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House Section E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 No. 82 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was impacted by horrific events. They pre- I wholeheartedly agree with my called to order by the Speaker pro tem- vent the tragedy from fading from our friend, the chief of police in Chambers- pore (Mr. CORREA). memories by educating the generations burg, and Congress must do our part to f to come, and they highlight the mod- support these heroes. Instead of talk- ern-day implications of such events. ing about defunding the police, we DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO My resolution would provide a day should be working to better train and TEMPORE for slavery remembrance, and the lan- equip law enforcement officers to do The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- guage of the resolution would com- the job that we have entrusted them to fore the House the following commu- memorate the lives of all enslaved peo- do. nication from the Speaker: ple, while condemning the act and the As we move forward, the American WASHINGTON, DC, perpetration as well as perpetuation of people know that Republicans are lead- May 12, 2021. slavery in the United States of Amer- ing commonsense, bipartisan solutions. I hereby appoint the Honorable LUIS J. ica and across the world. For over a year, Senator TIM SCOTT CORREA to act as Speaker pro tempore on The resolution would discuss the and Congressman PETE STAUBER have this day. Middle Passage, the Underground Rail- led our efforts to improve trans- NANCY PELOSI, road, and the lives of Nat Turner, Har- parency, accountability, and training. Speaker of the House of Representatives. riet Tubman, and John Brown. It would Rather than defund or dismantle the f also make the 18 persons who were police, the Justice Act will enact bi- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE elected to Congress from the Recon- partisan reforms to better equip these struction era as honorary cosponsors of brave Americans who serve our com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the resolution in a posthumous way. munities. I was proud to cosponsor that ant to the order of the House of Janu- I am proud to do this, and I ask that legislation, and I encourage my col- ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- all Members please consider becoming leagues on all sides of the political nize Members from lists submitted by original cosponsors of the resolution. spectrum to join us in this common- the majority and minority leaders for f sense approach. morning-hour debate. Democrats say that they want to The Chair will alternate recognition NATIONAL POLICE WEEK work together on police reform. Now is between the parties, with time equally The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the chance. Getting this right today is allocated between the parties and each Chair recognizes the gentleman from critical for the future of policing in our Member other than the majority and Pennsylvania (Mr. JOYCE) for 5 min- Nation. We cannot allow the radical minority leaders and the minority utes. left to erode trust in the justice system whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. and degrade the good name of the pub- event shall debate continue beyond Speaker, equal justice under the law is lic servants for the sake of their own 11:50 a.m. a cornerstone of our American democ- woke agenda. Right now, our law en- f racy. At home in Pennsylvania and forcement community is facing unprec- around our country, our communities edented attacks. Every day, the left SLAVERY REMEMBRANCE DAY are blessed with dedicated law enforce- threatens to abandon these heroes who The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ment officers who work daily to pro- protect us. Chair recognizes the gentleman from tect and to serve. During National Po- Chief Camacho leads an exemplary Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. lice Week, the American people honor police force in Franklin County, Penn- Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, and thank the law enforcement officers sylvania. He and the vast majority of the British statesman, Sir Winston who keep us safe each and every day. the law enforcement community go Churchill, is credited with having stat- While no organization is perfect, our above and beyond to protect our com- ed that those who fail to learn from local police work hard to uphold the munities. history are doomed to repeat it. This is law and maintain peace in our commu- As a nation, we must never turn our the reason why, in part, I will be intro- nities. As Chambersburg Police Chief backs on the police. We must never ducing legislation for a slavery remem- Ron Camacho told me just this week, defund the police. During National Po- brance day. Currently, no such day ex- good police forces are centered on pro- lice Week and throughout this year, it ists in the United States. tecting and learning how to protect is my privilege to stand with the thin National days of remembrance pro- better. He said that good police forces blue line, and I will always back the vide an effective means to honor those are constantly evolving and improving. blue. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2199 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 May 13, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12MY7.000 H12MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H2200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 12, 2021 OUR DEDICATED STAFF diciary Committee recently adopted a bor and American against American on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The measure on a party-line vote to estab- the basis of their race. They say this is Chair recognizes the gentleman from lish a commission with the avowed pur- healing. It is precisely the opposite. Washington (Mr. KILMER) for 5 min- pose of enshrining racism into law They know it. Indeed, they count on it. I think all Americans of goodwill and utes. under the guise of slavery reparations. of every race and creed have had Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, staff are The biased composition of this com- enough of this. We are tired of seeing the backbone of this institution. In mission—there is not a single Repub- our children taught to hate themselves fact, the Select Committee on the Mod- lican appointment—lays its intent bare and to hate each other. We are tired of ernization of Congress, over the course for all to see. It is designed to reach seeing our country demonized as racist of the last few weeks, has had hearings into the dead past, revive its most ma- by those whose first and solitary focus specifically related to how this institu- levolent conflicts, and reintroduce is on race. We are tired of the lie that tion can recruit, retain, and have more them into our age. our Nation is systemically racist when diverse staffs. I cannot imagine a more divisive, po- it has done more to produce a civil and The staffs who work in Congress are larizing, or unjust measure than one that would use government force to re- tolerant multiracial society than any dedicated public servants who are here people in the history of civilization. because they want to do meaningful quire people who never owned slaves to pay reparations to people who never It is long past time that every Amer- work for our country. Today, I want to ican of every heritage denounces this rise to say thank you to some very tal- were slaves—based not on anything they did, but solely because of what evil for what it is and to extirpate from ented and very special staffers who our civil discourse those race-baiters of were instrumental to the success of the race they were born. History offers us an inexhaustible every persuasion who have polluted our Select Committee on the Moderniza- supply of grievances and injustices national dialogue and corrupted our tion of Congress in the 116th Congress: that are powerful enough to stoke national heritage. Allie Neill, Jake Olson, Danielle Stew- hatreds and resentments that can tear f art, Mariah Harding, and SoRelle any society apart. That is what this Gaynor. PROTECT THE RAIZAL PEOPLE OF movement is all about. It is evil in its As chair of the Select Committee on THE SAN ANDRES ARCHIPELAGO effect, if not in its intent. the Modernization of Congress, I was Lincoln often pointed out that our The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fortunate to have Ms. Neill and Mr. country was born into a world where Chair recognizes the gentleman from Olson at the helm leading our staff and slavery was an established institution. Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 guiding our members through an in- The American Founders reviled it, and minutes. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I have credibly productive 2 years. Their dedi- they placed principles in our founding very strong views about the national cation to our bipartisan mission along documents that they were confident protest taking place across Colombia with their institutional expertise was would ultimately place that wicked in- over the past 2 weeks and the abso- critical to the committee’s success. To stitution upon the course of ultimate lutely brutal response against the dem- their credit, when they came in to do extinction and would lead to a republic onstrators by the Colombian public se- the work of our committee, they where men and women of every race weren’t wearing red jerseys or blue jer- curity forces.
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