Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation

Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CI PASSAIC, N.J., FEBRUARY 8, 2012 NUMBER 4957 Sokol Members Join Thousands of Pro-Life Our Honorary Supreme Offi cer Advocates at 39th March for Life in Washington Group 7 Honors Msgr. Francis J. Beeda on his 50th Anniversary of Priesthood Group 7 “Rev. Joseph Murgas” offered by our Supreme Chaplain, took the time to celebrate a special Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic who milestone with an individual who serves as pastor of the Parish of the has played an important role in Epiphany in Sayre, Pa. Father An- its life and activities over the past drew is a son of Sacred Heart Slo- half century, Monsignor Francis J. vak Parish in Wilkes-Barre where Beeda, S.T.L. Our Golden Jubilar- Msgr. Beeda was his boyhood pas- ian celebrated the 50th anniversary tor and priestly mentor. He recalled of his ordination to the priesthood the important role played by Msgr. on December 20, 2011. On Satur- Beeda in the life of the Wilkes- day, January 6, 2012, Group 7 of- Barre parish and the American Slo- fi cers and guests from various So- vak community in general. kol lodges, under the leadership of The occasion was a wonderful their president, who is now serving opportunity for storytelling. Dur- our organization as Chairperson of ing the course of the evening, Msgr. Supreme Auditors, Michael J. Hor- Beeda recalled many stories about vath, decided to honor their former his priesthood, his friendship with chaplain who went on to serve as so many who were here present our organization’s Supreme Chap- and his involvement with the Slo- lain. The Sokols and Sokolky gath- vak Catholic Sokol, in particular ered at the Little Flower Manor with Assembly 59 which was active in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. where Msgr. at Sacred Heart Parish and Group Beeda is a resident. 7 and fi nally his years as pastor of The evening celebration began St. Joseph’s Parish in Hazleton, the Our members along with those of our brother and sister Slovak Catholic fraternals, namely the with the Rev. Richard J. Cirba, oldest Slovak faith community in First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, the First Catholic Slovak Union and the Ladies Pennsyl- chaplain of Group 7 and associate the . His recollections vania Slovak Catholic Union joined thousands of pro-life marchers at the 39th annual March for pastor of St. John the Evangelist brought many smiles and gestures Life in Washington, D. C. on Monday, January 23. The march commemorates the infamous Janu- Parish in Pittston, Pa. offering a of happiness and joy to the assem- ary 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision of the Supreme Court which made abortion legal in the United festive toast asking God to con- bled fraternalists. It was indeed a States. tinue to bless Msgr. Beeda as he very special night for all. Despite inclement weather, the Andrew S. Hvozdovic, joined mem- observes this important milestone Raised in the former Holy Fam- spirit and enthusiasm of tens of thou- bers of our brother and sister Slovak in his priestly ministry among us. ily Slovak Parish in Scranton, al- sands of pro-life marchers remained Catholic fraternals, namely, the First The blessing before the meal was (Continued on page 10) undeterred at this year’s 39th annual Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, March for Life in Washington, D.C. the First Catholic Slovak Union and on Monday, January 23. Thousands the Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak made the trip to our nation’s capital Catholic Union in the annual march. by bus, train and auto to call for pro- “Slovak Fraternals for Life” in the tection under the law for human life name of our four organizations at all stages. Some joined the estimated contingents, especial- 100,000 marchers ly from the midwest under rainy skies as encountered heavy they walked down snow which closed Constitution Avenue major highways, yet towards Capitol Hill. were determined The annual march and able to make the is part of the Na- march. tional Prayer Vigil for Life which The march marks the anniversary began on Sunday evening, January of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade 22 at the Basilica of the National decision, which made abortion legal Shrine of the Immaculate Concep- throughout the United States. The tion. Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, march also is a sign of the strength Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, of the pro-life movement in the Texas and chairman of the United United States, and of the growing States Conference of Catholic opposition to abortion and other at- Bishops Secretariat of Pro-Life Ac- tacks on life, including euthanasia. tivities was principal celebrant and Our jubilarian, Honorary Supreme Offi cer Monsignor Francis As has been our tradition for most homilist at the 6:30 p.m. liturgy. J. Beeda, S.T.L., who was ordained a priest in Rome a half cen- of the years of the march, mem- Many bishops along with hundreds tury ago on December 20, 1961, is shown fl anked by our Supreme bers of the Slovak Catholic Sokol, Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic and Group 7 Chaplain, Rev. led by our Supreme Chaplain, Rev. (Continued on page 7) Richard J. Cirba. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

Assembly 82 enjoys fraternal Introducing our visit with Michael E. Gdula One of our veteran Group 9 sportsmanship. While not in the newest members Sokol activists, Michael E. Gdula best of health, the offi cers of As- enjoyed a special visit from fel- sembly 82, Sister Dolly, Brother low offi cers and members of As- John and Sister Alice Podreb- sembly 82 in Dunlo, Pa. over the arac and Brother Joe Richnavsky Christmas holiday season. Dolly Yonkoski dressed up as Santa and the Sokols and Sokolky visited Brother Mike. Santa presented him with a gift of lottery tickets in a card along with a basket of fruit. Brother Mike certainly enjoyed the visit. Brother Mike, a Dunlo, Pa. na- tive, has been an active Sokol all his life. He has been a member and long-time fi nancial secretary for over 20 years in Assembly 82 and has represented the lodge as a delegate at several of our na- tional conventions. An avid golfer, he and his son, Jim have enjoyed participating in both Group 9 and our international Sokol golf tour- naments. Brother Mike is known Reagan Sophia Dedes, born Madison Marie Marchinsky, Addison Rose DiMartino, born throughout our organization as a April 2, 2011, is the daughter of born May 1, 2011, is the daughter August 2, 2011, is the daughter wonderful sportsman and frater- were pleased to enjoy the visit with Ryan and Mary Beth Bielewicz of Kevin and Colleen Bielewicz of Guido and Member of the nalist. At our 43rd International Brother Mike and thank him for all Dedes of Pittsburgh, Pa. She was Marchinsky of Pittsburgh, Pa. Supreme Physical Fitness Board Golf Tournament held in Dubois, he has done on behalf of Assembly enrolled as a member of Wreath She was enrolled as a member of Denise Lendacky DiMartino of Pa. in August 1998, Brother Mike 82 as well as the Slovak Catholic 22 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Wreath 22 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Havertown, Pa. She was enrolled was presented with the prestigious Sokol in general. Brother Mike will as a member of Assembly 59 in Frank S. Petruff Memorial Sports turn 89 on April 10. May God con- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Award for his leadership and good tinue to bless you and Zdar Boh!

At St. John Nepomucene Parish New York’s Youngest Sokols Welcome St. Nicholas Some of the youngest members of Assembly 182 in New York City enjoyed this year’s St. Nicholas Day celebration on Sunday, December 5 held at St. John Nepomucene Parish. The annual event cel- ebrates the tradition of St. Nicholas whose feast is observed on December 6. In Slo- vakia, the children receive their Christmas gifts from the well-known saint whose cult Alexander John Molchany, born evolved into Santa Claus brought to our Connor Huang Leso, born Octo- October 27, 2011, is the son of shores by the early Dutch immigrants. The ber 23, 2010, is the son of Law- Paul and Jennifer Molchany of children enjoyed games and refreshments rence E. and Elena Huang Leso, Neenah, Wis. He was enrolled and each received a gift from St. Nicho- Jr. of Drexel Hill, Pa. He was en- as a member of Assembly 255 in las. On the right, St. Nicholas(Brian Ko- rolled as a member of Assembly Egypt, Pa. rcek) is shown with Victoria and Claudia 48 in Philadelphia, Pa. Bodo, who are the daughters of Assembly 182 vice president Jozef Bodo. Below, the children pose for a group photo with com- mittee members including Dr. Ladislav Korcek, back row third from the left, who is the president of Assembly 182. An en- joyable time was had by all.

Lily Isabella George, born November 1, 2011, is the daughter of Bryan H. and Linda M. Petko George of Grapevine, Tex. She was enrolled as a member of Assembly 78 in Bethlehem, Pa.


ASSEMBLY NO. NAME 16 Jameson Cranmer 48 Luke Cunningham 78 Lily George 188 Stephen Stegmeir


by a traditional Slovak luncheon and cultural program; $25.00 per person, for reservations and addi- tional information call The Slovak Garden at (407)677-6894. MON.MARCH 12 Q Wreath 111 and Assembly 177 From the Desk of the Supreme Secretary meeting at the American Slovak Club, 2915 Broadway, Lorain, Oh. beginning at 6:30 p.m. My Fraternal View SUN.MARCH 18 by Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. Q Assembly 182 annual St. Jo- seph patronal feast day obser- vance at St. John Nepomucene Parish, corner 66th and First Ave., New York City, beginning with 11 a.m. Slovak Mass in church fol- LET’S ALL WORK TOGETHER their needs and interests in the long run. lowed by luncheon and fraternal You might have listened to our President of the United Our organization has endeavored to make every effort to program in the parish social hall. States in his State of the Union message on January 24 empha- become more professional in our insurance and annuity products. Q Group 2 Duckpin Bowling Tour- size the fact that we all need to work together to help improve Last year’s statistics indicate that improving our fi nancial situa- nament at the Barnum Duckpin our nation’s economy and strengthen our resolve to emerge tion is possible. These results have shown that with an expanded Lanes, Barnum Ave., Stratford, from the current crisis stronger and better than ever. He declared agency system under our Director of Sales and Marketing along Conn. beginning at 11 a.m.; for that “we’ve come too far to turn back now.” This year, the Slovak with the faithful lodge offi cers and recommenders, we can and information and reservations call Catholic Sokol will observe its 107th anniversary. For more than a will fi nd ways to halt our membership decline, our organization’s Eileen S. Wilson (203)378-8837. century, generations of committed, hardworking Sokols and So- greatest problem. Increasing our new business has already be- MARCH 20-22 kolky have labored in order for our organization to grow. We’ve gun and soon we hope to report even greater gains. The fact that Q Annual Audit by the Supreme come a long way from those early days when we were just a few we have doubled our premium income in just one year is certainly Auditors at the S.C.S. Home Of- scattered lodges eager to help expand our organization so that a wonderful indication that we are on the right road to growth and fi ce in Passaic, N.J. today we can proudly say that we remain one of America’s most expansion. Again, working together with the cooperation of all our MARCH 23-24 admired fraternal benefi t societies. members we will see even greater success. Q Annual Meeting of the Slovak Milestones in our history offer opportunities to look back In our last issue, we published a list of names of those Catholic Sokol Supreme Board of and refl ect on how we can improve our organization. This year, members who took the time and had interest in 2011 to promote Directors at the S.C.S. Home Of- we commemorate the 100th anniversary of our organization’s our various insurance and annuity products. I want to personally fi ce in Passaic, N.J. beginning at fi rst National Slet. It was in the summer of 1912 when hundreds thank each of these 116 dedicated members for their willingness 8:30 a.m. of young Sokols and Sokolky from various parts of the country to promote our organization. Their efforts are very much appreci- SAT.MARCH 24 traveled to Wilkes-Barre, Pa to compete in that fi rst Slet. The ated and I hope that they, along with many more of our members, Q 20th annual bowling tourna- Slet competitors didn‘t stay in hotels or school dormitories back will promote new membership in 2012. The easiest way to start is ment hosted by Group 9 at West- then, they stayed in the homes of our Sokol families in the Wilkes- for our parents and grandparents to look within their own families. mont Lanes beginning at 10 a.m. Barre area displaying true fraternalism. Group 7 was just about Enrolling a newborn is a simple task. The child is young so the followed by dinner at the Slovak two years old and its members served as wonderful hosts. As premium will be minimal yet the long-term benefi t, the security of Band Hall, 716 Chestnut St., our organization grew and expanded, later Slets saw the par- life insurance along with the many fraternal benefi ts offered our Johnstown, Pa. ticipants housed in campus facilities. When our organization ex- members will provide a wonderful return on the investment of a SAT.MARCH 31 panded into , our young people there began competing parent or grandparent. We advise parents and grandparents to Q 45th annual Eastern District at our Slets which eventually were called “International Slets.” think about it and see your local lodge offi cer or contact our Direc- Basketball and Volleyball Tourna- I along with our Supreme President recently participated tor of Sales and Marketing, Albert J. Suess, Jr., F.I.C. at 888-381- ment hosted by Group 1 at the in the annual meeting of the Supreme Physical Fitness Board in 5431 about an application and rate chart. Clifton Boys and Girls Club, Clif- Cleveland, Oh. At this meeting, we discussed the 46th Interna- In this issue a new benefi t offering is extended to our ton Ave., Clifton, N.J. beginning tional Slet to be held in 2013 as well as our other international Groups, Assemblies and Wreaths. They can invest their funds at 8:30 a.m. for information call sporting tournaments in 2012. At this meeting, we had the op- into our Sokol Secure Fund. It is an excellent investment vehicle Tournament Director Eric Topczij portunity to express farewell to three dedicated members of the whose current interest rate is earning more than what most banks (973)985-0134. board, namely Susan L. Blosser, Julie M. Laury, and Roger J. offer in their CDs. Not only will our lodge and Group treasuries SUN.APRIL 1 Manyak. We thanked them for their many years of faithful service benefi t with an attractive interest rate but these funds contribute Q Assembly 34 patronal feast while on the S.P.F.B. and look forward to their continued interest to the overall strength and security of our organization in the long of St. George beginning with 9 in our Sokol activities. We also welcomed new board members, run. Complete details of this new benefi t offered to our lodges a.m. Mass at the Church of SS. Jennifer A. Romine and Nancy Kropolinsky, along with Martin and Groups may be found in this issue. If there are any ques- Cyril and Methodius, Second St. Degnan, who previously served and returns as a board mem- tions, just give as a call at 800-886-7656 and we will gladly assist and 13th Ave., N.E., Minneapolis, ber. Our Supreme Physical Fitness Board is enthused about our you. Minn. full breakfast to follow in the coming year’s program and I assured them of our organization’s So, until next time, have a wonderful week and may God Father Dargay Memorial Hall., continued strong support. Our youth are the future of our organi- continue to bless you and your family with good health and hap- call James T. Genosky (763)789- zation and we want to assure them of our commitment to serving piness. Peace be with you and Zdar Boh! 9196. APRIL 13-14 Q 22nd International Men’s Bas- burgh, Pa. beginning at 9 a.m., Canada beginning at 6:30 p.m., travelogue and refreshments, ketball and Women’s Volleyball Sokol call the parish offi ce at (412)481- call (416)903-9381. $5.00, adults $2.00 children. Tournament at Baldwin High 8380. Q St. John the Evangelist Night Q Slovak Pre-Lenten fasiangy School, participants housed at Q Assembly 72 annual meeting at the Races benefi t at Seton celebration at St. John Nepomu- the Quality Suites, 700 Mansfi eld Calendar in the social hall of St. Andrew’s Catholic Auditorium, 37 William cene Parish Hall, 406 East 67th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., call Edward Church, 1229 3rd St., Catasau- St., Pittston, Pa., doors open at 6 St., New York, N.Y. beginning at Moeller (412)881-3506. SUN.FEB.12 qua, Pa. beginning at 10 a.m. p.m., post time 7 p.m., admission 12:30 p.m., admission includes Q Assembly 162 patronal feast election of offi cers will take place. $5.00. luncheon, $25.00 adults, $10.00 OUR NEXT ISSUE IS day observance honoring 75 & SAT.FEB.18 SUN.FEB.19 children, music by the Joseph FEBRUARY 22 50 year members at SS. Cyril and Q Pre-Lenten celebration in the Q Annual Group 1 Children’s Jurasi Band. In keeping with our biweek ly Methodius Parish, Clifton, N.J., Slovak tradition of “Fasiangy” Bowlingfest and Youth Confer- SUN.FEB.26 publishing sched ule, the next beginning with Mass at 10:30 hosted by Assembly 20 of the ence at the Garden Palace Bowl- Q 15th annual Spaghetti Dinner is sue of the Slovak Cath o lic a.m. followed by luncheon and Slovak League of America at the ing Lanes, 42 Lakeview Ave., hosted by Group 1 at SS. Cyril Fal con will be that of Wednes- fraternal program in the church Knights of Columbus Hall, 3200 Clifton, N.J. from 2-4 p.m., pizza and Methodius Church Hall, 218 day, February 22nd. Deadline hall. South 103rd St.(103rd & Okla- and refreshments to follow; free Ackerman Ave., Clifton, N.J. be- for all pho tos and in for ma tion Q Assembly 9 annual meeting in homa Avenue), Greenfi eld, Wis. of charge; for information call Eric ginning at 4 p.m.; $6.00 per per- for this is sue will be Thurs day, the meeting room of Holy Name from 6 - 11 p.m., cultural program Topczij at (973)985-0134. son, $5.00 seniors and $3.00 February 16th. View e-Falcon of Jesus School, 1950 Barnum begins at 7:30 p.m., Slovak culi- Q Assembly 167 annual meeting children, call Peter Walentow- on our website: www.slovak- Ave., Stratford, Conn. beginning nary specialities; $5.00 per per- at the Slovak Catholic Sokol Cen- icz(973)432-8841. at 1 p.m. son, for information call Betty Va- ter, 888 West Hopocan Ave., Bar- SUN.MARCH 4 Thank ing you for your con- Q Annual Pan-Slavic Mass hon- lent at (414)425-6137. berton, Oh. beginning at 2 p.m. Q 60th annual Florida Slovak Day tin ued co op era tion in this mat- oring SS. Cyril and Methodius Q Fasiangy-Masquerade Pre- Q Slovak Mardi Gras “Fasiangy” observance at The Slovak Gar- ter, I re main hosted by Prince of Peace Parish Lenten celebration hosted by SS. at The Venue of Merging Arts, 305 den, 4755 Howell Branch Road, Zdar Boh! at the Church of St. Adalbert, 162 Cyril and Methodius Parish, 5255 Chestnut St., Johnstown, Pa. from Winter Park, Fla. beginning with a Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor South 15th St., South Side, Pitts- Thornwood Dr., Misissauga, Ont. 2-5 p.m., exhibit, genealogy study, Slovak Mass at 11 a.m. followed PAGE 4 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 REFLECTOR ... The Word Jotings fr om Sokol of God ... and Slovak life

Sr. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich’s 60th Florida Slovak Day Gospel for the Sixth Sunday cause of canonization progresses set for Sunday, March 4 of the Year– February 19th The cause for the beatifi cation and canonization of A bit of American Slovak history will be made this the Servant of God, Sister Miriam Teresa Demjanov- year, as The Slovak Garden hosts its 60th annual Florida Mark 1:40-45 ich, a Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth, continues to Slovak Day on Sunday, March 4 at its cultural center lo- progress. Sister Miriam Teresa, born in Bayonne, N.J. cated at 3110 Howell Branch Road in Winter Park, Florida. A reading from the holy Gospel in 1901 of immigrant parents from This year’s celebration begins with a Slovak Mass at 11 according to Mark Bardejov, could become a.m. in the Slovak Garden Great Hall. The liturgy will be A leper came to Jesus the fi rst candidate for beatifi cation celebrated for all the deceased members who have labored and kneeling down from the State of New Jersey, ac- to establish The Slovak Garden as a home for American begged him and said, cording to a feature article by Mi- Slovaks in Florida. Following the liturgy, a traditional lun- “If you wish, you can make me clean.” chael Wojcik in the January 19th cheon will be served beginning at 1 p.m.,featuring various Moved with pity, issue of The Beacon, newspaper of Slovak culinary specialities. The rich cultural program be- he stretched out his hand, the Diocese of Paterson. gins at 3 p.m. and will feature a host of dancers and singers touched him, In August 2011, Cardinal celebrating the music and songs of Slovakia. Tickets for the and said to him, Theodore E. McCarrick, Archbish- luncheon are $25.00 per person. For reservations, call The “I do will it. Be made clean.” op-emeritus of Washington, wrote Slovak Garden at (407)677-6894 or email at: slovakgar- The leprosy left him immediately, to Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation [email protected]. Our transplanted New York Sokol of and he was made clean. for the Causes of Saints, in support of the Cause for the Assembly 182, Jerry J. Krupa, president and manager of Then, warning him sternly, Beatifi cation and Canonization of Sister Miriam Teresa. The Slovak Garden, extends a cordial invitation to Sokols he dismissed him at once. In reply, Cardinal Amato wrote, “I am pleased to inform and Sokolky who now reside in the Sunshine State to turn He said to him, you that the Cause is making excellent progress. As soon out for this year’s Florida Slovak Day. “See that you tell no one anything, as the Decree on the Heroicity of Virtues has been pro- On Monday, March 5, the annual meeting of The but go, show yourself to the priest mulgated, the Medical Board of this Congregation will be Slovak Garden will be held in the cultural center beginning and offer for your cleansing convoked in order to deliberate on the presumed miracle with registration at 9 a.m. The meeting will be called to or- what Moses prescribed; presented for the Beatifi cation of the Servant of God, the der at 10 a.m. All members are invited to attend. that will be proof for them.” cure of a 6-year-old blind boy from Teaneck, N.J. The history and development of The Slovak Gar- The man went away In Rome this month, a group of Cardinals will den is a rich chapter in the history of the American Slovak and began to publicize the whole matter. meet to discuss the Positio(an account of her virtues). community. Following the Second World War, a number He spread the report abroad If the unexplained cure of the boy can be attributed to of Slovaks from north of the Mason Dixon Line began so that it was impossible for Jesus Sister Miriam Teresa’s intercession, it would be a major visiting Florida to sample its very pleasant climate and to enter a town openly. step in her beatifi cation. To be designated “Blessed” by atmosphere. The founders of The Slovak Garden were He remained outside in deserted places, the Church, one confi rmed miracle must be proven. A fraternalists from the National Slovak Society, the former and people kept coming to him second miracle is needed for canonization. Zivena Benefi cial Society and other societies as well. The from everywhere. Sister Miriam Teresa, who lived a life of everyday founders wanted to establish a residence where retirees holiness, following the words of Jesus: “Be perfect as from the north could reside in a facility with a distinct Slo- The Gospel of the Lord your heavenly Father is perfect.” Her message predated vak atmosphere about it. Property was purchased in Winter the Second Vatican Council’s document, “A Universal Park, just outside Orlando in 1950. Construction of the new Call to Holiness,” said Sister Jane Teresa, an assistant apartments commenced that year and were completed a Gospel for the First Sunday to Sister Miriam Jose Smith, vice postulator of Sister year later. It was in March 1952, that the group decided to of Lent – February 26th Miriam Teresa’s cause and director of the League of host a Slovak Day observance. With the date and details Prayer, in The Beacon article. A team of Sisters from of the event announced in our Slovak fraternal press, a Mark 1:12-15 Convent Station are promoting the cause in talks at vari- good turnout of Slovaks from across Florida enjoyed that ous gatherings. Sister Miriam Teresa died in 1927. Be- fi rst Slovak Day. Thus, this year’s observance celebrates A reading from the holy Gospel fore her death, she used her remarkable spiritual gifts to the 60th annual Florida Slovak Day. Over the years, many according to Mark write a series of conferences, published posthumously. members of the Slovak Catholic Sokol have been active The Spirit drove Jesus out In 1978, the body of Sister Miriam Teresa was exhumed in the work of The Slovak Garden. The facility has grown into the desert, and placed in the Holy Family Chapel of the Mother- and expanded over the years. Today, it includes a complex and he remained in the desert house of the Sisters of Charity in Convent Station. Sister of moderately priced apartments available for those age for forty days Miriam Teresa’s priest-brother, the late Msgr. Charles 55 and older. It includes a wonderful cultural center and tempted by Satan. Demjanovich taught the Slovak language at the Newark Slovak museum. The Slovak Garden has been publish- He was among wild beasts, archdiocesan seminary. ing its quarterly Floridsky Slovak (The Floridian Slovak) and the angels ministered to him. Over the years, our organization and many of its for more than a half century. Seasonal activities are held at After John had been arrested, members have promoted the cause of Sister Miriam the complex which attract those of Slovak ancestry from Jesus came to Galilee Teresa since it was introduced by the fi rst Bishop of across the Sunshine State. We congratulate Brother Jerry J. proclaiming the gospel of God: Paterson, Thomas McLaughlin in 1945. The Sister Krupa as well as all the directors of The Slovak Garden on “This is the time of fullfi lment. Miriam Teresa League of Prayer was founded in 1948 this milestone in their rich history. We hope that many So- The kingdom of God is at hand. and publishes a quarterly League of Prayer Bulletin in kol members will make it a point to travel to Winter Park on Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Convent Station, N.J. We need to better learn of the March 4th for an enjoyable day celebrating Slovak heritage The Gospel of the Lord. life and message of Sister Miriam Teresa. Write Sister and pride in the Sunshine State. Miriam Teresa league of Prayer, P.O. Box 476, Convent Station, NJ 07961-0476 and Sister Marian Jose Smith 70th Slovak Bowling Congress Remember the Memorial Schol ar ship Fund!!! will be pleased to send you information on the life of of America tournament set Have you found yourself looking for a way to memorialize a Sister Miriam Teresa. Bowlers - Let the good times roll. So say John M. lost loved one or fellow Group/Wreath/Assembly mem ber? Why During the fall 2010 pilgrimage to Slovakia spon- Golias and Joseph M. Harkulich, president and secre- not make a do na tion in their honor to the Memorial Schol ar ship sored by the Sisters of SS. Cyril and Methodius who tary, respectively, of the Slovak Bowling Congress of fund? Donations made payable to: SCS Memorial Scholar ship have been ardent supporters of the cause, a visit was America(SBC) as they announced that this year’s 70th Slo- Fund may be sent to: made to the Greek Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit in vak National Bowling Tournament will be held in Akron, Dennis J. Zifcak Bardejov, Slovakia, where Sister Miriam Teresa’s par- Oh. The tournament will be held weekends beginning on SCS Museum Treasurer ents worshipped and were married. Of special interest is April 14 and concluding on May 6. The competition is ex- 33 Pinecrest Rd. the fact that Sister Miriam Teresa was baptized and cris- pected to attract an entry of over 700 bowlers from some Uxbridge, MA 01569 mated in the Byzantine Rite of the Church. She never 160 cities in the United States and Canada. The competi- or received a change of rite when she entered the Sisters tion will be staged on the well-conditioned lanes at Mid- of Charity in 1924. She is thus a wonderful example of way Bowling Lanes located at 1070 East Tallmadge Av- Julie Ann Dobbs the spiritual bridge between the Roman and Byzantine enue in Akron. SCS Mu se um Chairperson Rite traditions and a wonderful example of an heir of the In this historic year in the life of the Slovak Bowling 5314 Agatha Turn, Cyrilo-Methodian legacy of faith. (Continued on page 6) Racine, WI 53402 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 PAGE 5 From our Director of Sales & Marketing Thoughts from our Supreme Chaplain Attention: Groups, Assemblies & Wreaths Albert J. Suess, Jr., F.I.C. Saints Cyril and Methodius by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic The Slovak Catholic Sokol FUND for your Group, Assem- environment the Slovak Catholic Cyril and Methodius must have often wondered, as we do today, has created a new benefi t that we bly or Wreath all that is required Sokol has created this benefi t to how God could bring spiritual meaning out of worldly concerns. Ev- are able to extend to our Groups, is to complete an application and assist our Groups, Assemblies and ery mission they went on, every struggle they fought was a result of Assemblies and include at least a minimum de- Wreaths. political battles, not spiritual, and yet the political Wreaths. This posit of $5,000. Since this benefi t Following are Features and battles are forgotten and their work lives on in the benefi t is titled is structured to be fl exible, addi- Highlights of the SOKOL SE- Slavic peoples and their literature. SOKOL SE- tional deposits can be made at any CURE FUND: Tradition tells us that the brothers Metho- CURE FUND; it time providing the minimum de- Plan Features dius and Constantine (he did not take the name is designed spe- posit is at least $100. The SOKOL o No Loading Fees Cyril until just before his death) grew up in Thes- cifi cally for the SECURE FUND includes the o No Withdrawal Penalties salonica as sons of a prominent Christian family. Groups, Assem- following features: No Loading o High Liquidity Because many Slavic people settled in Thessa- blies and Wreaths Fees, No Withdrawal Penalties, o Competitive Interest Rate lonica, it is assumed Constantine and Methodius of our organiza- High Liquidity and a Competitive o Flexibility were familiar with the Slavic language. Metho- tion only and cannot be used as an Interest Rate compared to certain Minimum Withdrawn – $250.00 dius, the older of the two brothers, became an individual account. This is an ex- CD’s. Underwriting – Slovak Catho- important civil offi cial who would have needed to know Slavonic. He cellent investment vehicle that can For administrative purposes, lic Sokol Group, Assembly or grew tired of worldly affairs and retired to a monastery. Constantine only grow and currently is earning fund withdrawals are restricted Wreath that are Internal Revenue became a scholar and a professor known as “the Philosopher” in Con- more than what most banks offer to no more than four times a year, Service designation of 501(c) (3) stantinople. In 860 Constantine and Methodius went as missionaries through their Certifi cates of De- however, remember there are no or 501(c) (8) only to what is today the . posit (CD’s). penalties on any withdrawal of Premium Deposit Options – When the Byzantine emperor decided to honor a request for The current interest rate for funds. The minimum amount for Flexible missionaries by the Moravian prince Rastislav, Methodius and Con- the SOKOL SECURE FUND a withdrawal is $250.00. Once the Minimum Initial Deposit – stantine were the natural choices; they knew the language, they were will earn 2.50% APY effective fund is established, a minimum $5,000 able administrators, and had already proven themselves successful October 1, 2011. This rate is de- balance of $4,000 must be main- Minimum Balance – $4,000 missionaries. termined on a quarterly basis by tained. Guaranteed Minimum Interest But there was far more behind this request and the response than the Slovak Catholic Sokol Board With the SOKOL SECURE Rate – 1% APY a desire for Christianity. Rastislav, like the rest of the Slav princes, of Directors. They at that time FUND you can have your cake Surrender Period & Charges – was struggling for independence from German infl uence and inva- consider the market and fi nancial and eat it to, unlike the CD’s of- None sion. Christian missionaries from the East, to replace missionaries conditions and may adjust the rate fered by banks there are no re- For additional information or from , would help Rastislav consolidate power in his own accordingly. The Slovak Catholic striction period or withdrawal for SOKOL SECURE FUND country, especially if they spoke the Slavonic language. Sokol does not invest in “junk or penalty fee due for early with- Application and SOKOL SE- Constantine and Methodius were dedicated to the ideal of expression low-grade securities”. Over 85% drawals. Your money is accessible CURE FUND Withdrawal Form, in a people’s native language. Throughout their lives they would battle of our portfolio is in high invest- when you need it and has greater please contact the Home Offi ce against those who saw value only in Greek or Latin. Before they even ment grade corporate bonds and earning potential. Realizing the at 800-886-7656 or the Sales and left on their mission, tradition says, Constantine constructed a script government securities. struggle to earn a reasonable in- Marketing Offi ce at 888-381- for Slavonic -- a script that is known today as glagolithic. Glagolithic To open a SOKOL SECURE terest rate in today’s economical 5431. is considered by some as the precursor of cyrillic which named after him. Arriving in 863 in Moravia, which is present-day Slovakia, Constantine began translating the liturgy into Slavonic. In the East, it was a normal procedure to translate liturgy into the vernacular. As we know, in the West the custom was to use Greek and later Latin, until Vatican II. The German hierarchy, which had power over Moravia, used this difference to combat the brothers’ infl uence. The German priests didn’t like losing their control and knew that language has a great deal to do with independence. So when Constantine and Methodius went to Rome to have the Slav priesthood candidates ordained (neither was a bishop at the time), they had to face the criticism the Germans had leveled against them. But if the Germans had motives that differed from spiritual concerns, so did the pope. He was concerned about the Eastern Church gaining too much infl uence in the Slavic provinces. Helping Constantine and Methodius would give the Roman Catholic Church more power in the area. So after speaking the brothers, the pope approved the use of Slavonic in services and ordained their pupils. Constantine never returned to Moravia. He died in Rome after assuming the monastic robes and the name Cyril on February 14, 869. Legend tells us that his older brother was so grief stricken, and per- haps upset by the political turmoil, that he intended to withdraw to a monastery in Constantinople. Cyril’s dying wish, however, was that Methodius return to the missionary work they had begun. He couldn’t return to Moravia because of political problems there, but another Slavic prince, Kocel, asked for him, having admired the brothers’ work in translating so much text into Slavonic. Methodius was allowed by the pope to continue saying Mass and administering baptism in the Slavonic tongue. Methodius was fi nally consecrated bishop, once again because of politics -- Kocel knew that having a Slavonic bishop would destroy the power of the Salzburg hierarchy over his land. Methodius became bishop of Sirmium, an ancient see near Belgrade and given power over Serbo-Croatian, Slovene, and Moravian territory. The German bishops accused him of infringing on their power and imprisoned him in a monastery. This lasted until Germany suf- fered military defeats in Moravia. At that time the pope intervened and Methodius returned to his diocese in triumph at the same time the Germans were forced to recognize Moravian independence. There was a loss involved -- to appease the Germans a little, the pope told Methodius he could no longer celebrate liturgy in the vernacular. In 879 Methodius was summoned to Rome to answer German charges he had not obeyed this restriction. This worked against the Germans because it gave Methodius a chance to explain how impor- (Continued on page 7) PAGE 6 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

For students entering a Catholic Grade School (Grades 2-8) As part of a multi-fraternal competition Slovak Catholic Sokol Catholic Grade School Grants 66th Slovak Catholic Sokol Bowling Tournament in Wickliffe, Oh., May 4-6 As per the decision of the delegates at the 28th National Convention held in Buffalo, NY in by Edward D. Moeller August, 1999, a fraternal benefi t is being offered Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics to our young members attending a Catholic As many of you know, the Slo- negotiations, we are able to enjoy a Grade School. The Slovak Catholic Sokol is vak Catholic Sokol has been meet- very reasonable price of $100.00/ pleased to offer $250.00 Grants to our young ing with several of our brother and night, tax included. A total of 150 Sokols and Sokolky in each of our organization's sister Slovak fraternals to try and newly remodeled rooms have been nineteen Groups. Two grants per each Group are combine some of our sporting reserved for available to any qualifi ed Sokol member entering events. It is therefore with great Friday and a Catholic Grade School (Grades 2 through 8). pleasure that I announce the First Saturday Annual United Slovak Fraternals nights at this Eligibility Bowling Tournament! The Slovak special rate. A. Applicant must be a member of the Slovak Catholic Sokol has combined its As well, if any Catholic Sokol in good standing, holding a upcoming bowling tournament of our mem- permanent Life Insurance Certifi cate in the with members of the National bers wish to Disqualifi cation amount of not less than $3,000, and has Slovak Society, the First Catho- arrive before An applicant who neglects to submit or com- been a member for at least fi ve years. lic Slovak Union and the Ladies the tourna- plete any part of these requirements before Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic ment or stay the established deadline will automatically be B. One parent must be a S.C.S. member. Union. This will enable us to have a few days later, they will also re- disqualifi ed. an even bigger tournament with ceive the reduced rate. C. The principal of the Catholic Grade School Acknowledgment the opportunity for more prize The hotel reservation number is must verify the enrollment of the applicant. An acknowledgment of the Grant should be monies and a chance to get to 800 317-1960. The fi nal deadline made in writing by the recipient as soon as pos- know our brother and sister frater- to reserve and book all book your Application sible, if you are awarded a Grant. nalists. hotel room is Wednesday, APRIL It is once again time to begin 4TH. After this date, we cannot This application must be received on or Return of Grant before, March 31, 2012 with a clear, small (2"x3" preparations for your teams for guarantee you will secure a room If for any reason the Grant is not used by this historic event. This year the at the hotel. Our organization’s wallet size) head and shoulders photograph. the recipient, the entire (or portion of) grant not Application is also available on the Internet @ bowling tournament will take block of 150 rooms is registered utilized must be returned. place in Wickliffe, Ohio. The tour- under the United Slovak Frater- nament will be held at the Freeway nals and when you contact the ✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄ Lanes in Wickliffe, Oh. It begins hotel, kindly identify yourself as (Detach here) on Friday, May 4 and concludes a member. on Sunday, May 6th. The lanes The hotel address is 3775 Park SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL CATHOLIC GRADE SCHOOL GRANT APPLICATION are located only minutes from the East Drive, Beachwood, OH Embassy Suites Hotel in Beach- 44122. The telephone number at the Group #______Assembly/Wreath #______wood, Oh, which will be our main hotel is (216)765-8866. The bowl- headquarters for the weekend. ing lanes are located at 28801 Eu- Name ______This will be a spectacular event clid Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092. that you will not want to miss. We The telephone number at the bowl- Address ______hope the location will entice many ing lanes is (440)585-5800. There “alumni” bowlers from years past, are 84 newly renovated lanes with City______State______Zip Code ______to join us at this special fraternal automatic scoring which we hope event as well as many new bowl- will generate some high scores for Date of Birth______Current Age ______ers looking to combine a great our members. The bowling center family vacation as part of the spe- is fully equipped with restaurants, a Home Phone (_____)______School Phone (_____) ______cial fraternal event. proshop along with all the other fa- area code area code All of the preparations are com- cilities required to effectively sup- plete and you can now reserve port our tournament. S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______your rooms. With our large volume Soon you will receive your team of bowlers and through some keen (Continued on page 13) S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______

S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______

Father's name______Are you a member?______

Mother's name______Are you a member?______

Parent’s S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate # ______Face Amount______ISSN: 0897-8107

Parent’s S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate # ______Face Amount______Established April 15, 1911 Official Publication of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Are you a previous Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Recipient? ______Issued Bi-Weekly (yes/no) If yes, what Year?______Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor Editorial office: (973) 777-4010 School verifi cation (to be completed by Grade School Principal) Annual Subscription Rates I,______Principal of______United States $35.00 - All others countries $40.00 (Principal's signature) (Name of School) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Slovak Catholic Falcon, Catholic Grade School, verify that______is a student at P.O. Box 899, 205 Madison Street, Passaic, New Jersey 07055 (Name of student) the above school and will be entering ______Grade in the 2012-2013 school year. Member of the Catholic Press Association and the Slovak Newspapermen's Association of America Are you currently participating in Slovak Catholic Sokol Activities? Yes_____ No____ Proprietor and Publisher Deadline for receipt of this application is March 31, 2012. SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL Return completed application to: P.O. Box 899 Slovak Catholic Sokol 205 Madison Street, Passaic, N.J. 07055 Grade School Grant Home Office: (973) 777-2605-06 205 Madison St.,P.O. Box 899 WEB SITE – Passaic, NJ 07055 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 PAGE 7

Lodge Jottings Sokol Members Join Thousands of Pro-Life Advocates at 39th March for Life CLIFTON, NJ ing a great turnout of our members at (Continued from page 1) With each passing year, thou- abortions have been performed since Assembly 162 this year’s patronal feast day celebra- of priests joined as concelebrants sands of Catholics from all over the the Roe v. Wade decision. The founders of our Assembly in tion, honoring the great evangelizers of the liturgy. More than 10,000, country have responded enthusias- Contingents of Sokol members 1916 chose the great Apostles of the who brought the gift of faith to our an- mostly young people, packed every tically and in ever greater numbers from various lodges and Groups Slavs, Saints Cyril and Methodius to cestors and saluting our senior Sokol area of the basilica, fi lling the upper by taking part in the National Prayer throughout the country converged be patrons of the lodge. One of the members. Zdar Boh! and lower churches and every cha- Vigil for Life. on Washington to stand with all pro- traditional fraternal activities of our John D. Pogorelec, Jr. pel of the shrine which is the largest Prior to the beginning of the life advocates at the annual March lodge is to host a patronal feast day President Catholic church in the United States. march, thousands gathered at the for Life. The largest contingent observance honoring our patrons and David Bulwin Following the liturgy, the National National Mall for the inspiring pro- came from Group 7 “Rev. Joseph saluting the senior 75-year and 50- Recording Secretary Rosary for Life followed. In addi- gram which included, speakers and Murgas” of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. led year members of our Assembly. This tion, various devotions including entertainment. Among those who ad- by its president, our Chairperson of year’s patronal feast day celebration LORAIN, OH. Night Prayer and holy hours contin- dressed the pro-lifers was the Speak- the Supreme Auditors Michael J. is set for Sunday, February 12 at SS. Wreath 111 ued throughout the night concluding er of the House of Representatives, Horvath. Cyril and Methodius Parish located A wonderful time was had by all! with a 7:30 a.m. Mass celebrated Ohio Republican, John A. Boehner In conclusion, we thank all those at 218 Ackerman Avenue. Our pro- That was the sentiment expressed by Cardinal-designate, Timothy M. who reminded his audience that the dedicated members who traveled to gram will begin with attendance at by the Sokolky who enjoyed the an- Dolan, Archbishop of New York majority of Americans do not want to Washington, D.C. to give witness to the 10:30 a.m. Slovak Mass which nual Christmas dinner hosted by our and president of the United States have government pay for abortions. our organization’s commitment to will be celebrated for the living and Wreath on Monday, December 12 at Conference of Catholic Bishops as Speakers reminded the participants the sacredness of life - from concep- deceased members of Assembly 162. the American Slovak Home. The eve- principal celebrant and homilist. that to date more than 53 million tion to natural death. Our offi cers, members and honorees ning included all the wonderful foods will assemble in the church vestibule enjoyed at a traditional Christmas Eve Group 9 to Host 20th Annual Bowling at 10:15 a.m. so as to march in a supper in a Slovak home. During the body to the liturgy. Following the lit- evening, we carried out our Slovak Tournament on March 24 in Johnstown, Pa. urgy, we will assemble in the church customs at dinner, such a washing our Group 9 “SS. Cyril and Method- tion at the lanes. Participants may enjoyable evening is assured. hall where we will enjoy a delicious fi ngers in a bowl of water and coins, ius” will host its 20th annual bowl- BYOB, however Group 9 assumes Deadline for bowling entries is luncheon and fraternal program. All sharing the Oplatky with one an- ing tournament on Saturday, March no responsibility for the demeanor Saturday, March 17. Send all res- members are urged to join us for this other, raising our glasses in a toast to 24 at the Westmont Bowling Lanes of any participants. ervations to: Joanne E. Spisak, 47 annual celebration. a healthy, happy and holy New Year in Johnstown, Pa. Competition at Following bowling, a dinner will Bear St., Johnstown, PA 15906. At the luncheon, we will honor our 2012. After dinner, we sang Christ- the lanes begins at 2 p.m. Hosting be served at the Slovak Band Hall This tournament is open to all senior Sokols including our 75-year mas carols, fi rst in English and then in this year’s fraternal competition located at 716 Chestnut Street in members of Group 9. An afternoon member, Anthony Glodava. Brother Slovak. It is wonderful that many of will be Wreath 14 of Johnstown. the Cambria City section of John- of traditional Sokol good sports- Glodava is a well-known Sokol ac- us still know our Slovak. Our mem- The tournament will consist of stown. Cost of the dinner will be manship and fellowship is assured. tivist and currently serves as an of- ber, Melissa Deneen baked and deco- men’s and women’s team compe- $15.00 per guest. Members of We hope to see participants from fi cer of our lodge. In addition, this rated a delicious cake enjoyed for des- tition. Cost of bowling, which in- Group 9 who bowl will have their all our Group 9 lodges. year four members will be honored sert. It was a very enjoyable evening. cludes bowling, dinner and prizes dinner compliments of the Group. Zdar Boh! as our 50-year members, including As is our fraternal tradition the an- is $25.00 per person. Snacks will Since this is a Group event, any Joanne E. Spisak Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogor- nual raffl e in support of our various be provided during the competi- member may attend the dinner. An Group 9 president elec, F.I.C., Karen Kirchmayer, Mary charities took place. This year’s win- Lejava, George Tauras and Peter J. ners include: 1st prize - $100 won by Sienicki. Each of the honorees will re- Mary Mager, Amherst, Oh.; 2nd prize ceive a special diamond or gold pin as - $75 won by Trisha Radman, Lorain, Welcome to Slovak Catholic Sokol well as a Certifi cate of Appreciation Oh.; 3rd prize - $50 won by Chris from the home offi ce. We look for- Nedelman, Lorain, Oh.; and 4th prize Introducing our New Members Enrolled During the Month of December 2011 ward to seeing our 2012 honorees and - $25 won by Anne Firca, Avon, Oh. their families. In addition, we extend a We wish to thank all who supported ASSEMBLY/ special invitation to our past honorees our annual raffl e this year as well as WREATH MEMBER CITY/STATE RECOMMENDER as well as all our members in general. in years past. V-022 Ashlyn E. Bushmen Pittsburgh, PA Katlyn Weiland Assembly 162 has enjoyed a won- Zdar Boh! V-022 Melina R. Bushmen Pittsburgh, PA Katlyn Weiland derful history over these past 96 years. Anna Gaydosh V-022 Sara K. Bushmen Pittsburgh, PA Katlyn Weiland Today, we are the largest lodge within Treasurer V-022 Auria Jade Cranmer Pittsburgh, PA Kerri Malanowski Group 1. Our founders gave strong S-016 Jameson Michael Cranmer Pittsburgh, PA Kerri Malanowski support to the establishment of SS. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. S-048 Luke Michael Cunningham Philadelphia, PA Robert E. Leso Cyril and Methodius parish and have Assembly 34 S-078 Lily Isabella George Bethlehem, PA George J. Kostelnik S-016 John J. Goob Pittsburgh, PA Albert J. Suess, Jr. supported its ministry ever since. On Sunday, April 1, we will ob- S-059 Mary Ann Headman Wilkes-Barre, PA Authorized Agent “Clifton, the city of champions” has serve the feast of St. George, patron S-025 Stanley R. Pankiewicz Perryopolis, PA Authorized Agent been a familiar adage regarding our of our Assembly. We will attend the S-313 Christine P. Sorrentino Winter Park, FL Home Offi ce lodge and the many outstanding ath- 9 a.m. Mass at the Church of SS. S-188 Stephen Allen Stegmeir Lansford, PA Justine Kopunek letes who have been active in our or- Cyril and Methodius, Second Street S-016 Roger A. Stewart Pittsburgh, PA Authorized Agent ganization. and 13th Avenue. The liturgy will be Therefore, we look forward to see- (Continued on page 18) Saints Cyril and Methodius ANNUITIES ASSEMBLY/ (Continued from page 5) never prevail over God’s will. The WREATH MEMBER CITY/STATE RECOMMENDER tant it was to celebrate the liturgy in disciples of Cyril and Methodius who S-312 Jo Ann Bridley Passaic, NJ Authorized Agent the tongue people understood. Instead were driven out of Moravia didn’t S-312 Trenton C. Bridley Passaic, NJ Authorized Agent of condemning him, the pope gave hide in a locked room. The invasion V-093 Lynn Carli Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent him permission to use Slavonic in the and the ban gave them a chance to go V-093 Barbara J. Evrard Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent Mass, in Scripture reading, and in the to other Slavic countries. The broth- V-081 Wendell H. Fain Whiting, IN Authorized Agent offi ce. He also made him head of the ers’ work of spreading Christ’s word V-093 Carole E. Funk Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent hierarchy in Moravia. and translating it into Slavonic contin- V-093 Ronald H. Funk Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent The criticism never went away, but ued and laid the foundation for Chris- V-093 Esther Henrichs Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent it never stopped Methodius either. It tianity in the region. S-036 James A. Janowicz Detroit, MI Authorized Agent is said that he translated almost all the What began as a request guided V-093 Judith Jochem Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent Bible and the works of the Fathers of by political concerns produced two V-093 William Jochem Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent the Church into Slavonic before he of the greatest Christian missionaries, V-093 Randall W. Keigley Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent died on April 6 in 885. revered by both Roman Catholic and V-093 George Pappas Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent Within twenty years after his death, Eastern Orthodox churches, and two V-093 James Pappas Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent it would seem like all the work of Cyril of the fathers of Slavonic literary cul- V-093 Geoffrey S. Pauers Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent and Methodius was destroyed. Mag- ture. V-093 Jacquelyn Pederson Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent yar invasions devastated Moravia. We observe the great feast of SS. V-093 Beth Seymour Milwaukee, WI Authorized Agent And without the brothers to explain Cyril and Methodius, the Apostles of S-136 Sarah Ann Sullivan Nanticoke, PA Magdalene J. Malshefski their position, use of the vernacular in the Slovaks and the family of Slavic liturgy was banned. But politics could nations, on February 14th. PAGE 8 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

KIDS’ CORNER “Detský kútik ” February, 2012

Valentine’s Day gift ideas for Mom and Dad

No matter what you make, homemade gifts are always treasured. These are the kinds of presents that moms and dads really love. It shows that you put thought into the gift. Here are a few ideas for homemade gifts that you can make:

 Use some pictures and make a collage  Make a jewelry box out of popsicle sticks  Write a poem and draw a picture to go with it  Make a card  Paint a flower pot for mom or dad’s favorite plant

 Make a coupon book with things like (Good for one time of loading the dishwasher)  Make a mobile with a hanger a cut out hearts (you can even add cool By Dr. Michael Kopanic sayings on the hearts)  Use M-n-M’s or Reeses Pieces to spell out I love you on a piece of pa- Surprise your boyfriend/girlfriend, or your parents and grand- parents by wishing them these: per (use glue to keep the candy in place)

 Paint a mason jar and fill it with candy Happy Valentine’s Day- Šťastný Valentínsky deň = Pro- nounced [shtyaast-nee vaah- len-teen-skee den, with a soft n. ]

Just a quick thank you to Kathy Watkins, Supreme Physical Directress Valentínska kartka = Valentine's Day card for her assistance with the Kids’ Corner over the past 4 years- her milovať [mee- low – vaat ] = to love, to be in love (with), to help has been invaluable . As Kathy moves on to her new role, we wel- carry a torch for come Jennifer Romine, new Supreme Physical Fitness Board member, to the Kids Corner editorial staff. :) Milujem len Teba. [mee – lew – yem len Tye – bah ] = I love you (and only you)

Miláčik [Mi – laah-cheek] = darling, honey, sweetheart

ľúbiť [ lyoo – beet ] = to love (can be used for girlfriend/

boyfriend, parents, grandparents, etc.)

2/9 2.13 2/22 2/23 2/23 2/23 2/28 2/28 2/17 2/12 2/15 2/17 ľúbiť sa [ lyoo – beet sah ] = to be nuts or crazy about, to

be take with

Ľúbim sa Teba = I am crazy about you, I love you

frajer [fry – air ] = boyfriend

Erica Kacmarcik Julie Diaz Ryan Hvozdovic Nicholas Peretin Riley Slonac Riley Aiden Ahern Mackenzie Ahern Matthew Zelina Martyak Lauren Amalia Luthens Amalia Joseph Phillips Joseph frajerka Drew Manyak [fry – air – kah ] = girlfriend HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 PAGE 9 Scenes of the Annual Christmas Dinner Hosted by Wreath 111 The American Slovak Home + Lorain, Ohio + December 12

Sharing the traditional Oplatky at the beginning of the dinner are, Mary Mager and her daughters, Michele and Sandy Mager.

Offering the traditional toast for a joyous Christmas season and a happy New Year 2012 at the dinner are, l-r, Sue Naelitz, Regina Davies and Marge Kurta.

Watching over the gifts left by Santa, are, Pat Frey and her daughter, Amy Grude.

Selecting the winning raffl e tickets, are, l-r, Helen Virant, Anna Gaydosh and Helen Zemanek.

Well-known baker, Melissa Deneen Tina Hellinger serves her mom, Kathy Trifi letti baked and decorated a wonderful coffee. cake which was enjoyed for dessert.

Sharing their bags of candy and treats are Pam Cera and Wreath 111 President Glenice Zelina. Three generations of Sokolky include, l-r, Judy Hromada, her daughter Melissa De- neen and her mother, Ann Zuffa. PAGE 10 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

Scenes of the Group 7 Celebration Honoring Monsignor Francis J. Beeda, S.T.L. on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of His Ordination to the Priesthood Little Flower Manor + Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania + January 6

(Continued from page 1) recipient of Papal honors. It was An active Slovak fraternalist all ways an excellent student, Msgr. in 1984, at the recommendation his life, Msgr. Beeda was elected Beeda was selected to complete of the Bishop of Scranton, J. Car- the Supreme Chaplain of the Slo- his theological studies in prepara- roll McCormick that Blessed Pope vak Catholic Sokol in 1993, serv- tion for the priesthood John Paul II named ing in this capacity until 2003. in Rome residing at the him a Prelate of The delegates of the 29th national North American Col- Honor with the title convention in Orlando, Florida lege. He was ordained of Monsignor. On the in 2003 elected as an Honorary a priest on December occasion of his re- Supreme Offi cer. In 2009 he was 20, 1961 in St. Peter’s ceiving these honors, named our organization’s Frater- Basilica by Archbish- the people of Sacred nalist of the Year, an honor he so op Martin O’Connor. Heart hosted a won- rightly deserved. While his mo- He celebrated his fi rst derful banquet in his bility is somewhat hampered as a solemn Mass on De- honor with more than result of a stroke he suffered three cember 21, 1961 in the 1,200 in attendance - years ago, his mind and spirit are as chapel of SS. Cyril and a record in the history sharp as ever. While he may now Methodius in St. Clem- of the parish. About a observe Sokol and Slovak activities ent’s Basilica where the year later, the peo- from the sidelines, his interest and grave of St. Cyril is located. Upon ple were somewhat disappointed love for our organization contin- his return to the Diocese of Scran- to learn that Msgr. Beeda would ues. Members of our organization ton, Msgr. Beeda served a summer leave them and become pastor of throughout the U.S. and Canada assignment at St. Patrick’s Par- St. Joseph’s Parish in Hazleton, commend Group 7 for taking the ish in Wilkes-Barre before being the largest Slovak parish in the time to celebrate an important named assistant at St. Joseph’s Scranton Diocese and the oldest milestone in the life and priestly Slovak Parish in Nanticoke where Slovak parish in the United States ministry of an outstanding Ameri- Monsignor Beeda, who served as our Supreme Chaplain is shown with he remained until 1964 when he founded in 1882. His love for the can, proud Slovak son and beloved his successor, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic. Shown with them are Louise was assigned as assistant at Sacred Sacred Heart faith community fraternalist, Monsignor Beeda. Ad Hvozdovic and Honorary Supreme Offi cer Andrew J. “Butch” Hvoz- Heart Parish, Wilkes-Barre. Here continued through the many Slo- multos annos and Zdar Boh! dovic. he enjoyed a wonderful 21-year vak activities he shared with them ministry. It was during his minis- over the years during his pastorate try at Sacred Heart that he was the in Hazleton.

Group 7 Chaplain, Rev. Richard J. Cirba, standing left, is shown offering a toast to Msgr. Beeda, our Golden Jubilarian at the celebration given in his honor.

Monsignor Beeda is shown with the Horvaths, including, l-r, Suzanne and Heather and Michael J. Horvath, who is Group 7 president and Chairperson of Supreme Auditors.

Our Goldern Jubilarian, Msgr. Beeda is shown with well-known offi cers of Assembly 59 in Wilkes-Barre, including, from the left, Honorary Supreme Offi cer Andrew J. Sharing reminiscenses. Flanking Msgr. Beeda are Mary Vitek and Stephen Vitek. “Butch” Hvozdovic, Nancy Fedor, William Greytock and Emil Sefcik. Standing are, l-r, Mary Ann Keating, Bernard Novabilski and Betty Fereck. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 PAGE 11

Making a presentation to Msgr. Beeda are Midge Malshefski and Irene M. Kascak.

Assembly 59 activists, l-r, Andrew “Butch”Hvozdovic, John Yencha and Emil Se- fcik.

Enjoying the evening with Msgr. Beeda are, l-r, Dawn Palchanis, Member of the Supreme Physical Fitness Board Martin Degnan, Amy Blasco, Danielle Zablotney, Kelly Palchanis and Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic. Our honoree is shown with Nancy Fedor and Michael J. Horvath.

Msgr. Beeda is shown with, from the left, Audrey and Fred Graham and Ann Kollesar. PAGE 12 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

launching a debate on the mathematical model on increasing the number of MEPs representing large countries at the ex- What's making headlines in our ancestral homeland pense of small countries. “Every lost MEP mandate means a reduction of chance that European directives will take into account justifi ed inter- ests of Slovakia’s citizens in the EU Council...Slovakia insists on maintaining the current number of MEP mandates,” said Zaborska. Duff’s report also introduces a so-called unifi ed EU slate with 25 candidates. Zaborska pointed out that MEPs from small countries would have virtually no chance of being elected in this system. In addition, there are 27 countries in the Union, while the slate features only 25 spots. Certain countries would therefore be left empty handed, stressed Zaborska.

News and Views from Slovakia...

Sedgewick updates Radicova on U.S.’s new defense strategy Experts object to emaciated Even though the new United States defense strategy models in beauty contests shifts focus on to the Pacifi c region, the importance of coop- A group of experts that organize a public education pro- eration with continues to be high, U.S. Ambassador gram called “I’m Yelling With My Body(Kricim telom) de- to Slovakia Theodroe Sedgewick said during his meeting signed to prevent anorexia and bulimia eating disorders sent with Slovakia’s Prime Minister Iveta Radicova on January an open letter to modeling agencies, fashion designers and 16. the media on January 11. “The size of a country isn’t important. What matters is TASR has learned from Barbara Drahovska, represent- its standing within NATO, its fulfi lment of commitments and ing a company called Herial that cooperates with the pro- its reliability. Slovakia is indeed a reliable partner and, just gram, that the experts object to the current trend of presenting like the U.S. has rolled out a new strategic evaluation of the emaciated models as an ideal of beauty, health and success. defense and new decisions, Slovakia too is working on a par- “Our reaction was aroused by the results of the Elite allel strategic evaluation,” said the Slovak premier. Model Look 2011 competition, which was won by Julia Radicova’s talks with Sedgwick, which lasted for the Schneider, a severely underweight 15-year-old Swede. It better part of an hour, revolved mainly around the situation in is disconcerting to learn that Elite Model Look expert Sasa Libya, Egypt and other countries that lie in the zone of inter- Jany says that she is “a naturally slender young lady in fi t est of both Slovakia and the United States. shape,”reads the letter. The authors include, for example, In response to tension between the United States and Genoveva Almassyova of Pezinok psychosomatic illnesses , Radicova emphasized that “all recourses need to be em- department, Magdalena Frecer of Ruzinov hospital’s psychi- ployed to avoid confl ict - an open confl ict in particular.” atric department and Arina Sedlakova of WHO Slovensko. The U.S. offi cial praised Slovakia’s involvement in the According to the program organizers, dieting represents ISAF mission in Afghanistan and called Slovakia a serious one of the most crucial risk factors that contribute to the on- and reliable security partner of NATO. set of eating disorders. Experts point out that 80 percent of 13-year-old girls in the USA and Canada already have expe- Bratislava Airport saw drop in rience with dieting, while it’s 60 percent of 16-year-old girls passengers, rise in revenues in the . Overall, 91 percent of individuals suf- Bratislava’s Milan R. Stefanik International Airport fering from eating disorders stated that they were dieting in (BTS) expects that the number of travelers using the airport the initial stages of their disorder. “These statistics are alarm- in 2011 will be found to have shrunk by 4 percent year-on- ing,” reads the letter. year, BTS spokesperson Dana Madunicka told TASR on The experts claim that they don’t want to hamper the January 16. creative work in the fi eld of fashion or the presentation of It is estimated that close to 1.6 million people fl ew in or beauty. “We just want to point to the responsibility of all out of the airport last year. Despite the drop, airport revenues those who control the world of fashion and modeling and probably rose by a few percent in 2011. profi t from it,” adds the letter. When it comes to international transport, 2011 followed very much the same trends seen the year before. However, a Poll: Half of Slovaks place drop has been experienced in air transport within Slovakia sovereignty above EU ever since the no-frills airline SkyEurope went bust in 2009. Almost half of Slovaks put Slovakia’s sovereignty Despite unrest in certain Arab countries in early 2011, above EU membership, Pavel Haulik of the MVK agency which resulted in the cancellation of dozens of fi ghts, the air- told TASR on January 26, referring to a recent poll. port saw an increase in public interest in charter fl ights. “In A total of 47.6 percent of those questioned responded in a year-on-year comparison, all the summer-season months this manner, with 14.9 percent insisting that Slovakia should posted growth of over 10 percent,” said Madunicka on devel- hang on to its sovereignty even at the cost of leaving the EU. opments in charter fl ights. As usual, July and August were the Conversely, more than one-third(37.6 percent) think that Slo- busiest months, posting 17 and 16 percent rises respectively. vakia should attempt to keep its EU membership as a priority, with 11.2 percent stating that Slovakia should do so even at NBS: Slovakia 2011 infl ation the cost of sacrifi cing its sovereignty. faster than in Eurozone Most-Hid voters were found to have the strongest pro- The average rise in prices in 2011 followed the trend in European leanings, with 56.3 percent preferring membership the eurozone and speeded up in comparison to 2010, but the of the Union. The same opinion prevailed among SDKU-DS pace of price growth was faster in Slovakia than in the euro sympathizers(50.7 percent), whereas voters of other large po- The city of Bratislava, Slovakia’s capital, has enjoyed rich cul- area as a whole, the country’s central bank NBS said in its litical parties favored sovereignty over the risk of losing EU tural and musical traditions spanning several centuries includ- commentary on the developments on January 16. membership. ing the years prior to 1918 when it was known as Presburg, The average EU-harmonized infl ation rate over the past The poll, conducted by the MVK agency between January an important cultural center in the then Austro-Hungarian 12 months reached 4.1 percent in 2011, up from 0.7 percent 5-11, 2012, was carried out on a sample of 1,145 respondents. Empire. When Czecho-Slovakia was established, the city’s seen the year before. name was changed to Bratislava to more closely refl ect the The price developments in 2011 were due to the impact Zaborska: Slovakia’s infl uence on city’s Slavic heritage. One of the city’s most important cultural of higher energy and footstuff prices as well as the introduc- decisions in the EU may be diluted buildings, the Reduta dates from 1773. when it was a granary. tion of measures aimed at consolidating public fi nances and Slovakia’s infl uence on decision-making in the EU may In 1901, it was purchased by the city and turned into a “palace the increase in the VAT rate(from 19 to 20 percent), said the be diluted after the next European Parliament election, Slo- of culture.” From 1913-1919, its new facade was completed NBS. vak MEP Anna Zaborska(KDH) said on January 27. as a mixture of Baroque, Rococo and the Art Nouveau styles, Energy prices rose by 10.5 percent in 2011 year-on- The EP Constitutional Affairs Committee earlier in the in an apparent attempt to evoke the period of Empress Ma- year, while 2010 saw a contraction of 1.3 percent. Last year’s day approved a report submitted by British Liberal MEP ria Theresa. Beginning in 1916, the Reduta has been the city’s annual rise in foodstuff prices of 5.5 percent was the result of Andrew Duff on changing the rules for EP elections, thus principal concert hall with a seating capacity of 700. Since the developments on global markets concerning food commodi- early 1950s the Reduta has been home of the much-acclaimed ties, with poor crops in 2010 also a factor. Slovak Philharmonic. At present, it is undergoing an extensive Meanwhile, NBS predicts the infl ation rate to decelerate Selected stories are provided by TASR-Slovakia, the restoration. Various views of the exterior and interior of this slightly to 4 percent in January. Slovak Republic’s offi cial News Agency. cultural gem of Bratislava are shown above. SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 PAGE 13

66th Slovak Catholic Sokol Bowling Pope appoints new Slovak Summer Institute Tournament in Wickliffe, Oh., May 4-6 bishop in Slovakia at the University of Pittsburgh On January 31, Pope Benedict The intensive Slovak Summer The Slovak course is part of (Continued from page 6) who wish to participate. For an ad- XVI named Msgr. Jozef M. Halko ditional $5.00 for those members, Institute(SLI) will again be held at the University of Pittsburgh’s East entry forms, information packages as Titular Bishop of Serra and Aux- the University of Pittsburgh from European Summer Language In- and further details about the hotel. a separate Single Event Prize pool iliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of will be established. All monies paid June 4 through July 13, 2012. stitute. Other languages offered in- This will be a great fraternal event Bratislava. The 47-year-old bishop Beginning, Intermediate and Ad- clude Bulgarian, Serbian/Croatian, and you should plan to make your into that pool will be distributed will assist Metropolitan Archbish- among those who have paid. You vanced Slovak will be offered. Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak travel plans and hotel reservations op Stanislav Zvolensky in the ad- This course is open to students of and other languages. Study abroad early(within the next few weeks if will still be eligible for the overall ministration of the Archdiocese of Singles Event monies. any age, including juniors and se- programs in , Bulgarian, the possible). The deadline to submit Bratislava. niors in high school, undergraduate Czech Republic, and Slova- your entry forms is now MARCH This year, our Saturday evening A native of Bratislava, Msgr. banquet will be held at the Em- and graduate students, as well as kia are also offered. 16TH(postmarked). An entry form Halko was born there May 10, 1964. to persons of any age not currently A four-week intensive Slovak may be found on page 16 of this is- bassy Suites. We hope everyone He completed studies in the econo- will attend this special event, com- enrolled in a college or university. language program at the intermedi- sue. my and served two years in the Slo- Partial and full scholarship aid is ate level, led by Dr. Vlasta Stofova, Team competition for both men plete with an awards ceremony, vak military. In 1990, he began his great food, drinks and music. The available. Those interested must will be offered through SLI in 2012 and women will take place on theological studies at SS. Cyril and apply by March 16 for scholarship in Bratislava, Slovakia following Friday night, May 4th beginning cost for this event will be $25.00 Methodius Seminary in Bratislava per person. This price includes all consideration. the six-week program in Pittsburgh. at 6 p.m., with the second group and was ordained a priest on July Attracting students from all over This course includes travel and cul- scheduled for 9 p.m. The doubles taxes, gratuities, a wonderful meal 4,1994 in Trnava. He pursued grad- and a few drinks to complete the the U.S. and Canada, the Summer tural programming in Slovakia. and singles events will begin on uate studies at the Pontifi cal Uni- Language Institute consists of in- Applicants with some prior knowl- Saturday morning, May 5th at 8:30 evening. versity of Santa Croce in Rome and This year, we are looking for tensive instruction(fi ve hours daily), edge of Slovak may be considered a.m. with the second group sched- was awarded a doctorate in 2000. At allowing students to make the great- for participation in this program. uled for 12:30 p.m. We will have a bowling lane sponsors. It is only the time of his appointment, Bish- $50.00 to have a sign placed on a est possible progress in Slovak dur- For further information and ap- 9 a.m. squad on Sunday, May 6th op-elect Halko was serving as the ing the time available. Cultural and plications for the 2012 Slovak if required. Please try to arrive at lane with your Assembly, Wreath, spokesperson for the Slovak Bish- Group or Bowling League name. If social activities, including lectures, Summer Institute, contact Christine the lanes at least 30 minutes before ops Conference. He is the author of discussion groups, and fi lm show- Metil, Slavic Department Summer your scheduled time. The cost of you are interested in being a bow- a number of scholarly works. ing lane sponsor, please send the ings are planned. Guest students Programs, University of Pittsburgh, bowling per person will be as fol- The new bishop is the nephew may choose to stay in a dormitory or 1417 CL. Pittsburgh, PA 15260, lows: The rate is $16.00 for 3 games wording for your sign along with of our Sokol members, Dr. Miku- a check payable to “Slovak Catho- in a subleted apartment. call (412)624-5906, or download or $48.00 for all 9 games(team/dou- las and Nadine Halko of Mt. Kisco, SLI’s Intensive Slovak courses, an application at http://www.slavic. bles/singles). The all events cost is lic Sokol Sports Account” to: Ed- N.Y. Dr. Halko’s late uncle, John A. ward D. Moeller, 2821 Waterman which carry six college credits are an additional $3.00, therefore the Olejar served as supreme president a thorough introduction to the basic This annual summer program total cost is $51.00 per bowler. If Ave.,Pittsburgh, Pa. 15227-4051. of the Slovak Catholic Sokol. Our We look forward to seeing a categories of Slovak pronunciation, is made possible in part through you attend the Saturday banquet, congratulations to the Halkos and grammar, and syntax. Emphasis the fi nancial support of the Slovak they the total amount is $76.00 per great turnout of our Sokol bowl- especially to Bishop Jozef. Ad mul- ers who will participate and enjoy is placed on the communicative Foundation at the University of bowler. Something new this year tos annos! competence, the active use of new Pittsburgh. This foundation was es- will be a separate prize pool for our a truly unique and historic bowling competition. Zdar Boh! structures in dialogues, unstruc- tablished by fi ve Slovak fraternals, Senior Members(age 60 and older) 70th Slovak Bowling tured conversation, reading, and including the Slovak Catholic So- Congressof America listening comprehension. kol. Pre-Lenten Slovak celebration set tournament set for February 18 in Milwaukee (Continued from page 4) Timothy L. Kuzma to be honored Milwaukee’s Assembly 20 of traditions of Slovakia. Tickets for Congress, bowlers will be competing by Pittsburgh Fraternal Societies the Slovak League of America the evening are $5.00 per person. for a prize fund in excess of $20,000. will host its traditional pre-Lenten For additional information, please Estimated fi rst place prizes: $1,500 Timothy L. Kuzma, president the American Polish community celebration in the Slovak tradition call Betty at (414)425-6137 or Em- Team; $1,000 Doubles; $600 Sin- and CEO of the Polish Falcons and recently was honored by the of “Fasiangy” on Saturday, Febru- ily at (414)464-1063. gles and $500 All Events. Entry fee: of America has been selected by president of Poland. In 2004, he ary 18 at the Knights of Columbus We extend a cordial invitation $18.00 per bowler per event; $5.00 the Fraternal Societies of Greater served as president of the Frater- Hall located at 3200 South 103rd to members of Wreath 93 to come in all-events. Past Slovak National Pittsburgh as their 2012 Frater- nal Societies of Greater Pittsburgh Street(103rd and Oklahoma Av- out and enjoy a wonderful evening Tournaments have enjoyed entry of nalist of the Year. Brother Kuz- which is comprised of 17 fraternal enue) in Greenfi eld, Wis. from 6 celebrating Slovak Mardi Gras tra- 13,255 teams, 32,322 doubles, 75,543 ma will be honored at a banquet benefi t societies, including our to 11 p.m. Delicious Slovak food ditions and good cheer before the singles and 54,527 all events. All time scheduled for Saturday, March 24 own, along with nine business- and homemade Slovak pastries beginning of the Lenten season. prize list payouts total $830,970.01. at Pittsburgh’s Sheraton - Station associated groups representing will be available beginning at 6 With the closing of our former St. Bowlers also compete in a number of Square hotel beginning with a fra- over one million members which p.m. until 10 p.m. A live band will Stephen’s Slovak Parish, area-wide SBC Tournament Awards, including ternal reception at 6 p.m. followed has been serving the western provide music for dancing and lis- Slovak gatherings are becoming the Slovak Catholic Sokol All-Events by dinner at 7 p.m.. Tickets for Pennsylvania area for more than tening pleasure. A special highlight a rarity. Therefore, we hope to see and the Dr. Stephen J. Hletko HDCP the dinner are $55.00 per person 66 years. He has also served in of the evening will be the cultural a good turnout from the Milwau- Series Team. Special reduced rates for and reservations may be made by leadership positions both in the program which begins at 7:30 kee area Slovak community at this overnight accommodations are avail- contacting Karen A. Pintar at the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance p.m. The well-known Tatra Slovak year’s “Fasiangy.” able at Quality Inn - Akron East, tel. Slovene National Benefi t Society as well as the American Fraternal Dancers attired in their colorful kroj Zdar Boh! (330)794-1050 or Country Inn & at tel. (724)695-1100 or 800 843- Alliance(formerly the National will feature the music and dance Betty Valent Suites, Cuyahoga Falls, tel.(330)926- 7675. Fraternal Congress of America). 1233. Brother Kuzma is a well- Tim and his wife Patti have been For additional information or known and respected professional married for 20 years and reside 15th Tour of Slovakia set by Youngstown Sister Cities entry blank, contact Joe M. Harku- who has enjoyed a very active in the Regent Square area of The Youngstown, Ohio - trip affords a once-in-a-lifetime vis- lich, SBC Secretary, 1414 Bedford and successful career as a frater- Wilkinsburg, Pa. Spisska Nova Ves Sister Cities it to the land of our ancestors. Road SE, Masury, OH 44438, tel. nal leader. In the Polish Falcons Our congratulations and frater- Association will host its 15th an- Adventure International Travel (330)448-8630. SBC Advisory Board of America, which is our brother nal best wishes go out to Brother nual Tour of Slovakia scheduled of Lakewood, Oh. is handling all members include our Supreme Secre- fraternal in the Sokol tradition, Kuzma who has been a mover and for July 10 to July 24. The tour will arrangements. Our well-known tary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. and he has served in a number of ca- shaker within the fraternal ben- visit include visits to many areas of Group 6 Sokol members and vet- Supreme Director of Sports and Ath- pacities including editor of its efi t system on this well-deserved Slovakia including the country’s eran travel specialists, Jim and letics Edward D. Moeller. offi cial publication Sokol Polski. tribute. He is a credit to the Sokol capital, Bratislava, as well as Pies- Kay Bench of Derry, Pa. will Sokol members have been an im- Since 2008, he has served as the tradition as well as his Polish and tany, Trnava, Nitra, Presov, Banska serve as the tour guides. The ap- portant part of the SBC over the years organization’s president and CEO. Slovak heritage. Congratulations Bystrica, Sliac as well as Spisska proximate cost of the trip, which since its founding in 1939. The late Brother Kuzma has been active in - Czolem and Zdar Boh! Nova Ves, Youngstown’s Sister includes air travel, hotels, meals Dr. Stephen J. Hletko was among the City located in the heart of the Spis and admission to cultural sites is founders and served as its long-time region. The tour will include time $3,600.00 based on double occu- secretary. The fi rst tournament was YOUR BENEFICIARIES in the High Tatras, a rafting ride on pancy. For additional information held in 1939 in Chicago. Competi- When was the last time you looked at your des ig nat ed ben efi - the Dunajec River which forms the and complete itinerary call Jim tions were held annually with the cia ries on your valu able Sokol insurance pol i cy? How im por tant boundary between Slovakia and Bench at (724)858-5843, or email exception of the World War II period, is it? Just think about how much your life has changed. Have you Poland in the heart of the scenic, Pi- [email protected]. Or contact 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1946. This year married, divorced, had children, maybe you lost a loved one? eniny National Park as well as vis- Adventure International Travel at competition marks the SBC’s 70th This is an item you should consid er an nu ally. If you do need to its to historical sites, many beautiful (216) 228-7171 or toll free: 800- tournament. We hope that many So- make chang es to any of your pol i cies, con tact the Home Offi ce at churches and castles. Side trips to 542-2487, email [email protected] kols will be a part of this year’s tour- 800-886-7656. ancestral villages are available. The nament. PAGE 14 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

For students currently attending a Catholic High School Sokol Birthdays

Slovak Catholic Sokol FEBRUARY 12 Joanne Testa, Deland, Fl., a Irene Yaniglos Matlak, member of Wreath 54, Youngstown, Abbot Jerome M. Koval, O.S.B. Memorial Youngstown, Oh., a member of Oh. Wreath 107, Youngstown, Oh. Kristen H. Parodi, Chesterbrok, High School Grant FEBRUARY 16 Pa., a member of Assembly 162, Andrew M. Papcun, Sterling Clifton, N.J. As per the decision of the delegates at the Application Heights, Mich., a member of As- FEBRUARY 22 26th National Convention held in New Haven, ALONG WITH THE APPLICATION you sembly 36, Detroit, Mich. George J. Polachek, Perkasie, CT in August, 1991, and amended at the 28th must submit a typed or written essay DOUBLE FEBRUARY 17 Pa., a member of Assembly 48, National Convention held in Buffalo, NY in 1999, SPACED in 100 to 200 words on the following Richard J. Chodelka, Antioch, Philadelphia, Pa. the Slovak Catholic Sokol is pleased to offer topic: Ill., a member of Assembly 11, FEBRUARY 23 $500.00 grants to one young Sokol or Sokolka “WHAT DOES THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC Chicago, Ill. Rev. Richard A. Bay, Clifton, in each of our organization's nineteen Groups. SOKOL MEAN TO ME?” This essay must be Amy R. Frink, Schwenksville, NJ., a member of Assembly 162, These 19 Grants are available to any qualifi ed submitted along with the application. Pa., a member of Wreath 22, Pitts- Clifton, N.J. and Cahplain of As- Sokol member currently attending a Catholic This application must be received on or burgh, Pa. sembly 162. High School. before, March 31, 2012 with a clear, small (2"x3" Maura E. Jobes, Edinboro, Pa., Margaret Glavinic, Johnstown, wallet size) head and shoulders photograph. a member of Assembly 64, Erie, Pa. Pa., member of Assembly 82, Eligibility George J. Kostelnik, Bethlehem, Dunlo. Pa. Disqualifi cation Pa., Honorary Supreme Offi cer and Audrey A. Graham, Wilkes- A. Applicant must be a member of the Slovak An applicant who neglects to submit or com- President of Group 10. Barre, Pa., a member of Assembly Catholic Sokol in good standing, holding a plete any part of these requirements before Rachel A. Papcun, Potterville, 59, Wilkes-Barre, Pa permanent Life Insurance Certifi cate in the the established deadline will automatically be Mich., a member of Assembly 36, FEBRUARY 24 amount of not less than $3,000, and has disqualifi ed. Detroit, Mich. Margaret M. Rude, Minneapolis, been a member for at least fi ve year. Acknowledgment Msgr. Peter M. Polando, pastor Minn., a member of Wreath 47, Min- Application is also available on the Internet @ An acknowledgment of the Grant should be of St. Matthias Parish, Youngstown, neapolis, Minn. made in writing by the recipient as soon as pos- Oh., member of Assembly 108, FEBRUARY 25 sible, if you are awarded a Grant. B. One parent must be a S.C.S. member. Youngstown, Oh. Alaina M. Hawranko, Crofton, C. The principal of the Catholic High School Return of Grant FEBRUARY 18 Minn., a member of Wreath 22, must verify the enrollment of the applicant. If for any reason the Grant is not used by Patricia A. Gogol, Bethel Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. the recipient, the entire (or portion of) grant not Pa., a member of Assembly 127, Jessica Krasauskis, Plain Field, utilized must be returned. Monessen, Pa. Ill., a member of Assembly 11, Judith A. Kopchak, Walling- Chicago, Ill. ✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄ ton, N.J., a member of Wreath 2, Christopher M. Buck, Canfi eld, (Detach here) Passaic, N.J. Oh., a member of Assembly 108, Edward A. Rakocy, Youngstown, Youngstown, Oh. Oh., a member of Assembly 108, Mary A. Renna, Lakewood, SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL ABBOT JEROME M. KOVAL, O.S.B. MEMORIAL Youngstown, Oh. N.J., a member of Wreath 168, New HIGH SCHOOL GRANT APPLICATION Ashley Thomas, White Plains, York City. N.Y., a member of Assembly 219, FEBRUARY 26 Group #______Assembly/Wreath #______Yonkers, N.Y. Anne Dailidonis, Chicago, Ill., a FEBRUARY 19 member of Assembly 11, Chicago, Name______Denise Lendacky Di Martino, Ill. Havertown, Pa., a member of As- Address______Andrew James Macurak, Ac- sembly 59, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. worth, Ga., a member of Assembly City______State______Zip Code______Elizabeth Slivjak, Philadelphia, 16, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pa, a member of Wreath 13, Phila- FEBRUARY 28 Date of Birth______Current Age ______delphia, Pa. Rev. Philip A. Altavilla, Clarks FEBRUARY 20 Scranton, Pa., national president of Home Phone (_____)______High School Phone (_____)______Diana L. Martino, Breezy Point, the Slovak Catholic Federation and area code area code Minn., a member of Assembly 11, a member of Assembly 59, Wilkes- Chicago, Ill. Barre, Pa S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______FEBRUARY 21 Mary Lou Chojnicki, Pitts- Karen E. Bakita, Doylestown, burgh, Pa., a member of Wreath 22, S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______Oh., a member of Wreath 103, Bar- Pittsburgh, Pa. berton, Oh. FEBRUARY 29 S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______Logan Marie Maloney, Ac- Robert C. Hess, Cedar Grove, worth, Ga., a member of Wreath N.J., a member of Assembly 162, Father's name______Are you a member? ______22, Pittsburgh, Pa., belated wishes. Clifton, N.J. Mother's name______Are you a member? ______

Parent’s S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______Slovak Mardi Gras set for February 19 in Johnstown, Pa. Parent’s S.C.S. Insurance Certifi cate #______Face Amount______The Sustainable Environmental of family research and discovering Are you a previous Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Recipient? ______If yes, please Economic Partnership(SEEP)sro, family in the former Rusyn village (yes/no) a Slovak-American partnership of Kamienka(Kamjunka)Slova- indicate Grade School or High School. What year?______from Kosice, Slovakia will host a kia. The VOMA gallery will fea- traditional Slovak Mardi Gras cel- ture the photo exhibit and display ebration “Fasiangy” on Sunday, honoring SS. Cyril and Methodius High School verifi cation (to be completed by High School Principal) February 19 from 2 to 5 p.m. The along with merchandise for sale by carnival-like celebration, before the Slovak Imports Company. I,______Principal of______beginning of the Lenten season will Admission is $5.00 for adults (Principal's signature) (Name of School) be held at The Venue of Merging and $2.00 for children ages 6 to Catholic High School, verify that______is a student at Arts located at 305 Chestnut Street 11. Halusky and light refreshments (Name of student) in the National Historic District of will be served. BYOB is permitted the above school and will be attending ______Grade in the 2012-2013 school year. Cambria City in Johnstown, Pa. for age 21 and older with ID. Tick- The event will feature an au- ets will be available at the door or Are you currently participating in Slovak Catholic Sokol Activities? Yes_____ No_____ thentic Slovak potato halusky online at http://slovakmardigras. cooking demonstration by Dennis Our Sokolka of Ragan(Indiana, Pa.) using bryndza Wreath 22, Karen Mesaros is serv- Deadline for receipt of this application is March 31, 2012. sheep’s cheese. Other activities ing on the committee for this inter- Return completed application to: will include a travelogue presenta- esting event. Area Sokol members Slovak Catholic Sokol High School Grant tion by Kay Ann Cober(Berlin, Pa.) are invited to turnout for a unique 205 Madison St., P.O. Box 899, Passaic, NJ 07055 who will discuss her personal story and entertaining afternoon.


Our heavenly patrons ADDRESS UNKNOWNS Fraternal Activities in Connecticut If anyone has information Honoring Saints Cyril and Methodius on any of the following mem- by Sister Maria Theresa Hronec, SS.C.M. Group 2 Corner bers current addresses, please On February 14th, we as Slovaks in the United States and Canada, contact the Home Offi ce at have the joy of celebrating two very special feast days. The fi rst and by Eileen S. Wilson 1-800-886-7656. most common one is Saint Valentine’s Day, which has been commer- Anna Balaz cialized as a time for sending messages of love, Michael S. Blasko care and appreciation. Group 2 to host Duckpin Tournament on March 18 Douglas E. Danko Our primary honor, however, on this day goes Sokols and Sokolky of Group 2, join us as we roll out our Centen- Daniel John Dickman to Saints Cyril and Methodius, our Slovak patrons. nial year by enjoying a day of traditional Duckpin bowling at the Barnum Martin William Hizny Originally, this feast was celebrated on July 7th, Duckpin Lanes, located on Barnum Avenue in Stratford, Conn. on Sunday, Philip James Jankay until the Church calendar was restructured by Pope March 18, the day before the feast of our protector, St. Joseph from 11 a.m. Stefan Kasala Paul VI after the Second Vatican Council. In Slo- to 1:30 p.m. An enjoyable time is assured. Mary Irene Korenak vakia, our great patrons continue to be honored on Those who participated last year, will remember we rolled in our Cen- Shannon L. Lopardo July 5th. tennial year on March 20, 2011. Pizza, beverages and a special dessert Frank M. Mihalik With our joyous hymn, Dusa Krestanska following the bowling at 1:30 p.m. COMPLIMENTS OF THE GROUP! John Misik (Christian soul), we raise our voices in grateful There is no charge for Junior members age 15 and younger. Those aged Louis Nalley chorus and praise the Lord for Cyril and Methodius. They are truly the 12 and younger may bowl in socks. Junior members will be grouped ac- Therese A. Noel foundation and inspiration for the steadfast faith of the Slovak nation. cording to age: 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12 and 13-14-15. Senior teams will be Beth Penxa In the ninth century, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they taught chosen by draw. Cost for Senior Sokol members bowling and monetary John Michael Popadak and served the people spiritually and liturgically in their own language. prizes is $13.00. For non-member Senior guests the cost is $18.00. For Diane Marie Stark Thus, the gift of faith was deeply rooted, survived and spread, despite non-member juniors the cost is $9.00. Christina Stewart the 1,000 years of Magyar oppression which RSVP reservation deadline(strictly adhered to) is Tuesday, March 13 Eileen Takach followed. - no exceptions - checks made payable to SCS Group 2,(non-refundable) Mary A. Zoldak A fi rm devotion to the Mother of God is mailed to John Sinanis, Group 2 treasurer, 406 Erwin St., Trumbull, CT also a great strength and support. Images and 06611. Note we only went up $1.00 for Senior Sokol members and non- statues, such as the Mother of Sorrows, as well member Senior guests. February is as her triumphant Assumption into heaven, are When making reservations by the deadline of March 13, include: for Patriots frequently found throughout the country. name, Wreath or Assembly number and age of Junior members. Call the February has been a busy Now as our ancestral homeland of Slova- following for reservations: Wreath 1, Eileen S. Wilson, (203)378-8837; month in this nation’s past. kia celebrates its 19th year as a free and in- Wreath 39, Larry Wells (203)375-2836; Wreath 86, Bonnie Rossi (860)482- On Feb. 10, 1763, the Treaty dependent nation, we thank God for His con- 9062; Assembly 9, Judith Salamon (203)333-3716, Assembly 33, Joseph of Paris ended the French and In- tinued guiding presence and support for the Dulla (203)734-5574; or Assembly 308, Paul Nemergut (203)732-1136. dian War. With it, ceded growth and spread of the gift of faith. As we We look forward to meeting and greeting one and all as we roll out her territorial claims in Canada to celebrate the feast of our great evangelizers, our Centennial Year. Come joins us for an enjoyable fraternal afternoon in Great Britain and the stage was let us sing out with joy the traditional hymn the best traditions of Group 2 Sokol good sportsmanship and fellowship. set for the American Revolution Dusa Krestanska - We Raise Our Voices as we that was to begin in the next de- recall the brother saints who brought the gift of Group 2 Athletes cade. faith to our ancestors more than eleven hundred years ago. For those interested, the 45th annual Eastern District Basketball and Birthdays this month include We Raise Our Voices Volleyball Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, March 31. Group 1 those of Aaron Burr, an almost Duša Krest’anská “Msgr. Stephen Krasula” of Passaic, N.J. will be hosting this year’s com- president, on Feb. 6, 1756, and 1. We raise our voices in grateful chorus, petition at the Clifton Boys & Girls Club, 822 Clifton Avenue in Clifton, three presidents: George Wash- Praising the Lord for Cyril, Methodius. N.J. ington on the 22nd in 1732, Wil- Chorus: If you are a basketball or volleyball player and meet the age and insur- liam Henry Harrison on the 9th O Saint Cyril, Saint Methodius, ance requirements, you may participate in the Junior Varsity 8-11 basket- in 1773, and Abraham Lincoln on Down through the ages your names are glorious, ball, the Junior Varsity basketball 12-15, the Men’s Varsity basketball or the 12th in 1809. You brought to countless souls the living faith. the volleyball competition. Among other historical mile- We are currently looking to organize teams from Group 2. If there are stones for the month of Febru- 2. With ardent zeal you taught the Lord’s message, not enough players to form teams, players from other Groups will be added ary is the unanimous election Shared words of wisdom in their own language. to complete the team roster. The RSVP deadline for fee and team rosters of George Washington as fi rst 3. Preaching God’s mercy, love and redemption, for all Groups is Sunday, March 4th. For additional information on what president of the United States on You helped our faith to grow with conviction. looks to be another exciting Sokol tournament, contact our Group 2 Sports Feb. 4, 1789. On the same date, 4. You have inspired love for God’s mother, Director Larry Wells at tel. (203)375-2836. Looking ahead, Group 2 will John Adams was chosen fi rst vice In joy and sorrow, our intercessor. be hosting the 2013 tournament. president. 5. Pray for us daily, strengthen and guide us, To follow as God’s kingdom will call us.

Duša Krest’anská 1. Duša Krest’anská, zvelebuj Boha, - že nám Cyrila dal i Metoda. Zbor - Chorus: Svätý Cyril, svätý Metod, ľud kresťanský ctí váš príchod, že ste nám priniesli vieru Krista.

2. Prišli ste k našim pohanským predkom, - cvičili ste ich verne vo všetkom. 3. Hlásali Boha ste jediného, - Otca, Syna i Ducha Svätého. 4. Náchylné duše pri svätom krste - z hriechu pokuty očistili ste. 5. Pri birmovaní dar svätodušný - vyprosili ste pre ľud poslusný. 6. Radili ste i hriešnikom vtedy - zmieriť sa s Bohom v svätej spovedi.

Keep Your Slovak Catholic Sokol Home Offi ce Numbers Handy TOLL FREE NUMBER – 1-800-886-7656 HOME OFFICE – (973) 777-2605 or 777-2606 Members of the Planning Committee for the benefi t Night at the Races at St. John the Evangelist DIRECTOR OF SALES – 1-888-381-5431 or (412) 381-5431 Church in Pittston, Pa. are shown above with the clergy of the parish, namely seated, l-r, Rev. Rich- ard A. Cirba, associate pastor and chaplain of Group 7; Monsignor John J. Bendik, the pastor and UNDERWRITING – (973) 777-4704 also our Sokol; and the Rev. Hugh McGroarty, senior priest in residence at the parish. Many Sokol EDITOR – (973) 777-4010 members are laboring for the success of the event which is scheduled for Saturday, February 18 in FAX NUMBER – (973) 779-8245 the Seton Catholic Auditorium located at 37 William Street. Doors open at 6 p.m. with post time set for 7 p.m. Admission is $5.00. For additional information, call the parish offi ce at (570)654-0053. An E-MAIL – [email protected] enjoyable evening is assured. Msgr. Bendik looks forward to seeing many Group 7 Sokols and So- WEB SITE – kolky at the benefi t. PAGE 16 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

66TH INTERNATIONAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT FREEWAY LANES, WICKLIFFE, OH MAY 4TH – 6TH, 2012 As many of you know, the Slovak Catholic Sokol Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092. The telephone num- for your sign and check payable to “Slovak Catholic Sokol has been meeting with several of our brother fraternals to ber at the bowling lanes is (440) 585-5800. There are 84 Sports Account” to: try and combine some of our sporting events. It is with newly renovated lanes with automatic scoring which we great pleasure that I announce the 1st Annual United Slo- hope will generate some high scores for our members. The Edward Moeller vak Fraternals Bowling Tournament. The Slovak Catholic bowling center is fully equipped with restaurants, proshop Supreme Sports Director Sokol has combined its upcoming Bowling Tournament and all of the other facilities required to effectively sup- Slovak Catholic Sokol with members of the National Slovak Society, The First port our tournament. 2821 Waterman Avenue Catholic Slovak Union and the Ladies Pennsylvania Slo- Soon you will receive your team entry forms, infor- Pittsburgh, PA 15227-4051 vak Catholic Union. This will enable us to have an even mation packages and further details about the hotel. This bigger tournament with the opportunity for more prize will be a great fraternal event and you should plan to make If there are any further questions or concerns in the monies and a chance to get to know our brother and sister your travel plans and hotel reservations early (within the short term, please contact me at my home telephone num- fraternalists. next few weeks if possible). The deadline to submit your ber (412) 881-3506 or email me at [email protected]. I It is once again time to begin preparations for your entry forms is now March 16th (postmarked). am looking forward to seeing all of you in Wickliffe! teams for this historic event. This year the Bowling tour- Team competition for both men and women will take nament will take place in Wickliffe, OH. place on Friday night May 4th beginning at 6:00 pm, with Zdar Boh! The tournament will be held at the Freeway Lanes in the second group scheduled for 9:00 pm. The doubles and Edward D. Moeller Wickliffe, OH. It begins on Friday May 4th and concludes singles events will begin on Saturday morning May 5th at Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics on Sunday May 6th. The lanes are located only minutes 8:30 am with the second group scheduled for 12:30 pm. from the Embassy Suites in Beachwood, OH, which will We will have a 9:00 am squad on Sunday May 6th if re- be our main headquarters for the weekend. This will be a quired. Please try and arrive at the lanes at least 30 min- The Men’s and Women’s spectacular event that you will not want to miss. We hope utes before your scheduled time. The cost of bowling per 1st Annual United Slovak Fraternals the location will entice many “alumni” bowlers from years person will be as follows. The rate is $16.00 for 3 games Tenpin Handicap Bowling Tournament past, to join us at this special fraternal event as well as or $48.00 for all 9 games. (team/doubles/singles) The all This event is being sponsored by the First Catholic Slo- many new bowlers looking to combine a great family va- events cost is an additional $3.00 therefore the total cost vak Union, the Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic Union, cation as part of a special fraternal event. is $51.00 per bowler. If you attend the banquet then your the National Slovak Society, and the Slovak Catholic Sokol, All of the preparations are complete and you can now total amount is $76.00 per bowler. Something new this for the purpose of promoting fraternalism and good sports- reserve your rooms. With our large volume of bowlers and year will be a separate prize pool for our Senior Members manship, and to generate nationwide interest in the Slovak through some keen negotiations, we are able to enjoy a (60+) who wish to participate. For an additional $5.00 for fraternal organizations. The National Offi cers of the First very low price of $100.00/night, tax included. A total of those members, a separate Single Event Prize pool will be Catholic Slovak Union, the Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak 150 newly remodeled rooms have been reserved for Fri- established. All monies paid into that pool will be distrib- Catholic Union, the National Slovak Society, and the Slovak day and Saturday nights at this special rate. As well, if any uted among those who have paid. You will still be eligible Catholic Sokol, wish to extend to all members a cordial invita- of our members wish to arrive before the tournament or for the overall Singles Event monies. tion to the Host City, Wickliffe, Ohio, in this rapidly growing stay a few days later, they will also receive the reduced This year our Saturday evening banquet will be held tournament. rate. at the Embassy Suites. We hope everyone will attend this The 1st Annual United Slovak Fraternals Handicap The hotel reservation number is (800) 317-1960. The special event, complete with an awards ceremony, great Tenpin Bowling Tournament will be held at Freeway Lanes fi nal deadline to reserve and book your hotel room is April food, drinks and music. The cost for this event will be 28801 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH. The tournament will be 4th. After this date, we cannot guarantee you will secure a $25.00 per person. This price includes all taxes, gratuities, held the weekend of May 4 - 6, 2012. Opening Ceremonies room at the hotel. Our organization’s blocks of 150 rooms a wonderful meal and a few drinks to complete the eve- will be held on Friday, May 4, at 5:45 PM. is registered under the United Slovak Fraternals and when ning. ENTRIES WILL CLOSE MIDNIGHT MARCH 16, you contact the hotel please identify yourself as a member. This year we are looking for bowling lane sponsors. 2012. PLEASE NOTE: ALL FORMS MUST BE FILLED The hotel address is 3775 Park East Drive, Beach- It is only $50 to have a sign placed on a lane with your As- IN COMPLETELY. PRIZE FEES, AS STATED ON THE wood, OH 44122. The telephone number at the hotel is sembly, Wreath, Group or Bowling League name. If you FRONT OF THIS ENTRY BLANK, MUST ACCOMPANY (216) 765-8066. The bowling lanes are located at 28801 are interested in being a sponsor, please send the wording (Continued on page 17) SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 PAGE 17

66TH INTERNATIONAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT (Continued from page 16) case the parental consent form may be fi led up to the time the completion of the fi rst game of the series has given written THIS ENTRY. ALL INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RE- student starts to bowl. USBC Rule No. 13 consent to the bowler authorizing such extension of time to TURNED TO TEAM CAPTAIN FOR RESUBMISSION. AVERAGES: All entrants will use their highest average correct his average. In submitting this entry, the captain and the team mem- of any USBC league of at least 21 games from the 2010-2011 HANDICAPS: MEN – The handicap allowed will be bers agree to forfeit all rights to prize money as well as the season. Bowlers with no such average from the 2010-2011 90% of the difference between 210 and the submitted average. total entry fees in the event that any information listed herein season and with at least 21 games in the 2011-2012 season WOMEN – The handicap allowed will by 90% of the differ- should be found to be false. We are not responsible for errors will use their current league average. This must be designated ence between 180 and the submitted average. The maximum in averages made in fi lling out this entry form. No refunds of as such on entry form by his name and a league year-to-date handicap awarded to any bowler will be 45 pins. tournament entry fee. statistics sheet must be presented to the Tournament Commit- Under no circumstances will handicap be increased after USBC Bowling Rules shall govern in all matters con- tee at the Tournament. Non-certifi ed bowlers, with no certifi ed participant has bowled. cerning the actual play on the lanes in this Tournament. league average, that have bowled in previous FCSU, LPSCU, PRIZES: MEN and WOMEN - One prize will be paid ELIGIBILITY: This Tournament is open to all First NSS, or SCS tournaments will have their averages calculated for every seven (7) entries in each event, with the exception Catholic Slovak Union, Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic from their three most recent tournaments. All male bowlers of All Events, which will pay one prize for every fi fteen (15) Union, National Slovak Society, and Slovak Catholic Sokol with no established USBC average will bowl a 175 scratch. entries. No duplicate prizes will be awarded and prize fees male and female bonafi de MEMBERS IN GOOD STAND- All female bowlers with no established USBC will bowl a 150 will be returned 100 percent. ING. Note that Slovak Catholic Sokol members must be scratch. Summer league averages will be accepted. All prizes will be subject to the approval of the Tourna- members for at least three months SPL or one year for all Any contestant whose current average of at least 21 ment Committee. other policies prior to the date of the tournament with a mini- games as of January 1, 2012, is TEN (10) PINS or more above Any entrant who has qualifi ed for a prize of $300 or mum of $3000 coverage. Slovak Catholic Sokol bowlers must his or her average from previous season, must use his or her more in any event of a tournament in the 12-month period be policy holders, not social members. Slovak Catholic Sokol current average and will indicate this on the entry form at time prior to entry, must report actual score, position, and amount members enrolled after January 1, 2008, require a minimum of entry. won to tournament management at time of entry for possible of $5000 insurance coverage to participate. All winners will AVERAGE CHANGES: The original averages submit- rerating. be checked before any prize money is awarded. ted on the Entry Blank cannot be changed prior to participa- LINE-UP CHANGES: All participants must bowl ac- Only members with USBC Membership Cards will be tion by anyone except the Team Captain, who must submit cording to where they are listed on the submitted entry form. eligible for the USBC special awards in this USBC Certifi ed written proof thereof to the Tournament Committee. Any replacement of participants originally scheduled to bowl Tournament. Bowlers without USBC Membership Cards It shall be each bowler’s responsibility to verify the ac- on team or doubles will take same position on team and dou- may purchase some from the Tournament Committee at cur- curacy of his average in handicap or classifi ed tournaments, bles event. rent local fees prior to actual participation in this Tournament. whether originally submitted by the bowler, his team captain, ABSENTEES: To alleviate absentee problems, the Tour- CONSENT RULES: Any unmarried grade or high or others. nament Committee will provide a replacement bowler when school student who has not attained the age of eighteen (18) Failure to use the proper average shall disqualify score of notifi ed of the absentee. must have written consent of his/her parents or guardian in or- submitted average if lower than actual average, thereby result- TARDY BOWLERS: Tardy Bowler will receive zero der to participate in USBC Certifi ed Tournament where cash ing in a lower classifi cation or more handicap. Prize winnings for each frame missed. USBC Rule 322 or merchandise prizes are offered. Said written consent must shall be based on the submitted average if it is higher than the SCORING: Errors in scoring or calculations must be be on a form approved by United States Bowling Congress actual average. presented to the Tournament Committee within 48 hours after and must be on fi le with Tournament Committee at least one Corrections in averages can be made up to the comple- completion of play. Captains of Teams or Doubles Partners week before the bowler is eligible for tournament competition tion of the fi rst game of a series, or within 48 hours after have the option to pick up duplicate score sheets upon com- unless the student is accompanied by his/her parents, in which completion of a series if the tournament manager prior to the pletion of play.

Celebrating our Slovak heritage in the Sunshine State The Pittsburgh Area Slovak Folk Ensemble to perform at the 60th Florida Slovak Day and at Disney World The Pittsburgh Area Slovak Folk traction. After successfully audi- continue its Florida performing Ensemble will debut its new pro- tioning, PAS received the honor tour at the Slovak Winter Garden gram at Disney World on the Wa- to provide a special performance Complex on 3110 Howell Branch terside Stage in Downtown Disney on the Downtown Disney Water- Road, Winter Park, Florida at the on Friday, March 2, 2012 at 12:30 side Stage, which is the premier 60th Anniversary Annual Slovak p.m. The new program is from the venue at Disney World in Orlando, Day. The new program from the Horehron region of Slovakia and Florida. Because of Disney’s high Horehron Region of Slovakia will features the beauty of their stamp- standard of expectations, it is a tre- be featured. Festivities will begin ing, precision and rhythmic move- mendous honor for any group to be with a Mass celebrated in Slovak. ment. The program comes alive chosen to participate. Following the liturgy, a luncheon with the Horehronsky Dupak in “PAS” also represented the Unit- including a variety of homemade which the young men and women ed States in Det’va Slovakia at the Slovak culinary specialties will be impress each other with unique 44th Annual Folklorna Slavnost served in the social hall. Music for stamping and dancing skills. A ro- pod Pol’anou v Detve (Folklore dancing and listening will be pro- mance often evolves, as the stamps Celebration below Pol’ana Moun- vided through out the day in addi- are a call to one another. tain) in July 2009. The most recent tion to their Slovak Museum being The Disney Performing Arts On- local invitation came in October of open for everyone to enjoy. stage Program provides an opportu- 2011, when the Pittsburgh Philhar- Reservations for the event can nity for ensembles from around the monic Symphony requested PAS to be made by contacting the Slovak world to entertain an international join them in a series of concerts. Garden at (407) 677-6894. Doors audience at their world famous at- On Sunday March 4, “PAS” will open at 10:00 am.

Any member interested in subscribing to E-falcon, kindly forward your e-mail address to: Louie@slovakcatholicso- Instead of mailing our offi cial publication, the Slo- vak Catholic Falcon, members will be able to view it online. - Editor PAGE 18 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012

Assisting the Church in Slovakia Lodge 45th Eastern District Basketball 34th Annual SS. Cyril and Methodius and Volleyball Tournament Set Jottings The plans have been fi nalized for this year’s 45th Eastern Appeal of the Slovak Catholic Federation District Basketball and Volleyball Tournament scheduled for by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic (Continued from page 7) Saturday, March 31 at the Clifton Boys and Girls Club located Appeal Coordinator 822 Clifton Avenue in Clifton, N.J., tel.(973)773-2697. The celebrated for the living and deceased When our ancestors came to these shores more than a century ago, competition begins at 8:30 a.m. Hosting this year’s competition members of our Assembly. Follow- they brought with them few monetary assets. However, they did bring will be Group 1, “Msgr. Stephen Krasula” of Passaic, N.J. ing the Mass we will gather in the their most precious possession - their faith! The seeds nurtured by the We extend a cordial invitation to the following Groups to Father George Dargay Hall of the par- Slovak priests who came with the immigrant generation and helped join us for this exciting, annual, day-long competition: Group ish where will enjoy a full breakfast build our Slovak Catholic fraternals, religious 2, Bridgeport, Conn.; Group 3, East Douglas, Mass.; Group 7, which will be served by the members communities of men and women and nearly 300 Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Group 10, Bethlehem, Pa.; Group 12, Read- of the St. Cyril Slovak Men’s Club. Slovak parishes. Today, in response to this legacy, ing, Pa.; Group 18, Lansford, Pa.; as well as Group 1. Volunteers The breakfast is free of charge for all the Slovak Catholic Federation will sponsor the are needed to assist at this year’s competition. If anyone would Sokol members of Assembly 34 and 34th Annual SS. Cyril and Methodius Appeal. like to assist, please feel free to contact Group 1 Sports Director Wreath 47. We remind those planning The Church in Slovakia has enjoyed a great re- Eric Topczij at tel. (973)985-0134. An enjoyable competition is to attend not to park in the school lot. naissance since the fall of Communism in 1989. planned in the best traditions of Sokol good sportsmanship and Come join us for some traditional So- We in the United States and Canada take pride camaraderie. kol fellowship and fraternalism. in the fact that the Slovak Catholic fraternals, our Zdar Boh! Assembly 34 has enjoyed parishes and individuals of Slovak ancestry have Eric Topczij a rich history of promoting the high responded generously to assist the Church in our Tournament Director ideals of Sokol fraternalism and our ancestral homeland. The 2012 Annual Appeal begins during the month Slovak heritage for more than a cen- of February in churches of Slovak heritage across the United States and tury. Founded on April 4, 1909 at SS. Church, located at the corner of East dial invitation to Sokol members from Canada and will continue until the end of the year. Cyril and Methodius Parish, this year 66th Street and First Avenue in Man- neighboring lodges as well as our Slo- The 2011 Appeal raised a total of $40,049.25 will mark our Assembly’s 103rd anni- hattan. The liturgy will be celebrated vak fraternal brother and sisters from Since its inception, the Appeal has raised $2,272,737.74 versary. Come join us as we celebrate for the living and deceased members the Jednota and Zenska Jednota. An Funds raised from the Appeal will aid the priest-students at this milestone at our traditional patro- of our lodge by the parish associate, enjoyable afternoon is assured. the Pontifi cal Slovak College of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Rome. nal feast day observance. the Rev. Stefan Chanas. Following Our lodge was founded in 1923 These fi ne priests are being called upon to be the future leaders of Zdar Boh! the liturgy, we will host a delicious and been active in the life of our par- the Diocesan Churches in Slovakia both as Vicars and Bishops, in James T. Genosky luncheon featuring traditional Slovak ish as well as the New York area Slo- addition to providing qualifi ed instructors/professors for the semi- Financial Secretary culinary specialities in the parish so- vak community. We look forward to naries that educate future priests. As well, funds benefi t those reli- cial hall and enjoy a wonderful frater- seeing a good turnout at this year’s gious communities of both men and women who share a counterpart NEW YORK, N.Y. nal program. As is our tradition, we patronal feast day observance. which belongs to the Slovak Catholic Federation and the Conference will honor all the Josephs and Jose- Zdar Boh! of Slovak Religious. These communities include: the Vincentian Assembly 182 phines among us. Our St. Joseph Day Dr. Ladislav Korcek Sisters of Charity(Ruzomberok), the Dominican Sisters(Dunajska Our Assembly under the patronage celebration has been an annual tradi- President Luzna), the School Sisters of St. Francis(Zilina), the Daughters of St. Joseph will host its traditional St. tion of our Assembly for more than 60 Anna Korcak of St. Francis(Bratislava-Prievoz), the Byzantine Catholic Sisters Joseph Day observance on Sunday, years. All members are invited to par- Financial Secretary of St. Basil the Great(Secovce and Presov), the Franciscan Friars March 18. We will attend the 11 a.m. ticipate. In addition, we extend a cor- Minor(Bratislava) and the recently established Benedictines of the Slovak Mass at St. John Nepomucene House of St. Benedict(Bacurov). The Slovak Catholic Federation, founded in 1911, under the spiri- In Memoriam tual leadership of the Rev. Joseph Murgas, founding pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Slovak Parish, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The purpose of the Slovak Catholic Sokol extends sincere sympathy to Slovak Catholic Federation is to federate individuals of Slovak origin the bereaved families of deceased members under one banner, for cultural, religious and educational needs. Cur- rently serving as National President is the Rev. Philip A. Altavilla, Vicar DECEMBER 2011 General and Moderator of the Curia of the Diocese of Scranton. The Assembly/Wreath Member Age Date of Death Episcopal Moderator is the Most Rev. Joseph V. Adamec, D.D., Bish- Assembly 10 Carl Havrilla, Farrell, PA 75 December 19, 2011 op-emeritus of Altoona-Johnstown; and I am pleased to serve as the or- Assembly 11 Victor J. Satala, Chicago, IL 83 November 14, 2011 ganization’s National First Vice President and coordinator of the appeal. Assembly 11 Bernice Zabinski, Chicago, IL 89 November 14, 2011 In our Church today, we are fi nding Assembly 16 Albert Kicko, Pittsburgh, PA 78 December 16, 2011 many more individuals of Slovak ances- Assembly 28 Stephen Stefaniak, East Douglas, MA 95 October 1, 2011 try who no longer attend traditionally Assembly 34 Carl Kastan, Minneapolis, MN 83 December 27, 2011 founded Slovak parishes for a number Assembly 39 David Misencik, Bellaire, OH 68 December 7, 2011 of reasons. Because of this reality today, Assembly 39 Kathryn L. Jurovcik, Bellaire, OH 81 December 19, 2011 the monies raised for this appeal come Assembly 57 Rose M. Osika, Allentown, PA 69 December 9, 2011 from both the collections taken up in our Assembly 69 Anne Petonic, Smock, PA 80 November 16, 2011 Slovak parishes as well an increasing Assembly 78 Richard M. Cmorey, Bethlehem, PA 67 December 19, 2011 number of individual donors who reside Assembly 78 Frances Sopko, Bethlehem, PA 94 September 12, 2011 in various parts of the country. Assembly 78 Paul T. Aylward, Bethlehem, PA 88 November 20, 2011 Finally, as Supreme Chaplain of the Assembly 86 Robert Griglock, Port Griffi th, PA 69 December 24, 2011 Slovak Catholic Sokol, I am indeed pleased to see that a number of our Assembly 108 Dennis Arthur Tych, Youngstown, OH 66 September 26, 2011 Sokol Groups, Assemblies and Wreaths along with individual Sokol Assembly 108 Gerald A. Bobby, Youngstown, OH 80 August 21, 2011 members have generously contributed to last year’s SSCM Appeal. I Assembly 162 Kathleen Ann Pojednic, Clifton, NJ 43 January 9, 2009 thank them and hope that many more will follow their fi ne example. Assembly 162 Diane M. Pogorelec Ruiz, Clifton, NJ 44 November 16, 2011 Tax deductible donations should be made payable to: Slovak Assembly 162 John J. Koval, Clifton, NJ 86 December 23, 2011 Catholic Federation, noting that the donation is earmarked for the ap- Assembly 177 Michael John Duda, III, Lorain, OH 59 October 23, 2011 peal. Send same to the National Secretary-Treasurer of the Slovak Assembly 177 Donald E. Bardar, Lorain, OH 78 December 10, 2011 Catholic Federation: Dolores M. Evanko, 173 Berner Ave., Hazleton, Assembly 179 William Paliscak, North Braddock, PA 91 March 6, 2011 PA 18201. May God repay your generosity - Pán Boh Zaplat! Assembly 180 John J. Dolan, Canton, OH 92 November 19, 2011 Assembly 182 Stefan Ferenci, New York, NY 69 December 3, 2011 Assembly 227 Pauline Szabo, Toronto, CN 83 November 12, 2011 Lincoln, The man for All Reasons Assembly 227 Annie Rumas, Toronto, CN 85 December 1, 2011 Editor’s note: The following was His politeness is always sincere but Assembly 257 Richard J. Karpel, Chicago, IL 82 July 6, 2011 taken from an editorial profi le of never elaborate and oppressive... Assembly 295 George Kacvinsky, Duquesne, PA 79 December 5, 2011 Abraham Lincoln that appeared in His gains from his profession Assembly 295 Robert M. Zoscak, Duquesne, PA 73 December 1, 2011 the Chicago Tribune fi ve days be- have been moderate, but suffi cient Assembly 312 Robert Stanley Suleski, Passaic, NJ 64 April 21, 2011 fore his nomination in 1860: for his purposes. While others have Wreath 13 Anna Gaspierik, Philadelphia, PA 88 November 10, 2011 Mr. Lincoln stands 6 feet 4 inch- dreamed of gold, he has been in Wreath 22 Margaret Birek, Pittsburgh, PA 90 December 8, 2011 es...His frame is not muscular, but pursuit of knowledge... Wreath 34 Thomas C. Ondrejech, Cleveland, OH 82 November 29, 2011 gaunt and wiry...In matters of dress In all his dealings he has the rep- Wreath 34 John J. Oravec, Cleveland, OH 92 October 29, 2011 he is by no means precise. Always utation of being generous but exact Wreath 34 Helen T. Himes, Cleveland, OH 78 June 15, 2011 clean, he is never fashionable; he is and above all, religiously honest he Wreath 54 Judith H. Noday, Youngstown, OH 68 December 2011 careless, but not slovenly... lives at peace with himself...and for Wreath 147 Eileen Jordan, Larksville, PA 56 December 4, 2011 In manner he is remarkably cor- his honesty, ability, and patriotism, Wreath 153 Antoinette J. Jasica, Parma, OH 86 November 14, 2011 dial and, at the same time, simple. the admiration of his countrymen. SLOVENSKÝ KATOLÍCKY SOKOL, 8. FEBRUÁRA 2012 PAGE 19

SLOVENSKÁ LIGA OZNAMUJE Pápež vymenoval prvého bratislavského 55. kongres Slovenskej ligy bude pomocného biskupa 8. a 9. júna v Bridgeporte, Conn. (Pokračovanie na str. 19) Na základe rozhodnutia Výkonného výboru Slovenskej ligy vodárňach a kanalizáciách, ab- oznamujeme, že 55. kongres Slovenskej ligy sa bude konať v piatok solvoval tiež dvojročnú základ- a sobotu 8. a 9. júna 2012 v hoteli Bridgeport Holiday Inn v Bridge- nú vojenskú prezenčnú službu. port, Connecticut. Adresa hotela je: Bridgeport Holiday Inn, 1070 Od roku 1990 do roku 1994 Main Street, Bridgeport CT 06640. Telefónne číslo na rezervácie je študoval na Rímskokatolíckej 1-888-465-4329. cyrilometodskej bohosloveckej Prvé zasadanie kongresu bude v piatok 8. júna o 1.30 hod. fakulte Univerzity Komenského popoludní a d’alšie zasadanie bude v sobotu o 9. hodine a bude v Bratislave a neskôr pokračoval pokračovať popoludní. Banket bude v sobotu 9. júna. Recepcia začne na Pápežskej univerzite Santa o 6.30 večer a banket bude o 7.30 hod. Croce v Ríme. Dňa 6. januára Slovenská liga pozýva na 55. kongres členské organizácie, 1994 bol vysvätený za diakona spolky, zbory Slovenskej ligy a doživotných členov, ako aj slovenskú v Trnave, kde bol 4. júla 1994 verejnosť. Bližšie informácie a inštrukcie budú poskytnuté v písom- vysvätený za kňaza. Po kňazskej ných komunikáciach a v d’alších tlačových správach Slovenskej ligy. vysviacke pokračoval v štúdiu na Teologickej fakulte Pápežskej V nedeľu 5. decembra 2011 sa v spoločenskej hale kostola Sv. Jána PONUKY SLOVENSKEJ LIGY univerzity Santa Croce v Ríme, Nepomuckého v New Yorku konalo posedenie so sv. Mikulášom. Slovenská liga v Amerike má ešte na predaj historický 105-minú- kde dosiahol doktorát v roku Spoluorganizátorom tradičnej nádielky sv. Mikuláša bol aj 182. zbor tový video-fi lm Slovaks in America (v slovenskom znení Slováci v 2000. Je autorom viacerých štú- S.K.S. Na podujatí sa zúčastnilo vyše päťdesiat detí. Darčeky pre deti Amerike). Možno si ho objednať za $8.00 vrátane poštovného a bale- dií a vedeckých monografi í. pripravil podpredseda 182. zobru Jozef Bodo s manželkou. Darčeky nia. Mons. Jozef Haľko je synov- deťom rozdával Brian Korček, syn predsedu 182. zboru. Na príjemné Tiež ponúkame posledné číslo publikácie Slovakia za $7.00 a popoludnie, ktoré sa nieslo v slovenskej tradícíi, si budú deti a ich com a krstným synom Dr. rodičia dlho spomínať. predchadzajúce ročníky za $4.00, vrátane poštovného a balenia. Mikuláša Haľka, ktorý žije Mt. Kisco, NY. Slovak League of America Fašiangová zábava v New Yorku 205 Madison Street - Passaic, N.J. 07055 V nedeľu 19. februára bude v hale kostola Sv. Jána Nepomuc- Pitie zeleného čaju spomalí kého na 411 East 66th Street v New Yorku fašiangová zábava. Daniel F. Tanzone W. Nina Holy príznaky starnutia Začiatok bude 12.30 hdine. Vstupné je $25.00 za osobu. V cene vstu- predseda tajomníčka Japonská štúdia dokázala, penky je započítané hlavné jedlo, káva a koláč. Počas zábavy bude že konzumácia zeleného čaju losovaná tombola a predstavia sa aj deti zo slovenskej školy. Do tanca Oslava štátnosti v Detroite je spojená s nižším rizikom bude hrať skupina Kontakty. 34. zbor Slovenskej ligy pozýva slovenskú verejnosť z Detroitu a fyzickej labilnosti u starších ľudí. okolia na spomienkovú oslavu slovenskej štátnosti v nedeľu 4. marca Seniori, ktorí pravidelne pijú zelený čaj, budú v pokročilom Fašiangová zábava v Milwaukee, WI v spoločenskej hale slovenského kostola sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Sterling 20. zbor Slovenskej ligy v Amerike usporiada fašiangovú zába- veku čulejší a nezávislejší ako Heights, Mich. Oslava začne o 1.00 hodine po slovenskej sv. omši. vu v sobotu 18. februára od 6.00 do 11.00 hodiny večer v Knight of ich rovesníci. Zelený čaj totiž Oslava sa koná pri príležitosti 64. výročia vzniku prvej Sloven- Columbus Hall, 3200 S. 103rd Street v Greenfi eld, WI. obsahuje látky s antioxidačnou skej republiky (14. marca 1939). S týmto dátumom je historicky spo- V kultúrnom programe sa predstaví slovenský folklórny súbor aktivitou pomáhajúce odvrátiť jený aj vznik súčasnej Slovenskej republiky, ktorej 19. výročie bolo 1. Tatra Slovak Dancers. Na predaj budú slovenské jedlá, zákusky a poškodzovanie bu-niek, ktoré januára 2012. koláče. Vstupné je $5.00 za osobu. Bližšie informácie: Betty Valent, vedie k vzniku rôznych ochorení. tel. číslo 414-425-6137, alebo Emily Kosso, tel. číslo 414-464-1063. Účastníci štúdie pili päť a viac šálok zeleného čaju denne. 60. Slovenský deň vo Winter Park, FL V nedeľu 4. marca sa v Slovenskej záhrade (3110 Howell Národná kultúrna pamiatka v Haliči sa zmení na luxusný hotel Branch Road, Winter Park, FL) bude konať 60. Slovenský deň. Národnú kultúrnu pamiat- francúzsky park i lesopark s Program začne o 11.00 hodine slovenskou svätou omšou. O 1.00 ku - štyristoročný renesančno- jazierkom. Rekonštrukcia pre- hod. bude obed. Podvávané budú slovenské jedlá. O 3.00 hod. barokový zámok v Haliči v bieha vo viacerých etapách. začne kultúrny program, v ktorom sa predstaví folklórny súbor okrese Lučenec, ktorý posta- Po rekonštrukcii bude zá- PAS. Do tanca i na počúvanie bude hrať skupina Európa. vili v roku 1612 Forgáčovci, mok v Haliči slúžiť ako luxus- Vstupné je $25.00 za osobu.V cene je započítaný obed. rekonštruujú už niekoľko me- ný hotel. V interiéri by mali byť Na druhý deň - v pondelok 5. marca, bude konvencia Slo- siacov. Konečnú podobu by vystavené historické artefakty. venskej záhrady. Registrácia členov bude od 9.00 do 10.00 hodiny. mal dostať o dva roky a bude z Čo bude s rytierskou sálou i Bližšie informácie a rezervácie, ktoré majú byť urobené do neho luxusný hotel s historic- mnohými vzácnymi pamiat- 29. februára, na tel. č.: 407-677-6894, e-mail: slovakgarden@cen- kým nádychom. kami, akú budú mať podobu, Zámok predal Banskobys- bude známe až po úplnej trický samosprávny kraj za rekonštrukcii v roku 2014. vyše milión päťstotisíc eur. Stavebnými prácami budú Takto by mal vyzerať zámok po Nový majiteľ si prenajal aj odstránené aj závažné statické dokončení v roku 2014. poruchy zámku, ktoré viedli v minulosti k jeho poškodeniu. Lesopark sa bude dať v budúc- nosti využiť aj na športové a rekreačné účely. ISSN: 0897-8107 Obec Halič leží na juhu Úradn¥ ™asopis Banskobystrického kraja v SLOVENSKÉHO KATOLÍCKEHO SOKOLA nadmorskej výške 267 m, vz- Zalo¢en¥ 15. apríla 1911 – Vychádza ka¢dú druhú stredu dialená od okresného mesta Majitel« a vydavatel«: Lučenec 7 km. SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL Od roku 1765 získala mes- Daniel F. Tanzone, redaktor tské privilégiá a od roku 1922 Telefónne ™íslo: (973) 777-4010 bola okresným sídlom. V súčasnosti má 1700 obyvateľov. V£etky ™lánky, príspevky a správy treba posielat« na adresu: V roku 1999 si obec pripome- Editor, Slovak Catholic Sokol, P.O. Box 899 nula 700. výročie prvej písom- 205 Madison Street, Passaic, New Jersey 07055 Takto vyzerá zámok dnes. nej zmienky. Za Boha a národ For God and Nation


ÚRADNÝ ČASOPIS SLOVENSKÉHO KATOLÍCKEHO SOKOLA - 28 000 ČLENOV - HLAVNÁ ÚRADOVŇA: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, NJ 07055 – VOLUME CI PASSAIC, N.J., 8. FEBRUÁRA 2012 ČÍSLO 4957 Ján Kubiš navštívil slovenských Pápež vymenoval prvého bratislavského pyrotechnikov v Afganistane pomocného biskupa Správy zo Slovenska Osobitný predstaviteľ gene- ným prejavom vďaky. Kubiš tiež Svätý Otec Benedikt XVI. rálneho tajomníka OSN v vyjadril svoju úprimnú vďaku a 31. januára vymenoval nového W Bratislavské letisko vybavilo koľajníc a zamrznutie výhybiek. Afganistane a vedúci Pomoc- rešpekt pred každodennou prá- bratislavského pomocného bis- v minulom roku 1,58 mil. cestu- Na niektorých miestach zamrzlo nej misie OSN v Afganistane cou slovenských špecialistov. kupa. Stal sa júcich, čo je medziročne o 5 per- aj vodovodné potrubie, a mnohí (UNAMA) Ján Kubiš navštívil v Dôkazom vyťaženosti sloven- ním 48-ročný cent alebo o 80,6 tis. pasažierov obyvatelia zostali bez pitnej vody. W Kandaháre slovenský tím EOD ských špecialistov v Kandaháre Mons. Jozef menej. Pravidelná preprava vlani Sittuáciu komplikovalo aj hus- - špecialistov na odstraňovanie je aj fakt, že na stretnutie s Haľko, ktorý zaznamenala pokles o 9 % na té sneženie a silný vietor, ktorý výbušných prostriedkov. Kubišom prišli priamo zo zásahu prijme bis- 1,12 mil. pasažierov, nepravidel- vytváral na cestách až trojmet- Príslušníci slovenského tímu v centre mesta, kde odstraňovali kupskú kon- ná charterová preprava s 457,7 tis. rové záveje. Mnohé obce zostali EOD informovali Kubiša pri nástražný výbušný prostriedok. sekráciu v so- cestujúcimi vzrástla o 7 %. úplne odrezané od sveta. V sil- návšteve 26. januára - na pred- Aj tentoraz svoju úlohu zvládli botu 17. marca W Zamestnanci spoločnosti ných mrazoch a snehu trpeli aj sunutej základni v centre Kan- na najvyššej profesionálnej úrov- v Katedrále U.S. Steel v Košiciach začali od zvieratá v horách, ktoré hynuli od daháru - o svojom pôsobení v ni - zachránili zdravie a životy sv. Martina v 1. februára opäť pracovať päť hladu a vyčerpania. W rámci amerického účelového afganských obyvateľov, alebo Bratislave. dní v týždni namiesto štyroch. Následkom tuhých mrazov zoskupenia TF Paladin-Juh a o koaličných vojakov. Mons. Haľko sa narodil Spoločnosť, ktorá zamestnáva zamrzli aj rieky. 5. februára za- aktuálnych úlohách, ktoré plnia. V Afganistane v súčasnosti 10. mája 1964 v Bratislave. Po trinásťtisíc zamestnancov, totiž stavili plavbu na Dunaji z dôvodu Osobitný predstaviteľ gene- pôsobí už tretia rotácia sloven- skončení základnej školy študoval ukončila krízový režim, ktorý ľadových krýh. Na zamrznutú rálneho tajomníka OSN oce- ských špecialistov EOD. Sloven- na gymnáziu v Bratislave, kde v platil vo fabrike od začiatku tohto rieku museli nasadiť ľadoborec, nil štyroch členov slovenského ský tím druhej rotácie získal za roku 1982 zmaturoval. Následne roku. ktorý rozbíjal ľad. Ľadové kryhy tímu EOD a jedného dôstojníka profesionálnu prácu titul Hrdina študoval na Fakulte riadenia a W FBI požiadal slovenskú stra- spôsobili na mnohých riekach za ich obetavú, nebezpečnú bojiska. Za zásah pri napadnutí Národohospodárskej fakulte nu o spoluprácu pri hľadaní lokálne záplavy. W prácu v prospech afganského základne povstalcami im osobne Vysokej školy ekonomickej. Po- 35-ročného grafi ckého dizajnéra Úrady práce a sociálnych vecí obyvateľstva, afganských bez- poďakoval americký veľvyslanec tom pracoval od roku 1986 do z Košíc. Spojené štáty ho obvinili evidovali ku koncu minulého pečnostných síl a koaličných v Afganistane a poďakovanie roku 1990 ako inštruktor pra- z prevádzkovania medzinárod- roku najviac nezamestnaných partnerov. odznelo aj v americkom Kon- covnej výchovy v Ústave sociál- nej zločineckej skupiny, ktorá vo veku od 20 do 29 rokov. Išlo Podľa Kubiša sú slová chvály grese. nej starostlivosti v Bratislave, sa mala podieľať na rozsiah- o 115,9 tisíc osôb. čo je oproti na adresu slovenského tímu Ján Kubiš prevzal svoju výz- ako robotník v Bratislavských lom poškodzovaní autorských koncu roku 2010 nárast o 6 000 EOD, ktoré odzneli v americ- namnú funkciu v OSN v januári práv prostredníctvom servera ľudí. Druhou najpočetnejšou kom Kongrese, veľmi význam- 2012. (Pokračovanie na str. 19) skupinou boli osoby vo veku od W Obvinení boli aj traja Nemci, 30 do 39 rokov, a to v počte 92,8 jeden Estónec a jeden muž s tisíc. V tejto kategórii sa počet ne- holandsko-novozélandským ob- zamestnaných medziročne zvýšil čianstvom. Obvinení umožnili o 4,1 tis. prostredníctvom webovej stránky W Mnohí špecilisti a vrcholoví milióny ilegál- manažéri pracujúci na Sloven- nych stiahnutí fi lmov, hudby a sku sú cudzinci. Najčastejšie d’alšieho obsahu. Francúzi a Kórejčania. Jedným z W Za posledných šestnásť rokov dôvodov prečo pribúda cudzin- klesol počet nových zdravot- cov pracujúcich na Slovensku je, ných sestier na Slovensku jede- že zahraničné fi rmy vysielajú svo- násťnásobne. Kým v roku 1994 jich špecialistov do podnikov, v prišlo pracovať do zdravotníctva ktorých je ich krajina investorom. 2005 sestier, predvlani ich bolo Koncom minulého roku praco- už len 174. Mladé dievčatá, ktoré valo na Slovensku vyše 22-tisíc ukončia štúdium nemajú záujem cudzincov. pracovať v nemocniciach. Bud’ si W Popradský horolezec Peter Há- nájdu inú prácu, alebo odchádza- mor ako jediný Slovák stál na ôs- jú pracovať do zahraničia. mich osemtisícovkách. Tento rok W Silné mrazy, ktoré boli na Slo- by rád zaokrúhlil ich počet aspoň vensku začiatkom februára, ov- na desať. Naplánoval si najskôr plyvnili dodávky elektriny, vody výstup na Šiša Pangmu (8046 m) i a plynulosť železničnej dopravy. najvýchodnejšiu nepálsku osem- Teplota vzduchu dosahovala na tisícovku Kančen-džongu (8586 niektorých miestach až mínus m). V prípade priaznivých okol- 37 stupňov Celzia (v Plavči, ktorý ností teraz uvažuje aj o výstupe sa nachádza v doline rieky Po- na druhú najvyššiu horu planéty, Tohoročná zima priniesla Slovensku veľkú nádielku snehu. prad), čo zapríčinilo praskanie obávanú K2 (8611 m).