To whom it may concern,

What follows is public testimony data exported from the Victims Database ( on Sat, 02 Oct 2021 13:23:11 +0000.

A total of 1071 victims with the following criteria is considered:

Status: no news for over a year The vast majority of testimonies presented come with supplementary materials - video, audio, pictures, and documents - the links to which are included here and which also may be consulted by accessing the testimonies via the original interface at

In compiling this information, all efforts have been made to faithfully and accurately convey that which has been put forth by the testifier. In many cases, the information was imported from public sources. In others, it was submitted to us directly by the testifier.

Despite our best efforts and most professional intentions, it is inevitable that some human error is nevertheless present. Many testimonies were inputted by non-native English speakers and still require proofreading. Finally, the majority of these testimonies have not gone through rigorous corroboration and as such should not be treated as fact. We hereby leave the way in which this data will be used to the reader's discretion.


the team 3. Ablajan Awut Ayup (阿布拉江·阿吾提·阿尤甫)

Chinese ID: 65322319841111??O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): nationalism, patriotism|--- Health status: --- Profession: art & literature

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Darren Byler, an anthropologist at the University of Colorado. (friend)

Testimony 3: Anonymous, as reported by Financial Times. (brother)

Testimony 4: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 5: Local police, as reported by Uyghur.

Testimony 6: "Bahadir Uyghur", an unverified Facebook account. (friend)

Testimony 7: Gulzar Qeyyum, a researcher in disaster management. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Ablajan Awut Ayup is a popular Uyghur singer, songwriter and dancer. His pop-influenced dance music often references Uyghur traditions and poetry. His music is wildly popular with Uyghur children.

Victim's location

According to a Radio Free Asia article from May 15, 2018, Ablajan was arrested in Sanju Village of Hotan's Guma County. As he is originally from Hotan, it is likely that he is being held in the .

When victim was detained

February 2018 (his last WeChat post was on February 14).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to Darren Byler, it is likely related to the themes of his music.

His friend Bahadir speculates that it may be due to his philanthropy and charity work for the Uyghur community, or because he once went to Malaysia as a representative of the restaurant "Marry Brown", meeting with local and discussing the Uyghur issue.

Victim's status


His friend Bahadir mentions his being sentenced to over 10 years in prison, but this has not been confirmed by other sources.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The victim's brother presumably has more direct knowledge of the case, as do the local police.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

Wikipedia page:

RFA coverage:

Chinese blogs mentioning Ablajan:

Radio Free Asia calls transcript

Call No. 1 (with police station in Qaraqash, Hotan): Police: Hello? RFA: Is this the municipal police station? Police: Yes. RFA: Is Ablajan Awut Ayup a resident of your area or of Guma? Where was his residency? Police: Ablajan Awut Ayup is… from Guma, I think. Yea, he’s from Guma. RFA: From Guma… When was he detained? Which police detained him? I heard he was taken by the Qaraqash police. Police: I don’t know. RFA: You don’t know… Where in Guma is he from? From Sanju or from Zangguy? Police: I don’t know that either. RFA: How long has it been since...? Police: Call the public security bureau in Guma.

Call No. 2 (with another police station, possibly in Guma): Police: Hello? RFA: Is Ablajan Awut being held in Qaraqash or in Guma? Or in Hotan City? Police: I don’t know. RFA: How long has it been since he was taken for training? Police: I don’t know. I just started this job two days ago. Call 110 and ask them. I don’t know. RFA: Look, kid, you’re an assistant police officer, right? Can you tell me...? Police: [hangs up].

Call No. 3 (with police station in Choda Township): Police: Hello? RFA: Is this the Choda police station? Police: Yea. RFA: Is Ablajan Awut Ayup from the Choda township or from Sanju? Police: From Sanju. RFA: From Sanju… Which training center is that guy at now? Where’s he being held? Police: I don’t know. RFA: What do you mean you don’t know? Aren’t you on your shift right now? Police: Yea. RFA: How many of you are there now? Police: I don’t know. Let me call one of the cadres. RFA: Wait, wait. Look, kid, you’re an assistant police officer, right? [with different officer] RFA: How long has it been now since Ablajan was detained? Police: We have no idea. RFA: You have no idea… You don’t have any of his relatives over there? Police: No, no. We don’t have anyone here.

Call No. 4 (with one of the regional police stations): RFA: Which police station took him? Was it the Sanju police station when he was first arrested, or the city or county one? Police: You should… umm… you should contact the public security bureau or the police station in Sanju.

Call No. 5 (with the Choda police station): Police: Hello? RFA: Hi, how are you? Doing well? Police: Doing well, how about you? RFA: Doing well too. Which police station was the singer Ablajan Awut Ayup detained by? Police: Sanju. Sanju. RFA: Sanju, huh? Police: Yes, Sanju Township’s. RFA: Which training center is he at now? Police: That I don’t know. RFA: How far is Sanju from your township? Police: From our township, it’s over 40… No, over 30 kilometers. RFA: This is Choda Township, right? The Choda police station? Police: Yes. RFA: Are you a proper police officer or an assistant police officer? Police: Proper. RFA: Proper… So you know that Ablajan Awut Ayup was taken, but you don’t know where he was taken to and where he’s currently being held? Is that right? Police: Yes.

Source: Supplementary materials show-of-support testimony (1): Testimony 2: show-of-support testimony (2): show-of-support testimony (3): show-of-support testimony (4): show-of-support testimony (5): music video: collaboration with Six City: Testimony 5: id%3D2562722297280225%26id%3D100006274397142&width=300 Testimony 7: photo (1): photo (2): photo (3): photo (4):

Entry created: 2018-09-21 Last updated: 2020-07-12 Latest status update: 2020-07-10 11. Rozigul Abdureshit (茹则古丽·阿卜杜热西提)

Chinese ID: 65312819800118??E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3|4|5: Memtiminjan Memet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. (husband)

About the victim

Rozigul Abdureshit (also referred to as "Rizwangul Abdureshit") is a mother of one. She was born in Yekshenbe Bazaar, Yopurgha County, Kashgar.

Passport number: E67552481.

Victim's location

A camp in the Terim Township of Peyziwat County. [Presumably, this is the camp in Ghoja'eriq Village, as this is the only camp in Terim.]

When victim was detained

She arrived in Turkey on March 22, 2016. She left after 5 months and was detained at the end of March 2017. Before detention, she had heart disease and anemia (lack of blood). She passed out during detention and was sent to a hospital for a week. After that, she stayed at home but was detained again on April 1, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Having gone to Turkey.

Victim's status

No news since her latest detention.

She appears to suffer from some health issues. [It is also likely that the victim was subjected to forced labor during her time at the camp, as this practice appears to have existed there.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Learned from parents via phone. As of fall 2018, Memtiminjan had not been able to contact them either for a year and a half.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ablikim Abdureshit (4853), Ablimit Abdureshit (4854), Atawulla Abdukerim (4855), Abduqadir Memet (5403), Meryemgul Memet (5404), Zeynep Omer (5402), Memet Kerim (5520)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 2: /171166007246412&width=300 Testimony 5: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2018-09-26 Last updated: 2020-12-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-23 97. Abduhan Helil

Chinese ID: 65280119????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yusup Helil, Uyghur man from Awat township (yeza) of Korla city. On March 21st, 2016 he came to Turkey because of the repression.

Victim's relation to testifier older sister

About the victim

Abduhan Helil, Uyghur woman. She's been missing for 2.5 years (since around May, 2016) and couldn't get any information about her from anywhere.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status unclear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-10-15 Last updated: 2018-10-15 Latest status update: 2018-12-19 223. Arslan Abdulla (阿尔斯兰·阿布都拉)

Chinese ID: 6530011946??????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 72-73 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qutluq Almas, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (colleague)

Testimony 2|4: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (former student)

Testimony 3: Xinjiang University staff, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (colleague)

About the victim

Dr. Arslan Abdulla was a professor and dean at the philology department of Xinjiang University in Urumqi. He was also the head of the XUAR People's Government Cultural Advisors Office.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi, as this is where he was based.]

When victim was detained

Reported to have been detained in early 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Reported by his former colleague, Qutluq Almas, as being at a political re-education camp [though it's unclear if he is still there now].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Qutluq Almas cites "credible sources in the region", while Abduweli Ayup's sources are unclear.

The Xinjiang University staff member who confirmed his detention presumably has more direct access to the information regarding the victim's case.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

This victim is also included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

A collection of three tomes on the that he was the chief editor of:

Article about Nesridin Ependi, featuring a quote by the victim:

Short article about his visit to the Northwest Minzu University in Lanzhou (2015):

Radio Free Asia calls transcript

Call No. 1 (with staffer at Xinjiang University): Staffer: Yes, hello? RFA: Is this Xinjiang University? Staffer: Yes. … RFA: Where’s the president of the humanities university, Arslan Abdulla, right now? [recommended to talk to the philology headquarters office]

Call No. 2 (with staffer at Xinjiang University’s philology headquarters office): Staffer: Hello? RFA: Hi, how are you doing? Staffer: Hello? RFA: How are you? Hello? Staffer: I'm all right. You? RFA: Yeah, good, good… Which office of Xinjiang University is this? Staffer: Xinjiang University's general administration office (综合治理办公室). RFA: Do they call it "general administration" or "headquarters"? Staffer: They call it “headquarters”. RFA: How many people from Xinjiang University are in training centers? Staffer: That I don't know. RFA: How long has it been since Arslan Abdulla stopped working? Staffer: I’m sorry. I'm not able to tell you these things. RFA: How about Abdurekim Rahman? How long has it been for Prof. Abdukerim Rahman? Staffer: I don't know. RFA: We got this number from the Education Bureau. They said that you would know these things. This was the contact information from the Education Bureau. If you cannot answer this, then we will speak with someone who is in the know. Who are the people in charge there? Who is the head of the philological institute now? Staffer: If that's the case, then look, here is what I'll do. These things… I'll go and see one of the bosses, and once I've found out exactly when these people stopped working, and where they are being held, then I will call you back. RFA: Okay. In that case, the first thing we're asking is: when did they stop working? Second: which branches of public security took them away? Which training centers? It would be good if you could get us this kind of information. Staffer: Wait a moment. Ah... Right now, all of our bosses are in meetings, this being our headquarters, after all. We have a cadre who is responsible for these things. I’ll get these matters clarified, and in fifteen minutes, if you call back this number that you dialed, I’ll pick up. RFA: You'll get it yourself? Ah, okay, okay, fifteen minutes... Staffer: I'll go get that done right now. RFA: Okay, okay. Take care. Staffer: I’ll get it done now. RFA: Okay. Take care.

Call No. 3 (with the same staffer as in the previous call): RFA: So were you able to get some information? Where is Abdukerim Rahman? Staffer: For that one, there's no information. They still haven't made that public. RFA: Are they all in one training center, or in different training centers? Staffer: I don't know that either. RFA: Did they take Abdukerim Rahman away at a meeting, or from his home? Staffer: I don't know. RFA: Are their cases being handled by the disciplinary commission or by public security? Arslan Abdulla's. Staffer: I can't tell you anything about that either. RFA: On what day was Abdukerim Rahman taken away? When he still worked at the school. Staffer: I don't know that either. RFA: Who took over Arslan Abdulla's post? Staffer: Right now, I can't tell you anything about anyone. … RFA: How long has it been since Abdukerim Rahman's courses were stopped, since he stopped working? Staffer: It's been a while now. RFA: You say it's been a while. How long exactly? Seven months? If we count in months? For Arslan Abdulla. Staffer: Yes, it's been a while. RFA: So you can't tell me anything about where Arslan Abdulla is and where he’s being held, right? Staffer: That’s right. RFA: And you can't tell me anything about where Abdukerim Rahman is being held? Staffer: Correct. RFA: Could we understand Arslan Abdulla's detention to be a state secret? Is it regarded as a state secret? Staffer: You can write that, if that's how you understand it. RFA: Is it the same for Abdukerim Rahman's, for his detention? Is that a state secret? Staffer: It’s same as, what… The same as Arslan’s. RFA: The same as Arslan’s? Staffer: I don't know that either, the reason he was detained for. RFA: Ah, so you know that he was detained, but don’t know why he was detained, is that right? Staffer: I don't know for what reason Arslan was detained. For Abdukerim… Rahile, I don't know really what reason they were detained for.

Source: Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: academic paper (1): academic paper (2): academic paper (3): paper on religious extremism:

Entry created: 2018-10-26 Last updated: 2020-05-08 Latest status update: 2019-11-07 254. Abduqadir Jalalidin (阿不都卡德尔·加拉里丁)

Chinese ID: 65312119640311??O? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: East Turkestan Information Center, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 3|8: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 4: Feng Wenchang, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 5: Babur Jalalidin, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 6: Rachel Harris, as reported by New York Times. (friend)

Testimony 7|10: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (former student)

Testimony 9: Ondřej Klimeš, a researcher at the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. (friend)

Testimony 11|12: Babur Jalalidin, son of famous scholar Abduqadir Jalalidin. He lives in the United States. (son)

Testimony 13: Joshua Freeman, a historian of and Inner Asia, as well as a translator of Uyghur poetry. (friend)

About the victim

Professor Abduqadir Jalalidin was a renowned Uyghur poet and scholar, as well as a literature professor at the Xinjiang Normal University. He was a Communist Party member.

Victim's location

Back in April 2018, a security official at the Xinjiang Pedagogical University suggested that he may be in a large camp in Urumqi's .

[However, it is unclear what may have happened since. Given that he was based in Urumqi, it may be presumed that he is still in Urumqi somewhere.]

When victim was detained

On January 29, 2018, police reportedly raided Jalalidin's home, placed a black hood over his head, and took him into custody. According to a local official, authorities brought him to a political re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[Unknown, but ethnic-minority intellectuals in Xinjiang appear to have been heavily targeted during the recent repressions.]

Victim's status

Previously reported as having been taken for re-education. [However, there does not appear to have been any news since.]

Joshua Freeman has reported receiving a poem that Abduqadir allegedly composed while in detention, which was then memorized by fellow inmates and passed to the outside world.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The detention was confirmed by Feng Wenchang, the head of political affairs for the university's Public Security Office, who checked a list of arrested university staff to confirm the detention.

According to the RFA interview with the victim's son, Babur, it was his mother who told him of the detention before being detained herself a day later.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage: 0011.html

New York Times coverage:

Amnesty International case info:

UHRP statement:

CECC report: _1424.pdf

This victim is also included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals, available at:

Victim's Baike Baidu page:

نىدىلالاج_رىداقۇدبائ/Victim's Uyghur Wikipedia entry:

A pro-Party article that he authored:文学院教授阿不都卡德尔·加拉里丁:践行党的教/

His tutor profile:

Some of his poems, translated into Mandarin:

Radio Free Asia calls transcript

Call No. 1 (with someone at Xinjiang Normal University): Staffer: Hello? RFA: Is this Xinjiang Normal University? Staffer: Yes. RFA: How long has it been since Dr. Abduqadir was taken to the training center? Staffer: How about this – this issue is kind of sensitive, can you give a call to my boss? I can give you his number.

Call No. 2 (with someone at Xinjiang Normal University): RFA: As a staff member at Xinjiang Normal University, weren’t you assigned to check up on the detainees in the training centers and see if there is any change/progress with them? Staffer: There used to be only one center in the region. Now there are three. The Xinjiang Normal University Police Station is in charge of these things. Only they know about them.

Call No. 3 (with local office, possibly police): Staffer: Can you tell me your ID number? RFA: Why is this so complicated? Such a simple thing… Staffer: What’s simple about this? Tell me your ID number. What’s simple about this?

Call No. 4 (not clear with whom): Staffer: 136999… [gives phone number, rest inaudible]. Try contacting our supervisor.

Call No. 5 (not clear with whom): Staffer: How can I help you? RFA: I have something [to ask]. Staffer: Wait a bit. RFA: Okay.

Call No. 6 (with university and local security/police): Staffer: Hello? RFA: How are you? Staffer: Good. RFA: Do you know anything about Abduqadir Jalalidin being taken to a training center? Staffer: What training center? RFA: “Transformation through education center” (教育转化中心) [said in Chinese]. Staffer: No. RFA: You don’t know about those places? Staffer: Mmm. RFA: So there aren’t any training centers in Urumqi, then? Staffer: Right. RFA: And there aren’t people being taken to the centers? Staffer: I don’t know anything about that. RFA: You don’t know? Staffer: I am hearing about it from you now. RFA: Oh, I see. So are the news on the Xinjiang People’s Radio Station fake? Saying “We are washing the brains of people, eliminating their extreme thoughts. For that reason, we are re-educating people.” Is that all fake? Staffer: I don’t watch the news. RFA: You don’t watch the news? Then, how about Shohret Zakir’s remarks a few days back? He said “we need to fight against extremism”. Are you also not aware of his remarks? Staffer: My supervisor might be aware of that. I’m not.

Call No. 7 (with public security at the Xinjiang Normal University): RFA: We heard that all the detainees from a university are taken to the same place. Do you know which training center that is? Staffer: As of today, they haven’t informed us where that is. RFA: You weren’t involved with the detention of Abduqadir Jalalidin? Staffer: The school handled that. They didn’t tell us about it. RFA: When people are being taken, you have to help out as well right? Staffer: We don’t know about that. RFA: How many teachers do you think have been taken so far? Staffer: I won’t answer questions like this. I’m sorry. I won’t answer if you ask for that many details. I’m sorry. RFA: What training school have they been taken to? We will contact them directly then. Staffer: They didn’t tell us what school. They just told us that they’ve been taken, but didn’t tell us where exactly they’ve been taken to. ... RFA: What’s the name of the school Abduqadir Jalalidin has been taken to? Staffer: They were saying in the Midong district (米东区). RFA: You heard Midong district, but don't know what school in Midong? Staffer: No, we don’t know. RFA: Is there a small branch of the training center at Xinjiang Normal University? Staffer: No, there isn’t. RFA: Then he’s in Midong. Staffer: Seems that way. RFA: Is your school close to Midong? Staffer: It’s about 20 kilometers away.

Call No. 8 (with Feng Wenchang from the university’s public security): Feng: Hello? RFA: Is this Feng Wenchang? Feng: Yes. RFA: I wanted to ask which training center Prof. Abduqadir Jalalidin was at. Feng: Just a minute, I’ll check for you… Which teacher? RFA: Abduqadir Jalalidin. A professor. Feng: It says he’s been taken by national security officers on January 29.

Source: 0011.html

Victims among relatives

Jemile Saqi (2293)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 9: Testimony 10: Testimony 11: Testimony 12: 56124635&width=300 photo (1): photo (2): photo (3):

Entry created: 2018-10-28 Last updated: 2021-04-01 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 257. Sumeyye Memtimin

Chinese ID: 652101??????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (uncle-in-law)

About the victim

Sumeyye Memtimin is from Turpan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

His father was sentenced to 15 years and his mother was taken to camp (exact times unclear).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His current circumstances are the result of his parents both being detained.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Unknown. Both parents in detention.

Testimony 2: No update [presumably no news].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-10-01 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 268. Weli Yusen

Chinese ID: 6501??1976??????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 41-42 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: engineer

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gulperi Zunun.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my brother-in-law.

About the victim

Weli Yusen was born in 1976 in Urumqi. He is an architect and owns a private company with projects in both southern and northern Xinjiang.

Address: Apt. 201, Entrance No. 2, Building No. 1, Tangnuri Residential Complex, 1373 South Xinhua Road, Urumqi.

Victim's location

[Unclear, but presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

He was detained in October 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

We've gotten no information about him since the arrest. Our family members have refrained from talking about his situation or even mentioning his name. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

["from others", writes the testifier.]

Additional information


Entry created: 2018-10-30 Last updated: 2018-10-30 Latest status update: 2018-10-30 275. Abdurahman Ebey (阿不都热合曼·艾白)

Chinese ID: 650102195303054578 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 67 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|"separatism", "extremism", "terrorism" Health status: --- Profession: publishing

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Xinjiang Youth Publishing House staff, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: Ataqai Tusip, a citizen of Kazakhstan. (uncle)

Testimony 4: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway.

Testimony 5: Eqide Polat, a student in the United States. (great-niece)

Testimony 6: The " List", as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 7: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Abdurahman Ebey was born in Mongolia in 1953, to an Uyghur father named Ebeydulla and a Kazakh mother named Toqan Tusip. They came to Xinjiang in 1956.

Abdurahman had a 40-year career in writing and publishing in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, serving as director of the official Xinhua Bookstore, and from 2005-2015 as director and Communist Party deputy secretary of the Xinjiang People's Publishing House. In the Chinese media he had been portrayed as an “energetic publisher” who won national awards in the field every year from 2003 to 2013. Local websites said that Ebey left his position as director of Xinjiang People's Publishing House in January 2015, and was appointed as the manager of the History Research Office of the Xinjiang Autonomous Political Expansion Committee. He left that post in January 2017.

Address: Urumqi. Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Abdurahman allegedly started to come under suspicion by the Chinese authorities at the beginning of 2015. He was later reported to have been arrested in July 2018.

(Police records note him going through at least three checks in October-November 2017, being deemed "completely normal" (一切正常), and allowed to move on (放行) each time.)

Likely (or given) reason for detention

For being "implicated in separatism and religious extremism activities" while he was working at the Xinjiang People's Publishing House, according to a staff member at the Xinjiang Youth Publishing House.

The victim's uncle, Ataqai, says that he was detained for translating the Quran and running a publishing house.

The "Shanghai List", a leaked police document, reported him as a "terrorist suspect" [though it is not clear what this really entailed].

Victim's status

Believed to be detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The staff member at the Xinjiang Youth Publishing House where the victim used to work is a primary source close to the case, and presumably has more direct knowledge of the matter.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

An article on the WeChat account of the Xinjiang People's Publishing House mentions learning from Abdurahman Ebey's "mistakes" (以阿不都热合曼·艾白为镜鉴):

Abdurahman Ebey's article about Uyghurs in Mongolia (his own family included):

His Baidu Baike: The victim's Party-line article on ethnic unity:

Publishing-related article that he wrote:

Various articles mentioning him:

An article where he is quoted speaking against terrorist incidents in Kashgar:

A 2011 award list in which he is included:

Listed as one of the resignees from the 2017 Eleventh XUAR CPPCC Committee:

Listed as being removed from his post as deputy secretary and director of the People's Publishing House in 2015:

Listed as being a member of a writers association:

State-media report(s)


Working Committee | Xinjiang People’s General Publishing House diligently launches campaigns to promote special lectures given by Party members, leaders, and officials on the Party’s political developments

Xinjiang People’s General Publishing House 2018-10-11

Source: Tianshan Pioneer

As the front line and major battlefield in the fight against ideological secession, the Xinjiang People’s General Publishing House must focus on its main goal of winning the battle and creating a firm-as-steel ideological frontline that reassures the Party and satisfies the people, playing a crucial part in fully promoting the Party’s political constructs, taking political responsibilities as the Party Committee, exerting the political functions of grassroots organizations, and creating an excellent political ecology for the Party Committee. The head office Party Committee thus attaches great importance to implementing classes that fully promote the Party’s spirit of political developments among the district authorities. Led by Party officials with the theme of Party political constructs, and combined with the practical reality of the Xinjiang People’s Publishing House, these classes define the Party Committee’s practice of “Two Protections” and bring into play the “Two Roles”. They fully promote the focus of the Party's political construction work.

First, video conferences are led by the Secretaries of the Party Committee to provide full coverage. Members of the Party go to different base work units to give lectures, secretaries of various levels of Party organizations live a “dual life” at various local organizations to give lectures there, and members of the grassroots Party organizations go to various villages, including those that are rural and poverty-stricken, to "Visit the People, Benefit the People, and Bring Together the Hearts of the People” and promote “Connections between Party and Local Units, Strengthening the Efforts on Diminishing Poverty” at support education sites in southern Xinjiang. The “Xinjiang People’s General Publishing House” WeChat is used to assist in deeper learning. Agents from the Party Committee and Discipline Inspection monitor the progress and promotion of the Party classes to make sure Party members and officials realize the action plan for the education of the Party’s political developments. The content of these lectures is closely related to the Party’s political constructs, combined with the Party Committee’s socialist ideologies and unique working environment, and putting forth the “Four Focuses on Making Clear” the importance of strengthening the Party’s political construction, the specific requirements of implementing the “Two Protections”, the specific requirements for bringing into play the "Two Roles" of the grassroots Party organizations and Party members, and the significant role that the Party’s political constructs play in creating a firm-as-steel ideological frontline in publications, ensuring that the lectures themed around the “Party’s political constructs” are closely integrated with reality, can get good results, and achieve full coverage.

Second, classes where Party members and officials talk about the Party’s political constructs are taken as a starting point and combined with inspection and ratification work to diligently analyze the shortcomings of the political constructs of the Party, establishing the “Implementation Measures of the Party Committee of Xinjiang People’s General Publishing House on Comprehensively Promoting the Party’s Political Constructs”, putting forth the reinforcement of the Party’s political constructs, implementing the “Two Protections” and bringing into play the “Two Roles”, which require focusing on the “Four Hard Works”: working hard to reinforce ideologies and “arm the mind”, working hard to focus on the center and serve the greater cause, working hard to strengthen Party building responsibilities and team building, and working hard on strict discipline and management of the Party. The Party’s political constructs thereby have content, criteria, standards, goals, and focus, and guidance to become ever more clear and concrete.

Third, classes where Party members and officials talk about the Party’s political constructs are taken as a starting point and focus on fully implementing the “Party Committee’s Opinions on the Implementation of the Work Responsibility System in the Ideological Field” and the “Party Committee Monitoring the Responsibility System for Ideological Work and Implementing the Assessment and Accountability Methods for Strengthening the Construction of the Publishing Field”, as content in specialized Party classes. Classic cases are used as examples to carry out cautionary education – notably, learning from Abdurahman Ebey’s errors – combined with the learning and testing of the newly amended “ Disciplinary Measures”, to promote all Party members in the head publishing system, especially publishing professionals, to always recognize the important position and role of the Party's publishing work in the ideological field, to always recognize the Party’s principle of adhering to the policy of politicians, to always adhere to the people-centered work orientation, and to always declare a firm political stance and strengthen political responsibilities. [Party members are taught] how to continuously enhance their political acuities and discernments, and how to become the loyal guards for the Party’s publishing industry, who are dedicated to securing the Party’s ideologies and who resolutely resist the infiltration and influence of the "Three Evil Forces" and the “Two Pan” reactionary thoughts, [with encouragement to] implement their clear political stance in every position, every task, every topic, and every publishing process, and to take the work of political construction to wherever their business extends, so that they can realize the political constructs and the Party's various tasks, as well as the deployment and implementation of their business, all at the same time.

Fourth, classes where Party members and officials talk about the Party’s political constructs are taken as a starting point to promote publication work as a powerful safeguard for ideologies and public opinions in the Party’s political constructs, to study and comprehend the “Nine Persistences” put forward in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the National Propaganda and Ideological Work Conference, consciously shouldering the flag and taking responsibility in uniting people’s hearts, educating newcomers, developing cultures, and becoming role models, taking the Party’s political constructs as the main command, focusing on the main goal of our work in Xinjiang, highlighting published works centered around the themes of centralization and serving the greater good, highlighting Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and disseminating the popular theories of Party building, highlighting socialist core values and the propaganda and guidance on the "five identities" and the "three inseparables”, highlighting the philosophical and social science theories with Chinese characteristics and the promotion of Xinjiang’s "Four Histories”, improving the Party publication’s communication, guidance, influence, and credibility, promoting the creative transformations and innovative developments of the traditional culture of China with high-quality publishing, telling the story of China and Xinjiang well, putting effort into making positive contributions in pushing forward the prosperity of socialist culture, ensuring that the socialist cultural undertakings with Chinese characteristics in the new era advance in the correct political direction, echoing the Party's rightful opinions and letting them become the strongest voice of this era, promoting people of all ethnic groups uniting closely in their ideals, beliefs, values, and morals, making greater contributions to serving the Party and the country, becoming a better embodiment of confidence, to unite people’s hearts, warm people’s hearts, and build unity in the community, making sure that the head office always remains the publishing bastion of firm-as-steel ideologies that the Party and the people can trust, rely on, and use, and ensuring that the Party Central Committee’s strategy of governing Xinjiang – especially the general goal of social stability and long-term stability – take root.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: recognition tweet: Testimony 5: interview in local paper: photo (left): article commemorating his work:

Entry created: 2018-10-31 Last updated: 2021-07-01 Latest status update: 2021-02-21 317. Turghun Mamut

Chinese ID: 65312619????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|assisting "criminals" Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Irade Umud, an Uyghur student studying in Sweden.

Victim's relation to testifier old neighbour

About the victim

His name is Turghun Mamut from Qaghiliq He was a very successful businessman owning multiple stores.

Victim's location not sure, possibly in Qaghiliq

When victim was detained

I heard it in October 2016, but he had been detained for a few months already.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

He provided help (as food, shelter and job) to a young man from Xoten who had traveled to Qaghiliq without getting permission from local officials. That was the reason given in 2016, but he has more to be accused, he performed pilgrimage for one.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Heard it from his children.

Additional information

I heard the news in October 2016, and not been able to get any update. So not sure if he has been released or not.

Entry created: 2018-11-02 Last updated: 2018-11-02 Latest status update: 2018-11-02 347. Nursia Nurdan

Chinese ID: 654124199006231224 (Tokkuztara)

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Quanyshnur Hamit, an imam. He moved to Kazakhstan in 2011. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Satypaldy Kyzyrakyn, born in 1989, is a citizen of Kazakhstan. (cousin)

About the victim

Nursia Nurdan studied at a in Almaty, Kazakhstan from 2007 to 2010, but later returned to China as her parents were there. She worked as a cook.

Address: Kokzhazyq Village, Zhirgalang Township, Togyztarau (Gongliu) County, Yili Kazakh , Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: She was taken to a camp from her work place on January 19, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 1: praying

Victim's status

Testimony 1: in prison [but no term length specified]

Testimony 2: no news since her detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 1: heard from fellow-villagers

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-03 Last updated: 2020-03-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-16 374. Alimjan Mamut

Chinese ID: 653101199???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"extremism" Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (brother)

Testimony 4: Nejmidin Raman, as reported by Global Voices. (brother)

Testimony 5: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

My little brother Alimjan was born in Beshkirem village nearby Kashgar city.he is 22years old, he was arrested in the beginning 2015 for political reason and served 6 months In prison in Kashgar. He was released after serving and could be arrested again.

[Address as given for testimony event in early 2019: Kukang village 14, Korghan township (浩罕乡), Kashgar municipality]

[address from video testimony:

No. 50-55, 14 Kukang Village (库康14村), Koghan Township (浩罕乡), Kashgar City.]

[Testimony 5: second address is "apartment next to Kerambagh Hospital (Kashgar first people's hospital) Kashgar, China". He helped with the family business. 25 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location


[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown Likely (or given) reason for detention

Former political prisoner could be accused of exchanging photos with me on wechat or practing .

[Testimony 4: accused of "religious extremism" and sentenced to 6 months in Kashgar]

Victim's status

[G. A. Bunin: in a Youtube video uploaded in January 2019, the testifier states that he believes his brother is in an internment camp]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From my mother in 2015

Additional information

[Global Voices coverage (Testimony 4): r-refugees/]

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo: Testimony 5:

Entry created: 2018-11-04 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2021-03-14 398. Abdusopur Abley

Chinese ID: 65402819????????O? (Nilka)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

I am an Uyghur who is living in in US

Victim's relation to testifier

My Uncle and many of my male cousins are detained in the prison camp just because they are Uyghur

About the victim

My uncle, Abdusopur Ablai, was a high school teacher before the February 5th incident in Ghulja. After the incident, he was terminated from his job because he condemn the communist parties wrongdoing and destined couple of times through out the years. Beginning of 2017, He went to Turkey for two weeks (for travel), when he returned, he is detained at the airport and we never heard back anything from him again

Victim's location

He is from Gulja (Nelka province). But we don't know where he is now

When victim was detained

It has been over a year now. My uncle was detained beginning of 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention probably because he went to Turkey. He never afraid of speaking out and condemn communist party, He hated communist party. It also may be one the reason too

Victim's status unknown How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

We learned about from other relatives.

Additional information

I have dozens of my male cousins are detained. Most of them are from Ghulja. I also have couple of friends that were taken/detained from Urumqi who were well established/had good jobs. I just heard one of them are sentenced for three years. He was a secular person who taught English in Urumqi

Entry created: 2018-11-07 Last updated: 2018-11-07 Latest status update: 2018-11-07 448. Abdulhekim Imin

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Abdulhekim Imin.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar, as the family is from Peyziwat.]

When victim was detained

Abdulhekim was detained, according to different testimonies, either at the end of 2015 or in December 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear. [Possibly related to his brother's living abroad.]

Victim's status

Reported as being in a concentration camp. [However, the testifier has not had news of his relatives in years.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information Several of the family's neighbors in Xinjiang - Yasin Qari, Muhemmed Imin, and Obul Qasim - have been sentenced for over 5 years (allegedly because of Abdurehim Amin).

NPR interview with Abdurehim Imin: -s-long-arm

Victims among relatives

Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-11 Last updated: 2020-11-04 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 449. Abduqadir Imin

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Abdukadir Amin

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar, as the family is from Peyziwat.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1-2: End of 2015, "the beginning of the concentration camps" he says

Testimony 3: December 2016 [more likely]

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status at the re-education camps

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information Abdurehim has six children and does not know their whereabouts. His two sisters have been detained at the end of 2016. They are in the re-education camps. He wife has five sisters. He heard that two of them have been sentenced for over 10 years in prison and other two have been detained in the "re-education camps" over a year. He has no idea about his father and mother in laws. Several neighbors, Yasin Qari, Muhammad Imin and Obul Kasim, have been sentenced for over 5 years allegedly because of Abdurehim Amin.

RFA mention:

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-11 Last updated: 2021-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 458. Muhemmed Abliz

Chinese ID: 65212219????????O? (Pichan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: Abdujelil (Ablikim in Testimony 2) Abliz from Lukchun Township, Pichan County, Turpan. Arrived in Istanbul Turkey 2016.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: Younger brother

About the victim

Muhammed Abliz a farmer and an imam of the local mosque, with his mosque destroyed and him being sent to an internment camp beginning of 2017 along with his sons and daughters (4 people from his family were allegedly detained).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Beginning of 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention not known

Victim's status

There's been no news of his release.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Beginning of 2017 was informed by family that 2 sons of his brother where imprisoned for 13 years and 3 years respectively. And right after their sentencing was told that his brother Ali Abliz was sent to an internment camp

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Eli Abliz (457), Abdurahman Abliz (459), Dilshat Abdurahman (6310), Dilmurat Abdurahman (6311), Rizwangul Abdurahman (6312)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-12 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-14 484. Shaiyrbek Daulethan (沙尔别克·多来提汗)

Chinese ID: 650103196909153336 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: energy

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|3: Asyla Alymkulova, a Kyrgyz citizen from Kyrgyzstan. (wife)

Testimony 2: Baibolsun Shaiyrbek, son of victim Shaiyrbek Daulethan, and a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (son)

Testimony 4*: Asyla Alymkulova, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (wife)

Testimony 5: Asyla Alymkulova, as reported by Agence France-Presse. (wife)

Testimony 6: Asyla Alymkulova, as reported by Deutsche Presse-Agentur. (wife)

Testimony 7: Committee in Support of the Chinese Kyrgyz, a Kyrgyzstan grassroots movement that existed briefly in late 2018 and early 2019.

About the victim

Shaiyrbek Daulethan, an ethnic Kazakh from China who had been living in Kyrgyzstan since 2005 with his Kyrgyz wife, Asyla. The couple have one underage son, Baibolsun.

Shaiyrbek used to work as an acting director at Zhongyuan Energy and Mineral Resources Co., Ltd, a Chinese company with a branch in Bishkek.

Address in China (according to ID): Apt. 401, Entrance No. 3, Floor No. 1, 4 Anningliang Road, Xinshi District, Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市新市区安宁梁路4号1号楼3单元401号).

His passport number is available but not legible in the photo provided.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained The last time that he went to China was in November 2016, for a business trip that was supposed to last 10 days. However, Shaiyrbek would call and say that he needed to stay longer, going on to spend the entire following year there and communicating with his family in Kyrgyzstan by phone. However, since October 2017, he has been completely out of touch, and it is presumed that this is when he was arrested.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to a company representative, Shaiyrbek was sent "to study" (i.e., to a camp). As of May 2019, Asyla still has not gotten any news of him.

According to her, the reply from Kyrgyz authorities has been that she should not worry as her husband is just "studying".

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Asyla learned that her husband was in a camp from a company representative.

When Shaiyrbek first disappeared, neither his company in Kyrgyzstan nor the one in China seemed to know where he was. Eventually, a representative told Asyla that he was "studying", but Asyla couldn't find out what this meant, thinking it was a type of training. The representative said that they would try to get Asyla's husband out, but that there were no guarantees. Three months later, the person who was hired to replace him contacted Asyla and told him that her husband was in a political education camp.

Additional information

Though not ethnically Kyrgyz, this victim has also been included in the list provided by the Committee in Support of the Chinese Kyrgyz:

His story has also been written about by AFP ( and dpa international ( 90221-99-75048).

His story has also been featured in Living Otherwise: le-kazakhstan-didnt

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo with son: Chinese passport: Chinese ID: photo:

Entry created: 2018-11-14 Last updated: 2020-12-05 Latest status update: 2019-05-18 494. Muhemmed Hebibulla

Chinese ID: 65282319????????O? (Lopnur)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

(an unverified Facebook account. (cousin ,"زىلبائ لۇگناۋزىر"

About the victim

Muhamad Habubulla is an Uyghur man who was 29 years old as of 25 December 2019. He is from Koral Lopnur and graduated from Peking University. He went to both junior and senior high school in Guangzhou. After graduation, he went to Dubai for work with a legally issued Chinese passport. He worked in Dubai for approximately two years. He reportedly knows several unspecified foreign languages.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

The victim was reportedly threatened by "local police" [presumably Chinese police] and forced to go back to Korla, China in March 2017. He was reportedly sent to a concentration camp after returning to China. The testifier (Rizwangul Abliz) has not heard from the victim since that time or received any information regarding his current status or whereabouts.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of the victim are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: id%3D2449869901996039%26id%3D100009191596145&show_text=true&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2020-11-02 Last updated: 2020-11-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-25 509. Aygul Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65????19611219??E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdusalam Niyaz, Uyghur man, born in urumqi on Feb. 28th, 1977. Living in Netherlands since 2008.

Victim's relation to testifier

Unclear (possibly older sister or aunt)

About the victim

Aygul Niyaz, Uyghur woman, born on Dec. 19th, 1961. 11pm on Sep. 1st, 2017, she was arrested from her house, then disappeared, whereabouts unknown.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

11pm, Sep 1st, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status unclear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information none

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-14 Last updated: 2018-11-14 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 511. Edihem Mijit (艾迪海木·米吉提)

Chinese ID: 654101198510241174 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 33 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"disloyalty" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Guzel' Basitova, born in 1984, is an ethnic Uyghur from Kazakhstan and a mother of three. (wife)

About the victim

Aidihaimu Mijiti, born on October 24, 1985, is an ethnic Uighur from China. His Chinese ID number is 654101198510241144. He holds a Kazakhstan Permanent Resident card. The card number is 851024399049. He went to China in 2016 and had his documents confiscated after a few days of his arrival.

Address: city, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: Went back to China on November 6, 2016, when his passport and Green card were confiscated by Chinese officials. After three months, Guzel came to China with the couple’s children, but Chinese officials ordered her to leave the country. In February, Mi’di’t was arrested for the first time and released after questioning.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 3: accused of being a traitor and wanting to live in Kazakhstan during his first detention.

Victim's status in the re-education camp [no news since January 2018, however] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: she met the victim directly following his first detention.

Six months after his wife left China [which must be around October 2017], he sent his last voice message to her on wechat, saying that he would be sent to camp . After two months, the Wechat message disappeared from the server.

Additional information

Le Monde coverage (Testimony 3): es-camps-chinois_5402864_3210.html

Testimony 3: his wife came to visit him in his village near Ghulja in 2017, because local authorities did not allow him to return to his family in Kazakhstan, he spent 5 days in camp but was released after his wife complained about it at the police station. The wife said about what her husband told her about his 5 days in camp (translated from French): «He was terrorized. He told me that they had been 50 persons in one cell. That they could not strech. That there was a camera in every corner. He had to watch a film about Muslims and then they asked him questions about it. They accused him of being a traitor, of wanting to live in Kazakhstan. He wispered when he talked to me, because he was afraid that someone could hear him.» His wife left China in April 2017, because her visa was not extended.

In January 2018, his wife learned that the parents of the victim, all his brothers and sisters have been taken as well. There have been no news since then.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-11-15 Last updated: 2020-04-18 Latest status update: 2019-04-04 522. Patigul Emet

Chinese ID: 654101??????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengihayat Neighborhood, but now living in Turkey. (daughter)

About the victim

Patigül Emet, 70 years old (as of November 2019).

Victim's location

[presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained early 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention not clear

Victim's status not clear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? heard from others (not clear whom)

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Sumeyye Eli (5650), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-15 Last updated: 2019-12-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 523. Shirmemet Tashmemet

Chinese ID: 65400219????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengihayat Neighborhood, but now living in Turkey. (sister)

Testimony 4: Roshengul Tashmemet, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (sister)

About the victim

Shirmemet (also "Shir'eli") Tashmemet. He has three children: Mujahit, Ghalit, and Selihe.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

In early 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Originally reported as in a concentration camp, but it's been years since there's been any news of him.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through contacts [in the region, presumably].

Additional information Covered by RFA:

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Patigul Emet (522), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Sumeyye Eli (5650), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: 20218065091&width=300

Entry created: 2018-11-15 Last updated: 2020-02-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 524. Eli Tashmemet

Chinese ID: 65400219????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengihayat Neighborhood, but now living in Turkey. (mother)

Testimony 4: Roshengul Tashmemet, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (mother)

About the victim

Eli Tashmemet, 24 (as of May 2019).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Early 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Possibly still in a concentration camp, but no news since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through contacts [in the region, presumably].

Additional information Eli was detained together with his wife, Selihan.

Roshengul has not been able to get in touch with her relatives for over two years now.

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Patigul Emet (522), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Sumeyye Eli (5650), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: 20218065091&width=300

Entry created: 2018-11-15 Last updated: 2020-02-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 526. Abdurahman Ablet

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Sirajidin, Uyghur man living in Norway.

Victim's relation to testifier unclear

About the victim

Abduraxman Ablet, 17 years old Uyghur boy. He is a relative of another detainee Senever Abdureshit (from Ghulja city). He was arrested in April, 2017 and whereabouts unknown. His father Ablet (family name is unclear) sentenced to prison because a video was found from his house (according to the police).

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

April, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information none

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-15 Last updated: 2018-11-15 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 531. Behtiyar Niyaz

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sirajidin, an Uyghur man living in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: @HumarUyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (daughter)

About the victim

Behtiyar Niyaz, 57 (as of February 2019). Well-known film director/editor, voice/movie actor. Worked at the Xinjiang radio and television station.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: placed in camp in 2017 (over a year, exact date is unclear)

Testimony 2: taken to camp on April 20, 2017, no information since

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status presumably still in camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-15 Last updated: 2021-02-15 Latest status update: 2019-02-23 558. Abdurahman Tursun

Chinese ID: 653122199???????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rizwangül Ghopur (born Rizwangül Abduqadir, changed when she was a child in order to get citizenship [possibly born "outside the plan"], testifying about her family (a'ilem),

Victim's relation to testifier nephew (son of elder sister)

About the victim

Abduraxman Tursun, 20 yrs, from Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, ,

Victim's location not clear, presumably near Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture,

When victim was detained

June 2017 along with family, presumably

Likely (or given) reason for detention not clear, see mother Selimgül Abduqadir

Victim's status not clear, assumed detained with parents, because testifier heard that "the whole family" was taken

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

June 2017 along with family, presumably Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2020-10-25 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 559. Abduleziz Tursun

Chinese ID: 653122201???????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rizwangül Ghopur (born Rizwangül Abduqadir, changed when she was a child in order to get citizenship [possibly born "outside the plan"], testifying about her family (a'ilem),

Victim's relation to testifier nephew (son of elder sister)

About the victim

Abduleziz tursun, 4 yrs, son of Tursun Mexet, from Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture,

Victim's location not clear, presumably near Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture,

When victim was detained

June 2017 along with family, presumably

Likely (or given) reason for detention not clear, see mother Selimgül Abduqadir

Victim's status assumes he was arrested along with his mother, because she heard that the entire family was arrested

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

June 2017 along with family, presumably Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2020-10-25 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 560. Ilham Abduqadir

Chinese ID: 653122201???????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rizwangül Ghopur (born Rizwangül Abduqadir, changed when she was a child in order to get citizenship [possibly born "outside the plan"], testifying about her family (a'ilem),

Victim's relation to testifier nephew's son (son of son of elder sister)

About the victim

Ilham Abduqadir, 2 yrs, son of Abduqadir Tursun, from Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture,

Victim's location not clear, presumably near Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture,

When victim was detained

June 2017 along with family, presumably

Likely (or given) reason for detention not clear, see grand-mother Selimgül Abduqadir

Victim's status not clear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? head from third party, unspecified Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2020-10-25 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 561. Abduqadir Tursun

Chinese ID: 65312219????????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rizwangül Ghopur (born Rizwangül Abduqadir, changed when she was a child in order to get citizenship [possibly born "outside the plan"], testifying about her family (a'ilem)

Victim's relation to testifier nephew (son of elder sister)

About the victim

Abduqadir Tursun, 23 yrs, son of Selimgül Abduqadir and Tursun Mexet father of Ilham Abduqadir, 2 yrs, from Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

June 2017 along with family, presumably

Likely (or given) reason for detention not clear, see mother Selimgül Abduqadir

Victim's status assumes he was arrested along with his mother, because she heard that the entire family was arrested

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Heard from someone, unclear whom, Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2020-10-25 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 562. Gulnisa Tursun

Chinese ID: 653122??????????E? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rizwangül Ghopur (born Rizwangül Abduqadir, changed when she was a child in order to get citizenship [possibly born "outside the plan"], testifying about her family (a'ilem),

Victim's relation to testifier niece (elder sister's daughter)

About the victim

Gülnisa Tursun 18 yrs, daughter of of Selimgül Abduqadir and Tursun Mexet, from Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

June 2017 along with family, presumabl

Likely (or given) reason for detention not clear, see mother Selimgül Abduqadir

Victim's status assumed detained with parents, because testifyer heard that "the whole family" was taken

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Heard from someone, unclear whom, Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2020-10-25 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 563. Ablimit Urayim

Chinese ID: 6502??1971??????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 48-49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Bilal Ablimit, originally from Karamay City, went to Egypt to study in 2015. In 2017, he moved to Turkey, before moving to Germany. (son)

Testimony 3: Nazuk'ay Abdurehim, a resident of Germany. (daughter-in-law)

About the victim

Ablimit Urayim.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

Arrested in July 2017 (10 days after Bilal's arrival in Turkey).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since his initial arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From his mother.

Additional information Bilal continued to maintain contact with his mother, Arzugul Osman, almost daily until May 2018. Since then, he does not know anything about his parents.

Victims among relatives

Abdurehim Yasin (5637), Roshengul Doletniyaz (5638), Bahargul Doletniyaz (5639)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2019-11-26 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 568. Iskender Tursun

Chinese ID: 653001??????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Adil Tursun, from Atush city. Went abroad in Oct, 1994. He has 5 siblings back home.

Victim's relation to testifier

Younger brother

About the victim

Iskendar Tursun

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information No contact with anyone back home since 2016.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2018-11-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 569. Hushrahun Tursun

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Adil Tursun, from Atush city. Went abroad in Oct, 1994. He has 5 siblings back home.

Victim's relation to testifier

Elder brother

About the victim

Hushrahun Tursun

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information No contact with anyone back home since 2016.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2018-11-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 570. Zulayhan Tursun

Chinese ID: 65300119????????E? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Adil Tursun, from Atush city. Went abroad in Oct, 1994. He has 5 siblings back home.

Victim's relation to testifier

Elder sister

About the victim

Zulayhan Tursun

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information No contact with anyone back home since 2016.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2018-11-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 571. Meryem Tursun

Chinese ID: 65300119????????E? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Adil Tursun, from Atush city. Went abroad in Oct, 1994. He has 5 siblings back home.

Victim's relation to testifier

Elder sister

About the victim

Meryem Tursun

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information No contact with anyone back home since 2016.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2018-11-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 572. Ghalib Tursun

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Adil Tursun, from Atush city. Went abroad in Oct, 1994. He has 5 siblings back home.

Victim's relation to testifier

Elder Brother

About the victim

Ghalib Tursun

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information No contact with anyone back home since 2016.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2018-11-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 573. Horunsa Tursun

Chinese ID: 65300119????????E? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Adil Tursun, from Atush city. Went abroad in Oct, 1994. He has 5 siblings back home.

Victim's relation to testifier

Eldest sister

About the victim

Horunsa Tursun

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information No contact with anyone back home since 2016.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2018-11-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 576. Mehmut Seyitehmet

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Obulqasim Seyitmehmut, an Uyghur currently living in Finland. (son)

About the victim

Mehmut Seyit'ehmet, around 80 years old.

Address: Altunderwaza, Yarkand City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not clear. Out of contact since March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. Testifier was still unable to reach him when he tried to call in early August 2019.

He has health issues and has difficulty walking.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From not being able to contact him.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Aygul Qadir (577), Ayshemgul Mahmut (6109), Buhedichem Mahmut (6110), Amine Mahmut (6111), Abdulkerim Mahmut (6112), Hesenjan Mahmut (6113)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2019-12-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 577. Aygul Qadir

Chinese ID: 65312519????????E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Obulqasim Seyitmehmut, an Uyghur currently living in Finland. (son)

About the victim

Aygul Qadir is a housewife in her 70s.

Address: Altunderwaza, Yarkand City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not clear. Out of contact since March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. Testifier was still unable to reach her when he tried to call in early August 2019.

She has health issues.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From not being able to contact her.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Seyitehmet (576), Ayshemgul Mahmut (6109), Buhedichem Mahmut (6110), Amine Mahmut (6111), Abdulkerim Mahmut (6112), Hesenjan Mahmut (6113)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2019-08-18 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 586. Abduzayir Abdumijit

Chinese ID: 653122??????????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rizwangül Ghopur (born Rizwangül Abduqadir, changed when she was a child in order to get citizenship [possibly born "outside the plan"], testifying about her family (a'ilem)

Victim's relation to testifier nephew (elder sister's son)

About the victim

Abduzair Abdumijit, under 20, younger brother of Arzigül Abdumijit, son of Helimgül Abduqadir, from Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained not clear, no news, not even known if detained, elder sister Arzigül was reportedly detained in 2017 June possibly for contacting her aunt (testifier) abroad

Likely (or given) reason for detention elder sister Arzigül was reportedly detained in 2017 June possibly for contacting her aunt (testifier) abroad

Victim's status not clear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? heard from third party

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Helimgul Qadir (589), Arzigul Abdumijit (555), Abdulla Abdumijit (587), Fatima Abdumijit (588)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2020-10-25 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 588. Fatima Abdumijit

Chinese ID: 653122??????????E? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rizwangül Ghopur (born Rizwangül Abduqadir, changed when she was a child in order to get citizenship [possibly born "outside the plan"], testifying about her family (a'ilem)

Victim's relation to testifier niece (elder sister's daughter)

About the victim

Fathima Abdumijit, under 20, younger sister of Arzigül Abdumijit, daughter of Helimgül Abduqadir, from Shabjan township, Yengisheher County, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained not clear, no news, not even known if detained, elder sister Arzigül was reportedly detained in 2017 June possibly for contacting her aunt (testifier) abroad

Likely (or given) reason for detention elder sister Arzigül was reportedly detained in 2017 June possibly for contacting her aunt (testifier) abroad

Victim's status not clear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? heard from third party

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Helimgul Qadir (589), Arzigul Abdumijit (555), Abdulla Abdumijit (587), Abduzayir Abdumijit (586)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2020-10-25 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 597. Tahir Musa

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: Abdulgheni Musa, from Maralbeshi, Kashgar. Left to Istanbul 4 years ago and currently living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: Brother

About the victim

Tahir Musa had previously served 5 years and 3 years (as political prisoner, according to his brother).

Victim's location

Presumably in Kashgar, as that is where the family appears to be from.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: prison

Testimony 2: concentration camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Probably through relatives

Additional information

Testimony 2: Testifier mentions that for 2 years he's had no contact with anyone. Eziz Musa, Abdurahman Musa and Qadir Musa are his brothers. He has no idea if they are alive or not.

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Tahir Musa, ID: 653130197209101451. There is a fair possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Victims among relatives

Qadir Musa (599), Eli Musa (598)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2019-02-28 598. Eli Musa

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: Abdulgheni Musa, from Maralbeshi, Kashgar. Left to Istanbul 4 years ago and currently living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: Brother

About the victim

Eli Musa previously served 9 years in prison (testifier says he was a political prisoner).

Victim's location

[presumably in Kashgar, as that's where the family seems to be from]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: in prison serving his sentence

Testimony 2: in concentration camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Probably through other relatives

Additional information

Testimony 2: For 2 years, the testifier hasn't had any contact with anyone (in Xinjiang). Eziz Musa, Abdurahman Musa and Qadir Musa are his brothers. He has no idea if they are alive or not.

Mentioned in: brutality

Victims among relatives

Qadir Musa (599), Tahir Musa (597)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-10-04 603. Abduqeyyum Hesen

Chinese ID: 6531????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdurahman Hasan

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Abdukeyum Hasan living in Kashgar is Abdurahman Hasan's brother. He was detained by local national security police in the end of 2017. Since then, the whereabouts of the victims is unknown.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In the end of 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through others Additional information


Victims among relatives

Emetjan Hesen (602), Tunsagul Nurmemet (948), Peyzulla Abdurahman (13582), Amine Memet (13930)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2018-11-17 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 604. Musajan Hoshur

Chinese ID: 6531????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdurahman Hasan

Victim's relation to testifier

Collegue, former driver of Abdurahman Hasan

About the victim

Musajan Hoshur is the former driver of Abdurahman Hasan. He was detained by the local police on March 2017.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

March 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through others Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2018-11-17 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 606. Nezire Tahir

Chinese ID: 6531????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Dilnur Enwer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Canada. (mother)

Testimony 2: Dilnur Enwer, as reported by Amnesty International. (mother)

About the victim

Her name is Nezire Tahir. She is from Kashgar.

Testimony 2: she's 9 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not known if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier has lost contact with the victim since April 2017.

Testimony 2: she has a passport, but it was confiscated by the police in 2016-2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.] Additional information

The testifier received a message with a threat that asked her to come back in April 2017 and she didn't go back. Since then she lost contact with her family and all of her relatives.

Amnesty International article (Testimony 2): ression/

Victims among relatives

Tashmemet Enwer (4381), Reyhangul Yusup (4380), Zulpiqar Tashmemet (4379), Enwer Hesen (4166), Reyhangul Sawut (4167), Ihsan Tahir (1556)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: /812851872405850/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2020-06-09 Last updated: 2021-05-07 Latest status update: 2021-03-19 611. Yunus Tohti

Chinese ID: 652901??????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Huseyin Jilel currently living in Istanbul, Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Yunus Tohti visited Turkey in the beginning of 2015. He stayed in Turkey for about 25 days and was detained when he went back to China. Since then, no information can be obtained.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

In 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Probably visiting Turkey

Victim's status

Testifier says he is in camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through other persons Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abla Jelil (612), Hesen Jelil (613), Ayimhan Jelil (6486), Bilal Tursun (614), Buhajirem Abla (615), Mijit Abla (6484), Sajidem Hesen (6485)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2020-01-15 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 633. Nureli Exmet

Chinese ID: 652801??????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Aygul Qadir, Uyghur woman. She is from Herembagh county, Tekche yeza, Korla city.She has two sons and one daughter. Her husband passed away 7 years ago. She was imprisoned twice before she has left the country because of the political reasons. She has lost contact with her family back home including two sons, 3 older brothers and two younger sisters.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Nureli Exmet, Uyghur man from Korla. Arrested and imprisoned in March, 2017. Whereabouts unknown. His wife Buxelchem also has no information at all. His entire family is affected.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

March, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information none

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2018-11-17 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 646. Abdurusul Memtimin

Chinese ID: 653221199???????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-3: Atikam Mamtimin, from Shamalbag, Hotan.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-3: Brother in law

About the victim

Abdurusul Mamtimin, 22. A businessman.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Feb, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She does not have any contact with anyone back home. Her own parents and siblings condition is unknown.

Victims among relatives

Memtimin Tursuntohti (5991), Abduqahar Memtimin (647), Abduqeyyum Memtimin (645), Abdushukur Memtimin (5992), Abdulla Memtimin (5993), Muherrem Abduqahar (5994), Nezire Abduqahar (5995), Abdurehim Abduqahar (5996)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-18 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2018-12-11 662. Abdurahman Osman

Chinese ID: 652928??????????O? (Awat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gülchichek, Aqsu City, woman of about 45-50 yrs, in Turkey since Nov 2001, has been visited by brothers and father and has regularly visited XJ and Aqsu every 4-5 years since, last visit was in 2015 (July–Oct) for 3 months. Testifying about what she saw there with her own eyes. Very upset with what she saw. Many of her relatives were sent to prison during this time. What she describes sounds like a trauma: not being able to breathe, no appetite etc. She attributes it to seeing so much injustice, and from not being able to see so many of her relatives as they had been detained. Stayed with her mother (80years of age). She was afraid to speak up about it, couldn't even express her shock towards her relatives. They wouldn't let her into the hospital because she was wearing a headscarf. She walked around carrying and showing her Turkish passport all the time. The Han police officiers have large sticks (shows about an arm's length) that they beat people with before taking them along and lock tehm up (solumaq). The police was beating someone and she saw this person (male) pay 500 yuan to them in order not to be taken along to the police station afterwards. Reports that in one district (dadöy, kent, 大队) the police had been given the assignment (wezipe) of arresting all men between 18-40. Presumably the Xorchöl District (Gongxi) in (nahiye) of Aqsu City, where seemingly most of her family lives.

Victim's relation to testifier nephew (son of his elder cousin)

About the victim

Abduraxman Osman, son of Osman Hajim "Kassap", older brother of Exmetjan Osman who was detained along with him. From Xorchöl District (Gongxi) in Awat county (nahiye) of Aqsu City or very near by.

Victim's location

Not clear, presumably in Aqsu

When victim was detained

October 10th 2015 while testifyer was in the village Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not clear. Testifier reports that at this time in their district (dadöy, kent, 大队) the police had been given the assignment (wezipe) of arresting all men between 18-40. Right after the arrest, father came crying to testifier's mother's home where she was sitting, afraid his sons were to be killed.

Victim's status

Not clear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Right after the arrest, father came crying to testifier's mother's home where testifier herself was sitting, afraid his sons were to be killed.

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-19 Last updated: 2018-11-19 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 663. Ehmetjan Osman

Chinese ID: 652928??????????O? (Awat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulchichek, originally from , she has been residing in Turkey since 2001. (aunt)

About the victim

Exmetjan Osman, son of Osman Hajim "Kassap", younger brother of Abduraxman Osman who was detained along with him. From Xorchöl District (Gongxi) in Awat county (nahiye) of Aqsu City or very near by.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

October 10th 2015 while testifyer was in the village

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not clear. Testifier reports that at this time in their district (dadöy, kent, 大队) the police had been given the assignment (wezipe) of arresting all men between 18-40. Right after the arrest, father came crying to testifier's mother's home where she was sitting, afraid his sons were to be killed.

Victim's status not clear

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Right after the arrest, victim's father came crying to testifier's mother's home where testifier was sitting, afraid his sons were to be killed. Additional information

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Ehmet Osman, ID: 652928199001032119. Given his age, county of origin, and the fact that he has been imprisoned before, there is a possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

More about testifier: woman of about 45-50 yrs, in Turkey since Nov 2001, has been visited by brothers and father and has regularly visited XJ and Aqsu every 4-5 years since, last visit was in 2015 (July–Oct) for 3 months. Testifying about what she saw there with her own eyes. Very upset with what she saw. Many of her relatives were sent to prison during this time. What she describes sounds like a trauma: not being able to breathe, no appetite etc. She attributes it to seeing so much injustice, and from not being able to see so many of her relatives as they had been detained. Stayed with her mother (80years of age). She was afraid to speak up about it, couldn't even express her shock towards her relatives. They wouldn't let her into the hospital because she was wearing a headscarf. She walked around carrying and showing her Turkish passport all the time. The Han police officiers have large sticks (shows about an arm's length) that they beat people with before taking them along and lock tehm up (solumaq). The police was beating someone and she saw this person (male) pay 500 yuan to them in order not to be taken along to the police station afterwards. Reports that in one district (dadöy, kent, 大队) the police had been given the assignment (wezipe) of arresting all men between 18-40. Presumably the Xorchöl District (Gongxi) in Awat county (nahiye) of Aqsu City, where seemingly most of her family lives.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-19 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 673. Nurehmet Tursun

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Brother in Law Nurahmed Tursun

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Beginning of 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Currently in internment camp

Testimony 2: no news in 2 years

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Informed by his mother in March 2018 through wechat. She would write about the status of their relatives and then immediately delete the text. She also informed her son that she believes she will also be sent to the internment camp as well.

Additional information Last contact was with his mother in March 2018 and since then unable to contact family. His father has an illness

Victims among relatives

Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-20 Last updated: 2020-02-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 674. Imam Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 652801??????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Brother in Law Imam Mamat Salideen

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained beginning of 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: internment camp

Testimony 2: no news in 2 years

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Informed by his mother in March 2018 through wechat. She would write about the status of their relatives and then immediately delete the text.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-20 Last updated: 2020-02-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 675. Ayshemgul Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 65280119????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Ayshemgul Ibrahim, 55 years old (as of January 2020), is the mother of Nurahmed Mehmud. Aisham Gul Ibrahim informed her son Nurahmed in March 2018 that all his brother in laws have been sent to internment camp and that she is likely to be also sent. After this news he has lost all contact with his mother and other relatives.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

March 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly because her son is overseas

Victim's status

Testimony 1: internment camp

Testimony 2: no news in 2 years

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Was informed by his mother in March 2018 that she is also likely to be sent to an internment camp and then all contact was lost Additional information

Mention in International Angle:

Victims among relatives

Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-20 Last updated: 2020-10-27 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 700. Ekben Aqantai

Chinese ID: 6542021991??????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 26-27 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Batylbek Baigazy, citizen of Kazakhstan, born in Shoryn township, (雀仁乡), Mulei county (木垒县), Hui autonomous prefecture. Immigrated to Kazakhstan in 2006.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Ekben Aqantay, born in 1991 in Wusu county. Had a Kazakhstan green card

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unclear if detained. Went back to China in 2017, then contact was lost

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-21 Last updated: 2018-11-21 Latest status update: 2018-10-12 712. Memettursun Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Memet, Uyghur man from Kashgar city. He was born on July 5th, 1985.

Victim's relation to testifier

Younger Brother

About the victim

Memettursun Memet, Uyghur man from kashgar. He got arrested in January, 2016 and disappeared after that. He was arrested because he traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2006.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

January, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Traveling Saudi Arabia

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information none

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-21 Last updated: 2018-11-21 Latest status update: 2018-10-27 713. Memetemin Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Memet, Uyghur man from Kashgar city. He was born on July 5th, 1985.

Victim's relation to testifier

Younger brother

About the victim

Memetemin Memet, Uyghur man from Kashgar. He was arrested in january, 2016 with his brother Memettursun Memet who has traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2006. He was arrested for being a brother for a person who has vivited Saudi Arabia. His whereabouts is unknown now.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

January, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His brother has traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2006

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information none

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-21 Last updated: 2018-11-21 Latest status update: 2018-10-27 714. Musa Hekim

Chinese ID: 6528011981??????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 38-39 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|"extremism" Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Eysa Hekim, a businessman from Korla who now lives in Germany. (brother)

About the victim

Musa Hekim has a primary-school education and worked as a gardener and businessman. He's married, has four children, and was the financial support for his family and parents.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that's where the family seems to be from.]

When victim was detained

He was initially detained in March-April 2017 and taken to what Eysa calls a "jail" [presumably, a pre-trial detention center]. Later, he was taken to camp, and there's been no news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Extremism" (having a beard and praying).

Victim's status

No news since the early stage of his detention. Possibly still in camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

Eysa's other relatives in Xinjiang include his father, Hekim Imin, and siblings Reyhangul Hekim, Rahman Hekim, Ayshemgul Hekim, and Memetjan Hekim. He's had no contact with any of them since leaving Xinjiang in June 2017.

It's not clear what's happened to Musa's parents, wife, and four children since his detention, as all were financially dependent on him.

Victims among relatives

Ibrahim Seypulla (715), Seypulla Zayit (716), Memet Seypulla (717), Reyhangul Hekim (6209), Rahmanjan Hekim (6210), Muslime Izzetulla (10986)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2018-11-21 Last updated: 2020-02-04 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 716. Seypulla Zayit

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Eysa Hekim, a businessman from Korla who now lives in Germany. (son-in-law)

Testimony 3: Izzetulla Seypulla, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

About the victim

Sebibulla Zayid, 67.

Testimony 3: He worked 30 years as an imam in Korla, spent his life as the imam of the Grand Mosque in Korla and the imam of the Harambagh Village Mosque in Tekichi Township in Korla.

Victim's location

[Presumably being held in Korla City.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: 9am, April 18, 2017 - taken to Charwagh Prison in Korla City.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 1: Sending 12000 Yuan to his son who was studying in Egypt.

Testimony 3: He was detained as he sent 12000 yuan to his son, the testifier Izzetulla Seypulla, who was in Egypt at the time.

Victim's status

Testimony 2: no news since he was taken.

Testimony 3: His whereabouts is still unknown. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Eysa's mother in law is Ayshamgul Imin, 63. Eysa's wife's siblings are Helichigul, Maryamgul, Mamat, Ibrahim and Zaynap. No contact with any of them.

RFA coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Musa Hekim (714), Ibrahim Seypulla (715), Memet Seypulla (717), Reyhangul Hekim (6209), Rahmanjan Hekim (6210), Muslime Izzetulla (10986)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-21 Last updated: 2020-09-26 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 717. Memet Seypulla

Chinese ID: 652801??????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Eysa Hekim, a businessman from Korla who now lives in Germany. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 3: Izzetulla Seypulla, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Memet Seypulla was an imam.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as the family seems to be from Korla.]

When victim was detained

Memet was detained in April 2017, along with 42 other imams from Korla City who were accused of having radical thoughts.

According to the victim's brother, Memet was frequently targeted by police in the past as well for being an imam.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Accused, with many others, of "having radical thoughts".

Victim's status

No concrete news [since his detention, presumably].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Victims among relatives

Musa Hekim (714), Ibrahim Seypulla (715), Seypulla Zayit (716), Reyhangul Hekim (6209), Rahmanjan Hekim (6210), Muslime Izzetulla (10986)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-11-21 Last updated: 2020-11-27 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 744. Heyrigul Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65292519851028??E? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Memet'eli Niyaz, originally from Toqsu, Aksu but now residing in Germany. (brother)

Testimony 3: Memet'eli Niyaz, as reported by Bitter Winter. (brother)

Testimony 4: Memet'eli Niyaz, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (brother)

About the victim

Heyrigul Niyaz completed her bachelor's degree in Russian studies. In 2011, she went to Turkey, and was awarded a Turkish government scholarship to complete her master's degree at Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey, majoring in global business. At the end of 2015, she returned home and worked for a tourism company, organizing tours to Turkey, before starting her own travel agency in 2016. The latter was closed following a government order, after a person who had booked a tour to Europe did not return to China.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Heyrigul was detained in Urumqi on June 2, 2017 and taken to her hometown in Toqsu.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for her having studied in Turkey.

Victim's status

Unclear; she is either in a re-education camp or given a prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From relatives.

Memet'eli had been in contact with her until May 2017.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Bitter Winter coverage:

Amnesty International case info:

Victims among relatives

Yusup Niyaz (745), Yaqup Niyaz (746)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: brother's birthday post: /2604835229739803&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2018-11-23 Last updated: 2021-05-20 Latest status update: 2021-04-07 815. Shemshiqemer Abliz

Chinese ID: 65400219????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Adile Gheni, a resident of Germany. (granddaughter)

Testimony 3: Abdujelil Haji, a resident of Germany. (son)

About the victim

Shamshiqamar Abliz is 73 years old (as of 2019).

Address: 28 Bahar Street, Ghulja City (伊宁市巴哈儿街28号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Detained in August 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

There's been no news since her detention.

She suffers from high blood pressure.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Zohre Tohti (4944)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1: 147053723158224&width=350 Testimony 2: 147048353158761&width=350 photo:

Entry created: 2018-11-25 Last updated: 2020-01-31 Latest status update: 2020-08-07 816. Tursunmemet Abliz

Chinese ID: 654002??????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurmuhemmed Abliz, originally from Ghulja City. He left Xinjiang in November 2014 and is now living in Turkey with his family. (brother)

Testimony 3: Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother)

About the victim

Tursunmemet ("Tashmuhemmet" in some testimonies) Abliz owned a restaurant.

He is presumably from Ghulja City, as that's where his relatives appear to be from.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Not stated.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Not clear. Nurmuhemmed Abliz says in earlier testimonies that he is in camp, but it's possible that this was just a blanket assumption. In a later testimony, Mewlan Abliz says that he hasn't had any contact with the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-25 Last updated: 2020-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 818. Abdureshit Shemshidin

Chinese ID: 65402719????????O? (Tekes)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurmuhemmed Abliz, originally from Ghulja City. He left Xinjiang in November 2014 and is now living in Turkey with his family. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 3: Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Abdurishit Shamshidin, from Tikas, Ghulja. He is almost 60 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Being Mazen (Athan caller)

Victim's status

Testimony 1-2: Re-education camp

Testimony 3: has been out of contact since 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-25 Last updated: 2020-01-31 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 821. Memetjan Emet (麦麦提江·艾麦提)

Chinese ID: 65312119900702??O? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Abdugheni Sabit, an Uyghur web activist.

Testimony 3: Raziye Hebibulla, as reported by East Turkistan Human Rights Watch. (wife)

About the victim

His name is Muhammetjan Emet, in Chinese 麦麦提江·艾麦提. He was born 1990 July the 2nd. He went to Egypt to study and he was detained in summer 2017 and locked up in Tura prison in Egypt. His whereabouts remain unknown since his arrest in Egypt. His passport number is E21173172.

Testimony 3: He went to Egypt in May 2015.

According to his graduation certificate from the Xinjiang Islamic Institute, he was born in Konasheher County's Awat Township [now part of Kashgar City].

Testimony 3: Memetjan got his bachelor’s degree from the Xinjiang Islam Institute in 2013. He was sent to Egypt by the Xinjiang Islam Institute in May 2015. He came back to Xinjiang in July 2016 and got married, with the wedding in August. He and his wife then went to Egypt together, that same month. Their daughter was born in April. Memetjan was a third-year high school student [in Egypt], and a member of Egyptian Union of Chinese Students and Academics.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: In summer in 2017. Testimony 3: He was sent to a concentration camp in Kashgar after he was returned to China.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 3: Raziye mentions that the Chinese authorities did not ask them to return before Memetjan's arrest. They were not threatened either, because they were extremely careful. They did not even visit Turkey, to avoid any problems with the Chinese authorities.

Victim's status

Unknown. He was arrested by Egyptian police and the has been no news about him at all since.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: Raziye managed to avoid/escape the police. Memetjan was detained and told her on the phone that he was at Tora Prison (in Cairo). Memetjan’s mother later told Raziye that he was in a concentration camp in Kashgar. She could not gather any information since December 2019.

Additional information

Testimony 3: The Egyptian police refused to provide any information. Raziye went to the Chinese Consulate too, but she was told that it was an operation by the Egyptian police, so they did not know why her husband was arrested.

Featured in ETHRW report (Testimony 3): %CC%88RKI%CC%87STANLILARA-YO%CC%88NELI%CC%87K-HAK-I%CC%87HLALLERI%CC%87-MISIR-O%C C%88RNEG%CC%86I%CC%87-RAPORU.pdf

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese passport: photo: XJ Islamic Institute graduation certificate: Al-Azhar student ID:

Entry created: 2020-08-17 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2021-07-24 834. Mamut Zayid

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rabigul Nurdin, from village of Borqan in Karisha, Korla city. She is living in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Mamut Zayid

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Jan 6th, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His son used Zapya to transfer a religious video.

Victim's status

Re-education camp. He was released after a year.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information No contact with anyone since she arrived to Turkey 2 years ago.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-25 Last updated: 2018-11-25 Latest status update: 2018-11-07 836. Sherinsahan Tohtash

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (nephew)

About the victim

Xäyrinsaxan Toxtaš is an Uyghur woman who was 66 years old as of 18 September 2020. She is married to a farmer, whose name is not mentioned. Her occupation is stated in the testimony as "farmer's wife". She is an aunt of Tahir Mutällip Qahiri on his mother's side of the family.

The open letter from Tahir Mutällip Qahiri in relation to a number of missing relatives on his mother's side of the family [dated 18 September 2020] implies that the victim was living in Kashgar at the point of last contact between the testifier and the victim, but this is not explicitly stated.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. The victim is missing. Tahir Mutällip Qahiri has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016. His relatives on his mother's side of the family are reportedly not allowed to contact him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2021-01-28 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2021-01-29 867. Tursun Qurban

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1+2+3+5+6: Reyhangul Tohti, from Aksu. Due to the repression, she left Xinjaing ("East Turkestan" she refers) in 2017.

Testimony 4 (direct): Name not specified.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1+2+3+5+6: Uncle

Testimony 4: Father

About the victim

Tursun Qurban, 45 (as of October 2019), an imam of the mosque in Aksu's Qartal's No. 9 Neighborhood, No. 6 Group. He was also a gardener.

Victim's location earlier: Arrested in Urumqi

Testimony 4: unclear [if in Aksu or Urumqi]

When victim was detained

May, 2017

Testimony 3: he was sent to Urumqi for imams training, but then was arrested in Urumqi in May 2017.

Testimony 4: he went to Urumqi for 6 months of imams training in 2016, then on May 25, 2017 sent the testifier a WeChat message saying he was going back to Aksu, and disappeared. Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 6: contacting his children studying abroad

Victim's status

Re-education camp

Testimony 4: testifier mentions that they haven't had contact with their parents in 2 years, and doesn't know their current status.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Reyhangul has no contact with anyone for past 2 years.

Testimony 4: the testifier hasn't been able to contact his mother either (she would wear a veil).

Victims among relatives

Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 5: Testimony 6: Testimony 4 (Uyghur):

Entry created: 2018-11-26 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-06 868. Aynisa Metniyaz

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????E? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (friend)

About the victim

Aynisagul Matniyaz, she is 45 years old this year (as of December 2019), a businesswoman.

Her address is No.6, No. 58 Building, Qidawan Street, Urumchi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

July, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Re-education camp or prison

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Reyhangul has no contact with anyone for past 2 years. Unclear if the UTJD entry for Aynisa Metniyaz is her:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-11-26 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 872. Ehmetjan Ghoja

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (sister-in-law)

Testimony 3: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

Ahmatjan Ghoja

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

July, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Re-education camp [no news since detention]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Reyhangul has no contact with anyone for past 2 years. Ahmatjan has 2 children who are 7 and 9. Their condition is unknown.

Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2018-11-26 Last updated: 2020-10-04 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 907. Nurali Azat

Chinese ID: 65402219851212??O? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: 32 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurgan Ergan, born in 1969, is originally from China but is now a citizen of Kazakhstan. (in-law)

About the victim

Nurali Azatuly, born on December 12, 1985, is a Chinese citizen. He had worked as an Imam before his disappearance.

Address: Chabuchaer County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

He has disappeared since 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2 (1): Testimony 2 (2):

Entry created: 2018-11-29 Last updated: 2020-09-07 Latest status update: 2018-11-28 909. Zhaqsylyq Qainar

Chinese ID: 654022???????????? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: --- Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Nurgan Erganuly, born on January 3, 1969 in China, is a Kazakhstan citizen. His Kazakh ID number is 037730101.

Victim's relation to testifier relative

About the victim

Zhaqsylyq Qainar

Address: Chabuchaer County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained disappeared since 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-29 Last updated: 2021-01-26 Latest status update: 2018-11-25 910. Orkenbek Anuar

Chinese ID: 654022??????????O? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Nurgan Erganuly, born on January 3, 1969 in China, is a Kazakhstan citizen. His Kazakh ID number is 037730101.

Victim's relation to testifier relative

About the victim

Orkenbek Anuar

Address: Chabuchaer County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained disappeared since 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-29 Last updated: 2021-01-26 Latest status update: 2018-11-25 911. Beglan Orazai

Chinese ID: 654022???????????? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: --- Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Nurgan Erganuly, born on January 3, 1969 in China, is a Kazakhstan citizen. His Kazakh ID number is 037730101.

Victim's relation to testifier relative

About the victim

Beglan Orazai

Address: Chabuchaer County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained disappeared since 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-29 Last updated: 2021-01-26 Latest status update: 2018-11-25 912. Shalqar Zhumadil

Chinese ID: 654022??????????O? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Nurgan Erganuly, born on January 3, 1969 in China, is a Kazakhstan citizen. His Kazakh ID number is 037730101.

Victim's relation to testifier relative

About the victim

Shalqar Zhumadil

Address: Chabuchaer County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained disappeared since 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-29 Last updated: 2021-01-26 Latest status update: 2018-11-25 914. Baqshat Bilal (巴合夏提·比拉尔)

Chinese ID: 65402219691101??O? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Nurgan Erganuly, born on January 3, 1969 in China, is a Kazakhstan citizen. His Kazakh ID number is 037730101.

Victim's relation to testifier relative

About the victim

Baqshat Bilal, born on November 1, 1969. Chinese passport number: G38328596.

Address: Chabuchaer County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Has been missing since October 9, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony: video testimony: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2018-11-29 Last updated: 2021-01-26 Latest status update: 2018-11-29 970. Muhemmetimin Hesen

Chinese ID: 65320119????????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Abduhaliq Hesen, originally from Hotan, but residing in Switzerland since 2002. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Muhammetimin Hesen. He is about 45 years old and he is a businessman. He used to have a restaurant in Urumchi. At the end of 2017, he was arrested and taken back to Hoten Prefecture. His address is No.3 Neighborhood, Arghul Village, Laskoy Township, Hoten.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

At the end of 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The victim was arrested and taken back to home. The testifier doesn't know where he is now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Qemernisahan Hesen (10555)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-08-18 Last updated: 2020-08-18 Latest status update: 2020-02-16 1138. Amina Mahmat

Chinese ID: 653124197712294644 (Poskam)

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information on twitter

About the victim name: Amina Mahmat ethnicity: Uyghur gender: female date of birth: 29/12/1977 place of birth:温宿县 Chinese ID card number: 653124197712294644 Wife of Chaudhury Javed Aftab, Pakistani citizen, Passport no BC1574852

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained presumably, August 2017 or not long after

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status possibly in a camp How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Twitter: Letter by Lord Ahmed of Rotherham to Embassador of China in London Liu Xiaoming,

Additional information

The letter from Lord Ahmed and the attached list of victims are available here:

Her story has also been featured in a Globe and Mail article ( m-wives-who/):

"The last time Chaudhry Javed Atta saw his wife was over a year ago – the Pakistani trader in dried and fresh produce was leaving their home in northwestern China’s heavily Muslim Xinjiang region to go back to his country to renew his visa.

He remembers the last thing she told him: “As soon as you leave, they will take me to the camp and I will not come back.”

That was August, 2017. By then, Atta and Amina Manaji, from the Muslim ethnic Uyghur group native to Xinjiang, had been married for 14 years.


For Atta, it’s not just the separation from his wife.

He has also had to leave their two sons, who are 5 and 7 years old and whose passports were confiscated by the Chinese government, in the care of his wife’s family. Otherwise, he said, the authorities would have put them in an orphanage. The AP has previously reported that the government is placing the children of detainees and exiles into dozens of orphanages across Xinjiang.

Atta went back to China twice for a few months but both times his visas expired and he had to return to Pakistan. Getting in touch with family in Xinjiang is a circuitous route that involves reaching out to Pakistani friends still there, who then track down family members willing to talk.

“Now especially I am worried. It is now eight, almost nine months, that I have not seen my children,” he said. “I haven’t even been able to talk to them.”

Last week, Atta finally talked to his brother-in-law after a friend discovered he had a heart attack and was recovering in a hospital in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang.

“He said my sons were good, but he had no news of my wife,” said Atta."

Entry created: 2018-12-09 Last updated: 2018-12-09 Latest status update: 2018-12-09 1154. Ismayiljan Abduwayit (司马义江·阿不都瓦依提)

Chinese ID: 653101198409210815 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3: Abduqadir Abduwayit, an Uyghur residing in the United States. (brother)

Testimony 4: Abduqadir Abduwayit, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Ismayiljan Abduwayit was the director of Xinjiang Reyhan Biotech, LTD, as well as a member of the Xinjiang Chamber of Commerce and Industry and an elected permanent member of the Young Entrepreneurs Association.

Address: Apt. 202, Entrance No. 3, Building No. 6, 183 Victory Road, , Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市天山区胜利路183号6号楼3单元202号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Arrested in March 2018 and allegedly taken to camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[Testifier writes: "arrested without reason for being Uyghur".]

Victim's status

There's been no news since his arrest. His assets - allegedly worth around 1 million USD - are said to be confiscated.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier heard of the arrest from a friend who lives in inner China.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Business listing for Reyhan Biotech:

Business listing for another company he owns:

Local media article in which he is featured:

Victims among relatives

Abletjan Abduwayit (1155), Abdughopur Abduwayit (1157), Heyrinisa Abduwahid (1156), Muyesser Abduwahid (5456), Ablimit Ablet (5455)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Chinese ID: photo in Dubai:

Entry created: 2018-12-09 Last updated: 2020-11-26 Latest status update: 2020-03-11 1191. Burhan Kerimtulla

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nur'ehmet Burhan, originally from Korla City, came to Egypt to study and was detained with other Uyghur students in 2017. He managed to flee to Turkey after his release. (son)

Testimony 2: Nur'ehmet Burhan, as reported by AidET. (son)

Testimony 3: Nur'ehmet Burhan, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 4: Nur'ehmet Burhan, as reported by EUobserver. (son)

About the victim

Borhan Kerimtulla, has been to Egypt in 2015 for traveling and to see his son.

Testimony 2: According to info provided at a testimony event in early 2019, he was a farmer and resided in Tekqi township (铁克其乡), Korla city, Bayingolin prefecture.

Testimony 3/4: He is in his fifties and is the imam of the mosque in Teqchi township.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: April or May, 2017

Testimony 2: July 2017

Testimony 3/4: Contact lost in May 2017, taken to camp in July 2017. Before his disappearance, the National Security Office in Korla had been nagging him with questions about his son in Egypt. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 2: in a re-education camp [judging by the recent reports in 2020, it sounds like there hasn't been much, if any, news of him since the detention]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

The testifier has two children. When he left, first child was 9 months old. Second child was born around June, 2017. He has not seen him at all. He has no information about his wife and other relatives. He had no contact with anyone for almost 2 years.

RFA coverage (Testimony 3):

EUobserver coverage (Testimony 4):

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2018-12-10 Last updated: 2020-09-02 Latest status update: 2020-07-15 1264. Imamhesen Memetrusul (依马木艾山·买买提肉苏力)

Chinese ID: 653126200510120336 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 14 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Memetrusul Hesen, born in 1964, is now a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. He is originally from Qaghiliq County. (father)

Testimony 2: Memetrusul Hesen, as reported by Human Rights Watch. (father)

Testimony 3: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (great-uncle)

Testimony 4: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (grandmother)

About the victim

Imamhesen Memetrusul.

[The ethnicity of this family is bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. The current victim's ID says Uzbek, but this appears to be taped over the original. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and so we report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: 80 Wuhaozha Alley, Qaghiliq Municipality, Qaghiliq County, Xinjiang (新疆叶城县喀格勒克镇五号闸巷80号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

His father (the testifier) left for Kyrgyzstan some time before the mass incarcerations started, and has not been able to come back. His mother was taken to camp in March 2017.

It is not clear if he was ever "detained" or taken anywhere following his mother's detention. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Out of contact since his mother's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of not being able to contact him.]

Additional information

Mentioned in Human Rights Watch report:

Amnesty International case info:

His grandmother [and presumably other relatives] in Kyrgyzstan have written letters to the Chinese embassy around 50 times, in addition to sending many invitation letters.

Victims among relatives

Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 4: photo: Chinese ID: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-12-13 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 1265. Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (依马木玉山·买买提肉苏力)

Chinese ID: 65312620051012031X (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 14 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Memetrusul Hesen, born in 1964, is now a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. He is originally from Qaghiliq County. (father)

Testimony 2: Memetrusul Hesen, as reported by Human Rights Watch. (father)

Testimony 3: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (great-uncle)

Testimony 4: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (grandmother)

About the victim

Imamhuseyn Memetrusul.

[The ethnicity of this family is bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. The current victim's ID says Kyrgyz, but this appears to be taped over the original. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and so we report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: 80 Wuhaozha Alley, Qaghiliq Municipality, Qaghiliq County, Xinjiang (新疆叶城县喀格勒克镇五号闸巷80号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

His father (the testifier) left for Kyrgyzstan some time before the mass incarcerations started, and has not been able to come back. His mother was taken to camp in March 2017.

It is not clear if he was ever "detained" or taken anywhere following his mother's detention. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Out of contact since his mother's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of not being able to contact him.]

Additional information

Mentioned in Human Rights Watch report:

Amnesty International case info:

His grandmother [and presumably other relatives] in Kyrgyzstan have written letters to the Chinese embassy around 50 times, in addition to sending many invitation letters.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 4: photo: Chinese ID: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-12-13 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 1267. Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (买买提努肉拉·艾山)

Chinese ID: 653126198310070311 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Memetrusul Hesen, born in 1964, is now a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. He is originally from Qaghiliq County. (brother)

Testimony 3: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (mother)

About the victim

Muhemmetnurulla Hesen.

Address: 80 Wuhaozha Alley, Qaghiliq County, Xinjiang (新疆叶城县五号闸巷80号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not clear if/when detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Around May 2020, Muhemmetnurulla's mother heard that none of her children were at home. However, it remains unclear if the victim was detained, as there's been no news of him for 3 years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

That none of her children were at home anymore the victim's mother heard from an anonymous source. Additional information

The victim's mother has written to the Chinese embassy around 50 times. She has sent many invitation letters, as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-13 Last updated: 2020-11-27 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 1409. Allaberdi Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshem Mijit, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (wife)

About the victim

His name is Allahberdi Ibrahim. He is 62 years old. He used to stay in Saudi Arabia, but on Sept the 29th 2017, he went back to because of Chinese authorities' pressure on his family. The testifier hasn't heard from him since he left Saudi Arabia.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu]

When victim was detained

Unknown. (unknown if detained)

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown.The testifier hasn't heard from him since he left Saudi Arabia and she doesn't know if the victim is in a re-education camp, in prison, or dead.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives

Amine Allaberdi (732), Abdurehim Allaberdi (731), Abdurahman Allaberdi (10272), Mijit Yusup (13922), Asiye Mijit (13923), Semet Mijit (13924), Emet Mijit (13925)

Entry created: 2020-08-18 Last updated: 2020-08-18 Latest status update: 2018-09-14 1475. Amine Isaq

Chinese ID: 65280119860414??E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 33 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: has problems Profession: other

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier my friend

About the victim

She is Uyghur, name is Amina Isak. She was born on 14 April 1986. She worked in Dubai airport Duty free shop from 2010 or 2011 till 2018 March, Chinese passport number G51328824. Married, has two kids, husband is from Ghulja. She got Hepatitis B, so Dubai duty free employer terminated her contract and cancelled her visa and send her back to China by China Southern Airlines on 15th March 2018, from the time she took the flight I lost contact with her. Husband and sister in China can't be contacted.

[Information later added by testifier: She was born in Korla but moved (and moved her registration) to Ghulja, which is where her husband is registered.]

Victim's location unknown, probably China

When victim was detained lost contact on 15th March 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention most probably because she worked and lived in United Arab Emirates

Victim's status cant be contacted

[As of May 24, 2019: still no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

She informed me before she left

Additional information


Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2018-12-21 Last updated: 2019-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-05-24 1483. Nurbai Qunapia (努尔拜·库拉比亚)

Chinese ID: 652524197503090021 (Shawan)

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Qusaingazy Qunapia, a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 3: Gulshan Suleimen, born in 1964, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister-in-law)

Testimony 4|5: Orazhan Qunapia, born in 1962, is originally from Tacheng's Shawan County but is now a citizen of Kazakhstan. (sister)

About the victim

Nurbai Qunapia is a mother of three (Diliara, 22; Dilmira, 18; Ansar, 8). She owned a private culinary business.

Address: 46 Shiping Alley, West Urumqi Road, Shawan County, Xinjiang (新疆沙湾县乌鲁木齐西路十坪巷46号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Nurbai was detained in March 2018.

In December 2018, she was released, but would be subsequently detained 3-4 days afterwards, to be taken back to either a camp or a factory. There have been no news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

For praying.

Victim's status No news since being re-detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

It's not clear how her relatives learned about her initial detention.

She had a WeChat video call with her sister in Kazakhstan after her release (and before being re-detained).

Additional information

The whereabouts of her children are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Mahmutjan Abla (2696)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-21 Last updated: 2020-08-22 Latest status update: 2020-01-17 1511. Qalibai Sagi (哈力拜·沙合衣)

Chinese ID: 659001195706151678 ()

Basic info

Age: 61 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (son)

About the victim

Qalibai Sagiuly is a Chinese citizen.

DOB: June 15, 1957. Chinese ID: 659001195706151678.

Address: Shihezi city, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? he lost contact with him for more than a year.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-03 1512. Gulgaisha Aqabyl (库力哈卡·哈布力)

Chinese ID: 659001196205061628 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

About the victim

Gulgaisha Aqabylqyzy, born on May 6, 1962, is a Chinese citizen. Her ID number is 659001196205061628.

Address: Shihezi city, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with her for more than a year.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-03 1513. Qalym Qalibai (哈力木·哈力拜)

Chinese ID: 659001198902221614 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

About the victim

Qalym Qalibai, born on February 22, 1989, is a Chinese citizen.

Address: Shihezi city, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with him for more than a year.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-03 1514. Nurbek Qalibai (奴尔拜克·哈力拜)

Chinese ID: 659001199203171616 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 26 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

About the victim

Nurbek Qalibai, born on March 17, 1992, is a Chinese citizen. His ID number is 659001199203171616.

Address: Shihezi, XInjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with him for more than a year.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 1515. Anuarbek Abdigali

Chinese ID: 659001730501161 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (cousin)

About the victim

Anuarbek Abdigali, born on May 1, 1973, is a Chinese citizen. His ID number is 659001730501161.

Address: Shihezi, XInjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with him for more than a year.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-03 1516. Gulzhibek Ilias (古丽吉拜克·依力亚斯)

Chinese ID: 652324197802050520 (Manas)

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

About the victim

Gulzhibek Iliasqyzy, born on February 5, 1978, is a Chinese citizen. Her ID number is 652324197802050520.

Address: Shihezi, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with her for more than a year.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-02 1517. Guldana Anuarbek

Chinese ID: 659001200109051621 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 17 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Guldana Anuarbek, born on September 5, 2001, is a Chinese citizen. Her ID number is 659001200109051021.

Address: Shihezi, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with her for more than a year.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: permanent resident card:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-02 1518. Kulash Abdigani

Chinese ID: 650105197911242220 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

About the victim

Kulash Abdiganiqyzy, born on November 24, 1979, is a Chinese citizen. Her ID number is 650105197911242220.

Address: Shihezi, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with her for more than a year.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Tursynqan Sagi (1519), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-03 1519. Tursynqan Sagi (吐尔松汉·萨黑)

Chinese ID: 650300195910021629 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 59 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (nephew)

About the victim

Tursynqan Sagiqyzy, born on October 2, 1959, is a Chinese citizen.

Address: Shihezi, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with her for more than a year.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Serzhan Mauken (1520)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-03 1520. Serzhan Mauken (赛力江·毛坎)

Chinese ID: 659001199408081614 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 24 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Shihezi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adilgazy Qalibai, born in 1984, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

About the victim

Serzhan Mauken, born on August 8, 1994, is a Chinese citizen.

Address: Shihezi, Xinjiang, China

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status not stated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He lost contact with him for more than a year.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Qalym Qalibai (1513), Nurbek Qalibai (1514), Qalibai Sagi (1511), Gulgaisha Aqabyl (1512), Anuarbek Abdigali (1515), Gulzhibek Ilias (1516), Guldana Anuarbek (1517), Kulash Abdigani (1518), Tursynqan Sagi (1519)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2018-12-03 1554. Koresh Tahir

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): nationalism, patriotism|--- Health status: --- Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1|4: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Rune Steenberg, an anthropologist from Denmark. (friend)

Testimony 3: Tahir Hamut, an Uyghur poet and filmmaker, now residing in the United States. (friend)

Testimony 5: Anonymous, as reported by Stuff Circuit. (friend)

About the victim

Kurash Tahir is a faculty member from Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences.

He travelled extensively, was a visiting scholar at the University of Bloomington.

Testimony 5: originally from Kashgar [presumably Kashgar City, given his family's residence]. He has published over 60 journal articles and is a scholar of languages. He studied at the Minzu University in Beijing, until 1993, then moved back to Xinjiang and became a researcher at the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Taken by the National Security Police in Urumqi on June 19, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 4: According to Abduweli Ayup, he was targeted for being one of the scholars to have signed Memtimin Elyar's 2005 petition for the protection of Uyghur-language education. Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown. Presumably in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: shared acquaintances

Testimony 4: The reason for his arrest as given by Abduweli Ayup is speculative.

Additional information

UHRP report:

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs (Testimony 1), available at:

Mentioned in Abduweli Ayup's op-ed for PEN/Opp (Testimony 4):

Coverage in Stuff Circuit (Testimony 5): d-ones-in-xinjiang/

Victims among relatives

Tahir Talip (1561), Ilham Tahir (1562), Amannisa Tahir (6118)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo with Tahir Hamut: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2021-05-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 1556. Ihsan Tahir

Chinese ID: 6531????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Dilnur Enwer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Canada. (mother)

Testimony 2: Dilnur Enwer, as reported by Amnesty International. (mother)

About the victim

His name is Ihsan Tahir.

Testimony 2: he's 7 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not known if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier has lost contact with the victim since April 2017.

Testimony 2: the police denied his passport application.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of not being able to reach him.] Additional information

The testifier received a message with a threat that asked her to come back in April 2017 and she didn't go back. Since then she lost contact with her family and all of her relatives.

Amnesty International article (Testimony 2): ression/

Victims among relatives

Tashmemet Enwer (4381), Reyhangul Yusup (4380), Zulpiqar Tashmemet (4379), Enwer Hesen (4166), Reyhangul Sawut (4167), Nezire Tahir (606)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: /812851872405850/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2020-06-09 Last updated: 2021-05-07 Latest status update: 2021-03-19 1560. Abbas Muniyaz

Chinese ID: 6529011966??????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 53-54 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Erkin Sidiq, an Uyghur-American NASA engineer living in the United States. He was born in Aksu and is a graduate of Xinjiang University. (friend)

About the victim

Abbas Muniyaz a professional writer and member of XUAR Writer's Association.

Testimony 2: He was a writer and has published more than 20 books (Testimony 3: generally about Uyghur literature/history).

Testimony 3: He was a literature teacher at Aksu No. 1 Middle School.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 3: arrested and sent to a concentration camp after moving to Urumqi in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Detained.

Testimony 2: taken to concentration camp. [However, testifier doesn't mention if he is still there.] Testimony 3: no news of release.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1-2: not clear

Additional information

UHRP report:

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1), available at:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 1562. Ilham Tahir

Chinese ID: 6531011974??????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 44-45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Rune Steenberg, an anthropologist from Denmark. (friend)

Testimony 3|4: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (former student)

About the victim

Ilham Tahir is the son of Tahir Talip and a teacher of a middle school in Kashgar.

Former teacher at Kashgar Pedagogical Institute, later worked in the publishing industry in Urumqi. Travelled extensively, has visited the U.S. Met with the U.S ambassador to China on the former’s visit to Xinjiang in 2014.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Testimony 2: April 2017. Released after a month, later detained again in May and sent to a re-education camp in Kashgar.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Possibly still detained. No news since. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: shared acquaintances

Additional information

UHRP report:

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1), available at:

Victims among relatives

Tahir Talip (1561), Koresh Tahir (1554), Amannisa Tahir (6118)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: old photo (right):

Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2020-07-20 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 1571. Aytulla Seydulla (阿依提拉·赛杜拉)

Chinese ID: 6530011987032???E? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 33 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: student

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|2*|5: Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (husband)

Testimony 3: Martyna Kokotkiewicz, a Polish scholar of Finnish and Hungarian languages. (friend of relative)

Testimony 4: Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, as reported by Uyghur Times. (husband)

About the victim

Aytulla Seydulla studied at the Al-Azhar University in Egypt from 2012 to 2016. While there, she got married to Hidayetulla, with the couple having two children together.

Her residence was registered as being in Beysaq Village, Ustun Atush Township, in Atush City.

Her other known address: Floor No. 6, No. 2 Block, No. 1 Building, Industrial and Commercial Complex Residential Area, Tengritagh District, Atush City.

Chinese passport number: G45233431.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained

In April 2016, Aytulla was instructed by the Atush City police to return from Egypt. Aytulla responded by saying that she wanted to complete her exams before returning to China. The police agreed and told her that nothing would happen to her upon her return and that they just wanted to engage in a "friendly conversation" with her. She returned in July 2016. (According to friends of the testifier who took the same flight back, Aytulla was held back at the Urumqi airport "because her Chinese ID was blacklisted".) She was asked to attend political indoctrination classes from the end of 2016 at the Upper Atush Village Police Bureau, which seemed to go on for about 3 months. Aytulla reportedly told Hidayetulla that she was not released after the first batch of indoctrination classes because "her ideology did not change".

In February 2017, she gave birth to the couple's son, Imran, and for this reason was spared from the "Strike Hard" campaign in March. However, she was allegedly scheduled to be taken once the son turned one year old.

The testifier later lost contact with Aytulla and hasn't been able to contact her since 2017-2018. In late 2020 / early 2021, he learned that she had been detained in the most recent campaigns (of 2017-2018) as well.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Believed detained, but her husband has not been able to contact her since at least the end of 2017.

On January 7, 2020, the testifier heard from acquaintances that most of Aytulla's family members have been sentenced, but has not been able to obtain any additional information.

The victim suffers from heart disease. She had a heart operation in 2011, but it did not help.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[That Aytulla was sent to 3 months of political education her husband presumably heard from her directly, since they could still contact each other then.]

Hidayetulla does not specify how he learned of the most recent detention.

Additional information

The victim was issued a no criminal record statement prior to commencing her studies in Egypt.

Story in Uyghur Times: ntration-camps/

Victims among relatives

Nijat Obul (1573), Rozi Niyaz (1572), Tudihan Eysa (8203), Tuniyaz Rozi (8204), Patigul Tursun (8205), Altungul Rozi (8206), Ablajan Yasin (8207), Turaqiz Rozi (8208), Ghuran Hidayetulla (8209), Imran Hidayetulla (8210), Seydulla Husen (12814)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 3: Testimony 5: Testimony 2: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2018-12-24 Last updated: 2021-02-15 Latest status update: 2021-02-01 1572. Rozi Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|2*: Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (son)

About the victim

Rozi Niyaz (Testimony 2: Ahniyaz), went to Hajj in 2007 with an organized group by government. In 2015 he was detained for that. Later he was released due to his severe illness.

Testimony 2: he is about 68-70 years old. He has gone through different medical operations for 6 times until 2016. His address is No.1, No.2 Group, Besheriq Village, Beshtvgmen Township, Aksu City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: detained 2015 and later released.

Testimony 2: testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 1: going on Hajj in 2007.

Victim's status

Testimony 2: Unclear, out of contact.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 2: Through his acquaintances in [Aksu] via the Internet.

Additional information

Testimony 1: 60 people celebrated his return from Hajj in 2007. 8 years later, all of them were detained and 15 of them were sentenced in prison.

Testimony 2: On the 7th of January 2020, the testifier heard from his acquaintances that most of his family members have been sentenced.

Victims among relatives

Aytulla Seydulla (1571), Nijat Obul (1573), Tudihan Eysa (8203), Tuniyaz Rozi (8204), Patigul Tursun (8205), Altungul Rozi (8206), Ablajan Yasin (8207), Turaqiz Rozi (8208), Ghuran Hidayetulla (8209), Imran Hidayetulla (8210), Seydulla Husen (12814)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-12-24 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-06-19 1573. Nijat Obul

Chinese ID: 652901??????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|2*: Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Nijat Obul, from Aqsu city.

Testimony 2: he is about 30 years old (as of 2020), has 4 children.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as possibly sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: 2017

Testimony 2: the testifier heard that the victim was sentenced for 9 years in prison in 2017, but he couldn't verify it.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

(possibly) sentenced for 9 years

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: Through his acquaintances in [Aksu] via the Internet. Additional information

Testimony 1: Niyaz does not have any contact with anyone now. His wife's and two children's conditions are unknonw.

Testimony 2: On the 7th of January 2020, the testifier heard from his acquaintances that most of his family members have been sentenced.

Victims among relatives

Aytulla Seydulla (1571), Rozi Niyaz (1572), Tudihan Eysa (8203), Tuniyaz Rozi (8204), Patigul Tursun (8205), Altungul Rozi (8206), Ablajan Yasin (8207), Turaqiz Rozi (8208), Ghuran Hidayetulla (8209), Imran Hidayetulla (8210), Seydulla Husen (12814)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-12-24 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-10 1603. Tursunay Abduqadir

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Xeyrigul Abduqadir, Uyghur woman from Kashgar. Her home address is Kochabeshi neighborhood, NO.3 small group(3-xiaodui), NO.3 large group (3-dadui), Hezret village (kent), Qorghan township (yeza), Kashgar city. Her younger sister's husband got arrested and imprisoned for life in 2010. Their family is constantly being harassed after that. So she came to saudi Arabia with her husband in 2012. She lost contact her family since late 2016.

Victim's relation to testifier

Older sister

About the victim

Tursunay Abduqadir, Uyghur woman from Kashgar. She was being harassed by local police for having children outside the policies. Lost contact with her since late 2016. Current situation is unknown.

Victim's location


When victim was detained unknown (no information )

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unknown

Additional information

She has 6 children, 3 are within the policies 3 other are outside policies. The family was being harassed for having children outside the policies. Current situation is unknown.

Victims among relatives

Abdurahman Abduqadir (1602), Abduqadir Naman (1607)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-12-25 Last updated: 2018-12-25 Latest status update: 2018-12-13 1604. Sidiqhaji Zunun

Chinese ID: 653121??????????O? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

Sidiqhaji Zunun. Uyghur man from Kashgar. He lives in group 8, Yengiqashtash village (kent), Yengiosteng township (yeza), Konasheher county (), Kashgar prefecture. He got arrested in June, 2017. No information since then.

He is a farmer and 25 years old (as of December 2019).

Victim's location


When victim was detained

June, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information His brother is also in detention.

Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-12-25 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2020-08-07 1657. Ilmira Qurban

Chinese ID: 6531??19930913??E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 26 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Anonymous, but with a verified identity. (former schoolmate)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, as reported by Lisa Ross. (former schoolmate)

About the victim

Ilmira Qurban is originally from Kashgar, but grew up and went to school in Urumqi, where she studied at the No. 17 High School. She was known by her classmates as being particularly fond of Uyghur literature, in addition to being a good singer and muqam performer. She was also fluent/proficient in Mandarin and English, and would continue to study the latter on her own after finishing high school.

In 2013, she went to Egypt to study, where she would meet her future husband, with the couple having a child. After their return to Urumqi in 2016, Ilmira stayed at home and took care of the baby.

Victim's location

Somewhere in Kashgar.

When victim was detained

Called back to Kashgar by the local Kashgar police in April 2017. Before going back, she posted on her WeChat that she had to go to Kashgar and couldn't use WeChat anymore, after which she went back and disappeared.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The fact that she studied in Egypt and that their family was a religious one, with many kids.

Victim's status

In detention, presumably. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From her friend.

Additional information

Her other family members - her husband, her parents - were detained as well. She also had siblings who had studied in Egypt, and they were detained also.

It's not clear what's happened to her daughter, and no one seems to know where she is.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-12-28 Last updated: 2019-10-08 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 1691. Ilyasjan Rahman (依力亚斯江·热合曼)

Chinese ID: 653101199306291610 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 28 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"terrorism" Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1|5: Munire Abdugheni, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (wife)

Testimony 2: Amnesty International, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 3: Munire Abdugheni, the wife of Ilyasjan Rahman. She escaped Egypt during the Uyghur crackdown and fled to Turkey. (wife)

Testimony 4: Amnesty International, a human rights organization.

Testimony 6: Munire Abdugheni, as reported by East Turkistan Human Rights Watch. (wife)

About the victim

Ilyasjan Rahman, originally from Kashgar, was a student at the Al-Azhar University in Egypt, having come to Egypt in 2014. Prior to that, he had spent a year at the Beijing Minzu University, studying and obtaining his passport to go to Egypt. He was a hafiz (someone who had memorized the Quran).

He went back to Xinjiang several times in 2015, getting married to his wife during one of them. The couple have an underage daughter, born in 2016.

Likely address in China (origin): Tukumuchuluk District, Doletbagh Township, Kashgar [as of 2018, this was officially in Pantuo Village of Shamalbagh Municipality].

Chinese passport number: E30540614.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

On July 4, 2017, he learned that there was a police operation against Uyghur students. For this reason, he preferred using Hurghada (and not Cairo) as a means to leave Egypt. However, he and his friend Shireli Shirzat {3242} were both arrested at the Hurghada airport on July 7. They were in custody in Hurghada for a week and later were brought back to Cairo, where he was held at Tora Prison.

Ilyasjan was able to call his wife on August 31, 2017 (possibly September 1), having bribed a prison official. He said he was arrested because the Chinese government claimed that he was a terrorist. According to local investigators, he would not be handed over to the Chinese government. They had realized that they had made a mistake and it would only be a matter of time before he was released. However, Munire would lose contact with her husband after this conversation.

During the conversation, Ilyasjan also mentioned that there were three groups (colors) of prisoners where he was, and that he was in the red group, together with 15 other people.

After one and a half years, his wife learned from her brother that Ilyasjan was in Kashgar. In June 2018, someone on Facebook, named "Izitku Sırlık", messaged her and told her that her husband was at a concentration camp in Kashgar.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Ilyasjan was arrested by Egyptian police after the Chinese government accused him of terrorism. His wife mentions that the Chinese government had not requested for them to return from Egypt prior to the arrest.

Victim's status

Presumably in Xinjiang, but unclear if still detained, as there has been no news of him for some time.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Ilyasjan called his wife after his arrest.

She learned of his detention in Kashgar from her brother and an anonymous informant on Facebook.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Amnesty International call for action:


Victims among relatives Abdugheni Qadir (10330)

Supplementary materials video from Tora Prison: Testimony 3: passport: photo with daughter: high-school graduation certificate: Al-Azhar student ID: photo:

Entry created: 2018-12-30 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2021-07-24 1722. Ayshem Hoshur

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Dilber Memet, originally from Aksu, has been residing in Turkey since 2014. (daughter)

About the victim

Ayshem Hoshur, Uyghur woman from Aqsu city. She is 76 years old (Testimony 2: 80). Lost information about her since the end of 2016 (2 years). Testifier doesn't know anything about her.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

Her daughter, testifier's older sister also has no information. Victims among relatives

Ehmet Tohtiniyaz (1719), Bumeryem Ehmet (1721), Roshengul Memet (8172), Tursun Sawus (8173), Ablikim Tursun (8174)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-12-30 Last updated: 2020-04-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-08 1733. Tursunjan Hezim

Chinese ID: 6529??1973??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 46-47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Erkin Sidiq, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (friend)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 4|5: Erkin Sidiq, an Uyghur-American NASA engineer living in the United States. He was born in Aksu and is a graduate of Xinjiang University. (friend)

About the victim

Tursunjan Hezim is originally from Aksu and graduated from Xinjiang University's history department in 1996. He used to work as a high-school history teacher at the Aksu No. 1 Middle School, and curated Orhun, a well-known website that focused on Uyghur history and culture.

He is married and is a father of three.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

He was detained after the July 5 incident in 2009. In July 2010, the Aksu Intermediate People's Court sentenced him to seven years in prison. The trial was closed, with Tursunjan's relatives being informed of the sentence but not of the charges.

After 7 years, he was released from prison, but would be arrested again in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention ---

Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown since his second arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

Mentioned in the UHRP report:

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Other mention:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: Testimony 5:

Entry created: 2018-12-31 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 1737. Qeyser Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: engineer

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (friend)

About the victim

Qeyser Abdukerim is a computer engineer and poet. He was also one of the administrators of Bilik website. He was detained by the local authorities and then no information has been released yet.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Testimony 2: The victim was arrested in approximately April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 2: Abduweli Ayup suspects that the victim was arrested in connection with his Uyghur computer engineering activities and the fact that he was an administrator of the website named Bilik.

Victim's status

Testimony 2: His current status and whereabouts are still unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

UHRP report

Additional information UHRP report:

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1), available at:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2018-12-31 Last updated: 2020-09-18 Latest status update: 2020-08-18 1777. Ehmet Eziz (艾合买提·艾则孜)

Chinese ID: 65292519650614??O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4: Kewser'ay Ehmet, originally from Aksu's Toqsu County. She came to France with her mother and sister in order to pursue treatment for the latter, who suffers from autism, and stayed because of the events in Xinjiang. (daughter)

About the victim

Ehmet Eziz is a government official in Toqsu County.

Chinese passport: E06465708.

Victim's location

He works in Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. This is also where the family is originally from, though the testifier mentions that they moved to Urumqi at one point so that her sister, who has special needs, could attend a specialized school there.

When victim was detained

His passport was confiscated in October 2016, with police demanding that his family return to Xinjiang. The family lost contact with him in March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

His documents have been confiscated and his daughter says that they've lost contact with him as well.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? According to the testifier, it was the victim himself who told them [about the confiscation, presumably].

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Dilsahan Abla (5406), Enwer Sattar (5407), Rabiyem Sattar (5408), Tahir Sattar (5409), Turjun Abla (5410)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 2: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-01-02 Last updated: 2019-09-19 Latest status update: 2020-08-07 1782. Ehmetjan Emet

Chinese ID: 6531??199???????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gulxan Emet, Uyghur woman from Kashgar. She came to Saudi Arabia June 6th, 2009. Her children were being taking care of grandparents (chong dadam, chong anam). In 2010 and 2011 her grandparents passed away and children were parentless. She was being able to contact with family before 2015. Before November, 2016 she was being able to contact her daughter in Shehezi, but lost contact with family since then.

Victim's relation to testifier son

About the victim

Exmetjan Emet, 20 years old Uyghur man from Kashgar. He was detained in December, 2015 while he was talking to his mother on phone. Police imprisoned him for 7 months for contacting his mother who is in Saudi Arabia and keeping Quran at home. Then he was released in July 2016 before Ramadan Eid. But no information about him since late 2016.

Victim's location unknown (maybe in Kashgar)

When victim was detained

December, 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention contacting mother in Saudi Arabia, Keeping Quran at home

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? likely from other relatives

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-02 Last updated: 2019-01-02 Latest status update: 2018-12-13 1783. Raziye Emet

Chinese ID: 653126199???????E? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gulxan Emet, Uyghur woman from Kashgar. She came to Saudi Arabia June 6th, 2009. Her children were being taking care of grandparents (chong dadam, chong anam). In 2010 and 2011 her grandparents passed away and children were parentless. She was being able to contact with family before 2015. Before November, 2016 she was being able to contact her daughter in Shehezi, but lost contact with family since then.

Victim's relation to testifier daughter

About the victim

Raziye Emet, 26 years old Uyghur woman from Kashgar. She was living in Shehizi with her husband, and in November 2016 police asked them to go back to Kaghiliq county. She's disappeared since then. Testifier believes they've been arrested. But whereabouts and conditions are not clear.

Victim's location unknown (maybe in Kaghiliq Kashgar)

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-02 Last updated: 2019-01-02 Latest status update: 2018-12-13 1789. Sabirjan Abliz

Chinese ID: 654002??????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nurmuhemmed Abliz, originally from Ghulja City. He left Xinjiang in November 2014 and is now living in Turkey with his family. (brother)

Testimony 2: Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother)

About the victim

Sabirjan Abliz, Uyghur man from Ghulja city.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: concentration camp

Testimony 2: no news since he was taken by police [years ago, judging by the other victims]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

Many people from his family are in concentration camps.

Victims among relatives

Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-02 Last updated: 2020-01-31 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 1790. Ayshigul Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65410119????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nurmuhemmed Abliz, originally from Ghulja City. He left Xinjiang in November 2014 and is now living in Turkey with his family. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 2: Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Ayshegul Ehet, Uyghur woman from Ghulja. She is in concentration camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: detained.

Testimony 2: no contact with her since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

Her husband, Turmuhammer Abliz, is also in concentration camp.

Victims among relatives

Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-02 Last updated: 2020-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 1793. Heyrigul Turdi

Chinese ID: 65400219????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ehmetjan Jumahun, a businessman originally from Ghulja City but residing in Istanbul since 2002. (son)

About the victim

Xeyrigul Turdi, Uyghur woman from Ghulja. Her address is room 6, group 3, Xinhua eastern Road, Ghulja city. She traveled to Turkey once 4 years ago with traveling company and went back. She came to Istanbul to see his son 2 years ago (in 2016) and stayed for 4-5 months. She was very sick and went back. She has no information since her return.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-02 Last updated: 2020-01-28 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 1812. Erkin Abduwayit

Chinese ID: 6501????????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: manual work

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Enver Abduwayit, Uyghur man from Urumqi. His address was Room 92, Ghalibiyet Road, Urumqi city.

Victim's relation to testifier younger brother

About the victim

Erkin Abduwayit, Uyghur man from Urumqi. He was a worker (possibly a factory worker, testifier said ishchi in Uyghur). He has no history of committing a crime. He was being able to contact freely with his brother overseas. But since January, 2017 he has been missing. His brother believes he's in detention, but he couldn't be sure.

Victim's location unknown (possibly in Urumqi)

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unknown

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2019-01-03 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 1816. Mijit Yusup

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Mijit Yusup, around 50 years old as of Nov 2018. Originally from Gulluq township (古勒鲁克乡), Payiziwat (Jiashi) county, Kashgar prefecture. A melon farmer, had a successful business.

Victim's location

Peyziwat, Kashgar

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

He is now in a concentration camp in Peyziwat county of Kashgar prefecture.

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1817. Ablimit Imin

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (nephew-in-law)

Testimony 4: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (nephew-in-law)

About the victim

Ablimit Imin, government worker, approximately 65 years old as of November 2018. Originally from No. 14 Village, Gulluq township (古勒鲁克乡), Payiziwat (Jiashi) county, Kashgar prefecture.

Victim's location

Peyziwat , kashgar

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

He is in a concentration camp in Peyziwat county of kashgar prefecture.

Testimony 4: no news since November 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1818. Memetahun Rehim

Chinese ID: 65312119????????O? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (nephew-in-law)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (nephew-in-law)

About the victim

Memetahun Rehim, father of victim Sanigul Memet. Around 60 years old as of November 2018. Originally from Langan township (兰干乡), Kona Sheher (Shufu) county, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a farmer and orchardat.

Victim's location


When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Unknown if he is in concentration camp or prison in Urumqi city.

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1819. Qari Hashim

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (nephew-in-law)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (nephew-in-law)

About the victim

Qari Hashim, around 65 years old as of November 2018. Originally from Gulluq township (古勒鲁克乡), Payiziwat (Jiashi) county, Kashgar prefecture. He is a retired teacher.

Victim's location

Peyziwat, Kashgar

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Unknown if he is in concentration camp or prison at peyziwat county of Kashgar prefecture.

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1820. Mijit Yusup (米吉提·玉苏普)

Chinese ID: 653129197506010016 (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (nephew)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (nephew)

About the victim

Abdumijit Yusup, approximately 40 years old Uyghur man. He is a farmer. Originally from Gulluq township (古勒鲁克乡), Payiziwat (Jiashi) county, Kashgar prefecture.

Victim's location

Aghu township, Atush city, Kizilsu

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Unknown if he is in concentration camp or prison in Aghu township (yeza) of Atush city.

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

He is included in a list of government subsidies:

Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-06-18 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1821. Ebeydulla Urayim

Chinese ID: 65312119????????O? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (nephew)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (nephew)

About the victim

Ebeydulla Urayim, around 45 years old as of November 2018. Lives in Langan township (兰干乡), Kona Sheher (Shufu) county, Kashgar Prefecture. A farmer and freelance worker.

Victim's location

Onsu , Aksu

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Unknown if he is in a concentration camp or prison in Onsu county (wen su), Aksu prefecture.

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1822. Hebirahman Urayim (艾比热合曼·吾拉依木)

Chinese ID: 65312919531007203X (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (nephew)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (nephew)

About the victim

Hebiburahman Ibrahim, approximately 65 years old Uyghur man. He was a farmer and bootmaker. Father of victim Mehemmed Hebiburahman. Originally from Gulluq township (古勒鲁克乡), Payizawat (Jiashi) county, Kashgar prefecture.

Victim's location

Peyziwat, Kashgar

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

He is in a concentration camp in Peyziwat county of Kashgar prefecture.

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

He is included in a list of government cotton subsidies:

Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-06-18 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1823. Muhemmed Hebiburahman

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (cousin)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (cousin)

About the victim

Mehemmed Hebiburahman, 36 years old Uyghur man. He was a truck driver. Originally from Gulluq township (古勒鲁克乡), Payiziwat (Jiashi) county, Kashgar prefecture.

Victim's location

Peyziwat, Kashgar

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

He is in concentration camp in Peyziwat county, Kashgar prefecture.

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 1824. Sanigul Memet

Chinese ID: 65312119????????E? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (cousin)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (cousin)

Testimony 4: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Amnesty International. (cousin)

About the victim

Sanigul Memet, 30 years old Uyghur woman. Daughter of victim Memetahun Reyim. Lives in Langan township (兰干乡), Kona Sheher (Shufu) county, Kashgar Prefecture.

Testimony 4: she is a farmer.

Victim's location

Kona Sheher, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

She was imprisoned in early 2016 in Kona Sheher county of Kashgar prefecture. [but no sentence mentioned]

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 4: her husband also being detained in early 2016.

Victim's status

Testimony 4: According to the testifier, it is unclear whether Sanigul and her husband are in a prison or a camp. It is suspected that they are in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

Amnesty International case info (Testimony 4):

Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2021-09-20 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 1826. Buayshem Ablimit

Chinese ID: 65312919????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (cousin)

Testimony 4: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Amnesty International. (cousin)

About the victim

Bu'ayshem Ablimit, 30 years old Uyghur woman. She was imprisoned in early 2016 for teaching Quran in Kona Sheher (Shufu) county of Kashgar prefecture

Testimony 4: she is a farmer and a housewife.

Victim's location

Kona sheher county of Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained early 2016

Testimony 4: sentenced to 4-5 years in early 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention teaching Quran

Victim's status

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 4: her father learned about the sentence from a trusted source when he went to visit Buayshem in May 2016.

Additional information

Amnesty International case info (Testimony 4):

Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-04 Last updated: 2021-09-23 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 1827. Nejibulla Ablet (乃吉布拉·阿布来提)

Chinese ID: 653129198802120011 (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 33 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4|6: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (brother)

Testimony 5: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 7: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (brother)

Testimony 8: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother)

About the victim

Nejibulla Ablet was a cardiologist and endocrinologist at the Kashgar No. 1 People's Hospital (also known as Kirembagh Hospital). He finished both high school (Nanjing Advanced High School) and university (clinical medicine, Northwestern Nationalities University (西北民族大学), 2012) in inner China, and speaks Mandarin fluently. He's a father of two underage children.

Victim's location

The testifier says that he heard that his brother is in Aksu's Kucha County. However, he adds that he has not been able to confirm this.

When victim was detained

The victim was summoned by local Kashgar police for a talk on February 20, 2018, and has been missing since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Contact with a family member abroad. Victim's status

No news of him since he was summoned by the police. Testifier says that he was detained without any due process.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

When Muhemmed'eli tried to call the hospital where his brother was employed, he was told by the staff that they could not provide information about other staff, as instructed by a government notice.

In his last call to the testifier, Nejibulla had asked his brother for personal details, including the name of the school he was attending in the US. It is suspected that police made him ask those questions.

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

Amnesty International case info:

Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 6: wedding photo:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2021-09-21 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 1828. Dilmurat Dilshat

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Juret Hemit. He is from Ghulja city and his home is in Dongmehelle of Ghulja. He couldn't contact with his family.

Victim's relation to testifier cousin

About the victim

Dilmurat Dilshat, Uyghur man. He traveled to Turkey in 2014, then returned. In late 2016, he contacted testifier and told him not to contact him and deleted him from wechat. Then he disappeared.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2019-01-03 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 1830. Turahun Helil

Chinese ID: 652801??????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yusup Helil, Uyghur man from Awat township (yeza) of Korla city. On March 21st, 2016 he came to Turkey because of the repression.

Victim's relation to testifier older sister

About the victim

Turahun Helil, Uyghur woman. She's been missing for 2.5 years (since around May, 2016) and couldn't get any information about her from anywhere.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2019-01-03 Latest status update: 2018-12-19 1834. Israyil Ismayil (依司热衣力·斯马义)

Chinese ID: 654101199205201234 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Ismayil Ibrahim, originally from Ghulja, has been residing in Turkey since 2015. (father)

Testimony 2: Turghunay Iminjan, originally from Ghulja but now residing in Turkey. (mother)

Testimony 3: Israpil Ismayil, originally from Ghulja, has been residing in France since 2017. (brother)

Testimony 4: Omer Bekri, also known as Omir Bekali or Omerbek Eli, is the first ex-detainee eyewitness of the mass incarcerations in Xinjiang. A businessman from Turpan, he was a Kazakhstan citizen at the time of his arrest. (friend of relative)

About the victim

Israyil Ismayil is a cook and a dyer from Ghulja City.

ID address: 66 Fourth Alley, East Ningyuan Road, Herembagh Subdistrict, Ghulja City, Xinjiang (新疆伊宁市艾兰木巴格街道宁远东路四巷66号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Taken to a camp in Ghulja on May 20, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

His brother heard that Israyil was released from camp in July 2019, but has not been able to contact him and as such doesn't know how good his health is now.

Omer Bekri's account in 2021 is slightly conflicting, however, as Omer states that there's been no news of Israyil since he was taken to camp (he also mentions that he was taken 10 days before Qurban Eid, which conflicts with the reported date of May 20).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

His brother mentions hearing the latest news of the release from relatives over WeChat.

Additional information

Israpil mentions being unable to contact his relatives in Xinjiang since 2017.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Chinese ID: photo:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2021-08-22 Latest status update: 2021-08-20 1846. Ablet Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Mujahit Abdureshit, Uyghur boy living in Turkey since 2014. They lost contact with his father after 2015.

Victim's relation to testifier uncle (father's older brother)

About the victim

Ablet Abdurehim, Uyghur man. He was sentenced for 10 years in prison. After his release he lived outside for only one year and in 2016 he detained again and placed in a prison. No information since then.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

His brother and a sister are also in prison.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2019-01-03 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 1847. Abdureshit Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Mujahit Abdureshit, Uyghur boy living in Turkey since 2014. They lost contact with his father after 2015.

Victim's relation to testifier father

About the victim

Abdureshit Abdurehim, Uyghur man. He was detained and imprisoned in 2016. No information since then.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? from relatives back home Additional information

His brother and a sister are also in prison.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2019-01-03 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 1865. Halid Shirmemet

Chinese ID: 654002??????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengihayat Neighborhood, but now living in Turkey. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Roshengul Tashmemet, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (aunt)

About the victim

Halid Shirmemet, 16 (as of May 2019), Uyghur from Ghulja. He was detained in early 2017 and placed in concentration camps.

Victim's location possibly in Ghulja

When victim was detained early 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information entire family in concentration camp.

Also covered by RFA (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Patigul Emet (522), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Sumeyye Eli (5650), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 20218065091&width=300

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 1866. Mujahit Shirmemet

Chinese ID: 654002??????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengihayat Neighborhood, but now living in Turkey. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Roshengul Tashmemet, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (aunt)

About the victim

Mujahit Shirmemet, 16 (as of May 2019), Uyghur from Ghulja city. He was detained in early 2017 and placed in concentration camps.

Victim's location possibly in Ghulja

When victim was detained early 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information entire family in concentration camp

Also covered by RFA (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Patigul Emet (522), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Sumeyye Eli (5650), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 20218065091&width=300

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 1867. Hediche Shirmemet

Chinese ID: 654002??????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengihayat Neighborhood, but now living in Turkey. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Roshengul Tashmemet, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (aunt)

About the victim

Xediche Shirmemet, 19 (as of May 2019), Uyghur from Ghulja. She was detained in early 2017 and placed in concentration camps.

Victim's location possibly in Ghulja

When victim was detained in early 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information entire family in concentration camp.

Also reported by RFA (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Patigul Emet (522), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Sumeyye Eli (5650), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 20218065091&width=300

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-02-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 1871. Abduweli Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 653201200???????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (sister)

About the victim

Abduweli Ubulqasim( testifier didn't say his family name, but should have same family name as he is her brother), 15 years old Uyghur boy from Hotan city. At the beginning local police forced him to do heavy labor. In January, 2018 he was detained by national security and disappeared since then.

Address: NO.3 road (3- kocha), group 7 (7-dadui), Ilchi shimalbagh, Hotan city.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: January, 2018

Testimony 2: This testimony states [clarifies] that the victim was arrested in December 2017 and that the testifier learnt of the victim's arrest in January 2018.

Testimony 2: The police reportedly forced the victim to carry liquor bottles, discard rubbish and do housekeeping after the victim's arrest. The victim was "not allowed to sleep, even at night." The testifier learnt two months before making this testimony that the victim was tortured by police and had undergone three surgical operations.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

His father and his older brother are in detention, no information about his mother and other siblings.

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Mihribulla Obulqasim (1872), Rozinisa Nuri (6765), Muhemmed Obulqasim (3624), Ayshe Obulqasim (11109), Sumeyye Obulqasim (11110), Raziye Obulqasim (11111), Merziye Obulqasim (11112)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 1872. Mihribulla Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 653201199???????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (sister)

About the victim

Mihribulla Ubulqasim, 24 years old Uyghur from Hotan city. In November, 2016 he was detained in Urumqi and placed in concentration camp. No information since then.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

November, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

His father, younger brother are also in detention. No information about his mother Rozinisa Nury and other siblings.

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Abduweli Obulqasim (1871), Rozinisa Nuri (6765), Muhemmed Obulqasim (3624), Ayshe Obulqasim (11109), Sumeyye Obulqasim (11110), Raziye Obulqasim (11111), Merziye Obulqasim (11112)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 1892. Shemsinur Pida

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: engineer

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Xiamuxinuer Pida gender: female ethnicity: Uyghur age: 66 (as of 24 Oct 2018) occupation: well-educated former-engineer, worked at a Chinese state company

She visited her daughter, Reyila Ablet, and her daughter’s family in the UK in the summer of 2017. She returned to Xinjiang on 2 June 2017. Shortly after her arrival, police searched her house, her daughter had to send documents containing her personal information through Wechat and finally, Xiamuxinuer asked her daughter to never call her again. The daughter lost contact with Xiamuxinuer at this moment. The daughter suspects that her mother was taken to a "re-education" camp.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained around June 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status disappeared, family abroad lost contact

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? (published 24 OCT 2018)

Additional information


Supplementary materials


Entry created: 2019-01-04 Last updated: 2019-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-01-04 1906. Alimjan Qurban

Chinese ID: 654002199411????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 25 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Muqeddes, an Uyghur living in Turkey. (cousin)

Testimony 2*: Anonymous, as reported by AidET. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3: @Hendan_Hiyal, an unverified Twitter account. (cousin)

About the victim

Alimjan Qurban, male, Uyghur, 24 (Nov, 1994), from Ghulja (yi ning).

[Testimony 2: He's a taxi driver. Address: Upper Toghraq village (上托格拉克村), Toghraq townsip, Yining municipality]

Victim's location


When victim was detained around May,2017

[Testimony 2: 2016, according to info from testimony event

Testimony 3: taken to camp in 2016]

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown [in re-education camp, according to info from testimony event in February 2019 (Testimony 2); however, it would appear that his relatives abroad haven't had news of his situation since his detention

Testimony 3: no real news since detention]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Testimony 1:] from a friend

Additional information

[Testimony 3: his mother recently passed away from brain hemorrhage complications.]

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2019-01-05 Last updated: 2020-12-12 Latest status update: 2020-07-21 1944. Reshide Hashim (热西旦·阿西木)

Chinese ID: 652123195308102528 (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (son)

Testimony 2: Abdulla Rusul, as reported by Agence France-Presse. (son)

About the victim

Reshide Hashim, 65 years old Uyghur woman from Toxsun, Turpan. Her chinese ID number is 65212319538102528. Her address is Number 2-8-330, group 11, Jigde villge (kent), Bostan township (yeza), Toxsun county. Her passport number is E61671224. She visited Turkey in 2016 to see her son (testifier). She sent to concentration camp in 2017. She had eye surgery before her detention and she has high blood pressure.

Victim's location

Toxsun, Turpan

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention seems to be visiting Turkey

Victim's status sick

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

Mention in AFP report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 3: Chinese passport: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-09-30 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1946. Halidigul Rusul (哈力地古丽·热苏力)

Chinese ID: 652123197908012525 (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (brother)

Testimony 2: Abdulla Rusul, as reported by Agence France-Presse. (brother)

About the victim

Xalidegul Rusul, Uyghur woman. She was born on August 1st, 1979. Her Chinese ID number is 652123197908012525. Her address is group 11, Jigde village (kent), Bostan township (yeza), Txosun county of Turpan city. She sent to a concentration camp with her husband Ablikim in 2017. No information about her daughter Ilminur.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 3: no update [presumably still no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

Her father was killed by local officials, her mother is in a concentration camp, Her brother's family is in concentration camp.

Mention in AFP report (Testimony 2):

A person with the victim's name has a supermarket listed in Toqsun:

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 3: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1947. Perizat Abdugul

Chinese ID: 652101196511131849 (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (son-in-law)

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Perizat Abdugul, Uyghur woman from Turpan city. She was born on November 13th, 1965. Her Chinese ID number is 652101196511131849. Her address is Room 48, group 2, Munar village (kent), Uzumqi township (yeza), Turpan city. Testifier have lost contact with her entire family since beginning of 2016. They all are in concentration camps.

Victim's location

Turpan city

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

Entire family is in concentration camps.

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1948. Reyhan Ablimit

Chinese ID: 652101??????????E? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Reyhan Ablimit, Uyghur woman from Turpan city. She is in concentration camp. Her husband Memtimin is imprisoned for 15 years. No information about her children Muhemmet and Sumeyye. Testifier has lost contact with them since beginning of 2016.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: concentration camp

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information entire family is in detention, no information about young children.

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1949. Ruqiye Ablimit

Chinese ID: 652101??????????E? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Ruqiye Ablimit, Uyghur woman from Turpan city. She and her husband are both in concentration camp. No information about their young sons Yusup and Abdurahman. Testifier has lost contact with them since beginning of 2016.

Victim's location


When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: no updates [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

All adults in this family are in detention, young children have no information. Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1952. Qurban Hashim

Chinese ID: 65212319????????O? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Qurban Hashim, Uyghur man. He is in concentration camp with his wife. No information about their young children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: camp

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1953. Zulpiye Shemshi

Chinese ID: 65212319????????E? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin)

About the victim

Zulpiye Shemshi, Uyghur woman. She is in concentration camp with her husband. No information about her young 2 sons.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: camp

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1958. Ehmet Ablimit (艾合买提·阿布里米提)

Chinese ID: 65212319641008??O? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Exmet Ablimit, Uyghur man. He was born on October 8th, 1964. His passport number is E61671464. He is in concentration camp. His wife and 2 children are also in concentration camps.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information entire family is in concentration camps. Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1959. Ayshemgul Ghopur (阿依夏木古丽·吾甫尔)

Chinese ID: 65212319691002??E? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin)

About the victim

Ayshemgul Ghupur, Uyghur woman from Turpan. She was born on October 2nd, 1969. Her passport number is E61671463. She is in concentration camp. Her 2 children and husband are also in concentration camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1960. Hekimehan Ghopur (艾克振木汗·吾甫尔)

Chinese ID: 652123194406072540 (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 75 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (nephew)

About the victim

Hekimexan Ghupur, 74 years old Uyghur woman. She was born on June 7th, 1944. Her Chinese ID number is 652123194406072540. Her Passport number is E62534325. Her address is Room 2-5-551, group 9, Bostan neighborhood (mehelle), Bostan township (yeza), Toxsun county, Turpan city. She is in concentration camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: camp

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1962. Mahire Hashim

Chinese ID: 65??????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Mahire Hashim, Uyghur woman. She is in concentration camp with her husband. No information about 2 young sons.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: camp

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1967. Shahadet Semi (沙哈代提·赛米)

Chinese ID: 652123196601202522 (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Shahadet Semi, Uyghur woman from Toxsun, Turpan. She was born on January 20th, 1966. Her Chinese ID number is 652123196601202522. Her address is group 4, Chong Payza village (kent), Bostan township (yeza), Toxsun county. She is in concentration camp with her husband and 2 sons.

Chinese passport: E76980504

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: testifier doesn't report any updates [presumably no news].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-09-30 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1969. Zilajigul Hashim

Chinese ID: 65212319????????E? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Zilajigul Hashim, Uyghur woman. She is in concentration camp with her husband. No information about her 2 young sons.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: camp

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1970. Rizwangul Hashim

Chinese ID: 65212319????????E? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Rizwangul Hashim, Uyghur woman. She is in concentration camp with her husband Pidaiy. No information about her young children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: camp

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-10-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 1973. Jalalidin Eziz

Chinese ID: 65212319????????O? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (nephew)

About the victim

Jalalidin Eziz, Uyghur man. He is in concentration camp with his wife and son.

Testimony 3: from Bostan Township proper (presumably Hetip Karizi Village, judging by the map).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

Testimony 3: No contact since 2018 and no news (the testifier asks for his release however)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2021-01-13 Latest status update: 2021-01-01 1974. Ghopur Eziz

Chinese ID: 65212319????????O? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (nephew)

About the victim

Ghupur Eziz, 60 years old Uyghur man. He is in concentration camp.

Testimony 3: he is from Jidge Village.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: no update [presumably no news]

Testimony 3: No contact since 2018 and no news (the testifier asks for the victim to be released however).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2021-01-13 Latest status update: 2021-01-01 2049. Adil Ghappar (阿地力·阿帕尔)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: scholar

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Concerned Scholars of Xinjiang, the web account of a group of Xinjiang scholars concerned about the recent crisis. (colleague)

Testimony 2: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3*: Eric Schluessel, a Xinjiang scholar from the United States. (colleague)

About the victim

Adil Ghappar Karezi (his pen name), 37-38 (as of November 2018), is an anthropologist and scholar at Xinjiang Normal University, or was until recently. His best book is "On the Remnants of the Culture of Uyghur Shamanism" 维吾尔族萨满文化遗存调查, and there is a collection of his shorter writings in Uyghur ( I heard from colleagues in summer 2017 that he had left academia to work in Turpan. It would appear that the move was not entirely voluntary--Adil loved his work, was very good at it, and had recently received a new award for ongoing research on Uyghur education in the home (维吾尔族家庭教育与儿童社会化研究). Adil comes from an established family in Turpan--his grandfather was involved in important work in hydrology there.

There may be some confusion about Adil's identity. There is an article online by someone with his Chinese name 阿地力・阿帕尔, also in Turpan, pledging to fight extremism: Unclear if it's the same person, but I think I heard that he had gone into news media. Another article, dated March 2018, archived from a now-inaccessible website suggests it might be someone else: (

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: early 2017 Testimony 3: Late 2017 at the earliest, not early 2017, as the current testimony says. I saw mutual friends in summer 2017 who simply said he had left academia. However, we may hypothesize that Adil had already been sent to reeducation, and that he was released later that year and put in a new position locally, hence the essays on online news portals.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: From mutual friends, and confirmed by the list of detained scholars online.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals, available at (Testimony 2):

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-01-10 Last updated: 2020-01-23 Latest status update: 2020-01-06 2126. Alim Ehet (阿力木·艾海提)

Chinese ID: 65292419730614??O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway.

Testimony 2: Erkin Sidiq, an Uyghur-American NASA engineer living in the United States. He was born in Aksu and is a graduate of Xinjiang University. (acquaintance)

Testimony 3: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Xinjiang University staff, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (colleague)

Testimony 5: Helchem Memtimin, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (former schoolmate)

Testimony 6: Eqide Polat, a student in the United States. (niece-in-law)

About the victim

Alim Ehet is an Uyghur scholar and famous software engineer, best known for being the founder of Uighursoft, the first Uyghur software company. Founded in 1998, the company was the first to produce software in Uyghur, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz, as well as Uyghur/Kazakh/Kyrgyz-Mandarin dictionaries and a spellchecker for the languages.

He obtained his degree in computational mathematics from Xinjiang University in 1996, where he later became a teacher of mathematics and system sciences. He partnered with Microsoft at some point while working there.

In addition to being awarded for his innovations (, he had also been a member of the Chinese IT Youth Association and the Xinjiang Youth Association of Technological Workers.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.] When victim was detained

Chronology of detention not very clear.

According to Erkin Sidiq, he was sent to "camp" in 2017. However, intellectuals abroad have reported him falling out of contact in January 2018, while a former schoolmate of the victim said that he disappeared at some point in the summer of 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Believed to be in detention, but there hasn't been any news.

A staff member at Xinjiang University confirmed to Radio Free Asia that he was no longer employed there.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not clear, though the sources from Xinjiang University and Urumqi are likely to have more direct knowledge of the case (by virtue of their positions and physical location).

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage: (The article notes that his name has been removed from the Xinjiang University School of Mathematics and System Science website.)

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

More information about the victim: (阿里木·艾海提

His online "Tencent classroom" page:

About Uighursoft:

Awarded as an "outstanding youth":

Supplementary materials presentation at the Atlan school: Testimony 2: TV appearance: recognition post: 58596357069815%26set%3Da.10150301523959815%26type%3D3&width=450 Testimony 6: Uighursoft photo: photo: online course video:

Entry created: 2019-01-14 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2021-01-04 2224. Ehet Sulayman

Chinese ID: 652201196304????O? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Eset Sulayman, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

Testimony 2: Eset Sulayman, as reported by New York Times. (brother)

Testimony 3: Eset Sulayman, originally from Hami, but now living in the United States. He has been working for Radio Free Asia since 2013. (brother)

Testimony 4: Oghuzhan Eset, a citizen of the United States. (nephew)

Testimony 5: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (colleague)

Testimony 6: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 7: Anonymous, as reported by Amnesty International. (relative)

About the victim name: Ehet Sulaiman gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur age: older than his brother Eset (48) (as of April 2018) occupation: school principal

Ehet is the older brother of Eset Sulaiman, a RFA journalist.

Testimony 3: born in 1963 (Testimony 7: April). He graduated from Xinjiang Normal University in 1986 with a degree in physical education, and would go on to have a long career as an educator, later becoming the head of the Hami City Tianshan Township Education District (哈密市天山乡学区校长).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hami.] When victim was detained

Testimony 1: sent to camp in October 2017.

Testimony 3: arrested in March 2017.

Testimony 6: RFA spoke with an anonymous employee at the Tengritagh Police Station, who said that Ehet Sulayman was arrested in 2018 and stripped of his position at the Tengritagh Township Teaching District. The anonymous employee explained that Ehet Sulayman was taken away by "national security" and that the Tengritagh Police are unaware of what happened after that.

Likely (or given) reason for detention probably because his relative works as a reporter at RFA

Victim's status

Testimony 3: no news since detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: through a relative in Sweden. His family in Xinjiang also contacted him sometime between 2015 and 2017 to ask him about his activities in the US (working for RFA), but he didn't tell them and ended up cutting off contact.

Testimony 5: a male staff member at the Kumul branch of the Tengritagh Township Teaching District confirmed the detention (presumably having relatively direct knowledge of the case).

Additional information

RFA profile (Testimony 1): (published 4 APR 2018)

RFA coverage (Testimony 5-6):

Amnesty International cafe info (Testimony 7):

Media coverage: de-leurs-proches-aux-etats-unis-6072795 (published 18 DEC 2018) (Testimony 2) (published 1 MAR 2018)

Mentioned in the CECC report: _1424.pdf

Victims among relatives Ehmet Sulayman (12809), Jelil Osman (12810), Muhemmet Osman (12811), Eli Ablelim (1353), Ablajan Ablelim (12812), Adil Ablelim (12813), Memeteli Sopi (2228), Saadet Kichik (2229)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: photo: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-01-21 Last updated: 2021-09-28 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 2251. Sidiqjan Salih

Chinese ID: 65400219????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Subhi Salih, now residing outside China. (sister)

About the victim

Sidiqjan Salih, around 50-51 (as of January 2019), is originally from Ghulja (Ili).

Victim's location

The testifier thinks that he's in Ghulja (Ili).

When victim was detained

He had previously spent some time in prison following the February 5 Ghulja incident.

More recently, the testifier says that she hasn't been able to contact the victim since November 2017, which is when they last talked on WeChat. She strongly suspects that he's been taken to camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The testifier believes that he was detained for having gone to Turkey for travel in 2016.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From friends.

The testifier also writes that the victim's daughter uploaded her father's photo as her profile photo some months ago (as of January 2019), captioning it with the words "Oh, my father..." Additional information


Victims among relatives

Guzelay Hamut (2252), Sulhi Abdulla (2253)

Entry created: 2019-01-22 Last updated: 2019-01-22 Latest status update: 2019-01-22 2253. Sulhi Abdulla

Chinese ID: 6540??197???????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Subhi Salih, now residing outside China. (sister)

About the victim

Sulhi Abdulla, 43 years old (as of January 2019), lives in Ghulja (Ili).

Victim's location

The testifier believes he's in Ghulja (Ili).

When victim was detained

Believed detained at some point in the last year (as of January 2019).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Believed to be detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He had previously deleted the testifier on WeChat, but would still change his profile picture often. However, for the past year, there hasn't been any change in his photo, making the testifier believe that he's been detained.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Sidiqjan Salih (2251), Guzelay Hamut (2252)

Entry created: 2019-01-22 Last updated: 2019-01-22 Latest status update: 2019-01-22 2369. Abduleziz Silimahun

Chinese ID: 652401195606253218 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party buayshe abduleziz,univirsit oqughuchi,26yash,kimlik nomur:654101199212223220,ghulja shehir kipekyuzyiza kipekyuz kenit 19-shiang2-nomur

Victim's relation to testifier qizi

About the victim abduleziz silimahun,yekke tijaretchi,66yashi,kimlik nomur:652401195606253218,ghulja shehir kipekyuzyiza kipekyuz kenit 19-shiang2-nomur

Victim's location bilmeymen

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

2013yili 5-aylarda sayahat uchun kelgen ve turkiyede bir ay turup vetenge ketken,2017jı yili birinji ayda sayahat uchun turkiyege bir aylık kelgen ve istanbuldun oy alhan vetenge kaytkan,2017-yili 7-aylarda sahchilar oyge kilip bir ikki ihiz gap soraymiz dep eketken nege ilip ketkini inik emes,shu eketkenche iz diriki yok.

Victim's status bilmeymen How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

2017-yili 9-aylarda apam bilan telfun paraglishish arqiliq bildim

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Reshide Ismayil (2393)

Supplementary materials


Entry created: 2019-01-28 Last updated: 2019-01-28 Latest status update: 2019-01-28 2393. Reshide Ismayil

Chinese ID: 65400219????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Buayshe,26yash,kimlik nomuurum:654101199212223220, universit oqughuchi,gulja

Victim's relation to testifier kizi

About the victim

Reshide ismayil,54yash,kespi:aile ayali,adres:ghulja shehir kipekyuzyiza kipekyuzkenit 19.shiang 2.numur 2018.yili 7.aylarning melum bir kuni telfunda paranglashtuq apamning tuyuqsiz doxturxanigha kirip qalghanliqini bilduq, shu yerdiki bir saqchi bizge apamning yurek kesilige giriptal bolghanliqini jiddi dawalanmisa bolmaydighanliqini bu sewebtin dawalash heqqini biz tolishimiz kereklikini uqturdi,axirqi qetim alaqe qilghan waqtimiz 2018 yil 2.ay, hazirghiche hich uchuruni alalmidim,

Victim's location iniq emes bilmeyme

When victim was detained tutuldimu yaki oydimu bilmeymen

Likely (or given) reason for detention bilmeymen

Victim's status bilmeymen

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? telfun arqiliq

Additional information resim ve munaswetlik videolarni ewetttuq

Victims among relatives

Abduleziz Silimahun (2369)

Supplementary materials


Entry created: 2019-01-30 Last updated: 2019-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-01-30 2401. Qelbinur Ilyas

Chinese ID: 652926??????????E? (Bay)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ilyas Turdi, was born in Bay, Aksu.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Kalbinur Ilyas

Victim's location


When victim was detained

End of 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? from his mother, Tunsaxan Ibrahim, 70. Ilyas lost contact with her since mid 2016.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-30 Last updated: 2019-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-01-23 2402. Habibulla Ilyas

Chinese ID: 65292620????????O? (Bay)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ilyas Turdi, was born in Bay, Aksu.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Habibulla Ilyas, 16

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Was detained in Vietnam border on Sep 1st, 2014

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? from mother, Tunsaxan Ibrahim, 70. Ilyas lost contact with her since mid 2016.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-30 Last updated: 2019-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-01-23 2498. Idris Nurulla

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Joshua Freeman, a historian of China and Inner Asia, as well as a translator of Uyghur poetry. (acquaintance)

Testimony 3: Tahir Hamut, an Uyghur poet and filmmaker, now residing in the United States. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Idris Nurulla. He was an independent translator.

Testimony 2: Prior to his detention, the victim was a poet and translator. The victim also ran a wine shop.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: the victim disappeared "more than two years ago" (as of August 2020).

Testimony 3: detained in October 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: in detention Testimony 2: disappeared

Testimony 3: whereabouts unknown since detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1), available at:

Mention in New York Review of Books (Testimony 2):

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Twitter mention: photo:

Entry created: 2019-02-02 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2020-10-01 2509. Shahip Abdusalam Nurbeg (夏依甫·沙拉木)

Chinese ID: 65292919????????O? (Kelpin)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Unknown, but with a verified identity. (brother)

Testimony 3: Joshua Freeman, a historian of China and Inner Asia, as well as a translator of Uyghur poetry. (acquaintance)

Testimony 4: Tahir Hamut, an Uyghur poet and filmmaker, now residing in the United States. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Shahip Abdusalam Nurbeg. He was a poet and a teacher at Kelpin County NO.1 Middle School. His younger brother in Japan posted on facebook that he was detained and placed in concentration camp ( r).

Testimony 3: now in his late fifties or sixties. He composed a famous piece [of poetry] entitled "Thousand Elegies". He also edited an extensive anthology of Uyghur poetry translated into Chinese, entitled "Burning Wheat"; it was published in 2016.

Victim's location

Kelpin, Aksu prefecture

When victim was detained

Testimony 3: The victim was the mentor of Uyghur poet Abdukhebir Qadir Erkan, who left China in 2016 for Cairo, Egypt. When Abdukhebir Qadir Erkan left China, the victim was reportedly still working as a school teacher. Abdukhebir heard that the victim had been sent to a concentration camp between approximately the end of July 2017 and 3 August 2017. This means that the victim disappeared (very approximately) at some point between 2016 and August 2017.

Testimony 4: arrested in January 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: in concentration camp

Testimony 4: whereabouts unknown since arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: His brother made a call to Kelpin NO.1 Middle school and confirmed ( r).

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1), available at:

Mentioned in the New York Review of Books (Testimony 3):

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2 (removed): id%3D373984496725137%26id%3D100023407695920&width=450 Testimony 4: photo: a book he edited:

Entry created: 2019-02-03 Last updated: 2020-10-09 Latest status update: 2020-10-01 2520. Muhter Rozi (木合塔尔·肉孜)

Chinese ID: 65900319810204??O? (Tumshuq)

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Tumshuq Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Bumeryem Muhemmed, wife of victim Muhter Rozi. (wife)

Testimony 3|4: Bumeryem Muhemmed, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (wife)

Testimony 5: Bumeryem Muhemmed, as reported by CNN. (wife)

Testimony 6: Bumeryem Muhemmed, as reported by East Turkistan Human Rights Watch. (wife)

Testimony 7: Memettursun Omer, as reported by East Turkistan Human Rights Watch. (detained together)

About the victim

Muxter Rozi. He was born on February 4th, 1981. His passport NO. is E10551559. He was a computer programmer and computer expert. He was a student at Azhar university at Egypt. He was arrested at Egypt on July 16th, 2017 and then deported back to China.

Testimony 5: he is a father of two.

Testimony 6: he first came to Egypt in 2015. He had graduated from the Xinjiang Tarim University (Electrics and Energy department). He spent a lot of money getting his passport [possibly implying bribes], eventually going to Egypt on a tourist visa, where he would study Arabic at Al-Azhar's secondary and high schools.

Testimony 6: When he was in Xinjiang, he opened a computer course (İRA) and took significant roles in a company (Bilkut).

Victim's location

Testimony 4: in his hometown of Tumshuq When victim was detained

July 16th, 2017. Victim was detained in Egypt and deported.

Testimony 5:

As raids began in July 2017, the family made plans to flee Egypt. Muhter heard reports of people being arrested at the airport. The family believed Muhter was more likely to be arrested, so he would take a ferry to Jordan, whilst Bumeryem and the children would fly to Istanbul.

Muhter sent a message to Bumeryem on July 16, 2017, saying that he had been detained at Nuwaiba Port, Egypt [before boarding the ferry]. No information since. Bumeryem flew back to Egypt from Turkey and hired a lawyer, but Egyptian police told Bumeryem that they had "no record" of Muhter.

Testimony 6: Muhter was taken in custody when he arrived in China. He was first taken to Hotan and imprisoned there. Following that, he was taken to his hometown in Maralbeshi [unclear if specifically in Tumshuq, as Tumshuq is a bingtuan region inside Maralbeshi]. His whereabouts are not known today.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

(Testimony 5: Bumeryem mentions that both Muhter and Bumeryem had received permission from the Chinese embassy in Egypt to enroll at Al-Azhar University.)

Testimony 6: Chinese authorities never asked Muhter to return, however, they did ask his wife (Meryem Muhammed) to do so after their marriage. Muhter was not threatened, but Meryem was told if she did not return, her father would be arrested. Her father was taken into custody for about 40 days (starting from Ramadan) and he was released after his family paid some money. Meryem says she was threatened once again in 2017 by the Chinese Ministry of State Security. Her father was detained again in January 2017 and released only in March 2020. His only "crime" was Meryem’s study abroad.

Victim's status

Believed to be detained. [However, it seems that there hasn't been any real news in a long time.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3-4: He disappeared while trying to go to Turkey [via Jordan, presumably], with his wife losing contact with him.

Testimony 6: Meryem heard about Muhter after a year from someone who stayed in the same cell (Memettursun Omer).

Testimony 7: they were detained together in Hotan.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1), available at: RFA coverage (Testimony 3):

More RFA coverage (Testimony 4):

CNN coverage (Testimony 5): x.html

Featured in ETHRW report (Testimony 6): %CC%88RKI%CC%87STANLILARA-YO%CC%88NELI%CC%87K-HAK-I%CC%87HLALLERI%CC%87-MISIR-O%C C%88RNEG%CC%86I%CC%87-RAPORU.pdf

Testimony 6: An Egyptian lawyer, Izzet Ganim, investigated Rozi’s case, but the police refused to give any information.

Testimony 7: the detainees from Egypt were forcefully given some medication (allegedly to combat against epidemics) before they were returned to Chinese authorities. Having taken this medication, they lost their consciousness and when recovered, were already in a prison in Hotan.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: id%3D492385737832599%26id%3D100011835313151&width=300 photo: Chinese passport: marriage attestation:

Entry created: 2019-02-03 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2021-07-24 2558. Ablajan Abduwari

Chinese ID: 653129??????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Ablajan Abduwari

Victim's location

Gulluq township (古勒鲁克乡), Payiziwat (Jiashi) county, Kashgar prefecture.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear if in re-education camp or prison

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816), Rozijan Abdurahman (5633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-02-05 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 2562. Seypulla Turghun

Chinese ID: 653125201???????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Justine, French citizen

Victim's relation to testifier

No relation, information is publicly available

About the victim

Seypulla Turghun(uyghur boy, aged 7 in 2018, aged 4 when possibly detained in 2015). One of the two sons of Arzugul Tursun and Turghunjan Tursun (a Uyghur living in Turkey who recently saw around 20 people from his family being detained to pressure him to go back to China). His mother was detained in 2015. Turghunjan, his father, told RFA he has heard nothing about his young sons since and that they may have been detained.

Victim's location

Unknown (probably around Yarkand)

When victim was detained

Around september 2015

Taken from No. 9 Village, Igerchi Municipality, Yarkand.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Relative abroad

Victim's status

--- How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

RFA reports (27 August 18; 7 September 18) quoted in _1424.pdf

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives

Arzugul Tursun (2582), Gulember Tursun (2588), Ismitulla Qawul (2580), Abduqahar Ismitulla (2586), Abdureshit Ismitulla (2587), Gulsenem Tursun (2594), Nurimangul Tursun (2595), Hornisa Tursun (2596), Mujahit Turghun (2602), Alimjan Turghun (2604), Abdushukur Turghun (2605)

Entry created: 2019-02-06 Last updated: 2021-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-02-06 2602. Mujahit Turghun

Chinese ID: 6531252012??????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 6-7 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Justine, French citizen

Victim's relation to testifier

No relation, information is publicly available

About the victim

Mujahit Turghun (uyghur boy, aged 5 in 2018, aged 2 when detained in 2015). One of the two sons of Arzugul Tursun and Turghunjan Tursun (a Uyghur living in Turkey who recently saw around 20 people from his family being detained to pressure him to go back to China). His mother was detained in 2015. Turghunjan told RFA he has heard nothing about his young sons since and that they may have been detained.

Victim's location

Unknown (probably around Yarkand)

When victim was detained


Taken from No. 9 Village, Igerchi Municipality, Yarkand.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Relative abroad

Victim's status

Unkown How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

RFA reports (27 August 18; 7 September 18) quoted in _1424.pdf

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives

Seypulla Turghun (2562), Arzugul Tursun (2582), Gulember Tursun (2588), Ismitulla Qawul (2580), Abduqahar Ismitulla (2586), Abdureshit Ismitulla (2587), Gulsenem Tursun (2594), Nurimangul Tursun (2595), Hornisa Tursun (2596), Alimjan Turghun (2604), Abdushukur Turghun (2605)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2019-02-07 Last updated: 2021-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-02-07 2613. Ruqiye Osman

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????E? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: librarian

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

This victim is placed in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals made by Abduweli Ayup.

Victim's relation to testifier none

About the victim

Ruqiye Osman. She was the head of Xinjiang University Library. She studied shortly at Yildiz Technical university of Turkey. She was wife of another victim associate professor of Xinjiang University, Abdurehim Rahman. She is in detention and current situation is unknown (no information since her return to Urumqi in early March, 2017)

[according to someone who knows the victim: she is in her late 40s]

Victim's location urumqi

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status in detention How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals, available at: . This victim is also in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals provided by Uyghuraid,

Victims among relatives

Abdurehim Rahman (2612)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2019-02-07 Last updated: 2019-10-10 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 2616. Hormetjan Abdurahman (吾尔买提江·阿布都热合曼)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uzbek Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (former student)

About the victim

Hormetjan Abdurahman (Fikret) got his PhD degree from University in . Prior to his detention, he worked as a professor at Xinjiang University.

Victim's location

[Possibly in Urumqi, as that is where he worked.]

When victim was detained

In his video testimony, Abduweli says that he was "probably" detained around February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Abduweli says that he is in a concentration camp [although it does not seem that he has had news of him very recently].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs (and other ethnic minorities), available at:

Article where he is quoted as expressing an anti-separatist stance:

Article mentioning his lecture on ethnic unity and standing against the "evil forces":

Another article where he is quoted speaking favorably of the ethnic unity between the Uyghurs and the Han:

Coverage of an event where he was one of the speakers:

His tutor profile:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo: authored article:

Entry created: 2019-02-07 Last updated: 2019-12-27 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 2696. Mahmutjan Abla

Chinese ID: 653223197202041435 (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Tacheng Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Gulshan Suleimen, born in 1964, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 2: Murat Kadirbai, born in 1963, is a citizen of Kazakhstan. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3: Qusaingazy Qunapia, a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 4: Orazhan Qunapia, born in 1962, is originally from Tacheng's Shawan County but is now a citizen of Kazakhstan. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

Mahmutjan Abla was an owner of a private culinary business.

His wife's address: 46 Shiping Alley, West Urumqi Road, Shawan County, Xinjiang (新疆沙湾县乌鲁木齐西路十坪巷46号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Unclear, as there is conflicting information in the testimonies, with one reporting the detention to have taken place in July 2017 and another in October 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Initially reported as being in camp, but there's been no news of him since his wife's second detention in late 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Nurbai Qunapia (1483)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-02-11 Last updated: 2020-09-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-17 2702. Abdulla Weli

Chinese ID: 653001??????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: other

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Gulshan Manapova, born on March 1, 1976, is a Uzbekistan citizen. Her passport number is AC0132843.

Testimony 2: Raziye Qari.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: husband's nephew (sister-in-law's son)

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

Abdullah Weli

Address: Atush

[from interview with Gulshan: around 20, single, was working in construction]

Victim's location

[unclear since he's possibly been sentenced]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention

--- Victim's status detained, unclear if in a camp or prison

[from interview with Gulshan: in prison, no news from him]

Testimony 2: no news since he was taken from his home in 2017

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

[from interview with Gulshan: he returned to China as his parents called him to]

Victims among relatives

Hesenjan Qari (1764), Memtili Ablet (2609), Imam Husen Muhemmet (2610)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-02-12 Last updated: 2020-01-14 Latest status update: 2019-12-03 2775. Ma Junyi (马俊义)

Chinese ID: 65????19760211??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 41 Gender: M Ethnicity: Hui Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Raihan Zhardamhan, born on July 18, 1975 in , now a citizen of Kazakhstan

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Ma Junyi (马俊义), born in February 11, 1976, Hui ethnicity. Married with Raihan in Kazakhstan in 2009 and applied for citizenship, but was deported back to China when his visa ended in 2011.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unclear if detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Likely detained, or his freedom is limited in some way

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Raihan has not been able to communicate with Ma for two years already. Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-02-17 Last updated: 2019-02-17 Latest status update: 2018-02-08 2834. Peride Tursun (帕丽旦·吐尔逊)

Chinese ID: 654101196509030063 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Yultuzay Tashmemet, an Uyghur now residing abroad. (daughter)

About the victim

Peride Tursun (帕丽旦·土尔逊) is from Ghulja.

Chinese passport number: G52126130.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

May 18-19, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Possibly still in detention, but recent posts suggest no news.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From other members of the testifier's family.

Additional information

She has a passport but has never actually gone abroad. Victims among relatives

Eniyar Tashmemet (7944), Tashmemet Abdulla (8959)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo (1): photo (2): Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-02-20 Last updated: 2020-02-11 Latest status update: 2020-09-03 2869. Patigul Sidiq

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Abdurehim Tomur, a resident of Switzerland since 2001. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Patigul Sidiq. She is about 70 years old. Her address is No.4 Neighborhood, No.3 Village, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier has been totally out of contact with the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Bahargul Sidiq (3181), Abdukerim Sidiq (3182)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-12 Last updated: 2020-07-12 Latest status update: 2020-02-16 2875. Qaster Medelhan

Chinese ID: 6527221993??????O? (Jing)

Basic info

Age: 25-26 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Qadylhan Zharkula, born on July 9, 1965 in , Bortala, citizen of Kazakhstan since 2000

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Qaster Medelhan, born in 1993. A businessman, he came to Astana Expo in November 2017

Address: Jinghe county, Bortala Mongol autonomous prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear, as possibly sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Sometime after November 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Rumoured to be sentenced for 10 years in prison

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear, contact has been cut for 1.5 years Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-02-25 Last updated: 2021-02-09 Latest status update: 2019-02-08 2890. Erkin Ibrahim (艾尔肯·伊布拉音)

Chinese ID: 650102196309031232 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: publishing

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Iminjan, originally from Karamay but now residing in Turkey. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3*: Anonymous, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (friend)

Testimony 4: Bughra Erkin, an owner of an Uyghur restaurant in California. (son)

Testimony 5: Bughra Erkin, as reported by Los Angeles Times. (son)

Testimony 6: Bughra Erkin, as reported by Agence France-Presse. (son)

Testimony 7: Bughra Erkin, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

About the victim

Erkin Ibrahim (also known as "Erkin Ibrahim Peyda") was a publisher and the CEO of Ogen Publishing Company, which allegedly translated thousands of books into Uyghur. He was also a poet.

He was born in Aksu's Toqsu County, but later moved to Urumqi.

Address: Apt. 1202, Entrance 2, Building 1, 265 Dostluq Road, Tianshan District, Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市天山区多斯鲁克路265号1号楼2单元1202号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

According to his son, he was taken by police from his home on October 25, 2018 (without a warrant). Likely (or given) reason for detention

His son believes that it may be because of his father's having sent him to study abroad.

Victim's status

There's been no news of the victim since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

In his interview to the LA Times, the testifier says that he speaks to his mother once every month, but that they avoid talking about his father since the conversations are monitored.

Additional information

Four employees of Erkin's publishing house were also detained.

The victim is listed in the "Shanghai List" leaked police document.

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

According to a LA Times report (, 14 of Erkin’s employees’ whereabouts are also unknown.

AFP coverage:

Radio Free Asia mention:

Business listing for the Ogen publishing company:

A book that he was an editor of:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 4: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-02-28 Last updated: 2021-06-30 Latest status update: 2020-07-24 3001. Zubeyda Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65??????????????E? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Martyna Kokotkiewicz, a Polish scholar of Finnish and Hungarian languages. (friend of friend)

About the victim

Zubeyda Ehmet.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Contact lost in 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Out of contact. Feared detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From the victim's boyfriend, who has been unable to contact her.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Ehmet Tohsun (8957), Mijit Barat (1277), Metturdi Barat (3060)

Supplementary materials video testimony: photo:

Entry created: 2021-01-23 Last updated: 2021-01-23 Latest status update: 2020-06-08 3022. Mamut Abidin

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Adile Sadir, now living in Boston, where she is the owner of an Uyghur restaurant. She obtained a bachelor's degree from UMass Boston. (niece-in-law)

Testimony 2|3: Mariye Muhemmed, originally from Atush but now residing in Boston, where she helps operate an Uyghur restaurant. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

Mamut(haji) Abid/Abidin (马木提*阿比地).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: January 2018.

Testimony 3: arrested in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In a concentration camp, according to the testifier. [unclear if really camp or other form of hard detention]

Testimony 3: "no information so far" [presumably, there hasn't been news of him for some time] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives

Osmanjan Eli (37), Enwerjan Eli (38), Sabitjan Mantimin (36), Ghapparjan Memeteli (34), Bilal Ghapparjan (35), Sadir Eli (39), Reshide Memet (44), Asiye Memet (3021), Ismayil Memet (42), Hajimuhemmed Musa (40), Hanzohre Musa (43), Sarigul Rozi (3052), Ibrahim Mamut (3019), Rozi Himit (3051), Elijan Mamut (23), Mehrigul Abla (3046), Abdugheni Abla (3047), Abdusemi Abla (3048), Mahmut Edat (3049), Abdukerim Edat (3050), Burhan Memet (3004), Memet Burhan (3018), Ibrahimjan Muhemmet (41), Hesen Mamut (3023), Husen Mamut (3024), Yusupjan Abidin (4971), Abidin Ayup (4973), Aygul Eli (8974), Abdukerim Abla (9152), Kerim Osmanjan (3002), Ibrahimjan Niyaz (3003), Ayshem Abliz (3020), Abduweli Mijit (14393)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 1 (removed): 729847618&width=500 photo:

Entry created: 2019-03-13 Last updated: 2020-12-12 Latest status update: 2020-12-07 3060. Metturdi Barat

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Martyna Kokotkiewicz, a Polish scholar of Finnish and Hungarian languages. (friend of relative)

About the victim

Metturdi Barat.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Out of contact since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Out of contact.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From her friend, who has been unable to contact his uncle (the victim) since 2017.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Ehmet Tohsun (8957), Zubeyda Ehmet (3001), Mijit Barat (1277)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-01-23 Last updated: 2021-01-23 Latest status update: 2020-06-08 3112. Wayit Omer

Chinese ID: 653021197007100037 (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: has problems Profession: government

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3|4|5: Kewser Wayit, a resident of the United States. He is originally from Atush. (son)

Testimony 6: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Wayit Omer was born in Atush and worked for the city government, before retiring at the age of 44 because of health issues.

Victim's location

Back home in Atush [presumably].

When victim was detained

Detained on July 16, 2017 and taken to a "re-education" camp in Atush. He was taken out and to a hospital twice in 2017 because of high pressure blood, and once again in 2018.

On April 18, 2019, Kewser talked to him briefly and learned that he had been released.

Since September 2019, all contact has been lost, however.

(Police records also mention him going through a police check on June 18, 2017 in Urumqi, being deemed "completely normal" (一切正常), and allowed to move on (放行).)

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His 10-day business trip to Turkey.

Victim's status

According to Kewser's mother, he was doing "well" following his release. However, he was now suffering from frequent headaches and high blood pressure following his detention.

It is not clear what has happened since September 2019, however, as Kewser has lost all contact.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

During the victim's detention, Kewser heard everything from his mother, who was the only person he could contact. She said that he could call her once or twice a week. Kewser also talked to his father once in December 2017, while he was in the hospital because of high blood pressure, but would not be allowed to talk to him when he was in the hospital again in 2018. After his latest hospitalization, Kewser's mother would have video chats with the victim a few times from the local neighborhood administration office, in addition to visiting him once every month or two.

Kewser's contact with his mother was broken on March 14, 2019, however, as the authorities told her not to answer his calls (according to his sister).

Limited contact was reestablished with both parents afterwards, although Kewser once more lost contact a week after releasing a video testimony for the Uyghur Pulse project on September 7, 2019. He has not been able to contact them since.

Additional information

Kewser writes:

"This whole ordeal has been extremely stressful for our family. I have twin siblings, who are both in middle school and are going to take the entrance exam for high school soon [as of March 2019]. It has been a lot of pressure for my mother to work full time as a teacher, to make weekly visits to the house of their "Chinese relatives", and at the same time look after the family."

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: Testimony 2: 1042778105910740&width=300 family photo:

Entry created: 2019-03-20 Last updated: 2021-07-06 Latest status update: 2021-06-09 3138. Abduqeyyum Tohtaji

Chinese ID: 65320119????????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3: Kewser Wayit, a resident of the United States. He is originally from Atush. (former student)

About the victim

Abduqeyyum Tohtaji, from the Xinjiang Experimental High School.

Testimony 2: he was one of the editors of the now banned Uyghur textbook.

Testimony 3: He was also one of the creators of the Uyghur language section of the National College Entrance Examination (高考). He is originally from Hotan City.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as potentially sentenced given his involvement in the Uyghur textbook case.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 3: detained in late 2016 or early 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 3: (presumably) because he worked on the Uyghur textbook (like Yalqun Rozi).

Victim's status

Testimony 1: In detention.

Testimony 3: missing as of October 2020. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1-2), available at:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: photo with students:

Entry created: 2019-03-21 Last updated: 2021-04-18 Latest status update: 2021-04-07 3181. Bahargul Sidiq

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Abdurehim Tomur, a resident of Switzerland since 2001. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Bahargul Sidiq. She is around 65 years old.

Her sister's address: No.4 Neighborhood, No.3 Village, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[probably in Kashgar as the victim's other sister is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier has been totally out of contact with the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Patigul Sidiq (2869), Abdukerim Sidiq (3182)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-12 Last updated: 2020-07-12 Latest status update: 2020-02-16 3182. Abdukerim Sidiq

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Abdurehim Tomur, a resident of Switzerland since 2001. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdukirim Sidiq.

His sister's address: No.4 Neighborhood, No.3 Village, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar as that is where his sister is from.]

When victim was detained

Unclear if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier has been totally out of contact with the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Patigul Sidiq (2869), Bahargul Sidiq (3181)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-03-22 Last updated: 2020-07-12 Latest status update: 2020-02-16 3225. Sheringul Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 65220119????????E? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Eliekber Abdurahman, originally from Hami but now a resident of Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Sheringul Abdurahman, 46 years old (as of February 2021).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hami.]

When victim was detained

Unclear when/if detained, but no news of her since September 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear if detained, but possible since the testifier has not been able to get any news of her since September 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of not being able to contact her.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdusemed Abduwahid (3226), Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed (3227), Mehriban Abdusemed (3228), Hebibullah Abdusemed (3229), Abdugheni Abdurahman (3230), Abdurahman Sherazi (3113), Abduweli Abdugheni (3232), Patigul Abdulhemid (3231), Nasir Abdurahman (3233), Ehmed Sherazi (3234), Mutteqi Ehmed (3235), Abdurahman Bunyamin (3236), Ebubekri Bunyamin (3237), Abdurahman Yaqup (3238)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: 95162910588327&width=300 Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-14 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 3227. Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed

Chinese ID: 65220119????????O? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Eliekber Abdurahman, originally from Hami but now a resident of Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed, 22 years old (as of February 2021).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hami.]

When victim was detained

Unknown when/if detained, but no news of him since September 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear if detained, but his father was taken to camp and the testifier has been unable to get any news of the victim since September 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Sheringul Abdurahman (3225), Abdusemed Abduwahid (3226), Mehriban Abdusemed (3228), Hebibullah Abdusemed (3229), Abdugheni Abdurahman (3230), Abdurahman Sherazi (3113), Abduweli Abdugheni (3232), Patigul Abdulhemid (3231), Nasir Abdurahman (3233), Ehmed Sherazi (3234), Mutteqi Ehmed (3235), Abdurahman Bunyamin (3236), Ebubekri Bunyamin (3237), Abdurahman Yaqup (3238)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: 95162910588327&width=300 Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-14 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 3228. Mehriban Abdusemed

Chinese ID: 65????20????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Eliekber Abdurahman, from the Edir village of the Tengritagh township in Xinjiang's Qumul (Hami) Prefecture (1st division, 23rd housing area).

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's niece (older sister's daughter).

About the victim

Mehriban Abdusemed, 11 years old (as of February 2019).

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unclear if in detention.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier doesn't know whose care she's in, since her father was taken to camp and the testifier has been unable to contact her mother since September 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sheringul Abdurahman (3225), Abdusemed Abduwahid (3226), Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed (3227), Hebibullah Abdusemed (3229), Abdugheni Abdurahman (3230), Abdurahman Sherazi (3113), Abduweli Abdugheni (3232), Patigul Abdulhemid (3231), Nasir Abdurahman (3233), Ehmed Sherazi (3234), Mutteqi Ehmed (3235), Abdurahman Bunyamin (3236), Ebubekri Bunyamin (3237), Abdurahman Yaqup (3238)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 95162910588327&width=300

Entry created: 2019-03-23 Last updated: 2019-03-23 Latest status update: 2019-02-12 3229. Hebibullah Abdusemed

Chinese ID: 65????201???????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Eliekber Abdurahman, from the Edir village of the Tengritagh township in Xinjiang's Qumul (Hami) Prefecture (1st division, 23rd housing area).

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's nephew (older sister's youngest son).

About the victim

Hebibullah Abdusemed, 1.5 years old (as of February 2019).

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unclear if in detention.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier doesn't know whose care he's in, since his father was taken to camp and the testifier has been unable to contact his mother since September 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sheringul Abdurahman (3225), Abdusemed Abduwahid (3226), Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed (3227), Mehriban Abdusemed (3228), Abdugheni Abdurahman (3230), Abdurahman Sherazi (3113), Abduweli Abdugheni (3232), Patigul Abdulhemid (3231), Nasir Abdurahman (3233), Ehmed Sherazi (3234), Mutteqi Ehmed (3235), Abdurahman Bunyamin (3236), Ebubekri Bunyamin (3237), Abdurahman Yaqup (3238)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 95162910588327&width=300

Entry created: 2019-03-23 Last updated: 2019-03-23 Latest status update: 2019-02-12 3231. Patigul Abdulhemid

Chinese ID: 65220119????????E? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Eliekber Abdurahman, from the Edir village of the Tengritagh township in Xinjiang's Qumul (Hami) Prefecture (1st division, 23rd housing area).

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's sister-in-law (oldest brother's wife).

About the victim

Patigul Abdulhemid, 29 years old (as of February 2019).

Victim's location

Possibly in Hami, since that's where the family's from.

When victim was detained

Unclear if detained, but her husband was taken to camp in July/August 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Her husband was taken to camp, and it is unclear what her situation is like now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sheringul Abdurahman (3225), Abdusemed Abduwahid (3226), Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed (3227), Mehriban Abdusemed (3228), Hebibullah Abdusemed (3229), Abdugheni Abdurahman (3230), Abdurahman Sherazi (3113), Abduweli Abdugheni (3232), Nasir Abdurahman (3233), Ehmed Sherazi (3234), Mutteqi Ehmed (3235), Abdurahman Bunyamin (3236), Ebubekri Bunyamin (3237), Abdurahman Yaqup (3238)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 95162910588327&width=300

Entry created: 2019-03-23 Last updated: 2019-03-23 Latest status update: 2019-02-12 3232. Abduweli Abdugheni

Chinese ID: 652201201???????O? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Eliekber Abdurahman, from the Edir village of the Tengritagh township in Xinjiang's Qumul (Hami) Prefecture (1st division, 23rd housing area).

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's nephew (oldest brother's son).

About the victim

Abduweli Abdugheni, 4 years old (as of February 2019).

Victim's location

Possibly in Hami, since that's where the family's from.

When victim was detained

Unclear if detained, but his father was taken to a camp in July/August 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier doesn't know what his situation is like now, but his father was taken to camp in July/August 2017 and there's been no news since.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sheringul Abdurahman (3225), Abdusemed Abduwahid (3226), Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed (3227), Mehriban Abdusemed (3228), Hebibullah Abdusemed (3229), Abdugheni Abdurahman (3230), Abdurahman Sherazi (3113), Patigul Abdulhemid (3231), Nasir Abdurahman (3233), Ehmed Sherazi (3234), Mutteqi Ehmed (3235), Abdurahman Bunyamin (3236), Ebubekri Bunyamin (3237), Abdurahman Yaqup (3238)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 95162910588327&width=300

Entry created: 2019-03-23 Last updated: 2019-03-23 Latest status update: 2019-02-12 3242. Shireli Shirzat (西尔艾力·西尔扎提)

Chinese ID: 653???19941008??O? (---)

Basic info

Age: 26 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: East Turkistan Human Rights Watch, a Turkey-based Uyghur human rights organization.

About the victim

His name is Shireli Shirzat, in Chinese 西尔艾力·西尔扎提. He was born on 1994 October the 8th. He went to Egypt to study (Testimony 2: in 2013) and he was detained in summer 2017 and locked up in Tura prison in Egypt. His whereabouts remain unknown since his arrest in Egypt. His passport number is E30540613.

Testimony 3: he is originally from Kashgar.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Testimony 1: In summer in 2017.

Testimony 2: He was arrested while trying to leave the country with Ilyasjan Rahman at Hurghada Airport, to be transferred to Tora Prison in Cairo.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. He was arrested by Egyptian police and the has been no news about him at all since. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: [possibly through Ilyasjan Rahman's wife, as the Shireli and Ilyasjan were detained together]

Additional information

Mentioned in ETHRW report (Testimony 2): %CC%88RKI%CC%87STANLILARA-YO%CC%88NELI%CC%87K-HAK-I%CC%87HLALLERI%CC%87-MISIR-O%C C%88RNEG%CC%86I%CC%87-RAPORU.pdf

Supplementary materials

RFA report: Chinese passport: Al-Azhar student ID:

Entry created: 2020-08-17 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2021-07-24 3328. Asiye Abliz

Chinese ID: 65??????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party) uyghur@uyghur19765932 (a twitter account)

Victim's relation to testifier sister

About the victim

Asiye Abliz. She's a businesswoman at Urumqi. She's disappeared since 2017.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information testifier posted on twitter as metoouyghur.

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-03-27 Last updated: 2019-03-27 Latest status update: 2019-02-12 3329. Zohre Ela

Chinese ID: 6502??19????????E? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nebijan Ela, originally from Karamay but now residing in Sweden. (brother)

Testimony 3: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Zohre Ela, 46 years old, was living in Karamay and worked as a technician at the Karamay Petroleum Company (which had a collaboration with Hong Kong).

Victim's location

In Karamay.

When victim was detained

According to Abduweli Ayup's list of prominent detained Uyghurs, she was taken in January 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In a concentration camp. [No news for a long time, however.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

Victims among relatives

Abduhelil Ela (3330), Tajigul Zunun (5347)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-03-27 Last updated: 2020-06-13 Latest status update: 2020-03-06 3330. Abduhelil Ela

Chinese ID: 6502??19????????O? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nebijan Ela, originally from Karamay but now residing in Sweden. (brother)

About the victim

Abduhelil Ela, 52 years old, was a doctor/surgeon at the Urumqi Pulmonary Hospital.

Victim's location

Worked in Urumqi, but unclear if this is where he's being detained or if he's been taken to Karamay.

When victim was detained

Detained in January 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear if in a camp or sentenced. [No info for a long time.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals, available at:

Victims among relatives Zohre Ela (3329), Tajigul Zunun (5347)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-03-27 Last updated: 2019-08-12 Latest status update: 2020-03-06 3373. Eshmet Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65292419560314??O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 64 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4: Yasin Eshmet, originally from Shayar County, now residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Eshmet Ehmet (艾什麦提.艾合麦提). DOB: March 14, 1956. A retired teacher (Testimony 4: of the No. 1 middle school in Qaylor).

Address: No. 30, Group 3, Qianggatiereke village (强尕铁热克村/桥根特勒克村), Hailou township (海楼乡), Xayar county, Aqsu prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: October 2017

Testimony 2: August 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: In re-education camp

Testimony 3: Testifier hasn't had any news of his father or brother for a year.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Reqip Eshmet (3502)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: 60784291&width=300 Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-03-31 Last updated: 2021-06-02 Latest status update: 2020-05-08 3439. Tursuntash Qurban

Chinese ID: 6530011967??????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 53-54 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Patigul Qurban, now residing in Finland. (sister)

About the victim

Tursuntash Qurban, 51 years old (as of March 2019). A farmer who has never been abroad

Testimony 2: born in 1967.

Address: Yaqabagh (亚喀巴克村) village, Sun Tagh township (松他克乡), city, Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear, as possibly sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp in September 2017, no news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sending his son to Egypt for studying

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Sentenced to 10 years, later transferred to a re-education camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Hezreteli Tursun (3440)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-04-03 Last updated: 2021-02-25 Latest status update: 2021-02-01 3488. Erkin Memetil

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Uyghur.Boy" (Twitter handle: @BoyUyghur)

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's uncle.

About the victim

Erkin Memetil, 52 (as of February 2019). He is from Aksu City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Arrested and imprisoned in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Testifier says that he hasn't been able to get any news of him since 2017.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-04-07 Last updated: 2021-02-16 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 3489. Mahmut Musa

Chinese ID: 652901??????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Uyghur.Boy" (Twitter handle: @BoyUyghur)

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's uncle.

About the victim

Mahmut Musa, a businessman from Aksu City.

Victim's location

[In Aksu, presumably.]

When victim was detained

Arrested in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Presumably still in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Testifier notes being unable to get any news about him.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-04-07 Last updated: 2021-02-16 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 3490. Shemsidin Eziz

Chinese ID: 652901??????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Uyghur.Boy" (Twitter handle: @BoyUyghur)

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's (second) brother.

About the victim

Shemsidin Eziz, a student from Aksu City.

Victim's location

[In Aksu, presumably.]

When victim was detained

Arrested in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear, but presumably still in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Testifier notes being unable to get any news about him.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-04-07 Last updated: 2021-02-16 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 3491. Surayya Abla

Chinese ID: 652901??????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Uyghur.Boy" (Twitter handle: @BoyUyghur)

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's cousin.

About the victim

Surayya Abla, a student from Aksu City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Arrested in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear, but presumably still under arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Testifier notes that he has been unable to get any news about her.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-04-07 Last updated: 2021-02-16 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 3502. Reqip Eshmet (热克普·艾什麦提)

Chinese ID: 65292419880308??O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 32 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Yasin Eshmet, originally from Shayar County, now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Rekip Eshmet (热克浦.艾什麦提). DOB: March 8, 1988. Studies in the Law Faculty of Xinjiang University (PhD student).

Family's home address: No. 30, Group 3, Qianggatiereke village (强尕铁热克村/桥根特勒克村), Hailou township (海楼乡), Xayar county, Aqsu prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: October 2017

Testimony 2: August 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: In re-education camp

Testimony 3: The testifier hasn't had any news of his father or brother for a year.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Unclear

Additional information

A company that he was likely a shareholder of:

An article that he authored:

Victims among relatives

Eshmet Ehmet (3373)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: 60784291&width=300 Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: photo (right):

Entry created: 2019-04-04 Last updated: 2021-06-02 Latest status update: 2020-05-08 3541. Ozat Qapan

Chinese ID: 65??????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Qisa Iliyas

Testimony 2: Beisenbek Qisa

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: niece

Testimony 2: unclear (likely a relative)

About the victim

Ozat Qapanqyzy is a Kazakhstan citizen.

Victim's location

Testimony 2: She went to Ulatai township in the Hami region.

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: 2013

Testimony 2: Testifier has had no contact with her for the last two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status probably had her passport confiscated How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 1 (1): Testimony 1 (2): Testimony 2 (1): Testimony 2 (2): Testimony 2 (3):

Entry created: 2019-04-07 Last updated: 2021-02-17 Latest status update: 2018-12-27 3542. Qurman Orazbek

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Qisa Iliyas

Testimony 2: Beisenbek Qisa

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: niece's husband

Testimony 2: unclear

About the victim

Qurman Orazbek is a Kazakhstan citizen.

Victim's location

Testimony 2: He went to Ulatai village in the Hami region.

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: 2013

Testimony 2: The testifier has had no contact with the victim at all for the past two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status probably had his documents confiscated How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 1 (1): Testimony 1 (2): Testimony 2 (1): Testimony 2 (2): Testimony 2 (3):

Entry created: 2019-04-07 Last updated: 2019-04-07 Latest status update: 2018-12-27 3558. Gulzhamal Sabet

Chinese ID: 6542211965??????E? (Dorbiljin)

Basic info

Age: 53-54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Zamzagul Kapanovna Uzakova, born on July 15, 1965

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Gulzhamal Sa‘bet, born in 1965. Lives near a sugar factory in Emin county,

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Visited China in October 2017, and has disappeared since

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-04-08 Last updated: 2019-04-08 Latest status update: 2019-01-09 3565. Qasimjan Tursun

Chinese ID: 65312419????????O? (Poskam)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Asiye Uyghur" (Twitter handle: @Aslima03846189)

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Qasymjan Tursun (喀斯木江*图尔荪). Runs a catering business: Afanti Fast Food Restaurant (阿凡提餐饮文化商贸有限责任公司), which has been closed. His business Wechat no: 13279865333. Suffers from diabetes and needs constant treatmet. Lives in Zepu (Poskam) county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

Possibly in Zepu county

When victim was detained

Has been missing since September 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information

CCTV has made a report about his business success, though the text on the screenshots is of dubious reliability

Supplementary materials original testimony (1): original testimony (2):

Entry created: 2019-04-10 Last updated: 2019-04-10 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 3624. Muhemmed Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 653201??????????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (sister)

About the victim

Muhemmet Ubulqasim [surname assumed from surname of testifier] is the brother of Buxelchem Ubulqasim and one of the sons of Ruzunisa Nuri and Mutellip Abduwayip (victim 1873).

Address: NO.3 road (3- kocha), group 7 (7-dadui), Ilchi shimalbagh, Hotan city.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The testifier lost contact with the victim in approximately November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Mihribulla Obulqasim (1872), Abduweli Obulqasim (1871), Rozinisa Nuri (6765), Ayshe Obulqasim (11109), Sumeyye Obulqasim (11110), Raziye Obulqasim (11111), Merziye Obulqasim (11112)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-10-12 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 3639. Memtimin Raman

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|3: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (nephew)

Testimony 2*: Anonymous, as reported by AidET. (relation unclear)

Testimony 4: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Memtimin Reman(买买提明 热曼 Mai mai ti ming Re man) 37-40 years old, he’s from Kukang/Korghan Kashgar City, (新疆 喀什 库康村). He was the left hand of his father Raman Idris, who was until 2007 in chemical fertilizer business. later became in real estate business. And also running his own supermarket as much as I can remember.

[Address (Testimony 2): Kukang village 14, Korghan township (浩罕乡), Kashgar municipality]

[Victim's phone number: 00861389912771]

[Testimony 4: 39 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

In Kashgar City

When victim was detained


[Testimony 2: Arrested at his property next to Kerembagh (克然木巴格) hospital in Kashgar]

Likely (or given) reason for detention Possibly for being my relative and having a father who traveled abroad multiple times.

Victim's status


[Testimony 3: no news]

[Testimony 4: feared detained, but not confirmed.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From someone who had contact with the people in the region.

Additional information

He and his family was wealthy, didn’t need “re-education”/“vocational training” nor was he an extremist or whatsoever.

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-04-18 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 3640. Abduweli Raman

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|3: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (nephew)

Testimony 2*: Anonymous, as reported by AidET. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abduwali Raman(阿部读外力 热曼 A bu du wai li Re man), helping his father’s real estate business, and a restaurant owner in Kashgar City as much as I can remember.

[Testimony 2: 31 years old. Address: Taheta Keruike village (塔合塔科瑞克村), Nezerbagh town (乃则尔巴格镇), Kashgar municipality. His house is located next to the to Kerembagh (克然木巴格) hospital]

[Victim’s phone: 008613899178777]

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for being my relative and having a father who traveled abroad multiple times.

Victim's status


[Testimony 3: no news] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From a person who had contact, according to information I got most of my male family members are in “internment” camps. That’s why I’m assuming he’s also been interned.

Additional information

He and his family was wealthy, didn’t need “re-education”/“vocational training” nor was he an extremist or whatsoever.

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-04-18 Last updated: 2021-02-25 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 3646. Emet Eziz (艾麦提·艾则孜)

Chinese ID: 653123197510012438 (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Oghlan Ghulam, originally from Kashgar but now living in the United States. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Emetqari Eziz, Saybagh Village (Ba Dadui), Saghan Township, Yingsar County, Xinjiang 830046 (新疆英吉沙县萨罕乡八村;830046).

[Testimony 2: he has 3 daughters and 3 sons]

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

About in Summer 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Reasons were contacting with the people in abroad (me), religion, identity, ethnicity ...

Victim's status

He was in the camp (now, unknown)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Reliable person

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Abduwayit Ghulam (3644), Allaberdi Abaq (3645), Hoshuqari Obul (3662), Paltaji Heyit (3673), Adil Rozi (3672), Islam Palta (3671), Gheni Ghulam (3643), Omereli Rahman (3668), Nureli Rahman (3669), Israqari Abliz (3656), Rezzaq Rahman (3657), Ababekri Rahman (3658), Sidiq Rahman (3659), Turghun Memet (3663), Alimjan Reshit (3660), Qasimqari Reshit (3661), Urayim Memet (3664), Abliz Tohti (3665), Yusupjan Tohti (3666), Abdurehim Tohti (3667), Ablet Seypung (3674), Osman Memet (3670), Abdulla Ablet (3675)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: registration:

Entry created: 2019-04-21 Last updated: 2020-02-14 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 3650. Hemdulla Abdurahman (海木都拉·阿布都热合曼)

Chinese ID: 6521221957??????O? (Pichan)

Basic info

Age: 62-63 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: has problems Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: "Rana Aybala Yaşar", an unverified Facebook account. (daughter-in-law)

Testimony 3: Yashar Hemdulla, son of renowned linguist Hemdulla Abdurahman, and now a resident of Norway. (son)

Testimony 4: Yashar Hemdulla, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 5: Rena, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (daughter-in-law)

Testimony 6: Yashar Hemdulla, as reported by Al Jazeera. (son)

Testimony 7: @RnaYsrTuran, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

Testimony 8: Yashar Hemdulla, as reported by Agence France-Presse. (son)

Testimony 9: Yashar Hemdulla, as reported by Liberation. (son)

About the victim

Hemdulla Abdurahman is a well-known linguist and Turkologist. After graduating from the Minzu University of China, he would work for the XUAR Languages Committee for 35 years, prior to his retirement in 2016. He was a Communist Party Member for 30 years.

He was one of the few prominent intellectuals to study the Chaghatay and Kokturk languages, and was famous for compiling the seven-tome Uyghur-language annotated dictionary. In addition to compiling this and other dictionaries, he also helped publish certain books, such as "Yaxshilar Baghchisi" (a translation of a collection of hadith). He also published some academic articles, such as "On Uyghur Names", "Dictionary of Uyghur Handicrafts", and "Uyghur Words of Chinese Origin", and taught Arabic and Japanese (though not at a university). Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Starting from 2017, Yashar had difficulties communicating with his parents over WeChat, with their contact becoming less frequent and increasingly coded. In July 2018, he received a text message from his father telling him that he should have a portrait of Mao in his home, as this would be better for him. (Yashar is not sure if his father was at the origin of this message - it was received on the same day that Yashar participated in a demonstration in Oslo. The message was also written in Chinese, even though Yashar and his father never communicated in the language.)

Two months later [presumably in September 2018], WeChat communication became impossible as one of the accounts was deleted/blocked [not completely clear which]. The last time that the victim contacted his son was in September 2018, to tell him that this brother (Abdulla Abdurahman) had been detained. There was no further contact after that.

In March 2019, Yashar learned that his father had been placed in a camp in Urumqi in January 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Believed to be because he told his son abroad about his (the victim's) brother's detention.

Victim's status

Detained. As of July 2020, there's been no news of him.

The victim may have some health issues as he underwent surgery in 2014.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Yashar Hemdulla was told by a female family acquaintance during a video call in March 2019 that the victim had been taken to a "hospital", while she reportedly mimed handcuffs on her wrists.

Yashar also mentions having very, very limited contact with his mother following his father's disappearance, with her ultimately deleting him on WeChat in December 2019 after he sent her a smiley.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Al Jazeera coverage: 3432183.html

AFP coverage: Liberation coverage: urs-yeux_1790568

This victim is also included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

His "Annotated Modern Uyghur Language Dictionary" ("hazirqi zaman uyghurtilining izahliq lughiti") on Amazon:

His dictionary was also included in the list of recommended Uyghur books by the Cultural Palace of Nationalities (民族文化宫):

Victims among relatives

Abdulla Abdurahman (5453)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 2: 2776464149&width=300 Testimony 7: son's song for father: photo (1): listed as chief editor: dictionary cover: photo (2):

Entry created: 2019-04-21 Last updated: 2020-11-07 Latest status update: 2020-07-24 3676. Nurbiye Mamut

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (brother)

Testimony 3: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Nurbia Mamut (努尔比亚 马木提江 Nu er bi ya Ma mu ti jiang), she is from Kukang 14th village , Korghan township, Kashgar City Xinjiang(喀什市, 浩罕乡,库康村 14). She married to my great uncle’s son Kasim(jan) Ahun and had one son in 2013. She was/is house wife as her husband was capable of providing her with financial assistance. Both of them are between 25-27 years old.

[Testimony 3: 27 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

She was living in Kashgar City.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

It could be because talking to her older brother Najmidin living on abroad or for any silly reasons that were given for Uyghurs to be sent to internment camps.

Victim's status

Unknwon [Testimony 3: feared detained, but no official confirmation.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From someone who knew.

Additional information

As I learned that most of my male family members if not all were sent to camps, I’m assuming that she could also have been interned. As I’m seeing videos of empty streets/towns in Xinjiang region, I’m extremely worried about her well-being. Upon request a photo taken in the year 2013 will be provided.

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-04-21 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2021-03-14 3677. Ayshem Qadir

Chinese ID: 6529241983??????E? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 35-36 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

My name is Isa Kadir Orhun, I am testifying on behalf of my family and relatives that are in China's “internment camps”.

Victim's relation to testifier

My only sister

About the victim

My innocent sister, Ayixiamu Kadier ( 阿依夏木 喀迪尔 ) was born in 1983, Place of birth address; Aksu Xayar Toyboldi Peyziwat village 5-Group 18 no Xinjiang XUAR 842200 China 新疆沙雅县托依堡勒迪镇排孜阿瓦提 村 5组18号 842200 Occupation; farmer Never been overseas, ordinary farmer, none of her family members have a criminal record history. Place she last seen and residential address ; Jenubi haliq yuli 5 Kocha 12 tarmaq 7- Oy Aksu Xayar County Post code 842200 Xinjiang XUAR China, She has been detained in China’s “internment camp” in Aksu Xayar county, she has not committed any crime and is not a member of any political parties or organization. She was in healthy before they were taken to the camps, she’s mother of three children, who are now in China’s orphanage. Never been overseas, ordinary person, she has no criminal record history.

My ill, elderly mother has been left alone with no one to care for her as all her children have been detained in the camps. I lost contact with all my family members since 8 May 2017.

Victim's location

Xayar “internment camp” address; 90 – 130 Renmin north Rd corner Xiwang St On the service Rd, Xayar xian post code 842200, Xinjiang XUR Uyghur China [however, a lot of the testifier's relatives have been reported as being taken here, so there's a strong risk of blanket assumption]

When victim was detained on the 7th of April 2017 Likely (or given) reason for detention

For no other than their Uyghur Ethnic Identity.

Victim's status

Arrested Detained “internment camp”

[update from testifier in December 2019: tried to call family but was unable to reach them]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I learnt from reliable sources

Additional information

Received phone call from overseas, Age;35,

[The UNHRC has submitted this victim's case to the Chinese authorities:]

Victims among relatives

Musajan Qadir (3710), Imin Qadir (3711), Merdan Qadir (3712), Osman Tohti (3709), Zeytunhan Qadir (3697), Kerim Ayup (3717), Mahire Rehim (3693), Rahile Rehim (3694), Memet Ayup (3718), Elijan Tohti (3696), Rahman Abla (852), Gheyret Osman (3695), Riza Osman (3713), Qedirye Osman (3714), Israpil Osman (3715), Emir Eli (3912), Rizwangul Emir (3913), Hoshur Zakir (3914), Patime Zakir (3915), Zohregul Qurban (3958)

Supplementary materials video testimony: December 2019 update: photo:

Entry created: 2019-04-22 Last updated: 2021-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 3678. Aynur Mamut

Chinese ID: 653101199???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (brother)

Testimony 3: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Aynur Mamut(阿伊努尔 马木提江 A yi nu er Ma mu ti jiang), 20-22-year old. She is from she is from Kukang 14th village , Korghan township, Kashgar City Xinjiang(喀什市, 浩罕乡,库康村 14). She is the only person from our whole family who has blue eyes. we used to tease her by saying that she’s a besey koz(cababage eye). she’s an innocent naive girl, hurting someone wouldn’t even cross her mind. Let alone messing with Chinese people in the region or Chinese government, so it’s not acceptable in anyway if she was affected by the Chinese goverment officials policy of “re-education” center. Her family was wealthy, as our family is very supportive of one another no vocational training needed, . Even if she wanted to work my family could provide her with enough work in family business. According to second hand information her father Mamut Raman(库康村 马木提) 49 years old died in one of China’s internment/concentration camps.

[Testimony 3: 22 years old as of August 12, 2020. She helped with the family business.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

[G. A. Bunin: the following is retained for the sake of preserving the original testimony, but should be edited out.] Red Flags for Detainment in Xinjiang, those lists were published on Foreign Policy magazine: Owning a tent Telling others not to swear Speaking with someone who has traveled abroad Owning welding equipment Telling others not to sin Having traveled abroad yourself Owning extra food Eating breakfast before the sun comes up Merely knowing someone who has traveled abroad Owning a compass Arguing with an official Publicly stating that China is inferior to some other country Owning multiple knives Sending a petition that complains about local officials Having too many children Abstaining from alcohol Not allowing officials to sleep in your bed, eat your food, and live in your house Having a VPN Abstaining from cigarettes Not having your government ID on your person Having WhatsApp Wailing, publicly grieving, or otherwise acting sad when your parents die Not letting officials take your DNA Watching a video filmed abroad Wearing a scarf in the presence of the Chinese flag Wearing a hijab (if you are under 45) Going to a mosque Praying Fasting Listening to a religious lecture Not letting officials scan your irises Not letting officials download everything you have on your phone Not making voice recordings to give to officials Speaking your native language in school Speaking your native language in government work groups Speaking with someone abroad (via Skype, WeChat, etc.) Wearing a shirt with Arabic lettered writing on it Having a full beard Wearing any clothes with religious iconography Not attending mandatory propaganda classes Not attending mandatory flag-raising ceremonies Not attending public struggle sessions Refusing to denounce your family members or yourself in these public struggle sessions Trying to kill yourself when detained by the police Trying to kill yourself when in the education camps Performing a traditional funeral Inviting multiple families to your house without registering with the police department Being related to anyone who has done any of the above, A central element of this campaign is uncertainty.

Victim's status


[Testimony 3: feared detained, but no official confirmation.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I learned that most of my male family members if not all were sent to camps, I’m assuming that she could also have been interned. As I’m seeing videos of empty streets/towns in Xinjiang region, I’m extremely worried about her well-being. Upon request a photo taken in the year 2013 will be provided.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-04-22 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2021-03-14 3683. Juret Memet

Chinese ID: 6502??19????????O? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Juret Memet, a teacher and vice principal of the regional educational department of Karamay.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay.]

When victim was detained

Unclear when arrested.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals, available at: Entry created: 2019-04-22 Last updated: 2021-03-09 Latest status update: 2020-05-26 3691. Qunahun Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin twice removed)

Testimony 3: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Kunahun Memet 52-53 years old, he is from Yiqa(Yi Qia Cun), Beshkirem, Kashgar [伯什克然木乡依恰村]. Until the year 2007 he was in chemical fertilizer business along with his cousin Raman Idris and Mamut Raman. He was a wealthy man, I believe that visiting foreign countries and going on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia could’ve been a reason for him to be arrested/interned. I’m making that assumption as Chinese government officials interns/ arrests Uyghurs with a history of traveling abroad.

[Testimony 3: 52 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Visiting foreign countries, especially the terrorist ones like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia according to China.

Victim's status

--- How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I’m making an assumption based on many cases.

Additional information

He’s a pious man always along Chinese people/businessmen. He treated Chinese people well by being in a close contact with them. No criminal history, it’s absolutely mind boggling to think a person like him would be interned.

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-04-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 3692. Mahmut Qunahun

Chinese ID: 653101199???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: corporate work

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 3: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Mahmut(jan)/Maihemutijiang Kunahun 买合木提江 库那婚, 24-26 years old, he’s from Yi Qia Cun, Beshkirem, Kashgar. [伯什克然木乡依恰村] He studied economics in inner China, Austria, and visited Turkey. In year 2013 he was working in financial sector in Urumqi.

[Testimony 3: 27 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Most probably for traveling abroad

Victim's status

[Testimony 3: feared detained, but no official confirmation.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Well, if one day I know he wasn’t arrested, I’ll change his status as a free man. I’m registering him to let others know a person whose name is Mahmut Kunahun exists.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-04-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 3709. Osman Tohti

Chinese ID: 6529241980??????O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 38-39 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

My name is Isa Kadir Orhun, I am testifying on behalf of my family and relatives that are in China's “internment camps”.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother-in-law.

About the victim

Osman Tohti (乌斯满*托合提), farmer, born in 1980 in Aksu's Shayar County. He's married to victim Ayshem Qadir (Entry 3677), and the couple have three children together.

Address: Aksu, Shayar County, Toyboldi Municipality, Peyziwat Village, No. 6 Group, Jenubi haliq yuli 5 Kocha 12 tarmaq 7-Oy (Xinjiang XUAR 842200 China) 新疆沙雅县托依堡勒迪镇排孜阿瓦提二村6组 Post code 842200

Tel no: +86 13199748680

Victim's location

In a camp in Shayar.

When victim was detained

September 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status Still in detention, presumably.

[update from testifier in December 2019: tried to call family, but wasn't able to reach them]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From reliable sources in the region.

Additional information

His wife has also been detained, and the three children have been taken to an orphanage.

The UNHRC has submitted this victim's case to the Chinese authorities:

Victims among relatives

Musajan Qadir (3710), Imin Qadir (3711), Merdan Qadir (3712), Ayshem Qadir (3677), Zeytunhan Qadir (3697), Kerim Ayup (3717), Mahire Rehim (3693), Rahile Rehim (3694), Memet Ayup (3718), Elijan Tohti (3696), Rahman Abla (852), Gheyret Osman (3695), Riza Osman (3713), Qedirye Osman (3714), Israpil Osman (3715), Emir Eli (3912), Rizwangul Emir (3913), Hoshur Zakir (3914), Patime Zakir (3915), Zohregul Qurban (3958)

Supplementary materials video testimony: December 2019 update: photo:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2020-01-11 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 3710. Musajan Qadir (木沙江·喀迪尔)

Chinese ID: 652924197503020017 (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

My name is Isa Kadir Orhun, I am testifying on behalf of my family and relatives that are in China's “internment camps”.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother.

About the victim

Musajan Qadir (木沙江*喀迪尔), owner of a tire shop and an auto mechanic. Born in Aksu's Shayar County. He has two kids.

Address (of shop, presumably): 46 Renmin Road, Shayar.

Residential address: Jenubi haliq yuli 5 Kocha 12 tarmaq 7-Oy, Aksu Xayar County Post code 842200 Xinjiang XUAR China

Victim's location

Likely in Shayar, as that is where he resided.

When victim was detained

Taken to camp on August 11, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"No reason other than Uyghur ethnic identity"

Victim's status Still in camp, presumably.

[update in December 2019: testifier tried to call family but was unable to reach them]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From reliable sources in the region.

Additional information

Whereabouts of the 2 children are unknown.

The UNHRC has submitted this victim's case to the Chinese authorities:

Victims among relatives

Imin Qadir (3711), Merdan Qadir (3712), Ayshem Qadir (3677), Osman Tohti (3709), Zeytunhan Qadir (3697), Kerim Ayup (3717), Mahire Rehim (3693), Rahile Rehim (3694), Memet Ayup (3718), Elijan Tohti (3696), Rahman Abla (852), Gheyret Osman (3695), Riza Osman (3713), Qedirye Osman (3714), Israpil Osman (3715), Emir Eli (3912), Rizwangul Emir (3913), Hoshur Zakir (3914), Patime Zakir (3915), Zohregul Qurban (3958)

Supplementary materials video testimony: December 2019 update: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2020-01-11 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 3711. Imin Qadir (依明·喀迪尔)

Chinese ID: 652924197706300510 (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 42 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

My name is Isa Kadir Orhun, I am testifying on behalf of my family and relatives that are in China's “internment camps”.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother.

About the victim

Imin Qadir (依明*喀迪尔), owner of a shop selling books and office supplies. He has three children.

Shop: Shayar "Meshel" Kitaphanisi Xayar Xinhua kitaphanisining yeni Xayar chong bazar heliq yulidin kirish igizning qarshi

Residential address: Aksu, Shayar County, Toyboldi Municipality, Peyziwat Village, No. 5 Group, House 18 (Xinjiang XUAR 842200 China) 新疆沙雅县托依堡勒迪镇排孜阿瓦提 村 5组18号 842200

Victim's location

In a camp in Shayar.

When victim was detained

April 22, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"No reason other than Uyghur ethnic identity"

Victim's status Still in camp, presumably.

[update from testifier in December 2019: tried to call the family, but was unable to reach them]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through reliable sources in the region.

Additional information

The UNHRC has submitted this victim's case to the Chinese authorities:

Victims among relatives

Musajan Qadir (3710), Merdan Qadir (3712), Ayshem Qadir (3677), Osman Tohti (3709), Zeytunhan Qadir (3697), Kerim Ayup (3717), Mahire Rehim (3693), Rahile Rehim (3694), Memet Ayup (3718), Elijan Tohti (3696), Rahman Abla (852), Gheyret Osman (3695), Riza Osman (3713), Qedirye Osman (3714), Israpil Osman (3715), Emir Eli (3912), Rizwangul Emir (3913), Hoshur Zakir (3914), Patime Zakir (3915), Zohregul Qurban (3958)

Supplementary materials video testimony: December 2019 update: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2020-01-11 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 3712. Merdan Qadir

Chinese ID: 6529241981??????O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 37-38 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

My name is Isa Kadir Orhun, I am testifying on behalf of my family and relatives that are in China's “internment camps”.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother.

About the victim

Merdan Qadir (买尔但*喀迪尔) was born in 1981 in Aksu's Shayar County. He owned a jewelry shop. He has two kids (whereabouts now unknown).

Shop address: Shahimerdan Qadir Altun Dukini, Shayar Helq'ara Chong Bazar (Shahimerdan Qadir Gold Shop, Shayar International Bazar)

Residential address: Aksu, Shayar baziri, Egechi kocha 1-tarmaq, 3- numur,Xinjiang XUAR, Post code 842200, China

Victim's location

In Shayar.

When victim was detained

July 7, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status In a concentration camp still, presumably.

[update from testifier in December 2019: tried to call the family, but was unable to reach them]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through reliable sources in the region.

Additional information

The UNHRC has submitted this victim's case to the Chinese authorities:

Victims among relatives

Musajan Qadir (3710), Imin Qadir (3711), Ayshem Qadir (3677), Osman Tohti (3709), Zeytunhan Qadir (3697), Kerim Ayup (3717), Mahire Rehim (3693), Rahile Rehim (3694), Memet Ayup (3718), Elijan Tohti (3696), Rahman Abla (852), Gheyret Osman (3695), Riza Osman (3713), Qedirye Osman (3714), Israpil Osman (3715), Emir Eli (3912), Rizwangul Emir (3913), Hoshur Zakir (3914), Patime Zakir (3915), Zohregul Qurban (3958)

Supplementary materials video testimony: December 2019 update: photo:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2020-01-11 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 3717. Kerim Ayup

Chinese ID: 6529241970??????O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 48-49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

My name is Isa Kadir Orhun, I am testifying on behalf of my family and relatives that are in China's “internment camps”.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's cousin.

About the victim

Karim Ayip (克里木*阿依夫), born in 1970, from Shayar County's Yengi Mehelle's Qorulqum's No. 3 Group. He owned a curtain shop in the Shayar Bazar.

Victim's location

In a camp in Shayar.

When victim was detained

November 12, 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"for no reason other than his ethnic identity"

Victim's status

Presumably still in camp.

[testifier update in December 2019: tried to call family, but wasn't able to reach them]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Through reliable sources in the region.

Additional information

The UNHRC has submitted this victim's case to the Chinese authorities:

Victims among relatives

Musajan Qadir (3710), Imin Qadir (3711), Merdan Qadir (3712), Ayshem Qadir (3677), Osman Tohti (3709), Zeytunhan Qadir (3697), Mahire Rehim (3693), Rahile Rehim (3694), Memet Ayup (3718), Elijan Tohti (3696), Rahman Abla (852), Gheyret Osman (3695), Riza Osman (3713), Qedirye Osman (3714), Israpil Osman (3715), Emir Eli (3912), Rizwangul Emir (3913), Hoshur Zakir (3914), Patime Zakir (3915), Zohregul Qurban (3958)

Supplementary materials video testimony: December 2019 update: photo:

Entry created: 2019-04-26 Last updated: 2020-01-11 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 3718. Memet Ayup

Chinese ID: 6529241972??????O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 48-49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3: Isa Orhun, originally from Shayar County, but now residing in Australia. (cousin)

Testimony 4: UN Human Rights Council, the human rights body of the United Nations.

Testimony 5: Horliqa, an Australian citizen. (niece)

About the victim

Memet Ayip (买买提*阿依夫), born in 1972, from Aksu's Shayar County. He was a truck driver.

Address: Aksu Prefecture, Shayar County, Yengi Mehelle, Qurulqum, No. 5 Group

Victim's location

Testimony 1: In a camp in Shayar.

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

September 20, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"for no reason other than his ethnic identity"

Victim's status

Presumably still in camp.

[testifier update from December 2019 (Testimony 3): tried to call family, but was unable to reach them] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through reliable sources in the region.

Additional information

The UNHRC has submitted this victim's case to the Chinese authorities (Testimony 4):

Victims among relatives

Musajan Qadir (3710), Imin Qadir (3711), Merdan Qadir (3712), Ayshem Qadir (3677), Osman Tohti (3709), Zeytunhan Qadir (3697), Kerim Ayup (3717), Mahire Rehim (3693), Rahile Rehim (3694), Elijan Tohti (3696), Rahman Abla (852), Gheyret Osman (3695), Riza Osman (3713), Qedirye Osman (3714), Israpil Osman (3715), Emir Eli (3912), Rizwangul Emir (3913), Hoshur Zakir (3914), Patime Zakir (3915), Zohregul Qurban (3958)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 5: Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2019-04-26 Last updated: 2020-12-14 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 3719. Arzugul Raman

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (nephew)

About the victim

Arzigul Raman (阿热孜古丽 热曼 A re zi gu li Re man), 34-37 years old, she is from Kukang/Korghan Kashgar City, (新疆 喀什 库康村 14). She was married to my great uncle’s son Hestili Ahun and has one daughter whose named Asiye Hestili. Asiye is now 16-18 years old, she may also have brothers/sisters but I know their names.

Victim's location

She was living in Kashgar

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for being my relative and having a father who traveled abroad multiple times.

Victim's status

[Testimony 2: no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I don’t know if she’s not arrested

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2021-02-25 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 3720. Reyhangul Raman

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (nephew)

About the victim

热伊罕古丽 热曼 Re yi han gu li Re man, she is from Kukang/Korghan Kashgar City (新疆 喀什 库康村 14), she is 30-31 years old. She’s from a business family, her father Raman Idris is quiet known for doing chemical fertilizer business, so people knows her family very well. And she’s is a housewife as her husband could provide her financial needs.

Victim's location

Biologically my aunt, and on Chinese birth certificate book my older sister.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for being my relative and having a father who traveled abroad multiple times.

Victim's status

[Testimony 2: no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I don’t know if she’s not arrested, as I’m worried about her well-being I’m registering her.

Additional information I used to contact them by calling my grandfather’s phone number 13899127711, phone rings but no one picks it up. As the the owner of that number believed to have died in a camp in Kashgar, I think prior to being taken to the camp phone subscription fee is set to be automatically deducted.

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2021-02-25 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 3723. Halide Imin

Chinese ID: 65312919????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Halide Amin (Imin).

Address: Peyziwat County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Early 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Communicating with brother Abdurehim Imin, an Uyghur poet living in Turkey, by phone

Victim's status

In re-education camp [it would appear that the testifier hasn't had news of them since their detention, however - he hasn't been able to contact his family for 4 years]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

- Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 3750. Sabir Rozi

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Radio Free Asia Uyghur, the Uyghur-language service of Radio Free Asia.

Testimony 2: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (nephew-in-law)

About the victim

Sabir Rozi.

Testimony 2: he was an imam.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Sentenced to 7 years by the Kashgar City court on May 31, 2012.

It is not clear if he's been released or if he's still in detention.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Dealing in illegal religious materials"

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Sentenced to 7 years in prison

Testimony 2: Tahir has not had news of his relatives since November 22, 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 1: Radio Free Asia does not make clear how they got the information, but seems to have precise information regarding who was sentenced and on what official charges.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1):

Mention in CECC report: _1424.pdf

Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-04-24 Last updated: 2020-09-28 Latest status update: 2021-01-29 3924. Zulpiqar Rishat

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: @Aynur35423962, an unverified Twitter account. (sister)

About the victim

Zulphar Rishat.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Sent to a concentration camp without any trial in August 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Gulnur Rishat (3925), Ablimit Sattar (6627), Melike Sattar (6628)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-05-04 Last updated: 2020-01-22 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 3925. Gulnur Rishat

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: @Aynur35423962, an unverified Twitter account. (sister)

About the victim

Gulnur Rishat.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Taken to a concentration camp without any trial in August 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

Her husband, Qurban Osman, is also in a camp.

Victims among relatives Zulpiqar Rishat (3924), Ablimit Sattar (6627), Melike Sattar (6628)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-05-04 Last updated: 2020-01-22 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 3929. Ayshem Osman

Chinese ID: 653101196???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: "anwerkarluk" (Twitter handle: @anwerkarluk)

Testimony 2: unknown (general video)

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: Unclear.

About the victim

Ayshem Osman, housewife, 50 years old (as of 2018), from Kashgar city, Chinibagh social district.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: She was arrested in June 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In detention.

Whereabouts unknown since arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-05-04 Last updated: 2019-10-27 Latest status update: 2019-02-23 3949. Seifidin Iisak (才甫丁·依沙克)

Chinese ID: 653022198406212715 (Aktu)

Basic info

Age: 34 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Bubuazhar Orozobai, originally from Akchi Township in Kizilsu Prefecture, but now a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Seifidin Iisak uulu, a Turcology PhD student in Beijing.

Victim's location

Very likely in Kizilsu.

When victim was detained

Has been out of reach since 2016. Not known if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Has been out of reach for years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-05-08 Last updated: 2019-05-08 Latest status update: 2019-01-13 3966. Shehide Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: inner China Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@umituygar, an unverified Twitter account. (cousin)

About the victim

Shehide Ehmet

Victim's location

[Probably still in inner China.]

When victim was detained

Shehide Ehmet was arrested by Chinese authorities in October 2019 to be "re-educated." She was then sent to a forced labour program in inner China.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

There has been no news about the victim since she was arrested in October 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Yusup Ehmet (10985)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-02-27 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 3975. Saulethan Toqtash (沙吾列提汗·托库达西)

Chinese ID: 65422519570123181X (Chaghantokay)

Basic info

Age: 61 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ainur Toqtash, born on November 1, 1987, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. Her ID number is 035998593.

Victim's relation to testifier father

About the victim

Toqtash Saulethan was called by the local authorities in China in November 2017 and has been out of reach since. He has health problems.

Victim's location

Shagantogai rangeland, , Tacheng region

When victim was detained

November 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news from him, probably is not allowed to communicate with his family members abroad

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Baqytgul Kashen (3976)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-05-06 Last updated: 2019-05-06 Latest status update: 2019-01-12 3976. Baqytgul Kashen (巴合提古丽·卡先)

Chinese ID: 654225195806021827 (Chaghantokay)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ainur Toqtash, born on November 1, 1987, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. Her ID number is 035998593.

Victim's relation to testifier mother

About the victim

Baqytgul Kashen was born on June 2, 1958. She was summoned by the local authorities in China in January 2018 and is out of contact since. She has health problems.

Victim's location

Shagantogai rangeland, Yumin county, Tacheng region

When victim was detained

January 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status out of reach

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Saulethan Toqtash (3975)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-05-06 Last updated: 2019-05-06 Latest status update: 2019-01-12 3997. Goyagul Raman

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (nephew)

About the victim

Goyagul Raman(果亚古丽 热曼 Guo ya gu li Re man) 45-47 years old lady from Kukang village, beshkirem(Korghan) township(喀什市, 浩罕乡,库康村), where she is/was living is about 20 km away from the city center or Kashgar City. She’s married to a blacksmith named Imam Tohti. And she has three children, I’ll add their names separately.

Victim's location

She was living in Kashgar.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for being my relative living on abroad or having a family who traveled abroad multiple times. Her father Raman Idris passed away in China’s concentration camp located in Kashgar City.

Victim's status


[Testimony 2: no news]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Well, there’s no sign to indicate that she’s living happily without being disturbed by the Chinese government officials. And enjoying the “stability.”

Additional information

According to news leaked to outside world, government is relocating people from the neighborhoods/prison to inner China or other cities in Xinjiang. I have no clue where she’s now.

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2021-02-25 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 4002. Heppisem Tohti

Chinese ID: 6529241977??????E? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 43-44 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Anonymous, identity not verified. (niece)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, as reported by Amnesty International. (relative)

About the victim

Heppisem Tohti (possibly Hepisem Mehmet) ran a shop with the testifier's mother [presumably in Shayar County in Aksu]. She joined the business after her father passed away, when she was 17 years old.

She has a little boy (around 9 years old).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

The testifier hasn't been able to contact her since 2016.

In 2019, she learned that Heppisem had been detained in a camp. She believes that Heppisem was taken at some point in 2016-2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for visiting Turkey for a week in 2015 [together with the testifier's mother] and for having a niece [the testifier] who lives in Germany.

Victim's status

Unclear if still detained. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

She and the testifier's mother told their family abroad on the phone that they shouldn't call them anymore.

Their family abroad heard about her detention from relatives (in China).

Additional information

Amnesty International case info:

Victims among relatives

Supiyem Tohti (4001)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2019-05-10 Last updated: 2021-09-29 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 4003. Ablikim Ghappar

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party

For now I want my identity concealed, I’m sure if I should/shouldn’t.

Victim's relation to testifier

My friend in , Hotan prefecture(Moyu, Hetian).

About the victim

Ablikim Ghappar, 31 years old, truck driver, he’s from karatam neighborhood nearby Tohula village,in Karax county. Now, I don’t have much information to provide about him. All I can say is he’s young handsome guy with blondish hair, he’s son of Ghujashim hajim’s bother. Mr Ghujashim is known for doing charity to less fortunate people and public school. And the owner of Ak Altun petrol station in Karax county.

Victim's location

Karakax, Hotan.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

It could be for an Uyghur or for praying.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? No one is safe, that’s I’m testifying to say that guy exits.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdusalam Ghappar (4004)

Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-05-07 4004. Abdusalam Ghappar

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party

For now I want my identity concealed, I’m sure if I should/shouldn’t.

Victim's relation to testifier

My friend Ablikim Ghappar’s older brother.

About the victim

Abdusalam Ghappar, 37 years old, a truck driver, he’s from karatam neighborhood nearby Tohula village,in Karax county. He has a younger brother with a blond hair, but I forgot his name. An additional and least important information is that they both drink and smoke occasionally. Not religious at all. Now, I don’t have much information to provide about him. All I can say is he’s young handsome guy. he’s son of Ghujashim hajim’s bother. Mr Ghujashim is known for doing charity to less fortunate people and public school. And the owner of Ak Altun petrol station in Karax county.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Being an Uyghur

Victim's status

Unknwon How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

No one is safe, that’s I’m testifying to say that guy exits.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ablikim Ghappar (4003)

Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-05-07 4005. Ablet Memet

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

[The testifier put the victim's name in this field. It is not clear if this was intentional or not. The testifier appears to be an Uyghur living in Germany.]

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my brother.

About the victim

Ablet Memet, previously spent 10 years studying in a university in Egypt, after which he went to Xinjiang [testifier writes "East Turkestan"] in 2009.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as this is where the family is from - also mentioned in other testimonies.]

When victim was detained

I don't know, but I haven't been able to contact him since 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

I don't know if he's been detained, but if he has the reason would be him having studied in Egypt or having his sister (myself) living in Germany.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? I haven't been able to contact him, my sister, or my mother since 2015 [in other testimonies, the testifier writes 2016], but the last thing my sister and mother said to me was "don't call us again, we're okay". Which makes me realize that nothing is okay.

Additional information


Supplementary materials daughter's testimony:

Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-08-07 4006. Eziz Qasim

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

[The testifier put the victim's name in this field. It is not clear if this was intentional or not. The testifier appears to be an Uyghur living in Germany.]

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my brother.

About the victim

Eziz Qasim was a farmer and a Muslim.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as this is where the family is from - also mentioned in other testimonies.]

When victim was detained

I don't know.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

I don't know if he's been detained, but if he has the reason could be my living in Germany. The Chinese police often wanted that I come back and would tell my brother that he must bring me back.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I don't really know their status. However, in 2013 the Chinese police called me and said that I must work with them or I wouldn't be able to contact my relatives. I haven't been able to contact any of them since. [In other testimonies, the testifier says that she hasn't been able to contact her family since 2016.]

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-05-07 4007. Osman Qasim

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

[The testifier put the victim's name in this field. It is not clear if this was intentional or not. The testifier appears to be an Uyghur living in Germany.]

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my brother.

About the victim

Osman Qasim was a farmer [like his brother, Eziz] and had his own farm.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as this is where the family is from - also mentioned in other testimonies.]

When victim was detained

I don't know.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[I don't know if he's detained, but] if he is the reason could be my being abroad.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The fact that I haven't been able to contact him since 2013. [The testifier gives different years for when contact was cut with different relatives, keeping contact with her sister and mother until 2016, with one brother until 2015, and Osman and Eziz until 2013.]

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-05-07 4008. Aysem Qasim

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

[The testifier put the victim's name in this field. It is not clear if this was intentional or not. The testifier appears to be an Uyghur living in Germany.]

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my sister.

About the victim

Aysem Qasim was a farmer and had her own farm.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as this is where the family is from - also mentioned in other testimonies.]

When victim was detained

I don't know.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[I don't know if she is detained, but] if she is the reason could be my living abroad in Germany.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I haven't had contact with my family and relatives since 2013. [The testifier gives different years for when contact was cut with different relatives, keeping contact with her sister and mother until 2016, with one brother until 2015, and Osman, Eziz, and Aysem Qasim until 2013.]

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-05-07 4009. Hanaysem Qasim

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

[The testifier put the victim's name in this field. It is not clear if this was intentional or not. The testifier appears to be an Uyghur living in Germany.]

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my sister.

About the victim

Hanaysem Qasim was a farmer and had her own farm.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as this is where the family is from - also mentioned in other testimonies.]

When victim was detained

I don't know.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[I don't know if she is detained, but] if she is the reason could be my living abroad in Germany.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I haven't had contact with my family and relatives since 2013. [The testifier gives different years for when contact was cut with different relatives, keeping contact with her sister and mother until 2016, with one brother until 2015, and Osman, Eziz, Aysem, and Hanaysem Qasim until 2013.]

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-05-07 4010. Dileysem Qasim

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

[The testifier put the victim's name in this field. It is not clear if this was intentional or not. The testifier appears to be an Uyghur living in Germany.]

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my sister.

About the victim

Dileysem Qasim was a farmer and had her own farm.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as this is where the family is from - also mentioned in other testimonies.]

When victim was detained

I don't know.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[I don't know if she is detained, but] if she is the reason could be my living abroad in Germany.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I haven't been able to contact her since 2013. [The testifier gives different years for when contact was cut with different relatives, keeping contact with her sister and mother until 2016, with one brother until 2015, and Osman, Eziz, Aysem, Hanaysem, and Dileysem Qasim until 2013.]

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-05-07 Last updated: 2019-05-07 Latest status update: 2019-05-07 4072. Rozi Ghappar

Chinese ID: 65322119????????O? (Hotan County)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

For now I want to stay anonymous.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Rozi Ghappar he’s from Karatam neighborhood nearby Tohula village in Karakax prefecture, Hotan County. As he has a black skin color, his nickname was Karaway.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

It could be for praying or not knowing .

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Karax is one the counties ruled with iron fist. It’s safe to assume that he’s not safe. Additional information

His house was nearby secretary(Yiza bashliki) of Karatam.

Entry created: 2019-05-09 Last updated: 2019-05-09 Latest status update: 2019-05-09 4077. Obulqasim Emet

Chinese ID: 65400419????????O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: has problems Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Bahadirxah Ali" (Facebook name)

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's father.

About the victim

Ubulqasim Emet, 59 years old (as of April 2019). He is a farmer from Ili's Qorghas County.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Taken to a camp in Qorghas County by the Chinese police in early May 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His son (the testifier) studying abroad.

Victim's status

No news since the arrest. His health is not good, according to the testifier.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 80793228&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-15 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2019-04-11 4154. Qasimjan Ahun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Kasimjan Ahun 25-year-old, he is from Kukang 14th village , Korghan township, Kashgar City Xinjiang(喀什市, 浩罕乡,库康村 14). He is married to my sister Nurbia Mamut((努尔比亚 马木提江 Nu er bi ya Ma mu ti jiang) and they had one son in 2013. Kasimjan was in involved in private business, but I don’t know in what business. Kasimjan is son of my grandfather Raman Idris’s brother Ahun Idris’ son, we are/were big family so everyone knows us.

[Testimony 2: 27 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

Was living in kashgar

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Probably for praying/lack of Chinese proficiency.

Victim's status

--- How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

According to information I got from someone most/all of my male family members are sent to concentration camps. I couldn’t get accurate information about well-beings of women.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Entry created: 2019-05-11 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 4155. Hestili Ahun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hestili Ahun 37-40 years old, son of my great-uncle Ahun Idris. Hestili ran Beshkirem Kukang Kopratip, he used to sell chemical fertilizer and agricultural stuff. And he’s from Kukang/Korghan Kashgar City (新疆 喀什 库康村 14). He’s married to my auntie Arzigul Raman and has one daughter named Asiye, Asiye is about 16-18 years old now. Hestili may have other children.

[Testimony 2: 40 years old as of August 12, 2020. A businessman and farmer. Born in Kashgar.]

Victim's location

He living in Kashgar

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Probably for praying and being pious

Victim's status


[Testimony 2: believed to have been taken to a re-education facility, but no confirmation.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

According to information I got most/all of my close and extended family members in concentration camps.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-05-11 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 4156. Idris Ahun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (nephew-in-law)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Idris Ahun 37-39 years old, he’s from Kukang/Korghan Kashgar City (新疆 喀什 库康村 14). He was a truck driver for sometime, but I don’t know he’s recent job. His family is known to people around his neighborhood and in Beshkirem.

[Testimony 2: 38 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

He was living in Kashgar

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Probably for praying or any other ridiculous reasons.

Victim's status unknwon

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? According to information I got most/alll of my male family members in concentration camps.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-05-11 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 4157. Denagul Ahun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin-in-law)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Denagul Ahun 27-30 years old, she’s from ukang/Korghan Kashgar City (新疆 喀什 库康村 14). She’s daughter of Raman Idris’ younger brother Ahun Idris’ daughter.

[Testimony 2: 28 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

She was living in Kashgar

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Probably for praying

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

According to information I got my family isn’t doing well back home. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-05-11 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 4162. Reyhangul Helptim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Najmidin Raman(Nijimiding Reman) living in the Netherlands.

Victim's relation to testifier

My biological mother.

About the victim

Reyhangul Helptim 47-49 years old, she’s from Yiqa(Yi Qia Cun), Beshkirem, Kashgar [伯什克然木乡依恰村]. she has a daughter called Busara Memettursun 24-year-old, Abdurazzak Memettursun 22-year-old, and one step son who’s 33-year-old. Reyhangul is daughter of former Beshkirem president Ablipiz’s older brother, and lives nearby his residence. As I avoided contacting my mom for fearing for her safety, I don’t even have her picture now when I need it to hold and ask for help to save her from Chinese concentration camps.

Victim's location

She was living in Yiqa, Beshkirem.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Probably for not knowing Chinese/praying

Victim's status

Unknwon How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

I’m worried about her safety as everyone from all the walks of life is arrested/interned.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Entry created: 2019-05-12 Last updated: 2019-07-13 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4164. Imam Husen

Chinese ID: 65282319????????O? (Lopnur)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (former schoolmate)

About the victim

Imam Husen, a student in Egypt. Originally from Lopnur County.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

In 2016, not long after returning from Egypt.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Detained. No news since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: %3D2252904415030384%26id%3D100009325426841&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-21 Last updated: 2021-04-17 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 4166. Enwer Hesen

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Dilnur Enwer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Canada. (daughter)

Testimony 2|3: Dilnur Enwer, as reported by Amnesty International. (daughter)

About the victim

His name is Enwer Hesen. He is from Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Not known if detained.

Testimony 2: Detained in April 2017.

Testimony 3:

In early 2017, Dilnur's sister told Dilnur over the phone that she had to come back to Xinjiang. Dilnur's father was being "interrogated for long stretches every week." Dilnur asked her sister why she had to return. Her sister replied "Because the government wants you to come back. The safety of our family depends on you. If you do not come back right away, all of our family and even our extended relatives will be punished and taken to camps."

More than a week after her sister's call, Dilnur "received a message from her father through a mutual relative". The message said that Dilnur "should focus on finishing her education". Shortly after, another message from her father followed, which said "Dilnur must never come back again."

Likely (or given) reason for detention ---

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Unknown as the testifier has lost contact with the victim since April 2017.

Testimony 2: detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

The testifier received a message with a threat that asked her to come back in April 2017 and she didn't go back. Since then she lost contact with her family and all of her relatives.

Mention in Amnesty International reports: (Testimony 2) ression/ (Testimony 3)

Victims among relatives

Tashmemet Enwer (4381), Reyhangul Yusup (4380), Zulpiqar Tashmemet (4379), Reyhangul Sawut (4167), Ihsan Tahir (1556), Nezire Tahir (606)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: /812851872405850/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2020-06-09 Last updated: 2021-05-07 Latest status update: 2021-03-19 4167. Reyhangul Sawut

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Dilnur Enwer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Canada. (daughter)

Testimony 2: Dilnur Enwer, as reported by Amnesty International. (daughter)

About the victim

Her name is Reyhangul Sawut. She is from Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Not known if detained.

Testimony 2: detained in April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Unknown as the testifier has lost contact with the victim since April 2017.

Testimony 2: detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

The testifier received a message with a threat that asked her to come back in April 2017 and she didn't go back. Since then she lost contact with her family and all of her relatives.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Tashmemet Enwer (4381), Reyhangul Yusup (4380), Zulpiqar Tashmemet (4379), Enwer Hesen (4166), Ihsan Tahir (1556), Nezire Tahir (606)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: /812851872405850/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2020-06-09 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-04-17 4283. Enwer Muhemmed (艾尼娃尔·买买提依明)

Chinese ID: 650105198507020719 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 34 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: "Narmi Oghuz", an unverified Facebook account. (sister)

Testimony 2: Unknown, but with a verified identity. (sister)

About the victim

Enwer Muhammad (艾尼娃尔·买买提依明), a businessman from Urumqi. Mathematics graduate from Xinjiang Normal University. Fluent in Uyghur, English, Turkish and Chinese. Father of two daughters.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Arrested in his home on March 19, 2018

Testimony 2: Arrested in March 2018. No news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: In detention

Testimony 2: No news since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information

A person with the same name used to own a trade company in Yiwu city, Zhejiang province. The company's registration has been cancelled due to "serious infringment of the law" (吊销):

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: id%3D811848769183850%26id%3D100010762026639&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2020-07-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 4301. Ekber Emer

Chinese ID: 6531????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muradil Emer, originally from Kashgar but now living in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Ekber Emer.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Between January and June 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

His status after the arrest is unknown,

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives Mamutjan Emer (4294), Alimjan Emer (4295), Qemergul Abliz (4296), Nurmemetjan Emer (4297), Hesenjan Emer (4298), Rusul Emer (4299), Rustem Emer (4300)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-05-20 Last updated: 2020-04-01 Latest status update: 2019-05-17 4302. Abdurahman Abdulla

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Muradil Emer, originally from Kashgar but now living in Turkey. (friend)

About the victim

Abdurahman Abdulla. He was studying in Egypt

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Between March and May 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Forced to go back to China, after which his status is unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Obtained Xinjiang government records mention an Abdurahman Abdulla (阿布都热合曼·阿布都拉, 653221199004020453) from Jamida Village, Tusalla Township, Hotan City being sent to study (送培). It is unclear if this is the same person, though it is unlikely given how common the name is. Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-05-20 Last updated: 2020-03-27 Latest status update: 2019-05-17 4303. Qadir Abla

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Muradil Imir, originally from Kashgar, now living in Turkey

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Qadir Abla. He was studying in Egypt.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Between March and May 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Forced to go back to China, after which his status is unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-05-20 Last updated: 2019-05-20 Latest status update: 2019-05-17 4304. Alim Gheni

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Muradil Imir, originally from Kashgar, now living in Turkey

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Alim Ghene. He was studying in Egypt.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Between March and May 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Forced to go back to China, after which his status is unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-05-20 Last updated: 2019-05-20 Latest status update: 2019-05-17 4341. Zeynur Turdi

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Addison McTague, an American graduate student at Harvard University. (friend)

About the victim

Zeynur Turdi (: Zainuer Tuerdi, English name "Rita") graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology in 2017 with a degree in English. She had been accepted to a master's program in Australia, and hoped to later achieve her English as Second Language (ESL), a teacher certification degree.

Zeynur was 24 or 25 at the time of her graduation, during the summer 2017. Her university ID may have been 2013017307, as pulled from the file name of the final draft of her thesis.

Victim's location

Concentration camp in Kashgar (as learned through an undisclosed confidant).

When victim was detained

After her studies at Beijing University (between May and June 2017), Addison was blocked for one week on WeChat in anticipation of Zeynur's return to Kashgar. This was to take a test, seemingly mandated before she could graduate from her university. Upon her return to Beijing, Zeynur returned to WeChat, informing her friend that authorities had promptly confiscated her passport at the airport in Xinjiang "for safekeeping."

The day that Zeynur graduated was the last that the testifier had contact with her. On return to Beijing in the summer of 2018, she learned that Zeynur had been detained on July 5, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Addison assumes that it is because Zeynur traveled to Egypt in 2016 to visit her older brother, Muhemmed, who was there studying Islam.

Other possible reasons include Zeynur wearing a hijab in Beijing, praying in her dorm room with five Han Chinese girls around, or praying in classrooms with occasional witnesses. Her undergraduate thesis for her English major may also be accused of "inciting terrorism" [included under supplementary materials, edited and not].

Victim's status

Presumably still detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

They were close friends while studying in Beijing in the spring of 2017. After leaving Beijing in May 2017, they remained in contact throughout the following month.

During the testifier's return to Beijing in the summer of 2018, she learned from an undisclosed confidant that Zeynur was detained on July 5, 2017.

Additional information

The testifier's article in Global Voices: -your-camps-for-two-years/

The confidant who disclosed Zeynur's detention also stated that her older brother, Muhemmed, was able to flee to Turkey from Egypt. Muhemmed was last heard from in June 2018. He is currently unresponsive and his previous numbers of various platforms (i.e. WeChat, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal) have all been disconnected.

Supplementary materials praying in dorm room: letter to testifier (1): letter to testifier (2): letter to testifier (3): letter to testifier (4): thesis (on bilingual education): thesis (edited):

Entry created: 2019-05-21 Last updated: 2020-12-18 Latest status update: 2019-05-21 4345. Osman Ubul

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Afiye Osman" (Facebook name)

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's father.

About the victim

Osman Ubul, 53 years old (as of February 22, 2019).

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Possibly detained, since the testifier demands his freedom, but no details given.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 7958003265&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-28 Last updated: 2019-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-02-22 4346. Rustem Osman

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Afiye Osman" (Facebook name)

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother.

About the victim

Rustem Osman, 28 years old (as of February 22, 2019).

Victim's location


When victim was detained

The testifier has not been able to contact him since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Possibly detained, as the testifier is demanding his freedom, but no details given.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 7958003265&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-28 Last updated: 2019-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-02-22 4350. Imammemet Eli

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): other|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3|6: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Patigul Ghulam, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (mother)

Testimony 4: Ilham Tohti, the famous Uyghur economist, writer, and professor who was given a life sentence. (relation unclear)

Testimony 5: Kuzzat Altay, an Uyghur-American activist and entrepreneur. (friend)

About the victim

Imammemet Eli (伊马木麦麦提.艾力), 25 years old at the time of arrest, a 2008 alumni of the South China University of Technology, had worked with a foreign firm in Dubai for six months following graduation and had just started a new job in Urumqi when the July 2009 riots in Urumqi erupted. According to his mother, He had initially joined the July 5 protests, but stopped attending when the situation became violent. He was picked up by police, along with his four friends, just over a week later while playing billiards.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

July 14, 2009

Likely (or given) reason for detention

In relation to June 2009 riots in Urumqi

Victim's status He was first held in the Midongchu detention centre. He suffered torture at the hands of the police there and had to be taken to a hospital. His current status is unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1+3: this are people in the region who are close to the case/victim.

Testimony 2: this is the victim's mother and would presumably have close knowledge of his case.

Testimony 4-5: unclear

Testimony 6: In approximately April 2010, the mother of the victim learnt about the victim being tortured and taken to hospital after fellow inmates of the victim said that this had happened. It is unclear whether this was communicated to her directly or indirectly.

Additional information

RFA reports: (Testimony 1-2) (Testimony 3) (Testimony 6)

WUC/UHRP report:

Mention by Ilham Tohti (Testimony 4):

Victims among relatives

Patigul Ghulam (4351)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 5: photo (1): photo (2):

Entry created: 2019-05-22 Last updated: 2020-09-05 Latest status update: 2016-05-31 4529. Sawut Zunun

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier

Information publicly available

About the victim name: Sawut Zunon gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur

According to a tweet by Sawut Zunon's daughter, his daughter has lost contact with her family, including her father Sawut Zunon, her mother Tursunhan Keyum, her three brothers and four sisters as well as their respective families. It is unclear whether the family members have been detained, however, the tweet suggests that contact has been lost.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? reeducation (published 13 FEB 2019)

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunhan Qeyyum (4530)

Supplementary materials daughter's tweet:

Entry created: 2019-06-01 Last updated: 2019-06-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-10 4530. Tursunhan Qeyyum

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier

Information publicly available

About the victim name: Tursunhan Keyum gender: female ethnicity: Uyghur

According to a tweet by her daughter, the daughter has lost contact with her family, including her father Sawut Zunon, her mother Tursunhan Keyum, her three brothers and four sisters as well as their respective families. It is unclear whether families have been detained, but the tweet suggests that contact has been lost.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? reeducation (published 13 FEB 2019)

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sawut Zunun (4529)

Supplementary materials daughter's tweet:

Entry created: 2019-06-01 Last updated: 2019-06-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-10 4614. Ekber Hojaehmet

Chinese ID: 6501??1978??????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 40-41 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Mezze Uyghur

Victim's relation to testifier not clear

About the victim

Ekber Hoja'ehmet. He was born in Urumqi in 1978. He was a college graduate of 2000, and worked for the government for 15 years. He resigned from his job in 2015. He got arrested in 2017, and current situation is unknown.

Victim's location

Urumqi [presumably]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status in detention, no news since

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

According to one of the comments on the Facebook testimony, the daughter's name is Adeena Akbar.

Supplementary materials original testimony: %3D800301650344793%26id%3D100010948953163&width=300

Entry created: 2019-06-05 Last updated: 2019-06-19 Latest status update: 2019-04-24 4632. Aynisa Imin

Chinese ID: 65322419????????E? (Lop)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Tohti'rozi Obul, originally from Hotan's but now living in Germany. (nephew)

About the victim

Aynisa Imin.

Address: Toqquz Kalla Village, Hanggiya Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture.

Victim's location

In a camp in Ghulja.

When victim was detained

Taken to a camp 4 years ago (as of June 2019).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

"Unknown if she's still alive or not." [Testifier does not appear to have had news of her for a long time.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. [Presumably through friends/relatives as the testifier is from the same region.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Shireli Obul (5140), Turghun Tursunniyaz (5139), Bekir Imin (4634), Gulbahar Tohti (4633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2019-06-08 Last updated: 2019-06-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 4640. Bueysem Muhter (卜艾山·木柯达尔)

Chinese ID: 652924194907100028 (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 71 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Eziz Sulayman, originally from Aksu's Shayar County but now residing in the United States. (son)

Testimony 3: Gulruy Esqer, an Uyghur poet, now living in the United States. (daughter-in-law)

About the victim

Bu'eysem Muhter is a retired nurse.

Address: Apt. 202, Entrance No. 3, Building No. 1, Sedanbage Dongjie Education Neighborhood, Shayar County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang (新疆阿克苏沙雅县色旦巴格东街教育小区1号楼3单元202号).

Chinese passport: E31781524.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

The testifier last talked to her in August 2016, during which time she told him not to call her again (this was shortly after the testifier's younger brother was arrested and sentenced). Her phone was not in service when the testifier called again 2 weeks later. In April 2018, the testifier heard from a friend that his mother had been arrested and locked up in a camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Possibly still in a camp. [However, it appears that the testifier has not had news of her in a long time.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From a friend.

Additional information

Mention in Sinopsis article:

Victims among relatives

Alim Sulayman (4014), Husenjan Esqer (3193), Behram Yarmuhemmed (4638), Ekrem Yarmuhemmed (4639), Bahargul Sulayman (6788), Heyrigul Sulayman (6787), Guherem Sulayman (6786), Esqer Isaq (6789), Hemdullah Shakir (6790), Dilbar Sulayman (6785), Yehya Qurban (4641), Hezibulla Qurban (4030)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo: Testimony 1: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-06-09 Last updated: 2019-09-10 Latest status update: 2021-03-08 4650. Abduqahar Ebeydulla (阿布都喀哈尔·艾白迪拉)

Chinese ID: 653125198402255210 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 37 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: other

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|3*: H. Ebeydulla, the brother of victim Abduqahar Ebeydulla. (brother)

Testimony 2: Abdulla Tohti Arish, originally from Yarkand but now living in Germany. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

Testimony 5: Muhemmedniyaz Turap, originally from Yarkand but now residing in Turkey. (nephew)

Testimony 6: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

Testimony 7: H. Ebeydulla, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother)

About the victim

Abdukahar Abeydullah

Abdukhar ebeydullah, male born in 1985. He is working in one of the food processing factory in Urumqi and was detained in concentration camp from 2017.

[Address (both ID and registered): House No. 9, Group No. 1, Supila Village, Arslanbagh Township, Yarkand County, Xinjiang (新疆莎车县阿斯兰巴格乡苏普拉村1组9号).]

[Testimony 7: Abduqahar is an imam. He also worked in agriculture, and later in a furniture factory.]

Victim's location

Urumqi Secret Camp [Testimony 3: big camp in Ulanbay, Urumqi]

[however, the testifier says in the picture testimony that the victim was called back to Yarkent prior to detention, so it appears more likely that he'd be held in Kashgar] When victim was detained

2017 Feb-Ayrpil

[Testimony 3: end of 2016]

[Testimony 7: In late 2016, he was working outside his hometown. Police in his hometown asked him to return and sign documents. He was missing from then onwards.]

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

[Testimony 2: no news since the detention, it appears.]

[Testimony 3: no news since detention]

[Testimony 4: marked as belonging to the "slry" (三类人员, "three kinds of people"), which means that he is either in custody/prison/camp, as of late January 2019.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? through relatives by internet connection...

[Testimony 4: this is direct information from government documents.]

Additional information

He was married and he has four children.Most probably his wife also was taken to the concentration camps. The place where their children are still unknown. their name 1, Pahirdin abdukahar 14years old , 2. Jalalidin Abdukahar, 11year old . 3. Ayishe abdukahar, 8year old 4.Hadiqe abdukahar.5years old..

[Amnesty International case info (Testimony 7):]

Victims among relatives

Pehirdin Abduqahar (4688), Jalalidin Abduqahar (4689), Ayshiqiz Abduqahar (4690), Hediche Abduqahar (4691), Horigul Iminniyaz (4651), Asim Tursun (8087), Turap Tohti (4849), Hornisa Ebeydulla (12928), Roziniyaz Turap (12929)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 5: Testimony 2: Testimony 1: Chinese ID: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-06-11 Last updated: 2021-09-28 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 4652. Abduhaliq Emet

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gene A. Bunin

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is an acquaintance.

About the victim

Abduhaliq Emet, likely in his early 30s (as of 2019), from Kashgar's Peyzawat County. He was living and working in Urumqi when I met him in 2014 and, if I understood right, was able to transfer his registration to there.

Victim's location

In the Kashgar area, from the sound of it.

When victim was detained

I was told that he was summoned back to the Kashgar area in 2017 and then went out of touch.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear, but there is good reason to fear that he was detained, since even his good friends in Urumqi had no news of him following his return to Kashgar.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? From people in Urumqi who knew him.

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Facebook page: %3D1513745045572677%26id%3D100008115886502%26substory_index%3D0&width=300

Entry created: 2019-06-11 Last updated: 2019-06-11 Latest status update: 2019-06-11 4657. Hesen Ghopur (艾山·吾甫尔)

Chinese ID: 653130197005102276 (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3: Abdulla Tohti Arish, originally from Yarkand but now living in Germany. (son-in-law)

Testimony 4|5: Gulchimen Hesen, a resident of Germany. (daughter)

About the victim

Hesen Ghopur was Director-Manager of the Awam Oil Mill (阿瓦穆榨油厂) in Maralbeshi. He graduated from the physical education department of Kashgar Normal University and had worked as a government official until 2002.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Detained in October 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His son and daughter going to study abroad.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through contacts in the region.

Additional information Business listing for the Awam oil mill:

Victims among relatives

Tohti Muhemmed Arish (3155), Abduweli Tohti Arish (3156), Esqer Ehet (5486), Ruqiye Jappar (3157), Hanqiz Momin (4659), Abdurahman Ghopur (4658), Ehet Hesen (4660)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: photo: business listing:

Entry created: 2019-06-11 Last updated: 2020-04-21 Latest status update: 2021-02-06 4690. Ayshiqiz Abduqahar (阿依夏克孜·阿布都喀哈尔)

Chinese ID: 653125201105015223 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 9 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: H. Ebeydulla, the brother of victim Abduqahar Ebeydulla. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Abdulla Tohti Arish, originally from Yarkand but now living in Germany. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

Testimony 4*: H. Ebeydulla, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (uncle)

About the victim

Ayshe Abduqahar, 8 years old. Her father Abdukahar Abeydullah and mother have been detained and Ayishe has since disappeared.

Testimony 3:

Name in Chinese: 阿依夏克孜·阿布都喀哈尔 ID: 653125201105015223 Address (registration): House No. 9, Group No. 1, Supila Village, Arslanbagh Township, Yarkand County, Xinjiang (新疆莎车县阿斯兰巴格乡苏普拉村1组9号)

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

February - April 2017

Testimony 4: both parents were detained, with mother released later. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 2: taken to an orphanage after parents were detained, but no news since.

Testimony 4: reunited with mother at some point and back at home.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: through relatives by internet connection

Testimony 3: these are official government records.

Testimony 4: not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abduqahar Ebeydulla (4650), Pehirdin Abduqahar (4688), Jalalidin Abduqahar (4689), Hediche Abduqahar (4691), Horigul Iminniyaz (4651), Asim Tursun (8087), Turap Tohti (4849), Hornisa Ebeydulla (12928), Roziniyaz Turap (12929)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-06-14 Last updated: 2021-03-07 Latest status update: 2020-10-29 4776. Muhemmet Turdi

Chinese ID: 6528??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Muhammat Turdi, 70 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier is certain he is detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Tursun Muhemmet (4777), Rozi Muhemmet (4778), Turghun Muhemmet (4779), Dolqun Muhemmet (4780), Ayshemgul Muhemmet (4781), Munire Ismayil (4782), Aygul Niyaz (4783), Elmire Ekber (4784)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4777. Tursun Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 652828??????????O? (Hoshut)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier

Eldest brother

About the victim

Tursun Muhammat

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier is certain that he is detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmet Turdi (4776), Rozi Muhemmet (4778), Turghun Muhemmet (4779), Dolqun Muhemmet (4780), Ayshemgul Muhemmet (4781), Munire Ismayil (4782), Aygul Niyaz (4783), Elmire Ekber (4784)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4778. Rozi Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 652828??????????O? (Hoshut)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier

Second older brother

About the victim

Rozi Muhammat

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that is where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

March 15th, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmet Turdi (4776), Tursun Muhemmet (4777), Turghun Muhemmet (4779), Dolqun Muhemmet (4780), Ayshemgul Muhemmet (4781), Munire Ismayil (4782), Aygul Niyaz (4783), Elmire Ekber (4784)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4779. Turghun Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 652828??????????O? (Hoshut)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier brother

About the victim

Turghun Muhammat

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that is where the family is from.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier is certain that he was detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmet Turdi (4776), Tursun Muhemmet (4777), Rozi Muhemmet (4778), Dolqun Muhemmet (4780), Ayshemgul Muhemmet (4781), Munire Ismayil (4782), Aygul Niyaz (4783), Elmire Ekber (4784)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4780. Dolqun Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 652828??????????O? (Hoshut)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Dolkun Muhammat

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that is where the family is from.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier is certain that he's been detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmet Turdi (4776), Tursun Muhemmet (4777), Rozi Muhemmet (4778), Turghun Muhemmet (4779), Ayshemgul Muhemmet (4781), Munire Ismayil (4782), Aygul Niyaz (4783), Elmire Ekber (4784)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4781. Ayshemgul Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 65282819????????E? (Hoshut)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Ayshamgul Muhammat, a teacher at a Hoshut elementary school.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that is where the family is from and that is where the victim worked.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier is certain she has been detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmet Turdi (4776), Tursun Muhemmet (4777), Rozi Muhemmet (4778), Turghun Muhemmet (4779), Dolqun Muhemmet (4780), Munire Ismayil (4782), Aygul Niyaz (4783), Elmire Ekber (4784)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4783. Aygul Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65280119????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier

Sister in law

About the victim

Aygul Niyaz, a teacher of 5th elementary school of Korla.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that is where the family is from and that's where she worked.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier is convinced she's in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmet Turdi (4776), Tursun Muhemmet (4777), Rozi Muhemmet (4778), Turghun Muhemmet (4779), Dolqun Muhemmet (4780), Ayshemgul Muhemmet (4781), Munire Ismayil (4782), Elmire Ekber (4784)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4784. Elmire Ekber

Chinese ID: 6528??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arzugul Muhemmet is originally from Hoshut County in Bayingolin.

Victim's relation to testifier

Sister in law (Wife of second brother, Rozi)

About the victim

Almira Akbar

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier is certain that she's been detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have any contact with her relatives for 3 years. She has no info about their condition.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmet Turdi (4776), Tursun Muhemmet (4777), Rozi Muhemmet (4778), Turghun Muhemmet (4779), Dolqun Muhemmet (4780), Ayshemgul Muhemmet (4781), Munire Ismayil (4782), Aygul Niyaz (4783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-18 Last updated: 2021-03-08 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 4790. Ehmetjan Memet

Chinese ID: 6529????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Horigul Memet, from Aksu. She has been living in Istanbul, Turkey for 3 years.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Ahmatjan Memet

Victim's location

[possibly in Aksu, as that is where the family appears to be from]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Taken to be "re-education". Current status is unclear.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information She did not have contact with anyone for 3 years. One of her brother was sentenced to 8 years in April, 2015. He is at a prison in Ghulja. Another brother of hers was taken to the camp in 2017.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-19 Last updated: 2019-06-21 Latest status update: 2019-02-28 4849. Turap Tohti (吐热普·托合提)

Chinese ID: 653125196210015213 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|3: Muhemmedniyaz Turap, originally from Yarkand but now residing in Turkey. (son)

Testimony 2: Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

1. MY FATHER MY PASSPORT COPY MY DISAPPEARED FAMILY MEMBERS Name: TUREPU TOHETI (吐热普.托合提). Year of Brith: 1962 Age: 58 Occupation: Farmer Add: No 36 / Subgroup 2 /Group 4 / Arsilanbag Town / Shache County / Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region China. ( 新疆维吾尔自治区,莎⻋县,阿尔斯兰巴格乡,4大队, 2小队 36号。 Date of detention: End of 2016 or Beginning of 2017 Taken into concentration camps from home by police Reason of detention : unknown NO criminal history Current statues: unknown.

[Testimony 2 confirms the address, name, and provides the ID number as 653125196210015213.]

Victim's location unknown

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

End of 2016 [Testimony 2: as of January 27, 2019, he is marked as being a SLRY (三类人员, "three kinds of people"), which is code for those taken into camp, taken into custody, or sentenced.]

Likely (or given) reason for detention

He has no any criminal recording.If there should be a reason that is my studying in abroad or their being of Uyghur.

Victim's status unknown

[Testimony 2: he is marked as having heart disease (心脏病).]

[Testimony 3: no news since he was taken.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? by social media

[Testimony 2: these are official local government documents.]

Additional information

My family was taken into concentration camps and my mother was released. But my father and my brother had been disappeared from 2017.

Victims among relatives

Abduqahar Ebeydulla (4650), Pehirdin Abduqahar (4688), Jalalidin Abduqahar (4689), Ayshiqiz Abduqahar (4690), Hediche Abduqahar (4691), Horigul Iminniyaz (4651), Asim Tursun (8087), Hornisa Ebeydulla (12928), Roziniyaz Turap (12929)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2021-02-16 Last updated: 2021-04-01 Latest status update: 2020-10-29 4869. Yusup Yaqup

Chinese ID: 652201195???????O? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Burhan Seti, a professor at the Sabahattin Zaim University in Istanbul. (nephew)

Testimony 2: Burhan Seti, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (nephew)

About the victim

Yusup Yaqup, 62 years old (as of June 2019).

Victim's location

Not stated

When victim was detained

RFA report: taken to camp in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In re-education camp

Testimony 3: no news

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information RFA coverage (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Memet Yaqup (4874), Emet Yaqup (5443), Rizwangul Seti (4866), Ismayil Kirem (4867), Muhemmed Ismayil (4868), Ibrahim Yusup (4870), Ismayil Yusup (4871), Aqayla Kasip (4872), Hemrahan Abdurehim (4873), Abliz Hemdul (4875), Nureli Abliz (4876), Abdureshit Abliz (4877), Abdusalam Abdureshit (4878), Sulayman Yaqup (4879), Iskender Yaqup (4880)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: 707111784/&show_text=1&width=300 Testimony 3: photo (first from left):

Entry created: 2019-06-24 Last updated: 2020-01-20 Latest status update: 2020-01-08 4874. Memet Yaqup

Chinese ID: 652201196804282179 (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|3: Burhan Seti, a professor at the Sabahattin Zaim University in Istanbul. (nephew)

Testimony 2: Burhan Seti, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (nephew)

Testimony 4|5*: Yalqun Memet, an Uyghur student in Turkey, originally from Hami. (son)

About the victim

Memet Yaqup was a businessman, with a university education, who exported fruit to eight countries in Southeast Asia via Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

Address (origin): Qara Dowe Municipality, Iwirghol District, Hami City.

Chinese passport number: G42777324.

Victim's location

[Not clear if he was returned to Xinjiang from inner China.]

When victim was detained

He was arrested in Guangzhou in June 2018 (his son's last time of contact with him was on June 7, 2018).

Burhan reported his as being taken to a camp. Yalqun says that he believes he was detained around that time.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His son believes it is because of his having gone abroad to such places as Malaysia (for business), Thailand (also for business), and Turkey (to visit relatives). Victim's status

No news since his detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

His son learned of his disappearance [and possibly of his detention] via WeChat.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

A few days before his disappearance, Memet asked his son, Yalqun, to send the legal documents related to his stay in Turkey, as well as his graduation certificate.

Memet also told Yalqun that the latter's grandmother had passed away in January 2018, but reportedly did not allow Yalqun to speak to his grandfather.

Victims among relatives

Yusup Yaqup (4869), Emet Yaqup (5443), Rizwangul Seti (4866), Ismayil Kirem (4867), Muhemmed Ismayil (4868), Ibrahim Yusup (4870), Ismayil Yusup (4871), Aqayla Kasip (4872), Hemrahan Abdurehim (4873), Abliz Hemdul (4875), Nureli Abliz (4876), Abdureshit Abliz (4877), Abdusalam Abdureshit (4878), Sulayman Yaqup (4879), Iskender Yaqup (4880)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Testimony 1: 707111784/&show_text=1&width=300 Testimony 3: photo (first from right): Testimony 5:

Entry created: 2019-06-24 Last updated: 2020-10-20 Latest status update: 2021-05-13 4891. Bilal Tohsun

Chinese ID: 653126200901250330 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 11 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (grandmother)

About the victim

Bilal Toqsun

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: mother detained in late December 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

In compromised position by virtue of mother being detained (unclear what happened to father).

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost

Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4892. Paruq Tohsun

Chinese ID: 653126201003080370 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 10 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (grandmother)

About the victim

Paruq Toqsun

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: Mother detained in late December 2017. Unclear what happened to father.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

In compromised position by virtue of at least one parent being detained.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost

Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4893. Halid Mijit

Chinese ID: 65312620140510??O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 5 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (great-grandmother)

About the victim

Khalid Mijit

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: Mother was detained in late December 2017. Father has been missing.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

In a compromised position by virtue of one or both parents in detention.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost

Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4894. Halmurat Mijit

Chinese ID: 65312620150610??O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 4 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (great-grandmother)

About the victim

Halmurat Mijit

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: mother detained in late December 2017. No news of father.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

In compromised position because of mother being detained, father missing.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost

Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4895. Mijit Osman

Chinese ID: 653126??????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (grandmother-in-law)

About the victim

Mijit Osman

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost

Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4897. Amirulla Neymet

Chinese ID: 653126??????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rayim Pulatov, in a letter to the Chinese Consul to the Kyrgyz Republic

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Amirulla Neymet, son of Halishan Hesen

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4898. Zubeyre Neymet

Chinese ID: 653126??????????E? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rayim Pulatov, in a letter to the Chinese Consul to the Kyrgyz Republic

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Zubayra Neymet, daughter of Halishan Hesen

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4899. Nurnisahan Abdurusul (努尔尼沙汗·阿布都如苏力)

Chinese ID: 653126198104130328 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 37 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (relative)

About the victim

Nurnisa Abdurasul, daughter of Halishan Hasan

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. The current victim's ID says Uyghur. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: 188-2 Ayaghchasimichit Road, Qaghiliq Municipality, Qaghiliq County, Xinjiang (新疆叶城县喀格勒克镇阿亚格恰米其提路188号-2号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information

Possibly her shop:

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4900. Muhemmedtahir Ehmed

Chinese ID: 65312620????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (relative)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (great-grandmother)

About the victim

Muhammadtahir Ahmad, son of Nurnisa Abdurasul

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address (his mother's): 188-2 Ayaghchasimichit Road, Qaghiliq Municipality, Qaghiliq County, Xinjiang (新疆叶城县喀格勒克镇阿亚格恰米其提路188号-2号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost

Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: photo with sister:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4901. Rumaisa Ehmed

Chinese ID: 65312620????????E? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (relative)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (great-grandmother)

About the victim

Rumaisa Ahmad, daughter of Nurnisa Abdurasul

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address (her mother's): 188-2 Ayaghchasimichit Road, Qaghiliq Municipality, Qaghiliq County, Xinjiang (新疆叶城县喀格勒克镇阿亚格恰米其提路188号-2号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost

Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: photo with brother:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2020-08-15 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4903. Memetomerjan Hisamidin (买买提吾买尔江·依萨木顿)

Chinese ID: 653126200301050319 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 16 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (relative)

Testimony 2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Memetumar Hisamidin, son of Malika Hesen

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. The current victim's ID says Uzbek. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4904. Zabira Hisamidin (萨比热·依萨木顿)

Chinese ID: 653126200301050327 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 16 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (relative)

Testimony 2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Zabira Hisamidin, daughter of Malika Hesen

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. The current victim's ID says Uzbek. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4905. Hisamidin Hamidin

Chinese ID: 65312619????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"endangering state security" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rayim Pulatov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (relative)

Testimony 2: Halimahan Ahunzhan, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. (mother-in-law)

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Hisamidin Hamidin, husband of Malika Hesen

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Address: Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Contact lost Testimony 2: The testifier has lost contact with her relatives since September 2017.

Testimony 3: the Urumqi police records have his wife and two kids all marked as "relatives of person involved in an endangering-security case (Xinjiang-wide)" (全疆危安案件人员亲属), from which we can assume that he is involved in an endangering-security case and thus detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: this is direct information from the Xinjiang police.

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier has written letters to the Chinese consulate for about 50 times. She has sent invitation letters many times as well.

Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2021-05-23 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 4906. Memeteli Eziz (买买提艾力·艾则孜)

Chinese ID: 653126200105100315 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 17 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rayim Pulatov, in a letter to the Chinese Consul to the Kyrgyz Republic

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Memeteli Aziz, son of Meryem Hesen

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. The current victim's ID says Uzbek. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4907. Merhaba Eziz

Chinese ID: 653126199408050348 (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 24 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rayim Pulatov, in a letter to the Chinese Consul to the Kyrgyz Republic

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Marhaba Aziz, daughter of Meryem Hesen. Her husband Tursunjan has also disappeared.

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4908. Imammemet Eziz (依马木买买提·艾则孜)

Chinese ID: 65312619870416031X (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rayim Pulatov, in a letter to the Chinese Consul to the Kyrgyz Republic

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Imammemet Aziz, son of Meryem Hesen

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. The current victim's ID says Uzbek. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul: documents: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4909. Hoshqurulla Tursun

Chinese ID: 653126??????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rayim Pulatov, in a letter to the Chinese Consul to the Kyrgyz Republic

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Hoshqurulla Tursun, son of Marhaba Aziz.

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Pehrulla Tursun (4910), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul: photo with brother and cousin:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4910. Pehrulla Tursun

Chinese ID: 653126??????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kyrgyz Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Rayim Pulatov, in a letter to the Chinese Consul to the Kyrgyz Republic

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Pahrulla Tursun, son of Marhaba Aziz

[The ethnicity of this family is very bureaucratically confusing, since some are marked as Uyghur, some as Uzbek, and some as Kyrgyz. However, the testifier claims that their whole family is Kyrgyz and as such we will report them as Kyrgyz here.]

Victim's location

Yecheng county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imamhesen Memetrusul (1264), Imamhuseyn Memetrusul (1265), Meryemgul Hesen (1266), Imammemet Eziz (4908), Melikehan Hesen (4902), Zabira Hisamidin (4904), Memetomerjan Hisamidin (4903), Halishan Hesen (4896), Nurnisahan Abdurusul (4899), Memeteli Eziz (4906), Hisamidin Hamidin (4905), Merhaba Eziz (4907), Nurmangul Abay (1271), Patemhan Hesen (1270), Zubeyre Neymet (4898), Amirulla Neymet (4897), Ehmet Hesen (1268), Memetrehim Hesen (1269), Muhemmedtahir Ehmed (4900), Rumaisa Ehmed (4901), Hoshqurulla Tursun (4909), Muhemmetnurulla Hesen (1267), Nusrethan Tohsun (1263), Mijit Osman (4895), Bilal Tohsun (4891), Paruq Tohsun (4892), Halid Mijit (4893), Halmurat Mijit (4894)

Supplementary materials letter to consul: photo with brother and cousin:

Entry created: 2019-06-28 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-02-01 4930. Imran Tursun

Chinese ID: 65????20????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Hebibe Omer, originally from Korla but now living in Turkey. (former neighbor)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (former schoolmate)

About the victim

Imran Tursun, 15. He was in Egypt with his family for around 2 years. He studied in Ezher Junior high school. They went back in 2016. He was detained in 2017 with his family. No information about him since then.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status in detention

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

Hebibe and the victim were neighbors in Egypt.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-07-03 Last updated: 2021-03-11 Latest status update: 2019-01-10 4931. Mubarek Abduqadir (姆巴勒克·阿布都卡德尔)

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Hebibe Omer, originally from Korla but now living in Turkey. (cousin)

Testimony 2|3: Abdurahman Memet, a university student in Istanbul. (cousin)

About the victim

Mubarek Qadir, son of victim Abduqadir Kerim (4338).

Testimony 2: 20 years old [presumably at time of arrest, since this is the case for another person in the same poster].

Testimony 3: 23 years old.

Victim's location

Concentration camp in Korla.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: concentration camp.

Testimony 2: not stated if he's in camp, another form of detention, or missing.

Testimony 3: no news since he was taken by police in 2017. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

His father, 3 brothers are all in detention. No information about his mother and sister.

Victims among relatives

Zeynepgul Omer (640), Abduqadir Abdukirem (4338), Zeynepgul Abdukirem (5852), Abdulla Memet (644), Abdugheni Abduqadir (4932), Abduqeyyum Abduqadir (4339), Memetabdullah Omer (643), Ebeydulla Omer (641), Ehmetjan Memet (642)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-07-03 Last updated: 2021-01-30 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 4933. Horigul Barat

Chinese ID: 652801??????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

One testimony is from Hebibe Omer. Another is from Omerjan Hemdul. Both are from Korla but are now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

It is not clear what Hebibe's relation to the victim is. For Omerjan, the victim is his mother-in-law.

About the victim

Horigul Barat is 49 years of age [as of December 2019].

Address: Korla City, Bayingolin Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

She was detained in late 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

There's been no news since her detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Rozi Hemdul (5381), Memet Hemdul (5382), Ablimit Ziyawudun (4934), Hawagul Hemdul (584), Hernisahan Semet (3405), Zeynigul Hemdul (3179), Muhammettahir Ablimit (4935), Zeripe Omer (15169), Zahide Omer (15168)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-07-03 Last updated: 2019-12-22 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 4945. Ehmettohti Ayup

Chinese ID: 6532??19670815??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by AidET. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2*: Anonymous, but with a verified identity. (son)

Testimony 3: Abdurazaq Ehmettohti, a resident of Germany. (son)

About the victim

Ahmettohti Ayup (Pinyin: Ahemaituoheti Ayupu), born on August 15, 1967 in Hotan. He is a businessman.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: September 2016

Testimony 2: 23.09.2014

Testimony 3: arrested in 2015 by the Chinese government, since 2016 he has been in a concentration camp. Abdurazaq has not been able to contact his family back in China for 3 years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 2: Keeping the CD including religious information, . Wearing hijab of women in family, absence from the weekly meeting of the government

Victim's status

In detention How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: not stated.

Testimony 2: He is my father. I saw this event

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2019-07-06 Last updated: 2020-09-27 Latest status update: 2020-09-06 4951. Nurmemet Eziz

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Nurmemet Eziz [Nurmaimaiti Aizizi]. According to the UN WGEID report, he was born in Kashgar and resided at No. 50-55, 14th Kukang Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 41 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010771.

Nurmemet Eziz is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Nurmemet Eziz was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, Nurmemet Eziz "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Nurmemet Eziz was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The current status and whereabouts of Nurmemet Eziz are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2021-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 4957. Ayshemhan Yasin (阿依仙汗·亚森)

Chinese ID: 65210119581001180X (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion Health status: has problems Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|4: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, originally from Turpan but now living and working in Japan. (grandson)

Testimony 3: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, as reported by The Guardian. (grandson)

About the victim

Ayshemhan Yasin is a farmer.

Address: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Uzumchilik Municipality, Gaochang District, Turpan (吐鲁番市高昌区葡萄镇布拉克村).

Victim's location

[Presumably at her home address.]

When victim was detained

At the end of 2017, according to Muherrem. According to the victim in her letter home, she left home to come to the "training center" on January 3, 2018. She was released in early 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the victim's letter home from camp, for making a pilgrimage in the past (and supposedly violating Articles 123 and 124 of the Penal Code in so doing).

Victim's status

As of her release in early 2019, she was under house/town arrest with her movements restricted. However, Muherrem has had no news of her since the summer of 2019.

Her time in camp had allegedly damaged her health and she was receiving treatment. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably through friends/relatives in the region.]

Additional information

Mentioned in the Guardian: mp-inmates-says-family

Letter from detention

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Mehmud Muhemmet (4964), Abdurahman Memet (5052), Memet Ismayil (4959), Ehmed Muhemmed (4960), Nureli Ehmed (4961), Omer Ehmed (4962), Nurislam Ehmed (4963), Abdusalam Muhemmed (4965)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 4: photo with husband at hospital:

Entry created: 2019-07-07 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 4959. Memet Ismayil (买买提·司马义)

Chinese ID: 652101194310101812 (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 77 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion Health status: has problems Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|4: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, originally from Turpan but now living and working in Japan. (grandson)

Testimony 3: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, as reported by The Guardian. (grandson)

Testimony 5: Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Memet Ismayil is a farmer, and was an imam at the local village mosque.

Address: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Viticulture Municipality, Turpan City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

According to Muherrem, he was detained at the end of 2017. In the victim's own letter from camp (dated October 18, 2018), he says that he has been studying at the school since May 2018. According to Muherrem, he was released at the beginning of 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the victim's letter home from camp, he had "wronged" by making a pilgrimage to Mecca in the past.

Victim's status

As of his release, he was now under house/town arrest, with movements restricted. He had also gotten very weak from his time at camp and was now receiving medical treatment. However, Muherrem has not received any news of him since the summer of 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[From friends/relatives in the region, presumably.]

Additional information

Covered in the Guardian: mp-inmates-says-family

Letter from detention

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Mehmud Muhemmet (4964), Abdurahman Memet (5052), Ayshemhan Yasin (4957), Ehmed Muhemmed (4960), Nureli Ehmed (4961), Omer Ehmed (4962), Nurislam Ehmed (4963), Abdusalam Muhemmed (4965)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: photo with wife at hospital:

Entry created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2021-04-18 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 4960. Ehmed Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 652101196008151834 (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, originally from Turpan but now living and working in Japan. (nephew)

Testimony 4: Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Ehmed Muhemmed is a farmer, and also served as an imam of a local mosque between 2012 and 2016.

Address: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Viticulture Municipality, Gaochang District, Turpan (吐鲁番市高昌区葡萄镇布拉克村).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Detained in May 2017. Released [from camp, presumably] in early 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

As of his release from camp, he was under house/town arrest, with movements restricted.

However, Muherrem has not had any news of him since the summer of 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Presumably through friends/relatives in the region.]

Additional information

His three sons and daughter-in-law were also detained.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Mehmud Muhemmet (4964), Abdurahman Memet (5052), Ayshemhan Yasin (4957), Memet Ismayil (4959), Nureli Ehmed (4961), Omer Ehmed (4962), Nurislam Ehmed (4963), Abdusalam Muhemmed (4965)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: photo with son:

Entry created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2021-04-18 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 4961. Nureli Ehmed

Chinese ID: 652101198???????O? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): "problematic" association|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, originally from Turpan but now living and working in Japan. (cousin)

About the victim

Nur'eli Ehmed is a graduate of the Xinjiang Islamic Institute.

Father's address [possibly his as well]: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Uzumchilik Municipality, Gaochang District, Turpan (吐鲁番市高昌区葡萄镇布拉克村2组).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Nur'eli was detained sometime at the end of 2017 or beginning of 2018.

He was released [presumably from camp] in early 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

For being in contact with Abdurehim Abdulhemid [a friend of the testifier] while in Egypt.

Victim's status

He was reported as being placed under some form of house/town arrest with his movements restricted following his release from detention. However, the testifier has had no news of him since the summer of 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Presumably from friends/relatives in the region.]

Additional information

His father, two brothers, and sister-in-law were also detained.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Mehmud Muhemmet (4964), Abdurahman Memet (5052), Ayshemhan Yasin (4957), Memet Ismayil (4959), Ehmed Muhemmed (4960), Omer Ehmed (4962), Nurislam Ehmed (4963), Abdusalam Muhemmed (4965)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2020-11-29 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 4962. Omer Ehmed

Chinese ID: 652101199302????O? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 27 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): past "transgressions"|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, originally from Turpan but now living and working in Japan. (cousin)

About the victim

Omer Ehmed.

Address [his father's]: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Uzumchilik Municipality, Turpan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

He was detained at the end of 2017. He was released [presumably from camp] in early 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Muherrem, the victim's cousin, believes he was detained because of an incident from 2014: Omer was driving around town on an electric bike with an acquaintance in the back. The acquaintance took a photo during the ride, just as they were passing a police station, and they were caught by the cameras. The two were locked up together for allegedly photographing the station. Omer was released after 2 months.

Victim's status

As of his release from camp, he was under house/town arrest, with movements restricted.

However, Muherrem has had no news of him since the summer of 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Presumably from friends/relatives in the region.]

Additional information

His father, two brothers, and wife (Zumretgul) were also detained.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Mehmud Muhemmet (4964), Abdurahman Memet (5052), Ayshemhan Yasin (4957), Memet Ismayil (4959), Ehmed Muhemmed (4960), Nureli Ehmed (4961), Nurislam Ehmed (4963), Abdusalam Muhemmed (4965)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo with father:

Entry created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2020-10-11 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 4964. Mehmud Muhemmet (买合木提·买买提)

Chinese ID: 652101197201061819 (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|4: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, originally from Turpan but now living and working in Japan. (nephew)

Testimony 3: The Guardian, a British daily newspaper.

About the victim

Mehmud Muhemmet is a farmer from Turpan.

Address: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Uzumchilik (Putao) Town, Turpan City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Mehmud was detained at the end of 2017, and released from camp in early 2019 [exact dates unknown].

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to Mehmud's own letter from camp, he was detained for "illegally" receiving religious education from his father in 1987. He wrote that this act should have been sentenced to 1-3 years of prison under Article 120 [this is the article of China's penal code specifying punishment for people engaged in terrorist activities].

Victim's status

As of his release from camp, he was under house/town arrest, with his movements restricted.

However, Muherrem has had no news of him since the summer of 2019. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably through friends/relatives in the region.]

Additional information

Covered in The Guardian: mp-inmates-says-family

Letter from detention

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Abdurahman Memet (5052), Ayshemhan Yasin (4957), Memet Ismayil (4959), Ehmed Muhemmed (4960), Nureli Ehmed (4961), Omer Ehmed (4962), Nurislam Ehmed (4963), Abdusalam Muhemmed (4965)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 4: photo:

Entry created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2020-10-11 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 4965. Abdusalam Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 652101198202201830 (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 38 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, originally from Turpan but now living and working in Japan. (nephew)

About the victim

Abdusalam Muhemmed is a farmer.

Address: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Uzumchilik (Putao) Town, Turpan City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Detained at the end of 2017 [presumably taken to camp]. Released in early 2019, but assigned a job somewhere in Turpan.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

As of his release from camp, he was in forced job placement, with movements restricted. However, there have been no news since the summer of 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably through friends/relatives in the region.] Additional information


Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Mehmud Muhemmet (4964), Abdurahman Memet (5052), Ayshemhan Yasin (4957), Memet Ismayil (4959), Ehmed Muhemmed (4960), Nureli Ehmed (4961), Omer Ehmed (4962), Nurislam Ehmed (4963)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2020-11-12 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 4971. Yusupjan Abidin (玉素甫江·阿布丁)

Chinese ID: 650102196604014013 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|"terrorism" Health status: has problems Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by AidET. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Mariye Muhemmed, originally from Atush but now residing in Boston, where she helps operate an Uyghur restaurant. (sister-in-law)

Testimony 4: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 5: Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova. (relation unclear)

Testimony 6: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

Testimony 7*: Xinjiang government records, as reported by Gene A. Bunin.

Testimony 8: Anonymous, as reported by Amnesty International. (relative)

About the victim

Yusupjan Abidin ("Abdul" on his Chinese ID) was a businessman, born in Atush but residing in Urumqi. He was also a professor at the Xinjiang Islamic Institute.

He is married, and has a son and two daughters.

Residential address: Apt. 1801, Entrance No. 1, Building No. 2, Milan Residential Area, Central Ring Road, Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市中环路米兰小区2号楼1单元1801),

ID address: Apt. 301, Entrance No. 3, Building No. 2, 119 Yan'an Road, Tianshan District, Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市天山区延安路119号2号楼3单元301号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.] When victim was detained

According to Abduweli Ayup's information, he had previously been sentenced to 2 years in 2001. His relatives abroad report this as being an 18-month term in prison between 2000 and 2002, with him being tortured during this time (leading to a loss of an ear).

He was detained again in April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Abduweli Ayup states that it was because of his religious studies and Islamic background.

A police document lists him as being a "terrorist suspect" (涉恐人员).

Victim's status

No news since he was detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

It is not stated how the news of his detention reached the various sources abroad.

The corroborating information showing how he was marked by the police comes directly from Chinese police records.

Additional information

Amnesty International case info:

His wife was detained for two years in a concentration camp.

Victims among relatives

Osmanjan Eli (37), Enwerjan Eli (38), Sabitjan Mantimin (36), Ghapparjan Memeteli (34), Bilal Ghapparjan (35), Sadir Eli (39), Reshide Memet (44), Asiye Memet (3021), Ismayil Memet (42), Hajimuhemmed Musa (40), Hanzohre Musa (43), Sarigul Rozi (3052), Ibrahim Mamut (3019), Rozi Himit (3051), Elijan Mamut (23), Mehrigul Abla (3046), Abdugheni Abla (3047), Abdusemi Abla (3048), Mahmut Edat (3049), Abdukerim Edat (3050), Burhan Memet (3004), Memet Burhan (3018), Ibrahimjan Muhemmet (41), Mamut Abidin (3022), Hesen Mamut (3023), Husen Mamut (3024), Abidin Ayup (4973), Aygul Eli (8974), Abdukerim Abla (9152), Kerim Osmanjan (3002), Ibrahimjan Niyaz (3003), Ayshem Abliz (3020), Abduweli Mijit (14393)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2021-09-29 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 4983. Merup Iminahun (卖如甫·伊明拉洪)

Chinese ID: 654121195702083715 (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Usen Itamuly Baratov.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's relative.

About the victim

Merup Iminahun.

His residential address is: 563, Baoerqi village, Yingtam township, Ghulja county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Unclear if/when detained. According to testifier, the victim visited Kazakhstan 4 years ago (as of June 2019) and has not been heard from since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testifying out of worry that something happened, as there's been no contact for a long time.

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-07-15 Last updated: 2019-07-15 Latest status update: 2019-06-29 4984. Rihangul Nasir (热汗古丽·那斯了)

Chinese ID: 654121195504013740 (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 64 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Usen Itamuly Baratov.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's relative.

About the victim

Reyhangul Nasir.

His residential address is: 563, Baoerqi village, Yingtam township, Ghulja county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Unclear if/when detained. According to testifier, the victim visited Kazakhstan 4 years ago (as of June 2019) and has not been heard from since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testifying out of worry that something happened, as there's been no contact for a long time.

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-07-15 Last updated: 2019-07-15 Latest status update: 2019-06-29 4992. Abduhana Sattar

Chinese ID: 65????2004??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 14-15 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Sattar Shayib, 71, called Sattar Hajim, dentist. Father from Aksu, mother from Kucha. Raised in Ürümchi. Both parents from rich families. He was not allowed to go to school during the cultural revolution because his father was a "pomchik" (qalpaq kéydürüp). In prison for 1,5 years in 1992 for giving money to a Qur'an school. Left for Turkey in 2014 (I believe).

Victim's relation to testifier son

About the victim

Abduxana Sattar, born 2004

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? No contact since 2016

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-07-11 Last updated: 2019-07-15 Latest status update: 2019-01-15 4993. Memet Sattar

Chinese ID: 65????2009??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 9-10 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Sattar Shayib, 71, called Sattar Hajim, dentist. Father from Aksu, mother from Kucha. Raised in Ürümchi. Both parents from rich families. He was not allowed to go to school during the cultural revolution because his father was a "pomchik" (qalpaq kéydürüp). In prison for 1,5 years in 1992 for giving money to a Qur'an school. Left for Turkey in 2014 (I believe).

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Memet Sattar, born in 2009

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? No contact since 2016

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-07-11 Last updated: 2019-07-11 Latest status update: 2019-01-15 4994. Abdukerim Sattar

Chinese ID: 65????2011??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 7-8 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Sattar Shayib, 71, called Sattar Hajim, dentist. Father from Aksu, mother from Kucha. Raised in Ürümchi. Both parents from rich families. He was not allowed to go to school during the cultural revolution because his father was a "pomchik" (qalpaq kéydürüp). In prison for 1,5 years in 1992 for giving money to a Qur'an school. Left for Turkey in 2014 (I believe).

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Abdukerim Sattar, born in 2011

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? No contact since 2016

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-07-11 Last updated: 2019-07-11 Latest status update: 2019-01-15 4995. Gulnur Tohti (古丽努尔·托合提)

Chinese ID: 652822198712261120 (Bugur)

Basic info

Age: 32 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (sister-in-law)

Testimony 4: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

Gulnur Tohti was a housewife. She was married to Yasinjan Tohti, with the couple having five kids together.

Victim's location

In a camp in Aksu.

When victim was detained

February 28, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Possibly still in camp, but no news.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Reyhangul learned this from her younger sister. There's been no news since.

Additional information There's been no news of the five children since her arrest. [Her husband was arrested in 2016 and died in detention in 2018.]

Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2019-07-11 Last updated: 2020-01-26 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 5037. Muhemmet Tursun

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Hidayetullah Hidayetullah" (Facebook name)

Victim's relation to testifier classmate

About the victim

Muhammet Tursun. He is from Peyziwat county of Kashgar. He was a student in Egypt, and returned to China around March, 2017 and disappeared at Beijing Airport. No information since then.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained around March, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention studying in Egypt

Victim's status disappeared

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He talked before victim left to China. victim's parents couldn't get any information about him. Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: id%3D2252902445030581%26id%3D100009325426841&width=300

Entry created: 2019-07-23 Last updated: 2019-07-25 Latest status update: 2019-01-01 5052. Abdurahman Memet (阿不都热合曼·买买提)

Chinese ID: 652101198909171831 (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2019 - Sep. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: other

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Gene A. Bunin, independent scholar and curator of (friend of relative)

Testimony 2: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, as reported by The Guardian. (nephew)

Testimony 3: Muherrem Muhemmed'eli, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (nephew)

About the victim

Abdurahman Memet was a tour guide at the Turpan branch of the "Golden Bridge" (altun kowruk, 金桥) International Tour Agency (full name in Chinese: 新疆金桥国际旅行社吐鲁番分社). He finished high school and had 8 years of Mandarin-language education.

Address: No. 2 Group, Bulaq Village, Uzumchilik (Putao) Town, Idiqut (Gaochang) District, Turpan City.

Phone number: +8618690321952.

Victim's location

In Turpan.

When victim was detained

On July 6, 2019, he was preparing to take a tour group to Ghulja for a 5-day trip, starting on July 7, 2019, for which he appears to have left as planned. On the same day (July 7), letters that his family had received from relatives in camp, which he had sent to his nephew in Japan in 2018, were published on and also posted on social networks, spreading quickly and prompting the Turpan police to call Abdurahman on July 9 to ask whom he shared the letters with. On July 11, he returned to Turpan and contact with him was definitively lost. By July 20, it became clear through a mix of sources that he was being held in detention in Turpan.

Likely (or given) reason for detention Almost certainly the fact that the letters from camp that he had shared with his relative abroad were widely posted online.

Victim's status

Presumably in a detention center in Turpan. [However, there's been no real news since his disappearance.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

His nephew used his contacts in Xinjiang and inner China to get updates about his uncle's case.

Additional information

Phone number of the Gaochang District police station: +869958564820.

Tour company phone: +869958832300 (landline), +8613899318116 (mobile).

A Financial Times reporter visited Turpan on July 13 and asked about Abdurahman. Without confirming the detention, the police gave a vague reply about staying in touch with the reporter and letting him know later. Nothing appears to have come of this, however.

His story has been featured in the Guardian: mp-inmates-says-family

RFA has also covered his story:

Amnesty International case info:

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Tursun (4958), Mehmud Muhemmet (4964), Ayshemhan Yasin (4957), Memet Ismayil (4959), Ehmed Muhemmed (4960), Nureli Ehmed (4961), Omer Ehmed (4962), Nurislam Ehmed (4963), Abdusalam Muhemmed (4965)

Supplementary materials photo (1): photo (2): tour company logo: tour company info (Turpan): tour company info (general): 5-day tour announcement: letter from mother in camp: nephew's summary of events: call to PSB (Aug. 4, 2019) (1): call to PSB (Aug. 4, 2019) (2): Chinese ID: call to PSB (Aug. 5, 2019) (1): call to PSB (Aug. 5, 2019) (2): call to PSB (Aug. 8, 2019): RFA report (Uyghur): translation of letter: call to PSB (Mar. 29, 2020): call to PSB (Apr. 2, 2020): call to PSB (Apr. 5, 2020): photo (3):

Entry created: 2019-07-29 Last updated: 2020-02-02 Latest status update: 2020-11-07 5069. Musa Setiwaldi (木沙·斯提瓦力迪)

Chinese ID: 65282319850602??O? (Lopnur)

Basic info

Age: 34 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Eysa Setiwaldi, originally from Lopnur but now residing abroad. (brother)

About the victim

Musa Setiwaldi (木沙*斯提瓦力迪), a farmer. DOB: June 2, 1985.

Address: Qumkol Village, Tarim Township, Lopnur County, Bayingolin Prefecture.

Passport no. E61009905.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: the testifier last talked to him in April 2017, then lost contact completely in June 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since losing contact.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ayshem Elim (5068), Yasin Setiwaldi (5070), Helil Qeyum (5125), Hawagul Hesen (5126)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-07-29 Last updated: 2021-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-11 5076. Sherinay Yasin

Chinese ID: 652901199807????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 22 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (aunt)

About the victim name: Shirinay Yasin (Xirenai Yasen) gender: female ethnicity: Uyghur DOB: July 1998 (precise day unknown) place of origin: Aksu city Her home address is: 阿克苏市喀拉塔勒镇阿热买里村3组7号 Aksu city, Qaratal bazar, Ara mehelle kent, 3- gurup 7- nomur

Her father, Yasin Tohti (entry 866) was detained for three months between October 2016 and early 2017 and died in February 2018 after having been released from detention. Her mother has been arrested and is now in a re-education camp. The whereabouts of her and her four siblings Abdullah, Hebibulla, Amine and Teybe Yasen are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2019-07-31 Last updated: 2019-08-02 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 5077. Abdullah Yasin

Chinese ID: 65290120060207??O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 14 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (aunt)

About the victim name: Abdullah Yasin (Abudula Yasen) gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur DOB: 7 February 2006 place of origin: Aksu city His home address is: 阿克苏市喀拉塔勒镇阿热买里村3组7号 Aksu city, Qaratal bazar, Ara mehelle kent, 3- gurup 7- nomur

His father, Yasin Tohti (entry 866) was detained for three months between October 2016 and early 2017 and died in February 2018 after having been released from detention. His mother has been arrested and is now in a re-education camp. The whereabouts of him and his four siblings Shirinay, Hebibulla, Amine and Teybe Yasen are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300 Abdullah (top left):

Entry created: 2019-07-31 Last updated: 2019-08-02 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 5078. Hebibulla Yasin

Chinese ID: 65290120100805??O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 10 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (aunt)

About the victim name: Hebibulla Yasin (Aibibula Yasen) gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur DOB: 5 August 2010 place of origin: Aksu city His home address is: 阿克苏市喀拉塔勒镇阿热买里村3组7号 Aksu city, Qaratal bazar, Ara mehelle kent, 3- gurup 7- nomur

His father, Yasin Tohti (entry 866) was detained for three months between October 2016 and early 2017 and died in February 2018 after having been released from detention. His mother has been arrested and is now in a re-education camp. The whereabouts of him and his four siblings Shirinay, Abdullah, Amine and Teybe Yasen are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300 Hebibulla (top right):

Entry created: 2019-07-31 Last updated: 2019-08-02 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 5079. Amine Yasin

Chinese ID: 652901201201????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 8 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (aunt)

About the victim name: Amine Yasin (Amina Yasen) gender: female ethnicity: Uyghur DOB: January 2012 (precise day unknown) place of origin: Aksu city Her home address is: 阿克苏市喀拉塔勒镇阿热买里村3组7号 Aksu city, Qaratal bazar, Ara mehelle kent, 3- gurup 7- nomur

Her father, Yasin Tohti (entry 866) was detained for three months between October 2016 and early 2017 and died in February 2018 after having been released from detention. Her mother has been arrested and is now in a re-education camp. The whereabouts of her and her four siblings Shirinay, Abdullah, Hebibulla and Teybe Yasen are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300 Amine (second from the left):

Entry created: 2019-07-31 Last updated: 2019-08-02 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 5080. Teyibbe Yasin

Chinese ID: 6529012015??????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 4-5 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (aunt)

About the victim name: Teybe Yasin (Tayiba Yasen) gender: female ethnicity: Uyghur DOB: 2015 (precise date unknown) place of origin: Aksu city Her home address is: 阿克苏市喀拉塔勒镇阿热买里村3组7号 Aksu city, Qaratal bazar, Ara mehelle kent, 3- gurup 7- nomur

Her father, Yasin Tohti (entry 866) was detained for three months between October 2016 and early 2017 and died in February 2018 after having been released from detention. Her mother has been arrested and is now in a re-education camp. The whereabouts of her and her four siblings Shirinay, Abdullah, Hebibulla and Amine Yasen are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2019-07-31 Last updated: 2019-08-02 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 5085. Muhemmed Haliq

Chinese ID: 6501??19810511??O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 38 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Buhajer Rozi" (Facebook name)

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Muhemmed Haliq.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Taken by police in April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news of him since the detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 004066113&width=300

Entry created: 2019-08-03 Last updated: 2019-08-03 Latest status update: 2019-07-31 5090. Hemidem Helpehaji (海米代·海力帕吉)

Chinese ID: 652401195610050026 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Shemsiye Tursun, originally from Ghulja, but residing in Turkey since the early 2010s. (niece)

About the victim

Hemidem Helpehaji, now retired, taught literature at the Ghulja City No. 2 middle school for 40 years and is officially recognized as an "accomplished teacher".

Address: Yard No. 43, First Alley, Baghcha Street, Ghulja City, Xinjiang (新疆伊宁市公园街1巷31号院).

Chinese passport: G51335465.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Called back to China from Turkey on December 1, 2017 by her school, who told her that she needed to come in person immediately to resolve some issues regarding her pension. She hurried back and was arrested immediately upon arrival (outside the plane).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but she was visiting her sons in Turkey when she was called back to China.

Victim's status

No news since her arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information

Others were arrested together with the victim (right at the airport).

Victims among relatives

Tursun Barat (5088), Zahidem Helpehaji (5089)

Supplementary materials

Chinese ID: Chinese passport: photo: testifier's statement: testifier's statement (translation):

Entry created: 2019-08-08 Last updated: 2019-08-08 Latest status update: 2019-08-08 5107. Kirem Alim

Chinese ID: 6501??19830723??O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gene A. Bunin

Victim's relation to testifier

No relation.

About the victim

Kirem Alim was a businessman from Urumqi.

Address: Apt. 601, Building No. 12, Group ("qarar") No. 1, Heshun Residential Area, Jishun Road, Tianshan District, Urumqi.

Chinese passport: G4642882.

Victim's location

Presumably in Urumqi.

When victim was detained

Disappeared after being summoned by local police in May 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since his detention. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

His friend's testimony was sent to me through a mutual acquaintance whom I trust.

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony (Uyghur): photo (1): photo (2): photo (3):

Entry created: 2019-08-13 Last updated: 2019-08-13 Latest status update: 2019-08-13 5112. Wisal Shemshidin (维沙力·先木西丁)

Chinese ID: 65400219940823??O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 26 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: engineer

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|5: Qelbinur Kamal, originally from Ghulja City, but now residing in Turkey. (aunt)

Testimony 3: Qelbinur Kamal, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (aunt)

Testimony 4: Kamile, daughter of Qelbinur Kamal. (cousin)

About the victim

Wisal Shemshidin Adil (officially, "Wisal Shemshidin") is from Ghulja. He enrolled at Xinjiang University in 2012 and graduated in 2016 with a degree in civil engineering, working at the Xinjiang A7 Design & Decoration Company (新疆艾琦装修设计有限公司) afterwards.

Chinese passport: E31790087.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

The testifier was able to stay in touch with him until September 15, 2017. From October 2017, there has been no contact, and she later heard that he was taken to a camp that October (one testimony specifies October 10 as the exact day).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

There are contradictory reports, as his cousin says that he was transferred to a factory, while his aunt maintains that there's been no news of him since the detention. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Qelbinur lost contact with him on WeChat at the time of his detention. Other news was presumably obtained through relatives/contacts in the region.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: Testimony 2: Chinese passport: company name & logo: photo (1): photo (2): last contact:

Entry created: 2019-08-13 Last updated: 2020-11-15 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 5124. Atikem Qadir

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdukerim, an Uyghur living in Japan.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's sister-in-law (older brother's wife).

About the victim

Atikem Qadir, younger sister of victim Meryem Qadir {3549}.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Arrested at home in January 2018, with a black bag put over her head.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In detention, with no news to this day.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Meryem Qadir (3549)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-08-21 Last updated: 2019-08-21 Latest status update: 2019-08-07 5131. Abdugheni Tursun

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qelbinur Kamal, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relative of friend)

Testimony 2: Qelbinur Kamal, originally from Ghulja City, but now residing in Turkey. (relative of friend)

About the victim

Abdugheni Tursun did border trade between Kazakhstan and Ghulja.

Victim's location

[Unclear. Arrested in Urumqi, but may have been taken to Ghulja.]

When victim was detained

Arrested at the Urumqi Airport in June 2017, after his return from Kazakhstan.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage: Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2019-08-19 Last updated: 2020-11-15 Latest status update: 2020-10-12 5139. Turghun Tursunniyaz

Chinese ID: 653224??????????O? (Lop)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Tohti'rozi Obul, originally from Hotan's Lop County but now living in Germany. (cousin)

About the victim

Turghun Tursunniyaz. He was a cook at a university at Urumqi. He is in concentration camp.

Victim's location unknown (maybe in Urumqi or Lop)

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status in concentration camp [testifier does not appear to have had news of them for some time]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives Shireli Obul (5140), Aynisa Imin (4632), Bekir Imin (4634), Gulbahar Tohti (4633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-08-19 Last updated: 2020-01-28 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5140. Shireli Obul

Chinese ID: 653224??????????O? (Lop)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|guarantor Health status: --- Profession: security/police

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Tohti'rozi Obul, originally from Hotan's Lop County but now living in Germany. (brother)

About the victim

Shir'eli Obul worked at a security company.

Address: House No. 29, No. 13 Road, Yengibagh Residential Area, Lop County, Hotan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

His brother was abroad and refused to return, prompting the police to arrest Shir'eli instead.

Victim's status

According to his brother, Shireli is in a concentration camp. However, he has not received additional news in three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Aynisa Imin (4632), Turghun Tursunniyaz (5139), Bekir Imin (4634), Gulbahar Tohti (4633)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-08-19 Last updated: 2020-07-28 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5144. Helimigul Ablipiz

Chinese ID: 6531??198???????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

I am an ethnic Uyghur from Kashgar. I came to Turkey in 2015 to study. Since then, I have been unable to return and see my family.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is my older sister.

About the victim

Helimigul Ablipiz is a 34-year-old (as of August 2019) housewife. She has three children.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

May 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Difficult to comprehend. She did not have any record of criminal activity or traveling abroad. She didn't even have any record of being religious.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Before her detention, we talked on the phone and she told me that she had been summoned by the Chinese authorities. After that, all contact with her and my other family members was lost.

From time to time, not often, I get news about my family from a cousin studying in a university in Urumqi. However, I still don't have any news about my older sister.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ablipiz Raziq (5926), Nurbiye Abduqadir (5927), Niluper Ablipiz (5928), Abdulla Musa (5929), Abdurahman Musa (5930), Buhelchem Musa (5931)

Supplementary materials video testimony: photo: photo with husband Musajan:

Entry created: 2019-08-22 Last updated: 2019-08-26 Latest status update: 2019-08-22 5173. Yasin Memet

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Izbasar, an Uyghur living abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Yasin Memet, an elderly Uyghur man. Contact with him was lost on April 1, 2018

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Gulem Yeya (5174), Gulbahar Yasin (5175), Guzelay Yasin (5176), Yusen Memet (5177)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-09-08 Last updated: 2019-09-12 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 5174. Gulem Yeya

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Izbasar, an Uyghur living abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Gulem Yeya.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Yasin Memet (5173), Gulbahar Yasin (5175), Guzelay Yasin (5176), Yusen Memet (5177)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-09-08 Last updated: 2019-09-12 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 5175. Gulbahar Yasin

Chinese ID: 65??????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Izbasar, an Uyghur living abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

Elder sister

About the victim

Gulbahar Yasin. Contact with her was lost on April 1, 2018

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Yasin Memet (5173), Gulem Yeya (5174), Guzelay Yasin (5176), Yusen Memet (5177)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-09-08 Last updated: 2019-09-12 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 5176. Guzelay Yasin

Chinese ID: 65??????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Izbasar, an Uyghur living abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

Younger sister

About the victim

Guzelay Yasin. Contact with her was lost on April 1, 2018

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Yasin Memet (5173), Gulem Yeya (5174), Gulbahar Yasin (5175), Yusen Memet (5177)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-09-08 Last updated: 2019-09-12 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 5177. Yusen Memet

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Izbasar, an Uyghur living abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Yusen Memet. Contact with him was lost on April 1, 2018

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Yasin Memet (5173), Gulem Yeya (5174), Gulbahar Yasin (5175), Guzelay Yasin (5176)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-09-08 Last updated: 2019-09-12 Latest status update: 2019-02-13 5309. Quwanhan Hemze

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2019 - June 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Karar Daily, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 2: Abdurusul Tuniyaz, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 3: @Uyghurspeaker, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Quwanhan Hemze.

Testimony 3: she is 52 and from Yarkand.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

June 31, 2019

Testimony 3: taken to Izmir deportation center on June 19, 2019, and whereabouts have been unknown since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deported from Turkey to China via Tajikistan (though her lawyer told Quwanhan's son Abdurusul that his mother had been deported to Tajikistan, even though Abdurusul hasn't been able to contact her for 10 days) How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: not clear

Testimony 2: through the victim's lawyer

Testimony 3: not stated

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-2):

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-09-24 Last updated: 2021-09-12 Latest status update: 2021-09-02 5323. Tajigul Ghopur

Chinese ID: 653101195???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (relative)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Tajigul Ghopur, 65 years old [as of August 18, 2020].

Address: 14 Kukang Village (库康14村), Koghan Township (浩罕乡), Kashgar City.

Testimony 2: she is a housewife. She also had a second residential address, at a property next to the Kerambagh Hospital [the No. 1 hospital, not far from Kukang].

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Missing

Testimony 2: feared arrested, but no news. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of contact being lost.]

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-09-28 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-18 5324. Yehya Bawdun

Chinese ID: 653101198???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Yahya Bawudun, 37 years old.

Address: 14 Kukang Village (库康14村), Koghan Township (浩罕乡), Kashgar City.

[Testimony 2: 39 years old as of August 12, 2020. He's a businessman and a farmer who was born in Kashgar.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


[Testimony 2: feared detained, but no official confirmation.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact has been lost

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-09-28 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5325. Zorigul Bawdun

Chinese ID: 653101198???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Zorigul Bawudun, 36 years old.

Address: 14 Kukang Village (库康14村), Koghan Township (浩罕乡), Kashgar City.

[Testimony 2: 38 years old as of August 12, 2020. She is a housewife.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


[Testimony 2: feared detained, but no official confirmation.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact has been lost

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-09-28 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5326. Ayshemgul Bawdun

Chinese ID: 653101198???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ayshemgul Bawudun, 31 years old.

Address: 14 Kukang Village (库康14村), Koghan Township (浩罕乡), Kashgar City.

[Testimony 2: 32 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


[Testimony 2: feared detained, but no official confirmation.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact has been lost

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-09-28 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5327. Ghopur Bawdun

Chinese ID: 653101199???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (cousin once removed)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ghopur Bawudun, 23 years old.

Address: 14 Kukang Village (库康14村), Koghan Township (浩罕乡), Kashgar City.

[Testimony 2: 25 years old as of August 12, 2020.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


[Testimony 2: feared detained, but no official confirmation.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact has been lost

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-09-28 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5352. Tahir Satybaldy

Chinese ID: 654025??????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Taier Satybaldy. His both parents have been detained

Address: , Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5353. Shayide Satybaldy

Chinese ID: 654025??????????E? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Shaide Satybaldy. Her whereabouts have been unknown ever since her parents' detention.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5354. Zubair Satybaldy

Chinese ID: 654025??????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Zubair Satybaldy. His whereabouts have been unknown ever since his parents' detention.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5355. Muhemmed Satybaldy

Chinese ID: 654025??????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Muqamet Satybaldy. His whereabouts have been unknown ever since his parents' detention.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5356. Parida Satybaldy

Chinese ID: 654025??????????E? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Parida Satybaldy. Her whereabouts have been unknown ever since her parents' detention.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5357. Qaisar Orazzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Qaisar Orazzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since his father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5358. Almira Orazzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????E? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Almira Orazzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since her father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5359. Qewser Orazzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Qausar Orazzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since her father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5360. Abubakir Orazzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Abubakir Orazzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since his father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5362. Arzu Aqmetzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????E? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Arzu Aqmetzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since her father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5363. Fatima Aqmetzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????E? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Fatima Aqmetzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since her father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5364. Halit Aqmetzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Halit Aqmetzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since his father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5365. Sapiya Aqmetzhan

Chinese ID: 654025??????????E? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qalida Aqythan, an elderly Kazakh woman, originally from Kunes County but now a citizen and resident of Kazakhstan. (grandmother)

Testimony 2: Qalida Aqythan, as reported by Apple Daily. (grandmother)

About the victim

Sapiya Aqmetzhan.

Address: Xinyuan county, Biztobe township, Qaraghasht village 2nd alley 46-1 / 新源县别斯托别乡喀拉哈西特村二巷046号附1号.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown ever since her father's detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information

Coverage in Apple Daily (Testimony 2):尋親者/阿合提汗-哈利達/全文

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393), Rahymbergen Quttybai (5366)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-06 Last updated: 2020-03-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-05 5379. Patigul Memet

Chinese ID: 653001??????????E? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances.

Testimony 2: Abduwahap Memet, originally from Atush.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: unknown

Testimony 2: sister

About the victim

Patigul Memet. She is a farmer. Her address is Room 208, Baghla village (kent), Suntagh township (yeza), Atush city. She was called by the police 3 years ago (possibly around October, 2016), and disappeared since then.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained likely around October, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status disappeared (presumably in concentration camp) How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Buhelchem Memet (5376), Bumeryem Memet (5377), Qawuljan Hudaberdi (5378), Abduqadir Memet (5380)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: os/1254328951400055/&show_text=1&width=300 Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-07 Last updated: 2019-10-31 Latest status update: 2019-02-25 5380. Abduqadir Memet

Chinese ID: 653001??????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances.

Testimony 2: Abduwahap Memet, originally from Atush.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: unknown

Testimony 2: brother

About the victim

Abduqadir Memet. He is a farmer. His address is Room 208, Baghla village (kent), Suntagh township (yeza), Atush city. He was called by the police 3 years ago (possibly around October, 2016), and disappeared since then.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained likely around October, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status disappeared (presumably in concentration camp) How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Buhelchem Memet (5376), Bumeryem Memet (5377), Qawuljan Hudaberdi (5378), Patigul Memet (5379)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: os/1254328951400055/&show_text=1&width=300 Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-07 Last updated: 2019-10-31 Latest status update: 2019-02-25 5394. Omerjan Abdureshit

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Omerjan Abdureshit [Omarjiang Abudurexiti]. According to the UN WGEID report, he was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He is a Chinese citizen. The first names of his parents are Abdureshit and Hepizhan [surnames unspecified]. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 46 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010762.

Omerjan Abdureshit is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Omerjan Abdureshit was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2020, but the year in this case seems likely to be a mistake; according to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, Omerjan Abdureshit "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018" (as is recorded for the majority of Nejmidin Raman's family). The author of the UN WGEID report may have mistakenly entered the year in which information was provided to UN WGEID instead of the year of arrest.

It is believed that Omerjan Abdureshit was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention ---

Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Omerjan Abdureshit are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2021-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5402. Zeynep Omer

Chinese ID: 65312919????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Memtiminjan Memet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Zeynep Omer is 65 years old. [Testimony 1 gives her name as "Zeynep Imin", but this may be an error.]

Address: Peyziwat County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

Testimony 2: The testifier received a phone call on the 15th of September, 2018 and it was from his father. His father said that this is others' telephone from Residence Community (Mehelle Komititi)and from now on we would contact via this phone. The testifier talked to his father about one minute. Since then he has never been able to contact his family back home.

Victims among relatives

Rozigul Abdureshit (11), Ablikim Abdureshit (4853), Ablimit Abdureshit (4854), Atawulla Abdukerim (4855), Abduqadir Memet (5403), Meryemgul Memet (5404), Memet Kerim (5520)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-10-21 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2019-09-23 5406. Dilsahan Abla

Chinese ID: 6529251942??????E? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 78-79 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Raziye Sattar, originally from Toqsu County, but now living in France. She originally moved to seek treatment for one of her daughters. (daughter)

About the victim

Her name is Dilsahan Abla, a housekeeper, born in 1942; lives in No.54 Yultuz No.2 Street Toksu County. The testifier hasn't been able to contact her since around February 2017 and doesn't know her situation at all.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

No clear

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not clear

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information since late 2017, she hasn't been able to contact her all relatives. Also, she cannot go back for fear that she will be imprisoned.

Victims among relatives

Enwer Sattar (5407), Rabiyem Sattar (5408), Tahir Sattar (5409), Turjun Abla (5410), Ehmet Eziz (1777)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-10-21 Last updated: 2019-12-29 Latest status update: 2021-02-06 5407. Enwer Sattar

Chinese ID: 6529251966??????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 54-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: inner China Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"separatism" Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Raziye Sattar, originally from Toqsu County, but now living in France. She originally moved to seek treatment for one of her daughters. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Enwer Sattar, born in 1966. in the 1990s, after university graduation, he worked in No.1 Highs school in Toksu County as a literature teacher. then in 1994, he was takeb by local police upon suspicion of separation and sentenced for three years imprisonment. after he was released, he was taken for several times on the account of different "reasons". after 2000, he moved to Urumchi city and started doing business. later 2018, the testifier accidentally learned that her elder brother Enwer Sattar, his wife and daughters, his mother-in-law and some other relatives are outside. And she also learnt that Enwer Sattar and his family are living in Xianyang city of Shaanxi Province, but she doesn't know why they suddenly moved to there.

Victim's location probably in Xianyang city of Shaanxi

When victim was detained not clear

Likely (or given) reason for detention previous ones were on the account of "separatism". later and recent ones are not clear.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Dilsahan Abla (5406), Rabiyem Sattar (5408), Tahir Sattar (5409), Turjun Abla (5410), Ehmet Eziz (1777)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-10-21 Last updated: 2019-12-29 Latest status update: 2021-02-06 5408. Rabiyem Sattar

Chinese ID: 65292519710313??E? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Raziye Sattar, originally from Toqsu County, but now living in France. She originally moved to seek treatment for one of her daughters. (sister)

About the victim

Her name is Rabiyem Sattar, born on the 13th of March 1971; university graduated businesswoman. She lives in No. 301, No.3 Block, No.8 Building Kuyash Residence; Her son, Imran, born on the 27th of November of 2002 and the her husband Turjun Abla, Middle school graduated, was born in 1967. The testifier has lost contact with them.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information None

Victims among relatives

Dilsahan Abla (5406), Enwer Sattar (5407), Tahir Sattar (5409), Turjun Abla (5410), Ehmet Eziz (1777)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-10-21 Last updated: 2019-12-29 Latest status update: 2021-02-06 5409. Tahir Sattar

Chinese ID: 652925197412????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 46 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Raziye Sattar, originally from Toqsu County, but now living in France. She originally moved to seek treatment for one of her daughters. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Tahir Sattar, was born in December 1974; Middle school graduated; lives with his mother

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as this is where the family is from.]

When victim was detained not clear

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information none Victims among relatives

Dilsahan Abla (5406), Enwer Sattar (5407), Rabiyem Sattar (5408), Turjun Abla (5410), Ehmet Eziz (1777)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-10-21 Last updated: 2019-12-29 Latest status update: 2021-02-06 5413. Abduqahar Memetjan (阿不都卡哈尔·买买江)

Chinese ID: 652401196301181414 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdurehim Memet, an Uyghur now living in Canada.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother.

About the victim

Abduqahar Memetjan, an Uyghur from Ghulja City.

Address: No. 25, Alley No. 3, Yengi Yol Street, Ghulja City, Xinjiang (新疆伊宁市新路街3巷25号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ghulja City.]

When victim was detained

Taken by police on August 25, 2018 and taken to the "Boz prison" in Ghulja City [Ghulja City Pre-Trial Detention Center].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Presumably still in detention. There's been no contact between him and his family since the arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Presumably through friends/relatives in the region.]

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID: alleged camp location:

Entry created: 2019-10-23 Last updated: 2019-10-23 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5422. Imammemet Qehriman

Chinese ID: 653101197???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party) unknown (general video)

Victim's relation to testifier unknown

About the victim

Imammemet Qehriman, around 45 years old (as of 2018), from kashgar city, well-known mobile phone trader.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Arrested in May 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status detained, whereabouts unknown since arrest

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unknown Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-10-25 Last updated: 2019-10-27 Latest status update: 2019-01-27 5423. Mollasadiq Ablimit

Chinese ID: 653101196???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party) unknown (general video)

Victim's relation to testifier unknown

About the victim

Mollasadiq Ablimit, around 50-53 years old (as of 2018), from Kashgar City. He delt with large businesses in Central Asian countries.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Arrested in June 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Whereabouts unknown since arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unknown Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-10-25 Last updated: 2019-10-27 Latest status update: 2019-01-27 5428. Shohret Ablet

Chinese ID: 654023??????????O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Ishqiyar Abdurehim. He was born in 1992 in No.3 No.9 South Mehelle, Qingsuhuzu Bexit Street, Korghas County, Gulgha City. He went to Egypt on the 21st of March 2014. On the 19th of September 2014, he came to Turkey.There are five people. His father's name Abdurehim Dawut, Mother's name is Horigul Tursun. He has two elder sister, one sister's name is Menzire Abdurehim, another's name is Mewlidem Abdurehim. They are a really big family. There are about 400 direct and indirect relatives from both father and mother' side.

Victim's relation to testifier

His Cousin

About the victim

His name is Shohret Ablet. He is a businessman.

[testifier in private correspondence: he's a father of 3-5 kids]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

The testifier learned from his Wechat that he was taken into a "re-education camp". In May 2018, the victim posted on Wechat saying that he went to "school". Then he disappeared.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status Presumably still in camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From Wechat

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Menzire Abdurehim (2792), Horigul Tursun (2795), Mewlidem Abdurehim (2793), Abdureyim Dawut (2796), Tursun Memetahun (2794), Tursungul Huseyin (5390), Alimjan Abdurahman (5388), Ablikim Tursun (5389), Patime Alimjan (5391), Elkem Tursun (5425), Tursun Muhemmetrehim (5424), Roshengul Tursun (5427), Niyazjan Tursun (5426), Halmemet Tursun (5429), Ehmetjan Tursun (5501), Halmurat Tursun (5502)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-10-27 Last updated: 2019-11-12 Latest status update: 2019-02-09 5433. Aygul Abdukirem

Chinese ID: 6501??199???????E? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Abdukirem Siyit. He is from Urumchi. He lives in Toronto in Canada now.

Victim's relation to testifier

His daughter

About the victim

Her name is Aygul Abdukirem. She is 24 years old. She was called to the police station for a "talk" in June in 2017. Then she disappeared. Her whereabouts is unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

In June 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Probably from social media] Additional information

According to the testifier, about 20 his direct relatives are missing. He also has some relatives and acquaintances whose info is not in his hand, for example, a doctor from Umid Hospital, Turgunjan Ubulkasim, founder of the hospital, was taken into camps and killed and his corpse wasn’t given back; other four relatives of him and his wife were taken; Qurban Doctor, who has a hospital in fron of the Bureau of Grain Of Yegisar County, was taken and killed, and his corpse wasn't given back as well, his wife and children were taken.

Victims among relatives

Merwengul Seyit (5434), Hornisa Seyit (5435), Memtimin Abduqadir (5436), Buhelchem Memtimin (5437), Abdughopur Memtimin (5438), Ismayil Memtimin (5439)

Supplementary materials original testimony: .5/videos/420381695453189/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2019-10-27 Last updated: 2019-10-31 Latest status update: 2019-03-10 5435. Hornisa Seyit

Chinese ID: 653123194???????E? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Abdukirem Siyit. He is from Urumchi. He lives in Toronto in Canada now.

Victim's relation to testifier

His elder sister

About the victim

Her name is Hurnisa Seyit. She is 78 (as of March 2019). She was taken from Ghulja to Yegisa where she was taken into camps when she was 75 in 2016. Her whereabouts is unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained in 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Possibly still in camp.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[probably from social media] Additional information

According to the testifier, about 20 his direct relatives are missing. He also has some relatives and acquaintances whose info is not in his hand, for example, a doctor from Umid Hospital, Turgunjan Ubulkasim, founder of the hospital, was taken into camps and killed and his corpse wasn’t given back; other four relatives of him and his wife were taken; Qurban Doctor, who has a hospital in front of the Bureau of Grain Of Yegisar County, was taken and killed, and his corpse wasn't given back as well, his wife and children were taken.

Victims among relatives

Aygul Abdukirem (5433), Merwengul Seyit (5434), Memtimin Abduqadir (5436), Buhelchem Memtimin (5437), Abdughopur Memtimin (5438), Ismayil Memtimin (5439)

Supplementary materials original testimony: .5/videos/420381695453189/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2019-10-27 Last updated: 2019-10-31 Latest status update: 2019-03-10 5443. Emet Yaqup (艾买提·牙合甫)

Chinese ID: 652201196304072116 (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Burhan Seti, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (nephew)

Testimony 2|3: Burhan Seti, a professor at the Sabahattin Zaim University in Istanbul. (nephew)

Testimony 4: Yalqun Memet, an Uyghur student in Turkey, originally from Hami. (nephew)

Testimony 5: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Emet Yaqup was a melon businessman.

Before going into private business in the late 1980s, he had worked as a government employee and as a factory worker. He also supported his nephew, Burhan, during the latter's studies in Malaysia.

Address: Apt. 4, Building No. 7, No. 172 Yard Single-Story Housing, North City Outskirts Road, Hami City, Xinjiang (新疆哈密市北郊路172院平7栋4号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hami.]

When victim was detained

Disappeared in July 2017.

Burhan reports that he was taken to camp. Yalqun reports that he disappeared after being called for "tea" with the police.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Likely because his children were studying abroad. Victim's status

There's been no news since his detention.

(As of July 13, 2017, Emet was still not in detention as he signed an agreement with a packaging company whom he owed around 900000RMB to, promising to return the full amount by November 1 or face interest rates. As he did not return the amount - presumably because he had been arrested - the company reached out to him and, failing to reach him, went to court. In the verdict, the court claims that Emet neither defended himself nor showed up to court, and as such ruled in the company's favor, demanding that Emet now pay the ~900000RMB plus another ~200000RMB in interest. The verdict also mentions that while Emet used to live on North City Outskirts Road, his current address is "unknown".)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Neither Burhan Seti nor Yalqun Memet mentioned how they learned of the detention.

The court document that confirms his absence is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Court decision regarding his debt:

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Victims among relatives

Yusup Yaqup (4869), Memet Yaqup (4874), Rizwangul Seti (4866), Ismayil Kirem (4867), Muhemmed Ismayil (4868), Ibrahim Yusup (4870), Ismayil Yusup (4871), Aqayla Kasip (4872), Hemrahan Abdurehim (4873), Abliz Hemdul (4875), Nureli Abliz (4876), Abdureshit Abliz (4877), Abdusalam Abdureshit (4878), Sulayman Yaqup (4879), Iskender Yaqup (4880)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: Testimony 3: 92330959&width=300 Testimony 2: photo (second from left): Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-10-29 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-08-07 5467. Abduqadir Hashim

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abduqadir Hashim. He lives in No.1 Small Group (Xiaodui), No.1 Group (Dadui), "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

[He is very likely over 55 years of age, since the testifier himself is elderly and the victim is his older brother.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information According to the testifier, he has lost contact with his father since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive.

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5468. Patemhan Hashim

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Patemhan Hashim. She lives in No. 5 Small Group(Xiaodui), No.18 Group(Dadui), "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qarash County, Hoten Prefecture. She has two childen.

[She is very likely over 55 years of age, since the testifier himself is elderly and the victim is his older sister.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive.

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5469. Abdukirem Tura

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Abdukirem Tura. He is from No. 5 Small Group(Xiaodui), No.18 Group(Dadui), "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qarash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5470. Butusun Tura

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Butusun Tura. She is his eldest sister Patemhan Hashim's daughter. She is from No. 5 Small Group(Xiaodui), No.18 Group(Dadui), "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qarash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive.

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5471. Buayshe Hashim

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Buayishe Hashim. She is from No.14 Group(Dadui), "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture. She has two daughters.

[Most likely she is older than 55, as the testifier himself is elderly and the victim is his older sister.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive.

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5472. Hebibe Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Hebibe Muhammed. She is the testifier's third elder sister Buayishe Hashim's first daughter. she is from No.14 Group(Dadui), "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive.

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5473. Patmisayip Hashim

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Patmisayip Hashim. She if from No.16 Group(Dadui), Oybagh Mehelle, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture. She has six children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5474. Henife Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Henife Muhammed. She is the testifier's third elder sister Buayishe Hashim's second daughter. she is from No.14 Group(Dadui), "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive.

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5475. Zeynep Ebey

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Zeynep Ebey. She is from No.16 Group(Dadui), Oybagh Mehelle, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefectur.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5476. Buhediche Ebey

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Buhediche Ebey. She is from No.16 Group(Dadui), Oybagh Mehelle, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5477. Eli Ebey

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Eli Ebey. He is from No.16 Group(Dadui), Oybagh Mehelle, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5478. Omer Ebey

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Omer Ebey. He is from No.16 Group(Dadui), Oybagh Mehelle, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5479. Muhemmedimin Ebey

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Muhammedimin Ebey. He is from No.16 Group(Dadui), Oybagh Mehelle, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5480. Obul Ebey

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Ubul Ebey. He is from No.16 Group(Dadui), Oybagh Mehelle, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5481. Bumeryem Hashim

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Bumerem Hashim. She is from Qaqligh Group(Dadui), Mengley Country, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture. She has four children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5482. Ablimit Hisamidin

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Ablimit Hisamidin. He is From Qaqligh Group(Dadui), Mengley Township, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 5483. Abdusalam Hisamidin

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Abdusalam Hisamidin. He is From Qaqligh Group(Dadui), Mengley Country, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5484. Qemernise Hisamidin

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Qemernise Hisamidin. She is From Qaqligh Group(Dadui), Mengley Country, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, he has lost contact with 19 of his relatives since February or March 2017. He doesn't know if they are in prison or in camps or alive. Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-03 Last updated: 2019-11-05 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5496. Seydulla Tohti

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Seydulla Tohti [Saidula Tuoheti]. According to the UN WGEID report, he was born in Kashgar and resided at No. 50-55, 14th Kukang Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (August 12, 2020), he was 28 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010752.

Seydulla Tohti is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Seydulla Tohti was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Seydulla Tohti was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The current status and whereabouts of Seydulla Tohti are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2021-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5506. Gulzar Seley (古丽扎尔·色来)

Chinese ID: 650203197312110763 (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Halmurat Idris, originally from Karamay, immigrated to Turkey with his family in 2014. (husband)

Testimony 2: Nebijan Ela, originally from Karamay but now residing in Sweden. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Her name is Gulzar Seley(古丽扎尔·色来). She's a housewife. She was born on the 11th of December in 1973 in Karamay. She is 46 years old this year. Her ID number: 650203197312110763; Passport No. G103392264.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

According to the testifier, on the 1st of June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[probably related to going abroad.]

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

According to the testifier, his wife and son went back to see his mother-in-law who was ill and at her last gasp. As soon as they got off the plane, they were taken and from then on, their whereabouts are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Fatih Halmurat (5507), Almire Idris (4325), Mehrigul Ziyawudun (5508), Muhter Seley (5509)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-11-12 Last updated: 2019-11-13 Latest status update: 2019-09-03 5507. Fatih Halmurat

Chinese ID: 6502??20150703??O? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: 4 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Halmurat Idris, originally from Karamay, immigrated to Turkey with his family in 2014. (father)

Testimony 2: Nebijan Ela, originally from Karamay but now residing in Sweden. (from same town/region)

About the victim

His name is Fatih Halmurat. He was born on the 3rd of July 2015 in Turkey. He is four years old this year.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

According to the testifier, on the 1st of June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information According to the testifier, his wife and son went back to see his mother-in-law who was ill and at her last gasp. As soon as they got off the plane, they were taken and from then on, their whereabouts are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Gulzar Seley (5506), Almire Idris (4325), Mehrigul Ziyawudun (5508), Muhter Seley (5509)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-12 Last updated: 2019-11-13 Latest status update: 2019-09-03 5508. Mehrigul Ziyawudun

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Halmurat Idris. He is from Karamay City.

Victim's relation to testifier

His aunt

About the victim

Her name is Mihrigul Ziyawudun. She is around 60 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the testifier, she was taken because she came to Turkey in 2004, but he doesn't know where and when she was taken.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Gulzar Seley (5506), Fatih Halmurat (5507), Almire Idris (4325), Muhter Seley (5509)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-12 Last updated: 2019-11-13 Latest status update: 2019-09-03 5509. Muhter Seley

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Halmurat Idris. He is from Karamay City.

Victim's relation to testifier his brother-in-law

About the victim

His name is Muhter Seley.

Victim's location

[probably in Karamay]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he was locked up in camp sometime after his trip to Turkey.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Gulzar Seley (5506), Fatih Halmurat (5507), Almire Idris (4325), Mehrigul Ziyawudun (5508)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-12 Last updated: 2019-11-13 Latest status update: 2019-09-03 5520. Memet Kerim

Chinese ID: 653129195???????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Memtiminjan Memet. He is from Kashgar. Now he lives and studies in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

His father

About the victim

His name is Memet Kerim. He is 67 years old.

Victim's location

[presumably in Peyzawat County in kashgar]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information The testifier received a phone call on the 15th of September and it was from his father. His father said that this is others' telephone from Residence Community (Mehelle Komititi)and from now on we would contact via this phone. The testifier talked to his father about one minute. Since then he has never been able to contact his family back home.

Victims among relatives

Rozigul Abdureshit (11), Ablikim Abdureshit (4853), Ablimit Abdureshit (4854), Atawulla Abdukerim (4855), Abduqadir Memet (5403), Meryemgul Memet (5404), Zeynep Omer (5402)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-15 Last updated: 2019-11-15 Latest status update: 2019-09-23 5521. Nuramine Imam

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Nuramine Imam [Nur Amina Imamu]. According to the UN WGEID report, she was born in Kasghar and resided at No. 50-55, 14th Kukang Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. She is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (August 12, 2020), she was 26 years old. Her UN WGEID case number is 10010750.

Nuramine Imam is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Nuramine Imam was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, she "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Nuramine Imam was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Unspecified individuals associated with Nuramine Imam asked the Chinese embassy in the Hague, Netherlands in May 2019 for information pertaining to Nuramine Imam (and other members of her family), but were informed that they should "ask for a visa and go look for [Nuramine Imam] themselves."

Unspecified individuals associated with Nuramine Imam also called a number of police stations in Kashgar City to no apparent avail. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Nuramine Imam are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2021-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5522. Tursunjan Sulayman

Chinese ID: 653226196909071114 (Keriye)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Eli Tursunjan. He came to Turkey to study, but now he is struggling for making a living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

His father

About the victim

His name is Tursunjan Sulayman. He is a businessman and He was born on the 7th of September 1969. He is 50 this year.

Victim's location

[probably in Urumchi, as that's where the testimony says he is from (although his ID number suggests that he was born in Keriye County in Hotan)]

When victim was detained

According to the testifier, he was detained on the 1st of March 2017 and was released after a week, but after just one month, which is in April 2017, he was detained again. since then the testifier has never been able to get any information about his father: why and where he was taken; whether he is alive.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

The testifier came to Turkey to study. Due to his current situation, which he has lost contact with his family, he has stopped his study because of his financial situation.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-15 Last updated: 2019-11-16 Latest status update: 2019-09-25 5530. Enwer Ismayil

Chinese ID: 653128198804221514 (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

(an unverified Facebook account. (uncle ,"ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۇت ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۇت" :Testimony 1

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Alongside his relatives, Enwer Ismayil ran an oil manufacturing factory in Bay'awat Township, as well as a flour & oil shop at the local bazar.

Address: No. 4 Neighborhood, No. 2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yopurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

The victim was detained in June 2016. He was allegedly taken from his shop and sent to a camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016 [presumably this includes Enwer].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information

The victim is included in Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives, available at:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1: id%3D131562941504442%26id%3D100039522091558&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-09-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5531. Perhat Yasin

Chinese ID: 653128201???????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

(an unverified Facebook account. (father ,"ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۇت ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۇت" :Testimony 1

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3|4: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Perhat Yasin.

Address: No. 4 Hamlet, No. 9 (Seypunkowruk) Village, Terim Municipality, Yopurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

He was taken at the Urumqi airport while traveling with other relatives on June 11, 2016. It's not clear what happened to him afterwards (he is an underage minor).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Perhat's father has not received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Mentioned in the International Angle:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: Testimony 1: id%3D131562941504442%26id%3D100039522091558&width=300 Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-09-20 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5532. Patime Yasin

Chinese ID: 653128201???????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

(an unverified Facebook account. (father ,"ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۇت ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۇت" :Testimony 1

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3|4: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Patime Yasin.

Address: No. 4 Group, No. 9 Village, Terim Township, Yopurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

On June 11, 2016, Patime and four others, including a sibling, were on their way to Istanbul when they were detained at the Urumqi airport.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Patime is said to be "in camp" according to the testifier's submission form to WGEID [although it is unclear what this would mean for a minor]. The testifier has not heard any news about his relatives since 2016, however. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

The victim is included in Yasin Zunun's list of missing and detained relatives:

Mentioned by International Angle:

Victims among relatives

Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: Testimony 1: id%3D131562941504442%26id%3D100039522091558&width=300 Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-11-12 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5533. Gulselayim Rozi

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

(facebook name) ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۈت ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۈت -Testimony 1: Turkistan Oghli

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: his acquaintance

About the victim

Her name is Gulselayim Rozi. She's about 40 (as of December 2019), a teacher.

Address: No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained on the 11th of June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, she was taken from the Urumchi airport when she was going to Istanbul with her children and two children of the testifier.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Ruqiye Omer (5534), Risalet Omer (5535)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: id%3D131562941504442%26id%3D100039522091558&width=300

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5534. Ruqiye Omer

Chinese ID: 65312820????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

(facebook name) ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۈت ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۈت -Testimony 1: Turkistan Oghli

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: his acquaintance's daughter

About the victim

Her name is Ruqiye Omer.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar, as the family appears to be from Yopurgha County.]

When victim was detained on the 11th of June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, she is an underage child and she was taken from the Urumchi airport when she was going to Istanbul with her mother, sister and two children of the testifier.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Gulselayim Rozi (5533), Risalet Omer (5535)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: id%3D131562941504442%26id%3D100039522091558&width=300

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5535. Risalet Omer

Chinese ID: 65312820????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

(facebook name) ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۈت ىلغوئ ناتسىكرۈت -Testimony 1: Turkistan Oghli

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: his acquaintance's daughter

About the victim

Her name is Risalet Omer.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar, as the family appears to be from Yopurgha County.]

When victim was detained on the 11th of June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated

Additional information

According to the testifier, she is an underage child and she was taken from the Urumchi airport when she was going to Istanbul with her mother, sister and two children of the testifier.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Gulselayim Rozi (5533), Ruqiye Omer (5534)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: id%3D131562941504442%26id%3D100039522091558&width=300

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5536. Turnisa Sadiq

Chinese ID: 65312619????????E? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Mehmet Tohti, an Uyghur human rights activist based in Canada. (son)

Testimony 3: Mehmet Tohti, as reported by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (son)

About the victim

Turnisa Sadiq, 79 years old (as of May 2020).

Address: Kargilik (Yecheng) county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Contact lost in April 2017

Testimony 3: Testifier claims he last contacted his mother in January 2017 via phone call. As they were talking, a community loudspeaker went off, and Turnisa complained about it to her Memet. Since then, Memet was not able to reach her, and in April he found out that the next day after the phone call, she was taken by public security forces. She reportedly was then made to stand for a couple of hours in the snow. Memet received no information about where she had been taken.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 2: no news for 3 years. The testifier does not know if she is detained or not, and whether or not she's still alive. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: not stated.

Additional information

CBC coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Turghun Tohti (5538), Hasiyet Tohti (5540), Subinur Tohti (5539)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-21 Last updated: 2020-06-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 5537. Adiljan Rahman (阿迪力江·热合曼)

Chinese ID: 6501??19990429??O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 20 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nurgul Ghappar, originally from Urumqi but now residing in Istanbul. (mother)

Testimony 2: Nurgul Ghappar, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (mother)

About the victim

His name is Adiljan Rahman(阿迪力江·热合曼). He was born in Urumqi and he is a student.

His passport number is E00175798.

Testimony 2: He went to Egypt with his mother to study in 2012, then went back to Urumqi in 2016 after being refused to renew his passport while in Egypt.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1-2: April the 7th, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Having traveled abroad.

Victim's status

In detention.

Testimony 2: There has been no news about him since his detention. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: she heard of the detention from a neighbor.

Additional information

She hasn't been able to contact him or any of her direct relatives ever since her son had been detained.

RFA coverage (Testimony 2):

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: 0344454724/&show_text=1&width=300 Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-11-26 Latest status update: 2020-03-13 5538. Turghun Tohti

Chinese ID: 65312619????????O? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Mehmet Tohti, an Uyghur human rights activist

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Turghun Tohti

Address: Kargilik (Yecheng county), Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Contact lost in April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost Additional information


Victims among relatives

Turnisa Sadiq (5536), Hasiyet Tohti (5540), Subinur Tohti (5539)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5539. Subinur Tohti

Chinese ID: 653126??????????E? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Mehmet Tohti, an Uyghur human rights activist

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Subinur Tohti

Address: Kargilik (Yecheng) county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Contact lost in April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost Additional information


Victims among relatives

Turnisa Sadiq (5536), Turghun Tohti (5538), Hasiyet Tohti (5540)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5540. Hasiyet Tohti

Chinese ID: 65312619????????E? (Kaghilik)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Mehmet Tohti, an Uyghur human rights activist

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Hasiyet Tohti

Address: Kargilik (Yecheng) county, Kashgar prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Contact lost in April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost Additional information


Victims among relatives

Turnisa Sadiq (5536), Turghun Tohti (5538), Subinur Tohti (5539)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5550. Yusup Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 65????1982??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 36-37 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Yusup Abdurahman. He was born in 1982 and he is 36 years old. He is a carpenter.

Victim's location

Not Stated

When victim was detained

February, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he was taken to re-education and his whereabouts is unknown since then.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learnt that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information

According to the testifier, his brother's wife Bahargul is also detained later in August 2017 and their children's whereabouts are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Gulmerem Abdurahman (5551), Anargul Abdurahman (5559), Yaqup Eziz (5554), Enqer Abdurahman (5552), Abdulehed Eziz (5553), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Nurimangul Hesen (5557), Miriwangul Hesen (5558)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-29 5551. Gulmerem Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 65????1984??????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 34-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Gulmerem Abdurahman. She was born in 1984 and she is 34 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In July 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier heard that she was taken to re-education and her whereabouts is unknown till now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learned that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Yusup Abdurahman (5550), Anargul Abdurahman (5559), Yaqup Eziz (5554), Enqer Abdurahman (5552), Abdulehed Eziz (5553), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Nurimangul Hesen (5557), Miriwangul Hesen (5558)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-29 5552. Enqer Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 65????2003??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 15-16 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Enqer Abdurahman. He was born in 2003 and he is now 16 years old. He was a middle school student when he was detained.

Victim's location


When victim was detained in September 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he was detained at the age of 14 when he was a middle school student. Since then the testifier has never been able to learn about the victim's whereabouts.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learned that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Yusup Abdurahman (5550), Gulmerem Abdurahman (5551), Anargul Abdurahman (5559), Yaqup Eziz (5554), Abdulehed Eziz (5553), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Nurimangul Hesen (5557), Miriwangul Hesen (5558)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-29 5553. Abdulehed Eziz

Chinese ID: 65????1974??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 44-45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (cousin)

About the victim

His name is Abdulehed Eziz. He was born in 1974 and he is 40 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he was taken to re-education. Since then, his whereabouts are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learned that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Yusup Abdurahman (5550), Gulmerem Abdurahman (5551), Anargul Abdurahman (5559), Yaqup Eziz (5554), Enqer Abdurahman (5552), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Nurimangul Hesen (5557), Miriwangul Hesen (5558)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-28 5554. Yaqup Eziz

Chinese ID: 65????1987??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 31-32 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (cousin)

About the victim

His name is Yaqup Eziz. He was born in 1987 and he is 35 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In February 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he was taken to re-education. Since then, his whereabouts are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learned that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Yusup Abdurahman (5550), Gulmerem Abdurahman (5551), Anargul Abdurahman (5559), Enqer Abdurahman (5552), Abdulehed Eziz (5553), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Nurimangul Hesen (5557), Miriwangul Hesen (5558)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-28 5557. Nurimangul Hesen

Chinese ID: 65????1992??????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 26-27 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Her name is Nurimangul Hesen. She was born in 1992 and she is about 28 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In March 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Since the testifier doesn't know her whereabouts, he believes that she is in re-education camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learned that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information

Her mother and other sister are also in re-education camps. Victims among relatives

Yusup Abdurahman (5550), Gulmerem Abdurahman (5551), Anargul Abdurahman (5559), Yaqup Eziz (5554), Enqer Abdurahman (5552), Abdulehed Eziz (5553), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Miriwangul Hesen (5558)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-22 Latest status update: 2019-09-28 5558. Miriwangul Hesen

Chinese ID: 65????1994??????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 24-25 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Her name is Miriwangul Hesen. She was born in 1994 and she is about 26 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In March 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Since the testifier doesn't know her whereabouts, he believes that she is in re-education camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learned that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information

Her mother and other sister are also in re-education camps. Victims among relatives

Yusup Abdurahman (5550), Gulmerem Abdurahman (5551), Anargul Abdurahman (5559), Yaqup Eziz (5554), Enqer Abdurahman (5552), Abdulehed Eziz (5553), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Nurimangul Hesen (5557)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-22 Latest status update: 2019-09-28 5559. Anargul Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 65????1980??????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 38-39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ebeydulla Abdurahman, a resident of Norway since 2006. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Anargul Abdurahman. She was born in 1980 and she is 39 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In June 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, she was taken to re-education. Since then, her whereabouts are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. But the testifier says that when he talked to his family for the last time in May 2017, he learned that all of his siblings and cousins have been taken and expect from elderly people all of the young people in the neighborhood have been taken into re-education.

Additional information

According to the testifier, since the testifier's siblings and other relatives have been taken to re-education, their children have been left without anyone, even some of them are detained as well and their whereabouts are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Yusup Abdurahman (5550), Gulmerem Abdurahman (5551), Yaqup Eziz (5554), Enqer Abdurahman (5552), Abdulehed Eziz (5553), Muhemmetimin Abdulla (5555), Hornise Metniyaz (5556), Nurimangul Hesen (5557), Miriwangul Hesen (5558)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-19 Last updated: 2019-11-19 Latest status update: 2019-09-29 5563. Muhemmedeli Rozi

Chinese ID: 652925195???????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Omer Rozi, originally from Aksu's Toqsu County, but now residing in Norway. (brother)

About the victim

Muhemmed'eli Rozi, 62 (as of October 2019), was a businessman.

Address: Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

He disappeared around November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


However, according to Omer Rozi, local officials had encouraged Muhemmed'eli and his sister Risalet to get passports and visit Omer in Turkey. They went and stayed for ten days, then were detained soon after returning.

Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

The victim's wife's and children's whereabouts are unknown also, and their house and shops have been demolished.

Victims among relatives

Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5564. Risalet Rozi

Chinese ID: 652925196???????E? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: His elder sister

About the victim

Her name is Risalet Rozi and sHe is 56 (Testimony 2: 54). She is a businesswomen in Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

She disappeared around November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unknown. But she was detained after he came back from Turkey tour.

Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

The victim's daughter and her two children are also missing and the victim's house and shops were also demolished. According to the testifier, the local authorities came to her and her brother Muhammedeli Rozi's house several times, asking them to get their passports done and go to Turkey to seem the testifier. So, they got their passports done and came to Turkey and stayed for ten days.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5565. Ehmetjan Rozi

Chinese ID: 652925197???????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: his younger brother

About the victim

His name is Ehmetjan Rozi. He is 46 years old and he is a mental patient.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: in 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5566. Osmanjan Rozi

Chinese ID: 652925197???????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: his younger brother

About the victim

His name is Osmanjan Rozi. He is 44 years old and he is a businessman. He is from Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lost his right leg in a car accident and he has a plastic artificial leg. He has twin children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: in 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

According to the testifier, the victim's two children and his wife are also missing. Their whereabouts are unknown and their houses and shops were demolished.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5567. Yasinjan Rozi

Chinese ID: 652925197???????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: His younger brother

About the victim his name is Yasinjan Rozi. He is 42 and a businessman. He has twin daughters and two sons. He is from Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: in 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

According to the testifier, the victim's four children and his wife are also missing. Their whereabouts are unknown and their houses and shops were demolished.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5568. Ablikim Rozi

Chinese ID: 652925199???????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: His youngest brother

About the victim

His name is Ablekim Rozi. He is 28 years old, a businessman, and has got two children. He is from Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: in 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

According to the testifier, the victim's two children and his wife are also missing. Their whereabouts are unknown and their houses and shops were demolished and the victim's all money was confiscated.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5570. Abduqadir Abdulla

Chinese ID: 652925??????????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: His cousin

About the victim

His name is Abduqadir Abdulla.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as that's where the family seems to be from.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: in 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier says that he was detained without any reasons, but doesn't mention where he is.

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5578. Munewer Senet

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Munewer Sen'et. SHe is She is Ablekim Hesen's(he is chief editor and head of the Uyghur-language department at the Xinjiang Youth Press and he is also a writer who made many contributions to children's education; in Entry #2312) wife.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. According to the RFA news, her whereabouts is unknown after her husband was detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? RFA interviewed several friends of Ablekim Hesen and his brother Weli Hesen and during the interview, they learned about the victim.

Additional information

The victim's three children are also missing.

Victims among relatives

Ablikim Hesen (2312), Zulpiye Hesen (5576), Eldebir Ablikim (5579), Zemile Ablikim (5580), Bikter Ablikim (5581), Ayshem Hekim (5605)

Entry created: 2019-11-21 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2018-10-02 5579. Eldebir Ablikim

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Eldebir Ablekim. He is Ablekim Hesen's(he is chief editor and head of the Uyghur-language department at the Xinjiang Youth Press and he is also a writer who made many contributions to children's education; in Entry #2312) son.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. According to the RFA news, his, her mother and his two sisters's whereabouts are unknown after his husband was detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? RFA interviewed several friends of Ablekim Hesen and his brother Weli Hesen and during the interview, they learned about the victim.

Additional information

The victim's mother and two sisters are also missing.

Victims among relatives

Ablikim Hesen (2312), Zulpiye Hesen (5576), Munewer Senet (5578), Zemile Ablikim (5580), Bikter Ablikim (5581), Ayshem Hekim (5605)

Entry created: 2019-11-21 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2018-10-02 5580. Zemile Ablikim

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Zemile Ablekim. She is Ablekim Hesen's(he is chief editor and head of the Uyghur-language department at the Xinjiang Youth Press and he is also a writer who made many contributions to children's education; in Entry #2312) daughter.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. According to the RFA news, her whereabouts is unknown after her father was detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? RFA interviewed several friends of Ablekim Hesen and his brother Weli Hesen and during the interview, they learned about the victim.

Additional information

The victim's mother, brother and sister are also missing.

Victims among relatives

Ablikim Hesen (2312), Zulpiye Hesen (5576), Munewer Senet (5578), Eldebir Ablikim (5579), Bikter Ablikim (5581), Ayshem Hekim (5605)

Entry created: 2019-11-21 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2018-10-02 5581. Bikter Ablikim

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Bikter Ablekim. She is Ablekim Hesen's(he is chief editor and head of the Uyghur-language department at the Xinjiang Youth Press and he is also a writer who made many contributions to children's education; in Entry #2312) daughter.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. According to the RFA news, her whereabouts is unknown after her father was detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? RFA interviewed several friends of Ablekim Hesen and his brother Weli Hesen and during the interview, they learned about the victim.

Additional information

Her mother, sister and brother are also missing.

Victims among relatives

Ablikim Hesen (2312), Zulpiye Hesen (5576), Munewer Senet (5578), Eldebir Ablikim (5579), Zemile Ablikim (5580), Ayshem Hekim (5605)

Entry created: 2019-11-21 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2018-10-02 5584. Imin Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (son)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

About the victim

His name is Imin Abdurehim. He is 69 years old this year. He is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Testimony 3: he was the secretary of his village for many years.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In December 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he was detained and his whereabouts is unknown since then.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

Along with the testifier's father, his mother, two brothers and wife were also detained and his children 's whereabouts are also unknown. The testifier doesn't even know if they are still alive.

RFA coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-22 Last updated: 2021-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 5585. Hornisa Hekim

Chinese ID: 65312919????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (son)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Hornisa Hekim. She is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, she was at home around October and November 2016.

Testimony 3: she was kept under house arrest [time period unclear].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: from Uyghurs abroad who had travelled to his hometown. Additional information

Along with the testifier's mother, his father, two brothers and wife were also detained and his children 's whereabouts are also unknown. The testifier doesn't even know if they are still alive.

RFA coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-22 Last updated: 2021-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 5586. Jarullah Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65312920????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (father)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Associated Press. (father)

About the victim

His name is Jarullah Abdurehim. He is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to know if he is in boarding school or in orphanage or...

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: A friend visiting [Turkey] from Xinjiang who had been to "his home" [unclear if this is referring to the friend's home or Abdurehim Imin's home] in Kashgar told Abdurehim Imin "last summer" [as of 21 September 2018] that two of his children were killed after being struck by a police cruiser in a traffic accident. The status and whereabouts of the other two children were unknown at the time of this article and video. [Abdurehim Imin's children are not named in the body of the article or the video, but when the deaths of the two children are mentioned at approximately 2:22 in the video, the photographs of Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) are the first to be displayed. The photographs of Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587) appear afterwards, when the narrator is talking about the two children whose status and whereabouts are unknown. This would seem to imply that Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) were the two children killed in the traffic accident, whilst the other two children whose status and whereabouts were unknown are Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587).]

Additional information

According to the testifier, all of his five children's whereabouts are unknown since their mother and grandparents were detained.

AP coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo with brothers:

Entry created: 2019-11-22 Last updated: 2021-04-11 Latest status update: 2020-04-19 5587. Abdullah Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65312920????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (father)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Associated Press. (father)

About the victim

His name is Abdullah Abdurehim. He is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to know if he is in boarding school or in orphanage or...

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to know if he is in boarding school or in orphanage or...

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: Testimony 3: A friend visiting [Turkey] from Xinjiang who had been to "his home" [unclear if this is referring to the friend's home or Abdurehim Imin's home] in Kashgar told Abdurehim Imin "last summer" [as of 21 September 2018] that two of his children were killed after being struck by a police cruiser in a traffic accident. The status and whereabouts of the other two children were unknown at the time of this article and video. [Abdurehim Imin's children are not named in the body of the article or the video, but when the deaths of the two children are mentioned at approximately 2:22 in the video, the photographs of Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) are the first to be displayed. The photographs of Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587) appear afterwards, when the narrator is talking about the two children whose status and whereabouts are unknown. This would seem to imply that Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) were the two children killed in the traffic accident, whilst the other two children whose status and whereabouts were unknown are Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587).]

Additional information

According to the testifier, all of his five children's whereabouts are unknown since their mother and grandparents were detained.

AP coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo with brothers:

Entry created: 2019-11-22 Last updated: 2021-04-11 Latest status update: 2020-04-19 5588. Seyfullah Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65312920????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (father)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Associated Press. (father)

About the victim

His name is Seyfullah Abdurehim. He is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to know if he is in boarding school or in orphanage or...

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: A friend visiting [Turkey] from Xinjiang who had been to "his home" [unclear if this is referring to the friend's home or Abdurehim Imin's home] in Kashgar told Abdurehim Imin "last summer" [as of 21 September 2018] that two of his children were killed after being struck by a police cruiser in a traffic accident. The status and whereabouts of the other two children were unknown at the time of this article and video. [Abdurehim Imin's children are not named in the body of the article or the video, but when the deaths of the two children are mentioned at approximately 2:22 in the video, the photographs of Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) are the first to be displayed. The photographs of Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587) appear afterwards, when the narrator is talking about the two children whose status and whereabouts are unknown. This would seem to imply that Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) were the two children killed in the traffic accident, whilst the other two children whose status and whereabouts were unknown are Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587).]

Additional information

According to the testifier, all of his five children's whereabouts are unknown since their mother and grandparents were detained.

AP coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo with brothers:

Entry created: 2019-11-22 Last updated: 2021-04-11 Latest status update: 2020-04-19 5589. Bilqiz Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65312920????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: other

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (father)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Associated Press. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Bilqiz Abdurehim. She is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture

Testimony 3: she was 14 years old when she was sent to the bilingual boarding school.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 3: sent to boarding school in 2015, at some point after her mother, Buhelchem Memet {5632}, was arrested.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[She was presumably sent to a boarding school because of her mother being arrested and her father being in exile abroad.]

Victim's status

According to the testifier, she was taken to Peyzawat County Bilingual school(a Chinese school) in front of her grandmother.And her whereabouts is unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 3: A friend visiting from Xinjiang told Abdurehim Imin that his eldest daughter, Bilqiz Abdurehim, was sent to a boarding school. AP worked with Abdurehim Imin to find out the location of the boarding school to which Bilqiz Abdurehim was sent and determined that it was most likely the Peyzawat County No. 4 High School. AP spoke to a local female plainclothes [police] officer named Gu Li [likely "Guly"], who confirmed that Peyzawat County No. 4 High School is a bilingual boarding school; she said that Uyghur students at the school have to study Mandarin, but that there were also Han Chinese students there who studied Uyghur.

Additional information

According to the testifier, all of his five children's whereabouts are unknown since their mother and grandparents were detained.

AP coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-22 Last updated: 2021-04-11 Latest status update: 2020-04-16 5590. Shehide Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 653129201???????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (father)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Associated Press. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Shehide Abdurehim. She was just ten months old when the testifier set off from home. Now she is about 6 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: A friend visiting [Turkey] from Xinjiang who had been to "his home" [unclear if this is referring to the friend's home or Abdurehim Imin's home] in Kashgar told Abdurehim Imin "last summer" [as of 21 September 2018] that two of his children were killed after being struck by a police cruiser in a traffic accident. The status and whereabouts of the other two children were unknown at the time of this article and video. [Abdurehim Imin's children are not named in the body of the article or the video, but when the deaths of the two children are mentioned at approximately 2:22 in the video, the photographs of Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) are the first to be displayed. The photographs of Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587) appear afterwards, when the narrator is talking about the two children whose status and whereabouts are unknown. This would seem to imply that Jarullah Abdurehim (5586) and Shehide Abdurehim (5590) were the two children killed in the traffic accident, whilst the other two children whose status and whereabouts were unknown are Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588) and Abdullah Abdurehim (5587).]

Additional information

According to the testifier, all of his five children's whereabouts are unknown since their mother and grandparents were detained.

AP coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo with brothers:

Entry created: 2019-11-22 Last updated: 2021-04-11 Latest status update: 2020-04-19 5591. Pasha Yusup

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqihaji Yunus is from No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture. Now he is in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

His mother

About the victim

Her name is Pasha Yusup. Her address is No.6 Group, No.7 neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.The testifier has lost contact with her since April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown.The testifier has lost contact with her since April 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Hashimjan Yunus (5592), Imamjan Yunus (5593), Aypasha Yunus (5594), Aygul Yunus (5595), Helimigul Yunus (5596), Elneze Baqihaji (5597)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5593. Imamjan Yunus

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqihaji Yunus is from No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture. Now he is in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier his fist younger brothe

About the victim

His name is Imamjan Yunus. His address is No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he was taken to re-education center.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Pasha Yusup (5591), Hashimjan Yunus (5592), Aypasha Yunus (5594), Aygul Yunus (5595), Helimigul Yunus (5596), Elneze Baqihaji (5597)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5594. Aypasha Yunus

Chinese ID: 653101??????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqihaji Yunus is from No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture. Now he is in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

Younger Sister

About the victim

Her name is Aypasha Yunus. Her address is No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not Known

Victim's status

According to the testifier, she was taken into re-education center and whereabouts is unknonw.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Pasha Yusup (5591), Hashimjan Yunus (5592), Imamjan Yunus (5593), Aygul Yunus (5595), Helimigul Yunus (5596), Elneze Baqihaji (5597)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5595. Aygul Yunus

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqihaji Yunus is from No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture. Now he is in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

Elder Sister

About the victim

Her name is Aygul Yunus. Her address is No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not Known

Victim's status

Unknown. According to the testifier her whereabouts is unknown till now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Pasha Yusup (5591), Hashimjan Yunus (5592), Imamjan Yunus (5593), Aypasha Yunus (5594), Helimigul Yunus (5596), Elneze Baqihaji (5597)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5596. Helimigul Yunus

Chinese ID: 653101??????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqihaji Yunus is from No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture. Now he is in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

Younger Sister

About the victim

Her name is Helimigul Yunus. Her address is No.6 Group, No.7 Neighborhood, Shamalbagh Community, Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. According to the testifier, her whereabouts is unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Pasha Yusup (5591), Hashimjan Yunus (5592), Imamjan Yunus (5593), Aypasha Yunus (5594), Aygul Yunus (5595), Elneze Baqihaji (5597)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5598. Yasin Ismayil

Chinese ID: 6532011965??????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 53-54 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ibrahim Ismayil is from Hoten. He has been living in Belgium since 2011.

Victim's relation to testifier

His elder brother

About the victim his name is Yasin Ismayil. He was born in 1965 in Hoten City. He was a driver at Hoten No.7 Trasport Company. Later he started his own business and he has own company. He had finished middle school.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The testifier has heard that he was arrested in July 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[probably having been to Turkey]. In 2015, he came to Turkey to meet his brother and to travel. He stayed for 10 days then went back. The testifier couldn't get further information about him.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

According to the testifier, he has never done anything against Chinese law.

Victims among relatives

Patigul Haliq (5599)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-17 5601. Heyrigul Hemdulla

Chinese ID: 652801197???????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Seydulla Yasin is originally from the No. 4 Neighborhood of Korla's Shanghu Municipality (上户镇), but is now residing in Japan.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Heyrigul hemdulla. She is about 44 years old. She has got three children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as the family seems to be from Korla.]

When victim was detained

Around March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier suspects that she is in camps. The testifier learned that she was detained in around March 2017. Since then he couldn't been able to get any information about the victim.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From his family Additional information

The testifier has noticed that a mosque, which was on the google map in 2017, in his neighborhood was disappeared on the map in 2018( along with other mosques in the neighboring area which he knows of). Victim's three children have been looked after by their grandmother. However, the testifier couldn't been able to contact them for more than a year.

Victims among relatives

Aygul Abla (5396), Husen Yasin (5600)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5602. Niyazhan Emet

Chinese ID: 6528231962??????E? (Lopnur)

Basic info

Age: 57-58 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nemtulla Nejmidin, a computer-engineering student in Norway. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Niyazhan Emet. She was born in 1962.

Victim's location

The testifier doesn't know the exact location.[In Bayingolin's Lopnur County, very likely.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. He has lost contact with her more than a year.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. He has lost contact with her more than a year.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

His father Nejmidin Tohti(in #3477) was a farmer, the family owning 75 mu of land (which now appears to have been taken). He was arrested by Chinese authorities in September 2017 and put into a camp in Lopnur County. Because of health issues, he was transferred out 3 months later and underwent an operation. 10 days after, his family's request to give him additional time to recover was rejected and he was taken to camp again.

Victims among relatives

Nejmidin Tohti (3477), Abdumijit Nejmidin (5603), Amangul Yasin (8972)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-23 Latest status update: 2020-05-05 5603. Abdumijit Nejmidin

Chinese ID: 6528231981??????O? (Lopnur)

Basic info

Age: 38-39 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nemtulla Nejmidin, a computer-engineering student in Norway. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdumijin Nejmidin. He was born in 1981.

Victim's location

He doesn't know his exact location.[In Bayingolin's Lopnur County, very likely.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. He has lost contact with him more than a year.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's father Nejmidin Tohti(in #3477) was a farmer, the family owning 75 mu of land (which now appears to have been taken). He was arrested by Chinese authorities in September 2017 and put into a camp in Lopnur County. Because of health issues, he was transferred out 3 months later and underwent an operation. 10 days after, his family's request to give him additional time to recover was rejected and he was taken to camp again.

Victims among relatives

Niyazhan Emet (5602), Nejmidin Tohti (3477), Amangul Yasin (8972)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2019-11-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-05 5606. Rozimuhemmed Abduweli

Chinese ID: 65402319630312??O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4: Arafat Rozimuhemmed, originally from Ghulja but now living in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

His name is Rumzihammed Abduweli and he was born on the 12th of March 1963. He's a farmer. He lives in Telke, Qorghas (Huocheng) County Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

[probably at the beginning of 2018] since the testifier says that his father has been in camps for a year and a half. (in Testimony 2: 2.5 years)

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status in the camps.

Testimony 3: the testifier hasn't been able to get in contact with his family in 2 years, and doesn't know if they're in camps or prisons.

Testimony 4: Recently, Arafat has learned from others that his house in Ghulja has been padlocked, and that this has been the case for three years now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? From someone(whose name isn't mentioned)

Additional information

According to the testifier, under the harsh condition of the camp, the victim has got kidney issues thus he was sent to the hospital for treatment several times during then placed again in camps these times. The victim's father Abduweli Abdurahman has died of depression.

Victims among relatives

Hornisa Osam (5607), Irfan Rozimuhemmed (5608), Semet Abduweli (5609), Abduweli Abdurahman (5640)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2020-04-28 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 5607. Hornisa Osam

Chinese ID: 65402319650520??E? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4: Arafat Rozimuhemmed, originally from Ghulja but now living in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Hornisa Osam. She's a housewife. She was born on the 20th of May 1965. She lives in Telke, Qorghas (Huocheng) County Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

[probably at the beginning of 2018] since the testifier says that his mother has been in camps for a year and a half. (in Testimony 2: 2.5 years)

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status in the camps.

Testimony 3: testifier says that he hasn't been able to contact his family in 2 years, and doesn't know if they're in camps or prisons.

Testimony 4: Recently, Arafat has learned from others that his house in Ghulja has been padlocked, and that this has been the case for three years now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? From someone (whose name isn't mentioned)

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Rozimuhemmed Abduweli (5606), Irfan Rozimuhemmed (5608), Semet Abduweli (5609), Abduweli Abdurahman (5640)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2020-04-28 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 5608. Irfan Rozimuhemmed

Chinese ID: 654023199?1128??O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4: Arafat Rozimuhemmed, originally from Ghulja but now living in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Irfan Ruzimuhemmet. He's a car mechanic. He was born on the 28th of November 1990 (Testimony 3: 1991).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

[probably around October 2017] since the testifier says that his brother has been in camps for nearly two years. (Testimony 2: 2.5 years)

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the testifier, he was arrested because of the testifier being in Turkey.

Victim's status

In camps

Testimony 3: the testifier says that he hasn't been able to contact his family in 2 years, and doesn't know if they're in camps or in prisons.

Testimony 4: Recently, Arafat has learned from others that his house in Ghulja has been padlocked, and that this has been the case for three years now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? From someone (whose name isn't mentioned)

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Rozimuhemmed Abduweli (5606), Hornisa Osam (5607), Semet Abduweli (5609), Abduweli Abdurahman (5640)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2020-04-28 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 5609. Semet Abduweli

Chinese ID: 65402319????????O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: driver

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4: Arafat Rozimuhemmed, originally from Ghulja but now living in Turkey. (nephew)

About the victim

His name is Semet Abduweli. He's a farmer (Testimony 4: a driver).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

[probably around October 2017, since the testifier says that his uncle has been in camps for nearly two years. (Testimony 2: 2.5 years)]

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In camp

Testimony 3: the testifier says that he hasn't been able to contact his family in 2 years, and doesn't know if they're in camps or in prisons.

Testimony 4: Recently, Arafat has learned from others that his house in Ghulja has been padlocked, and that this has been the case for three years now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? From someone (whose name isn't mentioned)

Additional information

Due to harsh conditions in the camps, the victim has had serious kidney issues thus he is sent to the hospital regularly and places again in the camp.

Victims among relatives

Rozimuhemmed Abduweli (5606), Hornisa Osam (5607), Irfan Rozimuhemmed (5608), Abduweli Abdurahman (5640)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-11-23 Last updated: 2020-04-28 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 5618. Abduweli Abdusemet

Chinese ID: 6531221974??????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 46-47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): "extremism"|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous letter, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 2: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (cousin)

Testimony 4: Tahir Mutellip, as reported by Hanna Burdorf. (cousin)

About the victim

His name is Abduweli Abdusemet. He is around 45. He is originally from Yapchan, Yegisheher County, Kashgar Prefecture. and He is the director of the Xinjiang Red Camel Biotechnology Company. (Its office is Urumchi and factory is in Aksu). , He was introduced as the most noted Ethnic Entrepreneur in the Fifth periodical of 2011 of Xinjiang Youth Magazine.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. According to the news, he was detained in 2018, but a policeman who received RFA' phone call said that he was detained two years ago.

Testimony 3: he had previously been held at a reform-through-labor institution in Mush Township in 1999, according to his cousin, who had visited him there.

Testimony 4: has been to prison twice in the 1990s, once for 17 months and once for 3 years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to a man who knows the situation, he was arrested because of his company. His company mainly produces Halal food and advertise their products very often and this is considered as "leading to religious radicalism" by the officials.

Testimony 4: reasons for earlier imprisonment unknown.

Victim's status

Unknown. His whereabouts is unknown since his detention.

Testimony 3: no news since detention.

Testimony 4: Around Christmas 2019, a photo of the victim popped up on Facebook showing him with some other Uyghur businessmen at a restaurant in Kashgar (, suggesting that the victim may have been released from detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

A man sent a message about the victims to RFA and RFA have made phone calls to Urumchi and Toksu, but they didn't give any information. However, when RFA called to Yapchan Police Station in Yegisheher, a policeman revealed that the victim and his two brothers were arrested two years ago.

Additional information

The victim's company mainly produces Halal food and [drinks] and they have already had 120 wholesale points and more than 10 thousand retail stores.

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-2):

Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: Testimony 3: photo: magazine feature: magazine feature: post-release photo (2019):

Entry created: 2019-11-25 Last updated: 2021-06-07 Latest status update: 2021-01-30 5619. Abdusemi Abdusemet

Chinese ID: 6531221983??????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 37-38 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous letter, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 2: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (cousin)

Testimony 4: Tahir Mutellip, as reported by Hanna Burdorf. (cousin)

About the victim

His name is Abdusemi Abudesmet. He is originally from Yapchan, Yegisheher County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is an assistant director of the Xinjiang Red Camel Biotechnology Company. He was responsible for the factory in Toksu.

Testimony 4: born in 1983.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unknown. he was detained in 2018, but a policeman who received RFA' phone call said that he was detained two years ago.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Having performed Jume Namaz in the meeting hall of the factory in Toksu.

Testimony 4: was arrested together with some of his employees at the factory for performing Friday prayers together (victim was serving as an imam during these prayers). Victim's status

Unknown. His whereabouts is unknown since his detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

A man sent a message about the victims to RFA and RFA have made phone calls to Urumchi and Toksu, but they didn't give any information. However, when RFA called to Yapchan Police Station in Yegisheher, a policeman revealed that the victim and his two brothers were arrested two years ago.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-2):

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-11-25 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2021-01-30 5620. Abduqewi Abdusemet

Chinese ID: 6531221980??????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 40-41 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous letter, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 2: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3|4: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (cousin)

About the victim

His name is Abdukiwir Abdusemet. He is originally from Yapchan, Yegisheher County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is an assistant director of the Xinjiang Red Camel Biotechnology Company.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unknown. he was detained in 2018, but a policeman who received RFA' phone call said that he was detained two years ago.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. His whereabouts is unknown since his detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

A man sent a message about the victims to RFA and RFA have made phone calls to Urumchi and Toksu, but they didn't give any information. However, when RFA called to Yapchan Police Station in Yegisheher, a policeman revealed that the victim and his two brothers were arrested two years ago.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-2):

Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 4: photo:

Entry created: 2019-11-25 Last updated: 2021-02-14 Latest status update: 2021-01-30 5633. Rozijan Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 653129198???????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, originally from Peyzawat County but now living in the United States. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 3: Muhemmed'eli Ablet, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Rozijan Abdurahman. He is 33 years old and he is from Barin Township, Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a business owner. He graduated from a college.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Not Stated.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown if in re-education camp or prison

Testimony 3: no news since November 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information

15 people from his extended family were taken.

Victims among relatives

Qari Hashim (1819), Ablimit Imin (1817), Mijit Yusup (1820), Ebeydulla Urayim (1821), Hebirahman Urayim (1822), Memetahun Rehim (1818), Sanigul Memet (1824), Muhemmed Hebiburahman (1823), Nejibulla Ablet (1827), Ablajan Abduwari (2558), Buayshem Ablimit (1826), Musaeli Abdureyim (1825), Mijit Yusup (1816)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-26 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2020-09-07 5635. Bilal Osman

Chinese ID: 652925??????????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: His nephew

About the victim

His name is Bilal Osman. He is from Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: in 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he is missing and his whereabouts is unknown.

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier says that one month ago, he received a precise and very clear message that 25 people from his family were taken.

Additional information

According to the testifier, the victim's father(Entry #5566), his mother and sister are also missing. Their whereabouts are unknown and their houses and shops were demolished.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-26 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5636. Shehide Osman

Chinese ID: 652925??????????E? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: His niece.

About the victim

Her name is Shehide Osman. She is Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: in 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, she is missing and her whereabouts is unknown.

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier says that one month ago, he received a precise and very clear message that 25 people from his family were taken.

Additional information

According to the testifier, the victim's father(Entry #5566), her mother and bother are also missing. Their whereabouts are unknown and their houses and shops were demolished.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-26 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 5650. Sumeyye Eli

Chinese ID: 65410120????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengi Hayat neighborhood but now residing in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's grand-daughter.

About the victim

Her name is Sumeyye Eli.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili as her father is from Ili]

When victim was detained

Unknown. Probably in 2017 as the testifier says that she couldn't been able to get any information about her and other victims since they were detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. But the testifier says that she knows she was taken into the camps.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

According to the testifier, her mother, Salihe, fahter Eli Tashmemet in #524, and her brother were also taken into camps.

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Patigul Emet (522), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-03 Last updated: 2019-12-03 Latest status update: 2019-11-07 5651. Abdulla Eli

Chinese ID: 65410120????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Roshengul Tashmemet, originally from Ghulja City's Yengi Hayat neighborhood but now residing in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's grand-son.

About the victim

His name is Abdulla Eli.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili as hus father is from Ili]

When victim was detained

Unknown. Probably in 2017 as the testifier says that she couldn't been able to get any information about him and other victims since they were detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. But the testifier says that she knows he was taken into the camps.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

According to the testifier, his mother, Salihe, father Eli Tashmemet in #524, and his sister were also taken into camps.

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Bekri Ibrahim (684), Patigul Emet (522), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Sumeyye Eli (5650)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-03 Last updated: 2019-12-03 Latest status update: 2019-11-07 5665. Abdilim Rozi

Chinese ID: 653128??????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: friend

About the victim

His name is Abdilim Rozi. He is a businessman. His address is No.1 Neighborhood( Mehelle), Tarim Township, Yupurgh County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: he was arrested in Urumqi in June 2016 and was taken back to Yopurgha County.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 2: he was allegedly tortured and suffered limb injuries. [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Tursun Yol (5657), Azinigul Tursun (5658), Buzora Tursun (5659), Jennet Tursun (5660), Rustem Tursun (5661), Amannisa Tursun (5662), Ghappar Rozi (5664), Abduweli Rozi (5666), Nuri Hesen (5663), Abdukerim Rozi (5667), Buayshem Rozi (5668), Buhelchem Rozi (5669), Patigul Rozi (5670), Bejergul Rozi (5671), Hesen Rozi (5672), Nureli Abdukirem (5673), Abdurehim Rozi (6234)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-04 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5667. Abdukerim Rozi

Chinese ID: 653128??????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: friend

About the victim

His name is Abdukirem Rozi. He is a businessman. His address is No.1 Neighborhood( Mehelle), Tarim Township, Yupurgh County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: detained in Urumqi in June 2016 and taken back to Yopurgha County.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 2: he was allegedly tortured and had his limbs injured as a result. [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Clear.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Tursun Yol (5657), Azinigul Tursun (5658), Buzora Tursun (5659), Jennet Tursun (5660), Rustem Tursun (5661), Amannisa Tursun (5662), Abdilim Rozi (5665), Ghappar Rozi (5664), Abduweli Rozi (5666), Nuri Hesen (5663), Buayshem Rozi (5668), Buhelchem Rozi (5669), Patigul Rozi (5670), Bejergul Rozi (5671), Hesen Rozi (5672), Nureli Abdukirem (5673), Abdurehim Rozi (6234)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-04 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5696. Nurmemet Imam

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Nurmemet Imam [Nur Maimaiti Imamu]. According to the UN WGEID report, he was born in Kashgar and resided at No. 50-55, 14th Kukang Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (August 12, 2020), he was 27 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010749.

Nurmemet Imam is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Nurmemet Imam was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Nurmemet Imam was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Unspecified individuals associated with Nurmemet Imam asked the Chinese embassy in the Hague, Netherlands in May 2019 for information pertaining to Nurmemet Imam (and other members of his family), but were informed that they should "ask for a visa and go look for [Nurmemet Imam] themselves."

Unspecified individuals associated with Nurmemet Imam also called a number of police stations in Kashgar City to no apparent avail.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Nurmemet Imam are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2021-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 5796. Yaqup Rusul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: close friend

About the victim

His name is Yaqup Rosul, about 39 (as of December 2019). He is from No. 5 Neighborhood, No. 2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a butcher. He's married and has 3 kids.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: was taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In concentration camp. [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Gheni Rusul (6180), Adil Rusul (6181), Reshide Yaqup (6179)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5797. Abdureshit Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: friend

About the victim

Abdurishit Memet is from No. 6 Neighborhood, No. 2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He's married and has 3 kids.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In camp. [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Tewekkul Memet (5798)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5798. Tewekkul Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: friend

About the victim

Tewekkul Memet, about 45 (as of December 2019), is a businessman from Neighborhood No. 6, Village No. 2, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He's married and has 5 kids.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In concentration camp. [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Abdureshit Memet (5797)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5800. Hafiz Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (friend of relative)

About the victim

Hafiz Yasin is from Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp in January 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In concentration camp.

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Hapiz Yasin, ID: 653128198307081477. There is a possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Victims among relatives

Memet Yasin (6225), Aytajem Hemdulla (6226)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5804. Abla Memet

Chinese ID: 653128197???????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Abla Memet, about 43 (as of December 2019), a farmer. He is from No. 1 Hamlet, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5805. Enwer Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Enwer Memet, about 33 (as of December 2019), a driver. He is from No. 1 Hamlet, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5806. Ablimit Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Ablimit Memet, about 25 (as of December 2019), a farmer. He is from No. 1 Hamlet, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5807. Nurgul Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

Her name is Nurgul Memet. She is from No. 1 Hamlet, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5810. Amangul Zunun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Amangul Zunun. She is from No. 4 Hamlet, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. She is a farmer.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier has said that he hasn't received news about his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-02-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5811. Ismayil Urayim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Ismayil Urayim. He is from No. 4 Hamlet, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a farmer.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

Testimony 3: still in camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Unclear.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-02-14 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5812. Ablimit Ismayil

Chinese ID: 6531281986??????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 32-33 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: nephew

About the victim

His name is Ablimit Ismayil. He is from No. 4 Hamlet, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a driver.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5818. Mehribangul Ismayil

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Mihribangul Ismayil. She is from No. 4 Hamlet, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials


Entry created: 2019-12-10 Last updated: 2019-12-17 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 5830. Tewekkul Mehmut

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Tewekkul Mehmut, about 43 years old (as of December 2019). He is from No.1 Hamlet (Mehella), No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a carpenter. He's married and has 3 kids.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status In concentration camp.

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5831. Abduweli Mehmut

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Weli Mehmut, about 28 years old (as of December 2018), a businessman. He is from No.1 Hamlet (Mehella), No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He's married.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5832. Hawahan Mehmut

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (cousin)

About the victim

Her name is Hawahan Mehmut, about 39 (as of December 2019). She is from No.1 Hamlet (Mehella), No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. She is a housewife and has 3 children. (Testimony 2 says she's a farmer.)

Testimony 2 address: No.1 Neighborhood, No. 10 Village, Terim, Yupurgha.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5834. Hesen Zunun

Chinese ID: 6531281981??????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 38-39 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Hesen Zunun. He is from No.4 Hamlet (Mehelle), No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a tinsmith.

He's married to Nurgul Memet, also reported as a victim, but it's not clear if she is the same Nurgul Memet as in Entry 5807.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5835. Guzelnur Hesen

Chinese ID: 653128??????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Guzelnur Hesen. She is from No.4 Hamlet, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. She is a student.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2019-12-19 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 5836. Saniye Hesen

Chinese ID: 65312820????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Saniye Hesen. She is just an infant. Her address is No.4 Hamlet, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2019-12-19 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 5837. Muhemmed Hesen

Chinese ID: 65312820????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Muhammed Hesen He is just an infant. His address is No.4 Hamlet, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2019-12-19 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 5838. Zorugul Zunun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Zorugul Zunun is from No.4 Hamlet, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. She is a housewife.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier has said that he hasn't received news about his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-02-13 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5843. Osman Urayim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Osman Urayim, about 43 years old (as of December 2018). He is from No.4 Hamlet, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a businessman.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In concentration camp. [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5847. Yaqup Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Yaqup Ehmet, about 38 (as of December 2019), a tailor. He is from No.1 Hamlet, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, where he owned a tailoring shop. He's married and has 3 kids.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status In concentration camp.

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5851. Esma Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312820????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Esma Yasin. She is from No.4 Hamlet, No.9 (Seypunkowruk) Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier mentions not having news from the region since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Mentioned in International Angle:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-10-28 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5873. Momin Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Mominjan Abdurehim, about 48 (as of December 2019), a businessman.

Address: No.4 Village, Bayawat Township, Yupurgha.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-13 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5929. Abdulla Musa

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdugheni Ablipiz now resides in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's nephew.

About the victim

Abdulla Musa

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained so far, there is no reason to believe that the victim has been detained. Contact with the victim's parents was lost in or after May 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention n/a

Victim's status missing, parents cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

By virtue of contact with parents being lost. Additional information

Abdulla's mother Helimigul Ablipiz {5144}, has been placed in a “re-education” camp since May 2017. His father Musajan is missing and cannot be contacted. There whereabouts of the Abdulla's siblings Buhelchem and Abdurahman are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Helimigul Ablipiz (5144), Ablipiz Raziq (5926), Nurbiye Abduqadir (5927), Niluper Ablipiz (5928), Abdurahman Musa (5930), Buhelchem Musa (5931)

Supplementary materials video testimony: photo with siblings:

Entry created: 2019-12-14 Last updated: 2019-12-23 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5930. Abdurahman Musa

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdugheni Ablipiz now resides in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's nephew.

About the victim

Abdurahman Musa

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained so far, there is no reason to believe that the victim has been detained. Contact with the victim's parents was lost in or after May 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention n/a

Victim's status missing, parents cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

By virtue of being unable to contact the parents. Additional information

Abdurahman's mother Helimigul Ablipiz {5144}, has been placed in a “re-education” camp since May 2017. His father Musajan is missing and cannot be contacted. There whereabouts of the Abdurahman's siblings Buhelchem and Abdulla are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Helimigul Ablipiz (5144), Ablipiz Raziq (5926), Nurbiye Abduqadir (5927), Niluper Ablipiz (5928), Abdulla Musa (5929), Buhelchem Musa (5931)

Supplementary materials video testimony: photo with siblings:

Entry created: 2019-12-14 Last updated: 2019-12-23 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5931. Buhelchem Musa

Chinese ID: 65??????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abdugheni Ablipiz now resides in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's nephew.

About the victim

Buhelchem Musa

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained so far, there is no reason to believe that the victim has been detained. Contact with the victim's parents was lost in or after May 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention n/a

Victim's status missing, parents cannot be contacted

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

By virtue of contact being lost. Additional information

Buhelchem's mother Helimigul Ablipiz {5144}, has been placed in a “re-education” camp since May 2017. Her father Musajan is missing and cannot be contacted. There whereabouts of Buhelchem's siblings Abdulla and Abdurahman are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Helimigul Ablipiz (5144), Ablipiz Raziq (5926), Nurbiye Abduqadir (5927), Niluper Ablipiz (5928), Abdulla Musa (5929), Abdurahman Musa (5930)

Supplementary materials video testimony: photo with siblings:

Entry created: 2019-12-14 Last updated: 2019-12-23 Latest status update: 2019-09-07 5953. Rahman Hoshur

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: brother-in-law

About the victim

His name is Rahman Hoshur, about 45 (as of December 2019). He is from Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a businessman. He is married. His wife's name is Aygul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In concentration camp. [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-20 Last updated: 2021-03-25 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5955. Ayishe Rahman

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: brother-in-law's daughter

About the victim

Her name is Ayishe Rahman, about 22 (as of December 2019). She is from Yipek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. She is a housewife.

Testimony 2 address: Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha.

Victim's location

[Presumably im Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-20 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5956. Medine Rahman

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: brother-in-law's daughter

About the victim

Her name is Medine Rahman, about 20 (as of December 2019). She is from Yipek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. She is a housewife (Testimony 2: farmer).

Testimony 2 address: Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-20 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5961. Arzugul Abduwahit

Chinese ID: 65313019????????E? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (husband)

About the victim

Her name is Arzigul Abduwahit, about 35 (as of December 2019). She is a housewife. She is from Bazar Village, Chaharbagh Township, Maralbeshi County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Her registration: Maralbeshi County Police Station.

Residential address: No. 21 Residential Area, Third Xiangyangpo Alley, Tianshan District, Urumqi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp at end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In a concentration camp. [however, testifier says that he's had no news of his relatives since 2016]

Testimony 2: Yasin claims to have recognized his wife in a video filmed in March 2019. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

[The family's case is written about in the International Angle (, but it seems that the journalist may have misunderstood certain details, as the writing gives the impression that the victim is in Turkey with the testifier.]

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1: photo: video of alleged recognition: supposed still of wife:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-10-28 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5962. Sefiye Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312520110808??E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 8 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Sefiye Yasin. She was born on the 8th of August 2011. Her address is Bazar Village, Chaharbagh Township, Yeken County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Residence, according to Testimony 2: No. 21 Residential Area, Third Xiangyangpo Alley, Tianshan District, Urumqi.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Mentioned in International Angle:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-10-28 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5963. Nuriye Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312520141114??E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 5 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Nuriye Yasin. She was born on the 14th of November 2014. Her address is Bazar Village, Chaharbagh Township, Yeken County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Residence, according to Testimony 2: No. 21 Residential Area, Third Xiangyangpo Alley, Tianshan District, Urumqi.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Mentioned in the International Angle:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-10-28 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5964. Turghunjan Abduwahit

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: brother-in-law

About the victim

His name is Turghunjan Abduwahit. He is married and has got three children. His family's address is Bazar Village, Chaharbagh Township, Yeken County, Kashgar Prefecture. His and his wife and children's whereabouts are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5965. Memet Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: uncle

About the victim

His name is Memet Yasin, around 58 years old (as of December 2019). He is a businessman. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5966. Eysa Memet

Chinese ID: 6531281991??????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 27-28 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin

About the victim

His name is Eysa Memet. He is a businessman. He is married and has got two children. his and his wife, children's whereabouts are unknown. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5967. Chimengul Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Chimengul Memet. She is married and has got two children. Her address is No.1 Neighborhood, No.8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. According to the testifier, the victim's two children's status is also unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2019-12-24 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 5969. Ehmet Eli Basit

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: cousin's husband

About the victim

His name is Ehmet Eli Bash, about 28 (as of December 2019). He is from No.3 Neighborhood, No.3 Village (Testimony 2: No. 4), Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He has got 3 children. According to the testifier, all of the victim's family's whereabouts are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: arrested in June 2016 in Urumchi, then taken back to Yopurgha and placed in camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status In concentration camp.

Testimony 2: he was tortured and wounded while in detention.

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5970. Yusen Zunun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Husen Zunun, about 55 years old (as of December 2019). He is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.He is a farmer.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5972. Omer Yusen

Chinese ID: 6531281991??????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 27-28 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: manual work

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Testimony 2: Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1: N/A

Testimony 2: nephew

About the victim

His name is Omer Husen (Yusen). He is from No.3 Neighborhood, No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a farmer (Testimony 2: construction worker).

Testimony 2 address: No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after June 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status [Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 5974. Yusup Zunun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Testimony 1: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Yusup Zunun, about 44 years old (as of December 2019). His address is No.3 Neighborhood, No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He is a carpenter.

Testimony 2 address: No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: taken to camp sometime after 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-12-21 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 5998. Tursunniyaz Emer

Chinese ID: 653201196???????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Tursunniyaz Emer. He is 58 years old and he is a businessman. His address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact her family since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 5999. Hawanisa Mettohti

Chinese ID: 653201197???????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Hawanisa Mettohti. She is 48 years old and she is a housewife. Her address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2016.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6000. Abdureshit Tursunniyaz

Chinese ID: 65320119????????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Abdureshit Tursunniyaz. He is 29 years old and he is a businessman. His address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact her family since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6001. Atikem Tursunniyaz

Chinese ID: 653201199???????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Atikem Tursunniyaz. She is 25 years old and she is a housewife. Her address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6002. Muqeddes Tursunniyaz

Chinese ID: 653201199???????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Muqeddes Tursunniyaz. She is 23 years old and she is a housewife. Her address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6003. Nurmangul Tursunniyaz

Chinese ID: 653201??????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Nurmangul Tursunniyaz. She is 20 years old and she is a student. Her address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6004. Ablet Tursunniyaz

Chinese ID: 653201200???????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Ablet Tursunniyaz. He is 18 years old and he is a student. His address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6005. Abdurahman Abdureshit

Chinese ID: 653201201???????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Abdurahman Abdureshit. He is 6 years old. His address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6006. Sefiye Abdusalam

Chinese ID: 653201201???????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Sefiye Abdusalam. She is four years old. Her address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim's family since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Merziye Abdulla (6007)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6007. Merziye Abdulla

Chinese ID: 653201201???????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Merziye Abdulla. She is four years old. Her address is No.11 Village, Jiya Township, Hoten City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has not been able to contact the victim's family since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunniyaz Emer (5998), Hawanisa Mettohti (5999), Abdureshit Tursunniyaz (6000), Atikem Tursunniyaz (6001), Muqeddes Tursunniyaz (6002), Nurmangul Tursunniyaz (6003), Ablet Tursunniyaz (6004), Abdurahman Abdureshit (6005), Sefiye Abdusalam (6006)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2021-03-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6034. Sultan Niyaz

Chinese ID: 652923195???????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Sultan Niyaz. He is 61 years old and he is a farmer.

Address: Haniqitam Commune (Gongxi), Kuchar County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, the testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Memet Niyaz (6035), Emmar Niyaz (6036), Zorem Niyaz (6037), Buayshem Niyaz (6038), Hebibe Niyaz (6039)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6035. Memet Niyaz

Chinese ID: 652923196???????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Memet Niyaz. He is 57 years old and he is a farmer.

Address: Haniqitam Commune (Gongxi), Kuchar County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, the testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sultan Niyaz (6034), Emmar Niyaz (6036), Zorem Niyaz (6037), Buayshem Niyaz (6038), Hebibe Niyaz (6039)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6036. Emmar Niyaz

Chinese ID: 652923196???????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Emmar Niyaz. He is 53 years old and he is a farmer.

Address: Haniqitam Commune (Gongxi), Kuchar County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, the testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sultan Niyaz (6034), Memet Niyaz (6035), Zorem Niyaz (6037), Buayshem Niyaz (6038), Hebibe Niyaz (6039)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6037. Zorem Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65292319????????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Zorem Niyaz. She is 59 years old and she is a farmer.

Address: Haniqitam Commune (Gongxi), Kuchar County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, the testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sultan Niyaz (6034), Memet Niyaz (6035), Emmar Niyaz (6036), Buayshem Niyaz (6038), Hebibe Niyaz (6039)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6038. Buayshem Niyaz

Chinese ID: 652923197???????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Bu'ayshem Niyaz. She is 45 years old and a farmer.

Address: Haniqitam Commune (Gongxi), Kuchar County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, the testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sultan Niyaz (6034), Memet Niyaz (6035), Emmar Niyaz (6036), Zorem Niyaz (6037), Hebibe Niyaz (6039)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6039. Hebibe Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65292319????????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Hebibe Niyaz. She is 40 years old and she is a farmer.

Address: Haniqitam Commune (Gongxi), Kuchar County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, the testifier has not been able to contact the victim since 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sultan Niyaz (6034), Memet Niyaz (6035), Emmar Niyaz (6036), Zorem Niyaz (6037), Buayshem Niyaz (6038)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6056. Ilminur Mehmut

Chinese ID: 653129??????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Ilminur Mehmut. She is 19 years old and she is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6057. Muhammetsali Mehmut

Chinese ID: 653125200???????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Muhammetsali Mehmut. He is 18 years old and he is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6058. Abdulbasit Hamut

Chinese ID: 653129??????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Abdulbasit Hamut. He is 19 years old and he is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6059. Abdulla Hamut

Chinese ID: 653129200???????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Abdulla Hamut. He is 16 years old and he is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6060. Abdurahman Hamut

Chinese ID: 653129200???????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Abdurahman Hamut. He is 13 years old and he is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6061. Hediche Hamut

Chinese ID: 653129201???????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Hediche Hamut. She is seven years old and she is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6062. Abdubesir Abdushukur

Chinese ID: 653125200???????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Abdubesir Abdushukur. He is 14 years old and he is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6063. Sebire Abdushukur

Chinese ID: 65312920????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Sebire Abdushukur. She is 8 years old and she is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Eziz Memet (6064), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6064. Eziz Memet

Chinese ID: 65312919????????O? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Eziz Memet. He is 50 years old and he is a businessman.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Mihrigul Eziz (6065)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6065. Mihrigul Eziz

Chinese ID: 653129199???????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Submission to the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Her name is Mihrigul Eziz. She is 22 years old she is a student.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because the testifier's ID card indicates that he is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.According to the testifier, he has lots contact with his family since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilminur Mehmut (6056), Muhammetsali Mehmut (6057), Abdulbasit Hamut (6058), Abdulla Hamut (6059), Abdurahman Hamut (6060), Hediche Hamut (6061), Abdubesir Abdushukur (6062), Sebire Abdushukur (6063), Eziz Memet (6064)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 6079. Elzat Eli (伊力扎提·艾力)

Chinese ID: 65????19931003??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 27 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: banking, accounting

Testifying party

Testimony 1: @jason79188831, an unverified Twitter account. (friend)

Testimony 2: Sufane Alimjan, an Uyghur now living abroad. (acquaintance)

Testimony 3: Alimjan Turdi, a resident of Turkey. (brother)

Testimony 4: Alimjan Turdi, as reported by Anadolu Agency. (brother)

About the victim

Elzat Eli was an accountant for his brother's China-Turkey trade business in Turkey.

Passport number: E12566390.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

After returning from Turkey in 2016-2017, when he was taken back to Ghulja from the Urumqi airport, and later taken to camp. In 2017, he was released from the camp because of serious health issues, and would receive treatment at the hospital. Then, on September 22, 2018, he was taken to camp again, with no news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since he was last taken to camp in late 2018. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

Mention by Anadolu Agency:

Victims among relatives

Nurmuhemmet Turdi (5165), Helimem Turdi (7759), Osman Rozi (7760), Mubarek Osman (7761), Qemerdin Osman (7762), Abla Eziz (7763)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: Testimony 3: Chinese passport: photo:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2021-04-28 Latest status update: 2021-01-06 6109. Ayshemgul Mahmut

Chinese ID: 65312519????????E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ubulqasim Seyitmehmut is an Uyghur who is currently living in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's sister

About the victim

Her name is Ayshemgul Mahmut. Her address is Altunderwaza, Yarkand City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information The victim's children's whereabouts are also unknown.

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Seyitehmet (576), Aygul Qadir (577), Buhedichem Mahmut (6110), Amine Mahmut (6111), Abdulkerim Mahmut (6112), Hesenjan Mahmut (6113)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-25 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6110. Buhedichem Mahmut

Chinese ID: 65312519????????E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ubulqasim Seyitmehmut is an Uyghur who is currently living in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's sister.

About the victim

Her name is Buhedichem Mahmut. Her address is Altunderwaza, Yarkand City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information The victim's children's whereabouts are also unknown. According to the testifier, more than 100 people from his extended family, including his parents, siblings, the family's five sons-in-law, relatives of his parents along with 30 grandchildren's whereabouts are unknown. The testifier hasn't been got any news about them all.

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Seyitehmet (576), Aygul Qadir (577), Ayshemgul Mahmut (6109), Amine Mahmut (6111), Abdulkerim Mahmut (6112), Hesenjan Mahmut (6113)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-25 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6111. Amine Mahmut

Chinese ID: 65312519????????E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ubulqasim Seyitmehmut is an Uyghur who is currently living in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's sister.

About the victim

Her name is Amine Mahmut. Her address is Altunderwaza, Yarkand City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information The victim's children's whereabouts are also unknown. According to the testifier, more than 100 people from his extended family, including his parents, siblings, the family's five sons-in-law, relatives of his parents along with 30 grandchildren's whereabouts are unknown. The testifier hasn't been got any news about them all

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Seyitehmet (576), Aygul Qadir (577), Ayshemgul Mahmut (6109), Buhedichem Mahmut (6110), Abdulkerim Mahmut (6112), Hesenjan Mahmut (6113)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-25 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6112. Abdulkerim Mahmut

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ubulqasim Seyitmehmut is an Uyghur who is currently living in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother.

About the victim

His name is Abdulkerim Mahmut. His address is Altunderwaza, Yarkand City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. According to the testifier, his first younger brother passed away, but it isn't clear which one is his fist younger brother, Abdulkerim or Hesenjan.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's children's whereabouts are also unknown. According to the testifier, more than 100 people from his extended family, including his parents, siblings, the family's five sons-in-law, relatives of his parents along with 30 grandchildren's whereabouts are unknown. The testifier hasn't been got any news about them all.

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Seyitehmet (576), Aygul Qadir (577), Ayshemgul Mahmut (6109), Buhedichem Mahmut (6110), Amine Mahmut (6111), Hesenjan Mahmut (6113)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-25 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6113. Hesenjan Mahmut

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ubulqasim Seyitmehmut is an Uyghur who is currently living in Finland.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's brother.

About the victim

His name is Hesenjan Mahmut. His address is Altunderwaza, Yarkand City, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. According to the testifier, his first younger brother passed away, but it isn't clear which one is his fist younger brother,Hesenjan or Abdulkerim.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's children's whereabouts are also unknown. According to the testifier, more than 100 people from his extended family, including his parents, siblings, the family's five sons-in-law, relatives of his parents along with 30 grandchildren's whereabouts are unknown. The testifier hasn't been got any news about them all.

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Seyitehmet (576), Aygul Qadir (577), Ayshemgul Mahmut (6109), Buhedichem Mahmut (6110), Amine Mahmut (6111), Abdulkerim Mahmut (6112)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-25 Last updated: 2019-12-25 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6123. Kenzhebek Tuganbai

Chinese ID: 65232319880710053X (Kutubi)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Changji Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): "problematic" association|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|4: Shadat Tuganbai, a citizen of Kazakhstan. (brother)

Testimony 3: Nurdolla Maqan, born in 1980, is a citizen of Kazakhstan. (relative)

About the victim

Kenzhebek Tuganbai was born on July 10, 1988. He worked with Uyghurs in a coal mine, where he was a cook. He has two children, aged 7 and 4 (as of January 2020).

Residential address: Dafeng township, , Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture

Victim's location

[presumably in Changji Prefecture]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: February 2017

Testimony 2: March 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 1: working with Uyghurs and being in a group with them

Testimony 4: he was detained together with the Uyghur co-workers.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: no news from him after being put into a re-education camp

Testimony 2: in a camp in Qutubi County How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-03-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6124. Beishan Sharshai

Chinese ID: 6540261949??????E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 69-70 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqtiar Abilzhanuly Shaperov is a native-born Kazakh citizen. He's looking for his mother Guldarhan Dosan's relatives.

Victim's relation to testifier maternal relative

About the victim

Beishan Sharshai was born in 1949. Residential address: Stud farm, , Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[presumably in Ili]

When victim was detained unclear if she was detained or not

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status out of touch since visiting them in for the last time in 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2019-10-21 6125. Kosherbai Yrysbai

Chinese ID: 6540261969??????O? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 49-50 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqtiar Abilzhanuly Shaperov is a native-born Kazakh citizen. He's looking for his mother Guldarhan Dosan's relatives.

Victim's relation to testifier maternal relative

About the victim

Kosherbai Yrysbai was born in 1969. Residential address: Stud farm, Zhaosu county, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[presumably in Ili]

When victim was detained unclear if he was detained or not

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status out of touch since visiting them in for the last time in 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2019-10-21 6126. Gulzia Muhtar

Chinese ID: 6540261980??????E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 38-39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqtiar Abilzhanuly Shaperov is a native-born Kazakh citizen. He's looking for his mother Guldarhan Dosan's relatives.

Victim's relation to testifier maternal relative

About the victim

Gulzia Muhtar was born in 1980. Residential address: Stud farm, Zhaosu county, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[presumably in Ili]

When victim was detained unclear if she was detained or not

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status out of touch since visiting them in for the last time in 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2019-10-21 6127. Ergul Kosherbai

Chinese ID: 6540261992??????E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 26-27 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqtiar Abilzhanuly Shaperov is a native-born Kazakh citizen. He's looking for his mother Guldarhan Dosan's relatives.

Victim's relation to testifier maternal relative

About the victim

Ergul Kosherbai was born in 1992. Residential address: Stud farm, Zhaosu county, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[presumably in Ili]

When victim was detained unclear if she was detained or not

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status out of touch since visiting them in for the last time in 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2019-10-21 6128. Gimingul Tekesbai

Chinese ID: 6540261971??????E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 47-48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqtiar Abilzhanuly Shaperov is a native-born Kazakh citizen. He's looking for his mother Guldarhan Dosan's relatives.

Victim's relation to testifier maternal relative

About the victim

Gimingul Tekesbai was born in 1971. Residential address: Stud farm, Zhaosu county, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[presumably in Ili]

When victim was detained unclear if she was detained or not

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status out of touch since visiting them in for the last time in 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2019-10-21 6129. Zhanyl Shazhabai

Chinese ID: 6540261957??????E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 61-62 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Baqtiar Abilzhanuly Shaperov is a native-born Kazakh citizen. He's looking for his mother Guldarhan Dosan's relatives.

Victim's relation to testifier maternal relative

About the victim

Zhanyl Shazhabai was born in 1957. Residential address: Stud farm, Zhaosu county, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[presumably in Ili]

When victim was detained unclear if she was detained or not

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status out of touch since visiting them in for the last time in 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2019-10-21 6148. Rozigul Memet

Chinese ID: 653128198???????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

Cousin's wife

About the victim

Ruzigul Memet is about 37 years old and she is a tailor. Her address is from No.4 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

After June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6149. Ehmet Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 653128197???????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's cousin

About the victim

Ehmet Abdurehim is about 43 years old and he is a farmer. His address is No.4 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

After June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6151. Aygul Turadin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad

Victim's relation to testifier

Brother-in-law's wife

About the victim

Aygul Turadin is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

After June 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6152. Ekber Rahman

Chinese ID: 653128199???????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad

Victim's relation to testifier

His brother-in-law's son

About the victim

Ekber Rahman is about 25 years old and he is a businessman. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

After June 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6153. Gulember Tursun

Chinese ID: 653128199???????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad

Victim's relation to testifier

His brother-in-law's daughter-in-law.

About the victim

Gulember Tursun is about 22 years old and she is a farmer. She is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6154. Momin Turadin

Chinese ID: 653128197???????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's cousin.

About the victim

Momin Turadin is about 45 years old and he is a businessman. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6155. Abliz Turadin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's cousin.

About the victim

Abliz Turadin is about 33 years old and he is a businessman. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6156. Rozi Turadin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's elder cousin.

About the victim

Rozi Turadin is about 55 years old and he is a businessman, from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6157. Ghopur Turadin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's cousin.

About the victim

Ghupur Turadin is about 25 years old and he is a farmer. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-05 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6158. Bupatem Momin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's elder cousin (female).

About the victim

Bupatem Momin is about 43 years old and she is a farmer. She is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6159. Yusup Eli Momin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's cousin.

About the victim

Yusup Eli Momin is about 25 years old and he is a farmer. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6160. Ghulam Eli Momin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's cousin.

About the victim

Ghulam Eli Momin is about 25 years old and he is a farmer. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6161. Qeyyum Tohti

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's close friend.

About the victim

Qeyyum Tohti is about 48 years old. He is a businessman and he is the owner of Urumchi Mizaj Restaurant. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar,]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Nureli Qeyyum (6162)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6162. Nureli Qeyyum

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's acquaintance.

About the victim

Nur Eli Qeyyum is about 26 years old. He is a businessman and opened a Restaurant in Qarasheher, Korla. He is from Rural Farm, Siyek Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qeyyum Tohti (6161)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6163. Abdurahman Memet

Chinese ID: 65010219????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's acquaintance.

About the victim

Abdurahman Memet is about 39 years old and he is a businessman. His address is Highway Administration's residency, AtBeyge Meydani, Tengritagh District, Urumchi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumchi.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6164. Tursun Idris

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's uncle.

About the victim

Tursun Idris is about 55 years old and he is a businessman. His address is Cadres' Residency in Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6165. Ayimnisa Idris

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's uncle's wife.

About the victim

Her name is Ayimnisa Idris.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar as her husband is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Her husband and two sons were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6166. Hezritieli Tursun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's cousin.

About the victim

Hi name is Hezritieli Turuns.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar as his family is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown.

Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6167. Nurmuhammet Tursun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's wife's cousin.

About the victim

His name is Nuruhammet Tursun.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar because his family is from Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6168. Muhemmet Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His nephew's husband

About the victim

Muhammet Yasin is about 37 years old and he is a farmer. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6169. Abliz Sidiq

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's acquaintance.

About the victim

Abliz Sidiq is about 33 years old. He buys and sells telephone. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-27 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6170. Eli Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's close friend.

About the victim

Eli Yasin is about 34 years old and he is a carpenter. His address is No.3 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim was detained with his brother Qadir Yasin.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qadir Yasin (6171)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6171. Qadir Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's friend's brother.

About the victim

His name is Qadir Yasin. His address is No.3 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eli Yasin (6170)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6172. Talip Rusul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Talip Rusul is about 45 years old. He is a religious figure and a businessman and has a Hardware Store in Bay'awat. His address is No.4 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture..

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information The victim's sons Muhammed Talip, Ibrahim and Ismayil Talip, and daughter-in-law Amine Momin were also detained with the victim.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Ibrahim Talip (6173), Ismayil Talip (6174), Muhemmed Talip (6175), Amine Momin (6176)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6173. Ibrahim Talip

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His acquaintance.

About the victim

Ibrahim Talip is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's father and two brothers were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Talip Rusul (6172), Ismayil Talip (6174), Muhemmed Talip (6175), Amine Momin (6176)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6174. Ismayil Talip

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His acquaintance.

About the victim

His name is Ismayil Talip. He is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's father and two brothers were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Talip Rusul (6172), Ibrahim Talip (6173), Muhemmed Talip (6175), Amine Momin (6176)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6175. Muhemmed Talip

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His acquaintance.

About the victim

Muhammed Talip is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

The victim's father and two brothers were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Talip Rusul (6172), Ibrahim Talip (6173), Ismayil Talip (6174), Amine Momin (6176)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6176. Amine Momin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His acquaintance's wife.

About the victim

Her name is Amine Momin. She is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Talip Rusul (6172), Ibrahim Talip (6173), Ismayil Talip (6174), Muhemmed Talip (6175)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6177. Qahar Qadir

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Qahar Qadir is about 65 years old and he is a religious figure-an Imam. His address is No.3 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's son was also detained. Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Osman Qahar (6178)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6178. Osman Qahar

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His acquaintance's son.

About the victim

His name is Osman Qahar. His address is No.3 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qahar Qadir (6177)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6179. Reshide Yaqup

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His close friend's daughter.

About the victim

Her name is Reshide Yaqup. Her address is No.5 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's parents were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Yaqup Rusul (5796), Gheni Rusul (6180), Adil Rusul (6181)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6180. Gheni Rusul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His acquaintance's brother.

About the victim

His name is Gheni Rusul. His address is No.5 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Gheni Rusul, ID (invalid): 653128198206121471. There is a possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Victims among relatives

Yaqup Rusul (5796), Adil Rusul (6181), Reshide Yaqup (6179)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6181. Adil Rusul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His acquaintacne's brother.

About the victim

His name is Adil Rusul. His address is No.5 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Yaqup Rusul (5796), Gheni Rusul (6180), Reshide Yaqup (6179)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6182. Esedulla Sayim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

His close friend.

About the victim

Esedulla Sayim is about 43 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No.3 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6183. Rahman Abliz

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

Close Friend.

About the victim

Rahman Abliz is about 38 years old. He is a cook and opens a restaurant every Friday in Bay'awat Bazar. He is from No.2 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Yusup Abliz (6184), Ehmet Abliz (6185), Ehmet Abliz (6185), Yusup Abliz (6184), Ehmet Abliz (6185), Qahar Abliz (6186)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6184. Yusup Abliz

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

His name is Yusup Abliz. His address is No.2 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Rahman Abliz (6183), Ehmet Abliz (6185), Ehmet Abliz (6185), Rahman Abliz (6183), Ehmet Abliz (6185), Qahar Abliz (6186)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6187. Hesen Momin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Hesen Momin is about 40 year old. He is a watch-repairer. He is from No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's wife and two brothers were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Meryem Hesen (6188), Rozi Momin (6189), Husen Momin (6190)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6188. Meryem Hesen

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance' wife

About the victim

Her name is Meryem Hesen. Her address is No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Hesen Momin (6187), Rozi Momin (6189), Husen Momin (6190)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6189. Rozi Momin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's brother.

About the victim

His name is Rozi Momin. His address is No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Hesen Momin (6187), Meryem Hesen (6188), Husen Momin (6190)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6190. Husen Momin

Chinese ID: 653128??????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's brother.

About the victim

His name is Husen Momin. His address is No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Hesen Momin (6187), Meryem Hesen (6188), Rozi Momin (6189)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6191. Rahman Imin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Rahman Imin is about 45 years old. He is a businessman. He is from No.3 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's wife was also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Ayturahan Sayim (6192)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6192. Ayturahan Sayim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's wife.

About the victim

Her name is Ayturahan Sayim. Her address is No.3 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Rahman Imin (6191)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6193. Nurulla Ablet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend

About the victim

Nurulla Ablet is about 37 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6194. Adil Qadir

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Adil Qadir is about 48 years old and he is a driver. He is from, No.4 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6195. Qawul Sayim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintacne

About the victim

Qawul Sayim is about 48 years old. He is from No.4 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

His wife Ayturahan and duaghter Zuleyhan Qawul were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Zuleyhan Qawul (6196)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6196. Zuleyhan Qawul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's daughter.

About the victim

Her name is Zuleyhan Qawul. She is from No.4 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's parents were also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qawul Sayim (6195)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6197. Memet Kerim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Memet Kirim is about 45 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6198. Memet Eysa

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Memet Eysa is about 40 years old and he is from No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6199. Eli Qurban

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Eli Qurban is about 42 years old and he is from No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Imin Qurban (6200)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6200. Imin Qurban

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Imin Qadir is from No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eli Qurban (6199)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6208. Atikem Rozahun

Chinese ID: 654101197406122824 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sebihe Tursun, an ethnic Uyghur living in Quebec. (niece)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, but with a verified identity. (niece)

About the victim

Atikem Rozahun.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in January 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since her detention. She was taken just after her brain surgery.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Seydehmet Rozahun (6812), Behtiyar Idris (6813), Qurbanjan Tohti (6814)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Chinese ID (low-res): Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-07 Last updated: 2020-01-07 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6209. Reyhangul Hekim

Chinese ID: 6528011974??????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 45-46 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Eysa Hekim, originally from the village of Qarbagh in Yengisheher, Korla, now lives in Germany. He has previously traveled between Turkey and China 5-6 times for business between June 2015 and June 2017.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's older sister.

About the victim

Reyhangul Hekim is a farmer with a primary-school education.

Address: Korla [presumably].

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Unclear if detained, but Eysa says that he hasn't been able to contact her since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Out of contact since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Presumably by virtue of not being able to contact her.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Musa Hekim (714), Ibrahim Seypulla (715), Seypulla Zayit (716), Memet Seypulla (717), Rahmanjan Hekim (6210), Muslime Izzetulla (10986)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-07 Last updated: 2020-01-07 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6211. Memet Ablikim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Memet Ablekim is about 35 years old and he is a farmer. He is from No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6212. Rozi Yusun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Rozu Yusun is about 38 years old and he is a businessman. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6213. Qeyyum Imin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier classmate.

About the victim

Qeyyum Imin is about 35 years old. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in August 2015. [testifier says "camp", though the camps were not that widespread in 2015]

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6214. Eziz Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier brother's apprentice.

About the victim

Eziz Ubul is about 27 years old. He makes plates, trays from metals (Tunikesaz). He is from No.1 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6215. Abdugheni Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Abdugheni Ubul is about 43 years old and he is a businessman. He graduated from Kashgar Islam Institute. He is from No.3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In December 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6216. Ablimit Zunun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier business partner.

About the victim

Ablimit Zunun is about 55 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No.8 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In August 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6217. Ablikim Dawut

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier business partner.

About the victim

Ablikim Dawut is about 48 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No.8 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In January 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6218. Ablikim Yunus

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Ablikim Yunus is about 52 years old. He is from No.2 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6219. Abduwahit Turadin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Abduwahit Turadin is about 50 years old. He is a religious figure. He is from No.5 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives: Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6220. Hoshur Rusul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Hushur Rusul is about 37 years old. He is from No.5 Neighborhood, No.2 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6221. Quddus Qurban

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier business partner.

About the victim

Quddus Qurban is about 40 years old. He is a businessman and he is from No.5 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in May 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qudret Qurban (6223), Memet Qurban (6224), Tunisagul Barat (6222)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6222. Tunisagul Barat

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier business partner's wife.

About the victim

Tunisagul Barat is from No.5 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in May 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qudret Qurban (6223), Memet Qurban (6224), Quddus Qurban (6221)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6223. Qudret Qurban

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier business partner's brother

About the victim

Qudret Qurban is from No.5 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in May 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown.

Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Memet Qurban (6224), Quddus Qurban (6221), Tunisagul Barat (6222)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6224. Memet Qurban

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier business partner's brother.

About the victim

Memet Qurban is from No.5 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in May 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown.

Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qudret Qurban (6223), Quddus Qurban (6221), Tunisagul Barat (6222)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6225. Memet Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Memet Yasin is about 35 years old. He is a driver and he is from No.5 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in January 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Hafiz Yasin (5800), Aytajem Hemdulla (6226)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6226. Aytajem Hemdulla

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's wife.

About the victim

Aytajem Hemdulla is from No.5 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in January 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Hafiz Yasin (5800), Memet Yasin (6225)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6227. Memetnur Tursun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Memetnur Turusn is about 38 years old. He is a businessman and he opens a branch of China Unicom in Bay'awat Bazar. He is from No.4 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6228. Ehmet Esh

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Ehmet Esh is about 48 years old. He is a retired cadre from the Cotton Factory. He is from No.11 Village,Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6229. Abdugheni Mehsum

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's son.

About the victim

Abdugheni Mehsum is from No.1 Neighborhood, No.10 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp at the beginning of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6230. Abdugheni Abdukirem

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Abdugheni Abdukirem is a driver. He is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Abduweli Abdukirem (6231), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abduweli Abdukirem (6231), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abdusattar Abdukirem (6233)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6231. Abduweli Abdukirem

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Abduweli Abdukirem is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Abdukirem (6230), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abdugheni Abdukirem (6230), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abdusattar Abdukirem (6233)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6232. Abdusalam Abdukirem

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Abdusalam Abdukirem is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Abdukirem (6230), Abduweli Abdukirem (6231), Abdugheni Abdukirem (6230), Abduweli Abdukirem (6231), Abdusattar Abdukirem (6233)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6233. Abdusattar Abdukirem

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Abdusattar Abdukirem is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Abdukirem (6230), Abduweli Abdukirem (6231), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232), Abdugheni Abdukirem (6230), Abduweli Abdukirem (6231), Abdusalam Abdukirem (6232)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6234. Abdurehim Rozi

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier business partner and close friend.

About the victim

Abdurehim Rozi is about 43 years old. He is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim and his other two brothers Abdilim Rozi (in #5665) and Abdukirem Rozi (in #5667) were arrested in Urumchi in June 2016 and were taken back to Yupurgha where they were heavily tortured and afterward their legs have been broken.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Tursun Yol (5657), Azinigul Tursun (5658), Buzora Tursun (5659), Jennet Tursun (5660), Rustem Tursun (5661), Amannisa Tursun (5662), Abdilim Rozi (5665), Ghappar Rozi (5664), Abduweli Rozi (5666), Nuri Hesen (5663), Abdukerim Rozi (5667), Buayshem Rozi (5668), Buhelchem Rozi (5669), Patigul Rozi (5670), Bejergul Rozi (5671), Hesen Rozi (5672), Nureli Abdukirem (5673)

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6235. Memeteli Musa

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Memeteli Musa is about 45 years old. He is a businessman and he is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in January 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Statd. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6236. Yaqupjan Eziz

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Yaqupjan Eziz is about 37 years old and he is a butcher. He is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-28 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6237. Qurban Osman

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Qurban Osman is about 43 years old and he is a driver. He is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eziz Osman (6238)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6238. Eziz Osman

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Eziz Osman is from No.1 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qurban Osman (6237)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6239. Abdurehim Sadiq

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Abdurihim Sadiq is about 48 years old. He is a retired cadre from Cotton Factory. He is from No.3 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Ablikim Sadiq (6240)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6240. Ablikim Sadiq

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Ablekim Sadiq is from No.3 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Abdurehim Sadiq (6239)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6241. Memet Tohti

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier his acquaintance.

About the victim

Memet Tohti is about 48 years old. He is one of the Pishqedemler (well-respected elderly person), and also a religious figure as well as a businessman; he has a shop that sells oil, rice, and flour in Terim Bazar., from No.3 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6242. Abdulla Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Abdulla Emet is about 35 years old. He is a businessman and he opens a branch of Arman Supermarket in Terim Bazar. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown.

Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Yusup Emet (6243)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6243. Yusup Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture, born in 1983

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's friend.

About the victim

Yusup Emet.

Address: No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Abdulla Emet (6242)

Entry created: 2020-01-10 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6244. Obulhashim Nizamidin

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Ubulhashim Nizamidin is about 50 years old. He is a businessman and he owns coaches that run to the county regions. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6245. Atawulla Ayup

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Atawulla Ayup is about 48 years old. He is a religious figure and one of the Pishqedemler (well-respected elderly person) in the neighborhood. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6246. Eli Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Eli Emet is about 45 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Hesen Emet (6247)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6247. Hesen Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Hesen Emet is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eli Emet (6246)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6248. Hesen Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Hesen Memet is about 37 years old. He is a businessman. He is from No. 6 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's wife Guhernisa was also detained.

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6249. Ibrahim Qadir

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Ibrahim Qadir is about 52 years old. He is one of the Pishqedemler (well-respected elderly person) in the neighborhood and he is also a businessman. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qari Ibrahim (6250)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2021-03-30 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6250. Qari Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Qari Ibrahim is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Ibrahim Qadir (6249)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6251. Yasin Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Yasin Memet is about 39 years old. He is a businessman. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6252. Abdurahman Abzar

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Abdurahman Abzar is about 45 years old. He is a religious figure and one of the Pishqedemler (well-respected elderly person) in the neighborhood. He is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 10 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Rashidin Abdurahman (6253)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6253. Rashidin Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (friend of relative)

About the victim

Rashidin Abdurahman is No.1 Neighborhood, No. 10 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives: Victims among relatives

Abdurahman Abzar (6252)

Entry created: 2019-12-29 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6254. Ehmet Yusup

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier cousin.

About the victim

Ehmet Yusup is about 34 years old. He is a businessman and he is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Ayshemgul Urayim (6255)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6255. Ayshemgul Urayim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier cousin's wife.

About the victim

Her name is Ayshemgul Urayim. She is from No.1 Neighborhood, No. 8 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Ehmet Yusup (6254)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6256. Tursun Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Tursun Memet is about 48 years old and he is Imam of the Neighborhood Mosque. He is from No.2 Neighborhood, No. 9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives: Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6257. Abliz Rozi

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Abliz Rozi is about 45 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No. 10 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6258. Mehmut Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Mehmut Emet is about 48 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No. 3 Village, Bay'awatTownship, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eli Emet (6259), Osman Emet (6260), Osman Emet (6260), Eli Emet (6259), Osman Emet (6260), Ghopur Emet (6261)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6259. Eli Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's brother.

About the victim

Eli Emet is from No. 3 Village, Bay'awatTownship, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Emet (6258), Osman Emet (6260), Osman Emet (6260), Mehmut Emet (6258), Osman Emet (6260), Ghopur Emet (6261)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6260. Osman Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's brother.

About the victim

Osman Emet is from No. 3 Village, Bay'awatTownship, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Emet (6258), Eli Emet (6259), Mehmut Emet (6258), Eli Emet (6259), Ghopur Emet (6261)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6261. Ghopur Emet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's brother.

About the victim

Ghupur Emet is from No. 3 Village, Bay'awatTownship, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Emet (6258), Eli Emet (6259), Osman Emet (6260), Osman Emet (6260), Mehmut Emet (6258), Eli Emet (6259), Osman Emet (6260)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6262. Sattar Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Sattar Memet is about 45 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No. 3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6263. Husen Hashim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Husen Hashim is about 48 years old. He is one of the Pishqedemler (well-respected elderly person) in the neighborhood. He is from No. 3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp around March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6264. Abdusemet Ablikim

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Abdusemet Ablekim is about 42 years old. He is a religious figure and he graduated from Kashgar Islam institute. He is from No. 3 Village, Bay'awat Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefectue.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives: Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6265. Gheni Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Gheni Ubul is about 48 years old and he is a businessman. He is From Terim rural Farm, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qeyyum Obul (6266), Qadir Tursun (6267)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6266. Qeyyum Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's brother.

About the victim

Qeyyum Ubul is From Terim rural Farm, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Gheni Obul (6265), Qadir Tursun (6267)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6267. Qadir Tursun

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's son-in-law

About the victim

Qadir Tursun is From Terim rural Farm, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Gheni Obul (6265), Qeyyum Obul (6266)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6268. Sattar Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance.

About the victim

Sattar Memet is about 43 years old and he is a businessman. He is from No. 10 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in February 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Abdurehim Memet (6269)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6269. Abdurehim Memet

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier acquaintance's brother

About the victim

Abdurehim Memet is from No. 10 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in February 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Sattar Memet (6268)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6270. Eysa Memet

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Eysa Memet is about 45 years old. He is Imam of the neighborhood mosque. Also, he has a hardware shop in Shenbe Bazar. He is from Shenbebazar Village, Alaghir Township, Maralbeshi County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6271. Ablimit Qadir

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier cousin.

About the victim

Ablimit Qadir is about 43 years old. He is a businessman and he has an oil factory in Sesiqbuya Bazar. He is from No. 10 Village, Alaghir Township, Maralbeshi County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Ablimit Qadir, ID: 65313019720813143X. There is a possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6272. Eli Tursun

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend.

About the victim

Eli Tursun is about 42 years old and he is a businessman who sells and buys telephone, from Chongqurchaq Township, Maralbeshi County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Tahir Tursun (6273), Abduweli Tursun (6274), Esedulla Eli (6275)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6273. Tahir Tursun

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Tahir Tursun is from Chongqurchaq Township, Maralbeshi County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eli Tursun (6272), Abduweli Tursun (6274), Esedulla Eli (6275)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6274. Abduweli Tursun

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's brother.

About the victim

Abduweli Tursun is from Chongqurchaq Township, Maralbeshi County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime in March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eli Tursun (6272), Tahir Tursun (6273), Esedulla Eli (6275)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6275. Esedulla Eli

Chinese ID: 653130??????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier close friend's son.

About the victim

Esedulla Eli is from Chongqurchaq Township, Maralbeshi County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Eli Tursun (6272), Tahir Tursun (6273), Abduweli Tursun (6274)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6276. Abduqudus Ehet

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's elder cousin's husband.

About the victim

Abduqudus Ehet is about 50 and he is a farmer. He is from No.9 Village, Dongbagh Township, Yeken County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6277. Abdusattar Ehet

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's elder cousins' husband's brother.

About the victim

Abdusattar Ehet is from No.9 Village, Dongbagh Township, Yeken County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Osman Memet (6278), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6278. Osman Memet

Chinese ID: 65312719????????O? (Mekit)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's cousin.

About the victim

Osman Memet is about 43 years old and he is a farmer. He is from No.1 Village, Shehitdong Township, Mekit County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Ibrahim Memet (6279)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6279. Ibrahim Memet

Chinese ID: 65312719????????O? (Mekit)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Yasin Zunun, born in 1983, is originally from Yopurgha County but is now residing in Turkey. (cousin)

About the victim

Ibrahim Memet is from No.1 Village, Shehitdong Township, Mekit County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp sometime after June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives Patime Yasin (5532), Ayshem Yasin (5801), Memet Rusul (5802), Reyhangul Memet (5803), Abla Memet (5804), Enwer Memet (5805), Ablimit Memet (5806), Nurgul Memet (5807), Ayimgul Memet (5808), Arzugul Memet (5809), Ismayil Urayim (5811), Amangul Zunun (5810), Hebibulla Memet (5813), Esma Yasin (5851), Hanqiz Hoshur (5814), Abduqahar Enwer (5817), Abduwahab Enwer (5816), Abdushukur Enwer (5815), Mehribangul Ismayil (5818), Perhat Yasin (5531), Mehmut Yasin (5829), Horgul Mehmut (5833), Hawahan Mehmut (5832), Abduweli Mehmut (5831), Tewekkul Mehmut (5830), Hesen Zunun (5834), Rozigul Memet (6148), Guzelnur Hesen (5835), Muhemmed Hesen (5837), Saniye Hesen (5836), Zorugul Zunun (5838), Eysa Ablimit (5840), Ibrahim Ablimit (5842), Musa Ablimit (5841), Osman Urayim (5843), Tursungul Ablikim (5844), Ehmet Yasin (5845), Rahman Ehmet (5846), Eziz Ehmet (5850), Yusup Ehmet (5848), Musa Ehmet (5849), Yaqup Ehmet (5847), Arzugul Abduwahit (5961), Yusen Zunun (5970), Rahman Yusen (5529), Enwer Ismayil (5530), Memet Yasin (5965), Yusup Zunun (5974), Omer Yusen (5972), Gulnur Yusen (5973), Gulnisa Qasim (5952), Rahman Hoshur (5953), Hebibulla Rahman (5954), Ayishe Rahman (5955), Medine Rahman (5956), Seypulla Rahman (5957), Hemdulla Rahman (5958), Ayimgul Hoshur (5960), Buayshem Hoshur (5959), Chimengul Memet (5967), Tunsa Musa (5968), Sefiye Yasin (5962), Nuriye Yasin (5963), Turghunjan Abduwahit (5964), Eysa Memet (5966), Dilnur Yusup (5978), Ablehet Yusup (5977), Alim Yusup (5976), Nurmangul Yusun (5975), Nurgul Urayim (5971), Ablimit Ismayil (5812), Ablimit Ebeydulla (5839), Momin Abdurehim (5873), Ehmet Abdurehim (6149), Ehmet Eli Basit (5969), Aygul Turadin (6151), Ekber Rahman (6152), Gulember Tursun (6153), Momin Turadin (6154), Abliz Turadin (6155), Rozi Turadin (6156), Ghopur Turadin (6157), Bupatem Momin (6158), Yusup Eli Momin (6159), Ghulam Eli Momin (6160), Nurmuhammet Tursun (6167), Hezritieli Tursun (6166), Ayimnisa Idris (6165), Tursun Idris (6164), Muhemmet Yasin (6168), Eysa Memet (6270), Ablimit Qadir (6271), Abduqudus Ehet (6276), Abdusattar Ehet (6277), Osman Memet (6278)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6280. Qurban Husun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's acquaintance.

About the victim

Qurban Husun is about 36 years old. He is a businessman and he has a branch wholesale store of Elhomar Company in Urumchi. He is from Beshkirem Township, Kashgar city, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp around March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Sadiq Husun (6281)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6281. Sadiq Husun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yasin Zunun is from No.4 Neighborhood, No.9 Village, Terim Township, Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was born in 1983. Now he lives abroad.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's acquaintance.

About the victim

Sadiq Husun is from Beshkirem Township, Kashgar city, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp around March 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier says that he hasn't received any news of his relatives since 2016.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Yasin Zunun's list of missing/detained relatives:

Victims among relatives

Qurban Husun (6280)

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6282. Aygul Ablet

Chinese ID: 65292319????????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tursunjan Ablet, an Uyghur now residing in Turkey. (brother)

Testimony 2: Tursunjan Ablet, as reported by Euronews. (brother)

About the victim

Aygul Ablet, originally from Kucha County, finished her middle and high school in Beijing and was a master's student in clinical medicine at Xinjiang Medical University.

Victim's location

[She was a student in Urumqi, but is originally from Aksu, so it is likely that she is in one of these two places, but unclear which.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unknown, but her brother Tursunjan says that she contacted him in May 2017 to tell him that the police had questioned their parents about his studies abroad.

Victim's status

Testifier says that he recently learned she was taken to camp in 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

On February 4, 2020, the testifier reported being contacted by the PRC embassy in Ankara, who told him that they would be able to restore his contact with his family in the future (without specifying when). They also gave him the option of going back to China.

Euronews coverage: uluyor

Victims among relatives

Ablet Heyt (13968), Ayshem Abdurehim (13969)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: mention of embassy contact: photo (1): photo with parents: photo (2): photo (3):

Entry created: 2020-01-11 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2021-02-06 6285. Yasin Rubul

Chinese ID: 65292419????????O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Isa ORHUN" (Twitter handle: @isaorhun)

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated.

About the victim

Yasin Rubul.

Address: Shayar County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Missing since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-11 Last updated: 2020-01-11 Latest status update: 2019-12-28 6286. Abdul Jelil

Chinese ID: 6532??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

"Isa ORHUN" (Twitter handle: @isaorhun)

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated.

About the victim

Abdul Jelil is from Hotan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Missing since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-11 Last updated: 2020-01-11 Latest status update: 2019-12-28 6314. Hawahan Rozi

Chinese ID: 65292519????????E? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Omer Rozi is originally from Aksu's Toqsu County, but now resides in Norway.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's elder brother's wife.

About the victim

Hawahan Rozi is Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

In 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. But the testifier says that he has received a clear message that his whole relatives were detained in 2016. Additional information

The victim's house and shops have been demolished and her husband and children were also detained.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Tahir Muhemmed (6315), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6315. Tahir Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 65292519????????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Omer Rozi is originally from Aksu's Toqsu County, but now resides in Norway.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's nephew.

About the victim

Tahir Muhammed is from Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He is married.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

In 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. But the testifier says that he has received a clear message that his whole relatives were detained in 2016.

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Unclear. But the testifier says that one month ago, he has received a clear message that his whole relatives were detained in 2016.

Additional information

The victim's house and shops have been demolished and his wife's and children's whereabouts ae unknown.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tohtiniyaz Rahman (6316)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6316. Tohtiniyaz Rahman

Chinese ID: 65292519????????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Omer Rozi. He is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He lives in Turkey now.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's nephew.

About the victim

Tohtiniyaz Rahman is from Toqsu Municipality,Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

In 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

[Testifier appears to have no news apart from the fact that the victim was detained years ago.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. But the testifier says that one month ago, he has received a clear message that his whole relatives were detained in 2016. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Muhemmedeli Rozi (5563), Risalet Rozi (5564), Ehmetjan Rozi (5565), Osmanjan Rozi (5566), Yasinjan Rozi (5567), Ablikim Rozi (5568), Abliz Abla (5569), Abduqadir Abdulla (5570), Muhemmed Ghopur (5571), Bilal Osman (5635), Shehide Osman (5636), Hawahan Rozi (6314), Tahir Muhemmed (6315)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-31 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6378. Hawahan Memet

Chinese ID: 653121193807102927 (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 82 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: critical Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdureshit Jelil Qarluq, a professor at the Department of International Relations at the Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University. He is originally from Kashgar. (son)

Testimony 3: Abdureshit Jelil Qarluq, as reported by AsiaNews. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Hawahan Memet (spelled as AWAHAN MAIMAITI in Chinese). She was born on the 10th of July 1938. She is 82 years old and she is a farmer. Her residential address is No. 20, No.2 Group, Ayaghsaybagh Village, Beshkirem Township, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

In Kashgar.

When victim was detained

She was not detained, but her sons were detained so she is left alone without care and any financial support. The testifier hasn't been able to contact her since March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 3: she suffers from Alzheimer's.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier says that he has received a reliable message a week ago (November 2019) about the victim. Additional information

The victim's sons were detained and the victim is left alone without any care and financial support. She has a serious health issue.

Additional coverage: 127841/,-a-Uyghur,-denounce-Chinese-fascism-in-Xinjiang-49552.html (Testimony 3)

The Chinese Ambassador in Ankara blamed Uyghurs, taking Mr. Qarluq as an example, abroad for lying. The spokesman mentions Mr. Qarluq's posts on Twitter and says that he doesn't know if Mr. Qarluq is Chinese citizen or Turkish citizen, but it is not important; if anyone who is or was a Chinese citizen encounters any problems in China, he or she can come to Chinese Embassy and Chinese Embassy is here to help, that is what an Embassy does. Mr. Qarluq never came to Embassy; if he came, the Embassy would help solve the problems; (but Mr. Qarluq states on a post on Twitter that he has mentioned his family's situation in a meeting between Xinjiang Representatives, among them assistant governor Erkin Turniyaz, and Turkish Representatives, among them Mr. Qarluq; Mr. Qarluq says that especially Zulhayat Ismail who was among the Xinjiang Representatives knew this very well.) The spokesman said that he would look into Mr. Qarluq's family and give an answer to him, but there hasn't been any reply from the spokesman yet.

Victims among relatives

Tudaji Jelil (6379), Ablimit Jelil (6380), Jappar Jelil (6381), Abdughappar Jelil (6382), Memetturghun Jelil (12277)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Chinese ambassador reply: Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2020-01-01 Last updated: 2020-11-26 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 6379. Tudaji Jelil (吐达吉·吉里力)

Chinese ID: 653121195707212917 (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 63 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdureshit Jelil Qarluq, a professor at the Department of International Relations at the Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University. He is originally from Kashgar. (brother)

About the victim

Turdihaji Jelil (吐达吉·吉里力 ) is a common farmer. he was born on the 21st of July 1957. His residential address: No. 27, No. 8 Group, Bashsaybagh Village, Beshkiem Township, Kashgar City. he came to Turkey in 2016 to visit the testifier and stayed for a month, then went back;

Victim's location

In Kashgar.

When victim was detained

The testifier couldn't get any information about him since 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information The testifier has no contact with him at all. So the testifier doesn’t know anything about him: if he is alive or in the camp or in prison; also, the testifier doesn't know any information about the victim's wife, children, as well as grandchildren;

Additional coverage: 127841/

The Chinese Ambassador in Ankara blamed Uyghurs, taking Mr. Qarluq as an example, abroad for lying. The spokesman mentions Mr. Qarluq's posts on Twitter and says that he doesn't know if Mr. Qarluq is Chinese citizen or Turkish citizen, but it is not important; if anyone who is or was a Chinese citizen encounters any problems in China, he or she can come to Chinese Embassy and Chinese Embassy is here to help, that is what an Embassy does. Mr. Qarluq never came to Embassy; if he came, the Embassy would help solve the problems; (but Mr. Qarluq states on a post on Twitter that he has mentioned his family's situation in a meeting between Xinjiang Representatives, among them assistant governor Erkin Turniyaz, and Turkish Representatives, among them Mr. Qarluq; Mr. Qarluq says that especially Zulhayat Ismail who was among the Xinjiang Representatives knew this very well.) The spokesman said that he would look into Mr. Qarluq's family and give an answer to him, but there hasn't been any reply from the spokesman yet.

Victims among relatives

Hawahan Memet (6378), Ablimit Jelil (6380), Jappar Jelil (6381), Abdughappar Jelil (6382), Memetturghun Jelil (12277)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Chinese ambassador reply: Testimony 1: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2020-01-01 Last updated: 2020-01-14 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 6477. Nursabek Erkin (努尔沙别克·叶尔肯)

Chinese ID: 654322199204042713 (Koktokay)

Basic info

Age: 27 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Altay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Erkinbek Qozhanhan, born in 1976, now a Kazakhstan citizen. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Ekpin Zhagur, a resident of Kazakhstan. (former neighbor)

About the victim

Nursabek Erkin was born on April 4, 1992. He has a university degree in medicine and he had worked as a doctor in a hospital in Koktogay county for three years. ID address: 5 Koktal village, Turgun township, Koktogay county (新疆富蕴县吐尔洪乡阔克塔勒村5号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Altay.]

When victim was detained

December 3, 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no information about him since his detention

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2020-01-01 Last updated: 2021-04-02 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 6486. Ayimhan Jelil

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Huseyin Jelil, a resident of Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Ayimhan Jilil.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim for three years so he doesn't know if she is at home, or in the camp , or in the prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abla Jelil (612), Hesen Jelil (613), Yunus Tohti (611), Bilal Tursun (614), Buhajirem Abla (615), Mijit Abla (6484), Sajidem Hesen (6485)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-02 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 6488. Ruqiyem Emet

Chinese ID: 6529231969??????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 51-52 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Hebibulla Emet, a member of the East Turkistan Muslim Scholars Association in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Ruqiyem Emet. She was born in 1969.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as the family appears to be from Kucha.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. According to the testifier, the victim was taken into camp with her husband and children, but the testifier couldn't verify the news as he hasn't been able to contact his family four years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. The testifier just says that he heard about the victim.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Zekeriya Emet (605), Hebibem Emet (6489), Yusupjan Hemdul (607), Omer Yasin (608), Ebeydulla Yasin (609), Ghopur Yasin (610), Hajirem Emet (7060)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-02 Last updated: 2020-01-15 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 6489. Hebibem Emet

Chinese ID: 6529231977??????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 43-44 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Hebibulla Emet, a member of the East Turkistan Muslim Scholars Association in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Hebibem Emet. She was born in 1977. Her address is Kokgumbaz, No. 2 Village, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. According to the testifier, the victim was taken into camp with her husband and children, but the testifier couldn't verify the news as he hasn't been able to contact his family four years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. The testifier just says that he heard about the victim.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zekeriya Emet (605), Ruqiyem Emet (6488), Yusupjan Hemdul (607), Omer Yasin (608), Ebeydulla Yasin (609), Ghopur Yasin (610), Hajirem Emet (7060)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-02 Last updated: 2020-01-02 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 6504. Nurtay Rozi

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Imanem Imam is originally from Ili Prefecture. Now she lives in Germany.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's uncle.

About the victim

His name is Nurtay Rozi and he is a businessman. His address is Yingihayat Road, Ghulja City, Xinjiang (新疆伊宁市英阿亚提)

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


Testifier mentions having lost contact with them 3 years ago (as of December 2019).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imam Rozi (4823), Yarmemet Imam (4821), Tashmemet Imam (4822)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-03 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-22 6505. Mukerem Tursun

Chinese ID: 652901200???????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|relative(s) Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Reyhangul Tohti, from Aksu. Due to the repression, she left Xinjaing ("East Turkestan" she refers) in 2017.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's relative

About the victim

Her name is Mukerem Tursun. She is 13 years old. Address: Aksu's Qartal's No. 9 Neighborhood, No. 6 Group.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's parents were also detained.

Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-03 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-12-06 6506. Hebibulla Tursun

Chinese ID: 65290120????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Reyhangul Tohti, from Aksu. Due to the repression, she left Xinjaing ("East Turkestan" she refers) in 2017.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's relative

About the victim

His name is Hebibulla Tursun. He is 9 years old. Address: Aksu's Qartal's No. 9 Neighborhood, No. 6 Group.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The victim's parents were also detained.

Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Yasinjan Tohti (866), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-03 Last updated: 2020-01-03 Latest status update: 2019-12-06 6508. Nurnisa Mamut

Chinese ID: 652923195908010380 (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 61 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: @GulnisaMamut, an unverified Twitter account. (daughter)

Testimony 3: Behram Sintash, an Uyghur-American activist and son of Qurban Mamut. (nephew)

About the victim

Nurnisa Mamut.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Testimony 2: detained in a camp in December 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 2: no news [since detention, it seems]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Qurban Mamut (177)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo: poster testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2021-01-23 6513. Muzepper Abdujelil

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdujelil Emet, living in Germany and serving as treasurer of the World Uyghur Congress. (father)

About the victim

His name is Muzepper Abdujelil. He is 28 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Unknown. The testifier left his hometown 25 years ago and the victim was left behind when he was 4 years old. The testifier has never seen the victim for 25 years. Although he contacted them before 2015, but after 2016, he hasn't been able to contact them. He doesn't know if the victim is alive; where he is.

Testimony 2: Abduljelil has received permission from German authorities to have his two sons (including the victim) and their mother to come to Germany, but the Chinese government does not allow them to leave China. The victim is in a concentration camp [not stated since when or how Abduljelil knows this]. Abduljelil has lost contact with him for three years. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier doesn't know if about 50 people from his extended family are alive or not and where they are. The testifier also heard that one of his elder brothers was sentenced for 3 or 4 years in prison and he doesn't know whether his brother has released or in the prison, or if he is alive.

Victims among relatives

Iskender Abdujelil (6514), Yaqup Muhemmed (6515)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2021-01-08 Latest status update: 2020-08-08 6514. Iskender Abdujelil

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdujelil Emet, living in Germany and serving as treasurer of the World Uyghur Congress. (father)

About the victim

His name is Iskender Abdujelil. He is 26 years old.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Unknown. The testifier left his hometown 25 years ago and the victim was left behind when he was 2 years old. The testifier has never seen the victim for 25 years. Although he contacted them before 2015, but after 2016, he hasn't been able to contact them. He doesn't know if the victim is alive; where he is.

Testimony 2: Abduljelil has received permission from German authorities to have his two sons (including the victim) and their mother to come to Germany, but the Chinese government does not allow them to leave China. The victim is in a concentration camp [not stated since when or how Abduljelil knows this]. Abduljelil has lost contact with him for three years. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

The testifier doesn't know if about 50 people from his extended family are alive or not and where they are. The testifier also heard that one of his elder brothers was sentenced for 3 or 4 years in prison and he doesn't know whether his brother has released or in the prison, or if he is alive.

Victims among relatives

Muzepper Abdujelil (6513), Yaqup Muhemmed (6515)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2021-01-08 Latest status update: 2020-08-08 6598. Reyhanay Turdahun

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Anonymous, as reported by @MehtumS. (child)

About the victim

Rehanay Turdahun.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

The testifier says they lost [contact with] their parents two years ago (as of February 2019).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Presumably, by virtue of not being able to contact her.

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: photo:

Entry created: 2020-01-19 Last updated: 2020-01-19 Latest status update: 2019-02-15 6605. Emetjan Tohti (艾麦江·托合提)

Chinese ID: 653101195707170811 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tohtihaji Emet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. He started doing business between Turkey and China in 2011, but this ended in October 2016. (son)

(an unverified Facebook account. (relation unclear ,"تەممىن ھاللۇدبائ مۇلغوئ" :Testimony 2

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

His name is Emetjan Tohti(艾麦江·托合提). He is 62 years old. His address is No.40, No.6 Group, Ishki Street, Kashgar City. Passport Number: E79752522

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to get any information about him after November 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Abdureshit (6606), Biliqiz Emet (6607), Memeteli Emet (6608), Ayshem Zunun (6609), Sheripe Emet (6610), Sajidem Emet (6611)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 4719176591&width=300 Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2021-04-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6606. Rizwangul Abdureshit (热孜瓦古·阿布都热西提)

Chinese ID: 653101195903100829 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tohtihaji Emet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. He started doing business between Turkey and China in 2011, but this ended in October 2016. (son)

(an unverified Facebook account. (relation unclear ,"تەممىن ھاللۇدبائ مۇلغوئ" :Testimony 2

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Her name is Rizwangul Abdurishit(热孜瓦古·阿布都热西提). She is 60 years old. Her address is No.40, No.6 Group, Orda Ishki Street, Kashgar City. Passport Number: E79752523.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar]

When victim was detained

September 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier heard that the victim was taken to camp in September 2017. [However, it doesn't appear that there's been much - if any - news since.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Emetjan Tohti (6605), Biliqiz Emet (6607), Memeteli Emet (6608), Ayshem Zunun (6609), Sheripe Emet (6610), Sajidem Emet (6611)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 4719176591&width=300 Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2020-01-21 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6607. Biliqiz Emet

Chinese ID: 653101198012160821 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tohtihaji Emet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. He started doing business between Turkey and China in 2011, but this ended in October 2016. (sister)

(an unverified Facebook account. (relation unclear ,"تەممىن ھاللۇدبائ مۇلغوئ" :Testimony 2

About the victim

Her name is Bilqiz Emet. She is a middle school teacher. Her address is No.40, No.6 Group, Orda Ishki Street, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to get any information about her after November 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Emetjan Tohti (6605), Rizwangul Abdureshit (6606), Memeteli Emet (6608), Ayshem Zunun (6609), Sheripe Emet (6610), Sajidem Emet (6611)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 4719176591&width=300

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6609. Ayshem Zunun

Chinese ID: 653101198306050820 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tohtihaji Emet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. He started doing business between Turkey and China in 2011, but this ended in October 2016. (brother-in-law)

(an unverified Facebook account. (relation unclear ,"تەممىن ھاللۇدبائ مۇلغوئ" :Testimony 2

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Her name is Ayshem Zunun. She is the testifier's brother Memeteli's wife and has got four children. Her address is No.40, No.6 Group, Orda Ishki Street, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

September 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier heard that the victim was taken to camp in September 2017. [However, it does not sound like there's been much - if any - news since.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's four children's whereabouts are unknown.

Victims among relatives

Emetjan Tohti (6605), Rizwangul Abdureshit (6606), Biliqiz Emet (6607), Memeteli Emet (6608), Sheripe Emet (6610), Sajidem Emet (6611)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 4719176591&width=300 Chinese ID (partial):

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2020-01-21 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6610. Sheripe Emet

Chinese ID: 653101199010060864 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tohtihaji Emet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. He started doing business between Turkey and China in 2011, but this ended in October 2016. (brother)

(an unverified Facebook account. (relation unclear ,"تەممىن ھاللۇدبائ مۇلغوئ" :Testimony 2

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Her name is Sheripe Emet. She is a housewife and has got two children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

September 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier heard that the victim was taken to camp in September 2017. [However, it doesn't sound like the testifier has had much - if any - news since.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Emetjan Tohti (6605), Rizwangul Abdureshit (6606), Biliqiz Emet (6607), Memeteli Emet (6608), Ayshem Zunun (6609), Sajidem Emet (6611)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 4719176591&width=300

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2020-01-21 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6611. Sajidem Emet

Chinese ID: 653101198601100843 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 33 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tohtihaji Emet, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Turkey. He started doing business between Turkey and China in 2011, but this ended in October 2016. (brother)

(an unverified Facebook account. (relation unclear ,"تەممىن ھاللۇدبائ مۇلغوئ" :Testimony 2

About the victim

Her name is Sajidem Emet. She is a nurse and has got two children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to get any information about him after November 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Emetjan Tohti (6605), Rizwangul Abdureshit (6606), Biliqiz Emet (6607), Memeteli Emet (6608), Ayshem Zunun (6609), Sheripe Emet (6610)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 4719176591&width=300

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6615. Eli Dawut

Chinese ID: 6501??19640713??O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Ershat Eli, originally from Urumqi but now a Dutch citizen. (son)

About the victim

His name is Eli Dawut. He was born on the 13th of July 1964 in Urumchi. He was a government worker.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumchi.]

When victim was detained

On the 21st of April 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He was taken into so-called re-education center. No news till now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2020-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 6627. Ablimit Sattar

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Aynur35423962, an unverified Twitter account. (cousin)

About the victim

Ablimit Sattar.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Disappeared in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier appears to have no news of the victim.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Zulpiqar Rishat (3924), Gulnur Rishat (3925), Melike Sattar (6628)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-22 Last updated: 2020-01-22 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6628. Melike Sattar

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Aynur35423962, an unverified Twitter account. (cousin)

About the victim

Melike Sattar.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Disappeared in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier appears to have no news of the victim.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Zulpiqar Rishat (3924), Gulnur Rishat (3925), Ablimit Sattar (6627)

Supplementary materials


Entry created: 2020-01-22 Last updated: 2020-01-22 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6639. Ehmet Qurban

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurmuhemmed Ehmet, originally from Qaraqash, Hotan, but now living in Germany. (son)

About the victim

His name is Ehmet Qurban. He is 51 years old and a businessman. He is from Qarasay Township, Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

The testifier writes on Twitter that his father and brother were brought from Hoten to Atush.

When victim was detained

In the beginning of 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any information about the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From a friend of testifier who is a policeman.

Additional information

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Ehmet Qurban, ID: 653222196705100918. Given that the age and county of origin are the same, there is a fair possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Victims among relatives

Turdimemet Ehmet (6640)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: /videos/166639697912659/&show_text=1&width=300 Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-01-06 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2019-12-10 6640. Turdimemet Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurmuhemmed Ehmet, originally from Qaraqash, Hotan, but now living in Germany. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Tudimemet Ehmet. He is 28 years old. He is from Qarasay Township, Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Possibly still in Atush as the testifier says that the victim was taken to Atush.]

When victim was detained

In the beginning of 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any information about the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From a friend of testifier who is a policeman.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ehmet Qurban (6639)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: /videos/166639697912659/&show_text=1&width=300 Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-01-06 Last updated: 2020-01-24 Latest status update: 2019-12-10 6642. Abduselim Abduhelim

Chinese ID: 65292319????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ehmet Abduhelim, originally from Aksu but now living in Norway. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdusalam Abduhelim. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, Kokumbaz Village, Ishhil Township, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lost contact with the victim since the end of February 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier couldn't get in touch with four brothers(including the victim) and two nephews. He could keep in touch with them until the end of February 2017. After that, he couldn't reach any of them. Their telephone numbers are not being used anymore. When the testifier calls them using their numbers, it is said that "the number you are calling doesn’t exist." thus the testifier is worried about their lives.

Victims among relatives

Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduhaliq Abduhelim (6645), Mustafa Muhemmet (6646), Muzepper Muhemmet (6647)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6643. Abduhelil Abduhelim

Chinese ID: 65292319????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ehmet Abduhelim, originally from Aksu but now living in Norway. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abduhilil Abduhelim. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, Kokumbaz Village, Ishhil Township, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lost contact with the victim since the end of February 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier couldn't get in touch with four brothers(including the victim) and two nephews. He could keep in touch with them until the end of February 2017. After that, he couldn't reach any of them. Their telephone numbers are not being used anymore. When the testifier calls them using their numbers, it is said that "the number you are calling doesn’t exist." thus the testifier is worried about their lives.

Victims among relatives

Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduhaliq Abduhelim (6645), Mustafa Muhemmet (6646), Muzepper Muhemmet (6647)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6644. Muhemmet Abduhelim

Chinese ID: 65292319????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ehmet Abduhelim, originally from Aksu but now living in Norway. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Muhammet Abduhelim. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, Kokumbaz Village, Ishhil Township, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture. His phone number was +8615569389408.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lost contact with the victim since the end of February 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier couldn't get in touch with four brothers(including the victim) and two nephews. He could keep in touch with them until the end of February 2017. After that, he couldn't reach any of them. Their telephone numbers are not being used anymore. When the testifier calls them using their numbers, it is said that "the number you are calling doesn’t exist." thus the testifier is worried about their lives.

Victims among relatives

Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Abduhaliq Abduhelim (6645), Mustafa Muhemmet (6646), Muzepper Muhemmet (6647)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6645. Abduhaliq Abduhelim

Chinese ID: 65292319????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ehmet Abduhelim, originally from Aksu but now living in Norway. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abduhaliq Abduhelim. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, Kokumbaz Village, Ishhil Township, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture. His phone number was +861319977554.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lost contact with the victim since the end of February 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier couldn't get in touch with four brothers(including the victim) and two nephews. He could keep in touch with them until the end of February 2017. After that, he couldn't reach any of them. Their telephone numbers are not being used anymore. When the testifier calls them using their numbers, it is said that "the number you are calling doesn’t exist." thus the testifier is worried about their lives.

Victims among relatives

Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Mustafa Muhemmet (6646), Muzepper Muhemmet (6647)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6646. Mustafa Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 652923??????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ehmet Abduhelim, originally from Aksu but now living in Norway. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Mustafa Muhammet. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, Kokumbaz Village, Ishhil Township, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lost contact with the victim since the end of February 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim is the testifier's brother Muhammet's son. According to the picture that the testifier holds, the victim is under 18. The testifier couldn't get in touch with four brothers(including the victim's father) and two nephews( including the victim). He could keep in touch with them until the end of February 2017. After that, he couldn't reach any of them. Their telephone numbers are not being used anymore. When the testifier calls them using their numbers, it is said that "the number you are calling doesn’t exist." thus the testifier is worried about their lives.

Victims among relatives

Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduhaliq Abduhelim (6645), Muzepper Muhemmet (6647)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6647. Muzepper Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 652923??????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ehmet Abduhelim, originally from Aksu but now living in Norway. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Muzepper Muhammet. His address is No.1 Neighborhood, Kokumbaz Village, Ishhil Township, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. According to the testifier, he has lost contact with the victim since the end of February 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim is the testifier's brother Muhammet's son. According to the picture that the testifier holds, the victim is under 18. The testifier couldn't get in touch with four brothers(including the victim's father) and two nephews( including the victim). He could keep in touch with them until the end of February 2017. After that, he couldn't reach any of them. Their telephone numbers are not being used anymore. When the testifier calls them using their numbers, it is said that "the number you are calling doesn’t exist." thus the testifier is worried about their lives.

Victims among relatives

Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduselim Abduhelim (6642), Abduhelil Abduhelim (6643), Muhemmet Abduhelim (6644), Abduhaliq Abduhelim (6645), Mustafa Muhemmet (6646)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-08 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 6765. Rozinisa Nuri

Chinese ID: 65320119????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (daughter)

About the victim

Rozinisa Nuri is an Uyghur woman. She is the mother of Buxelchem Ubulqasim and the wife of Mutellip Abduwayip (victim 1873).

Address: NO.3 road (3- kocha), group 7 (7-dadui), Ilchi shimalbagh, Hotan city.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The testifier lost contact with the victim in approximately November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Mihribulla Obulqasim (1872), Abduweli Obulqasim (1871), Muhemmed Obulqasim (3624), Ayshe Obulqasim (11109), Sumeyye Obulqasim (11110), Raziye Obulqasim (11111), Merziye Obulqasim (11112)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-10-12 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 6769. Zakir Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Zakir Rozi(ahun).

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of .

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Fear detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6770. Rahilem Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Rahilam Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6771. Nijat Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Nizhat Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Fear detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6772. Seyyide Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Saida Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Fear detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6773. Qurmanjan Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Qurmanzhan Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Feared detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6774. Rabiyem Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Rabiyem Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Fear detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6775. Ehmetjan Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Ahmetjan Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Fear detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6776. Rehmetjan Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Rahmetjan Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Fear detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6777. Batur Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Batyr Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Fear detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6778. Abliz Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Abliz Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Feared detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6779. Sherin Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Shyryn Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Feared detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6780. Mesinjan Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Mesinjan Rozi(ahun)

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Feared detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6781. Qerimay Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Kerimai Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Feared detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Halide Rozi (6782), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6782. Halide Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Halida Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Feared detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Helchem Rozi (6783)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6783. Helchem Rozi

Chinese ID: 654021??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Gulbanam Roziyeva, an Uyghur from Kazakhstan with roots in Ghulja. (relative)

About the victim

Qelchem Rozi(ahun)

Address: A village in Chulukai township (曲鲁海乡) of Yining county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to sources in China, many people disappeared from the family’s village in around 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Feared detained

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Zakir Rozi (6769), Rahilem Rozi (6770), Nijat Rozi (6771), Seyyide Rozi (6772), Qurmanjan Rozi (6773), Rabiyem Rozi (6774), Ehmetjan Rozi (6775), Rehmetjan Rozi (6776), Batur Rozi (6777), Abliz Rozi (6778), Sherin Rozi (6779), Mesinjan Rozi (6780), Qerimay Rozi (6781), Halide Rozi (6782)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6786. Guherem Sulayman

Chinese ID: 65292419????????E? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Eziz Sulayman, originally from Aksu's Shayar County but now residing in the United States. (brother)

About the victim

Guharam Sulayman, 49 years old, has two children. She is a veterinarian.

Address: Shayar County, Aksu.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost since June 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost since

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Alim Sulayman (4014), Bueysem Muhter (4640), Husenjan Esqer (3193), Behram Yarmuhemmed (4638), Ekrem Yarmuhemmed (4639), Bahargul Sulayman (6788), Heyrigul Sulayman (6787), Esqer Isaq (6789), Hemdullah Shakir (6790), Dilbar Sulayman (6785), Yehya Qurban (4641), Hezibulla Qurban (4030)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6787. Heyrigul Sulayman

Chinese ID: 65292419????????E? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Eziz Sulayman, originally from Aksu's Shayar County but now residing in the United States. (brother)

About the victim

Hayrigul Sulayman, 39 years old (as of October 2019). She is a doctor.

Address: Shayar county, Aksu prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost in June 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

Mentioned in Sinopsis article: Victims among relatives

Alim Sulayman (4014), Bueysem Muhter (4640), Husenjan Esqer (3193), Behram Yarmuhemmed (4638), Ekrem Yarmuhemmed (4639), Bahargul Sulayman (6788), Guherem Sulayman (6786), Esqer Isaq (6789), Hemdullah Shakir (6790), Dilbar Sulayman (6785), Yehya Qurban (4641), Hezibulla Qurban (4030)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2021-01-20 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6788. Bahargul Sulayman

Chinese ID: 65292419????????E? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Eziz Sulayman, originally from Aksu's Shayar County but now residing in the United States. (brother)

About the victim

Bahargul Sulayman, 34 years old. She lives in Urumqi and has a 5-year-old daughter.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost in June 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information


Victims among relatives Alim Sulayman (4014), Bueysem Muhter (4640), Husenjan Esqer (3193), Behram Yarmuhemmed (4638), Ekrem Yarmuhemmed (4639), Heyrigul Sulayman (6787), Guherem Sulayman (6786), Esqer Isaq (6789), Hemdullah Shakir (6790), Dilbar Sulayman (6785), Yehya Qurban (4641), Hezibulla Qurban (4030)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6789. Esqer Isaq

Chinese ID: 65292419????????O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Eziz Sulayman, originally from Aksu's Shayar County but now residing in the United States. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Asqar Isaq, 49 years old. He is a government worker and husband of Buharam [likely, Guherem] Sulayman.

Address: Shayar county, Aksu prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost in June 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Alim Sulayman (4014), Bueysem Muhter (4640), Husenjan Esqer (3193), Behram Yarmuhemmed (4638), Ekrem Yarmuhemmed (4639), Bahargul Sulayman (6788), Heyrigul Sulayman (6787), Guherem Sulayman (6786), Hemdullah Shakir (6790), Dilbar Sulayman (6785), Yehya Qurban (4641), Hezibulla Qurban (4030)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2020-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6790. Hemdullah Shakir

Chinese ID: 65292419????????O? (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Eziz Sulayman, originally from Aksu's Shayar County but now residing in the United States. (nephew)

About the victim

Hemdullah Shakir, 65 years old. He has retired from governmental work after 30 years of service.

Address: Shayar county, Aksu prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Contact lost in June 2016

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Contact lost

Additional information

Mentioned in Sinopsis: Victims among relatives

Alim Sulayman (4014), Bueysem Muhter (4640), Husenjan Esqer (3193), Behram Yarmuhemmed (4638), Ekrem Yarmuhemmed (4639), Bahargul Sulayman (6788), Heyrigul Sulayman (6787), Guherem Sulayman (6786), Esqer Isaq (6789), Dilbar Sulayman (6785), Yehya Qurban (4641), Hezibulla Qurban (4030)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-08 Last updated: 2021-01-19 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 6793. Shemshiqemer Abliz

Chinese ID: 65410119????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurmuhemmed Abliz, originally from Ghulja City. He left Xinjiang in November 2014 and is now living in Turkey with his family. (brother)

Testimony 3: Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother)

About the victim

Shemshiqemer Abliz, an Uyghur woman from Ghulja City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1-2: Camp.

Testimony 3: No news of her since 2016 [feared detained].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-01-31 Last updated: 2020-01-31 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 6794. Eysajan Abliz

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Eysajan Abliz.

Victim's location

[Probably in Ili as the testifier is from Ili.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 6795. Ayshemgul Abdureshit

Chinese ID: 65410119????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Her name is Ayshemgul Abdurishit.

Victim's location

[Probably in Ili as the testifier is from Ili.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-31 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 6796. Horigul Abliz

Chinese ID: 65410119????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Horgul Abliz.

Victim's location

[Probably in Ili as the testifier is from Ili.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 6797. Mehbube Abliz

Chinese ID: 65410119????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Mehbube Abliz.

Victim's location

[Probably in Ili as the testifier is from Ili.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier couldn't get in touch with the victim's husband Alimjan as well.

Victims among relatives Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 6798. Amine Ababekri

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (son-in-law)

About the victim

Her name is Amine Ababekri.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Chimengul Abliz (7088), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 6801. Mehmut Ghopur

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (son)

Testimony 2: Nur'ehmet Mehmut, as reported by International Angle. (son)

About the victim

His name is Mehmut Ghupur. He is 61 years old.

Victim's location

[Probably in Bayingolin as the testifier is from Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has lost contact with the victim for more than two years.

Testimony 2: victim disappeared in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-10-27 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 6802. Patime Mehmut

Chinese ID: 65280119????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Patime Mehmut.

Victim's location

[Probably in Bayingolin as the testifier is from Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has lost contact with the victim for more than two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, the victim was taken to the camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's husband Nurehmet Tursun (in #673) was also in the camp.

Victims among relatives Nurehmet Tursun (673), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 6803. Bumeryem Mehmut

Chinese ID: 65280119????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (brother)

Testimony 2: Nur'ehmet Mehmut, as reported by International Angle. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Bumeryem Mehmut.

Victim's location

[Probably in Bayingolin as the testifier is from Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has lost contact with the victim for more than two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's husband Imam Muhammed (in #674) was in the camp. International Angle coverage (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-10-27 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 6804. Rabiye Mehmut

Chinese ID: 65280119????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Rabiye Mehmut.

Victim's location

[Probably in Bayingolin as the testifier is from Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has lost contact with the victim for more than two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's husband Nurmuhammed Abliz was also detained.

Victims among relatives Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 6805. Nurmuhemmed Abliz

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Nurmuhammed Abliz.

Victim's location

[Probably in Bayingolin as the testifier is from Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Unknown.Unknown. The testifier has lost contact with the victim for more than two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In the camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's wife and their children's whereabouts are unknown.

Victims among relatives Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 6806. Mollaomer Ghopur

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (son-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Molla omer Ghupur.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Since 2017. The testifier has lost contact with the victim for more than two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, the victim was taken to the camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Hawagul Tursun (6807), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 6807. Hawagul Tursun

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Mehmut, originally from Korla City but now residing in Turkey. (son-in-law)

About the victim

Her name is Hawagul Tursun.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier has lost contact with the victim for more than two years.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Nurehmet Tursun (673), Patime Mehmut (6802), Imam Muhemmet (674), Bumeryem Mehmut (6803), Ayshemgul Ibrahim (675), Mehmut Ghopur (6801), Rabiye Mehmut (6804), Nurmuhemmed Abliz (6805), Mollaomer Ghopur (6806), Ehmet Mehmut (6808)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-09 Last updated: 2020-01-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-02 6812. Seydehmet Rozahun

Chinese ID: 654101198010112819 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sebihe Tursun, an ethnic Uyghur living in Quebec. (niece)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, but with a verified identity. (relative)

About the victim

His name is Seydehmet Rozahun.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

On the 5th of May 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since being taken to camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Atikem Rozahun (6208), Behtiyar Idris (6813), Qurbanjan Tohti (6814)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Chinese ID (low-res): Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-10 Last updated: 2020-02-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6813. Behtiyar Idris

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sebihe Tursun, an ethnic Uyghur living in Quebec. (niece)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, but with a verified identity. (relative)

About the victim

His name is Behtiyar Idris.

Victim's location

Unknown .

When victim was detained

About on 19th of May 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since he was taken to camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Atikem Rozahun (6208), Seydehmet Rozahun (6812), Qurbanjan Tohti (6814)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-10 Last updated: 2020-02-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 6815. Zulyar Omerjan (祖力亚·吾买尔江)

Chinese ID: 65010519950717??O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 24 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: other

Testifying party

Salahidin Seyd'ehmet, originally from Ghulja but now residing in Germany. (friend)

About the victim

His name is Zulyar Omerjan(祖力亚·吾买尔江). He was born on the 17th of July 1995 in Xumogou District, Urumchi city. The testifier met him in the beginning of 2014 in Cairo, Egypt. In the end of 2015, Zulyar left Egypt to Turkey and worked here as a tour guide and interpreter for a year. In the end of 2016, he went back to Urumchi. His passport No: E10568824

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumchi.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2020-01-10 Last updated: 2020-02-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 7046. Guzelnur Raziq (古再努尔·热扎克)

Chinese ID: 65232419741103??E? (Manas)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Changji Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: energy

Testifying party

Buhelchem Raziq, an Uyghur now living in the Netherlands. (sister)

About the victim

Her name is Guzelnur Raziq. She resides in Electric Energy Power Supply Plant 's Residency in . She works at Electric Energy Power Supply Plant in Manas County.

Chinese passport: G36145569.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Changji.]

When victim was detained

She was taken at the end of April 2017 and stayed for 10 days in detention. She released on the condition that she would bring back her daughter who was studying in Turkey within a week. She was taken again around on 12th of May 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[Presumably because of her daughter who was studying in Turkey and travelling abroad.]

Victim's status

Unknown. There's been no news of her for over 2 years now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2020-01-12 Last updated: 2020-02-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 7053. Perizat Osman

Chinese ID: 65010519????????E? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Melikezat Osman, now living in Turkey. (sister)

About the victim

Her name is Perizat Osman. She has three children. Her address is No. 406, Qidawan Township, Shuimogou District, Urumchi City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumchi.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't get in touch with the victim for more than two years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The victim's parents were also detained in 2017. Also, the victim's three children Mulise, A'ishe, and Bilal are allegedly in Chinese orphanages. Victims among relatives

Osman Abdulla (476), Mariye Qurban (5159)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-14 Last updated: 2020-01-14 Latest status update: 2018-10-20 7054. Yusup Hoshur (玉苏甫·吾书尔)

Chinese ID: 653127195912100031 (Mekit)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Omer Yusup, originally from Mekit County but now residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

His name is Yusup Hushur. He is from Mekit County, Kashgar Prefecture. He has traveled abroad with his wife several times.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifies talked to the victim in April 2017 (Testimony 2: May 2017) for the last time. He hasn’t been able to contact the victim since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


Testimony 2: He suffers from diabeters and cardiovascular blockage.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information According to the testifier, 11 of the victim's grandchildren's situation is unknown- how they are and who is looking after them and so on.

Victims among relatives

Amangul Qurban (7055), Memetimin Yusup (7056), Reyhangul Yusup (7057), Risalet Yusup (7058), Meryemgul Yusup (7059)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo: Chinese ID and registration:

Entry created: 2020-01-15 Last updated: 2020-03-30 Latest status update: 2020-10-29 7055. Amangul Qurban

Chinese ID: 65312719????????E? (Mekit)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Omer Yusup, originally from Mekit County but now residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Amangul Qurban. She is from Mekit County, Kashgar Prefecture. She has traveled abroad with her husband several times.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

The testifies talked to the victim in April 2017 for the last time. He hasn’t been able to contact the victim since.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

According to the testifier, 11 of the victim's grandchildren's situation is unknown- how they are and who is looking after them and so on.

Victims among relatives

Yusup Hoshur (7054), Memetimin Yusup (7056), Reyhangul Yusup (7057), Risalet Yusup (7058), Meryemgul Yusup (7059)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-15 Last updated: 2020-01-15 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 7058. Risalet Yusup

Chinese ID: 65312719????????E? (Mekit)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Omer Yusup, originally from Mekit County but now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Risalet Yusup. She is from Mekit County, Kashgar Prefecture. She has no criminal records and hasn't been abroad.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: arrested around at the end of March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 2: because of the testifier being abroad or because she sent him money.

Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier doesn't know if the victim is in camps or in jails; or if she is alive.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

According to the testifier, the victim's children's situation is also unknown- how they are and who is looking after them and so on. Victims among relatives

Yusup Hoshur (7054), Amangul Qurban (7055), Memetimin Yusup (7056), Reyhangul Yusup (7057), Meryemgul Yusup (7059)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-01-15 Last updated: 2020-12-06 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 7059. Meryemgul Yusup

Chinese ID: 65312719????????E? (Mekit)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Omer Yusup, originally from Mekit County but now residing in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Meryemgul Yusup. She is from Mekit County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier doesn't know if the victim is in camps or in jails; or if she is alive.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

According to the testifier, the victim's children's situation is also unknown- how they are and who is looking after them and so on. Victims among relatives

Yusup Hoshur (7054), Amangul Qurban (7055), Memetimin Yusup (7056), Reyhangul Yusup (7057), Risalet Yusup (7058)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-15 Last updated: 2020-01-15 Latest status update: 2020-01-07 7060. Hajirem Emet

Chinese ID: 65292319????????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Hebibulla Emet, a member of the East Turkistan Muslim Scholars Association in Turkey. (brother)

Testimony 3: @abukusen, an unverified Twitter account. (sibling)

About the victim

Her name is Hajirem Emet. Her address is Kokgumbaz, No. 2 Village, Kucha County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 3: She was arrested in 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has heard the victim was taken with her husband. But the testifier couldn't verify the news as he hasn't been able to contact his family for four years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Zekeriya Emet (605), Ruqiyem Emet (6488), Hebibem Emet (6489), Yusupjan Hemdul (607), Omer Yasin (608), Ebeydulla Yasin (609), Ghopur Yasin (610)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2020-01-15 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 7064. Jumeqari Abdumit (居麦喀热·阿布迪美)

Chinese ID: 652901197812102214 (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 42 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (friend)

About the victim

His name is Jumeqari Abdumit (居麦喀热·阿布迪美). His address is No.402, Entrance 2, No. 14 Building, Sherqi Chong Kocha (Dong da jie), Aksu City. He built his own company Nurlan International Import and Export Company in 2010. His passport Number:E61666690

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unknown. The victim contacted On the 15th of the 16th of October 2018 when he was about to cross the border.

Testimony 2: he lived in Guangzhou [testifier says this, but must be Guangxi] for 3 months, staying low and working in a Chinese factory, before attempting to flee the country.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The victim added the testifier on Messenger and told him that he was going to cross the border with the help of border smugglers. The testifier said that he set off but has never get back to the testifier in any way.

Additional information

On the 14th of October 2018, the victim added the testifier on his Facebook Messenger account and told the testifier that he was in Nanning City of Guangxi Province, China and he was trying to cross the border to Vietnam through border smugglers with a high cost, and he was just 180 kilometers away from the border. He said that he was forced to choose this way because of consistent harassment of local policemen in Yiwu City three months ago; and he also told the testifier that many Uyghur entrepreneurs, businessmen, and the rich Uyghur people in Yiwu are missing and those who still remain in Yiwu haven’t been able to do business in International Grand Bazaar in Yiwu. He also told the testifier that he would set off alone, leaving his wife and four children at home in Aksu because he wasn’t able to convince them to come with him. A day later, the victim contacted the testifier and told him that his wife and her sister were taken by the police a day ago and he didn’t know where they were taken so he was so upset. As there was no other way, he set off and he told the testifier that if he could make it to Vietnam, he would text the testifier from a safe place. And testifier asked him for all his legal documents like passport and Id copies. Then they said good-bye to each other. There has been no news about the victim since.

Civil case judgments from 2018, resulting in the victim not paying money that he owed in a timely manner:

His business in Yiwu:

Included in a list of people with expired driver's licenses:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID: judgments enforcement record (1): judgments enforcement record (2): judgments enforcement record (3): limit consumption order (1): limit consumption order (2): limit consumption order (3):

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2021-01-13 Latest status update: 2021-01-01 7066. Sadethan Metturdi

Chinese ID: 65322519????????E? (Chira)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Sadethan Meturdi. She is from Gulahma Township, Chira County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Esma Memeteli (7070), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memtimin Awla (7073), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7067. Abdulla Metqurban

Chinese ID: 65322519????????O? (Chira)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdulla Metqurban. He is from Gulahma Township, Chira County, Hoten Prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Esma Memeteli (7070), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memtimin Awla (7073), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7068. Patemhan Metqurban

Chinese ID: 65322519????????E? (Chira)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Patemhan Metqurban. She is a married housewife and has got three children. She is from Gulahma Township, Chira County, Hoten Prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information There has been no news about the victim's husband and three children since the end of 2016.

Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Esma Memeteli (7070), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memtimin Awla (7073), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7069. Memeteli Qadir

Chinese ID: 6532??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Memeteli Qadir. He is from Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

There has been no news about the victim's wife and three children since the end of 2016. Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Esma Memeteli (7070), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memtimin Awla (7073), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7070. Esma Memeteli

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Esma Memeteli. She is from Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

There has been no news about the victim's parents since the end of 2016. Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memtimin Awla (7073), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7071. Sheripe Memeteli

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Sheripe Memeteli. She is from Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

There has been no news about the victim's parents since the end of 2016 as well. Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Esma Memeteli (7070), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memtimin Awla (7073), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7072. Emmar Memeteli

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Emmar Memeteli. He is from Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

There has been no news about the victim's parents since the end of 2016 as well. Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Esma Memeteli (7070), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Memtimin Awla (7073), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7073. Memtimin Awla

Chinese ID: 65322519????????O? (Chira)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (nephew)

About the victim

His name is Memtimin Awla. He is from Gulahma Township, Chira County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Esma Memeteli (7070), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memturayim Memtimin (7074)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-01-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7074. Memturayim Memtimin

Chinese ID: 65322519????????O? (Chira)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hebibulla Metqurban, originally from Chira County in Hotan, now a student at Istanbul University. (cousin)

About the victim

His name is Memturayim Memtimin. He is from Gulahma Township, Chira County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since the end of 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier talked to his family in the end of 2016 for the last time, since then he has been out of contact with them at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He couldn't get in touch with any of his family members back home.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Sadethan Metturdi (7066), Abdulla Metqurban (7067), Patemhan Metqurban (7068), Memeteli Qadir (7069), Esma Memeteli (7070), Sheripe Memeteli (7071), Emmar Memeteli (7072), Memtimin Awla (7073)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-17 Last updated: 2020-02-15 Latest status update: 2019-12-26 7088. Chimengul Abliz

Chinese ID: 65410119????????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Mewlan Abliz, originally from Ghulja City, but living in Turkey since November 2014. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Chinemgul Abliz.

Victim's location

[Probably in Ili as the testifier is from Ili.]

When victim was detained

Unknown. The testifier says that he has lost contact with the victim since 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Tursunmemet Abliz (816), Ayshigul Ehmet (1790), Sabirjan Abliz (1789), Shemshiqemer Abliz (6793), Abdureshit Shemshidin (818), Merhaba Abliz (817), Eysajan Abliz (6794), Ayshemgul Abdureshit (6795), Horigul Abliz (6796), Amine Ababekri (6798), Mehbube Abliz (6797)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-31 Last updated: 2020-01-31 Latest status update: 2019-12-31 7434. Abla Nizehmet (阿布拉·尼再合买提)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Dilnur Qurban, a biostatistician living in Canada. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Abla Nizahmet (阿布拉•尼再合买提), an investor in the company Xinjiang Zamzambulaq International Trade.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. Feared detained by the testifier, since he works in the same company as her disappeared brother Juret Qurban.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

After Juret's arrest, the company's business condition online was changed into "abnormal" (异常). According to Dilnur, that indicates that all the investors in the company were arrested.

Additional information Company listing:

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-02-03 Last updated: 2020-02-23 Latest status update: 2019-05-16 7759. Helimem Turdi (哈莉玛·图尔地)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sufane Alimjan, an Uyghur now living abroad. (niece)

Testimony 2|3|4: Alimjan Turdi, a resident of Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Helimem Turdi.

Testimony 4: she is 46 and was a housewife.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

She was detained in March 2018.

Testimony 3: The victim was arrested in Urumqi (in March 2018) along with her husband. She was sent to a different concentration camp in a different city to her husband.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. Still no news about the victim until now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated.

Additional information

Mention by Anadolu Agency:

Victims among relatives

Nurmuhemmet Turdi (5165), Osman Rozi (7760), Mubarek Osman (7761), Qemerdin Osman (7762), Abla Eziz (7763), Elzat Eli (6079)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 4: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-03-01 Last updated: 2021-04-28 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 7760. Osman Rozi (奥斯曼·肉孜)

Chinese ID: 652923197001012758 (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sufane Alimjan, an Uyghur now living abroad. (niece-in-law)

Testimony 2|3|4: Alimjan Turdi, a resident of Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Osman Rozi. He is a businessman; he used to have a supermarket.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Testimony 1: He was detained in March 2018.

Testimony 3: The victim was arrested in Urumqi (in March 2018) along with his wife. He was sent to a different concentration camp in a different city to his wife.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. No news about him till now.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Mention by Anadolu Agency:

Victims among relatives

Nurmuhemmet Turdi (5165), Helimem Turdi (7759), Mubarek Osman (7761), Qemerdin Osman (7762), Abla Eziz (7763), Elzat Eli (6079)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 4: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-03-01 Last updated: 2021-04-28 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 7761. Mubarek Osman (穆巴拉克·奥斯曼)

Chinese ID: 65????1992??????E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 28-29 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sufane Alimjan, an Uyghur now living abroad. (cousin)

Testimony 2|3|4: Alimjan Turdi, a resident of Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Mubarek Osman. She was born in 1992.

Testimony 4: she was a housewife.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: No news about her after her parents were taken in March 2018.

Testimony 3: The victim was also arrested in March 2018 and sent to a concentration camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Mention by Anadolu Agency:

Victims among relatives

Nurmuhemmet Turdi (5165), Helimem Turdi (7759), Osman Rozi (7760), Qemerdin Osman (7762), Abla Eziz (7763), Elzat Eli (6079)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 4: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-03-01 Last updated: 2021-04-28 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 7762. Qemerdin Osman (开麦尔丁·奥斯曼)

Chinese ID: 65????1997??????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: 23-24 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Sufane Alimjan, an Uyghur now living abroad. (cousin)

Testimony 2|3|4: Alimjan Turdi, a resident of Turkey. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Qemeridin Osman. He was born in 1997.

Testimony 4: he was a university student.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: No news about him after his parents were taken in March 2018.

Testimony 3: The victim was arrested in March 2018 and sent to a concentration camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

Mention by Anadolu Agency:

Victims among relatives

Nurmuhemmet Turdi (5165), Helimem Turdi (7759), Osman Rozi (7760), Mubarek Osman (7761), Abla Eziz (7763), Elzat Eli (6079)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 4: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-03-01 Last updated: 2021-04-28 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 7778. Muhbil Ablimit

Chinese ID: 6502??19????????O? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Munewwer Ablimit, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Muhbil Ablimit. He is from Qarmay.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. But he is probably in the camp as he was detained and now news about him since then. [presumably, it's been over a year without news as almost everyone was detained in 2017 or 2018].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Polat Ibrahim (7776), Senewer Ablimit (7777), Enwer Ablimit (5702), Ablajan Ablimit (6509), Reyhan Ibrahim (7779)

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-20 7779. Reyhan Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 6502??19????????E? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Munewwer Ablimit, originally from Karamay, but residing in Turkey since 2016. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

Her name is Reyhan Ibrahim. She is from Qarmay.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Presumably still detained, but no news since the detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Polat Ibrahim (7776), Senewer Ablimit (7777), Enwer Ablimit (5702), Ablajan Ablimit (6509), Muhbil Ablimit (7778)

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-20 7780. Tajinisa Metniyaz

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qurbanjan Metnuri, originally from Yengiyer Township in Hotan's Qaraqash County, has been living abroad since 1995. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Tajinisa Metniyaz. She is about 70 years old. Her address is No.5 Hamlet (Community) Yegiyer Township, Qarbagh Village, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has been unable to contact his mother since 2013.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Memeteli Metnuri (7781), Bamihan Metnuri (7782), Patimihan Metnuri (7783), Osman Metniyaz (7784), Omer Metnuri (7785), Ababekri Metnuri (7786)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-21 7781. Memeteli Metnuri

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qurbanjan Metnuri, originally from Yengiyer Township in Hotan's Qaraqash County, has been living abroad since 1995. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Memeteli Metnuri. He is 35 years old. His address is No.5 Hamlet (Community) Yegiyer Township, Qarbagh Village, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown.The testifies has been out of contact with his brother. He hasn't heard from him since 2013.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Tajinisa Metniyaz (7780), Bamihan Metnuri (7782), Patimihan Metnuri (7783), Osman Metniyaz (7784), Omer Metnuri (7785), Ababekri Metnuri (7786)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-21 7782. Bamihan Metnuri

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qurbanjan Metnuri, originally from Yengiyer Township in Hotan's Qaraqash County, has been living abroad since 1995. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Bamihan Metnuri. She is 32 years old. Her address is No.5 Hamlet (Community) Yegiyer Township, Qarbagh Village, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unknown. The testifier has been out of contact with his siter. He hasn't heard from her since 2013.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Tajinisa Metniyaz (7780), Memeteli Metnuri (7781), Patimihan Metnuri (7783), Osman Metniyaz (7784), Omer Metnuri (7785), Ababekri Metnuri (7786)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-21 7783. Patimihan Metnuri

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qurbanjan Metnuri, originally from Yengiyer Township in Hotan's Qaraqash County, has been living abroad since 1995. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Patimihan Metnuri. She is 30 years old. Her address is No.5 Hamlet (Community) Yegiyer Township, Qarbagh Village, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unknown. The testifier has been out of contact with his sister. He hasn't heard from her since 2013.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Tajinisa Metniyaz (7780), Memeteli Metnuri (7781), Bamihan Metnuri (7782), Osman Metniyaz (7784), Omer Metnuri (7785), Ababekri Metnuri (7786)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-21 7784. Osman Metniyaz

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qurbanjan Metnuri, originally from Yengiyer Township in Hotan's Qaraqash County, has been living abroad since 1995. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Osman Metniyaz. He uses his grandfather's name as his surname. He is 28 years old. His address is No.5 Hamlet (Community) Yegiyer Township, Qarbagh Village, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifies has been out of contact with his brother since 2013. He hasn't heard from him since then.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Tajinisa Metniyaz (7780), Memeteli Metnuri (7781), Bamihan Metnuri (7782), Patimihan Metnuri (7783), Omer Metnuri (7785), Ababekri Metnuri (7786)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-21 7785. Omer Metnuri

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qurbanjan Metnuri, originally from Yengiyer Township in Hotan's Qaraqash County, has been living abroad since 1995. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Omer Metnuri. He is 22 years old. His address is No.5 Hamlet (Community) Yegiyer Township, Qarbagh Village, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown.The testifies has been out of contact with his brother since 2013. He hasn't heard from him since then.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Tajinisa Metniyaz (7780), Memeteli Metnuri (7781), Bamihan Metnuri (7782), Patimihan Metnuri (7783), Osman Metniyaz (7784), Ababekri Metnuri (7786)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-03-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-21 7786. Ababekri Metnuri

Chinese ID: 653222??????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Qurbanjan Metnuri, originally from Yengiyer Township in Hotan's Qaraqash County, has been living abroad since 1995. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Ebubekri Metnuri. He is 20 years old. His address is No.5 Hamlet (Community) Yegiyer Township, Qarbagh Village, Qarqash County, Hoten Prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifies has been out of contact with his brother since 2013. He hasn't heard from him since then.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Tajinisa Metniyaz (7780), Memeteli Metnuri (7781), Bamihan Metnuri (7782), Patimihan Metnuri (7783), Osman Metniyaz (7784), Omer Metnuri (7785)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2021-04-07 Latest status update: 2020-01-21 7811. Baizhuma Qudiken

Chinese ID: 65412219????????O? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: law

Testifying party

Nurlan Kokteubai, a retired schoolteacher from Chapchal County. He moved to Kazakhstan in 2011, but was detained in 2017 in Xinjiang and sent to "re-education". (former teacher)

About the victim

Baizhuma Qudiken worked in a Shapshal county procuratorate.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

February 8, 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status in a camp [however, it's unlikely that Nurlan has had any recent news of him, seeing as how he returned to Kazakhstan in early 2019]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2020-03-15 Latest status update: 2020-01-20 7927. Altynbek Baiqulzha

Chinese ID: 65270119????????O? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Bortala Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tursyn Baiqulzha, born in 1962, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 2: Baqytgul Baiqulzha, born in 1985, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister)

About the victim

Altynbek Baiqulzha is from Araltogai Farm, Bortala

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bortala.]

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news from him

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Erkin Baiqulzha (7928), Silahat Baiqulzha (7929), Erkinbek Baiqulzha (7930), Asemgul Baiqulzha (7931), Yrysgul Baiqulzha (7932), Meirambek Zhumaqan (7933), Maqpal Baqyt (7934), Mahpuda Baqyt (7935)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1-2:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2021-04-07 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 7928. Erkin Baiqulzha

Chinese ID: 6527011965??????O? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: 54-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Bortala Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tursyn Baiqulzha, born in 1962, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 2: Baqytgul Baiqulzha, born in 1985, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister)

About the victim

Erkin Baiqulzha, born in 1965, is a teacher in Arasan county, Bortala. He has health problems and he is a Party member. He had visited Kazakhstan several times until 2016.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bortala.]

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news from him

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Altynbek Baiqulzha (7927), Silahat Baiqulzha (7929), Erkinbek Baiqulzha (7930), Asemgul Baiqulzha (7931), Yrysgul Baiqulzha (7932), Meirambek Zhumaqan (7933), Maqpal Baqyt (7934), Mahpuda Baqyt (7935)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1-2:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2020-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 7930. Erkinbek Baiqulzha

Chinese ID: 6527011977??????O? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: 42-43 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Bortala Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tursyn Baiqulzha, born in 1962, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 2: Baqytgul Baiqulzha, born in 1985, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister)

About the victim

Erkinbek Baiqulzha, born in 1977, is a herder and father of two. He has had an accident and is a disabled person now. He is from Araltogay farm, Bortala.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bortala.]

When victim was detained not in detention

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news from him

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Altynbek Baiqulzha (7927), Erkin Baiqulzha (7928), Silahat Baiqulzha (7929), Asemgul Baiqulzha (7931), Yrysgul Baiqulzha (7932), Meirambek Zhumaqan (7933), Maqpal Baqyt (7934), Mahpuda Baqyt (7935)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1-2:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2021-04-07 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 7931. Asemgul Baiqulzha

Chinese ID: 65270119????????E? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Bortala Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tursyn Baiqulzha, born in 1962, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 2: Baqytgul Baiqulzha, born in 1985, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister)

About the victim

Asemgul Baiqulzha lives in Daheyanzi township, Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bortala.]

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news from her

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Altynbek Baiqulzha (7927), Erkin Baiqulzha (7928), Silahat Baiqulzha (7929), Erkinbek Baiqulzha (7930), Yrysgul Baiqulzha (7932), Meirambek Zhumaqan (7933), Maqpal Baqyt (7934), Mahpuda Baqyt (7935)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2021-04-07 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 7932. Yrysgul Baiqulzha

Chinese ID: 65270119????????E? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Bortala Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tursyn Baiqulzha, born in 1962, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 2: Baqytgul Baiqulzha, born in 1985, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister)

About the victim

Yrysgul Baiqulzha is from Araltogay farm, Bortala.

Victim's location

[Probably in Bortala.]

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news from her

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Altynbek Baiqulzha (7927), Erkin Baiqulzha (7928), Silahat Baiqulzha (7929), Erkinbek Baiqulzha (7930), Asemgul Baiqulzha (7931), Meirambek Zhumaqan (7933), Maqpal Baqyt (7934), Mahpuda Baqyt (7935)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2021-04-07 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 7933. Meirambek Zhumaqan

Chinese ID: 652701??????????O? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Bortala Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tursyn Baiqulzha, born in 1962, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Baqytgul Baiqulzha, born in 1985, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (aunt)

About the victim

Meirambek Zhumaqan is from Bortala.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bortala.]

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news from him

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Altynbek Baiqulzha (7927), Erkin Baiqulzha (7928), Silahat Baiqulzha (7929), Erkinbek Baiqulzha (7930), Asemgul Baiqulzha (7931), Yrysgul Baiqulzha (7932), Maqpal Baqyt (7934), Mahpuda Baqyt (7935)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1-2:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2021-04-07 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 7936. Nesirdinjan Mehsum

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Nesirdinjan Mehsum is a Uyghur medical doctor and a renowned religious intellectual from Guma County, Xinjiang.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Nesirdinjan Mehsum was arrested in 2016, along with other key [religious] figures in Guma County, Hotan Prefecture.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

Nesirdinjan Mehsum was arrested in 2016. His current status and whereabouts are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-04-16 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 8074. Erpat Emerdin

Chinese ID: 654022199???????O? (Chapchal)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@UyghurInfo, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Erpat Emerdin, 25 years old (as of March 2020), is from Chapchal County in Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Arrested by local police in 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: photo:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-03-29 Latest status update: 2020-03-16 8172. Roshengul Memet

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Dilber Memet, originally from Aksu, has been residing in Turkey since 2014. (sister)

About the victim

Her name is Rushengul Memet. She is 60 years old and she lives in Yengi Bazar, in Aqsu City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to contact with the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier contacted her relatives back home in December 2016; they said that they had "infectious disease and some of them were already in the "hospitals" and they asked the testifier not to contact them. Victims among relatives

Ayshem Hoshur (1722), Ehmet Tohtiniyaz (1719), Bumeryem Ehmet (1721), Tursun Sawus (8173), Ablikim Tursun (8174)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-23 Last updated: 2020-04-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-08 8173. Tursun Sawus

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Dilber Memet, originally from Aksu, has been residing in Turkey since 2014. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Tursun Sawus. He is from Aqsu City. He is not in good health.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to contact with the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier contacted her relatives back home in December 2016; they said that they had "infectious disease and some of them were already in the "hospitals" and they asked the testifier not to contact them. Victims among relatives

Ayshem Hoshur (1722), Ehmet Tohtiniyaz (1719), Bumeryem Ehmet (1721), Roshengul Memet (8172), Ablikim Tursun (8174)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-23 Last updated: 2020-04-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-08 8174. Ablikim Tursun

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Dilber Memet, originally from Aksu, has been residing in Turkey since 2014. (aunt)

About the victim

His name is Ablekim Tursun. He is from Aqsu city.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Whereabouts remains unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier contacted her relatives back home in December 2016; they said that they had "infectious disease and some of them were already in the "hospitals" and they asked the testifier not to contact them. Victims among relatives

Ayshem Hoshur (1722), Ehmet Tohtiniyaz (1719), Bumeryem Ehmet (1721), Roshengul Memet (8172), Tursun Sawus (8173)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-23 Last updated: 2020-04-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-08 8179. Afiyet Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (husband)

About the victim

Her name is Afiyet Muhammed. Her Address is No.52, No.1 Hamlet, No.1 Village, "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information The testifier hasn't been able to contact four daughters' families as well.

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8180. Hebibe Ablet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Hebibe Ablehet. Her address is No.11 Village, Churuqlu Township [presumably Choruqla Village in Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture. She is married and has got five children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8181. Rozimemet Rozi

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (father-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Rozimemet Rozi. His address is No.11 Village, Churuqlu Township [presumably Choruqla Village in Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture. He is married and has got five children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if he is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8182. Muetter Rozimemet

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

Her name is Muetter Rozimemet. Her address is No.11 Village, Churuqlu Township [presumably Choruqla Village in Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8183. Mutehher Rozimemet

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

Her name is Mutehher Rozimemet. Her address is No.11 Village, Churuqlu Township [presumably Choruqla Village in Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8184. Salahidin Rozimemet

Chinese ID: 653222??????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

His name is Salahidin Rozimemet. His address is No.11 Village, Churuqlu Township [presumably Choruqla Village in Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if he is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8185. Eseydulla Rozimemet

Chinese ID: 653222??????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

His name is Esedulla Rozimemet. His address is No.11 Village, Churuqlu Township [presumably Choruqla Village in Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if he is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8186. Sheripe Rozimemet

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

Her name is Sheripe Rozimemet. Her address is No.11 Village, Churuqlu Township [presumably Choruqla Village in Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8188. Rabiye Ablet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Rabiye Ablehet. Her address is Qaqli Village, Mengley Township, Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture. She is married and has got three children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2020-04-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8189. Muhemmed Ablimit

Chinese ID: 653222??????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

His name is Muhammed Ablimit. His address is Qaqli Village, Mengley Township, Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if he is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2020-04-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8190. Nezire Ablimit

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

Her name is Nezire Ablimit. Her address is Qaqli Village, Mengley Township, Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2020-04-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8191. Mumine Ablimit

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

Her name is Mumine Ablimit. Her address is Qaqli Village, Mengley Township, Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2020-04-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8192. Buhediche Ablet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Buhediche Ablehet. Her address is No.6 Hamlet, No.31 Village, Qaneriq Township, Hoten City, Hoten Prefecture. She is married and has got a kid.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2020-04-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8193. Abduleziz Muhemmettohti

Chinese ID: 65320119????????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (father-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Abduleziz Muhammettohti. His address is No.6 Hamlet, No.31 Village, Qaneriq Township, Hoten City, Hoten Prefecture. He is married and has got a kid.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if he is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Abduleziz Mettohti, ID: 653201198511203035. There is a possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Patime Abduleziz (8194), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8194. Patime Abduleziz

Chinese ID: 653201??????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (grandfather)

About the victim

Her name is Patime Abdileziz. Her address is No.6 Hamlet, No.31 Village, Qaneriq Township, Hoten City, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Ayshe Ablet (8195)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2020-04-02 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8195. Ayshe Ablet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ablet Hashim, originally from Qaraqash County, is now living in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Her name is A'ishe Ablehet. Her address is No.1 Hamlet, 1.No Village, "Jinglik Township" [Qaraqash Municipality], Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn’t been able to contact the victim since February or March 2017. He doesn’t know if she is in the camp or at home or already died.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ablimit Hisamidin (5482), Abdusalam Hisamidin (5483), Bumeryem Hashim (5481), Qemernise Hisamidin (5484), Patmisayip Hashim (5473), Obul Ebey (5480), Muhemmedimin Ebey (5479), Omer Ebey (5478), Eli Ebey (5477), Buhediche Ebey (5476), Zeynep Ebey (5475), Buayshe Hashim (5471), Henife Muhemmed (5474), Hebibe Muhemmed (5472), Patemhan Hashim (5468), Butusun Tura (5470), Abdukirem Tura (5469), Abduqadir Hashim (5467), Afiyet Muhemmed (8179), Hebibe Ablet (8180), Rozimemet Rozi (8181), Muetter Rozimemet (8182), Mutehher Rozimemet (8183), Salahidin Rozimemet (8184), Eseydulla Rozimemet (8185), Sheripe Rozimemet (8186), Halid Rozimemet (8187), Rabiye Ablet (8188), Muhemmed Ablimit (8189), Nezire Ablimit (8190), Mumine Ablimit (8191), Buhediche Ablet (8192), Abduleziz Muhemmettohti (8193), Patime Abduleziz (8194)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-25 Last updated: 2021-03-19 Latest status update: 2020-01-09 8196. Ismayil Iskender

Chinese ID: 65412619460507??O? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 74 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Maya Mitalipova, a scientist and biologist at MIT's Whitehead Institute. Originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan, she is now a US citizen and resides in Boston. (niece)

Testimony 3: Anonymous, identity not verified. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Ismayil Iskender is a resident of Ghulja. His family was allegedly one of the richest in Mongolkure.

Chinese passport number: E24546777.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

The victim allegedly disappeared in December 2017, while in Ghulja.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Believed to have been detained because the victim's son lives abroad in Germany.

Victim's status

His family members have not heard anything about his whereabouts since his disappearance.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated, but presumably by virtue of him disappearing and not being reachable. Additional information

The victim is also testified for in the YouTube comments of a testimony video:

Victims among relatives

Nurmemet Ismayil (8197), Abdureshit Awut (8198)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2020-03-26 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2021-04-07 8197. Nurmemet Ismayil (努尔买买提·司马义)

Chinese ID: 65412619850119051X (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Maya Mitalipova, a scientist and biologist at MIT's Whitehead Institute. Originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan, she is now a US citizen and resides in Boston. (cousin)

Testimony 3: Anonymous, identity not verified. (cousin)

Testimony 4: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Nur Mehmet Ismail is a Uyghur resident of Ghulja, born on January 19, 1985.

Testimony 3: he is also known as "Sultan" (though the ID name is Nurmemet). He is a businessman who took over his father's business.

Victim's location

Likely a concentration camp in Ghulja

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: 2017

Testimony 2: missing since 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Victim's brother lives in Germany, victim has visited or lived in Turkey.

Victim's status

Disappeared How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier is the victim's family, victim has disappeared.

Additional information

Testimony 3:

Testimony 3: The testifier (Kurwanjan) also says that three of his relatives [surnames unspecified] were sent to concentration camps and detained for two years and were released last year: (1) His cousin, Jalalidin, who is an artist. (2) His aunt, Sa'adet. (3) His aunt, Saniyem.

Victims among relatives

Ismayil Iskender (8196), Abdureshit Awut (8198)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID: photo:

Entry created: 2020-03-26 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2021-04-07 8198. Abdureshit Awut

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Maya Mitalipova, a scientist and biologist at MIT's Whitehead Institute. Originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan, she is now a US citizen and resides in Boston. (cousin-in-law)

About the victim

Abdurashid Awut is a resident of Ghulja City.

Testimony 3: 34-35 years old.

Victim's location

Likely a concentration camp in Ghulja

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Likely reason is the family has a relative in Germany.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier is the victim's family member, victim has disappeared.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ismayil Iskender (8196), Nurmemet Ismayil (8197)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-03-26 Last updated: 2021-01-07 Latest status update: 2021-04-07 8203. Tudihan Eysa

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (son)

About the victim

Her name is Tudihan Eysa and she is about 65 years old. She went through a medical operation in 2012. Her address is No.1, No.2 Group, Besheriq Village, Beshtvgmen Township, Aksu City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through his acquaintances in [Aksu] via the Internet.

Additional information

On the 7th of January 2020, the testifier heard from his acquaintances that most of his family members have been sentenced.

Victims among relatives

Aytulla Seydulla (1571), Nijat Obul (1573), Rozi Niyaz (1572), Tuniyaz Rozi (8204), Patigul Tursun (8205), Altungul Rozi (8206), Ablajan Yasin (8207), Turaqiz Rozi (8208), Ghuran Hidayetulla (8209), Imran Hidayetulla (8210), Seydulla Husen (12814)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-03-28 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-10 8206. Altungul Rozi

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Altungul Rozi. She is about 28 years old. She has got two children. Her address is No.1, No.2 Group, Besheriq Village, Beshtvgmen Township, Aksu City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through his acquaintances in [Aksu] via the Internet.

Additional information

On the 7th of January 2020, the testifier heard from his acquaintances that most of his family members have been sentenced. Also, the testifier doesn't know how his brother-in-law is now.

Victims among relatives

Aytulla Seydulla (1571), Nijat Obul (1573), Rozi Niyaz (1572), Tudihan Eysa (8203), Tuniyaz Rozi (8204), Patigul Tursun (8205), Ablajan Yasin (8207), Turaqiz Rozi (8208), Ghuran Hidayetulla (8209), Imran Hidayetulla (8210), Seydulla Husen (12814)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-03-28 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-10 8208. Turaqiz Rozi

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Turaqiz Rozi. She is about 25 years old. She has four children. Her address is No.1, No.2 Group, Besheriq Village, Beshtvgmen Township, Aksu City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through his acquaintances in [Aksu] via the Internet.

Additional information

On the 7th of January 2020, the testifier heard from his acquaintances that most of his family members have been sentenced. Also, the testifier doesn't know how his brother-in-law and their children are now.

Victims among relatives

Aytulla Seydulla (1571), Nijat Obul (1573), Rozi Niyaz (1572), Tudihan Eysa (8203), Tuniyaz Rozi (8204), Patigul Tursun (8205), Altungul Rozi (8206), Ablajan Yasin (8207), Ghuran Hidayetulla (8209), Imran Hidayetulla (8210), Seydulla Husen (12814)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-03-28 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-01-10 8212. Mehmut Qurban

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Safraz, a resident of the United Kingdom. (friend)

About the victim

Mehmut Qurban lived in Kashgar City with his family.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In 2016, victim and his sons travelled to Turkey. In the beginning of 2017, victim and his two eldest sons disappeared.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Travelling to Turkey in 2016

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

A "Muhammad Kurban" from Kashgar is mentioned in a Diplomat article (, but it's not clear if this is the same person.

Victims among relatives

Mehmut Tursun (8213)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-28 Last updated: 2021-06-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 8213. Mehmut Tursun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adil, a resident of the United Kingdom. (friend)

About the victim

Mehmut Tursun is from Kashgar City. He is brother-in-law to Mehmut Qurban.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In the end of 2016, victim traveled to Turkey. In the beginning of 2017, victim disappeared.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Traveling to Turkey.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

No news, disappeared.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Mehmut Qurban (8212)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-28 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-14 8242. Muhemmed Qurban (买买提·库尔班)

Chinese ID: 652123196707151575 (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Gulnisa Qawul, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (wife)

About the victim

His name is Muhammed Qurban. He is married and has got three children. He was a student at Al-Azhar University in Egypt before returning to Urumqi.

[The official spelling of his Chinese name, as it appears on his passport, is 买买提·库尔班. However, another variant that appears in official databases is 木合买提·库尔班.]

Victim's location

[Possibly in Urumchi as it is where his wife from and that's where he disappeared, but not clear.]

When victim was detained

In the end of August in 2015 as he went back to Urumchi from Turkey and he was detained at the Urumchi airport when he got off the plane.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. There has been no news about the victim since he was detained at Urumchi airport.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

The testifier is now raising her three children with a lot of difficulties in Turkey.

RFA coverage: (Testimony 1) (Testimony 2)

Supplementary materials

Chinese passport (redacted): proof of study: judgment enforcement record (1): judgment enforcement record (2):

Entry created: 2020-03-28 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8255. Abubekir Ehmet

Chinese ID: 6532221969??????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 50-51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abubekir Ehmet. He was born in 1969 and he has three children. He is a farmer.

Victim's location

[Probably in Hoten as the testifier is originally from Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-03-29 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8256. Abdurehim Abubekir

Chinese ID: 653222??????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Abdurehim Abubekir.

Victim's location

[Probably in Hoten as the testifier is originally from Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-03-29 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8257. Muzepper Abubekir

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Muzepper Abubekir.

Victim's location

[Probably in Hoten as the testifier is originally from Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-03-29 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8258. Buhedichihan Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Behedichihan Ehmet. She is married and has several children (the testifier doesn't know for sure). She lives in Qaraqash City and she is a farmer.

Victim's location

[Presumably In Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-04-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8259. Muhemmed Rozi

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

His name is Muhammed Rozi. He is married and he lives in Qaraqash City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-04-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8260. Reyhangul Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Reyhagul Muhammed. She lives in Qaraqash City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-04-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8261. Rizwangul Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 653222??????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Rizwangul Muhammed. She lives in Qaraqash City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-04-10 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8262. Abdurahman Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdurahman Ehmet. He is 31 years old this year. He is married and has three children. He is a doctor.

Victim's location

[Probably in Hoten as the testifier is originally from Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Bamihan Ehmet (8263)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-03-29 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8263. Bamihan Ehmet

Chinese ID: 65322219????????E? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Omer Eziz, originally from Qaraqash County's Zawa Township. He has been living in Sweden for around 15 years. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Bamihan Ehmet. She is married. She is a farmer.

Victim's location

[Probably in Hoten as the testifier is originally from Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to hear from the victim since 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abubekir Ehmet (8255), Abdurehim Abubekir (8256), Muzepper Abubekir (8257), Buhedichihan Ehmet (8258), Muhemmed Rozi (8259), Reyhangul Muhemmed (8260), Rizwangul Muhemmed (8261), Abdurahman Ehmet (8262)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-03-29 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8266. Ruqiye Muhemmetimin

Chinese ID: 65292319920315??E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Patigul Talip, originally from Aksu's Kucha County, but living abroad since 1996. She now lives in Sweden. (mother)

Testimony 2: Muhemmetimin Abduweli, originally from Aksu's Kucha County, but living abroad since 1996. He now lives in Sweden. (father)

Testimony 3: Patigul Talip, as reported by Amnesty International. (mother)

About the victim

Her name is Ruqiye Muhammetimin (Abduweli). She is from Konasheher, Kucha, Aksu Prefecture.

Testimony 3: Ruqiye was born on March 15, 1992. She was a housewife.

Testimony 3: She has two children - Abdullah (9) and Maqbullah (6-7). Maqbullah has had heart problems since he was little and requires treatment at hospital. Ruqiye's mother believes that Maqbullah may have died.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 3: She was detained in mid-2015 and sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 3: Official charges unknown, but her mother believes that Ruqiye was detained because of the phone calls they had, as well as her uncle being an imam. In one call, Ruqiye told her mother "If you keep calling, they [Chinese authorities] will keep on threatening me." Victim's status

Unknown. The testifiers haven't been able to contact the victim for five years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifiers have tried to get their three children to Sweden several times but they failed; their children had been gotten off the plane [to overseas) for two times as the victims are the relative of a political family- Kirem Abduweli's family. (Kirem Abduweli or Abdukerim Abduweli, known as Kirem Qarim, a well-known religious figure, had been in the prison since 1990. He had been sentenced for 12 years in prison. Following the end of his sentence in 2002, he was re-tried four times. The final sentence is set to expire on June 30, 2014. But he was released. He died in the prison in the end of 2017.) According to the testifiers, the authorities have banned traveling outside of Kucha for their family back home; they cannot travel outside without police permission.

Amnesty International case info (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Ayshe Muhemmetimin (8264), Salahidin Muhemmetimin (8265), Abdukerim Abduweli (3911), Abdurahman Abduweli (11849), Ibrahim Abduweli (11850)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1-2: photo:

Entry created: 2020-03-30 Last updated: 2021-09-17 Latest status update: 2021-05-01 8382. Tursungul Urayim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (brother)

About the victim

Tursungul Urayim is a 44-year-old farmer Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Yusup Urayim (2490), Miradil Urayim (2491), Memeteli Urayim (2492), Ibrahim Memet (7943), Henimhan Turdi (7739), Hawagul Urayim (8383), Aynisagul Urayim (8384), Roshengul Yusup (8403)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-12 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8383. Hawagul Urayim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (brother)

About the victim

Havagul Urayim is a 42-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Yusup Urayim (2490), Miradil Urayim (2491), Memeteli Urayim (2492), Ibrahim Memet (7943), Henimhan Turdi (7739), Tursungul Urayim (8382), Aynisagul Urayim (8384), Roshengul Yusup (8403)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-12 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8384. Aynisagul Urayim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (brother)

About the victim

Aynisagul Urayim is a 41-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Yusup Urayim (2490), Miradil Urayim (2491), Memeteli Urayim (2492), Ibrahim Memet (7943), Henimhan Turdi (7739), Tursungul Urayim (8382), Hawagul Urayim (8383), Roshengul Yusup (8403)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-12 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8385. Kerim Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Kerim Ubulkasim is a 50-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, 16th county

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-12 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8386. Memetjan Imin

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Memetjan Imin is a 43-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8387. Musajan Imin

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Musajan Imin is a 40-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8388. Memettursunjan Imin

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Memettursunjan Imin is a 37-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8389. Memetiminjan Imin

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Memitiminjan Imin is a 31-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8390. Hoshur Abdurusul

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hoshur-kari Abdurusul is a 46-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8391. Imam Tursun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Imam Tursun is a 25-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8392. Abdugheni Rozi

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abdugheni Rozi is a 24-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8393. Jumehun Batur

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Jumehun Batur is a 30-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8394. Adil Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Adil Ubulkasim is a 38-year-old farmer from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8395. Urayimjan Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Urayimjan Ubulkasim is a 47-year-old cook from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8396. Adil Batur

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Adil Batur is a 36-year-old bricklayer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8397. Ilyasjan Kerim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ilyasjan Kerim is a 24-year-old grocer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Towenki Hayla county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8398. Hezretieli Kerim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hezreti Eli Kerim is a 22-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Towenki Hayla county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8399. Hezretiomer Kerim

Chinese ID: 653101??????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hezreti Omer Kerim is a 20-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Towenki Hayla county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8400. Ablikim Tayir

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ablikim Tayir is a 25-year-old interior decorator from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8402. Memetrehim Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Memetrehim Abdurehim is a 25-year-old house painter from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8403. Roshengul Yusup

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: @BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Rushengul Yusuf is a 32-year-old housewife from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Testimony 2: she got married to Miradil Urayim in May 2007.

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Yusup Urayim (2490), Miradil Urayim (2491), Memeteli Urayim (2492), Ibrahim Memet (7943), Henimhan Turdi (7739), Tursungul Urayim (8382), Hawagul Urayim (8383), Aynisagul Urayim (8384)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-07-14 Latest status update: 2020-05-20 8404. Hanqiz Ablikim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hankiz Ablikim is a 25-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8405. Aliye Ghopur

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Aliye Ghopur is a 29-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8406. Semetjan Pekir

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Semetjan Pekir is a 30-year-old cook from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8407. Ablimitjan Pekir

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ablimitjan Pekir is a 28-year-old cook from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8408. Muhemmetjan Pekir

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Mehemmetjan Pekir is a 21-year-old interior decorator from Kashgar city, Barin village, 8th county [unclear which Barin this is]

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2021-04-08 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8409. Mukum Yunus

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Mukum Yunus is a 38-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8410. Ghunchem Yunus

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ghunchem Yunus is a 42-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8411. Nureli Yunus

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Nureli Yunus is a 37-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8412. Reshit Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Rishit memet is a 56-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8413. Ekber Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ekber Memet is a 50-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8414. Gulember Reshit

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Gulember Rishit is a 20-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-03 Last updated: 2020-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8415. Hawagul Yunus

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hawagul Yunus is a 46-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8416. Qurbanjan Huseyin

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Kurbanjan Huseyn is a 28-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8417. Patigul Qurban

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Patigul Kurban is a 50-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8418. Ayshemgul Huseyin

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ayshemgul Huseyn is a 25-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8419. Hanqiz Qadir

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hankiz Kadir is a 27-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8420. Memettohti Musa

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Memet-tohti Musa is a 53-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8421. Abduhelil Musa

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abduhelil Musa is a 52-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8422. Musajan Abduhelil

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Musajan Abduhelil is a 24-year-old interior decorator from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8423. Abdulla Yusup

Chinese ID: 653101??????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abdulla Yusuf is a 20-year-old farmer from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8424. Qedriye Yusup

Chinese ID: 653101200???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: @BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Kendriye Yusuf is a 16-year-old student from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Testimony 3: 19 years old

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-07-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-18 8425. Abduweli Yusup

Chinese ID: 653101201???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Abduweli Yusuf is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8426. Sumeyye Yusup

Chinese ID: 653101201???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Sumeyye Yusuf is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8427. Almire Memet

Chinese ID: 653101200???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: @BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Almire Memet is a 17-year-old (as of May 2020) student from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: age update:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-07-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-18 8428. Tudajim Memet

Chinese ID: 653101200???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Tudajim Memet is a 18-year-old student from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2020-04-04 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8429. Aynisagul Memet

Chinese ID: 653101200???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Aynisagul Memet is a 17-year-old student from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8430. Sefiye Memet

Chinese ID: 653101201???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Sefiye Memet is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8431. Hediche Memet

Chinese ID: 653101201???????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hediche Memet is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8432. Hebibulla Miradil

Chinese ID: 65310120????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Hebibulla Miradil is an 11-year-old student from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8433. Shehide Miradil

Chinese ID: 65310120????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Shehide Miradil is an 8-year-old student from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8434. Abdurahman Miradil

Chinese ID: 653101201???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abdurahman Miradil is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8435. Seyfulla Miradil

Chinese ID: 653101201???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Seyfulla Miradil is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8436. Nurela Memet

Chinese ID: 65310120????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Nurella Memet is an 8-year-old student from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8437. Ibrahim Memet

Chinese ID: 653101201???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ibrahim Memet is a 7-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8438. Ismayil Memet

Chinese ID: 653101201???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ismayil Memet is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8439. Abdusalam Mehmet

Chinese ID: 653101201???????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@BOX00550793, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abdusalam Mehmet is a 5-year-old child from Kashgar City, Doletbagh village, Tokay county

Victim's location

Presumed to be in a camp in Kashgar

When victim was detained

Believed by testifier to be in the children’s camps, missing and presumed detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-05 Latest status update: 2020-03-26 8441. Gulshen Hemit

Chinese ID: 65410119830504??E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): "problematic thoughts"|--- Health status: --- Profession: corporate work

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Tughluq Hemit, originally from Ghulja but now residing in Stockholm. (brother)

Testimony 2: Tughluq Hemit, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (brother)

Testimony 3: Tughluq Hemit, as reported by Radio France Internationale. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Gulshen Hemit. She was born on the 4th of May 1983. She graduated from Xian Normal University. She started her work in UnionPay Bureau, Urumchi Branch after graduation.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumchi as her work is in Urumchi.]

When victim was detained

On 28th or 29th of April 2018.

Testimony 3: taken on December 28, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the testifier, having had poisoned mind [ideas].

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not Stated. The victim was taken by the Ximin Police Station in Urumchi and sent to an "education camp". Since then, the testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim. So, the testifier doesn't know if the victim was released or in still in the camp, or has been sentenced.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 2):

RFI coverage (Testimony 3):人权/20200110-流亡瑞典维族人父母因在海外会见儿子被判处18年监禁

Victims among relatives

Hemit Abdurahman (7089), Saadet Bawdun (7090)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2020-04-04 Last updated: 2021-05-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-01 8444. Mirzaehmet Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Mirzaehmet Qurban. He is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aliyem Qurban (8445), Raziye Qurban (8447), Sabit Qurban (8448), Patime Qurban (8449), Sidiq Qurban (8450), Hemit Qurban (8451), Arafat Qurban (8452)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8445. Aliyem Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Aliyem Qurban. She is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Mirzaehmet Qurban (8444), Raziye Qurban (8447), Sabit Qurban (8448), Patime Qurban (8449), Sidiq Qurban (8450), Hemit Qurban (8451), Arafat Qurban (8452)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8447. Raziye Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Raziye Qurban. She is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aliyem Qurban (8445), Mirzaehmet Qurban (8444), Sabit Qurban (8448), Patime Qurban (8449), Sidiq Qurban (8450), Hemit Qurban (8451), Arafat Qurban (8452)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8448. Sabit Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Sabit Qurban. He is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aliyem Qurban (8445), Mirzaehmet Qurban (8444), Raziye Qurban (8447), Patime Qurban (8449), Sidiq Qurban (8450), Hemit Qurban (8451), Arafat Qurban (8452)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8449. Patime Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????E? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Fatime Qurban. She is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown.The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aliyem Qurban (8445), Mirzaehmet Qurban (8444), Raziye Qurban (8447), Sabit Qurban (8448), Sidiq Qurban (8450), Hemit Qurban (8451), Arafat Qurban (8452)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8450. Sidiq Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Siddiq Qurban. He is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aliyem Qurban (8445), Mirzaehmet Qurban (8444), Raziye Qurban (8447), Sabit Qurban (8448), Patime Qurban (8449), Hemit Qurban (8451), Arafat Qurban (8452)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8451. Hemit Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Hemit Qurban. He is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aliyem Qurban (8445), Mirzaehmet Qurban (8444), Raziye Qurban (8447), Sabit Qurban (8448), Patime Qurban (8449), Sidiq Qurban (8450), Arafat Qurban (8452)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8452. Arafat Qurban

Chinese ID: 654121??????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nur'ehmet Qurban, originally from Ili. He has been living in Switzerland since 1999. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Arafat Qurban. He is from Jiliyuzi Town, Uch'un Township, Ghulja County, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for three years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aliyem Qurban (8445), Mirzaehmet Qurban (8444), Raziye Qurban (8447), Sabit Qurban (8448), Patime Qurban (8449), Sidiq Qurban (8450), Hemit Qurban (8451)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-03 8453. Abduhaliq Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 6531221993??????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 26-27 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|contact with outside world Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Ibrahim Tahir, originally from Kashgar's Yengisheher County, now resides abroad. (father)

About the victim

His name is Abdulhaliq Ibrahim. He was born in 1993. He used to work in his uncle's fruit shop.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Around August in 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the testifier, the victim was stopped by the police on the road and he was told that he was going to be sent to school to be educated as he talked to his father abroad.

Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since[October] 2014.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The victim send a message to the testifier, asking him to make a phone call and he told the testifier on the phone that he and his brother were stopped by the police and they were going to be sent to school to be educated. Then, the testifier couldn't reach to the victim. The testifier called his sister and she asked him not to call for a while. Since then he has totally out of contact with all of his family members.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Abduquddus Ibrahim (8454), Imamjan Tahir (8455), Ablajan Sopi (8456), Tunsagul Sopi (14997), Abdulhekim Sopi (14998), Hajigul Sopi (14999), Eli Sopi (15000), Abdusemi Ablajan (15027), Abdulhapiz Sopi (15028)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-06 8454. Abduquddus Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 6531221996??????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 23-24 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|contact with outside world Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Ibrahim Tahir, originally from Kashgar's Yengisheher County, now resides abroad. (father)

About the victim

His name is Abdulquddus Ibrahim. He was born in 1996. He used to work in his uncle's fruit shop.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Around August in 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the testifier, the victim was stopped by the police on the road and he was told that he was going to be sent to school to be educated as he talked to his father abroad.

Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since[October] 2014.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The victim send a message to the testifier, asking him to make a phone call and he told the testifier on the phone that he and his brother were stopped by the police and they were going to be sent to school to be educated. Then, the testifier couldn't reach to the victim. The testifier called his sister and she asked him not to call for a while. Since then he has totally out of contact with all of his family members.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Abduhaliq Ibrahim (8453), Imamjan Tahir (8455), Ablajan Sopi (8456), Tunsagul Sopi (14997), Abdulhekim Sopi (14998), Hajigul Sopi (14999), Eli Sopi (15000), Abdusemi Ablajan (15027), Abdulhapiz Sopi (15028)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2020-04-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-06 8456. Ablajan Sopi

Chinese ID: 65312219????????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Ibrahim Tahir, originally from Kashgar's Yengisheher County, now resides abroad. (brother)

Testimony 2: Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, a project documenting the Uyghur victims of the repressions in Xinjiang.

About the victim

His name is Ablajan Tahir (Testimony 2: Ablajan Sopi). He used to work his brother's fruit shop.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to the testifier, between 2014 and 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. No news about the victim at all.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information UTJD entry (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Abduhaliq Ibrahim (8453), Abduquddus Ibrahim (8454), Imamjan Tahir (8455), Tunsagul Sopi (14997), Abdulhekim Sopi (14998), Hajigul Sopi (14999), Eli Sopi (15000), Abdusemi Ablajan (15027), Abdulhapiz Sopi (15028)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2020-04-05 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2020-02-06 8462. Ibrahim Osman

Chinese ID: 6529291990??????O? (Kelpin)

Basic info

Age: 29-30 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Amine Osman, originally from Aksu's Kelpin County, but now a resident of Sweden. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Ibrahim Osman. He was born in 1990 and graduated from university. He used to do business in Urumchi. He is married.

Likely address [his sister's place of origin]: Towen Qum'eriq Village, Yurchi Township, Kelpin County.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

In the end of 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. He was detained in the end of 2017 and since then there has been no news about him.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ershidin Osman (8461), Hawahan Osman (4081)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-07 Last updated: 2021-09-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-06 8465. Ghulamehmet Sirajiehmet

Chinese ID: 65322119????????O? (Hotan County)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nurmemet Siraji'ehmet, a resident of Sweden. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Ghulamehmet Sirajiehmet. He is 53 years old and he is from Seghizkol township, Hoten County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is alive, or in the camp or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdulehed Sirajiehmet (8466), Meryemnisahan Sirajiehmet (8467)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-07 Last updated: 2020-04-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 8466. Abdulehed Sirajiehmet

Chinese ID: 65322119????????O? (Hotan County)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nurmemet Siraji'ehmet, a resident of Sweden. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdulehed Sirajiehmet. He is 49 years old and he is from Seghizkol township, Hoten County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown.The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is alive, or in the camp or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ghulamehmet Sirajiehmet (8465), Meryemnisahan Sirajiehmet (8467)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-07 Last updated: 2020-04-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 8467. Meryemnisahan Sirajiehmet

Chinese ID: 65322119????????E? (Hotan County)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nurmemet Siraji'ehmet, a resident of Sweden. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Meremnisahan Sirajiehmet. She is from Seghizkol township, Hoten County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is alive, or in the camp or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ghulamehmet Sirajiehmet (8465), Abdulehed Sirajiehmet (8466)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-07 Last updated: 2020-04-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 8469. Abdugheni Hudaberdi

Chinese ID: 652927194805060271 (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: 72 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: banking, accounting

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (son)

Testimony 3: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (son)

About the victim

His name is Abdugheni Hudaberdi. He is 72 years old and he is retired from the agricultural bank of Uchturpan County. His address is No.10, Qashbuy Street, Uchturpan County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: The victim told the testifier (Abdurehim Gheni, son of victim) not to call him again during the last point of contact on 23 May 2017 (a few days after the testifer was last in conctact with the victim, the testifier's brother also sent a message to the testifer, stressing to the testifier that he should not contact the family again under any circumstances.)

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? He hasn't been able to contact them.

Additional information

In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Global Voices coverage (Testimony 2): -on-the-chinese-state/

Victims among relatives

Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2020-09-09 Latest status update: 2020-10-12 8471. Zinnethan Kichik

Chinese ID: 653021196805200820 (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 3: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Her name is Zinnethan Kichik. She is 52 years old and is a housewife.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as that's where the family was based, though she herself appears to originally be from Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? He hasn't been able to contact the victim.

Additional information

In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Mention in Voice of America: rs-later

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 8473. Aminem Ablikim

Chinese ID: 65292719????????E? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Aminem Ablikim. She is 24 years old and she has got a son. Her address is No.8, No.6 Street, Yengimehelle Road, Uchturpan County Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He hasn't been able to contact the victim.

Additional information In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 8474. Bumeryem Ablikim

Chinese ID: 652927200???????E? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Bumeryam Ablikim. She is a middle school student. Her address is No.8, No.6 Street, Yengimehelle Road, Uchturpan County Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He hasn't been able to contact the victim.

Additional information In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 8476. Hasiyet Rozi

Chinese ID: 652927196309030304 (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Her name is Hasiyet Rozi. She has two children. Her address is No.9, No.2 Block, No.2 Street, Dulduruq Road, Uchturpan County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He hasn't been able to contact the victim. Additional information

In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Mention in Voice of America: rs-later

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 8477. Zulpiye Mijit

Chinese ID: 652927??????????E? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

Her name is Zulpiye Mijit. Her address is No.9, No.2 Block, No.2 Street, Dulduruq Road, Uchturpan County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He hasn't been able to contact the victim.

Additional information In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 8478. Hudaberdi Mijit

Chinese ID: 652927??????????O? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Hudaberdi Mijit. His address is No.9, No.2 Block, No.2 Street, Dulduruq Road, Uchturpan County, Aksu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He hasn't been able to contact the victim.

Additional information In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 8480. Abdulla Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 652927??????????O? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdurehim Gheni, an Uyghur activist famous for his solo protests in Amsterdam. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

His name is Abdulla Abdukirim.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has completely lost contact with the victim since the 23rd of May 2017 so he doesn't know if the victim is still alive, or in the camps, or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

He hasn't been able to contact the victim.

Additional information In July 2018, the testifier wrote to the King of Netherlands Willem Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, asking them to help him inquire about his family members. They replied to him that his request had been entrusted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But there isn't any news about his family. In June 2019, again, he wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands, asking them to help him enquire about his family in diplomatic ways and they replied to him in July 2019, informing him that they had contacted the Embassy in China; asked them about his family, and they were asking about Chinese spelling of his family members' names. He sent them what he was asked in the letter. He waited for three months and there was no reply from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He wrote them again. He got a reply from them in November 2019 that read, we have contacted China's Embassy, but they haven't replied yet; we will get back to you when the Chinese Embassy replies to us. He hasn't been replied back; the Chinese Embassy hasn't responded yet.

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504), Aygul Qari (15166)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-04-08 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-05-07 8488. Qasim Metyusup

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Alparslanuyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Qasim Metyusuf

Victim's location


When victim was detained

3 years ago - sometime in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status missing

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Aygul Mettohti (8489), Aynur Qasim (8490), Metnuri Qasim (8493), Goher Sattar (8491), Rizwangul Shireli (8492), Subhinur Abdurahman (8495)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-18 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-04-03 8489. Aygul Mettohti

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Alparslanuyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Aygul Metohti

Victim's location


When victim was detained

3 years ago - sometime in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Qasim Metyusup (8488), Aynur Qasim (8490), Metnuri Qasim (8493), Goher Sattar (8491), Rizwangul Shireli (8492), Subhinur Abdurahman (8495)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-18 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-04-03 8490. Aynur Qasim

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Alparslanuyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Aynur Qasim

Victim's location


When victim was detained

3 years ago - sometime in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Qasim Metyusup (8488), Aygul Mettohti (8489), Metnuri Qasim (8493), Goher Sattar (8491), Rizwangul Shireli (8492), Subhinur Abdurahman (8495)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-04-18 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-04-03 8491. Goher Sattar

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Alparslanuyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Goher Sattar

Victim's location


When victim was detained

3 years ago - sometime in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives Qasim Metyusup (8488), Aygul Mettohti (8489), Aynur Qasim (8490), Metnuri Qasim (8493), Rizwangul Shireli (8492), Subhinur Abdurahman (8495)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-18 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-04-03 8492. Rizwangul Shireli

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Alparslanuyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Rizwangul Xireli

Victim's location


When victim was detained

3 years ago - sometime in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Qasim Metyusup (8488), Aygul Mettohti (8489), Aynur Qasim (8490), Metnuri Qasim (8493), Goher Sattar (8491), Subhinur Abdurahman (8495)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-18 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-04-03 8493. Metnuri Qasim

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@Alparslanuyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Metnuri Qasim

Victim's location


When victim was detained

3 years ago - sometime in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Qasim Metyusup (8488), Aygul Mettohti (8489), Aynur Qasim (8490), Goher Sattar (8491), Rizwangul Shireli (8492), Subhinur Abdurahman (8495)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-18 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-04-03 8495. Subhinur Abdurahman

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

@Alparslanuyghur, an unverified Twitter account. (relative)

About the victim

Subhinur Abdurahman

Victim's location


When victim was detained

3 years ago - sometime in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives Qasim Metyusup (8488), Aygul Mettohti (8489), Aynur Qasim (8490), Metnuri Qasim (8493), Goher Sattar (8491), Rizwangul Shireli (8492)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-18 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-04-03 8497. Patime Imin

Chinese ID: 65312919????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Patime Imin. She is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. However, the testifier heard in 2016 that the victim was forcibly taken from home to the camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to contact them for four years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-19 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 8498. Shemshinur Imin

Chinese ID: 65312919????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Shemshinur Imin. She is from Peyzawat County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. However, the testifier heard in 2016 that the victim was forcibly taken from home to the camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier couldn't been able to contact them for four years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Buhelchem Memet (5632), Halide Imin (3723), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-19 Last updated: 2020-04-24 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 8508. Seypidin Eziz

Chinese ID: 65292319????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Rukiye Turdush, an Uyghur activist living in Canada. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Seypidin Eziz is a 21-year-old student from Kucha County. He is the only child in his family.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

He was arrested on June 13, 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Listening to Voice of America

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: photo:

Entry created: 2020-04-19 Last updated: 2020-04-27 Latest status update: 2020-03-19 8509. Ablimit Mahmud

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Ablimit Mahmud is an Imam from Guma County, Xinjiang. His age is unknown. He is said to be one of the most profound religious figures in the whole of Hotan Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Ablimit Mahmud was arrested at some point in 2014. His whereabouts have been unknown ever since his arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested in 2014 and his whereabouts have been unknown since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-04-16 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 8518. Imammuhemmed Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65310119760101??O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Rune Steenberg, an anthropologist from Denmark. (friend)

About the victim

Imam Muhemmed Abdukerim is a shoemaker from Chasa muhelle, Chasa district, Kashgar. He was some time born in 1976 (on his identity card DOB is listed as Jan 1). He is divorced and has two daughters. He grew up in Kashgar, became a shoemaker and also worked as an entertainer and interpreter. In the 2010’s when testifier met the victim he was sewing leather socks because shoemaking was no longer a viable business.

Victim's location

[Unknown, presumably Kashgar]

When victim was detained

Since October 2016 there has been no contact.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information Testifier last saw the victim in Sept-October 2016 in Kashgar and Hotan, where the victim was working in a re-education facility, teaching the inmates to sew shoes. In 2016, he was living in ‘dire poverty’ in Chasa neighborhood as the area gentrified and many of the older residents were forced to move away.

Before 2016, victim had been in regular contact with the testifier through emails and phone calls. Testifier has asked travelers to Xinjiang to try and bring news of the victim, but none have been able to provide any update on his status or location.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-22 Last updated: 2020-04-28 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8526. Nurmemet Muhter (奴尔买买提·木合塔尔)

Chinese ID: 654121196810052873 (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

(an unverified Facebook account. (child ,"دممحمرون ةريفلا" :Testimony 1

Testimony 2|3: @ANurmuhammet, an unverified Twitter account. (daughter)

Testimony 4: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Nurmemet Muhter.

Address: House No. 571, Tohuchiyuzi Village, Uch'on Township, Ghulja County, Xinjiang (新疆伊宁县愉群翁乡托乎其于孜村571号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Not stated.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Believed detained, thought there hasn't been any news of the victim in years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Heyrinisa Yasin (8527)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: id%3D255735688809937%26id%3D100031205223029&width=350 Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Chinese ID: photo with wife:

Entry created: 2020-05-02 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2021-06-20 8527. Heyrinisa Yasin (海仁沙·亚森)

Chinese ID: 654121196808102800 (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

(an unverified Facebook account. (child ,"دممحمرون ةريفلا" :Testimony 1

Testimony 2|3: @ANurmuhammet, an unverified Twitter account. (daughter)

Testimony 4: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Heyrinisa Yasin.

Address: House No. 571, Tohuchiyuzi Village, Uch'on Township, Ghulja County, Xinjiang (新疆伊宁县愉群翁乡托乎其于孜村571号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Not stated.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Believed detained, though there hasn't been any news of the victim in years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Nurmemet Muhter (8526)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: id%3D255735688809937%26id%3D100031205223029&width=350 Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Chinese ID: photo with husband:

Entry created: 2020-05-02 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2021-06-20 8958. Tohtem Omer (托合坦木·乌买尔)

Chinese ID: 652925197701010043 (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: @mehdimijit, an unverified Twitter account. (relative of friend)

Testimony 2: Martyna Kokotkiewicz, a Polish scholar of Finnish and Hungarian languages. (friend of friend)

About the victim

Tohtem Omer.

Address: No. 4, 11 Friendship Road, Toqsu Municipality, Toqsu County, Xinjiang (新疆新和县新和镇友谊路11号4号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2020-05-26 Last updated: 2021-01-23 Latest status update: 2020-09-17 8959. Tashmemet Abdulla (塔西麦麦提·阿布都拉)

Chinese ID: 65240119620731003X (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Yultuzay Tashmemet, an Uyghur now residing abroad. (daughter)

About the victim

Tashmemet Abdulla (塔西麦麦提•阿布都拉) was born on July 31, 1962. He is from Ghulja.

Testimony 2: he is retired.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

It is not clear if he's been detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Out of contact.

Testimony 2: out of contact since May 2017. He suffers from diabetes and cardiovascular blockage.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[by virtue of not being able to contact him]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Peride Tursun (2834), Eniyar Tashmemet (7944)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2020-04-28 Last updated: 2020-08-04 Latest status update: 2020-07-31 8960. Reshit Ablimit (热西提·阿布力米提)

Chinese ID: 653201??????????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Meghpiret Ablimit, a university student in Turkey. (sister)

About the victim

Reshit Abduhamit (Chinese pinyin has his last name as "Ablimit"), 17 years old (as of 2017), was a student at a language school in Hotan City.

Address: Ilchi Township, Hotan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Arrested at home by police and taken to a camp in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Abduzahir Abdulla (10386), Abdumijit Abdulla (12807)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2020-05-29 Last updated: 2021-01-31 Latest status update: 2021-01-06 8969. Abdulla Nurzhaqyp

Chinese ID: 6540262011??????O? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 8-9 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Anuar Ardaq, born in 1985, is a Kazakhstan citizen. (uncle-in-law)

About the victim

Abdulla Nurzhaqyp was born in 2011. Address: 48 Sulusai Street, Akdala township, Mungulkure county; 昭苏县阿克达拉乡苏鲁塞路48号.

Victim's location

[probably in Mungulkure County]

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news after his parents' arrest (father: summer 2017, mother: March 2018).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not given

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurzhaqyp Auelbek (273), Fatima Bekinur (274), Nurbaqyt Auelbek (4117), Kausar Nurzhaqyp (8970), Nazigul Zholaman (2839), Auelbek Sasyq (4116)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-29 Last updated: 2020-06-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-23 8970. Kausar Nurzhaqyp

Chinese ID: 6540262007??????E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 12-13 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Anuar Ardaq, born in 1985, is a Kazakhstan citizen. (uncle-in-law)

About the victim

Kausar Nurzhaqyp was born in 2007. Address: 48 Sulusai Street, Akdala township, Mungulkure county; 昭苏县阿克达拉乡苏鲁塞路48号.

Victim's location

[probably in Mungulkure County]

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status no news after her parents' arrest (father: summer 2017, mother: March 2018)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not given

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurzhaqyp Auelbek (273), Fatima Bekinur (274), Nurbaqyt Auelbek (4117), Abdulla Nurzhaqyp (8969), Nazigul Zholaman (2839), Auelbek Sasyq (4116)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-04-29 Last updated: 2020-06-01 Latest status update: 2020-01-23 8979. Bekzat Orash

Chinese ID: 6501211975??????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 44-45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Berik Kenzhesh, born in 1982, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

About the victim

Bekzat Orash was born in 1975. Residential address: 8 Group, Moergou village, Xixigou township, Urumqi (乌鲁木齐县水西沟镇庙尔沟村8组).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

March 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention

He visited Kazakhstan in July 2016 with his father and stayed for 20 days.

Victim's status no news from him after his detention

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Orash Kokek (8980)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-17 8981. Muhter Tursun

Chinese ID: 6529??199???????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

Muhter Tursun is 24 years old. He studied Arabic at Al-Azhar University (in Egypt) from 2014-2016.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Testimony 1: When he returned from university to Xinjiang in the new year of 2016 he was arrested by Chinese police at the airport. He has not been heard from since then.

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Related to going abroad

Victim's status

Missing How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Aygul Tohti (8982), Eziz Tohti (8983), Seydulla Eziz (8984), Eli Tohti (8985), Abduhaliq Tohti (8986), Supiye Abduhaliq (8987), Alim Abduhaliq (8988)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8982. Aygul Tohti

Chinese ID: 6529??19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (brother)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother)

About the victim

Aigul Tohti is 45 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: She was sent to the camps, allegedly because of the detention of her son, Muhter Tursun.

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Because her son had studied abroad

Victim's status

Missing How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Muhter Tursun (8981), Eziz Tohti (8983), Seydulla Eziz (8984), Eli Tohti (8985), Abduhaliq Tohti (8986), Supiye Abduhaliq (8987), Alim Abduhaliq (8988)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8983. Eziz Tohti

Chinese ID: 6529??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (brother)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother)

About the victim

Eziz Tohti is 43 years old. He has four children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Missing

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

--- How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Muhter Tursun (8981), Aygul Tohti (8982), Seydulla Eziz (8984), Eli Tohti (8985), Abduhaliq Tohti (8986), Supiye Abduhaliq (8987), Alim Abduhaliq (8988)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8984. Seydulla Eziz

Chinese ID: 6529??20????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

Seydulla Eziz

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Unclear

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Muhter Tursun (8981), Aygul Tohti (8982), Eziz Tohti (8983), Eli Tohti (8985), Abduhaliq Tohti (8986), Supiye Abduhaliq (8987), Alim Abduhaliq (8988)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8985. Eli Tohti

Chinese ID: 6529??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (brother)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother)

About the victim

Eli Tohti is 41 years old. He has three children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Unclear

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Muhter Tursun (8981), Aygul Tohti (8982), Eziz Tohti (8983), Seydulla Eziz (8984), Abduhaliq Tohti (8986), Supiye Abduhaliq (8987), Alim Abduhaliq (8988)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8986. Abduhaliq Tohti

Chinese ID: 6529??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (brother)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother)

About the victim

Abduhaliq Tohti is 39 years old. He has four children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Unknown

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

--- How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Muhter Tursun (8981), Aygul Tohti (8982), Eziz Tohti (8983), Seydulla Eziz (8984), Eli Tohti (8985), Supiye Abduhaliq (8987), Alim Abduhaliq (8988)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8987. Supiye Abduhaliq

Chinese ID: 6529??20????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

Supiye Abduhaliq.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Unclear

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

--- How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Muhter Tursun (8981), Aygul Tohti (8982), Eziz Tohti (8983), Seydulla Eziz (8984), Eli Tohti (8985), Abduhaliq Tohti (8986), Alim Abduhaliq (8988)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8988. Alim Abduhaliq

Chinese ID: 6529??20????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Yunus Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in the Netherlands. (uncle)

Testimony 2: Yunus Tohti, as reported by Amnesty International. (uncle)

About the victim

Alim Abduhaliq.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Unclear

Testimony 2: When Yunus Tohti was studying in Egypt, the Chinese police contacted him via WeChat and asked him when he would return to Xinjiang. The police also ordered him to provide personal details, including a copy of his passport. Yunus later fled Egypt to Turkey, and later went to the Netherlands. A few months after his arrival in the Netherlands, Xinjiang police called Yunus Tohti's older brother, who was in Turkey. Police told the older brother that "they were standing next to his parents and that he should return to Xinjiang – which he understood to be an implicit threat against his parents’ safety. Yunus Tohti subsequently lost all contact with his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

--- How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Mention in Amnesty International report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Muhter Tursun (8981), Aygul Tohti (8982), Eziz Tohti (8983), Seydulla Eziz (8984), Eli Tohti (8985), Abduhaliq Tohti (8986), Supiye Abduhaliq (8987)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-05-01 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 8991. Enwerjan Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

His name is Enwerjan Dawut. He is 47 years old. He is from Sazam Group, Bashlenger Village, Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten Prefecture.]

When victim was detained

In March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the testifier, because of the testifier's phone call to the victim.

Victim's status

Unclear. However, the the testifier writes that the victim was put in the jail.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 8992. Gulenber Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Gulenber Dawut. She is 32 years old. She is from Sazam Group, Bashlenger Village, Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained in January 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the testifier, because of the testifier's phone call to the victim.

Victim's status

Unclear. However, the the testifier writes that the victim was put in the jail.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 8995. Gulbahar Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Gulbahar Dawut. She is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture,

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 8996. Nurjamal Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Nurjamal Dawut. She is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 8997. Ayjamal Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Ayjamal Dawut. She is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture,

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 8998. Ayguzel Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Ayguzel Dawut. She is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

[She is presumably younger than 32, as she is the youngest sister and one of her sisters is that age.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 8999. Abdulmutellip Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdulmutellip Dawut. He is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

[He should be at least 47 years old, as he is the oldest of the testifier's brothers and one of the brothers is 47.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 9000. Abduleziz Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdulaziz Dawut. He is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

[He should be at least 47 years old, as one of his younger brothers is reported to be that age.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Obulqasim Dawut (9001), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 9001. Obulqasim Dawut

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (brother)

About the victim

His name is Ubulkasim Dawut. He is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

[He should be at least 47 years old, as one of his younger brothers is that age.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Rabigul Muhemmed (9002)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 9002. Rabigul Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 653223??????????E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmed Abdulla Dawut, as reported by "Erkin Berdas". (father)

About the victim

Her name is Rabigul Muhammed. She is from Guma County, Hoten Prefecture.

[Judging by her aunt's age, she can be no older than 32.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim since May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurimangul Dawut (8990), Enwerjan Dawut (8991), Gulenber Dawut (8992), Abduqeyyum Dawut (8993), Dawut Memtiz (8994), Gulbahar Dawut (8995), Nurjamal Dawut (8996), Ayjamal Dawut (8997), Ayguzel Dawut (8998), Abdulmutellip Dawut (8999), Abduleziz Dawut (9000), Obulqasim Dawut (9001)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 048532596518&width=350

Entry created: 2020-05-03 Last updated: 2020-06-20 Latest status update: 2020-02-11 9046. Aqip Tursun

Chinese ID: 652101196811263114 (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Memet Aqip, an unverified testifier. (son)

Testimony 2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Aqip Tursun was a private businessman and a religious figure. In 2013 and 2014, he went travelling to Turkey, Dubai, Malaysia, India, Singapore, and other countries. In October 2015, he sent his child [possibly children] to study in Egypt.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Detained on April 2, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

For sending his child [possibly children] to study abroad, for having gone abroad himself, and for being a religious figure.

Victim's status

There's been no news of him since the arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through contacts. Additional information

His family has received no news of him whatsoever since he was arrested.

Entry created: 2020-05-06 Last updated: 2020-05-06 Latest status update: 2020-05-06 9051. Peyzigul Tursun

Chinese ID: 65320119????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, a project documenting the Uyghur victims of the repressions in Xinjiang.

About the victim

The victim's name is Peyzigul Tursun. She is a housewife who resided in Hotan City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Peyzigul went missing in 2017. She was sent to a concentration camp at some point in time (presumably in 2017).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The reason for her detention was presumably related to the fact that her son studies in Turkey. The victim herself also traveled to Turkey at some point in time.

Victim's status

The victim is missing. She was sent to a concentration camp (presumably in 2017) and may still be in some form of detention.

Testimony 2: no news since her detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

Link to UTJD entry:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2021-05-29 Last updated: 2021-06-04 Latest status update: 2021-05-11 9155. Ekber Abdulla

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Timothy Grose, an assistant professor of China studies at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. (friend)

About the victim

His name is Ekber Abdulla. He was part of the Xinjiang high-school program in Hangzhou and was accepted by the Agricultural University in Beijing. After graduation from university, he went to Turkey for a postgraduate study.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Likely in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, the victim had been detained. However, the testifier hasn't been able to get any information about the victim by any means.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? from a mutual friend.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-05-14 Last updated: 2020-06-25 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 9160. Abdulla Hakimjan

Chinese ID: 6541011983??????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 36-37 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Adil Hakimjan, an Uyghur refugee from Ghulja City, separated from his family, now residing in Sweden. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdulla Hakimjan. He was born in 1983. He is a businessman. He used to live in Ghulja City, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to get any information about the victim, whether he is alive or not; or if he is at home or in the camps, since October 1996.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Hediche Adil (9161), Rizwan Adil (9162)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-05-19 Last updated: 2020-06-25 Latest status update: 2020-02-14 9161. Hediche Adil

Chinese ID: 65410119980214??E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 21 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adil Hakimjan, an Uyghur refugee from Ghulja City, separated from his family, now residing in Sweden. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Hediche Adil. She was born on the 14th of February 1998.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier haven't talked to the victim since October 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier had been detained and gone through tough times several times after the Ghulja Massacre which was carried out on the 5th of February in 1997. After he managed to get out, he applied for passports for all his family members, but only his passport application was approved and thus the testifier had to leave his family behind.

The testifier also has a son whom he has never had a chance to see. After he came abroad, he tried his best to get his family members out of the county abroad, but the Chinese government never let them leave.

Victims among relatives

Abdulla Hakimjan (9160), Rizwan Adil (9162)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-05-19 Last updated: 2020-06-25 Latest status update: 2020-02-14 9162. Rizwan Adil

Chinese ID: 6541011999??????E? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 20-21 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Adil Hakimjan, an Uyghur refugee from Ghulja City, separated from his family, now residing in Sweden. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Rizwan Adil. She was born in 1999.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier haven't talked to the victim since October 2016.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

The testifier had been detained and gone through tough times several times after the Ghulja Massacre which was carried out on the 5th of February in 1997. After he managed to get out, he applied for passports for all his family members, but only his passport application was approved and thus the testifier had to leave his family behind. After he came abroad, he tried his best to get his family members out of the county abroad, but the Chinese government never let them leave.

The testifier also has a son whom he has never had a chance to see.

Victims among relatives

Abdulla Hakimjan (9160), Hediche Adil (9161)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-05-19 Last updated: 2020-06-25 Latest status update: 2020-02-14 9596. Muyesser Ablimit

Chinese ID: 65322319920208??E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 28 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Aynur Muhemmed'eli, now residing outside of China. (friend)

About the victim

My friend Muyesser Ablimit was born on February 8th 1992 in Guma county,Hotan . She was accepted to Xinjiang Medical University in 2008 and was graduated in 2014.

Victim's location

Guma County , Hotan

When victim was detained

Muyesser was detained while working as a head nurse in a private hospital in Guma County in February, 2017. According to the source, she was arrested by the local police at the hospital In front of her patients.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Trying to get a passport and pursue further education abroad

Victim's status

In prison

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From old schoolmates

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2020-06-12 Last updated: 2020-07-18 Latest status update: 2020-06-12 9600. Muhemmetabdulla Osman

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muhemmet'imin Osman, a businessman originally from Guma County, who used to be based in Kyrgyzstan. He moved to Turkey in late 2017 after learning that his passport had been marked by the Chinese authorities. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Muhammetabdulla Osman.

Victim's location

[Probably in Hoten as it is where the testifier is from]

When victim was detained

In June 2017;

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

In the camp; and no news about the victim still.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Buzehra Imin (9601), Munewwergul Osman (9602), Mutellip Nurehmet (9603), Adil Ablimit (9604), Muyesser Muhemmetabdulla (9605)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-06-12 Last updated: 2020-07-20 Latest status update: 2019-12-12 9607. Ibrahim Jappar (伊卜拉伊木·加帕尔)

Chinese ID: 652924198005100596 (Shayar)

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: banking, accounting

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Anonymous, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Ibrahim Jappar was a chief asset manager [unclear at which company].

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

He was taken to camp on April 10, 2017, but there's been no news of him starting from around February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. No news since February 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2020-07-22 Last updated: 2020-07-22 Latest status update: 2020-07-22 10078. Dilber Tursun

Chinese ID: 650102196111034526 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4: Merdan Qasim, an Uyghur residing in Boston, USA. (son)

About the victim

Dilbar Tursun. Works in a restaurant owned by her husband Qasim Yaqup. It is located at Urumqi's Tianshan district (新疆乌鲁木齐市天山区河坝三巷52号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Taken to camp on January 21, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for visiting Merdan in the U.S twice in 2016 and 2017

Victim's status

Testimony 1-2: Still believed to be in re-education camp

Testimony 3: no news for 2 years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information More info about the restaurant in Urumqi:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2020-06-25 Last updated: 2020-10-07 Latest status update: 2020-10-26 10272. Abdurahman Allaberdi

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshem Mijit, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (mother)

About the victim

His name is Abdurahman Allaberdi. He is 34.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim for two years (that was until 2018) so she doesn't know if he is in a re-education camp, a prison, or somewhere else entirely

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

RFA coverage: Victims among relatives

Amine Allaberdi (732), Abdurehim Allaberdi (731), Allaberdi Ibrahim (1409), Mijit Yusup (13922), Asiye Mijit (13923), Semet Mijit (13924), Emet Mijit (13925)

Entry created: 2020-06-30 Last updated: 2020-08-18 Latest status update: 2018-09-14 10273. Abduqeyyum Emet

Chinese ID: 65????1978??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 41-42 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

Abdulhekim Emet, a resident of Switzerland since 2003. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abduqeyyem Emet. He is a gold-smith. He was born in 1978. He has got five children.

Victim's location

Not Mentiond.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has been out of contact with the victim since April 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives Sayim Emet (10274), Ayshem Ghopur (10275), Kamil Imin (10276), Abdugheni Imin (10277)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-01 Last updated: 2020-08-18 Latest status update: 2020-02-16 10322. Hesenjan Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshemgul Obul, originally from Kashgar, but living in Switzerland since 2006. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Hesenjan Ubul. He is from Yupurgha, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has been out of contact with the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of not being able to contact him.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives Aypasha Obul (10323), Imamhusen Obul (10324), Abdusemi Obul (10325)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-01 Last updated: 2020-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-17 10323. Aypasha Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????E? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshemgul Obul, originally from Kashgar, but living in Switzerland since 2006. (sister)

About the victim

Her name is Aypasha Ubul. She is 34 years old. She is from Yupurgha, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown.

Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has been out of contact with the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives Hesenjan Obul (10322), Imamhusen Obul (10324), Abdusemi Obul (10325)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-01 Last updated: 2020-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-17 10324. Imamhusen Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshemgul Obul, originally from Kashgar, but living in Switzerland since 2006. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Imamhusen Ubul. He is 39 years old. He was put in prison in 2015. There has been now news about him ever since.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

He was reportedly put in prison [unclear if formal prison or custody] in 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since his detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Hesenjan Obul (10322), Aypasha Obul (10323), Abdusemi Obul (10325)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-01 Last updated: 2020-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-17 10325. Abdusemi Obul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshemgul Obul, originally from Kashgar, but living in Switzerland since 2006. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Abdusemi Ubul. He is from Yupurgha, Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Probably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier has been out of contact with the victim since 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of not being able to contact him.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives Hesenjan Obul (10322), Aypasha Obul (10323), Imamhusen Obul (10324)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-01 Last updated: 2020-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-02-17 10334. Tursynzhan Tair

Chinese ID: 65????1978??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 41-42 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): other|--- Health status: --- Profession: security/police

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Aisham Tair, now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister)

About the victim

Tursynzhan Tair, born in 1978, had been working as a security guard in Urumqi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention not handing in his passport to the local authorities in 2018

Victim's status in re-education facility

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Supplementary materials Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-07-06 Last updated: 2020-08-19 Latest status update: 2020-09-24 10386. Abduzahir Abdulla (阿布都杂合力·阿卜杜拉)

Chinese ID: 65320119????????O? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Meghpiret Ablimit, a university student in Turkey. (niece)

About the victim

Zahir Abdullah, a businessman from Hotan.

Address: Hotan city.

[In Testimony 2, the testifier refers to him as "my father's uncle", but this may be a mistake, given his apparently young age and the last name being the same as that of another uncle (as well as the testifier referring to him as her uncle in the first testimony).]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news for 4 years running

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Lost contact Additional information


Victims among relatives

Reshit Ablimit (8960), Abdumijit Abdulla (12807)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2020-07-11 Last updated: 2021-01-31 Latest status update: 2021-01-06 10390. Ekber Memtimin

Chinese ID: 65292319820325??O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 38 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: driver

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Gulnar Memtimin, now a Swiss citizen, where she has been living since 2000. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Ekber Memitmin. He was born on the 25th of March 1982. He is a truck driver. He has got two children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

He was taken in August 2017 in place of his parents who were going to be re-educated because of their visit to Istanbul in 2009.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

His whereabouts remains unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Tumaris Ekber (10391), Qudret Ekber (10392), Helchem Damolla (10393), Dilber Damolla (10672), Abduweli Abdureshit (8443)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-07-13 Last updated: 2021-05-09 Latest status update: 2020-09-02 10391. Tumaris Ekber

Chinese ID: 65292320030101??E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 17 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Gulnar Memtimin, now a Swiss citizen, where she has been living since 2000. (aunt)

About the victim

Her name is Tumaris Ekber. She was born on the 1st of January 2003.

Victim's location

Not Mentioned.

When victim was detained

Father was taken to camp in August 2017. Mother's situation not mentioned.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The testifier hasn't been able to get any news about the victim for half and a year.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives Ekber Memtimin (10390), Qudret Ekber (10392), Helchem Damolla (10393), Dilber Damolla (10672), Abduweli Abdureshit (8443)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-07-13 Last updated: 2020-08-23 Latest status update: 2020-09-02 10392. Qudret Ekber

Chinese ID: 65292320????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Gulnar Memtimin, now a Swiss citizen, where she has been living since 2000. (aunt)

About the victim

His name is Qudret Ekber. His father was taken to a reeducation camp. The testifier couldn't get any news about him.

Victim's location

Not Stated.

When victim was detained

Father was taken to camp in August 2017. Mother's situation not mentioned.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Ekber Memtimin (10390), Tumaris Ekber (10391), Helchem Damolla (10393), Dilber Damolla (10672), Abduweli Abdureshit (8443)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-13 Last updated: 2020-08-23 Latest status update: 2020-02-18 10393. Helchem Damolla

Chinese ID: 65292319480101??E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 72 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: government

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Gulnar Memtimin, now a Swiss citizen, where she has been living since 2000. (daughter)

About the victim

Her name is Helchem Damolla. She was born on the first of January 1948. She is a retired cadre from Kuchar County Uyghur Medicine hospital. Her husband passed away and she has high blood pressure and diabetes.

Address: Kucha County, Aksu [presumed].

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: In July 2017, Gulnar Memtimin called the victim. The victim reportedly told Gulnar that they should not contact each other "for a while".

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: Unknown. The testifier doesn't know how and where she is now.

Testimony 2: Gulnar Memtimin has not seen the victim [in person] for the last four years, and there has been no regular contact with the victim for the last three years. Since August 2019, Gulnar Memtimin has had no information about the victim whatsoever. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information

Testimony 2: The victim's husband's name was Memtimin Shemshi. Gulnar Memtimin says that she last spoke with Memtimin Shemshi in April 2018 via phone. Memtimin Shemshi told Gulnar not to come to China. Gulnar later heard [from an unspecified source] that he passed away "at the end of June" [unclear which year].

Victims among relatives

Ekber Memtimin (10390), Tumaris Ekber (10391), Qudret Ekber (10392), Dilber Damolla (10672), Abduweli Abdureshit (8443)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-07-13 Last updated: 2020-09-18 Latest status update: 2020-09-02 10555. Qemernisahan Hesen

Chinese ID: 65320119????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Abduhaliq Hesen, originally from Hotan, but residing in Switzerland since 2002. (brother)

About the victim

Her name is Qemernisahan Hesen. She is nearly 70 years old. She is farmer.

[Her brother's address: No.3 Neighborhood, Arghul Village, Laskoy Township, Hoten.]

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as she was taken to a camp to be reeducated for two months and the testifies hasn't heard from her yet.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information The victim's son Muhammeteili, who was a driver, was also allegedly detained in 2016 and sentenced for 9 years without any reason.

Victims among relatives

Muhemmetimin Hesen (970)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-14 Last updated: 2020-11-26 Latest status update: 2020-02-19 10556. Husenjan Qadir (玉赛江·喀迪尔)

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Husenjan Qadir (玉赛江·喀迪尔) was detained in Urumqi.

Victim's location unclear

When victim was detained

"3 years ago" (as of March 2020)

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status no news from him for over three years

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Supplementary materials Chinese ID (redacted):

Entry created: 2020-07-16 Last updated: 2020-08-31 Latest status update: 2020-03-23 10653. Haliq Ablet (哈力克·阿布来提)

Chinese ID: 6521??19720910??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Meryemgul Abdulla, as reported by Voice of America. (wife)

Testimony 2: Meryemgul Abdulla, a resident of Turkey. (wife)

About the victim

Haliq Ablet (also "Abduhaliq Ablet"), a 48-year-old businessman and religious scholar. Graduate of Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Has five children.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Haliq came back to China in March 2017 after his brother informed him that Haliq's application to establish a museum in commemoration of his great uncle and prominent early 20th-century Uyghur poet, was approved by the authorities in Turpan. He was then promptly detained and taken to camp.

Testimony 2: he was detained in early April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1-2: There's been no news since his detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information

Voice of America coverage: na

Testimony 2: Five underage children of the victim are living in Turkey without their father and only the their mother looks after them. The children miss their father so much, but they have never been able hear from him, or see him, at all.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2020-07-18 Last updated: 2020-09-27 Latest status update: 2020-06-10 10668. Gulbostan Memtimin

Chinese ID: 65322419920508??E? (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 28 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: medicine

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Aynur Muhemmed'eli, now residing outside of China. (friend)

About the victim

Gulbostan Memtimin was born on 8th May,1992 in Lop county, Hotan. she was accepted to Xinjinag Medical University in 2010, she finished her bachelor degree in 2016 and continued to pursue her masters degree the same year at the same university, she was detained later that year or at the beginning of 2017,I tried to get information about her from a mutual friend who was also at the XJ medical university at that time, all I got was that Gulbostan was detained and presumably sent to concentration camps not long after she started school.

Victim's location

Lop county

When victim was detained at the end of 2016 or beginning of 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? from friends Additional information


Entry created: 2020-07-19 Last updated: 2020-07-19 Latest status update: 2020-07-19 10676. Abdullah Ilham

Chinese ID: 652801200???????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: inner China Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Yusup Helil, originally from Korla's Awat Township, but residing in Turkey since 2016. (great-uncle)

About the victim

Abdullah Ilham is 17 years old. He is the son of Aysham Zaydun and Ilham Osman. The address of the family home prior to the family being arrested was: Group #3, Baghjigde Village, Qarayulghun Town, Korla City.

Victim's location

Somewhere in mainland China (exact whereabouts unknown).

When victim was detained

The victim was detained along with his family in 2017 and sent to mainland China. It is unknown what happened to the victim after this.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zeydun Ziyawudun (1831), Patem Helil (1832), Ayshem Zeydun (10674), Ilham Osman (10675), Raziye Ilham (10677), Muhemmet Helil (1833)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 8249456575368%26set%3Dp.1138249456575368%26type%3D3&width=300

Entry created: 2020-07-21 Last updated: 2020-07-21 Latest status update: 2020-07-19 10677. Raziye Ilham

Chinese ID: 652801200???????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Yusup Helil, originally from Korla's Awat Township, but residing in Turkey since 2016. (great-uncle)

About the victim

Raziye Ilham is 12 years old. She is the daughter of Aysham Zaydun and Ilham Osman. The address of the family home prior to the family being arrested was: Group #3, Baghjigde Village, Qarayulghun Town, Korla City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

The victim was detained along with her family in 2017 and sent to a children's camp. The current whereabouts of the victim are unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[Presumably because of her parents being detained.]

Victim's status

The victim was sent to a children's camp in 2017, but her current wherabouts are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zeydun Ziyawudun (1831), Patem Helil (1832), Ayshem Zeydun (10674), Ilham Osman (10675), Abdullah Ilham (10676), Muhemmet Helil (1833)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 8249456575368%26set%3Dp.1138249456575368%26type%3D3&width=300

Entry created: 2020-07-21 Last updated: 2020-09-05 Latest status update: 2020-07-19 10983. Shahabidin Ehet (西哈布丁·艾海提)

Chinese ID: 65312219????????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway.

Testimony 2|3: Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Shahabidin Ehet (西哈布丁·艾海提), a lecturer at Xinjiang's Islamic Institute. His phone number is 13999127754.

Testimony 2: he studied at the Islamic Institute between 1987 and 1992, then worked as a teacher at that university between 1992 and 2017. He is originally from Yapchan Township in Yengisheher County (Testimony 3: Harap Township).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: arrested in 2017 and no news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated

Additional information

He has made several public appearances in Xinjiang's cadre circles. In 2009, he condemnded the Urumqi 'terrorist attacks' and stated that Muslims should not treat non-Muslims differently ( A state-sponsored media article has his picture from the Second Religious Persons Training Class event in 2016, where he was one of the speakers ( He is also among the recipients of the Xinjiang's Highest Grade Professional Skill Qualification Certificate in 2013, as issued by Xinjiang's Deparment of Human Resources and Social Security (

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2020-07-22 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-06-23 10984. Sebir Sadiq

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: corporate work

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Anonymous, but with a verified identity. (friend)

About the victim

His name is Sabir Sadik, from Gulja city of East Turkistan. He came to Turkey around 2008-2009. After one year's of Turkish learning, he got admitted by Bogazici University to learn international commerce for B.Sc degree. He was very diligent, nice-hearted and hard-working. After graduation, he spend some months as an intern in Arcelik, Turkey. Around 2015, he went back to his family. At first, he worked in Torem company in Urumchi, then moved to Guangzhou to work in another Chinese company. Later, he was called back by local police to return back his passport, was detained and sent to concentration camp. He has one older sister, and his parents were elders living in Gulja.

Victim's location

Gulja city of East Turkistan

When victim was detained

Together with others, he was first sent to concentration camp in April, 2017, but released after around two months. However, around July 2017, he was sent back to concentration camp again, and has no any further information since then.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Living and studying abroad (Turkey)

Victim's status

In concentration camp, no any information regarding his health or dead/alive.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Through one friend from Gulja city.

Additional information


Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2020-07-22 Last updated: 2020-07-22 Latest status update: 2020-07-22 10986. Muslime Izzetulla

Chinese ID: 65280120????????E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Izzetulla Seypulla, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (father)

About the victim

Her name is Muslime Izzetulla. She is from Korla and she is 10 years old now. She went to Egypt with her father and went back Korla with her aunt in 2016. But, as she was preparing to buy the ticket and going to Turkey, her passport was suddenly taken and couldn't leave the county. Her father, the testifier, couldn't get any news about her; he doesn't know where she is now.

Also, her name was changed so that the testifier doesn't know her daughter's current name.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives

Musa Hekim (714), Ibrahim Seypulla (715), Seypulla Zayit (716), Memet Seypulla (717), Reyhangul Hekim (6209), Rahmanjan Hekim (6210)

Entry created: 2020-07-22 Last updated: 2020-09-26 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 10989. Muhemmed Memtimin

Chinese ID: 652101??????????O? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (uncle-in-law)

About the victim

Muhemmed Memtimin is from Turpan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

His father was sentenced to 15 years and his mother was taken to camp (exact times unclear).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His current circumstances are the result of his parents both being detained.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Unknown. Both parents in detention.

Testimony 2: No update [presumably no news].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-10-01 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 10990. Abdurahman Jamaldin

Chinese ID: 652101??????????O? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (uncle-in-law)

About the victim

Abdurahman Jamaldin is from Turpan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Both of his parents were taken to camp (time unclear).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His current circumstances are the result of his parents being detained.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Both parents detained.

Testimony 2: No update [presumably no news].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-10-01 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 10991. Yusup Jamaldin

Chinese ID: 652101??????????O? (Turpan)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (uncle-in-law)

About the victim

Yusup Jamaldin is from Turpan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Both of his parents were taken to camp (time unclear).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

His current circumstances are the result of his parents being detained.

Victim's status

Testimony 1: Both parents detained.

Testimony 2: No update [presumably no news].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-10-01 Last updated: 2020-10-01 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 11109. Ayshe Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 653201??????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (sister)

About the victim

Aisha Ubulqasim [surname assumed from surname of testifier] is one of the sisters of Buxelchem Ubulqasim and one of the daughters of Ruzunisa Nuri and Mutellip Abduwayip (victim 1873).

Address: NO.3 road (3- kocha), group 7 (7-dadui), Ilchi shimalbagh, Hotan city.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The testifier lost contact with the victim in approximately November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Mihribulla Obulqasim (1872), Abduweli Obulqasim (1871), Rozinisa Nuri (6765), Muhemmed Obulqasim (3624), Sumeyye Obulqasim (11110), Raziye Obulqasim (11111), Merziye Obulqasim (11112)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-30 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 11110. Sumeyye Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 653201??????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (sister)

About the victim

Sumeyye Ubulqasim [surname assumed from surname of testifier] is one of the sisters of Buxelchem Ubulqasim and one of the daughters of Ruzunisa Nuri and Mutellip Abduwayip (victim 1873).

The address of the family is Street 3, Neighbourhood 7, Shamalbag Ilchi District, Hotan City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The testifier lost contact with the victim in approximately November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Mihribulla Obulqasim (1872), Abduweli Obulqasim (1871), Rozinisa Nuri (6765), Muhemmed Obulqasim (3624), Ayshe Obulqasim (11109), Raziye Obulqasim (11111), Merziye Obulqasim (11112)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-30 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 11111. Raziye Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 653201??????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (sister)

About the victim

Raziye Ubulqasim [surname assumed from surname of testifier] is one of the sisters of Buxelchem Ubulqasim and one of the daughters of Ruzunisa Nuri and Mutellip Abduwayip (victim 1873).

The address of the family is Street 3, Neighbourhood 7, Shamalbag Ilchi District, Hotan City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The testifier lost contact with the victim in approximately November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Mihribulla Obulqasim (1872), Abduweli Obulqasim (1871), Rozinisa Nuri (6765), Muhemmed Obulqasim (3624), Ayshe Obulqasim (11109), Sumeyye Obulqasim (11110), Merziye Obulqasim (11112)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-30 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 11112. Merziye Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 653201??????????E? (Hotan City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Buhelchem Obulqasim, originally from Hotan, but living abroad since 2016, after going to Egypt to study. She later fled to Germany. (sister)

About the victim

Merziye Ubulqasim [surname assumed from surname of testifier] is one of the sisters of Buxelchem Ubulqasim and one of the daughters of Ruzunisa Nuri and Mutellip Abduwayip (victim 1873).

The address of the family is Street 3, Neighbourhood 7, Shamalbag Ilchi District, Hotan City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The testifier lost contact with the victim in approximately November 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abduwayip (1873), Mihribulla Obulqasim (1872), Abduweli Obulqasim (1871), Rozinisa Nuri (6765), Muhemmed Obulqasim (3624), Ayshe Obulqasim (11109), Sumeyye Obulqasim (11110), Raziye Obulqasim (11111)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-30 Last updated: 2020-10-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 11145. Peruq Qasim

Chinese ID: 65????19880410??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 32 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Dilnur Reyhan, an Uyghur scholar, originally from Ghulja but now in France. (acquaintance)

About the victim

Peruq Qasim, the only child of a single mother, born on April 10, 1988. He used to study in France and returned to Urumqi in 2014 or 2015 and started to work.

Victim's location

The last known location is Urumqi. [Unclear where he might be now.]

When victim was detained

He was arrested in the end of 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not stated.

Victim's status

There have been no news about him since his detention and transfer to a "reeducation" camp. He is still missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

He was raised in a middle-class family by his mother, a medical doctor. The family had a sufficient intellectual background and does not require any "reeducation".

Another 10-15 Uyghur students who studied in France and returned to their hometowns in China have either completely disappeared, were sent to camps, were released from camps, or sent to forced labour.

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2020-08-08 Last updated: 2020-10-20 Latest status update: 2020-08-08 11148. Munire Qurban (穆妮热·库尔班)

Chinese ID: 653122199407080021 (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 26 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Hans-Christian Günther, a professor of classics at the university in Freiburg, Germany. (ex-husband)

Testimony 2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

She studied accounting in the university of Urumqi. She finished a bachelor in June 2017. She continued to live in Urumqi in order to study for the exam to be admitted for master study, as long as we were in contact.,

[Victim's name: Munire Qurban.]

Victim's location

She was living in Urumqi, but before she disappeared she was visiting her parents in kashgar

When victim was detained

I don’t know anything about her status. She went to Kashgar to see her family in February 2018. She intended to go back to Urumqi in order to continue her studies, but then she disappeared. She did not answer any longer in chat. Her telephone number is not in service any longer.

Testimony 2: police records from Urumqi note her going through a check on January 2, 2018 (near the Xinjiang Arts Institute on Unity Road), being reported as "completely normal" (一切正常), and being allowed to go.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

I have no idea about her whereabouts. If she is in trouble the only reason I can imagine is her marriage and contact with me. Victim's status

She has disappeared. I can’t contact her. She has minor health issues. Nothing serious.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

After I could not see her any longer in China I was in contact with her every day in video chat until February 2018. Then the contact broke up. At that time she was in Kashgar. She intended to go back to Urumqi and resume our daily contact. But she disappeared and her telephone number is out of service.

Additional information


Supplementary materials photo with husband (1): photo with husband (2): marriage certificate: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2020-08-10 Last updated: 2021-08-11 Latest status update: 2020-08-10 11605. Osmanjan Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ismayil Abdukerim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Osmanjan Abdukerim was sent to the re-education camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier hasn't been able to contact victim since 2017. [Presumably no news.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not mentioned

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Abdukerim Ismayil (1458), Gulhesel Memet (11604), Omerjan Abdukerim (11606), Ababekri Abdukerim (11607), Elijan Abdukerim (11608), Abduwahit Abdukerim (11609), Helimegul Abdukerim (11610), Nurmuhemmet Ismayil (11611)

Entry created: 2020-08-21 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-05-22 11606. Omerjan Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ismayil Abdukerim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Omerjan Abdukerim was sent to the re-education camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier hasn't been able to contact victim since 2017. [Presumably no news.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not mentioned

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Abdukerim Ismayil (1458), Gulhesel Memet (11604), Osmanjan Abdukerim (11605), Ababekri Abdukerim (11607), Elijan Abdukerim (11608), Abduwahit Abdukerim (11609), Helimegul Abdukerim (11610), Nurmuhemmet Ismayil (11611)

Entry created: 2020-08-21 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-05-22 11607. Ababekri Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ismayil Abdukerim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Ababekri Abdukerim was sent to the re-education camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier hasn't been able to contact victim since 2017. [Presumably no news.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not mentioned

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Abdukerim Ismayil (1458), Gulhesel Memet (11604), Omerjan Abdukerim (11606), Osmanjan Abdukerim (11605), Elijan Abdukerim (11608), Abduwahit Abdukerim (11609), Helimegul Abdukerim (11610), Nurmuhemmet Ismayil (11611)

Entry created: 2020-08-21 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-05-22 11608. Elijan Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ismayil Abdukerim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Elijan Abdukerem was sent to the re-education camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier hasn't been able to contact victim since 2017. [Presumably no news.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not mentioned

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Abdukerim Ismayil (1458), Gulhesel Memet (11604), Omerjan Abdukerim (11606), Osmanjan Abdukerim (11605), Ababekri Abdukerim (11607), Abduwahit Abdukerim (11609), Helimegul Abdukerim (11610), Nurmuhemmet Ismayil (11611)

Entry created: 2020-08-21 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-05-22 11609. Abduwahit Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ismayil Abdukerim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Abduwahit Abdukerem was sent to the re-education camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier hasn't been able to contact victim since 2017. [Presumably no news.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not mentioned

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Abdukerim Ismayil (1458), Gulhesel Memet (11604), Omerjan Abdukerim (11606), Osmanjan Abdukerim (11605), Ababekri Abdukerim (11607), Elijan Abdukerim (11608), Helimegul Abdukerim (11610), Nurmuhemmet Ismayil (11611)

Entry created: 2020-08-21 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-05-22 11610. Helimegul Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65312319????????E? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ismayil Abdukerim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

Helimegul Abdukerem was sent to the re-education camp.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testifier hasn't been able to contact victim since 2017. [Presumably no news.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not mentioned

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Victims among relatives Abdukerim Ismayil (1458), Gulhesel Memet (11604), Omerjan Abdukerim (11606), Osmanjan Abdukerim (11605), Ababekri Abdukerim (11607), Elijan Abdukerim (11608), Abduwahit Abdukerim (11609), Nurmuhemmet Ismayil (11611)

Entry created: 2020-08-21 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-05-22 12172. Alim Memet (阿里木·买买提)

Chinese ID: 652401195512143210 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 65 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Hebibe Alim, now a resident of Turkey. (daughter)

About the victim

Alim Memet is a 65-year-old Uyghur man who was born in Nilka Neighborhood, Ghulja City. He worked as an agricultural technician in the service of the Chinese government and is now retired.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Alim Memet was arrested and taken to a concentration camp by Chinese police in late 2018. He has not been seen or heard from since his arrest, and no explanation for his arrest was ever provided to his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The reason for his arrest and detention is that he sent his daughter, Hebibe Alim (the testifier), to live in Turkey.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested and taken to a concentration camp by Chinese police in late 2018 and has not been seen or heard from since.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdurahman Memet (12274)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1 (translation): registration card: photo:

Entry created: 2021-01-03 Last updated: 2021-01-06 Latest status update: 2021-01-01 12274. Abdurahman Memet

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2: Hebibe Alim, now a resident of Turkey. (niece)

About the victim

Abdurahman Memet worked as a government official in the "family committee" (Testimony 2: family-planning office) of Nilka Neighborhood, Ghulja City until his arrest.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Abdurahman Memet was arrested from his workplace at some point in 2018 and taken to a concentration camp. He has not been seen or heard from since his arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim was taken to a concentration camp in 2018 and has not been seen or heard from since.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Alim Memet (12172)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1 (translation): photo:

Entry created: 2021-01-03 Last updated: 2021-01-13 Latest status update: 2021-01-01 12275. Abdubaqi Eziz

Chinese ID: 65310120????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Abduhaliq Eziz, a resident of Turkey. (brother)

Testimony 2: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Abdubaqi Eziz is an underage boy whose parents lived in Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

His father was arrested and sentenced at some point in 2017-2018, or maybe even earlier. His mother was taken to camp around April 2017, and later sentenced as well.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[His current circumstances are the result of both of his parents being detained.]

Victim's status

Unclear. The testifier has had no news of his situation.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier heard of the parents' arrest from an unspecified source in February 2020 (his mother also told him, in April 2017, that the authorities were getting ready to take her to "study"). The cadre from the legal affairs office who spoke to Radio Free Asia would presumably have more direct knowledge of the victim's parents' situation.

Additional information

Parents' case covered by Radio Free Asia:

Victims among relatives

Eziz Nasir (2522), Amine Abdulla (2555)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2021-01-07 Last updated: 2021-01-09 Latest status update: 2020-12-20 12276. Adil Qasim

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Qelbinur Kamal, originally from Ghulja City, but now residing in Turkey. (relative)

About the victim

Adil Qasim is an Uyghur man who graduated from the Department of Politics at Xinjiang University in 1994, before going on to work in the Public Affairs Administration in Ghulja City.

At some point in time, he resigned from his position at the Public Affairs Administration in Ghulja City and began to engage in trade in both Russia and Kazakhstan [presumably traveling between Russia, Kazakhstan and China frequently].

Testimony 2: he is 50 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Adil Qasim was taken to a concentration camp at some point in [early] 2017. He spent approximately one year at the camp, leaving in [late] 2017. After his release from the concentration camp in [late] 2017, he was taken to a concentration camp again in 2018.

Testimony 2: taken to camp in 2018, no news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 1: The victim's current status and whereabouts are unknown. Testimony 2: no news since his (second) detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-11-19 Last updated: 2021-01-15 Latest status update: 2021-02-07 12279. Ehmetjan Muhemmed

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Fazilat Abdureshit, as reported by Global Voices. (niece)

About the victim

Ahmatjan Haji Muhammad is a younger brother of Abdureshit Hoshur Haji (2868).

Victim's location


When victim was detained

The victim went to see the testifier and the testifier's aunt in Turkey in February 2017 and was reportedly taken by authorities upon returning to China. He has not been heard from since that point in time.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim has disappeared; his current status and location are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Global Voices article: n-turkey-shares-her-story/

Victims among relatives

Rizayidin Abdureshit (5441), Abdureshit Hoshur (2868), Ablimit Hoshur Halis (2867), Shemshidin Rehmetulla (3482), Iminjan Rehmutulla (5854), Nurgul Rehmutulla (5853), Adil Iminjan (5855), Muqeddes Abdureshit (12280), Hemrulla Abdusemi (12281), Elijan Hemrulla (12282), Ilham Heyrulla (12283)

Entry created: 2020-09-18 Last updated: 2021-01-11 Latest status update: 2020-09-16 12281. Hemrulla Abdusemi

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Fazilat Abdureshit, as reported by Global Voices. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Amrulla Abdusami is an Uyghur businessman and the cousin of Abdureshit Hoshur Haji (2868). The victim has four children, the oldest of whom is Elijan Amrulla.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

The victim was reportedly taken away three years ago (as of 16 September 2020); this likely places the victim's arrest in the latter half of 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim's current status and location is unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Global Voices article: n-turkey-shares-her-story/

Victims among relatives

Rizayidin Abdureshit (5441), Abdureshit Hoshur (2868), Ablimit Hoshur Halis (2867), Shemshidin Rehmetulla (3482), Iminjan Rehmutulla (5854), Nurgul Rehmutulla (5853), Adil Iminjan (5855), Muqeddes Abdureshit (12280), Ehmetjan Muhemmed (12279), Elijan Hemrulla (12282), Ilham Heyrulla (12283)

Entry created: 2020-09-18 Last updated: 2021-01-11 Latest status update: 2020-09-16 12764. Patime Ilyas

Chinese ID: 65300119????????E? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Abdulwahid, an Uyghur living abroad. (uncle)

About the victim

Fatima Ilyas, 32, born in Baysak village of Ustun Atux. We lost our contact since 2017. She might be in concentration camp as she is a strong believer.

Victim's location unknown

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

We lost our communication since 2017.

Additional information [There's also been no news of her father, Hajim Ilyas, a well-known religious figure in the area.]

Victims among relatives

Asimgul Ilyas (12765), Ilhamjan Ilyas (12766), Abdulla Emetjan (12767)

Entry created: 2020-09-22 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-22 12765. Asimgul Ilyas

Chinese ID: 65300119????????E? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Abdulwahid, an Uyghur living abroad. (uncle)

About the victim

Asigul Ilyas, 30, born in Baysak village of Ustun Atux. We lost our communication since 2017. I strongly belive that she is in prison or concentration camp since she was detained in 2012 because of keeping illigal religous book at her house.

Victim's location unknown

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

We lost our communication.

Additional information [There's also been no news of her father, Hajim Ilyas, a well-known religious figure in the area.]

Victims among relatives

Patime Ilyas (12764), Ilhamjan Ilyas (12766), Abdulla Emetjan (12767)

Entry created: 2020-09-22 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-22 12766. Ilhamjan Ilyas

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Abdulwahid, an Uyghur living abroad. (uncle)

About the victim

Ilamjan Ilyas, 34, born in Baysak village of Ustun Atux. We lost our communication since 2018. He might be in concentration camp as he is a strong believer.

Victim's location unknown

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

We lost our communication since 2018.

Additional information [There's also been no news of his father, Hajim Ilyas, a well-known religious figure in the area.]

Victims among relatives

Patime Ilyas (12764), Asimgul Ilyas (12765), Abdulla Emetjan (12767)

Entry created: 2020-09-22 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-22 12767. Abdulla Emetjan

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Abdulwahid, an Uyghur living abroad. (great-uncle)

About the victim

Abdullah Amatjan, 15, born in Baysak village of Ustun Atux. He is most likely in concentration camp or jail as he memorized the quran and attended islamic teaching privately. We lost our communication since 2017.

Victim's location unknown

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

We lost our communication since 2017.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Patime Ilyas (12764), Asimgul Ilyas (12765), Ilhamjan Ilyas (12766)

Entry created: 2020-09-22 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-22 12769. Ayshemhan Tohtash

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (nephew)

About the victim

Ayšämxan Toxtaš is an Uyghur woman who was 62 years old as of 18 September 2020. She is married to a 64-year-old farmer named Igämbärdi'axun [surname unspecified]. Her occupation is stated in the testimony as "farmer's wife". She is an aunt of Tahir Mutällip Qahiri on his mother's side of the family.

The open letter from Tahir Mutällip Qahiri in relation to a number of missing relatives on his mother's side of the family [dated 18 September 2020] implies that the victim was living in Kashgar at the point of last contact between the testifier and the victim, but this is not explicitly stated.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. The victim is missing. Tahir Mutällip Qahiri has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016. His relatives on his mother's side of the family are reportedly not allowed to contact him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-09-23 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2021-01-29 12770. Selimihan Tohtash

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (nephew)

About the victim

Sälimixan Toxtaš is an Uyghur woman who was 60 years old as of 18 September 2020. She is married to Sabir Ruzi (victim 3750). She is stated in the testimony to be a housewife. She is an aunt of Tahir Mutällip Qahiri on his mother's side of the family.

The open letter from Tahir Mutällip Qahiri in relation to a number of missing relatives on his mother's side of the family [dated 18 September 2020] implies that the victim was living in Kashgar at the point of last contact between the testifier and the victim, but this is not explicitly stated.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. The victim is missing. Tahir Mutällip Qahiri has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016. His relatives on his mother's side of the family are reportedly not allowed to contact him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-09-23 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2021-01-29 12771. Buhlichihan Tohtash

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (nephew)

About the victim

Buxlečxan Toxtaš is an Uyghur woman who was 56 years old as of 18 September 2020. She is married to a 56-year-old farmer named Abdumöminaxun [surname unspecified, same age as victim]. Her occupation is stated in the testimony as "farmer's wife". She is an aunt of Tahir Mutällip Qahiri on his mother's side of the family.

The open letter from Tahir Mutällip Qahiri in relation to a number of missing relatives on his mother's side of the family [dated 18 September 2020] implies that the victim was living in Kashgar at the point of last contact between the testifier and the victim, but this is not explicitly stated.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. The victim is missing. Tahir Mutällip Qahiri has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016. His relatives on his mother's side of the family are reportedly not allowed to contact him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is missing. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-09-23 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2021-01-29 12772. Abdukerim Tohtash

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (nephew)

About the victim

Abdukerim Toxtaš is an Uyghur man who was 50 years old as of 18 September 2020. His occupation is stated in the testimony as "farmer". He is a maternal uncle of Tahir Mutällip Qahiri.

The open letter from Tahir Mutällip Qahiri in relation to a number of missing relatives on his mother's side of the family [dated 18 September 2020] implies that the victim was living in Kashgar at the point of last contact between the testifier and the victim, but this is not explicitly stated.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. The victim is missing. Tahir Mutällip Qahiri has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016. His relatives on his mother's side of the family are reportedly not allowed to contact him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-09-23 Last updated: 2021-01-28 Latest status update: 2021-01-29 12773. Ablikim Tohtash

Chinese ID: 6531011974??????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 46-47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Tahir Mutellip, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Germany. (nephew)

About the victim

Ablikim Toxtaš is an Uyghur man who was 47 years old as of 18 September 2020. His occupation is stated in the testimony as "merchant". He is a maternal uncle of Tahir Mutällip Qahiri.

The open letter from Tahir Mutällip Qahiri in relation to a number of missing relatives on his mother's side of the family [dated 18 September 2020] implies that the victim was living in Kashgar, but this is not explicitly stated.

Testimony 2: born in 1974.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to the open letter from Tahir Mutällip Qahiri [dated 18 September 2020], the victim was imprisoned [in China] between the years of 2014 and 2016 for "praying with other people". (Testimony 3: he was held at a reform-through-labor institution in Mush Township.)

It is unclear from the testimony whether or not the victim is still in prison or if the victim was released in 2016 and is now missing.

Tahir Mutällip Qahiri has not heard from his relatives on his mother's side of the family (including the victim) since 22 November 2016. His relatives on his mother's side of the family are reportedly not allowed to contact him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention The victim's initial detention was reportedly for "praying with other people".

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is either still in prison, or he has been released and is now missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620), Abdukebir Yasin (14984)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2020-09-23 Last updated: 2021-02-14 Latest status update: 2021-01-30 12808. Tursungul Tohtiniyaz

Chinese ID: 65292219????????E? (Onsu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Miradil Hesen, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 2: Miradil Hesen, an Uyghur man from Onsu, who came to prominence in September 2020 for uploading multiple testimony videos on YouTube while still in China. (son)

About the victim

Tursungul Tohtiniyaz (吐荪古丽·托合尼牙孜) is an Uyghur woman who was reportedly forced to undergo sterilisation. The victim developed uterine cancer after her forced sterilisation, and the testifier believes that the uterine cancer is a direct result of the sterilisation procedure.

Testimony 2: She has one son (the testifier), was married three times, but never fell pregnant again because of having undergone sterilization. She lives in Aksu City, Wensu County, 代普散社区 (Depsen Neighborhood). She was hospitalised for one month in Hospital of Oncology in Urumqi in 2017.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

The victim sought cancer treatment at the Hospital of Oncology in Urumqi in 2017 after complications caused by her forced sterilisation procedure.

The testifier reportedly cut all links with his family members "out of fear that he could be caught or that his parents [including the victim] might be targeted", presumably during his two years of homelessness after he escaped from Depsen District, Onsu County, Aksu Prefecture to Jiangsu County in 2018.

Chinese authorities reportedly pressured both the victim and the testifier's father to make the testifier return home to Aksu Prefecture in early 2018.

The testifier says that his own actions have been associated with his family and believes that the victim "may have been arrested". The testifier also says that the victim is no longer able to receive a pension from the government.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

If the victim has been arrested, this is presumed to be in relation to the testifier speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party's treatment of Uyghurs via a number of video testimonies posted online from within China using a VPN from 4 September 2020 to 6 September 2020.

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim has reportedly undergone a forced sterilisation procedure and the testifier believes that she may have been arrested.

Testimony 2: the testifier has lost contact with his entire family since he fled Xinjiang ("Uyghuristan", as he calls it) in 2018 and does not know about his mother's situation.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated [presumably by virtue of being her son and being in frequent contact with her].

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1):

Victims among relatives

Miradil Hesen (12547), Aqniyaz Tohniyaz (14972), Tohniyaz Tohti (14970), Hanzathan Qurban (14971)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-09-23 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-10 12809. Ehmet Sulayman

Chinese ID: 6522011981??????O? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 39-40 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Eset Sulayman, originally from Hami, but now living in the United States. He has been working for Radio Free Asia since 2013. (brother)

Testimony 2: Qarihan Eset, a citizen of the United States. (nephew)

Testimony 3: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Ehmet Sulayman was a government worker and a graduate of the Xinjiang Education Institute. He would serve as the deputy head of the Xishan Township government and, later, as the deputy head of the Tianshan Township government as well.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hami.]

When victim was detained

Detained in March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Police staff told Radio Free Asia that Ehmet's case was "related to national security".

Victim's status

No news since his detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? It's not clear how Ehmet's relatives abroad learned of his arrest.

The police staffer who confirmed the detention would presumably have relatively direct knowledge of the event, however.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Victims among relatives

Ehet Sulayman (2224), Jelil Osman (12810), Muhemmet Osman (12811), Eli Ablelim (1353), Ablajan Ablelim (12812), Adil Ablelim (12813), Memeteli Sopi (2228), Saadet Kichik (2229)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 1: photo:

Entry created: 2021-02-01 Last updated: 2021-05-02 Latest status update: 2021-03-03 12810. Jelil Osman

Chinese ID: 6522011962??????O? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 58-59 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hami Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Eset Sulayman, originally from Hami, but now living in the United States. He has been working for Radio Free Asia since 2013. (cousin)

Testimony 2: Ablet Semet, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Jelil Osman had served as the deputy head of the Hami City Government, the head of the Sheher'ichi Township government, the head of the Hami Prefectural Husbandry Department, and the head of the Hami Prefectural Artistic Troupe (the latter being his position at the time of arrest). He was a well-known intellectual and official among the people in Hami.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hami.]

When victim was detained

The testifier does not know when he was detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since his detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Victims among relatives

Ehet Sulayman (2224), Ehmet Sulayman (12809), Muhemmet Osman (12811), Eli Ablelim (1353), Ablajan Ablelim (12812), Adil Ablelim (12813), Memeteli Sopi (2228), Saadet Kichik (2229)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2021-02-01 Last updated: 2021-05-02 Latest status update: 2021-03-03 12929. Roziniyaz Turap (如则尼亚孜·吐热普)

Chinese ID: 653125198102105210 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|3: Muhemmedniyaz Turap, originally from Yarkand but now residing in Turkey. (brother)

Testimony 2: Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Name: ROUZINIYAZI TUREPU (肉孜尼亚孜.吐热普) Year of Brith: 1983 Age: 37 Occupation: Farmer Add: No 36 / Subgroup 2 /Group 4 / Arsilanbag Town / Shache County / Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region China. ( 新疆维吾尔自治区,莎⻋县,阿尔斯兰巴格乡,4大队, 2小队 36号) Date of detention: Beginning of 2017 Taken into concentration camps from home by police Reason of detention : unknown NO criminal history Current statues: unknown.

[Testimony 2 confirms the address, gives the name spelling as 如则尼亚孜·吐热普, and the ID number as 653125198102105210.]

Victim's location unknown

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained end of 2016 or beginning of 2017

[Testimony 2: as of January 27, 2019, he is marked as being a SLRY (三类人员, "three kinds of people"), which is code for those taken into camp, taken into custody, or sentenced.]

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

[Testimony 3: no news since he was taken to camp.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? social media

[Testimony 2: these are official local government documents.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abduqahar Ebeydulla (4650), Pehirdin Abduqahar (4688), Jalalidin Abduqahar (4689), Ayshiqiz Abduqahar (4690), Hediche Abduqahar (4691), Horigul Iminniyaz (4651), Asim Tursun (8087), Turap Tohti (4849), Hornisa Ebeydulla (12928)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2020-10-28 Last updated: 2021-04-01 Latest status update: 2020-10-28 12939. Abdukerim Salam

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

@DolanOghli, an unverified Twitter account. (friend)

About the victim

Abdukerim Salam graduated from Xinjiang University at some point before his detention and is fluent in both Chinese and English.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Abdukerim Salam was reportedly taken to a concentration camp in April 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim's current status and whereabouts are unknown. The testifier has received no information since the victim was detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-11-11 Last updated: 2021-02-20 Latest status update: 2019-12-30 12949. Rizwangul Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (stepson)

Testimony 2: WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Rizwangul Memet is a housewife.

Address: House No. 50-55, Kokang Village, Qoghan Township, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

Not clear when/if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Missing. The testifier has had no news of her for years and fears she may have been detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact her.] Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: photo (right): Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2021-02-25 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2021-03-14 13332. Ruqiye Imam

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ruqiye Imam.

Address: House No. 50-55, Kokang Village, Beshkirem Township, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Missing since 2017-2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown when/if detained. Missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2021-03-22 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13333. Osmanjan Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Osmanjan Memet is a farmer.

Address: Kokang Village, Beshkirem Township, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Missing since 2017-2018. Unclear if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

There's been no news of him for years, and it is feared that he's been detained (though there is no official confirmation).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him or learn of his whereabouts.]

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2021-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13334. Imam Tohti

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Imam Tohti [Imamu Tuoheti]. According to the UN WGEID report, he is a blacksmith who was born in Kashgar and resided at No. 50-55, 14th Kukang Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (August 12, 2020), he was 47 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010748.

Imam Tohti is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Imam Tohti was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017.

According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Imam Tohti was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Unspecified individuals associated with Imam Tohti asked the Chinese embassy in the Hague, Netherlands in May 2019 for information pertaining to Imam Tohti (and other members of his family), but were informed that they should "ask for a visa and go look for [Imam Tohti] themselves."

Unspecified individuals associated with Imam Tohti also called a number of police stations in Kashgar City to no apparent avail.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Imam Tohti are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13335. Rustemjan Eziz

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Rustemjan Eziz [Rusitaimujiang Aizizi]. According to the UN WGEID report, he was born in Kashgar and resided in 14th Kukang Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 33 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010772.

Rustemjan Eziz is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Rustemjan Eziz was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, Rustemjan Eziz "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Rustemjan Eziz was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The current status and whereabouts of Rustemjan Eziz are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13336. Buhelchem Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: tradesperson

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Buhelchem Memet [Buheliqiemu Maimaiti]. According to the UN WGEID report, she was a tailor by profession, was born in Kashgar, and resided in 14th Kukang Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. She is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), she was 37 years old. Her UN WGEID case number is 10010774.

Buhelchem Memet is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Buhelchem Memet was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, she "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Buhelchem Memet was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The current status and whereabouts of Buhelchem Memet are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13337. Ehmetjan Qunahun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Ahmetjan Qunahun [Aihemaitijiang Kunahung]. According to the UN WGEID report, Ahmetjan Qunahun was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kasghar. He is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 24 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010775.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Ahmetjan Qunahun was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Ahmetjan Qunahun was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Ahmetjan Qunahun are unknown. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13338. Gheni Memet

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Gheni Memet [Aini Maimaiti]. According to the UN WGEID report, Gheni Memet was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kasghar. He is a businessman and a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 39 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010776.

Gheni Memet is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Gheni Memet was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Gheni Memet was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The current status and whereabouts of Gheni Memet are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13339. Reyhangul Abdureshit

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: housemaker

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Reyhangul Abdureshit [Reyihanguli Abudurexiti]. According to the UN WGEID report, Reyhangul Abdureshit was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kasghar. She is described in the report as a housewife and a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), she was 48 years old. Her UN WGEID case number is 10010777.

Reyhangul Abdureshit is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Reyhangul Abdureshit was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, she "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Reyhangul Abdureshit was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Unspecified individuals associated with Reyhangul Abdureshit asked the Chinese embassy in the Hague, Netherlands in May 2019 for information pertaining to Reyhangul Abdureshit (and other members of her family), but were informed that they should "ask for a visa and go look for [Reyhangul Abdureshit] themselves." Unspecified individuals associated with Reyhangul Abdureshit also called a number of police stations in Kashgar City to no apparent avail.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Reyhangul Abdureshit are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13340. Busara Memettursun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Busara Memettursun [Busala Maimaittuersun]. According to the UN WGEID report, Busara Memettursun was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. She is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), she was 26 years old. Her UN WGEID case number is 10010778.

Busara Memettursun is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Busara Memettursun was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, she "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Busara Memettursun was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Unspecified individuals associated with Busara Memettursun asked the Chinese embassy in the Hague, Netherlands in May 2019 for information pertaining to Busara Memettursun (and other members of her family), but were informed that they should "ask for a visa and go look for [Busara Memettursun] themselves."

Unspecified individuals associated with Busara Memettursun also called a number of police stations in Kashgar City to no apparent avail.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Busara Memettursun are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13341. Abdurazaq Memettursun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Abdurazaq Memettursun [Abudourezake Maimaittuersun]. According to the UN WGEID report, Abdurazaq Memettursun was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He is a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 25 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010779.

Abdurazaq Memettursun is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Abdurazaq Memettursun was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Abdurazaq Memettursun was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Unspecified individuals associated with Abdurazaq Memettursun asked the Chinese embassy in the Hague, Netherlands in May 2019 for information pertaining to Abdurazaq Memettursun (and other members of his family), but were informed that they should "ask for a visa and go look for [Abdurazaq Memettursun] themselves."

Unspecified individuals associated with Abdurazaq Memettursun also called a number of police stations in Kashgar City to no apparent avail.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Abdurazaq Memettursun are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13342. Memtimin Memettursun

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Memtimin Memettursun [Maimaitiming Maimaittuersun]. According to the UN WGEID report, he was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He was a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 33 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010780.

Memtimin Memettursun is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Memtimin Memettursun was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Memtimin Memettursun was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The current status and whereabouts of Memtimin Memettursun are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13343. Hestili Abdureshit

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

WGEID submission, a completed form with the details of a missing or detained person, to be sent to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. (relation unclear)

About the victim

The victim is named Hestili Abdureshit [Haisiteli Abudurexiti]. According to the UN WGEID report, he was born in Kashgar and resided in Yicha Village, Beshkirem (Korghan) Township, Kashgar. He was a Chinese citizen. At the time of the information being provided to UN WGEID (12 August 2020), he was 40 years old. His UN WGEID case number is 10010781.

Hestili Abdureshit is apparently related to Nejmidin Raman (testifier for Raman Idris [371] et al.), but the precise relation is unclear.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

According to Sections II.1 (Date of arrest) and III.1 (Place of arrest) in the UN WGEID report, Hestili Abdureshit was arrested at an unknown location in China at some point in 2017. According to Section VII (Summary) of the same report, he "allegedly disappeared in 2017 or 2018."

It is believed that Hestili Abdureshit was taken to a "re-education" facility, but there has been no official confirmation so far.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The current status and whereabouts of Hestili Abdureshit are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342)

Supplementary materials original submission:

Entry created: 2020-11-24 Last updated: 2021-03-23 Latest status update: 2020-08-12 13582. Peyzulla Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 653???201???????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Abdurahman Hesen, an Uyghur businessman now living abroad. (father)

About the victim

The victim is named Peyzulla Abdurahman. Peyzulla Abdurahman is the son of Abdurahman Hasan, who left China approximately four years ago.

When Abdurahman Hasan (the father of the victim) left China, Peyzulla Abdurahman (the victim) was approximately 2 and a half years old.

As of 30 November 2020, Peyzulla Abdurahman was approximately 6 and a half years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

The victim is missing. Abdurahman Hasan (the father of the victim) does not know where the victim is or who is raising him. [His father has been in exile for several years, and his mother was detained in August 2017.]

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is missing. [His mother was detained, while his father is in exile abroad.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier has apparently lost all contact with the victim.

Additional information

Link to Twitter post [no longer accessible as account was suspended]:

Article written after the Tweet: missing-since-chinese-invasion20201202092536/

Victims among relatives

Emetjan Hesen (602), Abduqeyyum Hesen (603), Tunsagul Nurmemet (948), Amine Memet (13930)

Supplementary materials testifier at protest:

Entry created: 2020-12-13 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-11-30 13907. Hebibulla Mehsum

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Hebibulla Mehsum is an Imam and renowned religious scholar from Guma County. He is said to have dedicated his life to educating young people.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

At some point in 2015, Hebibulla Mehsum was arrested by Chinese police and sent to prison [unclear if this is a reference to a concentration camp or if he has been sentenced]. There has been no news about his whereabouts since his arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested in 2015 and there has been no news about him since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13909. Ilham Mehsum

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Ilham Mehsum is a religious teacher, preacher and imam. In addition, he also owned a small business.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Ilham Mehsum was detained for a period of six months in 2015 and then released. He was later arrested again [year of second arrest unspecified]. He has been missing since his second arrest, and his family have not heard from him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested for a second time at some point after 2015 and has not been heard from since.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13910. Omerjan Mehsum

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Omerjan Mehsum was an imam and a businessman.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Omerjan Mehsum was arrested in 2014 and has been missing since his arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested in 2014 and has been missing since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13912. Abliz Mitiwilla

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Abliz Mitiwilla was a religious preacher and also an entrepreneur who owned a small business.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Abliz Mitiwilla disappeared in approximately 2015. The testifier says that the length of his sentence is unknown [implying that he was in fact arrested and sentenced, but it sounds as though there is not much information available].

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim is missing. He has presumably been arrested and possibly sentenced.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13913. Ablimit Yusup

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Ablimit Yusup is a religious scholar, a businessman and a board member of a trading company. He is 木吉镇) in Guma County, Hotan Prefecture. He studied religion under the) (ىرىزاب ىجۇم) originally from Muji Town mentorship of another religious scholar named Ablikim Mehsum.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as possibly sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Ablimit Yusup was arrested in 2015. The testifier says that the length of his prison sentence is unknown [implying that he was sentenced to prison, but this is uncertain, as it seems as though there is not a lot of information about his detention]. There has been no news about his whereabouts since his arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested in 2015 and his whereabouts have been unknown since his arrest. He may have been sentenced to prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13914. Abla Memet

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Abla Memet is a renowned religious figure from Muji Township, Guma County, Hotan Prefecture. He was a prayer leader at the Muji Grand Mosque. In addition to his work at the mosque, he was also a farmer and a trader.

An alternative name for Abla Memet is provided: "Ablahan Damolla"

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Abla Memet was arrested at some point in 2016 and he has not been heard from since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested in 2016 and has been missing since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information [A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Abla Memet, ID: 653223196504031430. There is a possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13919. Abdulhekim Hoshur

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Abdulhakim Hoshur is a religious scholar who resided in [sic] Lengger Area, Saidon Town [presumably referring to Süydüng Town], Ghulja City.

He is originally from Guma County, Hotan Prefecture.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Abdulhakim Hoshur was arrested in 2015 and there has been no information about him since that point in time.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim was arrested in 2015 and there has been no news about him since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13920. Memetabla Hudaberdi

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Memetabla Hudaberdi is a religious scholar from Guma County, "downtown" [presumably Guma Municipality].

He worked as a teacher at a religious school and a trader on the side (to make a living). He is one of the apprentices of renowned religious figure Ablikim Mehsum Hajim.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Memetabla Hudaberdi was arrested and detained in 2015. There has been no news about him ever since his arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested in 2015 and there has been no news since.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13922. Mijit Yusup

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshem Mijit, originally from Aksu but now residing in Saudi Arabia. (daughter)

About the victim

His name is Mijit Yusup. He is 84 years old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown as the testifies hasn't been able contact the victim. The testifier has no idea if the victim is alive or dead; or at home, in prison or in the camps.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Amine Allaberdi (732), Abdurehim Allaberdi (731), Abdurahman Allaberdi (10272), Allaberdi Ibrahim (1409), Asiye Mijit (13923), Semet Mijit (13924), Emet Mijit (13925)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 13923. Asiye Mijit

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshem Mijit, originally from Aksu but now residing in Saudi Arabia. (sister)

About the victim

Her name is Asiye Mijit.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim for two years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Amine Allaberdi (732), Abdurehim Allaberdi (731), Abdurahman Allaberdi (10272), Allaberdi Ibrahim (1409), Mijit Yusup (13922), Semet Mijit (13924), Emet Mijit (13925)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 13924. Semet Mijit

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshem Mijit, originally from Aksu but now residing in Saudi Arabia. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Semet Mijit.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim for two years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Amine Allaberdi (732), Abdurehim Allaberdi (731), Abdurahman Allaberdi (10272), Allaberdi Ibrahim (1409), Mijit Yusup (13922), Asiye Mijit (13923), Emet Mijit (13925)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 13925. Emet Mijit

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ayshem Mijit, originally from Aksu but now residing in Saudi Arabia. (sister)

About the victim

His name is Emet Mijit.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Unknown. The testifier hasn't been able to contact the victim for two years.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[By virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Amine Allaberdi (732), Abdurehim Allaberdi (731), Abdurahman Allaberdi (10272), Allaberdi Ibrahim (1409), Mijit Yusup (13922), Asiye Mijit (13923), Semet Mijit (13924)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 13927. Muhemmetimin Abdulla

Chinese ID: 65313019????????O? (Maralbeshi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Muhemmetimin Abdulla was an imam, originally from Maralbeshi County. He studied at the Xinjiang Islamic Institute from 2003 to 2008, and then continued his studies in Egypt, returning to China in 2014 and working as a teacher.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

He was arrested in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[Presumably related to religion.]

Victim's status

Missing since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-04-16 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-10-08 13928. Memet Abdulla

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"inciting subversion" Health status: --- Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Memet Abdulla is a religious scholar from Guma County, Hotan Prefecture. Between 1987 and 1992, he studied at the Islamic University in Urumqi [presumably referring to the Xinjiang Islamic Institute]. After graduating, he began to teach at the same institution.

One of Memet Abdulla's sons now lives in Canada.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

At some point in 2011, Memet Abdulla was arrested and detained for 2 years for "subverting the country."

Later, in 2017, he was arrested again. There has been no news about him since his second arrest, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The reason for his first period of detention (for 2 years, beginning in 2011) was "subverting the country." The reason for his second arrest in 2017 is unclear, but is presumably related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim was arrested for a second time in 2017 and his whereabouts have been unknown since then.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Unclear.

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-21 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13929. Qahar Mehsut

Chinese ID: 65292519????????O? (Toksu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Qahar Mehsut is a religious scholar from Toqsu County, Aksu Prefecture. He taught at "the university" between 1992 and 2017 [presumably referring to the Xinjiang Islamic Institute in Urumqi, based on context and information pertaining to other victims that are mentioned before him in the video].

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

It is known that Qahar Mehsut was arrested at some point in 2017. The testifier says that the length of his sentence is unknown [which seems to imply that he was sentenced, but this could also be a way of saying that not much is known about his detention].

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[Presumably related to religion.]

Victim's status

The victim was arrested in 2017 and may have been sentenced to prison. There has been no news about him since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-21 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2020-12-11 13943. Mehmut Rusul

Chinese ID: 65312819????????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hidayetulla Niyaz Rozi, originally from Aksu's Beshtugmen Township, but now residing in Austria. He previously studied in Egypt from 2012 to 2017. (friend)

About the victim

His name is Mahmut Rusul (Abdurusul). He is from Yupurgha County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was pursuing his studies in Egypt and disappeared completely following his return to China in 2016.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

He disappeared after his return to China in 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.]

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-01-05 Last updated: 2021-04-17 Latest status update: 2020-04-07 13944. Dileysem Kerem (地来赛·克米木)

Chinese ID: 652827195905072922 (Hejing)

Basic info

Age: 61 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Abdurahman Muhemmed, as reported by Bitter Winter. (son)

About the victim

Dileysem Kerim was presumably a farmer by profession. [This is based on the fact that, in reference to one of the photographs of Dileysem Kerim and her husband, Memet Niyaz, the article mentions that they cultivated a particular block of land for 30 years before being detained.]

She was receiving a pension until the time of her detention.

ID address: House No. 17, Yard No. 5, Development Road, Ulastay Farm, (新疆和静县乌拉斯台农场开发路5号院17号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

In 2017, the brothers of Abdurahman Memet (son of victim) were reportedly compelled by a local community police officer, Shahi Merdan, to blackmail Abdurahman Memet into returning home to China from Turkey.

It is implied that Dileysem Kerim (the victim) and her husband, Memet Niyaz, may have also been compelled by authorities to persuade Abdurahman Memet to return to China.

Abdurahman Memet (son of victim) reportedly refused to give into the blackmail, and as a result, Dileysem Kerim (the victim) and her husband, Memet Niyaz, were both detained in December 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The victim was reportedly imprisoned for being unable to persuade her son, Abdurahman Memet, to return home to China from Turkey.

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim was detained in December 2018 and Abdurahman Memet (son of victim) is not aware of her current status or whereabouts.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Bitter Winter coverage:

Victims among relatives

Ehet Memet (3284), Memet Niyaz (13945)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2021-01-08 Last updated: 2021-04-18 Latest status update: 2020-12-10 13945. Memet Niyaz (买买提·尼牙孜)

Chinese ID: 652827195604122914 (Hejing)

Basic info

Age: 64 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Abdurahman Muhemmed, as reported by Bitter Winter. (son)

About the victim

Memet Niyaz was presumably a farmer by profession. [This is based on the fact that, in reference to one of the photographs of Memet Niyaz and his wife, Dileysem Kerim, the article mentions that they cultivated a particular block of land for 30 years before being detained.]

He was receiving a pension until the time of his detention.

ID address: House No. 17, Yard No. 5, Development Road, Ulastay Farm, Hejing County (新疆和静县乌拉斯台农场开发路5号院17号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

In 2017, the brothers of Abdurahman Memet (son of victim) were reportedly compelled by a local community police officer, Shahi Merdan, to blackmail Abdurahman Memet into returning home to China from Turkey.

It is implied that Memet Niyaz (the victim) and his wife, Dileysem Kerim, may have also been compelled by authorities to persuade Abdurahman Memet to return to China.

Abdurahman Memet (son of victim) reportedly refused to give into the blackmail, and as a result, Memet Niyaz (the victim) and his wife, Dileysem Kerim, were both detained in December 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The victim was reportedly imprisoned for being unable to persuade his son, Abdurahman Memet, to return home to China from Turkey.

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim was detained in December 2018 and Abdurahman Memet (son of victim) is not aware of his current status or whereabouts.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Bitter Winter coverage:

Victims among relatives

Ehet Memet (3284), Dileysem Kerem (13944)

Supplementary materials video testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2021-01-08 Last updated: 2021-04-18 Latest status update: 2020-12-10 13955. Sultan Kaipen

Chinese ID: 6543221964??????O? (Koktokay)

Basic info

Age: 55-56 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Altay Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Bolatbek Shynarbai, a citizen of Kazakhstan. (nephew)

About the victim

Sultan Kaipen was born in 1964. Hometown: Kurti township, Koktogai county, Altay region He had worked as a teacher for many years before becoming the head of Kurty village. He was also a Party member.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Altay.]

When victim was detained

He was detained in November 2016 by the Koktogay police when he was the head of the Kurti village.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status no news since his detention

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-01-10 Last updated: 2021-05-05 Latest status update: 2020-12-29 13962. Memetsidiq Ablimit

Chinese ID: 653???19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Memetsidiq Ablimit [also "Muhemmed Sidiq Ablimit"] is a well-known Uyghur religious scholar from Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Memetsidiq Ablimit was arrested by Chinese authorities in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim was arrested by Chinese authorities in 2017 and there has been no news about him since his arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-01-16 Last updated: 2021-04-19 Latest status update: 2021-01-10 13968. Ablet Heyt

Chinese ID: 65292319????????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Tursunjan Ablet, an Uyghur now residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Ablet Heyt.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as the family appears to be from Kucha.]

When victim was detained

Ablet Ed "disappeared after May 2017" [presumably meaning that the testifier has been unable to contact him since May 2017].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing, having disappeared in May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Unspecified, but presumably through loss of contact.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Aygul Ablet (6282), Ayshem Abdurehim (13969)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-01-17 Last updated: 2021-04-19 Latest status update: 2021-01-10 13969. Ayshem Abdurehim

Chinese ID: 65292319????????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Tursunjan Ablet, an Uyghur now residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Ayshem Abdurehim.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as the family appears to be from Kucha.]

When victim was detained

Ayshem Abdurehim "disappeared after May 2017" [presumably meaning that the testifier has been unable to contact her since May 2017].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing, having disappeared in May 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Unspecified, but presumably through loss of contact.]

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Aygul Ablet (6282), Ablet Heyt (13968)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-01-17 Last updated: 2021-04-19 Latest status update: 2021-01-10 14128. Zeynep Huseyin

Chinese ID: 65312519????????E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Yusup Huseyin, now a citizen of Australia. (brother)

About the victim

Zeynep Huseyin is a farmer from Yarkand County.

Her family's home address is written on the poster held by the testifier as follows: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Shache Xian, Hiangdizhen 11 Gongshe, 1 Gianliqu, 3 Dadui.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

As of 22 January 2021, Zaynab Husein has been missing for over three years. The testifier has not been able to contact her, and her current status and whereabouts are unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All communication between the testifier and the victim ceased over three years ago.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Hesen Huseyin (14129), Obulqasim Huseyin (14130), Hapize Huseyin (14131), Hejide Huseyin (14132), Huseyin Kerim (14133)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-02-18 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2021-01-21 14129. Hesen Huseyin

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Yusup Huseyin, now a citizen of Australia. (brother)

About the victim

Hasan Husein is a businessman from Yarkand County. He operated a small trading business.

His family's home address is written on the poster held by the testifier as follows: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Shache Xian, Hiangdizhen 11 Gongshe, 1 Gianliqu, 3 Dadui.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

As of 22 January 2021, Hasan Husein has been missing for over three years. The testifier has not been able to contact him, and his current status and whereabouts are unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All communication between the testifier and the victim ceased over three years ago.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zeynep Huseyin (14128), Obulqasim Huseyin (14130), Hapize Huseyin (14131), Hejide Huseyin (14132), Huseyin Kerim (14133)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-02-18 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2021-01-21 14130. Obulqasim Huseyin

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Yusup Huseyin, now a citizen of Australia. (brother)

About the victim

Obulqasim Husein is an imam and a farmer from Yarkand County.

His family's home address is written on the poster held by the testifier as follows: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Shache Xian, Hiangdizhen 11 Gongshe, 1 Gianliqu, 3 Dadui.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

As of 22 January 2021, Obulqasim Husein has been missing for over three years. The testifier has not been able to contact him, and his current status and whereabouts are unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All communication between the testifier and the victim ceased over three years ago.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zeynep Huseyin (14128), Hesen Huseyin (14129), Hapize Huseyin (14131), Hejide Huseyin (14132), Huseyin Kerim (14133)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-02-18 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2021-01-21 14131. Hapize Huseyin

Chinese ID: 65312519????????E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Yusup Huseyin, now a citizen of Australia. (brother)

About the victim

Hafiza Husein is a farmer from Yarkand County.

Her family's home address is written on the poster held by the testifier as follows: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Shache Xian, Hiangdizhen 11 Gongshe, 1 Gianliqu, 3 Dadui.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

As of 22 January 2021, Hafiza Husein has been missing for over three years. The testifier has not been able to contact her, and her current status and whereabouts are unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All communication between the testifier and the victim ceased over three years ago.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zeynep Huseyin (14128), Hesen Huseyin (14129), Obulqasim Huseyin (14130), Hejide Huseyin (14132), Huseyin Kerim (14133)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-02-18 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2021-01-21 14132. Hejide Huseyin

Chinese ID: 65312519????????E? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Yusup Huseyin, now a citizen of Australia. (brother)

About the victim

Hejide Husein is a farmer from Yarkand County.

Her family's home address is written on the poster held by the testifier as follows: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Shache Xian, Hiangdizhen 11 Gongshe, 1 Gianliqu, 3 Dadui.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

As of 22 January 2021, Khadija Husein has been missing for over three years. The testifier has not been able to contact her, and her current status and whereabouts are unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All communication between the testifier and the victim ceased over three years ago.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zeynep Huseyin (14128), Hesen Huseyin (14129), Obulqasim Huseyin (14130), Hapize Huseyin (14131), Huseyin Kerim (14133)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-02-18 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2021-01-21 14133. Huseyin Kerim

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Yusup Huseyin, now a citizen of Australia. (son)

About the victim

Huseyin Kerim is over 85 years old.

His address is provided as follows: Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Shache Xian, Hiangdizhen 11 Gongshe, 1 Gianliqu, 3 Dadui.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

As of 22 January 2021, Obulqasim Husein has been missing for over three years. The testifier has not been able to contact him, and his current status and whereabouts are unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All communication between the testifier and the victim ceased over three years ago.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Zeynep Huseyin (14128), Hesen Huseyin (14129), Obulqasim Huseyin (14130), Hapize Huseyin (14131), Hejide Huseyin (14132)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-04-27 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2021-01-21 14191. Quddus Qudret

Chinese ID: 6541??19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway.

About the victim

His name is Quddus Qudret. He is from Ghulja. He was a student in Egypt when he was called back [by the government officials].

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Detained after returning from Egypt.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

There has been no news about him since his return from Egypt (around 2 years ago).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony: 31004380268773&width=300

Entry created: 2021-02-20 Last updated: 2021-04-28 Latest status update: 2019-03-11 14194. Abdurahman Qurbanjan (阿布都热合曼·库尔万江)

Chinese ID: 654121197701090672 (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Mirzaehmet Ilyas, as reported by Anadolu Agency. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 2: Mirzaehmet Ilyas, originally from China but now a citizen of Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Abdurahman Qurbanjan.

Testimony 2: Address: No. 2-107, Lower Turpanyuzi village, Turpanyuzi Township, Ghulja county. His wife is a teacher, their economic situation is good. Has a six-year-old son.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: The article does not specify when the victim was arrested, but it is stated that he was taken to the camps along with four of the testifier's friends. [Names of friends unspecified.]

Testimony 2: Arrested at his home in March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim was reportedly taken to a concentration camp at an unknown point in time.

Testimony 2: no real news since arrest. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Anadolu Agency coverage (Testimony 1):

Victims among relatives

Halmemet Ilyas (14392)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2021-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-08 Latest status update: 2021-01-22 14392. Halmemet Ilyas (哈勒买买提·伊力亚斯)

Chinese ID: 654121198405300676 (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Mirzaehmet Ilyas, originally from China but now a citizen of Turkey. (brother)

About the victim

Halmemet Ilyas (哈勒麦麦提 伊力亚斯). Address: No. 5-73, Middle Turpanyuzi village, Turpanyuzi township, Ghulja county. He is married and has two small children. He runs a small business.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Arrested at his home in March 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

No news since the arrest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdurahman Qurbanjan (14194)

Supplementary materials original testimony: testimony still: photo:

Entry created: 2021-04-19 Last updated: 2021-05-08 Latest status update: 2021-01-06 14401. Gheyret Rozi (艾热提·肉孜)

Chinese ID: 653101196701262453 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ruqiye Gheyret, a university student in Istanbul. (daughter)

About the victim

Gheyret Rozi.

ID address: No. 6, Level 12, Konaderwaza Alley, Kashgar City, Xinjiang (新疆喀什市阔纳代尔瓦扎巷12级6号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Gheyret Rozi was taken to a concentration camp by Chinese authorities on 9 June 2017.

Since that point in time, Ruqiye Gheyret (the testifier) has been unable to contact him.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The current status and whereabouts of Gheyret Rozi are unknown. He was sent to a concentration camp on 9 June 2017 and is presumed to still be detained.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. It is known that all contact between the testifier and the victim ceased on 9 June 2017. Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2021-04-21 Last updated: 2021-05-09 Latest status update: 2021-03-26 14970. Tohniyaz Tohti

Chinese ID: 65292219????????O? (Onsu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: government

Testifying party

Miradil Hesen, an Uyghur man from Onsu, who came to prominence in September 2020 for uploading multiple testimony videos on YouTube while still in China. (grandson)

About the victim

Tohniyaz Tohti (托合尼牙孜·托合提), paternal grandfather (Chinese: yeye) [most likely maternal grandfather]. He used to work as a village secretary [village unspecified] and is retired now. The testifier assumes that Tohniyaz Tohti's pension is or will be withheld, because this is what happened to many others, according to the testifier.

Victim's location not stated [most likely in Aksu, Onsu as this is where the testifier seems to be from].

When victim was detained

Not known to have been detained.

The testifier broke off contact with his family when the testifier left Xinjiang and went to Jiangsu province in August 2018. The testifier is worried that his relatives may be arrested due to the testifier accessing foreign webpages. The testifier therefore decided to testify for several family members in order to protect them from possible arrest in the future.

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status unclear, the testifier broke off contact in August 2018 How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Miradil Hesen (12547), Aqniyaz Tohniyaz (14972), Tursungul Tohtiniyaz (12808), Hanzathan Qurban (14971)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-03 14971. Hanzathan Qurban

Chinese ID: 65292219????????E? (Onsu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Miradil Hesen, an Uyghur man from Onsu, who came to prominence in September 2020 for uploading multiple testimony videos on YouTube while still in China. (grandson)

About the victim

Hanzathan Qurban (汗扎提汗·库尔板), paternal grandmother (Chinese: nainai) [most likely the maternal grandmother].

Victim's location not stated [most likely in Aksu, Onsu as this is where the testifier seems to be from].

When victim was detained

Not known to have been detained.

The testifier broke off contact with his family when the testifier left Xinjiang and went to Jiangsu province in August 2018. The testifier is worried that his relatives may be arrested due to the testifier accessing foreign webpages. The testifier therefore decided to testify for several family members in order to protect them from possible arrest in the future.

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status unclear, the testifier broke off contact in August 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Miradil Hesen (12547), Aqniyaz Tohniyaz (14972), Tursungul Tohtiniyaz (12808), Tohniyaz Tohti (14970)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-03 14972. Aqniyaz Tohniyaz

Chinese ID: 65292219????????O? (Onsu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Miradil Hesen, an Uyghur man from Onsu, who came to prominence in September 2020 for uploading multiple testimony videos on YouTube while still in China. (nephew)

About the victim

Akniyaz Tohniyaz(阿柯尼牙孜·托合尼牙孜).

Victim's location not stated [most likely in Aksu, Onsu as this is where the testifier seems to be from].

When victim was detained

Not known to have been detained.

The testifier broke off contact with his family when the testifier left Xinjiang and went to Jiangsu province in August 2018. The testifier is worried that his relatives may be arrested due to the testifier accessing foreign webpages. The testifier therefore decided to testify for several family members in order to protect them from possible arrest in the future.

Likely (or given) reason for detention not stated

Victim's status unclear, the testifier broke off contact in August 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information


Victims among relatives

Miradil Hesen (12547), Tursungul Tohtiniyaz (12808), Tohniyaz Tohti (14970), Hanzathan Qurban (14971)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2020-09-03 14984. Abdukebir Yasin

Chinese ID: 653122??????????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Tahir Mutellip, as reported by Hanna Burdorf. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Abdukebir Yasin. He is presumably from Yapchan, Yegisheher County, Kashgar Prefecture as this is where his uncles are from.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

He was arrested together with his uncles in late 2017/early 2018. The exact time is unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status unknown

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unknown

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Abdusemi Abdusemet (5619), Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (2199), Sherinsahan Tohtash (836), Ayshemhan Tohtash (12769), Selimihan Tohtash (12770), Sabir Rozi (3750), Buhlichihan Tohtash (12771), Abdukerim Tohtash (12772), Ablikim Tohtash (12773), Abduweli Abdusemet (5618), Abduqewi Abdusemet (5620)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-05-20 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2020-10-08 14997. Tunsagul Sopi

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????E? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, a project documenting the Uyghur victims of the repressions in Xinjiang.

About the victim

The victim's name is Tunsagul Sopi. She resided in Kashgar, and is married.

Tunsagul operated a small business.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Tunsagul went missing in 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information Link to UTJD entry:

Victims among relatives

Abduhaliq Ibrahim (8453), Abduquddus Ibrahim (8454), Imamjan Tahir (8455), Ablajan Sopi (8456), Abdulhekim Sopi (14998), Hajigul Sopi (14999), Eli Sopi (15000), Abdusemi Ablajan (15027), Abdulhapiz Sopi (15028)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2021-05-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-01-01 14999. Hajigul Sopi

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????E? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, a project documenting the Uyghur victims of the repressions in Xinjiang.

About the victim

The victim's name is Hajigul Sopi. She is a married businesswoman who resided in Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Hajigul went missing in 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Link to UTJD entry: Victims among relatives

Abduhaliq Ibrahim (8453), Abduquddus Ibrahim (8454), Imamjan Tahir (8455), Ablajan Sopi (8456), Tunsagul Sopi (14997), Abdulhekim Sopi (14998), Eli Sopi (15000), Abdusemi Ablajan (15027), Abdulhapiz Sopi (15028)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2021-05-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-01-01 15000. Eli Sopi

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, a project documenting the Uyghur victims of the repressions in Xinjiang.

About the victim

The victim's name is Eli Sopi. He is a married businessman who resided in Kashgar.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Eli went missing in 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Link to UTJD entry: Victims among relatives

Abduhaliq Ibrahim (8453), Abduquddus Ibrahim (8454), Imamjan Tahir (8455), Ablajan Sopi (8456), Tunsagul Sopi (14997), Abdulhekim Sopi (14998), Hajigul Sopi (14999), Abdusemi Ablajan (15027), Abdulhapiz Sopi (15028)

Entry created: 2021-05-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-01-01 15028. Abdulhapiz Sopi

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, a project documenting the Uyghur victims of the repressions in Xinjiang.

About the victim

The victim's name is Abdulhapiz Sopi. He is a married businessman who resided in Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Abdulhapiz went missing in 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Link to UTJD entry: Victims among relatives

Abduhaliq Ibrahim (8453), Abduquddus Ibrahim (8454), Imamjan Tahir (8455), Ablajan Sopi (8456), Tunsagul Sopi (14997), Abdulhekim Sopi (14998), Hajigul Sopi (14999), Eli Sopi (15000), Abdusemi Ablajan (15027)

Entry created: 2021-05-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-01-01 15029. Turap Yasin

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, a project documenting the Uyghur victims of the repressions in Xinjiang.

About the victim

The victim's name is Turap Yasin. He resided in Yarkant County, and is unmarried.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Turap went missing in December 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is currently missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Link to UTJD entry: Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2021-05-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-01-01 15066. Sawut Abdurehim (沙吾提·阿不都热依木)

Chinese ID: 65310119620601097X (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Hediche Mehmut, a resident of Turkey. (granddaughter)

About the victim

Sawut Abdurehim is a businessman.

ID address: House No. 481, Group No. 3, Bagh'eriq Village, Nezerbagh Township, Kashgar City, Xinjiang (新疆喀什市乃则尔巴格乡巴格艾日克村3组481号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Sawut traveled to Turkey for one or two weeks in 2017.

All communication between Sawut and the testifier ceased upon his return to China.

Sawut was arrested in March 2018. There has been no news since.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Presumably related to going to Turkey or having relatives abroad.

Victim's status

The victim's current status and whereabouts are unknown. He was arrested in March 2018, and there has been no news since.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Dilber Sawut (15067)

Supplementary materials original testimony: ideos/269132721177038/&show_text=true&width=300 photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2021-05-31 Last updated: 2021-05-31 Latest status update: 2020-10-30 15166. Aygul Qari

Chinese ID: 65292919????????E? (Kelpin)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Abdurehim Gheni, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (in-law)

About the victim

Aygul Qari, a teacher at the central middle school in Kelpin County.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Not clear when/if detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Out of contact and missing.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact her.]

Additional information


Victims among relatives Abdugheni Hudaberdi (8469), Ablikim Gheni (8470), Abdukerim Gheni (8479), Hasiyet Rozi (8476), Zinnethan Kichik (8471), Patime Ablikim (8472), Aminem Ablikim (8473), Bumeryem Ablikim (8474), Mijit Gheni (8475), Zulpiye Mijit (8477), Hudaberdi Mijit (8478), Abdulla Abdukerim (8480), Turghun Hamudun (4966), Adil Hamudun (11504)

Entry created: 2021-06-07 Last updated: 2021-06-07 Latest status update: 2020-12-01 15168. Zahide Omer

Chinese ID: 65280120150303??E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 6 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Omerjan Hemdul, as reported by The Diplomat. (father)

Testimony 2: Omerjan Hemdul, originally from Korla but now residing in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Zahide Omer is one of the daughters of Omer and Meryem Faruh. She is a Turkish citizen, and has three siblings (two of whom reside outside of China).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that's where the family seems to be from originally.]

When victim was detained

In 2016, Omer was in Saudi Arabia. Meryem called him to say that Chinese police were demanding that she surrender the passports for her and the children.

Omer advised Meryem not to surrender the passports as he knew they could all be detained. He then arranged flights out of China for Meryem and the two elder daughters, who already had passports.

The two younger daughters (including the victim) stayed in Xinjiang with Omer's in-laws. In 2017, Omer's in-laws were placed in concentration camps.

It is unclear what happened to the victim.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The victim's current status and whereabouts are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All contact with the victim ceased in 2017.

Additional information

The Diplomat coverage (Testimony 1):

Victims among relatives

Rozi Hemdul (5381), Memet Hemdul (5382), Horigul Barat (4933), Ablimit Ziyawudun (4934), Hawagul Hemdul (584), Hernisahan Semet (3405), Zeynigul Hemdul (3179), Muhammettahir Ablimit (4935), Zeripe Omer (15169)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Turkish ID:

Entry created: 2021-06-08 Last updated: 2021-06-08 Latest status update: 2021-06-07 15169. Zeripe Omer

Chinese ID: 65280120160525??E? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 5 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Omerjan Hemdul, as reported by The Diplomat. (father)

Testimony 2: Omerjan Hemdul, originally from Korla but now residing in Turkey. (father)

About the victim

Zarife Omer is one of the daughters of Omer and Meryem Faruh. She is a Turkish citizen, and has three siblings (two of whom reside outside of China).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin, as that's where the family seems to be from originally.]

When victim was detained

In 2016, Omer was in Saudi Arabia. Meryem called him to say that Chinese police were demanding that she surrender the passports for her and the children.

Omer advised Meryem not to surrender the passports as he knew they could all be detained. He then arranged flights out of China for Meryem and the two elder daughters, who already had passports.

The two younger daughters (including the victim) stayed in Xinjiang with Omer's in-laws. In 2017, Omer's in-laws were placed in concentration camps.

It is unclear what happened to the victim.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The victim's currents status and whereabouts are unknown.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

All contact with the victim ceased in 2017.

Additional information

The Diplomat coverage (Testimony 1):

Victims among relatives

Rozi Hemdul (5381), Memet Hemdul (5382), Horigul Barat (4933), Ablimit Ziyawudun (4934), Hawagul Hemdul (584), Hernisahan Semet (3405), Zeynigul Hemdul (3179), Muhammettahir Ablimit (4935), Zahide Omer (15168)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Turkish ID:

Entry created: 2021-06-08 Last updated: 2021-06-08 Latest status update: 2021-06-07 16146. Abdughopur Ehet (阿不都吾甫尔·艾海提)

Chinese ID: 653129198903030832 (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: 32 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: no news for over a year When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: student

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: East Turkistan Human Rights Watch, a Turkey-based Uyghur human rights organization.

Testimony 2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

Testimony 3*: Nureddin Izbasar, as reported by Mehmet Volkan Kaşıkçı.

About the victim

Abdughopur Ehet was a student in Egypt, having gone there in 2013.

Address: Group No. 1, Oteng Village, Gholtoghraq Township, Peyziwat County, Xinjiang (新疆伽师县卧里托格拉克乡吾堂村1组).

Chinese passport number: E10557232.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

He was arrested on September 3, 2017 at the Cairo Airport, to later be deported to China.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Presumably for having studied in Egypt (as he was taken in the 2017 wave of detentions and deportations that targeted students from Xinjiang).

Victim's status

It is almost certain that he was detained after being deported to China, as Chinese police records mark him as a "person on the run (national level)" (全国在逃人员) and a "stability-related inspection target" (涉稳核查对象) [police are given explicit instructions to detain on sight everyone in the "on the run" category, with the "stability-related" tag also showing a high correlation with detention].

It is not known if he's been released since or if he is still alive and well.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

It is not clear how ETHRW or Nureddin Izbasar heard about his deportation, though it is very likely that it was through people who knew the victim personally, as the event took place in Egypt and there are many available witnesses.

The police records come directly from the Chinese police.

Additional information


He is also listed in a local Peyziwat subsidy spreadsheet for Gholtoghraq Township:

Supplementary materials photo: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2021-08-08 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2021-07-24 16164. Abdulla Zayir

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Dilnaz Kerim, as reported by Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (niece)

About the victim

The victim's name is Abdulla Zair.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unclear. The victim is either missing or detained.

Many of the testifier's cousins and uncles (possibly including the victim) were imprisoned in 2014; their sentences ranged from 5 to 15 years.

The testifier has not received much information about her family in Xinjiang since 2015.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

If the victim has been sentenced, it was partly for practicing his religion.

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is either missing or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably by virtue of being unable to contact him.] Additional information

ABC coverage: 690

Victims among relatives

Tayir Zayir (16165), Yasin Zayir (16166)

Supplementary materials photo (second from right):

Entry created: 2021-08-12 Last updated: 2021-08-13 Latest status update: 2021-06-06 16165. Tayir Zayir

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Dilnaz Kerim, as reported by Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (cousin)

About the victim

Tayir Zair was approximately 20-25 years old as of June 7, 2021. [This estimate is based on the fact that he is "a few years older" than the testifier, who was 18 years old.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

At some point in 2014, the victim was sentenced to imprisonment. The length of his sentence was between 5 and 15 years (inclusive).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The victim was sentenced partly for practicing his religion.

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim was sentenced to imprisonment in 2014, but depending on the length of his sentence, he may have been released.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ABC coverage: 690

Victims among relatives

Yasin Zayir (16166), Abdulla Zayir (16164)

Supplementary materials photo (first man on left):

Entry created: 2021-08-12 Last updated: 2021-08-13 Latest status update: 2021-06-06 16166. Yasin Zayir

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Dilnaz Kerim, as reported by Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (cousin)

About the victim

Yasin Zair was approximately 20-25 years old as of June 7, 2021. [This estimate is based on the fact that he is "a few years older" than the testifier, who was 18 years old.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

At some point in 2014, the victim was sentenced to imprisonment. The length of his sentence was between 5 and 15 years (inclusive).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The victim was sentenced partly for practicing his religion.

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim is either missing or in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

ABC coverage: 690

Victims among relatives

Tayir Zayir (16165), Abdulla Zayir (16164)

Supplementary materials photo (right):

Entry created: 2021-08-12 Last updated: 2021-08-13 Latest status update: 2021-06-06 24239. Abdulkerim Jappar

Chinese ID: 65322219????????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abdulqadir Abdulkerim, a resident of Turkey and a student at Uludag University in Bursa. (son)

About the victim

His name is Abdulkerim Jappar. He is from Qaraqash County, Hoten Prefecture. He is a Hafiz(someone who is memorized the whole Quran) and an Imam; he is also a businessman.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hoten.]

When victim was detained

According to the testifier, the victim has been in detention since June 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Helping his son, the testifier, come to Turkey.

Victim's status imprisoned since June 2016. [Presumably the testifier has had no news for some time.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier didn't mention.

Additional information

The testifier called the victim, his father, in June 2016 for the last time and the victim told him: the weather is getting hot here, don't come back, continue your study there. After this, the testifier learnt that his father was imprisoned. The testifier called his family in August 2016 for the last time and his mother also told him: for the sake of our safety and well-being, don't call us untill we call you.

The testifier's WordPress:

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-08-30 Last updated: 2021-08-30 Latest status update: 2021-08-22 24325. Renagul Metmusa (热娜古丽·买提穆萨)

Chinese ID: 653021198912010482 (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: no news for over a year When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"disturbing public order", related to religion Health status: --- Profession: corporate work

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Renagul Metmusa worked at the Aybostan E-Commerce LTD (艾博斯坦电子商务有限公司员工), where she was responsible for plane ticket and tour package sales.

Residential address: Apt. 602, Entrance No. 1, Building No. 26, Area B, 145 Yanhe Road, Shuimogou District (水磨沟区沿河路145号B区26号楼1单元602号).

Registration address: 40 Ikisaq Road, Upper Atush Municipality, Atush City (阿图什市上阿图什市镇依克萨克路40号).

Passport number: E54269412.

Victim's location

At home in Urumqi.

When victim was detained

Put under house arrest after being flagged on February 6, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She is suspected of "gathering a crowd to disturb social order" (聚众扰乱社会秩序).

The police report goes on to explain that, according to Renagul herself [possibly through a forced confession], she had organized "illegal Tabligh events" with a fellow student named Kamiljan Ablimit between 2011 and 2013, during their studies at the Xi'an Petroleum University, allegedly intended to "spread religious extremism in the school's Uyghur community, resulting in religious activities on campus and in religious attire being worn". One student by the name of Qelbinur Mehmut (克丽比努尔·麦合穆提) is mentioned as taking part in the weekly "illegal Tabligh activities" between May and July 2012, the content of which allegedly included the one true God, God's messenger, the Muslim path, and the concepts of heaven and hell.

Victim's status

Though she appears slated for arrest, she remains under strict surveillance as she is 6 months pregnant and is also breastfeeding a 9-month-old son.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

These data come directly from police databases in Urumqi.

Additional information

The business listing of the company where she works:

Victims among relatives

Gheni Memet (24336)

Entry created: 2021-09-11 Last updated: 2021-09-11 Latest status update: 2019-03-04 24384. Eysajan Abla

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: no news for over a year When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

"Boghra Oghli", an Uyghur residing abroad. (brother)

About the victim

Eysajan Abla

Victim's location


When victim was detained

He disappeared in 2016 and was placed into a camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Having been in contact with people abroad (the testifier).

Victim's status

[Presumably no news for a long time.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information


Victims among relatives Abla Seley (624), Musajan Abla (625)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 44545019224708&show_text=true&width=300

Entry created: 2021-09-27 Last updated: 2021-10-01 Latest status update: 2021-02-25