Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit the Nonprothe Fit a New Q UARTERLY Profession
P r o m o t i n g S p i r i t e d Nonprofit Management Summer 2009 $ 1 4 . 9 5 The Nonprofit Quarterly NonproTHE fit A new Q UARTERLY profession for a new age. Summer 2009 Tempest Tossed THE GEORGE H. HEYMAN, JR. Tempest Tossed Volume 16, Issue 2 CENTER FOR PHILANTHROPY & FUNDRAISING The George H. Heyman, Jr. Center for Philanthropy and Fundraising provides the education you need to become a leader in this field. Fundraising and grantmaking are The George H. Heyman, Jr. Center Our faculty consists of recognized essential components of the Ameri- for Philanthropy and Fundraising authorities on all aspects of fundrais- can way of life. Nonprofit organiza- is among the nation’s most highly ing and grantmaking, including tions, and those who fund them, are respected educators of fundraisers the psychology behind giving, the responsible for our private universi- and grantmakers. We provide an ex- effects of globalization, laws, ethical ties, hospitals, medical research, ceptional range of opportunities—in- issues, research methods, technol- museums, and social services for the cluding a Master’s degree, certificate ogy, and more. You will emerge with poor, the aged, and the ill. With programs, online courses, workshops, a broader, deeper understanding government cutbacks in many of and seminars—all designed to help of the concepts and skills necessary these areas, raising money for them you maximize your effectiveness as a for success as a fundraiser or grant- has become even more critical. leader in the field. maker in the 21st century. GRADUATE PROGRAM: CONTINUING EDUCATION includes: SUMMER INTENSIVES: • Master of Science in Fundraising • Fundraising Concepts and Practices • Mini-Intensive for New Philanthropists and Grantmakers and Grantmaking • Strategic Grantmaking • Fundraising • Women in Philanthropy PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES: • How to Be a Successful Fundraiser • Fundraising • Ethics and Laws of Nonprofits—Online • Grantmaking and Foundations There are many exciting job opportunities in this field, where you can make this world a better place.
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