Garland vol. 24, published 201 1 Editor in Chief Catherine Wisniewski Assistant Editors Meghan Peterson Leah Rosenzweig Copy Editors Madelyn Fagan Elaine Jimenez Jessica Tanner Design Team Alex Schmidt Andrew Zaleski Faculty Moderators Ron Tanner Jane Satterfield The Garland: The Annual Art, Fiction, and Poetry Review of Loyola University Maryland. Volume 24/2011 The Garland does not claim publishing rights of any kind for the material within its pages; all rights remain those of the author or artist. We invite the Loyola student body to submit original poetry, fiction, artwork, and photography for next year's issue. All submissions remain confidential and anonymous. Please direct all electronic submissions to gar-
[email protected], and feel free to visit The Garland website at for more infor- mation. Published by: Mount Royal Printing Co. 6301 Blair Hill Lane Baltimore, MD, 21210 Editor's Note Recently, a writing professor asked my class, "Why do you write?" A spirited discussion ensued. We gave thanks for the books, teachers, relatives and friends who encouraged our habits of scribbling. We wondered col- lectively at the ways writing helps us to think, to feel, and to live better lives. We concluded that we write because we must. Yet, writing is hard work. Writers, moved by some im- pulse—the beautiful, the tragic, the simple, the com- plex—to put pen to paper, must expend energy and pa- tience as they sculpt and shape, push and pull words together and apart to create the final piece. In this year's edition of the Garland, the students at Loyola University Maryland have presented you, after much labor, with a treasure chest of wisdom, humor, grief, and wonder.