techni.a I lnstitute. Mombai ahim Causeway Road, Mahh. Mumbai.400016 Government-Aided Sophja Shre€ S.X. Somani Memorlal Polytechnlc), Sophia Shre€ 8. l(. Somanl M€morial Polyreihnic, 81 3o74 Government-Alded Mumbai,4mO26 a2 3025 Shd thagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai N.R.G. Gadkari Marr. Mumbai. 4ms6 Government-Aid€d Anjuman-l-lslam's M.H.Saboo Slddik Polytechnic, 8, 83 3026 M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mufibai Sheoherd Rd. Evculla. Mumbai SNOT Women's University,Juhu Road,Santacru. (W) 84 3027 Premlila Vithaldas Polytechni€(Womens),Mumbal Government-Alded Mumbai- Suburban - 4m049 Dr. Eabasa heb Am bed ka r Te.h. U nlversity,lnstltute Vidyavihar,P.O.tonereJal-[,4angaon. Raigad, 85 3040 Unive6ity Manated of Petrochemical Engineering,[onere,Raigad 402103 85 3742 Navjeevan Education Society's Polytechnic, Mumbai GaneshNatar,Ganesh PathMumbai,400078 Un-Alded Zagdu SinSh Charita ble Trust's Thakur Pohtechnic, 87 3143 IhakurComplex, West To W.E.Hithway Mumbai Un-Aided Vivekanand Education Society's Polytechnic, 88 3145 Sindhl Soclety,Chembur Mumbal, 4m071 Un-AIded AldelEducation Trust's St.John College of St. John T€chnical Educatlon Complex,Villate 89 3218 t,n-Aided Encineerini & Manarement. Vevoor. Palchar Vevoor.Manor Road Palrher IFI KotiVidya Cha rita ble Trust's Smt. Alamuri 90 1219 Ratnafiala lnstitute of Entineerint and Technology, Sapgaon, Ialuka Shahapur Dist. Thane Un-Alded Saolaon. Tal. shahaour Hajllamaluddh ThlmTrust's Th€em College of At Villate Eetegaon,Boisar Chillha r Road , Near 91 177) Un-Alded Eniln€orin!. At- Viller€ B.t.!aon. Boisar Union Park, SolsarlE). Telr Palihar. Mandar Education Society's Raiaram Shinde Mandar Education Society's, Rajaram Shlnde lnstt 92 3255 Un-Alded lnstitute of EngineerinS a nd TechnoloSy, Pedhambe )f EngS RatnaSjri , 415603 Bha rati Vidya peeth's lnstjtute ofTechnology, Navi Belpada, C.8. D. SECIOR '7, OPP. Kharghar Railway 93 3256 Un-Aided itation, NavlMumbai. :h€ndani, 8u nder Road, I na nadweepa , College 94 3257 Vidya Prasarak Mandal! Polytechnic, Thane Un-Aided :amous Tha ne . 4m6O1 funelPolytechnic (Fr. ASnel Cha riti€s) , Vashi, Navi 95 3258 Sedor 94, Vashi, Navi Mumbai Un-Aided PaSe 3 of 12 Llst of Facilitatron centers (Fc) for Frrst year and Drrect second year post of ssc Diploma Entineering and Technoloty AY 2020_2r S.. FC ll.ne of Facllltatlon centars (FC) Faallft.tlon I{o. Coda Addrass of Facllitatlon Centers (FC) @nters (FC) (halapur Tatuka Shitshan prasarak Stetu! 96 3260 MandJi;I:L NearOld Policestation, 4!ll Polytechnic, {hopoti, Dist.Rai8ed Nhopoli,Raigad 410203 Un-Aided Vldyavardhinl's Bhausaheb 97 3262 Vartat f ot6ectrnic, vidyavardhini's campts, vaiiT6fiifrIiiJiine Uasai,Thane . 4J1202 Un-Aided S. s. Jondhate 98 3263 Smarth$mar'sS. H.Jondhate polytechnic, Dombivti Educatio nat coiliiliSlastri- Un-Aided [a8a r, Dombivlj(W] Tha ne , 421202 Sahyadrl Shiksha n Sa nstha,s 99 3264 Sahyad ri Technical Campus , Saward€ (Vahat phata, Poly.Sawarde(RatnaSiri) Un-Aided Ial:Chiplun, Ratnagtri , 415606 Sai Shiva Education trust,s, trruihhiE 1m 1267 SaiSaba viharComptex, Anananaga r Tha ne Polytechnic,Thane , 400601 Un-Aided Samanh.
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