Joel Cheatwood, VP, News, WSVN-TV Miami, Named Senior VP, Sunbeam Television Corporation, There. Francisco: Doug Mcconnell, Host
Joel Cheatwood, VP, news, joins as weekend meteorologist. Val Maki, GSM, WCDJ-FM Boston, WSVN-TV Miami, named senior VP, Mark Pettinger, general assign- joins WKQX-FM Chicago in same ca- Sunbeam Television Corporation, ment reporter, KTSM-TV El Paso, pacity. there. Tex., joins WAVE-TV Louisville, Appointments at WASH-FM Wash- Ky., in same capacity. ington: John Steele, production direc- Appointments at KRON-TV San tor, named midday personality; Francisco: Doug McConnell, host. Kevin Kelly, director, news, pub- lic affairs, WTRG-FM Raleigh, N ,C., Randi Martin, announcer, WMGF-FM The Discovery Channel's The Ad- Orlando, Fla., joins as afternoon joins WLFL-TV there as news director. venturers, Bethesda, Md., joins as en- drive announcer. vironmental reporter/host, Bav Erv Coppi, host, Movie Theater, Area Backroads\ Henry Tenenbaum, Ron Aaron, morning drive talk WUSi-Tv OIney, 111., retires. feature reporter, named entertain- show host, KTSA(AM) San Antonio, ment reporter; Debra Chambers, ac- Mike Cavender, news director, Tex., joins WOAI(AM) there as after- counting manager, named control- WTSP-TV St. Petersburg/Tampa, noon drive talk show host. Joel Cheatwood Henry Tenenbaum Al Holzer Vicki Stearn Krista Van Lewen Sunbeam KRON-TV KRON-TV Discovery Comm. Inc. Discovery Comm. Inc. ler; Al Holzer, news director, named named VP, news. Spencer Shiftman, sales agent, VP, news programing, creative ser- Daum Commercial Real Estate, Los vices; Mark Murray, director, fi- RADIO Angeles, joins Christal Radio there nance, business affairs, named VP, as account executive. finance business; Jan Van Der Appointments at Shamrock Broad- Kristin Farrell, media buyer/su- Voort, VP, human resources, as- casting, Burbank, Calif.: Eddie Es- pervisor, Bozell, Dallas, joins Banner sumes additional responsibilities for serman, GM, WFOX-FM Gaines- Radio there as account executive.
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