The Three Flags of General Belgrano
FAHNEN FLAGS DRAPEAUX (Proceedings of the 15'*’ ICV, Zurich, I993J THE THREE FLAGS and blue ribbon on his men, in January 1811 This was OF GENERAL BELGRANO an open gesture of defiance against the president of the Junta, Colonel Cornelio de Saavedra For there was David Prando a rift between liberals, citizens of Buenos Aires the most of them, and conservatives, provincials in the majority. The revolution that took place in Buenos Aires, Moldes' colours soon became those of Buenos Aires, on May 25, 1810, saw a display of white and red rib but he never got any credit for them. bons'- the local colours since the British Invasions of Shortly after the conservative coup d'etat of April 5-6, 1806-07T Red and white stood for liberty and union the Liberal Patriotic Society and the America Regiment respectively, and were, of course, the first Argentine which supported it, were prosecuted and purged by colours under which monarchists and republ.cans ral Saavedra. And also the bicolour cockade was forbid lied, in their struggle against the Spaniards, even den. White ribbons and Spanish red cockades prevailed, though they simulated loyalty to the captive king together with the idea of an autonomous union within Ferdinand VII And Buenos Aires even had a secret flag, the Spanish Empire. But in August, Saavedra was which probably had the same colours' overthrown by the oppos't'on, and in the following In August of the same year, Jos$ de Moldes was month blue and white nbbons became all the rage in appointed Lieutenant Governor of the city of Mendoza Buenos Aires.
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