Happy Endings.Pdf
l5 . i;orctrryA.lirsor, HappyEndings.17 "Ilc'll be fine." she'd replied, not Lrndcrstanding,speaking inste lovin$ you and hating you for your lifb, for not asking about what the other lbar. "Don't wc have a traditiorl of bastardsl" you have no reason to imagine, soft-chinned innocence I love. L{c was finc, :r classicallyugly healthy litde boy with that shock white hair that marked so manv of us. But afterward. it was that bad with my Jesseputs heg hands be y neck, smiles and says, "You tell the funni- sistcr down with pleurisl, then cystitis,and no work, no having t<l est stories." mrlvc back horne with mv cold-eyeclstepfbthcr. I would c home to see l-rcr.tionr itlrc wornan I could not admit I'd been with. take my infi- pulsing. "Yeah,"-{.rdllhei'.tBut I lie." (re88) my slster, no one ,/ bcreamingred-faced, "Shut upl Shut,upl" With each word her tist med the mattress fan- ning thc brby's eirr. MARGARETATWOOD "Don t!" I grelbed her, pulling her back, ng it as gendy as I could so I woultln't brcirk the stitchcs fiorn her qd ion. She had her ottrer MargaretAtwood, born in 1939and raisedin Ontario and Quebec,has pub- .rrnr clanrpcd acr,rsrher abdomen rnd c 't fight mc at all. She just lishedmore than thirty acclaimednovels and collectionsof poems,essays, and kept shricling. stories.Anrmportant critic, she hashelped dellne contemporaryCanadian lit- " fhrt little bastard.just screams screams.That little bastard. in North I'll kilf hirr." . t erature and has a distinguishedreputation among feministwriters Then rhc words seeped in and she lookcd at me while hcr son kept America and abroad.Her novelsinclude Surfoclng (1972);The Hondmoid'sTole cry,in* ano kicking his feet.
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