Breakfast Saturday Morning

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Breakfast Saturday Morning NORTHWESTDISTRICT: Mrs. James L. Coleman,Director; Mrs. VernonC. Hix, Oothcaloga; Mrs. Hugh H. Howell, Jr., Atlanta; Mrs. Charles B. Watkins, Cherokee; Mrs. James H. Elliott, Jr., Joseph Habersham; Mrs. Enver B. Hoff, Vice Regent, Fort Peachtree; Mrs. Inman D. Jackson, Jr., HightowerTrail; Mrs. Ken Mims, Abraham Baldwin; Mrs. Charles M. Gilreath; Mrs. William L. Lundy, Jr., William Witcher; Mrs. George D. Wright, Robert Loughridge; Mrs. John L. Glanker, Jr., Captain Thomas Cobb; Mrs. John D. Millar, Baron DeKalb; Miss Patricia A. Woods, Roswell King; Miss Julia Ann Farrigan,William McIntosh; Mrs. James A. McCauley,William Marsh; Mrs. Aaron J. Polk, LaGrange; Mrs. Dennis J.F. Beall, Mary Hammond Washington; Mrs. John D. Stephens, Andrew Houser; Mrs. John M. Karlovich, Xavier and Mrs. James M. Knight, past Regent, John Houstoun. Following the conclusion of the Chapter Regents reports, the Chair called for the report of the Tellers Committee. Miss Patricia A. Woods, Vice Chairman, announced that 162 votes were cast, 82 votes needed to elect, Mrs. Ward received 156 votes. The Chair declared that: the Georgia State Society had endorsed Mrs. Jerido Ward as a candidate for the office of Vice President General in 1994. Mrs. Jonathan W. Fox moved that the ballots be destroyed. The motion was seconded and carried. Following the benedictionby Mrs. Corbitt, the colors were retired and the meeting recessed until 9:00 a.m., Saturday, March 6, 1993. Approved: May 4, 1993 By: Proceedings Committee BREAKFAST American Indian - Empire Room, Columbus Hilton, Columbus Saturday, 7:30 a.m., March 6, 1993 SATURDAYMORNING March 6, 1993 The closing meeting of the 95th State Conference held in the Dining Gallery, Columbus Iron Works, was called to order by the State Regent, Mrs. Jerido Ward, at 9:00 a.m. The Processional included the Color Bearers; Pages; State Officers; visiting National Chairmen and State Regents; and the State Regent. Scripture and prayer was given by the State Chaplain, Mrs. W. Elton Corbitt. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America led by Mrs. William H. Askew, Ill; the American's Creed led by Mrs. James A. Harvey, State Chairman of Americanism and DAR Manual for Citizenship; the National Anthem led by Mrs. Luther L. Watson, Honorary State Regent; the Pledge to the Georgia Flag led by Mrs. Harry L. Dickey, State Chairman for Georgia Day. The Colors were posted and the Pages retired. Mrs. Luther L. Watson, Chairman Meadow Garden Patrons, reported. State Chairmen of Special National Committees reported: Mrs. Robert L. Loflin, Commemo­ rative Events/ColumbusQuincentennial; Mrs. Alton Bruce, Friends of the Library; Mrs. Dennis J.F. Beall, Insignia and Mrs. C.E. Hughes, NSDAR Museum Correspondent Docents. Reports of Chairmen of State Standing Committees: Mrs. Jonathan W. Fox, Bylaws, presented the proposed Amendment to the State Bylaws. The ProposedAmendment: Article Vill, Section 1, State Dues and Conference Fees. To strike the word "four",after"be" and before "dollars",and insert the word "five",to read: "The annual dues of Chapters to the Georgia State Society shall be five dollars for each member of the Chapter, to be paid to the State Treasurer on or before December 1. A minimum of $1.33 shall be used to cover all State per capita assessments, and the balance shall be allocated to the General Fund. No Chapter shall be entitled to representationat the annual State Conference until the State Dues are paid". Mrs. Fox, by direction of the Bylaws Committee, moved the adoption of the amendment. Amendment adopted. Mrs. James J. Muldrow, Finance, reported and moved, by direction of the Finance Committee, that the State Budget for 1993-1994 be adopted. Budget adopted. Mrs. Robert B. Yance, Sr., Cooperation of DAR with SAR and S.R.; Mrs. Robert H. Gladney, DAR Literature; Mrs. Harry L. Dickey, Georgia Day; Mrs. Hugh Peterson, Sr., Georgia State Room, DAR Museum, and NSDAR 50 Year Club; Mrs. Leonard G. De Lamar, History of the Georgia State Society and 59 Meadow Garden Furnishings; Mrs. Luther L. Watson, Meadow Garden Patrons; Mrs. Guy F. Davenport, Marking Revolutionary Soldiers' Graves and Restoring Historic Spots; and Press Book, Mrs. Inman D. Jackson, Jr. Mrs. Charles F. Wysong, Resolutions,gave the final reading of the Resolutions:October 26, 1990 resolution rescinded; Roof and Paint Meadow Garden;Sex EducationR eview Committee; Keep the Ban on Homosexualsin the Military.By directionof the Committee,Mrs. Wysongmoved the adoptionof each Resolution. All were adopted individually.Mr s. James L. Fritze, Scrapbook; Mrs. James F. Forsyth, Textbook Study and Mrs. Charles H. Kezar, Transportation. Mrs. Rena Morgan, Credentials, gave the final report: Voting members, 189; Chapters represented, 82; State Officers, 12; Honorary State Regents, 12; Chapter Regents, 72; Chapter Delegates, 93; NationalOfficers, I ; NationalChairmen/Vice Chairmen , 9 (7 reportedelsewhere); visiting State Regents, 2; State Chairmen/ViceChairmen , 72 (60 reported elsewhere); Chapter Alternates/OtherMembers , 116 ( 17 reported elsewhere; Pages, 30 (14 reported elsewhere); Guests, 12; Total Registration(without duplication)338. $195.00 collected for registrationfees and/or program sales. Mrs. Ward thanked Mrs. Thomas Knox Kendrick, ConferenceAdvisor; Mrs. Glenn Vaughn, Jr., ConferenceChairman, Mrs. Robert L. Loflin, ConferenceCo-Chairman; Columbus Chapter members; Pages; all Chapter Regents and Georgia daughters. The State Regent expressed her appreciationto the hostess chapters, Button Gwinnett, George Walton and Oglethorpe for a wonderfulconference and a job well done. There being no further business, the membersjoined hands and sang "Blest Be The Tie That Binds",after which the StateChaplain gave the benedictionand the Colors wereretired . Mrs.Jerido Ward, State Regent, declared the 95th State Conference adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Approved: May 4, 1993 Mrs. Jerido Ward, State Regent By: Proceedings Committee Mrs. W. Frank Chastain, State Recording Secretary GEORGIASTATE SOCIETY, NSDAR RESOLUTIONSADOPTED FALL BOARDOF MANAGEMENTMEETING OCTOBER23, 1992, VALDOSTA,GEORGIA DAR SCHOOLPER CAPITA RESOLVED, That the ten cents (10¢) per capita allocatedto Kate DuncanSmith DAR School and all undesignatedcontributions from the chapters for this school be given in honor of the Georgia State Regent, Mrs. Jerido Ward. RESOLVED, That the ten cents ( I0¢) per capita allocated to Tamassee DAR School and all undesignatedcontributions from chaptersfor this schoolbe given in honorof the State Regent, Mrs. Jerido Ward. RESOLVED, That the six cents per capita allocated to Berry College and all undesignated contributionsfrom the chapters for this school be given in honor of the State Regent, Mrs. Jerido Ward. RESOLUTIONTO RESCINDRESOLUTIONS PERTAINING TO THE OPERATIONOF THE FINANCECOMMITTEE WHEREAS, Resolutions of the Georgia State Society, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolutionremain in effect until rescinded; and WHEREAS,There are several resolutionsno longer in effect, but not rescinded; BE IT RESOLVED,That the following resolutions be rescinded in the manner following.I. March 26, 1960. Resolution pertaining to the General Fund has been superseded by resolution dated October 24, 1985. RESCIND. Resolutionpertaining to compositionof the Finance Committeeis now a part of the State Bylaws at Article VII, Section 2. RESCIND. 2. October 26, 1966. Resolution pertaining to the C.A.R. pages in the Proceedingsof the State Society is no longer in effect. RESCIND. 3. March 15, 1979. Resolution pertaining to the Capital Investment Fund. Second "Resolve" transferring50% of surplus monies from the "StateDue s Accountat the close of each adrninistra- 60 1I tion to this fund has been supersededby resolutiondated March 15, 1986.RESCIND SECOND "RESOLVED". 4. March 15, 1986. Resolution pertaining to Capital Investment Fund has been superseded by resolution dated October 25, 1991.RESCIND. APPRECIATIONTO THE PRINTEROF THE PROCEEDINGS RESOLVED,That the Georgia State Society NSDAR at its Fall Board of ManagementMeeting in Valdosta, Georgia, on October 23, 1992 expresses its appreciation to the Brazelton-Wallis Printing Company,Inc. for their extraordinaryeffort in completingand deliveringthe 1991-1992 Proceedingsin a timely manner.Their actions were consistentwith their many years of serviceand dedication to the continuityof the work of the Georgia State Society. COURTESYRESOLUTIONS RESOLVED, That the State Board of Managementat its Fall Board Meeting, October 23, 1992, expressappreciation to Mrs. Edward E. Lusk, CoordinatorofDistrictsand to the DistrictDirectors: Mrs. S. Douglas Beasley, Northeast; Mrs. James L. Coleman, Northwest; Mrs. Alex S. Boyer, Southeast; and Mrs. Ronald H. Salter, Southwest; and to the Hostess Chapters of the District Meetings: Tomochichi, Abraham Baldwin, Nathaniel Abney and John Laurens for the arrange­ ments that made possible four successfuldistrict workshops. RESOLYEO, That the State Board of Managementat its Fall Board Meeting, October 23, 1992, express sincere appreciationto the State Regent, Mrs. Jerido Ward for her careful planning and execution of the work of the State Society and especially for the excellence of this meeting. RESOLVED, That the State Board of Management assembled in Valdosta October 23, 1992, express sincer appreciation to the Regent, Mrs. John M. Samaras, and to the members of the GeneralJames Jackson Chapter for their gracious hospitalityand many kindnesses,including the tour and the lovely reception. RESOLVED,That
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