The Lord's Prayer –Retranslation
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TRADITIONAL WORSHIP YOUTH SUNDAY February 26, 2017 11:00 A.M. Together in Christ, Reaching Beyond Our Doors. GATHERING IN CELEBRATION AND PRAISE PR LUD “S"nata %n & 'aj"r” *art+"ldy Me..%e Snyder, .ue/$ "rgani/$ INTROIT “S$andi#0 In $he Need "1 Prayer” arr. Part%2%a Hurlbu$$ W LCOM , ANNOUN& M NTS, 3 TTIN3 A&4UAINT D 5PASSIN3 TH P A& OF &HRIST 5&ALL TO WORSHIP Leader: O 3"d 6+" %/ .reater $han $he '"/$ 7"werful 1"rce/ %n $+%/ 6"rld, enable u/ $" be /$%ll and 8#"w $hat Y"u are 3"d. People: O Lord who answers out of the wh rlw nd of e!er"da" l fe# $reathe n us %our Hol" Sp r t to stren&then# 'o(fort# and &u de us n the ( dst of the stor() Leader: O /$%ll, /'all 9"%2e, /7eak $" u/ $+%/ +"ur, $hat we '%.+$ be2"'e 'akers "1 Y"ur 7eace %n "ur +"'e/, %n "ur 2"''u#%$%e/, %n "ur 6"rld. People: *e pra" all th s n the na(e of the One who 'al(ed the ra& n& sea) A(en) 5HYMN “S$and by Me” N". :12 A TIM TO & LE*RAT OUR &HILDR N “Where &+%ldren *e,"#.) ;2""n /%#./< This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God's Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song: This is where children belong. CONNECTING *ITH GOD IN PRA%ER UNISON PRAY R ;based "n a 7rayer 1ro' S$. There/a) +a" toda" there $e pea'e w th n) +a" we trust God that we are e,a'tl" where we are (eant to $e) +a" we not for&et the n-n te poss $ l t es that are $orn of fa th) +a" we use the & fts we ha!e re'e !ed# and pass on the lo!e that has $een & !en to us) +a" we $e 'ontent n .now n& that we are 'h ldren of God# and let h s presen'e settle nto our $ones# allow n& our souls the freedo( to s n&# dan'e# pra se and lo!e) +a" we .now that t s there for ea'h and e!er" one of us) A(en) TH LORD0S PRAY R –R TRANSLATION (from the Aramaic; The Original Language of Jesus) O Breath n& L fe# "our Na(e sh nes e!er"where/ Release a spa'e to plant "our Presen'e here) I(a& ne "our poss $ l t es now) E($od" "our des re n e!er" l &ht and for() Grow throu&h us th s (o(ent0s $read and w sdo() Unt e the .nots of fa lure $ nd n& us# as we release the strands we hold of others0 faults) (cont’d) Help us not for&et our Sour'e# "et free us fro( not $e n& n the Present) Fro( "ou ar ses e!er" 3 s on# Power and Son& fro( &ather n& to &ather n&) +a" our future a't ons &row fro( here/ A(en PROCLA+ATION IN *ORD AND SONG &HORAL ANTH M “The Lord %/ My She7herd” >"hn Ru$$er Lynn Hansen, "b"e The Lord is my shepherd; therefore can I lack nothing. He shall feed me in a green pasture, and lead me forth beside the waters of comfort. He shall convert my soul and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake. ea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me! thy rod and thy sta" they comfort me. Thou shalt to prepare a table for me against them that trouble me! thou hast anointed my head with oil and my cup shall be full. #ut thy loving kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life! and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. S&RIPTUR LESSON 3alat%ans :: 16?2: & * @ers%"# Lea-er: T+e Wor- "1 3"-. All: 2or the People of God. Lea-er: T+a#8/ be $o 3"-. M SSA3 “S$ay OA $he Lo#.b"ard!) R SPONDIN3 TO TH M SSA3 (Anyone 20 and younger read the bold words, those older read the rest.) O Bounteous Sp r t# I as. "ou to $r n& forth n (" l fe "our fru ts: the fru t of lo!e# so I (a" lo!e "ou a$o!e all th n&s and all others for "our sa.e4 $he 1ru%$ "1 ("y, $hat I 'ay Cnd 'y de,%.+$ %n y"ur /ervi2eD the fru t of pea'e# that I (a" $e pardoned throu&h "our (er'" and (a" rest n "our lo!e4 $he 1ru%$ "1 ,"#./uAeri#. /" $hat I 'ay bear, 6%$h 7at%e#2e, all af%2$%"#/D the fru t of &entleness# that I (a" su$due all an&er and ta.e 'al(l" all tr als and pro!o'at ons4 $he 1ru%$ "1 'ee8ne//, $hat I 'ay 1"rg%ve 1reely all 6+" have hurt 'e and endure 6%$h 7at%e#2e all burde#/ $hat are laid u7"n 'e. 5All6 A(en. 3I@IN3 OURS LV S AND OUR 3IFTS TO 3OD0S WORF 5OAert"ry Hy'# “A'az%#. 3race) N". H7I 5D"J",".y N". K: Pra se God, from whom all $less n&s 7ow; pra se h m, all 'reatures here $elow; pra se h ( a$ove, "e heavenl" host; pra se 2ather, Son, and Hol" Ghost. Amen) 5Prayer "1 De-%2at%"n GOING FORTH TO SERVE 5HYMN “S$andi#. "n $he Pro'%/e/” N". H7L 8PASTORAL * N DI&TION 5&HORAL * N DI&TION “May $he Heavenly Father” R".er W%,/"# 5POSTLUD “Fu.ue %n & 'aj"r” *art+"ldy Me..%e Snyder, .ue/$ "rgani/$.