Extensions of Remarks E108 HON. SAM GRAVES
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E108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 25, 2011 A March 2010 report by the United Nations Congratulations on 25 years of service with INTRODUCTION OF THE INTER- states that there is a ‘‘massive human rights the Coca-Cola Company and I wish you many NATIONAL WOMEN’S FREEDOM deficit’’ in Afghanistan, with 36 percent of the more to come. ACT OF 2011 population living in absolute poverty and an- f other 37 percent living just above the poverty HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY PERSONAL EXPLANATION line. Only 23 percent of the country has ac- OF NEW YORK cess to clean water. This, despite the billions IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of dollars in reconstruction and development HON. ALBIO SIRES Tuesday, January 25, 2011 aid we have funneled into the country. OF NEW JERSEY Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, today I am So where is our money going? We know IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES proud to reintroduce the International Wom- that President Karzai and his cronies are living Tuesday, January 25, 2011 large, while the rest of the country falters. It is en’s Freedom Act with my colleagues, Rep- time to bring our troops home. Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, on January 24, resentatives CHAKA FATTAH, JIM MORAN, JERRY MCNERNEY, LYNN WOOLSEY, and TIM RYAN. f 2011, I missed rollcall vote Nos. 17 and 18. Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ This bill is a comprehensive piece of legisla- HONORING ZACH ILDZA on rollcall 17 and ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 18. tion which will increase awareness of human f rights violations against women, as well as HON. SAM GRAVES provide a set of mechanisms for the U.S. to STATEMENT OF CONCERN RE- address the violations of women’s human OF MISSOURI GARDING THE TAKEOVER OF rights abroad. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEBANON’S INSTITUTIONS BY The bill is modeled after the International Tuesday, January 25, 2011 THE TERRORIST GROUP Religious Freedom Act of 1998, IRFA. IRFA Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I HEZBOLLAH created the U.S. Commission on Religious proudly pause to recognize Zach Ildza. Zach Freedom which has been successful in identi- is a very special young man who has exempli- HON. SUE WILKINS MYRICK fying violations of religious freedom abroad fied the finest qualities of citizenship and lead- OF NORTH CAROLINA and recommending actions to Congress, the ership by taking an active part in the Boy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Secretary of State, and the President. It has been clear for many years that ex- Scouts of America, Troop 214, and earning Tuesday, January 25, 2011 the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. panding opportunities for women not only im- Zach has been very active with his troop, Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, more than a proves their position in society, but also has a participating in many Scout activities. Over the week ago, a coalition led by the terrorist orga- positive impact on economic growth and bur- many years Zach has been involved with nization Hezbollah caused the crumbling of geoning democracies. As Secretary of State, Scouting, he has not only earned numerous the Lebanese Government. Hezbollah is now Hillary Clinton has stated publicly regarding merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- seeking to form a new cabinet where the orga- American foreign policy, ‘‘there has to be spe- ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Zach nization and its allies would control many cru- cial attention paid to the needs of women and has contributed to his community through his cial Lebanese ministries—including defense, girls. It’s in America’s national security inter- Eagle Scout project. interior, foreign affairs, and the finances of the ests to do so.’’ And yet around the world, Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in country. many countries relegate women to second- commending Zach Ildza for his accomplish- This is an unprecedented power grab by a class status, denying them the right to vote, ments with the Boy Scouts of America and for terrorist organization, which has a global reach restricting their travel, and limiting their access his efforts put forth in achieving the highest in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin Amer- to education and health care. distinction of Eagle Scout. ica, and even on our southern border and per- The International Women’s Freedom Act would ensure we have the tools to empower f haps inside the United States itself. Hezbollah is the proxy army of Iran, and Iran has made women on a global level. Modeled after the MR. SCOTT MAHER it into the most well-trained and well-funded successful International Religious Freedom terrorist group in the world. The situation in Act, the bill would establish a Commission on HON. PHIL GINGREY Lebanon, and the growing global power of International Women’s Rights and would ex- pand the duties of the existing Office of Inter- OF GEORGIA Hezbollah, should be a great cause of concern national Women’s issues in the State Depart- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Americans. The people of Lebanon, particularly the Leb- ment and rename it, the Office on International Tuesday, January 25, 2011 anese youth, have been demonstrating in the Women’s Rights. Both the Commission and Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, on streets of Beirut, Tripoli and other areas, send- the Office on International Women’s Rights behalf of the National Franchisee Association, ing America a clear message about their re- would be granted the responsibilities of issuing NFA, which serves the Burger King community jection of Hezbollah. For some time now, Leb- a report on the status of women’s rights in its advocacy, training, and service-related anon has been under the threat of Hezbollah’s abroad and advising the President and Sec- functions and which is located in Georgia’s powerful militia, which has thousands of rock- retary of State regarding matters affecting 11th Congressional District, I am honored to ets and missiles, and whose members—ac- these issues. recognize Mr. Scott Maher, a 25-year em- cording to media reports—are likely to be in- We need to work harder to ensure women’s ployee of the Coca-Cola Company. dicted in the 2005 terror assassination of full participation in society. This legislation This year, Mr. Maher celebrates a landmark former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri. would move us closer to achieving this foreign anniversary as an employee of the Coca-Cola Hezbollah is using this militia to threaten and policy imperative. Company. In his 25 years, he has dedicated bully Lebanon so that it can create a new gov- f himself to providing excellent service, honoring ernment that would become a puppet of the HONORING MAHLON KRUSE his commitments as a businessman and serv- Iranian regime, much like the Syrian regime. ing as a friendly face to the Coca-Cola name. We must not let Iran gain further influence in In relation to the NFA, Mr. Maher actively ad- the Middle East. HON. SAM GRAVES OF MISSOURI vocates on behalf of small business owners I ask Congress and the President to declare IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES around the country by supporting—both finan- its solidarity with the Lebanese people and to cially and personally—NFA’s Government Re- reject any recognition of a Hezbollah govern- Tuesday, January 25, 2011 lations Summit every year. Every September, ment. I also call on the President to ask the Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I you can count on Mr. Maher to schedule a United Nations to implement UNSCR 1559, proudly pause to recognize Mahlon Kruse. meeting with my office through NFA to discuss which calls for disarming of militias in Leb- Mahlon is a very special young man who has the effects of anti-business legislation on NFA anon, which are a threat to all of its peace-lov- exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship members and, consequently, the Coca-Cola ing people. I also ask my colleagues in Con- and leadership by taking an active part in the Company. gress to issue strong statements of support for Civil Air Patrol and earning the most pres- The NFA is eternally grateful for Mr. the Cedars Revolution and to the people of tigious General Billy Mitchell Award. Maher’s support of the franchising industry Lebanon as they face the takeover of their Mahlon has been very active with his patrol, and of Burger King franchisees in particular. country by terrorist organization Hezbollah. participating in many activities. Over the many VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:33 Jan 26, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JA8.008 E25JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS January 25, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E109 years Mahlon has been involved with the pa- College has continually provided a world-class RECOGNIZING THE 110TH ANNIVER- trol, he has not only earned numerous decora- liberal arts education for students of 47 States SARY OF GEORGE HENRY WHITE tions, but also the respect of his family, peers, and is consistently recognized as a top univer- DAY and community. Most notably, Mahlon has sity in the United States. earned the rank of Second Lieutenant in the On January 25, 1911, Governor John Platte Valley Squadron and further distin- Shafroth signed a bill creating an agricultural HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD guished his record at Hawk Mountain Ranger high school open to all students and offering OF NORTH CAROLINA School and at the National Glider Flight Acad- a free education to Native Americans. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emy.