Grasso Can't Stop Trucker Blockade
PAGE T W /^y-roU B - HEBALD. Wed., June 13, 1979 " ■ ••'•.•• '•?».'• . ■ . .— -- ........ ' Nehon-Leeming Steullet-Varley Elizabeth Leeming of Manassas, Va., and James Evan Nelson of Woodbridge, Va., were married June 9 Sheryl L. Varley and Henry J. Steullet Jr., both of r I — 1 at First Congregational Oiurch, Fall River, Mass. Manchester, were married May 5 at Emanuel Lutheran Arguments in CD Appeal \ Whalers Satisfied 1 Connecticut Flower 1 Rhanif Rockville High The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Patricia Leeming Church. of Virginia Beach, Va., and Eldredge Leeming of The bride is the daughter of Donald Varley of Delayed until September 1 With Draft Picks 1 Blooms This Month 1 Graduation Ceremonies South Dartmouth, Mass. The bridegrrom is the son of Manchester and the late Mrs. Shirley Varley. The 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nelson of 32 Earl St., bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steullet of Page 12 1 Page 13 Page 17 Pageo 6-7, 18 Manchester. Manchester. ^ * The Rev. Dr. Richard Wilcox of First The Rev. Ronald Fournier officiated at the double-ring Congregational Church of Fall River and the Rev. Nor ceremony. Melvin Lumpkin of Manchester was organist / man Swensen of Trinity Covenant Church in and Daril Klein of Manchester was soioist. Manchester, officiated at the double-ring ceremony. ’The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a iianrli^Htpr The bride was given in marriage by her father. Qiana gown appiiqued with flower and leaf lace, and Clear Tonight, Judith Thompson of San Diego, Calif., was her designed with keyhole neckline, long tapered sleeves sister’s maid of honor.
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