WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1868 fAG* TWENTY-PffUR Average Daily Net Press Ron Tht Weather l)Ianrt;p]etrr lEoftting Hftralii Foreeaet ot U. S. Weather ! \ F or tlM Weak Btotod November IS, ISSS Moatty eioedy wHh MtMe tom- St. Gerard’s' Mothers OlrcJe iDasny T. Smith, s ^ of Mr. peratiue nhange tonight. Lew wiB meet ton^rrow at 8:15 p.m. snd Mrs'. Daniy Smith, 306 Oak- Nike Site Declared Surplus, PONTIAC OWNERS! We’re selling Custom Contour Pontioc About Town at the hcnve of Mrs, EVtwaicd land SC; and Robert W. Handll, 13,891 la 40a. Friday partly oloady aod Ward, 144 Greenwood Dr. Mrs. son of Mm. Robert Hamill, 68 Member AaAt Mgb oear 60. X n . XiLripn CkTMMn, 137 N. Jaonea Welch will be oo-hostesa Lisiurel St., were presented ftonor Town Gets Priority on Bid Boreaa of droolatioa Bkn ftt, and'Mrs. Waldo Du- aiwiards for ' their outstanding \FLOOR Manehester—A City of ViUagm Chmrm dMume, IM Hackmatack St., 'The Iiifant Jeaua of Prague schdastic achievement, yester­ Official nbtlficatlon has beenf Keeney St. area, ever since 1948, non-a^nUaitea volunteer workers Mothers Circle wlU meet to­ day aftamoon ait the 1962-63 when the New Yorit consulting (daeolfleS Advertieteg on Page M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS at IlM Vettenuw HoapMal, Hesv- Aosdemiic Conv'ocatton at received by the town from the ^ j MATS yOL. T.TYYTTT, n o . 45 (THIRTY-’TWO PAGHS—TWO SEKJllONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 morrow St 8 p.m. at the home Boston offices of the General engineer firm of Buck, Seifert _ AinNIV Ingitan. were recin*entB

r \ u : ( ■> ' )n-- m*- ’


clal security wae a large fam­ yl^kls about $280 a year to the Kidney Danger Signals HEALTH CAPSULES ^ N e w s Oiice Folks ily. Parents took It tor granted Britons Throw Cash Away^ Klngswear, Devofi, parish ooun- Oettlas sp slifets. baraiss, frsessri She Hunts Cancer Cure Pay Appears hj Mickael A Peih. RJO. that their children would be efl while at Bricfiingtoa $98 in •r vMisMty flaw, leg pslss «r saeb- glad to care for them In their seb* 'n » be waralB* «t taaettomd coins was recently found in the- kidary dl—rder*—''Daaser Abaad.” «AH CfRUlN TyP£$ OF Sheinwold on Bridge AteOOIATBD FRl!8St>year,yMU*, the independent Beirut Old age. ' pool of the UKuninated gardens. M IM IAT SINCLAIR < >of bacfaterniogy at Artoona. Dr. Govammont program, “ far In Saved Cash WouldnH Change ior World Help Satan cllraiaats wcee— acMs Fixed, While C0CK9 GIVE VOU A 6K1M Dally al Hayat reports. Most Americana have never ^ The British public la unde­ aad atlwir wastes. Isorease kMsay nXSBON, AtU. (AP) — The OaMwel) started -seekiiig anU- RAGH ? •*<=•“ 07 tnythlng tried in our Chehab was elected In 1966 teen a live elk, but all had eran sStpat with RUKETW. Tssr 19s bseh baoterial properUea to plants. country iq) to now" tre iwUny terred by the fact that ttto pool at ssy drsz atom Is 4 DAT8 It sat BOte yrma ftnor A N«v«j6 Indian. DnMRECr FINESSE 4 after President Ounllle (3ha- an elk’a tooth on a gold watch Ry TOM A. OUUXN This led her to wonder it cer­ pmpared, .ay. Great Rritaln’. To Pay Bills chain. f citea an orttor dated AJ>. J9<0 nmy be inhabited, aocording t6 pleaird. SOW st IVonth JBsd Thar- kMSda y iis a dry, tMn. pod- Bills Mount ASSURES OmVTRACT moun tried to extend hto own Nciwspaper EnterpriA Asen. warning priests to “eactliigutoh mscy. tain plant extractions would be prlma mlntoter, sir Alec Doiw- term and sparked the olvll war A woman hadn’t reached full Opie. At Lcndoti Zop, for ex­ ■ m «S4«ct. harmful to tumor eella. By AUTRED'SHEIMWOU) North-South vulnerable lAE-fiofnB. LONDON — (NBA) _ Brit- heathenism and fotbM t|a4 wor- ample, the crocodile podl has Most players know all about N o m v that MW U.8 . Marinea land in By HAL BOThB maturity until she owned a ‘IMa, aatd the note. w«e the By RAM DAWRON The prime mintolet, whose NEW 'YORK (AP) — You’ve one iMive a nwnla for throw­ shtp of fountains." beccane a convenient receptacle hta tribe's rirtuaJ im- The National Oancer Insptitute AP Busiaees News AnalviU the kind of finesse that aims at A Q 3 Lebanon. whalebcme corset. was iijterested In the poaaibili- Oomervative party facea a blown out a lot of candles on a aloons had aeparate en­ ing money away—Into foun- Far from being stamped eut. flMr copper pervde^- ■aaStjr to cancer. NKW YORK (AP) — Ha/dest capturing an opponent's high <7 Q 10 9 8 Billie Sol Btotes, the Texas 8 the heathen outt a thousand Winter Uea and gave her $20,000 to use O Q I 4 ■ tr w challenge from the Labor financier who has besn convlct- lot of birthday cakes if you trances for the ladles, who al­ talna and wishing welto. Even Scotsmen are not ex­ Dr. WUHa R. BrcfA-er, dean oi for many Americans to compre* card but few know about the Such, at toast, to the claim' years later to a flourishing one. empt from the mania, though for full time anti-tumor re­ indirect finesee. The object of _____ A A Q 6 4 P*f*y lo election* next year, sd of fraud and thsft, to free of can look back and remember ways drank in a back room. ttM ObOrfre ot Pharmao’ at the search. liend are the government-fig­ mU- Britain could enjoy the when— put forward by Peter Opie, ITEM; When Prince Andrew they Indulge It wdth mare re­ UntwraRy oi Arisona. and Dr the indirect type is to let the WWT EAST A GUITAR and DRUM a state criminal antitrust It took more than your first Is Additicnal grants have kept ures on persotuil income ahd the AAKJ9 A 10 032 oeneflU of an expanding econ­ charge. It was a compliment to be pair of long pants to prove you preeMent of ttie British Folk­ was bom in I96o the crowds straint bi Aberdeen, 9(»tland, Stary K. Oaidwell. profeaaor cost of Hving. ponent win hto high card. lore Socirty, who has just oon- the project going. South dealer ^03 ^52 omy with a little extra mort by The charge was dropped by called square. were a real man. You also had outside. Buckingham Palace C^>ie found five riiiUlngs at the rinarttiM o i baotarioJog}-. were More often thsn^rtot the gov-1 0KS7 O 10 953 - SHOWCASE every worker. Wives tried to look their beat chxled research into the coin­ toased sixpences into the Vic­ bottiom of a well. faacimtad — and akepUcal. extracts Broksa Dowa emment s g e n c^ report that! North-South vulnerable Dirt. Atty. DSe D. Miller of to be able to light a kitchen Coming The cancer research facility A8753 AK10 9 ' A apoke«man-4or ThaUand’. Potter County, Tex. at breakfast, so husbands would match on the seat of them. throwing hahdta of the loyal torian Mmorial fountaih to Why are Britons more wiUing The thtn object, a/« it turned personal inc^pniex have risen to! Opening lead—king oi spades. prime mlnUitot, Marrtial Barit at the school have just been ex­ ■ -21 West leads the kii^ of spades, SOUTH Maynard Wheeler, president go off to work with a pleasant An Immigrant’s greatest joy subjects of Queen EUzaheth. ’bring the bahy lurit. to throw money’ Into a pool than out. waant the heart ct any- a new high'and that the cost of A * 7 4. Perfhrmanees by students of Arnold Thanarat, ■aya Barit riUl la re­ mental picture of them. ‘nw oomputsion is not con­ Aluminum Comb. panded to make room for the living ha.xn't biidged much. continues with the ace and than of Commercial Solvents Corp., came the day he was first able JTluM: One month, after an to drop It in the coltoction plate IMn«. ^ A K J 7 4 Landsberg and Fred Bocchino cuperating from an nine** and also had been charged Ih the It was wldsly predicted that to send $5 to those he had left fined . to any one class og so- ornamental fountain erect­ a church? Windows and Doers Instead. X was the Mvar o i a •second phase of the project that Millions of citizens usually re-1 shifts to a trump. South draws 0 A 6 2 got underway this year. trumps and then goes to work ian't axpected back in Bangkok case, but a court refused to al­ the end of prohibition would behind in the old country. ctoty, according to Opie. Baw6« ed In Hull, 1187.60 In ooina woe ntUeanake useJeaa to the act by grumbling that they sure i manV people canV A I 2 until early next month. wipe out gangsterism in Ameri­ er-haittod executives and work­ “ If they throw it into a pool," YES, YOU WILL NEED In Dr. CaMwell'a intUal phase klEAR 60CK^ OF YNTH TIC on the diamonds and clubs. low Texas to extradite Mm When a man reached the found in its basin. .Since that says Opie. “ they feel they are THEM SOON battia against cancer. haven't noticed any gains in i 6 6 Sarth Weto Narih . Iw l Sarlt left the capital two from New York. Without Wheel­ ca because there would be no point he no longer could read ers in chWh caps alike yield to Dr. Chldweii wasn't surprised' of the work, plants are ooUeejed ' their incomes while the bllLs' FIBERS TMAT POHY ABSORB If South is an active fine.sser 1 O Pass 3 7 PaM Verplptnck School Ume oontributiona have been getting something for their over the Sou thwart and down he will lead the queen of dia­ weeks ago for hto vacation er, It would have been Impos­ other major source of profits the fine print in the mail order the irresletlble Impulse to hurl plunking in at the rate of $22.40 Sinaa 19M Rie has been making seem to get a little higher ^ PERSPIRATION. THEY 6H0ULP 4 7 AH PSM borne at the aeaalde resort of for criminal mobs. morwy. TTiey are purchasing WHY NOT BUY axtjsoto of Southweeplam and into Mexico. Extracts art made WEAR ALL-WOOL OR monds from dummy and the sible to prove the charge catalogs, he knew it was time flstfuUs of coins mto anything a iweek. month after month. Banguen. At the Ume, he wa* against Eatee, the district at­ Only bankers and big busi­ that contains water. hKk. Our belief in kick la not Maricrti plants seeking siib- j in the - laboratory. These are ALL-COTTON SOCKS. Jack of clubs from his hand. to go to the dime store In town ITEM: When Harrods, one of as .wiperficial aa It appears at NOW and SAVE Both the skeptical citizens and' rt----- X . - 4- - * - « e reported anifferlng from a cold torney said. nessmen wrote checks. Ordin­ and buy himself a pair of stanoae that might prove useful frozen and sent id the Oancer the government stati.sUcidns Both finesses will lose, and FREE ADMISSION Chde end church dignitaries London’s Mggert department first sight" Chemotherapy National Service , ll is net H W mlWA South will therefore go down. points in high cards and 1 point and a stomach aliment. Btotes and Wheeler were ac­ ary folks paid their biUs in spectacles. have not been stow in cashing to tha treatment of cancer. could be right. for the doubleton. This to not Prerident Fuad Chehab of cash or sto(^ In line at the-post stores, featured an artificial to Watoiington. D. C. The correct play to to take cused of fixing prices for liquid In on the cult, says Opie. Every, pool with a rustic bridge across HOME Started to I0.VI Somebody's income has gone enough for en opening Lebanon ha. told hto Qkbinet he fertilizer so low that competi- office to buy a money order. Some oooka Iflte to score Bo Mr rfie has produead more The g en ter sends them up—enough of the somebodys to an indirect finesse in clubs. i _ where In Britain pools are be­ it as part of an Indoor garden flank steak before broiUng it. doem’t intend to extend hi. 6- i tlon was driven from the The streets of Manhattan Lovert* Lane ing bunt to oetch the cascades SPECIALTIES Bnn $.000 extracts tipm 1.200 through the test tumor syrtem. change the totals for the nation. LANE GUITAR and year term, which expire, next market. display, customers immediately Scored or not, the steak BibOtoi of flora. < the extract meets the mini­ contract since £ast surely has were alive with the tinkling of copper and silver. began rtnywering money upon be sliced — after broiling brief­ 648-2866 1 And costs of .some things you Ruth MiUett music of hurdy gurdies, and KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia About one per bent of the mum requirements to control may not be buying Just now, at least one of the two missing —_ MUSIC CENTER (AP)—Malaysia’s gleaming new Nor is the cult a new one. the waters. ly — againrt the grain and very 60 PURNELL PLACE plants have aroperttea that they are reported as active. kings. (If West had both ktogs came reoognlaed aa part oi Yale the monkey doffed his hat if The folklore society president ITEM: A k>cal wishing well thinly. may have gone down enough to you gave him a nickel. . parliament building has become ww a nt tovertigation. Work then starts in the sec­ offset rises in the prices and, MAN! HE'S A LUCKY MAN together with the top spades he j? ! ;. ,. n i V t CENTER ST— <49-7835 First Law School in 1846. would hsv*have apokenSTWilr*n upitn InsteadfnatAsil jr _ .tE * send 80 cents to It waa romantic..V. to.... snuggleI-..- • deluxe Ipver's lane complete Doaens yM berba reportedly ond phase under the direotion of fees and fares and rents . you ' Bridge Book, Manchester Eve. with your best ^rl on the*top' protection, Dr. Jack Cole. The extracts are may be paying. And so the gov- • It's a lucky man that has a of passing.) Founded in State taed by/Ria Navajos' totd other Leads Low Club I Herald, Box 6818, Grand Central New Berth Planned front seat of a Doubledeck Fifth ® U'ibea of Hie Southweat broken down into pure chem­ emment's consumer price index wife— j SUUon, New York 17. N.T. D w to this ehow we will Avenue bus. These lumbering y* lighted gardens are ical subrtanoea in the search for rises little, if at all. The correct play to to lead a fcr ttM treatiuant or prevention Who snjoys roughing It on a low club from dummy after Copyright 1866 Friday Instead ef 6 F Jf. IdTOHFIiEILD, Coim. (AP)— MAJDRAB, India—A new me­ vehicles also were the delight of <*1* ^ * '8 hundreds ^ couples 2 one that ieada to effectiva con­ The government has Just an­ of oancer end other diaeasea drawing two rounds of trumps. ral FaMoreo Oorp. It WM 1775, end there wua no chanical berth cepable of heui- sightseers, but the I r i s h c o n - 1 J*’*’© formerly courted along Your Holiday headquarters for l«v e been tested. None has of- trol. nounced the biggest monthly in­ hunting or fishing trip as much If East takes the king. South MoagnhMd laiw achool in all the dUng 3,000,000 tons of iron ore ductors hated to climb the ^ roads, Bred any I'sraiilae. “What tha National Cbnoer crease in persona] incomes in 18 as he does—or. at least, loves | a year ie planned for Madras’ stairs for the fares. ^^Hcemen are on duty months—$3 billion at an . annual, will later get the Jack of cluba American colonies. Dr. Oskhrell to a aligtit. gray- Institute wants to purer ex­ him enough to pretend she does, j and will return to dummy with port. The berth will be able to Every workman’s lunch pall'^^V,"'* j Quality clothing values like these! hatred woman who came out of tracts for possible ca n cer rate. But the Department of, Who has such a good memory! Young ig|pn wtx> aaqpired to be load ore oorrien at the rate carried a liverwurst sandwich I P6ru»ment Imildlng. A police ‘•i > ' ^ Commerce reminds civilians' a trump to discard two dia­ School Menu. man said; “ We can’t stop them retirenMnt to Riaarhead the cures." Oole said. “At the aame for names and faces that when' monds on the ace and queen of lawyers got their training b(y of 1,600 tone an hour. .At pres­ and a slab of homemade apple plant rehearrii to 1956. Her hm- that one-third of that boost to ent the port oem hancUe only so long as they don’t exceed time we hope to astahHBi oth­ clubs. FULL COURSE^ ■resKllng kuw books in the officea pie. mnd. who had headed the due to a military pay raise. she to around to prompt him, i shout 1 ,(100,000 tone of ore a A juvenile delinquent was a certain limits." er pharmaxiological actions the The rest to distributed among everyone thinks he as a re-' If Blast falls to step up with T9m puMic school nMnu for Ariaona aoolagy department, plants may have.” of renognioed membeni at the year. boy who spent all his coins increased pa}th>lls In a number markable memor>', too. the king of clubs. South wins the w«ak of Norv. M-37 to aa PAKISTAN GETS LOANS had dtod toom lung cancer a So the researchers have two with the Jack. Now there to no bar. looking at the girlie machines toiort time before. of factories in many Industries, Who takes the trouble to build foBows; RESCUED MINERS DIE In the penny arcade—and then KARAC!HI, Pakistan (AP) — thoughts to mind as they break and in state and local govern­ him up to their children. j losing club, so'^South can afford But in that year bedore Amei> I>r. Oakkvell has become the down such scrubby weeds as to give up,A diamond. Monday: AA schooto eocoept TOKYO (AP)—Three miners bragged to all the other neigh­ Three long-term. Interest-free ment offices, along with some Who, when they are out in j lean Independenoe, T appin g rescued from the shattered un­ LUXURY FABRIC aeoend woman to the UiBted oanaigre. la M ueeful in the Wluit hi^pens If West has the high school: Chicken vegntahle Reeive opeiwd hto home In litch- borhood kids how much he American loana to Paktotan to­ States named to honorary gains In rents, dividends and in­ company. lets him do his share derground tunnels of Omuta knew about women. talling $21.6 million were signed fight againrt cancer? Has it terest. Higher employment king ^.^lube? South then loses soup, bologna and lettxice sand- DIHNE fM d aa a training school for mentoershtp to Kappa BpaUon. of the talking. | eJUD trick but can discard wtctv applesauce, mSk, loe mine on Nov. 9 died Wednesday If you said a bad word, your Wednesday. any properttos as a th roat totals also swell Incomes a bit Who can resist the Impulse to i lamTera. night, raising the death toll to SPORTCOAT national profeaeional ftaUurty gargla as it used by the Hopi diamond later on dummy's cream. mother promptly washed your The loons are meant for mod- tor woman pharmacists for those in the selling, flnanc- tell a story tjiat makes tUm look' Notw, outalde tho Reeve home 468. mouth out with soap instead of enilsing Pakistani railways Indiana of Dortham Ariaona f Ing^and servicing endeavors. >osn the atart, the law achool LOS ANOBLia (AP) — Actor Dally QuMttoa secveil Government oconomists also ness. c m o « N C l < * In Reeve’a home was a grad­ CASH FUEL James Craig surrendered to will assure thoee who may ix>t As dealer you hold :Spadea, uate aohool. Nd one could enroli «omp. value 29.95 Superior Court Judge Roger A. Who doesn't squelch hto love' A-K-d-9; Hearts, - ; DIamands, have profited personally that of adventure, knowing full well 6 6 without halving first been giad- SERVICE Pfaff Wednesday. A bench war­ this hi^er total of personal In­ K-S-7: Ctaiba, 8-7-6-A latted from a reoognlzed college. rant had been issued for his that it itot only helps to keep What do you ai^T In handtomo pure wools and rough- comes means a faster pace for him young but keepe her young, Reeve conducted the school flava $t.M Oa MO Galkms arrest when he failed to appear business in general, good for al­ Answar: Pass. You hava U fci Ma home for sAxnjt nine textured “Shetland-look” wools . . . rich at a contempt of court hearing. too, trying to keep up with him. M-Ho«r Baraer Serriea most everyone In the long run. BOLTON cMmu. years. In 17M he put up a blends of wool-and-Orlon acrylic . .. styled Craig agreed to go the UCLA It gives a base for consumer Who listens with as rapt at­ MANCHESTER PARKADE neuropeychiatric and alcoholic tention when he talks as she — ------^ T i l rihi omailler buUdlng near by vndoh fci both 2 and 3 button models. Raids, chedcs spending, now aitd in the future. OdmarfOln. he inataUed Ms law Hbrasy and arard to seek help, and Pfaff And this base supports many does when aome other man to LAKE or solid effects in heather-to-daric tones. McKinney dropped the warrant for his ar­ sounding off on hto ideas. ShM rf CdUr w Fmrt Oda fw9- 6A SMw. deUvered hto lectures, and where companies' production sched­ atuctosite conducted their moot Laaaber aad Supply Oa. rest Who Hoean’t Insist on talking ules. and hence Jobe. It also m -Sat-SuB . Matinees ROAST SniFFB) VOUN« TURKOr oourta. Craig. 61, eras called to court bolsters consumers' time pur­ out every minor problem ana HOTEL rehashing avery little misunder­ Only SdlaSag CtooeriOadavtowe Both at the buildings haive B s t 1947—B oHob because his wife, Jane, 2>, chases, on which many indus­ Under New Manageaaeat WEEKEND SPECIALS claimed he vlolatsd an order standing. been preserved aa muaeuma by tries thrive. And It gives busi­ Friday 1:M aad 8:16 permanently creased T d. <43-2141 restraining him from molesting Who doesn't start thinking up the Ubchinehl Htotorloal Society. ness planners an idea of what NEGRO MOS^ INC. Of students ait the school, her pending her divorce suit to count on If they decide to ex­ objectlona whenever he wants to Saturday 10:30-12:16-$:1* break routine and make spur- two went on to become vice WOOL FLANNEL pand or modernize. aad 4K10 uretdenta of the United States, CloMly tied to the rise in per­ of-the-moments plana. Who r e s p e c t s hto opinion Sunday 8H10 aad 8:46 98 became Senators, three mem- 9 9 sonal Incomes perhaps are the beni of the UB. Supreme Ckwrt, spending Intentions toe Census enough to for It now and Friday Nighf SLACKS then and actually takea it when I 6 oofetnet members, and 14 SALE Bur eau reports. It to given. foveevtora of various staiteB. It says 4.6 pm- cent of the Specials adMhfc.WI6 ndaiw N 1T.600 families It questioned last Who to willing to go wherever One of the two who became his job takes him. Tin Cdb. «Mb Vice preoldenta was Aaron Burr, month plan to buy a new car In t wd drill Oln the next six months, compared Who doesn't envy any other Stnamnn.. . . . Mk llecve’a brather-in-laiw. The lo to 4.1 per cent a year ago, and woman anything, simply be­ etticr was John C. Oalhoun. 7 . 8 8 A per cent plan to buy at least cause no oter woman has the GbnrrystonM..$Oe Roeve hinmetf had gone to 2 1 good fortune to be married to ^ ’ OoMege of Jersey eomp. vofve 9.95 one household appliance within “ him” . CUSHIONIZED six months, compared with 20.7 Cbowdtr. . . . . 50c (later to becomi^ Princeton), All Righto reeerved dstd while an . Undergraduate TO PIUOW per cent In October 1962. Those Now you aave cosdy pressing bills becauM intending to buy a new house Newspaper Enterprtoe Aasn. tutored young Burr. Biot’s Slither, ttw Rmr. .Aairon Burr, EVERY STEP die crease is in diese smartly tailwed arlthin 12 months edged up to 2 Exciting New Mnsie per cent from 1.9 per cent a was president of the college. tlada to stayl Fashioned in plain front 'While tutoring young Aaron, year earlier. m odd widi new bladc-and-gold pleated Tour income may not have STANLEY WARNE Iteeve had acoea* to the Burr budged, nor may you plan to Hme to start fanning hpUsehoUd, where he met Sally inner wraistband. New fall tones, 20-42. Burr. buy a car, an appliance or a your Christmas Party. house. But the government says •After being graduated In enough other citieens have Fine Food and Drinks 1763, Reeve moved to Connecti­ pocketbook gains and larger cut, studied law end was ad- HOWARD JOHNSON’S enttted to practice in 1772. He spending plans to maks their BOLTON LAKE • statiatics for the near-term look married Sally Burr that seme good. Hom year, and built the house that THERE’S NEVER A CHARaE FOR ALTERATIONS AT ROBERT HALL landmark for Hungry was to become the flrat law Wonderful group iA low Please See Our Other Ada Route 44A— Bolton A m ericans” ■chool. andw e^esf oxford s V For Evening Show Can <43-9731 In 1798 Reeve took an as- / oociaite in running the school. TtttinreTMil V i Mile Off O^Iand St. It waa Jamee Gould, a 1790 ■PST ■TAIIMLPBB BUYI On Tolland Turnpike Univeraity graduate who had MlftlMarAr studied under Reeve. They op- UNBEUEYABLE VALUE UNBELIEVABLE VALUE Fitit Mrvlce for 8 wHh hollow handle knives, forged HI EVERYONE! arated the school jointly until L O N ^ D f i T Vllke Staako, Your Oental Hoot Inriteo You To 2820, when Reeve witlidrew. SHOWN earrated blades. Has 16 tsatpoons, 8 each knives, DANCE this Thurs., Fii. and Sot. Gould carried on alone for 13 INFANTS’ RUBBERS CHILDREN'S BOOTS forks, salad forks, soup spoons, plus 3 serving 5;i5 years and ONLY 112 PAIR Frl.-Sat.-Sun. Matineo Only / , Shown Evoo. Only Thru Tues. "SANTA CLAUS" An Encliantinp NEEDS Genuine Shearling Uppers I Shows Nightly, 6:60-8:45 art REASONABLE Genuine Leather Soles Draperies--Slip CoYert--Blankets FEATURE AT 7:16-9:66 1M ! OI Mnk(^-}^(!]id\(>! i i Read Herald Ads. at MARLOW'S! Women's and Teens' Clean Up Your House *Tv6S69irtBrtd! 2 A"* FABULOUS A salliig upon oar BIQ OOBBBN la all ' For The TDi-e-OcitJ • 6ho oolom of tho rainbow... * Holidays popul prtiib-wlnnliig ribbon tigat- for old told yonng allkot SLIPPER SALE ro*s nomaOilng for tha wbol* family •Wash *n wear •Water repellent SAVE TIME! TvilftttiH n chef Carlo has prepared a t Boa togatbart • Perfect for all sports SAVE MONEY! truly wonderful ment|! To TTm Managaiggnt avoid disappointment, place . 9 9 your reservation NOW by Slumberland Holly­ REVERSIBLE NYLON C O R D U R O Y You Can Also Dry Clean Your: phoning 643- 4 6 2 8 ! wood Bed Outfit reg. — Servlnga Noon t o t — SKI PARKA TOUCHDOWN COAT • DARMENTS • SKIRTS • SWEATERS 7 Walnut 8L, Mancheoter RESTAURANT Sealy Hollywood 6.95 H o r n s H o c a Bed Outfit •DRESSES •COATS •SUITS Uumberland Maple 64> Pleaee Note — Bod Outfit 7 9 1 2 . 9 5 16.95 Tou may traat yourself to our hangers Jnst hi ease yao for­ FRI.-SAT..SUN. get to bring your own . . . SANDWICH cOv You'd expect to pay $35 Maple Youth Bed Good All in Color , MOX DuPont two ply nylon quilted with with Buttress 1-88 Assortment 'Shirt tm aad Spring V O f bonded Dacron* polyester "88" fiberfill Thickset cotton corduroy . . . Warml Wale^ I lbs. for only $2.00 In-Jtidt JoHfih B. Colors and . . . reverses to contrasting nylon. Drawstring repeilenti Long wearingl Set-in sleeve nuxlcL L tm n » tMSlMl Mi. He hteta BUple Oheeta, .88 Up Sixes ndl-up hood and waist, nylon zipper pockets, convertible knit collar and a colorful plaid SO w )Ht tm* Mthif rtoMWt. 4 D n w en 2 4 knit cuffs. New sld shades in sizes 34 to 46. lining. New fall shades . . . sizes 3 4 - ^ 5 lbs. for only $U5 Minutes. . . TmttlMhtwItfiaNr SOPHIA vsHTW nung B-Z Teraie • Free DeUveiy OPBN M HOURS EVHRT DAT! FREE PAUUNO. LOpN CEISBWOiDD 235 STOP 'n CLEAN me HiRlilURCKHg MARLOWb COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANINO CENTER MAIN MAIN ST.—«4e-6281 617 Main St., Mitnchester (Near rrlendly's)—648-2681 ST. fptMMOm BKhniGolor* Ample FREE PaHdngl Other Stores At: 66 Weot Main Bt.,.Staffard Springe IbishiiinmaWM 646 South Main St., Midiiletown Mtimii m a iia J—* , Mcmdiaslar Porkode, Wfst Middle Turnpike Jhoivu (4?vi,-a»,. ai iU;i4» | Shown (FrL-SaL at S46) OPEN 9 C waidy s> >ilS) I ( (SuBday at 7t86) OPIN WIONS»AY. mURSOAY «d HUOAY M eim TO t “R o w Fhaitoia (rit-Sat. at 7)i' tfaa. W B i ■rapiriM-Slii Oenn-BlHiInli W alehfart ! nm ltogtvlag Rea | ROUTE 5 — SOUTH WINDSOR, CONN. —

' 1 ' V ,. '

PACK FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEl^ OONN,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER H , 1968 ■AlfCHS^TBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, HbVEMBER 21, 1968 PAGE FIVE body aaeapi our normal diplo- was a UtUe toiarper, and scrife possfliMWles. ] T h e n to A thSrd Powell Lecture* iHanrlypHltr matlc repreeentativaa thera. gain for that of tht^ towns more pcaatbiUty, which to that "rn m U A Thought for Todfly PENTUND Prince Norodom dainu to ba­ Connecticut apparent, town RepifbUoaiM’’ m u not all Sponsored by lbs Manebas For Trinity Qub THE FLORIST Ettpitittg Ifpralin Thgsther the two proposals *’anadl xwmnv mndad RepoHI- far Ooanoil a t Cbnrebea State-Based Reserve ll^ that aofna of our acilvtty made a oompromtoe whlcli cam.” It haa bean our oheervar "Bvarytldag b Ho The ^ rUWJWKD BY TBJC and money in Ounfeodta Were newertheiess tflted tha party’a tion, oivnr Ih s y a m , tbait, quits Thoodors Powell, public In­ Oewfrany Located At kRAUS KtlMTlNO OX me. i^ankee being used in a poaalble'plot prooetiurea for doing Ms own to tfw oontriwy, much of ths O God, b« with us thnf wa formation consultartt and depaiT- M BIRCH RTBIbBT U Blaaell Stftet 648-44U — Stt-SMT Doctor Says hwt«r. Conn. AgStont him and h is, diatinatc By A.H.O. nomiiisttng, platfann-maldng, UbaraJtom, much o f the positivs mkgliit know pesos sad ftieghns- mant odltqr for the Connecticut Asked for Air Force , r. rsmouBON polioy selecting and administm- and oonetnictkva pokey and Opea SiSS-StSO CR R. nCRGUSON neutrality. He haa not. ao far, State Department of Education, Opea Dmnday Nights tH $ Publlther* TTiere was some miM surprise, tlve functlone in the direction IsgisiaMtoB thinking,, much o f EDITOR’S NOTE A. vltalOraserve records center Is locat­ LONG ARM OF U.S. GUARDS Bbuaded October l. 1881 Mtown any e g ^ pubHc suapi* of a more equitable, and there­ the oonastonal pciwer a t check “Therefore, atone w« a n Jus­ will present too aecond of a two- AGAINST FO M I ( ' I : i aligned plan would help Improve poisonous mercury compound DRESS-up your young local newa publlahed here. smaAl town bloc might have tle. Yet, although the banner of tSoa for ak of God’a children, "Bussea -and Ballots,” concern­ auttlng down on size. added as a seed treatment.. old-time role in his country. revolt was raised, precious few ware maiUgnlng thaut area In reservist and employer rela­ ■ All rlarhta of republtcatlnn of chosen to fight every motion of Barie R. Custer, Pastor, ing a tellgloua-poIlUcal dispute. Ml- AN;. He wants to realign toe 819,- Some additives are permitted apedal diapatrhea herein are aleo This Is something President rallied around It. which Re;^bIloantom to most North Mstbodist Ghmch 000-man reserve along state tions. There was a decrease to reaenred. the way. The proposal for a new krateUlgant and reponaibla to* reserve after toe Cuban call­ within certain limits out there de Gaulle,, with his public talk basis of allotting delegaitaa to One reason certainly was that BRANDING FISH lines, to set up a career Incen­ Is no permissible amount of tha top factional leaders of the MESSINA, Sicily (AP)—Fish­ tive program and streamline up, he said, and some employ­ Full aerrlea atlent oC N. E. A. of neutralist solution for the the party’s state ocmventiwi was OFF-SEASON FLOWERS ers told reservists they had to mercury. . I 3 to 6x gals for the holidays Service Die. _ party decided to play this Re­ Tape Recorder Smaller ermen here have started an ex­ training methods. A shipment of eavlar was Publlahera Repreaentatlrea — The problem of Vietnam next door, designed, of ootvse, to boost Hyacinths can be made to U^VjdtBHiaAlf C c M b take a choice between toe Air recognition of the Republican publican Study Oouncil program, periment in branding tuna and “I want to get away from this seised because it contained Julliia Mathewa Special Asenoy — with his critldsm of the Amer­ in 1 ...... bloom at Chrlatmaa, tullpa In NBW YORK — A new port­ swordfish in an attempt to trace 'numbers racket’ and get toto Force and their Jobs. New York. Detroit and stt'ength located in the big sub­ which all factions did par­ January, and daffodlla and cro- Tlmberlake, a command pilot, boron for which there Is also Boat on ican pow'er role in the area from urbs. But. by the formula used. ticipate, from the statesmanship able vldoo tape recorded to one toe course of their mlgratlona for fMl Oll% Mtvloi^ the bustoese of maximum per­ no allowable limit. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF ci in February. Plant top qual­ twentieth the size and one In the Mediterranean. formance,” said Tlmberlake was born to the military. He CIRCULATIONS which American policy mice ad­ It could not help also increas­ an gle ity bulbs in special potting aoll heating aquipmant followed his father and three Sbe carloads of soybeans wire ing recognition of the Republi­ fourth the cost of previous re­ The fish will be netted and who has been chief of the com­ destroyed because they con­ vised French power to with­ And another reason may In­ from late September until the corders used by TV Statioiw and older brothers to West Point. The Herald Prlntlnc Cotnpaiir. can machines in the cities, which deed be that the small towns marked by firing a snuill plex Continental Air Command Two brothers reached general tained crotalaria, a poisonous draw, has been suggesting. The end of October. Then keep the networks. It can record 64 phono 522-8151 —OONAC—for little more than a Inc aaaumea no financial reapon* are someUmes ne«t to worthless. made the strategic decision to plants in a dark, cool apot for tagged dart into some non-vltal officer rank. A third brother, an weed. A ton of caraway seeds alblilty for tvpoRraphloal err ora ap- France of de Gaulle has been And. while both the delegate delay their real fight until the of programming on one part where the tag can be seen ITO PEARL STREET year. was found to be contaminated pearmt In advertlaementa and other at least 10 weeks, or bury 8-tnch reel of 2-inch tape. HARTFORD. CONN. Army lieutenant, died at 37. rnadinx matter In The Mancheater liberating former ookmiee on •trength for the cities and their Januairy apaclal state oonven- them, pots and all. In toe gar­ when toe fish is caught later. He Jabbed at a map on his TTmberlake’s son, Edward J., with small aluminum shavings Erenlns Her^d. suburbs was going up,that of tkm, to which delagataa appor- office wall. m , graduated from West Point sharp enough to cut toe gums the one hand and advocating a den. When they are brought out “ If there's another war, we're many of the amell towns was ttonsd by the old system wUI into toe light and watered, the and is an Air Force captain. or tongue If they ha*d found DIaplay advertlalnY closlnf boora; break-up of oid rigid cold war Just as likely to have a battle­ their way toto your loaf of rye AM-V,' « For Monday—1 p.m. IViday. being held almost stationary, hawa ih a power to vote down the emerging plants must be cov­ The general has two daughters, pattema on the other, and or even being threatened with nsw proposal tf they want to. field here to Iowa as else­ both married. bread. For Tueaday—1 p.m. Monday. ered with paper hats until ths where,” Tlmberlake said. For Wedneaday^l p.m. Tueadar. these two elements in present some slight dacHne. a it these ars not tha only buds are longer than toe leaves. A 1982 Air (Jorps flying school Seven packages of boneless For Thuraday—1 p.m. Wedneaday. Tlmberlake proposes to re­ graduate, Tlmberlake was com­ turkey roll were found to be In­ For Friday—1 p.m. Ilniraday. day French policy could con- Aa tile MgifMsed baleneing place 16 continental area head­ fected with paratyphoid germs. For Saturday— 1 p.m. F rld«. proposto. tiM Study Obunell manding officer of the 98rd Claaatflad deadline; lOikO a. no. oetvably nnake K a moot attrao- quarters with 48 state sectors to Bombardment Group during , caused an an^ day eC publication aaeapi tlve alternative to American cams up with a plan weigtit- the .hope of creating a more outbreak of food poisoning that Saturday — t a.m. Ing the votes o f the present gw>- NEW SHIPMENTJOSr ARRIVED World War n. Later, he served tightly knit reserve force. He Involved 129 persons. poUcj' In toiy nation which, kke as commander of the 9th Air I graiphicaJ membership o f the AHENTION plans to taka his proposal to toe Twelve shipments of wheat L ■ ThwaiJay, Nonrertbar *1 Oambodia, Is already pledged to Force and vice commander-to- partes State Central Commit­ MANCHESTER RESIDENTS Pentagbn this n onto. chief 'of U.S. Air Forces to totaling over 1 million pounds' ooM war neutrality. tee. And, in this tnstanos, tlM The 61-year-old general, a war Europe. were found to be contaminated j 'ttow at the pow a t the oHtas I ' ' X Hsrs Delay Oo«ld Be Gailt Although the snub to as may veteran and former Pentagon by rats. And 100,000 pounds o f' £ f A ft Salt Treated Saad for Pablie Um officer, gave his views to an flour was found to be infested TIm aimfike fM t Is UmA If actually wound us more deeply' At GLENNEY'S exclusive interview with The with Insects. A shipment of | ItMFa ahouM ha|>pen to b« a fire If H is in favor of another non- Associated Press at command House to Attend doughnuts had to be condemned Is Available At the Following Locatloas: was contaminated any ootisetiuenoa at kCanchea- Oommuntat natton. Franca, in­ headquarters at this bustling iaT .* i n 1 because it wai o f base to central Georgia. INational F arley i with rat poison, ker MemorM HoafpktaJ and any stead of soma rash, outright MANUEL LUIZ 1. Aiihunii ond School Sfrools “Tlie whole reserve program ' Two vw * shipmentsBhlpments of oeean addition to tlia Injury or Icaa od surrender to Oommunlam, tt 2. Horrison at East Cantor Sfroof should be based on a realisUc perch were seised because ^'OiM of Mpo lost Arthur H. House, son of Judge they contained parasite*, and Ma or prupatty MMoh ocuU ba must stm ba tliait kind o f snub roqidremwtt of an acUve duty and Mrs. Qharles S. House, 180 Boii i n in 3. LovoUmo— East tido of Highway force and a realistic capability two shipments of shrimp be­ biBoied on tin taot that Haynea which, on the larval of polioy Westland St., will be a delegate half way botwoon Cantor and O kott Sts. o f a ressrvs force,” he said. Jot­ to an annual Student Confer­ cause they showed contamina­ 9 t waa aot wida anougb to han- rather than emottens, has to be Connoetkiit!'' ting on a note pad. tion with sewage. Other A High Contour, high fashion, too . . . preferred. 4. ToNcmd Tumpika outsid* G ra v d Pit ence on United States Affairs shipments of food were con­ Thia Ivory white, chains soft, linen- , <■« tbm ametiganoy aMnation, Tlmberlake explained his at West Point, Dec. 4 to 7. His OpM for Iwinois plan. It centers around the 168,- demned because spoilage had weave Is gently gathered at a new tfien afl or w to MSnoiiaater But how much more seisibie. This ssad may bs picked op by the resldeMts of Msaclies- appointment was announced by higher waistline. A long-stemmed tor for use on ios and mmw. 000 reservists <* signaled ready Maj. Gen. James B. Lampert, ocenrred. , , nlio arad ooumtenanoad datoya bow much better for the world, Agaltn In Air Force terminology; the The FDA not only protects embroidered flower Joins the gay to tlM mbtonSnli proijaot leouM for the United States, for Ruo- superintendent of toe U.S. Mili­ your health, It also protects elegance of scarlet braid trim by MoekpOes will bs designated by *Fsr Piddls reservs Is composed of 120,000 tary Academy at West Point. be toroad to qmatton our own ria, for France, and for Cbm- 3071E. Coiitor St. In toe standby group and 81,000 your pocketbook by requiring Alyssa. A total of 184 delegates have correct labeling of Ingredients bodlA Itself if—ss has now been Monehottor, Com . RICHARD MARTIN, Prefinished Plywood Paneling retired. been chosen from colleges and $7 JM ) General Managea The ready force la susceptible universities throughout the na­ and measure. Many seizures Tha tnat nay to pravant any so often suggatoad—foreign aid to call-up to an emergency on are made because of short auck refvoach to ouraohraa ware totemationally distrtbutp tion and Canada. weight. Others are made be­ orders of toe President; It takes A senlM’ at Tufts University, C French Provincial Print . . . fo* B The Empire Jumper Is Popular .. . i ' Sroai davalo|itac—and the beat ad and administered by an in­ an act of Congress to mobilize House will participate to plen­ cause of substitution of a cheap­ spired by the very latest French In this very neat and nifty little w ay, to t o l l atMUt tin avan ternational agency which was toe standby. ary and round table discussions er product for toe one stated art and chosen by Youngland foe rayon and acetate flannel one* During to* Cuban crisis, 14,000 on the la^ l; for failing to state piecer from Youngland. One small more RnpoitanE factor — to above all power blocs or poUtl- on toe theme: “Problems of this hl-rlse peasant dress to cotton realty reservists were mobi­ ♦h- N.Hrat. " H. 1 that arrtiflclal color, flavor or i floral stripe. Neck and sleeves are bow, front and center, embroidered maka aa sura m wa can v t tlia oal dtviakMis. For Dessert This lised; 8,000 were called up dur- preservatives have been added; ruffled sleeves for tender touches. for failure to remove scales sweetly defined to Cluny lace. aafaty of patUnto at tlia Hoa tog_ toe Berlin blockade. dent of the student council, a Gtoger/Black only. Red or blue. About 34,000 are to flying units from canned or packaged fish; pMal to tin aramt o f any amar THANKSGIVING member of the Senior Honor or for adding water or foreign $ 8 . 5 9 $ 7 .0 9 Fluoridation The Easy Way operating dally. Reservists fly Society, and participated to ganoy—to to aot as dtraoUy and 58 per Cent of the Arm y’s para matter to Increase the weight. Be Sure To Serve A "Croesroads Africa.” Because A.'StV.*- ' spsadBy as poariWe toward the This nawspapsr has oonsist- chute jump training missions. of his knowledge and interest to One of the most outlandish in­ most ejesnental measures which Another 39,000 are to nonflytog fractions of the law was per­ entty favored the fluoridation of Africa, he will discuss this petrated by the owner of a mink N have been suggested. au]umwrt units. subject at toe conference. public watar auppVaa in Man- 'Ilutt leaves 110,000 men who ranch. He purchased over 5,000 It would bs a good lute, wa eheafar, for ths proven bene­ ROYAL ars classified as "moblllzaUon cans of iiwect-iitfected Argen­ 5 Million Have Cancer tine beef to' feed hls mink. It think, to pcooeed to the most fit to helping prevent teeth de­ assignees” — Individuals, some \ / riwasnhil of these measuris— of them located where there Is was really quite a bargain but cay which fluori(totion brings. ICE CREAM CAKE UNTTHID NATIONS, N. Y.— then he got the bright idea that the widening of Haynes St.—as no reserve unit. The ebb and flow of propa­ With their headquarters often Miore than 2,000,000 people die he could toake more money by swiftly aa legal prooedmaa and ganda and prejudice, fact and in another state, these men feel each year of cancer, the World reselling the meat for human weather eondlUons allow. Most opinion, rej^ion and aocept- Delicious frozen pudding thafs< no sense of cohesiveness, Tim- HeaJAh Organlration esUmatee. consumption. He didn’t get Confirmed cases of cancer total away vdth It! of as would feel better If wa anoe contlnuea, with variations, chocked full of fruit pTuiplus rich berlake said. ootdd succeed to giving soma creamy vanilla ice creim—Deco-^ “ Take a reservist in Alabama about 5,000,000 and for each ftom year to year, and com­ under control of a sector which cancer patient there are four emergency staitua to the proj- munity to oommuity. Now and rated With Heavy Cream .. Will Fiaith That Raiii|i<>* Room Before Christaun la headquartered to Tampa, Fla. otivra with precanoeroue aynip- sot The one thing nobody then some suppoeediy reputable serve sixteen. —he doesn’t feel he’s a part of toms. rirauld want, or oountenanoa, is anything,” Tlmberlake said. NEW CAR physician oppoM it. Most of TRANSFORMED FORD addlttonal delay for what could Under his proposal, reserve the time, the opposition comes Buy N O W and SAVE! headquarters would be set up to NEW YORK (AP) — One of RENTALS prove the tragic luxury of being ftom people who think fluorida­ Per Cake each of the continental states toe vehicles shown at the re­ oomptotaly sure that there hats tion is a Communist plot. These 2,50 with active duty detachments cent Speed Sind Custom Car For tha HoHdoys been iwoduoed an ideal solution staffing the headquarters as Show to Madison Square Gar­ are usually the same paopto who den sported fur-Itoed interior And Wookonds which can be acoompUriied WeTl also have stenciled sUcez of lee' U S T 3 DAYS advisors. a thiidc that Dwight Bisenhowsr cream and frozen pudding to ptota and 'This way I could take all of with the front passenger riding Living* One, Two or Three Weeks through ideal prooeasee. Such and Chiaf Justice Warren are half gallons. Please order early. toe nonflying units and liuUvld backwards, a TV set and bar, Get Onr Rates V sohiUona and proceaeee cannot Communists. uals and assign them to state built-to fenders, and 20 coats of 1 alwaya be found in thia wortd; See this loe Cream displayed at your nearest Royal Ice Cream dealer’s store. Please place PREFINISHED VEE headquarters,” he said. “This special mother-of-pearl paint. But for any fiiet hand knowl­ ^your order by Monday, Nov. 25 (Aleo available at toe plant on 22 Warren Street, Manchester). PREFINISHED VEE The owner of what was original­ Paul Dodgaidga PoRtiac > sill sometimes It is tlma to sot be­ way, I, feel I would get the edge of whet fluoridation means cohesiveness we need.” ly a 1968 Ford, Walter Paster­ INC. fore perfectioin has been found. BROOVED MAHOSANY to people, we suggest that any­ Too many of these men, Tim- nak of Detroit, now calls his Phone 649-8881 / The Haynes St. proposition RUMPUS ROOM GRADE BROOVED KNOTTY CEDAR berlake said, "are simply a creation “The Maharajah” and 878 MAIN STREET body Interested merely ask any­ MKt oomes up for discuaaioa number out to Denver.” The values it at $27,000. body to Hartford. The answer SiM Pfdicd Up Del S ize and formal action at the meet' Picked Up M would be that people there \ ICE CREAM CO.' tog of the Board of Diractora hardly realize, any more, that ...... SSJIS - $4.11 4’ x r x V 4 '» • 9 7 M $ $ .$ $ scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 6. Manufactured In Manchester Since 19241 their water la fluoridated. The B Let ua hope that, to the mean- ...... $3JI8 $4J»5 4’ x 8 ’ x i ^ ” fluoridation controversy, to $8.77 $8.44 GREAT NEWS FOR FACES! thne, sverytliing poaaMa wig Manufacturers of Orfifelli's "BANQUET SPUMONI" riiort, is a ocmtiovenay which have been done. In the way of ,23 WARREN ST.. MANCHESTER Phone 649-5358 PANEL AN AVERAGE 8'xlF WALL IN BEAUTIFUL fades the rninuta a community ’ *•* poiiey preparaiUan, to faciUtata KNOTTY CEDAR FOR AS LITTLE AS...... The third way to shave is here does get itself fluoridated. *26.50 deflnlba movement forward past toto toto dok«- Perhape, then, any device or Oomideto Tonr Norelco with rotary blades. prooedure which would get fluo­ Rtm vus ROmu Par Month on - j ride toto a community’s drink­ F or As Little As *12.95 Gionnoy's Easy PaynwnV Plan ; THE RAZOR BLADE. THEN CAME BACK-AND-FORTH ELIOTRtC BHAVERS. Pi-. ORabodia Ends It ing water should be favored and •ar NOW TRY NORELCO WITH ROTARY BLADES. earoused, on the ground that It Niot long ago those Amari gets the controversy over with oan who behave that this ia and - i and gets on with the protection must be treated as a aharply- I of the health of human teeth. divtoloned world between two Such a device is now offered great Ideological and power Bhoka. thekm ’ the whole state of Connecticut, anemias, with no room for any to the opinion rendered by At­ PARENTS S body to the middto, wefe ahock- torney Oeneral Harold M. Mul' sd at the diaooveey that some 9 vey, holding that the state’s FOR CHRISTMAS of the American foreign aid SCHjEBEL BROTHERS Public Health Council has the being given to the Asian na­ TiroiMfly preseiiits ja m td 'Indianapolis race driver power to order fluoridation of tion of Oambodia was being public water sources through­ CHUCK STEVENSON eonbinad with Russian foreign O r Um Onr Christmas Loy-Away Plan out the stats. aid to the oonstruotlon of one whowXpremdatpeiMprograniforyotfr sonsanddentgMervid This oould bs the quick, easy slngte project—a hoepital, we Monchester High School, Tomorrow 8:16 and 9:16 A.M . ’ •is way toward better dental health begsvs It was. SELFADJUSTINQI Thera were thoee who took throughout Connecticut Mr, Slevm vott wM tpeak from experience m NawNoraleo *6os>kig hsed’ 8p*sdthsvsr 80. Heeds swivel to huf (aos. this disclosure as oonoluslve Wd hope H la not taken. % length, reg. $5.95 The people of Mancheater had ReUry Msdes. Fsst ‘flip-open’ cisaninf. Adapts to world wide use— 1 reason why Amarioan aid to "Highway Safety Is No Accident” 110/220 voita (AC/DC). Smart, rugged travel ease. Oambodia abould be abut off. their chance to decide on the ' 1 Issue of fluoridation, in the nw H igtiw ay Safety program, now in its esvento year, has bcMipreeented to 2,000,000 ' oi i-ay one for $3.45 Long Line Now $5.95, reg. $6.95 Then thera were thoee, to- EXTRA rOWK ohMUng the opinion on this democratic way. They went to rindwito in mom toan 2,0(X) high actaods ki 48 sUtee. Developed by the Champioa Spark Hug Conpangr in the pobke tatem t this program has received tbe Public Serriee page,, who wakxxnad such a the poHe ‘and voted on the ques­ NIW LOW n iC i tion, and they defeated It Award of the NirtiaiMd Safety CotmeS and has b r a honored edilortony by the Saturday Now-own Americans *1 bra at lowest price everl ■ mssttag of American and Rus­ Evenmg Poet H baa had the fuB Npport of educators, Blaoka.lhokm*^ sian foreign aid programs, hcM- That vote o f therlia should and tow enfcroement authorities w d civic leaden everywhere. . BiBokaDookop" will, soma da^ wa hope, be over­ U-141 Playte* make* this special offer so you can discover for yourself the iuperio| tog that, however It happened, and haa b r a a^daimed ai an outstanding means of imptem- u-ieo Vi!> Utility drill comfort and durtibility of Stretch-ever* ejutic in Playtex Living Brss. But hurry .... R at toast oon.vtitutad a small ridden by another vote, in which ing taen-agm with Tfighway Safety. While Chuck Stevenson HifliwiifSafitf Black a, Decker* mUTY SANDER Now . . . Black this offer is for a short time duty and stocks are limited. sample of the kind of thing that the people of Manchester them- to a top race driver, be spends fer mote time on the nation's tugbways. driving 35,000 miles ayenr to preeeot the Hish- Btfiis With H-1S2 Utility 116 SAW KIT ft Decker offers MM a. Playtex Living Bra. Machine washable in detergents and bleach... won’t yellow, pucker or re a O j ought to be happening .seivea decide in favor of fluori­ Safety program. ' Ftora hfe unpandleled motoring VtijMIe U-151 Utility jig uw a Ve” Utility DriU at tha atretch out. Nylon or cotton-Dacron* oup*. White 32A to 42C. Reg. $3.95 each—2 for $6.90 mote often to the world, in dation. hfiowlDrivirli he brims k> i>w agm a pwannaifeeil aafcty ttato mdwwk.I weak. Do awayawi triUi, feature* to hi^Tc ivaight lowest price aver. Haa aa or buy,one for $3.45. “ D” aizeaSeg. $4.95 each— 2 for"$8.90, or buy one for $4.45. which big powerful nations But It la impoaatole to wel- ASafiCff w lto riia> Arngai y Of |aM •r n^ruMtii improv^ 1.9 amp.. .14 HP., rasiy ought to be oooperatiog ooma a siiuation to which a mh^ withwi£ thiaOla aaaay a ^ .. hin^ itmge U.L. industrially Batad mo­ b. Playtex Living Long Line Bra... with elastic Magic-Midriff for smoothest line oveft haadk regulation of a state board aapdar toat faa- eanying etM wjth' thne'ia tor. Features longer-langth, Nylon cups, white 32A to 44D. Reg. $6.95 each—now only $5.95. togettisr to help the poorer and taraa perfaet balance and sortedId blades and blade wrench. weaker nations, instead of try­ oould decree for Manchester a high-atrangth, “ Cycolac” Note Only $4.95—^ Length Long Line—with nylon cup*. White 32^ to 44C raggad omutrnetion for FOR THE LADIES . . . ing to aoquire them aa aatel- practice which the people of k n g life . handle for easier grip con­ POPULAR PRICE! CORDLESS! Reg. $5.95 each. “ D’* sizes reg. $6.95 each—now only $5.95. tttas for one aifle or the other. Manchester have themsalvea re­ trol. An outstanding value. New Norelco‘Mp4ep’ Speed- M$w Norelco C$reN$$$Sp$$d* * New Lady Norelco Shaver $ 2 2 M shaver ZPC. Shaves any­ 20L Shaves lags and under- jected to a free and open refer­ ■iMvei* SO. Newest model A $*Mi vnoa M BftnMKtMBafl • saLtifttB. t^atvou-DVDa mvm. mttm. isAaMh Xa any case, the hoppan- Of world's Isrgest tolling where on four tiny batteries. armg with no raior cuts. 0. VROUV ««t CUMi BTLOB. FBBBT SUB SlBt ILSITlCi ACIVSTI. COnOU. BUSStR OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 ' chanos soqieriinent to Cambodia endum. t ehever. Rotary Made*. New No aord. No bulky rechargar. Naw low price, lovely almu- I' Smooth rotary Mad* eemfert. # tMi *v IHTMNATIOMAI. UbtBX OORPOtUTIOM RRIMTSO IM H.f.A, is ROW being ended, not by our It is knporiant to have sound tow priM. 'Flip-top' keening. latad-aapphlra design. 110 Unjay your homi 110 yelta only (AC/DC). ‘Flip-top’ cleaning. Mirrored volts (AC/DC). Luxury trsvk nsRow-mtoded deciafon, but by teeth. It to squally in^Mrtaat Nfyw wnb Ofeuneya Urey navolv- Dppertd travel case. lippsr travel pouch. ^aaa. A superb gift. -ths deoras of Prince Norodom, to be able to feel that we Mve tog Budget Aoooirat (B.BJ3.). As that country’s neutralist ruler, inside the democratic proceaa, little aa flo a month buys ap to. See these ehavers demonstrethd on TV! who is asking tbs Unitec^ States which would maan*cKeev^. joy your meala,irala, stillstill' eat the foods .at the Municipal Building. arsliip Fund. Any BoiKm resi­ MoEzer , l i !■ trouble, but trouble ia "Kennedy round.” The United ; They believe West European you like, but4t you simplyslmi don't have Mrs. CarroH C. Nelson of 153 tured out again Mrs. Albert Soblelo of 238 dent who Intends to enter the Mrs. Dutton will demonstrate abauthtiif it expects. States is in.sisting' that some­ I economic unity is over the (he urgeirge for extra portion!poi b^use___ Ths session, attended by Oheetnut St. urged the N R C to Some were caught in the cross^ thing be done to h^p the farm I hump. The Common Market has I k ^ I St. is general chairman ODRINEX dopresaet your appetUe study cMTvpoeUng as a means of leaching profeasion or is cur- block printing. Block printed IlM .RMin difflculty la over and decreases your desire for food representative's of the four- fire between troop.s and terror­ knporta 'of food, but people who exports If American tariffs are moved so far that dissolving It and will be assisted by Mrs. solving the refuse disposal '.•ently training foi- leaching is^^Christmas cards done by both Adam Bajoris, Mrs.- Kay Barry, Your weight must come down, bel town area comprising Man­ ist snipers. eligible to apply for this echo!-' tkemitelvea “ good Euro- to be cut again. would be like unscrambling an cause as your own doctor will tell prohlcm rather thafl incinera­ Bombings and oilier violence amateurs and profeaaionaLs will pawM" do nbt expect their With French and Weat Ger­ omelet. Already the tariffs that Mrs. Robert Gay. Mrs. Anthony you, when you eat lea# yon Weigh chester. Bolton. South Wind­ tion. She cited revenue from arship. be on display "and orders will be ess. Get rid of excess fat and live were reported in the in­ movement to split on thla ^ In t. man irrterests at odds, the Com­ . existed six years ago among the Goncl. Mrs. Clara Kanak, Mrs. sor and Vernon, was devoted sale of aalvage materiala and Applications ^lould be made taken. longer. ODRINBX coata |3.()() and chiefly to organisational de­ terior. Arrests of terrori.sts in WT. ling, staling briefly the ' P i eeldnil Charlea d « Gaulle of mon Market cannot speak with i member countries have been Homer LMrabee, Mrs. Clemeitt Is sold on this GUARANTOB: if rehuilding of soil by the com- • Mrs. Courtney Tucker ie gen- tails. J-IO, IVw ice lias aaked If the.Oom- one voice. I cut 60 per cent. The members Lupacchino, Mrs. J. A. Mon- not satisfied for any reason just re- pqeted material as advantages appli.ant’-a qualifications. They 6141 rtliairman of tiie tee and tum the package to your druggistdrugs terrorists, trying to top- Market can survive 4f It This conflict .between France, ' have come correspondingly segUo, Mrs. Anthony Makulls A t the suggestion of Joseph to be gained from composting. niav be sen-t to: Mrs. Charles .sale, A.s.sisting her are Mrs. and Mrs. Daniel Newcomb. and get your fun money hack. Nn P'" :i. RFD 2, Box 456 ss net feed Itself. On this, 'a ^ theth food exporter, and Weat close to leveling off a single nuestTons aakM. ODRIWBX Is sold Carino of South Windsor, it SCie added that air pollution court s goV^nment. had called . WHlrani Minor, Mra. Martin Tickets are available now and A scholaifdiip is available for many other matters, he h a s ^, ermany, the food importers, tariff barrier the out- with this guarantee iw; Arthur was decided to establish at the should be a meaningful conaid- for a generaK^rike. Bui labor LijTich, Mrs. Bernard Sheridan, : side world. may be obtained by calling Mrt. Drug Store, 943 Main, Mall Orders court oe seme-ster of this col- pot Mmsclf In a minority post already is making trouble with­ Filled. next meeting a time schedule eration also, liazarding the unions ba'cking^Betancourt de Ml'S. Robert Walsh, Mrs. Weldon OOR. Kcenomists generally re in tile. Common Market. Mem­ ' Many firms inside and outside Soblelo or any member of the fo r completion of the studies gueea that operation ot an in­ to r itr ik e ' ' * " “'** I 'a^rt'F^^^ committee, or may be purchas­ nounced the call a mala convinced that Western bers haV^ promised one another the area have built factories and of the NRC's three subcom­ cinerator m i^ t )iave to be sus­ fizzled. be in by Jan. 15 19^ ,,^^0 Brydon, Mias Carol Lefeb- B urope ought to continue to to come to-Internal agreements planned their future on the con­ ed at the door the evening of mittees — organlaatlon, tech­ pended ckiring i>eiriod.s of high To l>o Sketchy Janice Scanlon and Inuxrrt much of Its food. by the end of this year on some tinuation of this process. By the card party. nical and site, "Unless we es­ air pollution such as the area FOSSII, DEPOSIT' \ Mrs. Elmore (Uz) Humpnes | Woiidv Bo%-d. D* Gaulle has found himself basic products' . grain, beef,, Jan, 1. 1970, internal tariffs are Nofice tablish ‘milestones’,” Carino wii; do portrait sketches In char-, are Mia. Nel.son exp^enced a few weekfl ago. G AINESVILLE. Flu. (AP) dairy products and rice. 't'QO I oil At Sil\Gr t^H . ILTn* AntAwvnv A l^niifUtFino repeatedly at odds with the oth­ to disappear entirely and all said, " I get the ugly feeling we Mrs. D o r o t h y Jacobson, er members—the Netherlands, The Common Market Execu­ U.S. to Train Riot* member countries will impose WE HAVE DAILY Will just fumble along.” cihalnhan of the CRPA. earlier S n g " s YWi' .M-eaocJie. Pour- BelgliDn, Italy, Luxembourg tive, a nine-man supranational the same tariffs on goods com­ I rice Council of Catholic V. | Ernest Aapin- Abe Nussdorf of Nussdorf in the meeting had turned over and meet notably, the West Ger­ commls.sion, has proposed that ing from outside. CANBERRA — Auatralla mlllion year old hones fori en at th>.,Alton home on Heb-■ Anthonv Maneg- plan* t» buy four new Otoaron- DELIVERY TO THE Construction Co:, Manettester, to the NRC technical corres­ paleontologist.^ of the Unlvcr- many at Chancellor Ludwig grain prices be made uniforms roil Rd. .Sa.turday from 1 to 4 ! gia. Mes Williauii Houle a n d “ Now ," said a member of the cto«B nUbmarineii. costing J60,- one of two citizens present, pondence from a firm that con- •sity of Florida. Dr. Clayton E. ■riiaitl. throughout the area for next Pdii Mrs. Ray Cooconi wHl as.« commisslMi, “ we are like sepa­ 000,000, from Britain. Delivery urged the committee to include Btruota toclneratoTB. ”an<4 “ an Rav, assi.stant curator of the iVanee, the area’s biggest year’s crop. That would mean Mrs. Hum phri^ js also con- rate Indies connected by a com­ i« due in 1066WW. Also, 16 new In its consideration the affer up-to-date report" on the «joni- .Mrs. James Rufini, chairman fhrm producel-, wants its mar­ a drop of 18 per cent In prices plicated system of canals and BOLTON Florida State Museum, .^ys the ^^buting a ' picturV enUUed lieUcoptera, oowUng nearly »8,- his firm has made to build an poetlng process in Phoenix; new find is the be-st vertebrate ___ of Ifhe eveigreen table, has been kets hi the other five countries for West German farmers, and iooka. ’Then, our economics will Incinerator and contract with Yucca Flats" to the Art sale. refuse dis­ She has studied with Rocfcpori akas. Mrs. A. Sourey and Mm. for French pea.sants. Although Fuats sriH be t«is)ed in the parently not doing very well." Dig That Crazy, Cozy Cohesion! known in the eastern United epHe its high prices. French Enthusiasts for European AREA posal. and local artists as wceii as w ^ Raymond Myedte. UMted StatM. -After Mrs. Nelson’s remarks This Is th* laUst, man! And the greateet! Urot’a what ywai hear around Seattle’s Ingra­ States. erhiat for example, sells for at German farmers would get unity are looking forward to an Miss AUs Bronson and Louis -. Working on hand made arti­ He said his proposal had not urging oompostlng, Nussdorf ham High Sobool these days about a king-sized, knitted sweater fo r two. like the flashy, The location of the find is be­ least a third more than the compensation, they oppose it earlier date—Jan. -1966—after Fusarl. She currAnlly )isa point­ c l e Uie aftemioosi wrorknhoft and have the votes to make KIBITZING INVITED been Included In th* Northeast related that at a recent Detroit red and white one being worn here by EXleen WtUtams, 16, and Jim Hudson at a recent In­ ing kept secret to protect spec­ 2 world price. which a great number of impor­ Refuse Study Agency report, ings in four Manchester stores, hoad^.by Mrs. Vincent Perac- their anger felt when E rhard, UNIVERSITY PARK, Ps. LENOX oanference, he had met the graham focitbaU game. TTiey caJI It a "tw eter." R ’s like wowmdlle, man! Warm, too. imen from the curious. The ex­ Weat Germany, a big food im­ tant decisions can be taken by but was mentioned in the Including a prize-winning land ahk) ha'^^e been Mr*. Gaeprin sacks re-election in 1965. i (A P )—’Three art professors of Phoenix public works director (AP Photoflax). cavation ha.s already brought porter, hae shown willingness to a weighted majority vote among refuse study report of the Cap­ forth a complete rhinoceros -scape, and .several paintings on Morsa. Mr>. Aspinwall. Mrs. In the rules proposed for beer, the Pennsylvania State Univer­ PHARMACY who said the city's department boy even more than it does now the member countries. This wifi- itol Region Planning Agency skeleton, an extinct sand piper, i exhibit in New York state, Marreggia, Mr*. Walter Ziitter, eoialde the Common Market— dairy products and rice, there mean the end of the veto exer­ sity luivs developed a lecture- of health had cloeed Its com­ (CRPA). cause It was not ‘ivorking suggestion to study and consid- It changed its regular meeting pieces of an extinct relative o f ; Watercolors and paintings Mrs. Paul Robotto Mrs. Leo notably In the United States. In would again be advantages for cised by all six—particularly demonstration In which they posting plant. He said the proc­ m l. C IM T U IT. out," and described composting er composting would be fol­ to the second Thursday of each the Florida alligator, a camel for the sale have been donated Grunbolati. Mra. Nh^bi^te Fillo- l etum. R would like to get France—and some for th e , France. It is not expected that With Political Overtones paint o r stage while the au­ Expressing ddeappolntment ess was not working, that It lowed. iivonth to avoid cornflict with .skull, several types of turtle, by Mrs. Marie Bulterfosa Mrs. ranio. Mrs. Catherine FHljotwnM Amarlean tariffs reduced on Netherlands and Italy, as well— j the other five will gang up to President Kennedy and Broadway actress Carol Lawrence exchange glances during a ptetura- dience la encouraged to ai^ tfaeit mors people « 3 " • Novak, Does it Make into a m get these extras tree! Bed?; Powell, The Kindly Ones; Beige «■ »«»• Button, Apollo at Go; Waller, The Banker. Non-flctlon books include; Chase, The Elephant* Arrive at Half-past Five; Consumer Union Report on Smoking; DeCamp, Ancient Bng;ineers; Durant, The Age of Louis XrV; Eisenhower, MOTOROLA Mandate for Change 1963-1966; Larousse. Encyclopedia of the N Ancient and Medieval World; 83” swnf*. Mallis. Handbook of Pest Con­ trol; North. Rascal; Semenow. CONSOLi TV Questions and Answers In Real Estate; Taber, Another Path; WUcox, Five Centuries of Am­ erican Costume. Brtcto The Orange will meet to­ / morrow at the Cmnmunlty Hall // for a program entitled "Nassau Custom-stylatl in gwwfn* Built in swivel boc* fcr DELIVERY Night." Bruce Ronson will mahogany hardwood. any angle viewing. Dalum show slides of his trip. Hostess­ ON CONSOLE TVS es are Mrs. Elsie Jones and ’ 20,0(W volts of pictur* hand wired chassis wlA Mrp. Anthony M anegglA powmr. Full power trans­ precision craftmanship WITHIN TRADING AREA Supt. Philip C. U gou ri is re­ former for sharp, clear for longer life. Deluxe I f covering from surgery at Meri­ .interference-free recep­ tested tubes meet the meet R IV IR f l U L I ’*ROTAL ADAOlO M Iftir DOUBLI den Veterans Hospital, th* school office reports. He plane tion. Tinted glass mini* rigid high parfarmane* 9K I JA C K IT S f.T-R.|.T-C-N FANTf K N IT SUITS to return to his duties on a mixes glare & provides standard. Maximum pictur* part-time basis Monday. excellent visual contrast. brilliance & clarity. Cir« Lighted channel indicator euit sentry preteem o f 1 0 . 9 9 6 . 9 9 6 . 9 4 Mondieeter Evening Herald V ninst overload. Tinted cfc* Bolton correspondent, deine- for easy viewing. 283 Omrpwe at 14.99 OcMpara at 9.99 OamjMura at i4.99*IIJt w«61 I'oang, telephone 643-8881. s<). in. viewing orao. shad* RItar gloM. 3BE sg. in. viewing c m *. SERVICE Excitingly styled with Luxurious blond of holonce Two pioco double hnit wool quilted nylon on ono side, nylon and rayon...with suits...the sooson’s latest Japan Elects House 90 DAYS IN HOME print ocototo on tho oihor... curtain styl* res*, groan, navy- ON CONSOLE TV'S & FULL drop hood... worm orlon portlonod in length tor brown and...... bloelc. Sixes I a-161I TOKYO (AP)—A prospering WILDLY LOW PRICED fllUr...Blaelc, brown, blue, porfoet fit. S (8-16), M (10-18) Japan elected a new House cif SERVICE GUARANTEE groon...S-M-L T (12*12*18)...block, royal. Representatives today In a lack­ \ § o m m rariM ni’* ON ALL loOM luster election expected to re­ APPLIANCES turn Prem ier Hayato Ikeda's CLOCBC eiADIOi pro - Western Liberal-Demo­ crats to power by a genermu margin. 1 9 8 8 Complete result.>< are not *m- pected until late Friday, m, toff staftlug Twaka to nwsi c** WISH A laggard turnout in the early hours was followed by an up­ dock. Automatic voIuom control maintains • DOUBLE MISSIS' OUTSTANDING Plugs in for AC operation or remove rodie surge near closing time. unifonn, troubio froovotusso. Soolod dyno- The National Election Biu-eau & take it with you. Th* radio will operate CORDUROY VALUI MISSIS' pcfwor spoaher fir ridi tan* toMlHy. GUARANTEE estimated tlial about 70 per cent on its own battery. Clock w ill continue SKIRTS SHIRTS of the 61 million eligible voters to operate on AC power. Includes oorphona MAKERS 8, OUR OWN went to the polls. In eight pre­ tres receptacle. ' GUARANTEE Kin vious postwar elections the per­ li OF SATISFACTION! centage has varied between 71 TRIMMED COATS 2 * 9 4 and 77. SUPERBLY Csmpara at 9.N-I.88 Oampara at 2.M Th* latest stylo* ilyls THIS COUPON W ORTH TAILORED for tho young & dork plaid* and ToKnomPUIlCHAUOF'AMt light-hsortod... solid*...for that End bock wraps, A lino smart look... I 9 I I A end action types mod* to soil for The FAMOUS that givs os you mueh more J llscirIkkP®** novs...Gr**n, 32*31 Rsdsmsoble et Crond-Wmr -eelie"«* block, gray, blue... Search LavHi-Wey c o u n te f^ ^ BRANDS 8-161 YOU KNOW AND TRUST for DIAMONDS! ARE ALWAYS IP STOCK! i*< W e have estabhdwdow RIOPNA D IIP SW IlP RioiNA nooei leputation by dealing only IONA RLINDiR in the finest diamonds .. i niCTIlIBCMOOM poLesHn-fCRUBUiei AND ICI CRUSHIR IONA you are assured qnality m OUR LOW SEE OUR LOW HAND and value. Budget your SEE OUR LOW *LARGE diamond too. LOW PRICE LOW PRICE LOW PRICE S-T-R-l-T-C-N oiRir Dee* sweep krssh cleena Provides profsssioitel For drinks, soups, sol* SELECTIONS C O M P A U I AT STRAP S-T-R-l-T-C-N cut kUdsnMl...... ditsp dewn rue shampooing. All me- od dressing, desserts Three speeds. Aulem- GRANO-WAY MAKES 5 5 9 .9 8 BRAS SLACKS dlrt...mek*s youf rugs’ tel 400 watt motor. In­ A baby foods. 2 speeds S - S etic ejection. Powerful SURE YOU'VE GOT Ifek Ilk * new, Ths mod* cludes 3 sots o( bruskos, for proelslen blending. PLENTY TO CHOOSE buffing pods, psd hoi* Stainless stool cutting 100 watt torque meter ' Single breaited coat of em way t* cloan carpel* ...full powered tor *11 FROM! A here (leers. dors. >2 *a. bottle blades, lee crusher Wyondott* Lustroib with f o ' SETTING *f rug shampoo A' cord attachment produces mixing need*. 3150.00 tor fro* Jehnson wox. 4 quarts of loo in 90 M ft ' slash pockets & warm Ropool of m soil* Oempara at 2.91 R *ie>i etc ^econds. interlining...beautiful out... Stretch w Worm & coxy nylon ' chin mink collar...taupc straps stay perfect­ '1 I ly in place...only fleec* book for , with Autumn hax* miiik mov* when you oetiv* comfort... TROY •EASY ^ coilar./.8-18...Just one mov*...w*ar them slim lino with beet ^ from a large assortment off ths shoulder, strop for that VROCTOR sportive, PORTARLI HAND of mink or squirrel trim shoulder tip or TERMS regular position.., block, royal... coNTTseoefiaT 4 -SLICI TOAfTI VACUUM CLIANMI '■ cocUs at th* some, 3-6x; 7*14 tmme VERY LOW DOWN podded and un- fabulous prico. podded in whit* 3250JX) PAYMENTS' UP TO cotton...A,B,C ii» » 36 MONTHS TO PAY eeps In eixes 32*401 iP For averyvery cleaningclean! & dust­ Moot! svory dsoMHid of tvory fam­ ily. SIpctronic tolor boom out*- ing need! Weighs 3H lbs. SMdeally adjusts leosdng time to Buy the attachments givo ths exact sheds of teoit ds- you'll be able to do ac •Irsd. Toests ony kind of breed ATTACHMIlirS much as you could with SUOOR svsn fraxsn. And Ms os bsou- .« full six# cleaner. Mlwi m It's sffisisnt. 4 e R t


,\ P A G E N iN R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.* THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2i, 1963 PAG B B IG H T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1963 the weather,” says onglnosr ucate the children of man who reaMkm for being. Shorn of its Richard Wood, one of the top Remember Patsy Li? looked around at him,” Shoup rtputoNtion for false i^de and said. died at Tarawa. Bridge Over Firth of Forth men on.the project’’ M o d e^a t e s Tonight, as on all other annl- Toupees Ride High parted from Its heritage of ven- Marine Commandant “ A sniper had put a bullet be­ P.A.C. ky and ataiUM, Ute toupee by Even when weather to deemed tween his eyes.” versajTes of the battle, Shoup suffiolently fair for the work to will meet with a group of Ita n^-oentury could be seen for To Link Highland and Low Guadalcanal Mascot Shoup was silent a moment. what It really wae—a .visual proceed, the pligftt of a latoorer Appointed to “ I wouldn’t be here today if I survivors. atop the swaying siructare la They will gather at the com­ In Freudian. Age aid. a home topprovement, a Recalls Tarawa Fight hadn’t turned to look at him.” hUkkn persuader. By PATRICK MASSEY ^the Forth was made in the -grduous. Jackets have to be For, Just then, another bullet mandant’s home for the last 1870’s, preceded by a rail bridge buttoned tightly for fear of. Posts tune before he refiras on Dec. But whatever th e newly Associated Press Now Denver Nurse fired by a Japaiiese sniper hit By WABD OANNEL ' t Kaplan, president of the House Staff WHter acroas the FliXh o f Tay, fartoer batoonlng. Feet slither cn raln- By FRED 6. HOFFMAN ^fected, Cot, Shoup fearlessly ex- 91, ending a 87-yaar, career wljh adorned scalp ntoy mean to the the water, spent its force and (NEA) of F(eder. "For women, the wig U.8. male, ft U already putting north. slkcdced girders. pose'id himself to the terrific the Corps. EDINBURGH. Scotland (AP) T’hat was the night BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)— WASHINGTON (AP) After slammed into Shoup^s neck. n e w YORK (N BA) — WoU, is fashion. For men, the hair a gigantic on the One night in 1879, the Tay Four huge safely nets are By JEAN SPRAIN WILSOK t and relentlesB r~tillery,- machine If it had hit him in the face, ’They will swap stories. BINGOP.A.C. lALLROOM squeeze —Two huge and spidery H^igort AP Newsfeature Writer Melenese natives broke through B-aql President Abdel Salsm 20 years. Marinee G«Gen. Davtd piece solves a. deep emotional bridge coltapeed imder the slung imder the structure to gim and rifle . . . They will also pause for what gt was bound to happen. With world’srld’s hhair supply. the enemy firing lines to bring Aret named Wedneaday'^rtjfht a Shoup believes, he would have rveed. ^ Until only a few. years ago of steel strain out from t h e ^ w ^ t of a train, killing 75. As catch tumbling workers. Several In comparative anonyinlty to­ M. Shoup still relives the bibod- Shoup said will be a moment of EVERY MONDAY— 8 P.Ma. the women’# wig in d u s t r y to Father Gehrtog, the chaplain “ Rallying his hesitant troops been killed. Instead, he escaped "Nievertheless, wig wearing moat o f the first quality pcolte shores of Scotland's Flrtnf^ result the Forth project was times, these have saved lives, moderate cabinet ddmlnated by drenched battle of Tarawa—all . . . he gallantly led them across with a -badly swollen neck. "reverent thought.” day, an attractive CSilnw- then, tlwlr bloody and feverish 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILU cMfnbing from ground zero to has been largely reaponsible for and toupee material came from of Forth. ed. but one man has been killed. hla military associates. It In­ but a few vital seconds that re­ the frinjdng reefs to charge the In all, Shoup wSs struck in Ametican girl in her Btimy burden, a 5-year-old Chines# over $T6 million in lees than two the recent spurt In men's hair Italy at a cost of about |10 Before Cftristmas the finger­ early engtneeia had The bridge will cany two cludes leading Baathlsts from main a blank in his mind. heavily fortified island and re­ nine places. Most of the. wounds pieces.” ded the power of starched nurae's uniform rustles glri. Her head waa bashed in’ ’Those were the seconds it inforce our harA-pressed, thinly were niqks, he said. Idle Claims U p years, the Image o t U n ited per pound. Today, says a dealer, tips Should touch and lock with 24-foot roadways, divided by tlib government he ousted as But jurt what one has to do first quality white la up to the east winds that batter throuhg the halls of a Denver, and her fqet had been slashed took Shoup to dash about 40 held lines . . .’* Among his souvenirs of the States maacuNnity has takeii a trlulnphant clang of boHs — 10-fool center strip, with' c ^ e well as pro-Nasser elements. with the other, or why a man nearly $300 per pound. Scotland. The ‘TSay bridge w-aa Colo., hospital ministering to by bayonets, yards across bullet-swept coral battle is a small, black piece of 7 During Week UK>ther sudden Jolt. forging a new IkA across the tracks and walkways on the Graying but still rugged-look­ Is willing to pay |200 for some­ "And ■we’ve had to send pros- built to withstand a wind pres­ outside. Oonneoting superhigh­ the needs of patients. She survived to be named Isolated shooting conUnued In sand to the shelter of a block­ ing, Shoup reminisced about'the Japanese steel still embedded In Naw York, foe example, it htotoiic gap between lowiands body else's hair la one of those peotora out to comb Latin Amer­ sure of 10 pounds a square ways have already been bulk, to It is surprising that she is Patsy Li, since her nwmory had Baghdad in mopup operations house wall. ^ battle as he sat in his big, me­ in the Joint of his left thumb. is no kmgar a novelty to see and highlands against remnant.s of the Baath- Unemployment claims filed problems that make a ci\’Ul*a- ica and the Iron Curtain coun­ It will rank in the top leaijuc foot, a figure woefully Inade­ link with road syateme north seldom recognized, since each mercdfully blanked out recollec- From there, the man who was mento-cluttered office at Marine For two days, Shoup stood at t ^ . 1st national guard. But the new in Mandiester during the week the iaot bulwark sllp- tries for new reaources. It’s a of the world’s great suspehsion quate. and sotilh of the Forth. tQoredibie chapter in the life of Uion of her own name or her to become commandant of the headquarters. his command post under con­ ending Nov. 16, followed the MANCHESTER ptr^ Identity — the bart)ershop According to hair historian In 1890, a cantilever rail Patsy Li. miracle girl, mascot I Patsy was srrlved'at be- revolutionary government was stant fire and without medical real heaitoche.” bridges. Its main span o t 3,300 Marine Corps directed the sav­ “ It's as clear as though it was pattern of the state as a whole. _ now htUtog itself aa a “hair Peggy Beil, this preoccupation bridge was built across the ■ At preeeml, road traffic cross­ and sweethoeut of Guadalcanal, caue It was clcaest to the Chi- reported firmly in control of the age assault on the tiny central treatment. “ I had no time to feet is expected to open next yesterday,” Shoup told an inter­ and (flowed very little change gtyllst emporium.” wltli the scalp and coif can be Forth with wind pressure re* ing the Forth has to use the was widely publicized as it hap- for “ LltUe Pet,” tod the Iraqi caplul. Pacific Island which imperial feel sorry for myself,” he said. summer. Kincardine bridge, 10 miles up­ viewer in accents that reflected from \aet laat wweek. traced back throughout record­ 2 . 7 % Otm Organs alstance of up to 58 pounds per pened. Li was added because the father "Some stubborn teen-agers Engaged Japan had converted into a Did he know fear? Of the staggering |5S0 mU- “Firth of Forth* to the Scot­ stream from the new site, or his Indiana birth. A total o f 699 persons drew CYCLE SHOP gon men’s toiletries market, one ed history—^from the Egyptian square foot. Not long ago when It sqemed .^vas wearii^ a Lee hat are hanging on,” a government ’The engagement of Miss Anne fortress. “Absolutely not.” said the tish deaigiwition for the eikuary scramble for room on a ferry “ But there’s one period of sev oompensation checks here, sev­ of the fastest growing catego­ murals eihowiing men wearing OKICAGO — The American of the rtver Forth. The Firth It stands there to this day. a to Father Frederick Oehrtng phe Marines who crouched in spokesman said. “ Their ammu­ Marie Infante to Joseph S. ’That three-day battle, which Marine commandant.' “ I didn’t service of three ships. These eral seconds that’s been a blank en more then for the week end­ 149 Middit Tpke. W#s^—Phono 649-2098 r ic is hair preparation.^, up bangs and long tresses made of Music Conference eeUmates cuts into Scotland’s eastern few miles west of Edinburgh that at last these added up to a foxholes With her then stiU nition will soon run out.” began at dawn just 20 years ago have time. ships now carry 600,(100 cars a Packard, both of Manchester, all these years. ‘ ing Nov. 9. The Rockville area nearly 15 per oent over two .animal pelts or •vegetable fiber that 2.7 per cent of the nation’s flank, just north of Edkiliurgh and near the new highway happy-ever-after, he with writ- remember vividly how they lost Aref, regarded as a figure­ yesterday, was the most co.stly “ I don’t think a man who’s Bob Kiernan with 11 years experience In the 54,000,000 homes have console year across the Forth. er Martin Abramson, put tha their own fright clowning and has been announced by heV par­ “I remember looking over a busy has any sensation of fear.” dropped from 16Q claimants to years ago. to 19th ccntiuy English bar­ and south of. the foothills of bridge. head president under the Baath.- brief engagement in Marine his­ risters and Judges who wore electric or electronic organs The bridge is costing about extraordinary events into a atnging to distract the little girl ents, Mr. and Mrs. Romeo D. coconut log barrier and pick­ Shoup said nothing about 142. ' business is now carryinjf on following the death In Los Angeles today It atirs wild highlands. The advent of the automobile Ist regime he ousted Monday, tory. Manchaatar remained in the wigs to signify their status. The Pacific Coast area Teadc in numbers brought pressure $26 minion. A toll of 35 cenZs book called “Ohlld of Mhraaes.' fporn the whining, booming Infante of 168 Autumn St. ing the route I would take. I prayer during the desperate of his father. bardly any comment to hear of Down the centuries, invading named himself president of the Wien It was over. 990 Marines with 4.7 per cent. More than for a road crossing to supple- (2(4 sMUlngs) is expected. Then the priest s good frlwd jyjrr^ij.s around them. Her fiance 1s the son of Mr. remember reaching the block- battle, but commented: “ You do fifteenth apot statewide, In a barber being flown to Texas For a brief period at the turn onnles and traders have been new government and picked the were dead—many shot down be­ numher o f daim s filed. 10,000 such organs were sold ment the railroad bridge . ^ e Jenny Groewlnger threw a party former Baathlst premier. Brig and Mrs. Jo.seph L. Packard of with my radio man. But a certain amount of meditating to trim the hair of an Indus­ of the century, the hair piece forced to swing west on tlielr Eventually, Father Oehrlng .1______> . . 69 Durant St. fore they could wade ashore I’ve never been able to recon­ Ftrst was Bridgeport with BICYCLE REPAIRING last year. project was decided on in the REWARD at her resort for the co-authors Ahmed Hassan Bakr, as vice from disabled or stranded land­ beforehand.” trialist who sim ^y is not will- enjoyed a more common vogue Journeys to the far north. rellnqutohed his charge to an Infante is employed by struct what ‘ happened in be­ 3,847; New Haven was second 20s but depression years forced LIND8BORG. Kan. (AP) — aa well as seme of the Guadal­ president. ing craft. Another 2,311 leather­ His most acute memories are All Types, Expert Guaranteed Workmanship Ing to take a cnance on local and could be found on aa many WHO WILL THEY U8TEN TO? The Romans were the firs’, to canal alumni who had been orphanage. Burt her name as ths- the Connecticut Society for Crip­ tween.” with 3,229; followed by Hart­ set up a ferry system across such projects into the back- When Bethany College was A 21-man cabinet includes necks were wounded. the promises he made in an ef­ styHsts. clerks as bosses. But for the BELGRADE (AP) — A shoe among Patsy’s 10,000 to « e r ermbattled island’s sweerthbart pled Children and Adults and Shoup had crouched behind ford, 2,800, and Waterbury, 2,- the Forth, mudi to the aston'idi- ground. TTien came World War I scheduled to play (College of reached a Singapore mother eight holdover members works Only 18 of the 4.800-man Jap­ fort to comfort some of those Soles — Service — SotisfocHoii But moat telling of all In the next decades it fell out of fash­ factory here sent two experts to parents during World War II works from her home. Mr. the log barrier after wading .sev­ 669. ion and remained only as a me.1t of who beUeved the II and its aftermath of financial j Emporia, football line coach whose' own Patsy Li had dis­ sentlng the moderate wing of anese garrison lived to be cap­ who were dying under the blaz­ wake o f the ladies’ wig boom Africa to look into the possibil­ crl.see. John Hickman of Bethany made Because of her nursing sched­ Rackard is employed by the eral hundreds yards through ing sun of Tarawa—promises to vital part of the theatrical treacherous water were Im- appeared Into the sea after the Baath party. Hartford National Bank and tured.-" The rest were slain in has been the unprecendente'l ities of expanding Yugoslavla’a Preparatory work waa even- a pledge, " e promised his team ule, the heroine of the book in their bunkers, or killed them­ I shallow water, churned by bul- help take care of their children. 5 o r More in Room wardrobe. More than a few posslbe to cross. bombing of the passenger ship, The new premier is Maj. Gen. Co., Manchester Branch. DEALERS FOR COLUMBIA, growth in the men’s toupee in­ shoe trade there. tuaJly started in 1957. The ac- that the first lineman to spill failed to make the portv. Taher Yahyai military chief of selves rather than surrender. ' lets and exploding shells. “These promises I made with­ Hollywood stars have main­ They came back with two -In subsequent centuries, fer­ Nevertheless, she was the belle Kuala. Both are graduates of Manches­ dustry. rymen had__ the_ power _ _ to _ make tual building commenced in, Bruce Upstlll, Emporia’s out- staff under the Baath. Shoup 68, has good rea.son to Shoup started walking toward out any realization of how I SINGAPORE — Striving to HUMBER ENGLISH While no over-all industry tained their glamor and suc­ highly different viewpoints. of it. and the talk of It, as Won’t Take “No” 2 ter High School. or b i ^ a poTitTcai cause. One 1960 and was expected to reach | standing quarterback, for a remember Tarawa—he won the shore when his amphibious trac- could fulfill them,” he said. meet a fantastic population ex­ cess by little more than a hair­ “ There are no chances to ex­ Deapite years of coireapond- Another leading Baath office No date has been set for the SEE ME BEFORE BUYING and SAVE figure# are aivallable, leaders Scottish ruler took pain.s to' completion by June this year, loss, would get a ride down Patsy will always be wherever holder. Brig. Hardan Takrltl. Medal of Honor there. I tor was knocked out. His am- “ Yet those men died believing plosion, Singapore is building line. poiit shoes there. The people go men met again who were on the ence with Mrs. Ruth Li in ■which wedding.' in the hair piece business esti­ compel the ferrymen not to Fog, driving rain and wind up- Main 8treet in a wheelbarrow. was named defense minister. The citation said: [track's driver was picked off. what I promised.” immense, 14-story apartment mate that toupee wearing has It was not until psychiatry barefoot,” one reported Leland Pfaff, senior tackle from parched and vermin-infested the priest reasoned It was ftn- buildings. Each apartment con­ PICK-UP and DELIVERY r overcharge those coming to his set the schedule, He was the air force command­ “ Although severely shocked' The colonel cla.sped hands To make good on those battle­ doubled in the past five years. began to replace the movies as "Prospiecta to,, sell shoes are 33 Atwood, Kan., did the job and South Pacific island on Oct. 1.1, possible in view of Patay’a them from getting tangled in by an exploding enemy shell with a Marine corporal and be- field promises, Shoup has put sists of one room and is ob­ excellent because everybody is support I ”We lost something like madeup name, the mother be­ er. WILL SAVE FOR CHRISTMAS •The motivation is quite dif­ the national pastime that the The first attempt at bridging ‘ per cent of working time due to got the ride. 1942. The key post of interior min­ the clothesline. I always use soon after landing . . . and suf-' gan pushing his way along the all his weight behind a scholar­ tainable only if husband and ferent, of course,” says Ben hair piece got its first modern barefoot,” reported the other. came ohsessed with the idea ister went to Gen. Rashid Mus- plastic clothespins for stockings fering from a serious, painful shallow reef, ship fund set up by the 2nd Ma­ wife have at least three chil' that she might be her daughter. leh, who was military governor to prevent snags. —H. R. S. leg wound which had become in-1 “ I felt his grip tighten, and I rine Division Association to ed­ dren. Ignoring further arguments of Iraq under the overthrown that Patoy had been found administration. thousands of miles from the MaJ. Subhi Abdul Hamid, an (Chinese coasUand where she unknown, was named foreign had last seen her own child minister. NOW WITH CHRISTMAS ONLY 28 SHOPPING DAYS AHEAD! clinging to a suitcaw, the de- Other posts went to middle-of- termlnied mother made a pil­ the-road Arab nationalists and GRAND-WAY BREAKS AN UNHEARD OF STORE-WIDE SALE grimage to the orphanage in one Kurd, Mualeh Naksbandi. the Neiw Hebrides Island to see who was named mlnlkter of tor herself. state. Previous Iraqi govern­ Amazingly, through aoars, ments have been at war with birth marks, medical reporta the Kurds, who are seeking au­ and the opinions of handwriting tonomy. .experto. the child was identified 12" Tfleyelo...8.99 imqueationably as her own Excluded was the extreme 16" Trleyelo...lO.^ Patsy Li. wing of the Baath Socialist par­ EJven the myMxiry a t how the ty, headed by ex-Deputy Pre­ SAVB *7 TO *9 ON MEN’S child turned up In the South mier All Saleh Saadi. Saadi was Pacific was later partially ex­ exiled to Spain last week and plained by some British sea­ now is in Athens, Greece. men. They had reroued such a Also dropped were Saadi’s ri­ r child following the Kuala sink­ vals in last week’s power strug­ ing and had placed her on a gle, Foreign Minister Taleb She- small Chineee ship. blb and Deputy Interior Minis­ S PO. MICKEY MOUSE lO.SS VAC-U-FORM IM S OHATTY Short Relationship ter Hasen Jawad. ’They have WUIJUDR 1.17 10'* TRICYOLE OATHY SAYS PHONOQRAPH OOMK^^ 2.57 Perhaps the chaplain might been exiled to Beirut. PLASTIC WITH HEAVY II PHRASES 8 .9 9 WITH OS’s I 7 I’«... have ■written his book then and The government spokesman STEEL OOPINQ att|«*ao .5.99 ^.^MOLDIMB KIT ■tft»««88889<8.88 YAfNICA there, tor this was miracle warned against trying to pin any iL i enough. But the ending was label on the new regime. 0 . RMM R H L IX not yet happy. Removing Patsy Asked about its attitude to­ from the orphanage, the only ward President Nasser of the ZOOM security she had come to know, United Amb Republic, he said, CAMIRA created a wall of resentment ••We feel'Ujat every Arab is our that the mother finally had to brother. Evecv country that re­ ooicede sh» could not sur­ N spects us—Arab or foreign—has mount. our respect.” 67.97 Reluctantly, Mrs. Li shipped V’ It la generally bejieved that her stranger child to America Aref will strive for tlpser ties Fast FI.8 loom Uni. to tlie priest who had received EUetrlc oya axpotur* with Nasser, whom he adpilres. PALOMINO SPRINQ 12.88 BIQ BRUISER her in her trouble long ago. control. Roflox thru- In London, 300 Iraqi students lETTY OROCKER JR. HEAVY OOHSTRUOTION BATTERY OPERATED-^ How To Spell It RADIO S T E E L HORSE WITH tho-loni viowingl occupied the Iraqi Embassy for MIN'S 100% BARIRO KIT WITH ^ WESTERN SADDLE. 9 .9 9 WRECKING TRUCK ...... 1 i I . Y 9 Needing help, he appealed to six hours to protest the coup in COMPARE AT 17.98-19.P8 ^ MIXES A UTEMSILS...... STAKE WAGON...... 8 .9 9 a longtime friend. Miss Eleanor their homeland. They left peace­ ALPACA iWIATIRS Bumgardner. roving secretary fully after Ambassador Abdul YOUR CHPICI S for Washington's Supreme Court A A 0MFV8 at Bazzaz assured them Baathlsts justices. The wwian e'veryhody 0 were being included in the new Pnllsvir 5 l.n-12.91l . f l - A. •oiivInD SwodD L««tkDr OrloR* calls “Lady” became Patsy's government. Y-naek pullover and 6 button legal guardian, counselor, and cOrdigon, Pullover swootors PIU Llnod idcIcDts affectionate mother. witn olbow potchai. Cardigans Top quality isothsr! With sip front & knit trims*..OfloN The Guadalcanal alumni acat- With Ygockatt. Naw burnlihad N bered across the country In high Polly’s Pointers tonal. Se^bruthad look. acrylic p il. linod...baigo, poVrtor, lodsn, brown... CIPHIR I positions and average ones also Wonderful gift Itomf. S-M-L-XL 36—46. r responded to the priest’s mes- TAPI ages with money for their .onis- OarEigM.... .X ...... T o f f Pimcy Nyloii R«YDrtlbl« Ski JiNkolS TUCOR "TRU.- SPARE THE VACUUM 2BKEY WALNUT. JUNIORS’ RICORDIR time mascot’s ^ucptlon. M l LO V A B LE ACTION" ELECTRIC . Greek Key quilting with contrasting color* SPINET PIANO S P C . TA B LE Father Gehring waa on hand By POLLY CRAMER ORINK 'N* WET A CHAIR SET oo8gt««l8#t 6 .9 9 FOOTBALL CAME...... at George Washington Univer­ V verses to 2 ply solid color nylon...Orion acrylic quilt Newspaper Enterprise Assn. WITH MUSIC. .4 .9 9 9 9 .9 5 sity when the onetime 'waif of lining...roll up hood...block, blue, white... S-M-L-XLt TIIIY TEARS COLL.. 3 .9 9 DEAR POLLY — I spread an 3 ipood, push button Guadalcancd received her dtplo- ma, podsed, attractive and old sheet on the floor and. one C. C«kr«lta L«Rtk«r topo roeordor. Eoiy to \ ODRiflnG Orl«N* ^ - oporoto. Booutiful, (oitn- Amerixanlzed. Her mother, at over my bedspread when I sew L««tk«r Jack«ts ful sound. last reconciled with Patsy, was Ui my wall-to-wall carpeted bed­ -Pil«iLiii«d there, too. Mode of the finest leather with zip front & knit trim in The exactly right ending for room. It is not necessary to run IsAVE ON CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, TAPE RECOROERS the vacuum. When I am \ D.i block, toffy, loden...36-46. his book came about a few 64,97 Yashicomat LM twin lens reflex camera...59.97 years later, when the priest through cutting and sewing for WdoI/ Nylon, Coskmoro stood at the to hear her the day, I simply roll up the 89.97 Kodok fully autamatic 8mm projector...... 89.97 marriage vows. sheets, take them outside and Romkor Inckotf 'X; 17.44 MARX Monojet SP electronic strobe'flash...... 48.97 She changed her famous name shake out the threads, etc. When 9.41 AUTOMATIO MARX E-Z WEAVER 69.95 Crestline 35mm automatic slide projector.98.3T a iblt, but not much. Her hand­ metal tips on pointed-toed dress Full acrylic pile lining...panel front...covered elastic INTERNATIONAL 1 .1 1 AUTOMATIC SOORINO E L E C T R IC LOOM WITH YARN 64.97 Lucor Hi Fidelity tape recorder...... 59.97 some bridegroom, son of Chi- shoes wear off or if they never shirring on sides...odjustablt cufft...36-46 in light ROAD RACE SET ^ ^ MR.KELLY PIN b a l l BAME...... 7 .9 9 A INSTRUCTIONS.... 8 .9 9 nese-Amerioan parents, to Jos had any, a thumbtack pushed groy only. Into place in the sole of the OAR WASH... 4 .9 9 Liee. point will keep the toes' from wearing or scuffing. I learned l\ this trick to crush ice and elim­ fiAlE...CHRISTilAS TMEES Crown of Andes inate a mess. I put cubes in \ an old clean sock and hit it A FT. GRIIN « FT. ALUMINUM 8WIKL with m y ' rolling pin. I prefer Sold at $154,000 se'wing any dress-up clothes with SAVE ON FAMOUS RECORDS! VINYL T R II OR KOM-NOM T R II silk thread. I feel it wears long­ MIN’S WOOL JH IR TS LONDON (AP) — The jewel- er and is stronger than cotton. BOYS' studded O ow n of the Andes, To _ keep my pretty ribbons MACiiiNI WASNABLI which graced the Virgin of Pop- ready to use on gift packages, 6.59 8.44 CHRISTMAS ayan Cathedral in Colombia for I roll up a thin magazine and REVERSIBLE Extra full 89 bronchai. 'a ' n 80 Bronchai. Has outlet that three centuries, was sold today tape it shut. Then I wind the 4 .9 9 OiMiwr* at T.M Completa with tripod., con be plugged into woH. by an American syndicate to ribbon around the roll, fastening Colorful plolds...85% wool,-1SX SONGS & CAROLS stand. the Amsterdam diamond firm the ends with a bit of tape. I nylon blond...with parme-ttay Includes tripod stand. wdnd each color in a separate collars...mode in tho U.S.A. by one of Asschers for $164,000. The sale at 8othebys Auction spot, according to size or width, of our top mokors. S-M.U>XL. - and put the roll in a box with m f} 7' Dsluxa Aluminum Swirl Trat with 201 branqhas...... 1 7 . 9 9 House took 90 seconds. ITiere ready • to • use bows. —MRS. was a groan of disappointment H. K. T. FAMOUS ARTISTS’ from the 300 spectators who GIRLS— Insert the tack when HI FI A STERIO had hoped for. prolonged, spirit­ your shoe la off. —POLLY TRIM-A-TREE ed bidding. ' The crown, weighing 6^4 DEAR POLLY — AtUch a 12” IP ’s ECONOMY T R E E STAHO...... AM pounds and studded with 463 powder puff to your wrist with MIN’S SS% 12 OZ. QOLD OR SILVER SPRAY...... A 4 * emeralds weighing 1,251 carats, a rubber band and use it as a FAMOUS ARTISTS ILLUMINATED CARRIAOE ROST had once been coveted by Czar handy pin and needle cushion h i DACRON r u u s Gon# Autry, Koto Smith, OR SANTA CLAUS OUTDOOR LAMP...... M.MM Nicholas II of Russia. He never while sewing or fitting. — V i / r Joiso Crawford & got it because war broke out in 8. M. P. 35% Donni* Day sing your IS OZ. 6ER0S0L SHOW SPRAY..,...... A 9 1914. fovorlto Xmot songs. DELUXE 9 WAY « The crown first was placed on DEAR POLLY — Use a piece COTTON ADJUSTABLE T R E E STAND...... the statue of the Virgin because of carpet tacked on a block of the settlement had been spared wood to paint the screening In t u M . n t O ’ 12 PC. NATIVITY SET ...... ■•j ELt PAJAMAS > T o o LO R FU L G L « S URNA^K**]^*...... \ from a plague. wtodow screens. Add a handle In 1938 an American syndi­ losV sV r a n d s oV r o i l ic To l e s ...... 1 7 * to the top to avoid gettihg paint ’MAJOR LABEL cate organized by the late War­ on your hands. Paint must be 3 .5 9 BOYS’ LONO BOYS’ BOYS’ WASH CONE SHAPED FOIL TREES ...... 7 4 J ren Piper of Chicago bought thin. —NORMAN GREEN OR ALUMINUM TREESaii«.iaaei.aaia 19TF* the crown from Popayan. 'fhe GIRLS _ This Is a good one HI F112” IP’s CtmMfs at l.ll SLIIVS ACBILAN DRODORTIONID WiAR PLANNIL REVOLVINQ COLOR WHEEL . m mm. proceeds of the sale built an or- to pass on to your husbai^ Compor* at 8.98 FtMOUl tXTISTS pVianage in the Colombian city. who may like to paint 4ne Solid colors KNIT SNIRTS CORDUROY SLACKS SPORT SHIRTS David R o o , Mitch M lll.r, WITH 100 WATT B U LB ...... with trim The syndicate now is headed by screens before putting them Loroy Andorson, Kingston 18" DECORATED FLOCKED WREATH...... J. m J a New York jeweler, Oscar Hy- away for winter. The job also Button epot trio, Simoono Chorale, modolt. 2 g5 9 9 9 « Quilted nylon shell with SET OF 25 OUTDOOR LIGHTS...... M .a v msm. < will be less messy if paint is 1.49 Original Drummer Boy and World War II kept the crown poured into a old, shallow bak­ Easy eoro warm Dacron (R)' filling re­ eountloss others. 5 UNBREAKABLE DECORATED ^ woih n’ woer. OtMfVi at 131 Oaaipara at S.N Promiuin ploid pattorno off the jewel market, but it waa ing pan. Lay screens flat and verses to nylon! 4 pockets, A FA CETED ORNAMENTS ■ g*e ■■»#••• rt it* 18# •••••■•• 4 exhibited at museums in Toron­ scroea two saw horses, put pa­ Poorllxod with pormo-stoy collars FAMOUS LA B ELS 4 " BALL TINSELITE CANDLE buttons. 2 button plackot puIU Woshoblo mid-wols cotton & poorliaod buttons... hide-a-way roll-under hood, to in 1959, Denver in 1980 and per underneath to preveht mess. evors with pormo-stoy corduroy tioeko. Ivy modol,, 20th Century Fox, Birmingham, Ala., in 1981. -POLLY Full cut for 6-16. knit cuffs 1 Black and red. WITH FLOW ER...... extra comfort. collars & cnost ombU rogulor & husky 6-18. Tab 6-181 ^polyester - Cepifol, Columbia, Mercury 12" OOLORAMA DRIP OAMDLE...... 9 ^ ^ It has spent the laat lew oms...pely boggod. modots regular 6-16...olive A mohy others. JUMBO REOEHOY TWIST CANDLE...... 9 ^ months in 8othebya' dark Bond D E A R POLLY — Try, try Si-if A-B-C-D button knit cuffs:... chereeel. riovy & brown. 8treet vaults. agalQ they sxy- That elusive sil­ •to’t colors.'6w16. 8" B A Y iE R R Y SCENTED CANDLES...... * ver dollar seems worth more to *.aerylje " ,V 7 INDOOR LITES...... •.»Y me than a bowling trophy. 14,700 Acres Stripp^. When ingking peanut butter and f \ t Jaily sandwiches, spread the • KNOXyiLLKNoxyi — About 14,700 peanut butter on both slices of V. acresa ha«ehare been strip-mined tor bread. On one slice spread the coal in the Tennessee Valley— tolly on top of the peanut but­ roughly one two-thousandth, of ter. It prevents the Jelly from the total grea.. Current strip« soaking into the bread. Hang ping in the valley la at the rata stockings on the line inside of MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9;30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. o f about 1,0(X> acres a jrear. • slip. This not only keeps the MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. sun off the stopklngs but keeps •A . < I '


Reform Group cently cobcemlng . the po-sslble Quemoy Rebuilds Surface^ replacement of Harfclna, who re­ TV-Radio Tonight InPain, Tears Fill Days Change portedly was considered by the For Allowing new mllllary regime as 4oo Fortifies Linder Ground> ______iii------^ o . X' close to the previous govern­ Women Rabbis Not Altering ment. CHICAGO (A P)—The question QUC04OT (AT) There’s a^ coast — from underground. Television Of Christine Simko They've just opened a 2.000-seat whethCT women shall be or­ ipaf they puM on duffers on. the (in i»roc-f> (li) Movla (Ckmtimad Pago OiA))i Aid fromUaS. theater — underground. dained rabbis has been given a •;00 ( <) Big ( 3) Paaaword AFS Presented fcurth «B6 of the Kinmen Go« A granite hUlslde conceals an, .geqtle nudge toward final reso- reaa) ' ( 8-30-40) Fllntatonea “ ’ ■ an(l at Umes has a peculiar sen- (33) Movie at 6 (in progresa) saU(m in the leg that isn’t there, apartment for the Generalis­ luUon by a * organization (lO-aO) Eiarly Show (In prog- 3:40 ( 8-30-40) Donna Reed the pain and (discomfort Chris- Page Oae) Oub: (34) CroRsroada she has shown remarkable re­ Award for Work simo and Mme. Chiang Kai- Reform Jewish women. r*M> ( 3) RSwhlde tjne l8 enduring is normal. Her “It you ■Uce one around that ( 8) Newe covery,’! the doctor said. He Miately aft6r the meet- shek. It has a staircase that Without debate and by a sur­ (18) In the Public Intereit 8:30 (10-33-30) Or Klldara crying 1* than Miti-ntranift gun back of the ( 8-30-40) My Three Bona have j i ^ r f e c t right to ex- Qwlstlne's pain ia "pecufl- leeids deep into the heart of the prising majority, the National (34) Dlecovery lb report to President Ken­ The Atnerioein Field aer\-ice fourth green, you might hU the Federation of 'Temple Sister­ (40) Checkmate , „ (34) Perapective* pect,” a tHxAor said. ‘ f.^^rnlng sensations" a little island’s command post. 9:00 ( 3-13) Perry Maeon edy. won the Leite Bryant group Ohicom (Chinese Communlat) hoods said Wednesday in effect g;10 ( 3) Newa.eBporta and Weath­ different from most pain. The only abo\’a-ground ac­ er ( 830-40) Jimmy Deaa Christine’s bed la surrounded Manning’s report deecribed award of 41,000 for Us interna­ owiManii.” that -the answer should be yes. 8 18 (23) Club Huuae 9:30 (10-23-30) Haiel with bouquets of rones, stuffed "How long u will laat cannot It'e kidding on the square. tivity w the release of huge 1:30 ( 8) Hong Kong _ . , , (34) Kaleidoicope be said," he added. the day-long sessions as "m ore tional edK^arship program The resolution's wording was (18) Subicriptlon TV /Animals and stacks of comic Five miles west of this CJu- weather balloons, bottles, mor­ not that forthright. It called for (10-23-30) Huntley-Brinkley which promotes undTcstanding tar shells and other ingenious 40) Adventure* In Time 10:00 ( 3-13) The Nureea books. Quilted robea- gifts of of a discussion than an arrival oeae Nationaliet-held island are a conference with representa­ 34) What * New ( 8-30-4()) Edie Adama and friendshlfi among the peo- contraptions to drift National­ (34)___ In-echpol Preview friends and s t r a n d s —hang on Bakes Fates Suit at a full set of. finished decl- the hUJe of Amoy Harbor. With tives of the Central Ck)nference 18) Life of Riley the curtain rack of her bed. Aft­ a pair of dime itore binoculars, ist propaganda back to the i( 3) Walter Cronkite t*. (10-23-80) Perry Como clons.’’ ^lea of the worid. Hia an- of American Rabbis and the (12) Newsbeat 10:30 ( 8) LawbretUcer er feeling the robes and reading mainland. I WASHINGTON ( A P ) - Robert nouncement was made today you can see the Communist gun Union of American Hebrew Con­ 7:00 ( 3) Wyatt Earp (30) 7BA • the greeting cards, she lost in­ He said the conference pro­ emplaoenumu. Import Rke gregations "to consider ail as­ (24) Automation (40) M-8quad G. Baker, former secretary to duced material for recommen­ a luncheon at the Plaza Hotel, (24) U.N. Review terest in the glfU Wind carriee the blaze at The peasants on Quemoy have pects of the subject with a view 112-23-30-40) Newi. Sport* and t ^ Senate majority, has been dations to be made to the Prerl- New York City. W.•leather 11:00 ( 3-8-13-20-23-30-40) New* Her mother, Who spends_lonr. propaganda fixDm CVwnmiinist always been grindingly poor. to determining appropriate a c­ (10) Have Gun. Will Travel Sport* and Weather 0ven a 30-day notice to move dent ■ when McNamara. Rusk The Manchester Chapter of hours at the hospital, says Chj ioudepeakers. After the bombardment they tion." (20) Film 11:16 (10) Tonight (C) into his 128,000 southwest Wash­ and Lodge arrive, in Washing the American Field Service k> (18) Subecriptlon TV (40) Steve Allen tine looks old and wan. . It’s sort of like watching had e^’en less. The union is the parent body ( 8) Movie ington hofise or face legal ac­ ton. in Ms third year. It was organ­ 7:16 (32) Kings of Golf "A doctor there said Christine Oommunietfi from Yello^estone ■‘Every necessity of life heui of Reform Judaism in the West­ (.30) Sport* Camera 11:3(1 (12) Movie tion resulUng possibly In loss of Rusk’s return will be delayed ized and set up by Gary Bogli 11:30 (23-30) Tonight (C) was smiling when he saw her, National Park. to be imported, for both the ern Hemisphere. 7:30 (10-33-80) Temple Houston the house. by a visit with five . other who was its first president: Dr. (34) Economic Highlight* ( 8) Movie w) why should upset," Mrs. That’s what Quemoy (the peasants and the troops.” .said The federation is on affiliate An attorney (or the firm that Cabinet members to Japan. Robert J. Alestoury is prosident ■ ^ Chinese call it Kinmen t appears of the union, and represents 308 SEE SATUBDAT’S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LI8TINO Simko said. •'But I see my holds title to the land said it had Lodge la expected to confer with thle year. The group raises I Maj. Gen. Liang Hung, a retired daughter In tears and pain. She to be on the surface these days sisterhoods in the United States told Baker that he must comply the re sid e n t After his return to funds through a committee so-1 officer who heads the civil ad­ eU pills every four hours, but — a park, studded with feath­ ministration on the isdaiid. and Canada. f with the occupancy agreement Washington Friday. iicUing by letter and by Mudent, ery pine and acacia trees. There was no roll call on the don’t believe she ever he signed specifying that the Manning gave his report fol­ aoUvUies. | "We still have to import rice real sleep.” There'.s even a nine-hole — It won’t grow here. But question that has been dangling Radio occupant will live In the house. lowing the delivery of a pre­ To date Manchester has host­ golf course where the major since 1922 when the Central The mother says she still pared statement read by Arthur we've built an irrigation sys­ (Thla dating Includea only thoao newa brondcMta of 10 ar 16 doesn’t understand why the am­ The lawyer said that Baker, ed a Japanese student the flrsi hazards are bunkers, fairways tem. Wp can grow enough hogs Cjonference of American Rabbis who resigned his post under fire Sylvester, assistant secretary of year, a Swedish girt the second said. "Women cannot be justly minute length Some atatlnns carry other abort newaeaats). putation was necessary. She with about as much greuw as and vegetables to feed the en­ laat month, told the firm that he defense (or public information. year, and thla year an Austrian denied the privilege of ordina­ WDRC—1388 t . 9:06 NIghtbeat ■aid she had Christine in the Cape Hatteras. artlUery and tire island peculation. We pro­ Happy Car Polishers 11:00 New* had not occupied the house "In general. Information re­ boy is living with Dr. and Mrs. tion” 8:00 Liong John Wade 11:16 SporU Final hospital In August and Septem­ ceived at the conference indi­ water holes where the troops duce enough salt. We can even 3:00 Raynor Shine* since he paid 11,600 and signed Edmond ZagHo of 63 Lakewood ’ Something more than a score Sister Mary Gordon (L) and Sister Mary Joachim of St. Ambrose Pariah in Brunawick. Ohio, 11:30 Starlight Seranada ber and signed forms (or tests cates an encouraging -outlook do their weekly laundry. export hogs now, as well as 1:06 New* Sign Oft the lease In November 1962. Circle. of federation delegates stood gladly apply the polish to their nlne-paasenger station wagon. Tliey got it through redemp­ 1:00 N*w* and Stin but "nothliv was done, and the for the principle of Joint U.S.- Shelled in IB58 sorghum and Gao Liang to ex­ tion of 1,464,000 trading stamps donated by parishioners. The car will be iiaed for shopping, W HAY-«18 ------WPOP—Ifa t In 1962 the local group Central Firehouse Three-Quarters oi Way Up when "no" votes were asked. 6:00 Ea*y Ed Show 8100 Joel Ca*h court released her to "toe.” Vletnamese policy In South Viet 2 ALL GOOD SCOUTS Tet five years ago, in a 44- change for rice.” Clonvention officials said more sick visits, attending funerals and other errands. The car was turned over to the yes­ 6:30 New* Weather and Sporta 7:00 Bill Hughea Mrs. Simko, an English war a Manchester boy to the PhiHp- The walls of the new central firehouse west of the municipaJ When the walla reach top about the height of the st^ 7:00 Edward P. Morgan Nam—that is. the succeasfui day selga, Quemoy become the Government troops atao help­ than 900 delegates are attending terday. Only Sister Mary Gordon can drive, however. (AP Photofax) 13:00 01rand_ _ bride, is divorced from her hus­ DAYTON, Ohio (AP)—Thom­ prosecution of the War against pines, and this past summer building had reached about three-quaitere of their everkuai post at the rear com er—the unclad portion will be *heathed 7:16 Jett Sprung WINF—UM with a stone-like, pre-cadt panel, .setting off the watch room most heavily bombarded piece ed dig the irrigation s>’stem ant^*ifist I New York 1964 • 1966 World’s vote. 7:30 New* qf the World 8:30 Showcase ■aid she "has borne up far bet­ Krause, Thomas ha* two older the end of the year, starting with golf he locates the ball and i A • I -(9 r v .lU l m the Netlonallsta off the Quemoy None of the three branches of William Ackerman of Meridian, Institute of Religion but have ter than expected under the IRVING. Tex. (A P)—Kenneth collector, jewelry maker, mini­ Braille price tag system for his Fair will present a 90 - minute The lack of debate was a sur­ 7:46 Congreaalonal Report 9:06 Best of Broadway brothers who are also Eagles, a MO on Dec. S, and that there hole, then paces out In the Island complex or the MaUai said, Judaism specifically prohlblta Miss., and Lady Lily H. Monta- not been ordained. 8 10 Pop* Concert 10:06 Showcase and New* Bucher, 21. h a s been blind ature golfer and bowler. In bowling, where program three times a day. prise, federation officials stress and discomfort of ampu­ younger brother in the Scouta will be no changes in top mili­ ball’s route before sending it on groi^ 160 mlies to the north, since an Illness struck nine The youth operates a coin hi.* average is 121, he lines him­ Collejje Students tation. and three sisters active in the tary personnel there. its way. the Rede halve fired another "While she la uncomfortable Girl Scouts. There had been rumors re- year* ago, but he lead* an ac- and gift ahop, grading coins self up with the ball return be­ 400,000 shells on Quemoy since The sec-ond in a series of l*c- ihen. tures to ntudeJUs of History Iftl •The Oommunists send over at the Manchester Oommuiuty Tery little live ammo,” said a Ooltege was presented by the Chinese officer. “Usually they' re GRAND-WAY BREAKS AN UNHEARD OF STORE-WIDE SALE Rev. Joseph H. McOarm of St. }ust metal cestingB filled with Jam ee’ <3huroh Tuesday at propaganda leaflets. Of course, NOW WITH CHRISTMAS ONLY 28 SHOPPING DAYS AHEAD! ^ Marveheater H i ^ School. tf one lands on you. It oould do The leotura-eerie*, begun re- some daanage. But they don’t I’en.Uy for tSve studeorvta in fresh­ usually aim at the towns. They man Ketory ckasne*, deals with want to maJoe people awa,re otf the oontributione of the world’s their presence, not hostile to religion* to the deveiopment of ■Werrtern rtvilizalion. The lec- I t ” The Naitiionalists have prettied turkit turro are open to the ptiblic. U(p the surface of Quemoy. But «ARtT »«0 W***^^, e a e w Father McCann exp&ined the they've carved an undeigTOund teachings of the Catholic fortress in the granite below. Ohurch, which he said are baeed It’s a chilly anthill of tunnels, on scripUire, tradition, and amunitiion depots, barracks, reruton; and emphasized the oommunioailons systems, oom- (XXvtribuitKin* the>- have mad* Limttotl tuppW* ^ ----- to the moral, ethiceU, social mand posts and gun emptaoe- and erxjnomdc .A AT. "TRIO** 2 * 4 7 A t night, troops In gas masks S E T Compora at 7.94 THERMOMETERS ALUMINUM TEA KETTLE snd full battle dreee stop jeeps TABLE TOP Qomporo at 6.98 Osmpart it.IJ O 8QT. OOLANDER WITH COVER I for Identification on each circle. Round top Ineraosaa Butterfly or Whltq Rpao pot-’ 4.99 Waghablw, nen-«IUrgMiic blankats arm a large 72" x 90". They’re ordered to shoot any­ coating capacity tarn- Pteie pletad ...... - - ...... ‘ J i Baoutiful hi-lofr finish & silky nylon binding. Luscious riasMl Otfflpirt Bt IS.SS one not prt^Mrly Identified. of bridge tablo. - Defensee Underground & dasp colors. Limit on# to o customar!! **We started fbrUfying un­ Lit* glows when NalieneTcempaet Riviere electric derground before the bombard­ coffee stijps perk­ ahrome food alic*r...T.IB slicing knife eeeee 14.88 ment,” said a Chinese officer, 12 PAIR SHOE BUTLER TABLE LAMP fT. MART’S TWIN t ill ILICTRIC RLANKITf ing...maintains “But we went completely un­ ALL METAL. GOLD FINISH. g BEIGE CERAMIC BASE. Washabia, noo-ollarganlc, molhpraofl Tharmastat control. 2 yr. ^ , serving temper­ derground after it. PLUS MATERIAL 3.59 gworantaa. U L appiavad. ‘ OSHPETS SI I4Jf. 1 0 . 9 9 ature. Poli shed AND PARTS "lliat’s wtiy there appear to aluminum finish '.A be so few traps on Quemoy WINTHI WIIokT RAYON /ACRH.AN** work, oat and sle^ under- with 6 ft. detach­ grcuid. Only during reck peri- EASY ON SPRAY STARCH 72”XYb» POLL S ill RLANKiTS . able cerdi sde they pernaMted above EASY OFF OVEN CLEANER WAGNER PAULDODGE are ylcn bound for tang lasting uaapa. Waehablal Choasa FLASTIO TRAYt^^g • PIBOB OIBTURY Pif* ground.” Their nund>er ia i GIANT 1 LB. SIZE. 63C G IA N T 22 OZ. SIZE. 63c lorga array of colare. 'Acrylic St 4 . N 3*99 Melibu king else Manning Bewmann AND FRUIT 8 9 * FLASTIO ALUMINUM OAST IRON milUsry aecret. retlesefle..»*«*..»—*U9»ee Teble 0^.....8.R| SKILLET ‘niey live Ih dirt-wavUed, dirt, lOWLS MIXIN8 SIT ROASTING FAR PONTIAC, Inc. floored barracks, immaculately See Tony or Dick At ioleen. ’Tunnels lead to gun em- 1 Mitchell Drive liiaioenaenta. A complete gxyv ' Manehe«t«r em ment propaganda radio sta* MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Moa tm adoasts to the Fukien MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. liANCHKTER EVENJNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN-, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 ^ PAGE THIRTEEII

TWILVE and to help prepare ihs, JdantoShi lOH Benefactor tione fo r the sola. 12th Circuit Martin Hesitates, Of Rummage Sale Directors to Review Obituary Moore Appointed , Over Arctic FOR Rummage S^le G>urt Cases Bta Chapter, Beta Sigma PU OSLO. Norwaor (AP)—Bjoem Sorority. w*l spdMor a rtmx- 1P0N80RW BY Wimam F. JohnttoB To Halt Sewer Linl^ m o ^ sase Saturday from 9 am . Cosmetics Deputy Controller MANOHESTBR SESSION 6 ^ . * afi-yoar-oM riUpping THE LfTHUANIAN ALLIANCE OF AMERICA ■ Criticism in Audit William r . Johnston, 41, jn w pSons to akl acrosa the to'noon at Mott’s Coiffibunity AT THE 183 Lydall St., died Mondiw at An, l8 -y e 6 r o « Manoheatar Hril, 567 B. Mkldle Tpke. rrs yout|k 'arirlerted Mat night by Thare i« some quwstioo in the mind of ^ « n ^ l ^ n ^ j^rtlc loeoap. Ito wUl go from Denver Hospital, Denver, Colo. ggieemeiw Island in mrtliera The prooedde of the aole will town’s directors have called a special meeting He was bom In Manchester, Thomas S. Moore, Manchester’s assistant purchasing his ^own requert and charged ger Richard Martin whether the LITHUANIAN HALL M UOLWAY ST. ovOr ttM geogra$Atc be preomted to the Inrtroctore MANCHEST ER wtth auditors Richard Barry and Robert T. Oct. 11, 1S33, the son of Benja­ agent, today was notified by Gener^ Manager Richard with breach of the peace, today comidy with a request from the Eighth Distrirt direc­ of the Handicepped. The dona­ was released under his awn re- North Poto to Sovtet tetrttoty •oosider what General Manager Richard Martin has call­ min H. and Sophia Radding Martin of his appointment as deputy controller, effec­ tors that the town delay hooking a new sewer line mto iKtrih cf SIbocia or to West tion wCl be used by the teen-age Uggeffs Johnston. He was a Navy vet­ oognlxance for a Dec. 9 court Saturday, Nov, 23— 9 o.m.-3 p.m. ed possible “unorthodox procedures” that were uncov- tive Dec. 3. » ^ trouhleaome main beneath'^ — — — Spltobergen, 'which le held by lOH t o tbedr $50,000 pool fund. eran of World War n. He will fill the vacancy date. stesd St, or -negstts a 86-year- At The Parkada •red du ri(« the preparation o f » ------^ ' Besides his parents he also Jamea It. Dietrichsen of 2M HomeaSead St. Norwsy. > Arrsngementa have been oreaited by ttte resignation of old contract hy which ths dls- the town’s annual audit. Qardan Dr., after a beer drink­ Although neither General Lest yoar Stalb crossed mode t o .the Eta members to MANCHESTER of education hasn't got around leaves four brothers, George G. RusseH E. GaUpo, who la relin­ triot agreed to take on sewage •Ifce meeiUnR will be an «x- to considering those that were Johnston of Vernon, Benjamin ing epree lost night, called pe­ Manager Martin nor Lawrence Oraenlaml on sMs, togotliwwltti bring their arttdee to Mott’s quishing the port, effeotivs Nov. from about 80 acree outside of •cutiva seeMon from wWcii the recommended last year.’’ H. Johnston Jr. of Rlverhead. nce from a phone at a drug Wlttkofske, superintendent of ui Oslo photogroplMr, Bjoem FYktoy at 6:30 p.m. They, ere 29, to become Bristol’s assirt- the distrkt boundailee. remliMled to b r t^ cord tables Read Herald Advertisements puUlc is barred. K is set for The audit also Includes some N.Y., Robert E. Johnston and store on Main St at 8:30 end water department, have In the Rutter tostonoe, the ItMM. Ittis time IM will have anit oomptroUer and assistant ed official notlflcaUon of the #:80 pjn. In tt*e Municipal recommendation under the j Richard C. Johnston, both of saM he wanted to be errerted. town woqPd have to Inrta* a a ftin-fledged expadttkin, U BuUaing. ■‘comments’’ section. These in-, Manchester, purchasing agent. They oMlged and held hfin over­ dUtrict directors’ request, M m - man and 100 riedga dogs. None « t tbe town officials In annoimcing the appoint­ tin this morning reported that new aewer line wert ahmg the elude a request that the Sewer' Private funeral services will night foe preoentatJon todhy turnpike to Broad St. where It No cne has crossed the astfe " i; •ontacted woiSd comment on Department schedule of bonded be held Saturday at 9 a.m. from ment, Martin said that Moore The ciHUge was the aacn he doubted that the town would toeoep on Skis before. would not be required to take could hook into an efldrtlng •le su^ect of tlie meeting, indebtedness be changed to the W. P. Qulsh Funeral Home b r a u ^ agalnat the youth this agree to any delays unless the Staih ptoiM to use 90-100 days Searing that public dlscusaion a test, since he has already town operated Une. PINE .show payments of $17,000 which 225 Main St. week. Early Tuesday morning district Institutes legal acUon. OetMral Manager Martin srid on ”ttMhe worWeworidrs tonrattongost SU nSgtit be- daxnaging to individ- passed the examination for the "The district’s directors have STREET be made annually until There will be no calling hours. Dletrlohsen wae picked up af ter today that he did not think the trip,” «>ependlii(gtlependliig on loe oot»- oais who oould be unfairly Im- ccntrodiler’s vacancy, fiUed In riven us permission to connect $180,000 of the 1933 Water Loan tihreaiteiAig the life of a Man- preeent arrangement, whereby 1. He wfil corner of pHcajtad. July by Joseph dementino. dKhna. He will eetafcUeh a Act Bond Is paid off. William J. Anglin Qheeter father o f his 14-year-oJd S to their line In W. Middle the town wlU Install a new line tenmonry oasnp at Thule In The town dlrartors have been In 1933 the town bonded to buy WlUiam J. Anglin, 85, of 80 Moore, 39, will leave his $6,- girt llriiend. The girl was turned Tpke.; without good reason, HARTFORD nwwrs o f scene potential troiAle 600 post for one with a $6,660- from Haynes St. to the tumj^ko Oiwandand at the end of this the water and sewer facilities Sumner 3t.. died Tuesday at over to Juvenite authorltiea. don’t see why we should not to eupplement an exlrtbig toe ROAD fcr some thne. however. Some of $7,970 salary range. tear or the beginning of neact from Cheney Mills, which had the Crestfleld Convalescent Preeentad hi Bast Hartford’s do so,” he said. coming down S. Alton Bt. them mat with the OemaraJ The new deputy oontroUer, a “I suspect that their requsft t o tndntav ttM dogs end ermr. built and operated them pri­ Home. Otaoult Court 12 on the flirt would increase the actual sew­ Manager on Nov. 8 to dlcanusi will come to us In the form nf The enjtMdttlcn fkism to vately. He was bom in Pittsburgh, 1950 Universiity of Connecticut breach o f the peane dnuge, age flow slnoe there will be no •le pnoMem. graduate in accounting, haa legal notice drawn up by their Wold Hunt Island, just off Bl' The water department’s lia­ Pa., on Feb. 28, 1878. He has Dlrtrdchsen waa releeaed • on new users on the llite. m The auditor's report was mito- been wt>rking for the town since immore Island, ki tha beghofinlg bility has been retired. The au­ been a resident of Manchester bond and that case was oon - counsel. Aaked about the districts of February. snlttad to the town or Nov. 18. ditors say they recommended for the piurt. year, and had made October 1902, when he was first ttamed until Dec. 9. He will be "If I go to the contractor on and staitea that “ the general proposal that the town extend The Ward Hunt comp will the change in their 1960 audit. his home in Warren, Ohio, for employed as an accountant In put to plea on both counts at the project and tell him to stop, Its toes to Broad St. to handle eonduct of office with respect he’s probably going to have a ooMtot of two oamp workers, In addition, the auitor recom­ nmny years previously. the water department. that tkne. the sewage fiow, Martin re­ So financial matters com ing clidm against the town for ty­ two support peatles of three mends the town study the feasi­ The funeral will be held to­ In March 1956, he assumed Gregory Begin, 58, Wapping, iterated that ”we went Into all it Nylon whhln the scope of our audit his present port of assistant Thonnaa S. Moore ing up his equipment.” men e ^ and the nuoleua cf Warmtll bility of a central billing de­ morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the wae sent to the State JUl at this with the district when the four men who wlH moke the appeaned to be satlsfactoiry.” partment. and provide fire pro­ Newkirk and Whitney Funeral purchasing agent, having fin­ Hartford this morning after he The fUrtrict dirertoni oalled But ft oontinues with two He now resides in Tolland agreement was made. I see no whole trip. tection for current as well as Home, 318 Bumsde Ave., East ished on top in State Person­ was unalble to pay a $76 fine a apaclal moering TXwoday sentenoee which seem to be da- with his wife, the former Marion reason why we should change Support parties wifi eotafaliah retired records. Hartfbrd, with a solemn Mass nel Department exaipinatiam for evading responafbllUy. Begin night, when they agreed that "^1 sSgmd to Isnplj’ that there are Holmes of Manchester, and the town’s intention to ho^ a now.” depots to secure a poaelWe re- The bulk of the audit is bal­ o f requiem at the Church of the for the position. was found guilty of the charge Wlttkofske, who also report­ sotne frregulaxities. but that their two sons, Wayne, 10, and new 10-inch sewer line from to the main comp and to ance sheet and accounting Assumption at 9. Burial wlH be following a brief court tried. The ed he had received no commu­ Golden Anniversary at the Met Ihew well may be quite innboesvt: Moore, a native of Vernon, Douglas, 6. Haynes 8t. into the dlrtriot’s CMke tt possfiile for the four in In Arlington Cemetery, Drexel charge stemmed from on Oot. nications from the Eighth Dis­ ‘^During our examineiUon we schedules. Besides a general oome to Manchester at the age Moore’s mother. Mrs. Grace 12-4ivch sewer main beneath W ttM *lMeirtratton group” to get Giovanni MartineUl poses beside a bust of himself at the Metropolitan Opera House in New statement that the town seems Hill. Pa. of four, and graduated from Moore, resides at 221 Hilliard 26 accident on ToUand T^ke. in trict’s directors, reported to­ York last night on tiie 50th anniversary of his Met debut. MartineUl, one of the Mets most .’ 5 Moeitved oounteou.s oooperatidh Friends may call at the fu­ Middle Tpke. would probably M fm Ml poaribto wtth afi their to be a sound financial health, Manchester High School in 1941 St. which he knocked down two day that he will look Into the •quipnMnt Intaot famous tenors, la now 78 and still active as a singing coach. The bust, donated to the Met by Atom the peraonnel involved. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. maU boxee and a newapaper creoite problems where the main With refeaience to the foregoing the auditors provide a resume situation when he geta the dis­ When the penrtratlon group its sculptress, BUesnor Mellon, wae shown for the first time during the golden anniversary delivery bo« and drove from flows through an 8-4n«h sec­ oonvnent, the raoommendationa of financial tran.sactlons during tion of,.pipe along HomertOad trict’s letter. ■tarts on the final trek It Is oelebratlon. (AP Photofax) ' Eugenio Berto the scene, polioe said. set fortti hereinafter in this re­ the 1962-68 fisoal year. According to the town s ■upposed to reach etthor West Eugenio Berto, 69. of 76 Park Joseph Safranek, 28, Hart' St. mapa of the Eighth District port 4wuld be read in oon- This shows the major town ^ forestall any posribiUty of Zemlym off the Boviet mainland St., died this morning at Man­ $2,5 Million Set ford, today waived examina­ aewer lines, there Is already a juncUnn ttvarewith.” expense as education, requiring sewage backup along Hcane- further eld. north of SpItBbsrgen where the Foundation of the United States his trial on escape and criminal Men’s chester Memorial Hospital. tion on a breaking and enter­ 12-inch pipe under Homestead This points to ttte auditocs .82 per cent of the total budget. steod St., they decided to The deristnn, whether the ex­ ioe may be badly broken up. He are interested. Denmark will assault. Tbe next category is Mr. Berto was bom June 30, ing with criininal intent St., not an 8-lnch pipe as the hoe obtained aaslatance from help wtth purchasing the dogs Officers located him Wednes­ seoommendationa as the indi charge, which occurred In Ifer- the town to delay hooNing into pedition wMI go for fipiMMegen oatiois of any “irregularitlee” bond maturity and interest, in­ 1894, In Gallese, Italy, and lived their main until they had an district’s directors fear. the Norwegian air force, which and recruiting of trained es- day while checking fingerprint in Manchester 26 years. For Main St. Work non, and was bound over or Soviet tenitocy wlU be made giat may have occurred. cluding school bonds, which re­ engineer’s stody of the possible The town map is based on wtU have an amphibian plane kimo dog drivers. Most of the records. He had been In the He retired about 7 years ago Tolland Superior Court. A sec information that money had after the pole has been passed. H m reoammendation section quired 13.5 per cent. of the outcome. This wifi depend on loe end cur- standing by. equipment will be Norwegian. county jail here for seven weeks t- budget. from Cheney Bros., where he ond charge—being a fugitive been appropriated for the larg­ after being picked up on is three pages long and oonteins The Manchester Redevelopment Agency was inform from justice in Rhode Island— They siMgested es ettema rant oondtttoM. Statt) Ime mode air surveys. was a dyer. He was a member er pipe. The source of the In­ ESCAPES ’TO JAIL ■ burglary charge. .. five genend toplos. It deals Public works required about was continued until Dec. 19 ttvee eolu U m ,to the pcoblssn The total distance will be be­ Lart spring bevlalted the arc­ 71 of the Sons of Italy Lodge. ed today that the Federal Urban Renewal Administra­ that the town might Share the formation was unclear this wfifa: 10.5 per cent of the total 1962- while the court awaits papers tween 1 .M and 1,664 mUee. tic reoearch tahoratory at Point PENSACOLA. Fla. (A P)—The 100% Nylon Survivors Include his wife, tion (]F1JRA) has earmarked |2,676,400 ffH* the pro­ morning. _____ 1. The town recreation de- 63 appropriation. All the other from the governor of that oast o f a i s r i « e pipa on Hotne- The expedition la supposed to Barrow, Alaska, to study ice search for escapee Raymond An estimated 17 million Amet' town functions required no more Mrs. Delia Angell Berto; a paotment. Here there are actu- daughter, Mrs. Leon Enderlin posed Main St. renewal project. state. Safranek posted $500 reach tts goal In May. ooodUlons. James has ended. leans, an average of one of ev aBy three recommendations. than 5 per cent each. Including The atwvouncemetH, whioh^ ery six adults, owned shares of of Manchester; a brother, Lu­ bonds in each matter. Statt> eoopeots the most dif­ The Nollonal Geographic So­ James, 28, sUpped away two ■niey are that the accounting general government, police and The Herald . received almul- stock last year. ciano Berto of Australia; and Inadequate parking and traffic Chief Proeecutor Ehigene Rockville-V ernon ficult phase to be the area ciety and National Scienoe months ago during a recess of and records keeping procedures fire service, capital Improve­ taneouaiy from Thomas Keena, six grandchildren. control. He noted comments in Kelly entered a nolle in the 1m reviewed, ainoe they "do not ments, parks and recreation, li­ The W. P. Qulsh Funeral administrative assistant to Rep. the auditor's reports of 1961 and case of Jamea S. Benson, 63 aaeet the requii emente of ade- braries and mlnceUaneoue serv­ Home, 225 Main St., is in Emilio Q. Daddario, came only 1 ^ on bidding for a truck pur­ of 16 Munro S t, who appeared gnate reoords," and a sQwtem ices and departments. Lone ^iVo’ Mars Unanimity charge of arrangements, which day after the announcement chase, contractural payments by on an Intoxication count. that will afford effec­ The capital Improvement re­ that the FURA has aet aaide the Rockville Redevelopment Raymond O’Neill, 28, a t 10 tive oontrole and adeqfuate rec- are incomplete. Quilt serve fund provided $206,345 in $181,600 for the planning phase Agency and operation of the rec­ Mints Ct, failed to to ap­ As Town Votes Cash Items funds for 14 projects, includ­ Ralph F. Fltagibbons of the project reation department. pear in court today to pay $25 That pay roll records be bet- ing two storm sewers costing Yesterday's announcement In replying to the oharg«, in fines for imprt^r passing %sr auppocted by employe time more than $50,000 each, $20,000 Ralph F. Fitzgibbone, 65, of also brought a response today Mayor I ^ B. Flaherty J c said ($15) and making an unneces vote marredfiDec. 9 from 1:30 to 6:18 pm. Oswego, N.Y., father o f Mrs. A single “ no" for the Globe Hollow swimming from Director Theodore Pow­ the salary increases are iKsninal sary noise with a motor vehicle what otherwise would have been Donora may regtoter at the And ttiat orgeniaaUona using pool and $17,500 for plans for John Hutchinson. 113 HeWne ell, chairman of the directors when oonsideratian' is mode of ($10), both counts stemming RockviBe ofifioe o f ttM Red TURKEY TIME complete unanimity at lart gown equlpmient and lalxir msdee Rd.. died suddenly early this Robertson School. commitee on urban renewal. the work involved. He said the from a Nov. 11 incident night’a town meeting. CTOoB, or may rimpie rtiow up payments to the department The water departmMit had ap­ morning at hie home. “I believed we’d get the oorpotation counsel is on a fee Stafford Springs. Judge Ed Miss Doris Campbell, long­ >ritiiout on appointment. Other aurv+vore Include his beada Instead of to the indroi lands are owned by Ihe town, Oak Grove Nature Preserve Powell says he is calling a out bond In the custody of her Bart Granby; Mira, FhyUto Ma( 2 ^lEVE IT OR NOT-YOU STILL ©ET A TURKEY AT THESE LOW PRICES will be operated. He said that degree murder law. lease. The legislative body and are Ustad as oaseta in the meeting at 8 p.m. on Dec. ,4 mother. Court date is set for Lachlan, Wopplng; M «. Mar the rules will make certain Events Guay is schethiled to be sen­ clearly indicated that it wanted t WE ARE SPECIAUSTS ON HOTPOINTL-WE SELL NO OTHER BRANDS town’s eamuail audit, and that at the Municipal Building for the Dec. 8. > gairat Curran, H Orttod; Pr that the site will be kept in its tenced next Wednesday. Life the opportunity for release to file isnvie are placed under the MRA, the Town Planning Com- be available. Ronald B. Como. 20, of High tricia DeOarH, EUlngtoti; Lo HOTPOINT juriadlotlon of designated ogen- present natural state. mlasion, the Parking Authority, sentence is automatically im­ BIG FAMILY SIZE posed tor second degree mur­ But the new two-verdlct act, Manor Trailer Park, wae issued Ltonovan, Glastonbury; The 172 Lb. Freezer At Bottom With elaa, ouch os the park depart­ TPC Chairman Alvord out­ the Chamber of Commerce, the HOTPOINT 2-DOOR In State ders but the caaee are often re­ by an apparent oversight, con­ a summons yesterday afternoon as Johnson, 60 Hudson St.; M ment, board of education, the lined the tentative plana sub­ Citizens’ Advisory (Committee, Specials 10 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator At Top viewed for possible parole after tains the same provislcm fa. by Conatehle Richard Gifford. Ethel Tedtord, 80 H lilt^ Di REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER town water department and the mitted by the Green Manor and other interested groups, so 15 or 20 years. A pre-aentence guarding life sentences—never He is charged with improper Stephen Lockwood, Wappinr racreaiUon depewUnent. Construction Co. for Its pro­ (Continued from Page One) that MRA executive director Ed­ HOTPOINT inve0tigatiuin is aiao requli«vl riiglble for release or parole— passing and will appear in Cir­ Richartl Hautsneh, Bart Har TtM TOC learned aiao that posed 204 cluster-zone High ward Rybezyk can explain next wMch was eliminated ^ t h the cuit Court 12 on Dec. 17. The foPd; Joseph Wutsch, <34aotor Ridge H project, oft Vernon faiiled, the tug Hartford of the steps. befoi-e sentence ia imposto. ■ooM tande, such an C e n t a r abolishment of the older law. alleged violation took place on « m t; Lawrence Bairabt, Wai 2-DOOR New Haven Towing Co. wna Powell also wants all of the The statute, passed at the fipiinga Park, were deeded or St. last legiidatlve session, went In­ What the legislature wanted Rt. 30 at the Intersection of ping; Mrs. Joyce Kiranz, Suf- Htd to tiM town wtith definite oalled and succeeded in freeing groups to make recommenda­ Cold Spring Dr. The plans reveal that an the (hatkibled Ship. to effect on Oct. 1. and what it made law are re­ field; IMro, Louise Parkingtor., REFRIGERATOR rertrtotfcmn an to their use. eight-acre sits would be set tions as to what should be in­ J o s e ^ G. Falrtxrother, 27, of The bhip will require repairs The new- law, however, was garded as different things. Andover; Mrs. Lena Becker, Oentar Springe Park, in the aside for a school area, and cluded in the renewal project. Judge Milton H. Meyers, Ekifield, wae arrested on a war­ WOpping. PRICES START AT ISStya 'waa declared a reoreor before tt can proceed under Its “ We must have the full in­ cited by State’s Atty. John D. rant Issued by Circuit Court 12 that seven or eight acres would own power. LaBelle as one of the reasons who had been hearing the AlDMrrraiD ’TODiAY; Char­ tkn area for children, when it be made avalise for park volvement of the merchants, on a charge of, breach of peace. for the rtate’s wiHlngneaa to ac­ Guay case, was expected to in­ lotte Miller, South Wlndoor; was given to the town by Cheney space, both to be deeded to the and the participation of the terpret the new law. In light The arrest was made by Pa­ women who use the downtown cept a guilty plea to second de­ G ^ Travttt, Olartonbuiy: John Brae., end the late E. B. Hill­ town “with no strings at­ To Sell Plant of the apparent legislative er- trolman John Bundy. Falihroth- Olaaver, 86 Ridge St. iard. WASHINGTON (AP) — The area. gree murder, a charge on wiiicn er posted $50 bond for court ap- tached.” “ The women are the shoppers; the statute does not apply. rqXi fur the benefit of the jury. BIRTH YESTERDAY: A Genacal Manager Martin in- government is planning to sell ■rhe next first degree murder peoroitoe Dec. 10. Falihrother Alvord sold that the number if they don’t like It, renewal "There ia some ambiguity in daughter to Mr. and Mrs. tonmed the TOC members that « homea In a cluster-zone plot Us naval weapons industrial trial, in which the "ambiguity” was reportedly involved in a Bundy, Hazaaxlvill*. luriadiatkxi over the Oak Grove reserve plant in Southington, won’t do the town any good.!’ the rtatutea with respect to fight with Herman Hruby of is equal to that in Zone AA— split verdict acts that were of the two-verdlct statute pmWHARa.BD ITBSTBJR- HOTPOINT traot boo been token away from that the homas are the some Conn., which has been leased again will be a factor, begins 33 Ward Bt. the night of Nov. the town water department end for more than two decades to adopted by the last session of HUGE adze, but that the lots aro .vome the General AasemiWy," the Tuesday. The defendant is 10. A J ^ S t .; Mrs. Helen Johnaor, placed in ifaeU' hands. Pratt ft Whitney Aircraft. Rockville-V ernon what smaller—that the de Stoto V. Leon, 50, of Hart­ Briefs AMre sequently, haa leaa to main­ determine guilt or innocence on 8. ^ Mia. Yvonne Hill, 34 REFRIGERATOR t6ra oonunlssicn, plsiming oom- sold to Pratt ft Whitney’s par­ tain- and that the town is deed­ )City Pay Raises a first degree murder charge, m BofiMlan and Lutz Junior Mu- ent company, the United Alr- S S M . Jeon- PRICES START AT ed open land, with no rtrings and the other to decide on the Sy* ^<*¥**0. V m w o o d D r, Quilt Jackets Mum, baa been set aside by the cra(t Corp,. fop $22,050,000. the attached. di^ee of i«mishment if convict­ , boend o f dlrectora, as a "Per- General Services Administration Joseph J. Belotti, Rewblican U.S. Spy Plane Crashes^ y i A ^ S J i i A TUk»ooti R«Wn, $ 2 9 9 - 0 0 The TC« went on record aa revealed yesterday. candidate for alderman, charged ed. If the defendant is found St.; Heidi Morse, maneut NaiUire Preserve.’’ approving olurter-zoning parka, guilty the jury then diecides if MW. Kathryn CN702D In answer to a question from The government tried last today that although the present CK702D with a stipulation that the he should be sentenced to ths ''orlartv. 119 Brent Rd TOC member Dr. Frank H. year to get United Aircraft to administration says the city can­ Mechanicat Fault Blamed areo.s be kept in their natural DISCHARGED TODAY: Bar- Horton, who was exploring buy the property, but finally not afford to publish a city re­ electric chair or given life Im­ state. agreed to renew the lease for port, the pay of several city prisonment. W a and Fraik Vuclc, South t - OPEN DAILY 8:30 A.M. Id 5 P.M.^THURSDAY to 9 P.M. waya oif including' the Lutz Under the old system,, (Oontinued from Page One) Windsor; Bernard Costello, Cov­ Muaeum in future plans for the Park Superintendent Mur- another year. officials has been raised. though, a guilty verdict on first Hyde sold his son was sta­ entry; Herbert Hutchinson, RFD Oak Grove tract, Martin point- phey agreed, and added "Parks The big plant was built at Belotti $aid the mayor’s sal­ degree murder meant sentenc­ The Navy declined today to go tioned at’ Tucson, Ariz. The ^^uchester; Larry Dobson, •d out that the muaeum, being should be used by adults as government expense In 1940 and ary was increased by $500 while Davls-Monthan Air Force Base weh as children, and should be has been leased by Pratt ft he was senring a term of office; ing to the electric chair unleas Into any detail about the debris ®thel a private, fund-raising corpo- at Tucson Is headquarters for ItobertsOT, 91 Overlook Dr.; ao planhed, even - though It la the tax collector recelveil a the jury recommended mercy. picked up by the Nemesis. m don, oould not, i le ^ ly , be Whitney ever since. The govern­ the 4080th U2 unit, ths only one Hugo Degen. 71 Cushman Dr.; souieMmes more difficult for us $500 increase; the city treasur In that case the murderer was , In Washington, the Pentagon given jurisdiction^ over the ment now regards it as excess assigned to SAC. I Mrs. M ^ Whelan, 702 W. Mid­ (the park dopartment) to keep propirty. er, $800, and the corporation sentenced to life impyisonn^t said It had nothing to Indicate Praoerve. the fate of the pilot. Hyde’s fa­ A Pentagon spokesman said dle Tpke.; Mrs. Bdwina St. The geoeral manager apecu- a tract as it la, than to clear Some 2,800 persona are em­ counaal, $1,500 wtth an addition­ without hope for release or pa­ al Increase next year of $1,000. role. ther said he was informed of the craft Is called WU2 and Is a L ^ . 92 W. Main Bt..'Rock- latad that there may be a way it.” ployed at the plant, which weather plane version of the U2 The odnaetMUi of manufacturers military aircraft Belotti alao^orlUzed: Streets ‘nte new atatute haa been the mishap about 11 hours after Martin, Mon- E. W. Cormier out—perhaps by permitting photopaphlc reoonnaleaance tufr. Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Itorothy I 1 4 OAK Hn MANCHBSTEIU-Ta. 649W 9— 622-6016 among aM 1 engines in disrepair: no improvement complicated by the Inclualon th« plane’s dlmppeorance, but Hie muaeum to make use o t he would not dieciua It beoausr planes keeping tabs on mlUtaify H^llaros, WUUmantlc; Lorraine that wooded Pratt * Whitney has

...... • . /.',...


Continent Ends in Marriage Hebron m } ‘ ■' It ScHool Bus DOUBLE STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY m t LVOaUE OAVAaNARO Mr. and Mrs. AHan B. Ook c t t BktrUIgpe St. are a nloa, Rules Made qutat youiii: « * 4)le, but they owi by no means be conaVdered More Strict I **«vera««i” OertatoUy, they enjoy 4 r GRAND \ the aanna tM t«s that all youn« Parents of elementary school Chaek the daiiy married peopte do such a« par- pupils have received notice YCU nettmpapen far tiea, vacaitictia. skifns:, but here from Principal (Jharles J. Ger- In GRAND UNION’S your Sensational the likeness ends. vase of somewhat more strin­ WAY Most people go skiing: In New Turkey News DISCOUNT CENTIFIS Hamipahlre or Vermont; Allan gent regulations in regard to front Grand Union! Ukea to ski in Austria. A trip bus service which are now in dovm south in the winter or up force. No child will be allowed north in the summer la u*iaJly to leave school on any other a most enjoyable holiday to av­ erage people, but Noel (Mrs. bus than the one to which he Oooc) much prefM* to hitchhike has been assigned. He may get around BJunope or Great Britain off his assigned bus at differ­ IRil^^. to do her rightseeing. ent stop from the usual one Hltohhiking on the Oontlnent only If he has a written per­ ' la not frowned upon as it ia mit from parents. heira, nor la tt rlrfcy. thie to lack The single sessions at the o f money for transportation, school this week, Wednesday, this Is the meet common meeins Thursday and Friday, the of traveling from place to place hours of which have already been quoted In this column, iiock Your Froe*oPr”Savo Cash ft Blue Stamp#! ] for the nMijority of people in were planned to give teachers Swifts Premium — Proten Beef citra those oounrtrles and moot par- the opportunity to hold confer­ bORDS S n U R K ttcularly for the young. ences with parents. ■ONi.n ilAji BONE m i l A e Noel GUlman Cox was born Honor Roll at. Capetown in the Republic of The honor roll for the first Sizloin Steak 891 Chuck Roart 49 a South Africa. Her father was marking period of the. Region­ WNh (his Coupon fc personnel manager for a totxu:- al High School, as announced 00 ften there before his retire­ by P ^ c ip a l Alden Spaulding, 2 . 8 9 * ment; her mother waa a mobile shows the following result: Indonesian Motor Vessel Aground Tep Sizloin Steak 99i Ground Beef or more librarian and drove a six-ton High honors, Grade 7, Ray­ FOR BRAUDN larry through many Isolated mond Brunell, James (jregory, The Indonesian motor ship, the H.O.8. TJokroamlnoto,’ lies fast ag;round on part of pier Jut­ UAH loM ipt AhehoMc. Tobocao A Fair Trod# horns) sections in that area. George Hopkins, Ehigenie Jose, ting out into water at the Hook of Holland, near Rotterdam. The skipper of the 7.332-ton ves­ Mr. OiUman had always sel did not pick up a pilot and attempted to bring the ship into the mouth of the estuary, with H a n k o n R i b s S9L Cynthia Malecky, G<^ylc Por­ Stewing Beef wanted to go overseas, and so, ter, Gail Ransom; Grade 8, which he was not familiar, in darkness early today and the accident resulted. (A P Photofax) BONELEM Coupon pood thru SoA Noe. 23rd. when he retired he took Noel Lois Bailey, Nancy (Chamber- B O M B D f with him on a trip with the lain. William Ferguson, Bonnie Chuck Fillet 7 9 t ultimate destination England. Llpplncott, Sharon Rowley; Chuck Steak p5towicoi»owftao5tow * They sailed from South Africa Grade 9. Louise Keogh, Su­ Courts Bar In p yb iw ry 1061, putting into zanne Russell, Kathleen She- Vote Approves Mass •H O R T CiUT all the more reknowned ports Mr. and Mre. Allan B. Cox of 9 Eldridge St. prepare to pock traveling gear into the pan- han; Grade 10, Margaret Cross Rib Roast 89t up the eastern coast of Africa. niierB of the EirgUsh-made moitorblke that took him over many miles of English and Euro­ Blais, James Gregory, Martha Lawyer for S te a k s A Uttfle over a month later they pean aofl during the winter of 1962-63. Hammond, Diana Kelley, Linda In Modern Language B O H l U t f l e a n O Q c All the Fixin's landed in Venice, Italy, where Harrison, Diana Wythe: Grade they stayed for a few days re- 11, Dana Kucucka, Richard James H o ffa had to go back to the children's Coventry munizations at a well child Ground Round 09a ooverng their land legs. conference with Dr. Louise G. Llbitzky, Peter Nicholson, Lin­ (Oonttnued from Page One) the declarations, btit not as part CUub Steaks After doing and seeing all home to earn some more money. Allan and Bob spent about six Tobi in charge. Assisting Dr. da Shok; Grade 12, Katherine (Continued fK>ni Page One) of the schema. the things tourists are expected ROUND BONELEM O Q C Tobi were Mrs. O'Brien, as well Darwin. bishops to authorise the lan­ In another developmriif in the SW EETGlKRKi^ to do and see, Mr. GCiman and weeks traveling in Scotland, Keystone State England and Ireland; then they as Mrs. Ernest Zanottl, volun­ Honor pupils were: Grade 7, ing lawyers, helped defend Hof­ guage subatltutions in their own council today, the aseemtilg sec­ il Noel embarked on a cruise retariat informed the prelates Bottoin Roniid Roast left for Austria, by way of teer from the Young Mothers Virginia Anderson, Karen Berk, fa in the 1962 trial. areas. London Broil down through the Adriatic Sea Midget Team to Sheila Crosby, Rebecca Dona­ Miller’s memorandum said that Pop>e Paul had dsclded tp LEAN A TENDER to Greece. They a p en t over a France, Belgium, Luxembourg Club, co-sponsors of the con­ The council fathers gave a BONELEM and West Germany. They stay­ ference. hue, Stephen Fora Mary Agnes Osborn offered $6,000 through increase the size of the councU’8 ^FED O ^^ 1T35* m dn^ exploring Athena and the Ajrrive Nov. 29 Gagne, Marjorie Kiesman, Mei- Nashville Policeman Robert D. final vote of approval Wednes­ eleven drafting commlselons southern malnlend before going ed in Vienna, Austria, for three Briefs Cube Steaks months taking courses to brush Volunteer mothers assisting at iasa LAndaay, Ttonothy Nichoi- Vick for the prospective Juror, day to the liturgy schema chap­ to 80. R u m p R o a s t on to Peloponneaos, Oete, The Coventry Pantheni Midg­ son, Karen Patch, Ckuidia Por­ Ralph A. Elliott, if he was seat­ Rhodes, Mikonos, Delos and up on their German for conver­ South Coventry Cooperative ter on the Mass. LstUn was re­ B O N E U f I et Football program will be ter, Carolyn Shehon; Grade 8, ed on the Jury. The other $6,000 C O g T A lL Shrimp *'ir3 5 ‘ Oorfu, aH islands in the Ionian sational purposes. N u rsery and Kindergarten tained for the heart of the A t each stopover the boys hosts to the Bristol (Pa.) Town­ classes this week include Mrs. Jacqueline Blais, EOeen Oartey, would be paid if Hoffa was not Legion Sets Date Porterhouse Steak 951 and Aegean Seas. Barbara OoveB, Christina convicted. Mass. Top Round Roast ‘*nte small islands are the dropped me a note telling me ship Midgets the weekend of Leon Roborge, Mrs. Chivid Roe, of their progress and where Nov. 29. The Pennsylvania Mrs. Thomas Small, Mrs. Allan Downes, Malenie OSborn, Lois However, EUiott waa not cc«- All the provisions will go Into TAETT — RMULAR BONELEM ■7 1 1 c nMst ancient and beautiful I Popoff, Marilyn Porter, Jandoe tacted and information obtained effect when the entire schema For Yule Party. have ever seen. Some still have they were heading next. In this team will arrive in town at 2 Broadhurst and Mrs. Dean G. Wiley. Ramftl, Cyntbla Raymond, d n iy by Vick was turned over to fed­ liturgy ia 'promulgated by Brisket M.^ass* W l9a ruins centuries old where trav­ v«ray I was able, to correspond p.m. that day. Team members K b R o a s t MjM 0.89* SS- wtih them,” Noel said. will be accommodated at the First Oongregational Church Sanford, Karen Soanlan, KaMi- eral authorities. Miller released Pope Paul V I as a council de­ The American Legian will elers can ooUect pieces of pot­ ryn Ursin, feHzabeth Verpnaua- the text of a tape recording be­ cree, probably in a week. hold its children’s Christmas CHUCK tery to their hearta content," A/t Christmas the boys left home of Panther players. membership class will meet at SWEET Potatoes ^ 2 S * 8 p.m. at Kingsbury House to­ 1 ^ ; Onade 9, Sarah Borst, Rich­ tween Vick and Osborn. The decision to go.ahead with pwTty on Dec. 14 at the poet she said. Vienna. Bob went to TVirkey and Rve coaches and other adiilts morrow with the deacons and ard Daonaojian, Jeaaica Foeter, Miller said “ It is most atgnili- debate on only the first three home. Santa Claus will arrive at From there the two GiUmans Greece; Allan went to the aooompanylng the team will California Roast church officers. EHzalbeth Houle, Susan Nowsch; cant” that Osborn was one of chapters of the Christian unity 2 p.m. with gifts for young­ Chuck Ground sailed north to the Dardanelles mountains in Austria to Ma. stay at the Nathan Hale Hotel / Noel inet Allan for the holi­ (Jub Scout Pack 66 will meet Grade 10, Peter Denoncourt, Hoffa’a attorneys when two schema lent weight to reports sters up to 12 years of age. BONELEM •TEAX iiv^NEAT :?29* and into the Sea of Marmara in WibimanUc where a recep­ There will also be candy, pop­ days, bitoh-hiklng with a giri tion will be given for therh. at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Oynttria iDonohue, Susan Fowler, members of last year’s trial the council might drop the dec / where they docked at Istanbul. Jury and one prospective Juror larationa on Jews and religious corn, soda amd hotdogs. The Tondovloin >brtbikbpib Exotic, antiquated Istanbul friend through the worst winter On Nov. 30, a Good Will Bowl Robertson School. In charge of EHlen FBiauM, Sandra Orun, the display on the theme *"The Were dismissed on reports of at­ liberty. The cotmcil then could adults will be refreshed with Shoulder Steak with Hs multitude of Byzantine Eku-ope haa ever had. The girls Geune will be played at 1:30 Suoan Slok, Barbara Stiehl; World of Sound” will be Den 4, tempted Jury tampering. Miller take them up In a different coffee, hotdogs and doughnuts. UAN A TENDER e domes proved to make a visitor spent a week of vacation there pjn. at the Plains Athletic Grade 11, Linda Burba, John BONELEM H L ^ tc25* led by Mrs. Donald LaVoie, den dismissed the Jurors after manner, perhaps as part of an­ Members are reminded to feel as though he was traveling skkng, then left to return to Field. This will be a return Hoolker, Tbemas Hovey, Judith saUSPOOLTRT A mother, and Mrs. C. L. LoBrec, closed-door sessions. other schema, such as one deal­ mail back their reservation through a chapter of Arabian England and work. game, sinoe the Pentberrs went Pick, EUzebeth Schreier, Deb­ Flank Steidc N Last year's trial of Hoffa, ing with the Church in the slips as soon as possible. The Top Sirloin Roast By this time Allen felt he to Pennsylvania last year where assistant den mother. orah Wright; Onaxle 12, Soralh Nights. It was with great re­ Roof Repair Sessloa lasting nine weeks, also was modern world. slips may also be turned in at . TACTT SEASONING 2 •‘<^29* luctance the two South African needed some sunshine and they won the championship tro­ Ckrugh, Kathleen Donohue, TENDSk — IHOULDBR CUT Woric session w U be b M marked by bickering between the club house until Dec. 1. tourists boarded the ship to sail warmer air, so be went down phy. Rein date for the Nov. 30 G r e g ^ Horton, Catherine Mar- Some members of the Secre- Saturday and Sunday to con­ opposing counsel, reprimands S h o r t R ib s back to Italy. to Italy. After several weeks of ganto will be Dec. 1. ak, FliyUis Nowach, Roger tarla for Promoting Christian London, Broil tinue roof repoiire at the Cov­ Phelpa, Judith YachoiriMniB. from Miller, and a courtroom Unity, which sponsored the dec­ Lawyer Dubarred A t Brindisi, the port of de­ sightseeing he headed back for •n»e Bristol Midgets wlM at­ attack on Hoffa by a former DCUCIOUt GLACE CAKE VOX ^ 4 5 * entry Historical Society’s house Oraart Hiked larations, have expressed fear OVEN READY barkation. the Gillmsns board- England where he did various tend a oliurch of their faith on mental patient nalng an air-pel- odd Jobs for IVi months. on South St. AB men are asked The Hebron board of edu- the statements might never HARTFORD (A P)—I. AX>ert the "rapddo” (train) for the Dec. 1 with the boys at whose to assist if possihle tai order let pistol. The Jury couldn’t again reach the council floor If Lehrer, who is to be sentenced P la t o B e e f "fastest, wildest ride" anyone On March 11 he returned to home they will be sta}dng. De­ cation haa received notice from R ib R o a s t that the work be completed be­ Supt. Aram Donmrjian that the agree on a verdict. The case is dropped from the unity schema. tomorrow on fraud charges, was ever exjWienced to Naples. A f­ Rome to keep a date with Bob, parture for home will be the PIE CRUST NIX 22:^29* fore winter sets in. A meeting town’s average daily member pending. dMwrred yesterday to Superior ter six days there they went to and the two traveled through' afternoon of Dec. 1. Gray is scheduled to hear the Augustin Cardinal Bea, presl- |gY-LKM . ^ of the Society is planned fo r 8 ship grant for the oomlng year dent of the secretariat, said the Court 0 Rome where many aspects of out Italy, then headed toward Enumeration Required p.m. Tuesday at the house Jury tampering trial of Hoffa SMOKED BUTTS the civiUaed culture o t. today Paris.' A f ter viewing the many h $92,890. Thia is $4,956 more declaration on the Jews was The West Haitfond lawyer WHITE SHRIMP State law requires . that all weather permitting. and the c^ er six men. SLICED BACON ICALVM UVER had its birth centuries ago. The wonders of the “City of Light children be enumeiiited, Supt thait the estimate mode, owing needed to remove anti-Semitism haa pleaded guflty to 10 counts COCKTAIL NIX ft 49* Nyadt Named to ootlon taken by the leglaia- Osborn was regarded as a nur leUnirely manner in which the and its surrounding area. Bob of Schools Wilstm L. Tilley leading candidate for president and Nazi German thinking from representing a variety o f fradu- OUUD Charles E. Nyack, former ture infer adoption o f the town GiUmans were traveling afford' decided he wanted to go to pointed out today. The enumer­ of the Nashville Bar Association Christian minds. The declara­ lent activities, ranging from NEHm f c G 9 ® - a 6 5 ® first selectman, has been ap­ budget, as explained by Damar- tion declares that all mankind, mortgage maniputotllon to forg­ 01001 #59* I ■“ 9 9 ' ed them the time to viait every­ Denmark while Allan went ation program for this year has next year. thing there was to visit. back to England once again, been completed. pointed to the planning and Jian. not Jews alone, ehares respon­ ery to embezzlement. zoning commiosixm to take the Joys of a Rare Autumn sibility for the crucifixion. Lshrer’a disbarment was or­ Then, on to Germany and a this time to sdy goodbye to However, if there. is anyone place of Joseph Witkowski who Any early riser who was Two American cardlnale—Jo­ dered h y Judge Phillip R. Pas- trip up the Rhine River from Noel and make arrangements in town who has not been con­ 2 Theaten Opened moved from town. WUUam G. lucky enough to catch a glimpse seph Elmer Ritter of St. Louis, tore. Mains to Odogne with scenery for her to oome to the United tacted and who lived in Coven­ Ryan Merrow Rd. replaces Mrs. of the sky Wediresday at about BBRUN—Two large theaten Mo., and Albert Gregory Meyer State’s Atty. John D. LaBslle V States. try before Oct. 1, he is asked enhanced by medieval castles 6:20, saw a wondertol sunrise, were opened in Germany — an of Chicago — told the council aakl the specific charges to DEL MONTE along the banks of the river. On checking with the Amer­ to contact Mrs. John Williams Bessie I. Struck on the com F r o ^ M F o o d mission. She resigned because such as we have been witness­ octagonal one costing $5,750,- eather this week the declara- which Lehrer pleaded gtoHy Prom CJologne Noel and her ican £knbassy Noel and Allan of High SL, Mrs. Richard N i­ HSNCT LYMM — D U U ZS li/m Bakery cola of Depot Rd. or Mrs. Ed­ of being unable to serve and ing for sorne time. The day 000 in Stuttgart and a $2,136,- tlons should remain p)art of the represent transaotiona worth father took a train to Bruasels were very dejected when they promised to be another of those 000 one ki 0>k>gne. Under con­ Christian unity schema. Other between $76,Q00 to $10(),000. There Noel found a position at were told the quota for South gar Boisvert of Bissell Rd. This ailao retain her position as reg­ is especially necessary if there istrar of voters. grolden Indian summer gifts struction in Wuppertal is an princes of the Church, such as The total cunount involved in the National Headquarters of Africans had been used up for dropped upon us. We ought to $8,876,000 theater with an un- Paul Emile Cardinal Leger of the lawyer’s schiemes "ia in ex- ICE CREAN the Oatholic Guides Association almost 20 yeans. Consequently! are foster children in the fam- The commission has approved rARM PARPAIT a subdivision of 18 lots on N. hope for rainy days we suppose, usually large stage. Montreal, said they approved oesB of $700,000,” said LoBeik. X of Be^um . She had charge of the most practical arrangement ily. and feel almost wicked enjoying Chsaralia Hreipil* CORN River Rd. owned by John Chap­ housekeeping, but was soon was to get married there. PHNA Report the prospect of sunshine and Cta-BnUiriBtlM PIES ^ 55i DEL MONTE ^ EARLY OARDEN a lin. i r o n SROVMD BREAD ^ delegated to look after all Eng- On May 11, 1963, at Tun­ The Public Health Nursing mild temperature. CAKES -OOLD lA B S l « a N A R lA in U^-^>eaktng Girl Scouts and Association is very grateful to The commlaeion plane to Horace Sellers discovered 1-4b. bridge Wells Church, Kent, S-ez. I Girl Guides newly arrived in Noel and Allan were married; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blais of have its reorganization meeting yellow rose Just budding into W holewheat 2 ^ 4 5 * Waterfront Park for the dona­ Belgium. She took them on Bob arrived in Ekigland the at 8 p.m. Dre. 9_ at the Town bloom yesterday, the second WE HAVE ALL SIZES OF S trawberries n m gtiided tours and on several tion of a walker to the PH NA office cmnex. one within the past few weeks, ICBD d % A p day before the wedding to be Loan Closet. Mrs. Thomas OUNT camping trips to the southern be^ man. The following Mon­ Celebrates 82 Tears on a plant in a Weltered spot at O'Brien, visiting nurse, reports Mrs. Ella Hall has been giv part of the cotmtry and as far day they began proceedings t o r his home here. And December Cinnam» n W hiris .3 9 * SWEET PEAS 2 the PH NA has had many re­ en a surprise birthday party at CHRISTMAS CAKE 1 north as Antwerp. Camping Noel to come over as the wife almost here! NIBLETSCORN there can not compare to Amer- quests for such equipment l^ut her home on Carpenter Rd. in Reports continue to come OIANT GRAND UNION of an American oitisen. On Nov. until now has been -unable to honor of her 82nd birthday. Be < lean standards. There are no 17 Allan sailed for home leav­ from various parts of the local O e/ryf Stpeeia/s cabins available during inclem'- supply one. tween 30 and 40 guests attend­ area of water shortage, especi­ TINS and COOKIE ! ing Noel with many proUems The nurses made 164 visits ed from New Hampshire, Bos­ GREEN BEANS ent weather, and all tents are unresolved. ally where dug wells are in pitched directly on the ground in October, of which 78 were ton, Mass., Hartford, East Hart' ► FRUIT After many discoiuaglng nursing and 86 health supervi­ ford, Long Island, Norwich On the Mend which proves a bit "sOcky" trips at the American Embas­ CUTTERS 4 Crean^ heese 2Sft49* when It rains. sion visits. New London and Cbventry. Mrs, The Rev. and Mrs. Howard ORAHDUHIOK-SMIAfftiN-YXaMf I f U l p sy Noel finally had the decisive Mrs. O'Brien attended a ses­ Hall has been a resident of C. (Jhampe of Bloomfield were AND THEY ARE J iiX IC O R N COCKTAA Mr. GUlman, having seen Interview on July 9. Two days sion of the Willimantlc Crip­ (Coventry for the past eight sssnooK Noel weU situated at the Head­ recent visitors in town. The LIBBY'S later she sailed on the Queen pled Children's (Jllnlc in Willl- years. Rev. Mr. Champa was dis­ 12-«a Cheddar Cheese '^ 7 3 * quarters, left Belgium for Eng- Elizabeth for the United mantlc where problems and I r*ts- t o d where he planned to secure charged from Hartford Hospital BOTH STORES FAIRWAY PRICED! SQUASH pnASBUBYBCmBPLABB^ R A f i States, arriving here on the prog^ress of local patients were Manchester Evening Herald only a day or two before Ms CAHDBD a home for the family, and then 16th. discussed. C oven try correspondent, F. 14h >z . head back to South Africa for visit. Except for a slight tem­ OPEN 12>ez For the time being the mo­ Eleven children were riven Pauline Uttle, telephone 742- porary limp he looks the picture DinnerRolls hie wife and son. torbike has been put into stor­ physical examinations and im- 6281. of health. SWEET POTATOES 9kg- In March 1962, Just a year age. Allan, a 1966 graduate of TONIGHT Lm OLCUT after first arriving in Europe, Manchester High School, is S&H Green Stamps OARDEN TOMATO JOICE Manchester Evening Herald 2 Noel went back to Venice to be 9-ea. attending the University of Hebron correspondent, Miss Cheddar Cheese ^ 35 HECKERS re-united with her parents and Hartford night school and is TILL Susan B, Pendleton, telephone —• 2 LOCATIONS — FRENCH FRIES brother. The family went to in his Junior year. During the JFK Bipartisan Talk 228-S4M. Charge It 1 England and settled down once day he works in the Publica­ With 976 MAIN STREET uenster tix again, spending many an eve­ tions Depeirtment of Hamilton Downtown Manchester N S 'S;r45* ENRICHED ning telling each other of the Standard, a division of United UNI­ many wonders seen in thekr Aircraft Corp., Windsor Locks. Hints Texas Worries Cambodian TURNPIKE PLAZA 5 ^ 4 9 travels. Allan and Bob are the sons of CARD 705 MIDDLE TPKE. E. FLOUR But once bit by the wander­ Mr. and Mrs. Allan N. Cox, (Continued from Page One) Johnson would like to torpedo Next to Popular Market SEEDLESS Raisins ”^^29* lust bug the disease is incur­ 756 Vernon St. Mm Reports ~ Wish R n CTPEAS 21^45* able, so four more times during Noel's impressions of the of state, Kennedy said the space How much the civil rights the next year Noel made trips United States have been most program promises as much for push will affect the Kennedy- . nqc OF THE CR^ back to the Continent with complimentary and she enjoys Johnson ticket in Texas next T o Be Neutral A^RmNT - 55* living here very much. Perhaps future scientific developments W PrO Lli^r“ 3‘sr»P friends. She worked at a chil­ year remains a large and unan- liS b t tlQ U tiO U M a t VflM V5M (sOitf V the biggest surprise she got as wartime radar delivered in nORIDA-SEEDlESS dren's home and saved every swered question. Texas has (Continued from Page One) Ffft/n Fnsh Proi/uM cent she earned in order to was the Hartford skyline the modem transistor radios. He slightly less than a tenth of the day she arrived. n take these holidays. said space research holds “ sub­ 270 electoral votes the President lated the Cambodian border OMON SOUP N IX ftf.33* COOKIES ^ 3 J P ® On Aug. 18, 1962, Noel and a “ W ’ we approached Hart­ needs to win re-election. He car­ stantial, benefits for those of us while his country had only a •ft "ft -A friend, finding themselves back ford the highway from the ried the state by 46,000 out of CRANBERRIES south. was astounded at the who are earth-bound.” few trainer planes, stripped of m S B ^ TB1ID8B from the Continent a few days 2.8 million votes in 1960. •ODCK ~ DOUBLE BDOB earlier than planned, went to similarity between Hartford Kennedy will make five Republicans, of Sen. Barry guns, with which to defend it­ cdmODA^4&89* and Johannesburg. It made me v SA V IM G S Scotland. They stopped at Fer- speeches and attend two recep­ Goldwater's camp, who have self. BRUSSEL SPROUTS niehurst Castle in Jedburgh, feel as though I had come ‘full Sen. John G. Tower and two “ There is no doubt in our b l a d e s ”SSP 5>i^67* BB&nFBlIlf circle' and was home again." tions in Text^s. He will iUlc/ IvO AN which has'been converted into a spend Friday night at Johnson's House members in Washington, mind that nothing yrould please A s s o t I \ r I f> N Youth Hostel Here they met ranch. are flexing their muscles in our neighbors more than to see ftD[NErNAPKINS’Ytr4i* two young American men from Texas. (Jonally has said he Cambodia rush into the arms of POTATOES After three days 'of mingling mPORTBO — RAUAN Manchester, Coim • couldn't truthfully predict the the Communists and becomp a IWSTITUTieW Davig to Emcee with Democrats of every stripe, ri as we 1s t AUstn Cox and Bob Cox land­ danger to the area,” he said. GfHitnw f Do/ighfs and even rilth a few Republi­ state is safe for the Democrats. ed the first week of August in Friction between Connally, a "Therefore, they would say a /007^99' ^ L E ODER burgh. BoUmday from 8 to 11 pjn. at rights Is illuminated by the fact fly with him into Dallas to at­ reply to Sihanouk's request for COFFEE The two boys, Noel, her friend the Waddell School. Mamfiieater that Gov. John B. Connally, who tend a “ nonpartisan” luncheon termination of U.S. -aid,, agreed CHRISTMAS CLUB OTBH and all the other young people and Bolton CYO groups will at arranged the presidential trip there Friday. to undertake talks at once on an initially, opposes the President’s orderly withdrawal of U.S. eco­ aviar w a £n u ts participated in the evening's tend the dance sponsored by The govenuNT didn’t invite TODAY ; GLANORENE LUNPFISH C ^ 4 9 ‘ CnSUSAlAD entertainment planned to ac­ St. Bridget’s OYO. civil rights legislative package. Y a rb o ro i^ to a mansion racep- nomic and military aid mis­ quaint the group with the other Milas Etteen Petry, 1 Johnson and Sen. Ralph Yar- tion forr Kennedy M Austin Frl- sions. . travelera KatbJMO F « n x bOrougb. D-TfiX., who don’t day nlgl;M . because M said It waa^ Kimny said that thee talks wUL ^MHTCAKENUI From the very beginning Al- MidMalMm and Mias Ju w e e on much else, support it. for a tM laglalatoiHi aiid others determme details .of the with­ S i r A N T COFFEE CRISPBREAD laBl and Noel hit it off, finding Squires, msmtien of tbs apeo- This Includes J h t controversial running oo the state ticket. But drawal wMch must be complet­ MON^TUES^I. m w of intareet to talk about group, arq in clwrg* of •ection to enforce desegregation the senator was assured of a ed within three months for the economic program and withlh iExtra Hoiirs'!S.'!!i?5.PJE.—Wedneedey Oloaoi A t Keen It was a difficult parting when m on buatneaaea serving the pul>- prominent seat at the |100-a- the time came, for Noel envied its Ue. Yarborough Is running hard ite fund-raising dinner; (ta t six months for ths military proe ABaf and Bob thefar trip; Mie Hm door. fqr rcoomlnatloiy Ho suspacta Slows. gram. rWto WK WBE WBK WBK WW WP* I *>• .u -A ^AOB SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., 'fflURSDAT, NOVEMBER 11, 1968 Section Two rarmsDAy, November a, ww tilattrlirater lEorttittfi IfCralh thursdat, November a','i96s Paget 17 to 32

About Town

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Italian American Chib will have ita annual holiday ban­ quet Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the club. Bezzini Bros. Wayside Furniture The British American dub’s children’s Christmas party will be held on Dec. 22. Deadline for signing'up at the clubhouse is Dec. 147" ’The Manchester Junior Square Dance (^ub will hold ita sev­ enth week of lesslons tonight at WE ARE the Waddell School. Pre-teens will have lessons from 6:30 tp 7:45 and teen-agers from 7:45 ANNOUNCING to 6:30. Ths town committee coff^ hour of the Newcomers diib ot OUR Manchester will be held tomor­ row from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Community Y. ’This kiformal 519 get-acquainted event is for '\1I members, of the Y and wxrnien new to the community. Free EAST MIDDLE iritter service will be available. Town Firemen from Co. $ last night at 6:45 were called out to extinguish a small leaves fire TURNPIKE which got out of control on Cone St. No property damage MANCHESTER was reported. 2 Miss Vida Salcius. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salci- AT JUNCTION ua, 85'North St., Is on an organ­ Bolton Green Due for Face-Lifting ising committee for a freshman OF ‘Hm menwrini boulducing the show under the Introduce to Our Customers a New Huge and Even Larger meeting last night several members voiced the opinion lunch period. sponsorship of the Manchester Registered Nurse.s Association. Proceeds will benefit a schol­ that a current board regulation permitting smoking on "Smoking at any other time and Mrs. Paul M. Kaye, 109 W. Town welfare costs rose Center St., baa been named to arship fund. Ushers will be Miss Jo-Ann Little, Mrs. Ronald Robinson, Miss Patricia Duval a reatrictad baala dKMild be re-<^ or place on the school grounds the dean’s list at Duka Unlvet' and Miss Vivian Blair. Tickets will be available at the door. (Herald photo by Ofiara). NO MONEY DOWN Furniture Store Enabling'Us to Offer a Larger Selection voked tn order to conform to a queetlng a "conatanl education­ Is prohibited and .Is subject to sharply last month in com- pckrison with esependatures in sity, Durham, N.C., for the recent recommendation ot the al program to discourage pu- disciplinary 'action and loss of spring semester 1663. of Top Quality Brand Name Merchandise for Our Custom­ Manchester Adviaory Board of pUe from smcdcing'’ be carried the smoking privilege." October 1962. 1 hurst. N.J. The group provides The Salvation Army will have Frank J. Mansfield Marine on tn the schools. ■ The $700 rise was reflected ----- the chief of Naval Air Technical an informal Bible study tonight Corps League and A»ixlViajy will H ealth..,. Dr. Walter Schardt and Atty. at 7:30 in the book of the Reve- be held Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at ers to Choose from and to Offer Savings as NeVer Before. At the doee of last night’s Assistant Supt. Ronald Scott William Collins both voiced the It. its entirety by increased AviaUon Machinist’s Mate j Training with a direct contact to last night told the board that hospital expensea. 8.C. Kenneth F. Warner, son of the fleet enabling him to 'pro-1 lation of Jesus Christ, and will the Marine Hall. For reaerva- discuwion, the matter wae opinion that smoking permission vide the latest technical infor-' be conducted by Mrs. Florence tions call Mrs. Harrison Wilson, For Your ShopjHng Convenience You Will Find at Bezzini pl€u^ on the board’s agenda smoking educaUon is now given should be outlawed altogether. The Welfare Depertment Mr. and Mra. Kenneth A. in certain special studies classes spent $3,653.52 in October of Warner, 88, Joseph St., is serv­ maUon on specialized systems Stevenson, 88 Bluefield Dr., or Mrs. Peter for Ita next meeting, atated for at the high school. He said he StaAed OolHns: "Since w« this' year, compared to $2,- ing with a Naval Air Mainten­ to operating forces at their I —— C'>rdora, 9 Eldridge St., by Now. Brothers, Adequate Parking Facilities. Dec. 4 at the euggesUon of has requested Principal A. Ray- know now that emoMng is a 975.52 for the same month last ance Training Group at Lake- home bases. The Cbrletmae party of the SO. Beldon Bchaetfer. mond Rogers to make a com­ heaifch problem and is haibit- year, And at Sohaeffer’a requeat, plete report on current prac­ forming, we should not condone Ounent hospital costs were the board agreed to aek for the tices. EducaUon on the effects It In the wAools.” $1,094.69 for five oaeee, com­ h«^ of the boerd of health in of the use of alcohol, tobacco By continuing to pergdt pered to $362.68 for two cases jjj;;:::::::;: sr promoting amoking education and drugs is required by state smoking, he said, tbe board puts last October. In ihg achnols, by requeating statute, he said. ttself in the position of tadtly N Dr. JwdMlas Marzlalo, director Asked what the current board approving It. of heatth, to come before the policy Is on smoking permission Schaeffer then caUed for the board at hie cosivenlenoa. within the aehool. Sfott said cer current board regulaton to Public Records BIG the board's action stems tain students are allowed to be' rejnroduced eo members can Afom a recent letter from the •moke under school supervision. study it before considering the Warantee Deeds adviaory board of health, ra- The regulaUon aa ouUlned in matter again at their next Wesley R. Smith and Avis B. W& f&duit£/ QwatSu FoodA meeting. Smith to Camille A. Nadeau and DISCOUNT SPECIAL’ In other action, the board al­ Olive F. Nadeau, property at so voted unanimously to accept 153 Grandview St. Depend on Brand Nomoi for Your Homo a otiange in the schedule for Elden Wolspn to Barney T. TULIP TREE TURKEY FARM the completion of next year’s Peterman and Lorraine E. ...At Everyday Low Prices! Pat coiiTtnieiiee, pkasort and MUofeetioii in yovr home . . . with school bwlget. Peterman, property at 19-Jl The change,' ptupoeql by Knox S t DURING GRAND OPENING Bernini’s brand name prodncis. They lighteB your woi^, add endoring Schaeffer, chairman of tide fi­ Merlyn C. Bastlan and Fran­ beauty . . . and save you money. Beiaini’a products are dependable, but FRESH nance committee, eets i 'joint ces S. Bastian to Robert V. As usual, we will hare a worksitop meetings of the com­ Gentile and Patricia J. Gen­ ■fine selection of Swift more than that, these products are designed for use, with the little prac­ NATIVE mittee and the full board dur^ tile, property at 69 Frances Dr. our Butterball, Land O’ Lakes tical extras that make aH ths difference in the world when you use thou. Ing trie month of January to Release ot Attachment STOCK UP ON STAPLES! and Frejsh Native Tur­ TURKEYS study the superintendent’s total Avis B. Smith against Wes­ Engineered the way yon want them, custom made, yet b^ nse Bexzini ALSO BONED AND ROLLED reconunended budget. ley "R. Smith, property at 153 keys. BIG NEW^l saves throngh mass mariteting, yon get these products at genuinely low n ie plan, endorsed by com­ Grandview' St. .i 8-OZ. CAN FAMILY [TURKEYS^ FRANK M. HARABURDA mittee member Edward Glen Willianr Caerwinski. against prices and .on Bozzini’s sonTsni^ monthly tom s. No paymsnts till .arete|>s. •»i V ASH SWAMP ROAD—GLASTONBURY, CONN. ney, will grtve the foil board John E. Willard, property on March 1st. TEL. 633-2415 opportunity to make their feel Hartford Rd. OF THE GREATEST, MOST Ings known on budget items be Marriage Licenses ' fore It comee up for approval Raymond Oliver Lavallee, He­ EGG NOG MIX 39' Also Capons and la r g e in early February. ’The work bron and Carol-Ann Close, 610 roasting chickens. SPECTACULAR FURNITURE seesione wUl be open to the pub W. Middle ’l^ke., Church of As­ LARGE 20.OZ. SIZE BETTY CROCKER BEZZINI JlEti MM V6M tiflM XiM tl6M VCM tl5M Vi Be.. sumption, Nov. 30. PLEASE ORDER Featuring Such Brand in. the peat, budget prepara Jack Wayne Rawls, 82 Cole­ EARLY tion has been worked out by the man Rd., and Gloria Joan Ozut SALE IN HISTORY! MIRACLE BROS. Names As: i CHRISTMAS BAZAAR •upenintendent and the finance 82 Coleman Rd., Nov. 23. committee before being present­ Building Permits PlE CRUST MIX 29 Nathan Hale Furniture ed to the foil board. To Jarvis Enterprises, Inc, PLEDGE SpooBored By ST. BRIDLrET'S ROSARY SOCIETY T%e board also acted on two new dwellings at 78 Woodhill SAVINGS and LOWEST PRICES BT. BmOOETS HAIX, 70 MAIN ST. items relating to the Manches' Rd., $10,900; 84 Woodhill Rd, 20-OZ. SIZE Cold Bond Mattresses ter COmammity College. These $10,800; 92 Woodhill Rd. M O R R E a were: (1) the adoption of a pol­ $11,300; 100 Woodhill Rd., $12,- IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! icy on refomd Of foes in cases 900; 3 Evergreen Rd., $12,900 Circle Imports, Inc. SATURDAY, of a student’s withdrawal from 11 Elvergreen Rd., $12,000; 19 CANNED HAM classes; and (2) the adjust­ Everg;reen Rd., $11,300. Hejnz KHCHUP 3! P n d w l Norge Home Appliances NOV. 23 ment of several items within To Calvin Carlni, relocate GIFTS FOR A U the cuTTent $90,000 budget. dwelling at 331 Bush Hill Rd SHURFINE (6 Lbs.) •3 79 FREE Have the • AJM. to 4 P.M. A leave of absence for the $4,250. for BRAND Restmaster Sleep Products Kiddle# second semester was granted To John Kerin, garage at 46 A Valuable Door Prize Picture Country Store, White to Mrs. Helen Wanat, a Grade 48 Wctherell St., $1,500. EVAPORATED MILK Elephants, Booths, 2 teachei- at Bowers School, to To John*Kerln, garage at 62 WIN Nothing to buy—^Nothing to Write NAMES Royal Weve Rugs ’Taken allow her to continue her edu- Wetherell St., $1,500. 18.0Z. SIZE SHURFINE FRESH DROUND HAMBURG ■ / ' With ApriMis, Cards, Religious Santa Articles, Jewelry, Christ­ u COME IN AND REGISTER AT Moosehead Manufacturing Co. Claus STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 45e OUR NEW STORE FOR ONE OF mas Booth, Parcel Post. 49^ FIVE BIG DOOR PRIZES. Satiifiotioii RCA Home Appliances SOUTH COVENTRY FIRE DEPT. 12-OZ. GREEN GIANT NIBLETS REGISTRATION BLANKS HAVE TO RCA Victor TV and Hi-Fi WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 35c BE IN ON OR BEFORE NOV\29, 1963 Blue Bell Mattresses ' NBC emOOOLATE FUDGE SANDWICHES---- Pkg. 46e Coupon G^i United Furniture Co. LAST EVENING i I BINGO ON OUP ¥mc MAKKer MPORT MO PM Good Until Nov. 29, 1963 REGISTER Craft Associates, Inc.' l i fRtSHiST PRODIItt THIS COUPON GOOD FOR FREE FOR EVERY FRIDAY 8 P.M. DOOR PRIZE! MAIN ST., SOI COVENTRY Dixie Dinettes . . . we stated flatly that while Putnam has no ADDRESS ...... G lF l FROZEN BREADED CITY ...... PHONE ...... NOV. 21 H m Empire Furniture magic formula to guarantee investment suc­ LUSCIOUS Limit one to an adult customer. NOV 29 cess, your Putnam representative will guar­ VEAL CUTLETS Lb 89c BEZZINI BROS. FURNITURE Kent Coffee Manufacturing antee to serve your investment needs to the Complete Lunoheons Daily - - - 85c to 99c TANGERINES best of his ability. Why not give him a chance LAMBPAHIES Lb 39c Stanley Furniture Co., Inc. to prove it? WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Tell Cit^r Chair Co. CHICKEN IN THE BASKET ...... e e e e c • 99c 49^ FREE INFORMATION THURSDAY SPECIAL l/i BROILER AND SPAGHETTI ITALIAN CHESTNUTS ) INVESTMENT FACTS BAKED STUFFED JUMBO SHRIMP $ 1 50 t ROAST BEEF OR VIRGINIA BAKED HAM MMtOWTM WUeZ This latest booklet fr«n the New York Stock 29i ALL ROADS LEAD TO ii'- FRIDAY lATTMlOClI TWMWKft Exchange lists the dividend records of more COMPLETE LOBSTER DINNER ...... $1.95 BEZZINI BROTHERS ttian 400 stocks. You may have a copy with DAILY 519 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE MMKHISm our compliments. DELICIOUS STEER BEEF SHORT STEAK . $1.75 NATIVE 1 HABTFO^ AT JUNCTION OF EAST CENTER ST. and / •BBeN— Bak«d Losogna $1.25— M ot Pastrami on Ryo 50e EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE * • ■ i ' CABBAGE TotrunmAJmmtoAr^ ‘ Enjoy Yonr Favorite Legal Beverage Here.. C I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONK., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1962 PAGE NINETEEN FAGS EIGHTEENI HANCHESTEK EVEN1I>JG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN\ THURSDAY, NOVEMBEll 121, IfCT by the Buropean . group and an SOto anniversary of toe esUb- toe CIA _ pay* traveler* with well as of toe yean of peace gees Uve in'eam pa In Jordan, mitted their chicken war to tha pumey that ia-pavtr noted on In­ shows that, despite ..the differ­ Crew of Chief rhan. H ia. Rdbert W . PrterBOh two days tarat vwak at Rham Ramey to Attend Panel Rejects OATT p^el after long negotU- tnerease by toe United SUUa. Lamont Charges liehment of .diplomatic relations Israel Protests Leiibanon, S“ ^■ a and ' the United between tola country and toe come Ux returns. ence of Our social systems, a Andover was reappointed clerk, High School — Monday, ham­ Arab Repiblfc. They are fed. tlons. 'The dispute followed an ‘The Common Market U rtff on businesslike cooperation and Saved at Sea Two aOAMI, Fla. (AP) — A mer­ ary waa ralaed from $1,000 to , I^e U.N. Relief and Works ExpcH*t Losses Market tariff on tmporU of froa- 18.48 oonU. ’The Common To Spy on Reds are quite possible.” Moberg Fills $1,250, To cover the ddat of and noodM caeaerole, cabbage fired lUbney, (Hrsobor of buR- en poultry. A booming U.8. ex­ ket offered In SepUmber to cut multimillionaire flnancief and Ing American tourlsU. chant vessel which rescued UNITJID NATIONS. N .Y. i gancy. nea 'turrteula at Manobestar The Baby Has the automaUo at the new and o u T v t -aiaw, fridted geladn (AP)—lerael has protested "In port . to Weat Germany waa it l.S cenU a pound, but toe philanthropist, haa been Identi­ Lamont said there la “re­ seven •. men c>ff Cuba’s coast toi*Ti office building, $60 was with topping. Bread, butter and Oofninuntty OoBege, W * attend OmODVA (A P) —^An Indepen­ wiped out. • United SUtes rejected the offer. NEW YORK (AP) — Coriiss fied with numerous left-wing duced fear all over toe world’’ brought them toward Miami to­ Vacancy 6n the strongest terms” to the a ooUaga aooounbing seminar an tranatferred from the contin­ milk are nerved with Al meals. United SUtee for allowing a Shedt Title* dent , panel haa rejectad tha Lamont, Chairman of toe Na­ causes for many years, but that toe Soviet Union Is an ag­ lx-Na*i Flees day to tell whet happened to **Tha finprovaraant of Inntiue- While the panel’s finding is their 190-foot motor.vetoel. gency hind to the street light­ U.8. compromise resolution on alaim by tha United SUtee that not binding, the United SUtee OOIXJBOB BOY INVENTORS tional Council of Aitiartcan-So- denied chargm of Comm’urust gressor. He said toe fear Is a Mabcheator Evealag Herald tkm kt Accounting" Aatwday myth created by reactionaries After Exposure Been Named Finance Unit ing fund. , the PaleeUtie refugee (juestion LONDON (AP) Vlsoount M U kMlng $46 million a yaar and the Common Market made AMARILLO, Tex. (AP)‘—Tom viet Frtendahip, charges that affUUUon. ’The freighter Joanne took all Aadover eorreapobdeat, Law- at tha Harvard Oub In Boston. He told toe rally ” we can be that never was true.” eeven aboard 90 milea aouto-, In Town Building to be amended to satisfy Argb llriiam, 66, lord president of in additicn to Ms duttas as In pcoa Used Wedneaday by the General A ence, ga^e up his titles Wednes- today. ed SUtee for Its loss. eral devices which provide a lot He made toe allegation back home safe after being held d^t of toe U.S.S.R. Academy girl author of a diary, during Wednesday aftenjpen — more dlaseee ki aooountlng, typing, than 24 hour? offer silence cut nance, fUHng the vacancy fice building ii IVUrle. (iMigftUr o f Rioh«j?iJ F. and Bi- and ahorthand. nancing them through college. ing. dressed the rally, but neither Interior Ministry ainnounced his short t^.-nfotor vessel chief’s tan Knamar Phalp*, 103 Chambem St. Sha wma borti Nov. caused by the death of A. fice houre will be from 10 to 4 ACXIRA, Ghana — AKhough mlttee 88-1 with 12 abstentions, Hogg, eral Agreement on Tariffs and SUtes can raise lU own tariffs audienca of 1,900 persons, in­ on Mondaj-a and Wednesadye; world cocoa production has urges the U.N. Palestine cooefl- A B.8. graduats of Boston Trade-^ATT — reportedly put on various Common Market They have a lucrative market cluding the Soviet ambassador ”It ia an undoubted fact,” lis- mentioned toe issue raised by suspension from duty with toe distceeS calls. IB alt Manchastar MatnorioJ HoapOtal. Her matamal jraStd- Berle Gellpo. The unexplred The peer, who as second Vis­ CMiega, he hoMa a m astai'a de­ Lamont. Vienna police force. Chief went off the air iMranbi ara Mr. and Mr*. C. Raiymond Kramer, Huntlng;ton, evening houra from 7 to 10 p.m. been fairly stable in the Piwt iaUon commission to continue the annual lost at $26 ...... million. producU to a flgure equal to lU for their "skat-boards” which to the United SUtes, Anatoly F. mont said, ’’that toe CIA does term rune until 196,5. Moberg on Tu«Jdayt and Thursdays; on three years, consumption has efforts to obtain repatriation or count of Hallsham succeeded gree and cMtlfloata of advanced The Common Market cllam ^ loss. In this caae the United are used for side walk "surf Dobrynin, and other Soviet dig- try to get tourists and scholars Dobrynin read a . message to ’The wife o f Karl Sllberbajierr abruptly after saying she was n T T Her paternal gTandparewtii are Mr. and Mra. DucHey study in buatneai admMstiatlon i, said through a the sinking and the sea was about r. PItapa.' Ftirt WaeWngton, If. T. She haa two brothara, Uvea et the center and ia head Friday from 10 a m . to 1 p.m. risen about S per cent a year. compensation for the 1.2 million ‘his father In 1960,. shed his ti­ the U.8. loss was $19 million. SUtes and thO Common Market riding.” Equally popular with niUries. to do espionage for the United toe council from SovUt Premier o f Mercury Machine T<»1 Inc. and 7 to 10 p.m. Forecaate are that 1963 oon- refugees from the 1948 Arab- tle to wage a special election from Boston Untveealtar. Before The United SUtee and the elx- are expected to work out a com­ young boys are their cat - tail ’The gathering was a rally at SUtes while they are traveling Khrushchev, who said: ‘ "The eX' door in their aparUfoiit today: to swamg the generator that MftdMMl Joeeph, 2, and Peter Fnanote, 14 monftha. coming to Manchester, be was ’He is not here,^ Von’t tell you powered her radio. • • • • * o f Columbka. Rham Menu manpticn will exceed produe- Israel war. Israel cast the dis­ campaign which he hopes will nation Buropean trade bloc sub­ bination of some Urlff reduction swings and r9pe ladders. Carnegie Hall ’ celebrating the In the Soviet republic.” He said perience of the war years as senting vote. get him a <3onservatlve eeat In prinoi^ ef.WlaiTan (M m b.) where he ,lar" Why don’t you . ’The Miami-based Chief was AnderaoB, Tracy Marie. dau«hter of Leonard P. and Pfc- John H. Yeomene waa re­ Because of Thankagiving re- Uon for the first time in five bound from Honduras to Miami elected to serve aa board chalr- ceea. meals will be served only years. Abom a million of the refu- the House of Commons. High SchooL leave us'kfone?” Moia McNulty Anrienwn. Maxwell Dr., Vernon. She wa* The arrest of the family of Dr. with meat and shrimp when a bqm Ntav. 14 «t Mhnoheeler Memorial Hoepltal. Her mater­ Otfo Frank in Amsteidam was marine operator picked up her nal grandparenfta are Mr. and Mre. FPancla McNuKy, Vernon. made in 1944. Sllberbauer ad­ distress call and relayed It to Her paternal gTnndparenta are Mr. and Mra.. Carl Anderaon, mitted being an officer of toe the Coast Guard. Soulh Wlnttar. Her maternal |r«*t-p«ndparenU are Mr. Gestapo unit that raided the The Joanne messaged littla and Mm. Louia Lalne, 56 Oolumbue St. She has two broth- building where the Franks were beyond the bare word of the ate. SoiJU FYancte, 6V4. anital. Hla m aternal' graujidparent* are Mr. and Mre. Jeiry Greenwood, SHANK lb Ftandera Rd.. Ooveittry. Hla patemad grandparent* are Mr. anl Mre. Rodney W, BSsemore Sc., KnoUwood TYaR, Coventry. He ha* a brother, Randy. 2^. SECTION • • • • • SAUCE F(riey, BUeen. dauMhter o f Ghariea J. and Larraim Noel OCEAN SPRAY APPLE SAUCE Holey, 80 Windsor Ave., Rockville. She waa bom Nov. 11 aB RookvIBe City' HoapRal. Her maternal grandparenta are STIAINID or WHOLE - It's th« 2 UOZ E IN A S T — Rrings ifw Frosh, Swaat 1-LB Mr. and Mra. WHfrad Nod, Bdehertown, Mtaa. Her pater­ jte iic nal giaewhaothier la Mra. C. 3 . Fdley, New Toric, N, Y. She Natural Mala for ivory Moal CANS B V J F Flavor of OrcKard Apples to Your Table CANS has Sevan brnthara, Ohariea, 16, Mlcbaat, 16, P d riek , 14, H m - othy. 10, JVohn, 6, Thomas, 3, and WUnam, 2; and thraa t a - CENTER SLICES - 89^ | f U LL BU n SECTION B, Lawiris, 11, Tareaa, 5, and Oattierine, 8.

HeaideraoB, F lom Margaret, dauidfter o f Ledla B. and 9 9 < Fancy Brisket norenoa MaouftewtOK Handeraon, 11 DaUey Obcle, Rockville. FRUIT COCKTAIL LBC She was bom Nov. 8 at RockvlHe Otty Hoepltal. She has two FINAST PIE CRUST Big Value Bologno^T^. 2 alatsm, Aletthea Mary, 6, and Patricia Ledey, 8. PIN AS T — Debcioua Reedy to Serve Makes the Homemede - perfect 9-OZ ^ K C Oyr, Gary Paul, son of Nod R. and Annette Lafkanune in Seleda, Fruit Cupi, Deueii* JO -O I CAN 3 7 ' CftJit - Quick end Convenient PKGS i B i v SH O ULDIi - 4 TO d LBS LB 3 9 ‘ Oyr, 30 Vfcftoria Rd. He was bom Nov. 8 at Hartford Hoa- 2 Fresh Picnics CORNED pMal. His maternal grandparenta ere Mir. and Mre. Bmaet N Liaiamne. Biddeiord. Maine. Hla paternal grandparents ara Mr. and Mira. Louie V. C y r, Kaagad, Maine. • • • • Lumheoa Meots'^iTxr’t^3 5 ‘ Timotliy John, son of Mbchaol and GaR Mam- * BEEF ler rvtfwhTi Bouth St., Rockville. He was bom Nov. 8 at TOMATO JUICE Mam heaber Manorial Hoapttal. Hte maubemal grandparent* LB N N A S T — Twice Rich, FINAST w a Mir. and Mre. Frank Slamler, 560 Keeney St. Hla pa­ QT ITL Sausage Meat 3 9 ‘ ternal giandparenta ara Mr. and Mia. John P. Oailahan, 84 Rich in Flavor, Rich in YHamins Pies, Better Fried Foods OMvarRd. PROMT • • « • • I Davis, Ohariea WUliani, m of Chatta Raymond and I ArmoHr Star Liverwurst »43 Anna Mae Mia9noaky Davis, 7 Heidi Dr., Rockville. He waa CUT bom Nov. 18 at Manchester MemoiM Hospital. Hia ma­ ternal gnsu^Mrenta are Mr. and Mrs. William R. Malinosky, Link Sausage ■iooSmjb 6 9 Newln^on. Hi* paternal grandparenta ara Mr. and Mka. SW EET PEAS REYNOLDS WRAP • Ftad W. Davta, RockvBle. F IN A S T — Tender end Tenting, 17-OZ Swift's Sausage ^6% Straight Cut u 79< DcMerohaiU, OUfford Parley Jr., son of CMUronl Partsy Mid yVonoes Cosman DelMerchant, Stom .' He wa* bom Full of Garden Sweetness \ 4 CANS Juices of Your Holidey Cooking Nov. 17 aA. Mlanchoster Memorial HtoapSUl. Hls maternal Skinless Franks 2 99 ^ DON'T FORGIT if grandmother Is Min. Lloyd E. Cosman, New Brnnswlok, Can- Order Your First National aids. HIb peiteimal grandparent* are Mr. and Mr*. Liee De- Sliced Bacon HONOR MAID 1-LB PKG S 7 V Merchanit, 182 'Vernon SL Hie has a aWtor, C aM yn Jean, Thanksgiving Turkey ... NOW! 16 montha. , • • • • • W HOLE KERNCL CORN Vienna Party Platter life 65 MarshaU, Kennetti Alan, son of Richard Lee and Norma Mm eura to have Mwwflh on hand JV]|»Bon Marshall, 176 Brent Rd. He was bom Nov. 16 at Manchester MemoirUl Hospital. His maternal grandmother F IN A S T — Sweet, Tempting h 1-LB K 0 C FINAST STUFHNG BREAD Is Mra Hasel V. Johnson. Windsor. His paternal grandpar­ Kernels — Just Heat end Serve • P ^ A N S 1 9 W ents are Mr. and Mra. Robert Mkrihall, Wethersfield. He Fresh Swordfish » 5 3 < 2 1-LB LOAVK 25 * has a brother, RJichard Lee Jr., 3%; and a sister, Sandra Les- Se, 22 months. Newton, Deborah Jane, daughlter a t Julian Jr. and Rita Wesche Nenvton, 299 Main St. She was bom Nov. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother W HOLE O H IO Is Mre. Inngani Kubis, SAnttgart, Germany. Her poAemal T , grandparents are Mr. end Mr*. Julian Newton Sr., Bolton. FINAST BOILID W HITi - A A ***** Must for Your Holiday Faast White, Christopher Andrew, son orf Chories Burnett and 2 Osrol Smith White, Situart Dr., Tolland. He waa bom Nov. Fo&dey ^odujDetSpejtUahl ^ ^oHuiStasupSpeciaii, 16 sA MJancheriter Menwrial Hoi^ktal. HU moAemal grand­ parents sre Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Smith, SheMon. His K | | ix t r a s a h aiiiN sta m ps poAoraal grandparent* are Mr. and Mre. Arthur M. White, with ONE buN Milford. He has a brother, Ohariea Jr., 2; and a rister, OartWeen, 1. —■ BAG SoMked Shoulder Butts Smith, Kerry Elizabeth, daughter a t Jooe|)h R. -Jr. and McIntosh Apples" " " 3 Q4NN STAMPS Nancy Lynch Smith, 272 Vernon SA. She was bom Nov. 16 Fkozen Food Lipton inftant Tea >bl iAI 89c wHh purchai* of any oMollowing aA Mancheertar Memorial H<}apital. Her maternal grandpeu"- ALSO RUAARKM 7 UH O Z ^ O a Spicy Boef l a n d o p m o i t s oz me ents are M rand Mre. Edward C. Lynch, 325 Vernon SA. Her One-Pie Squash tThe Perfect Filling d a CANS J i T * Finaft Mixed Nutt «K Ot CAN 59e atem al grandparemts are Mr, and Mrs. Joseph R. SmlAh, fifvltie. h h M u fil h Slicod Ham l a n d o p pro st s oz me ?amoioa Plain, Mass. She has two eistere, Kathleen, 3Hi Final! Walnut Maati I.OZ ClUO 796 JOB Bose Pears'""^ - ' LAND OP PeOST l oz «N 2 35 Sllcod Cornod Boof and KieUey, 2. Ocean Spray Cocktail SL 45< HNAIT 0 9 Ripe Olivet uMi. mm ra oz CAN 39c " Y O R ” Q A R D IN Gonoa Brand Salam i' 4-OZ FKG Amea, Debra Lynn, daughter of George Francis and Dor- DeLUXI CHHSI SLICIS 12-OZ Harihey Chocolate Kiuat M-OZ CIllO 49c oAhy Hoppe Ames, 42 Femoreet Dr., East Hartford. She w«s Kraft Proceued American White or Colored * PKGS 8 9 « CALIFORNIA LBS bom Nbv. 15 at Manchester Memorial HooplAal. Her ptaAer- Finest Bread Crumbf » b l CAN 21c B aH cTy SjM ectaisI Bal grastdpmcAher is Mra. A. MbrgoreA Hoppe, 6 WceA SA. riNAST jai Cartons Nona Such Mince Meat iotetN-s ii oz Emperor Grapes 2 Her paAemal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George H. Amee, 4H OZ CAN 49< 54c SWEET, TENDER Cleaned Shrimp MIOlUM West Hartford. She has two broAhers, Robert, 8, and Jbhn, 6. Nona Such Mince Meat •oumn s t-oz me ENGLISH MUFFINS 29c JUMRO CALIPORNIA STALK PASCAL CELERY • PINAST ^ PKGS ' Lewie, Janloe Elaine, daughter of CUrence J. and EUaa- 10-OZ 4 BBC Stuffed O liv e s 59 Pilltbury Refrigerated Cookiet et ho 45c both PetraiAis Lewts, 179 Birch SA. She waa bom Nov. 14 PKGS pkg op 12 39c d a OF 6 ^ y c Lawry't Seasoned Salt tVi OZ JAt 29c CANADIAN WAXID 16 OA Manobeeter Memorial HoepiAal. Her paternal grandmoAh- QTJAR 3 5 ^ YELLOW TURNIPS Raisin Broad p ih a st hsioaz 2 7 c of oz. or le Mre. Jes.OZ PKG 4 9 c ?®ha^ ------VKANOt Sgiraro COCOAN osan2i *cocoanui 4 5 c PepshCola OA Manchester Memorial Hospital. Kis maAemal grandpor- Kabuki Crab Meat - . PMAST 1-LB m A 8-OZ ra ra g o l d e n c o o k e d Sunihin* Chocolate Mints w-ez K * B u t t a r f l a k u R o l l s N.5n5*s°z;v. 2 5 c onte are Mr. and Mrs. Arthuc Ouseon, Webster, Mass. Hls 39c C ranberries « a m c o o i a i i a o 2 5 c D a tes piTTfD- PKG 5 9 c pkg j 3 c paAemal grandparents are Mr. and Mre. Eknil BrUbofo, Dud- P. P. V. 4 PKGS $1«0 Lewis Chocolate Candies 2 t-u mat legr. Mass. He ha* a brother, Riichard, 11 months. 1-LB Cracker Snacks 99c * ' Hanf & Ch^ ase, Blau Cheese, Vega Thins, Wheat Thins, Pizza Crackers Iridg* Mix, Raiirn, Pasnub, Stars, Nenparalll Meleiidy, Terry Raymond, son of Robert W. and Gloria PKGS 2 9 ‘ J BeUow* Meleiviy, ’Taylor SA. He was born Nov. 13 at Man- Cf/ECK THESE LOW PRICES... GETSTAMPS, TOO! ebeater MemoilHl H’ospital. ' Hls maAemal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Raymond Bellows, Columbia. Hi* paternal FtmSf/Toifiuul! ■ gniH lparenu are Mr. and Mra. Robert A. MeUnc$y, Vernon. PURNITURI ROUIH H* taw a brother, Gary, 13 months; and a sister, JuSa, 6. STRAWBIRRKS UT us DO roun HOLIDAY BAKING I , * • * * HIADQUAITIIS SOt H asvM y etracMJLTi tec M e at B e lli empaor-AU-DH 49c Ohrlstenseo, James Anthony, aon of Johp Arthur and "YOR" 0ARPP<-'W‘^ 3 9 * Johnson's Plodgo ^ 79c F R U IT CAKES AH Fragranca* Jkme Rider Christensen, 248 Woodbridge St. He was bom Sweet LuieiousBerries^ O v a l U s s a er Chocolata U-OZ JAR 6 S < Margarino h>PKG 2 3 t LIGHT OR DARK Nov. 9 oA Manoheeter Memorial Hospital. HI* maternal DeLUXE & A.C. GILBERT TOYS grandparents are Mr. and Mre. WllUam Rider. 698 N„ Main •***toe*a**»****af*a*»totoe*to****»**atoto**»#a»a#a##*» East Glaetonbury, Em L Onuiby, Eaet Hartford, ElUng- M m t Widhhow Traoy, 22 RusmU, 8t. She waj'bom Nov. 9 Sii'Pie ‘SaS* Qnokor Oats c B a g g i a * msofu 39< SOMITHmO MW I toa, Farmington, Glastonbury, Hartford, Manoheeter, •A MUMlMater MetnorW Hoepitial. Hoapttal. Her maternal g n n d - V• CANDIED iWiVtv iniT * 2 9 c Uy-A-Wiy Plan and Sava! 45 Newington, Poquooock, Knckvllle, Rocky HlU, Sims­ U Stanley WMhrow, Winchester, kUsa. Her poiUknal Educator Cooklos 29c bury, South Glastonbury, South Windsor, 'lUcottvIUe, . BsonU are Mr. and Mre. Hetbert Steveneon. 139 Lenox Mrs. PtsTs *ow?" 16-OZ CTN 1 0 c Roniid Sandwich Bread w"ondt loaf 23ci PUIW ------TI'OZ n I Q nw CHUNKS - DOO POOD ^ > StorliiHP Balt Underwood "J Z f 2 39< UnionvIUe, Vernon, W np^g, Weatogue, West Hart­ She iUa two alatere, Pamela Jeon. 6, and Cynthia Ann, 2. S u ' Shrimp Claanad POLY lAG A a l F DOUBLE M STAMPS WEDNESDAY ford, Wettiersfleld. Wllaon, Windsor, WlndssrvUlA Laddie Boy tS-OZ CAN 29< Bottled by The PepolrOrin Bottling Oo. o t HnrtfOiO- AT YOUR FIRST NATIONAL SUPER MARKETS Spridgfleld, Ino. Under AppoIntmieBl from ZtafMl-Oola Read Herald Adverti§emeiitt NAtTFOID COUNTY Oo., Now Tork, New Toifc. PEfcac EPr^ rr Ehn Jmeoa^ MNOIW I t a a takaaa bidaaa hwast too I a \ ; \

■ - > ^'-a ■ . - 4 - ■L. ■ ' ? : f ■ .

. •- Y -t • 'V ■\ V ■ ■ ji / A

PAGE TWENTY-ON* MANCHESTER EVEN^IG HERALD, MANCHESTER, (DONN„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER tl, 1968 ______.------s— — • .PAOa TWEMTI MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Rl, l»6 t < !^ultural Trade to call at tha Soviet Union tinea Soiiils of (Mckett Meriden Boy The exchange flow this year Widow Is Witness REDEEM eOUFON | | Continues Brisk is expected to run somewhat All Love Ditties ORDER YOUR PLUMP, TENDER HOLIDAY TURKEY NOW! above 1062, when 1,161 Ameri­ Playing Part WASHINOTON ed 360 In^an offshoot of the Baker case, Sen, Frank E. Moss, D- campus festivitlea. * oonttnue in the role. 7th Fleet oceanographic survey lice had a little difficulty in un­ cricket songs. The songs are ship ReboboHi was not, techni­ derstanding a 66-year-oId man Utah, said he believed he was For the first time in the Ronnie was considerad produced when a cricket school’a history tha royalty then for the load, but he was cally speaking, part of the ex- when he c^ led in to reix>rt the scrapes an edge of one forewlng blocked from membership on, cha^e program. It fitted the theft of an item valued at $200, across small, file-Ilke teeth on the Sen^ Space Committee race ended in a tie. Sharing only 7 and it was decided he honors war# Jsri Ross, French \w«B too young. The part went spirit, hdwevet, and more than taken from his hotel room. The the other forewing* last Jsrwary by the former ma- .300 curious Russians swarmed missing iter.i, which left the jorUsLM^etary "because I ra- major from Cosur d’Alene, Ida­ lo Paul O’Keefe, a emall-for- ho, and Kathy Baxter, E^Ush. SIRLOIN aboard during visiting hours to man mumbUiig, waa his false Open bookcases may be used fu2ed to pay the price.” gge 12-year-o(d. major from Buhl, Idaho. , LEAN IivJune, Ronnie left "Oliver!” Inspect the third U.S. Navy ship teeth. tucceeafully aa a room divider. ‘•The price,” as he described for avbetter Job — A series of Wt paH? in "Here’s Love." FRESH GROUND BEEF When -Paul O’ Keefe decided to leave Njliver" before he got HYGRADE'S too quavery, and concentrate on his weekly stint on television’s Lb. ••Patty Dqke gbow’." Ronnie SAUSAGE MEAT was considered again, and 9 found not too young — and, Kill more Important, a long way HYGRADE'S 4y to 6-LB. AVERAGE , ^ Q q from becoming too old. The Kroll boys Hve during the week with their mother In a SMOKED SHOULDERS ^ midtown Manhattan hotel, and attend the Professional Chil­ That Time of Year Again dren’s School In offstage hours. Seafood Deparfmenf Their father has to stay In While the aillfaots of Chririmas, aucb aa the atar about to STEAK be strung over Main St., kxA strangely out at scale ao doae Meriden and attend to his bar- LARGE WHITE .30 to 35 COUNT berlng. but every Wednesday to the ground and so far firam the season, by the time FAMOUS M O m night he com es In to vi.sit the Christmas comes they will be in fine . Louia Paaqua- riello, an rieotrioal contractor from New Haven, has a team b<^s. And after every Saturday Lb. night performance Mrs. Kroll of men putting the Christmas decorations up long Main St. FRESH SHRIMP and the boys head for Oonnecti- yesterday and today. The Mgbts inside the stars, bells and k"TENDER-TRIM” STEAKS cfut, to spend Sunday with beaming Santa’s faces wfll be turned on at a ceremony on father. Nov. 29. The CbBfiiber of Commerce retail _ divlalon le Dairy Department SUPER gponaortng the deoarattom began this year. (Herald photo MARKETS These are the same deliciously tender Sirloin by Ofkam). ;*uH n o p - R i m Steaks you have enjoyed at Mott’s regular low Stock Car Parte fox price of S1.19 a pound and Porterhouse Steaks at ill CREAM CHEESE 29c Mott’s regular low price of $1.25 a pound. Treat Reported Stolen SaOP-BJTE WHITE OR OOLOBED your family this weeke'nd and save! Get Green Stamps, too! Mors than fS16 worth of SSf29e stodc oar ports, wokHog oqoip- AMERICAN CHEESE PORTERHOUSE ib.95 ment, and miaoMlanooua tools l:iU wore taken In a break hito a READY FOR oonvorted bant-gaisgo off Tyd- iMd 'Ipke. wtdch occurred •n-a TURKEYS somobme Tuesday night or SPECIAL eailsr yufbsrday nnamtaig, poMoe ORDER YOUR TURKEY NOW REDEEM Kiia TIm bam la used aa a garage i!:-! and .workshop by Sssn Pearl at THANKSGIVING WE ALSO HAVE A HNE SELECTION OF HOLIDAY SALE DAYS Kelly Rd., Vernon, for the M O n 'S huSMlng o f stock c a n for is o - ii!iH SALE PRICES IN EFFECT k>S- ROASTING CHICKENS. CAPONS. John Mukbia, who opsratoa THURSDAY, NOV. 21 thru SATURDAY, NOV. 80 tba MuUn’a Texaco Station op- MmLYtlgg,., VALUABLE EXCEPT MEAT PRICES poMta the Bryan proparty ^o ur^itrl DUCKS and HAMS when the bam la locatad, re- Which Will Be In Effect potlsd the break. Thurs., Nov. 21 thru Sat., Nov. 23 PoMoe aald that COUPONS broko through a rear west aide window and took a completa N wekMng and cutting torch as­ QUAUTY sembly, valued at $160; six rse- f t i MAILED TO Urea with homemada ikns, valued at $56 each; two engine akanknum valve rocker covera c h ic k e n s YOUR HOME! Colorful Holidoy for Chevrolet 283 engines, val­ HtauuK $ar^ SALL-iSTEAK ued St $18 each; one ignition T»unea$l call and other parts and tools. FANCY, NATIVE PLUMP Largo Poboe theorise that the stolen t‘i goods probably were taken No. 2V2 away in a truck or Mation cm wngon. D * M O N Ti A recovery ot a stolen oar of CAPONS Tvocsie WhteHa at 216 K ee­ ney St. was ansKXStoed today. FRESHLY MADE The T^cle, reported stolen on ZESTFUL FRUIT COCKTAIL Nov. 14 from a Manchester h o l i d a y a p p e t iz e r street, was found, undamaged, in Hartford. SAUSAGE MEAT 49 EVERY 7888$. 8I88T LIBBYS V Local Stocks iliiu SWEET LIFE MOTT’ S m Sparkling Holiday Refre^ment I QootaUoos Fuinlehed by FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 75c Oobum Mlddlebeeek, Isa,. II O’CLOCK Bank Slodn' TOMATO JUICE Bid A ^ ad SPRY SHORTENING 3 ^ 6 5 c NEWS SHOP-RITII. D .,.lll BMH. Oonn. Bank and ■ tl If It tiEU Trust Co...... 12% WITH 1 Hartford Naticmal OCEAN SPRAY GIANT 28-OX. Bank Oo...... «2% 68% BARRY BARENTS bots. Fire .Insoianoa Oompanlea 46 OZ. SODASmi FUVORS Hartford Fire .... 63 67 CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 ‘^ ;S "4 3 c CHANNEL 30 National F ire ----- 112 120 CAN Phoertx Fire ....1 1 6 123 ONE-PIE U fa and Indemnity Ina. Ooa. Aetna Casualty ,;115 Aetna U fe ...... 166 PUMPKIN or SQUASH 2 ’j ^ 2 5 c Ootm. General ...163 :.=iH SAVE UP TO 20c WITH Hfd: Steam Boiler 142 iii TASTE WELL ^ Travelera ...... 197 Public CttUtiea i 8 Oi. Reg. Jar M airt UoRay Orders To Enhance Your Oonn. Light Power 84 STUFFED OLIVES gxetusivB a t Oonn. Light Power 34% 15c .Service Charge H artford Gaa Oo. 43 Southern New Elng- FROZEN on amounts up to $100.00 Holiday Table! land Telepbons • 6t 66 f a m o u s Manufacturing Oompanlea I AT ALL MOTT’S STORES AJUed Tbermal 42 FARM HOUSE PUHPKM NES SAMSONITE Regular IN TRUE TRADITIONAL FASHION, Arrow, Hart, Hag. 67 !ii S f. n EXCEPT ALBANY AVE. W ith $25 Mott’s has a large variety of Jumb^ B a r d e n ...... 10 iii $6.05 VVorth of V' 9 SIZES M atching, size fruits to fill your Holiday Fruit Bristol Brass .... 10 FARM HOUSE MINCE NES ■Mh 39o Value MOTT’S 0 « t An (Jhalr W ill Green Bowl. These are the “ specially large’’ Ooleoo ...... 1 ...... 4 Extra Table Be Made N. B. Machina ... 19 PARFET, CAKE p e p p e r i d g e , o h o o , d e v i l 59c CARD Cash . and “ specially tasty kind’’ you’ll be For Your Available North and Judd .. 16% In the near OHIY Reglstor proud to serve. Also a bountiful har­ Poter Paul ...... 31% MRS. PAUL CANDIED SWEET POTATOES » . 25c Tha Milk That Made Conn. Hiftory Entertaining Future Tapes vest of the freshest, most flavorful Flastk: Wire GbUe 11 Standard Screw .. 34% eOUN. AFFRPVID NOMOOENIZID TABLE vegetables specially gathered for your Stanley Worica .. 19% B md M COOKED SQUASH U-OB. Pkga.1 Thanksgiving Feast! Vaeder-Root ...... 46 The above quotations an not vitam in d m ilk to be copatrued as actuM mar- PRODUCE BAL. JUB HALF BAL. FANCY CALIFORNIA TABLE keU. 3 to 4 Stalks Quill HotpUalined FRESH GAPE OOU CRANBERRIES lB4>a. Pkg. IT 4 0 CELERY HEARTS To Bunch PALM BEACH, Flf. (AP)— SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS Hut Deposit M ichael J. Quill, Head of the l l U>. 1 2 -C A l. Tranaport Woikara Union, New iiii! DIAMOND FANCY York City, was In the hospital 7-UP TURNIPS PTTRPUETOP or iTELLiOW GLfMBK S Lb. Fkg. today for what his doctor called or Large Budded Walnuts •‘a routlna checkup and rest.” CIRCLE OF aOLB MIXEB NUTS 14 oa. T R A S H ^ R R D - QulU was rushed to Betheeda !:!•! FANCY, SWBET Full Pound Package Memorial Hospital from the Fam iiya» « s SSYHiddleTpkaEatl MIXED NUTS Palm Beach home of New York REB EMPEROR URAPES ^ S U a . WITH OOVER lawyer Theodore VV. Kheel. N m t H w 6 n m Dr. Jack Allay claimed the a n d UEYAl- W iib Don't hdake 'Em— Just Bake 'Em! ambulance was cmy a "precau­ Quality KIng.aa purchne* tionary measure” and said that Manehestor CLOSURE ONLY Of IS ®® Quill’a condition waa excellent. o r More "He’s tired and run down and OPEN NIGHTS I Just thought he should be hos- Regular she HANDUS pitaJlaed to rest,” Dr. Alley While Supply Eaibe FARM HOUSE PIES aald. MON. thru SAT. TILL 9 Pumpkin B Y BOOK OB BY OBOOK Takt iMmt aparkllng ^Up to* W# ItMUia to Liftut QuairtitM Or ^ p l e 1b saaka k aaaier to itp up a d a y la Mia a lia y ou prafhr. H'a FOOD Ea. drasa with a long baek-dlppar, aUp. an ovaririaed h al^ ln tha aaaHtilral'q aanahah throuigb tha aipper tab and the STORE OP MANCHESTER, INC. aroctm will be much almpler.. ECONOMY *44 CENTER ST. — PLENTY OF FREE PARKING The hairpin la easily removed A ia Ik* •v*«l, Wcauu el unltrtMin ceedili***, when the ripper is shut and also T O v y h T A M*lt’* rmw eui *f mv wivtriiHd il«e, yea cm can be us^ to reopen it.. An Nothing does it like Seven-Up) HIGH QUALITY ^ GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE • LOW PRICES A i*«iWe * ”RAIN CHICK" eelilli*g yee te the old-faabloned buttonhook, if you RAINCHECK M«l*ct ea yew e*ct rcfvto vWt te Hie atere. have one-^left over from high- OPDI TUESDAY TO f P.M^-^IVIDNISDAY TO J FAA. -----— DOUBLE STAMPS EVERY WED. dapa. -aams 1^, aama pnrpoaa avan batter. !....


PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAfJCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER 21, 19^ CKurch Couples To Sponsor Show PJwixJL&L ^yyisbcd&^ 9 ^ O ojvjt. Save on kitten-soft quality Mighty sv^eet savings on "Mity-Nice" Brand’ The Couples Club of Second Imagine! Only lie a pint! V N. AM. BF.KF U.S. CHOICE that compares with other Bjr DORIS BEUIINO ticut Opera Guild. She la aJao Oongregafon^l, CburCh will I eponsor the second annual An-1 ilrthur St«w*rt of 179 a memi'.er of the GfoTtcr Hart­ ford Branch ■ of the National tltjue Sivow, March 16 ant 20 ■ HAMBURC u> 59e fine brands selling for 27c BomMt Rd. Mjni ih« imm h«r League of American Penwcmien. fro-n 1 to 10 p.m. in. FeUowahip ! .1 lbs. f*.75 oloofrte blonder more than any and the Hgrtford Symphony Hall of the church. oftMT ■mail appliuico in her Auxiliary. Plaiw. v'hich are atill in the P O R K Half-Gallaii of JdtctMB. She UMo iit to produce A free Itmcc writer. Mrs. prelim n.'ir.v. sLage, are being, Straw berries gw w noit type menls .witb a Stewart :peak.F cup boiling water The Manchester .Salvation Stop ft Shop . . . White and colors SACRAMENTO. Calif. (API— Native H cup mayonnaiM Army Band and Chorua will Th" Republlean party will pay 1 Impound can aabnon present a Pops C.sncert Satur­ *1,000 a. day rental for San Connertlcu* 14 teaapoon paprika day at their Youth Center. LK,\N 1 tea.^M)on dill Francisco’s Cow Palace for Us Both groups arc presenting presidential nominating conven­ Turkeys 1 oup heavy oream light .spirited numbers, undei tion July 13-18. (ENTER Put gelatin in Meotric blender the direction of C. Peter Carl- and add lemon Juice, onion Mice The agreement was approved (^UT ^ Bon. There will alao be vocaj by the California Department of m n and boiNfig water. Cover and quartet numbers rendered by General Services. , Mend on hij|h epeed for 40 aec- Deputy Bandmaster Robert J. __ onda. Turn off bleeyler and add The GOP must also put up POLAR B.AR SFECfALS! Show your skill. You may win one of the valuable prizes! mayonnaiae, aalmcm, paprika Lyons. -Russell Clough, May­ *45,000 to make sure that It will Our Own Make and dm. Cover and turn on nard Clm will be produced lemon Juice throughout the work! in 1962- 1 oup aalad oil 63, about 100.000,000 bushels Put ,«gg in Mender and add below the 1061-62 total. The 5 Cameras with film awarded each week for 3 weeks. Enter now! muataal, aaM., aeaaoning pars­ KI6HI.AKD PARK KARKET CONTEST RULES United States accounts for 817 Hlghlaiid St., iManche.ter— Almplete this aentenee in 25 words or less. tng if dertred, As »>*»*vgimNssswswia.vw.wA».v.wASAiv.v.>v»o ...... aweet chocohUe bito 1 «W 1 taaaponn vanilla 3 tsMeapoons augsr pinch aait % oup milk or cream (HeraldI Herald plKiphoto by Satemta.) Heat mUk'or cream to boiling MRS. ARTHUR STEWART point. Put other ingredienta in Top,o'7/ieG raU ....(inesl"'“ ‘ you'll electrtc Mender and add hot moving to New York City an a.‘«embly engineer at Pratt Hunt’s Tomato Catsup 1 milk. Immediately turn Mender where she waa oarreepondem and Whitney, diyiaion of United to tear speed, and blend for one for the Houston Post and To­ Aircraft Corp., Eaat Hartford. minute, Pour into serving oupe. ledo Blade. She has had ar- She is a member of the C hiu \mtll linn. tfolee publiahed in the New WonWn's Auxiliary of MajKhes- value! Mrs. Stewart is a native of York Timea, and tiaa appeared ter Memorial Ho-spital. public You qaf Richmond, Va., and a Fhi Beta on radio and' televiaion pro- reI'-ii.iom chairman of Manche.s- Kappa graduate of the Univeiv granui which featured food, ter CSvic Oroheatra and pid)- (fampt, 9ao! Mty of Rtcbmcnd. She waa faaltions and interior deooie.- licity rhainnaii for the Oonnec- womao’s adilor of the Rich­ ting. mond TinfM Deapetoeh and tlM lira. Stewart came to Man­ N Loulavttfe Courier Journal until chester in 1958. Her husband is WINDOW SHADES 7-Rib Poik loin* ‘ 33' LONG WEARING 'M 6 IIIME Fresh Pork Shoulders ■» 35* INTERSTATE CLEANTEX GOLDEN Fresh Pcik Spare Ribs Made to Order Yonr Rollers Smoked Shoulders •vr.'ST ‘ 39* 85 East Center St. FULL LINE o r CUSTOM At Summit St. GOODNESS TO n i c E S M.Y. Brisket Corned Beef 49* VENETIAN BLINDS w e e k e n d c a s h a n d o a s x y s p e c ia l Swift's Sausage Moat » 3 ^ Arm I Hammer 12* E. A. JOHNSON HOLIDAY TOASTS Armour Star Franks’ /*•_ CARNATIONS PAINT GO. 0 * C Onions 2 IJJ 59* Fresh Flounder Fillets Make your holiday toasting V 7M Main St., TeL 649-4501 Kraft Oil 29* r i3° the most memorable ever with ■l:' Quaker Oats the mellow, golden goodness DOLE’S Get Top Value Stampi, to o ^ L ^K * For Thanksgiving . . U.S. Grade " A " T u r k ^ (6 0 2 pound, 10 01 pkg HAWAIIAN TaUots) of new Hood Golden Egg Nog. C Young Tom Turkeys Q Q < SLICED PINEAPPLE Young Hen Turkeys Coffee Mate 16 lbs and over J v Check your medicine cabinet. You get more creaminess. 10*14 pounds ■ W No. X Tin 37c The sneezin' season is here. FOOD STORES r At ■ i;--. : ' Hershey Baking more spiciness, more smooth Get Top Value Stamps, too! No. X'/, Tin Plale or CUeceleti A|< Fresh Connecticut Turkeys ;:.T, 4% -• '-5 9 ;. X 43c Ovaltine 1>ei)ar 0 1 eW«W.K<»A.«.SSkWASSS\*ASW.'WS<‘^ KEEBLBl - ness, in this quality egg nog.. . CHUNK PINEAPPLE BUTTERCUP BONUS BUYl Reynolds Wrap In fact, it's so rich it deserves Xll Tin 23c You got stamps, too! Compares with the best! Sells for 20* less! to be called Hood Golden Egg 25 foot byaP2 in. roll 27‘ Suear Heart Swoot, zippor skinnod m Quart Salad Dressing r 39' 8 Oz. Pkg. Z 7 t DRIED BEEF Nog. Look for the Golden Johnsons Pledge Compare to other fine brands selling for 57‘ X4-OZ. JAR 4te Condensed All a Large Tangerines ^ H NESTLE Carton at your store or ask ^ : . u i lii doz MAZOLA OHOOOIA^Hn MORSELS A-OZ. JAR 7Se C I h o r i n i i y stop & Shop All-Purpose QQ< # A>.' Maine Sardines PURE CORN OIL your Hood home delivery" '' California Fresh Dates 69‘ U lUw riUUI stop & Shop Flour T5c • Oa. Pkg. 5 ; , . 9 1 SNOUTS URGE SELECTION OF HOLIDAY FRUITS AND VE6HABLES: <)t Bot. A3c M orton cr»m" Pies Large Bot_c,_ Anjous and Comice Pears—Golden and Red Delicious Regular or Super. . . at super savings! MINCED CLAMS salesman. Apples. Ribier, Emperor and Elmeria Grapea— Pomegranates and NESTLE Chocolate, Lemon Persimmons. Fresh Marinated Artichokes— Celery Bunches and 7'/j-OZ. TIN X9c Strawberry, Coconut Celery Hearts. Fresh Cranberries. ARGO Quik Ch(M‘olate 43c As usual a URGE SELECTION OF MIXED NUTS; Hi THE SHELL AND NUT MEATS 1-Lh. Figs, Dates and Italian Cheitnuts. 87' Size Modess 69' CORN STARCH SNOW’S Mrs. Filbert's ALL FOR YOUR HOLIDAY TABLE Family Site ‘ I'" 1-Lb. Pkg. 19c WELSH RAREBIT Kraft Velveeta lei/j-oz. ssc Birds Eye Dinners 2 m* M KARO SYRUP HEINZ V.V WAV V • • V-'-*-N^S^VWA-.W.-.V^.V.W.*/.VW.W.'rtWV.NW.W.W.\W.W.WW.WVWV-.i C H IU SAUCE Slop ^ 9 -o x . PHO. l ie ALUMINUM FOIL CORN CHOWDER Too Spoons, Hostess Sot, Six Salad Thompsonville, Bristol, M an­ of new Hood Golden Egg Nog. l■tlrnatianll • M 1IV *"* 48* SS4XE. JAR 57e Ift-OZ. TIN Xte iM tt 26* Forks, Serving Snt. Six Teaspoons Grape Jelly 35' chester and New Britain. 4c tft HaiiiNWrap reli Xg F t Roll DEALER: H. P. Hood & Sons will redeem this coupon for 10^ plus Sunshine Cheez-it Crackers Stop & Shop brand — it’s grand- Berfoa’i ‘ jm S 47* 2ft to cover cost of handling when both you and consumer have Good thru One coupon per (emily RABISOO SNOW’S complied with all terms of offer. Value l/20<. N1M November 23 BTRIPCD SHORTBREADS SNOW’S New JEngland Style MANHATTAN STYLE OaoO. FUDGE SAND. CLAM CHOWDER OLAM fWOWDER OBOC nj

\ • ■ I' ,

A PAGE TWENTV-FI\'E etmjiresTER evrntng h erald , ma^jch ester, conn.. Thursday, Novem ber 21, loes PdIfiE TWENTY-FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN , THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1963 dates or othAr identifying data his owrt support Wednesday to Justice Department has chal­ an administration bill to give lenged Alabama officials to are given." Washington an elected mayor REDEEM POPULAR'S VALUABLE COUPONS Mailed to your home! Events Events back up charges that depart­ FREE DELIVERY HOME RULE: Atty. Gen. and council and a non-voting ment lawyers concealed dope 4A.M .to4r.M . Robert F. Kennedy told a House delegate in Congres.s. T f ,1,1 f.i Y t f.T.T.T.t.I n.T.W.f.T.I.Y T.I t T addicts,. consorted with sex per­ The capital nOw is. run by In W orld In Nation verts, contributed to the delin­ District of Columbia subcom­ VALUABLE COUPON mittee he can see no reason three appointed commissioner# quency of minors and fomented with Congress- passing the mw* ARTHUR DRUB WASHINGTON (AP) — In the Insufrection. for opposition to" self-govern­ OTTAWA (A P )-P rim e Min­ ment for the nation's capital. and appropriating the fund# The Best of Everything For Your fihifl ki tk^CeiiiMR Cut4 fer news from Washington; The allegations *were commu­ ister rtdel Castro’s Cuban goV‘ He gave a legal opinion and for it. . eminent is folng to ask the SMOG ON THE HILL: Sen. nicated to the deparynent in a 'death penalty for two Canadian Hubert Humphrey put a stetho­ telegram from Robert D. Wilk­ 100 FREE STAMPS scope to congress and diagnosed plloU, Prime Minister Lester B. inson, foreman of the Dallas WiHi Any Nrekast ef $5 er Mere that It is a victim of "a civil County^^Ala. grand jury investi­ Pearson told the House of Com­ A»Yo«rlfriendly NenUr mons Wednesday. rights smog.” gating the Justice Department’s Pearson aaid the pilots are to Humphrey, assistant Senate activities in connectlbn with ra­ Valid threugh Seturdey, November tJrd KO on trial In public Saturday Democratic leader, said that cial strife in Alabama. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ADULTS ONLY— ONI TO A PAMILT on chargres of smuggling explo­ once the battle over civil rights The grand Jury plans to visit No Stampi with Cigarettei or leer— State Law* sives and endangering the se­ legislatloit i*-.qvef, "the ­ Washington Mcmday with tj>e in­ EXTRA curity of the, state. He said his lems of managing the Congress tention of questloni-g AUy. Gen. 100 or 150 pJ" STAMPS government is following the will be over.” Robert F. Kennedy. case with concern. "Until that day.” he warned Asst. Atty. Gen. Burke Mar­ *100 With PurthiM of $5.00 to %9.99 The men — Ronald Patrick Wedne.sday. "leaders can im­ shall, chief of the department’s Lippert, S2. Kitchener; and Wil­ plore and deplore, but there will civil rights' division, aaid in a THIS VALUABLE **150 With Purchaia of $10.00 or AAor« telegram to Wilkinson and Cir­ liam David Milne. SI. Montreal, not be much improvement.” Good Throogh Sat., Nov. 23. 1963 were arrested Oct. 2t. With time running out, there's cuit Solicitor Blanchard McLeod TW mulltiom liombn •( llviin livtg wlt« tkll tlltr li that he is willing to meet with little likelihood the measure will IM to 3 tuiiompr. Nol fold (9r likicco 3nd>cl3 3M lim the grand jury "to learn what­ COUPON! © rtoPI3l*ad kp liot. WLS.l TAIPEI, Formosa (API — be acted on this year. President Chlang Kai-shek’s ever facts you or any member Kuomintang party promised to­ DISARMAMENT: The House of the jury has Concerning these day to hold general elections charges.” approved Wednesday by a 262- But he said, "It is hard to be­ and reorganise the central gov­ 133 vote a bill to authorize tIO ernment "when the mainland is million a year for the U. S. Dis­ lieve these charges are serious­ ly intended since no names. Please Leave Your Turkey Order N ow recovered." armament Agency. The promise was contained in Fresh Turkeys Also Available At Slightly Higher Prices T i p ( 4 h /i This is the same amount the the platform adopted at the par­ Senate approved but only two- ty’s ninth national congress. thirds of what the agency had For Friday Only—At SUPER The party pledged Itself to requested. Super-Right Quality, Grade A Ji “ carry out the policy of anti­ communism and resisting Rus­ The Disarmament Agency Ready-to-Cook, O.S. Gov't, Insp. MARKETS.^'' sia" and to unite Chinese at chief. William Foster, had te.sti- MATRON'S home and abroad "to hasten the fied that .such a slash in the destrucUon of the Peking re­ agency’s funds would mean a 40 BAKE SHOP Choose feast worthy holiday foods from the brimming gime.’’ per cent cut In its con­ Wowed Her, Wooed Her, Wed Her! tracts. He contended that long TURKEYS It also pledged to uphold the abundance at POPULAR . . . harvest-rosy fruits and United Nations charter. It took Johnny O’Connor of Ketchikan, Alaskc, 18 years of and careful research preceded PUMPKIN Nationalist China’s last elec­ wooing before he could for this wedding picture in door­ both the limited nuclear test- vegetables, choice quality meats and canned goods of tion was held in 1947, before the way of Holy Name Roman Catholic Church in Ketchikan ban treaty and the Washington- >IE Sunday. O’Connor and his bride, the former Dorothy Cameron 4 3 1 »~ 3 9 l matchless goodness to help you set a beautiful boun­ Communists conquered the Moscow "hot line’’ communica­ mainland. The remnants of the of Grantown-on-Spey, Scotland, met 18 years ago when he tions agreement. national assembly elected then served in the U.S. Army in Scotland. The long courtship was The bill goes back to the Sen­ 69c tiful table. 725 Middle still act as the nationalist legis­ climaxed recently when O’Connor went to Scotland and re­ ate where adoption is likely. lature. They elect Chlang presi­ turned with his bride-to-be. "Just imagine . . . after all these 658 Center 8t.^-649-004S Super-Right Quality Turnpike East years!" she exclaimed. CAP Photofax) ALABAMA CHARGES: dent every six years. MANCHESTER SAIGON, South Viet Nam AKP Super Markatt Open 'til tAP)—South Viet Nam’s new to the fields of radio and tele- OPEN WED., THURS., FRI. revolutionary government will -vialon. His column, "A Look at 9 p.m. Tuat., Wad., Next Weak PORK LOINS establish a commission to inves­ Television," appears three times WAYBEST and SATURDAY TILL 9 P.M. tigate crimes committed during a week. Cui From Fresh 5_R|B former President Ngo Dlnh His professional travels have Yr^ung Corn-Fed p o R H O N Diem’s tenure of office. taken nim to Britain, France, * The commission will be in­ Geittnany. the Caribbean and Western Porkers 29 structed, an announcement said, Mexico. He usually spends a “ to Investigate all crimes com ­ week or more each year in Los Morrell's Pride, Boneless, Ready-to-Eat mitted by private persons or Angeles, before the opening of Margarine agents of public services who the new tele-vision season. He LT.WOOD took advantage of their official goes to New York production centers once every other month Canned Homs c.''2.59 NAPIER BRAND position to arrest an^ detain people unlawfully, torture and during the year. LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET SAVE 21* rape, or murder nationalist ele­ A resident of Wi'.idsor, Dav­ MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT A Wonderful Way to Buy Turkey I Frozen, ments opposed to the Diem dic­ enport is married and has t-wo Boneless, Ready-to-Cook, Rolled and Tied tatorship.” daughters. TURKEYS < The period to be Investigated Ben Ezra Chaptier is ha-ving CALIF. SWEET TASTING will run from Oct. 26, 1956, when its meeting in East Hartford W e Are N ow Taking Orders Fot Green Giant Diem was given supreme pow­ tWs month because the new Turkey Roost 2 2 9 er by a referendum, to last Nov. synagogue is incomplete. Re­ Emperor Grapes Oven 1 , when he was overthrown by freshments will be sreved after SAVE 8* a military coup. the program. ALL G O O D FRESH NATIVE 2 LBS i r PEAS Ready MEXICO CITY (AP)—Mexico today began celebrating the Jet Takes Off FRESH - FLAVORFUL Bacon pIg 95" 8 to 2S0th anniversary of the birth Redeem Popular's of Father Junlpero Serra, the Like Helicopter GREYLEDGE FARM SUPIR-ilCHT TUX PAK ) l. 5 5 ‘ Franciscan friar who for 34 Cranberries Sliced Bacon nibs. Valuable Coupons l# 7 5 ‘ years spread the gospel and civ C A P E lllzaUon from the South Mexican FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP)—A Froxen Shrimp THAT YOU RECEIVED IN THE MAIL STRAIGHT CUT u 7 9 ' state of Tabasco to California. strange looking jet airplane de­ C O D LB 2 5 ^ 69 Corned Brisket The nationwide homage will veloped under a $2.5 million WHITE BOILING m N t . 5 9 ' climax with a solemn mass at Army contract took off vertical­ TURKEYS Onions 2 2 9 t Corned Brisket the Shrine of Guadalupe Sun­ ly and then leveled off into nor­ C h i c k e n s d ea o y-to -cook, n-s-iLis « 3 9 ' FREE day, when a petition for his mal flight in a demonstration FLAVORFUl here. FRESH NATIVE CAPONS 7 to 10 LBS. canonizatlon'wlll be sent to the Sweet Potatoes 3 29‘ Chickens '■'* ««c u 43* SAVE 'Vatican. Lockheed - Georgia'.# new LIBBEY STAROLOW The friar, bom on the Span- "Hummingbird" can hover like FIRST PRIZE LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS 50 or 100 EXTRA STAMPS Reg. 49c Ish island of Mallorca, arrivedrriv a helicopter or move sideways. A&P FROZEN SPECIAL JANE PARKER SPRY In Veracruz in 1749. It has no propellers. It was 23c shown in Us first complete take­ off-to-landing operation Wednes­ ARMOUR STAR STUFFED TURKEYS Strawberries PUMPKIN s,:. h WITH EVERY TURKEY PURCHASED Glassware SAVE 10c Davenport'Guest day. 1 0 OZ a j p C UB1 -LB a p C 4 9 " Just In Powered by two Pratt and Phrase Leave Your Order Earlyriy for Good Sixe Seleerion 4 PPKGS K G S 7 J P K G u O SKCIAL EA with COUPON and Whitney turlxjjet engine, Urt 32- Of B’nai B’rith foot-long plane has climbed to GIVE YOUR FAMILY andid IFRIENDS THE BEST I. _____ AiPSPECIAl A 1 QT 14 0Z'T fA C time for Ati# - WHOLE OR JEUIED Tomato Juice savesc 3 cans / v 50 EXTRA STAMPS 1100 EXTRA STAMPS PURCHASE OF <7.50 OR MORE 10,OCX) feet in 58 seconds. Holiday Tony Da.-v«npott, television Cranbony Souco 2 CANS 45' R..« .SIECUT A 15’AOZ M Q C WITH EVERY TURKEY radio editor of lYie Hartford Dollhouses Tall We Rent Cold Storage Lockers for Your Froxen Meats # i:# e A C YUKON GINGERALE i Del Monte Chuck Roost UBLIC MARKET Can D e v e r a g e s asst, flavors, contents 2 o , s 3 3 ‘ 3 " * 1 * * HOT-HOTJ1ND 803 - 805 M AIN STREET 25 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS ◄ Jane Parker Mocha Iced GREEN GIANT r ' STRICTLY FRESH FRESSSH DRESSED , THERE’S A LOT! UYER # a C -PORK Extra Fancy, PEACHES Top Choice ^ " ^ R O A S T IN G ◄ Cake EACH 69' Cream Style Corn 2 cans°^ 41 PRODUCTS Ground Beef Pineappla Juice Now! For only 9i/jc* a BEEF c u n CHICKENS Prittt Uimni IB IMl K im/inlMj llin) . #•* « * *'■1. *<•* IMl eommgBtti 1 gkiBitA Lge. ^ 0 0 ^ day for fuel. . . hot water 4 Tobteta tni 'l»m* prohullfil by law aiimBl fr«g FlilC SliBii aliw DEL t Short Shank, Lean Chuck R<^Ht Center and FRYERS 28 oi. s^yi EXTRA for all-all the time! WEEKEND FRESH Cut For A Delleioiis, NfSTLE'S MONTE Tasty 4 SHOULDERS Niblets C a n s B lie STAMPS RATH BUCK HAWK BACOH FANCY Cant I ' If you live In a typical Pot Roast . .11). 79e These Are Top Green Giant Peas , Semi-Sweet house, you could easily run H). 39e Grade! MEAT FreHhIy Ground, WHOLE KERNEL CORN 3 out of hot water several I..ean ‘ ^ Holiday Needs time# a week. B OZ M o rse ls FRESH LEAN Hamburg .-.. lb. 59c M 11 1 a rc f ^ HEAVY 4 CANS •*» g 1202 age Now you can have all the ► 4 CANS 6 02 AWC 12 0ZaQC HOTHOUSE SPECIALS PORK B u n s Boneless Sirloin Tip CHJCKE.N PARTS PKG PKG ** ' DUTY hoi water you need at one lb. 49c For A Nice, Tender time for only 9%c* a day. Oven Roast Ih. $1,09 / Coca Cola & Tab Think of It—only 9He* ► Meaty Lege . .lb. 49c BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY 25 ft. f Q c day! For Thrifty FRESH. LEAN Ground Chuck U pton's Gerbers Baby Foods* Roll B e e f...... II). 69e Banquet Pies Yes, thanks to Mobilheat SPARERIBS (Quartered I.Arge ► yy Shoppers,,, Tea Bags HALF QUART BOHLES b .r .k Q Q —and an oU-flred hot water lb. 49c Veal, Beef, Pork B reasts...... lb. 69c Strained 9 jars 9 5 " 2 heater of correct capacity— Combination Ground PRICI RIDUCID tIEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY "MIX or MATCH" Certoni ^ Plut your family can take care of ► Together Twice For Wings .lb. 25c m Deposit all their washing needs at PKG xec Banquet Dinners ",- 49' Junior 3 jars 4 6 " FRESH HOCKS A Nice Meat Loaf, OF one time. lb. 69c 48b "w f lb. 39c Livers .11). 69c ' 1 Mom can do the family SPECIAL OFPIR PRHZIR QUERN FROZEN HUNT'S wash. Sis can do the dishes STUFFED OLIVES 10 oz. ice box jar 49« OCR OWN MAKE, PURE PORK at the same time Junior S.MALL, LEAN Tomato Sauce 3 •« «« 37' Maxwell Houie VERY LEAN Beef Steaks' 89' takes his bath, and you en­ 1963 Giocud Fruit and Instant Coffee NESTLES CHOC. MORSELS 12 oz. pkg. 43* joy a shower. DUPONT T h SMDKED Mixed Fruit is now in. Buy LINK 7 Q | HEARTS DRIIOHT "Sc OfP" 10 OZt. PACKED IN HEAT PROOF NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT 9 oz. pkg. 29^ Don’t delay—phone us to­ Apricot Nectar o*uu 46' Si*9nges ^ 35' day. Find out how easy It Is in the buHt ond save! I Coffee Maker 1.49 NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT 28 oz. iar 59^ to switch to a Mobilheat- ^ SHDaLDERS SABSAGE / hred water heater. i O & C BOILED ONIONS 16 oz. jar 31* *Average family of four. Witk Liquid ^ Swan liquid Dash Detergent ► roR THE BEST SELECTION— ORDER FREE PARKING Betty Crocker PIE CRUST ( 8‘ off) 20 oz. pkg. 37* Dtlurgant Detergent Condensed W E G IV E ON MAIN ST. AND IN YOUR HOLIDAY 12 0ZP|jCsTIC g w e URGE aQC G REEN s t a m p s THE BIRfCH ST. LOT - ot7 5 ' BOTTLE 0 / POULTRY NOW! PKO t v OPEN EVERY SAT. NITE till 9 MDRIARTY WE GIVE TRIPLE-5 Our Own Moke KORV BLUE STAMPS! Salvo Detirgent Oxydol Personal GET DOUBLE. STAMPS BBDTHERS W ill Be Ready Next Monday. Tablets Detergent Ivory Soap JUICY, SWEET > * PKO anc \ LARGE g e e EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 643-5135 OM2 44 ' PKG WW 4 cakes26" Florida FROM 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. 301-315 Ceater S».

4 (\ / • /


M i n e f o l o g y X HATS TO b r e a k Mets Put Thomas on Trade Block UPVOOR FAt»/> TH0 6 B-DW ATreD______AOWMM 4 Band TAICKEC3 M E rim O W ^ H F r it^ THACT m e d it a t io n flUtMMdHIl 6OCRATES,0Uf X i OBplM-. COOKING COMTBST/ IF t T30MT VMlM_ • SMaef- • pwyw •Talent from Four Towns' ■tMBV’/ L .T A U N T Me OHJTIL TH e ii^ NEED SOME EGGS ___ TNouBfafn B en ch M an a n d h a m b u r g e r t 5™ *“ ■ MkiilMW T h r e e W e e k GUMS WEAR OOT.'t SUPRDSE X ia< • Now odKlaa Ski Notes COOUO NMHIP O P A^4 6>ConC.Dl6H. f r o m t h e STORE/ AND T30m CHARSe I B U T t h e WLU WOULa STRAIN IsSSS^Rw- WAirwh. W ilso n AFL ANV SIDE ORDERS M Mutaor^ Inter - Leaigue 10 Local Players -!l 1>V I BUGGS BUNNY M.V PURSE/— . dmettoa cooLo asT CRfiorr t i l l t u b MY ACCOUNT— >:iR. P-'’ M Boom sm e d s— 1?|. 1 W e e k ’ s S ta r V, • tM hr Wwwt PRIZE MONey WAS PAI ST SoeW baduwr* >«««“ ■ Period Opens TX(S IS NO PUN N eO AHEAD, I F V A ^ Ik . tt BdMtlqrB^M X AfAw C'N DO IT WITHOUT tM. «A Nt OR. U I M in S X root w Only with Eagles FOR ME...BESIDES, NEW YORK (AP) — HJdcfi* I'M TIRED! LET'S /•O' BOAT! VAKI StTagoriafMg ^ m chMiM ■ O H M 4 NEW YORK (AP)—The WUaor, a bench warmer who k SO back to SHORE! IS N&nlckMl « BMdir official lid was off today never started a game until X MMBMtOM iieiMtIiw Football talent at East Hank Stnun nhook up Ms Kan- X Literal pwts X OWUMtA X for inter-league trading in Catholic High conies from a »4 X Apotaxw F oaa Oity club, w«.s named the X ToIMit wm baseball. General ma-nagers wide area It was revealed ST CHMn'i m n Nldonme 46 n m r Associated Press’s Player o< the M B obyiaB •who have been feeling-each this week in s home town VVe.-k hi toe American Football M fw r r cheek of Coach Andy Ray- B i KUdita other out on the telephone League. * lock’s chargee. Only 10 of Wilson took o'Ver when Sti'am taptoBMat IT now are free to get down to the varsity squad are fronr' MKbidla benched Lon Dawson Simday at — - serious business and swap Maneheete- the others reside » ItoCUfMd IT IT Boston in a defp^rate attempt IT DtviZiM for real. In East Hartford, Glaston­ to .shake the Oiiefs out of torir « Oamtoe The three-week Inter-league ^ By BOB BROWN bury and South Windsor giv­ losing spin. They didn’t lose, but ofllfaiiea IT ing the group a regional, ^Aartha mm period, during which big league Satui -ay night the Simsbury they didn't win eitlior. winding W P m d lM clubs can trade without’ the r S- rather than home town look. CAN 41 L om* otf Ski Club win play host to ap­ up with a 24-24 tie. It waa the READ oessity of getting waivers, 'The sehooTa student body fimt time they hadn’t loot in 41 Pm voM ^ proximately 500 members of Is composed of young people MINDS opened at midnight Wedne'sday. ,he Connecticut Ski Council at their last six game*. ^ 5 a s £ r Judging by the American from GathoHc parishes In Tlie 22-year-old former Ari­ ihe 11th annual Ball these tour eommunltles. And TIMES* mUtSSkrn 9t League deal In whiph the De- Device at the Hedges in New zona quarterback completed 20 A L L Y O O P BY V. T. HAMLIN I trolt Tigers traded Rocky Cola- this season at least It’s the of 32 passes for 258 yards and B.-Uan. Rua4 Farrar's orches- other towns that are suffer­ n MritteMT ! Vito for Jerry '.nir.v’ e and pltrh- .ra will prbride Uie music from two toucluiowns. He was not ir- WHy.i HApm WELLTHEN.TOU • ers Dave Wicliersham and Ed ing from the loss of sports lervepted, and he did not panic MTWM 3 to 2. In past few yea:-s the talent—not Manchester. THOUGHT o r CAN THINK ABOUT ; Rakow, that's apt to be plenty dance was held in the Hartford und-r the Beantown blit* from GOING AKrr- froN TH* w*y ML m c M . I of action. East Hartford leads tlie CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER area and the tum oira were ex- quartet of home towns with the Patriola.' wHBte; THERE I The New York Mets. who Trailing late in the final pe­ capticnaUy good aj'd It is an­ 18 representatives on the ■ need plenty of everything, de- ticipated that this year’s ahow- riod, Wilson engineeied a 71- M AMnet bili« ' dared they' are ready to deal. squad. Then come the 10 40 Hilf (inllK) Ing will be Just as good. from Manehester, ’ seven yard drive in nine pkaya that «DM Veteran outfielder Frank Thom­ As ki the past the election cl.tTiRxed with a 26-yard lomth- from Glastonbury and four SKIP MARTIN' as, a righthanded pull hitter, Is o< the ski qu^en will highlight down pass to Curt McCUnton. DOWN I 'their chief stock in trade since from South Windsor. H 2 A O O « 1 IDMnl dwaNt; Uve evening. Barbara Sprague •The starting backfield Is field quintet previously S K lM fo d they swapped right-hander will represent the local club pitcher Roger Craig to the strictly and East Hartford in.'iitlon^, this group In­ t.A M M « lh this year and as I have pre­ W illiams Fleets Cards for outfielder George Alt­ group with Mike Mnsliik, clude* Rick Harvey, Skip Football Ticket Seeker^8 Dream man. dicted in tlie past I feel we have Pat Kirol, Tom Bavier and Martin, Gary <"ss. (Tiff a winner. Whoever wins the either .loe Aliiblcki or YValt ■WILLIAMSTOWN, M a .s a. "We already have opened Scorso, Bob Judd, Bob Per­ (A P) Quarter+mck Jerry OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS University of Nebraska senior Nelsie Larsen of talks with every club in th e' oerto'jkly has a wonder- Basnight. fiary Sullivan, who ron , Dave I’ etro, T o m Sports Schedule fnl season in store for them­ alternated with Masliik un­ Jones of San Franri.sco and Omaha poses with hundreds of Nebraska-Oklahoma American League as well as In She«'luin and John Mc­ guard Jack Elgin of Ridgewood. our league," said Johnny Mur­ selves. The queen receives sev­ til injured. Is the lone Man- Carthy. football tickets to depict what well could be the eral glfta plus a weekend at the N.J.. win co-caiptain the 1!>64 Thurnday, Nov. 2lT phy, assistant to George Weias, cheater native to crack the Thus fo4ir lengues ha^e OH,I WDULPNTrMIM fT ] dream o f many a fan trying in vain to gain admit­ site o t the Oonrvectiicut Ski William.s CYollege football team. HOWhTNMmtATIMeAM' the Mets’ president. "W e In- Starting backfield. been affected by the new UXOR «kMVXlT FOUR ROHM PORTHRtWOELW X tance to the Big Eight Conference title clash be­ Anrv.ial five-mile road race, Council State races. The ^queen i.iia ....I j.o .i, llnelmeker Annouraement of toeir election tiend to keep right on talking un­ sehonl's arrival on the RIMEP UP VUnHSOME CLP PSC1AUY7HEMRT 10:30 a.m. Is Ju-dged on the ba.H's of po sc, John Osborne, centers John wav made today. Jone.t was PIECES o r Pir^AN* PRBEID-'I WHERE you DIP-nx tween the two teams in Lincoln Saturday. There’s til we’ve landed something.” s{>orts wene. Tlie four arc: Do\ig Fearon’s understtldy tins PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Wlncliiam va. Manchester, Most of the wheeling and 'oea'Uty and knowledge of ski­ Andreoll and Bill Brennan GOT A VSCWIO DOTHE CBIUMS ROLLER IM7D THE only one rub— those are tickets left over from the coil, (Manchester); CDC year btit >'as wnpreastve in sev­ Memorial Field, 11 a.m. dealing is expected to occur ing. 'Tickets will be available and guard John Lneaa are N ONE namOH OP TH* TlMEl HNNTmM/ (East Hartford); Central eral games including the victory 1969 Nebraska-Oklahoma game. Tliis year’s contest E!ast va. South Catholic, Mt. during the minor and major by calling Bob Brown on Hol­ other Silk Townera who’vo , ‘ WIS H A T r ? IT o n d c AROUMP ANO VIMTCH Valley Conference (Gla*- over Union whwi he pasned for COULDN'T HAVE ^ MOW nr WORKS/ has long been sold out. (AP Photofax.) Netoo, 11 a.m. ■ league meetings at San Diego lister St. TVkets will also be been aeeing regulnr action. and Los Angeles early next avniliable at the door mit to in­ The others are primarily tonbury) and North Cen­ two touchdown*. The 6-foot. H U R T T H A T tral Connecticut t'onfec- 188-pound Elgin was dcfen-iivs M U C H r ^ > month. I sure entrance to the dance you sMSMid stringers or mem­ IJConifs Inffidls Made Decision on His Own If the grapevine buzzing is .should have a ticket In ad- bers of the "sulelda” punt ence (South Windsor). signal caller for the purple. correct many a big name star ' and kickoff teams. will be in different uniforms | Ends Tom Carey and this spring. | Work at both the lodge and Brian Cacase and tackle* In the National League the the slope was aooontpllehed this Norm Aiililn and Barry No Pressure from the Top, names of Cincinnati's Vada past weekend. A contingent of Bhebkiey are the South Pinaon, Joey Jay and Gordy club members 'worked at the Windsor contributions. 1 Coleman; San Francisco’s Or- lor ge SeXurday and according Backs Bob Huebner and .lando Cepeda and 's to Ted Arnold the pLaoc la Just Mike Leach, linebacker Prep for Finale Saturday Eddie Mathews have been men­ about ready for the season. The Skip Thomas, tackles Bob tioned In connection with lodge will accommodate 30 peo­ Deffetnmis pnd Jim Downes trades. ple comfortably •with the flex­ and guard John Mac are all f tS K I The trade winds in the AL ibility to take an overfloav of from Glastonbury — the B y H O W IE H O L C O M B *'int««ated in la the « 1« goin' ki at 1-6-1. UConn, of course, may be blowing around Leon 10 moce people. There are two to play Holy Croaa Saturday will have an added psychologi­ rest of the regulars ' are Mefnbers of the state’s Wagner of the I/ss Angeles An­ stoves and refrigerators in the East Hartfordites. Monday I'll discuss all of thosr cal edge in wanting to win the gels, 7 Jackie Brandt and Jim kitchen and the cocking and In addition to the back- press, radio and TV corps other things.” last one for Ingalls. Gentile of the Baltimore Orl- BY JOE CAMPBELL ‘Fun to Watch’ i 'ooiMe duties will be shared by BONNIE th M i met for the usual Univer­ Good Pro Prospect oles, Lu Clinton and pitcher i those staying at the lodge on Getting to Holy Cro s, he vt- lUf-l.r 1 sity of Connecticut mid­ One guy who’ll be doing his Earl Wll.soii of the Bosto i Red | ,ne weekend. I' 'nave heard that WHypOESMTeEEZER mStihu vLsed the coUectlon of writer best to thw'art them is 'Holy Sox and pitching ace Jim Buiv Oummlngton Ba-rin la ptanning awards bo the children under 12 week football luncheon yes­ thkt Fran Coughlin, the Crn- * 0 m miltEd . . . 4xtra dryl” Oixjas cap'tain Jon M.'rrts, a nlng of the Detroit Tigers. operate seven days a week who have participated in the AM6 U)ER Hie POOR? terday—-hut with one .dif­ .saders' midget quarterback j rv>A. \c. f'lvrc • 6-3 225-pound center and line- Most general managers have so for those members who are Manchester Day Outing Rirce* Il'II ferent aspect. It waa the final would "b e fun to watch from WHyMOTTMERS GET CRN/ hacker. Both Anderson and Ing- approached Gil Hodges of the fortunate emtigh to be able to Iv«ld at (Jummington Bnoav Bsc ygyi*j;*gjyUSUE- ■eaiieh with Bob Ingaila in hia the press box, but not as much !.lls prai-ed this "real fine fool- Washington Senators for his N get away fOr a few days in the sin last March. familiar role aa head coach of fun trying to catch on the ball player.” Anderson, in fact, | two slugging outfielders. Chuck r— N the UConn football aquad. field.” Listed as 5-9 and ISO middle of the week the lodge caUs him a good pro prospect. , Hinton and Don Lock, and a will be available for them to Tickets for the Warren Miller Disouaeion o t the Tiieaday pounds on the Holy Cross bro­ He Ooughlin, who won’t s ta rt' couple of his young strong- movie to be held at the Bush- B E N C A S E Y chure, Ingalls said he thought use . . . aruiouncemerut that IngaJla had but will prbbeLiy play most of j armed hurlers. But Umt’s abou) nail Memorial IDec. 7 will be the statistics were phoney, "I been named aaaintant athletic the game, and halfback Jitn I aU poor GU has and it would be All reservalzons for toe lodge available at the Monday meet­ Team Trainer Bill Bates said TE»2iBL6 RSHT:.. Football has been wondeiYul to know at this point who will b: Standings The Manchester Ski,Club will BY ROY CRANE roOSHTABaor^GAN Ntxw A0H»CPTHEfA(6r. toe odds "are about 60-40 BUZZ SAWYER R G M eM B ee? me and this wlU mark the end in there,'! Ingalls said. He also W, L. Pc meet a4 the Senic»f' Citizens laclndes new AC spark of 21 years of coaching. That's against his being able to return revealed Junior end Larry Urda Don Wlllte ...... 22 11 .» to regular- play,” but Cappel- room on School St. Monday plugs, heavy duty points, AM^ACOlOQAy, a long time.” and Junior guard Roy Krlsben- I'VE STILL \ SOWHATf EVERYBODY MAKES WE'RE RECOMMENDING \ THANKS, CAG. BUT 7 Holiday Lanes .... 18 15 .5, letti disagrees. night at 8. Highlighting the condenser and rotor. PARTLY, BUIZO. BUT" Asked to name his best ■pen were both definitely out. Manchester Olds ..18 15 .5 6.00x13 TUBELESS BLACK YOU PROVED THAT YIU Q0TM.LTH0SE \ MINOR MISTAKES. AMP AS FOR YOU FORTHE DISTINGUISHED I'D RATHER YOU "I feel I’ll be ready,” said the evening will )>e a 16mm sound aYlNG CROSS... AND IT J RECOMMEND ENSIGN team, beat players and/or big But received "bad” but not Allen's Market ...1 7 16 .5: former Minnesota quarterback. and color film titled "Ski .AREANOOTSTANPING WAVE-OFFS I YOUR CRASH ON THE BRITISH gest thrill in coacliing, he add­ "serious" head Injuries. Maple Service ....12 21 .3i AGAINST / CARRIER, YOU'RE COM PL^Y WAS W5TIN6 UISHE0 / JENSEN. THAT KID "A week’s rest should be” 'The film was pioduced FLYER. ed "I’ve been asked those ques­ The game shapes up as an (Correntl’s Ins. . . . 12 21 .a by toe Aeina Insurance C o. and gmoun OUR BEST NYLON TIRE ME, AND / aEARED...rTWA5 DERNITELY FLYING, BUZ. BROUGHT AAE THRU... enough.” BESIDES, IT'S HIGHTIME tions several time^ in the past eveniy-matdhsd affair although , Defensive back Bob Suci was it empliaaizes toe safety aspects 40SE-WHEEL FAILURE nelLher team has anything like those r Adar operators two days and I'll tell you fel High Boorers this week in­ expected to be ready to play of skiing. The film waa hot ki 6.00x15 ...... 14.95 lows what I’ve told all the rent a winning rebord. The Huskies clude NlcSt Twerdy 144, Bundi THE CREDIT after nursing a bruised right Nefw England and New York 681 Mala SI., iiiaiK'ui htcr , they DESERVE. — right now the only- team I’m are 2-6 wtrlle the visttors come Taroa 362, Tom Martin 350, leg this week. area. Also, presentation of 6.50x13, 7.00x14 ...... 15.95 John Beider 355, Howie Au­ <• gust 353, Al Bujauoius 138-360, 6.50x14, 6.50x15, ocy ' f l - H Pete BraziUs 366, Charley Var- Spartans Rugged on Defense SUNDAY NITE, 8:15 7.50x14, 6.70x18 ..... 16.95 7- • nu t, MU hb m iw lu. M. le. Cassady Out of Retirement, rick 138-138-410, Tony Mart- A nelli 151-137-407, Roland Guil- EAST HARTFORD 8.00x14, 7.10x15 _____ 18.95 VERYBODYrCOR.OFTHEAlRGROUR CAPTAIN, lotte 147-398, Art Johnson 159 Illini Will Have Problems HIGH SCHOOL GYM ...... 20.95 eADMIRAL— CONGRATULATE BUZ. To Play Defense for Lions 387, Ding Farr 143-381, Fred 8.50x14, 7.60x15 CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER MoOuny 148-380, Bili Adntny 8.20x15 ...... 22.95 136-366, Andy Lamoureaux 138- DETROIT (AP)—Old pfofeH-4> He has accepted ap appolnt- 366, El Fish 153-363. With Tough Michigan State HOW DID WHAfl AFTER 95 WMR«'T AND WHAT COUU) \ IT> AH OUTTW0B T iB » mqnt with the Ohio Youth (Com­ BY LANK LEONARD AL aODNBYl TW 0im U(«| OKITLYINGPOWNT YOU Z DO? ITS A AlMlGrBESOIIWTIlMdYDil alonal football players don't MICKEY FINN fade away. They just wait oh mission as a $10,000-a-year ad­ TAKK BEIW* rM TH W At V STOOD UP FOR VOOR. MBW COMPANY COULD DO ABOUT IT..|F RESTAURANT LEAGUE NEW YORK (A P ) —Xf SbatiMics aire an accurtute guage. Ill­ i J ALL NYLON • ALL TUBELESS LBTOUT. toe other aide of that hill they ministrative assl.stant and Is Standing* inois is going to have Mm problems in Its game against Mich'igan AeKWS,PBTl/-~t?>< POLICYl I'LL / YOU HAP TMr ^ MIfilcl I C l expected to start oo that Job ••so IVEMADE IT FOR NINE-THIRTY/ THE McKBD? ATM9URA4f'ibUCAMTCANT supposedly went over (or an W. L. Pet. State Salturday for the Big Ten title and Rowe Bowl bid. TUBE-TYPE AND WHITEWALLS ALSO 'I WANTED HIS */ PHONBDHIM FROM THE MILL SOS from a problem-plagued next month after finishing with GLOBE housekeeper LET ME IN AND TOOK ME GET ANOTHER JOB!OBi . MarinelU’s Service 25 11 .694 tional Collegiate Athletic Bu-«> ADVICE, SHERIFF miERE I WOR!^— TO FIND OUT teams. the Lions. NO EXCHANGE REQUIRED TO THE LIBRARY— WHERE M Y UNCLE Decl’s . .25 14 .611 l.reau disclosed today that the Texas Western has the best START RIGHT AT THE ’\ —ABOUT BUYING WHEN I COULD SEE HIM/* Howard (Hopalong) Caa.sady By being on Detroit's roster WAS WAITING'* Triidon’s ...... i . .21 16 .583 Spartan-s have one of the pass defense.' giving up only 40.1 TR0TTER5. BEGINNING, BILL—WHY) A RADIO AND TV d Is the latest example. Released for three games, Cassady will Ou ’ P | zza...... 20 16 .556 , defensWe teams in the country, yards a game through the air. PRESTONE VOO WENT TO SEE A REPAIR SHOP/ by toe Philadelphia Eagles be­ qualify for the NFIYs players Pelhn's Rest.. ..,.,.20 16 .556 I particularly against, teams that W>.-. .. Hall FISK BATTERIES YOUR UNCLE! fore the current season began, Southern Methodist is the punt­ V*. San Franriseb Golden pension. National Tool A Dl* 17 19 .472 f move the ball on the ground. ing leader, its kickers aver­ EXTR.A ROWER ANTI-FREEZE the 29-year-oId Cassady Is re­ The Lion* recently'’tri^d to Oak O U l ...... ,..1 6 21 .4'17 i Rushing happens to, be Illi­ Gaters FOR EVF.RY NEED turning to the National Football aging 43.1 yards on 46 boots. Plus 7 Great Variety Acts Woo Bobby Layne, fhdr former Gandqn Grove 22 .88d nois’ favorite mode pf iattack. Memphis State, third In with his first club—the great qiiarterback, out o f Tetire- Jim’s Atlantic ,b,-14 22 .3^9 So if the big machines can be All Seat* Reserved, $2.26 .59 defense, is the leader In defend­ Maachester Bale At 6 Volt Detroit LJons. ment. But Layne told Wilson he Joh-IH's ...... 12 24 .333 trusted, thh mini will 1 have a ing against scoring passes, per- Othe^ Ola i>ro8 who came to Ailing Rubber Co., Main' St.^ didn’t believe he cfould help the tough time mb'vlng the ball nlitting its rivals to penetrate $1 Plus Old mlilid k‘fe Ralph Gugllleml, Jliii Box Office Open All Day GALLON- club. ■ through the Michigan State de­ the end zone only once through Battery Martin, Joe Perry and Bobby . Topping,t*^ list of High scor- Sunday from 1 P.M. NO LIMIT r That was when both Milt ars wane AI Plrttey 136-SB3, fenses. the air. Buffalo is tops at steal­ Layne. Although Mississippi is the liEliU aJliSS Cassady barely had agreed to Plum and Earl Morrall were Walt Buchy 185-SM, ’ J a o k ing ienemy passes. national leader In total defense, FREE MOUNTING e INSTANT CREDIT e EASY TERMS take a Job with the Ohio Youth hobbling the quarterback's Job. Christadore 155-274, Paul Cor- Morrall subsequently found him­ renti 142-363, Ed Pagaid 141, having yielded only an average I Commission when the Lions of 138.4 yards a game, Michigan pushed toe panic button self and has eased the Lions' Jim Chiapponi 147, Bill Edva- 357 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER BY LEFF and McWELLUMS State Is fourth In the list and D A V Y J O N E S Wednesday. 'Iliey signed him as quarterbacking problem. showhkv 139-366, Jhn Bell 140- PONTIAC OWNERS! We're selling Custom Contour Pontiac 385, Al FlUoetU 142-140-389,' ranks No. 1 In rushing defense.'. PHONE 64S-24U BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK R|pGEWAy ’ a free agent and announced that The Lions had their own prec­ MR. ABERNATHY edent for the Layne and Cas­ Ken Seaton 138-371, Ed Scott The Spartans have permitted | Bbpalong would finish to e . sea­ an average of only 71.3 yards a YOU'RE OUR sady moves. In 1959, they 144-391, Frank C aivo 137-376, OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY 8 to 5:30 1 WE WERE HER OLD 5HRIMPBOAT IS AND THAT'S HA-HA! YOU GUYS ALWAYS son f)8 a defensive back. game on the grouhd. They have I WANT A LOCK OF YOUR ^ y ou KNOW,ABERNATHyy ' SAY-WHAt PAL, PUDSV. SHANGHAIED BY MANNED BY REBELS AND THE TRUTH. WERE GREAT KiDOERft... , 'The Lions secoridary has been brought lineman Lou Creekmur TW MerMno 142-376, Tony M af- FLOOR OF COURSE, MISS, WE COULDN'T permitted less than two yards— HAIR, TOO, JONATHAN! SOMETIMES X WISH X REALLY THAT BEAUTIFUL IT'S RIGGED FOR IN STAN BUT DON'T BOY-YOU SURE HAVEN'T shredded by Injuries to Yale out of retirement. And before InelU 140-365, BUI Sheekey 877, dr WEDh THURS., FRI. 8 to B t-SA T. 8 to 4 ANYTHINe FOR A FAN. 1.9 yards to be exact—on every AAR.PRORLe. WEREN'T QUITE SO POPULAR! HAPPENED LIE TO YOU. SENORITA THE BATTLE. SHE SANK ONE E YOU EVER. LOST YOUR TOUCH!MO*HO Ivuy, Oary Lowe, Dick (Night the 1968 season began, retired Al Bertussi 360, Roy McGuire I TO y o u BOVS ^OAST GUARD EMY BOAT, CAPTURED ANOTHER REPEAT !, as an average. V W /R E M y ^ THERE 7 Train) Lane, and Dick Compton. kicker Jim Martin donned hia 857, Hank Frey 350, Fred Poud- MATS FAVORITE In a further effort to patch up bid togs in Detroit. But he soon rier 143-404, Prtie BraziUs 367, Although fourth in total de­ AAOVIEeiARJ the defense. Coach George Wll- was shipped to Baltimore, Andy Lamoureaux 373, Dick De- fense behind Miaaiaslppi, South­ ■' ; ,1 MAVX i.son' said end Larry Vargo would Perry is another retread still Btila 181-434, Jack BeOl 136-353, ern Mississippi, and Memphis 'be switched to a defensive back- seeing action while bouncing In Ray Johnson'367, State, the Michigan Staters with field sjpot and that veteran OlUe and out ,of the NFL. He’s back 171,6 yards yielded per game Paul Dodge 'M ataw might also bo used with the San Francisco 49ers, KARLSLY BHUM3—Betty R4ch- have the best \ recoil among the olub he broke In with. Perry ardsim I to-106 — 537, Barbara teams that play a completely TIIRQ Cassady, a former All-Amer­ spent some tone with Baltimore Algrzn 201— 478, Bunny W < ^ major schedule. *" • Poobac fbx^ mats can acMhl Pontiac. Inc. ica at Ohio State, was a Lion before returning tb the 49ers. 466. Zlie Spartans also have been boost Nm resale mIim of youf star for six years. ' /orklng QuglUeml quit vrtien the New ■Ungy 'With polrits — permitting car . bocaute they pr^ect - 873 Main St. Yoric 'Giants traded him to the only 6.3 points a game. They’re mainly out of the pass-catching 'BCDODD DOUBLES — Art against waar, and keep the floor M a n ch ester flanker slot. Traded away, Cas­ 49ersJinien he signed with Phil­ RandaH 374. fourth nationally In this .eaU- dean. Front aiKMovlBor imor sady ran Into bad luck. He suf­ adelphia. available in a variety of colors s fered a broken leg with the U k* Casaady, GugUlemi and SPIOB— Pat AimulH 128 — N^sstsslppl la, the team lead­ to blind wilb yonr ear's interior. Philadelphia Eagles last season Perry assured themselves of 846, 9kmny Pagan* 137 — 336, er In defense against ecorlng, See ns now! C and ;was cut from the squad that pension by deciding to nmtcgtm GbunM U 1 killte with a .9 point a game given earlier this year. > shine up toeir cleats again. Bewi^pre IM . up, u well u over-all defenee.

4 '

.'...A- ... . ., ; ;U


THE Missed Only Field Goal TryinCoUege P r o Grid Notes Cards Make One Change V ' i'-'V \ % ivi s Race Entry List Herald Angle Bears’ R o g LeClerc On Defense for Sunday EARL YOST 1 Sporta Editor NEW YC«K (AP)—■n»e a 86-ai victory. 11m Gtamts The Gtents ore making a defensive swtttii, too,, but 8 1 . Louis Cords have mode am oounUng on the BaM MipR Bogle to do H again Sun­ ttris one te to flX tai tor an Now Totals 100 Notes from the Road Race Mailbag only one shuffle for Sun­ day, tn the game that could injury. Dick Lynch Is out NFL Player of Week day’s Mg game with the go far towand wrapping up of the New York pass de- ^ the 27th annual Five Nsw York Gionte. but tt the■ “Eastern title Itto torfor NeNew fens^ and Dick Pesnneh By EARL YOST ed race day wlU go to Munou-< Memben of tiw DeMtolay w « Mils R o ^ Rm c over Manchester’s paved streets Trill be might te an important one. Toric fior the third straigttt WiU flk in. lar Dystrophy Research. Fhinney, track ooach at Mhn- history. With a field of 100 already assured and with a The Oadrs have put B4I1 year. FuSback Alex Webster Clentury mark in entries oheMer High, is a former Unl- aat ta> a ooff4e . and doughnut CHICAGO (AP) — 'The break from the weatherman another turnout of 10,000 is Stacy in tbtir defensive The Gtente toad tha East also cut with injuriea for veraity of lUinoln star. Since stMid in KeMh’a parkk^ ana. Chicago Bears’ Roger Le­ tethe Glenta, but able Joe for the 27th annual Five secondary, in place of rook­ striving in Mancbestar ki 1954, Pwinisninn. was giantad by the expected to view the No. 1 apopts spectacle on the nTiniiid Clerc, who missed his only with an 8-2 reoord. Ute Mile Road Race in Man- ie Jerry StoviUl. Cards as4 tied ^vtth the Mlorrison probably would Finney has taken pewt in the Main St. fUmhure store. AH Erich Baraea, New Yoilc de- calendar in thia City of Village Charm. field goal txy in college, "He makes a difference,” have gotten the storting turkey day run. ’This year’s prooaeda from the stand wM go Ctovelend Browns for sec­ Chester Thanksgiving fsnalva heck, mode a flna tackle was l^ t almost spe^hlesS saya Giant Defensi'va Coach ond at 7-3. fuBbetic Job even if Web­ event w ll be hla 10th. FhkMMy toward tha Muscular Dystro­ ster was well. morning was reached today •galnat San Franotooo, and al- 13th for Cedars today by his selection aa Andy HobustelU, the big After the Cards, the will be competing for tha C5en- phy Fund. moet incurred the wrath of end. MosTteon and FhU King with the receipt of Paul tral Oonnectiout AA.. Race haadquartani will be at Oharlle Rotblna, the practic­ the Astociatod Frees’ National Giants have Dsltow, W a ri- batter then 60,000 Giant tone at League Player of the Week tor "A 'Whole lot of differ-' hove emerged urn top run­ Phlnney’s signed bliuik. This Hto record number of an- the Hast Skta Rec. Priam wIM ing M.D. at the Mi Adderley on a klcknff ant player’a tog. Tlia impact return which led to a 27-yard guan] Charles Benoit, tackle Perry Wickstrom, end back Jim Howard. (AP Photofax.) Thursday Night knodcad tha cloak from tha the race in 1946 there were but ------e ______•Igivt entries. And it ralaedL touchdown nm by wmie Gafil- player’s back, and there tor all snowed and hailed that day 19 more. Thinks with His Feet STtMJUS — The ladies WlU to see worn a big No. 14—on years ago. Good to aKoaBant Gaiknore’s touchdown capped PREMIUM be given the first public op­ tha Jersey of quarterback Y. A. weather prevailed every year a 18-ptint Bear first qu^er 2 UConn Slate Eagletis Name portunity to see the Ualvar* T lttla .. . . 17m tona gaepad, and from 1946 to 1961 on raoa day, effort, which reoBy softened up Important Contest Lawrence, Kan. (AP)— Gale Sayers, the Kansas phan­ toto of OoBneotloat haalrel- It waa several anxioua aaoonda the record being broken last the favored Packers tor theta- For Next Seagon Malin Again tom who leads the nation in rushing, is an instinctive baU team hi aoUon when ike before K waa apparent T. A. oecond toliiiuiriig of the season year when H rafaied “ cate and BOB LOWE Hosldea partidpoge in a La- had not bean injured. . . . Said dogs’’ and the temperature by the . football runner who thinks with his feet, saves his best W ellington Mara, vice preaUtont — Th* Unlver- Apparently aatisfled with diaa N ight program at the dropped below freeolng. ITria But LeClerc was a booting efforts for the best teams and scorns low-cut shoes. FM d Houaa, TTiamday night of tha Giants who waa watch­ enough to send rix mora entr iMy t i Ooanecstksot’a oln*- leaderahJap that’s brought will be the IStti conoeoutive blanks. Once again we k>o( motedor all afternoon, punobur- ™ t e r For Yale Eleven "I don’t think when I come to^ at 7:80. ing ftom the upper deck: "I the Packera with fitid goals gMM 1964 footbaB Mhedoia them to a SS-1 record in two a tackier .. . fake one way and year Nutmeg Foreat No. 116, forward to oompsUtlon to this Ing wm Miaoanoed today. ord 283 against Oklahoma State, BaaketliaU Coach Fred wiahed, Juet tor that moment, Tall Gedara of Lebanon, apon- of 29, 46, 16 and 35 yards. His years of piny, members of cut the other,’’ Sayera' aid. "I Shabel haa set up the pro­ that Y. A. waa a bench warm­ top yeariy event." . . . With Jim Aa la graduaQy beooailiir a the East GpthoUo High baa- 156 against K-State and 122 sored the Five MUer. H ie Keefe, Central Oonnectiout ace flrst two kicks gave the Beers NEW HAVEN (AP)—Just like a shepherd would do really don’t know how I do it.’’ against Colorado. He had 104, gram la order to better ao- er." a 6-0 toad. Hto third made it toadWao, the Hualdea wUI ketball team, yeatorday re­ The eliuiva 202-pound Junior AAN Chib and Rec ran the on the sldeltnes wtth a shoulder •pea acalnat Tale In the it, John Pont gathered his young men of Yale around 79 and 71 against tha same qoalnt the distaff fans with riMW six turkey days. 16-0 and Me fourth toft Green elected Tom aa eaplafai from Omaha, N eb., haa broken the game. Girls of aH ages, Booaevelt Triykw, the OMoa- seporatlan, plans at OC have Bowl at New Haven Sept. 26, him and said that before long the full essence of winter for the third season. three clubs this fall. • « • changed. Ted Owen writes Bay behind 19-0 early in the loose for 849 yards in nine His spuming of low-cuts may from 8 to 108, 'are arged to go Bears’ speedy (he oaogbt' fourth period. and Snlab agaliurt H oly Oroaa would be updii them. ♦ .M alin, son o f Mr. and Mra. gam es. Hia average of 6.1 yards that Ray Ootturi, tha sopho­ Nov. 91. be a ahock to other aspiring attend.., There will be ao end Max MoOee from beiited Schoolboy Flash *T Was'xaal nervous on the Raising his voice Tor empha­ John MisUn of South Wlnd- a carry equal his nation-leading adntlsston charge. The event more sensation, wSl toad a team fei the only obange, But- minded some oldsters of Yale's aor, thus beoomea the young speed-burners. Sayers when the Packer had a 10-yard Jock Semple, coech of the from Central into Manchester. flrst two kloks,’’ said the for­ gan returns under a two- sis, he then preached: "Wheth­ famed Tad Jones, coach of an- average of 1962, when he was wears old-fashioned high-tops, la “ for girls ooly.” No aiea edge oa Taylor last Sunday) de­ mer star center tor Trinity of er it’s going to be a long, long Bobool’B first vaiMty eaptsm No. 8 in rushing with 1,12S wifi be adatittod. Boston A.A. track team, re­ Orothers was seventh tost year. year oontiaot and replaoea oth'er era. Prhnarlly playmsker, he has ever since he hurt an ankle fensive back, to in for a sur­ ports Larry Damon, the third He’a the poctega of Little Hartford, Conn. "A lot hod been winter with cold, or a winter Jonas once delivered an ex- yards. slightly in the opener against ladividual playera wUI be prise. .. . Early la the eeaeon, written about how ttrin big Delaware. with warmth depends on what waa also the club’s <. fourth place finisher in Manchester Johnoy Kaltoy. The 1964 Huskies wlU be Ixmtation to his hnpreaslonable The Jayhawks have used him TCU. introduced to the fans dur­ Roosevelt saM: ''People don’t the) peat three years, will pass a s * game might te deckled by field SAVE/ high scorer I under a new head you do on Saturday against heroes that went like this: ihpra often aa decoy this season "They protect your ankle a ing the program... There know much about me beoanae gooto. I was worried about be­ BEARS’ OFFENSE IS A KICKER— Practicing his Harvard. up the run here this year. Da­ Bob varsity "GenGemien, you are about to thmt laat, - to open up the middle — little,’’ he said. "The added wtU be a deacriptlon af the I’m quiet. I let my aotiona on mon, a member of the past Joe in Training ing nnacked by the Idas of art, kicking, ia Roger LeClerc, during Bears work­ ON OUR FAMOUS 'As for me, I would like dtflerent types of aboto that tutor tor 12 aeaaona, haa play foottMh for Yale againat Gridders Suspended when'\th» other temm shifts to weight of two ounces is all in the field apeak for me. 1 kave tw o u n ited States CHyii^iie Joa MhOluskey, Manclissttrla dsolh.’’ out yesterday. Holding baU is Dave Whiteeell, a hem promoted to aailstant warmth, and that it should be Harvard. Ntever' in your Hvea ■top hhq. He isn’t carrying the your mind—it's not going to are used la tiie gaaoe aad ■a much pride aa anybody, but teama—as a akler—la current- “I recalled tiiri tori year c(^d in and around Boston. various offeoaes aad defenses ■Fastest aH-tinM athlete, is back. (AP Photofax.) nthlfitlr dtaeotor, effecttve will you do anything so hn- AKRON, C»ito (AP) — Three ball quite as much, but he hhs slow me down." I’m aot going to do a let of ly in tha Stats of Washington book in training. Hw tonnar when wa played at Mianeeota, You can make it so by whip- poitan t.” saved his biggest' days and He alao put on more weight will lie demonatratod by talldnf.’’ . . . Wen, today peo­ there woe a trig program piece 3 -T NYLON University of Akron footbaJl practicing fo r tha 1964 O&m- Fordham Flaah, now the father The name ad Ingalla’ ane- p i^ the John Harvards.” It’s com, but it haa worked. plays for the h w t teams—a 99- this season. He started laat •quad members... An intra­ ple do know about Booaevelt pic aki squad. . .Sample, a on bow to plaoeidtic by the VI- 'fte new Tale football boas, squad exhibition aad eondi- of a%ht youngsters, lapocts he eeaaor la expected wHMn Hie Harvard (5-2-1), a contender playsrs were suspended from yarder at Nebraska and 61- year at 175. Taylor. . . . All aeaaou loag Ma former runner, writes, T fael ran a nrite in 6:96 last week. Mnga' Mike Mercer, m our ■tirring up his young men with fo r ttw Ivy League tittle, and a sthool indefinitely yesterday tor yarder at Oklaholqa. "I don’t feel the bumps near­ tlonlng drUls wUI wind up ■etioiia have beau apaalrtiig gome, he mtooed tour end was BMCt iew weeha. the program. Door prices Johnny KaUay vrlU win again, MoChiakey ia ooach of the The acbedule: every word, reminded his flock aottd fhnnc«9te to win the Big rowdyism involving three fe­ "Thia boy is an All-America ly ao much this asaaon," ha loudly and eunenUy Ha aaven U not, Oeorn Ooaefrsy. I med New Yoifc A.C., many out from.the squad the next in blue shorts that the laat said. . .don’t feel I’ve lost wSl be awarded. . Sept. 96, Tale, away. Ttirea crown, haa a douMe in- male students. The three are halfback if there ever was thinlc I have tiM flaeat aohool-. timea national champione. Itiere day." Oot, 9, Butgers, away; 10, time the Sons of lill downed oentlve to win. But Tala, (5-6) one," ach Jack Mitchell any spaed either.’’ NFL. . . . ’Two of boy up hare in BM Norris of ■re 200 othletea ragisterad with LeOtorc, who haa a 10 tor 16 SubM antte the Crimson in the huge bowl halfback Jos Richardson, line­ tfasanriwettB. away, 17, wants to clobbar Ma oM iVvti ao aald. 'Tn a one-on-one situation, If he haa, no one haa men­ In the Bear’s 26-7 win ever the Brockton High." Norria la the tile New Yorit AjC. The Man­ Held goal record this sees VALUE-RATED 190 TRACTOR-TYPE CLEATS dig In - here was in 1957 by 54-0. backer Reginald. Davis and and tioned it. With 11 varsity games Packers, and Taylor also broke Maine; 24, Temple; 81, New badly, it la painful. he la without equal. He can cut ■on of Fred Nprris, the great chester High grad, who want on since be reptooed rookie Bob ' pnU yon throng snow like m tractorl Hampolilre, away. "You muet work hard and The KUa got a chunk of good Robert Yauger, all 20-year-old at a right angle without losing left, he already haa broken the 76ers Score Bp several other OB paaa plays. distanca runner from England to win 26 national rating oham- Jenfcs in thM department, Nov. 7, Boston tTnlveraity; think only of winning, and you news Wedneaday when Oaptahi aophomores. The players were speed. school career record.' He needs . . . Rooeevelt has also become who waa on the 19M Britlah will win and you and I know ptonslripa many in the stoetie- ahareo the NVYi record of ll've 14, Rhode Islaad ; 91, Holy George Humpho^ was told hla suspended aftm an investiga­ "What’s more, he’s a nice 26 yards against Missouri to a fine tackier Speaking of lim- Olymple squad aa a 10,000 me­ ohase event. Is a stock broker field goals in a atogte game, PRICED AS LOW A8 Oroaa, away. It," aermonixed Pont. knee injury waa healing and Ma tion by the office of students quiet Ud, one 6f the first on the babome the first Big Eight back Initial Win ■Ing Into trig books Hite Oieen ter man. 'The BAA, fronted by wtth Bache A Oo. on Nsw which he mode sgainri I>etrolt Momenta later, his football ofaanoea of getting into action services of aa Incident Sunday field for practice and he prac­ to reach tha 2,000 career m aiii Boy's Jim Taylor, Booaevelt Little Johnny Kell^, won the York's Fifth A sa... MioChMkey M 1961. USED CARS aquhd. having captured the Saturday are good. He waa side­ morning after the three had re­ tices hard.’’ in his Junior asaaon. Over Knicks aaye: *1 don't love tackling, but first team prlM here last won tha BBc Town raoa T wae thinking about that Concannon Advances goq>el, broke away from the lined agratnat Princeton laat turned from Springfield, Mo., Mitchell said Sayers is a I know ttis a Job that hae to be niaakrictvtng. tour timcA tha tost in 1*47 reoord k ri Sunday when I had $ NETW YORK (AP)—Boston circle with a booming, "Let’s week. where the team played South­ much better over-all player done TVhea yon’ ie small nnd • e • MbChsdcey lapcrte that Bob right chanoea ki al," aald Le­ OoUage quarterback Concan­ go!" gnd away they went Several houra after Wednes­ west State College. Orr Hall, a than last season. He Is much Wings Continue HEW YORK (AP) — Tte you’ie up agalnat thoee big Losva, former Brown Univeralty 95 O torc,'w ho missed from 19, 85, non has moved Into a fourth through the final heavy drill day’s workout, Humphrey, in a girl’s domitory, was invaded by better in pass receiving and FhUadelfiMa 76era, nee the backs who have sU that mo­ Future finish Line ace and a two-tkne winnsr la 37, and 49 yards. eno X18 TriMteaa N before colliding with Harvard men students at 1:30 a.m. Sun­ kick returning. \- Idaca tie among tha nption's aeparate interview, told a Losses on Road Syienuae Nationals, haven’t eet mentum and speed, you have to Don't te too aurprised If, in Manchester, is ourrantly sUe- LsCkrc practioes about three blaekarall phM tax total offense leaders, accordcording here on Saturday in the 80th aporthwriter that he doeen’t be- day, the investigation disclosed. Sayers this season ripped off Mt ’em below the kmee, take future yiearB, the Five Mile hsiod 'With a foot injury hours a week 'wtth defensive and tire off your < to NCAB statlstica ' released meeting of these traditional ri­ IMve the world wM end “ 6houM Shortly after, a gltl’s car was 144 yards against Nebraska, 122 tha Naticnal Aa- their legs away from them Road Race starts aad finish ee Pete Ctose, Mimtehes ter jr e a t book Dova WUtseil bolding. At IS NEW YORK (AP) — Thera’s today. Hie rangy senior was vals. we lose.” He quickly added, blocked in a parking lot and against Syracuse and 110 no toe like homa for the Detroit ■atiaiUon on fire since the ften- They coa’t roa without their —or flntohes—at Memorial it St. John’s and a 1960 ort "Ih the olonlng minutea of a 62 COMET $1795 62 CHEV. $2295 TniU Iv still first wMh 1,913 The 36-yecur-old Pont who Other Sports vision. was given. School officials and Terry in Africa tie game 'wtth Denison in my came here from the Midwest were gyring to break their long today." . . . Charley completed 4-door sedan, fully equip­ Impala V-8, 4-door, air Next are Roiger Stau- ■pell o f nosid fbustration. Beaten in two pravtoue gamae 10 straight pasaas from the tha sponsoring TSU Cedars Remember George Terry, the senior year, I tried on a 86- Navy with 1,738 yards only last spring, appears to Court^s Indispensable Man^ by the Knioka, tha 76en turned may ait down shortly and dl»- New London lad tilt of Boston ped. oonditloned. ot They were in front 2-0 agter tiriid quarter through tha and yorder and It toB Short.’’ sin Mn* RMb MiIbb^ AtoiP a n Terry Isaacson of Air have caught the spirit quickly. Page 27 tte tabtaa on the New Yorkera ouss such a plan to shift the Univeralty, who served aa man­ TwI? His sermon late Wednesday rs- 12 mdniites, but then HvAl went of the game. Johnson, the AOOxie 81A96 64X1x18 flB A S $19.60 6.60x19 $17A8 $21A0 with 1,572. to work and tied the aoore with laat fright, 156-101, aa Lee Shaf­ Cards' leading'ball eaiTiar the ■tart or finish, or both, to the ager-trainer for Julia Chase, 62 MERC. $1995 Boston^s Great Bill Russell fer and Hal Greer combined for spacious Memorial Field area. the young gal who wanted to— Meteor 4-door, fully 61 RAMB. $1195 A70 X15 $16.80 6A0xlS $1G98 $30.90 GOOX IS $18.28 ^99 yy his 13th and 14th goela of the previous week agalnat Wash­ . .. . Pete Wipen, race dlreo- equipped. Super Class 4-door sedan season. TTie Brack Hawks went 54 points. It 'waa the flrat Ptriia- ington, added aerioualy: ‘The and did—run tmofflcially In the 7.10x15 819.68 74K)xlS 81AB0 $22A6 6A0X16 $18S0 $29.18 N!EW YORK — (N E A ) — del|riria vtctoiy of the season pixriecUon was great. The one tor, saw hla Manchester High Five MUer here in 19617 Terry on to a 5-2 vkstory. track and cross country teams is now In the Peace Oorpa and 7.60x15 $21.45 7 J 0 x l4 819J0 GTOxlS 819A0 $24JB Joe Lapchick finiehed drUUng Detroit now has failed to gain over the Kiricks and gave the time the Browns got to me, it HUHTING the St. John’e University bae- 76era a tmro-ganve lead over the win 61 championships during la stationed in Africa. Terry, a A80X15 $38.60 A 0 0 x l4 $HM $26JO TJIOxlB $21.98 $26A0 a vlcitoiy in eight road games was my own fault I held the his long career, 34 In track aad top runner for nearly 15 years. ketbaU equad iwt Alumni Hall ki since the National Hockey team they muat beat to make baU too long.” MOxlri ia4XK> 839AO 7 A 0 x l8 $244» $29A0 Jamaica, whem people change the playoffa 27 in erosa eountry. Nineteen la teaching and coaching track <-'^and League aeeaon started. They year, -flustMenfieMlire 8A0X18 $2678 $3278 V Tlw Detroit Fiatons snapped squads posted perfect records. to the Afrlcaiti. Lari to go anywtiere on the Long Is- have one tie. Lion Ooach George Wilson lasKl Railroad. a three-game kMlng streak by Wlgren, who helped set up the Terry led a Peace Oo^ team In a fUU NHL schedule, GtUes had a stock greeting for every­ first road race In 1927, retired into Manchester for the race. Lapchick, the oM Original Villemure made his debut in the coming from behind to defeat FISHING 63 OLDSMOBILE »2 OLDSMOBILE Celtic, eeema much happier and the Onoinnati Royals, 124-118, one, who entered the dreaalng as a teacher in 1954. the way, what happened to nets for the New York Rangers room after Detroit’s 28-21 lofw • ' e a hUss Chase who created ^ te 8-88 Hriidoy eedaa, fully Deluxe 98 Holiday sedan, mo9:« relaxed beck ooachhig a a good one in a 1-1 tie with the in yesterday’s other scheduled loaded- Including air con­ fully equipped Including i y college team. game. _ to Loa Angeles... “Played any a stir two years a g o? . . New DON’T BLAME DUCKS Boston Bruins at Madison defensive backftoM latelyf” Letter Excerpts Hartford Track Club is head­ Ducks raise havoc with fish­ ditioning. air conditioning. Lapchick picked up a news­ Square Garden, and Morkreal Dob Ferry hit on seven •traigbt Shota to help put De­ WUaou asked over sod over aa It’s alwaya nice to get totteia ed by Bob Bamberger . . Paul ing. 9/ DISCOUNT paper and read where the 8ee- tapped Toronto 3-1, at Toronto. ton Celtics had made It iMven troit In the lead for good after be thought of bow the liooH and axoerpts from two recent Edwards, WINF sportecaster, Just when fish start taking 'When Villemure was a young* rates a line for his efforts in the autumn offerings of angten 61 CHEV. $1895 60 OLDS. $1895 straight victories starting the the Royale had taken a 71-76 finished up agalnat the Rams notea follow: ’’ITie flrat came Impala 'V-8; 2-door sedan. S-88 Holiday sedan. star in Montreisl he used to ... Both regular corner back firotn Steve BoitoiM, track ooach publicixlng the 1963 race . . seriously, it’s time to get out season by oveirwhelming the stand in Une to waitoh Jacques lead-on the Piaton’a home court. Cincinnati Royals 130-121. Don Ohl, who finished ■with Night Train Lane and reserve at at John's Untventty in George Ctonefrey of Whltham, the old 13 gauge. 0 ON WHEELS! Plante tend goal. Last night, Brooklyn. "As fai the pest yean Mass., who won the New Eng­ The annual exchange of rods 60 CHEV. $1795 61 M G $1395 5 0 % D l^ Compton suffered knee In- “That Bill RuMMll,’’ said Lap­ freeh from Baltim ore, he mjfcbed 34 points, and Bailey Howell, chick, who saw profasalonal with 27, chipped In to keep the Jttiiea... Wilson then used w« ane planning on sending up land Cross Country Champion­ and reels for shotgtuis. causes Impala V-8, convertible. 1600 Roadster. for the injured Plante in the three different offeuaive play- soma numera for your Theoiks- ship last Sunday In Boston, has a tremendous, amount o f egtoal- IWtcbaag* : basketball advance from dance New York goal. Platione on top. w balla to its present state, “is a Oeoar Robertson and Jerry era on defense... First it waa glivlng Day race. Our associa- tw o brothers who also run. AU lent fishing to go lieglected, When you Buy a Pair of kangaroo wearing a goatee. The Rangm got off ki front Lxicas each popped in 22 tor fnUbaok OUla Mataon fo r one ticn wtth you people has been three la^ have entered the lo­ say the exports at Miercury out- / I ? I L V There also hi a little octopus hi of a first period goal by Diok the k e e n . |riay, but it waa quickly evident a tong « d platuomt one. Good cal race. Georgs Conefrey, In- bouxto who ane not bashful •I him. MeUsner. Toon WUHeuna, fiM H Shaffer, with 36 points, end hia bruised Instep did not per­ hxsk for a suooessful run" . cidentaUy, has won his last about admitting that they, too, 3-T NYLON&TUFSYN up in the second period.* ^ Hie second letter ossm from eight races, including two over get jnetted by the high-pitched "If there ever waa an Indis- '1 Greer, with 18 , went on a mit him to move quiokly... pensable man in teem game, it Then.came Gall CogdiU, the Eugene Long, track ooach at Little Jtiumy KeUey, one in a coll of Canada. ^looting aproe tor Philadelphia flve-mller Nov. 11 to Covmtry, Happily, flshdng and water- la RusseU. There have teen biaa- when the Knlcka pulled within split end who never before had Hamilton Ooilega in Chnton Suburbanite ketball playera with superior N. T. "Would you be kind R.I. fowttng have much in common. 62 CHEVROLn 62 BUICK $2095 Rifle ClubNotes^ four pointa late in the first half played defense... And Anally, Impala hardtop, all-round akIU, but never one They widened the gap to Both kinds of game have the t^ o o r Terry Barr, the flanker back same habitat—water. And fish V-8, radio, heater,. Power Special 4-door, V-8, rar more valuable than Russell. poirria and the Knicks never who had not been ondefenae dlo, heater, dynaflow. "George lilikan of the L ak^, seem to te most susceptible to OUde. I again got that ckwe. since the sixth game o f the 1969 Judo Classes for Youngsters a dangled worm at about the before they moved from Min- Art Heymsm, former Duke ■eaaon ... A t last rep ort WU- neapoUa to Los Angetea, waa some time the south-bound GO AiH-Amertca, was high tor the son waa still asking the ques­ flights arrive. Thus, there’s no 55 FORD $245 58 T-BIRD $1095 vot^ the top player ot the flrat Knicks 'With 20 points. tion. 2-door hardtop. half of the century. Mlkan la Start at East Side Saturday ■ound reason to substitute Falrlane 2-door; hardtop. the only basketball player First match of the Manchester No. 6*8 tor split riot. Both can CO goodA ear Rifle Club’s intra-club touma Bddto Labaroni, tha vatoran whose name appeared in lights te used, and even on the same 61 FORD $1495 57 OLDS. ‘ $495 ment for all sub-Junior and Jun Steve Sinko Out Dallas quoJTterback 'wlw heu; Judo dasses tor hoya 10 to day. on the Madison Square Garden lor members, is scheduled Satur 14 yeara of age wiU t e held Oalaxle 2-door hardtop. S-88 convertible. marquee. That is what Mikan seen little action lately, 'waa in When you encounter a "blue day from 9 a.m. to noon at the for one scrimmage play laat Saturday afternoons — starting bird’’ sky you can usually ex GOODYEAR NATIONWIDE **NO UMir* GUARANTEE meant to the box office, the Waddell School range. With John Toner Lakera and the game. But Sunday in the Cowboy’s 27-20 ifaia Saturday — at the East pect Uttle activity for several Cmpetitors will be classed ac­ victory over PhUedelphla. Sta- hours following the brief early No Umit on moriiie—No Hmlt on iwitoa...No Unfit ■• to roado— George hadn't even a amail part cording to their level of profici­ Likely Successor Side Rec. Instructor for the of Russell’s foot cleverneae. tlaUoolly, it shews as a four- nMrnlng fluny as birds leave ency In the Jianior training pro­ yaad rushing gain for Eddie and BlsBses, sponsored by the Reo- the marshes. Instead of blister­ Ne Unfit as to epoed—for tha sorira Hto of the in a d "With Russell and Casey gram. Class that will fire 20 Jones, who are still teammates, BOSTON (AP) -- Boeton Immediately the queotion oriaea raation Department, win te ing your eyeballs at noneodstant shots prone in 20 minutes are; University football Ooach Steve u to whsut LeBaron 'was doing niaU . aphids in the dlstanoe, break the University of Son Francisco sub-Juniors, members 'firing ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED against defects to workmanship set a record for games won BILL RUS8ELL Sinko reportedly will resign running the bail... Ttte an­ One parent must accompany out the fishing tackle. 61 OLDS. $1995 phases A-D; members firing after the Boston College game swer: A fake field goal. Holder each interested child to the flrst You’U find firii moot accom­ 62 OLDS. $2995 Deluxe 08 Holiday coupe, and materlaig and normal road haoarde, except repairable punctures. consecutively by a college team. phases A-4. Classes that will fire When .the Dons first appeared "B oston had an cuccompliahed Saturday. Glddle, with fourth and tw o on me etlng Saturday, M cord^ to modating os they go on Uieir RAH, hydramatlc, power team before Russell came 10 shots prone and 10 shots Ptibllahed* reports today said the Philadelphia 46, rollea Jim Herdic, Rec Department last feeding binge before winter. Starflre 2-door coupe, ful­ steering-brakes, one own­ IP A GOODYEAR TIRB FAILS UNDEJR THIS GUARANTEE * any of more than 80,000 • VeUmMMM Of INC. at the Garden Iq New York, I standing, in 25 minutes are: l l W j K said Ruaaell and Jones were the around. With Easy Ed Macau- that Sinko will aoept "another around right end tor a firaC superintendant. And they are not a Mt particu­ ly equipped, low mileage. er. Goodyear dealers in the United States and Canada will make allowance on a new tire based •8UCKMIBTBD RRTAIL PRICK P.O.B. (EA1ST COAST), LOCAL TAXES icy, Bob Cotiay, Bill Sherman Members firing phases A-12 and role out o f athleUos in the uiri' ^Thall will outline the entire lar about eating hours; mid- greatest and, of course, they high school team members. A d ow n ... Flour plays later the on original tread depth remaining and current "Goodyear Prloe." AND OTHER DOALBR DELIVERY CHARGES, IF ANT, AIHHTIONAL are even better now. and some more, they were flrat venrity family.’’ Oowboya had a TD and a 94-6 eourse — what he plans to do, dayto fine. Ihcldenitaily, the fish to break the 100-point barrier. small entry fee for each class BU Athletic Director Vto what he expects from the you’ll take ore larger, than 57 OLDS. $695 61 CHEV. $1695 Ultimata Tribute entered will be charged. Shoot­ tirird-quoirter toad that otood 88 4-door -sedan. ‘Tbs ultimate tribute to Rus- They soored in three figures re­ Stout said, "Ttiere ia no official up tor the win. youngaten,’’ Herdic said, "and i i r those in the spring . . . after Impala V-8, 4-dr. hardte^ peatedly, yet rarely made the ers may enter any class higher statement regarding the foot­ It’a imperative that a parent at­ all, they’ve spent the past six Fomily room. aeU' la that he has four timea than his own. tends wMh Ms eon ao that both bean voted The Preaident’a Cup piajyyrifa and didn’t lest long ball ooeching staff at this time.” Jtrim Henry Johnson, PlMs- months hMuttng up with" cal- 62 CHEV. $2295 60 T-BIRD $1795 when they did.” \ The match will be run off in fully understand this program. oriM. by National Basketball Associ­ 26-minute relays. Shooters will The reports said Sinko’a auc- burgh fullback, became the 4-door station wagon. 2-door hardtop. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE NIGHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE Win W ithout Cduay ceasor is expected to be John ~ R Is definitely not a fun affair.’’ "Double sport” is Mercury’s ss booking ot R e lomlty soom is It can be a studio room with skylight, ation playera. This means that be placed on the firing line until sUth player In the h lstoiy of The rlewirff wlU continue each 718 MAIN ST.—640-9588 805 BROAD 1ST.—643-5179 those who play against him Cknisy, the incomparable pleyi, Toner, a former Boston Unl- term tor this business of 00m- <• VoNctwagen Station W agon. wall-to-wall windows, five-foot easel, all ports are' filled. No one will the NFL to carry the ball sa Saturday afternoon, from 1:80 g shooting with fishing. consider Russell the most valu- maker and the most talked be assigned a specific time to veneity back who now is aasia- many aa 84 timea In one game 1 Ift got oU the tiomforts of home, plu« and six-foot ortist. elbout beaketbell player for 13 to 8:80 throutiiout the winter One thlsig you can bet on, ahle hand in the game. This is fire. After firing, a competitor tant to Oohunfala tootball Ooach (the record iaS9by Harry Thall to_ well _ 'versed'ver in the arte ^ohoirt, Sdoon, and 21 windows, It can be an outdoor-indoor room. mada ail the mora retnorkahle yeans, dosed out his apeotaoudar Buff DoosUl. there’ll te either fish or fowl — may stay or leave as he chooses. Newman of New York In 1984) of judo, ju-jitiu and related wb- or both — to take home. k con olso bb a pool and card room. Holds two cots, or three sleeping bogs, because the award went to Rua- career as a oomfbatant last sea­ ShlkD won named bead ooach when he rushed for 106 yards HOLLYWOOD SERVICE CENTER COOK'S SERVICE STATION Ifigh shooter in each class will Jeota. Ha taught ohlldren’i rioa^ Bo don’t blame the ducks if ■58 MnmLE TPKE. EAI3T-649-8SS1 Cos- p oofen puU out the middle saot.\ or one pitched pup tent. sell at a time when WUt Cham­ son, yet the CMtlca roll right be awarijled a silver medal. Sec­ at BU ki 1957 'Whan DonaiM tn the Steelara’ 84-96 over os in Denver os well oa a night­ 848 E. CENTER 8T.—649-8187 berlain w te sooatog 100 jwfaita along, improved defensively with went to Oclumbla. Sinko’a rec- fltaMng Interest wanes. Some iRgo o bridge tobie and 4 players. ^ Our family rddm comes completely ond, third, fourth and fifth place Washington... How does John ly clOM to members of the Den­ guys don’t know .golden oppor- a game by himae/lf.” Ruasell. firiishera in each class will re­ prd with the Tarriera U 23-36-3 Henry Hite aU that w o tk f ’T 61 CHEV. $1495 kcan be a nursery room. i furnished for 82,655.00* ver Police Deportipent. He stud­ tunlttos when they see them. Monza 2-door coupe. .3 59 PONT. $895 JACK'S ATLANTIC You only have to look at the What makes Ruaaell so ex- ceive bronze medals. Awards Tha team haa a 1-6-1 alata thIa hod a long rest (he waa In- ied at the American Judo Club 706 MAIN ST.—MO-8288 BUHRER'S SHELL SERVICE SosM mothers corry a crib or playpen (Includes chairs, carpeti clock, smt* Celtics’ record to realixe how traordlnary? speed transmission, shift Catalina convertible, ra­ 653 CENTER 8T.—649-8128 will be based on the number Jured) at the start of tha eea- in Denver oiid participated in on the floor. dio, heater, hydramatlc. ,hi bcKk. Others oorry potted plants. rors, clothes hangers, sunroof, window^ Inittspeinsable the 6-10, 990- "He made himself a atickout entries in each class with _ ■on,” says JHJ (aa he’a tabbed various contests with the Air Wednesday’ s Fights poiMd Russell Is. Sinoe R usmH sooner,’’ replied Lapchick, ‘TMit minimum of five before any F orce Academy Judo teem and BANTLY'S s e r v ic e CENTER » k«CM be o SMOnlight-and-roses rooet heater, etc.l In Pittsburgh headllnea), "and MAIN ST.— JohMd them after the 1656 never oA iris team’ s eoq>eiisa. He awards are given. Yale Schedule Hodky- Pokey (haUboek Dlok wMh qilier Ju«> (flute in Colo- ssa 649-4805 RUFINI'S FLYING A SERVICE I iw isoof 0 6 top slides into a meoe* And thot's a lot eheoper Hhm the.kind gats liki potobi to the true oounw NORFOLK, VA-Don (Honeys WHERE TOE ACnON 181 I Olgsimlc Oames in Metoouras, Club ixuifructors will u •» *> ■» thb wmfc. ra d a u s CENTER ST.—649-8879 ygpmdd toyoer hoete. IlM dalliaB liaiM wen Pbe ehnm* of llw gS8»a He la a toemen- oy) WMtney, 168, Washington, , OUVA'SESSO ■cores fired at this mutch NEW HAVEN (AP)r-L*. New . ______D.C., outpointed Tonuny Payne, pkesHitos to asven seasons, nugr Boui rabounder and an outaband- pick mamtera who will fire _ high WlU yaplaca Oolnta, but b a c k TO dWHOOL” 411 HARTFORD BO.—649-8889 \ tog defender. He has HCatmA m il tongh RedaliTi. 167, Detroit, 10. MANCHESTER MOTORS nmlsaeiil 8a 1667-56, when Russail apetiA, the first away team match Sun­ otEerwtoe Inrie'a foowoU team front four li tengher than OZZIE'S SHEU STATION Injured an ankle In tbs ptayoOk agUMiy, stamina and heart. He Minneapolis — (NBA) — Jerry • BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — BlUy day, Dec. 1 at Stratford. Eight wiU play tha aama alata in working in the a^^ mines.” Tisdale, 180, Bridgeport, knock­ BAY DWYER—Used Oar Manager. DON WILLIS GARAGE 875 MAIN ST.—648-1878 “Russell went to the Oltym- has the kidefinalrie quality tiaut ■ub-Juniors and eight Juniors will Klndall returned to the grad­ 1964 it played thia aaasmi. The ed out Olin Veasey, 188, Stan­ "Selling and Servicing New OldsmobUee 18 MAIN ST.—649-4581 ploB, you maiy rememhar, both dtotingulshea tha grsMt ftem be selected to toce the tough achedule: Sept. 26, Connecti­ uate school of the University of TED TRUDON. Inc. Minnesota. The Cleveland In­ ford, Conn., 6. For Over Y eara" as a bttaketball player and high the good.” Stratford PAL team. cut; Qot. 3, Lehigh; 10, Brown Wayne Oausay Kanooa Cky -ELLSWORTH-apiLLASSOW v MJtM. SHELL URVICE ' T6l)l AND TURNPIKE—TALCOTTVILLE Jumper. BU played baaketiball Indlspensalria la a lot of wtird fielder te continuing his studies NA(30YA, Japan — .Hiroyukl 17, Oolumbia; 24, ConMll, ahortitop who led the Anvocloan Ebihara, 112%, Japan, knocked 51| W E8T CENTER ST. 64S-15U ^ m Oa k l a n d STr-648-5U$ „ BOUTS 6, ANDOVER—648-8749 only, aMliough te hod high to ma{)or league ooenpetUton of B in MiarUn, fou n sr N avy away; 81, Dartmouth; Nov. League hMtem in mid aiB^i. toward' the acquteltloo of a A aiaster'a degroa. Ho aspiraa w out Henry Arid, U8%, PhiUp- ■ six fset, wfc—** but “ end. to - - J4, .IS Haiward, lu f -I.- f U

t . . . I , . . ' . , . . it1tosihteH.1Mli.mi' iKeriiairiiHfiSWoiwAl'Miew w »* e * e i* .« G

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 PAGE THIRTY^Nl FACE *rHTRTY MAl^CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN* THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 Apartmentft—Flats-> Business Locktions Houses For Sale 72 Houscs For Sale 72 Hooscs For Salt 72 Hooficfi For Sale 72 Honacs For Sale 72 Lots For Sale *T3 Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FAGALT and SHORTEN RwMehold Goods t l Wanted—To Buy 58 Tenements 63 For Rent 64 BOWERS aCROOL — Brick DUPLEX, 6-years-oid, Central VERNON — Spacious ranch, VERNON S’TREET Lot — 90 Offered 13 WE BUT, SELL or trade ■b'^ MANCHESTER Vicinity — 6^ LESS THAN $20,000. Big Colo­ FOR SALE - Gas stove In FOUR ROOM apartment, brand BUILDING 60x40 SulUbls tor room rsnch consisting of 8 nial on Henry Street, 3'a baths, Csps> ^ donner, fire­ location, near stores and bua raised hearth fireplace, win­ foot frontage, city utilities, good condition, tV. inquire tlque and used furniture, eblna, place, 8 rooms, 6 finished, ga­ dow wall, panrilng. IH baths, sidewalk, near school. OaU TVE HAVE the time, wo have! I mE CHEESEDtPPS OCCIOED THE<^*D glass, silver, picture framee ^ new 2-family duplex. 011 heat, stoiMe. B-1 zme, Bunkland bedrooms, living room, kitch­ heated rec ro6m, complete sep­ line, excellent Investment prop­ the tools, will do most any-j So ^NMERf6 THEIR Apt 8, -4 Pearl Street near bua line. 340-2703. sec:uon. en with built-ins, dining area. arate In-law faculties. Job rage. Immediate occupancy. erty. CaU owner, 641-1766 after cloaets galore, carport. Half 640-7683 or 640-6966. CLASSIFIED REAOiED^THE AO£ WMEN THE'i SMOULO NEW FLAT RANCH and old coins, old doQa and 640-8468. acre, . trees, non-development thing. Free estimates (Iven. I Built in 1960. this home Is im- transfer makes fast sale im­ Out of town owner wants of­ 6 p.m. BLW a h6uSE all on one FLOOR- guna, hobby coUectlona, Mtlc NEW CREST LUXURIOUS Du­ area, $15,500. Owner 875-4800. Call us anytime, 648-2097, 633-1 HOUSEf QNTbP contents or wbrte estates, maculats. Aluminum com­ perative. Belflbre Agency, 643- fers. Financing available, $16,- Wanted—Real Estate 77 2987. OFCOBONARV plex ApiUinients, 87i’ HarUord STORE - 460 Main S t 64»«ao, binations. $14,000. Ellsworth 6121. 900. PhUbrick Agency, 649- ELLSWORTH MITTEN nlture Repair Service Taleott- Road. 4H rdoms, I 'i baths, 0-8. MANCHESTER — 6 room Cape. CPUF^THESE MAVSEVCXTRE a i F F f WATKIN& vine. Conn. Tel. 64S-744B. Mitten Agency, Realtors, M$- 8464. AGENCY SELUNG YOUR HOUSE? OaU ADVERTISING HAl(OLX> * SON Rubbish Re-1 STAIRS GET MV modern conveniences, now IMMACULATE 6 room Ranch (3 up partially finlriied) ga­ EieUT! A FLAT Roftltors rage, fireplace. Really attrac­ an Independent broker. JoMph moval, cellars, attics,- and WIND! WE (FUF1 BARGAIN SHOP renting at reasonable rate. Aoufics For Rent With full cellar. Oarage, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS yards. Weekly or monthly' RANCH MOUSE f Agent on premiees. CaU eva- breeseway, plastered walls, OPEN EVENINGS tive. 1600 down. Glenn Roberts Barth.- 649-0330. KTTER’ER L06|^ USED PORTABLE typewriter. Agency. Realtors, 044-1631, 8 AJU. to 5 P.M. pick-up. Harold Hoar, 649-4084. | CaU 649-6086 between 6-6 p.m. lUrWS, 048-4863. Mr. GUI, own­ VERNON — 8vroom ranch, boa qiuiUty everywhere lif this cus­ A FIVE MINUTE LOOK FOR A ONE- er. Open Sundays. tom huUt home. Park-llke yard UNTIL 9 643-0616. TREE RBIMOVAL, priming, and i 5TORV 8149.60 Pine Hunt Board Buf­ line, shopping, 8 bsdrooms. 658 Middle Tpke, E. fet, Hwmry Ford reproduction, 4 Tongren Agency, 648-6881. HOUDAYS in exceUent location. Beiflore Will Oknvince You NO. COVENTRY — 130 aert BUYING OR SELLING (X>PY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. lot clearing. Snow removal, i HOUSE? drawers, 96. FIVE ROOM FLAT, second Agency, 643-6121. 643-6930 Frank C. Noble. 649-5142. j Rdoms Without Board 69 floor. Inquire 300 North Main FIVE ROOM SINGLE, auto­ farm, 9 roem home, batns, MONDAY Thni nUDAT 10:80 A.M.—«ATURDAt 0 AJW. That This Beats Anything etc., tots of road frontage. “Handling of Bolton Homes 820.96 STt4" Maple Comer ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman St. matic heat, fireplace. Bast R(X7KLEDOE —' 6 room Ranch, TRIM RANCH With walk-out MRS. LOUISE B. WELCH, 28 Table, 82.50 Hartford, convenient to Pratt SPECIALSp ^ : 1% baths, 3-car garage, full basement, Mg family roo Lawrence F. Flano. Realtor, A Specialty” Bank St.! If you will call at preferred. Telephone in room. 4H R(X)M g a r d e n apart­ On the Market with picture window down­ 643-2766, Charlea Nicholson, PLEASE READ YOUR AD the C1a.ssified Advertising De-. ^ 1 646-7908. ft Whitney. Phone 644-0640. cellar, completely automatic 0f •«9 hv U*Nm tangerine, 60.60 Wanted To Rent new shingles, aluminum pers, hand rotary lawn- Dumping Facilities Refused, Dorsey, 14 Arch St., Manches- second floor. West Side, stove storms, screens, doors, natural mower, riding rotsjy lawn- 7 room older Colonial, irarage, 24-HoNr AMSwtring Service driveway. Routes now being ter. and refrigerator, near bus Convenient to everything. formed. Call now to abandon WANTED 1V4-2 room apart­ BATES RD. — Unbeatable woodwork, finished extra mower. $1,660 kennel house line. CaU 643-2868 for appoint­ ment for single gentleman. value in a 7 room Spilt Lev­ room In ba.sement. Garage plus with water, light, heat, and Garbage Pickup May Cease high prices when It snows. 649- Floor Finishlns’ 24 Help Wanted—Male 36 Articles For Sale 45 WATKINS BROTHERS PLEASANT ROOM tor gentle­ ment. Refrigerator and stove for el home. A beautiful comer ELVA TYLER, REALTOR Free te Herald Readers 7883, 878-8401. man, near bath, pwMag, M carport. Well shaded and fenced runs, grape arbor, FLOOR SANDING and r«- MAN FOR Luncheonette, days, FOR SALE — Flat Stone for FIVE ROOMS, second floor, Ught housekeeping. 640-6286. lot, 2 full baths, garage. AU shrubbed yard. Beiflore Agen large fieldstone outside fire­ 649-4469 985 MAIN STREET High St. city facilities. Call Doris cy, 643-8121. As of Monday, tflere may be'^ report from the public tauUding Want tnformaiion on sno of our claasUled adverOsanentsf No HAVE BULLDOZER — Will finishing (speclallslhg in old- grill experience. Grant’s Park- walls, fireplace, veneer and partially furnished, very con­ place. $3,000 worth of alu­ commission. 2 Smith in our Vernon office. LAKEWOOD CHICLE — Pres­ no more garbage collection In B ir n r at the Mephone BstedT Simply oaO the travel. Grading, foundations i er floors). . Waxing floors. ade. patios. Call 649-0817. ROOM FOR RENT, aU naw fa­ venient, adults or retired only. Houses For Sale 75 minum anchor chain fenc­ dug, land cleared. Bob on Painting, ^ ilin n . I^perhang' cilities, private entrance, paric 82 DHVAL ST. — Splc ’n Span ing surrounds the beautiful­ tige T room Colonial Ranch, South Windsor, Bernard Kol- Ambulance Statue Quo 648-8097. VERNON — Just over Manches­ Colonial, 'j baths, carpeting, 100x300 wooded lot. This desir­ As Dr. Desmond McGann, Stacy Wilson, 843-6607, 742- ing. No job too amall. John . TOOL DESIGNERS and check­ LOAM SALE — Regular 814 TWO BURNER G.B. built-in Ing.Ing, gentleman preferred, on ly landscaped, high 8/4 acre lar of tha Ooirtmunlty Waste MANCHESTER - ROCKVILLE 2878. ers capable of derign^ J^, ter Une. Like new 6^ room 2-ohr Kara ge, anxious owners, lot, with a large selection of able home offers 3 twin siied town health officer, felt that the Verfallle, 649-6760. stone-free loam, $12.80; also, surface unit No. 1664, slse bus line, centraUy ' located. FOUR ROOM cold flat, second reduced 'p ANSWERING SERVICE fixtures, gauges, and dies sand, gravel, stone, fin. Call 648-6018. floor, ^central location. CaU 643- ranch, 1% baths, buUt-ln Wteh JARVIS REALTY CO. rice. E. J. Carpen- young trees and shrube. bedrooms. 2H baths. 23 foot Removal Oo., told the town ambulance service available to SNOWPLOWING - Now ac- 16x21, 330 V ., used 6 months, en with dinette, fireplace, ter. Broker, 640-6061. living room, formal dining the town from Mancheeter waa perienced only. Manchester 643-8603. <' $20. 164 Green Manor Road, 6SM. Many other extras. Includ­ council last night. 449^500 — 875.2519 cepting contracts, seasonal or Private Instructions 28 Tool A Design, Inc., 130 Hart- — —------Hayes Agency, 648-4808. ing underground wiring, room, modern kiteheh with all The condition has arisen b«- "excellent", the council accept­ hourly rates. 649-5680. Manchester, 640-8706. ROCKVILLE — 8 room apart­ TWO OFFICES TO SO. WlNt>e OR — Lovely old 6 the built-lns, laundry room, ed his recommendation that title ford Road, Manchester, 649- CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAT ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman (COUNTRY CLUB area room Coloi nlal.. fireplaces, ameslte driveway and walk, causa private refuse collectors and laave your message. Ton’ll hear from onr advertiser In Jig MATHEMATICAL tutoring In­ 3263. cards. Plain, personalised, and only. CaU 643-2693. ment, newly decorated, heat, SERVE YOU etc. , Quick occupancy. large family room with flre- may no longer discharge refuse service be continued to be ueed wwMi without apendfaig aU evening at the telephone. box assortment. Shown by ap­ aU utiUtlee, f76 monthly. 649- Charming 6Vk room ranch, ga­ Dutch ovi in, garage, barn, 8 Iace, ' 3-car garage, $34,000. by the town. Dr. McGann said cluding college mathematics GAS STOVE for sale, asking rage, screened porch, terrace acres, sc enlc view. $17,900 Easily financed. Asking In nearby communities. The by Instructor of long experi­ JANITOR — Small new apart­ pointment. CaU 648-8462 or $38. Call 648-6314 after 6. FOR RENT — Front room, een- 8767 after 6. $15,900. ?PhUbrick Agency, 649-8464. South Windsor uses an ambu­ Household Services ment building. Little woik re­ 643-6768. • trally located, parking, 60 lovely wooded lot, priced be 88$ Etost Center fit. Hayes Ageincy, 648-4808. Community Waste Co. was re­ lance on the average of once a ence, reasonable rates. Call low appraisal. Hayes Afi^ncy, MANCHESTER — SO Waranoke fused permission to discharge Automobiles For Sale 4 Offered 13-A 649-3983. quired. Must be sober and re­ AIRLINE STEREO console with Birch Street, 646-7129. THREE ROOMS. $80 month, Manchester week. The longest he has had Lost and Found WALLPAPER AND PAINT third floor, adults, central lo­ 643-4803. BOLTON Vicinity — Privacy, Road. Executive oontemporary loads In the South Windsor REWEAVINO of bums, moth liable. Apartment available. 6 speakers and floor stand 648-4113 brook, fish pond, 6H room LAWRENCE F. FIANO sanitary tend fill because town to wait, he noted, is 10 to 16 FOUND — Tour Gift Gallery, 1966 BORGWARD SUUon Wag­ Adults. Middle-aged couple sale. Ceiling paint, $3.89 per with satellite speaker, record ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman, cation. 649-0178. raheh home, 7H rooms, 2H minutes. This Is, therefore, holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ gallon. Morrison Paint Store, private home, quiet, bus serv­ GARRISON COLONIAL — Ranch, plastered walls, large Realtor 643-2766 baths, custom designed, stone ordinances restrict what may WatUna Bros. Gifts for all oc­ on, cheap transportation, Bonds—Stocks— preferred. Box DD, Herald. cabinet. CaU 742-8847. rooms. First floor consists of Route 83. Vernon screened breezewsy, carport, "adequate protection.” If not casions from tho world over. clean leather uphe^stery, $200. dow Shades made to measure; 386 Center St. ice, parking facilltlee. $10 NEWLY DECORATED 4 room, and frame. CaU owner 643-0978. be dumped on town property. adequately manned and eerv- all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys Mortfirages 31 HIGH SCHOOL graduate with weekly. 649-8406, or 848-0334 first floor apartment In wing large family room with half 876-0635 quiet dead end street. Reduced Charles Nicholson 742-6864 These ordinances are strict, Home decoratinf accessories. Call 649-4612. made while you wait Tape Risr OAK BEDROOM set, bookcase, bath, .^modern kitchen with to $14,600. Minimum down fi­ MANCHESTER—Large 7 room iced. a town ambulance might Priced for all budgets. Noel good manual dexterity wanted NEW 670x18 snow tires, truck approximately 2x4 feet, glass after 6 p.m. -of older home, nice yard, elec­ explained Town Atty. Edwin take longer to answer a call, be OLDSMOBILE 1962 Dynamic corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 SECOND MORTGAGES - Un­ chains, tubes, fireplace wood tric range, heat and hot water buUt-ins, Including Tappan 400 nancing. Lawrence F. Flano, Cape, oversized garage, built- Lusman, since many people riiop now open. limited funds available tgr sec­ by Stafford area industry. Af­ door, adjustable shelves; drop- range, dining room, l l v ^ Realtor, 643-2766, Charles said. 88, 4-door, light blue, fully pow­ Main, 649-6221. ter extensive shop training, job sawing equipment. Also 376 leaf sewtog machine; combina­ furnished, 10 minutes east of in kitchen, formal dining room, were originally against the es­ ond mortgages, payments to tank. 640-1358. Apartments—Flat^— Manchester. 742-6124. room with fireplace. Second Nicholson, 743-6864. VERNON — Mitchell Exchange fireplace, family room, fall-out tablishment of a town dump. The question of a m e n t^ re­ LOST — GREEN change purse ered, under 21,000 miles, |2 ,^ . WALLS AND windows washed, can lead to sales. Replies held tion gas and oU range; electric to settle estate. Call Thomas suit 'your budget Expedient in confidence. Bax H, Herald. Tenements 63 floor — 4 bedrooms, plus fuU $18,000 — ANOTHER GOOD 6 room ranch built 1069. Size shelter with half bath, outside They felt that If dumping were tardation program for South with sum of money. Reward. floors waxed, household and service. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. GREEN MULTI-COLOR oval refrigerator; gas neater for WEST CENTER St. — 4 rooms, bath. Immediate occupancy. BUT, Lenox Street. Six rooms 818,900 — Clean i - bedroom enclosed patio with fireplace, Windsor was suggested by the Call B28-46M. Griffin, Connecticut Bank A water tank. Also, other Items. Ranch, walk-out cellar, large 26x42ti. Walk-out basement, restricted to exclude items that -Trust Co., 849-1611. business establishment. 649- FULlv-TIME SERVICE station braided rug with mat, approxi­ BIRCH STREET, second floor, first floor, furnace, $75. 649- $22,600. Phllbrlck Agency, 649- plus enclosed rear porch. Lot bedrooms, 14x10 living room city utilities, minimum down must be burned, the dump Democratic Town Committee. 7062. A BETTER ARRANGEMENT mately 8x10, $46. 643-0744. Any reasonable offer accepted. 4 rooms, furnace, near Main, 6229, 9-6. 8464. affords absolute msximtnn of lot, view, near school, a real sJuminum comMnatlons, school financing. Asking $17,900. Law­ This problem was not Intx'^ FOUND — BLACK mongrel, of your finances will make attendant, Boland Motors, 869 Phone 643-8874. buy. Carlton W. Hutchins would last longer and be less white spot on chest, female. 1960 WHITE FORD Galaxie Center Street. $90. 649-6229, 041. privacy, with shrubbery and bus al door. Robert Wolverton rence F. Flano, Realtor, 643- offensive.. duced primarily regarding local REPAIRS MADE on all makes more of your Inccmte available W(X)D STORM windows, (3) THREB ROOM heated apart' MANCHESTER — Country CUub trues. ClbM to everything.eiythlng. JustJi Realtor, 649-5132. Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. 2766. Charles Nicholson, 742- problems, but to suggest havtag Call Lee FraccMa, Dog Ward­ Convertible, automatic traru- small kitchen appliances, for personal use. Lump debt 28x66, (4) 32x51, (1) 32x39. Call FIVE PIECE red, chrome and ment vicinity Wapplng Cen­ area. 6-room Colonial CApe, 8 KoIIar said his company col­ en, 648-8894. miasion, power steering, radio, DRIVER WANTED for estab­ formica kitchen set, table has THREE R(X)MS, heat, UgfaU call and start pacacking. T. J. 6364. the state establish an inetitution Floor and table lamps re­ into one mmthly payment of lished dry cleaning route. Call at Shoemaker, 446 Main furnished, parking, front and ter. 644-0180. oversize bedrooms, 16x22 toot BOWERS SCHOOL — 7 room lects 90% of the town's gar­ for the mentally retarded In this heater, white sidewalls, 24,000 $22.26 for eacb thousand dollars one leaf, $86. Automatic trans­ Uvlng room with fireplace. Orockett, Realtor, •48-1677. bage, which they have been LOST — ANGORA CAT, orange miles. Excellent condition. One wired, Doorbell systems check­ 643-7264. Street. rear entrance, one block from Cape, fun dormer, IH baths, EAST HARTFORD — 6% room town, as it has done In otoer ed and installed. Free esti­ including repayment over five mitter. Johnson chaUenger, school, exceUent neighborhood. FIVE ROOM FLAT, first floor, large formal dining room, ga­ MANCHESTER — Looking tor 4 bedrooms, dining room, ga­ split, 1% baths, built-ins, fin­ able to dispose of during the areas. markings on back, head a ^ owner. 643-6437. ^ 80m-6m, 130 watts, a.m., c.w., past five years. The dumping tail, vicinity Spruce St. 648- mates, pick-up and delivery. years. Firaiu: Buike, 246-8807, NEEDED — MASON’S helper. FOR SALE — Stock, equip­ Agent on premises. 106 Blreh centraUy located, rTHTibinatlon rage, tree shaded Tot. Robert space, country atmosphere? BOLTON MUST SELL rage, near all schools. $16,600. ished family room, 3-car ga­ The education and recreeittcn Call 649-1608 anytime, prefer­ Connecticut Mortgage Ex­ No experience necessary. Call ment, machinery, and miscel­ $76. CaU 64S-830S. St. windows, garage. Call 643-8301 Wolverton Agency, Realtor, Then see this 8-room Raised O i^er 649-1796. 1 rage. Only $19,700. Hayes situation in the state has be­ 6064. Reward. CHRYSLER, 1968, Windsor. 4- after 4. 649-2818. committee of the council wHl door, power steering, power ably after 4 p.m. change, 16 Lewis St., Hartford, after 6 p.m., 648-1870. laneous i t ^ s of locksmith FRIGIDAIRE STOVE, 4 burn­ Ranch, 3 bedrooms, living Agency, 643-4803. come critical, he said. South study this possibility and Conn. shc^. Oontafct Conn. Bank ft MANCHESTER — 6 room room with fireplace, kitchen Owners Just Retired — VERNON CStRCLE Area - 6% Windsor is the only town of the brakes, radio, heater. Sacri­ ers, with oven and thermiser, FOR RENT — 4 rooms first NON-DEVELOPMENT RAN(N1 room ranch, basement garage, port to the council at a subee- Pgrsonals fice. 643-7219 after 6:30. Trust, 1 Constituticti Plaza, good condition. 640-0612. duplex, 8 large bedrooms, cen­ with built-lns, dining room. BOLTON — ROUTE 86. Tre 13 towns the company services, quent meeting. SECXIND MORTGAGES—Funds Salesmen Wanted 36-A Hartford, F. L. Worcester. tral heating, 1-car garage, $106 floor or 8 rooms second floor. 8 bedrooms, 28’ U-ving room Lower level family room, den Florida Bound fireplace, combinations, bm^lt- mendous buy, five room ex­ that does not make available a Building—Contracting 14 available for second mort. monthly. 876-7863. Parking, school bus. good with fireplace, completed rec­ 1ns, very clean. Early occupan­ pandable ranch with breeze­ dumping, site. As all their A repreaentatlva from tha RIDE WANTED from Lake CHEVROLET 1967 Bel Air, MUST SELL — Automatic reation room. exceUent con­ or office, utility room and ga­ hardtop, duals, 4-barreI gages. For Individual attention CAREER OPPORTUNITY for DRAFTING MACHINE, Bru- washer, refrigerator. Flair market nearby. Commute to rage. OU hot water heat, alum­ Large custom 6 room ranch, cy. Tongren Agency, 648-6831. way and garage, basement, lot available dumping places have newly organized committee to Street to Hartford Insurance QUALITY CARPENTRY — call B ii N' Agency, Roger M. nlng,. A-1 condition, $86. Saxct- Rockville, Manchester, W11H- dition, recently redecorated, 100x280, trees. Only $16,900. T study the needs of retsaried Group or vldnity. Hours 8:15- carburetor, new paint, im­ Rooms, basements refinished, man who la energetic, neat, electric stove, stereo, guns, inum combinations, 1% baths. 3-car g;ars*e, 14x24 Uvlng been exhausted, "Thursday maculate, $746. 649-1768. Negro, 648-8727. and enjoys meettog people. phone, Buescher, $is0. 648-7082. THREE R(X)M apartment, |60. mantic or Storr.*). Landlord $16,900. PhUbrick Agency, 640- CaU now. Robert Wolverton BOLTON — $1,900 assumes J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. will be the last day” for gar­ ohiklren appeared beftire the 4:16. 643-1601. built-ins, formica tile, general tables, etc. 648-8446. pays utilities. Electric .stove 8464. room with fireplace, 12x18 mortgage, $70 per month pays repair. No job too small. CSall $110 guarantee while training; 470 Main. 640-6229, 0-6. Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. kitchen, formal dining room, bage collection if another place oounefl. She said that Oms Her 1967 OLDSMOBILE 3-door Hard­ advanca to five figure bracket TORO POWERHANDLE Snow WESTINGHOUSB portable TV, and Refrigerator. Rent rea.son- aU. 4% room ranch home, $;a' MANCHESTER — Immaculate cannot be found, he added. • the punpoee of the oommlttee la RIDE WANTED to United Atr- Winiam Robbins Carpentry Business Opportunities 32 plow lawnmower, $146. Band THREE BEDROOM garden large level tot, trees, ame- rage, full bstsement, excellent 6 room Cape, treed lot, quiet lo­ craft, Elast Hartford, from top, excellent condition. 643- Service. 640-8446. rapidly. For interview call 19” , exceUent condition, UHF, able. After 6 or weekends EAST HARTFORD — Oversized site drive, nice residential He said that about 175 tons identifytng those who need tta N saw, $46; portable table saw, apartment, includes beat, hot Middle Turnpike or Seymour 2123, 396 ToUaind Turnpike. 644-0302 between 6-8 p.m. VHF, beige, must seU, $96. 742-6257. 7 room Cape, shed dormer, 1V4 section. Only $19,600. location. Hurry—only $10,900. cation, 3 bedrooms, oil hot of household garbage is collect­ eerviicee. Of the 50 chiUnB THREE BAT Gulf service sta­ full size bowling machine, $60; water, garbage disposal, buUt- beths, recreation room, study, Hayes Agency 643-4808. water heat, rec room, assume Street, 8-4:46. 643-3888. ADDITIONS—Rec rooms, ref tion available for lease. Excel 649-1100. MANCHESTER ed a week by his company. tdentifled l)|y tha State DefMrt- 1930 MODEjL a Ford 2-door se­ modeling, bathrooms tiled. Shopsmlth and every poi^ble ins, refrigerator, air condition­ very clean, Carlton W. Huti:cn- mortgage or minimum, down ment, thfa oonwnit.tee haa the dan, restorable. 38^ h.p. go- lent opportunity for the right attachment, $600, original coet ing, $160 monthly. 648-9046. Farnished Apartment B3-A MODERN 8 BEDROOM ranch. for new mortgage, $16,800 Community Waste Is neg;o- RIDE WANTED from Depot Call 649-4261. Help Wanted— KITCHEN SET, $30; swing set VICINITY Ins, Realtor, 640-6182. LAWRENCE F. FUND tiatlng with other towns foe a zmtnm a t 31. Hiey “auopeat 60 Square to Parkade, hours IM. cart, best offer. 643-8446. individual. Paid training pro- $1,300 - complrie workshop. with slide, $8; two 9x12 100 yards from Bowers School, Robert Wolverton Agency, gpram. For additional informa­ Male or F«nale 37 THREE ROOM apartment, THREE and four-room heated MANCHESTER — 7 room older on quiet street, garage, full possible solution to this prob­ to 80” Bv« bi town, hoaraver. 640-4876. Terms. Several motors, 17” TV $6 and $8; end taUes, Realtor 643-3766 Realtor, 649-2818. St wan auggeated ttiait ttota 1968 PLYMOUTH 4-door wagon, tion call Gulf OU Corp., 625- set, $86; English bike, camp two chairs, $6 each heat, hot water, range and re­ apartments, furnished, children home, oil hot water heat, 3- basement. Bel Air Real Estate lem. Kollar also said his com­ push buttm, power brakes and SECOND C(X>K, salary based frigerator. CaU McKinney welcome. OfiTfleld 9-0023. Attractive 6 room Cape, hot 643-9332. 8 pany is willing to run the sani­ ooonmittae cnnteict the Iboatri of Roofing—Siding 16 6168. on experience. By appointmen traUer, 8” wheels, $60; storm laneous items. 648-1621. car garage, 8 extra buUding Charles Nicholsoii 743-6864 MANCHESTER — bedroom L steering, $476. 643-8089. windows, 30 h.p. Scott outboard Bros., Inc., 648-6060. water oil heat, plenty of lots of record, $16,400 complete. ranch, dining room, fireplace, tary land fill for the town, “if edunation. Ih e oouncil'e o * * y Automoblleu For Sale 4 A. A. DION, m e. Roofing, ANDOVER — 3,600 eq. ft., of enter, Broker, 649- 2 bedrooms, recreation room, OU hot water heat, large In performing this service, the UioriiEad bo Install atraet IlgMa est down, smallest payments lent condition, reasonable. 649- Company — Roofing, siding, al' PORTABLE phonognq)h, needs Beautiful gas, electricity, private bath, 649-4543 6061. .landscaped yard. Marion E. COOPER STREET — 2 family 0386. Help Wanted—Female 35 WHO CAN TALK heat and hot water. Call 643- room, good condition, extra Community Waste Co. would be at intereecttons of unoooeptsd anywhere. No small loan or fi­ teratlons, additions and re­ needle, $10; girl’s ice ekates, Robertson, Realtor, 648-6958. large lot. 2-staIl garage. duplex 6-6. Features 8 generous willing to purchase land if ap­ streets when he felt thia to be nance company plan. Douglas modeling of all types. Ebccel AND SELL size 6, $6. 649-8661. 130 BASS 2-SWITCH accordion, Colonial 7636. VERNON — LARGE custom 6 BuUding for work shop. TVo bedrooms, enormous kitchen Motors, 333 Main. 1060 AUSHN-HBALY 3000, 4- lent workmanship. 640-6496. Many other listings avallabls room Ranch, huge recreation COLONIAL — rooms, cus­ proved as a dump site; .supply "in the Interesrt of tha aefety, HIGH COMMISSIONS $100. CaU 648-1621. ATTRACTIVE 8 room furnished Blocks from Madh Si^et. wMh dining area. Il’vlng room, the machinery and equipment heailh end welfare’’ of tha toam. speed, with overdrive, wire WANTED — WOMAN to live In Manor room, cast iron radiation, 2- tom built for family living, 4 utlHty room, Rusco cc^bina- 1965 MERCURY 3-door Hard­ wheels, Mlchelin tires, radio for daily routine. CaU 640-6416. Boats and Accessories 46 REASONABLY PRICED used apartment. Private entrances. car garage, hillside setting. bedrooms, 2^ baths, formal so It could properly fill the The town maiwgar la to eon* top, radio, heater, power and heater, new paint and in­ Parking. Adults. Apply 299 Au- ttons, spotless condition. Un­ sanitary land fill . . .’’ tact the mambers of th a hloteri- Roofing and Chlmnevs 16>A BOOKKEEPHUl. Experienced, between Thanksgiving and Gulbransm Mahogany Spinet Apartments I Hayes Agency, 648-4808. dining room, modem kitchen usual floor plan provides brakes, $176. Can 649-0068, terior, many extras. Ebccep- Xmas demonstrating fast 14 FOOT ALUMINUM runabout Plano. See It tonight! Also used tumn,‘l p.m. - 7:30. GLAS'TCNBURT - $16,400. Con with large dining area, family FRANK MOTT Town Manager Terry Spren- cal distrlict atu($y oosnmfttea to V knowledge Burrough’s book­ venient to new expressway, just single family atmosphere with 4-7 p.m. tional condition. 640-4610. RfXJFTNG — Specializing re­ selling toy item In leading Starcraft, convertiUe top, Mer SUverton Organ, only $226. RANCH - MODERN kitchen, room off kitchen with fireplace, double famUy income, $22,400. kel suggested that the town detenmlna their atebua on th e keeping machine. Accounts re­ cury 30 h.p. electric. Master Used Baty 2-manual Organ, We will have available Dec^. minutes to downtown Hartford, large living room with fire­ 2-car garage, covered patio, 648-5658 might have two alternatives: oommlttee. Replacemants to ttie DODGE, 1066, 4-door, automatic pairing roofs of all kinds, new ceivable and payable. Part or Manchester store. Estab Co. Business Locations shade trees, nice residential Robert Wolverton Agency, roofs, gutter work, chinmeys Write us about yourself. craft trailer. Many extras. $666. New Hammond Extra­ 1, one 2-bedroom aput- place, extra large bedrooms, treed tot, walkout basement, Realtor, 649-281$. Elnter into an agreement with committee will be eppototed by drive, radio, heater, excellent full-time. CaU for appointment, $746. CaU 643-8293. ment featuring: Refrigera­ For Rent 64 area. Quality 6 room ranch, at­ 1% baths, basement finished $31,500. PhUbrick Agency, 649- another town for garbage dis­ the council as necessary, at the condition, priced to sell im- cleaned, repaired. Aluminum Mr. Shapiro, 643-2128, Tots ’n Embree, Box 678, Elizabeth, voice, qwclal $406. New Wat­ tached garage, fireplace, form­ siding. 30 years’ experience. New Jersey. kins Spinet Plano, floor sample tor, Range, Disposal, Indi­ off into office and beautiful rec 8464. MANCHESTER — ASSUME posal, which they have been a t­ neoot maeflng. BUY BETTER medlatriy, $276. Will sell to Teens, 966 Main St. vidual Basement and Patio. DESIRABLE OFFICE, 500 sq al dining room, recessed hot room, large tot with trees, $19,- qul tempting for three months; or A nvemiber will be appointed Free estimates. Call Howley, Diamonds—Watches— $636 Including bench. WAT­ ft., heat, janitor, parking. 983 street, one block to bus,I, shop­she 4%% G.I. mortgage, $77 private party with $10 down, KINS HAMMOND ORGAN Heat, Hot Water. water heating, large tot, easily 900. PhUbrick Agency, 640-8464. 22 BOWERS ST. — 318.600. Cosy monthly pays e v e rtin g after open the town dump and op­ to tha puUlc butidlng conanie- SCRANTON MOTOR small monthly payments. Tel. 648-6361, 643-0763. Situations Wanted— Jewelry 48 Main. 640-6334. or after 6, financed. Lawrence F. Flano, Colonial, 8 rooms, 2 bedrooms, ping, schools. Dishwasher, di^ RN or LPN, full or part-time. AND PIANO STUDIO, 17 Oak 643-7176. HOLLISTER STREET-^-room posal, IH baths. Bel Air Real small down payment. 6 room erate in violation of the town sion St the next meetlT*. Ha 232-5620. Female 38 WATCH AND JEWELHT repair­ Street, Manchester, Open Realtor, 643-2766. Charles aluminum siding, sacrifice. Cape, rec room, large yard, ordinance. will replace O arer oe Gay who CARS Vernon Haven, 876-2077. Call Nicholson, 742-6364. Colonial, fireplaced Uvii Owner, 649-5061. Estate, 648-9832. 1067 4-WHEEL DRIVE jeep Radio-TV Repair ing at reasonable prices. Thursdays and Fridays tiU 0 room, dining room, 8 beif- selling for $11,500. Don’t miss Mayor John Egan further resigned two weeks ago. CLERK-TYPIST position avail­ WILL CARE for one or two Prompt service, two watch p.m. out on this one. C^I Barbara suggested that the town might Everett Dekuvey was appoint* station wagon, exceptionally Services , 18 children In my home whUe 649-4436 — 649-6644 rooms, kitchen with plenty of BUCHLEY SCHCJOL Area — An clean, 32,000 irigtoal miles, 8 able in local Insurance com­ makers. Manchester’s oldest Cross Stitching! Special Doll Clothes cabinet space, - garage, treed older home just restored. Huge Woods Agency, 649-7702. offer its good graces to help" ed as a representative' to the pany, hours 8:15-4:16, 6 days mother works. 646-2066. established jeweler. F. E. Mancheeter the company and another town OapitaJ Regional Planning 1968 Cutlass Sport Coupe t foot hydraulic plow, power (XINNIE’S TV and Radio Serv­ Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 lot, $18,500. Robert Wolverton bright family room, modern TUNNEL ROAD, Vernon. 10 winch, worn hubs, oversize ice, available all hours. Satis­ weekly. Good starting pay, Bray, 787 Main St., State Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. kitchen, dining and Uvlng room come to some agreement regard­ Agiency. pleasant working coi^ltions. RELIABLE WOMAN would additional acres may be pur­ ing Incinerator use more 1063 Tempest LeMans V-8 Sport snow tires. Call 640-2676. faction guaranteed. CaU 649- like houseworic days. Phone Theater BuUding. MINK JACKET, -Canadian' Sf®*!** ^ WIDOW SAYS “SELL” down and four large bedrooms Section 5-701 "dtoehozge ef 1316. Evening and Saturday morn­ ment, first floor. Stove, refrig­ $8,600 - WELL KEPT 8H room up. Big lot, plenty of trees. chased with tills unusual 5% quickly. firearms” of the ordtoanoes and Coupe ing Interviews 10-12 by appoint­ 640-6628 between 6-9 p.m. natural, size 16-18, exceUent, I room ranch on high 1% acre 1967 CHEVROLET convertible, hardly worn, sacrifice for' erator, hot water. UtUittee fur­ ranch, 8 bedrooms, attractive Worth looking- at. Isn't it? Ask Councilman James Throwe regulations of the town waa 2962 Jetflre Sports Coupe ment. Please call Mrs. Lubas, Fuel and Peed 49-A nished. Parking. Available dining area, suburban. Owner her "too large” aluminum lot, 2-car garage, cellar, fire­ repealed. An eonendment bo this stick shift with overdrive, $800. LEGAL SECRETTARY seeking quick sale, $876. Can be seen ing price Is only $17,600. T. J. place, oil heat, $14,900. Robert suggested that the town, as a 643-8188. Millinery, Dressmaking 19 643-1124, 643-1126. part-time poslUon — to 30 SEASONED CORD WOOD, saw- 6-8 p.m. dally, weekends 2-6 Dec. 1. CaU 649-8448 from 4-9 anxious. Osrlton W. Hutchins, sided Colonial with patio Ciwkett, Realtor, 648-1677. unit, enter into a contract with ardinaTKce whs approved by the 1962 Oldsmoblle Super 88 RoH- houn per week. Probate, trust, p.m. Realtor, 640-6132. and attached garage. The Wolverton Agency, Realtor, a private collector. This could counci'] at its last meeting. day Sedan 1968 KARMANN GHIA Volks­ LADIES’ and gentlemen’s cus- NURSE LICENSED in C^n- ed any length, free deUvery p.m. 60 Scott Drive, Manches-' 649-2813. ^__ A.^t9_•__ _.t _eiwiail D/\rtir«rl1lAnecticut for small Rockville tax, bookkeeping and payroll QuaUty guaranteed. B. Yeo­ ter, 640-9842. I four large bedrooms, forrrial COVENTRY — $12,600. New In be arranged sui an exclusive Mayor John Egan waa env wagen. radio, heater, low mile­ tom tailoring and alterations. experience. Four years in edu­ SUC ROOMS, second floor cen- SPRING STREET - Beautiful dining room, 24 ft. living 1968, 5 room Ranch on big lot. franchise with rates subject to powered bo appoint three alter- 1962 Pontiac BonnevlUe Vista age. Best offer. 649-6628, 648 643-2264 convalescent home. Free room mans, 742-8002, trally located, off W. Center 6-room ranch, 100-200 tot, 2-car room, fireplace, IH baths and board and TV. Tel. 878- cation field. CaU 742-8976. LADY’S COATS, size 17-18, one garage, buUt-in G.E. kitchen, 8 Garage, storms and screens. approval by the council. nabe memberB to tha Northeast 2961 Pontiac Catalina Vista 6217. brown tweed with zip Unlng, Street. $106 monthly. 640-0838. are In "ready-to-move-lnto Good condition. CaU for more EAST HARTFORD It was also suggested that Refuse Oammlttee. He felt ttila 6121. bedrooms, 1 % baths, aluminum condition.” Low 20’.s. CaU 1966 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good EXPERT dressmaking and al­ Garden—Farm—Dairy- one loden green storm coqt. TWO ROOM apartment, 149 combinations, $21,400. Robert information snd to see. Ells­ perhaps sin arrangement could necessaoy due to the number of 1961 Chrysler New Yorker Dogs—^Bird»—Pets 41 Boy’s size' 14 gray tweed top­ "Ann Hunter today, 649-8306, worth Mitten Agency, Realtors, be made with a neighboring meetings of this commitbee; tha Hardtop Sedan • running condition, $200. Call terations. CaU 648-7170. Products 50 Oakland Street, $60. 649-6220, Wolverton Agency, Realtor. 649-3696. T room Cape with 4 bed­ 649-0207. EXPERIENCED Waitresses for PROFESSIONAI.. Trimr coat with zip lining. ExceUent 9-6. 640-2813. 643-6930. rooms, formal dining room, town, such as Hartford, ocunmiitments of the present 1961 Tempest Station Wagon luncheonette. Grant’s Parkade. bathing, aU breeds. Poodle FOR SALE — Macs,! Baldwin condition. 649-6115. kitchen and living room, full to accommodate the town for members of the committM; and 1966 PLYMOUTH V-8 Belve- Moving—^Trucking- speclAiclallst. It costs no more to and Greening Mples and MANCHESTER — $16,600. Cape Opeh 8:30 a.m. te 9 p.m. daily HEBRON — Country living with basement with finished rec­ 30-60 days until permanent ar­ a propo.sed study to see If South 1961 Oldsmoblle 96 Town Sedan dere, autmnatic transmission, MATURE WOMAN to train as Bose pears. BotO Fruit Farm, t h r e e R(X)M apartment, 118 city conveniences. Delightful 3 rangements could be made. Windsor could undertake reAise Storage 20 dental assistant, attractive sal- have the best In professional O ^, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, flre- reation room, breeze way runs good, $100; <3all 649-4696. condiUoning. 649-9708, 649-0600. 260 Bush HUl Rd., Manchester. 18- CaU Main, $95. 040-6220, 0-8. placed Il'vlng room, 80% com­ bedroom ranch. Large living and garaige; ahso, large rear The council met with- the rep­ di.sposaJ independently. 1961 Oldsmoblle Super 88 HiUngs. Floors. Fully white. CaU after 6, 649-6880. price In town. Stop at the GIRL’S WINTER and spring T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- VERNON — Exciting 4 bed­ The plan was further amend­ Insured workmanship guaran Natsisky Farm, Inc. Special PhUbrick Agency, 640-8464. room Colonial home. Fire­ E-Z LERN teed. Leo PeUetier, 649-6828. If WAITHBaS WANTED nights. BEAGLE PUP, bred from field coats for sale; Also, dresses. 1677. ed by the town manager: An Mancheeter Evening HeraM Apply in person after 6, Oak bargain prices on all sizes. Fit 10 or 11-year-old. CaU 649- placed living room, formal eligible employe .should give 45 no aiuwer, call 643-0043. champion stock, $36. ’Three Septic Tanks BEAUTIFUL SEMI-RANCH — dining room, lovely kitchen BOLTON — $10,500. $1,600 as .South Windsor correspoiMleat, Restaurant, Oak Street. purebred Collie pupe left. No These eggs are not Imported or 2607. 8 2 0 3 6 rooms, 2 baths, beautiful sumes the mortgage. $79 days notice before retirement; ICRANTON MOTORS, Driving School western eggs. 122 Newmarker AND with built-lns. One full bath, 2 Laura Katz, telephone " heated rec room, fireplaced lavatories, garage, trees, tong monthly pays all. 4Vi room 8uid if an employe were eligible INC. Oonnectlcut’s largest, auto- Inches _and capes for $60. iZ ' Road, off Dart Hill Road, Ver- living room, new wall-to-wall ranch, garage, basement, high for the plan before its adoption, dental office. Must have ex­ non-So. Windsor line. 644-0304. Manchester carpeting including hallways, range view. $21,000. CaU R. F. M6 UMoa St., RoekviUe matic and stanuuri:anda shift, Trim and paint extra. Also, LEGAL Plusgad Sewers Dlmock Co., 649-6245, Johanna lot, nice residential area. he must Indicate ihls desire to free pick-up service, teeq- scraping. 742-8101 perience and preferably PBP Articles For Sale 45 No stamps. Open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. dishwasher, new aluminum Lawrence F. Flano, Realtor, participate in the p!an 30 days training, exceUent opportunity. ADVERTISEMENT awnings, 2 blocks from Main Evans, 649-6653. REAL ESTATE 646-9661 — 876-3631 age classroom, older and PULL YOUR OWN Thanksglv- Machine Cieaned QUICK OCCUPANCY . 648-2766, Charles Nicholson, after the passage of the ordi­ nervous students our spe­ PAINTING, EXTERIOR and In­ Box N, Herald. SNOW BLOWERS - Ariens, St. Just move in—no remod­ 742-6364. nance adopting this plan. Specializing In the aale ef cialty. 116 Center St.. Man­ terior, paperhanging, wall­ Snow Bird, Toro, Hoto Mow­ Ing turnips, $1 bushel. 612 Kee- AUDIT Septic Tanks, Dry WeUa, eling necessary. $19,900. Call The clerk of tho coilncll is HOMES—to Town and Coun­ paper removed, dry wall work. GENERAL ELECTTRIC CO., er, and Bolens tractors, parts ney Street. Sewer Llnea Installed—Cel­ try. chester. CaU for tree book­ East' Hart(ord, needs woman 2975-H owner, 640-6661. BOLTON PRIVACY now to assume the duties of the let. 648-8662. Reasonable rates. Fully in­ and service. Capitol Equip­ REPORTS lar Waterproofing Done. $8,300 assumes present Legal Notice clerk of the insurance commit­ sured. 649-0668, Joseph P. for general office work. Typ­ ment Oo., 88 Main St., Man­ TnuMfoirm a plain set of 4Vi% mortgage, large 7H $12,200 — MANCHESTER. At­ 1963 MERCURY. Excellent con­ ing required, figure aptitude Fertilizers 50-A NoMoe la hereby given that tee. dition. Low mileage. CaU 649- LARSON’S — Connecticut’s first Lewis. chester. Open daily 7-6, Thurs­ Utchen towels into eye-oatoh- room split level, 1% baths, tractive 6 room Cape, large Large 6 'room ranch, heated AT A COURT OF PROBATE Walter Joensuu, chairman of and previous office experience day 7-0, Saturday 7-4. the Audit Reporta of the Bocrics IMUNNEY BROS. buUt-in kitchen, formal 2-car basement garage, rec held at Coventry, within and for 1706 after 6 p.m. licensed driving school, tra'jted, GOOD COW MANURE. DAUver- of ecoounta and flnanola! rec­ 'ing torywrs by embroidering kitchen, plenty of cabinets, the Public Building Commission, certified and approved, now OUTSIDE PAINTINO at a low helpful. Call Mr. O. W. KauU, Sewerage Disposal Co. theae lovely deadgns on them in dining robm, family room, ceramic bath, garage.' 128x166. room, acres, trees,., blue­ tha Diatiict of Coventry, on the 19th price. No job too big or too 286-8271, for interview. FREE WHEELS with snow tires ed. $6 and $10 loads. ExceUent ords of tho Town of Manchee- berry patch, outbuilding. diw of Novamber 1963. submitted a report on the status I960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 4 offering classroom and ’oehind for fall fertilizing, d a ll 643- tSO-182 Peart St,—«48-8308 ■Uhouette croas-aUtcli! Ideal For the beloved teen faehlon garage, oiie half acre tot, .Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, Preaent, Hon. Elmore Turklnrton, of the Grenier property, the pro­ door, 6 cylinder, standard wheel tostruction for teen small. CaU now, 640-0i726. at regular prices, no down ter, and the financial operations model doU! A complete outfit city water, and sewers, anx­ 649-6132. Immediate occupancy. Ask­ Judge. WANTED — WOMAN for part- p a r e n t, 6 months to pay. 7804, 649-8731. of the Mancheeter Srtiool Cafe­ piok-up work for novioe or ex­ ing $16,600. Estate of Emma Gertrude Colburn, posed site lor a new elementary shift, sUver gray, exceUent agers. $49-6075. pert! tJ»t la new and up-torthe-mln- ious owners asking $18,600. late of Coventry, in aaid District de­ school. The option on this land time bookkeeping and general Cole’s Discount Station, 649- terias, Student and Special Ac- ute In style, and wonderfully FOREST STREET — Large 10- condition, $976. 648-2514 after 6 EXPERT PAINTINO and office work for contractor. Poe- 0880. Household Goods 5 l ttvitleo Funds for the period Pwbtem No. 2976-H has hot- ceased. was recently extended for an­ LiilioN p.m. paperhanging. 628-4016. sibility of fuU-time later. Car iron transfer for 7 designs: col­ senv-slmple. room house, 6 bedrooms, 4^ The Ebcecutor, having exhibited other 80 days. Business Services July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, No. 8203 with Patt-0*Rama baths, exceUent condition, Ideal LAWRENCE F. FIANO his administration account with said 1168 THUNDBRBIRD, white, necessary. Write stating avail­ MOTO' MOWER snow 4hrowen A BIG BARGAIN — S roome are now on file In the Office of or chart; stitch illustration. LAWRENCE F. FIANO estate to this Court for allowance, it In his report. Joensuu said Offered 13 NEW GAME for Manchester ability, qualifications, And at McBride's Sport l ^ t . 4H used furniture and appUances, To oodiw, send 35c in coins to l0 In. one siae, 11H inch«ie. For location. Owner -643-7444. Realtor 648-3766 Is that his committee will meet T new paint job, asking $1,100. ttie Town Clerfc and the same is Realtor ORDERED: That tha 36th day of (OWNER) Herald customers. You buy wages desired to Manoheater h.p. to 6H b.p. 680 Centnter St. $169. $10 down. See it at Al­ C|Mn for pubHc lnsi>ectton. Anna Cabot, Manchsster Eve­ exact yardages, consult pattern. 643-3766 November. 1968, at 10:30 o'clock, with the architect on Dec. 2 for 748-6061. ^ LAWK MOWERS, sharpened the paint, you name your price, 640-8747. bert’s, 48 Allyn Street, Hart­ To order, eend 60c in ooftia to VBRNON-^lder e-room Cape, Charlee- Nicholson 742-6364 WALTON W. GRANT and repaired, sales and serv­ P.O. Box 846. n ils legal notioe to. given In n k * HsraU. 1160 AVE. OF Charles Nlcholsoa 742-6864 porch, gftrage, dining room. forenoon, a t the Probate Office In reports on the site study; floor r, 1968 Impala, V-8, we do your painting. CelUngs, ford. AfiOBUOAfi, NEW YORK 86, Sue Burnett, Manoherier Eve­ tha Htmicipal Btillillng fat said Cov- plan, estimated coet for a walk­ AGENCY ice, rental equipment. L ft M walls, trim, floors. Outside WANTED — DH>ondable moth­ YOUR TARN SHOP-WatUns aocordanoe with Section 7-394 Early occupancy. Asking $11,- aatry ba uid tha aama la assigned power steering, of Um General Statiitea. >»• V. ning Hezokl, 1160. AVE. OF for a haarliig on tha allowance of way on Overlook Rd., and a Established !•!• Equipment Corp., Route 88, work. 649-7863,'676-8401. er’s helper for 2-8 weekst Uve Bros. Closing out-Stamped EVERYTHING IN sterilized re­ ajS sb io a s; n e w t o b k $•, 900. Tongren Agency, 648- temporary solutlorl to the drain­ tlo, heater;. ExceUent con- Vernon, 876-7600, Manchester goods, needlepoint-other Items. conditioned used furniture and Edward Tomldcl, For Ist-dsae mailing add lOo 6821. VERNON — 6 room ranch; to said administration account with Membpr: Multiple UallBg mticcu CaU 649-9268 after 6 in or out. 640-4440. Town Clerk •or each pattern. Print Name. N. y . excellent condition, many ex­ aald aatate, and thia Court dlracta age problem of houses facing Service e Mancheeter Board exchange. Enterprise“ nte: 1946. aU reduced to cost, some be­ appUances, high quality • low For Ist-riasa moiling odd lOp that notice of the time and place p .m . Electrical Services 22 low. Buy-save. prices. LeBlanc Bunilture, 106 Manchester, Conn. Address with sons and Pattern MANCHESTER — $64,000 ranch. MANCHESTER—Six-room SpUt- tras, including new carpet and assigned for said hearing be given Griffin Rd. of Realtors s Real Estate SHARPBININO Service — Saws, Dated et Mancheeter, Con- for eoch pattern. Print Nome, 7 rooms plus finished recrea­ Level, deep, /andscaped tot, draperies in living room, to all persona known to ba Intsreat- ' ' An appropriation of $5,000 was Board of Greater Hartford, 1966 OLDSMOBILE CuUass Help YVanted—Mftte 36 South Street, RpckvUle, 875 Addreee with Zone, Style No. ad therein to appear and be beard granted for jlreUmlnary plans knives, axes, shears, skates, k'Hjgjfl ESn^fA’ncS. Prompt ARIENS 8NOW-THRO, choice 2174. Open 0-8. ^ neoUcut thto Slat day of No- ’ Jiwt 60o tor the New ’63 Al­ tion room in basement, two full garage, utility room, rec room, double oven range, triple thereon by jrnalllng oa or before Ine. Oonvertible, maroon with rotary blades. <3ulck aervloe. service on all types- of elec­ MAN TO HANDLE janitorial o< 6 h.p. or 8.6 h.p. Set up and vembar 1963. bum! Maaw lovely designs! IX- end Sise. baths, 3-car farage, aluminum 2 full baths, fireplace, oil hot storms, awnings, w a lk -^ Novembar ft, 1! eerUfled lof the school. Further action •46-1158 bookat Beats, 4-H>eed synchro- Capitol Equipment' Co., 88 trical wiring. Licensed and In­ woric, axperiaiue helpful, aco- sarvload ready Sot snow. WE8T1NOHOUSB Laundromat MOttais for suit and afgbanin TiM new tiril and winder ’W sidl^. Bulh to i m Over 3,800 water heat, $19,800. Robert baawnent. AU for H4.990. Piln- midl, a ogpy of this te Mra I regarding a rMerendum yW be M Oamhridge Bi. ' SMfti. tmnsmisaioa with con- Main St., Mancheitar." Hours sured. WUson Electrical Co., Bufsoa w. Latlmar, a l llrMt. I taken at the Dec. 4 meeting of ctid shift. App^ Panioimol Of­ T a n u avatlabls. lo. Windsor oAitomatio waoher, |78. 164 do%, edgings and ^ ■Bute Faridon |m n apwriBg oq, ft. of finished living a m . wolvertoil Agonoy, Realtor, only. OaU ewnar •$•- OcffffEZf-QpqBi____ sater. BxeeUcDt daUy 7-6. Thursday T-8. 86tui> Manchester, 648-4817. GUaston- fice, the Iona Manufacturing Bqulpmsnt Oo., Routs 8 and Green Manor Road, Kanobee- Day to Do! paw In spoofasitr dritglft, Ssod Ms flwv tor oofigA* FnilM A AgeaeF, 64M 464. te'ih e a e n ^ aftar It reeetvea tha 6484ms. day 7-4. 64ft7968. bury. 64M881 Co., Regent Btzaat > SulUvan Avenue, 888-8406. ter, 640-8706. Rea4 Herold Ads. f • • 5-;. > /' ■

i- ' .iAe, * S • rV*»we > •aaiw ei ^ ia.«emft«il4:irtrfiu>J>wv * ■ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER £1, IMS Average Dally Net Preea Run The Weather FAGS THIRTY-TWO FareeMt «f U. S. Weathar iianrtr^Bter lEv^ning li^raUi IWkkaWMkBaM irennlMF lA m o Fartljr d — dy wad mHdm toMght. Low 45-66. Satarday tacraaafaig Adonlram Oouricll, RSM, ^ 1 ttons, too. In fact, the wliole 13,891 ckMidlnaaa aad laiM with aliiwrarS confer the select maater's d e g w Arrau Heard thing was close to being a flaw­ lade la the day wr at lUgM. ngh About Town tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ less performance'. AaOt sonic Temple on Orchard St., Mr. Arrau . has stepped Into JtfaiscAester A City ofVtUagt Charm Mcnlbeni a t th« Fr«nk J. Ellington. At Bushnell the rtjoes oif Artur Schnabel, MaaiAald Detaohmcnt, Marine who a generation ago was ac­ OaifM LM«rue and AuxUiaiy, 13»e Uthuandan ^Uhance of cepted as the leading ptanlsUc (Cla■Oiled AdvertSdag ea Pag* Id) PRICE SEVEN CENTS hav« bean inviited to attend a America wiU sponsor a rum­ By JOHN OBUBEB exponent of .Beethoven, and his YOU txxxm, NO. 4€ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1963 M o t InatiaUatkxi. Sunday at mage sale Saturday from 9 a m. Claiidio Arrau mlglytlly performance last evening was 5:90 pjn., otf Nutmeg DetacJi- to 3 p.m. at Uthuanian Hall, I leased a capacity audience at very almilar to the interpreta­ nMUt at tha VFW Home, Wlnd- Oolway St. the Bu.shnell last evening with tion of hla predecessor. Yet, I always preferred the reading of 4 his peefcrmancea of the solo this work by Egon Petri, noted passages in Beethovan'a Fourth for hla virtuosity rather than • t Chilatjopher’a Mothera A-N Club% Has 180 Clnda wiU meet tomorrow at Conoeprto for Piano and Or­ hla profound understanding of 8:30 pjn. at the home o t Mm. At 44th Banquet chestra. He was recalled time Beethoven. Patar PeaooaoUdo, 32 Ardmore and again, even after the Bush­ Played with more verve and | Rd. Mini. Ftanoie Maloney will nell house lights were im and Five members of Manchester's elan, this concerto emerges aa •y ■emt aa oo-hoateaa. board of directors were guesU the intermission had officially an even more thrilling exper­ begun. ience then the audience enjoyed President Kennedy Killed of honor last night at a 44th annual banquet of the Army PersonaJly, I felt he was last evening. Academician* will and Navy Club at the clubhouse. more convincing in the Brahms di.spute my evaluation and pre­ - e Personal Notices A roast beef dinner was served r jcond Concerto a season or fer the readings of Mr. Schnabel to 180 members and guests. two beck, so I mippoee it w«s and Mr. Arrau. In any event, it Directors who attended were the magic name of Beethoven was a fplendld Job, and one to In Memoriam Mayor Francis Mahoney. David that was at least m pert re­ be remembered. Guest Preacher lerliic memory of our grand' Barry, Harlan Taylor, Francis sponsible for his overwhelming Likerwise, the Fourth Sym­ The Rev. Dr. Robert. Veielle New England Told Shot Riding in Car^ reception on this occasion. »er who paeeed away Nov 31. “ DellaFera and Harold A. Turk- phony by Dvorak was accorded M obs Jr., president of Lancas­ ington. Make no mistake, he played a splendid performance. On the ter Theological Seminary, Lan­ Oraodchlldren of Mra. Joseph Paul Schuetz was presented well on both occasions, very whole, the orchestra sounded caster, Pa., will be the guest HuUard. Sr. with a lounge chah. The gift well Indeed; my criticism is not much better last evening than It preacher at all three services was given in appreciation of his of him. but of the audience To Save Transport did at the opening concert fol- on Sunday at Center Congre­ In Memoriam many cheer visits. to veterans per.spicacity. towirvg the summer layoff. The gational Church. He will dis­ Gov. Connally Hit hi lovinf memory of our mother, hospitals on behalf of the or­ It was nice to bear the audience recognized the fact cuss ’"The Father Image.” ICn. Joseph Hublard Sr., a’ho paes- ganization. Fourth Concerto for a change. •d away Nor. 31, 1960. atvd accorded everyone the most A native of Wilson. N. ;C m The Army and Navy Club was Opportunities to hear the Fifth, BOSTON (AP) — Newf applanise they have offered for he attended public schools in nlng on borrowod time." It doesn’t take a special day. organized in 1019. Membership or ‘‘Ehnporer” albound, but the ‘ r n ' o ^ S ' ' Englanders were told today DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — To bring you to our minds. a long time. Hickory. N. C., and earned his And no dngio atato can by Ha D.\LL.\S, Tex. (A P ) — President John F. Tha days we do not think of you. is open to Manchester veterans Fourth .seems to be neglected, B.A. degree at Franklin and they must ban together in own afforU undorwrito tho President Kennedy was Are rery hard to find. who have received honorable along with the Second by this Dvorak was a Bohemian, of Marshall College, Lancaster, some phases of govern­ tnolntonanoo of oaeontial inter- Kennedy, .36th president o f the United States, was discharges from the Army, great composer. Mr. Mahler course, and the other mimber given blood transfusioris at Daughters, in 1943. In 1945 he received his ment and industry if they atoto tranaportation, Dompaey sliot to deatii Friday by a liidden assassin armed Mrs. Thomas Lombardo Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and the orchestra did a very on the second half of the pro- B.D. degree from Lancaster giaon was Jugo-Slavian, so this aaid. Parkland Hospital in an ef­ Mrs. William Demeo Air Force or National Guard. excellent job wtth their por- Theological Seminary, and in are to maintain even their Dompaoy ayoko at tho 39th with a higli-powered rifle. Kennedy, 16, lived about part of the evehing had a Mid- W * do not oxpect that too many will serva Turkey this weekend . . . fort to save his life after he 1954, his Ph.D. from the Uni­ present level of both rail annuoi moetbig of tho Now an hour after a sniper cut him down as his limou­ dle-Eurapean accent. We heard versity of Chicago. but quite a few will want to buy 1964 crop of U, S. Grade A oven Bngland Oounoll, held In con­ and Gov. John Connally of a "Song and Kolo” by Jakov and air transportation. sine left downtown Dallas. Automatically, the Dr. Moss was an instructor ready frozen birds and let them thaw out gradually in their home refrig­ Gov. John D«n|«*y, D-Onn., junction wHh tho New Bhig- iMMWiimilllWMMMM lW M M Golovac, a native of Eiahnatla, from 1946-49 and assistant lond Oovemor’a Conference. Texas were shot in an as­ mantle of the presidency fell to Vice President as the program notes informed erators for Thanksgiving. Northwestern Turkeys on the market here MUd, "W o hi Now England ean- professor from 1950-51 in the BOt watt for the formation of Robert T. Murphy, vice ehair- sassination attempt. Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson, a native Texan, Family and Guests tha Bast— Department of Religion at for your selection . . *. and Armour's 6 to 12-lb. Pepperidge Farm a long rango tranaportation pol- roon of tho Civil AeronauUos Hospital officials said The Middle-European accent Franklin apd Marshall College. loy" to aava tlw Now Havon Board, aoid it would bo a grave had been riding tMo cars behind the chief execu­ was here, but the musical He assumed the poeltlon of stuffed Turkeys. miatake to allow air tranopor' they had given the Presi­ tive. thought li\ Mr. Golovac’s work professor of the New Testa.- Our LaBroad CONNECTICUT FRESH TURKEYS will not be on sale until tablon in New England to bo 2 ment at Lancaster ’Theological dent a transfusion of B Drive Out To The was rrothlng like as profound Tuesday morning. Place your order for a Connecticut Fresh Turkey today. rodueod. Kennedy died at 'Parkland Hospital, where as Dvorak’s. In fact, the piece Seminary in 1951, and held this Stolen Gems Murphy ooid Now England ia positive blood from the position until 1957 when he Pick up or place your order for U. S. Grade A Frozen Turkeys now. We will also a sounded something like warmed- aa idciu place to toot modem, his bullet-piereed body bad been taken in fran­ became president and professor have Capons, Large Conn. Fresh Roasting Chickens, Ducks and Morrell’s Ready- jbank and were calling for over Eneaco, who la definitely eoonomical onMll aircraft. of New Testament, a position tic but futile eflfort to save his life. Lying wound­ a third-rater himself. Still it 'To-Eat Hams. Recovered by “We oie told that the Jot la I fresh blood of that type to was tuneful (something almost he still holds. ed at the samp hospital was Gov. John Connally Among his many reapwJsl- too large to serve small cltiea I have it ready if needed. unheard of today) and the aud­ and tiwt the DCS la wearing out of Texas, who was cut down by the same fusillade A & L ience lapped up Its readily bilities connected with the Potice in NYC At 1 :10 p.m., Mrs. Lyn­ church Dr. Mosa is alternate and no longer ocoeptable,’’ he that endcid the life of the youngest man ever elect­ asimmllable sourds. sold. I don B. Johnson was escort­ The Suite frpm Purcell’s observer of the Vatican Coun­ ed to the presidency. Connally said his wife had TURKEY FARM "Gordian Knot Untied" served cil. His professional and hon­ PINEHURST BUDGET SPEQALS Nimr ‘TORX (AP) — fUMhw Murphy auggeoted that tho ed by Secret Service agents an aparOnant yeaUrday on tho to open the program and provide orary societies include the Na­ government cooperate in work- been riding with the President and Mrs. Kennedy. Manchester’s finest ground meats sold the service way . . . not pre-wrapped IhatlhiiRddi u p ^ Boat fHde, po- into the emergency room time for the late-comers to ar­ tional Association of Biblical hig out reasonably priced rental ■ m reoavarad $110,000 worth of atr angemento wMh aeleotod car- The First Lady cradled her dying husband's bloody rive and got to their seats be­ Instructors, Society of Biblical where the President lay. Select Your FRESH DRESSED atolon Jowolry and othor valu- lie n for eocperimental uee of fore Mr. Arrau’s performance Literature and Exegesis, Phi head in her arms as the presidential limousine LEAN PINEHURST FRESHLY GROUND atHm tnkon during roeont mtd- aome a m ^ planee now avail- Police said they did not Otherwise It failed to accom­ Beta Kappa and Ih Gamma raced to the .hospital. “ Oh. no!” she kept crying. plish much. Having heard I ^ - Mu. ehle. know whether Vice Presi­ Golden Harvest Turkey He said reliable air ■ervlce in oell marvelously well done Visitors are welcome to at­ GROUND / ; n * PINEHURST ^ C Found ftvo todsy Connally slumpi^ in his seat. 90 many areas o f New England is EUeven-year-old Oatheiine Gaulin wajnms herself before open fire at her home here dent Johnson also was in reoetiUy in Manchester, last tend any of the services at abden from not aconomicaUy poodble with­ after her dad, Emile OeuUn, right, found her walking alone on Rt. 44. She was object of Police ordered an unprecedented dragnet of Tender . . . Tasty . . . FkivorsoiM evenfavg’s performance o f the Onter Church to hear Dr. Oahdr.O stoee. along with goma takon the room. out government subsidy but wide searcb through night fihe aeid she walked ail night in wtxxki and wasn't afraid. (AP Elizabethan composer seemed Mosa speak. CHUCK lb. O y ' " HAMBURG 0 ^ 7 * drom IMT iwviay RUbon B otd the city, hunting for the assassin. Police said LOOK FOR TURN-OFF SIGNS ON ■idd tlila la a aound flscai hi- Photafax). “ What does this mean?” High In Protein something o f an anti-cUmax. aulbo laat Auguot. ROUTE 88 TO ROCKVILLE same last week. An IncreMs of Pottoo movod in aftar acting veetment in terma of the long he was asked. they believed the fatal shots were fired by a A-hite ran notianal eoonomy. Low In Calories CLAIMS REMAIN SAME 18 waa reported, bringing the 5 lb. lots 3.35 s ">• '<>*•...... on what tboy toimod oonfUen- “ I don’t know anything man about 30, slender of build, weighing about ED. ABERLE MRS.*PEASE KAR’TFORD (AP) — The weekly total to 25,330. 'Ibe tlal tadonnaiUon. Thoy labor Ha said attcrvtion should be Slayings End 135 pounds, and standing .5 feet 10 inches. The 875-6888 875-8925 number of unemployment com Bridgeport area reported the freezer. 101b.loYs^.50 10 lb. lo t s ...... 5.30 liamod ttwt two tarn flod the focused on seasonal air service Girl, 11, Pound Safe except that the jHiests pensajtlon clcdms filed in Oon most—3,847. New Haven was apartnwnt with laxgo to meet vacation travel needs In were asked for,” he said. murder weapon re|»ortedly was a 30-30 rifle. Ken­ neotlcut remained about the second with 3,220. Birthday Fete CAREFULLY BLENDED, FRESHLY GROUND BEEF. PORK and VEAL (6oa.Fafo9haif) (See Page Four) Dallas police were quick­ nedy had been given the last rites, of the Roman SOLD AS 3 in 1 COMBINATION ...... lb. 79e After Night in Woods In Arkansas ly postqd in the corridors Catholic Church. He had been the first Roman leading to the emergency Catliolic president in American history. Doctors N room and Secret Service and nurses had administered blood transfusions. The tiny lean tender 2 Ibi. Trade Outlook Places ASHFORD (AP)—An 11-year-old girl who ran off TRUMANN, Ark. (AP) — A agents turned reporters Pork Is Another Good Buy and under lean gpareribi from home on the spur of the moment was found un­ farmer beset with family prob­ back, 40 feet from the door. lems ended his stepdaughter’s This Week’s S-P-E-C-l-A-L-S we are getting from Mor­ harmed today after spending the night in the woods ’There was an uncon­ DALLAS, Tex. (A P ) — ^President Kennedy CENTER CUT LEAN rell are very popular. CSfthwtoe OauMK.JBeft sixth birthday celebrati«Mi by was shot today just as his down­ ECM ^Down, Reds Up ^ her iSfSSt, Emile Oeuiin, ea killing her, three other mem­ firmed report that John- g o o d / ^ e a h G O O D > ^ E A R 'They’re different, try At Your a she walked otbog R t 44. Ttonk- bers ot his family and himself s(« htd been wounded town Dallas. Mrs. Kennedy juihiied up and grab­ strip or two at 6 ^ lb. Ing her loiat. atete poUce, vohm- Events Thursday night. slightly. One spectator said bed him. She cried: “Oh, no!” . The motor­ PORK CHOPS DARDEN disnitae rage over several teer firemen and others had he saw Johnson walk into Bn tonal Mewa Wi producie, eepeciaUy farm goods. been searching for her. Port ot the birthday coke woe cade sped on. AP photographer James W. Alt- GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE Any thickness (or center NEW YORK (AP)—American th e mood in this country con­ After the girl was fed, bathed ■till on the kitchen table, along the hospital holding his 0 lb. 7 9 ' huelnetomto aro"taktaig a new trasts with talk a year ago, and put to bed, her mother aoid In State with on empty whisky bottle, arm. (See Page Ten) roast) and colder look at international when excitement over the Com­ s ^ Just decided to run off when officers charged the house FRBSH BLOCK aemmorco prospects. mon Market was at a high pitch. while doing her chores yester­ after being called by the child’s General Electric ISLAND SWORD They speak of a drastic turn­ Businessmen saw that six-nation day afternoon. During the grandfather. HADDOCK and about in ths last few months. union — France, Germany, n i^ the temperature dipped Sheriff Ray Holmes said Sam­ WHOLE STRIP OF PORK FLOUNDER Premo Favors 11” PORTABLE the Bunqtean Common Mar­ Italy, Belgium, The Nether­ below 40 degrees. my Penter, 34, killed his wife, CONSOLE STEREO FRESH OYSTERS ket, many say, has turned sour. lands, Luxembourg—as a be­ "She said she wasn’t afraid, Lower ‘65’ Hike Wanda, '35; his stepdaughter, 10 to 11 Ibe. cut as you So has the Itope that trade guiling market for American she walked oU night and toie Belinda Gairhan, 6; his mother- llos will produce a poUtieal goods and a strong partner in specify. lb. 4 ? 9 ‘ knew where she was,” Mrs. in-law, Mrs. W. j . Byrd, 63; and TV SET United States of Europe to stand Atliuitlc commerce.. Gaulin said. HARTFORD (AP) — State his sister-in-law, Mrs. Jimmy Let the rafters rinsf! Inside solid'agninst communism. they also saw it as expand­ Insiuanoe Commissioner Al- j Moon, 31. V 1710 GauUns said they figured this handsome all-wood ma- Fdf tha small family wa sugaest aasy to Armour will sand youi And now the Communists are ing to embrace Britain and fred N. Premo strongly hinted, Holmes ■aid Byrd killed hi$ Mdlnmout their own prospects most other Bhuropean nations in Catherine covered about five or hogimy cabinet are two large slica boneless tenderloin Pork Roast 89c six miles in her trek through today that he will act promptly wife and Belinda first, then e AU Channel UHF-VHF of trade, g ^ n so far but mmay- ay a United States of Europe. in favor o t scaJed-down raty In­ called Mrs. Byrd and Mrs. Moon oval speakers, coaxial tweeter lb., or 7-Rib Roast of Pork 32c lb., .or se­ bo other goods later. But early this year FTwce ve­ the dense woods that press a Telescoping Antenna STODOUM cIoM bo their home at the in­ creases for OonneoUout 65. to the house and shot them with cones, 4-speed changer, dual lected 7-rib cut into chops at 39c lb. Businessmen questioned dur­ toed Britain’e petition for entry. The commissioner said last a .30 caliber rifle as they walked • Daylight Bine Screen Just for sending the cooking ing a cross-counby tour to sam­ The other members quarreled tersection of Dicknell and Bev- channel streo amplifier. Also Ington Rda. night he rejected an initial ap- in. Penter also called his father- • 90-Day parts-and available in Danish Modem instructions from inside packigi ple the nation’s business mood on several isSqes. Levies plication tha* would have in -1 in-law, W. J. Byrd, to the house, labor. 1 year on ■ay they’re not quite certain against American poultry were ’The girl was warmly dressed creased the cost of the health but Byrd brought two Trumann Walnut or Early American what to make o t all this. raised and America readied tar­ for her adventure, wHh a Jacket picture tube. PINEHURST LONDON BROIL plan for the eWerly by some 20 policemenc Maple. ARMOUR 'TT6 quite a switch,” says iff reprisals. and sweater, slacks, lotted SAVE 20c LB. ON Robert Keith, executive vice There’s a trace of bitterness cap. and plastic rain boots, Mrs. per cent They opeited the door, saw the Howevbr, he advised the As- esident of the Pillsbury Co. in In some ot the reactions heard Gaulin s^d. I bodies, heard the click of the FLANK STEAKS lb.V9c STUFFED CinneapoUs. "W e’ll have to be now. sodaZed Connecticut Health In­ • safety catch on the rifle and H ERE'S A N on our toesif we’re to come out " We paid millions of taxpay­ surance Companies that oper­ I ran. A few minutes later, right TURKEY ate the pQah to reapjrfy.- Premo ; after midnight, Penter ended IDEAL BOnOM ROUND ROASTS ...... lb. 89c ■gain.” ers’ dollars to get these coun­ Fund at $77,211 Keith says the United States tries beck on Uielr feet, and suggested they ask for in­ the two-hour spree by putting a creases ranging ftnm 6.8 to 11.7 .22 caliber pistol under his chin. CHRISTMAS GIFTI t i n y , l e a n , BITE SIZE CUBES OF “ 7 to 12 lb. must do all it can to revive pros then th ^ shut the door in our Today’s United Fund Dtiv« sizes” sets for free world trade, at face,’' says Gov. Carl E. San­ total is $77,211, atxxM. 67 per per cent. Officers found a note scrib­ CHOICE BEEF STEW lb. 85c {he same time making the most ders of Georgia, a state big in cent at the $116,0000 goal. '"The pubUc,” Premo said In a bled in green crayon on the kit­ 12 of any Communist offers. poultry production. H\e ^11^ Gifts divtsicn telephone interview, "esm’t be chen table, biH Holmes said it » ’These comments came on the President Thomas MoseS' of reponbed (to increase of $455, overcharged; yet 1 don’t want was incoherent. KNUCKLE SOUP BONES...... lb. 10c eve of meetings to lay the Investors Dlversfled Services of and Reepidebiial a Jump o t to stop them from buying some­ The policemen, Herman Tal­ NO MONEY DOWN! groundwork for a new round of Minneapolis said “ the Common $111. DivlMqo betels ore thing if they can afford it. ley and Luther Taylor, radioed faiternational tariff negotiations Market is Just the old tariff un­ Initial Gifts, $49,012; Busi­ •Connecticut 65 is paying for Police Chief Edgar Sullins made possible by the U.S. Trade ion With a high-sounding name. ness - EkriployeS, $16,230; more out than it is taking in, and State Trooper Buren Jack- NO PAYMENT till FEORUARY! Sava 19c on this Bxpartsion Act of 1662. ’They Restdentdal, $12,969. and you can't do business that son after running from the coke deal . . . oome also at a time when tar (Bee Page Eight) way very long.” house. By the time they arrived U|> to 36 Months to Pay or 90 DAYS IS CASH! The commissioner noted tha* and stormed the house, Penter BUDGET KRM S! the pressure resulting from the was dead. TAB or COKE rate increase application has Pepperidge Farm Stuffing...... 29c two 6 pack been terrific. It is one o f the (See,Page' Three) Arnold’s Stuffing...... 31c liottest things I ever got hold 9 Cranberry Sauce . . . Mince Meat 16-oz. bottles of." for 99c The plan, a cooperative of­ After the fatal shot was fired, President Kenned.’y slumped down in the back Pumpkin Pie Mix ,. . Fruit Cakes. . . fering involving some 32 insur- seat of car in Dallas, Tex., motorcade. (AP Photofax,) White Onions . . . Mixed Glace Fruit (contents) ance companies, .has been men­ Jackie Good, Planter’s Peanuts...... '...... 39c and 69c tioned. as a possible alternative j T C T J 1 a. _ .a. Planter’s Deluxe Mixed Nuts Usually 1.(8 to a federally-sponsored health ' J \ C lV lC ia ill, Insurance plan. (No Peanuts in mix) ...... 63c and $1.19 Premo said the plan’s current j Planter’s Dry Roasted Peanuts rate stnicture extends only to Campaigner 0 Cashews and Mixed Nuts Jan. 1. As a result, he expeata S&W and Wyndotte Ripe Olives Nabisco Sugar Wafen 41o (See Page,Ten) FORT WORTH. Tex. (AP)— Jacqueline Kennedy, perhaps reluctantly, is back in politics iPro-W est Party and she’s a good campaigner. Her smile charmed thousands MAXWELLHOUSE Winner in Japan in San Antonio, - Houston and Fort Worth Thursday as she be­ TOKYO (AP) —Despite In- gan a three-day Texas tour with OTHER COLUMBIA BIKES AS LOW AS ONLY $29.95 road.s by moderate leftists and' her husband, the President. Independents, Premier Hayato She made a speech and drew COFFEE, Ikeda’s conservatives main­ cheers and applause. With recent price advances on coffee . . . this tained overwhelming control of She Ignored the well charted the Japanese Parliament in fi­ plans of Secret Service agents Sfill Buys The Following saves you 10c (m every lb. you buy. No]limit. nal unofficial election returns and shook hands with hundreds today. , who were forced to stay behind Although Ikeda appeared to rope barricades. When ( the Kennedys arrived We think this is the lowest Manchester price »39' 25 itb«>89' reached the Fort Worth hotel seats in the 467-seat ruling low­ in roM or blue. 62''x84" er house. This was 13 fewer where they spent the night, they N o . twin. than the 296 won in 1960 and headed for the nearest throiw ALBUM B... OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY TILL NINE three short of the 286 the con­ and went through their hand­ HOLIDAY SCHEDULE— OPEN TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY TILL 9 servatives held when parlla- shaking act. i ment (Ussolved three wiseks ago. Pamela Turnure, Mrs. Ken­ 713 M A IN ST.. M A N C H EST ER Ikeda hiid asked for 300 seats nedy’s press secretary, was SERVICE • O P E N T O N IG H T TILL 9 * lOflOOTurkeys—Count ^Em and expected at least 290 asked if the First Lady had en­ Itor •nuu fm ea stondi in (be — „ asound litowas«b, Iowa, ------OspOtal c t tlw Ikeda’s main . omoeitlon, the joyed the expsrisnea. President John F. Kennedy riding in motorcade)approximately one minute PINEHURST Grocery, Inc. f l S ^ " in fktest ot a floek____ o t 16,000. He and ottier ■nowara In a eritseipriee say ■odaliirts, iteo lean towarda "Sbs loved every mlauts e t STOREv 449-9523 « 449-0665 fore he wae shot in Dallas today. With kini are Mrs. Kenney and Gov. i CORNER MAIN agid TURNPIKB •' UOOJXK) tuQlssijw vtol be e b t o e d t o r ^ TtisiflMgiiiifc^ a n d ------Mrs. John Connally of Texas. (>J* Photofax.) (m P PtWtoOMC), ^ IlM raBsnnal (l66PaC*rMn9 MM Ti T i

__ _ ^ _s