Vol. 44, No. 3 PRSRT STD Whole Number 255 US POSTAGE Third Quarter 2013 PAID La Posta: Permit No. 811 Toledo, Ohio. 3 No. 44, Vol. The Journal of La Posta Publications POB 6074 Fredericksburg, VA 22403 American Postal History Whole Number 255 Third Quarter 2013 Quarter Third 255 Number Whole The 411 of 9/11 Satisfying the postal history specialist, By Richard S. Hemmings whether buying or selling, for over 125 years. Urgently buying ALL collections Especially United States & Specialty Areas. Consignments Also Accepted. CALL NOW TOLL FREE 877.316.2895 Be sure to send, call or email us for the Auction Catalog for our next sale. Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC America’s Oldest Philatelic Auction House "#" $##!#($# !%($# "'
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