The Battle of Britain
IRumb, 37719 4543 SUPPLEMENT TO The London Gazette Of Tuesday, the loth of September, 1946 by Registered as a newspaper WEDNESDAY, n SEPTEMBER, 1946 The Air Ministry, September, 1946. THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN. The following despatch was submitted to the Experiences in Holland and Belgium had Secretary of State for Air on August 20th, shown what they could do with armoured 1941, by Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh C. T. forces operating in conjunction with an Air Dowding, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., C.M.G., Arm which had substantially achieved the- com- A.D.Cs, Air Officer Commanding-in-Chiej, mand of the Air. Fighter Command, Royal Air Force. 5. This air supremacy was doubly necessary to them in attacking England ibecause the bulk PREAMBLE. of their troops and war material must neces- 1. I have been instructed by the Air Council sarily 'be conveyed by sea, and, in order to to write a Despatch on the Air Fighting of achieve success, they must be capable of giving last Autumn, which has become known as the' air protection to the passage and the landing " Battle of Britain." JThe conditions are a of troops and material. little unusual -because, firstly, the Battle ended 6. The destruction or paralysis of the Fighter many months ago, secondly, a popular account Command was therefore an essential pre- of the fighting has already been written and requisite to the invasion of these Islands. published, and, thirdly, recommendations for Mention in Despatches have already been 7. Their immediate objectives might be Con- submitted.
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