Voters to Decide on Tuesday
A Newspaper Devoted :,,. Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly |MI|| Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures 1 . 28 V ' {JartmCARTERET, N. J., FRIDAYt, NOVEMBER 2, 1962 •DMXd u tad OlMl IUB At P O, Outarat, n., J. PRICE TEN CENTS Fair Share Parade Appeal for Spirited Campaign Fund Drive Prizes CARTERET — E. Michael Near End; Voters to li)onnelly. Chairman of the (,'arteret Division of the United Listed Fund, Raritan Bay area, who is vice president of the Carteret More Than 3,000 in Branch of the Perth Aroboy Nittionai Bank, announced to- Line of March at Decide on Tuesday day that the Carteret Division 1ms started active solicitation Halloween Fete among Carteret businessess and CARTERET- — The annual public employees for FAIR Halloween parade sponsored by IHARE giving to the combined the Carteret Recreation De- The Candidates Irive. partment was the largest and Indicate Mr. Donnelly pointed out m°st suc«cwful Halloween pa- hat the annual United Fund rade neId thuus s farfar-- OveOverr 3,003,0000 appeall is ththe largesltt andd most marchers participateprticipateparticipated in the I'l.ANT parad€paad Jig Vote • T M;l f l 1 ldi i • ih- first flv, ,h.r f "7". .' "''"" " ""• "<' ' P'a"« of IMC Corporation (formerly Important charitable appeal ' deluding 10 bands and I,,..., Hi, Iln.1 flv, Miarrs of ,l,,,k in th, new Juninr Achievement rompany "UAMSCO." Making the sale .hat is held in the borougorough frvm & Bu^e «>n». six drill R.,b,r« l.,srh,k. 2lfi Randolph Slr,,t. l.,,.,ki,,g „„ Wr IMC advisers Otto Taddti and Edward Pollack 116 ;ach year.
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