[email protected]> COLLEGE-LEVEL ONLINE COURSE (3 credits) “Restoration of the Southern Iraqi Marshes” -- a challenging, contemporary and informative course on a world-class “hot topic” -- brings the front lines and the environmental realities of Iraq to your desktop -- puts you in touch with concerned scientists, engineers, students and journalists -- lets you examine, compare and critique actual documents and restoration plans -- helps you understand and appreciate the value of the world’s large wetlands What Students Say: “I really enjoyed this class. It was my favorite that I have taken at ISU.” “I have really enjoyed this class. The subject matter and the format have been very informative, engaging and even inspiring.” “...thank you for the information I gained from this course. I've considered wetland restoration courses before, and work in that area as well, but have not yet made that move. I learned enough in your class to answer most of my questions in that regard and I'll certainly be more actively involved in this in the future.” Syllabus available from instructor: Mr. Stuart M. Leiderman <
[email protected]> 1 Stuart M. Leiderman, Environmental Response “Environmental Refugees and Ecological Restoration” P.O. Box 382, Durham, New Hampshire 03824 USA 603.776.0055
[email protected] Sample Syllabus for 3-Credit, College-Level Online Course: “RESTORING THE MARSHLANDS OF SOUTHERN IRAQ” PART I: THE PAST: 3000 B.C. - 2002 Preconceptions; Speeches in Parliament; Human and Environmental Dimensions;