ISSN (Online) - 2349-8846 Building Bridges Being Dalit as a Bangla Writer TIRTHANKAR CHANDA, ROUNAK RAY Vol. 51, Issue No. 1, 02 Jan, 2016 Tirthankar Chanda is a playwright and writer based in Kolkata. Rounak Ray (
[email protected]) is also a writer based in Kolkata. Being Dalit is not an appendage to the identity of being a writer in Bangla. A community that has being marginalised historically needs to contextualise their identity in forms that can subvert privileged notions of belonging and solidarity. The pertinence of this discussion started taking shape after I attended a book release in Kolkata. The book in question was written by a Dalit author. My questions started brewing up after a revered singer-songwriter, who was invited at the book release function, said something before he started singing for us during the event. He asked if it was necessary that a writer be judged on the basis of his/her community identity—a Dalit writer or a woman writer. Creativity itself should be the sole marker for an artist, he said. According to him, there is only good writing and bad writing. Are we not looking at the writer with pity by using attributes like Dalit, subaltern or marginalised? I believe that the world of arts and letters cannot be segregated into neat categories of “good” and “bad.” There are large swathes of grey areas. Moreover, it is only the privileged who can determine quality in the arts, by exercising their right of expression. In the ancient period, it was a norm to place a stick at the middle or the side of the stage when Sanskrit dramas were enacted.