Runequest III Campaign
RuneQuest III Campaign Log Jeff Okamoto Dramatis Personae Game Master Sandy Petersen Main Characters Bruce Dresselhaus (Bruce, Slagstone, Tira, Borax, Cimex, Martlet, Harvard) Steve Leary (William Emrys, Ferric, Caswallon, Gunnar, Jankali, Acari, Broken Flint, Maac, Joseph, Ancellus, Alfarson, Uller, Geraldon, Tathar, Zim, Erik, Terion, Argus (N), Starfall, Bandobras, Firebird, Lulu (N), Lanter) Jeff Okamoto (Moloch, Varn, Fred, Thingol, Benderri Ingilli, Wolingafartel, Minx Ingirid, Kreilos, Fletcher, Vela) Craig Sauer (Lutro, Tudor, Gulblomst, Lem, Foxell, Gasp, Staymar) Paul Sweeney (Elwood, Gerfanglesnortz (Gorfang), Ergolin, Ralkin, Dash, Harmast (N), Asmoufr, Ishmael, Talker, Big Rock Falling, Szyzygy) i Minor Characters Al Dewey (Zarina) Ken Felder (Gren, Grimbutt) Jeff Hatch (Dohza, Ivasti, Dropped, Azzoo) John Holmes (Jaranx, Glorion) Bob Jones (Jorj, Tortho, Boo-boo) Zoran Kovacich (Alex, Tim the Encounter, Enkavar, Gai) Ben Monroe (Miles, Norac, Mugumma, Fenric, Bevisric, Tommy Flanagen, Jihad) Jim Schreiber (Tor, Ilaire) Greg Stafford (Wahagrim, Grosko) Emily Sweeney (Efger) Matt Walker (Simon the Fanatic, Mars the Merciless, Worfang, Simon, Eugene) Bit Parts Shawn Boundy, K. L. Campbell-Robson, John Carnahan (Moi), Bruce Clegg, Morgan Conrad, Tadashi Ehara, Dana Huber, Ann Irwin, Kevin Jacklin, Charlie Krank (Ir), Tim Minas, Eric Petersen (Smersh), Rob Ramsdell, John Sapienza, Jr., Ian Starcher, Alastair Sutherland, Ray Turney This document is protected by Lhankor Mhy, god of knowledge. May those who profane its pages suffer from Brain Fever. Copyright © 1984-1990, 1992-1994, 1999, 2004, 2005 by Jeff Okamoto. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license ( ). Version 2.0. Dedication To Alice and Arthur Petersen, whom we watched grow before our eyes; To Grant and Lincoln Petersen, who were born during the game; To Wendy Petersen, for whose hospitality we are indebted; But most of all, To Sandy Petersen, for the best five years of gaming.
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