Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CI PASSAIC, N.J., FEBRUARY 8, 2012 NUMBER 4957 Sokol Members Join Thousands of Pro-Life Our Honorary Supreme Offi cer Advocates at 39th March for Life in Washington Group 7 Honors Msgr. Francis J. Beeda on his 50th Anniversary of Priesthood Group 7 “Rev. Joseph Murgas” offered by our Supreme Chaplain, took the time to celebrate a special Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic who milestone with an individual who serves as pastor of the Parish of the has played an important role in Epiphany in Sayre, Pa. Father An- its life and activities over the past drew is a son of Sacred Heart Slo- half century, Monsignor Francis J. vak Parish in Wilkes-Barre where Beeda, S.T.L. Our Golden Jubilar- Msgr. Beeda was his boyhood pas- ian celebrated the 50th anniversary tor and priestly mentor. He recalled of his ordination to the priesthood the important role played by Msgr. on December 20, 2011. On Satur- Beeda in the life of the Wilkes- day, January 6, 2012, Group 7 of- Barre parish and the American Slo- fi cers and guests from various So- vak community in general. kol lodges, under the leadership of The occasion was a wonderful their president, who is now serving opportunity for storytelling. Dur- our organization as Chairperson of ing the course of the evening, Msgr. Supreme Auditors, Michael J. Hor- Beeda recalled many stories about vath, decided to honor their former his priesthood, his friendship with chaplain who went on to serve as so many who were here present our organization’s Supreme Chap- and his involvement with the Slo- lain. The Sokols and Sokolky gath- vak Catholic Sokol, in particular ered at the Little Flower Manor with Assembly 59 which was active in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. where Msgr. at Sacred Heart Parish and Group Beeda is a resident. 7 and fi nally his years as pastor of The evening celebration began St. Joseph’s Parish in Hazleton, the Our members along with those of our brother and sister Slovak Catholic fraternals, namely the with the Rev. Richard J. Cirba, oldest Slovak faith community in First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, the First Catholic Slovak Union and the Ladies Pennsyl- chaplain of Group 7 and associate the United States. His recollections vania Slovak Catholic Union joined thousands of pro-life marchers at the 39th annual March for pastor of St. John the Evangelist brought many smiles and gestures Life in Washington, D. C. on Monday, January 23. The march commemorates the infamous Janu- Parish in Pittston, Pa. offering a of happiness and joy to the assem- ary 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision of the Supreme Court which made abortion legal in the United festive toast asking God to con- bled fraternalists. It was indeed a States. tinue to bless Msgr. Beeda as he very special night for all. Despite inclement weather, the Andrew S. Hvozdovic, joined mem- observes this important milestone Raised in the former Holy Fam- spirit and enthusiasm of tens of thou- bers of our brother and sister Slovak in his priestly ministry among us. ily Slovak Parish in Scranton, al- sands of pro-life marchers remained Catholic fraternals, namely, the First The blessing before the meal was (Continued on page 10) undeterred at this year’s 39th annual Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, March for Life in Washington, D.C. the First Catholic Slovak Union and on Monday, January 23. Thousands the Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak made the trip to our nation’s capital Catholic Union in the annual march. by bus, train and auto to call for pro- “Slovak Fraternals for Life” in the tection under the law for human life name of our four organizations at all stages. Some joined the estimated contingents, especial- 100,000 marchers ly from the midwest under rainy skies as encountered heavy they walked down snow which closed Constitution Avenue major highways, yet towards Capitol Hill. were determined The annual march and able to make the is part of the Na- march. tional Prayer Vigil for Life which The march marks the anniversary began on Sunday evening, January of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade 22 at the Basilica of the National decision, which made abortion legal Shrine of the Immaculate Concep- throughout the United States. The tion. Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, march also is a sign of the strength Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, of the pro-life movement in the Texas and chairman of the United United States, and of the growing States Conference of Catholic opposition to abortion and other at- Bishops Secretariat of Pro-Life Ac- tacks on life, including euthanasia. tivities was principal celebrant and Our jubilarian, Honorary Supreme Offi cer Monsignor Francis As has been our tradition for most homilist at the 6:30 p.m. liturgy. J. Beeda, S.T.L., who was ordained a priest in Rome a half cen- of the years of the march, mem- Many bishops along with hundreds tury ago on December 20, 1961, is shown fl anked by our Supreme bers of the Slovak Catholic Sokol, Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic and Group 7 Chaplain, Rev. led by our Supreme Chaplain, Rev. (Continued on page 7) Richard J. Cirba. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 Assembly 82 enjoys fraternal Introducing our visit with Michael E. Gdula One of our veteran Group 9 sportsmanship. While not in the newest members Sokol activists, Michael E. Gdula best of health, the offi cers of As- enjoyed a special visit from fel- sembly 82, Sister Dolly, Brother low offi cers and members of As- John and Sister Alice Podreb- sembly 82 in Dunlo, Pa. over the arac and Brother Joe Richnavsky Christmas holiday season. Dolly Yonkoski dressed up as Santa and the Sokols and Sokolky visited Brother Mike. Santa presented him with a gift of lottery tickets in a card along with a basket of fruit. Brother Mike certainly enjoyed the visit. Brother Mike, a Dunlo, Pa. na- tive, has been an active Sokol all his life. He has been a member and long-time fi nancial secretary for over 20 years in Assembly 82 and has represented the lodge as a delegate at several of our na- tional conventions. An avid golfer, he and his son, Jim have enjoyed participating in both Group 9 and our international Sokol golf tour- naments. Brother Mike is known Reagan Sophia Dedes, born Madison Marie Marchinsky, Addison Rose DiMartino, born throughout our organization as a April 2, 2011, is the daughter of born May 1, 2011, is the daughter August 2, 2011, is the daughter wonderful sportsman and frater- were pleased to enjoy the visit with Ryan and Mary Beth Bielewicz of Kevin and Colleen Bielewicz of Guido and Member of the nalist. At our 43rd International Brother Mike and thank him for all Dedes of Pittsburgh, Pa. She was Marchinsky of Pittsburgh, Pa. Supreme Physical Fitness Board Golf Tournament held in Dubois, he has done on behalf of Assembly enrolled as a member of Wreath She was enrolled as a member of Denise Lendacky DiMartino of Pa. in August 1998, Brother Mike 82 as well as the Slovak Catholic 22 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Wreath 22 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Havertown, Pa. She was enrolled was presented with the prestigious Sokol in general. Brother Mike will as a member of Assembly 59 in Frank S. Petruff Memorial Sports turn 89 on April 10. May God con- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Award for his leadership and good tinue to bless you and Zdar Boh! At St. John Nepomucene Parish New York’s Youngest Sokols Welcome St. Nicholas Some of the youngest members of Assembly 182 in New York City enjoyed this year’s St. Nicholas Day celebration on Sunday, December 5 held at St. John Nepomucene Parish. The annual event cel- ebrates the tradition of St. Nicholas whose feast is observed on December 6. In Slo- vakia, the children receive their Christmas gifts from the well-known saint whose cult Alexander John Molchany, born evolved into Santa Claus brought to our Connor Huang Leso, born Octo- October 27, 2011, is the son of shores by the early Dutch immigrants. The ber 23, 2010, is the son of Law- Paul and Jennifer Molchany of children enjoyed games and refreshments rence E. and Elena Huang Leso, Neenah, Wis. He was enrolled and each received a gift from St. Nicho- Jr. of Drexel Hill, Pa. He was en- as a member of Assembly 255 in las. On the right, St. Nicholas(Brian Ko- rolled as a member of Assembly Egypt, Pa. rcek) is shown with Victoria and Claudia 48 in Philadelphia, Pa. Bodo, who are the daughters of Assembly 182 vice president Jozef Bodo. Below, the children pose for a group photo with com- mittee members including Dr. Ladislav Korcek, back row third from the left, who is the president of Assembly 182. An en- joyable time was had by all. Lily Isabella George, born November 1, 2011, is the daughter of Bryan H. and Linda M. Petko George of Grapevine, Tex. She was enrolled as a member of Assembly 78 in Bethlehem, Pa. BABY SPOONS DECEMBER 2011 ASSEMBLY NO. NAME 16 Jameson Cranmer 48 Luke Cunningham 78 Lily George 188 Stephen Stegmeir SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 PAGE 3 by a traditional Slovak luncheon and cultural program; $25.00 per person, for reservations and addi- tional information call The Slovak Garden at (407)677-6894.
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