UNITED STATES. Cerlificate of disinfection of rags. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, D. C., April 16, 1901. To the consular offlcer8 of the : Referring to the Department's circular of , 1900, in regard to certificates of disinfection of rags, you are instructed, when issuing these certificates at inland consulates, to attach the original copy to the copy of the invoice intended for the consignee and hand the duplicate to the shipper, with instructions to present it to the consul at the sea- port at which the rags are to be placed on board the vessel. This copy of the certificate is to be used by the consul at the seaport as evidence upon which to issue a bill of health and is required to be attached to the bill of health issued to the vessel. The importance of presenting the copy of the certificate to the consul at the seaport can be readily understood, in view of the fact that, in the absence of proof of the dis- infection of the rags at the inland consulate, the consul at the seaport may require them to be disinfected again and may withhold a bill of health until the regulations shall have been complied with. Consuls will also keep upon the files of the office a copy of each cer- tificate-of disinfection issued. The form to be used for certificates of disinfection is Form No. 189, entitled "Certificate of Disinfection of Merchandise." THos. W. CRIDLER, Third Asistant Secretary. Impo8ition of re8trctions upon nonimmune travelfrom Cuba. [Department Circular No. 53.] TRERsuRY DEPARTmENT, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Washingtonz, D. C., May 6, 1901. To quarantine officers and cllector of customsof the United States: Owing to the reappearance of yellow fever in Cuba, the provisions of Department Circular No. 48, dated April 29, 1901, postponing certain restrictions upon nonimmune travel from Cuba until May 15, 1901, are hereby revoked, and the restrictions upon such travel prescribed by the 'United States Quarantine Regulations are in force from and after this date. L. J. GAGE, Secretary. .77 1005 May 10,1901 100f6

[Reports to the Surgeon-General United States Marine-Hospital Service.] The Done and Lawton arrive at , hating had 8mallpox en route. SAN FRAANcIsco QUARANTINE STATION, Angel Is8and, April 25, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to report the arrival at this station on April 17, of the British steamer Doric, from Hongkong, and of the army transport Lawton, from Manila, each with a history of smallpox aboard en route. The case on the Doric was in the person of the chief officer, who developed his firstsymptoms-headache, backache, and fever-on . He continued on duty until the 31st, when the symptoms became aggravated and he was confined to bed. An erythematous eruption appeared on tne face, neck, and abdomen, which, within a few hours, showed evidence of becoming papular. Smallpox was suspected and the case promptly isolated in the hospital aft. A man, protected by having had an attack of smallpox several years before, was selected to attend the case and went into isolation with him. After that there was no communication between the officer suffering with the disease and any other persons aboard, with the exception of the ship's surgeon, who exercised the necessary precautions to prevent any infection being carried by his clothing. The room from which the case was taken is one of four in a house on the spar deck forward, which is used exclusively by the Earopean officers of the deck department. This section was given a preliminary fumigation with formaldehyd gas, after which all baggage, bedding, etc., from the chief officer's room was either destroyed or removed to the isolation hospital and the room disinfected with sulphur dioxide, washed down with bichloride of mercury solution, and painted. The steerage pasengers had been vaccinated several days before and as soon as the case of smallpox was diagnosed the ship's surgeon vac- cinated all the members of the European crew and the majority of the cabin passengers. This exhausted the supply of vaccine. The oriental crew, the surgeon informed me, are vaccinated about every six months and he considered them protected. On April 9 the case was removed from the vessel and sent to the hos- pital at Honolulu. All baggage, bedding, etc., which had been exposed to infection in the isolation hospital aboard the vessel was either sent ashore or destroyed, and the hospital thoroughly disinfected and painted. Upon arrival at this station no other case of suspicious illness had developed aboard, so after a careful inspection and vaccination of all persons aboard, the vessel was given pratique. The above report is based on statements made by the master and surgeon of the Doric who made affidavit to the effect that these statements were true. The history of the outbreak on the transport Lawton was as follows: On , when the vessel was one day out from Manila, one of the regimental officers presented himself with a severe headache and backache, and a temperature of 103.80 F. The next day an erythema- tous flush of face, neck, and abdomen appeared. Smallpox was sus- pected. and the case was confined to his stateroom and as completely isolated as was practicable. The other officers who had been occupying the same stateroom that the suspect was in went into isolation with him. Fortunately one of these officers was a physician, and so a close obser- vation was made of the symptoms as they developed. The eruption became papular on and the diagnosis was no longer in doubt. 1007 May 10, 1901 The 2 officers in the room with the case were then, after a change of clothing, sent to another stateroom, and the smallpox case continued in isolation in the room where he was first affected. All persons aboard had been vaccinated the day after leaving Manila. On , the transport having arrived at Nagasaki, the case was sent ashore, all exposed textile fabrics removed with the case disinfected or destroyed, and the room thoroughly disinfected with sulphur dioxide gas, followed by a scrubbing with a strong solution of bichloride of mercury. The Japanese quarantine authorities at Nagawaki bathed, and disinfected the body clothing of, all persons aboard the vessel and fumigated the state- rooms, troop decks, and forecastle. The transport left Nagasaki on , and on a second vaccination was made of all per- sons who did not have "a take" from the vaccination made just after leaving Manila. On the 2 officers who occupied the stateroom with the smallpox case to the time that the eruption became papular developed suspicious symptoms. They were removed immediately to the isolation hospital, all baggage, bedding, etc., in their room being either taken with them to the hospital or destroyed and the room disinfected. Within two or three davs after these 2 suspects had been isolated in the hospital, symptoms appeared, and each proved to be a well-marked case of smallpox. The isolation hospital on the Lawton is well located, being aft, just over the stern of the vessel. and not communicating directly with any living apartments. Two hospital corps men detailed to attend the cases were also isolated in the hospital, the only passageway leading to the hospital being kept guarded continually, and no one communicated with those in isolation except the transport surgeon, who changed clothing and bathed after each visit to the ward. On April 7 the 2 smallpox cas, with their attendants, were turned over to the health authorities at Honolulu and taken ashore. AU exposed baggage and bedding was sent ashore or destroyed, after which the isolation hospital was thoroughly disinfected by repeated fumiga- tion with sulphur dioxide and washing with bichloride of mercury solution. No other suspicious cases had developed aboard to April 17 when the vessel arrived at San Francisco. The above history of development and measures taken to suppress smallpox on the transport Lawton is based on statements made by the transport surgeon, to the salient points of which affidavit was made by him. - To sum up it appears, first, that case No. 1 contracted his infection in Manila, cases Nos. 2 and 3 contracted their infection from case No. 1 while confined to same stateroom with him; second, that disinfection practiced at Nagasaki was effective. since no one was affected afterwards besides the 2 men certainly exposed before this disinfection was done; third, that the isolation of cases Nos. 2 and 3 was good, and fourth, that focus of infection established in the isolation hospital by cases Nos. 2 and 3, judging by the measures adopted, must have been entirely obliterated at Honolulu. The Lawton arrived at this station late in the afternoon of April 17, and inspection revealed nothing in the least suspicious, excepting 2 cases of fever, both of which had had chills earlier in the day. These cases were among the steerage passengers and there was a history of malaria in both cases. The vessel was held in quarantine until the next morning, when the May 10.1901 100)8 2 fever cases of the evening before, were satisfactorily proved to be malarial, so that after a second careful inspection of all persons aboard pratique was given. * * * Respectfully, L. L. LUMsDEN, Asistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S., in Temporary Charge. Smawlpox on t steammship athness at Port Tmsend, Wash. PORT TOWNSEND, WASH., April 80, 1901. SgR: Regarding smallpox on board the British steamship Caithness, from Mororan via Comox, I have the honor to make the following report: The first man, a sailor,was taken sick two days before leaving Mororan. Apparently, he contracted his infection in Tsing Tau, which place they had left ten days before and where the vessel had lain two weeks. His case was a mild one and he was never very sick. Five other mild cases followed among the slors and firemen. On arrival here the first case had practically recovered. There were 5 mild caes in the papulo- pustular stage, 1 severe case in the papular stage, and another man who had been coming down with the disease for a day or two and on whom the rash had not yet appeared, making 8 cases in all. The last case has become confluent and his condition is serious. The usual procedures as to disinfection and vaccination were taken and the ship and all hands, including the Victoria pilot, are now being detained the full fifteen days. Mr. Klocker, ship agent, and Custonm Inspector Lehr, who had been exposed to the infection, were also taken to the station, bathed, their clothing disinfected, vaccinated, and detained five days until it was clear that their vaccination was successful. Mr. Bartlett, a ship agent, who had been on the ship's ladder, was given a bichloride bath, vaccinated, and his clothes disinfected. If no new cases break out the vessel and well members of the crew will be discharged next Sunday. * * * Respectfully, M. H. FOSTER, Assitant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. Smallpox among the Indians at Sta, Alaska. SITKA, ALAKA, April 9, 1901. SI: Upon my arrival here, Special Deputy Collector McNair called my attention to the prevalence of smallpox among the Indians, and to the letter of the collector of customs of February 14, 1901, reporting the fact. As it was spreading and nothing being done to stop it, I advised him to employ a physician at such time as the steamers were here to inspect both incoming and outgoing passengers. This has been done, and measures have now been taken to confine the disease to the Indians. It is of a very mild form, and it is believed will soon disappear. Until such time an inspection will be continued, and it is hoped this is all that will be necessary, and will stop it being carried to other place. It is als reported that various places in the district are infected, but as nothing definite is known, it is not thought to be dangerous Respectfully, D. H. JARVIS, First Lieutenant R. 0. S., Acting Special Agent. Hon. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. 1009 May 10,1901 Arival at Reedy Island Quarantine of vessel8 from West Indian and Mexi- can ports. REEDY ISLAND QUARANTINE, Via Port Penn, Del., April 28, 1901. SIR: Through the medical officer in command, national quarantine service on Delaware River and Bay, I have the honor to report the arrival at this station of the following vessels: April 22, 1901, British steamship Wilderoft, from Havana via Cardenas and Matauzas, with sugar; no passengers; Havana bill of health signed by Surgeon Glennan; Cardenas bill of health signed by Acting Asst. Surg. Enrique Saez; Matanzas bill of health signed by P. A. Surg. G. M. Guit6ras. April 24, A901, British steamship St. Hubert, from Vera Cruz via Car- denas, with sugar; no passengers; Vera Cruz bill of health signed by Wm. W. Canada, United States consul, and D. E. Dadley, acting assist,- ant surgeon, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service: Cardeunx bill of health signed by Enrique Saez, acting assistant surgeon, U. S. Marine Hospital Service. April 25, 1901, Britishsteamship (-eorgian Prince, from Havana, with molasses; no passeDgers; bill of health signed by Sirgeon Gleunan. April 26, 1901, British steamship Grayfield, from St. Thomas via Santiago, with ore; no passengers; Santiago bill of health signed by Assistant Surgeon Von Ezdorf. April 27, 1901, British steamship King Gruffydd, from Santiago, Mdanzanillo, and Guantanamo, with sugar; no passenigers; Santiago bill ofhealth signed by Assistant Surgeon Von Ezdorf; Maluzan- illo bill of health signed by Acting Asst. Surg. R. de Socaras; Guan- tanamo bill of health signed by Acting Asst. Surg. Luis Espin. Respectfully, T. F. RICHARDSON. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Mf. H. S., In Command. Arrival at Baltimore of vessel from West Indian and South A merican ports. BALTIMORE, MD., April 27, 1901. SIR: I have to report the arrivals for the week ended this day, as follows: April 23, British steamship Baron Innerdale, from Iquique, Chile, cargo, general. April 24, Norwegian steamship Iberia. from Banes, Cuba, with fruit. April 27, British steamship Aldborough, from Daiquiri, with ore. Respectfully, JNO. R. KING, Acting Collector. BALTIMORE, MD., MaY 4, 1901. SIR: I have to report the arrival at this port of the following-namedl vessels for the week ended this day: May 1, Norwegian steamship Helga, from Daiquiri, with ore. May 2, Norwegian steamship Sper.i, from Banes, with fruit; Norwegian steamship Agnes, from Banes, with fruit; British steamship Wearside, from Daiquiri, with ore. Miy 4, Norwegian steamship Hero, from Daiquiri, with ore. Respectfully, WM. F. STONE, Collector. Reportsfrom the Mexican border. El Paso, Tex., April 27, 1901-Inspection service.-I have the honor to report the following summary of work at this station for the week ended April 27, 1901: Inspection Mexican Central Railroad passengers, 213; inspection Rio Grande and Pacific.Railroad pasengers, 23; inspection of immigrants, 48; disinfection of clothing, blankets, etc., 321 pieces; May 10,191 Q101 disinfection of soiled linen imported for laundry, 421 pieces; disin- fection soiled Pullman linen, 2,812 pieces; vaccination of immigrants' children, 7. E. ALE2xANDER, Acting AsIiRant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. Laredo, Tex., April21, 1901-The case of mallpox in Nuevo Laredo.- Referring to my telegram of April 20, reporting 1 death from smallpox at Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, I investigated on morning of April 21 and found that the family had come from Guanajuato, Mexico, a short time before. The house was closed and disinfected, most of the bedding burnt, and all articles in house disinfected. The city health officer of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, informed me that there were 3 others of family not immunes to smallpox and that he had telegraphed to Monterey for fresh vaccine, lut could not obtain a supply at once. I gave him 3 pbints to vaccinate the 3 children known to have been exposed. I sup- pose there were proba`ly other exposures, but I delayed full report until this date to try and discover other cases, but as yet I am informed that no other cases have been found. H. J. HT,ILTON, Acting Asai8tant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. Statistical report.s ofStates and citiae ofthe United States-Yearly and monthly. GEoRGAl-Macon.-Month of April, 1901. Estimated population, 28,000-white, 15,000; colored, 13,000. Total number of deaths, 27- white, 17; colored, 10-including whooping cough, 1, and 4 from phthisis pulmonalis. -Muncie.-Month of April, 1901. Census population, 20,942. Total number of deaths, 29, including 1 from tuberculosis. IowA-Dubuque.-Month of March, 1901. Census population, 36,297. Total number of deaths, 45, including whooping cough, 1, and 4 from tuberculosis. KANsAs-Leavenworth.-Month of April, 1901. Census population, 21,556. Total number of deaths, 29, including 3 from tuberculosis. MAssAcHjusm s-Newton.-Month of April, 1901. Census popu- lation, 33,587. Total number of deaths, 36, including 5 from tuber- culosis. Worcester.-Month of March, 1901. Census population, 118,421. Total number of deaths, 189, including diphtheria, 1; enteric fever, 1; whooping cough, 2, and 25 from taberculosis. MINNESOTA-Wiona.-Mouth of April, 1901. Estimated popula- tion, 20,000. Total number of deaths, 23, including 1 from phthisis pulmonalis. NEW JER5EY-Patereon.-Month of March, 1901. Estimated popu- lation, 106,737. Total number of deaths, 169, including diphtheria, 4; enteric fever, 1; scarlet fever, 1; whooping cough, 1, and 31 from tuberculosis. NEW YORK.-Reports to the State board of health, Albany, for the month of March, 1901, from 156 cities, towns, and villages having an aggregate estimated population of 7,268,000, show a total of 11,913 deaths, including diphtheria, 277; enteric fever, 111; measles, 100; scarlet, fever, 200; whooping cough, 57; smallpox, 39, and 1,293 from phthisis pulmonalis. 1011 Miay lO,MO The Monthly Baulletin says- La grippe is estimated to have caused during the month about 1,500 deaths, the same as in February, measuring the mortality from it chiefly by that of acute respiratory diseases, which during both months caused 82 deaths daily; for it was reported as the cause of death in but few cases. On only about 300 death returns out of 5,500 was la grippe noted as in any way contributory. In March, 1900, the most severe epidemic that has yet occurred was at its height and was then estimated to have caused 3,500 deaths. Acute respiratory diseases caused 21.0 per cent of the total of the month, the same proportions as in February. Of 1,143 deaths from this cause (outside of ), 870 or 76.0 per cent were from pneu- monia. which at that rate caused 1,900 during the month. Of these not due to pneumonia, the majority were from acute and capillary bronchitis and the rest from acute pleurisy. The highest mortality relatively from pneumonia was in the Hudson and Mohawk Valley district and the maritime, and the lowest in the central and western part of the State. Zymotic diseases caused 1,116 deaths, or 9.4 per cent of the total mor- tality. This is a little above the average for this month, compared with which scarlet fever is increased by 100 deaths, measles and diar- rheal diseases by 50 deaths each, whilst on the other hand, diphtheria is below the average in mortality. Scarlet fever was mostly fatal in the maritime district, though many epidemics are reported of a mild form of the disease. Measles, however, is of much more general distribution. Of 277 deaths from diphtheria, but 52 occurred outside of the city of New York. The mortality of early life is a little below the average for this month, 25.8 per cent of the deaths occurring under the age of five years. There were 2,163 deaths above the age of 70 years, or 19 per cent of the total, against 23 per cent in February. There were 11,913 deaths from all causes, and a death rate of 19.2, a decrease from a daily rate of 394 in February to one of 384. During the first three months of the year there have been 35,529 deaths, includ- ing delayed returns, a daily rate of 395, which exceeds that of the same months in 1900 by 12 deaths daily. The average mortality for the past five years for these three months has been 32,000. Further compared with this average, this year shows 500 fewer deaths under the age of five years, the total of zymotic deaths being about the same for the two periods. Acute respiratory diseas caused nearly 1,000 more deaths than the average of the three months, and other local diseases were increased, all included, by about the same amount. Consumption, cancer, old age, and accident have each increased above the average by from 100 to 200 deaths. Part of this increase is to be credited to the prevalence of la grippe during this period, which, however, has recurred at this season with varying severity for the past twelve years, although the height of these epidemics has not always fallen upon these three months of the year. NORTH CAROLINA.-Reports to the State board of health for the month of March, 1901, from 25 towns having an aggregate estimated population of 126,890-white, 77,539; colored, 49,151 show a total of 214 deaths-white, 106; colored, 108-including enteric fever, 2; measles, 1; scarlet fever, 1; whooping cough, 3, and 29 from phthisis pulmonalis. -Oil Uity.-Monith of March, 1901. Census popula- tion, 13.364. Total number of deaths, 22, including enteric fever, 1, and 1 from tuberculosis. may 10. 1. 1012 Reportsfrom national qurantine

A Name of station. enWded Name of vessel. aritealf Port of departure. ended arl UNrmD STAT=: I Alexanldria, Va...... May 4 ...... 3 Beaufort, N. C ...... Brunswick, Ga,...... do.l 1. 4 Cape Charles, Va. Apr. 27 ...... 5 Cape Fear, N. C...... do...... 6 Columbia River, Oreg..... Apr. 20n...... p...... 20 Apr. 27 Br. so. Indravelle...... 'I Apr. 20 Yokohama......

7 Delaware Breakwater .1 Quarantine, Lewes, Del. 8 Dutch Harbor, Alaska...... -1...... 9 Eureka, CaL...... Apr. 20 ...... Apr. 27 ...... I...... 10 Grays Harbor, Wsh...... do ...... -..-...... 1 Gulf Quarantine, S h i p ...... do. Am. sc. Millie Williams Apr. 15 Progreso ...... Idand, Miss. :S Nor. sh. Charles Dickens Apr. 23 Rio de Janeiro ..... 12 Los Angeles, Cal...... ,I... Ulu--.-.- ..-.-*.-...... 1-...... 13 Newbern, N...... do...... 14 Nome, Alaska...... 15 Pascagoula, Miss...... I...... Apr. 27 16 Port Angeles, Wash...... Apr. 20 ...... i ...... 17 Port Townsend, Wash...... do. Br. so. Caithness...... pr. 19 Mororan ......

Apr. 27 ...... do(a)...... uo .....°.

18 Reedy Island Quarantine, ..... do...... I...... I...... Del. 19 San Diego, Cal...... do. U. S. S. Ranger. I. Apr. 27 La Paz...... 20 San Franciso, Cal...... I...... do.| Indrapura. |Calcutta.

21 9an Pedro, Cal...... do..... -x...... 22 *& annah, ia...... do.. Am.bk.Ella(a)...... Apr. 18 Martinique Supplemental report. Spe- Apr. 1 ...... cial inspection for small- pox. Sea Islands.

28 South Atlantic Quaran- Apr. 27 Nor. bk. Sterling (a)... Apr. 3 Cape Town. tine, Blackbeard Island, Gg.

Nor. bk. Emeralda ...... Apr. 19 ...... do

Br. Montreal ...... Apr. 27 Buenos Ayres via Barbados. 24 Washington, N. C...... do...... I...... CUBA:

25 Baracos...... 26 Batabano...... Apr. 2720 ...... :: : ...... : : ...... 27 Caibarien Apr. 20 ......

...... 28 Cardenas ...... do...... I..., I......

29 Casilda...... Apr. 19 ...... Apr. 26 ...... I .::...... 30 Cienfuegos ...... Apr. 20 ...... I...... , Apr. 27 ...... Daiquiri...... L...... Apr. 13 ...... 32 Gibara...... Apr. 20 U.S.A.transp't McClellan Apr. 17 Manzanillo...... 38 Guantanamo...... Apr. 13 34 H svana ...... Apr. 27 Am. sc. Ella G. Eells(a).. Apr. 2 Mobile...... Sp. bk. Pablo 8ansat.. May is Barcelona...... Am sc. Oscar G.... Apr. 6 Pascagoula...... Nor. bk. Immigran.t...... Mar. 29 Liverpool ...... Am. sc. Wm. E. Downes. Apr. 10 New York...... a Previously reported. 1013 may 10,1901 and 4ntpeotion utation.

Treatm ~~~Date of Vessels Destination. TeAent of voel pa- depar- Remarks. ansetd z ~~~egesadpassed.

1 ...... I...... No transactions. 2 ...... I...... reporso ...... 8 ...... t...... d ...... 4 ...... 10 5 ...... No transactions...... *...... *...... 6 ...... -4-...... --.-.. [email protected]*...... 2 ...... Portland...... Forecastle and steward's Apr. 21 Vessel not inspected at 3 quarters washed with Hongkong. bichloride solution; ori- Glandular region of ori- ental crew bathed and ental crew on Nor. as. effects disinfected. Tyr, from Yokohama, examined. 7 ...... --.---...... -...... 7

8 ...... No rep...... 9 ...... No transactions ...... do...... 11ii. Pascagoula ...... Disinfected and held...... Apr. 21 ...... 1 Ship Island...... Held...... 18 No transactions...... 14 No report...... *...... 12 15 ...... No transactions...... 16 ...... do...... 17 Port Ludlow...... Disinfected and held...... 8 of crew suffering from smallpox...... do.Held to complete period of . 8 of crew suffering from 9 observation after vacci- smallpox; 1 case en- nation and disinfection. teric fever on Br. 8a. Oopack from Manila; glandular regions of ali orientals examined. 18 ...... -.-.. ----...... 28 19 San Diego ...... Pased on statement of Apr. 27 3 medical officer. 20 San Francisco...... Held for disinfection...... 1 case malarial fever on 22 Br. bk.Vanduara from Valparaiso. 21 1...... No transactions ...... i 22 'Savannah ...... Disinfected...... Apr. 27 ...... Crew and passengers 34 vaccinated unless pre- viously vaccinated; 12 rowboats and 8 tugs inspected and passd. 28 &Sapelo...... Detained for observation ...... I1and disinfection.

...... I Brunswick. Ballast discharged; vemel ,...... disinfected and held for observation...... Saplo. Detained for discharge of ballast and disinfection. 24 ...... N...... o...... No transactions...... I...... *1....I...... I...... 9 26 ...... I...... I...... I ...... 5 27 4 vessel passed without 2 inspection. 28 ...... I...... I...... 7 vemsels pased without 4 inspection. 29 ...... ,...... 12 8 9.k 11 ...... I...... 8 81 ,. I...... I...... 2 32 Nuevitas...... Boarded and pased...... Apr. 17 ...... 11 as ...... 4 84 Mobile...... Disinfected...... Apr. 23 ...... 31 Tampa...... do ...... do...... Pascagoula...... do ...... Apr. 24 *.-.... Brunswick...... do ...... Apr. 26 I.-.... Fernandina...... do. . Apr. 25 May 10, 1901 1014 eportsfrom national qarantine III | Name of station. eWndeedk 8.Name of vessel. arrival. Port of departure CUBA-ConinuL. Havana.... Apr. 27 Prov. flag ss. Mortera ...... Apr. 10 Cuban ports. Am. se. Clara A. Dar- Apr. 61 ...... nielle. Am. bk. Matanzas...... Apr. 23 New York...... Nor. as. Tiomo ...... ADr. 27 Sagua la Grande.. 85 Isabela de Sagua...... Apr. 20 ...... - ...... 36 Apr. 13Ap.2 ...... 37 Matansas ...... Apr. 27 ...... I...... 38 Nuevitan ...... Apr. 20 1...... 39 Puerto Padre...... I...--!------.---.------.----.....--**1**-----...... I...... 40 Santa Cruz...... Apr. 18 ...... Apr.26 ...... 41 Rantiago de Ouba...... Apr. 13 ...... HAWAII: 42 Hilo...... Apr. 13 ...... 48 Honolulu...... Apr. 20 A...... 44 Kahulu...... do...... :...... 45 Kihel...... Apr. 6 ...... Apr. 13 ...... -...... --.... PHrILIPPINs: 46 Cebu...... Mar. 9 ...... Mar. 16 ...... 47 Iloilo ...... | ...... do...... Mar. 23 ...... 48 Manila ...... do ...... -.--. PORTO RICo: 49 Ponoe. Apr. 20 GEer. 8s. Polaria ...... | Apr. 17 S3t. Thomas...... Prov. flago8. Julia...... Apr. 18 Havana...... Sp. s8. Isl9a de Panay:::: d ...... do ...... 50 -jauQ-n %PT.-UMU...... I...... « nI A.. .. 1n-I ...... A -- In An ...v......

Subports- 51 Aguadilla ...... do...... 52 Arecibo...... do. 53 Arroyo...... do. 54 Fadardo ...... do....l 55 ...... do Humayaou ...... 56 Maysgues...... do Ss. Catania...... Apr. 15 Colon. Prov. flag sa. Julia...... Apr. 18 Havana . 1015 May 10,1901

and inwpectin 8tation-Continued.

of Destination..- ______- Treatment of verwlspas ~~~Datedepar Remarks. inspectedVesmsel sengers, and cargo -1III~~~~~~~~~~tue and

..... Cuban ports...... Dlsinfected 2 cabin pas- Apr. 25 Occupied by leprosy sengers' quarters. pastengers...... Charlotte Har- Disinfected...... Apr. 26 ,...... I...... bor...... New Orleans...... do...... do...... Mobile...... do. . I...... -...--...... 35 ,...... 13 36 ,.-.-*!--*----...... *-- -- .*-...... 11 37 ...... 1 vessel paed without 10 inspection. 38 ...... 9 39 ...... *.*v*...... 5 40 ...... -... 7 ...... 13

42 ...... No tra nsactins......

45 ...... No transactions ......

46 ...... 19

...... 13 47 ...... 7

...... 10...... ' 48...... No report ...... 49 Havre ...... Held in quarantine . Apr. 17 Took cargo in quaran- 3 tine...... San Juan ...... do .Apr. 18...... Barcelona ...... do .Apr. 11 Took passengers and . cargo in quarantine. 50 La Palma ...... do .Apr. 19 Allowed totransactbusi- 6 ness in quarantine un- der guard.

51 . . .,...... No transactions...... 52 ...... do...... 53 ...... -...... -...... I ...... 1 54 ...... 55 ...... 56 Mayaguez.... Held in quarantine...... Apr. 15 Transacted business in 3 quarantine...... San Juan...... do. Apr. 18 To detain...... nonimmunes...... 4...... -may 10,J 1 1016 Reports from Sat and

I Week Name of tation. ended. Name of vssel. arrivalf|Port ofdeparture. I Anclote, Fla...... Msa 4 ...... 2 Baltimore, Md...... To ...... Bangor, Me ...... do...... I 4 Boston, Mass...... do...... I. I. . .*.-**.-.l- ...... O Carrabelle,Fl a...... do...... 6 Cedar Keys, Fla ...... do.....d...... 7 Charlediston.¢ ...... Apr. 27 ...... 8 Charlotte Harbor, ...... do...... 9 tlIzabeth River, Va...... May 4...... Galveston,10 Tex ...... Apr. 27 ...... Gardiner,Oreg11 ...... Apr. 20 ...... KeyWest,Fla12 .. .Apr. 27 ...... Marcus18 Hook, Pa ...... Ma 4 ...... 14 Mayport,Fla...... o...... 16 MobIle Bay,Ala...... Apr. 27 Nor. ss. Hydra...... Apr. 22 Progreso. Rus. sC. Martinson...... do. Ceara.. Nor. s. Europa ...... Apr. 24 Havana . Rus.bk.Louis...... Apr. 25 Cape Town via Ship Island. Nor. s. Normandie...... Apr. 26 Vera C ru z via Progreso. New16Bedford. Mass. 1 Ma 4...... 17 New Orleans, La ...... Id ...... Neport18 News,Va...... do...... Neport,19 BI...... do...... 20 N . Y...... do...... Pass21 Cavallo, Tex...... do...... 22 Penmanla, Fla ...... do...... 28PortRoyal,S...... Providence,24 R. I ...... do...... 25 Quintana, Tex...... d...... o...... 26 abine Pass Texs...... Apr. 27 Br. s. Benefit...... Apr. 26 Coatzacoaloo . Am. sw. Aa T. Stowell...... Apr. 27 . do . 27 TampaBay,Fla.... May .4 ...... 1017 May 10,1901 municipal quarantine stations.

Treatment of pas- 9 eiMo. vessell depof Remarkis. inspceand a etintio). mongers, and cargo. turo.

1 ...... No repor ...... 2 ...... do...... 8 ...... do ...... d 4 ...... do...... do...... 5 ...... do...... d...... 6 ..... _...... o...... do _ ...... 7 ...... 3 8 ...... No report o...... 9 ...... do...... 10 ...... do it ...... :Ao...... 12 ...... 1 ...... - is ...... No report 14 ...... do...... d...... 12 15 Mobile ...... Disinfected...... Apr. 22 ...... d ...... Disinfected and held fivre Apr. 27 ...... days...... d ...... Living apartments disin- Apr. 24 0 ~~~~~fected...... doo...... Redisinfected and toheld ...... Dis8i nfe cte d at Ship ...... complete fifteen days. Island...... do ...... Disinfected and held five ...... days. 16 ...... No report...... 17 ...... do...... is ...... ;...... -do ...... 19 ...... do ...... 20 ...... - o...... 21 ...... ::..d ...... 22 ...... : ::.....d ...... 28 ...... ...... ?A ...... d ...... d...... 256...... do ......

...... 6 2B Sabine ...... Fumigated ...... do ...... do...... do ...... i.d.27 ...... eot...... may 10.1901 1018

Report of immigration at Baltimorefor the week ended April 97, 1901. OFFICE OF U. 8. COMMISSIONER OF I IGRATION, Port of Baltimore, April 27, 1901. Number of alien immigrants whso arrived at this port during the week ended April 17, 1901; also names of vesselw andports from which they came.

No. of Date. Vessel. Where from. immi- grants.

Apr. 22 Steamship Brookline ...... Port Antonio, Jamaica . . 5 SteamshipApr.24 Donald ...... Kingston, Jamaica ...... 1 Total ...... 8 ;

PERCY C. HENNIGHAUSEN, Commissioner. Report of immigration at Baltimorefor the week ended May 4, 1901. OFFICE OF U. S. COMMISSIONER OF IIGRATION, Port of Baltimore, May 4, 1901. Number of alien immigrants who amwed at this port during the week ended hfay 4, 1901; also names ofvessels andport from which they came. No. of Date. Vessel. Where from. immi- grants.

May 1 Steamship Dresden ...... Bremen . .883 May 2 Steamship Spero...... Banes, Cuba..

Total ...... 884 PERCY C. H1ENNIGHAIUSEN, Commisoner. Report ofimmigration at Bostonfor the week ended April 28, 1901. OFFICE OF U. S. COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION, Port of Boston, April 28, 1901. Number of alien immigrants who arrived at this port during the week ended April 18, 1901; also names of vessels and portsfrom which they came.

No. of Date. Vessel. Where from. immi- grants.

Apr. 21 SteamshIp Prince George...... Yarmouth, Nova Scotia ...105 Do Steamship Boston ...... do .106 Do.... Steamship Admiral Dewey...... Port Morant Jamaica.., 5 Apr. 23 Steamship Bostonian...... , .. . 2 Apr. 24 Steamship Arkadia ...... Cape Haiti, Haiti .. . 7 Apr. 25 Steamship Prince George Yarmouth, Nova Scotia l1... Do... Steamship Boston...... do...... 89 Apr. 26 StmshIp Pro Patria.Halifax, Nova Scotia ... 76 Do.... Steamship Norwegian...... Glasgow, ...123 Apr. 27 Steamship Yarmouth ...... Yarmouth, Nova Sctia .. . 4

...... 62 Total ToalI ...... 628 GEORGE B. BILLiNGS, Commissioner. 1019 May 10,19(1 Report of immigration at New Yorkfor the week ended April27, 1901. OFFICE OF U. S. COMMI ONER OF IM IGRATION, Port of New York, April 80, 1901. Number of alien immigrants who arrived at this port during the week ended April 27, 1901; alo names of vessel and portsfrom which they cane.

No. of Date. Veoel. Where from. immi- grants.

Apr. 21 Steamship St. Louis ...... Southampton.417 Apr. 22 Steamship Umbria...... |.Liverpool and Queenstown.401 SteamshipDoL'Aquitaine . Havre ...... 587 Do. Steamship Albano.Hamburg.357 Do.Steamship Lahn . Bremen .610 Do.Steamship Statendam ... Rotterdam. 571 Apr. 28 Steamship Cymric...... Liverpool and Queenstown.772 SteamshipDoScotia . Naples ...... 528 DoSteamship La Gascogne . Havre ...... 5...... 1,065 SteamshipDo Aller . Genoa and Naples ...... 967 Do.Steamship Zeeland...... Antwerp.5..... 54 Apr. 24 Steamship Anchoria ...... Glasgow. .182 Do. Steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Bremen.594 Grosse. 9 Apr. 25 Steamship Armenia...... Naples.811 Do. Steamship Teu tonic .Liverpool and Queenstown ...... 977 Do Steamship Britannia...... Marseilles and Naples...... 865 Do_ Steamship Liguria.Genoa and Naples...... 1,327 Apr. 27 Steamship Laurentian ...... Glasgow .. 45 Do...Steamship Lucania .Liverpool and Queenstown...... 760 SteamshipDo. Graf Waldersee . Hambtrg...... 902 Do...'Steamship Konigin Luise . Bremen...... 1,779 Do.Steamship Columbia.Hamburg ...... 314

Total ...... 15,335 THOMAS FITiHIE, Commissioner.

Report of immigrants inspected at the port of Baltimore, Md., during the month of April, 1901. Total number of immigrants inspected, 2,975; number passed, 2,975. H. R. CARTER, Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. Report of immigrants inspected at the port of Boston, Mass., during the month of April, 1901. Total number of immigrants inspected, 3,319; number passed, 3,310; number certified for deportation on account of dangerous contagious or loathsome diseases, or for other physical causes, 9. FAIRFAX IRWIN, Surgeon, U. S. l. H. S. Repart of immigrants inspected at the port of Eagle Pass, Tex., during the month of April, 1901. Total number of immigrants inspected, 70; number passed, 63; num- ber certified for deportation on account of dangerous contagious or loath- some diseases, or for other physical causes, 7. LEO HUME, Sanitary Inspector, U. S. Ml. H. S. Maylo,901 1020

Report of immigrants inWected at the port of Galveton, Tex., durin the monh of April, 1901. Total number of immigrants inspected, 66; number passed, 66. WuIAu KEILLER, Temporary Acting sistant Sutrgeon, U. S. M. H. S. Beport of immigrant8 inspected at the port of Port Townsend, Wash., during the month of April, 1901. Total number of immigrants inspected, 50; number passed, 50. C. H. GARDNER&, Passed Asisant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. Report of immigrants inspected at the port of Seattle, Wash., during the month of April, 1901. Total number of immigrants inspected, 10; number passed, 10. D. . ROBINSON, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. i. H. S. 1021 May 10,1,

Snallpox in United Sates as reported to the Surgeon-General United Stat Marine-Hopital Sevice, December 28, 1900, to May 10, 1901.

For reports received from June 80,1900, to December 28, 1900, see PuBLic HALTH REPORTs for December 28, 1900.

Place. Date. Cases. Death. Remarks.

Alabama: Lee County (Phaenix)...... Dec. 26...... 16 ...... Mobile...... Feb. 12-Mar. 9... 4 3 Rusell County (Girard)-...... d o. 25 ...... Total for State ...... 45 3 Total for State, same period, 172 1 1900. Alaska: Sitlca...... Apr.6...... 2...... Prevailing among the California: Indians. Los Angeles...... Feb. 3-Apr. 27... Oakland ...... Dec. 3-Mar. 23... 8 Sacramento...... Feb. 26-Mar. 2... 1 San Francisco...... Feb. 3-Apr. 27... 38 Stockton ...... Mar. I-Mar. 31... 1

Total for State ...... I. 71 Total for State, sameperiod, 3 ...... 1900. Colorado: ...... Arapahoe County...... Nov. 13-Mar. 30... 259 Archuleta County...... do. -2 DO I MUry ...... 17 ...... *.-.v.-...... Boulder County...... do 47 Chaffee County...... do 35 *.....-...... Cheyenne County ...... do 2 ...... Clear Creek County...... do 47 ...... Custer County...... do 4 Delta County...... do 88 Douglas County...... do 10 *....-.-...... Eagle ...... County...... Feb. I-Mar. 4 ...... Elbert County ...... Nov. 13-Mar. 30... 19 El Pao County ...... do 161 ..*...-...---... Fremont County...... do 122 ...... do ...... Garfield County...... 147 ...... Gilpin County...... do 8 Grand County...... do 6 ...... Gunnison County...... do 2 Huerfano County...... do 51 Jefferson County...... do 66 Lake County ...... do 25 La Plata County...... do 15 Larimer County ...... 16 .-...... *-...... do Las Animas County...... do ...... 41 ..-. -.-..... Mesa County...... Feb. 1-mar. 80... 28 *..*...... Montrose do County 7 ...... Mor n County...... do 2 Otero County...... Nov. 18-Mar. 80... 52 Ouray County,...... do 24 ...... *-.-...... *.. Pak County...... Feb. 28-Mar. 0... 22 *.@.. Pitkin County...... Nov. 13-Mar. 80... 9 Prowers ounty...... Feb. 1-Mar. 80... 28 Pueblo onty...... Nov. 13-Mar. 80... 119 *...... -...... - NW wranule sv...... -----. *----...... 8 gua COounty . do ...... 10 ....Juan.C ...... Feb. 28-Mar. 80... 1 ...... Ban Miguel County .... Nov. 13-Mar. 80... 4 ...... Teller ...... do. 228 Weld County...... do. .. - 48 *.@...... TotWl for Sta ...... 1,768 .....@@@.....

Totalfor.suate, ame period, 104

BridgeporL ...... Jan. 1-Mar. U ...... Dde are: 4. Newastle...... Apr. I-Apr. 15 ... 4 Seaford...... Mm. 25...... 53 *..-......

Total ftor State...... I...... 57 I@@.... Total forState, smeperiod, ...... 1900. 78 may 10,190 1022 Bmalpox in the United States-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Death Remarks.

Distict ofColumbia: W ashon ...... Dec. 16-Apr. 13L. 51 ...... Total for District, same pe- 20 riod, 1900. Florida: Columbia County_...... Jan. 1-Feb. 10.. 9 ...... Duval County_...... Jan. 1-Apr. 6.. 39 ...... Escambia County_...... Jan. 1-Feb. 10.. 1 ...... Jackonville ...... Dec. 16-Apr. 27.. 77 i. Lake County...... Jan. 1-Feb. 10.. 5 ...... Marion County._...... do 1 ...... West Tampa City...... Dec. 30-Jan. 5.. .2 I......

Total for State...... I. l... 134 1

Total for State same period, . 25 ...... 1900. 2:1 Georgia: I. Columbus ...... Dec. 26...... 10 ...... 1... Macon ..... Feb. I-Apr. 30 15 ...... Twigsts County...... Feb. 3...... *B 1 ...... Wilkiuson County...... do . .B. 1 ......

Total for State ...... 27 ......

Total for State, same period, ... 198 II 1900. Idaho: Dempsey ...... Nov. 23...... 10 ...... : Anna...... Dec. -Mar. 18... 50 Beachwood (Mounds)...... Feb. 2-Feb. 23... 10 ......

Cairo...... Dec. 22-Apr. 20... 83 ...... i ...... Dec. 23-Apr. 27... 190 Freeport...... Apr. 21-May 4... 3 I...... Quincy...... Dec. 1-Feb. 28... 15 I...... Springfield ...... Jan. 1-Jan. 31... 5 ...... Total for State ...... 856 3 Total for State, same period...... 144 4 1900. Indiana: Allen County...... Mar. 1 Mar. 31...... 1. Davies County...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31... l 10 1 Dearborn County...... !.Mar. 1-Mar. 31 4...... Dekalb County ...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31.. 23 .. Delaware County (Muncie) ... Mar. 1-Apr. 30... 27 . Dubois County...... Feb. I-Mar. 31... 2...... ElkhartCounty...... do.. 2...... Fulton County ...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 12 ...... Howard County ...... do. 8 ...... Lake County...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31... 14 ...... Laporte County...... A Ar. 23-Apr. 29... II...... Lawrence County...... -Mar. 31Ia... 101 ...... MIarionCounty() Feb. 1-Mar. 3... 30 1 Monroe County...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31... 5...... Newton County .do...... |.do Noble County ...... Mar. I-Mar. 31... 2 I...... Ohio County ...... Feb. I-Mar. 31.. Perry County...... do . 4ff...... Pike County ...... do . 8...... Poey County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 1... 6...... Randolph County...... Feb. 1-Mar. 81... I...... St. Joseph County...... do. l...... Steuben County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 1...... County...... do. 220 '...... Tipton County ...... do. 6 ...... Vanderburg County (Evans Feb. 24-May 4... 9.!9...... ville). Vermilion County...... Mar. -Mar. 31... 16 ~ 1 Vigo County ...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31.. Wabash County...... do. 4...... 4 ...... Wayne County...... do. 1I...... 1.

Total for State ...... 568 4 Total for State, same period, ...... 148 ...... 1900. 1023 may 10, 1901 Smalpox in the United Statie-Continued.

Plae. Date. _Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Indian Territory: Ardmore ...... Feb. 7...... 14 Chickash ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 17... Ryon ...... Feb. 19...... -.. Several cass. -. Total for Territory...... 214 Total for Territory, same 71 period, 1900. B. | Iowra: Clinton ...... Mar. 24-Apr. 18... 2 Davenport...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 17 Des Moines...... Dec. 1-Dec. 31... a Ottumwa...... Jan. 6-Apr. 27... 9 I...... -.--..--. Total for State...... 31 Total for State, same period, 19 ...... -.--.-. 1900. Kansa: Barber County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31.. 1 Barton County...... do 10 Bourbon County...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31... 55 Butler County ...... do 2 Chase County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 3 ...... -- -. Chautauqua County...... do 21 Cherokee County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 674 Clay County ...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31... 6 Crawford County...... Dec; 1-Mar. 31... 824 ...... -* Coffey County...... Feb. I-Mar. 31... 94 Cowley County...... do 5 Dickinson County...... do 16 Douglas County...... Dec. 1-Mar. 3... 38 ...... Edward. County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31...... I1 ...... - Ellis County...... do ..... *...... Franklin County.... Dec. 1-Mar. 31... 4 Graham County. Feb. 1-Mar. 3... 28 ...... Greenwood County. Jan. 1-Mar. 3... 29 ...... Hamilton County. Feb. 1-Mar. 3... 30 ...... Jewell County. Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 50 ...... -...... i..-- Johnson County...... do 3 Kingman County. .do 5 ...... Kiowa County...... do 4 ...... Labette County. Dec. 1-Mar. 3... 186 Leavenworth County Jan. 27-Apr. 30... 36 ...... @ (Leavenworth.) ...... Linn County. Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 3 Lincoln County...... do. 9 LYOn County...... -do 56 ....*.*..*...-. Marshall ... do 2 County Dec. 1-Mar. 3... 24 ...... Marion County...... Mia i County...... do 16 Montgomery County ...... do...... do. 66 *..@...... Morton County... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 9 1-*@*.* Nemaha County...... do 1 News County Feb. 1-Mar. 3... 6 ...... Neosho County...... do 3s ...... Norton County. Jan. 1-Mar. 3... 174 ...... Osborne County...... do 82 County...... do 187 ...... ** Pawnee County.... Feb. 1-Mar. 8... 25 Phillips County ...... *.... do 318 Pratt County. Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 16 Rawlins County. Dec. I-Mar. 8... 10 Reno County. Mar. I-Mar. 31... 4 ..*...... RepubliC County. Feb. 1-Mar. 3... .~42 Books County .... do 22 Rush Countyu Dec. I-Mar. 8... 1 2 saline county liar. 1-Mar. 31... 54 ...... Sedgwick 0ounty(Wichita).- Dec. 1-Apr. 27... 2 Seward County. Mar, 1-Mar. 81... 21g Sawnee County (Topeka). Doo. 1-Mar. 3.,. 220 ...... Sherman County...... ao ...... 18 Smith County...... fan. I...... 18 ..*...... Stafford CouSty Feb. 1-Mar. 8... 40 Stevens County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 1 Sumner County...... Dec. 1-Mar. 8... 105 Thomas County...... Mar. I-Mar. 81... Washington County.. ... do 11 Wallac County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 8... 10 may 10,1901 1024 Smlpoa in the United State-Continued.

- Plac Cases. DeathiL Remarks.

_ .. Kansns-Contnued. Woodson Count ...... y Feb. I-Mar. 3.. 1 ...... Wyandotte County (Kansa Dec. 1-Mar. 3.. 84 ...... city.) Total for Sta...... 8,967 2

Total for State, same period, ...... 1828 7 1900. 1) Kentucky - Cynthiana...... Apr. 17...... 6 ...... I..- Lexington...... Dec. 16-Apr. 27... 44 ...... Louisville...... Dec. 20-Mar. 23... 11 II. Total for State ...... 61 4 Total for State, same period, ...... 129 1900. : Bossier.... Apr. 1-Apr. 30... 1 ...... ; Caddo ...... d...... 7 New Orleans ...... Dec. 2-Apr. 2... 179 41 Sabine...... Apr. 1-Apr. 30... 1 Shreveport ...... Dec. 2-Apr. 27... 8 Total for State ...... 226 47 Total for State,same period, 2,780 398 1900. *. Mgaine: Portand...... Mar. 24-Mar. 30., 1 Total for State, same period, 2 ...... 1900. Y yland:r *. 10 Bltimore...... Dec. 16-Apr. 13.. Cumberland ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 80.. 21 ...... -- Total for Stae ...... 81 ...... Total for State, same period, 6...... 1900. I Mmanchuset4s: Boston ...... Mar. 24-Apr. l1... 1 1 Fitchburg...... Apr. 18-Apr. 27... 6 1 Holyo ...... Apr. 21-May 4... 2. I...... Lawrence ...... Jan. 13-Feb. 2. 4 *----..-.... Lowel ...... Mar. 8-Mar. 9... 1. Oxford ...... Oct. 22...... 2...... Somerville ...... Mar. 3-Mar. 9... 2.I...... Springfield...... Jan. 6-Mar. 28... 2..I...... Total for Stat...... 19 2 Total forStae, ame period. 9I 2 1900. M bichgan...... Dec. SO-Apr. 27... I.I...... 1- ...... Repord at 109 plaoe for the week endeJ ' . I- April 27. Alger "'e 28...... County ...... 17Feb.. 27:::...... piiiiii.__.... Pre.eUa Bay County (Bay City)...... Kw.war. 17-Apr. 27... 12.::..::: CharlevolxCounty [email protected] Feb. 17-Feb. 28L2L.. ... Do. Clair Coty ...... *----.17-Feb.uu.o-2-~~~~~~~...... :...... :Do....I...... Do. Grad .d ...... Dec. 8Apr. 27.. 6 L oty...... Feb. 17-Mar. 2...... I .., .1 Do. lkff--- AN --- &_~~~~~~* ,. .-..o...... ,...... *@ Do. Maon ..y...... Jan. 2Feb. 16...... Mao Cout...... Feb. 17-Mar. 2. ,...... I ... Do. AVW A2 .. __MffW%F *JNA& ...... -...... ,...... b...... Do. Seboocaft County Feb. 24-Mar. 2...... Do. Wayne County...... Mar. 8-May 4... 23 We ...... Bay City Feb. 10-Apr. 20 18 I Total for Ste...... a..s Thr deaths reported in ...... State,places notnanmed. Total for State, smeperiod...... 1900. Minneowt: AltkIn County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 22... 29 ...... Anoka County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 8 90 ...... Beltrami County...... Jan. 15Apr. 22 106 Benton County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22 Big Stone County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 8 10 1025 May 10,190

smlulpox in the United States-Continued.

Place. Date. Case. Deaths. Remarks.

Minnesota-Clninued. Blue Earth...... Jan. 28-Apr. 8... 83 i...... Brown County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 36 .....-.*.-.@... Carlton County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 8 33 ...... -.. Carver County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 8 21 ...... -.* Case County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22 44 ...... Chippewa County ...... Jan. 15-Apr. 8 19 ...... Chisago County...... Jan. -Apr. 22 3 ...... -. Clay County...... Jan. 28-Apr. 8 11 ...... -.-.**... Cottonwood Oounty...... Dec. 14-Apr. 8 8 Crow Wing County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22 31 ...... Dackota County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 8 48 Dodge County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22 52 Faribault County...... Jan. 28-Apr. 22 80 ...... Freeborn County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 22 55 ...... Goodhue County...... do ...... 11 ...... Hennepin County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 8 66 Hennepin County (Minne- Dec. 14-Apr. 27 apolis). .-..--...... Houston County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 8... 1 Hubbard County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 6 Isanti County...... Jan. 28-Apr. 22... 14 .*...... -.... Jackson County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 8... 45 ...... Kanabec County...... Jan. -Mar. 25... 1 ...... Kandiyohi County._...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 17.3 ...... Lac qui Parle...... : Apr. 8-Apr. 22... 3 ...... Lake County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 8... 66 ...... -.... Lesueur Countyr...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 152 ...... Lincoln County...... Apr. 8-Apr. 22... 1 ILyon County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 63 ...... Rarshall County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 8... 2 ...... Martin County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 22. 31 McLeod County_...... Jan. 15-Apr. 8,.. 1 *.*.-....--.... Meeker Cotnty...... Dec. 14-Apr. 8... 61 ...... Mile Lac County...... Feb. 13-Apr. 8... 2 ...... Morrison Jan. 28- 4pr. 8... so ...... -.*.... Mower CountyCounty...... :::...... : Apr. 8-Apr. 22... 4 ..-.....-...- Murray County...... Feb, 13-Apr. 8... 11 ...... Nicollet County...... -an. 15-Apr. 8... 4 ...... Nobles County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 8... 88 ...... Norman County ...... Apr. 8-Apr. 22... 383 ...... Olmeted County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 14 ...... Ottertail County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 22... 26 ...... Pine County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 22... 89 ...... -.--. Pipestone County...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22t... 68 ...... -.-.. Polk County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 22... 29 ...... Pope County...... Apr. 8-Apr. 2U... 14 ...... Ramsey County (St Paul)...... Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 56 ...... Redwood County^...... Jan. I-Apr. 8... 25 Renvulle Countyr ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 22... 4 ...... -...... Rice County...... Jan. 5-Apr. 22... 21 ...... Roseau County ...... Apr. 8-Apr. 22... 5 **...... Scott County...... Jan. 28-Apr. 8... 11 ...... stearns (ountv ...... %a...... 41 ...... Steele County ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 8... 43 ...... StevensCounty ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 8... 1 St. Louis County (Duluth) Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 351 *e...--...... Swift County Jan. I-Apr. 8... 4 ...... -.... Todd County.... Dec. 14-Apr. 8... 4 ...... Traverse County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 8... 7 ...... Wabasha County...... Jan. 15-Apr. 22... 39 Wadena County. Jan. I-Apr. 22... 4 Waseca county Jan. 1-Apr. 8... 10 Washington County. Jan. 15-Apr. 8... 50 ...... Watonwan County ...... Jan. 28-Apr. 8... 29 Wilkin County...... do. 19 Winona County. Dec. 14-Apr. 22... 100 Winona County (Winona) Dec. 14-Apr. 27... 162 Wright County.... Jan. 1-Apr. 22... 92 ...... Yellow Medicine County. Jan. 1-Apr. 22... 2 Ofther n- laai.m.--. sw . .~ ~~~~~...... I.....I...... 44

Total for State...... 2,923 Total for State, same period, 500 5 1900. Misesippi: Vicksburg...... Feb. 3-Feb. 9... 4 2 Total for State, same period, ...... 03 9 1900. may l0,I01 1026

SalJpox in theWUnitd Ste-Cninued.

Place Date. Case,. Deaths| Remarks..

Miouri: S Joseph...... IJan. 1-Jan. 31... a4 I SLo ...... Dec. 17-Apr. 27... 206 I Total for Ste...... *...... 2 Total for State,same period, 11I I 1900. 24 Montana: Butte.... Dec. 2-Jan. 20... 8 II2

Total forState, ams period, 100 ...... 1. 1900. Nebrasma I.. Columb m bu ...... Miar. Il...... Preent Decatur and vicinity...... Apr. l-Dec. 14...... i45,i.. i Lin oln ...... Mar. 1...... Do. Nebraka City ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 23... 5, ...... Omaha...... Dec. 23-Apr. 27... 18 5 ...... i South Om ...... Dec. 28-Apr. 23... a i Total for State ...... _66] aI Total for State, same period, II l900. Nevad: City...... Jan. 9...... I ...... I. Now Jersey: Hudson C6unty...... Mar. 21-Mar. 31._. 12 Jersey City...... Dec. !7-Apr. 28... 24 Ie@vX-* Esex County (Newarkl)...... Feb. 10-May 6. 27 ......

Total for State...... -..--- 63 =...... :1: Total forState, same period, 190N. ' 1- NeO Hmpshire: Manchester ...... Dec. 17-Apr. 27 :10 New Mexico: ...... Fort Stanton...... Jan. 14-Feb. 28...1 4 Total for Territory, same 4 period, 1900. . 1 New York: Elmira, N. Y...... Feb. 24-Mar. 9... 2 ...... ,. New Yorkl...... Dec. 16-May 4... 718 124 .. Utica...... Jan. 13-Jan. 26...... Yonkers...... Feb. 23-Mar. 1... 1. Total for Stato...... 723 124 Total for State, sme period, ...... 21 1 1900. North Carolina: Alamance County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 3 ...... Alexander County ...... Nov. 1-Mar. 31. Buncombe County ...... Dec. 1-Mar. 81... 13 ...... Cabarrus County ...... Jan. I-Mar. 31... 8 ...... Cssweli County. . Nov. 1-Mar. 31... 114I..2 Chatham County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 5 1 County...... To Mar. 31 12 ...... Cumberland County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... Currituck County . 6 . Davidson County...... To Mar. 31. Durham County . 45 Forsyth County...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31... Franklin County . . Gaston County...... To Mar. 31. 21 - - Greene ounty...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 194 ...... Greenville County...... Dec. I-Mar. 31... 21 ...... Guilford County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 7 ...... Halifax County...... To Mar. 31.. 14 ...... H arnettCounty...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31...... L few cases. Henderson County...... Nov. I-Mar. 81...... L few deaths. Lincoln Oounty...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 2 ...... Mecklenburg County...... do. 4.5 1 Nash County...... , Orange County ...... To Mar.81.... 84 .. Pamlico County...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31... a .... Pasquotank County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 81 ...... Person County...... Nov. I-Mar. 81... 20 ...... 1027 may 10,110

Smapox in the Unitd tat-Continued.

Place. Date. _Cases. Deaths. | Remarkcs.

North Oarolina-COntinued. Pitt County...... To Mar. 31...... 7 ...... Polk Count...... do 23 ...... Richmond County...... Nov. I-Mar. 31.. ..1 ...... Robeson County...... To Mar. 31...... ,.38 Roclkiugham County...... Dec. I-Mar. 31.. .23 ...... Transylvania County...... Nov. I-Mar. 31.. 5 ...... Vance County...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31.. 1 ...... Wake County...... Nov. 1-Mar. 31.. ,.19 Watauga County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31.. 10 ...... Wayne County...... To Mar. 31...... 2 ...... Wilkes County...... Nov. 1-Mar. 31.. 3 ...... Wilson County...... Jan. I-Mar. 31..,. 18 ...... Yancey County...... do 9 ..... 8... Total for State...... I...... 834 Total forState, same period, 510 2 1900. North Dakota. :...... Bismarck ...... Jan. 20...... Burleigh County...... Mar. 12...... 1 ...... Jamestown ...... Jan. 7...... 1 Mandan...... Jan. 15...... 1 Morton County ...... Jan. 25-Mar. 12... 35 ...... Richland County...... Mar. 12...... 3 Walsh County...... do . 4

Total for State ...... 60 Ohio: Adams County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 10 2 Allen County...... do...... do 3 ...... Ashland County...... do. 4 ...... Ashtabula County...... do. 34 ...... Athens County...... do. 18 ...... Belmont County...... d. 7 ...... 1 Brown County...... do. 2 ...... Carroll County...... do. 1 Champaign County...... do. 2 *...... Columbiana County ...... do. 3 2...... Coshocton County...... do. 2 Crawford County...... do. 13 ...... Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) ...... do. 752 ...... Defiance County ...... do. 22 ...... Delaware County...... do. 4 7...... Erie County...... do. 1 ...... Fairfield County ...... do. 1 ...... Franklin County...... do 28 ...... Gallia County...... do 66 ...... Geauga County...... do . 31 ...... Greene County...... do . 1 1...... Guernsey County...... do . 11 Hamilton County () Jan. I-May 3... 38 ...... Hardin County...... Jan I-Mar. 31... 17 ....*...... Harrison County...... do . 16 ...... Henry County...... do . 5 ...... Hocking County...... do . 8 ...... Huron County...... do . 37' Jackson County...... do . 2 ...... Jefferson County...... do . 4 ...... Lawrence Oounty...... do . 38 Lorain County...... do . 47 Lucas County (Toledo)...... do . 21 *...... Mahoning County...... do . 5 ...... @*...... Marion County...... do . 1 *...... l otgomery Oounty...... do . 8 Paulding County...... do . 88 Perry County...... do . 60 ...... i .** Pike County...... do . 2 Putnam County...... do . is Richland Count...... do . 81 ...... -... Scioto County (Porouth)...... do . 84 ...... i . Seneca County...... do 3 Trumbull County...... do . 15 ...... Tucarawas County...... do. 1 ...... Van W ert County...... do . 14 21 . Vinton County...... do 32 2 Williams County...... do . 132 Wyandot County...... do . 1, Total for State ...... I...... 1, 686 Total for State, sme period, 360 19 .I...... May 10,1201 1028 8malpox in tke United States-Continued

Place. Date. Caes. Deaths. Remarks.

Okaoma: Reports from fifteen counties.. Dec. 1-D 31... 401 Canadian County...... Jan. 1...... 5 Cleveland County ...... do ...... 19 Day County...... do ...... Garfield County...... : ...... I Greer County...... do. 50 Kingfisher County ...... do ...... 2 Lincoln County...... do . 13 Loa County...... do...... do. 10 Noble County...... do...... do. 12 Oklahoma County...... do. 43 Pawnee County...... do 5 Payne County...... do ...... _ 12 Pottawatomie County...... do ...... 25 Roger Mms County...... do... . o . 50 Washita County...... Jan. 1...... 40 Woodward County...... do 1 Total for Territory...... 690 I Total for Territory, same 55 period, 1900. Oregon: Portland ...... Jan. 4-Mar. 28. 10 ......

Total forState, ame period. 7 ...... 1900. Pensylvanis: ...... EiNe ...... Jan. 13-Mar. 9. 8 Philadelphia...... Jan. 6-May 4...... 17 Allegheny County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 27... 73 ...... Butler County ...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 2 Clearfield,County...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31... 1 Cumberland County...... do . 8 Dauphin County...... Feb. 1-May 4... 28 Erie County...... do. 22 Fayette County...... do . 3 *...... Franklin County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 3 *-...... Greene County...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31... 2 ...... Lancster County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 1 ...... Lebanon County...... Apr. 13..... 1 ...... Lycoming County ...... Feb. 1-May 4..... 41 ...... McKean County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 1 ..*....*..----- Warren County...... do...... Washington County...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31... 11 Westmoreland County...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31... 4 ...... York County...... do. 1 Total for State...... 228 Total forState, same period, 54 1900. :: Rhode Island: 5 Central Falbs...... Dec. 26-Mar. 15... 1 RiverPoint...... Mar. 10-Apr. 8... 5 ..-.-......

Total for State ...... --...--v* 10 1 South Carolina: 3. Blacksburg...... Feb. 5...... *...... Charleston ...... Apr. 2...... - ...... A few cases. Georgetown (vicinity)...... Apr. 27...... Present. Greenville ...... Dec. 23-Mar. 16... 7 1 .*...... Total for State...... 10 Total forState, same period ...... 18 1900. Tennewee: ...... Anderson County ...... Oct. 1-Apr. 1... 65. Bedford County . . do...... 9. ,...... Blount County ...... do. 13 ,...... Bradley County ...... do . 31 1I Campbell County...... I...... do. 65

Cannon County...... do. 9 ,...... Carroll County...... do. 131 Cheatham County...... do. 29 1 Chester County...... do 16 Claiborne County ...... do ...... do 9 ...... Cocke County...... do 60 ...... Coffee County...... 101 ...... f..... Crockett County...... 100 1029 May 10, 1901

mllpox in the United State8-Continued.

Places. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Tennesee Continued. Cumberland County...... Oct. I-Apr. 1... 6 ...-.-...... Davidson County...... Oct. 1-May 4.. 246 2 Decatur County...... do. 165 Dickson County...... do. 43 Dyer County...... do . 10 Fayette County...... do. 50 i'.. Franklin County...... ; ...... do. 75 ...... GSibson County...... do. ....*...... Giles County...... do . 13 ...... Grainger County...... do . 16 Greene County...... do . 23 ...... Grundy County...... do . 5 Hamblen County...... do . 40 ....-...-...i6.1 .3- Hamilton County...... uo . 267 Hancock County...... do . 26 ...... Hardeman County...... Oct. 1-Apr. 1... 23 Hardin County...... do . 53 Haywood County...... do . 16 ...... Henderson County...... do . 40 ...... Henry County ...... do . 231 10 Hickman County...... do . 24 Houston County...... -.-do . 72 Humphreys County...... do. 38 Jefferson County...... do. 147 Knox County...... do . 166 Lake County...... do . 20 Lauderdale County...... do . 30 Lewis County...... do . 1 ...... Lincoln County...... do . 60 ...... Loudon County...... do . 8 ...... -...... Madison County...... do . 108 6. Marion County ...... do . ,113 3 Marshall County...... do . 10 ......

...... Maury County...... do ...... Not reported...... do . McMinn County ...... ,3 ...... 15 MffcNairy County...... do . 65 Montgomery County...... do . 57 Obion County...... do . 20 ...... Perry County...... do . 3 ...... Polk County...... Oct. 1-Apr. 21... 19 Putnam County...... Oct. 1-Apr. 1... 83 15 Rhea County...... do . 79 Roane County...... do. 112 24 Robertson County...... do . 14 1 Rutherford County...... do. 285 4 Scott County...... do. 21 Shelby County...... Oct. 1-May 4... 305 Stewart County...... Oct. 1-Apr. 1... 2 *...... Sumner County...... do. 19 ...... --. Tipton County...... do . 58 Wramn County...... do . 5 2 Washington County...... do . 1 *..@@@...... Wayne County...... do. 15 *...... Weakley County...... do . 100 3 White County...... r ...... do . 30 ...... Williamson County...... do. 52 ...... -.* Wilson County ...... do . 2 ...... Total for State ...... 4,238 100 Total for State, same period, 606 5 1900. : Clay County. Feb. 1...... 116 3 Galveston.. Jan. 10-Apr. 13... 142 Houston. Dec. 16-Jan. 26... 184 4 San Antonio. Dec. 1-Mar. 31... 44,.....@...... Total for State. 486 7 Total for State, same period, ...... 400 12 1900. Utah: Ogden .... Dec. I-Mar. 31... 161 ...... SatLakeCit .Dec. 16-Apr. 27... 581 3

Total for State...... 742 3

Total for State, same period, ...... 70 1 1900. may 10,1901 1030

pospox in s Unied Sates-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Virginia: Albemarle County...... Feb. 4.... Presnt. Bedford County...... do. .... Do.

lRnA- flnntv ------.__ ... BD%- VVw.Zr....w...--ZZ-...... ------...... I..*-v.V. --***--- 1.1I...... I...... Do. ony...... osesuoure . ...o...... Do. Buckcingham County ...... do ...... Do. Campbell County ...... Do. Carroll County...... -do...... Do. Cheterfield County ...... do...... Do. Craigaob -**-****s------*...... do...... Do. Floyd Coun ...... do...... Do. FPluvanna ...... Cou y ..... -do...... Do. Goochland Co .ty...... do...... Do. Greenesvil l eCut...... 7...... do...... Do. Halifax County...... do...... o...... Do. King George County...... Feb. 4...... Do. Lee County ...... do...... Do. Louise County . ...... Do. Middlesex County...... do...... Do. Nelson County ...... do...... Do. Orance County ...... do...... Do. PageCounty...... do...... Do. Pittaylvania County...... Dec. 31...... Richmond...... Jan. 7. 4 ...... Roanoke County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31. 119 Rockbridge County...... do...... Do. Rockiugham County...... ,...... do...... 1...... Do. Alexan ...... Dec. 29-Feb. 9.. 5 .*......

Total for State ...... 11 328 4 Total for State, same period 221 21 1900. Washington: Seattle...... Dec. 1-Mar. 81.. 30 Tacoma ...... Dec. 9-Feb. 25..1. 8 ...... Total for State ...... I...... 38 Total for State,same period, 866 1900. West Virginia: Hunti nnt...... Feb. 17-Apr. 13... 51 Wheeling...... Dec. 16-Apr. 27... 21

Total for State...... I...... 72 Total for State, sme period, 95 ...... 1900...... --. Wisownsin: All over the State ...... Dec. 1I-Dec. 31... 99 ,...... ---. Ashland County...... Jan. I-Feb. 28... 15 Barron County...... do. 5 ...... do. Baylield County...... 5 ...... Brown County...... do . 4 Buffalo County...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 11 ...... ---- Chippewa Coupty...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28... 16 ....---... Clark County...... do...... do. 4 ...... -- Columbia County...... do. 1 ...... -.. Crawford County...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 1 ...... Dane County...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28... 2 *...... Douglas County...... do...... do. 101 ...... -...- Dunn County...... do...... do. 12 ...... **..**...... --.-. Bau Claire County...... do. as Forest County ...... do. 7 [email protected]. Grant County...... 7 ...... Iowa, County...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 28 ...... Iron County...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28... 2 ...... Jefferson County...... do...... do. 4 La Crowe County...... do...... do 28 Lafayette County...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 4 ...... Langlade County...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28... 71 ...... Linooln County...... do. 1 *@...... aon Oounty...... do...... 11 ...... Marinette County ...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 5 Manitowoc County...... do . 1 q uette County...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28... 4 ...... County (Mil- Jan. 20-Apr. 27... 12 Milwaukeewaukcee). Monroe County...... Fell. 1-Feb. 28... 2 Oneida County...... : ...... do. 8 Outagamle County...... 8 1031 May 10,1901 Smallpox in the United Statee-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Wisconsin-Continued. Portage County...... Jan. I-Feb. 28... 9 . Price County ...... do...... 3 1 Racine County . 3 . Rock County . 7 . St. Croix County .do .... 3...... Shawano County...... do.1 Sheboygan County 1 . Taylor County . . do...... 4...... do.4 Trempealeau County .. do...... 8 ...... Vilas County...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 14 . Vernon County...... Jan. I-Feb. 28... 3 . Waupaca County ...... do. 3 . Winnebago County ...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28.. 1 . Wood County ...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28... 1...... Total for State...... 5664 Total for State, same period ..37 1 1900. ' Wyoming: Evanson ...... Dec. 31...... 2 .

Green River ...... 1do Rock Springs ...... do. 1 .

Total for State ......

Total forState, same period ...... 16 . 1900. Grand total...... 22,888873 Grand total, same period .9,047 525 1900.

Pklgue in the United States a8 reported to the Surgeon- General, United State8 Marine-Ho8yital Service, from January 1, 1901, to May 10, 1901. PLAGUE.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

California: S3an Francisco ...... Jan. 6...... I I Do ...... Jan.15...... 2 2 Do . .Feb. 5...... 1 1 Do . . Feb. 6...... 1 Do . .Feb. 7...... 1 1 Do ...... Feb.10...... 1 Do . .Feb.11...... 1 1 Do . . Feb.12...... 1 Do . .Mar. 2...... 1 Do . . Apr. 1...... 1 1 Do . . Apr. 4...... 1...... 1 may 10,1901 1032 Week2y mortaUty table, cities of the United State.

- Deaths from-

co . j 16 a a8 II 4 a 90 41 I 4 Citioa. 0 I j a I II Ia Ii Q'Ai 1 I *1 C9 fI no 04 J I *1 s .0 8 0. I II I Cq I. I 4 k21 4 a a I .... Ashtabula, Ohio ...... May 4 12949 6 .i.. I. l...... Baltimore, Md ...... do 508,957 188 Baton Roue, La ...... Apr. 28 11,269 ; 1 *-- ,...... 1 Bay City, Mlich ....A..j...Apr. 7 27,628 l12 *** Boston. Mass .. My 4 530,892 234 2 i, 2 Burlington, Vt ...... Apr. 27 18,641 4 ...i*V. .-.*.. Do...... ; lay 4 18,641 20 ... 2 Butler, Pa ...... Apr. 8 10,858 20 .*..... Do ...... Apr. 15 10,853 5 1- ...... Do ...... Apr. 22 10,853 3 ...... Do . . Apr. 29 10,853 1 ...z ...I ...4 ...... Si ...... q 1. Cambridge, Maw ...... Apr. 27 91,886 25 4 ...... Camden, N.J...... May 4 75,935 19 .i...... Carbondale, Pa ...... Apr. 80 18,536 5 *.*...... Chelsea, Mass..Apr. 20 34,072 9 ...i *...s ..... i Do...... Apr. 27 34,072 13 Cincinnati, Ohio ...... May 3 825,902 140 U ...... Clinton, Ma ...... Apr. 27 13,667 3 ...i ...... Columbia, Pa ...... Apr. 20 12,316 8 ...... Do ...... Apr. 27 12,316 6 II.s ... *-..... Do ...... May 4 12,816 5 I I ...... Concord, N. H ...... Apr. 27 19,682 6 ...... Dayton, Ohio...... May 4 85,333 18 : *.-...... I.... Detroit. Mich...... do 28,704 107 I I...I 2 Dunkirk N Y .. Apr. 27 11,616 6 2-i Elmira, i. Y ...... do. 35,672 7 Erie, Pa ...... do. 52,733 24 Evansville, Ind ...... do. 59,007 16 ,.... Evrerett, Mas...... do. 24,836 8 I.... 2 1 .... Fitchburg, Mas...... do. 81,581. 7 I...... 12 .... Gloucester, Mas May 4 6,121 4 ,.... 1 ... Grand Rapids, Mich ...... Apr. 20 87,365 13 .... 1 ,.... Do...... Apr. 27 87, 565 21 ,.... Green Bay, WiS ...... Apr. 28 18,684 11 ,.... 2 ,.... Greenille, S...... Apr. 27 11,860 l.... Haverhill, Mass.. ay 6 87, 175 10 *.-. ,...... Holyoke, Maws ...... Apr. 27 45,712 14 *... . Do ...... May 4 45,712 9 *... Jacksonville, Fla ...... Apr. 2s 28,429 16 8 *-- ...... Jersey City, N. J Apr. 28 206,433 67 .... Johnstown, Pa ...... Apr. 27 35,936 11 1 *-. Lancaster, Pa ...... Apr. 26 41,459 18 *-- Lawrence, Kans ...... Apr. 27 10,862 4 *i' 1- Lawrence, Mas ...... do. 62,559 17 2 Lexington, y ...... dodo 26,36 16 1 I.... Los Angeles, Cal ...... do. 102,479 43 4 Lowell, Mass ...... May 4 94,959 84 McKReesport, Pa ...... Apr. 27 84,227 16 3.. Ma . Malden, ...... do. 83,664 11 ...... Manchester, N. H...... dodo 56,987 25 a ...... Michigan City, Ind ...... Apr. 29 14,850 2. Marlboro, Mass...... May 4 1609 9 ...... Massillon, Ohio...... Apr. 27 11,944 4...... ,...... Medford, MaN...... ay 1 18, 2" 4, ...... 27 ...... Memphis,Tenn Apr. 102,320 a3 56...... ;...... 2 ...... Milwaukee, Wia ...... do. 283,815 75 6 . 1 . 2 ...... Minneapolis, Minn .. do..... 202,718 61 ....2..... 3.. Mobile, Ala ...... May 4 38,469 9 ...... 1

...... Nashua, N.H A...... pr. 27 28,88 10 1 ...... 1 Nashville,Tenn ...M.... ay 4 80,865 24 ...... Newark, NApr. 27 246,070 69 ...... *-i...... New Bedford, Mas ...... May 4 62,442 15 ....--...... *.-.- ..-...... Newburyport, Mass Apr. 27 14,478. 8 11 .....*'--i'...... New L ...... Orleans, ...... do. 287,104 139 is ...... NewportR. L...... do. 22,034 7...... Newrton, iMase...... May 1 33,587 8. New York, N.Y ...... Apr. 27 3,437,202 1437 2 W 20 7" 58'. ....9...... 6'7Z5 North Adams, ...... M.May 4 24,200 10.,...... Northampton, Mas ...... Apr. 27 18,648 8. ,...... Omaha, Nebr...... do. 102,555 ,...... Y ...... N...... do...... Oneonta, 7,147 0...... Palmer, Mas ...... do. 7,801 ..-.... Philadelphia, Pa ...... May 4 494 72 l...... I...... 65 210 Pittsburg, 1,293,697 8 Pa...... Apr. 27 121 12 ...... 6..... 1, 2 4 Pittston, 321,616 Pa...... do...... 12,556 5...... a 4@-@ 1033 may A'0,1901 'Weekly mortality table, ditie8 of the United Statee-Continued. ~~*S ~~~Deaths from-


Plainfield N. J...... Apr. 27 15,369 8 1...... I ...... Portland, V&e ...... do... 50,145 21 1 ...1.... 1.. Providence, R.I...... May 4 17557 712.. QunyMass...... Apr. 27 23,899 2 1. Rutiansi, Vdo 11,499 5 ...... Sacramento3 Cal . do 29.282 11 5 ...... 1...... Salt Lake C'ity, ta...... do... 53,531 14...... 1...... San Diego, Cal. do... 17,700 1 San Francisow, Ca . o 342,782 163 28...... I...... SantaBarbara, Cal...... Apr. 20 6,587 2 ...... Do...... Apr. 27 6,587 2 1 ...... Scranton, Pa ...... Apr. 26 102,026 34...... 3...... I... Shreveport, La...... Apr 27 16,013 6 2 ...... Somerville Maws. Ma...... y 4 61,643 17 1...... South Bena, Ind...... Apr. 27 35,999 8 1 ...... Springfield, Mass...... do... 62,059 17 1 ...... Steelton. Pa ...... do... 12,088 3 1...... 1...... Do...... May 4 12,068 4 1 ...... Tacoma, Wash...... Apr. 27 87,714 18 1...... 2.1. Toledo, Ohio...... do ... 181,822 30 7 ...... Waltham, Mass...... do... 28,481 9 ...... Warrn,Ohio ...... do... 8.529 2 ... Wsington, D. C...... do.. 2878 104 16...... 2...... Weymouth Mass...... do... 11,24 1 ...... Wheeling,W.VW...... do... 38,878 14...... 1..I...... Wichita, Kans...... do... 24,661 25 4 ...... Wiliamsport, Pa...... May 4 28,757 10 . 1 ...... Winona, Minn...... Apr. 27 19,714 2 ...... Worcester. Mass...... Apr. 20 118,421 39 6 ...... Youngstown. Ohio...... Apr. 27 44.885 16 2 ...... 3...... may 10, 01 1034 Table of temperatre and rainfalI, week ended May 6, 1901. (Received from Department of Agricultu, Weather Bureau.] Temperature in degrees RainfSill in inchesand hun; dredths. Locality. Fshrnheit. Normal. a Excess. aDefic'ncy. Normal1. ]]xces. Deficiency. Atlantic Coast: Eatotme ...... 3 1 ...... 7 ...... Porttianr,M. 49 ...... 1 .77 ...... 47 Northfield,Vt ...... 50 ...... 2 .62 ...... 22 Boston, Mass...... 52 ...... 2 .84 .16...... - NewHaven,COonn...... 53 ...... 1 .84 ...... 24 Albany,NY ...... 54 2 ...... 69 .01...... New Yrork,N.Y...... 54 ...... 4 .7.37 Harrisburg, Ps...... 56 8 ...... 98 ....58 Philadelphia, Pa ...... 57 3 ...... 7...... 50 NewBrunswick,-N.J...... 56 4...... 9 ...... 41 Atlantic City N.J...... 53 1 ...... -6 .68 Baltimore, Mid...... 60 4...... 83...... 73 Washington D.C ...... 60 5 ...... 8...... 0 Lynchug,v...... 63. 3...... 8...... 84 CapelHenrV...... 60 0 ...... 9 Norfolk V...... 62 4...... 91 ...... 91 Charlotte, N.C ...... 6 ...... 90 ...... 90,.C...... 67 5...... 9 ...... 9 KittyhaCwk ...... 62 ...... 6 .92 ...... 92 HatterasN. C...... 63 ...... 5 1.06 ...LO....S10 Wilmington,N.C...... 67 1...... 8 Columbla,8.C ...... 69 a3...... 7 ...... 7 Charleston,S.C...... 70 2...... 84 ...... 84 Augusta1 Ga ...... 69 a...... 7 ...... 72 Savannah, Ga...... 70 2 ...... 5 ...... Jacksonville, Fin...... 73 I1...... 6...... 76 Jupiter, Fla...... 75 3...... :.,6 ...... 66 Key West,Fla .7...... 8 ...... 6 .44 ...... 44 Gaff StaLtes: Atlanta-G...... 67 7...... 7 ...... 7 Tamps, Fla ...... 74 ...... 2 .43 ...... 48 Pensacola, Fla ...... 72 4...... 64 ...... 64 Mobile, Ala ...... 71 3 ...... 90...... 0 Montgmery Ala ...... 70 6 ...... 9...... 7 Meridioan, Miss...... 68 2...... 126 ...... 126 Vicksburg, Miss...... 70 4...... 1.20 ...... 1.20 NewOrleans.La ...... 72 4...... 1.12 ...... 1.12 Shreveport, La...... 70 4 ...... 1.05 ...... 65 FortSmith,Ark...... 66 6...... 1.13...... 1.03 Li4ttle Rock, Ark ...... 67 7 ...... 1.25 ...... 1.25 Palestine, Tex ...... 69 3...... 1.26 1.26 Galveston, Tex...... 73 1...... 71...... : .71 San Antonio, Tex ...... 72 2 ...... 7...... 77 CorpusChrsatl, Tex ...... 74 ...... 2 .56 ...... 56 Ohio Valley and Tenneseme: Mepi,Tenn...... 67 9...... 1.18...... 1.18s Nasvll,Tenn...... 66 9...... 9 ...... 9 Chataooga, Tenn ...... 66 ...... 6 9...... 9 Knoxville, Tenn ...... 63 7...... 98 ...... 98 Lexington,Ky...... 60 ...... 10 F8...... 0s Louiwvllle,Ky...... 62 10 ...... 9 .91 Indianapolis, Ind .6...... 8 12...... 9 ...... 21 Cincinnati, Ohio ...... 60 10 ...... 7 ...... 77 Columbtus, Ohio...... 59 ...... 90 ...... 0 Parkersburg, W.Va...... 56 8...... 84 ...... 84 Pittsburg,Psa...... 56 6 ...... 7...... 16 Lake Region: Oswego,N.Y...... 49 1...... 56 ...... 26 Rochester, N.Y ...... 50 8 ...... 6 ...... 29 Buffalo, N.Y...... 48 4 ...... 71 .29...... Mie Psa ...... 51 7. . 8 ...... 48 Clev~eland, Ohio...... 52...... 67. Sandusky, Ohio...... 55 5 ...... 4 Toledo, Ohio ...... - 53 9...... 71...... 61 Detroit, Mich ...... 52 10 ...... 7 ...... 70 Lansln,Mlc...... 54 10...... o8...... 3 PortHuro . 48 6...... 71.61 Alpeuma,MI ...... 44 8 ...... 73 ...... 23 Saultilte.Marle Mich ...... 4 8...... 4 ...... aqutt,MIca ...... 44 8 ...... 55 .55...... EscanaaMlch...... 42 8 ...... - ...... 18.A Green Bay, Wis ...... 50 10...... 71...... 61 a The figume In thi column represent the average daily departurie. 1035 my 0 O Table of tenperature and rainfaUl,week ended May 6,1901-Cont'd. Tem;erature In degrees Rainfall in inches and hun- Locality. Fahrenheit. dredtha Normal..14Esxc. aDeflc'ncy. Normal. Exces. IDelciency. Lake Region-Cbntinued. GrandHaven, Mich .... 49 it .69 -... .69 Milwaukee, Wis ...... 47 13 .76 ...... -...... 56 Chi i...... 51 18 . 81 ...... 61 =OUT,iVIinn...... 0 ...... ----.-.-. .69 ...... UJpper tmimippiValley: St.Paul lMinn ...... 52 18 .70 ...... 70 LaCroe,Wis ...... 58 19 .64 .44 Dubuque,Iowra...... i54 16 ...... 76 ..-..*...... 04 ...... 15 ...6- Davenport, Iowa....55 *...-.-...... 85 ...... *0 Des o ...... 57 13 *...... 92 .....*...... 42 Keokuk, o ...... w...... 58 14 *...... 90 .10 Springfield, IU1 .... 60 12 * -...... 104 .06 Cairo, Ill ...... 63 9 *...... 82 .62 at.Lous,Mo ...... 62 14 ...... -...... 98 ..@.@.*..*.*... .98 _Mbur Valley: 09lujxb1&,.lkd ...... 60 12 ..-.X...... 1 26 ...... --.... 1.26 9 ...... 1 29 ...... 1.29 10 ...... -- .**.... 93 ..-...... 63 Topeka Kan. . 61 9 *...... 11 1.01 Wichita,Kans. . 63 5 ...... 1.70 .-...... 70 Coucordia,Kans ...... 59 7 ...... 72 . .12 Lincoln, Nebr...... 58 10 *...... 80 80...80 ...... -...... --. .90 Omaha, Nebr...... 56 14 .80 ...... SioUX City, Iowa...... 54 14 ...... -.----.-.. .77 1.33 ...... Yankton,S. Dak ...... 52 16 ...... -..---. .90 .80 Valentine Nebr...... 49 17 ...... 64 .64 H on, S.bak...... 50 16 ...... 69 ...... Pierre, S. Dak...... 49 19 *...... 49 ...... 39 MKoorhead,KMinn ...... 48 16 ...... 56 ...... 46 . Bismarec N. Dak ...... 48 16 -.*...... 57 .69 Williston N.D...... 48 14 *...... 42 *....-...... 42 Ror Mtountain Region: vre, Mont...... 48 10 ...... 28 .62 Helena, Mont...... 48 6 ...... - . .28 .82 Miles City, Mont ...... 53 11 .41 ...... -...- l.31 Rapid City, S. Dak ...... 48 16 .69 ...... *59 Wash... 53 ...... 29 ...... -.-.-. Spokane, ...... 12 Walla Walla,Wsh5h...... 56 0 .42 Baker City, Oreg...... 50 0 ...... -.-- .40 .30 Winnemucca, Nev .. 52 ...... i...-- .25 1.05 ...... Pocatello, Idaho...... 51 1 ...... 6...... 29 .31 Boise, Idaho ...... 57 ...... [email protected] .34 ...... 14 Salt Lake City, Utah .. 55 1 ...... 43 3.67 LAnder,WYO...... 47 9 .69 .41 Cheyenne,Wyo...... 46 8 .48 ...... -.4.- .48 North Platte, Nebr...... 54 10 .56 ...... 26 Denver, Colo...... 53 7 *...... 65 .35 Pueblo Colo ...... 56 4 *...... 44 34 Dodge bity, K.ans ... 59 5 .57 ...... 47 Oclahoma, Okla...... 66 2 ...... -... .97 ...... 87 Amarillo.Tes ...... x. 61 ...... - .35 ...... 25 Abilene,TeN ...... 70 ...... 77 ...-..4...... *77 SantaFe,N.Mex...... 52 0 .21 ...... 11 Paso,Tex...... 07 ...... 07.14 ...... -...-...... Phsnix, Aris...... 07 *....-...... 07... 1ruma, Aris....74 ...... 6 .04 ...... 04 Pacific oast: ...... Seattle, Wash...... 53 ...... 61 .61 Tacoma, Wash ...... 53 ...... 3 .70 .70 Portland, Oreg .. 55 ...... 59 .39 Roseburg, Oreg...... 55 ...... 50 .40 EurekJ,Cal ...... 52 0...... 6¢.... i... .77 .7. Bedbluff, Cal ...... 03 ...... 39 .11 ...... Oaron City, Ne . . 51 ...... 3 .14 .66 Sacramento, Cal..61 ...... 3 .35 . San Francisco, Cal ...... 56 ...... 4 .28 .52 Freso, Cal...... 64 ...... 4 .14 .W6 San Luis Ob o, ...... 58 ...... 2 .10 2.90 Los Cal . 6 ...... 8 .15 1.25 1an Angeles,Diego, Cal ...... , 59 PaDie",X. . . 59 .....*@...... 14 *4 aThe figures in t column represnt the average daily departure. MIORTALITY STATISTICS OF 1,447 CITIES AND TowNS OF THE UJNITED STATES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1899. [This table was compiled from answers received to circular letters sent to cities and towns of the lUnited States having a population of 1,000 or more. The cities and towns responding have been entered herein. Attention is called to the two columns showing the annual mortality rate per 1,000 of the population, the one table being based on the esimated population and the other upon the population according to the United States Census of 1900.]

Id. 8~.I Deaths from- 2 .

Citieis or towns. 1 las~ ~4-0 a . ~ 4 ,.. 0. O. Sd 0 PCSa . 2 . 2 .n 4 . _ _~~~~~ n~~~~ ~P : Anniston ...... s13141 9,695 14.31 15,000 9.13 1] 9 6 6 Besemmer...... 124 6,8585 19.50 10,000 12.4( 6 1 6 7 Birmingham...... a7 1 38,415 18.51I b ^,000 15.86 101 14 1 I 9 Eufaula...... 56 4,5821 1.02; 4,027 14.6G 4 1'...... 3 Evergree ...... 2t 20.86, 2,000 13.OC ...... Greensboro...... 2I 2, 416 10.35 2,500 1.oa .....1. *...-.*...... Greenvie .5...... 1 8,162 16.31 8,00) 17.01O ...... I ...... *...... Huntsille 214 8,068 26.52! c15,000 14.27 ...... Msrion ...... 2c 1, "8 11. 78' 2,000 10.001 ...... I *...... Montgomery ...... 431 80, 3' 14.40 85,000 12.49 I...... Tuscaloosa ...... 7 2 5,094 14.18 6,000 12.00 2 5 Total ...... 1,876 111,061 16.891 139,527 4 182 2 6f 22 6 1 36 Alaska: Juneau ...... 8 1,864 4.29 2, 4.0 2 ...... 9 Arizona:

Noals...... a 1,761D 17.04 3,00 10.00 I ...... Arkansas: Bentionville ...... 7 1,848 9.22 2, 5006.s 7 ...... Conway ...... 4 19.96 9 I .....8 1 .. Eurek ...... & 2,008 2,500 16. Springs 1 3,7 15. 12 6 ,00 1Q 2 1 ...... 1 2 1_ ...... SID 1,551 19.34 2,0 15. C.- 2 2...... I 1 Mlvern ...... 0im 6.22 & 1, .o...... Paragould ...... 71 8,824 21.06 4 17...... 1 0 ...... Precot4 ...... 2,005 19.95 2, 16.0 ...... Searcy...... a 1,99572. , 18.I57 2...... 2...... Tol...... a = 8- 1. - - , ,

AUShaD...... 4 I,461 16.48 9.61 Colton ...... 1,819 16.81 2, mi 8.8N ...... *--.... Colusa...... 11 1,441 7.68 .it ...... P..... I *...... EurekaL...... 7,27 1 215 11.11 I...... Frso...... A4 14.68 107 ...... y...... 21 1, I&0174 1251 6 t..... Lo Angoles...... 1,64 102 479 16.01 15.9 206 *- Ma07sville. .9...... 8,7 26.81 8, IL4 4', I 2,024 14.82 12.6W I *--... National cityZ .ao 1, 28.02 12.5 _1 ...... Nevada ...... 2,I 11 11 ...... 56 8. 15.38 ...... I...... I...... aWhite, 380; colored. 881. bWhite, 30,000; colored, 15,000. c White, 8,000; colored, 7,000 1036 1037 May 10,1901 Mortality stati8tie8 of 1,4147 cities and towns of the United States, etc.-Continued. Deaths from-

0 pi9 0 109 90 s &9 9.. 0 4) 0 C) Cities or towns. .9 0 '0 9 S a.0 .6 00 IC 40 0 2 I-W. 1" vb2y 4) 2; C) a2 8C 0... California-Continued. $4 2= Oakland...... 872 66, 96( 13.0'2 75,00( 11 631 104 I 1 3= 2 Pacific Grove...... 23 1,411 16.36 1,.80X 12 781 ...... 70 1, Petaluma...... 3,871 18.081 3,60( 25...... I ...... 105 ...... Pomona...... 5, 52( 19.00, 7,OOt 15.001 4 10 .... Redding ...... 87 2, 94F 29.50 4,00( 21.95 ...... 3 Redlandis...... 96 4,79; 20.011 5,00OC 19.20 31 ...... 73 4 4 Sacramento...... 446 29,2- 15.231 30,00O0 48.871 .. I .... San Diego...... 166 17,700 9.38! 22,21C ..... 14 ii San Francisco...... 6,841 342,782 19.96 360,000C 190~96 t 141 28 .... 3 Santa Anns...... 188 4,931 38 11 10000O 18.801 ...... 22 2 21 Santa Barbara...... 93 6,582 14:121 8:000 I11.631 ...... i Santa Cruz ...... 76 5,655 13.43, 10,000 7.601 13 Santa Monica...... 44 3,057, 3,500 ...... 14.391 4... Sansalito ...... 12 1,200 ...... 1,628 7.37if Stocktoni...... 230 17,506 13.14 17,500 45 I.... 13.141 1 Total ...... 11,541 -652,804 17.6-7 706,510 16.341 1,708 3-251 57- 641 154 Colorado: ....i 2 Boulder ...... 78 6,150 12.68 8,000 9.7 13 ...... 34 3. 2 ...... 1 Canyon City...... 771 3,77,i5 20:40 6,000 12.83! ...... j. i Colorado Springs..... 273 21,085 12.915 25,000 10.92, 88 6 3 2 Goldeni City ...... 36 2,152 16.73i 2,500 14.40...... 2.... I...... 9 Guinnison...... 1, 200 7.50! 1,200O 7.50...... 20 Idaho Springs ...... 5,502 7.99 3,500 5.71 !..... I...... Total ...... 43 36.864 13.65, 46,2001 10.67 1351__9 I I 3 -2 Connecticut: 1 Ansonia ...... 178 12,681 14.041 13,000 13.69 24. 1 Berlin...... 48 3,448 13.92, 3... I...... 3,000116.0012.29 2. Bethel...... 43 2,561 16.81 3,5001 ...... I. I .....ii Bridgeport ...... 1,071 70,966 15.09 67,000 I15.971 157... 8 I( 40 2,358 16.96 2,500 16.001 3...... 1...... i ...... Burlington...... 9 1,218 7.39., 1,200 7.50 ...... I...... Canton ...... 33 2,67-8 12.36' 3,000 11.00 5... I...... Cheshire...... 299 1,989 14.581 1,900 15.26 ...... I...... I...... 21 1,328 15.811 1,300 16.151 2... Chester...... 7. Darien ...... 72 3,116 23.111 3,000 24.00, ...... East Windsor...... 42 3,158 13.301 2,800 15.001 6...... I Ellington...... 2.5 1,829 13.67: 1,600 ...... 15.631,...... 4 Fairfield ...... 65 4,489 14.481 4,000 16.38i ...... Granby...... 18 1,299 13.861 1,250 14.40, 3...... 1 Griswold ...... 51 3,490 14.61 4,5001 11,34, 6...... Guilford ...... 40 2,786 14.36 2,800~14.29~ 5...... Hebron...... 26 1,016 25 59 1,000 26.00 4... Killingly 108 6,835 15.80f 7,000 15.43 7...... ,edyard..I....I..I -. 15 1,236 12.141 1,183~12.68 3... Litchfield ...... 53 3,214 16:491 3,4001 15.51 6..... Mansfield...... 33 1,827 1,900 17.37 2...... Milford ...... 16.921 4,000 16.00 ...... Mountville ...... 2,39,5 12.1 3,000 9.67 2...... New Britain ...... 38 25,998 1466 30,000 12.60 33... 14.93 202 2 New Haven...... 1,717 108,027 15.89! 115,00 ...... 22 Newtown...... 65 3,276 19.841 3,20 20.31 7...... North Stonlngton.... 16 1,240 12.901 1.200 13.33 1...... 3 Old Lyme...... 21 1,180 17.80: 1,340 15.67 2...... Old Saybrook...... 18 1,431 12.581 1,50 12.00 1...... Plainville...... 34 2.189 2,00 14.00 3... Portland 64 4,500 14.22 ...... 3 ...... 3,856 86...... 20 1,4296 14.02 12.90 ...... Redding 1,550~1,100 Pocky Hill...... 25 1,0'26 24.36 3...... 18.58 22.711 Southbury ...... 23 1,238 1, 19.17 ...... 59 13.73 2001 Stafford ...... 4,297 ...... i 28 ...... Sterling ...... 1,209 2.3.16 ...... 1 Stonington...... 118 8,540 13.81 8,000! 14.75 12...... i Stratford ...... 79 3,657 21.06 34023.24 10.... Suffield...... 63 3,521 17.891 3,30019.09 2...... Trumbull ...... 29 1,587 18.21' ...... Watertown ...... 31 3,100 10.001 3,1001 10.00 9... WVest Hartford...... 48 3,186 15.06, 2,9001 16.55 4... 79 May. 10,1901 1038

Afortalil statisties of 1,447 cities ansd towns of the United States, etc.-Continued.

Deaths from-

6 K00.:- 0. a 0 &I q 41 Cities or towns. I i 41 44 as 0 0 *0 .9 44 Q.51 0i 41" =0 as 0. 44 cc.1 S .0 .a'r.0 41 A,0~ A4 .- ---- 20 Connecticut.-Continued. Westport ...... 64 4,011 15.91 4,000 16.00 Wethersfield...... 31. 2,631 14. O' 2,300 19.96 6 I...... Wilton ...... 31 1,596 20. &' 1,650 20.00 4 Woodstock ...... 2,0OK 14.31 2,50i, 15.60 3 1...i...... Total ...... 5,124 330,030 15.53 338,778 15.13 576... 55 2 24 6i1 27 D)elaware: Georgetown ...... 17 1,65 102 2,000 8. 6 . 3 ...... Wilmington...... 1,294 76,508 16 91 73.500 17.6 142... 46 1 1 65. Total...... 1,311 78.166 16.77d 75.500 17.6 148... 49 1 -1 651 3

District of Columbia..... Washington...... 5,863 278.718 21.0 287.64 20.38 691 1 19 20 22 194 23 Florida: Apalachloola ...... 43 3,077 13.97 4,000 10.75 2 ...... Jacksonville 752 28,429 26.42 a30,000 25.07 143 ... 10 3 1.2 St. Augustine...... 231 4,272 54.07 10,000 23.10 25... 3 1 .,:" . Total ...... 1,026 35,778 28.68 44,000 23.32 170... 13 4.... I 2 Georgia: Atlanta...... 2,242 89,872 24.9 125,000 17.94 244 77 11 11 21 6 CarrolitoDn...... 20 1,998 10.01 3,000 6.67, 2... 5...... I..... Cedartown...... 60 2,823 21.25 3,500 17.40 3... 5 ...... Columbus...... 353 17,614 19.47 b519,80 18.29 40 4~ 10...... **1.6 Dawson...... c24 2,926 8.24 3,00 8.00...... Decatur...... 20 1,418 14.10 2,000 10.00...... Eastmnan ...... 3 1,235 2.43 2,500 1.20 1 1 ...... Griffin...... 146 6,857 21.29 4,503 32.45...... Macon ...... 583 2*%272 25,.05 28,000 20.82 75 14 5.... I 1 NewnaLn...... 101 3,654 27.64 5,00 20.2 5 ...... 2..... Quitman ...... 20 2,281 8.77 3,000 6.67d 5.. 1 ..... I...... Roswell 10 1,329 7.52 1,500 6.67i 1 2 ...... -...... Thomaston...... 5 1,714 2.92 2,000 2.50 1 ....1...... Thomasaville...... d87 5,322 16.35 6,000 14.50 10::. 6... 1..... 2. Waycross...... 50 5,919 8.45 7,000 7.14 .1...... Waynesboro 30 2,0130 14.78 3,000 10.00 4 ... 4 2...... 3 ..... TotalI...... 3,754 170,264 22.0 218,306 7.2 391 51 124 19 12 32 14 Idaho: Boise City ...... 128 5,957 21.49 10,000 12.80 ...... Illinois:

ArlingtonHeights .... 11 1,380 7.97 1,700 6.47 1 ...... Ashland...... 3 1,201 2.49 1,200 2.50...... Bunker Hill...... 16 1,279 12.53 1,40 11.42 2 ...... Carrollton...... 32 2,355 13.59 9.14 3,500 ...... Colchester...... 36 1,635 21.35 3,000 12.00 2 ... 2...... 1.. Coluimbia ...... 23 10.86 1,197 1,400 16.4 4 ...... Cuba...... 7 1,198 5.84 1,200 5.8 2...... 2..11.....I...... 3. 255 15.59 10 20 Danville...... 16,354 25,000 19... 14 .... 3..... Elgin ...... 214 22,43 9.54 22,000 9.73 30...I...... 1 4..... Fairbury...... 26 2,187 11.81 2,600 10.00...... I::: : ..:: ..... Forreson...... 12 1,047 11.46 1,30 9.23...... Fulton...... 30 2,685 11.17 3,500 8.57...... I...... Gardner ...... 10 1,036 9.6 1,20 8.38 ...... -. Gibson ...... 27 2,054 13 1 2,500 10. 3 ...... 2.2 Greenfield...... 15 1,065 13.82 1,200 2.f 12.5 ...... iGrlggsville ...... s 1,404 21.37 1,600 18.75 2.... Hamilton...... 40 1,344 29.7 1,300 30.77 3.. . Hinsdale ...... 5 2,5V78 1. 3,00 1.67 1. 1...... Joliet .383...... 29, 13.0 40,000 9.5 32.. 9...... 11.2 Kansas ...... 8 1,049 7.6 2,000 4 1.. 1. . Laharpe..~~~~~~20 1,591 12.57 1,600 L...... 1 Lebanon...... e 3 1,812, 19.32 1,800 19.44 1 . S 3 a White, 14,000; colored, 16,000. b White, 10,276; colored, 9,027. a White, 9; colored, 15. d White. 24; colored, 63. e Typhus, 3. 1039 my 10,10 Mortality statietics of 1,447 cities and touns of the United Slatei, etc.-Continued.

5, 1 Deaths from-

Cities or towns. a5 5,3w

- 0 ~ _ e a 443. < ~~~r. Illinois-Continued.

Leroy...... 12 '6299 7.3 2,005 6.0( ...... i ......

Lexington...... 16 1,415 11.31 J,tO1 10.01 3 ...... I ...... Macomb...... 62 5,376 11.54 5, OO 11.41 1...... Maros...... 1,213 6.60 1, 505 5.33 l2 ...... *...... I...... Marseilles...... 34 2,559 13.29 2,60) 18.0E 3 ...... Mattoon...... 122 9,622 12.68 14, 00) 8.71 14 8 ...... 16 MSinonk ...... 2,545 6.29 8,000 5.33 3 1 ...... Monmouth ...... 72 7,460 9.65 10,000 7.2C 15 1 *...... i. Morgan Park ...... 19 2,329 8.16 2,50) 7.6C 2 ...... 1.... Morrison...... 1t 2,308 8.23 2,50) 7.6C 3 ...... *...... Mount Vernon...... 108 5,216 20.71 7,500 14.44C 22 ...... 5 Nashville...... 35 2,184 16.03 2,501' 14.0u 7 ...... 8 ...... Nauvoo...... 17 1,321 12 87 1,40) 12.14 5 1 ...... *...... 2... Nokomis...... 1, 31 13.86 1,500 12.67 2 ...... *...... 132192 ...... Ottawa ...... 10,588 12.47 12,000 11.05 9 ...... *-----i Pecatonica ...... 12 1,045 11.48 1,200 10.05 ...... i...... 1 ...... Peoria...... 705 56,100 12.57 50,000 14.05 5 Plano ...... 14 1,631 8.57 2,000 7.05 ......

.4 ...... i Polntiac...... 80 4,266 18.86 5,000 16.01) ...... *-----i 6 Quincy...... 582 36,252 16.05 43, 000 13.54 4 I...... 5 Rockford ...... 277 31,051 8.93 85,000 7.91 394 3 1 Rushville ...... 32 2,292 13.96 2,500 12.80 1 2 Vermont ...... 15 1,195 12.55 1,900 7.89...... ----.---1----.---...... Winchester ...... 20 1,711 11.69 2,000 10.00 Woodstock ...... 100 2,502 39.96 8,000 33.33 ...... I...... *--*-*----1------1._ ~~~~I__ _1. Total...... 3,7661 299,541 12.57 ,340,200: 11.07 359I.. . 74 15 _ 191 7_ Indiana: Albion...... 7 1,324 5.29 1,500 4.67 5 ,...... 51-l Argos...... 8 1,307 6.12 1,400 5, .7 . Aurora...... 55 3,645 15.08 3,535 15.56 6 2 Bluffton...... 45 4,4791 10.05t 5,000 9. (1) 4 4 Boonville...... 64 2,849 22.46 3,000 21.33 10 15 81 Bourbon...... 17 1,187 15.16 1,500 11.33 3 5...... 44 Brazil...... 34 7, 7-86 4.37 10,000, 3.40 1 2 4 '17 Bremen...... 8 1,671 4.79 1,800 4.40j...... 30 07 Brookville...... 2,037 14. 2,000 15.001 6 .....I.j1 ...... 1...... I Brownstown ...... 20 1,685 11.87 2,000 10.00 ...... I., Clay City...... 35 1,503, 23.22 1,800 19.44 8 2.---- Columbus...... 116 8,1301 14.27 7,500 15.47 15 I....i.. Connersville ...... 66 6,836: 9.65 8,000 8.25 8 Covington...... 33 2,213i 14.91 2,400 13.78 1 I....1 ...... Crown Point...... 30 2,336 12.46 2,000 15.00 1 1...... i !....1 ...... Danville ...... 18 1,802 9.49 1,800 10.() 1 *---- 11- Decatur...... 85 4,142 25.21 4:500 18.89) 8 Delphi...... 10 2,135 4.68, 2,000' 5.010 1 Edinburg ...... 23 1,820 12.641 2,000 11.50 3 B12 Elkhart...... 139 15,184 9.15 18,000 7.72 10 I 41 21 'I Elwood ...... 119 12,950 9.19 15, 000 7.93 17 Evansville ...... 912 59,007 15.45 70,000 13. 0:; 125 31 1 31.... Frankfort ...... 94 7, 100! 13.24 7,5 001253 7 Franklin ...... 60 4,005' 14.98 5,000 12.00 8 Garrett ...... 15 3,910 3.84 3,385 4.43 2 Goshen ...... 43 7,810 5.51 6,884 6.25 3 2 Greencastle ...... 38 3,661 10.38 4,400 8.64 2 Greensburg ...... 74 5,034 14.70 5,000 14.86 9 Hope ...... 21 1,088 19.30 1, 00 14.00 4 1--- - 2j Huntingburg...... 19 2,527 7.52 8,500 5. 43 3 120 12.64 10,00 121(1 18 10 Huntington...... 9,491 2. 141 Indianapolis ...... 2,388 169,164 14.12 200.000 11.91 289 64 4 51 Knightstown ...... 40 1,942 20 08 2,000 20.00 2 Kokomo ...... 36 10, 609 3.39 10,0I36 3.59 271 Lafayette ...... 311 18,116 17.17 20,71i 15.01 25 2 1 Laporte ...... 50 7,113 7.03 10,000 5.(0 14 1 Ligonler...... 20 2,281 8.58 2,500' 8. 00 3 17 ..... Madison ...... 113 7,835 14.42 10,000 11.301 25 Marion ...... 325 17,837 21.89 20,000 16.25: 16 Michigan City...... 249 14,850 16.77 18,000J13.83' 23 61 2 Mishawaka ...... 5,560 8.451 6,000 7 83 2 15 Muncie ...... 240471 20,942 11.45 25,0001 9.60, *34 May 10,1901 1040

Mortiy datis of 1,447 ciies and towns of th Unid Sttes, dec.-Contiunued. id.8 Deaths from-

Citiesortowns. i I02 ]s_-_ A I Ia _ 14 8. .~~~~~ Indiana-Crnnued. Newcastle...... 46 3,40e 13.5 I 15. I 8 1 ...... I a ...... New Harmony.-...... 21 1,341 15.6;70 I 15.0( 1 2 ...... I ...... Noblesville...... 42 4,792 8.76 9.77r 6 1 ...... North Vernon...... 35 2,823 12.410 2,62 13.83 10 2 ...... i Plymouth ...... 20 3, 656 5.47 4, OOC1 5.0& I....16-* ...... I ...... Princeton ...... 72 6,041 11.9 8,4661 9.00 ...... *....*... Richmond ...... 238 18, 226 13.0 11. 9 25 ...... 14I| ...... Rising Sun...... 20 1,548 12.92 1, 8m 11.11 4 1 ...... I Rochester...... 20 8,421 5.8 3,586 5.71 1 ...... I Rushvllle ...... 53 4,541 11.66 5,4D 10.56 ISs8 1 ...... 3 *...8... Salem ...... 40 1,995 10.14 2,000 20.86 8 ,...... 7 ...... 87 13.52 4 ...... Seymour 6,445 8,000 10.86 11 4 ...... *..... South Bend...... 323 999 40,0001 ...... 35, 8.9S 8.08 33 4 I 3 ...... Thorntown...... 13 1,511 8.6470 2,000 6.5C 4 ...... Tipton ...... 29 3,764 7.710 3,762 7.71 6 ...... 2I .e...... Union City...... 37 2,716 13. 6' 4,300) 8.6c ...... 1 ...... 14 i Vevay 19 1,588 11.9D 2,000 9.50 H...... 1 @[email protected] Vincennes ...... 169 10,249 16.41 15,000 11.27 22 9 ...... I Washington ...... 95 8,551 11.1 8,500 11.18 10 ...... @...... Whiting ...... 60 3,983 15.04 5,000 12 00 2 3 ...... -. Winchester ...... 33 8,705 8.91 3,550 9.30 3 ...... *...... Worthington ...... 20 1,448 13.81 2,000 10.00 2 ...... s...... - - 0 o Total...... 7,66 578,10 13.2 667.90K 11.1.5 92Z3...... 27 26 651 24 88 I0 Iowa:

I .... Ames...... 12 2,422 4.92 2,50( 6.00 2 ...... 'i ...... i Bedford ...... 11]I 1,977 5.06 3,00W 3.33 . ...4 a Belleplaine,...... 27 3,283 18.22 3, 800 7.1I 7.' .... 1 ...... ,...... Bellevue...... u 1, 67 7.41 1, 600 7.50.~ 1 ...... Boone ...... 100 8,880 411.20 10,000 10.00 2 ...... I...... Burlington ...... 378 23,201 16.34_ 12.60 53., I...... Carroll ...... 15 2,882 5.21] 3,086c 5.0D0...... I .-...... Cedar Falls ...... 64 00C 7 1. I..... 5,219 12.2E 6, 10.6 2." I...... *.. Centerville...... 62 4,256 to14.57as2 6,500 9.54 19..1 1. a8. ....-.

Charles City ...... 50 4,227 11.8s 5,280 9.4'7 6.- 2 ...... Clarinda ...... 49 3,276 14.96 3,500 14.0 3 .. 2 . I...... "...... --

Clinton ...... 346 15.24 I. 9 ...... 22,698 28,000 12.0 ...... Davenport ...... 484 35,416 13.67 42,000 LI.5& I..2 . I... Decorah ...... 19 3,246 5.85 4,000 4.71' B...... I M 2 ...... Des oines...... 645 62,139 78,000 I 8.1F 6I1.. .I 5 D)unlap ...... 5 1,355 3.69 1.500 a...... Eagle Grove...... 28 .3,557 7.87 4,450 6.29 ...... Emmetsburg...... ; 30 2,361 12.66 2,500 12.00 1 I... Fairfield ...... 51 4,69 10.88 4,500 7.. 1..-.2 Fort Dod,e...... 75 12,162 6.17 10,000 I 7.50 7 4 ...... Fort Madison...... 172 9, 278 12.07 12,000 9.33 4 2 .-...... 7. Grinnell ...... 41 3, 86 10.62 4,000 . .25 ...... --- Hamburg ...... 7 2,079 3.37 2,500 2.80 ...... Independence...... 55i 3,656 15.04 5,142 1'10.70 7...... I ...... lowa City...... 140 7,987 11,500 12.17 8 ... 32...... Jefferson City 2,601 6 54 8,000 5.67D ...... 14 ..... Lansing...... 1,48 01.11D ...... Laporte...... 1,419 .10.57 1,500 I]0.00 2 ...... McGregor...... 11 1,498 7.34 2,000 5.5l...... I...... Manning...... 2 1,169 1.72 1,500 1.33 *------Marion...... 52 4,102 12.6 6 0.40 Mount Ayr...... 15 1,729 8.6 8000 0.00 ...... Mount Vernon...... 18 1,629 11.0 1,500 0.00 ...... -New Sharon...... 14 1,252 11.18 ...... I 9.33 ...... Ew Odebolt ...... 26 1,482 18.16 1,6001,5680 6.25 ...... iI ... Oscoola...... 20 2,505 7.98 2,600 8.00 ...... Pella...... 48 2 628 18.30 6.00 ...... Red Oat...... 22 4,855 5.05 5,000 4.40 II...... Sanborn...... 20 1,247 16.98 1,250 6.00 I ... *I...... Seymour...... 15 1,708 8.91 2,200 6.82 *I...... *...... Sheldon...... 10 1,282C 4.38 8,00 3.83 L.* ....i *...... i Shenandoah...... 60 8,58 16.71 3,5 7.14 7 ; .... -...... Sibley...... 19 1,289 14.7 1,800 0.56 2 ...... Stuart...... 21 2,079 10.1 2,200 9.55 ...... Villi a ...... 34 2,211 15.3 2,500 1.f6f 1041 May 10.1901 Morityi statistics of 1,447 cities and towis of the United States, etc.--Continued. - I~~,4. __ Deaths from-

~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~~~~~~~4~ S.

lowa-Continued. West Liberty...... 27 1,690 15.98 1,800I 15.00 2. Wesit Union...... 31 1,9351 16.02 2,500! 12.40 1. Total .3...... ,334 281,574 11.45 337,7121 9.87i 296--- 71 22 6 53 14 Kansas: Arkansas City.3..... 5 6,140 5.70 8,000 4.28 14 2 8 2..... 1..... Atchison...... 320 15,7 20.35 18,000 17.7i8 ...... BaxterSprings...... 46 1.6411 28.03 2,00 23.00 9 .... 2 . 2..... Beloit...... 157 2,359 66.55 14,000, 11.21 16. 11 2 3...... Clde...... 20 1. 1571 17.29 1,400, 14.29 ...... Dodge Ciy20 1,942, 10.30 2,500! 8.00 1.1...... Emporia ...... 131 8,223~1-5.93 5,800 22.59 16 2 4' 2 1 3 2 Eureka ...... 24 2,091' 11:48 2,50 9.6(' 2.... 7...... 19..... Florence ...... 9 1,178 7-64 1,400 6.43 1.1...... 1..... Great Bend ...... 30 2,4701 12:15 3,0001 10.00 6... 11 ...... 3..... Goodland ...... 12 1,059! 11.33 1,20 10.00 4.... '...... Herington...... 17 1,6071 10.58 1,70 10.00 4 . 2::...... :: 2. Larned...... 34 1,582~ 21.49 5,00 6.80 3.... 31...... Lawrence ...... 173 10,862; 15.93 11,00 15.73 12 1 5 2..... 2.1 Leavenworth ...... 383 20,735 18.47 22,00 17.40 39 9 5...... 6 Lincoln...... 39 1,262, 30.90 9,200; 4.24 1 . 9...... Marysville...... 19 2,006~ 9.47 2,50 7.60 3... 2 . Newton...... 39 6,208l 6.28 6,8061 5.73 4 2 3..... 2.1 Nickerson...... 21 1,038; 20.23 2,50 8.40 ...... 1.1...... Norton ...... 44 1,202' 36.60 Io,68 4.13...... 5 21.-:...... Pratt ...... 68 1,213 56.06 7,0001 9.73 5...... -...... Sterling...... 40 2,002 19.98 4,000~10.00 1.... 2...... Wellington...... 37 4,245! 8.7i2 SOOO 7.40 3 1 3 1 1 i Wichita ...... 408 24,671j 16.54 25,000 16.32 315 9 3..... 2 1 Winfield ...... 30 5, 554 5.40 7,000 4.29 4.... 1...... Total ...... 2,156 128.169! 17.26 190.189 11.79 191 .10 -80! 25 5 -40 12 Kentucky: Belleview ...... 108 6.3-32 17.10 7,012 15.40 ...... 1...... 5..... Carrollton...... 30 2,20 13.61 3,000 10.00 6 1 ..... 3...... Clinton ...... 20 1,462 13.68 2,000 10.00 2.... 2.....-...... Dayton...... 79 6,104! 12.94 8,000 9.88 11 . 1...... Eminence ...... 60 1,018 58.94 2,000 30.00 10 . 1..... 1 2..... Franklin...... 51 2.1661 23.55 3,000 17.00 11. 11 ...... 1..... Glasgow...... 25 2,019 12.38 2,000 12.50 5.... 3...... Louisville ...... 3,519 204,731 17.19 226,678 15.54 438 6 75 .... 12 44.2 Mayfield ...... 65 4,081 15.93 7,000 9.22 13 . 4 16 ...... Nicholasville...... 40 2,393' 16.72 3,000 13.33 11 . 1...... Stanford...... a3l 1 651; 1878 2,000C 15.50 6.::...... 1..... Williamsburg...... a.. 61 1,4951 4:'01 2,5001 2.40 3 1...... 2..... Total ...... 4,034 235,657! 17.12 263,190 15.04 516 7 100 19 13 55 2 Louisiana: Baton Rouge...... 237 11,269 21.03 12,000 19.75.3 ...... 2 Jeanerette...... 10 1,91.05! 5:77 2.500 4.00 4 1 1 ...... 2 Morgan City...... 40 2,332' 17.531 3,000 13.33, 8 6 1 ...... New Orleans...... 7,893 287,1041 27.:491 300,00,b26.311 916 6 155 17 3 18 20 Shreveport ...... c419 16,013, 26 17 d25,060!e16.751 (391...Ig 91...... Total...... 8,599 318,6231 26.99 342,50 25.11' 1,002 12 166 18J 1 19 25 Maine: Addison...... 14 1,0591 13.22 1,000 14.00 3 ...... Anson...... 44 1,830, 24.04 1,475 29.831 1 .. . 1...... Auburn...... 33 12,9511 17.99 13,0001 17.'92) 8 ... 3 ...... Bangor .3...... 67 21,850' 16.80 25,000 14.681...... 12 . .... Belgrade...... 14 1,058: 13.22 1,0001 14...... a White, 7; colored, 24. dWhite, 15,000; colored, 10.000. b White, 23.39; colored, 33.11. e White, 10.80; colored, 20.70. cWhite, 162; colored, 251. f(White, 9; colored, 30. gWhite,6; colored, 3. May 10,1m1 1042

Mortlitydati of 1,447 cities and tos ofthe United Sides, de..-0ontinued.

~ a Deaths from- 1~~~~~h~~ 4a4

Citiesor towns 0 0~~~~~~~4~~~43 ~~~~~~ a ~~~42 14 04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4~~~~~ 04 ~~~~~I Maine-CbMnhnud. Benton ...... 20 1,097 18.23 1,136 17.60 1...... Bethel...... 31 1,835 16.89 2,300 13.48 3...... Biddeford ...... i 368 16,145 22.79 16,000 23.00 26 ... 7 3 2 8..... Boothbay ...... 25 1766 14.16 1,750 14.29 5 1...... BoothbayHarbor.... 24 1,926 12.46 1,700 14.12 3 3...... Bowdoinham...... 34 1,305 26.05 1,500 22.69 ...... Britol ...... 38 2,572 14.77 2,800 13.56...... 1...... Brownville...... 25 1,570 15,92 1,500 16.67 1...... 1 3...... Brunswick . 138 6,806 20.28 6,800 20.29 8 22... 5 6.1 Buxton ....40 1,838 21.76 2,Ou 20.00 ...... I..... Calais...... 144 7,655 18.81 8,000 18.00 ...... 2...... 2 1 Caribou...... 88 4,758 18.50 6,000 14.66 10 3 4 1 2.... Corinth...... 28 1,042 25.91 1,000 27.00 ...... 1...... Corrinna...... 18 1,170 15.38 1,200 15.00, 4...... Dexter...... 57 '21,941 19.72 2,800 20.72...... 1...... EastLivermore...... 31 2,129 14.56 2,500 12.40 2... 1...... IEastport...... 80 5,311 15.06 5,000I 16 00 11 I...... Eden...... 50 4,379 11.42 4,000 12.50 8 2...... -. Ellsworth ...... 82 4,297 19.08 5,000 16.40 7. I...... Farmionon...... 53 1,251 42.37 3,600 14.72 10 ...... FortFairfield...... 37 1,469 25.19 4,100 9.02...... I...... I..... FortKent...... 52 2,528 20.57 2,600 20 00 3... 4 2 1 4 3 Frankfort ...... 18 1.211 14.86 1,100 16.34 12..-...... Franklin..'26 1,201 21.56 1,264 20.56 ...... -...... Frenchbvlie.I5 1.316 3.80 2,000 2.50 1 .... 1...... Fryeburg...... 22 1,376 15.99 1,400 15.71 ...... 8...... Gouldesboro ...... 22 1,259 17.47 1,300 16.92 2...... GuildfordL...... 25 1,544 16.19 1,500 16.67..1...... Hallowell ...... 25 2,714 9.21 3.300 7.58 7. . Harrington...... 9 1,165 7.73 1,100 8.18 2 - Hiram...... 15 1,015 14.16 1,200 12.50 2 .. . Hodgadon ...... 16 1,130 14.16 1,118 14.37 ..-...... Houlton ...... 52 4,686 11.10 5,000 10.40..2 . 1 1..... Kennebunkport..... 57 2,12 26. 2,200 26.91 1....-...... a..... Leaon...... 19 1,335 14. 1,200 15 83 ...... -...... -...... Lewison...... 646 23,761 27.19 25,000 25.84 24-. 27 2 ....28 2 Limington...... 17 1,001 16.9 1L, 0 17.00 ...... Litehfleld...... 13 1,067 12.9 1,126 11.54...... Machiass...... 0 2,062 24.02 2,300 21L74 5...... I j Machiasport...... 28 1,218-22.9 1,427 19.62?...... Madison ...... 38 2,764LI1375 2,800 13.5 1i ...... Monmouth...... 36 1216 29.13 1400 25.71 7...... Monson...... 16 1116 14.34 1,200 13.34 2...... NewGloucester...... 18 1,162 15.4v' L30 13.I85 2...... 1..... Newport...... 27 1,633 17.61 1,500 18.00 1...... Norrdgewock..24.....? 1,496 16.05 1,656 14.49 6...... North Berwick...... 29 1,748 16.59 1,800W16.11 ...... 1...... Norway...... 41 2,902 14.13 2,500 16.28 4...... Oldtown...... 109 5,763 18.98 6,000 18.16 2- 3...... 2.3 Orono...... 41 3,257 12. 0 2,800 14.64 81.-I..... 3...... Oxford...... 28 1,8331 21.04 1,450 19.34 ...... Pembroke ...... 25 1,652 15.13 1,9500 16.67 5...... Penobsowt...... 15 1,156 12.9 1,300 1157 4.. I...... Pittsfield .3...... 2 1,156 27.68 3,000 10.67 2... 2...... Pittston...... 13 1.177 11.04 1,80 1.00 ...... PresqueIsle ...... 40 3,804 1052 4000 10.0 6..1...... I..... Princeton .18...... I 1,094 16.4 1,5 15.65 4...... 1 St.Albans...... 38 1,'037 36.64 1100 31.50 4...... sanford...... 111 6,078 18.2 6,00 18.is50 7...... I 1.1 Sidney...... 26 1,068 24.34 1,100 23.64 1.. ..1...... I Skowhegan...... 87 4,266 20.3 5,000 17.40 8 i..... 2 1 2 SouthBerwick...... 13 3,188 4.08 3,465 3.72 2... 1...... 1 Sullivan...... 12 1,034 11 50 1,250 9.52 ...... Topeam...... 18 2,097 8.58 2,000 9.00 1...... Turner ...... 42 1.842 22.8 2,000 21.00 5...... Union...... 22 1,248 17.6 1,200 18.33 1 I...... Waldoboro...... 56 3,145 17.80 3,500 16.00 3...... Wasbuarn...... 16 1,225 13.25 1,200 13.38 3...... Washington...... 31 1,019 30.42 1,000 31.00 1 I...... Westbrook ...... 127 7,0283 17.44 6,500 19.54 ...... 'Whitefleld ...... 241 1,156 20.76 1,200 20.00 5. I Wilton...... 27 1,617 16.3 1,600 168J 2....I...... 1043ma 10

Mfortality statistics of 1,447 cities and towns of thae United States, etc.-Continued. ad ~~~~~Deaths from- Cities ortowns. 0 r ada a. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 6. 0 ~~~~4 a .;a a -

Maine-Continued. Windham...... 33 1,929 17.11 2,300 14.35 8 ...... 1 Winslow...... 38 2,277, 16.69 2,000 19.00 1 3 1 ...... Yarmouth ...... 40 2,274 17.59 2,500 16.00 2 ...... Total...... 4,411 243.900 10.09 259,062 17.03 272 3 93 13 23 63 20 Maryland: Annapolis ...... 129 8,402. 15.35 8,0?OM 16.13 21... 3...... 2 11 Baltimore...... 10,152 508,957 19.95 541,000 18.76 974 1 153 5 2 299 19 Centerville...... 22 1,231 17.87 1.500 14.67 4...... -. 1..... Chestertown...... 21 3,00?' 6.98 3,000 7.00 6 ...... -...... I..... Elkton ...... 34 2,542 13.38 2,600 13.08 4.... 2...... Havre de Grace...... 46 3,423 13.44 3,500 13.14 4 ...... 1 I..... I .1 Oakland...... 69 1,170 3-8.97 1,800 38.33 7... 14 ...... 17 4 Oxford ...... 15 1,243 12.0Om 1,2001 12.501 3 ... 1 ...... Total...... 10,488 529.976 194.79 -562,600 18.68 1,0-3~ 1 171 6 24 321 35 Massachusetts: Acushnet ...... 20 1,221 16.38 1,05 19.05 2.... 2...... Agawam...... 52 2,536 20.50 2,500 20.80 5.... 3...... 4..... Amesbury...... 160 9,47,3 16c.89 10,000 16.00o 18.... 6..... 2 1..... Arlington ...... 112 8,603 13.02 8,000 14.00 5.I...... Ashland...... 27 1,525 17.70 1,000 21L00 2...... Auburn...... 23 1,621 14.19 1,600 14.25 1...... I.j Avon...... 35 1,741 20.10 1,600 21L87 ...... I..... Barnstable...... 77 4,364 [7.64 4,050 16.54 3...... Barre...... 44 2,059 21.37i 2,400 18.33 1...... Belchertown...... 40 2,292 17.45 2,000 20.00 3.1...... Bellingham...... 15 1,682 8.91 1,480 10.13 ...... 1.-I...... 1 Belmont...... 44 3,929 11.02 3,200 13.75...... Beverly ...... 196 13,884 14.12 13,00 15.08 14.... 4..... 1...... BillericaL...... 41 2,775 14.77 2,600 15.77 6...... Bostoon...... 11,167 560,892 19.91 555,057 20.12 1,236 5 165 33 74 304.76 Bridgewater...... 65 5,806 11.02- 4,800 13.54 9.... 2...... 2..... Brockton ...... 458 40,06.3 11.43 88,759 11.82 66 ...... 7 .....1 9 4 Brookline ...... 27 19,935 11 89 20,00 11.85 25.... 2...... 11..... Ituckland...... 25 1,446 17.29 1,800 13.89 1... I...... Cambridge...... 1,539 91,886 16.75 92,52. 16.63 166.... 20 8....8 *55.2 Charlton...... 40 1,860 20.43 1,877 21.36 2...... Chatbama...... 25 1,749 14.29 1,700 14.71 2...... Chelmisford ...... 70 3,984 17.57 3,200 21.88 10 2...... Chelsea...... 517 34,072 19.03 34,235 15.10 36 5 10 2 ....1 12 5 Chester...... 28 1,450 19.31 1,400 20.00 2...... Chicopee...... 351 19,167 18.83 19,000 19.00 34 ... 6 . 6.2 Clinton ...... 185 13,667 13.53 13,000 14.23 15.... 3. . 2 1 Concord...... 60 5,652 10.62 5,700 10.53 7...... 2..... Conway ...... 24 1,458 16.46 1,400 17.14 5...... Cottage City...... 30 1,100 27.27i 1,038 28.90 2 ..... 1...... Dalton ...... 65 3,014 21.63 3,300 19.07...... Danvers...... 104 8,542 12.18 7,181 14.48 11.... I...... Dartmouth...... 72 3.669 19.62 3,100 23.22 5.8...... Deerfield ...... 41 1,969 26.82 3,000 18.67...... i...... Dennis...... 43 2,333 18.4.3 2,500 17.20 6...... I..... Douglass ...... 48 2,113 20.35 2,024 21.25 11...... Dracut...... 43 3,253 13.22 2,600 16.54 2.... 2...... I.... Dudly ...... 52 3,55-3 14.64 8.203 16.23 1 1...... 1.. Duibur...... 34 2,075 16.39 1,960 17.88 1.1...... Eatapton ...... 71 5,60.3 12.65 5,000 14.20...... I..... 'Edgartown...... 20 1,2094 16.54 1,150 17.38...... 27 24,336 14.38 1,600) 16.88...... Everett...... 350 1,66.1 16.24 23,000 15.22 34 ...2 7..... 3 1. Falmouth ...... 60 3,500 17.14 2,655 22.60 9...... 2 2 Fitchburg ...... 407 31,531 12.91 29,438 13.83 37... 4 10 4 7 4 Foxboro ...... 70 3,266 21.43 3,100 21.94 1...... I..... Framingham ...... 144 11,302 12.39 12,000 12.00 21.... 2...... I...... Freetown...... 31 1,394 29225 1,400 22.14 3...... 1 Gardner ...... 289 10,813 26.73 10,000 28.90 19... 2 1 3 14 4 Georgetown...... 61 1,900 82.11 2,050 29,76 3...... Gloucester...... 35 26,121 12.75 30,500I 10.98 34 . 8 2 . *'5.4 Great Barrington. 90 5,854 15.36 5,000 18.001 8...... 3..... May 10.1901 1044

Mortality statstics of 1,147 cities and towu of the United States, etc.-Continued. ~~-.~~~ Deaths from-

Cities or towns. 'o

oa co

Massachusetts-Cont'd. Greenfield...... 120 7,927 15.14 7,820 15.35 18... 1.... I ...... Groton...... 31 2,052 15 11 2,230 13.78 2.....-....1...... Grovels.nd...... 41 2,376 17.26 2,333 17.57 1I.. 2...... Hadley...... 28 1,789 15.6 1,700 16.47 1. 1...... Hanover...... 45 2,152 20.91 2.200 20.45 6...... Hanson...... 22 1,455 15.12 1,400 15.71 1. 1...... Hardwick ...... 60 3,20318.73 3,000 20 00 7.1...... - 1. Harvard...... 16 1,139 14.05 1,160 13.79 ...... Harwick ...... 43 3,203 13.43 2,534 16.97 4. 1 1...... 1. .... Hatfield...... 23 1,500 15.33 1,300 17.69 4... 3.... 1...... Haverhill...... 534 37,175 14.36 37,348 14.30 58 .....' 5 .... 2 17.9 Hingham...... 77 5,059 15.22 4,600 16.74 8...... 1..... Hinsdale...... 21 1,435 14.14 1,400 15.0 3.1...... Holden ...... 3.7 2,464 15.02 2,600 14.213 6.1...... i...... Hollston...... 48 2,598 18.48 2,718 1.66 2...... Hoyk...... 701 45,712 15.34 44,982 15.58 56 ...11 ..... 3 8.10 Hpde...... 22 2,087 10.54 1,51,0 14.56 ...... Hpkinstnn...... 52 2,623 19.82 3,000 17.33 10 ...... Hubbardston ...... 28 1,227 22.9 1,274 21L98 1...... Huntington...... 20 1,475 13.49 1,450 18.79 4...... ,Hyde Park...... 210 13,244 15.86 13,300 15.79 31.... 1..... 1 3..... Ipswich...... 70 4,658 15.03 4,720 14.83...... Lancaster ...... 44 2,478 17.76 2,130 20.18 5...... Lawrence...... 1,234 62,559 19.72 59,072 20.89 a 65... 20 4 2 60 . Lee...... 58 3,596 16.13 4,066 14.27 6 . 2..... 3...... Lenox...... 39 2,942 13.56 3,000 13.0 1...... LeominteWr...... 171 12,392 13.0 12,000 14.25 17 ...... 2 4.2 Lexington ...... 50 3,831 13.05 4,000 12.50 7...... :::...... Littleton ...... 18 1,179 15.27 1,200 15.00 1...... Lowell...... 1,848 94,969 19.45 90,114 20.51 181 1 17 26 9 39.14 Ludlow...... 54 3,536 15.55 3,000 18.00 15.... 4...... 2..... Lunenburg ...... 19 1,332 14.26 1,250 15.2 1.... I...... 1..... Lynn...... 1,018 68,513 14.86 66,703 15.25 89... 13 7 3 10 7 Malden ...... 454 33,664 13.49 33,000 13.76 51.... 4 2 0 9.... Manchester...... 36 2,522 14.27 1,976 18.22 1...... 2..... Marblehead...... 117 7,582 15 29 7,500 15.60 9... 1...... 3..... Mattapolsett...... 22 1,061 20.74 1,100 20.00 2...... Maynard...... 54 3,142 17.19 3,300 16.33 3 I1...... Medfield ...... 32 2,926 10.94 2,000 16.00 1 2...... Medford...... 216 18,244 11.84 17,000 12.71 13.... 5...... 9..... Medway...... 52 2,761 18.87 2,900 1793 7..1...... 1...... Melrose...... 183 12,962 14.12 12,391 14.76 16.. 6.... I...... Methuen ...... 115 7,512 15.31 7,000 16.4 4... 2 1 3 10 ..... Milton...... 72 8,578 10.95 6,224 11.5 ...... 2...... Monson...... 73 3,402 21.46 3,700 19 6...... ::: 1 2 Needham' 56 4,016 13.94 3,500 160 2... 2...... - New Bedford::...... 1,161 62,442 1859 56,000 2073 105.- 16 .... 11 25 ..... Newburyport.:..:.::: 272 1.4,478 18.7P 15,000 18.13 25... 4 2.... 2 2 Newton...... 489 33,587 13.07 29,992 14.64 35 ... 4 1 2 5 3 NorthAdams...... 306 24,200 12 64 20,971 14.59 5.. 6 3...... Northampton...... 282 18,643 15.63 18,000 15 25. 2...... NorthAndover...... 58 4,243 13.67 4,000 14.50 7..... 2.1...... North Attleboro...... 98 7,25 13.51 7,000 14 00 8.... 1..... 1 4..... Northboro...... a 2,164 15.25 1,940 17.01 1...... 2..... Northbridge...... 115 7,086 16.35 6,000 19.17 10 ... 1 1 1 4 1 Norton...... 33 1,326 18.0r7 1,700 19.41 4...... Norwell...... 32 1,56 20.51 1,634 19.58 3...... Orange...... 91 5,520 16.49 5,600 16.25 8...... 3..... Orleans...... 26 1,123 23.15 1,200 21.67 ...... Oxford, ...... 52 2.677 19.42 2,400 21.75 10 ...... Palmer ...... 143 7,801 18.33 8 200 17.44 15- 6.... 2 9.., Pembroke...... 26 1,240 22.58 1,200 23.33 8...... Pepeel ...... 63 3,701 17.02 8.800 16.58 5... 1....1...... Piifel ...... 37 21,766 15.02 22,000 14.41 25.. 1..... 3...... Plymouth ...... 157 9,592 16.16 7,966 19.7 15-...... 1....1...... Provincoetwn ...... 81 4,247 19.07 4,800 16.88 6...... 1... 1. Qincy.356...... S 23,899 11.90 24,578 14.43 46.... 9...... 6..... anop...... 76 3,993 19.03 4,000 19.00 8...... d Redn ...... 82 4,969 16.50 5,000 16. 4...... Rehobt...... 33 1,840 17.93 1,800 18. 2...... I...... i.... Revere ...... 1141 10,895 10.97 10,000 11.41 12...1 1 1 1 2 a Tuberculosis in all forms. 1045 "May 10,190

Mortality Jtatistie of 1,447 cities and towns of the United States, etc.-Continued.

- Deaths from- a 0 Sa I tI

Cities or towns. . b o~ _0 60~o.-a: 'I c _I W _ a 0 a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 I , F4 Massachusetts-1Cbnt'd. Rockport...... 82 5,322 15.38 _I4,000 20.50 9 *ff-1 ]L Salisbury...... 22 1, 55M 14.12 1,300 16.92 2 I , * -1 ...... Seekonk ...... 19 1,67i1 11.36 1, 465 12.97 ...... i *-- *1 i ...... Sharon ...... 36 2, 06C 17.48 1,800 20.00 *---*1 ...... 31. Sheffield ...... 36 1, 809 19.895 19.46 ...... *-**-1 ...... *1 2 Sherborn ...... 26 1,48 17.53 1,446 17.98 ...... --- -- Shirley...... 25 1,68C 14.88 1,500 16.67 *----1 11 ...... 2, 1 Somerset...... 47 2,241 18.29 1,983 28.70 I *-*--1 11B ...... Somerville...... 801 61,W3 12.8-9 60,00 13.35 94 *s**1 1 Southampton...... 26 1, 012 25.69 25.57 2 -**-1 .1...... Southbridge...... 194 10,0a 19.35 9,30 20.86 16 *----1 I3 ...... South Hadley...... 53 4, 52( 11.72 4,50 11.82 4 ...... Stoughton ...... 84 5,44:1 15.43 5 15.227 *--*-1 *...... Sudbury ...... 16 1,15C 13.91 10.00 *----1 ...... Swaampscott ...... 73 4,546 16.05 4,50 16.22 3 11 L 1 ...... Swansea...... 20 1, 64 12 16 12.12 *. Taunton...... 6.58 31, 038 21.59 28, 22,58 67 8, 4 Templeton ...... 67 3.49 19.20 3,0 22.33 4 1 1 ...... Tisbury ...... 18 1,149 15.67 1,000 18.00 3 ...... i2 Topsfield ...... 15 1, 030 14.56 1,043 14.38 ...... Townisend...... 36 1,804 19.96 1,800 20.00 ...... Upton ...... 37 1,937 19.10 2, 150 17.21 1 ...... Wakefield...... 13i2 9,290 14.21 10,000 13. 20 3 ...... W 30 8.40 3,800 9.09 ,...... alpole...... 3,572 1 ...... Waltham...... 315 23,481 13.42 22,500 14.00 1 1 1 10... Ware ...... 110 8,263 13.31 7,651 14.38 ,...... *. Wareham ...... 65 3,434 18.94 3,300 19.70 11 ,...... 21 Warren...... 64 4,417 14.49 4,500 14.22 ,...... Watertown...... 117 9,706 12.05 8,700 13.45 ...... Wellesley ...... 48 5,072 9.46 5,000 9.60 19 ...... Westboro ...... 138 5,400 25.55 5,000 27.60 1(1 ...... West Boylston...... 52 2,314 25.47 2,968 17.52 2 ...... 40...... 4...... Westford...... 42 2,624 16.01 2,418 17.37 ...... West Newbury...... 22 1,558 14.12 1,640 13.41 ...... 2. Westport...... 42 2,890 .14.53 2, 700 15.56 1I ...... West Springfield...... 128 7,105 18.16 7,1000 18.29 ...... 8, 4 Weymouth ...... 201 11, 324 17.75 11,000 18.27, 1 Whitman ...... 80 6.1.55 13.00 6,042 12.41 ...... Winchester...... 85 7,248 11.73 7.200 11.81 1 Woburn ...... 234 14,254 16.42 14,500 16.14 34 ...... Worcester ...... 1,800 118,421 15.12 113, 273 15.88 211I4 5 2~ I Yarmouth...... 261 1,682 15.46 1,600 12.50 ...... -I, ______1--Il 1.29 3 570 801 235 Total...... 37. 027 2, 107, 374 16. 8612. 144,209 13 492 1181 179 --I - 1721'I~ 1 Michigan: Adrian ...... 141 9, 654 14.6( 10,00o 14.10 2 4. 3 ...... Albion ...... 74 4,519 16.36 14.80 3 13. Allegan...... 50 2, 667 18.7a 2, 673 18.71 3 ....2.4 ...... Alpena...... a 174 11, 802 14.74 15.0OOC 11.60 5 Ann Arbor...... 179 14,501 12.34 15,500 10.90 11 .....2 ...... i Battle Creek...... 264 18,561 14. 2 20,00O 13.20 6 I... Bay City...... 323 27,626 11.69 38, 000 8.50 20 -- ---1...... z ...... 8 ...... Beding...... 38 3,282 11 56 4,'000 9.50 5 I.*2. ,...... 10 ... 1...... Benton Harbor...... 85 6,562 12.91 8,000 10.8-3 ..6...... 1...... Bememer ...... 65 3,911 16.62 3,500 18.57 5 Big Rapid ...... 90 4,686 19.21 6,000 15.00 9 21 1 2 -: 1 Buchanan ...... 18 1,7061 0 10.53 2,200 8 18 1 - Cadillac .. 84 5, 997 14 01 6,000 14.00 5 I....1 ...... j...... Caro...... 27 2,006 13.46 2,000 13.1'0 3~ Carrollton ...... 19 1,959 9.73 2,500 7.60 ....1..... Cassopolis...... 15 1,330 11.28 1,800 8.33 ...... Charlevoix ...... 37 2,079 17.80 3,000 12.33 ..... 3. Charlotte ...... 69 4.09' 16.86 5,000 13.80 ...... Cheboygan...... 102 6,489 15.72 7,000 14.57 1------112...18 Chelsea ...... 10 1, 63W 6.12 2,000 5.00 2 1----.-. Clare ...... 16 1, 326 12.06 1,500 10.67 1 .--* - ....5 Coldwater...... 83 6,216 13.35 5,286 15.70 3.24-1--e-r Corunna...... 27 1,510 17.18 1,500 18.00 4 1 Decatur ...... 15 1, 356 11.06 1,300 11.54 a Detroit...... 4,212 285, 704l 14.39 300,0001 14.04 39 a Typhus, 1. May lQl91 1046

Mortaty aieis of 1,447 cities and towa of tAe United Stat, etc.-Continued.

la Deths from- 9 ', s 9 'd0 a2

Cities or towng. = ~ ~ 0 - Z ~~ ~ ~ 0

M O Di I?14 l-ild lU Michigan-Continued. Dundee ...... i 15 1,118 13.42 1,201 12.50 ...... -- -- -1 vart...... 2 1,360 19.85 10 18.00 41 ...... *------1 Flin't ... __...... 13,103 13.31 14,000 12.50 b ...... FPrankfort 9i 1,465 12.97,! 0 10.00 171....V.. .I.- Gladstone...... IC 3,380 2.961 3,000 3.33 3i. b...... 1 6 Grand Haven _ 68 4, 743, 14. 34 5 5012. 36 5 b...... Grand Ledge ...... 35 2t161': I6.2 2,wo 12.96 2 ....q... 3 ...... Grand Rapids 1,201 87,565 14.59, 90,000 13.38 113i.... 391 4 .. Harbor Springs...... 12 1,643 7.30. 1,500 8.00...... Hartford...... o 20 1,077' 1,500 13.33 1V. s 18.56, .*...... i Hillsdale...... i57 4,151 13.7-3 4,500 12.67 5|...... 116 14.89 101 Holland 7,790 10,000 11.60 ...... 2 1 . 1..... Holly .13 1,419 9.16 1,8001 7.23 2K...... -...... Homer...... 20 1,097 18.23, 1,200j 16.67 3...... Howard .36 1, 398' 25.76; 1,300 27.69 1. .!. I...... I.-...... I..... Imlay...... 13 1,122 11.58' 1,305 9.96. .2 ...... louis...... 70 5,209 13.44i 5,000 14.00' 5. I...... -...... Ironwood...... 138 9,705 14.22' 10,000 13.80 !...... 1-e 1 e Ithaca .18 2,020, 8.91' 2:000 9.00 .... I...... Jackson. 317 25,180'12.55' 00090 10.57 9...... Kalklkia ...... ski.. 16 1,304, 12. 27 1 550 13.23 ...... 2...... Leslie .1...... I 1,114 14.36 1,000 16.00 1.. . 1 ...... 1 Ludington...... 103 7,166 14.37 8,305 13.63 8.. il Manistee...... 1 J4,260, 13.32 15,000 12.67' 16.... 6i...... 1...... * Marine ... 55 i,829 14.36, 4.500 12.22' 1. . 2 Mount Clemens ...... 101 6,576, 15.36 7,500 13.47i 8...... Nashville .. 1,164, 15.46 1,200 15.00 1. 1.1 Newaygo .. 1,172, 11.09 1,300 10.00...... b Niles...... 43 4,287! 10.0 5,000 8.601 7...... l 2...i. Nortbville .26 1,755! 14.81 2,00 13.00 '3. .. | Obsego. 25 2,073 12.06 2,000 12.50j 1.. .1-...... Ovid .... 29 20 2.... 1, 282 1,500 20.00 1 1.1 ...... 2..-.-... Owosso-...... 115 8,696, 13.221 10 11.501 6ffi ....---. Oxford .12 1,172 10.24, 1,300 9.23! 1 .. . Pentwater .19 1,0611 17.91I 1,600 11...... 1.4 Petoskey.59 5,2851 11.16! 6,000 9.83' 7..... 1 . Ponti.. 1 9,769 18.31 10, 18.00i 3..... *-----. Port Huron.. 282 19,18 12.11 20,000 11.60i 13...... Red Jacket . 65 4,68 13.95 5,000 13. 5.... a . Richmond. 10 1,1n8 8.83 1,000 l0o0. 1 *a@-- 61 Romeo. 2 1,580 14.56 1,7 12.9!i 1 St. Ignace .34 271 14.97 3,11.3!. 12. St. Johns .. 44 3,388 12.99 3440 12.79 4. St. Joseph .92 5,155! 17.85 6:500 14 151 4 1 a St. Lois...... s 1,99 15.086 2,300 13.04! 2...... "ault te. arie 140 10,5381 13.29 8,000 17.50: 14...... South 53 ...... Haven. 4,009 13.22i 8,500 15.14+. 2...... -... Sturgis .3 2,465 13.891 3,000 11.00 5...... Tawas .12 1,228 9.77 1 23D 9.76 ...... @ .124 l...... I0.. Traverse 9,407' 13.18 , l.27 3.....27a ...... - *.@...... 15 Union 1,514 9.91 1,570 9.55 2...... I.... Whitehall ...... 18 1,481 12.15 1,700 10.59 1 I...... Total .10. 1507 752.;Bj1_13.95 812.5 12.98 834 1 18 11421 48 48 Minnesota: ...... , Albert Lea...... 4,500' 8.22' 5,500 7...... 6.721 I ...... , Austin ...... 3i 5,4741 6.94 6,000 6.38 3...... 1. Cannon Falls. 1,239, 6.46, 1,500 5.38 1...... i...... , Cloquet 24 3,072i 7.81, 5,00 .4. SO! 5...... 6...... Crookston. 31 .S&5 5.78 . 5,000 6.20. 6... a ...... Detroit 22 2,060110.68 2,0()0 11. (to 8a I ...... 28 8 ...... I ...... Fairmount. 3,0 .1.56 3,200 8.13 a 12 ...... Farihault.... 102 7,863112.97 8,000 12.75 3...... i ...... Fergu Falls...... 97 6,0721 15.98 7,200 13.47 22 ...... Hastings. 52 3,8111 13.64 4,000 13.00 3...... 12...... Lesueur. 1i 1,97i 7.74! 2,300 6.52!...... Little Falls. 1.39 10.00 3...... 7.... 5,7740 6,0001 3w0 Luverne. 12 2228' 5.40 2,500 4.80 2...... ij ...45,,, .....6.. Mankato ...... 162 10599 15:28 15 ' 1080 22...... 71...... Minneapolis...... 2,082 202,718! 10.27! 2266021 9.231 248. 71 9 05 26 1047 -may 10,1901

Mortality statistics of 1, 447 cities and towu of the United &ates, etc.-Continued.

;i Deaths from- o Iet e 0. 8 3 Cities or towns. P 00. g ,'c~~~~~~~~c o 1-_I__ _~

Minnesota-Continued. Montevideo...... Ii0 2,144 i 2,500 7.60 2 ...... Moorehead...... 3,73( 15.018.85 4,000 14.00 ...... New Ulm...... 54 5,401 10.73 5,700 10.18 ...... Northfield ...... IC 3, 210 12.44 4,000 10.00 6 ...... North St. Paul:...... I 1, 110 9.0U 1,000 10.00 * 1 Owatonna ...... 5,561 6.11 6,000 5.67 )I *------...... Red Wing...... 1,14 7,525 9.03I 8,000 8.50 10 163, 000 48 ...... St Paul...... 1,6 06 10.37 00, 8.46 3--- Sauk Center...... 2,224 2,500 10.00 2 41 11.26 ...... Shakopee...... 2,047 2,000 9.00 8.79 ...... South St. Paul...... !8 2,322 9 01 2,400 8.75 1 3-1--- Souith Stillwater...... 1,422 . .8 1, 200 9 17 31 3 1 Spring Valley...... 1,770 15.82 2,300 12.17 ...... Tracy ...... 12 1,911 6.21 2,500 4.80 1 ...... Wells...... 2,017 10.41 2,300 9.13 Willmar ...... I6 3,409 7.63 3,500 7.43 4 Winnebago ...... 3 1,816 7.26 2,000 6.50 ...... Worthington ...... 7 2,386 7 12 2,500 6.80 Total...... 4,936 487,811 10.31 553,20 _ 8.92 420 4 134 4 19 125 36 Missisippi: Bay St. Louis...... 95 2,872 33 08 3,000 31.67 11 2...... 2.... Corinth...... 84 3,661 22.94 3,750 22.40 12 1 12 1 ...... 1 I Gloster ...... 1,6615 8.01 1,500 3.83 1...... Grenada...... 52 2,568 20.25 3,000 17.33 3 1 1 1...... Holly Springs...... 20 2,815 7.10 3,000 6.6 1 1 ...... Lexington ...... 4 1,516 2.63 1,500 2.67...... 1...... i Natchez...... 451 12,210 36.93 13,000 34 69 60.... 16 2. 3 Oxford...... 28 1,825 15.34 2,000 14.00...... I...... Pas Christian...... 29 2,028 14.30 2,000 14.50 11 I...... Scranton...... 18 2,025 8.89 2,000 9.00 4. 2 ...... Total...... 786 33.181 23.69 34.750 22.62 103 2 35 6 1 5, 1 Misouri: Carterville ...... 60 4,445 13.50 4,000 15.00 9 8 4 91 2 ICldorado Springs...... 100 2,137 46.79 3,000 33.83 ...... I...... Excelsior Springs..::::: 1,88126 13.82 3,000 8...... Hannibal ...... 156 12,780 12.20 15,000 10.40 3 .. 3 1... 5 Higbee...... 20 1,151 17.377 2,500 8.00 5. 1 1...... Lamar...... 37 2,737 13.52 8,500 10.57 5 2...... Lebanon...... 22 2,125 10.35 3,000 7.83 2 ...... -...... ---- Milan ...... 33 1,757 18.78 2,200 15.00 4 ...... 2...... Mound City...... 1,68140 23.80 1,80 22.22 ...... Norborne ...... 9 1,189 7.57 1,500 6.00...... .. . 38 1,897 23.62 1, 00 18.33 2.... 4 1...... 2.. St. Charles...... l92 7,982 24.05 8,000 24.00 24 22 ...... 3 1 St. Louis...... 10,'124 575,234 17.43 623,000 16.08 1,091 5 131 15 34 242! 6) Sarooxie...... 18 1,126 15.99 1,800 10.00 3.8'- 1...... I1!. Stanberry...... 83 2,654 31.27 3,200 25.94 11 I.... 51...... Thayer ...... 19 1,276 14.87 1,800 10.56.* ..... I...... i Versailles...... 14 1,240 11.29 1,200 11 67 ...... 2...... WVarrensburg ...... 60 4,724 12.70 7,000 8.56 12 - - 5...... Total...... 10,946 627,520 17.44 6R87. 0 15.92 1.171 7 179 22 34 271 63 Montana: Doer Lodge...... 81,324 6.04 1,000 8.00...... Helena...... 163 10,770 15.13 20,000 8.15 ...... Missoula ...... 193 4,366 44.21 6 0 ...... Total...... 364 16,4801 22.11 27,001X 3-98 ...... 3 1 21 21...... Nebraska: a&)'I . Beatrice...... 7,875 14. I1 12, 000 9.17 ...... 12.79 4,00O Blair...... III 2,97(4 9.501...... David City...... 18 1,845 5.31 2,500 4. WI1...... i Fairbury...... 3,140 5. 7d 4,000 4.501 ...... I 131. May 10,1901 1048

Monthly tatistics of 1,447 cities and towns of the United State, etc.-Continued.

I.*&Si Deaths from- 9. .10

Cities or towns. V%.O.*S 002~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *80 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~&4.

zs '~~O ~ 008 e*~~. 9

Nebraska-Continued. Fremont...... 93 7,241 12.84 10,000 9.30 4 1 1 .I...... Hebron...... 12 1,511 7.94 2.00 6.00 2 3 ...... Lincoln...... 895 40,169 9.83 60,000 6.58 4 . 10 3 . *...... 3 Nebraska City...... 49 7,380 6.64 14,0(N 3.50 Al 4 I Neligh...... 5 1,135 4.40 1,300 3.74 . 2...... *---.... Norfolk...... 85 3,883 11.59 5,000 7.00 ...... Omaha...... 1,187 102,555 11.59 160, 7.41 117 ... 26.....i111 St. Paul...... 15 1,475 10.17 1,600 9.38 ...... 1. * ...... ; . ...;.-... South Omaha...... 289 26, 001 11.11 20,000 14.45 ..... 'i %I 1 1 ...... Tecumseh ...... 10 4.99 3,000 3.83 I...... Tekamah...... 14 1,597 8.77 1,600 8.75 ......

Wayne...... 6 2.119 2.83 3.00 ..-....i .- ...... 8 ...... Weeping Water...... 45 1,156 38. 92 2,400 18 75 .. I ...... Total...... 2,332 214,057 10.99 30r,400 7.64 166 1 48 23 11 60 12 Nevada: Virginia City...... 40 2,695 14.84 5,000 8.00 4 . ....

Total...... 40 2,695 14.84 5,000 8.00 4 '' . . ' New Hampshire: Allenstown...... 28 1,496 18.72 1, 50 18. 67 4I - 1 ,... 14 0A Amherst...... 15 1,231 12.19 1,03 - -...... Andover...... 29 1,179 24.60 1,050 27 61 2 ,.. .. I...... Barnstead ...... 25 1,072 23.41 1,250 20.00 .. ,.. .4 I...... Bedford...... 23 1,148 20.03 1,102 20.99 r.. ,.. .. I...... Belmont...... 24 1,294 18.55 1,106 21.89 ,.. .. I...... i Berlin...... 160 8,886 18.01 8,021 19.98 1: .3.. 8 Bethlehem ...... 20 1,261 15.86 1,300 15.77 ,...... @. Boscawen...... 24 1,455 16.49 1,300 18.48 .1 ...... *..... Bristol ...... 35 1,600 21.88 1, 8W 19.44 2 2 Canaan...... 22 1,444 15.24 1,500 14.67 ...... Candia ...... 19 1,057 17.97 1,105 17.15 ...... Charlesown...... 24 1,473 16.29 1,400 17.14 * Claremont ...... 99 6, 498 15.24 6,000 16.50 ...... Concord ...... 365 19,632 15.24 18,000 20.28 22 ...... Dover ...... 249 13,207 18.85 15,000 16.60 10 2 Exeter...... 72 4 14.63 4,800 15.00 L...... -..... *** Farmington ...... 45 2 265 19.87 8,060 14.38 I...... Franklin...... 67 5.846 11 46 5,000 13.40 4 ...... I.. .-...... Goffstown...... 98 2, 528 38.77 2,000 49.00 12L...... 1 Henniker...... 26 1,507 16.59 1,500 16.60 ...... - ...... , 1 Hillsboro ...... 26 2,254 11.09 2,800 9.29 ...... *----**.,....-@ Hinsdale ...... 33 1,93 17.07 2,200 15.00 4 ...... -*. ..-.-@@- Hookmett...... 30 1,665 18.02 1,893 15.88 4 I....*...... ,....@@-. Hopklinton ...... 28 1,652 16. 15.55 1 ...... ,....**...... l Jaffrey ...... 31 1,891 16.39 1,710 18.23 5 I.....!-.----.. , 2...... I Kingston...... 13 1 132 11.48 1,150 11.30 ..-.-.. .----.. ,...... I Lebanon...... 68 4,965 4,500 14.22 7 ...... ,...... -.- Londonderry...... 26 1,408 18.47 1,20 21.67 1 ...... ,...... Manchester...... 1,068 56,987 18.74 60 000 17.80 91 , 3 Marlboro ...... 27 1,524 17.72 1,700 15.88 ...... ,*.---@_ ..e.-e.. "i Meredith ...... 22 1,713 12.84 2,000 11.00 ...... -@-.. ..-... Milan ...... 11 1,135 9.69 1, 2no 9.17 .-...-- .1 .X@ *e@--- ...... i Milford...... 48 8,739 12.84 4,000 12.00 ..... I 1 ...... New Boston...... 12 1,002 11.98 1, 068 11.24 1 *--...... --...... I..-....i Newport...... 45 3,126 14.36 3,000 15.00 4 ..... 1 ...... I Northumberland...... 27 1,977 13.66 2,500 10. 80 ,*-_ 4 ...@--...... 2 Osipee ...... 41 1,479 27.72 1,800 22.78 ..*.*-...... --@@ ..@..@.. Pembroke ...... 53 3,163 16.65 3,200 16.55 27 ...... @.. *...... Peterboro...... 48 2,527 18.99 2,500 19.20 :...... 3 ....-v...... Plasitow ...... 19 1,027 18.50 1,150 16.17 ....v...... -..- Portsmouth ...... 193 10,637 19.14 10,W00 18.88 2 ...v--...... Rochester...... 164 8,466 19.37 8, 000 20.50 6i ...... s... Rollinsford...... 20 1,701 11.76 2.000 10.00 ....- ....-... .e-@ ...... Salem...... 31 2,041 10.29 1,800 17.22 ...... 1 33 Wakefield ...... 1, 65 10.06 1,528 21.60 ...... e...... Walpole ...... 58 2,693 21.54 2,200 26.36 ..... 1@@ee1 I..s..... 1049 May 10,1901 2Ifortaityj *diaitic of 1,447 cites and towns of the United States, etc.-Continued. 6 Deaths from-

Cities or townis.

______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1'~~~6V~~~~~~.2 .

New Hampshire-Cont'd. Weare ...... 39 1,553 25.11 1,500 26.00 2...... Wilton...... 42 1,696, 24.76 1,500 28.00 7...... Wofs or ...... 42 2,3901 17.57 3,006 13.97 ...... '...... 1...... Total...... 3,756 210,1421 17.87 212,236 17 70 287.__.-7 9 -15 31 -30 : Bound Brook...... 26 2,6221 9.15 2,500 10.40 3... 3..1...... Camden...... al,360 75,935i 17.79 80,000 17.00 ...... 22.1... 68..... Carlstadt..... 30 2,5741 1.I.66 3,000 10.00 ...... 3..... Clayton...... 35 1,951 17.93 2,200 15.91...... 2..... Dunellen ...... 16 1,239 12.91 1,400 11.43 1 1 1.I...... Eg Harbor ...... 29 1,808 15.98 1,600 18.13 1...... Elifzabeth...... 836 52.,13016.56 50,000 16.72 89. 6 10.16.63 Florence...... 18 1,965 9.21 1,900 9.47 ...... Frenchitown...... 22 1,020; 21.57 1,100 20.00 2...... :.... Garfield...... 42 3,504 11.99 3,000 14.00 4....I...... Guttenberg...... 62 3,825 16.21 6,118 10.13 3...... 3..... Hackensack...... 106 9,443 11.2- 10,000 10.60 2...... 5..... Hackettstown...... 28 2,474 11.32 2,800 10.00 ...... Haddonfield.3...... 3 2,776 11.89 2,600 12.69 ...... 3..... Hoboken...... 1,138 59,3641 19.17 64,000 17.78 137.. 18l 2... 10, 38..... Jersey City...... 3,854 206,433 18.67 200,225 19.24 432... 30 10 34 109 25 Lambertville...... 80 4,637 17.25 4,720 17.39 ...... Manasquan...... 5 1,500 3.33 2,000 2.50 2... 2...... I..... Millville ...... 164 10,583 15.150 11,000 14.99 5... 1...... 5 2 Newark ...... 4,537 246,070 18.44 240,000 18.90 624... 661 6 34, 129 21 New Brunswick ...... 382 20,006 19.09 20,000 19.10 ...... 2.... 1 5 3 Orange...... 436 24,141 16.06 25,160 17.33 47... 2'1...... 10 -1 2 Plainfield...... 229 15,369 14.09 15,000 15.26 14... 3 ...... I 2..... Rahway...... 118 7,935 14.87 9,000 14.22 7..1. 2..... Raritan...... 40 3,214 12.33 2,750 14.55...... :: 2 1 Red Bank.....38 5,428 7.00 6,000 6 33 2... 1I..... 3 1..... Ridgewood....36 2,685 13.41 3,000 12.00 ...... 2...... Riverton...... 19 1,3321 14.26 1,300 14.6&2 10...... 1I...... Salem ...... 134...... s 5,811 23.06 6,337 21.15 ...... 2.....I.... 4..... South River.: ..... 44 2,792 15.7i6 3,500 12.57i...... -...... Tenafly ...... 11 1,746 6.30 2,000 5.50..,...... Vineland...... 67 4,370 15.33 5,000 13.40 ...... Woodbury...... 57 4,087 14.19 4,000 14.25 3... 1...... 2 Total...... 14,032 790,690 _17.751 792,210 17.71 1.388 ...162 22 losl, 405 -63 New Mexico: Las Vegas.....46 3,552 12.96 3,800 12-11 16 2 2.... 1 1 Socorro...... 20 1,512 13.23 3,000 6.67, 2...... 12..... Total~~~~~~.i 66~~~ 5.064 13 03 6.800 9.71 12 2...... 1 12 1 New York:

Adams...... 27 1,292 20.90 1,30 20.77 3...... Addison ...... 35 2,080 16.83 3,000 11.67 2.... 1ii...... Albany ...... 2,103 94,151 22.34 98,000 21.46 299... 971....-12 3 61 I24 Alexandria Bay...... 24 1,511 15.33 1,300 18.46 3...... I...... I...... Amsterdam...... 304 20,929 14.53 22,000 13.82 31 ... 6..... 7 SI.2 Attica...... 351,785 19.61 2,00017.50...... I..1..j...... Auburn...... 487 30,345 16 04 35,000 13.91 40.. 6..... 2j 17~ 1 BallstonSpa,...... 52 3,923 13.26 4,200 12.38 5.2..i ... Batavia . ~~~~~....115 9,180 12.53 8,500 13.65 17...... 1..... Bath...... 48 4,991 9.61 4,000 12.00 1...... 41 I . Binghamton ...... 707 39,647 17.8.3 45,000 15.71 78 11..II,.... 4i 12 1 Boonville ...... 58 1,745 33.24 3,512 16.51 6. Brockport...... 87 3,39 25.60 3,725 23.35 13.. 3...... Buffalo ...... 4,661 352,387 13.23 370,000 12.59 459....8!50.3~ Cambridge .~~~~'I 31 1,578 19.64 1,500 20.6 5i Camden ...... i 67 2,370 28.27. 3,675 18.24 4... I.1...... Canandaigua...... f 55 6,151 8.94 6,000 9.17 1 .: I . 2i.... Canastota...... f 52 3,3031 17.16 14.86 4.. 1I...... 3,5001 . Canton...... I a 71 2,7571 25.75 6,0151 11.80 16... 1 1...... a Typhus, 1. May 10,1901 10o0

Mortality atisec of 1,447 cities and tows of the United Stts, etc.-Coninued. ~...L Deaths from-

Cities or towns. &,Oma e H%. "0 $& ~a 00 PC - %. 316 ~~~~§~~: a -~a oE-4 New York-Gmntinued.I Castile ...... 36 1,068 32.17 2,40 15.00 1...... Castleton...... 10 1.214 8.2 1,20 8.06 ...... Clayton...... 36 1,913 18.82 4,25 8.&47 8... 1...... CliftonSpring . 38 1,617 23.50 1,70 22-35 1...... Cobleskail . 61 2,827 26 21 3,43 17.75 8.... 1...... Cohoes ...... 485 23,910 20.28 24, OO20.21 46... 24 8.....22..8 ...... Co)operstown 40 2,368 16.89 2,40 16.67 1 1...... Corinth...... 16 2,039 7.84 2,500 6.40 .1...... Coxsackie ...... 70 2,735 25.59 4,00 17.50 9... 4...... Delhi ...... 55 2,078 26.45 3,00 18.33 3 1....1...... Dundee...... 24 1,291 18.51 -1,200 20.00 ...... Dunkirk...... 147 11,616 12.65 14,000 1050 11.... 2...... Elmira...... 535 35,672 14.91 40,00 13.38 65.- 11 3.... 8 8 ...... Fairport 48 2,489 19.28 3,00 16.00 9..... 1...... 2..... Fayetteville ...... 18 1,304 13.80 1,500 12.00 2...... Fonda...... 40 1,145 34.93 3,000 13.8 1...... F'ranktort ...... 61 2,664 22.90 4,200 14.52 ...... Franklinville 27.9 6,000 6.33 1 ....-..-.... I..... Fredonia...... 38...1,360I79 4,127.19.14 4,00 19.75 9... 2...... 1 1 Geneseoo...... 85 2,400 3542 2,700 32.96...... 1...... Geneva...... 165 10,433 15.82 12,000 13.75 121... 5...... 2 5..... Glee,s Falls...... 216 12,613 17.28 13,000 16.6 22I-.. 3.... 6 3 2 Green Island...... 67 4,770 14.05 4,500 14.89 6K:.:. 1.... 2 5 2 Greenwich...... S 1,869 16.05 2,000 15.00 3.... 2...... 3..... Groton...... 54 1,344 40.18 2,000 27.00 4 . I...... 1 ......

.. Hamburg...... 75 1,683 44.56 5,000 15.00 4...... Hastings on Hudson... 36 2,002 17.98 1,700 21.18 3...... Hoosick Falls...... 66 5,671 11.68 5,500 12.00 2...1...... 2 Horseheads ...... 45 1,901 23.67 6,000 7.50 2..... 1...... Hudson...... 202 9,528 2L.20 10,00 20.20 11 5 2.... 3..2 Ithaca...... 171 13,136 13.02 14,00 12.21 23 ...... Johnstown...... 138 10,130 13.62 14,000 9.86 2...... 1..j Jordan...... 15 1,118 13.82 1,200 12.50 ..15i...... 1....I.... Lancaster ...... 35 3,750 9.33 3,500 10.00 3...... Lansingburg...... 228 12,595 18.10 13,000 17.54 10!.. 10...... 1 4 Liverpool ...... 22 1,133 19.42 1,400 15.71 ... Lyons ...... 90 4,300 20.93 6 000 15.00... . 4.-1:: Middleburg...... 65 1,135 57.26 4,000 16.25 6 2...... Middleport...... 19 1,431 13.28 1,500 12.67 .I...... Monticello...... 8 1,160 6.90 1,200 6.67 ...... MountMorris...... 24 2,410 9.96 2.500 9.60...... Mount Vernon...... 263 20,346 12.93 24,000 10.96 26.. 1 1...... Naples ...... 31 1,048 29.58 2,400 12.92 2 1..... 1...... NewRPochelle...... 189 14,720 12.84 13,000 14.52 13 1 2 1 2..4 NewYork ...... 65,3433,437,202 19.013,550,053 18.41 8 015. 18 546 587 5331,924 514 NiagaraFalls...... 266 19,457 13.16 23,000 11.5 8 ....24...... 6..... NorthTarrytown ..... 61 4,241 14.38 4,000 15.25 8 ...... 1..1.1. Nort-hTonawanda .... 107 9,069 11.80 9,000 i1.89 1.... 2...... 6..... Norwich ...... 92 5,766 15.96 6,003 15.33 41.... 2...... 2..... Nunda ...... 25 1,018 24.56 1,000 25.00 .2...... 22-9...... 60 3 Nyack 4,275 14.04 59,0 10.71 I 1...... Oneonta...... 152 7,147 21.27 8,000 16 89 5... 2...... Oswego...3...... 71 22,199 16.71 25,000 J4.84 34 . 4 . 17.....

Palmyra...... 66 1,937 34.59 5,000 13.20 2... 1 ...... Peekaikill...... 165 10, 358 15.91 11,00 15.00 13 ...... 8 1 Penn Yan...... 109 4,650 23.44 4,800 22.71...... 1...... I.. Phelps ...... 36 1,306 27.57 1,300 27.69 3i 1...... 1..... Phenix...... 19 1,532 12.40 1,500 12.69 1. 1...... PortByron...... 3...3 1,013 32.58 1, SW18.33 6...... Port Henry...... 17 1,751 9.71 2,00 8.-0...... Poughkeepsie...... 431 24,029 17.94 25,000 17.24 62; .. 7...... 3 1 Pulaski ...... 45 1,493 30.14 4,000 11.25 2; Randolph ...... 22 1,209 18.11 1,00 22.00 41...::::. . . Rhinebeck...... 66 1,494 44.18 3,600 18.33 3...... Richfield Springs.... 49 1,537 31.38 1,60 29,70 41.... I...... 1 Rochester...... 2,286 162,608 14.06 180,00 12.67 245 1 30 7 19 53..... Rosendale...... 119 1,840 65.67 6,125 19.4 2.... 5 2. I ..... St.Johnsvlille...... 38 1,873 17.62 2,30 14.35 1.... 1..... Salanmanca ...... 51 4,251 12.00 5,000 10.20 3a...... Hill ...... 50 Sandy 4,473 11.18 4,20 11.92 11.. 2 1...... SaraLtoga Springs-.::.. 267 12,4091 21.52 12, 22.25 22j.. 3 2 1..7 Saugerties...... 162 3,687 43.55 12,0001 13.5 13. 1 .1. 2..... 10o1 May 10.1901 Mortality reatiics of1,447 cities and towne of the United Sta, tc.-Continued.

Deaths from- e)

0 0 'ou3a.: 10 S mg a Cities or towns. I -o a. At 40 0 o IP;

AZ la 0 at i0o Ila 4C S2 40 New York-C&nfinued. Schenectady...... 427 31, 682, 13.48 14.83 .12 . 0 11 Schoharie...... 20 1,006 19.88 19.60 ...-...... Schuylerville ...... 208 1,601 21.91 2,000 104.00 ...... Seneca Falls...... 88 6,519 13.50 6,364 13.88 ...... Sidney ...... 72 2,381 30.89 5,000 14.40 10 ...... 21.. South Nyack...... 20 1,601 112.49 1,200 16.67 1 9 ...... Springville...... 20 1,992 10.04 2,200 9.09 Syracuse ...... 1,462 108,374 13.49 180,000 11.25 20 10 11 Tarrytown...... 75 4,770 15.72 4,000 18..5 1 ...... 3 Troy ...... 1,276 60,651 21.09 65,000 19.54 25 10 2 16 2 Unadilla...... 61 1, 172 52.05 2,500 24.40 1 ...... Utica ...... 978 56,3831 '17.35 65,000 15.05 112 10 ...... 7 45 1 Valatie...... 20 1,300' 15.38 1,200 16.67 20 ......

Wappinger Falls...... 51 8.504 14.55 3,700 13.97 1 ...... Warsaw ...... 56 3,048 18.37 4.700 11.91 9 ...... Waterloo ...... 79 4,256 118.56 4,350 18.16 5 ...... 1 1 . Waterville...... 30 1,571 19.101 1,600 18.75 3 1...... I I...... Weedsport ..... 25 1,525 16.39 2,000 12.50 1 ...... 11 Wellsvilie. 56 3,556 15.75 5,1001~ 10.98 4 . 5 White Plains...... 187 7,899 23.67 7,500 24.93~~ 1.... Whitesboro...... 62 1,9581 31.66 5,500 11.27 6 * ...... Yonkers,...... 775 47,981 16.17 43,0001 17.80 102 1 2 7 2 Total...... 89,775 5,099,3901 17.59240, SU 17.1310,247 20 1,015 694 647 2. 3921 671 North Carolina: Goldsboro...... 28 5,877 4.76 8,000 3.50 17 2 2......

Henderson ...... 3,7465 1.33 2,000 2.50......

Lexington...... 16 1,234 12.96 2,000 8.00 2. 5...... Monroe...... 10 2,427 4.12 3,500 2.85 1 1I ...... 1 Oxford ...... 2,05936 17.48 2,300 15.65 3...... Raleigh...... 250 13,613 18.32 20,000 12.50 34..... 1 1 ...... Reidsville...... a20 3,262 6.13 4,500 4.44...... 1...... 1. Salem ...... 3,64271 19.22 4,5001 15.78 ...... 2 ...... 15 874 8.00 . Shelby...... 1, 2,500 6.00...... 2 ...... 1...... 1 Washington...... 132 4,842127.05 5,500 24 00 16...... 4 ..1...... Wilmington...... 511 20,976 24.31 27,000 18.93 7..... 9 ...... 2... Total.. 1,094 63,552' 15.66 81.8001 13.37 801 2 281 1. 41- 3 Ohio: 1I. Alliance ...... 103 8,974 11 48 10,0001 10 01 ..-.-... Arcanum...... 11 1,225 8.98 1,600 6.88 3I...... Ashtabula...... 176 12,949 13.59 15,0001 11.67 19...... Barnesville...... 43 3, 7,1 11.56 4, 00 10...... I ...... Bedford ...... 18 12.11 1, 60 11.25 ...... 1,486 ...... Bellaire ...... 146 9 912 14.731 12,0001 12 17 16...... I 21]...... 2 ...... I Bellevue ...... 45 4,1011 10.97! 4,5<00 10.00 ...... 10*...... Bluffton 9 1, 783 5.06i 2,000l 4.50 I ...... l ...... Bowling Green...... a32 ,5.067i j6.821 6,0001 5.38 ..61.....1... .**-h ...... Bradford...... 18 1,2541 14.35 1'8001 10.00 ...... I ...... I Bryan ...... 47 3,131 15.01 4,000 11. -5 ...... I0w...... Bucyrus ...... 68 6,560 10.37 8,000 8.50 1 36----i Cambridge...... 94 8,241 11.41 10o;000 9.40 I 1...... 2 Cana,l Fulton...... 19 1, 1721 16.21 1,500 12.67 16.3 2 ...... Cardington...... 14 1,354 10.34 1,800 7.78 ...J...... i. 1...... Carey...... 16 1,816 8.81 2,000 8.00 2.2 ...... -§- Carthage...... 38 2,559 14.85 2, 500 15.20 41... Celina ...... 17 2,815 6.03 3,500 4.86 *§---§2 1 Chicago Junction... 19 2,348 8.09 2, 800 6.79 1 Chillicothe...... 31 12,976 1.80 16,000 14.44 281... 11 ..-.§§. Circleville ...... 6,991 14.73 7,500 13.73 121... ..*..*. Cleveland...... 5,5S56 381,768 14.55 395,000 14.07 176,i 3 112 ...... 2- Cleves ...... 16 1,328 12.05 2,000 8.00 ...... Clyde ...... 45 2,515 17.89 3,000 15.00 ...... 51. Columbus...... 1, 360 125,560 10.83 140,000 9.76 2221 4 3 14 6 Columbus Grove...... 1,9m3 19.12 2,0001 18.50 4.v1-- 1 ...... Corning...... 7 1,401 5.00 2,000 3.50 ....--. 21 Coshocton ...... 70 6,473 10.81 7,500, 9.33 5... 1 111 a Typhus, 1...... -. may 10,1901 1052

Mortality statietice of 1,447 cities and towns of the United States, etc.-Contiuued. Deaths from-

~~~~0 - a a 0, i -. Cities or towns. Ia. S be a1a 0 0 3'- 1.0 0 5, -4 e .. a o4 & a 3 8 A ':.4 I *W2 I

Ohio-Conatinued. Covington...... 24 1,791 18.40 1,800 13.33 31...... Crestline...... 57 3,282 13.47 3,500 16.29 7~... 4...... 7. Dayton ...... 1,211 85,333 14.19 85,000 14.25 1811....31 ..... 2 7. Degraiff...... 3 1,150 2.61 1,300 2.31...... Delaware ...... 104 7,940 13.10 10,000 10.40 1... 8..... 2...... DeltaL...... 9 1,230 7.32 1,600 5.61 ...... Dennison...... 62 3,763 16.48 4,500 13.78 2... 6...... 6. . Dresden ...... 14 1,600 8.75 2,000 7.00 Dunkirk ...... 14 1,222 11.46 1,500 9.33 ...... 1...I...... EastLiverpool ...... 174 16,485 10.56 20,000 8.70 12.... 9 1..1.... . Elmore...... 7 1,025 6.33 1,200 5.84 2... 1 1...... Findlay ...... 228 17,613 12.94 20,000 11.40 34... 10....3...... 8 4 Fostoria...... 87 7,730 11.25 9,000 9.56 ...... 5...... Franklin...... 26 2,724 9.54 3,000 8.67 6 1 1.... Gallon...... 100 5,432 18.41 6,000 16.67 1...4... Gallipolis...... 55 7,282 7.55 8,000 6.75 12.1.1..9i... 1...... I.... Geneva..3...... 7 2,342 1.5.30 3,200 11.56 41 ...... 2..... Georgetown...... 15 1,529 9.81 2,000 7.50 al..f ...... 3...... Germantown ...... 15 1,702 8.81 2,000 7.50...... I...... Glendale ...... 26 1,545 16.33 1,440 18.06 4...... Granville ...... 9 1,425 6.32 1,700 5.299 2...... Greenville...... 62 5,501 11.27 6,500 9.54 11 ...... - . ... Hamilton...3...... 09 28,914 12.92 25,000 12.36 25... 5...... 6..4 Hartwell ...... 19 1,833 10.37 2,500 7.60 2...... 1..... Huiron...... 3 1,708 1.75 1,800 1.67...... Ironton...... 198 11,868 16.68 15,000 13.20 23... 11...... 2..2 Jackson...... 97 4,672 20.7-o6 6,000 16.17 24 ...... 4..... 2..... Jamestown...... 4 1,205 3.32 1,400 2.86 2...... -...... Kenti...... 60 4,541 13.21 5,000 12.00 5.... 3...... 4..... Kenton...... 80 6,852 11.68 8,000 10.00 20.... 2.1... I..... Lancaster...... 123 8,991 13.67 10,000 12.30 24 1 3...... 3 1 Lebanon...... 36 2,867 12.56 3,500 10.29 5.... 1...... Lima ...... 318 21,723 14.64 25,000 12.72 39..... 8..... 1 4..... Lo6ckland...... 40 2,695 1484 3,500 U.43 8...... Logan...... 46 3,480 13.22 3,500 13.14 5...... I..... Loudonville...... 18 1,561 11L38 1,600 11.25 3...... McComb...... 13 1,195 10.88 1,500 8.67 ...... McConnellsville...... 23 1,825 12.60 2,000 11.50 ...... 11...... 1..... Mnfeld ...... 186 17,640 10.54 20,000 9.30 7...... 6 9..... Marietta...... 148 13,348 11.09 16,000 9.25 11. 5...... I..... MartinsFerry...... 90 7,76 11.60 8,000 11.25 8.... 2...... 9..... Massillon...... 136 11,944 11.39 13,500 10.07 101.... 2...... 6.... Maumee...... 24 1,856 12.93 2,00 12. 00 3...... I..... Mechatnicsburg...... 21 1,617 12.37 2,000 10.50 4.... 1...... Medina...... 35 2,232 15.68 2, 3015.22...... I...... 1. 3. Miamisburg ...... 45 3,941 11.42 5,000 9.00 5.... 1...... 5. Middleport...... 45 2,799 16.08 3,000 15.00 5.... 3...... Middletown...... 104 9,215 11.29 10,000 10.40 14.... 1...... Millersburg ...... 27 1,998 13.52 2,100 12.86 2 1...... Montpelier ...... 19 1,869 10.17 2,500 7.60 2 ... I...... Mount Gilead...... 7 1,528 4.58 2,000 aso0 2....1...... I.... Napoleon...... 38 8639 10.44 4,500 8.44 ...... New Bremen...... 19 1,318 14.42 1,800 10.56 5...... New London...... 17 1,180 14.40 1,500 11.33...... 1..... NewPhiladelphia .... 84 6,213 13.52 9,000 9.31 83..8...... 8 1 New Richmond...... 48 1,916 22.44 3,500 12.29 17...... 1...... New8traitsville ...... 27 2,302 11.73 3,000 9.00...... 4...... North Amherst...... 18 1,756 10.24 1,800 10.00 4...... North Baltimore...... 26 3,561 7.30 3,200 8.13 3. I ...... Norwalk...... 50 7,0O74 7.07 7,100 7.04 10... 2...... Oak Harbor ...... 9 1,631 5.52 1,800 5.00.....i...... 1.I...... Oberlin ...... 50 4,082 12.25 4,700 10.84 2..1...... Orrville...... 21 1,901 11.05 2,000 10.50 1i_- 2.....2. Ottawa.18...... I 2,322 7.75 3,000 6.00 2... 2...... Oxford...... 20 2,009 9.96 2,100 9.05 I1.::...... Paineaville . ~~~~~~845,024 16.72 6,000 14.00 4.... 3...... Portsmouth ...... 214 17,870 11.98 20,000 10.70 33.... 8...... 8..... Ravenna...... 64 4,008 16.9 4,300 1488...... 38...... Richiwood ...... 21 1.640 12.8 1,800 11.67- 4..... 1...... Ripley ..3...... 2 2,248 14.23 3,000 10.67 .... St. Bernard...... 511 3,3841 15.071 3,500 14.57 7... 3 1053 may 10,1901

Mortaliy sttistiCs of 1,447 cities and towns of the United States, etc.-Continued.

~~~ ~~Deaths from-

o 4)d ~~~~~~~ 0.*

~~~~~~0. A

. o0 4)~~~~~~~~~~~ .4) ~~~~~~~~~~ 0

14 P4 ~ . p4 4)2w

Ohio-CbnHinued. St. Paris...... - II 1,2Q2 6 £$5 1,400 5.71 ...... Salem ...... 82i 7,582 11.221 8,000 10. 63I 5 i...... 2 Salineville...... - 24 2,353 10.220 3,006 8.0(I ...... -...... Sandusky...... 213 19,664 10.1i3 22,000 .10.14 *...1....-.--...... 5 i9 16 I .... Shreve ...... 1, 043 15.1B4 .1,200 13I.33 ...... Sidney ...... 62 5,688 10.'90 6,000 10.3, I il3 8 ..*..... Somerset...... 11 1,124 9.7r9 1,406 7.14 ...... ,...... 11 9.17 ...... South Charleston...... 1,096 10.6D4 1,200 ...... 1...... 2* 13 4 I ...... Springfield ...... 514 88,253 14 49,000 10. 49 ...... i6 Stryker ...... 1C 1,206 8.229 1,500 6.67 ...... i.... Tiffin ...... 127 10, 989 11.256 15,000 8.47 ZI 31 1... 2 Toledo...... 1, 832 131,822 13.930 150,000 12.21 152 5 ...... 2i.- 161 15.1-3 ...... 1 1 1e- Troy...... 89 5,881 6,000 14.81 24 ...... Uhrichsvllle...... 57 4,582 12.414 5,000 11.40 2 ...... Upper Sandusky...... 40 3,355 11.2a., 4,000 10.0011 ...-... Urbana...... 93 6,808 13.6A5 8,000 11.6311 1621 2 Van Wert...... 60 6,422 9.1 8,000 7.50 2 ...... i ,...... i1 Versailles ...... 15 1,478 10.1 1,500 10.00 191 ...... 1*.. 1 ...... Wadsworth ...... 24 1,764 13.6 2,300 10.43 21 ...... 53 13.54;, 11.04 ...... ,...... 1 Wapskoneta ...... 3,915 4,800 2 ...... Warren...... 113 8,429 13.4 11 12,000 9 33 .. . 19 8.85 2 200 8.64 I*...... Wauseon...... 2,148 7 *...... Waverly...... 84 1.854 18.34 2,000 17.00 I...... 9 13.22 ---11 ...... 1 Wellston ...... 119 8,045 14.7 4..:-2 .-- 2. 2 Weilsville...... 108 6,145 17.58 8,000 13.50 41...... 2 Willoughby ...... 53 1,753 30.18 2,300 19.30 ...... I ...... Woodsfleld ...... 13 1, 801 7.22 1,800 7.22 ...... 2 ...... *...... ~ ~ ... i Wyoming...... 18 1,450 12.34 2,0Q0 9.00 1 16 Xenia...... 117 8,696 13.45 10,000 11.70 ...... Youngstown ...... 664 44,855 14.78 50 167 13.22 39 52 Zanesville ...... 294~ 23,538 12.49 21,000 14.00 32 23 I _,_ ..l t_1_{_ I 3 9 Total- - -- ...... ------18,773]1[,409, 6941 13.3 1,579,1071 1L.8 1,645 10 S __137j _ 456 89 1: = 5771 Oregon: 2 Albany ...... Al 3,146 14.3 6,000 7.50 I ...... 7 ,.... 1 Baker...... 6 6,663 9.010 I 7,000 8.5 Dallas...... 12 2 1,271 9.44 2,000 6.00...... La Grande ...... a 2,991 20.016 3,500 17.1-4 ...... Marshfleld...... ; 1IB 1,391 12.8,6 2,000 9.0 ...... - .. 2= II= -I-, l- -I Total ------19 20.5001 9.511 141 21 121 2 2 - - -I ...... 15,4611 12.6] 1.. = = 1- ~ * I1. = I==-'1 Pennsylvania: Allentown ...... 469 35,416 13.25 40, 000 11.73 37 22 6 26 3 Altoona...... 629 38,973" ,16.14 43,,000 14.63 45 14 2 3 212 3 Archbald ...... 83 5,396 15.38 5,'000 16.60 ...... 4 ...... Ashley ...... 62 4,046 15.32 4,'800 15.50 ...... Athens ...... a31 3,749 8.27 4,l800 7.78 3 2 1 3 ...... Avoca ...... 33 3,487 9.46 8,'800 4.13 I ...... - 50 4, 106 12.18 5,1 10.00 ...... I...... Bangor ...... DO0 ...... Beaver ...... 17 2,348 7.24 2, .00 6.80 ...... -i Beaver Falls...... 138 10,054 13.73 12,1000 11.50 . I10-...... 8 1 3 ....*---- 1 Bellevue ...... 39D 3 416 11.42 8.67 1...... 4,1500 Berwickc ...... 81 3,916 20.68 5,1 00 16.20 ...... 7 ...... - Bethlehem ...... 85 7,293 11.66 8,2300 10.24 3 3 ...... Birdsboro ...... : 20 2,264 8.83 3,1500 5.71 ...... 33...... Blossburg...... 26 2,423 10.7.3 2, 700 9.63,...... 31 Boyertown ...... 25 1, 709 14.63 2,4o00 12.50 ...2I...... i...... 2 654 5 ...... 1.... Braddock..... a81 15, 5.17 18,4 0)V 4.50 I....@...... Bridgeport,Montgom- 3; ...... 2 ...... ery Co...... 50 3,097 16.14 3,1Soo 14.29 I... . Bristol ...... 114 7,104 16.04 8,4800 14 25 17 1 *...... Brookeville...... 36 2,472 14.56 2,1800 12.86 2 2... 2 I...... Butler...... 117 10,853 10.78 12,(800 9.75 2 7 2 6 I...... 1,1 California...... 9 2,009 4.48 500 6.00 ...... I...... Canton ...... 16 1.525 10.49 2,4000 8.00 1 1 ...... Carbondale...... 208 13,536 15.37 16,1500 12.66 4 . Carlile...... 160 9,626 16.62 10,1974 14.56 *...... 41 2,l...... 4104 aTyphus 1. 80 May 10,1901 1054

Mortality tatistics of 1,447 cities and towus of tae United States, etc.-Continued.

cr 1W.A . ~ Deaths from- 5, a*co Cities or towns. 0 6 S 5 . 0.s45. - f& 3 V . 40 - PC~~~~~~~ PC , 0 d 4 W

Penn.iylvauia-Cbntinued. Catasauqua ...... 49 3,963 12.39 3,704 13.24 4...... 3 1L Catawis ...... sa 29 2,023 14.34 2.500 11 601...... 1..... Centralia ...... 25 2,048 12.21 3,000 8.83 1...... Chambersburg...... 150 8,864 16.92- 9,000 18.67 22... 1.... I..... 1 ...... Clarion...... 16 2,004 7.98 2,600 6.40 ...... Clearfield...... 8 5,081 1.57t 4,600 1.78...... Connellsville...... 107 5,762 13.98 6,800 15.74 1...... 1..... Conshohocken ...... 86 7,16 14.94 6,50 13.23 14.... 6...... Corry...... 93 5,369 17.42 7,000 13.29 5...... Darby...... 50 3,429 14.58 4,00 12.50 1 2.1...... I... Dickson...... 93 4,948 18.80 3,50 26 57 ...... 1 .... Downington ...... 30 2,13 14.06 2,000 15 00 3. ... I...... D)oylestown ...... 43 .3,0&3 14.17 3,000 14.33 3 ...... Dubois...... 104 9,376 11.09 10,000 10.40 4...... 3 . .2...... Duncannon...... 12 1,6061 7.23 1,100 10.83 3....-...... -...... Dunmore ...... 176 12,583 13.99 15,00 11.73 4...... 4..... EastBrady...... 13 1,233 10.54 1,350 9.63 1 ...... Ebenfsburg ...... 6 1,574 8.81 1,500 4.00...... 1...... Elizabeth ...... 18 1,866 9.65 2,000 9.00 2...... Elizabethitown ...... 15 1,473 10.18 1,400 10.77...... ;..... Emlenton...... 5 1,190 4.20 1,500 3.33...... 1..... Emporium...... 27 3,463 7.80 2,500 10.80 1...... Erie...... 780 52,733 13.84 59,000 12.37. 80.. 18. 1 9 1. 3 Frackville...... 25.... 2,591 9.61 3,000 8.33 ...... Freeport .39...... 1,754 22.18 2,000 19.50 5...... I...... GLlhitzin ...... 23 2,7159 9.64 4,000 5.75 . i...... 1..... Glilberton .....93 4,37:3 21.27 4,000 23.25 ...... Greencastle.14-. --. 1,463 9.57 18077 5 .1 G*reensburg...... 81 6,508 12.45 6,500 12.46 9... 1..... 1... Hallstead...... 9 1,404 6.41 1,500 6.00 1...... Hanover...... 61 5,302 11.27 5,000 12.20...... -...... Harri..burg ...... 685 50,167 13.65 60,000 11.42 61... 18..... 2 20.5 Hawley...... 18 1,925 9.34 2,400 7.50 1...... Hollidaysburg ...... 84 2,998 28.02 3,118 26.94 ...... Houtzdale...... 10 1,482 6.75 2,000 5.00 ...... Irwini...... 18 2,4152 7.34 4,000 4.50 ...... Jeanette...... 57 5,865 9.72 5,000 11.40 3...... 3..... Jenkintown ...... 32 2,091 15.30 2.000 16.00 1.1...... Iohnnonburg...... 4 3,9 1.0 4,500 9.56 1 .I. JohnMtowni ...... ~ 554 35,93 15.42 40,000 13.85 ...... 28 -4 2 10 4 KenisettSquare. 2.....0 1,516 10.19 1,600 12.501 3...... I. I.... Kingston ...... 44 3,846 11.44 3,600 12.202 2...... 1 1..... Kittanning . ~~~~803,902- 20.150 5,003' 16.03 5 21 Knoxville... .-...... 12 3,511 3.13 1,000 12.00 ...... Kutztown ...... 6 11,328 4.52 1,500 4.00.4...... Lancaster ...... j50 41,459 18.09 43,160 17.39157...... '.'2.8 3.... Latrobe...... 53 4,614 10.84 4,000 13.251 4... 2...... Lebanon ...... 296 17,628 16.79 18,000 16.44 18 6..... 1 4..... Lehighton ...... 52 4,629 11.231 5,000 10.40 1...... Lewiaburg...... 55 3,457 15 91 3,200 17.19 4....,I . I I. Lititz...... 26 1,637 15.88 2,000 13.00 2...... 2.... McKeesport ...... 542 34,227 15.84 35,500 15.27 15... 14 3 25 8 Mahanoy...... 239 13,504 17.70 15,000 15.93 8.... 2...... 9.... Manheim.25...... 2.019 12.38 2,200 11.36...... 2... : Meadville...... 170 10,291 16.51 12,000 14.17 15 ...12 2...... 6 Mechanicsburg ...... 51 3,841 13.28 4,500 11.33 2... 1...... -...... Media...... 60 3,075 19.51 3,500 17.14 3.2...... Meyersdale...... 421 3,024 13.89 3,000 14.00 4... I.... 7...... Millersburg ...... 201 1,675 11.94 1,800 11.11 2... I...... Milton...... 68 6,175 11.01 5,000 13.60 10.... 4..... 2 2..... Monongahela...... 54 5,173 10 44 5,000 10.80D...... Mount Carmel...... 245 13,179 18.58 12,000 20.42 ...... 1 2 15..... MountHollySpringsa. 12 1,328 9.04 1,250 9. 601,...... 1. .. New Brighton...... 81 6,8290 11.8' 7,000 11.57 ...I 9.... 1 .... NewCastle ...... 410 23,339 17.57 32,000 12.81' 29 1 2 14 2 New Haven ...... 11 1532 7.18 1,800 9.111 1. New Hope...... 12 1,218 9.84 1,300 9.2,31 1...... Newtown...... 24 1,463 16.40 1,400 17.14! 3.... 2...... -...... Newville ...... 28 1,653 16.92 1,500 18.671 ...... Northeast...... 0 2,06 14.51 2,500 12.001 1...... Northumberland . 39.... 2,74x 14.92 3,250 12.00 ...... North WVales...... 14 1,287 10.38 1,400 10.00j I...... 1055r

Mortality statistics of 1,447 cities and towns of the United States, dc.-Continued.

1- - $W- -- . Deathsafrom- * .0

or Cities towneo. 0 a:a .0 a%..0 'za0.-

Pennsylvania-Cbntinued...... - 21I 2, 3920 11.62 2,500 0o. a *.-.**.. *-...... Osnmont ...... i .....4 Oil City.1 2 13,361 12.81 17,000 10.12 12 ...... 10 Olyphant. 10c 6, 18t 17 14 6,000 17.67 ...... 15 Orwigsburg.I 6 1,518 10.54 1,600 10.08 I...... I...... Osceola . 37 2,0311 18.21 2,000 18.5C 1 ...... Parkesburg 21 1,788 11..-9 2 000 10.59 ...... 1 ...... 1 Philadelphia ...... 23,796 1,293,697 1,266,832 18.78 2,818 948 ...... 994 Phceniville ...... 11 5 9, 19I ~S9S 8,514 13.51 8 5 1.... I 1 Pine Grove...... I 1,084 3.69 1,200 3.31 ....-.... I...... Pittsburg ...... 5,81l8 321, 616 18.09 306,115 19.13 7.... Pittston ...... 24'I 12, 556 19.19 15,000 16.07 16 2 ...... -13a Pottstown...... 19I 13,696 13.95 16,000 11.94 24 ....*.... 9 Port Allegheny...... 1Z0 1,83 5.40 2,500 4.04O ...... 1 PortCarbon...... &1 2.168 15.6Q 2,700 12.59 ...... Quakertown ...... a3 3,014 12.61 12.67 7 2 ...... 33 Reading...... 1,0441 5 78,961 13.99 78,000 1.41 7 37 ...... Renovo ...... 11 I 4,082 27.93 4,444 25.65 1 ...... 5 Reyfnoldsville...... 311 3, 435 9.02 4,000 7.78 ...... 2 6.... 4 ...... Rigwy...... 4... 2 3,515 11.96 5,000 8.40 5 4 Royersf!ord ...... 2, 607 3.45 3,000 3.0c ...... 1..-----i I....-.- ...... 2 16 St. Clair ...... 1213 4,638 27. 60 5,000 25.60 Soottdale ...... 415 4,261 10.54 4,500l 10.08 2 ...... Scranton...... 1,7212 102,026 16.88 106,000 16.40 99 25 40 136 Sewickley...... I 7 3,568 13.18 3,500 13.41 3 1 Sharon ...... 15I 3 8,916 17.16 11,000 13.90 ...... I ...... i 1 Sharpsburg ...... 7 6,842 10.52 6,000 12.00 ..*.... 1...... 6i...... 2 Shenendoah ...... 3415 20,321 16.97 20,000 17.25 ...... 3 4 10 Shickhinny...... 1] 1 1,456 7.55 1,200 9.17 ....*...... Shippenuuourg...... 1 3,228 10.53 5,000 6.80 4 2 I Slatington ...... 613 3, -73 16.70 3,500 18.00 11 ....-...... South Bethlehem...... W 13,241 15.78 14,000 14.93 . 2 ...... 5 Steelton...... '16 12,086 14 01 10,000 16.90 17 3 ...... 1 Stoneboro...... 1. 3 1,061 12.25 1, 00 10.00 ...... 6 Stroudsburg ...... 3,450 8.70 4,000 7.50 1...... I1 ...-.-... S4ummit Hill...... 51 5 2,986 18.42 5,000 11.00 ...... 10 ...... Susquehanna ...... 645 3,813 17.31 4,000 16.50 ...... 2 Tarentum...... 5. 3 5,472 10.60 5,500 10.55 .1 ...... -... 4 Tidioute ...... 14I 1,237 11.32 1,500 9.33 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... i Titusville ...... 91I 8,244 11.04 10,000 9.10 9 ...... -j1 .15 Towanda...... 513 4,663 12.44 5,000 11.60 ...... I .....-.-. Troy ...... 12I 1,450 8.34 1, 380 8.70 ...... Tyorone ...... 61 5,847 11.80 7,000 9.86 1...... 2 Upland ...... 21I 2,131 10.79 2,500 9.20 ;...... 1------Verona ...... 4I 1 904 2.10 2,200 1.18 ..... i5 ,...... Washington ...... 11. r 7,670 15.25 9,000 13.00Al Watsontown...... 3a 1,898 15.81 2,300 ,..10 ...... Waynesboro...... 51I 5,396 9.46 5,500 9.27 3 ...... I ...... 1 Waynesburg ...... ;.2e 2,544 10.22 3,000 8.67 *...... I ...... - ...... 3C I 2,471 12.14 3,000 10.00 ...... I...... Weatherly 1----...-...... - 5 West Bethlehem...... 5(I 3,465 14.43 4,000 12.50 ...... * ...... 12 ...... - ...... 1 ...... West Chester...... 133 I 9,524 13.98 10,000 13.30 I...... I West 34I 1,958 17.36 1,800 18.89 5 ...... Conshohocken- ...... - 2 West Newton...... 2f 2,467 10.54 , 500 7.43 I...... West Pittston...... 73 I 5,846 12.49 6,800 9.32 ...... ; 5 ...... Wilkesbarre ...... 691I 51,721 18.26 60,000 11.43 40 17 19 ...... Wilklinsburg ...... 61 I 11,886 5.72 16,000 4.25 2 5 ...... i 6 Williamsport...... 297 28,757 13.28 35,000 8.49 29 10 .. 5 II Weightsville...... M 2,266 16.33 2,400 14.42 1....-..1 ...... i York ...... 3 33,708 11.57 30,0000 J3. 00 3...... 43 242 8 11.1 Total...... 47.284 112.872.7701.W.v w 16.4612.g68.2911 15.981 4.20! I 1.757 339 1,661 358 .FV .f - - - Rhode Tsland: 13.20 7 Barrington ...... 22 1,135 19.39 1,668 ...... I...... Bristol ...... 141 6,901 20,43 6,700 21.05 9 .1 Central Falls...... 273 18.167 15.03 17,000 16.06G 24 ..' .2 ....1 I...... 9 Johnston...... 82 4,305 19.06 4, 000 20.50 11 ..... 3 2. 4 ...... Middletown. 21 1,457 14.42 1,450 14.48...... 1 ...... Newport ...... 22,034 17. O0 376 21,500 17.49 36. i 1.41. 3 I...... 2... I...... North Kingstown ...... 70 4,191 16.69 (00 14.00 l ...... North Providence ...... 33 3,016 10.94 2,500 ...... 2 may 10,12901 1056 Mortalit satoietis of 1,447 cities and towns of tke United tates, eto.-Continued. ~~~ ~Deaths from-

Cities or towna. O,& I -02 S~~~~~

Rhode Island-Cont'd. 47 Providence...... 3,162 175,597 18.01 168,0OOC 18.82 368 42 27 19 44I Scituate...... 53 3,361 15.77 3, 50CII 15.14 7 ...... 38 2,107 18.04W 2,36CI 16.10 2 ...... Warren...... 84 5,108 16.44 5, OONJ 16.30s 7 2 ...... Westerly ...... 93 7,541 12.31 8, 11.58 4 ...... 2 Woonsocket ...... 588 28,2D4 18.61 27,008 20.48 60 4 ...... i I 1 Warwick...... 409 21,316 18.72 AM50 16.04~ 45 3 4 8 5 Total...... 5,390 304,443 17.70 299,182 18.02 582... 66 40 24 67 66 South Carolina: Anderson...... 98 5,498 17.82 6,000 16.33 18. 4...... Clinton...... 18 1,869 9.63 2,000 9.00...... '5..... 1..... Florence...... 94 4,047 20.23 5,50 17.09 lo.. 2...... 1..... Greenville ...... 155 11,860 13.07 16,767 9.24 35... 2...... 1 Manning ...... 8 1,43 5.59 1,500 5.33 ...... 1...... Rock HiUl ...... 50 5,48 9.12 5,000 10.00 5.- 4...... Summerville...... 76 2,42 30.99 3,000 25.33 1.5... 2..1...... I...... Sumter..'...... 143 5,673 25.21 6,000 23.83 9.- 5..3......

Total...... 642 38,882 17.31 45.767 14.03 92... 20 5 ..... 3 5 South Dakota: Canton...... 12 1,943 6.18 2,500 4.8 1...... Deadwood...... 46 3,498 13.15 5,500 8.36 3...... 2...... 85 6,210 13.69 7,000 12.14 3... 10 ...... Madison ...... 19 2,55 7.45 3,000 6.3 2...... 12 ...... Milbank ...... 15 1,426 10 52 2,0OL0 7.50.... -...... Rapid City...... 10 1,342 9.45 2,000 5.00 1.....-...... Vermilion ...... 24 2,183 10.99 2,500 9.60 ...... I.... Yankton...... 1L2 4,1.25 2.90 5,000 2.40 ...... Total ...... 223 23.277 9.58 29.500 7.24 10 1O:...... ,15 1.....

Brownsville...... 58 2,645 21L98 3,000 193 9... 3...... 2 3 Chattanooga...... 610 30,154 22.09 40,000 15.25 100 20 1.... 6 3 Clinton...... 16 1,111 14.44) 1,200 13.33 1 4...... Humbolt ...... 35 2,866,12.21 3,500 10.00 ...... McMimville ...... 27 1,980 13.64 2,000 13.50 5.... . Murfreesboro 1...... 96 3,999 24.01 5,0OOU 19.20 15 ... 4...... 1..... Nashville ...... l,887 80,865 23.34 110,834 17.03 262 44 10 ..31..S 16 Nlewbern...... 21 1,433 14.65 2,000 10.50 1 1...... Rocitkwood ...... 57 2,899 19.7 3i,500 16.29 6.- 6 3..... 2..... Total ...... 2,807 127,952 21.94 171,034 16.41 399 72 -14 1 42 22 Texas:

Bryan...... 61 3,589 17.27 5,000 12.20 .1...... 3...... Burnet ...... 6 1,003 5.98 1,300 4.62...... I...... Comanche ...... 48 2,070 23.19 3,500 13.71 4 2 2...... Corpus ChristL...... 15 4,703 3.19 5,000 3.00 4 I...1.I **I.I Dalias...... b51,044 42,638 24.49 68,520 15.24 107, 3 19 11..-.. 10..... Decatur ...... 15 1,582 9.60 2,000 7.50)...... Fort Worth...... 365 26,683413.71 42,954 8.50 31 1 16 11 3 2 .5 Georgetown...... 40 2,790 14.34 2,447 16.35 10 4 4...... Hillsboro ...... 40 5,346 7.48 6,000 5.00 . .. 3 1..... 1 2 Houston...... 1,001 44,633 22.43 70,000 14.3108D 19 2 17 4 5 Lokar...... 30 2,10 14.24 3,000 10.00 8...... 19 2,30 8.24 3,000 6.33 ...... Luling...... 20 1,349 14.83 2,000 10.00 3... 3 ...... 15 1,725 8.70 3,000 5.00 1I... I...... San 6 1,158 5.20 1,200 5.00 4 . I...... 1 ...... Antonio...... 1,365 53,321 25.60 63,000 21.67 310 3 40 12 5 13..... Sherman...... 170 10,243 16.59 15,000 11.27 12 6 4 12 6 12 4 38 Wichita 1,213 26.55 1,8001 18.33 2.... 4 3 1 5.... Falls...... 10 2,480 4.03 3,000 3.33 1 . 2 3...... Total...... 4, 303 21.0,9491 20.401 303,7211 14. 171 606j 201 1202011 601 441 531 17 aTyphus, 6. bTyphus, 1. lo-P. may 1" MorWtyst statistc of 1,447 cities and towais of the Unite Staes, det-Continued. Deaths from-

Citiesor towns. .d~..~0 PC .0-*

o 0 ~~~~ .0 jst 3~1

Utah: Brigham...... 66 2,859 23.0- 3,000 22.00 3 3 ...... -.... Reber ...... 14 1,534 9.1-3 1,800 7.89...... 2 ...... MountPleasant...... 46 2,372 11.3.9 3,500 13.14...... 2 3 6 11 ..... Ogden...... 183 16,313 11.221 20,000 9.15 7..... 4 ...... 2 ..... Pak iy ...... 43 3,759 11.44 5.000 8.60 1.1...... ParoCity...... 41 6,18 6.63 6,OQ 6.83 ...... Richfieldi...... 19 1,969 9.65 2,200 8.64...... 1..... SpeLnishFork ...... 45 16.4-5 a.500 12.86 3...... 1... .. Spring. City...... 17 2,73511,135 14.97 1,2001 .14.171...... Total...... 474 39j861 1219 .102 14j.. ---j 8j 4 Vermont: Arlington...... 34 1,193 28.50 1,400 24.21 4...... I...... Baruset...... 28 1,763 15.88 1,875 14.95 I...... 1. Barre...... 103 8,448 12.19 10,000 10.80 8.. a...... 9. Bennington 142 5,656 25.11 8,000 17.75 12... 2...... 1.... Berkshire...... 22 1,326 16.59 1,421 15.48 3...... I. Bethel...... 23 1,611 14.28 1,500 15.33 1...... lirandon...... 84 2,759 30.45 3,500 21.00 5... 4 4.... 1. Brighton ...... :. 40 2,02 19.77 2,000 20.00...... 1 1.... I 1 Bristol...... 43 2,061 20.86 2,200 19.54 5 2...... 1 1 Burlington...... 348 18,640 18.67 19,000 18.32 20...... 1 8 3 Cambridge...... 30 1,606 18.68~ 1,800 16.67 3...... CharlesoWn...... 19 1,025 18.541 1,000 19.00 1...... Charlotte...... 27 1,254 21.531 1,311t. 20.77...... Chelsea. -...... Is 1.07 16.WI2J 1,230) 14.6.3 ...... 1.. Chester...... 27 1,77.5 15.06 1,800 15.00 2... 2...... 1... Concord...... 17 1,129 15.06 2,000 8.50 5...... Craflabury...... 25 1,2951 19.98 1.200 20.83 5...... 1.. Derby...... 86 3,274 11.00 3.000 12.00 5... . 1...... Dorset...... 40 1,477 27.08 1,900 21.06...... 1I 1 1...... Essex...... *...... 39 1.141 34.18 2,200 17.73 2...... Fairfax...... 26 1,33A 19.4.3 1,500 17.33 ...... I...... Fairfield._ ...... 16 1,830 89.74 1,825 8.77, 3...... Fairhaven ...... ;.... 53 2.999 17.67 2,800 18.93 4. 1...... Franklin...... 20 1,145 17.47 1,500 13.83 3...... Georgia ...... 19 1,280 14.84 1,300 14.61 ...... Groton -....*...... 26 1,0594 24.55 1,350 19.25 6.1...... Hartford ...... 76 3,817 19-91 5,000 15.20 4.1...... Hinesburg...... 17 ,216 13.98 1205 14.12 2... 1...... 1..... Hyde Park...... 14 1,472 9.51 1,650 8.48 2...... Jericho ...... 25 1,373 18.21 1,400 17.93 3...... 1. Johnson...... 16 1,391 11.06 1,500 10.67 4...... Lincoln ...... 15 1,152 13.00 1,31-00 11.64 1...... Ludlow.-...... 37 2,042 18.32 2,000 18.50 1...... 1. Manchester...... 44 1,95 22.51 2,000 22.00 14...... 1..... Marshfield..- ...... 17 1,032 16.47 1,121 15.17 ...... 1...... Montpelier...... 113 6,266 18.03 6,000o 18.83 11 . 2...... Morristown ...... 40 2,583 15.49 2,500 1.00 4...... 1...... - Newbury.-...... 38 2,125 17.83 2,000 19.00 6...... 2 New Haven...... 14 1,107 12.65 1,224 11.44 1...... Newport...... 60 8,113 19.27 4,000 15.00 1. 2...... Norwich ...... 19 1,30)3 14.53 1,300 14.62 1...... Orwell...... 18 1,150 15.65 1,300 13.85 2...... Pawlet ...... 26 1,73115.02 1,800 14.44 3.... 1 2...... Richford...... 30 2,421 .12.35 2,196 13.66 4...... 2.2 Rochester ...... 26 .1,250 20.80 1,257 20.68 1...... St. Albans...... 95 6,239 15.23 6,000 15.83 11 1...... I..... Shaflebury...... 24 1,857 12.87 1643 14.61 ...... 1...... Shelburne...., ...... 10 1,202 8.31 1,300 7.69 1... I...... Sheldon.i ...... 26 1,341 19.39 1,400 18.57 2...... Shoreham...., ...... 23 1,193 19.28 1,090 21.11 3...... Stowe...... 35 1,926 18.17 1.900 18.44 4... 1...... 1 Swanton...... 52 3.745 13.901 3,500 14.88 6... 5...... 1..... Troy ...... 28 1,467 15.68 3,000 7.67 2...... 1 Underh~ill.':: ...... 16 1,140 14.04 1,200 13.33 2... I.... Waterbury.. a 71 2,810 25.26 2,800 25.36 10.I 1 . . West Rutlanl 52 2,914 17.894 3,0 14.86 9. ...I.....I...... Whitlnhm ...... 17 1,042 16.31 1,300 13.06 31..J...... a Five hundred perwons in. State asylum; 32 deaths in asylum. May 10,120 1058

Mortality eaiui of 1,447 ciei and town of t UnitedMSato, et.-Continued. Deaths from-.

Citiesortowns. i 0. 0 5.. 1 ga

Vermont-ontinued. I I I I Wiliamtown ...... 84 1,614 21.11 1, 500I 22.6;r .. Wilmington...... 18 1,221 14.74iI 1, 30 13.8S i 2.2 ...... Windsr ...... 29 2,111 13.61 2, 106 13.81 I...... :: .. 1*--...... 18 16.89 .... Wolcott...... 1,06O I6 1.200 15.4OD11 .** ...... Total...... 2,493 140,513 17.74 154,1877 16.17 2 _3.6 12 3 30 13 Virginia: Abingdon...... 26 1,306 19.91 2,000 13.00 2...... - 1 1 Lynch bur ...... 441 18,891 23.84 26, 00 17.64 56 1 14 5 ...... 2. Manchester...... 171 9,715 17.61 12,000 14.25 ...... Marion...... 34 2,045 16.63 2,000 17.00 161 ..10 ...... 1 1 Petersburg...... 556 21810 25.49 23,000 22.24 69.. 15 1 ...... 2. Pocalontas.-...... 84 2,789 80.12 4,0U0 21.00 16.. 1 2...... I.. Pulaski...... 18 2,813 6.40 3, 6.00 5 .. 2 1 a 1 Richmond...... 1,579 85,050 18.57 101, 15.55 143 6, ..5 2 ...... Boanoke...... 188 21,495 6.42 25, 5.52 28 3 6. - .... 8 1 Total...... 3,047 165.919 18.36 200, 15.14 330 7 85 9 5 6 4 Washington: Aberdeen...... 25 8,747 6 67 3,500 7.14 1 2...... H oqua ...... 12 2,606 4.60 3,000 4.00 1 ...... Seattle ...... 24 1,884 12.74 2 000 12.00 ...... 1...... 1. .._...... 599 80,671 7.41 75,000 7.99 63. 25 2 16. Walla Walla...... a196 10,049 19.54 10,000 19.60 18... 9...... 3. W h oom...... 70 5,525 . 7,000 10..00 ...... Total ...... 926 104,484 8.86 100,500 9.21 83_... 87 3 2 20. We Virginia: Benwood ...... W 4,511 124L 7, .000 8.. 0 .....7 . 1 1. Buckhannon ...... 9 1,559 5.66 3, 3.00 2. 1...... Huntington ...... 157 11,923 13.17 15, 10.47 22 .. 6 5 1 Wheeling ...... 520 38,878 13.38 40, 13.00 71.. 272 1....1 1 6 4

Total ...... 742 56,901 13.04 65,0 11.42 10 3... 41 2 2 12 5 Wsoonsin:

Aa ...... 14 1, 201 11.68 1,5. D 9.35 1 ...... Ashland ...... 228N 13,074 17.44 13,00 12.6'7 14... ::*-- I .. a I Beaverdam ...... 50 5,128 9.75 5,001 10.0 2... _ **-*...... B,.. .-...i. Beloit...... 95 10,4a 9.10 11,0013 8.a 1 ... *e ..@ Berlin ...... 44 4,489 9.80 4,501 9.71 I ...... I... £B.. Black River Falls ...... 35 1,938 18,06 2,501501 I4.0 115... *@ ...... 0 ...... Boeoobel ...... 24 14.65 A 9.6 ,...... 1.., I. ,...... I... Chilton ...... 1,460 13.70 1,701 1 1.74 ...... -.... Chippewa Fallb...... 12 8,094 13.59 1]3. I5.. I... *1., I. ,..... 20 .. .1 k1.r...... 3, 11.55 2 00( 1iD.IA ...... I...I. *.... _.. Fort Atkinson...... 45 14.79 13.61 1 *...... 1. 1 *[email protected]. en Bay...... 285 18684 15.25 24, 0( 11.85 28 r 1 I...I.. aI 4 Hartlbrd...... 45 1, 2 27.57 3,50KI 12.86 1 1...... *...... ,... . Horoon...... 1,87, 14.58 1,54K 12.50 4...... 1 ...... - Hudson...... 3,259 8.90 I 9.67 ...@... i...-@...... Janeaville...... 1,185 10.89 14,OWXI 9.79 17 ,...... *...... *1 I *...... Jeffernon...... 19 2,584 7.35 I 6.38 2 *[email protected] ,.... .@..... ewaunee...... 18 1,7 10.15 1,800 10.00 ,.... *.-.....8 ...... LAVSI~...... 438 28,896 14.99 14.43 45 *.@..... 0 XAke Geneva...... 2,585 20.54 2, 45 21.62 2 I ..@.....@...... Lake Mills...... 28 1,387 20.19 1,8NC 15.11 ...... ,...... 80 2,408 12.48 2,506 12.00 ,.... *....s.. Miladison ...... 215 19,164 11.22 20,00o 10.75 II ...... 1Mitowoo ...... 151 11,786 12.81 11,001 13.64 12 MarnetUe.... 157 16,195 9.09 16 (100 9.81 17 7 4 Menasba --...... 59 5,589 10.59 7,000 8.78 5 I...... --enomo ie ...... I... 150 5,655 26.52 6,000 25.00 Milwaukee...... I 8,W 285,315 13.47 225,000 13.48 872 26 I... 109 Ie...... Monroe ...... 52 3, 927 J8 24 4,000X 13.00 2 *...... Neillsv le ...... 32 2,104 15.21 2,200 14.55 I...... *...-.... a Forty-eight nonresidents. 1059 May 10,1901

Mortality statistics of 1,447 cities *and towns of the United States, etc. -Continued.

Deaths from- 9 a

3.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~. Cities or towns. Ci ~ 10 _ '

- - l Wisconsin-Cbtinued. New London...... 22 2,742 8.02 3,000 7.331 2t...... Oconomowoc...... 49 2.880 17.01 3,000 16.33 3 ...... - ----...1. Oconto ...... 66 5,646 11.69 7,000 9.43 8.... 31 2 1 10 Omro ...... 25 1,358 18.41 1,400 17.86 ...... 2 Oshkosh...... 329 28,284 11.63 D 00 1097, so.....21 3...... 1 1 3. Platteville ...... 28 3,340 8.38 3,500 8.001 4...... 2.1 2 Plymouth ...... | 12 2,257 5.32 2,205 5.44 1 ...... Racine ...... a330 29,102 11.34 30,000 11.00 3S 3 5 9 2 Reedsburg ...... 39 2,2251 17.53 3,000 13.09 81...... Rhinelander ...... 72 4,998 14.42 5,000 14.40 6 ...... 7.14 2 Rice Lake. 25 3,002 8.33 3,500 ...... River Falls ...... 40 2,008 19.92 2.500 16.00 5' ...... 6.82 5 2.... . Shawano...... 15 1,863 8.05 2,200 ...... Sheboygan...... 277 22,962 12.59 25,000 11.08 . .. . . Sheboygan 21 1,301 16.14 1,400 15.00 4 ...... I.. Shullaburg ...... 12 1,250 9.06 1,350 8.89 1 Sparta ...... *l 31 3,555 8.72 8toughton...... 31 3,431 9.04 ...... 3,000 3'000~~~~~~:2. 3..0 3...... Superior...... 1 333 1, 091 10.71 30 Tomah...... 2,810 10.56 4,000 15' 1 3 1. Two Rivers...... 65 3,784 17.18 16.25l .1 8,000 13.00 47- I ...... Waukesha...... 104 7,419 14.02 Waupaca...... 26 2,9121 8.93 3,000 8.671 -2 7 Wausau ...... 130 12,354! 10.52 14,000 9.430 132 West Bend.....::::...... 35 2 119' 16 52 3,000 11.67 1.1. Whitewater...... 31 3:4051 9:01 3,.800 .16.7.1 Winneconne ...... 4 1,0421 3.84 1,000 4.00 Total ...... 8,633 668,899' 12.91 703,257 12.28 824 3 1421 78 68 288 59 Wyoming: 1 2 2 Laramie. 64 8,207 7.80 7,500 8.53 ...... 21.99 .. Rock Springs. b 118 4,3631 27.05 5,365 2..... 5 ......

2 Total ...... 182 12,5701 14. 48 i2,865 14.15 3. . 7. .. 16.61 Grand total ...... 347,71220,929,738 21,486,130 16.18136,740117817,07811,531.1,965 7, 36412,123 a Typhus, 1. b Deaths includeInclude those inIn the State hospital. FOREIGN AND INSULAR. BRITISH HONDURA. Reportfrom Belize-uBiport. BELiZE, BRITISH HONDuRAS, April 21, 1901. SrI: I have the honor to submit report for week ended April 20. The following vessels have cleared from this port: Number Number Totl Number

Date. Vesslel. Master. of pas. of pas- nme ofpieces Date.vemel. M"ter. Destination, of j,g sengerssengesnmefrmI intrn Palo

Apr.19 5s. Edher...... Steven- 19 New Orleans,La.. 0 0 0 0 son. Do... . Stillwater.. Galt. 82 .do. 10 20 30 20 Do. Schr. Davy Merrett... 7 Key Wet,FIaZ 0 0 0 0 Crockett. The sanitary conditions of Belize and the adjacent country are good. Four deaths during the week, as follows: One from senility, 1 from pleurisy, 1 from acute nephritis, and 1 from debility. Respeflly, J. GREY TEOMAS, Adting As8i8tant Strgeon, U. &S . H. S. The SURGEON-GENEAL, U. 8 Marine-Hospital Sri. OHINA. Reportsfrom Hongkong-Plague and smallpox. HONGKONG, , March 55, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of inspection work at this station for the week ended March 23,1901. I also trans- mit under same cover an abstract of mortality statistics in the colony of Hongkong during the month of February, 1901. Four hundred and sixty-four baths were given during the week and 739 pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. The sanitary reports for the week show 8 case of plague and 10 deaths, 7 cases of small- pox and 6 deaths, and 1 case of enteric fever. The plague cases have nearly all been of the bubonic type, though some of the infected glands are of small size and might easily be over- looked in a physical examination were it not for the tenderness and induration surrounding. The measures adopted to prevent the farther spread of smallpox have been free vaccination, posting Chinese notices which call attention to the protection afforded by vaccination, and house-to-house visits by Chinese medical students urging vaccination. At present there are 10 cases of smallpox in the hospital for infectious diseases. Respectfully, JOHN W. KERR, Assitant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SuRGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Martine-Hospital Servce. 1060 1061 may 10, 1901 [Inclosure.] Abstrad of mortaity taistic at Hongkoug during Febrary, 1901.

Population. Population.

British Chinese Chinese BritislIi Chinese Chinese and for- land, harbor. andfo:r- land. harbor. eign. eign., II Specific febrile die. Circulat'y system- eases- Heart deas...... I 7 1 Sma o...... 4 0 Respirat'y system- Chole.r...... 0 6 8 Bronchitis...... 3 37 7 Diarrhea...... 1 SD 0 Pneumonia ...... 1 18 3 DO...... 2 6 0 Phthisis ...... 3 59 10 Plage (bubonic).... 0 14 0 Empyemia...... 0 0 4 as 9 Hoemoptysis...... 0 1 0 8eppti Digestive system- 1 epi a...... 0 0 Dentition...... 1 0 0 Puerperal fever...... 0 0 Enteritie ...... 0 0 1 Venereal syphilis...... 1 9 0 Colic (biliary)...... 1 0 0 Paraites...... 0 0 Jaundice ...... 0 1 0 Opium poisoning...... 0 1 0 Urinary system- Effects of injuries...... 1 9 Nephrltis (acute)... 1 0 0 Developmental d i 5- Briht's disease.... 0 5 5 eases- Calculus (renal).... 1 0 0 0 Immaturity at birth.. 0 Generatiye system- Debilityandold age.. 2 17 19 Post,patum hem- 1 0 0 Marasmusand atro- orrhag8. phy...... 0 7 0 Childbirth...... 0 1 Miscellaneous- The skin- Rheumatic fever... 0 1 0 Ulcer of leg. 0 1 0 Cancer of stomach::: 1 0 Aboess, srotal...... 0 1 0 General tuberculosis 1 00 The bones Anamma...... 0 2 Hip Joint disease... 1 0 01 0 Nervous system- Undefined- 0 ...... 2 Dropsy...... 1 0 Meningitis 0 Apoplexy ...... 01 1 Undiagnosed...... 0 2 1 Paralysis...... 01 1 00 Beriberi...... 828 6 0 Convulsions...... 0 Tetanus ...... 4 @0 Total...... 26 371 72 Trismus ...... 0I 38 OI

British and foreign population, 9,100; death rate, 21.8 per 1,000. Chinese land population, 212,860; depth rate, '8.0 per 1,000. C3hinese harbor population, 85,040; death rate 28.1 per 1,000. Total population of colony, 257,000; death rate, 19.5 per 1,000, exclusive of army and narvy. HONGEKONG, CHINA, April 2, 1901. SIr: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of inspection work at this station for the week ended , 1901. Ten steamers were inspected during the week, 1,084 individuals were bathed, and 1,419 pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. Fourteen cases of plague were reported during the week and 10 deaths; 2 cases of enteric fever and 1 death; 13 cases of smallpox and 13 deaths. No information is obtainable regarding the health of Canton, but a number of cases of varioloid are reported to have occurred on the U. S. S. Monterey lying at that port. Respectfully, JOHN W. KERR, Amidtant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Ho8pital Servie. May 10,1901 1062

[Inolosure.] Report of vessels ixeced at Homgkosg, China, Marc/ IS, and. Marchl 30, 1901.

Pasengers. Date. Name of vesel. Destination. Crew. Ste.JetdRec Cabin. age.

Mar. 19 Br. str. Doric (a)...... S...... San Francsco...... 140 248 551 Mar. 21 Br. str. Loong (a) .. Manila...... 69 17 1 51 Mar. 23 Ger. str. AlbengaSanog(O)--....--.... New York .34 0 0 0 Mar. 25 Am. str. NanShan(c) ..M.anila ...... 1 060 0 Do.... Br. str. Yuen Sang (d) .. Manila via Amoy...... 70 17 0 1 Mar. 27 Ger. str. Pronto(d)...... noilo...... 32 3 2 0 Do... Br. str. Esmeralda (d . . .Manila...... 5 18 67 61 Mar. 28 Am. str. Pompey(b)...... do .32 0 0 0 Do. Jap. str. Nippon Maru (d)...... San Francisco ...... 176 52 3501 Mar. 29 Br. str. Queen Adelaide (d)..... Taooma...... 38 12 0 0 Do... Jap. str. Rosetta Maru (d)(.)(f) Manila ...... 11...... I 40 140 Do... Br. str. Sungkjlang (d)...... do.67 19 76 1 Do. Br. str. aifong(d)...... Cebu. 67 5 20 0 aAsiatic crew and steerage passengers bathed and effects disinfected by steam. b European crew. cAsiatic crew bathed and textile effects disinfected by steam. d Asiatic crew and steerage pasengers bathed and textile effects disinfected by steam. c Japanese crew not allowed ashore during Vessel's stay in this port. fSupplemental bill of health. COSTA RICA. Reportfrom Port Limon-Fruit port. PORT LIMoN, COSTA RICA, April 20, 1901. SiR: I have the honor to submit my weekly report as follows: On April 14, cleared steam tug (. W. Norse, crew 24, no passengers nor baggage, having in tow the schooner barge Atlas, crew 12, no passen- gers nor baggage. April 15, cleared steamer Seythian, crew 19, no pas- sengers nor baggage. April 18, steamship Hispania, crew 22, no pas- *sengers nor baggage. April 19, steamship Anselm, crew 40, no passen- gers nor baggage. All bound for the port of New Orleans. I inclose copies of certificates given them. Five deaths have occurred in Port Limon during the week ended April 17, viz, 1 negro infant, cholera infantum; 1 negro adult, female, meningitis; 1 negro adult, male, phthisis pulmonalis; 1 negro infant, tuberculosis; 1 negro adult, male, apoplexy syphilitic. The case of yellow fever reported by me on April 5 has recovered, and on April 9 the premises, clothing, and bedding were thoroughly disinfected. More than ten days have elapsed since the disinfection and I have not been able to find or hear of any other case of yellow fever, hence I am giving vessels clean bills of health. Respectfully, D. W. GOODMAN, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. M. B. S. The BuRGEON-GENERAir, U. S. Marine-Ho8pital Service. CUBA. Reportsfrom (ienfuegos, (asilda, and Santa Oruz del Sur. CIENFUEGOS, CUBA, April 22, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report for the district under my command for the week ended April 20, 1901: Fifteen deaths have occurred in this city; no contagious diseas reported; death rate 19.55. Causes of deaths are as follows: Uraemia, 2; tuberculosis, 2; 1063 May 10,1901 tetanus,infantile, 2; purpura,hemorrhagica, 1; pleuri'sy, 1; intestinal obstruction, 1; anasmia, 1; malaria, 1; pernicious fever, 1; embolism, 1; insufficiency, aortic, 1; septicsemia, 1. Of the total number of deaths 2 occurred in the civil hospital. Eleven vessels inspected and passed, granted free pratique; 17 bills of health issued vessels leaving Cienfuegos; 39 health certificates issued pasengers leaving Cienfuegos; 38 pieces baggage leaving Cienfuegos, inspected and passed, and 12 pieces baggage from Havana, destination Santiago and Manzanillo, labeled to be disinfected at those ports. (a9ilda.-Acting Asst. Burg. Alejandro Cantero reports 4 deaths in city of Trinidad during week; no contagious diseases; 12 vessels inspected and passed, and 11 bills of health issued. Santa Oruz del Sur.-Acting Asst. Burg. Juan R. Xiques reports 2 deaths in that port during week; no contagious diseases; 7 vessels inspected and passed, and 8 bills of health issued. Respectfully, T. D. BERRY, Asistant Surgeon, U. S. M. Hf. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Ho#pital Service. CIENFUEGOs, CUBA, April 29, 1901. Btu: I have the honor to transmit the following report for the district under my command for the week ended April 27, 1901: Twenty-three deaths have occurred in this city, 4 of which were in the city hospital. No contagious diseases reported. Causes of deaths were as follows: Paludism, 3; embolism, 1; albuminuria, 1; tuberculosis, 1; tetanus, 1; mitral insufficiency, 1; cancer of the breast, 1; gastro-enteritis, 1; old age, 1; asphyxia, 1; sclerosis, arterial, 2; entero colitis, 1; pneumonia, 1; hemorrhage, cerebral, 1; broncho-pneumonia, 1; meningitis, 1; tetanus, infantile, 1; malaria, 1; enteritis, 1; scrofula, 1. Death rate per 1,000 for the week is 29.98. Eight vessels were inspected and passed, granted free pratique; 18 bills of health isued vessels leaving Cienfuegos; 5 alien steerage pas- sengers inspected and allowed to land; 56 health certificates issued passengers leaving Cienfuegos; 59 pieces of baggage leaving Cienfuegos inspected and passed; 5 pieces of baggage from Havana, destination Santiago and Manzanillo, labeled to be disinfected at those ports. Oasilda.-Acting Asst. Burg. Alejandro Cantero reports 6 deaths in the city of Trinidad during the week; no contagious diseases reported; 8 vessels inspected and passed; 8 bills of health issed vessels. Santa Orz del Sur.-Acting Asst. Burg. Juan R. Xiques reports no deaths in that port during the week; no contagious diseases reported; 3 vessels inspected and passed; 7 bills of health issued. Respectfully, T. D. BERRY, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The S3URGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Srvice. Itnpection of immigrans at Oefueqos during the week ended April 27, 1901. CIENFUEGOS, CUBA, April 29, 1901. SIR: I herewith submit report of alien steerage passengers at this port during the week ended April 27, 1901: April 25, steamship Wanderer, from Liverpool, West Indies, and South America, with 5 immigrants. Respectfully, T. D. BERRY, Aistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Servce. may 10,1901 1064

Reportfrom HavaaX-A cs of yelowfev. HAVAs, CUBA, May 1,1901. SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of trns ons at this station for the week ended April 27, 1901: The weather con- tinues cool and pleasant, and the sanitary condition of the city is excel- lent. There wa a case of yellow fever reported on the 27th, but it has since been discharged cured, and at present there are no cases officially reported. I inclose the usual statistics for the week. By direction ofthe chief quarantine officer. Respectfully, ATEjANDER B. MCDOWELL, Acting Asidant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S., EzeouUve Officer. The 8URGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hopal S-vice. [Inolosure.] Summary of tranaedions at Haeanafor week ended ApriL *7, 1901. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Numberof paengers inspected ...... 534 Number of vaccinations...... 4 Total ...... 5 38 HARBOR DEPARTMENT. Crews of incoming vessels inspected .4...... 3 Crews of outgoing vessels inspected ...... 1184 Pasengers of outgoing vessels inspeted ...... 682 Passengers of incoming vessels inspected...... 265 Vaccination certificates issued ...... 3 Total ...2...... 2,6 77 SHORE-DISINFETNG PLANT. Number pieces bagage disinfected...... 94 NuLmber pieceNumberbaggaepiecesinspectedlge ind andand passed.1,1pad ~~...... 38 0 ...... 130 Number pieces express inspected andpassed...... o ...... 8 Number piees freight inspected and passed...... 323 To be disinfected...... 20

Total number of'pieees handled...... 1,825 BARGE SANATOR. Number of viver inspected...... 6 MORTUARY REPORT. Enteritis ...... 6 Tuberculosis.20 Pneumonia ...... 13 Diphtheria.1 Malaria ...... 2 Dysentery. 2 Pernicious fever...... 1 Total number deaths from all causes.. 118 Enteric fever ...... 4 1065 may 1o,19o0 Inopein of immigrants at Havana during the week ended April 27, 1901. HAVANA, CUBA, April 27, 1901. BSR: I herewith submit report of alien steerage passengers arriving at this port during the week ended April 27, 1901: No.of Date. Vesel. Where from. immi- grants.

Apr.22 Steamship Yucatan ...... New York. . 8 Do..... SteamehipPordenkold.... Puerto Cabello ..1 28 Sta ship Santanderino...... nd 97 Do.SteamshipApr. Havana.Campeche, Vera..13.Liverpool.sad.8painCruz, Progreso 5 Do..teamship Florida . Key Wes .1..1 Apr. 24 Steamship Mexico...... New York. . 3 Apr. 25 Steahip Florida West .2 Do. teamship Excelsior...... Key. New Orleans . .

Total ...... 119 pectfully, ALExANDER B. MCDOWELL, Acting Aaistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hopitai Service.

Reportsfrom Nuevita, Gibara, and Baracoa. NUEVITAs, CUBA, Aptit 22,1901. BSr: I have the honor to submit the following report for the week ended April 20, 1901: Nine vessels arrived at this port and 11 bills of health were issued. There were 3 deaths, 1 from acute endocarditis, 1 from cirrhosis ofliver, and 1 from pulmonary tuberculosis. The sanitary condition of the town is good. Gibara.-Reports show the arrival of 12 vessels, the issuance of 12 bills of health, 1 death, and good sanitary condition. Baracoa.-Reports show the arrival of 8 vesels, the issuance of 6 bills of healih, 4 deaths, and good sanitary condition. No quarantinable disease is reported at any point in the district. Respectfully, OWEN W. STONE, Acting Amistnt Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hopital Service. Reportsfron Santiago, Manzanillo, Guantanamo, and Daiquiri. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Aptiil19, 1901. Bra: I have the honor to submit herewith the following report for the week ended April 13, 1901: Santiago.-During this period there was a total of 27 deaths, an in- creas of 11 over that of the previous week, making an annual rate of mortality of 32.65 per 1,000. The folloWing are the causes of deaths reported, viz, fever, intermittent malarial, 1; tubercle of lungs, 2; sclerosis of the cord, 1; cerebral congestion and hemorrhage, 1; teta- nus, infantile, 3; organic diseases of the heart, 2; bronchitis, chronic, 2; pneumonia, 1; diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years), 6; diarrhea and enteritis (2 years and over), 1; intestinal obstructions, 1; nephritis, acute. 1; Bright's disease, 3; lack of care, 2. Total, 27. Out of this number 11 deaths occurred in infants under 1 year of age; may 10,1901 1066 3 deaths of infantile tetanus were in infants under 11 days; 2 deaths due to lack of care, under 16 days. The remaining 6 deaths were due to diarrhea and enteritis in infants under 1 year. No unusual amount of sickness is known in the city. Malarial fevers prevail. A number of cases have come under my personal notic;e, some of these of a malignant form, in which crescent plasmodia were found in the blood. Two vessels were disinfected during the week, the Norwegian steam- ship Kong Frode, destined for Mobile, Ala., via Port Antonio, Jamaica, and the American schooner Major Piccands, prior to sailing for Port Tampa, Fla. On April 13, 1901, health certificates were issued to passengers embarking on the American steamship Saratoga; 63 pieces baggage were inspected, and 3 pieces, destined for places south of the southern boundary of Maryland, were disinfected. The quarantine regulations, Article X, bearing on baggage and effects from Cuba and Porto Rico were put in force on this day, as the vessel would reach New York after April 15, 1901. After having put this regulation in force, I was notified by telegram by the chief quaran- tine officer, Surgeon Glennan, that the open quarantine seaon was extended until May 1, 1901. Manzanillo. -Acting Asst. -Burg. R. de Socarras reports 3 deaths, due to the following caues: Enteritis, 1; senile debility, 1; inanition, 1. Total, 3. Population, 14,464. Annual rate of mortality, 10.78. Guantanamo.-Acting Ast. Surg. Luis Espin reports 7 deaths, due to the following causes: Fever, intermittent malarial, 1; organic diseases of the heart, 1; bronchopneumonia, 2; pulmonary congestion, 1; enterocolitis, 1; accidental fall, 1. Total, 7. Population, 18,000. Annual rate of mortality, 20.22 per 1.000. Daiquiri.-Nothing of interest reported. Respectfully, R. H. VON EZDORF, Au8istant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGoN- GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. [Inclosure.] Repor of treatment of passengers' baggage for the week ended April 13, 1901. -Port of Santago de Cuba. Disinfected and pased. Formaldehyd steam. -. Date. Name ofvesel. gao

____ ^ MO April 8 Steamship Purisima Concepcion (baggagearrivedfromHavana) ...... 3 2 2...... 1...... 9 51 Apr. 12 Steamship Saratoga (baggage des- tinedforUnitedStates) ...... 1 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 3 26 2 31

Total ...... 4 3 3 . 1 8 340 81 1067 May 10,1901 Inpelion of immigrants at Santiago during the week ended April 18, 1901. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, April 18, 1901. SiR: I herewith submit report of alien steerage passengers at this port during the week ended April 13, 1901: April 9, provisional flag steamship Maria Herrera, from San Juan, P. R.. with 5 immigrants. Respectfully, R. H. VON EZDORF, Asstant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. ENGLAND. Reportfrom Lomdon-Plague in Cape Totwn. LoNDoN, ENGLAND, April 20, 1901. SIR&: I have the honor to report that the health of Great Britain remains in general satisfactory. The smallpox in Glasgow continues to decrease, but there are still a few new cases reported each day. Two deaths from smallpox occurred in Liverpool (luring the week ended . The offitial report of plague from Cape Town for the week ended April 13, is as follows: Total number of new cases, 43, including 12 Europeans; total number of deaths, 22, including 4 Europeans. Up to the above date there had been a total of 392 cases and 152 deaths. The infection has been mostly confiued to Cape Town and the cape peninsula, but a few cases have occurred outside this area. During the past week plague was reported among the rats at Port Elizabeth and later a case of plague was reported in the town. Sporadic cases of plague continue to occur in West , and a case is also reported from Pinkenba, Queensland. For the week ended , there were no deaths from plague in Mauritius. The case of suspicious illness that occurred in this city recently, was probably not plague. Respectfully, A. R. THOMAS. Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. o. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. The transport Kilpatrick at Honolulu with mallpox on board. HONOLULU, H. I., April 14, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to report the arrival at this port yesterday of the U. S. army transport Kilpatrick, eight days from San Francisco. en route to Manila, P. I. She had on board 846 enlisted men, 60 officers, women, and children, and a crew of152, making a totalof1,058 persons on board. On the day following their departure from San Francisco, there appeared among the troops 2 cases of smallpox of the discrete variety. These cases were isolated at once, but it was necessary on account of crowded quarters to put them with several cases of measles. Every one aboard was vaccinated, 15 per cent proving successful. The sick, together with those directly exposed, including nurses, were removed to the quarantine station at once and properly segregated. The colonel commanding the troops requested me to remove his men aud (lisinfect his ship. This I agreed to do provided he would charter 2 safe vessels to receive those of his commaud in excess of 600, which was my limit may lo.19011 1068 at the present time at the quarantine station, owing to the presence there of 70 persons either sick or undergoing detention, together with the neceity of reserving room for other pasengers likely to arrive at any time. At this writing, the colonel has decided to take coal by lighter and proceed to Manila, provided no further outbreak occurs in the next seven days. I have made a detail from the station to show those on board how to disinfect properly and in addition to this have rendered them all the tance possible. The mail was disinfected by this office at the Channel Wharf prior to delivery to the post-office authorities. Respectfully, L. E. COFER, Passed MistantSurgeon, U. S. M. H. S., In Command. The SuRGEoN-GENERAL, U. S. Martne-Hospital Service.

HONDURAS. Reportfrom La Ceiba-Frzit port. LA CIEBA, HONDURAS, Aprla 21, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to submit my report for the week ended April 20, 1901. Four vessels cleared from this port for the United States: April 14, steamship Dudkey, Anderson; crew, 18; destination, Mobile, Ala.; steamshipi Ely, Corning; crew, 21; destination, New Orleans, La. April 19, steamship Sunniva, Johannesen; crew, 14; destination, New Orlean, La; steamship U8k, Hurry; crew, 20; destinstion, New Orleans, La. The health of IA Ceiba and vicinity continues good. Respectfully, R. H. PMETRS, Acting A8istant Surgeoa, U. S. M. H. S. The SuRGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. *Report8 from Puerto Cortez-Fruit port. PUERTO CORTEZ, April 16,1901. SiR: I have the honor to report the happenings at this port for the week ended Tuesday, April 16. Good health conditions still prevail here. No deaths. The following vessels were dispatched after com- plying with the regulations: April 10, steamship S. Oteri, Norwegian, master, De Luca; arrived April 9, from New Orleans; crew, 34; passengers, 18; destination, New Orleans via Belize; baggage disinfected, trunks, 5; bags, 9; valises, 11; proper cargo, green fruit. April 11, steamship Bratten, Norwegian, master, Hahn; arrived April 7, from Mobile; crew, 15; passengers, none; cargo, green fruit; destination, Mobile, Ala. April 13, steamship B8paffa, Norwegian, master, Danielson; arrived April 12, from Mobile; crew, 10 ;. passengers, 3; cargo, green fruit; baggage, none; special permission granted the 3 pasengers making round trip to come ashore during daylight, by Mobile quarantine officer; .destina- tion, Mobile, direct. April 13, steamship Uto, Norwegian, master, Bride; arrived April 11, from Havana; crew, 15; passengers none; cargo, cattle; destination, Havana direct; issued no certificate to the 1069 MKay 10,1901 U1t9; countersigned bill of health. April 14, steamship Foxhall, Amer. ican, master, Iarsen; arrived April 13, from New Orleans; crew, 25; passengers, none; cargo, green fruit; destination, Mobile direct. Respectfully, SAxum HARRIS BACKus, Acting A&88tant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Ho8pilal Service. PUERTO CORTEZ, HONDURAS, April £8, 1901. SIR.: I have the honor to make a report of quarantine work done during the week ended April 23. Health conditions are excellent-i death. Dispatched the follow- ing vessels after they had complied with regulations: April 17, steam- ship Stiliwater, Galt, American i crew, 24; passengers, 8; cargo, green fruit, baggage disinfected; trunks, 1; bags, 4; valises, 4; arrived from New Orleans, April 16; destination, New Orleans. April 20, steam- ship Habit, Goodmansen, Norwegian, crew, 14; passengers, none; cargo, green fruit; arrived April 16, from New Orleans; destination, Mobile. April 21, steamship Adria, Rasmussen, Norwegian; crew, 15; passen- gers, none; cargo, green fruit; arrived April 18, from Philadelphia; destination, Mobile, direct. Respectfully, SAMUEL HARRIS BACKUS, Acting Ansi8tant Surgeon, U. S. M H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Ho8pital Service. PUERTO CORTEZ, HONDURAS, April 9, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to hereby make my report for the week ended April 9. Health of this port and surrounding territory has been excel- lent; no deaths. Inspected the following vessels: April 4, steamship Habit, Norwegian, Goodmansen, master; arrived, March 31; crew, 14; pasengers, none; cargo, green fruit; destination, New Orleans direct. April 8, steam- ship Alliance, Norwegian, Nielsen, master; arrived April 4, crew 15, passengers none, cargo, green fruit; destination, Mobile, Ala., direct. Respectfully, SAMUEL HARRIS BACKUS, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The"SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Ho8pital Servie. . RBportsfrom Nape-&aallpox in Scly. NAPLES, ITALY, April 18, 1901. SIR.: I have the honor to report that for the week ended April 13, 1901, the following ships were inspected: On April 10, the steamship Liguria, of the Italian General Naviga- tion Company, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and passed 1,355 steerage passengers and 317 pieces of large and 1,700 pieces of small baggage. Three hundred and sixteen pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. On April 11, the steamship AUer, of the North German Lloyd Steam- ship Company, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were iDspected and pased 867 steerage pasengers and 129 pieces of 81 May 10,1901 1070 large and 1,160 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and thirty-seven pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. On April 11, the Pteamship Thrqan Prince, of the Prince Line, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and passed 996 steerage passengers and 55 pieces of large and 1,650 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and sixty-nine pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. On April 12, the steamship Patria, of the Fabre Line, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and passed 1,156 steerage pamsengers and 60 pieces of large and 1,500 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and sixty-four pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. On April 13, the steamship Victoria, of the Anchor Line, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and passed 1,112 steerage passengers and 60 pieces of large and 1,600 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and fifty-six pieces of baggage were dis- infected by steam. On April 13, the steamship Christiania, of the Hamburg American Line, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and pased 608 steerage pasengers and 16 pieces of large and 880 pieces of small baggage. One hundred and three pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. It is expected that the emigration from Naples to New York will be larger this month than it has been for years. There is an epidemic of smallpox at Acireale. province of Catania, Sicily, and a number of cases are reported as black smallpox. Smallpox is still prevalent at Naples, as will be seen from the abstract of bills of health incorporated herewith. Baggage and other effects of all steerage passengers from Naples and all other places where smallpox is reported are disinfected by steam before being placed aboard vessels. Respectfully, J. M. EAGER, Pawed Amsiatant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Jdarine-HoVitai Service. NAPLES, ITALY, April 20, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to report that for the week ended April 20, 1901, the following ships were inspected: On April 16, the steamship Mauia, of the Fabre Line, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and passed 1,174 steerage passengers and 64 pieces of large and 1,640 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and twenty-eight pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. On April 17, the steamship Balilla, of the Celli Line, bound with pas- sengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and passed 1,109 steerage passengers and 65 pieces of large and 1,700 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and forty pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. On April 19, the steamship Belgravia, ofthe Hamburg-American Line, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and pased 2,223 steerage pasengers and 277 pieces of large and 3,200 pieces of small baggage. Five hundred and forty-seven pieces of bag- gage were disinfected by steam. On April 20. the steamship Vincenzo Florio, of the Italian General Navigation Company, bound with pasengers and cargo for New York. 1071 May 10,1901 There were inspected and passed 908 steerage passengers and 187 pieces of large and 1,100 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and forty pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. On April 20, the steamship Werra, of the North German-floyd Steam- ship Company, bound with passengers and cargo for New York. There were inspected and passed 925 steerage passengers and 160 pieces of large and 840 pieces of small baggage. Two hundred and twenty-four pieces of baggage were disinfected by steam. As will be seen from the accompanying weekly abstract of bills of health, smallpox is on the increase at Naples. Respectfully, J. M. EAGER, Passed Asistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. . Report from Yokohama-Destruction of rats-The depilatory disease. YOKOHAMA, JAPAN, April 8, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to inform you that since my last report of April 2 no quarantinable disease has occurred in epidemic form in Japan proper, and that not a single case of cholera or plague has been met with. In with plague, it is officially reported that since Novem- ber, 1899,*connectionabout 3,050,000 rats have been destroyed. Of this number, 232 were found to be infected by pest bacilli, all from the localities of Osaka, Kobe, and Hiogo, Wakayama, Gifu, and Shidznoka, where, as I have before notified you, human plague has occurred. As the rats found dead or captured in Osaka are now found occasionally infected, we may, I think, confidently expect a speedy reappearance of the epidemic at that point. ln re the "depilatory diseas" and referring to my report of March 6, I have to say that, while alarming statements continue to appear in the native journals, an official return lately isued with regard to the occur- rence of this malady in this, Kanagawa Ken, with a population of 850,000, gives the total number of cases from 1899 to date as 114. It strikes me that in Japan as many cases of ordinary alopecia would be met with in such a population during this period. Respectfully, STUART ELDRIDGE, Acting Astant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SuRGEON- GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospit2 Service. A death from plague in Wakayama Ken. YOKOHAMA, JAPAN, April 12, 1901. SIR: Official notice comes this morning of the occurrence of 1 case of plague, taken ill on the 10th and dying on the 11th, in the same locality of Wakayama Ken in which the epidemic of last year pre- vailed. Special sanitary officials have been already dispatched from Tokyo to the affected locality. Should a second case appear, I will telegraph you at once. Respectfully, STUART ELDRIDGE, Assitant Surgeon, U. S. X. H. S. The SU1.RGSEON-GENERAL, LActing U;. 8. Marine-ffistpi l Service. y 10,1901 1072

XICO. Reportfrom Vera &uz-A deohfrom yelowfever. VE&& CRuz, MExmoo, April 24, 91. SBr: I have the honor to submit the following report for the week ended April 20, 1901: Another death from yellow fever occurred during the week, a promi- nent American of this city. The patient had lived in Vera Cruz eleven years, and more than twenty years in Mexico. About three months ago he made a short business trip to New York, and had been back but a short time before he was taken ill. His sickness was at first diagnosed as pernicious malaria, and it is probable that he suffered a mixed infection. Three days before the end, suppression of urine and other symptoms characteristic in fatal cases developed, the patient dying in uramic convulsions. The long residence, covering a period of eleven years, in a place where the diseae has been prevailing before an attack of the disease is rather unusual. The Havana records, I think, give but 2 cases, 1 reported by P. A. Burg. M. J. Rosenau in 1899, and the other recently reported by Burg. A. A. Glennan. The Ward Line steamer Zavana left for New York via Havana with 69 passengers Respectfully, D. E. DurDLY, 4Acting A8stant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. & Marine-Hospital Sevie. rInclosure.1 Mortalityrport for the week ended April50, 1901. Yellow fever ...... 1I Tuberculosis...... 18 Malaria....1I Deaths from ...... 39 RBprtsfrom Progreso. PROGEs0o, MExco, April 20, 1901. SiIR: I have the honor to make the following report for the week ended April 20: There were 2 cases of smallpox reported during the week, but no deaths. Seven deaths were recorded from all causes. There have been no deaths from contagious diseases for four weeks. The epidemic in Merida continues to diminish, but 3 or 4 deaths are still reported every day from smallpox. The general health condition of Progreso is very good. There has been no sickness of any kind in the shippinjg for the past three weeks. Respectfully, S. H. HODGSON, Acting Aesietant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON GENERAL, U. S. Iarine-oopital Seice. PROGRESO, MEXICO, April 26, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to make the following report for the week ended April 26, 1901: From contagious diseases there were no deaths, and only 5 deaths reported from all causes There were no cases of contagious diseases of any kind reported, the 2 case of varioloid that were reported the week previous having recovered. During the week I inspected 7 vessels and 1073 May 10, 1901 issued a bill of health to 1 vessel without inspection. The vessel not inspected was the Spanish steamship Berenguer el Grande, from Spain via Htavana, proceeding to New Orleans via Vera Cruz. The vesel was anchored about 5 miles ofi6hore, and the only means that I had of boarding her was by a small sailboat, and as a gale of wind was blowing and a high sea running, I declined to make the trip, and issued a bill of health setting forth the facts on the face of it. The mail steamers have a steam tug for tender, which is tolerably safe for boarding purposes, but the other steamers rely upon small sail- boats for attention, and they are unreliable and dangerous. The larger part of the vessels leaving here come to the docks for cargo, where they are easily boarded. Respectfully, S. H. HODGSON, Acting Asitant Surgeon, U. S. M. IT. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Rospital Sermice. . Reports from Bluefields-Fruit port. BLUEFIELDS, NICARAGUA, April 25, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith sanitary report for the week ended April 24, 1901: The following vessels were inspected, clearing for ports in the United States: April 18, Norwegian steamship Alabama, Gjemery, master; crew, 18; passengers, 11; Marine Medical Officer W. G. Thigpen, Louisiana State board of health; cargo, fruit; cleared for New Orleans direct. April 21, Norwegian steamship Hriram, Pedersen. master; crew, 15; passengers, 6; Marine Medical Officer Thomnrn S. Adams, touisiana State board of health; cargo, fruit; cleared for New Orleans direct. There has been 1 death in the town of Bluefields during the past week, which occurred on the 24th instant, a colored female, aged 86, from senile debility. The town of Bluefields proper, the San Paulo Hospital, and adjacent country, continue to remain without suspicion as to the existence of any contagious or infectious disease. I inclose herewith 2 U. S. Marine-Hospital certificates, triplicates; also 16 U. S. Marine-Hospital pasenger certificates (duplicates). Respectfully, Wm. H. CARSON, Acting Assistant Sur.geon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Mortality aistics ofplague and smalpoxfor Januarv, 1901. MANILA, P. I., March 24, 1091. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith mortality statistics of Manila for the month of January, 1901, compiled and furnished by the 'oard of health. Respectfully, J. C. PERRY. Passed Assistant; Surgeon, U. S. M1. H. S., Chief Quarantine Officer for the Philippine Islands. The SURGEON GENEftAL, U. S. Marine-Hospilal 8ervice. may 10,1901 1074

Bubonieplague in Maila, Janxwa, 1901. Corresponding period, January, 1900. Cas remaining from December, 1900: Ce remaig from December, 1899: American ...... 0 Ame.can.0 ...... O . Filipino...... 1. Eiipino 0 O Sp ...... 0.. Spanish...... 0 .. Chinese ...... 0 Chinese.

T otal...... 1 Total . 0 New cae: New cases: American 0...... American .0 Filipino...... 3 Hipino .15 Spanish ...... 0 Spansh.0 Chinese ...... 4 Chinese. 3

Total ...... 7 Total .18 Deaths: Deaths: American...... 0 O Ame-can.0 Filipino...... 3 Fiipino. 9 Spanish...... 0 Spanish .0 Chinese .. 2 Chinese. 2

Total ...... 5 Total .11 Discharged: Discharged: American ...... American .0 Filipino . . 0 Filipino. 2 Spanish .. 0 Spanish...... 0 Chinese .. 0 Chinese .0 Total ...... 0 Total. 2 Remaining: Remaining: American .. 0 American .0 Filipino ...... 1 Filipino. 2 Spanish .. 0 Spanish. 0 Chinese. .. 2 Chinese. 1

Total .... . 3 Total. 5 SmaUpox in Manila, January, 1901. Corresponding period, January, 1900. Cases remaining from December, 1900: Case remaining from December, 1999: American ...... American .0 Filipino ...... 0 Filipino. 9 Spanish ...... Spanish .0 Chmnese ...... Chinese .0

Total ...... 0...... Total. 9

New cases: New cases: American ...... American .0 Filipino ...... 15 Filipino.13 Spanish ...... Spanish.... .0. Chinese ...... Chnese. 0

Total ...... 15 Total .13 Deaths: Deaths: American ...... American .0 Filipino ...... 0..1 Filipino...... 2

Spanish...... Spanish.0

Chinese ...... 0 Chinese.

Total ...... 1 Total. 2 10)75 May 10, 1901

Smallpox, etc.-Continued. Correposding period, etc.-Continued. Discharged: Discharged:

American ...... 0 American ......

Filipino...... 1 Filipino ...... 15

Spanish...... 0 Spanish ...... 0 Chinese...... 0 Chinese ...... 0

Total ..1 Total ...... 15 Remaining in smallpox hospital: Remaining in smallpox hospital:

American...... American ......

Filipino ...... 13 Filipino ...... 5 Spanish ... 0 Spanish ...... 0

Chinese ...... - 0 Chinese ...... 0......

Total ...... 13 Total ...... 5 PORTO RICO. Report from Ponce. PONCE, P. R., April 22, 1901. SIR: Through the chief quarantine officer for Porto Rico, I have the honor to transmit herewith the quarantine and abstract of bills of health reports for the week ended April 20, 1901. Six vessels were inspected, 3 of which were held in quarantine to detain nonimmunes, viz, provi- sional flag steamship Julia, from Havana; Spanish steamship Isla de Panay, from Havana; German steamship Polaria, from Colombian ports and St. Thomas. All transacted their business under super- vision and left the same day. Five bills of health were issued During the week, 9 new cases of smallpox, and 9 recoveries were reported, leaving 18 still under treatment. I think the continuation of the disease is due to a few cases not removed to the smallpox hospital, but very lately quarantined in the city. Yellow flags are placed on these houses but no guards. I have seen the quarantined people in close conversation with others at the doors, and with doors and windows wide open. There may be also some concealed cases. Respectfully, W. W. KING, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital ,Sevice. Inspection ofinmigrants at San Juan during the week ended April 20, 1901. SAN JUAN, P. R., April 22, 1901. S2IR: I herewith submit report of alien steerage passengers arriving at this port during the week ended April 20, 1901: No. of Date. vesels. Where from. immi- grants.

Apr. 19 Provisional flag steamship Julia ...... Havana, Nuevitas, Gibara, Baracoa, San- 17 tiago, St. Domingo, Macori, Ponoe, and Mayaguez. Do... Spanish steamship Isla de Panay.Havana, Port Limon, Colon, Sabanilla 5 Bay, Puerto Cabello, La Gusyra, and Ponce.

Total ...... 22 Respectfully, H. S. MATHEWSON, Asitant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S., Chief Qutarantine Officer for Porto Rico. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. may 10,190 1076 Inwpection of immigrant8 at the msuports of Porto Rico durting the week ended April 20, 1901. SAN JUAN, P. R., Aprtil 22,1901. SIR: I submit herewith report of alien steerage passengers arriving during the week ended April 20, 1901, at subports of Poito Rico: Mayaguez.-April 14. American schooner Victoria, froin St. Domingo, with 1 immigrant. April 16, French steamnship St. Donmingue, from Port au Prince, Petit Goave, Jeremie, Les Cayez, Jacmel, and St. Domingo, with 5 immligrants. Total, 6. Othier subports, no, trans- actions. Respectfully, H. S. MATHEWSON, A8sistant Surgeon, U. S. M. H. S. Chief Quarantine Officer for Porto Rico. The SURGEON-GENERAL, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. No plague at Singa.porefor ten days. SINGAPORE, March 21, 1901. Sim: I have the honor to transmit the inclosed copy of a letter from the acting colonial secretary of the Straits Settlements unde'r date'the 17th instant, reporting that the port of Singapore is now free from contamination, no cases of plague having occurred here for the full period of ten days, and requesting. that any quarantine restrictions imposed by my Government be at once removed. The restrictions'referred to were imposed in accordance with United States quarantine regulations, as well as to meet the bequest of the chief quarantine officer at Manila, P. I, and consisted of the pro- hibition of shipmbnts hence, of various articles to the Philippine Islands, and the requireOment from passengers for any port in said slands of a certificAte by the n;edicAl officer of this consulate stating that they hid bieen examined and found free of infection. I hive duly notified owners, nasters, and agents of vessels, and shippers to the that these restrictions have now been removed. J. M. CAMPBELL, Acting United States Vice and Deputy Conul-General. Hon. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE. [IDclosure.] SINGAPORE, March 17, 1901. SIB: I am directed to report that no case of plague has now occurred in Singapore for the full period of ten days and that the port is, therefore, free from contamination and to request that any quarantine restrictions imposed by your Government may be at once withdrawn. Clean bills of health are being granted and inspection of passengers will, of course, cease *om to-day. Re tfy, A. . O'SULLIVAN, For Acting aolonial Secretary, Straits Settlement. The ACTING VICE AND DEPUTY CONSUL-GENERAL FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Singapore. 1077 1may 10,1901 Foreign and insuZar stati8tical reports of countries and citie8- Yearly and monthly. AFRICA-Sierra Leone. -Two weeks ended April 5, 1901. Estimated population, 35,000. Total number of deaths, 22. No infectious or contagious diseases. ARGENTINA-Buenos -Ayres.-Month of February, 1901. Estimated population, 825,858. Total number of deaths, 1,058, including diph- theria, 9 ; enteric fever, 19; measles, 10; scarlet fever, 29; smallpox, 32, and 35 from tuberculosis. BRAzIL-Ceara.-Month of February, 1901. Estimated population, 50,000. Total number of deaths, 165, including enteric fever, 12, and 2 from measles. Month of March, 1901. Total number of deaths, 215, including enteric fever, 32, and 3 from measles. BRITISH WEST INDIES-Trinidad-Port of Spain.-Four weeks ended March 30, 1901. Estimated population, 34,037. Total number of deaths, 109, including measles, 1; wbooping cough, 2, and 14 from tuberculosis. CILE-Antofagasta. -Month of March, 1901. Estimated population. 16,000. Total number of deaths, 66, including whooping cough, 3, and 6 from phthisis pulmonalis. -Nice.-Month of March, 1901. Estimated population, 108,227. Total number of deaths, 257, including diphtheria, 4; enteric fever, 2; measles, 1; scarlet fever, 2, and 30 from tuberculosis. St. Etienne.-Two weeks ended April 15, 1901. Estimated popula- tion, 146,030. Total number of deaths, 142, including diphtheria, 3, and 17 from tuberculosis. G;RMANY-Dre8den.-Month of February, 1901. Estimated popula- tion, 398,050. Total number of deaths, 525, including diphtheria, 5; measles, 3; whooping cough, 6, and 67 from phthisis pulmonalis. Kehl.-Month of March, 1901. Estimated population, 152,826. Total number of deaths, 301, including diphtheria, 6; whooping cough, 2; typhus fever, 1, and 39 from tuberculosis GiREAT BRITAIN-Bngland and Wales.-The deaths registered in 33 great tows in England and Wales during the week ended April 13, 190I, correspond to an annual rate of 19.2 per 1,000 of the aggregate population, which is estimated at 11,789,099. The highest rate was recorded in Liverpool, viz, 25.0, and the lowest in Croydon, viz, 11.2. London.-One thousand six hundred and thirty-three deaths were registered during the week, including measles, 52; scarlet fever, 8; diphtheria, 26; whooping cough, 74; enteric fever, 4, and diarrhea and dysentery, 9. The deaths from all causes correspond to an annual rate of 18.3 per 1,000. In Greater London 2,162 deaths were registered, corresponding to an annual rate of 16.6 per 1,000 of the population. May 10O.1101 1078 In the "outer ring" the deaths included 8 from diphtheria, 14 from measles, 2 from scarlet fever, and 21 from whooping cough. Ireland.-The average annual death rate represented by the deaths registered during the week ended April 13, 1901, in the 22 principal town districts of Ireland was 27.9 per 1,000 of the population, which is estimated at 1,058,722. The lowest rate was recorded in Clonmel, viz, 9.7, and the highest in Tralee, viz, 61.6 per 1,000. In Dublin and suburbs 242 deaths were registered, including enteric fever, 2; scarlet fever, 2, and 8 from whooping cough. Scotland. -The deaths registered in 8 principal towns during the week ended April 13, 1901, correspond to an annual rate of 23.2 per 1,000 of the population, which is estimated at 1,630,155. The lowest mortality was recorded in Perth, viz, 16.8, and the highest in Glasgow, viz, 24.1 per 1,000. The aggregate number of deaths registered from all cause was 726, including diphtheria, 4; measles, 17; scarlet fever, 3; small- pox, 6, and 51 from whooping cough. JAPAN-Nagasaki.-Ten days ended March 31, 1901. Estimated popu- lation, 131,701. Number of deaths not reported. One death from enteric fever reported. No infectious or contagious disease prevailing. MALTA.-Week ended April 6,1901. Estimated population, 181,698. Total number of deaths, 76, including enteric fever, 1, and 2 from whooping cough. Two weeks ended April 13, 1901. Estimated population, 181,698. Total number of deaths, 89, including diphtheria, 1, and 1 from whoop- ing cough. SPAIN-Malaga.-Two weeks ended March 31, 1901. Estimated pop- ulation, 126,000. Total number of deaths, 198, including enteric fever, 1; leprosy, 1, and 3 from smallpox. SwrrZERLA.D.-Reports from 18 cities and towns, for the week ended April 6, 1901, show a total of 310 deaths, including diphtheria, 1; enteric fever, 3; measles, 4; scarlet fever, 1; whooping cough, 2, and 33 from phthisis pulmonalis. 1079 May 10. 1901

holera, yeow fever, plague, and 8mallpox, December 28, 1900, to May 10, 1901.

(Report received by the Surgeon-General United States Marine-Hospital Service from Unitet States coenuls through the Department of State and other sources.] {For reports roceived from June 29, to December 28, 1900, see Puzuo HzALTH REPORTS to December 28, 1900.] CHOLERA.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Argentina: Buenos Ayres ...... Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 2 . China: Hongkong ...... Mar. 9 ...... 7 India: Bombay ...... Nov. 21-Apr. 9 ...... 94 Calcutta ...... Nov. 18-Mar. 23 ...... 519 Madrao ...... Nov. 11-Mar. 29 ...... 117 StraitsSettlements: Singapore ...... Nov. S-Mar. 2 ...... 272


Brazil: Pernambuco ...... Feb. 14-Feb. 28.. 2 Rio de Janeiro ...... Nov. I-Feb. 28... 27 62 Colombia: Barranquilla ...... Apr. .3...... Present. Cartagena ...... Dec. 10-Jan. 14 .. 6 Honda .. . Jan. 7 ... Prevalent. Guaduas ...... do...... Do. Costa Rica: Port Limon ...... Apr...... 6 1. Cuba: 2 Cienfuegos ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 4... 6 3 Havana ...... Dec. 1-Dec. 31... 62 21 Jan. 1-Jan. 31... 24 7 Feb. 1-Feb. 28... 8 6 Mar. 1-Mar. 16... 4 1 Apr. 27 ...... 1. Matanzas ...... Dec. 19-Jan. 3 ... 1 1 Haiti: Cape Haitien...... Mar. 24-Mar. 30... 11 Jamaica: Port Royal ...... Apr. 1...... Present. Mexico: City of Mexioo ...... Jan. 28-Feb. 3 .. 1 Coatzacoalcos ...... Apr. I1...... Prevalent. Vera Cruz ...... Dec. 16-Apr. 27 ...... 10 Salvador: San Salvador ...... Mar. 21...... 4 3


Africa: Cape Town...... Feb. 16-Apr. 13... 392 152 Argentina: Buenos Ayres...... Dec. 1-Feb. 28... a 1 Australia: Adelaide ...... Feb. 28...... 1 ....*...-... Brisbane ...... Mar. 4...... 2 Sydney...... do . 1 8i On transport Antillion. Brazil: Nictheroy...... Dec. 6-Jan. 10... 12 8 Rio de Janeiro...... Nov. 1-Feb. 28... 44 Petropolis...... Nov. 12-Feb. 9... a China: ...... Amoy ...... Apr. 30...... Reported. Chan Tsin...... Feb. 14-Feb. 28... 280 Fatshan...... Feb. 28...... Prevalent. Hongkong ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 30...... 52 Egypt: Alexandria...... Apr. 10...... 1 Reported. England: Hull...... Jan. 8-Jan. 31... 8 On steamship Friary. Southampton...... Mar. 21...... On steamship Simla. Hawaiian Ilands: Honolulu ...... Mar. 29...... may 10,1901 1080

Cholera, yelow fever, plague, and smallpox-Continued. PLAGUE-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

India: Bombay Presidency and Utnd: Northern Division- Ahmedabad City...... Nov. 4-Mar. SC). .. Ahmedabad District...... I 127 94 Bombay City...... do 9,439 Ir16,897 Broach District...... do. * 4 1 Dhulia Town...... do...... 204 185 Khandesh District...... do . 127 76 Surat District...... do . 375 251 Surat Town...... do...... 43 36 Thana District...... do. .... 1,239 1,078 Central Division- .... Ahmednagar District...... do...... do...... Ahmednsgar Towrn...... d ...... Nasik District...... do...... 68 ,416 Nasik Town...... do ...... 122 98 Poona City...... do...... do 876 885 Poona District ...... do 238 193 Satara Dstrict...... do 96 64 Satara Towrn...... do. 165 63 Southern Division- . Belgaum District...... do 3.953 3,012 Belgaum Town ...... do 90 54 Dharwar District...... do 590 549 Dharwar Town ...... do 342 257 Hubli Torn . 11 10 Kanara Districc...... do 50 36 Karachi City. -...... do 890 597 Kolaba District... .do 187 152 Ratnagiri District...... do 16 14 Political Charges- Aundh State ...... do 8 4 Baroda State...... do 340 296 Bhavnagar Town...... do 540 291 Cutch State...... do 82 72 Janjira State. 161 184 Kathiawar State ...... do. 99 54 Kolhapur and Southern Mahratta country ...... * 547 396 Mandvl Town...... do 245 190 Mirsj Town...... 727 506 ...... do. Savanur State ...... do ...... 52 41 Outede Bombay Preekdncy and Sind: Madras Presidency- Malabar District ...... 2 ...... Madras City...... do 6 North Arcot .1..... a 24 Salem District ...... 965 701 South Canara ....1...I 1 Tinnevelly...... do...... do 1 ...... Trichonopoly District ...... Bengal- Calcutta ...... do ...... ,119 4,337 Burdwan Division ...... 171 132 Division Bhagalpur ...... do ...... 4,368 3, 986 Nagpur Division ...... 272 Division...... do ...... 6 3 Patna Division...... do ...... 4a20, 316 376,415 Presidency Division ...... 42 38 Northwest Province and Oudh- Allahabad Division ...... do ...... 567 538 Benares District ... do ...... 1,045 1,067 PunJab Province. Amritsor Division...... do ...... 354 207 Jullundur Division...... do ...... 114 Sialkot Division ...... dO ...... 24 206 Myore State- Bangalore City...... do ...... 1,555 1,155 Bangalore Civil and Mili- tary Station do...... 2,172 1,758 Bangalore District...... do 1,163 835 Kolor Gold Fields...... do 545 1,021 Mysore City ....1...... do I 002 683 ...... 1.738 1,38 4.. 68 112 22 17 Kadur District ...... do11 10 1081 may 10,1901 Oholer, ydlow fever, plague, and 8nmapox-Continued. PLAGUE-Continued.

PlOAe. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

India-&ntinuted. Outid BombaVy Prestde, and Sind-Continued. Hyderabad State- Aurangabad District...... Nov. 4-Mar. 80... 88 72 Rajputana- Marwar State...... do.115 73 Formosa: Tainan ...... Dec. 81-Jan. 16... 28 22 Japan: Fukuoka...... Dec. 1-Feb. 8... 1I 1 Hiroshima ...... do...... 1 1 Kobe and Hiogo...... do.26 22 Nagasaki ...... do...... 1I Osaka ...... do 157 139 Shidzuoka...... do.20 20 Wakayama ...... do.18 13 Apr. I ...... 1 Madagscr: Tamatave ...... Nov. 19-Nov. 30...... 1 Mauritius ...... Feb. 15-Apr. 4...... 43 Philippine Islands: Manila ...... Dec. 80-Mar. 16... 4019 R6union...... Jan. 3-Feb. 15... 12 5 : Samara...... Dec. 23-Jan. 10... 61 44 Tsarevsk District ...... Nov. 17-Dec. 22 ...... 24 Uralsk ...... Jan. 21...... 134136 Vladimirovka ...... Jan. 1-Jan. 24... 25 16 Straits Settlements: Singapore ...... Dec. 25 ...... 1.... From steamship Hong Wan. Jan. 12-Mar. 23 .. 27 Turkey: Bera...... May.....13 Constantinople ...... Jan. 10.....1 1 Smyrna .. . Jani. 9 ...... 13 Wales: Cardiff .... Feb. 8 . .1......


Argentina: Buenos Ayres...... Oct. I-Feb. 28.. 197 Montevideo ...... Nov. 24-Dec. 1. 1...... Austria-Hungary: Prague ...... Dec. 2-Apr. 13.. 200 .*...... Trieste ...... M ar. 3-Mar.9.. :1 2 Vienna...... Feb. 17-23...... i. Bahama Islands: *1...... Inagua...... Jan. 1-Jan. 28.. 1 ...... Belgium: Antwerp...... Dec. 30-Apr. 13..*l 25 a Ghent ...... Jan. 20-Mar. 16.. 2 Liege ...... D lec. 16-Dec. 22.. 1 Brazil: Bahia ...... Jan. 20-Jan. 26.. 3 ....8...... Ceara ...... Jani. 1-Jan. 31.. 2 Pernambuco...... Dec. 1-Feb. 28.. *...... 176 Rio de Janeiro...... Oct. I-Feb. 28.. *...... 236 British Columbia: a Nanaimo...... Dec.21. 5 Vancouver...... Dec. 1-Jan. 31.. 4 Canada: Ontario- Algoma County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 8S 90 Carleton County...... do. Haldimand County...... do. Huron Counity...... do. Lenox County...... do. 1 Middlcsex County...... do. 5 Monitonlin County...... do. 1 Muskoka County...... do. 3 Norfolk County...... do. 1 Northumberland County ...... 1 R nfrewCouzity...... do. 15 Simcoe COonty . . d...... do 1 Thunder Bay County it York County ...... ' 4 may 10,1901 1082

Coleria, yeowfever, plaque, and 8mlpox-Contnued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Coeylon: Colombo ...... Jan. 6-Apr. 22... 8 6 China: Hongkong ...... Dec. 2-Mar. 30... 51 I Colombia: Panama...... Apr. 9-15...... ; 8 Cuba: ...... Banes...... Jan. 25...... 2 Ecuador: Guayaquil ...... Nov. 18-Mar. 23...... 59 Afexandria...... Nov. 27-Dec. 31... 8 Cairo ...... Jan. I-Apr. 19 ...... 17 England: . Bradford ...... Dec. 16-Apr. 6... 28 .*...*....1. Leeds...... Dec. 30-Apr. 20... 3 Liverpool...... Feb. 3-Apr. 20... 8 London ...... Dec. 2-Mar. 21... 18 ...... Newcastle-on-Tyne...... Jan. 6-Mar. 9... 23 10 Southampton ...... Mar. 10-Apr. 13... 5 West Hartlepool...... Dec. 9-Dec. 15... 1 France: Marseilles ...... Dec. 1-Jan. 81...... *...... Nantes ...... Feb. l-Feb. 28... 1 Paris ...... Dec. 2-Apr. 18...... I Rheims ...... Mar. 4-Mar. 10 ...... Roubaix...... Jan. 1-Jan. 31...I. 62 St. Etienne...... Jan. 1-Mar. 15... 5. : 83 Leipsic...... Feb. 17-Feb. 23...... Gibraltar...... Dec. 17-Apr. 21... 5 Greece: Athens ...... Dec. 2-Mar. 10... 5 India: ...... Bombay...... Nov. 21-Apr. 9...... Calcutta...... Nov. 18-Mar. 23...... Karachi...... Dec. 3-Apr. 9... 177 ...... Madras....; Nov. 17-Mar. 29...... 69 Itly: Licata...... Dec. 9-Dec. 15...... 2 Messina...... Mar. 3S-Apr. 6... 1 ...... On deamship Mariner. Naples ...... Jan. 20-Apr. 13... 66 Japan: Yokohama ...... Feb. 17-Mar. 16... 2 Korea: Seoul ...... Dec. 1-Jan. 1 ...... Reported preent. Mllta: Valetta...... Dec. 16-Apr. 13... 8 7 Mexico: City of Mexico...... Dec. 16-Apr. 14...... 8 Merida ...... Dec. 20-Feb. 28 ...... Epidemic. Nuevo Laredo...... Apr. 20 ...... Progreso...... Feb. 2-Apr. 5... 36 Tuxpam...... Dec. 11-Mar. 4...... Vera Cruz...... Dec. 16-Jan. 5...... 4 New Brunswick:

Gloucester and Westmore- Feb. 9...... 150. .. land counties. :1 Netherlands: Rotterdam ...... Feb. 10-Apr. 20... 5 ...... Imported. Nova 8cotia: Kentville ...... Apr. 10...... 2 ...... Philippine Islands: Meu ...... Mar. 9-Mar. 12... 5 I Manila ...... Jan. 6-Mar. 16... 23 Porto Rico: Aguas Buenas...... Feb._ 1-Apr. 10... 6 Abysmon ...... ao...... I 2 ...*....*... Caguas ...... do ...... 2 ...... do...... 21 ...... Ciles a Isabel ... Mar. f-Apr. 10.. 4 ...... Manatid o...... 1 ...... Morovis .... Feb. I-Apr. 10... 2 ...... Piedras ...... do. 2 ...... Ponce ...... Mar. 16-Apr. 20. 154 ..T - Quebradillas ...... Feb. I-Apr. 10... 4 Rio 1

San Juan ...... do. 13 ...... 1083 May 10,1901 Cholera, yellowfever, plague, and mallpox-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Rusia: Moscow ...... Nov. 24-Mar. 16.. 75 16 Odessa ..... Apr. 1-Apr. 13... 386 84 Riga...... Oct. I-Dec. 31...... 27 St. Petersburg...... Apr. 1-Apr. 13... 28 Warsaw...... Dec. 2-Apr. 6...... 138 Sotland: Dundee...... Jan. 27-Apr. 20... 21 ...... Edinburgh...... Dec. 30-Mar. 2... 8 Glasgow...... Dec. 8-Apr. 26...... Dec. 12.. 2 Leith...... S3-Apr...... Sicily: ...... Catania ...... Apr. 13...... Prevalent. Spain: ...... Barcelona...... Jan. 1-Mar. 3...... 253 Corunna..... Feb. 24-Apr. .6... 2 Malaga...... Mar. 8-Mar. 23...... 4 Valencia ...... Mar. 1-Mar. 14...... 1 Vigo...... Mar. 1-Mar. 31...... 1 Straits Settlements: Singapore...... Nov. 24-Mar. 16... 1...... 7 Switzerland: Geneva...... Mar. 3-Mar. 9... Syria: Jerusalem ...... Aug. 2-Feb. 2... 1,500 500 Turkey: 1 Smyrna ...... Apr. 8-Apr. 14...... May. 10,1901 1084

Weekly miortality table, foreign and in8ular Cittie 2 ~~~Deathafrom

Cities. 'u 2 .2. A Z-~

Aix la Chapelle ...... Apr. 13 137,413 222 .1...... Ajexandretta.. Apr. 6 8000m 4 ...... Amberstburg ...... Apr. 20 2:! 0 ...... Do.-:~...... Apr. 271 2,300 1 ...... Amsterd..m. Apr. 13 5229,803 177 ...... Athens .,.200.ODO . 28... . Barmen...... Apr. 6~ 127.000D 47 ...... Belfast...... Apr. 13 359.000 162 ...... 3 Belize..Apr. 1 8 13.000O 6...... BeIIeville.IApr. 22 10,513 4 ...... Bergen...... Apr. 12 71,000 28 6...... Berlin...... Mar. 30 1,889,823 633 7104 ...... Birminigham...... Apr. 13 524, 307 2131 ...... Breslau ...... Apr. 6. 300,000 22 8 . .... Bristol . ~~~~~~~~Apr.13 O,20...... A .127 ... Budapest...... Apr. 9 729.383 ...... i . Cairo ...... Aur. I' 5740,0692 3520 ...... 2 4 5 Do ...... Apr. 8 570,062 3.14 Cardiff ...... JaLn. 6 2030.050 ......

Jan. 203.050 ...... Do...... 12~ 63'.... Do n.....3.00.55...... Do...... jJan. 269 203,060 58 Do...... Feb. 2 203,060 46 ....I......

Do...... eb 9203.050 48 ...... Do...... ,...... Feb. 16 2005 54...... Do...... Feb. 23~ 203.050 79 ...... D)o....'...... Mar. 2~ 203,060 77 ...... Do...... Mar. 9 203,050 77. Do...... IMar. 16 203,050 72 ...... Do...... Mar. 23 203,050 56 ...... t1 ...... Do...... Mar. 30 W03,050 66...... 1..... Do...... Apr. 6' 203,050 63 ...... ClartaArena,...... 1.. Apr. 14 25,00 11I 1...... Christiania ...... Apr. 13' 225,800 73 .....':.... Coburg...... Apr. 6, 20.560 4 1...... Cologne ...... do... 374,754M 145 19...... Colon...... Apr. 21' 8,000 4 ...... Copenhagen...... Mar. 30 476,876 145 26 ...... Do...... Apr. 6 476,876 15.3 I 21 ...... Corunna...... Apr 13, 40,500 30 I...... Crefeld...... do..2 106.887 3tI ....I..... Curacao...... Apr. 6' 30.308 ) Do...... Apr. 1.3 Ai, 303 11::: Dres%den ...... Mar. 301 399,300 165 ...... Do...... Apr. 6 399.300 141 ..... Dublin ...... '::... Apr. 13 319,574 212 36...... Dundee...... I.....Apr. 6 169,110 AS ...... Do...... Apr. 13 169,110 83 Dusseldorf ...... Apr. 6~ 213,230D 79...... Flushing...... Apr. 13 18,9492 4...... Frankfort-on-the-Main...' Apr. 6 287,831' 112 ...... Ghenit...... Apr. 13 160,949 71...... Glaisgow...... Apr 19 753,766 350 ...... : . Gothenburg . ~~~~~~~~Apr.13 129,000 51 . ..' Halifax...... Apr. 20 45,000 22...... Hamhi:rg...... Apr. 13 705, 7.38 251 ...... Hamiltoni, Bermuda... Apr. 2-3 2,(44) 2...... I...... Klicsxton, Canada ...... Apr. 26 18,300 I11...... Las Palmas ...... Apr. 6 31i 972 1 10 '......

Leed-t...... Apr. 13 4.38.814 161 ...... :......

Leipmic ...... Apr. 6 461,519 1.51......

Liege...... Mar. 30) 17.3,289 58...... Liverpool ...... Apr. 13 668.645 314 ...... '...... 2 ... 3 Lonidon...... do... 6781854, 2,162 ...... 8 Madras ...... Mar. 22 442,518 400.... Mainz...... Apr. 13 84,3. 42) 7 ...... Manchester -...... do..50.',34M 253 20 . ' 2 Mannhieim...... Mar. 31 ,141,808 60...... Memshsin...... Apr I13 107, (WIll) 26 Mexico...... Apr. 14 314.3-. 531 38 .:::I . 46. , Monrovia...... Mar. 16 5.001OI...... Munich ...... Mar. 23 .0,0110 249 .37 ... .. Do...... Mar 30 5(X).050 225 45 ...... Do...... !Apr. 2 500,000! 2150 34 ...... 1085 my 10,190. Weekly wortality table, foreign and insular citie-Continued. 0 2 Deaths from- citie...' ~~~~~~~~c csts".~ j.:sA X 1f

Newcastle-on-Tyne ...... Apr. 13 240 258 103 ...... 1 2 21 Noutingham...... Apr. 6 250'000 100 ...1.1 ...... 9. Do.... . Apr. 13 250,000 82 Nuremberg ...... Mar. 30 261,022 127 2 2 Pa ...... Apr. 13 2,511,629 1,016 5 11 9 4 Apr. 13 106,000 85 ...... -...... -..- Plymouth...... 0 Puerto Cortez...... Apr. 17 2,000 ...... Quebec...... Apr. 20 73,000 ...... 44. ..*. . ...i..2 Rheims...... Mar. 17 107,93 ll,...... Do...... Mar. 26 107,963 27 1 ...... 1 ...... Do...... Mar. 31 107,963 42 3 ..... I ...... Rotterdam ...... Apr. 6 334,115 122 .....I ...... I I...... Do...... Apr. 13 334,115 130 ...... I ...... *...... St John, New Bruns- Apr. 27 45,000 13 ...... I.-... ..-...... wick. St. Petersburg...... Apr. 6 1,267,068 724 3 17 13 27 12 7 t.Stephen, New Bruns- Apr. 27 3,000 *.-...... wick. .Santander...... Apr. 14 53,574 33 ...... **... .*...i Sheffield...... Apr. 6 368,815 141 ...... 4 *--i Do...... Apr. 13 368,815 146 .....*33 ..1 3 1 4 Sin¶pore ...... : Mar. 9 97,111 163 *--i-. ..---- ...... Mar. 13 97,111 167 25 1 ...... 00, 53 5 ... .. 21 8myrna...... =...... t Mar. 24 000 ...... I Mar. 31 300,000 45 7 ...... j...... Apr. 7 300.000 41 6 ...... 2...... 1 11..... Solingen...... Mar. 30 18,000 11 *...... Do...... Apr. 6 18,000 14 ...... 1----- .-...... South Shields...... Apr. 18 109, 155 37 ..-..I ...... 1 Stettin...... Apr. 6 210,000 86 ...... -...... 1 Stuttgart...... Apr. 11 176,318 79 ...... 3 1...... Sunderland ...... Apr. 13 149,205 63 ...... 2...... 1 Tampico ...... Apr. 21 18,000 12 ...... 1...... _ Apr. 6 176,456 111 ...... Triesle 0 ...... iii ...i5 1-..... utma ...... 800 ..-...... 33 1------Vera Cruz...... Apr. 20 32,000 39 1 1.. 1--..-- Vienna ...... Apr. 6 1,662,269 737 ...... 2 ..... Warsaw ...... Ala. 30o 686,010 2 ...... 1 1--...1 I Winnipeg . ... Apr. 20 25,642 I...... ---- ...... 1 2 ....1 Yokohama. Mar. 23 189,455 ...... 1 ...... 1...... Zurich...... Apr. 6 161,782 w0 ...... *----. 1......

By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury: WALTER WYMN, Surgeon-General U. S. Marine-Hospital Service. 82