(subsidiary of Third Avenue Transit I Corp., has been ordered by the PSC. &t mone cojUe& Specifically, the order requires cuts of 4 five and ten cents onfive o f the com­ pany's routes in suburban Westches­ FOR EFFECTIVE COVERAGE in the NEWS ter County. • By now, most top-flight executives In the transit industry have formed 10,000 JAMAICANS AVAILABLE the Monday morning habit of reading PT's eight, newsworthy pages—and PORTLAND, ORE. (pTc) • - More fre­ FOR ESSENTIAL EMPLOYMENT reading them first thing. quent cleaning of the streets of wet leaves has been suggested to city of­ HEADQUARTERS;. ATA. —- Approxi­ • But there are others down the line who should be reading PT regularly ficials by Gordon Steele, Portlandmatel y 30,000 Jamaicans, brought to too. In many companies, management sees to it that these men get their Traction Co, presidenl, as fin accident this country by WFA for agricultural copies through the bulk subscription plan. prevention measure. work, soon will be available for em­ ployment in essential industries, in­ • And then, there are the local government officials and civic-leaders— CITY, OKLA. i'pTcj — cluding transportation, according to Twenty new 37-pa.ssenger were an announcement by WMC. all interested in transit—who are just now beginning to know and like PT. delivered recently to Oklahoma Trans­ Located in the Northeast and Great These influential people are learning because certain progressive manage­ portation Co. and already have been Lakes areas, these workers speak Eng­ ments have seen to it that their names were placed on PT's paid sub­ placet! in service. lish, and are said to be adaptable to scription list. NEW ORLEANS. — Muses will be subman­ y forms of labor. They must be stituted for streetcars on all but three employed in groups of 10 or more, • There must be a few such people in your community. Why not supply guaranteed at least 480 hours of work lines here after the war, officials of within each 90-day period at prevail­ them under the bulk subscription plan? New Orleans Public Service, Inc., an­ ing rates of pay and their employment nounced recently. must be consistent with labor agree­ • The following companies—who have subscribed to ten or more copies ALBANY, N. Y. -— Albany Transit of Passenger —are making good use of the bulk subscription plan: Co. is now selling seven tokens insteadment s and unprovable to unions in­ of eight for 50 cents, the PSC havingvolved . ACF- - -Brill Motors Co 11 recently approved the increase in They must be employed for at least Alexandria, Barcroft & Transit Co 11 . It was granted because the 90 days and housing and group feed­ Baltimore Transit Co 17 company, last Spring, in changing its ing facilities provided for which they Boston Co 25 rate from 13 tokens for a dollar to will pay. In addition, transportation Capital Transit Co 22 eight for 50 cents, underestimated thean d subsistence enroute to the place Co 21 number of riders who would switch of employment and to of depart­ Chicago Sui'i'ace Lines 18 from the 10-eent cash to tokens. ure after termination of contract must Cincinnati Street Railway Co 10 The loss in revenue amounted tob e provided. They may be recruited Cleveland Transit System H $52,000 on an annual basis, comparedthroug h USES. Columbus & Southern Electric Co 11 with a $29,000 decrease the company Further details are contained in a Community Traction Co 13 had predicted. letter to member operating compa­ Dallas Railway & Terminal Co 1:1 nies from Guy C. Hccker, ATA general Denver Tramway Corp 13 CHICAGO. —• Nine buses were de­ secretary, which was sent out recently. Department of Street Railways, City of Detroit 11 stroyed recently in a fire which gutted Georgia. Power Co 25 the Suburban Transit Line's ga­ CMC. Truck & Division, Corp 23 rage. Total damage was estimated asTI E PRICING REGULATIONS General Electric Co 13 high as $200,000. ARE CLARIFIED BY THE OPA Honolulu Rapid Transit Co., Ltd 16 CLEVELAND, ( pTc I - City Transit. WASHINGTON. -- Two clarillcations Indianapolis Railways, Tne 16 System is planning construction of have been made in the OPA regula­ Kansas City Public Service Co 11 two motor coach stations, to costtion s covering pricing of eastern rail­ 12 $387,000 and $334,000, respectively. Mack-International Motor Truck Corp 30 road ties. One makes it clear that Memphis Street Railway Co 1.1. COLUMBUS, (pTc) — Shortage of trucking charges may be added to manpower, among other things, makesth e maximum prices only when deliv­ Milwaukee Electric Railway & Transport Co 12 extension of both tripper and regular ery is made by the seller to a destina­ Montreal Tramways Co 20 bus service "out of the question" at tion that is not a loading-out point for Municipal Railway of 12 the present time, according to Harold railroad ties and from which there is National City Lines, Inc. 3 9 Potts, transportation superintendent no further movement. In other words, National Pneumatic Co 13 of Columbus and Southern Ohio Elec­the trucking addition may be made Pacific City Lines, Inc 16 tric Co. The company normally oper­ only when delivery is made to a point New Orleans Public Service Inc 18 ates 120 units of equipment regularly of final use. Ohio Brass Co 3 3 and 120 units as extras, but the num­ The other change specifies that a Okonite Co 13 ber of extras on the road during rush tie contractor's addition applies only Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co 10 hours depends on the manpower situ­ to cross ties. Some had interpreted Suburban Transportation Co 32 ation from day to day, he declared. the provision io include switch ties as Philadelphia Transportation Co 2I> well. Co 51 EDMONTON, ALT A. (pTc; —- In spite Public Service Coordinated Transport 23 of repeated pleas from residents of Reo Motors, Inc H suburban areas. City Council is re­ MACK OFFICIAL. EDUCATOR SI. Louis Public Service Co 30 fusing to consider any extension of TO ADDRESS IV. Y. ASS"ii Schuylkill Valley Lines, Inc 35 bus service at this time. Civic au­ Third Avenue Transit Corp 13 thorities have pointed out that the ALBANY, N. Y. — Charles F. Kon- Toronto Transportation Commission 35 entire question of transportation is ney, secretary of the New York State United Electric Railways Co 12 tied jn with the city's post-war recon­Motorbus Association, has announced Virginia Electric. & Power Co 12 struction program, and that nothing that Walter I. Rodgers, bus engineer Washington. Virginia & Coach Co 12 should be done until details of the proan­ d assistant chief engineer of Mack Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co 21 gram are completed next Spring. Truck Co., and W. D. Weitz of the White Motor Co 3 0 State Education Department will be Winnipeg Electric Cn 11 ALLENTOWN, PA. (pTc) — Royal among the principal speakers at the Hlue Coach Lines has leased a build­association's annual meeting here ing at the Allentown Bus Terminal, Nov. 15 and 3G. 2 Miuii.u>n Arrnttf, ,\ rw ) <> i h 17. ,V. )'. PASSENGER Til ANSF^B**T, NOVEMBER », 1944

THE PARKING PROBLEM More Plans SEPTEMBER PASSENGER TRAFFIC That a balanced transportation pro­ ((,'iinfinrtrJ jnuii t'trgr I I gram is needed to solve the modern ISy Kdtmitu! J. Murphy ,-doner nf Public Roads, Thomas H. parking problem, was beautifully pre­ The final summary of traffic reports MacDonald brought to boar his wide sented by H. If. Allen, consulting en­ ies continue to show the greatest in­ for the month of September showed experience in the important matter gineer and vice president of J. E. creases in traffic, although the in­ an increase of 4.3 per cent in the num­ behind all basic planning, the An­ Greiner & Company when he ar­ creases which they are now reporting alysis of Urban gued that, Every­ber of passengers carried on the are greatly reduced as compared with by the Svr- one Can't Ride intransi t lines of the in the increases shown a year ago or in vey Technique. His Automobiles. comparisoIn n with September 1943. The 1942. Next in the rate of increase now the introduction to increase is substantially less than was treatment of the being maintained are the companies his "remarks," Mr. indicated in the preliminary summary subject was ex­ in the suburban areas. Both of these Allen summarized which appeared in the October 20 haustive, covering groups report increases in September his case by saying, number of PT, based upon reports re­ every phase of the greater than their average increase " 'Down - town' of ceived earlier in the month. The esti­ problem and em­ for the nine months of 1944 to date, American cities mate of the total number of passen­ phasizing over and was made more ac­ gers carried in September, therefore, indicating that they are now increas­ over again the need cessible in terms of has been reduced to 1,881,609,000. The ing faster than they were earlier in by insisting that, time by the advent index for September stands at 181.74 the year. This is true of only one "We must get down which compares with the index of other group-—the companies operating H. ft. Aiun 0f automobile, 7'. M'i, Donald to the basic meas­ but continually increased usage of mo­ 184.16 for August. in cities between 100,000 and 250,000 ures of the travel of individuals them­ tor vehicles in greater numbers for pri­ The companies in the smallest cit­ population. selves, whether it be by private ve­ vate transportation has reduced the hicle, bus, street ear, taxi or rapid accessibility of central business dis­ transit. In the city, effective planning tricts. Public authorities have exer­ Total Passengers Carried on Transit Lines of the United States in calls for a detailed knowledge of the cised their right to regulate the move­ September 1941 and during the nine months ended Sept. 30, 1944. daily movements of masses of people, ment . . . but the owner of business and the provision of facilities for that property cannot be deprived of his September 9 Months Ended 9/30/44 movement by whatever type of ve­ right of access, no matter how press­ Piipiibihnii Group hicle is indicated as most appropriate. ing the street traffic problem may be­ 1044 % 1944 % And of course to supplement that come." f.\dd 000) Change 1 A.I.I 000) Change knowledge is required an equally de­ Cities over 1,000,000 667,706 1 0.4 6,145,027 + 0.5 tailed knowledge of the daily move­ ments of goods and a provision of 500,000 — 1,000,000 287,134 + 3.9 2,611,157 + 4.3 equally appropriate facilities." The whole problem of urban pub­ 250,000--500,000 319,478 + 7.7 2,881,753 •f- 8.9 lic transportation in its relation to the 100,000 — 250,000 236,765 + 3.7 2,121,554 + 3.1 Freewill s future was then projected by Charles 50,000 100,000 174,484 + 7.3 1,571,285 + 9.8 The Location and Function of Free­Stephenson, ATA research associate, Less than 50,000 78,612 + 13.4 697,914 + 11.1 in a remarkable study, way* > by Frank II. Malley, planning Transit's TOTAL ALL CTTIKS This 1,764,179 + 3.9 16,028,690 + 4.2 director of the Buffalo City Planning Prospects for Postwar Traffic. is a for man­ Commission, natur­ must SUHUBBAN AND agement's study, ally tied in with and should be fol­ UNCLASSIFIED Commission- 117,430 + 11.4 998,278 -f 7.5 lowed closely as fu­ er MacDonald's re­ G T ture plans are pro­ KAND OTAL 1,881,609 + 4.3 17,026,968 - 4.4 gard for adequate pounded. In intro­ facilities. In stat­ ducing Mr. Steph­ ing his case, Mr. TREND OF TRANSIT TRAFFIC, 1939-1944 enson, Charles Gor­ Malley described don said, "The ob­ the freeway as fol­ TO SEPTEMBER 30,1944 servations made in lows, "The proper this article are location and design based on analyses of urban freeways similar to those is the greatest sin­ Vraiik H. Malley used as a basis for the prediction made gle element in the cure of cities' ills in February 1942, at the Emergency and in the directing of their proper Conference of the Association in Chi­ and adequate growth. By freeway is cago, that the industry would carry a meant a highway having entrances total of passengers in limited to certain designated points, 18 billion 1942. CITIES LESS THAN This prediction was characterized by and over which abutters have no right 250,000' magazine as a 'horrendous es­ of light, air and access. In other Time timate'. The industry knows the an­ words, it is a right of way, like a rail­ 250,000-1,000,000 swer. roads." The second and last session of ATA'S li)4 1 Cotirention-in-I'rint wound E. W. Ford, Executive, up with a series of articles covering Memphis St. Ry., Dies the postwar plans of the ATA Divi­ sions. MEMPHIS, TFNN. (pTc)—Edward W. Ford, 78, vice president, and gen­ eral manager of Memphis Street Rail­ OBITUARIES way Co., died Oct. 31 at his home in Hein Park. He had been in poor Frank A. Merrick, vice chair­ health for a year. 75, man of Westinghouse Electric & Man­ A native of Bridge Hampton, Long ufacturing Co., died Oct. 26 at his Island, N. Y., Mr. Ford spent his early home in Hamilton, Ont. years in Louisville, Ky. He worked for Birmingham Street Railway Co. before joining the staff of Memphis H, Parke Thornton, 48, vice presi­ Street Railway in 1905 as superin­ dent and controller of White Motor tendent of transportation. Co., died last week at Cleveland. He served on the membership com­ mittee of ATA from 1929 to 1932. A J 0 J His son, Walter N. Ford, is vice Frank A. Teach, 52, engineer for AJ 0J AJOJ president and assistant general man­ Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric 1939 1943 1944 ager of Ihe Memphis system. Co., died Oct. 25. PASSENGER TRANSFLPL', NOVEMBER », 1944

transit industry will need all of the competent help it can get—all of the 1944 Convention-in-Print Follows 1943 JPkssFJVGEK Transport advice and sound planning experience ESTABLISHKl> 1



PLANNING OFFICIALS BEFORE NATIONAL INDUSTRY It Is The People Who Count Plans and More Plans Keynote Addresses by ATA Managing Director Charles Prominent Experts Discuss Ways and Means of Promoting Gordon and U. S. Chamber of Commerce President "The Master Plan," Integrating Transit With Highways, Eric Johnston, Pave The Way For Discussions Surveying Urban Travel, The Location and Function Pointing To The Greatest Good For the of Freeways, The Parking of Automobiles and the Greatest Number—Transportation-wise Projection of Postwar Transit Traffic Loads

HEADQUARTERS, ATA, NOV. 3—IN OPENING THE SECOND SESSION OF HEADQUARTERS, ATA, NOV. 3—WITH THE CALL FOR THE SECOND SESSION ATA'S 1944 Cmiventmn-'m-Prnt, CHARLES GORDON PROJECTS THE END RESULTOF ATA'S 1944 Convention-in-Print SO WELL FOUNDED BY CHARLES GORDON OF ALL OF THE NATIONAL TRANSIT INDUSTRY'S THINKING FOR THE FUTURE WHEANND ERIC JOHNSTON, IT WAS AN EASY MATTER FOR THE VISITING EXPERTS TO HE TITLES HIS REMARKS, ''The Greatest Good For The Greatest Number." PICK UP THE QUE AND CARRY IT THROUGH THEIR SEVERAL SPECIALTIES. In FACT, Mr. Gordon makes his position par­ SHOULD CHAMPION RIDER THE TREATMENT WAS SO COMPLETE THAT SCARCELY A PHASE OF THE PROBLEM ticularly clear when he says, "It is To button up the whole broad guage WAS NEGLECTED. becoming increasingly clear to all of view of this national program, R. N. THE MAILER PLAN it jelled much of the unorganized those dealing with _ Watt, president of In leading off thinking which the industry has done the problems of the Montreal ­ for the profession­ recently on the subject. Here is how modern cities, that ways Company als, Harold M. Mr. Lewis stated the idea, "The Mas­ the economic and points to the fact Lewis, president of ter Plan of a modern City must be social life of these that The Transit the American In­ based on the general concept that it communities is not Rider Needs A stitute of Planners, is to provide a guide and a pattern dependent upon the Champion. Again, undertook to "dis­ for the development of a better com­ movement of ve­ the emphasis is cuss" Transi t and munity in which to live and to work. hicles: it is the peo­ placed on people the Master Plan. It must visualize the city as a dyna­ ple in these ve­ when Mr. Watt His point, "The mic mechanism, not as a mere static hicles with whom calls upon the city is a living or­ grouping of streets and . This we should be •pri­ transit industry it­ ganism" is one that mechanism can function smoothly and marily concerned. effectively only as the daily flow of self to provide ade- will live long in the TheCharles vehicles arGordone merely a means to an R. N. Watt Harold M. Lcu-is people and materials can take place memory of transit management, for end. Thus the social value of all ur­ {See /'age 4, Column 2) with minimum effort and delay." ban transportation improvements, in­ cluding urban highways, must be INTEGRATION measured in terms of the number of RWLB At Boston Conducts Hearings The theme was then taken up by people who are served." Charles E. DeLeuw, consulting engi­ On Establishment Of Wage Brackets neer and member of the firm of De­ DELIBERATE PLANNING NEEDED Leuw, Cather & Company, when he This idealistic opening leads, quite ATA's Simpson Presents Industry** Position; Oliver Speaks spoke on the subject, Integrating naturally into the sound call of Eric For Amalgamated; Tentative Brackets Announced Postwar Transit and Highway Plans. Johnston, presi­ This "talk" was BOSTON, (pTc). — Hearings before gamated, urged an upward adjustment dent, Chamber of particularly timely the War Labor Board in Region I, of the bracket rates for cities of less Commerce of the in view of the re­ Boston, Mass., were held on Wednes­ United States, who than 50,000 and asked the Board to re­ cent Congressional day, October 25, at which labor and again displayed his consider the population classifications action which in­ great qualities of management expressed their views of a number of individual companies. cluded urban high­ leadership in his with respect to tentative wage brack­ THE INDUSTRY'S STAND ways in the post­ presentation of the ets for transit operations in that re­ The spokesman for ATA commented war Federal Aid key idea that gion. The hearing was called at the particularly upon the method used by plan. Mr. DeLeuw T r a n s p o r t a - request of labor. the Board in establishing rates for made a powerful lion Policies Will PROPOSED BRACKETS secondary companies in the several case against small Profoundly Affect Eli Oliver of the Labor Bureau of metropolitan areas in the region. Mr. plans when he said, Tomorrow's Cities. the Middle West represented the Amal­ Simpson urged that the Board recon­ "It is logical to as- Speaking of the fact thaEilct ne wJohnston forms gamate d Association and Hawley S. sider its ceiling rates for these second­ Chas. I.'.. Ucl.cnover-all a-objective of of transportation are constantly being Simpson of American Transit Asso­ ary companies and establish ceilings transisiime t thaplannint the g will be to provide developed, while older forms are being ciation spoke for industry. Represen­ based upon the weighted average of faster and more frequent service on greatly improved to meet the new tatives of a number of local unions the secondary companies' rates alone, main traffic arteries, rather than forms of competition, Mr. Johnston and individual companies also ap- rather than upon a weighted average merely to reach out into thinner terri­ said, "Following this war there is rea-I peared and presented statements on of the rates of the secondary and dom­ tory with small vehicles. To some ex­ son to believe that this rate of change behalf of their own groups. inant companies combined. In Re­ tent both types of development may gion I the dominant companies in the will be as great as it was in the decade On the basis of population served, be expected, but improvement of main metropolitan area, which pay the high­ following the last war. Unlike this the brackets of top one-man and bus trunk line service offers by far the est rates, have such a large number previous period, however, we are now operators' rates tentatively proposed most important immediate opportun­ of employes as to completely distort ity and need." more generally conscious of the need by the Board follow: Under 50,000, 65 the rate pattern and establish ceilings of deliberately planning the commun­ cents; 50,000 to 100,000, 85 cents; for the secondary companies either at ANALIZING URBAN TRAVEL ity'.s future development with a view .100,000 to 1,000,000, 95 cents; over the same level or only slightly below to making effective use of the more 1,000,000. one dollar. At this point, our great Commis- modern means of rapid movement." Mr. Oliver, speaking for the Amal-I those of the dominant companies. <,*>>« Pa%e 8, Column I) THE TRANSIT RIDER portation rider makes up his mind Need A Champion are more inclined to be helpluT Tn™ that he wants certain improve­ We are all well aware that the reaching some solution of these dif­ NEEDS A CHAMPION ments, he will get them, since in method of solving the problem in ficulties. If this is correct, the com­ every community he constitutes the one city will not necessarily be panies must take the lead—it can by R. N. WATT majority of the voters. What then the same method to be followed in not come from any other source. (Continued from Page 4) can we, as public transportation op­ other cities. There is no doubt, I suggest, therefor, that each the enactment and the strict en­ erators, reasonably ask our passen­ however, that an enlightened public company should carefully recon­ forcement of by-laws for traffic im­ gers to do and by what method opinion in one city is helpful to all sider its public relationship policy provement. It will therefore, be should we do this? To my mind, others. As I said at the beginning, and methods in the light of this necessary to seek to have such by­ this is a serious question and one I am firmly convinced that general new situation; that this problem be laws enacted and enforced by the which should receive a major place users of public transportation serv­ placed high in the list of post-war plans; and, that every effort be competent authorities. There is no among the post-war problems of ices are more alive to the difficulties our industry. made to strengthen the more friend­ question that if the public trans­ which companies have to face and ly ties which the war has created 2>iede/ Aad psuwed thatbetween passenger its and operators U. tke ModeAst, ANALYSIS OF URBAN TRAVEL QcowcMtUcxd Gaaoli PataeAby THOMAS MccDONALD • Continued from Page 33} 5. Trends in travel may be gauged to some degree at least by trends in other factors such as so­ cial, economic, and occupational status. By measuring travel of residents in areas such as census tracts for which trends in other factors are regularly recorded, it will be possible to forecast the amount of travel by various modes that should be anticipated and ap­ propriate provision made for it. 6. Travel requirements may be measured in relation to proposed urban development. If a new area should, for example, provide within its confines, shopping, social and re­ creational facilities, travel on arte­ rial streets for expressways from that area for these purposes will be unnecessary. The amount of move­ ment that will be thus subtracted from the major thoroughfares can be estimated, and due allowance made in design, not only for the artery but also for the circulatory GREATER ECONOMY FASTER ON THE system of the area. GETAWAY Often giving upwards of Discussion of these surveys has been primarily from the viewpoint 50% more miles per gallon The torque curve climbs of the highway official, but the re­ of fuel . . . with lower faster . . . result, faster sults should be of equal importance acceleration and steadier maintenance costs. in the transit field. With the ad­ engine pulling. vent and growth of free wheel public transportation, the interests and responsibilities of the street BETTER COMPACT, LOW IN and highway officials on one hand ACCESSIBILITY WEIGHT and transit officials on the other have been necessarily drawn more All engine accessories are The high output per cubic and more closely together. mounted within easy inch permits use of a The officials responsible for the reach ... with no spark motor of less cubic inch improvement of streets and high­ plugs and wiring to bother displacement for same ways must provide facilities as with. amount of work, and nearly as possible adequate for traf­ therefore a lighter, more fic of the volume and character ex­ compact engine. pected during the life of the im­ provements. Obviously both the DIRECT INJECTION volume and character are dependent OF FUEL BETTER HILL CLIMBING on many factors, among which pol­ ABILITY icies of public transportation and Each cylinder has its own city and regional planning officials injector . . . no high pres­ Diesel engines have a are of paramount importance. sure fuel lines to clog or more constant torque at JS Plans for street or highway im­ provement in urban areas will never give insufficient fuel. lower speeds. be effectively drawn or executed without the full cooperation of all interests involved. The interests of public transportation and of over-all street and highway trans­ portation can never be divergent. GMC TRUCK & COACH DIVISION They must always be parallel. In­ deed in many cases they are coin­ GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION cident.

34 and time-consuming analysis of the gard to distortion in present travel rious modes of transport are ob­ with conversion, from war to peace. probable travel needs of the future practices by existing street pat­ tained directly from the basic tabu­ Travel to and from given plants or as influenced by the changes in the terns, relative degree of street im­ lations first completed. General areas may be eliminated, decreased, city structure and other factors to provement, or relative degree of locations for necessary improve- or increased in accordance, with the the extent thai, they can be fore­ transit service between such areas. ments are shown at once, and as best judgment as lo I he future cast. The results of these surveys when soon as tentative specific locations activity there, and moreover, the The methods employed in these considered in light, of existing prac­ for improvement are chosen, de­ effect of the change may be traced surveys are advantageous in many tices will show at once where the tailed analysis of the figures, block throughout all parts of the city. respects. From an administrative latter are distorted because of in­ by block, will permit a close esti­ Similarly, the effect may be evalu­ adequate planning or operational mate of the probable volumes that viewpoint some of the favorable ated of slackening in group riding deficiencies. may be expected under present con­ features are the following: or of the return to private vehicle ditions. 1. They can be conducted with 3. Analysis of present travel from the use of public transporta­ personnel now readily obtainable. needs is simple. Volumes of move­ 4. Allowances may be readily tion enforced by war necessities. ment between various areas by va­ made for changes that will come (See Page 34, Column 4) 2. Their cost, both in value of returns and in comparison with other types of surveys, is low. A survey of an area including as many as 1,000,000 residents may be con­ ducted for $50,000, smaller areas LOOK FOR THIS SYMBOL for much less. 3. They are beneficial from the IT MEANS MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF standpoint of public relations. In­ terviewers have been very favor­ TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING. ably received, and the opportunity to carry a message into as many as 10 percent of the homes in the And here's what it means to the agency and advertiser: area, to show that officials are mak­ ing studied efforts to provide trans­ portation services of greatest util­ HIGH STANDARDS— Figures in Standard Rate and Data designated "cir­ ity to the individuals themselves culation NATA"1 mean that the reports have been NATA members, like members of oilier media organi­ can be expected to gain public sup­ examined and approved by NATA, using the method port for the measures proposed as a zations, are committed lo high standards of business described above. result of the survey. The people conduct. The progress made in the last several years will know that they have had a part in re-establishing Transportation Advertising as a "CONTINUING STUDY OF in the solution. major advertising medium has been (hie in large TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING"— measure to the forward-looking steps taken by NATA Other Advantages and its members. Some of those activities are: This research study, being conducted by the Adver­ 4. They provide information tising Research Foundation and under the technical direction of Dr. D. B. Lucas, is sponsored and financed that can be kept current with a UNIFORM CIRCULATION METHODS- minimum of effort and cost. Trends by the NATA. By the end of 1944 studies will have Transportation Advertising circulation utilizes the in factors influencing travel needs been completed in Newark and New Haven with audited passenger traffic figures reported by tin' transit may be kept up by regular samp­ Cleveland and Milwaukee lo he researched in early companies to Utility Commissions, stockholders and ling of the sample, and checked by 1945. Full information may be had from the Founda­ occasional repetition of the entire direct to Transportation Advertising operators. To tion or NATA. work when it is thought that con­ avoid duplication of count sometimes brought about ditions have changed sufficiently to by zone riding and to clarify the method of evaluating OTHER ASSOCIATION PROJECTS— require a resurvey. A small group transfers, NATA has adopted the following definition steadily employed at interviewing include a Standard Transportation Advertising con­ for Transportation Advertising circulation: "The basis and a minimum of analytical work tract now under study by the 4A's, the War Campaigns will keep data constantly current. of count to be one person riding one carded vehicle Pool operating in conjunction with OWI, a pictorial continuously." publication which contains the best local advertis­ 5. They provide the basis for a To conform to established advertising practice, all ing appearing throughout the country and various complete study of travel needs by all agencies concerned and give op­ members will report on the same period—average first other activities intended to facilitate the presentation portunity for a cooperative ap­ and last six months of each calendar year and here­ of Transportation Advertising campaigns to the 60 proach to the solution that is best after changing the reports simultaneously in April million daily users of this country's mass transporta­ for all interests. Conflicting pro­ and October. tion systems. posals advanced by a variety of agencies in a metropolitan area may be compared against the facts, rather than against one another. From the viewpoint of the ana­ The twenty-nine firms below are united to make Transportation Adver­ lyst who must interpret the figures tising one of the most progressive and respected mediums in advertising obtained and forecast what may be expected a good many years hence, CAR CARDS, INC. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TRANSIT ADVERTISING these surveys also offer many im­ CHICAGO CAR ADVERTISING COMPANY PI1ILISIN, WRANCELL & COINE, INC. portant advantages. CRESCENT MOTORS, INC. PUBLIC SEHVICK COORDINATED TRANSPORT 1. They show all travel within FIELDER, SO REN SEN & DAVIS REID AND FABER the city, whether it be by residents HARWOOD IIOYT FAWCETT TRANSIT ADVERTISING ROSCOE TRANSIT ADVERTISING COMPANY or nonresidents. Furthermore, LOOMIS ADVERTISING COMPANY R. RUSSELL ROOP CO. they show travel by all modes of MAYNARI) BOYCE, INC. SOUTHWEST TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING CO. transportation and are not merely MILWAUKEE TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING SURFACE TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING, INC. MITCHELL, MCCANDLESS & KLAUS TRACTION ADVERTISING COMPANY— an independent survey of passenger MOTOR COACH ADVERTISING, INC. TR\I\S1T ADVERTISERS, INC. vehicles, of transit riders, or other MURRAY & M ALONE COMPANY TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISERS, INC. segment of the problem. The posi­ NATIONAL BUS ADVERTISING COMPANY TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING COMPANY tion of each can thus be analyzed NATIONA\ IDF. BUS ADVERTISING, INC. TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING CO. OF and provision made for facilities NEW YORK SUBWAYS ADVERTISING CO., INC. TRANSPORTATION DISPLAYS, INC. appropriate for the most likely dis­ TRACTION ADVERTISIN G CO.—PEORIA tribution of travel by the various modes.

2. They measure the travel needs of the community from area to 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA • NEW YORK 20, N.Y. area, even from block to block if such detail is desirable, without re­ 83 f Coittfttve

OTHER TESTS OF RESULTS The other test is not only a test of the adequacy of the sample in a statistical sense, but a measure of the completeness with which the travel is determined by the inter­ view method. This test simply de­ termines from the home interviews and the external survey the num­ ber of vehicles reported to have passed the various control points mentioned earlier. The figures thus determined can be checked by a volume count taken during the course of the survey. A check of this nature will also show immedi­ ately whether there is a reluctance to report or an inability to recall all travel. There has been specu­ lation, for example, as to whether a driver might recall all of an eve­ nings recreational travel, either be­ cause of a real or fancied misuse of his gasoline ration or for other reasons.

There is little question, however, that all home to work and work to home travel will be recalled, and that travel accounts for 85 to 90 pereceut of all morning and eve­ ning peak traffic. Thus, if the "in­ terview" volume checked the actual count at the control points during morning- and evening peaks but showed a deficiency during evening Thanks to the inherent flexibility of the modern principle of this power-to-stop the "Safety Standard hours, it could be assumed that the motor coach, the geography of hometown America of the World" for more than a half century. To business 1 ravel was completely re­ is no longer confined to the strict limitations of insure this, a thoroughly seasoned force of ported and that other travel was not. and appropriate adjustments rail right of ways. Today, thousands of boroughs, Bendix-Westinghousc field engineers and the made in interpretation of the fig­ towns, hamlets, have found a new opulence which world's most competent organization of authorized ures. To date no analyses have the pattern lor postwar bus service promises to distributors will be at your service. Without progressed to the stage of control further enhance. The result . . . a greater America obligation, the complete facilities and point checks, but preliminary infor­ * In view ot the prominent part genuine knowledge of this dual representation, which is mation gives reason for confidence Iiendix-Wcstinghouse Air Brakes and Pneumatic thai, substantially all travel is prop­ available in every city strategic to commercial Controls have been privileged to play in erly reported. motor transportation, is yours for the asking. guaranteeing the safety, efficiency, and economy of modern, motorized mass transportation, we of FAVORABLE FEATURES OF METHODS Bendix-Wesiinghouse pledge ourselves to the BI-NDIX-WtSTINGHOUSE AUTOMOTIVE Analytical work required in the continuation of that tradition which has made the AIR BRAKE COMPANY . . . KLYR1A, OHIO summarization of the results is straightforward and rapid, using punch card processes. Question­ naire forms are designed to be largely self coding. Punching, sorting, and basic tabulations of AIR BRAKES origin, destination, and trip pur­ pose are completed easily and AND PNEUMATIC CONTROL DEVICES quickly. The cards are then avail­ able for the more comprehensive A ILLS '.LL.NIMT AN I THAT' AMERICA'S HNI-ST MOTOH COACH H.EKTS AKI-' 1 QI.'IPPL.O W J I H HLNEMX-VT'ESTIN'OIIOL'SE AIK BK (KH (•SVR Next Page)

32 uals questioned. Vor thus« who a reasonable anwAysisi oi Vhc triwel fur tlie previous day are j'l'coriU'd. States Cooperating with i*.K.AA . trip for this purpose is consid­ drive ears, further questions show can be made. In some cities addi­ Jn nearly all of the surveys thus ered to be a one-way trip from when and where the car was parked, tional data have been obtained, such as niuiv detail on where far conducted the responsibility for origin to destination, such as from in some cases I he major street w parking that is an important factor. the work lias been assumed by the home to work or to school, or vice traversed, and in all cases whether State highway department, and the or not the driver passed one or all versa. Analysis fcr Typical Day immediate direction of the work The origin and destination to the of a few well known points such as has been assigned to the highway nearest block or street address, bridges or viaducts, referred to as It will be seen that the informa­ planning surveys, where personnel the time of starting and arrival, control points. The place of each tion is requested for the "previous" well qualified by experience and the type of transportation, whether stop en route and its reason, such day. All interviews are scheduled training- are available to organize as a car driver, a rider in a as for shopping, to get gasoline, or from Tuesdays to Saturdays so that and supervise the study. Generally, car, or as a public transportation to pick up a passenger, also are re­ the travel data obtained are repre­ also, various city and local agencies passenger, and the purpose of the corded. These questions are con­ sentative of weekdays, Monday have cooperated, principally travel are recorded for all individ­ sidered to be the minimum by which (See Nej-t Page) through the provision of office space and some personnel assist­ ance. In substantially all cases the Seven years operation with 2,031 P.CC. cars on 15 properties show: Public Roads Administration has assigned one or more men to assist in the organizational and training Average re-ve'nue per car per year increased f phases where the experience they have obtained in previous surveys is most valuable. Capable interviewers have been obtained without difficulty through the employment services for all surveys thus far undertaken. Wom­ en have been found to make the most effective interviewers, and they are also more easily obtainable than men. Wives of service men, school teachers during their vaca­ tions, or local housewives desirous of augmenting their family income represent the largest sources of in­ terviewers. In some surveys high school boys have been employed, but they are not believed to be as satis­ factory as women of more matur­ ity.

Publicity Helps The job of obtaining the desired information can be greatly facili­ tated by good advance publicity. Newspaper and radio releases prop­ erly timed have been very helpful, but of even greater value are post cards signed by the mayor or other r official and mailed to the prospect­ ive interviewee two or three days WHAT'S BEHIND in advance of the scheduled date P.CC. cars are ideal "silent salesmen" for the transit of the interview. Cooperation in P.CC. CAR industry. Wherever they have had a chance to demon­ publicity has invariably been of fhe PERFORMANCE? highest order, indicating not only strate their possibilities, the traffic curve has shown a a desire on the part of the local steady increase. agencies to assist in the work, but also a recognition of the need for This fact is borne out in the seven-year performance a realistic appraisal of the area's survey just published by Westinghouse, "OPERAT­ transportation needs. ING RESULTS WITH P.CC. CARS" covering With the organization to obtain operation of 2,031 P.CC. cars on 15 properties. Where the needed data established and trained, and with the public, en­ P.CC. cars have replaced other equipment, average couraged to be ready with fhe an­ In both accelerating and dynamic brak­ ing of P.CC. cars, immediate response revenue per car per year increased 13.6 per cent. For a swers, what then are the questions is effected through the WESTINGHOUSE that we ask? The questions are CONTROLLER. 40 car route in , the actual cash increase designed to elicit information prin­ Quick reaction to the operator's commands amounted to $4,000 per car per year. Other properties cipally on the number of trips by makes possible added speed and safety in various modes of transport and traffic. A limit relay built integral with the report substantial increases varying from 6 per cent their definition by place of origin controller provides a spotting action that per­ to 46.5 per cent. The new P.CC. car presentation port­ and destination, the purpose! of the mits immediate re-application of power or travel, and the place and purpose application of dynamic braking regardless of folio mentioned above includes important facts on car of all stops. car speed. operations . . . data available without obligation to

This responsiveness is another of the tech­ interested municipal and transit executives. J-90505A Details of Interview nical contributions of Westinghouse to make the P.CC. oar a safer, more efficient, more The interviewer first ascertains profitable unit. Westinghouse Electric & necessary information for the con­ Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. trol and expansion of the interview Wfestindiouse data, such as the number of persons regularly living at the address and the occupation and place of employ­ PLANTS IN 25 CITIES , . . OFFICES EVERYWHERE ment of each. Then for each indi­ vidual of five years of age or older, details of each of his or her trips

31 fContinued from Page 29) lic Koads Administration was for­ Thus, for a travel ftabit survey person seldom there, totft tWW group are given a weight equivalent tunate in having the cooperation of by this means, the first requisite is traction is frequently overlooked to the proportion that group is of the Bureau of the Census. That, the selection of a sample inflexibly unless its importance is stressed. the total population. The difficult bureau, through the Division of chosen as to geographical distribu­ Various Size Samples feature is not so much the question­ Special Surveys, regularly conducts tion, and adhered to in the inter­ ing or the mathematical work of ex­ surveys to collect widely varying viewing without the slightest devi­ The size of the sample varies pansion of the sample. It is rather types of data, generally using" some ation. The natural tendency of an with the size of the city. In the the determination of the proper sampling technique. Their recom­ interviewer, on finding the occu­ smaller cities in which surveys have factors by which to weight the re­ mendation was to select a sample pants of a designated house absent, been conducted, those with popula­ sults of the questioning. purely on a geographical basis, on to call on a neighbor must be strict­ tions up to about 150,000, a ten-per­ the theory that in a sample so se­ ly avoided. It should be obvious of cent sample has been used. As the Bureau of Census Helped lected all other factors would be course that the travel habits of a size of the city increases, and as the To aid in development of the automatically included in proper person easily found at home must volumes of travel with which we method of sample selection the Pub­ proportion. be quite different from those of a must deal also increase, a smaller sample is adequate. In cities around 500,000 population a five- percent sample has been found to be sufficient, and for larger cities in which studies are now contem­ plated, it is probable that the sam­ ple will consist only of one address in forty. The manner of selecting the par­ Th/fouwSfaufoid buildticulasr addresses to include in the sample varies with the city and with the material there available that is useful for the purpose. Gen­ erally the Sanborn maps have proved most helpful. Where cov­ for the Transit Industry erage by these maps is complete and they are reasonably up to date, the street and number of each unit to be interviewed may be listed directly from the maps. These list­ ings may be checked by a variety of means such as city directories, Census statistics, water or other v. utility company records, assessors' STREET CARS records, and other sources. No sin­ gle method of sample selection is For over a half a century Pullman-Stand­ arbitrarily determined in advance. ard plants have been turning out street Instead the sources in each city are cars ... from the simple four-wheel, open reviewed and the most complete and job to the modern P. C. C. car. accurate used as a base, with other less detailed records used as a check. In newly developed or outly­ ing areas it is sometimes necessary actually to list all addresses from a ground survey, and to select those for interviewing from the list. TROLLEY COACHES Among the first "trackless trolleys" were Trained Interviewers Important those built by this Company in 1922. Whatever method is used, a sam­ Since that time the increasing popularity ple is selected generally by working of the Pullman-Standard trolley coach entirely around each block and ad­ has led to its widespread use. Today a vancing block by block throughout large percentage of modern trolley each census tract. The census tract coaches are "Built by Pullman." is used as a basic unit of area be­ cause it is usually of a suitable size to serve as a useful zone of origin or destination of travel for analysis purposes, and also because of the large amount of data on popula­ SUBWAY CARS tion, housing, and other trends that are available for all cities by cen­ The latest subway and elevated cars, built sus tracts. These data can obvi­ by Pullman-Standard, include the use of ously be of material value in esti­ modern lightweight metals, which per­ mating the trends of travel in the mit decreased weight with its resultant various sections of the city. savings. They represent the most mod­ Of equal importance with the se­ ern design in this type of service. lection of the sample is the selec­ tion and training of interviewers, for the success of the survey de­ Whatever the type of electric transit equipment, Pullman-Stun liar (I pends on the ability of the inter­ builds into it fine workmanship. viewers to obtain full and accurate information. This in turn is de­ pendent on the manner in which the interviewer presents himself or her- s'i)f to the residents of the selected CAR MANUFACTURING CO. addresses, and the thoroughness with which he or she understands CHICAGO • NEW YORK • CLEVELAND * WASHINGTON, D.C. • PITTSBURGH • BALTIMORE « BIRMINGHAM • WORCESTER, MASS. the purposes and needs of the sur­ vey. San Froneisco-Sates Representative {See Next Page) 30 the first time continuing appropri­ TO GAUGE THE EXTENT THAT CITY more because of a difference in "yes." AND the results oi SURVEYS ations in significant amount ear­ traffic will be attracted to a supe­ fundamental concept of the differ­ of this type already completed irv u marked for expenditure solely rior facility requires a knowledge of ent studies. number of cities back up this af­ firmative and positive answer. within urban areas. the entire city's travel needs, now In both rural and urban areas the IJecause the problem of urban and in the future, and of how the end result desired is the same a Must Have Representative Sample travel is common to State and urban facility itself may serve lo remold measure of the movement, of per­ In the surveys now being con­ agencies, a separation of fhe re­ the city travel pattern. A facility sons and goods for which provision ducted all travel for a specified day sponsibilities for the solution of its well located and adequately designed must be made. In rural areas this is determined for a representative component, parts is difficult and can aid in the orderly development movement can be measured with sample of the city's residents, a probably undesirable. A satisfac­ of the community along sound reasonable accuracy in terms of ve­ sample so carefully controlled that tory solution requires a truly co­ planned lines; one improperly hicles. In urban areas, on the con­ the results can be expanded to show operative approach. placed or inadequately designed trary, a study of the movement of in detail the total internal move­ can retard if not prevent this de­ passenger cars, trucks, and busses ment in the city for a typical day. Must Know City Travel Needs sirable urban development. is not enough. We must get down Along with the travel are deter­ An improvement on a main During the course of fhe rural to the basic measures of the travel mined a number of items of im­ through route even if designed pri­ highway planning surveys, tech­ of individuals themselves, whether portant corollary interest. The marily to aid rural traffic approach­ niques for studying rural needs had it be by private vehicle, bus, street­ - success of this or any other samp­ ing or passing through fhe city will beet) worked out in detail. Volumes car, taxi, or rapid transit. In the ling technique depends on the se­ inevitably work to the benefit of of traffic bad been recorded both city, effective planning calls for a lection of a truly representative the city travel. The new facility, manually and by various mechani­ detailed knowledge of the daily sample, of a known proportion of undoubtedly superior to the paral­ cal or electronic devices designed movements of masses of people, and the universe in size, or if the sam­ lel streets, will attract to it sub­ for the purpose. Origins and des­ the provision of facilities for that ple is not truly representative of stantial volumes of purely intra- tinations too had been determined movement by whatever type of ve­ the entire universe, the degree to city traffic. Studies show that on in rural areas and on roads ap­ hicle is indicated as most appropri­ which it is biased must be known present routes through cities, im­ proaching cities of various sizes, in ate. And of course to supplement with great accuracy. In selecting proved only by widening and mod­ the latter cases generally to find that knowledge is required an persons at random for questioning ern traffic control techniques, traf­ the amount of "bypassable" traffic. equally detailed knowledge of the about a certain issue, for example, fic volumes increase from figures A variety of procedures were devel­ daily movement of goods and a pro­ care must be taken to determine such as 4,000 to 0,000 vehicles per oped to fit various conditions in­ vision of equally appropriate facili­ such factors as their occupation or day at the city limits to as high as volved. ties. 30,000 near the center, even in income group if if is expected that We come then to the reason for medium sized cities of 200,000 to persons in different occupations or Must Know People's Habits asking the question: "Can the pub­ 300,000 population. That the vol­ income groups might think differ­ But none of the procedures de­ lic's travel habits be adequately umes in the larger cities are not ently on the issue. Then to deter­ veloped for such areas was entirely analyzed by 'opinion surveys'?" The greater on such streets probably mine the thinking representative applicable to urban travel studies, reason is that travel habits must means that this figure represents of the entire population, the re­ not so much because the particular be determined, and there seems to approximately their reasonable ca­ sults of the questioning of each be no other feasible way to do it. pacity. techniques could not be applied to (See, Next Page) the more intensive problem, but. The answer to this question is 1944


SINCE WE HAVE DEVELOPED AND BUILT DOOR CONTROL etooLuivehf! For nearly forty years prior to the out­ of service and by providing adequate replace­ break of the present conflict, we designed ment parts to help you "keep 'em rolling." and built Door Control and Safety equipment The experience we have acquired through exclusively—and for all of that time, we alone, our long and close association with the transit devoted all of our attention, skill and re­ industry has given us an incomparable knowl­ sources to fhe continuing development and edge of your door control problems. This improvement of this important and highly knowledge is the essential factor that enables specialized line. us to design and build Door Control and In recent years, we have of necessity, been Safety equipment which is more economical extensively engaged in war production. But from every angle — air consumption . . . even the war has not halted our research and maintenance . . . efficiency . . . etc.— and development work. And throughout this try­ which is as light as this equipment can be ing period, we have continued to serve the built and still give you the years of faithful transit industry by furnishing all permissable service you have a right to expect from any equipment, by maintaining our high standards equipment that bears our trade mark.

I1 ! .•IINR-1-


29 ANALYSIS OF URBAN TRAVEL BY SURVEY TECHNIQUE by THOMAS MACDONALD (CONTINUEDFROM PAGE 91 road system up to its full utility by show that over 85 percent of all greater efforts at its extremities. trips on the rural highway have We must tree the main routes either their origin or destination, through and into the cities of their or both, within municipalities. Un­ increasing congestion, and we must doubtedly many of the remaining build the essential feeders in rural 15 percent of the trips that have areas. Products must move from both rural origin and destination farm to market, from industry to pass through one or more incorpo­ cnsumer, and people must move rated places. The influence of the from home to work and in their so­ city extends outward from its lim­ cial and recreational pursuits freely its along the rural highways, an and efficiently if we are to develop influence that is reflected in rural effectively the resources of the Na- highway traffic for distances up to (i:;n. Restrictions to movement at 35 miles from the largest cities. the ends of the journeys, with which Urban Problem Pressing we shall be faced soon after the war, will be as intolerable as the resist­ Even cities as small as 10,000 ance of the main line mud of the population have an effect on traf­ early twenties. fic for distances of 5 to (i miles be­ v. V. V Both in magnitude and complex­ yond their boundaries. The magni­ tcristics. Improvements in the gional Highway Committee and ify the city problem stands as a tude of the problem is thus the re­ form of new routes or widening of transmitted to Congress by the challenge. Approximately half of sult of the combination of the in­ existing streets are hampered or President on January 12, 1044. the total vehicle miles of travel are ternal movement within the city it­ prevented by highly developed and performed within fhe limits of mu­ self and the volume of traffic at­ consequently high-valued property. Years of Research nicipalities. Almost exactly half tracted to the city from its outly­ All classes of vehicles —passenger The material on which this re­ of the motor vehicles registered in ing suburban and rural areas. cars, taxis, trucks, busses, and port was based had been developed 1941 were owned in cities having a sometimes streetcars—must be ac­ The complexity of the problem is as a result of years of study and population of 10,000 or more. The commodated. Pedestrians are diffi­ obvious to any who drive in city research by the State highway importance of the city to rural high­ cult or impossible of control. And traffic. Narrow streets are ex­ departments through the highway way traffic is seen in figures that pected to serve traffic of all charac- generally the streets are expected to serve as terminal facilities for planning surveys. In a number of private passenger cars and for States, city and State officials have trucks, busses, and streetcars as been actively collaborating for many thoy stop to load or discharge cargo years in the joint solution of this DOUBLE IN BRONZE WITH or passengers. common problem. And it is prob­ ably largely because of the mass of RR -SAYS Highway administrators have factual information on the whole PHONO-ELECTRIC long been aware of the existence street and highway problem that BRIDGEPORT BILL and importance of this condition. has been assembled by these plan­ The urgency of the urban problem ning surveys that legislation now was emphasized particularly in the before the Congress proposes for report "Interregional Highways" prepared by the National Inferre- (SEC NEXT J'AYE)

N<. ow is the time—when equipment is over­ taxed and manpower is short—that Phono-Electric*Bronze Wire is paying double in smoother operation, longer wear and reduced maintenance costs. Make a note NOW to include Phono-Electric in your plans for post-war re­ habilitation and improvement cf electric street railways and trolley bus lines.

•"Trade Name





by CHARLES STEPHENSON Research Assistant 1922 1924 1926 1928 1930 1932 1934 1936 1938 1940 1942 1948 I95Q American Transit Association

The observations in this article are based on analy- ses similar to those used as the basis for the prediction made by Charles

HE Fall of 1044 finds the world Gordon in February 1942, at the Emergency Conference of the Association at the threshold of a new epoch. in Chicago, that the industry would carry a total of 18 billion passengers in T The immediate postwar years 1942. This prediction was characterized by TIME Magazine as a "horren­ will be characterized as a period of dous estimate." Chart II1, included in this article, was constructed in 1942. reconstruction and reorientation of economic and social values. In the The projections made at that lime entered into the determination of the United States, the transition from 18 billion estimate. Actual automobile registrations in 1944 agree with the war to peace will inevitably produce estimated figure to within less than one per cent. an environment in which each in­ Mr. Gordon has personally supervised the preparation, and assisted dustry will struggle to maintain or to achieve a strong relative posi­ in writing the accompanying article. tion. Transportation, performing a year period. At the start of World Despite this demonstration, there basic and indispensable function in War II, some 30,000,000 units were are many who are convinced that our economic and social SLiucfure, in the hands of individual owners— war traffic has merely given the in­ will also experience a period of ad­ a large part of them in urban areas dustry a temporary lease on life justment between the components served by transit companies. and that it is destined in the post­ of which it is comprised, as each For a time the transit industry war period, with the resurgence of type of carrier seeks to exploit its seemed destined Lo be entirely en­ the automobile, to resume its down­ competitive position by increasing gulfed by the rapidly mounting ward trend to oblivion. There is its social value and its relative effi­ competition of the individual vehi­ little justitication for this view. To ciency. cle and the street congestion which the extent that it is based on any Charles Stephenson it created. All companies suffered factual analyses the factors used Historical Record Significant severely as the mounting tide cut are cursory and not fundamental. For when basic considerations are All forms of transportation are deeper and deeper into transit rid­ and courageous management to ex­ examined one is forced to the con­ faced with postwar problems. Our ing. Contemplating the tremend­ ploit its potential possibilities. Un­ clusion that the dark predictions interest here, however, is the field ous magnitude of this new form of der such leadership the transit in­ and the defeatist attitude toward of local passenger travel; particu­ transportation, and the encourage­ dustry may look forward to greatly the future of the transit industry, larly the extent to which public ment of its expanding use through increased social and economic use­ so frequently encountered, have transit carriers may expect to hold rapid improvements in design and fulness in the postwar period. their own against the competition performance and through the build­ their origin in emotional rather of the private automobile, and the ing of new roads and other facili­ than factual thinking. Three Fundamental Factors ties with public funds, many peo­ postwar outlook for transit riding Any examination of the future ple, both outside and inside the volume when present restrictions Great Opportunity Ahead outlook for this industry must take industry, seriously questioned the on the use of automobiles are re­ Quite a contrary outlook results into consideration three funda­ destiny of transit as an important moved. from a careful study of the under­ mental factors that bear upon its factor in the held of local travel. At the beginning of this century, lying factors bearing upon the fu­ destiny. These are: (1) the long In reviewing Ihe past three dec­ when the automobile was intro­ ture of public transit in cities. The term trend of population; (2 > ades it is significant that the trans­ duced as a new mode of transporta­ inevitable conclusion from such a changes in general business activ­ it industry was able to survive tion, public transit enjoyed an al­ study is that the transit industry ity; and Ci) the number and use under such handicaps and to re­ most complete monopoly of local stands on the threshold of the great­ of private automobiles. Analysis of bound in a great war emergency to passenger travel. Manufacture and est opportunity for development the time tracks of these factors af­ demonstrate its inherent social sale of automobiles grew swiftly to and expansion in its history—await­ fords a key to the determination of value and utility. gigantic proportions over a forty ing pnly the impetus of progressive (See Ne.rt Page) 10 OPERATING DIVISIONStributio n engineers know how to to set up proper renewal and main­ has occurred to some extent on a\\ keep trolley breaks to a minimum, tenance schedules. properties. In the postwar period, OUTLINING POSTWAR but this can be accomplished only e. Study of ways and means of even with decreased revenue, it wilt if their managements will permit reducing construct ion and main­ not be the time to look for any de­ JOBS by w. R. POLLARD them to sel up the proper renewal tenance costs. crease in renewal or maintenance (Continued from Page 26/ and maintenance schndulns. This subject, too, has been given costs in 1 he St.ruetures, Roadway return to normalcy, including prob­ The Structures, I load way and a great deal of study in the past., and Power Departments, for if it is able revenues, expenses and capi­ Power Division also is making a and numerous reports and articles desired to increase schedule speeds tal and replacement expenditures, study of car derailments, which has have been presented with a view and to minimize service delays, all and the retention or rejection of been responsible for large decreases to decreasing the cost at all times, managements must be prepared to in derailments. It should be em­ all of the wartime expedients such and not just during the postwar spend the necessary monies to re­ phasized again that derailments as staggered hours and skip stops; period. However, with the pres­ store track, overhead and power can be kept to a minimum only if also the salvaging of the better ent, scarcity of men and materials, facilities to first-class operating the way engineers are permitted parts of all T. W. 1. programs, and deferred maintenance undoubtedly condition. the development of sound training and retraining programs.

Concentrate on Fundamentals POST-WAR PROSPERITY It is planned to break each of the broader items into its many aspects in such a way as to stimu­ late the thought of the planner and to supply a complete reference to the various factors involved so that he will be assisted in organizing his plans and will omit none of the important phases. The report cannot, in the lim­ ited time available, answer the problems it suggests, nor could any committee report hope to give more than generalized informa­ tion, where so many local factors are evident. Therefore, the committee in en­ deavoring to be of some service will offer a general outline of the problems involved in postwar plan­ ning for transportation, in the hope that the work will be carried for­ ward by the individual companies.


MEN by W. T. MYERS {Continued from Page 26) resulted can best be shown by the fact that in 1925 the total wire and fittings breaks from all causes by depend—in the future, as in all companies reporting was 4,757, MttHMS for makir* Mv» while in 1940 the corresponding the past—upon the development figure was 1,622, which included of engines that get more work out 297 failures on trackless trolley lines not covered in the earlier an­ of each gallon of gasoline. alyses. A big step in this direction has There is no doubt that all dis- already been taken. Immedi­ ately after the war the petro­ • Producing 6,000,000 auto­ most of the essential replace­ leum industry will be able to mobiles a year will provide ments are made—what then? supply gasoline of far higher many a postwar job. Early in the post-war period, quality . . . gasoline that in The metals, rubber, fabrics, cars will undoubtedly become engines designed to utilize it will glass, ceramics, plastics, elec­ better looking, more comfort­ give more power, more mile­ trical parts and other materials able, easier to handle and drive. age, better performance. Thus, consumed by such production TRANSIT But the most significant prog­ the foundation for more effi­ will help to stimulate many ress in motorcar design will cient engines is already laid. EQUIPMENT industries. Every car manufacturer will COMPANY produce to the limit at first— ETHYL CORPORATION and for some months after "the Chrysler Building, New York City 501 Fifth Ave. wraps" are taken off. All cars Manufacturer of Ethyl fluid, used by oil companies to im­ New York will be "easy to sell." But after prove the antiknock quality of aviation and motor gasoline.


SUBSTATIONS Wartime progress by America's petroleum industry has paved the way far fundamental progress in post-war automobile engine design.



by THOMAS MACDONALD cAaOim&tt a£ t£e 'Piedtdeuta. *?tt£wxeyco*tat 0&tHwUt€ee. Commissioner of Public Roads detected *?eeten&t fey&e&tup activity t6siauy& t£e

HE past few years have seen a probable consumer demands for striking growth in the so- many products once peace releases T called "public opinion surveys." our war machine for the production original Federal Aid Road Act in amended from time to time as con­ Automobile manufacturers have at­ of civilian goods. The best known WW very little highway improve­ ditions demanded, improvement has tempted to get a jump ahead of users of this survey technique are, ment had been completed. Although been extended to all of the more their competitors by questioning of course, those who conduct the city streets were generally paved, important: rural highways. Today" drivers as to the details of appear­ public opinion polls that reveal the mileage of improved rural high­ we find it possible to travel with ance, operation, and performance of with such startling clarity the po­ way was small indeed. What mile­ comfort and generally at nearly any the ve^;"'es rhev would like to be litical thinking of the country. age was improved extended from reasonable desired speed between drivin, .y, processers of the cities in more or less groping virtually any two communities in food ha for example, that Planned System of Highways fashion into the nearby rural areas the countrv. the size, shape, and future useful­ If such a wide variety of items in to provide some measure of relief T. ,.c, many miles of highway ness of the container sometimes our daily lives can be precisely an­ from the confinement of the city barely suffice for the present traf­ have as great an appeal to the cus­ alyzed by a sampling process, why to the urban motorist who wished fic volumes, and will have to be in­ tomer as the product it encloses, cannot the American public's travel to extend his travel horizons, and creased in capacity and improved and accordingly have directed their habits and needs be similarly ana­ to induce a greater volume of trade in safety features to meet postwar packaging policies with due regard lyzed? Before answering this ques­ to the mutual benefit of the city traffic demands. Moreover, many to the results of opinion surveys. tion let us look briefly at the rea­ merchant and the rural consumer. miles have suffered from the con­ Government agencies have by a son for asking it. By the time of enactment of the centration of wartime loads and the Federal Highway Act of 1921, how­ sampling technique determined the At the time of passage of the inability to provide needed replace­ ever, a number of States had recog­ ment because of wartime shortages. nized that orderly development of Much still remains to be done to highway transportation required our rural system merely to keep the establishment of a system of: abreast of the necessary demands roads of the first order of import­ of travel. ance on which expenditures for im­ provement should be concentrated. Congestion in Cities This first Federal Highway Act en­ dorsed this principle, and substi­ But by contrast, from the stand­ tuted for the haphazard improve­ point of moving traffic, the main ment characteristic of the early rural highways have attained a de­ days of the automobile the con­ gree of improvement far beyond struction of a connected system of that now found on the city street. highways known then and now as Here surface condition may still be the Federal-aid highway system. adequate, but in often repeated in­ stances traffic has become almost Progress on Rural Roads hopelessly snarled and internal movement is experiencing a slow Over the course of a quarter cen­ stagnation. Our major problem of tury, by a consistent adherence to tomorrow is to bring the main rural the sound policies of the Federal Aid Highway Act as it has been (See Page 28) Photo by Dcpurtmnvt of Parks, ,V V.C.