A Guide to Lawful Islamism in the United States Sam Westrop –
[email protected] August 20, 2020 Over the past two decades, commentary and investigations by media, academia and political organizations on the subject of Islamism in the United States have focused disproportionately on jihadist networks. This focus has mostly left lawful Islamist movements free to flourish quietly, despite posing a grave, long term threat of their own. A full understanding of the make-up and intricacies of Islamism in the United States has remained curiously absent from public and political discussions, despite its extreme relevance. Estimates of population numbers and demographics vary wildly. The most recent and extensive survey, carried out in 2017 by the Pew Research Center, estimated that 3.45 million Muslims live in the United States, equaling about 1 percent of the U.S. population.1 Other surveys have estimated that 55 percent of U.S. Muslims identify themselves as Sunnis, 16 percent as Shia, with rest claiming no specific affiliation (describing themselves as “just a Muslim”). 58 percent of Muslims in the U.S. are first generation immigrants. Of the native- born, 18 percent are second generation. Muslim Americans have come from at least 77 different countries. 14 percent of Muslim immigrants to the United States come from the Arab world (Middle East and North Africa), 20 percent from South Asia, and 6 percent come from Iran.2 There is no good estimate for the number of Islamists within American Islam. Yet, in America and across the West, Muslims are often treated by policymakers as a homogenous bloc with a single collective voice.