(subsidiary of Third Avenue Transit I Corp., has been ordered by the PSC. &t mone cojUe& Specifically, the order requires cuts of 4 five and ten cents on five of the com­ pany's routes in suburban Westches­ FOR EFFECTIVE COVERAGE in the NEWS ter County. • By now, most top-flight executives In the transit industry have formed 10,000 JAMAICANS AVAILABLE the Monday morning habit of reading PT's eight, newsworthy pages—and PORTLAND, ORE. (pTc) • - More fre­ FOR ESSENTIAL EMPLOYMENT reading them first thing. quent cleaning of the streets of wet leaves has been suggested to city of­ HEADQUARTERS;. ATA. —- Approxi­ • But there are others down the line who should be reading PT regularly ficials by Gordon Steele, Portlandmatel y 30,000 Jamaicans, brought to too. In many companies, management sees to it that these men get their Traction Co, presidenl, as fin accident this country by WFA for agricultural copies through the bulk subscription plan. prevention measure. work, soon will be available for em­ ployment in essential industries, in­ • And then, there are the local government officials and civic-leaders— OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. i'pTcj — cluding transportation, according to Twenty new 37-pa.ssenger buses were an announcement by WMC. all interested in transit—who are just now beginning to know and like PT. delivered recently to Oklahoma Trans­ Located in the Northeast and Great These influential people are learning because certain progressive manage­ portation Co. and already have been Lakes areas, these workers speak Eng­ ments have seen to it that their names were placed on PT's paid sub­ placet! in service. lish, and are said to be adaptable to scription list. NEW ORLEANS. — Muses will be subman­ y forms of labor. They must be stituted for streetcars on all but three employed in groups of 10 or more, • There must be a few such people in your community. Why not supply guaranteed at least 480 hours of work lines here after the war, officials of within each 90-day period at prevail­ them under the bulk subscription plan? New Orleans Public Service, Inc., an­ ing rates of pay and their employment nounced recently. must be consistent with labor agree­ • The following companies—who have subscribed to ten or more copies ALBANY, N. Y. -— Albany Transit of Passenger Transport—are making good use of the bulk subscription plan: Co. is now selling seven tokens insteadment s and unprovable to unions in­ of eight for 50 cents, the PSC havingvolved . ACF- - -Brill Motors Co 11 recently approved the increase in They must be employed for at least Alexandria, Barcroft & Washington Transit Co 11 fares. It was granted because the 90 days and housing and group feed­ Baltimore Transit Co 17 company, last Spring, in changing its ing facilities provided for which they Boston Elevated Railway Co 25 rate from 13 tokens for a dollar to will pay. In addition, transportation Capital Transit Co 22 eight for 50 cents, underestimated thean d subsistence enroute to the place Chicago Rapid Transit Co 21 number of riders who would switch of employment and to port of depart­ Chicago Sui'i'ace Lines 18 from the 10-eent cash fare to tokens. ure after termination of contract must Cincinnati Street Railway Co 10 The loss in revenue amounted tob e provided. They may be recruited Cleveland Transit System H $52,000 on an annual basis, comparedthroug h USES. Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co 11 with a $29,000 decrease the company Further details are contained in a Community Traction Co 13 had predicted. letter to member operating compa­ Dallas Railway & Terminal Co 1:1 nies from Guy C. Hccker, ATA general Denver Tramway Corp 13 CHICAGO. —• Nine buses were de­ secretary, which was sent out recently. Department of Street Railways, City of Detroit 11 stroyed recently in a fire which gutted Georgia. Power Co 25 the Suburban Transit Bus Line's ga­ CMC. Truck & Coach Division, General Motors Corp 23 rage. Total damage was estimated asTI E PRICING REGULATIONS General Electric Co 13 high as $200,000. ARE CLARIFIED BY THE OPA Honolulu Rapid Transit Co., Ltd 16 CLEVELAND, ( pTc I - City Transit. WASHINGTON. -- Two clarillcations Indianapolis Railways, Tne 16 System is planning construction of have been made in the OPA regula­ Kansas City Public Service Co 11 two motor coach stations, to costtion s covering pricing of eastern rail­ Key System 12 $387,000 and $334,000, respectively. Mack-International Motor Truck Corp 30 road ties. One makes it clear that Memphis Street Railway Co 1.1. COLUMBUS, (pTc) — Shortage of trucking charges may be added to manpower, among other things, makesth e maximum prices only when deliv­ Milwaukee Electric Railway & Transport Co 12 extension of both tripper and regular ery is made by the seller to a destina­ Montreal Tramways Co 20 bus service "out of the question" at tion that is not a loading-out point for Municipal Railway of San Francisco 12 the present time, according to Harold railroad ties and from which there is National City Lines, Inc. 3 9 Potts, transportation superintendent no further movement. In other words, National Pneumatic Co 13 of Columbus and Southern Ohio Elec­the trucking addition may be made Pacific City Lines, Inc 16 tric Co. The company normally oper­ only when delivery is made to a point New Orleans Public Service Inc 18 ates 120 units of equipment regularly of final use. Ohio Brass Co 3 3 and 120 units as extras, but the num­ The other change specifies that a Okonite Co 13 ber of extras on the road during rush tie contractor's addition applies only Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co 10 hours depends on the manpower situ­ to cross ties. Some had interpreted Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Co 32 ation from day to day, he declared. the provision io include switch ties as Philadelphia Transportation Co 2I> well. Pittsburgh Railways Co 51 EDMONTON, ALT A. (pTc; —- In spite Public Service Coordinated Transport 23 of repeated pleas from residents of Reo Motors, Inc H suburban areas. City Council is re­ MACK OFFICIAL. EDUCATOR SI. Louis Public Service Co 30 fusing to consider any extension of TO ADDRESS IV. Y. ASS"ii Schuylkill Valley Lines, Inc 35 bus service at this time. Civic au­ Third Avenue Transit Corp 13 thorities have pointed out that the ALBANY, N. Y. — Charles F. Kon- Toronto Transportation Commission 35 entire question of transportation is ney, secretary of the New York State United Electric Railways Co 12 tied jn with the city's post-war recon­Motorbus Association, has announced Virginia Electric. & Power Co 12 struction program, and that nothing that Walter I. Rodgers, bus engineer Washington. Virginia & Maryland Coach Co 12 should be done until details of the proan­ d assistant chief engineer of Mack Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co 21 gram are completed next Spring. Truck Co., and W. D. Weitz of the White Motor Co 3 0 State Education Department will be Winnipeg Electric Cn 11 ALLENTOWN, PA. (pTc) — Royal among the principal speakers at the Hlue Coach Lines has leased a build­association's annual meeting here ing at the Allentown Bus Terminal, Nov. 15 and 3G. <PT 10/20/441 where it plans eventually to service Kenney. who will speak on the 15th, buses of all lines that use the terminal,wil l discuss *'Thc Postwar Bus," and as well as its own fleet. Weitz, scheduled to address the group PASSENGER TRANSPORT NEW YORK. — A reduction of $60,-on the 16th, will have "Driver Selec­ 000 annually in bus fare? of Westches­tion and Training—-Its Improved Ef­ Thr weekly nezrsj-Hij'ri of llu: hnnsil industry ter Street Transportation Co.. Inc., a fect on Conservation" as his topic. 2'>2 Miuii.u>n Arrnttf, ,\ rw ) <> i h 17. ,V. )'. PASSENGER Til ANSF^B**T, NOVEMBER », 1944 THE PARKING PROBLEM More Plans SEPTEMBER PASSENGER TRAFFIC That a balanced transportation pro­ ((,'iinfinrtrJ jnuii t'trgr I I gram is needed to solve the modern ISy Kdtmitu! J. Murphy ,-doner nf Public Roads, Thomas H. parking problem, was beautifully pre­ The final summary of traffic reports MacDonald brought to boar his wide sented by H. If. Allen, consulting en­ ies continue to show the greatest in­ for the month of September showed experience in the important matter gineer and vice president of J. E. creases in traffic, although the in­ an increase of 4.3 per cent in the num­ behind all basic planning, the An­ Greiner & Company when he ar­ creases which they are now reporting alysis of Urban gued that, Every­ber of passengers carried on the are greatly reduced as compared with Travel by the Svr- one Can't Ride intransi t lines of the United States in the increases shown a year ago or in vey Technique. His Automobiles. comparisoIn n with September 1943. The 1942. Next in the rate of increase now the introduction to increase is substantially less than was treatment of the being maintained are the companies his "remarks," Mr. indicated in the preliminary summary subject was ex­ in the suburban areas. Both of these Allen summarized which appeared in the October 20 haustive, covering groups report increases in September his case by saying, number of PT, based upon reports re­ every phase of the greater than their average increase " 'Down - town' of ceived earlier in the month. The esti­ problem and em­ for the nine months of 1944 to date, American cities mate of the total number of passen­ phasizing over and was made more ac­ gers carried in September, therefore, indicating that they are now increas­ over again the need cessible in terms of has been reduced to 1,881,609,000.
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