Namibia, with Support from the International Community POST-DISASTER FLOODS NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2009
POST-DISASTER FLOODS NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2009 A Report Prepared by the Government of the Republic of Namibia, with Support from the International Community POST-DISASTER FLOODS NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2009 A Report Prepared by the Government of the Republic of Namibia, with Support from the International Community FOREWORD In March of 2009, torrential rains across Angola, Namibia, and Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Italy, the People’s Zambia increased water levels in the Chobe, Kunene, Kavango Republic of China, Spain, United States, United Nations and Zambezi Rivers to such an extent that the north-central Central Emergency Response Fund ,the United Nations High and north-eastern Regions of Namibia experienced the Commission for Refugees and the World Food Programme. worst flooding in decades. The damage affected an area that is home to 60 percent of the total population, destroying critical Immediately following the relief efforts, the National Planning infrastructure, washing away crops and livestock, damaging Commission of the Government of the Republic of Namibia homes, and causing widespread displacement. Many of those requested the World Bank, through the Global Fund for affected by the 2009 floods, in fact, had not recovered fully Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery, to undertake a Post- from the impact of the heavy rainfalls in 2008 that had also Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) in coordination with the caused flooding, similar destruction and displacement of United Nations and European Commission in order to assist people. the Government. This was the first step towards developing a holistic approach to recovery and reconstruction efforts, In the aftermath of the flooding, the Government of Namibia and also aimed to provide the Government with options immediately mobilized emergency assistance to meet the for working towards longer term, sustainable disaster risk most pressing needs of people in the affected Regions.
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