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H - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuradav. June 11,1»86 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER Sign may boost KIT ‘lfCAIM.YLB ®t>y Larry Wright Rain and winds Here are 13 tips Real Estate M lf WMTBI recycling effort force scores up for a fun 13th BUSINESS & SERVICE DIREaORY f Port Tim e Permanent do- ... page 3 sltion In hospital In Man HOMES ... page 8 ... page 13 chester renting television I FOR SALE I PAINTING/ HEATING/ MISCELLANEOUS service. Afternoon hours I t-im^2 CHILOCARE PAPERING PLUMRING [ 2 l | iSERVICES starting at 2;00pm, flexi All real estate advertised ble weekend or weekdays. In the Manchester Herald Mature, responsible, ex Is sublect ta the federal Name your own price — Fogarty Brothers — Ba Delivering clean farm perience with public. Own Fair Housing Act of 1966, Father and son. Fast, throom remodeling; In loam; 5 yards $75 plus fax. transportation, will train. which makes It Illegal to dependable service. stallation water heaters, Also sand, stone, and Coll collect evenings, 3S9- advertise any preference, w ill do babysitting In my Painting, Paperhanging garbage disposals; faucet gravel. Call 643-9504. 43e2. limitation or discrimina Licensed Manchester 8i Removal. Call 646-5761. repairs. 649-4539. V lsa/M - home. (Verplanck School asterCard accepted. tion based on race, color, Custom Rototllllng. Have Summer Position. Jeffer religion, sex or national Area). Call 646-3793. We paint cheaper- son house Adult Day Cen teachers-20 years expe Troy Bi|t Rototlller. Will origin, or an Intention to travel. Gardens, lawns, ter needs a part-time aide make any such prefer rience.
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