*** All Quotes must have the Department of Industrial Relations # to be ACCEPTED *** 400 Sunrise Avenue, Ste. 300 All D.I.R.#s expired, a renewal letter must be included. Roseville, CA 95661 Ph (916) 757-6400 Fax (916) 757-6499 TEICHERT CONSTRUCTION Established 1887 Request for qualified bids from Subcontractors, Suppliers & Truckers for the following project: Project: US 101/De La Cruz Boulevard/Trimble Road Interchange Improvements – Contract C21001 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Bid Date: 5/18/21 @ 2:00 PM Docs & Plans Available from https://secure.procurenow.com/portal/vta Estimate: $50,600,000 Duration: 1360 calendar days (including 365 calendar days for plant establishment) Agency Goals: 5.26% SBE Project Description: Teichert Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified SBE firms for the following items of work, including but not limited to: all materials, labor and equipment for CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS, TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM, PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE, REMOVE BRIDGE ITEM, MODIFY BRIDGE ITEM, CLEARING & GRUBBING, ROADWAY EXCAVATION, GRADING, STRUCTURE EXCAVATION, STRUCTURE BACKFILL, DITCHES EXCAVATION, EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION, HIGHWAY PLANTING, SOIL AMENDMENTS, HYDROSEEDING, EROSION CONTROL, IRRIGATION SYSTEM, TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL , AGGREGATE SUB BASE, AGGREGATE BASE, ASPHALT CONCRETE, PAVING ASPHALT (ASPHALT CONCRETE), PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE & MISC, RECYCLE, RECLAIM ASPHALT CONCRETE, PORTLAND CEMENT & CONCRETE PAVEMENT, FURNISH & DRIVE PILING, CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE
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