REI CRETARIÆ ROMANÆ FAVTORVM ACTA 41 CONGRESSVS VICESIMVS SEXTVS REI CRETARIÆ ROMANÆ FAVTORVM GADEI HABITVS MMVIII BONN 2010 I © The individual authors ISSN 0484-3401 Published by the REI CRETARIÆ ROMANÆ FAVTORES, an international learned society Editorial committee: Dario Bernal Casasola Tatjana Cvjetićanin Philip M. Kenrick Simonetta Menchelli General Editor: Susanne Biegert Typesetting and layout: ars archäologie redaktion satz, Hegewiese 61, D-61389 Schmitten/Ts. Printed and bound by: Druckhaus »THOMAS MÜNTZER« GmbH, D–99947 Bad Langensalza Enquiries concerning membership should be addressed to The Treasurer, Dr. Archer Martin, Via di Porta Labicana 19/B2, I–00185 Roma
[email protected] ISBN 978-3-7749-3687-4 Distributor: Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Am Buchenhang 1, D-53115 Bonn,
[email protected] II This volume, on the theme “WORKING WITH ROMAN KILNS“, is dedicated to the memory of VIVIEN G. SWAN, expert on Roman pottery and kilns in Roman Britain 12.1.1943 – 1.1.2009 Vivien Swan was a striking presence at RCRF congresses, always dressed with style and never hesitant to express an opinion and to contribute to a debate. Her absence will certainly be noticed, and many of our members will have cause to remember with gratitude the extent to which she assisted or encouraged them in their researches. Vivien’s early archaeological career was spent with the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of Eng- land, working first at Salisbury and later at York. During this period, her interest in Roman pottery production in the New Forest led to a wider study, supported by the Commission and published in due course as The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain (RCHM 1984).