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Planning West 5NKTLDÐÐlÐ-TLADQÐÐlÐ6HMSDQÐ 6NQKCÐ3NVMÐ/K@MMHMFÐ#@X Ð,DSQNÐ5@MBNTUDQÐ1DFHNM@KÐ &QNVSGÐ2SQ@SDFX Ð-NQSGÐ.J@M@F@MÐ1DFHNM@KÐ&QNVSGÐ 2SQ@SDFX Ð/K@M&HQKÐ3Q@UDKR Ð@MCÐLNQDÐHMRHCDa /QDRHCDMSiRÐ ,DRR@FD $CHSNQiRÐ-NSD by Siobhan Murphy, MCIP by Joan Chess-Woollacott, MCIP LUVW+DSS\1HZ<HDUWR\RXDOO2XUíUVWLVVXH of the New Year features stories about World Town Planning Day—a day in November when y the time this issue ar- F planners around the world celebrate the profession. rives, I hope that the This is a time to honour our new full PIBC members, weather has warmed B recognize years of service and announce PIBC’s up considerably wherever you Honourary Member for 2011. are—tropical vacations ex- cluded! With the deep freeze This year, it was also an evening to say thank-you sitting over the province, it and good-luck to Anthony Dorcey, FCIP. After 40 certainly brought home in a years, Tony has hung up his planning threads and very practical way the impor- teaching hat to head out on new adventures, one tance of energy, what types of which is to sail the seas with his wife, Plu. And, and how much we use as in- there is a short story from Nanaimo about how dividuals and communities. municipal staff celebrated World Town Planning Whether your work is directly Day with community residents. It includes choco- or indirectly related, energy late. Who wouldn’t want to celebrate World Town underlies everything that we Planning day with Nanaimo Bars? deal with as planners. Sticking with the dessert theme, you may remem- On a warmer note, Council continues to work towards imple- ber that in the last issue there was a picture of mentation of the new membership standards and accreditation DFDNHFHOHEUDWLQJWKHUDWLíFDWLRQRIWKHQHZ5H- systems coming from the national Planning For the Future ini- gional Growth Strategy for MetroVancouver after tiative. PIBC is in the process of appointing our representatives several years of hard work. This issue features a to the various bodies being established, and a revised set of story of that process, with highlights of the policy bylaws for PIBC are being developed—watch for more on this development, collaboration, and public outreach. in the coming weeks. As well, Council and Key committees are 7KH QH[W FRXUVH LV DQRWKHU DUWLFOH RQ D 5HJLRQDO PRYLQJ IRUZDUG ZLWK SURMHFWV DQG WDVNV LGHQWLíHG LQ 3,%&ªV Growth Strategy in the North Okanagan. The em- Strategic Plan for 2011 – 2013. phasis in this article focuses on a collaborative process by smaller, rural communities. ,QHDUO\)HEUXDU\VWXGHQWVIURP6)8ªV5HVRXUFHDQG(Q- vironmental Management Planning program will welcome their Also on the menu is an article that discusses the BC peers from BC and across the country, as they host the Cana- Architects Act, which requires that certain types of dian Association of Planning Students (CAPS) conference. The buildings be designed by registered architects. The speakers and sessions planned are impressive, with a variety of article considers whether planners and municipali- topics and presentations by students, academics and practicing ties may require compliance with the Act by devel- professionals. And in the coming weeks, we look forward to the opment applicants. preliminary program and registration launch for PIBC’s 2012 Annual Conference in Harrison Hot Springs. Be sure to register Last, we have more planning lessons from abroad. early and save—we’ll see you there! This article looks at the area between public and private space and what planners do to make them It’s a bit early in my books to be saying that spring is just great places. Several case studies with their respec- around the corner, given that its -31°C in Prince George as I tive approaches are showcased. Some are success- write this. So enjoy winter—ski, skate, go tobogganing, play in ful and some are not. + the snow! + Ð /K@MMHMFÐ6DRS 6NQKCÐ3NVMÐ/K@MMHMFÐ#@XÐ "DKDAQ@SHMFÐSGDÐ/QNEDRRHNM by Siobhan Murphy, MCIP World Town Planning Day is the annual opportunity to celebrate the planning profession. The initiative was spearheaded by Professor Carlos Maria della Paolera of the University of Buenos Aires to promote interest in the professional practice of planning. It is celebrated in many coun- tries such as United States, Australia and of course here in Canada. his year, the World Planning Day gala was hosted by past- 3,%&0HPEHUVKLS&KDLU(PLOLH$GLQ0&,3DQG3,%&3UHVLGHQW president of PIBC Lindsay Chase, MCIP. She welcomed Joan Chess-Woolacott, MCIP who presided over PIBC member- Tattendees to the event and then turned over the mike to ship recognition and awards. 7KHíUVWKRQRXUVZHUHJLYHQWRSODQQHUVZKRKDGDFKLHYHG years of full membership. These are: Mark Betteridge, MCIP, 5REHUW.QDOO0&,3:LOOLDP/RZ0&,3DQG$QQH7RSS0&,3 "NMSDMSR Next, newly-minted full members of PIBC were recognized. There are 66 new members this year (their names can be found %D@STQDR in each quarterly issue of Planning West as their membership is Celebrating the Profession ................. 3 UDWLíHGE\3,%&&RXQFLO &RQJUDWXODWLRQVHYHU\RQH A Great Team ...................................... 5 7KHíQDOSDUWRIWKHJDODKRQRXUHGWKH3,%&+RQRXUDU\0HP- Congratulations Tony .......................... 6 ber for 2011. An Honourary Member is an exceptional individ- Metro Vancouver’s New ual that PIBC Council has unanimously acknowledged as some- Regional Growth Strategy .................. 8 RQHZKRKDVVLJQLíFDQWO\DVVLVWHGWKHSODQQLQJSURIHVVLRQ7KLV The North Okanagan year, PIBC selected Jim Green, who is a well-known community Regional Growth Strategy ................ 11 organizer, and former City of Vancouver Councilor. The award ZDVDFFHSWHGRQ-LP*UHHQªVEHKDOIE\1DWKDQ(GHOVRQ6&$53 PlanGirl Travels: ................................. 15 faculty member, former social planner for the City of Vancou- Legal Update ..................................... 17 YHUIRU\HDUVDQG6HQLRU3ODQQHUIRUWKH'RZQWRZQ(DVWVLGH (MRSHSTSDÐ-DVR (continued next page) PIBC Council Notes ............................ 20 Membership Committee Report ....... 21 Planners on the Move ....................... 23 Cover photo: rue Mallet-Stevens, Paris. Photo by Emilie K. Adin. Example of Transition from public to private space (see page 15) Correction: Last issue had a laneway house on the cover. The photo was taken by Krista Jahnke, which should have accompanied it on the cover: Also in the Laneway article, the two interior shots of the laneway house on page six were taken by venture + karpa photography: PIBC President Joan Chess Woolacott (middle), Gwen Sewell, MCIP PIBC Professional Practice Committee Chair (left), PIBC 2012 Honourary Member inductee Iona Campagnolo (right) Photo by Lisa Moffatt 6HMSDQÐÐ World Town Planning Day (cont’d) LQJ652VDQGPDNLQJQHZKRXVLQJFRPPLWPHQWVXQOLNHWKH GLVSODFHPHQWH[SHULHQFHGE\PDQ\SHRSOHIRU([SRª IRUWKHODVW\HDUV-LP*UHHQDQG1DWKDQ(GHOVRQKDYHEHHQ Jim Green was elected to Vancouver City Council in 2003. He friends and colleagues for many years. also represented Vancouver at the Federation of Canadian Mu- nicipalities under Jack Layton. After leaving Vancouver City ,QWKHV-LP*UHHQZDV([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURIWKH'RZQ- &RXQFLO-LP*UHHQZDVDQHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQWRIíFHUIRU WRZQ (DVWVLGH 5HVLGHQWªV $VVRFLDWLRQ '(5$ §7RXULQJ WKH the Haida Gwaii, and worked as a development consultant on '7(6ZLWK-LPLQWKHªVZDVDUHPDUNDEOHH[SHULHQFH+H VXFK SURMHFWV DV /LWWOH 0RXQWDLQ +RXVLQJ 3URMHFW 5HGHYHORS- was truly the mayor of the inner city. This was a positive time ment and the Olympic Village. for affordable housing, as all three levels of government were LQYROYHGLQWKHSURYLVLRQRIDIIRUGDEOHKRXVLQJ¨VDLG(GHOVRQ )LQDOO\ WKHUH ZDV :RRGZDUGªV ZKLFK (GHOVRQ VDLG VWDQGV RXW This was before the federal government withdrew from provid- as a symbol of what Jim Green has worKed for. Jim Green was LQJKRXVLQJLQWKHHDUO\V§'(5$WRRNRQPDQ\LQLWLDWLYHV involved in many parts of the process, from convincing the Prov- and began to grow—especially to manage its increasing portfo- ince to buy the Woodward’s property, to helping negotiate the OLRRIKRXVLQJ8QGHU-LP*UHHQªVOHDGHUVKLS'(5$EHFDPHWKH sale from the Province to the City. As Councilor, he co-chaired YRLFHIRUSHRSOHOLYLQJLQWKH'RZQWRZQ(DVWVLGH§ the Woodward’s Steering Committee. The winning proposal for the site was supported by a coalition of organizations that in- (GHOVRQVDLGWKDW-LP*UHHQªVIRFXVDWWKDWWLPHZDVRQEXLOG- cluded the Portland Hotel Society, Vancouver NetworK of Drug ing affordable housing, as well as preserving heritage buildings Users and the Gastown Business Improvement Association. It had because he believed they retained the collective consciousness 100 units of social housing and 300 units of marKet housing. The DQGEXLOWFRPPXQLW\§-LP*UHHQKHOSHGVDYHKHULWDJHEXLOG- proposal was amended with 100 more units that Green secured ings like the award winning Four Sisters Co-op, Pendera Place during Olympic bid negotiations with the Province. This neces- and Tellier Towers.” VLWDWHGDVLJQLíFDQWUHGHVLJQDQGDQDGGLWLRQRIDGGLWLRQDO Another facet of this focus on building affordable housing was units of marKet housing. The decision was made not to go bacK to Green’s emphasis on the importance of architecture and urban the public because this might have slowed down the process be- design to create beautiful neighborhoods and inclusive com- fore the 2006 election. He wanted to maKe sure the project would PXQLWLHV(GHOVRQVDLG move forward, irrespective of any changes to the municipal coun- cil, so it could be completed in time for the 2010 Olympics. Some $IWHUOHDYLQJ'(5$-LP*UHHQZRUNHGZLWKWKH1'3JRYHUQ-